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Rural Tourism in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania.

An anthropological research on using natural and cultural resources in developing tourism in a poor region

by Serban Vaetisi Faculty of European Studies Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract T is is an essay on prior findin!s of a lar!er researc project in "lbac area, "puseni #ountains, Romania, $ ere rural tourism dramatically developed durin! t e last ten years% "fter t e fall of communist bloc in Eastern Europe t is re!ion became increasin!ly interestin! not only for investors but also for tourists% Situated in t e center of Transylvania, T e "puseni &'estern( #ountains, $ere already )no$n because of t eir beautiful landscapes and t eir in abitants* ospitality promoted by t e Romania official propa!anda, as $ell as t an)s to t e Transylvanian myt ical fi!ure of +racula, promoted by 'estern popular culture% Nevert eless rural tourism developed ere after ,--. on different bases, lin)ed $it individual presti!e and initiative, competition, social and po$er relations and favorable political-economic conte/t &encoura!in! le!islation and forest restitution to local people(, and on t e previous forms of 0alternative tourism1, as secondary economy and culture in t e ,-2.s and ,-3.s% 4ur aim is to observe o$ tourist entrepreneurs, guests and local people perceive and use both natural and cultural resources in participatin! to, developin!, and bein! affected by rural tourism development in t e re!ion% T e discussion $ill assess some processes, values and strate!ies $it in t is p enomenon, in order to understand more deeply t e $ay people involved in it are be avin!% T e researc is based on an et no!rap ic field$or) conducted durin! Sprin! and 'inter of 5..6, to!et er $it a researc team 7 coordinated, from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, on t e frame$or) of Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching Teaching Anthropology Means and Meanings researc project financed by 8i! er Education Support 9ro!ram% Besides t is field$or), $ ic provided us data from participant observation and in-deep intervie$s, $e studied arc ives and official and promotional documents% Key ords! rural tourism, Romania, Apuseni Mountains, using natural and cultural resources, tourism development, tourism impact, values and strategies involved in rural tourism development, ethnography, cultural anthropology"

#hoto $" "puseni #ountains settlement%

"puseni #ountains is a poor re!ion in t e i! land center of Transylvania, $ ere minin! and $ood e/ploitation $ere, for years, t e main economic activities% " omo!eneous rural Romanian population, $it specific traditional practices, ave been livin! ere &t e Moti(, and splendid natural landscapes &caves, cra!s, lar!e !reen valleys, and la$ns( are every$ ere visible around% T ese mountains are distinctive because of i! ly dispersed settlement patterns &Surd:Turnoc), 5...( developed alon! $it t e people*s practice of clearin! t e forests to allo$ for t e e/pansion of family farmin! &"brudan:Turnoc), ,---(% +urin! t e socialist period t e centrali;ed political economy developed minin! and e/tractive industry and provided ousin! and facilities in t e ne$ constructed little industrial to$ns% "s forms of secondary economy and alternative culture, a <spontaneous* tourism $as ere developed, in t e sense of irre!ular lod!in!s of individual and e/treme &mainly climbin! or cave amateurs( tourists $ o $ere $anderin! around% "fter t e fall of t e communist bloc in Central Eastern Europe t is re!ion, as $ell as ot er touristicadvanta!ed re!ions, as become increasin!ly interestin! for investors and tourists in $ at $e label today ecotourism, rural tourism, agrotourism, cultural tourism or sustainable tourism &8all, 5..=, 5...> "teljevic:+oorne, 5..?> 8olland, Burian:+i/ey, 5..?> Turnoc), 5..5> @aa)son, ,--3> Rat;:9uc;)o, ,--3> Bran, #arin:Simon, ,--2(%

