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What is Politics?

Politics - a process by which values are authoritatively allocated in society David Easton Who gets what, when and how Harold Laswell Who does what to whom Vladimir Lenin

What is Political Science?

" An understanding of politics is not a gift: it is an achievement. Learning to cope with the vast amounts of political information that come to us every day is a matter of training. We need to place data in proper perspective by imposing some organization and structure on the flow of world events. First we must be motivated to learn about the political personalities and decisions that affect our lives. Then we must apply a methodology to our process of learning that will provide a system for receiving new information. The information received becomes a contribution to a growing body of knowledge rather than a hodgepodge of seemingly unrelated events." James J. Guy

What is understanding politics?

It is a little toolbox that you carry around with you in life. It is a group of many different tools which we all need to understand many topics. Some of you already have some tools, while others have a shiny new red toolbox. My goal is to add tools to everyones toolbox. Your focus will need to be finding new ones your entire life. Mr. D

What is Political Science?

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Political Science - is the study of how people come together with other people to create an organized stable existence. It is a study of: Who has the power and the authority? How did they get it? What are they doing with it? How can it be taken away from them?

Political Science is made up of many different fields of knowledge: anthropology economics geography history philosophy psychology sociology social work statistics

Point to ponder: If I asked you to support this statement on your final exam, could you do it?


Values - fundamental ideas about what is important in your life. Fact - what is Belief - personal opinion / feeling Tolerance - means to recognize and respect the rights and opinions of others whether agreeing with them or not

Political System - the plan of form of governance for a state

Dictatorship - ruled by one person Oligarchy - ruled by a select few Democracy - A state ruled by the people __________________________________ Economic System - a plan for the production, distribution and consumption of a country's wealth

- a set of values about the world that we accept as being true. - they usually include the following: - a set of basic assumptions about human nature and society - an interpretation of the past - an explanation of the present - a vision of the future - a goal (usually utopian) for which to strive, and a strategy to achieve this goal - heroes (martyrs, founders, leaders), rituals (pledges, anthems, salutes), and sacred documents (Bibles, manifestos, constitutions) - a strong emotional appeal that is designed to win converts and encourage action - a simple, easily understood picture of the world, which it claims to be the truth Examples: Democracy, Communism, Socialism, Nationalism, Capitalism, Fascism, Anarchism, Catholicism or Protestantism.

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