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UNIT I 1. What is meant by compound bar?

How will you find the stress and load carried by each member of a composite bar? 2. Define factor of safety? 3. State and explain Hook s law? !. Define principle of superposition? ". Define resilience? #. What is meant by modulus of ri$idity? %. What are different types of elastic constants? &. What is meant by 'oisson s ratio? (. Define principle plane and principle stress? 1). *i+e the relation for chan$in$ in len$th of bar han$in$ freely under its wei$ht? 11. What is the relationship between three modules? 12. What is meant by strain ener$y and write its unit? 13. ,he youn$ modulus and the shear modulus of the material are 120GPa and 45GPa respecti+ely. -ind its bulk modulus? 1!. a short bar of len$th 100 mm tapers uniformly from a diameter 30 mm to a diameter of 20 mm and carries an axial compressi+e load of 200 KN. -ind the chan$e in len$th of the bar. E = 200K N/mm2 1". .stimate the load carried by a bar if the axial stress is 10 N/mm2and diameter of the bar is 10 mm. PART B 1. / bar of brass 25 mm diameters is enclosed in a steel tube 50 mm external diameter and 25 mm internal diameter. ,he bar and tube are both initially 1.5 m lon$ and ri$idly fastened at both ends usin$ 20 mm diameter pins. -ind the stress in the two materials when the temperature raised 30 C to 100 C. ,ake Es = 200 KN/mm20

Eb= 100 KN/mm2

and s = 11.6 10 !6/C"

= 1#.$ 10 !6/C and also find the

shear stress induced in pins. 2. / bar of 30 mm diameter is sub1ected to an axial pull of 60 KN. ,he measured extension on 200 mm $au$e len$th was 0.%% mm and chan$e in diameter was 0.003% mm.calculate 'oisson s ratio and the +alues of three elastic modulii. 3.2i3 section 2ii3 Deri+e a relation for chan$e in len$th of a bar of uniformly taperin$ circular sub1ected to an axial tensile load 4W . 2&3 / reinforced concrete column 500 mm & 500 mm in section is reinforced with

! steel bars of 25 mm diameter5 one in each corner0 the column is carryin$ a load of 1000 'N. -ind the stresses in the concrete and steel bars. ,ake E for steel 6 210 & 103 N/mm2 and E for concrete 6 14 & 103 N/mm2. 2&3

!. / member /78D is sub1ected to loads as shown in -i$.9 . -ind the +alue of ' and determine the total chan$e in len$th of the bar. . 6 21) k:;mm2. /7 6 3)) mm0 //7 6 2" mm20 78 6 2)) mm0 /78 61)) mm20 8D 6 3)) mm /8D 6 ") mm2 21#3

". -ind the stresses in each section of the bar and also the total extension of the bar shown in -i$. 9. E = 2.1 & 105 N/mm2

#. 2i3 / steel rod of 25 mm diameter is placed inside a copper tube of 30mm internal diameter and 5 mm thickness and the ends are ri$idly connected. ,he assembly is sub1ected to a compressi+e load of 250 'N. Determine the stresses induced in the steel rod and copper tube. ,ake the modulus of elasticity of steel and copper as 200 G(a and #0 G(a respecti+ely. 21)3 2ii3 -ind the total strain ener$y stored in a steel bar of diameter 50 mm and len$th 300 mm when it is sub1ected to an axial load of 150 'N. ,ake modulus of elasticity of steel as 200 & 103 )Pa. UNIT ! II PART A 1. Define shear force and bendin$ moment dia$ram? 2. What is meant by o+erhan$in$ beam? 3. Define shear force and bendin$ moment? !. Write a note on si$n con+entions for S-? ". discuss on axial thrust #. / cantile+er beam of 3 m lon$ carries a load of 2( <: at its free end. 8alculate the shear force and bendin$ moment at a section 2 m from the free end. %. Define point of contraflexure or point of inflexion. &. Write the e=uation for the maximum shear stress at the neutral axis for $i+en rectan$ular section? (. what is the maximum shear stress produced in a bolt of diameter 2)mm when it is ti$htened by a spanner which exerts a force of ") : with a radius of action of 1") mm? 1). Define bendin$ stress? 11. Write bendin$ moment e=uation? 12. Define section modulus? 13. Define composite and flitched beam? 1!. Define modular ratio? 2#3

1". Write down the section modulus for +arious sections? PART B 1. / Simply supported beam of # m lon$ is sub1ected two concentrated loads of 24 KN and 4# KN at 2 m and 6 m from the left support respecti+ely. >n addition to carries a udl of 36 ' N/ m o+er the entire span .Draw the shear force and bendin$ moment dia$ram. 21#3 2. / 8antile+er beam of 1.5 m lon$ is loaded with a udl of 2 KN/m run o+er a len$th of 1.25 m free end. >t also carries a point load of 3 KN at distance of 0.25 m from the free end. Draw *+, /:D B),. bendin$ moment e=uation? 21#3 21#3 3. State any four assumptions made in the theory of simple bendin$ and dri+e the !. / ,imber beam of rectan$ular section is to support a load of 20 KN udl o+er entire span of 3.6 m. when the beam is simply supported. >f the depth of the section is to be twice the breath and the stress induced in timber is not exceed $ N/mm2.-ind the breath and depth of the cross section .how will you modify the cross section of the beam0 if it carries a concentrated load of 3 KN placed at the mid span with the same ratio of breath to depth. mm and web portion #0 mm 21#3 20 ". ,he shear force actin$ on the -I section 100 KN ha+in$ -lan$e 100 mm 3142210 mm 4 .Draw the shear stress distribution across the section. 21#3

20 mm. ?oment of inertia of the section is

#. / 7eam of rectan$ular cross section 50 mm wide and 150 mm deep is used as a cantile+er 6 m lon$ and sub1ected to a uniform distributed load of 2 KN/m o+er the entire len$th. Determine the bendin$ stress at 50 mm from the top fibre0 at the midespan of the beam5 also calculate the maximum bendin$ stress. 21#3

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