'it in t e last fifteen years t e population of t e re!ion is declinin! and is becomin! older in face of limited employment opportunities, after t e industry decreased, and poor services and infrastructure% T e emp asis on private farmin! and t e e/pansion of sustainable tourism &8all, 5..=> "brudan:Turnoc), ,---( could elp t e local economy and population, $it t eir in erited cultural traditions, and could protect t e affected natural environment of t e re!ion% T is is e/pected because, alt ou! t e <tourisms* above ave specific definitions, t ey ave t e common idea of protectin! natural and cultural resources and of sustainability% 8erein tourism as been seen as t e most appropriate to conserve "puseni natural beauties and traditional life, in t e same time $it conferrin! an important impetus of development for a re!ion $ ic , after industrial restructurin!, as been livin! a ne$ period of uncertainties% Nevert eless, t is ne$ touristic policy of sustainability need to be assessed in o$ it is actually applied, and o$ it is actually developed at t e level of common practices of bot osts and !uests, and o$ it is received by local communities% 7n t is, t e ant ropolo!ical perspective and researc ave been considered very important and useful, as bein! appropriate for observin! t e local community and osts-!uests interaction, as $ell as for its critical political approac &Burns, 5..=> Stron;a, 5..,> C ambers, 5...> Nas , ,--A> Eadin!ton:Smit , ,--5> Cric), ,--,> Urry, ,--.> Buc), ,-35(% 7n t is paper $e $ill focus more on using natural and cultural resources in developin! t is form of alternative tourism, t an to assess its sustainability% 4ur ant ropolo!ical approac , o$ever, $ill be able to offer a description of a local phenomenon, to provide an understanding of some processes, strategies and meanings t at t is p enomenon involves, and t erefore to provide an implicit comment on some important effects of this form of tourism" Even if one does not start t e analysis from t e vie$point of aut ors suc as Breen$ood &,-3-( and #ason &,--A(, $ o ar!ue t at 0tourism results in t e <destruction* or <prostitution* of once uniCue cultures1 &cf% Dneafsey, ,--3(, $e ave to observe o$ tourism is involved in a form of consumption% T is indicates t at tourists, in t e broader frame$or) of tourist industry and tourist practices, commodify, use and <devour* touristic places $it t eir natural and cultural elements included% 7n some e/tent, o$ever, tourism entrepreneurs and osts adopt t e same be avior re!ardin! t eir o$n natural and cultural environment &cf% Crei! ton, ,--2> Stron;a, 5..=(, by benefitin! from it and in order to promote it% ' at really means t is fact for local people, and $ at are t e patterns, actions and si!nificances involved are to be clearly assessed% 'e $ill be able to see in t is et no!rap ic description o$ t ese processes and practices are developin! in t e "lbac central area of "puseni #ountains, and o$ t e <fas ionable* implication of local people in tourism ave impact on t em% " local $oman, en!a!ed in timber industry, but $illin! to start er o$n pension saidE 07f $e destroy all t e $oods my c ildren $ill not be able to enjoy t em anymore, as $e enjoy t em% 7 $ould open a touristic pension to ma)e t em to understand o$ vital t e forest is1% 'it t is $e $ill understand not only t e importance of &usin!( natural and cultural resources, but t e strate!ies and values implicated in t is process as $ell%

#hoto %" Constructin! pensions in "lbac%

Background: Tourism and rural tourism in Romania and in Apuseni Mountains

E/perience for yourself one of Europe*s best )ept secrets F t e Romanian Gilla!e% 8ere, t e e/tensive natural and cultural $ealt of t e countryside as been combined $it unsurpassable, traditional ospitality in t e development of rural tourism% &0Ta)e a step bac) from reality1, Romanian Ministry of Tourism, promotin! editorials, ttpEHH$$$%netsoft%roHpeopleHmdra!oiHromaniaHtouristicHruralHinde/% tml(

Romania is associated on a touristic 0mental map1 $it some landmar)sE Blac) Sea, Buco$ina monasteries, +anube +elta, T e Carpat ians, +racula, Ceausescu*s 9alaceI T ese do not constitute o$ever, for lon! time, rationally e/ploited brands% 4nly $it in t e last years specific policies and mar)etin! plans ave been developed for includin! t ese objectives on an appropriate modern touristic map% T e main impediment is infrastructure, t en services and information, t en t e c an!in! le!islation F t at received, o$ever, a noticeable improvement in t e last period% Rural tourism as a more

recent p enomenon as, more or less, t e same problems above% Even t ey are in t e full process of privati;ation, bot need important state investments, especially re!ardin! roads of access% 7nternational fund assistance offered by Support for 9re-accession #easures for "!riculture and Rural +evelopment &S"9"R+( or 7nternational Fund for "!ricultural +evelopment &7F"+( for constructin! or moderni;in! ouses and commune facilities are crucial as $ell for rural tourism% 4n t e basis of a !overnmental decision of declarin! poor re!ions as "puseni #ountains 0defavori;ed areas1 &&one defavori&ate( t e implementation of t ese funds are facilitated by a specific policy of reimbursement &S"9"R+, 5..5(% "lternative tourism in Romania as been seen as strate!y not only of surpassin! t e old clumsy mass tourism, but of stimulatin! ne$ le!islation, ne$ policies and ne$ economic development for poor rural areas% #oreover, as in Romania tourism as prove to be difficult to mana!e at t e country level, t e private investors in rural tourism ave been seen, if not as t ose $ o $ill professionali;e t e touristic personnel &often described as avin! <communist refle/es*(, as t ose $ o $ill invest F because t ey $ill be directly interested F in infrastructure and information services, $ ic $ill conduct finally to t e economic development of t e touristic re!ions% T is is surely a simplistic, ideal scenario, because t ere appear ne$ problems% 4n t e one and, $ at is t e proportion t at a form of tourism defined as nonintrusive could attain at t e level of t e countryJ 4n t e ot er and, conseCuently, in $ at e/tent t is ne$ form of tourism $ill succeed to mana!e bot t e protection of natural and cultural environment, and t e economic developmentJ T e emer!ence of t is alternative tourism could be interpreted eit er as an alternative form of tourism to t e mass and centrali;ed traditional tourism of former communist period &see for instance a presentation of t e Estonian case in @aa)son, ,--3( or as a structural form of response to a ne$ socioeconomic and cultural conte/t &see an analysis of #aramures case in Turnoc), 5..5(% ' atever interpretation $e adopt t is emer!ence is primarily perceived in association $it changing peoples' mentalities and activities, and ere, cultural ant ropolo!y could provide a more ri!orous evaluation of t is p enomenon t an, for instance a developmental economic analysis or a uman !eo!rap ical one% T e development of rural tourism in Romania supposed &i( a )ind of relations ip to a previous tradition> &ii( a !ood dosis of mimetism> &iii( full e/ploitation of natural and cultural elements, &v( tourists* desire of participatin! to ne$ forms of tourism and &vi( favorable le!islation and favorable <!lobal conte/t*% 'e ave to understand, o$ever, t e development of t is p enomenon at t e level of ost communities and t eir c an!in! options &values, interests, economic and employment opportunities, access to ne$ resources or fund credits(% 7n "puseni #ountains rural tourism started its development $it t e institutional elp of t$o main or!ani;ation, a Frenc -Bel!ian one, 4pKration Gilla!es Roumanies &4GR( and a Romanian one, associated to t e European federation for rural tourism, EUR4BLTES, named National "ssociation of Rural, Ecolo!ic and Cultural Tourism &"NTREC(% T e former $as primarily interested in ma)in! )no$n internationally t e dictator Ceausescu*s plan of villa!e resettlement, and t en, after t e end of its dictators ip, in promotin! rural tourism in Romania% T e latter association aimed to professionali;e and implement le!islation $it in rural tourism, as $ell as to conduct trainin! sessions and conferences for populari;in! rural tourism in Romania% 7f on early

,--. t ere could be notice a sort of competition bet$een 4GR and "NTREC in controllin! rural tourism in Romania &Turnoc), 5..5EAA( $it in t e last 6-2 years t e role of "NTREC as become increasin!ly important% Today t e most rural boardin! ouses in Romania are affiliated to "NTREC, $ ic is en!a!ed in promotin! t em t rou! tourist fairs, ma!a;ines, and $eb pa!es% "NTREC as also an important role in classifyin! t e boardin! ouses in a system eCuivalent to t at of common otels, alt ou! not in stars but in correspondin! daises% "mon! ot er touristic areas, "NTREC consider "lbac as t e center of rural tourism not only in "puseni #ountains &"NTREC, 5..=(, $ ere its central position is also !eo!rap ically, but in t e $ ole Romania as $ell, $ ere its central position is symbolically assumed &t e act of constitution of "NTREC $as si!ned in "lbac(, even t ou! ot er areas, li)e Bran area in Brasov re!ion, are more developed re!ardin! rural tourism% +espite t is, local people &$ o are, !enerally, t e only investors in local rural tourism t ere( are not very appy of bein! associated $it "NTERC, because, as one of t e ost $ere sayin! 0t ey did not elp us $it anyt in!I t ey or!ani;ed some courses but t ey tau! t us t in!s t at $e already $ere doin!, suc as o$ to coo) or o$ to receive !uestsI 'e need funds to construct roads not lessons li)e t eseM1 "puseni #ountains could be described as a ric touristic re!ion coverin! t e mountainous and valley re!ion of t ree counties, of about 5.,... sCuare )m, of an almost circular s ape% T ey possess a ric and accessible )arstic system, lar!e $oods, rivers and la)es, and about 56 villa!es or amlets $ ere rural tourism is more or less practiced% 'ell-)no$n objectives are (etatile #onorului &T e Fortress of 9onor Darst( or #estera )rsilor &Bears Cave( for climbin! and cave tourism, respectively 9adis area and BelisFantanele area, $it its la)e, for campin! and caravan tourism% @ust alon! t e main "puseni river, t e "ries, $ ere "lbac commune is situated, t ere are t ree ot er important rural touristic sitesE Barda de Sus &a more afforested area(, 8orea &ta)in! t e name of a national and local ero( and "rieseni &$ ere s)iin! is practicable, some years from +ecember to "pril(% Eac of t ese villa!es as many pensiuni &boardin! ouses(, 8orea t e less, because of very poor access, Barda muc dispersed alon! t e river, "rieseni less <traditional* because of t e sumptuous villas constructed ere by t e nouveaux riches, and "lbac t e most representative, $it up to t irty pensiuni and most compactly disposed% "lbac commune is actually situated at t e confluence of "ries river $it "rada, its tributary, at A5. m altitude, in a temperate mi/ed deciduous and coniferous ve!etal environment% T e population &5,5=A in abitants( is et nically compact, relatively balanced from t e point of vie$ of a!e and !ender, but i! ly unbalanced from t e economic point of vie$ &after t e industrial restructurin!, only 3N of population is effectively involved in a job, t e rest avin! as main occupation family farmin! and $ood e/ploitation(% Startin! $it ,--5-,--= local people opened t eir e/tra rooms or constructed ne$ !uest ouses for tourists in a re!ular and le!al manner% Besides "NTREC, $ ic plays also a role of travel a!ency, ot er a!encies suc as "puseni E/perience or "puseni "dventure &initiated by some youn! intellectuals in t e commune( are involvin! in attractin! tourists% Touristic activities are mainly participation to local life, eatin! local natural food and c attin! to!et er $it osts, participation to periodical fol)loric s o$s or fairs, i)in!, s)iin!, orse ridin! or involvin! in some ne$ special

sports suc as )aya)in!, mountain bi)in! or jeep tourin!% 7n supportin! t ese activities many local peoples $it out re!ular jobs are involved% Traditional andicraft li)e manufacturin! lar!e ciubere &$ooden tubs( is not lon!er an occupation &t ere is only one person in t e commune $ o crafts t is sort of vessel(% Nevert eless our ost*s mot er, an old $oman $earin! a more traditional clot es t an t e youn! peoples, $ere still $or)in! at a ra&boi de tesut &$ooden loom( some colorful presuri &mats( t at decorated t e rooms in t e boardin! ouse $ ere $e $ere lod!ed% 7n "lbac rural tourism dramatically increased $it in t e last ten years and a prediction of t e local mayoralty indicate its furt er development%
Number of pensiuni , ,, ,A 55 52 ?= Oears ,--5-,--? ,--2-,--3 ,--2-,--5..?-5..= 5..=-5..6 5..6-5..2

Table $" Evolution of &classified( !uest ouses in "lbac &sources! B eres:Culda, 5...> "NTREC $eb siteE ttpEHH$$$%antrec%ro> "lbac mayoralty(%

T is development c aracteri;es t e $ ole rural area of "ries valley and all t e populated areas of "puseni #ountains% "lbac is just t e most dynamic rural touristic center% For instance, comparin! to Barda de Sus, situated upper on t e "ries river, its evolution is from - !uest ouses bet$een ,--2-,--- to ,? in 5..? to ,2 in 5..= F muc belo$ t e number and dynamics of "lbac touristic evolution% 7n 5..=, <officially* t ere $ere ,.3 rooms and 5,= beds $it 3, bat rooms in "lbac% But, in addition to t ose, belon!in! to t e 52 affiliated !uest ouses, many ot er rooms are available durin! top touristic periods, li)e on summer or $inter vacations, or even are ad hoc improvised on demand%

#hoto *" "dvertisin! in "lbac%

Pension ownership, local community, hosts, and guests in Albac: a complex relationship
T e Forei!ners ave less pretentions t an t e Romanians% & ost in "lbac( "s beautiful as my pension loo)s li)e, t e same $ill loo) t e $ ole villa!e &political slo!an of t e mayor of "lbac, durin! t e 5..= local elections(

T e factors t at drove local people to en!a!e in touristic affair areE &i( t e e/istence of a financial capital, of useful social net$or)s and political po$er amon! some people, &ii( a favorable le!islation , &iii( initiative and necessity to diversify t e lucrative activities amon! $omen and youn! people, &iv( unemployment as a result of industry restructurin! and t e availability of old and retired people, &v( suitable natural and cultural ambiance, &vi( t e prior e/istence in t e area of a certain flo$ of tourists and t e prior practice of lod!in! tourists, &vii( available empty rooms or even $ ole ouses as a result of investin! t e $oods in constructin! ouses and cotta!es after ,--.%

T e effective preparation of a touristic pension did not imply bi! effort at t e be!innin!% For t e Romanian tourists t e &minimal( facilities of suc a pensiune already meant a pro!ress, since t ey $ere accustomed to sleep in tents or in t e same ouse $it t e ost and to ta)e t eir meals around an open fire% "s re!ards t e forei!n &'estern( tourists of t ese first years, because of lac) of information and !ood access, t ey $ere e/actly t at type of tourists $ o sou! t poor facilities and uncomfortable conditions as opposed to t e perfect standardi;ed ones% Nevert eless t is situation c an!ed $it in t e last yearsE t e Romanians ave become increasin!ly more pretentious, as t ey $ere not just youn! adventurers but also families, old people or snobbis people in see) of anot er )ind of tourism, more <aut entic*, as promised by t e promotional broc ures or travel a!ents &cf% +eutsc lander:#iller, 5..?> 8ar)in, 5..?(% C4NT7NU"RE "t t e same time, t e forei!n tourists diversified as $ell and became more numerous% T ere still could be made a comparison, o$ever, bet$een t e t$o !roups of tourists% "s many pension o$ners observed, t e Romanians ave more pretentions re!ardin! meals and facilities and are re!ularly more concerned $it t eir clot es and personal objects, mean$ ile t e forei!ners s o$ little interest in bein! re!aled $it copious meals or in avin! many clot es, and more interest in rela/in! in nature% 7f $e consider t is as bein! a !eneral correct observation $e could e/plain t ese differences by a touristic culture still in construction% ' ile t e forei!ners probably do not e/pect t at rural tourism in Romania be perfect re!ardin! facilities, amon! Romanian is visible a sort of social ostentation t ey are feelin! to ave to display as <rural tourists*, i%e% people t at ave access to a fas ionable $ay of spendin! t eir vacation% T e idea of presti!e, competition and participation in a ne$ fas ionable activity is present amon! t e local o$ners as $ell% T e net$or) of social relations constituted by relatives, nei! bors and people in po$er positions offerin! reciprocities, so usually and active in t e Romanian villa!e &Didec)el, ,--?(, is c allen!ed by a ne$ p enomenon F rural tourism F $ ic provide a ne$ form of e/ercisin! presti!e and competition for accessin! useful resources and display% " bi!, beautiful, ne$ !uest ouse, re!ularly visited by forei!ners, $ o sometimes are even sendin! !reetin!s cards &an event rapidly made )no$n to t e nei! bor o$ners( is a sum in terms of presti!e% Bein! informed, bein! invited to participate to international touristic fairs, avin! economically or politically po$erful relatives or friends, receivin! funds and constructin! ne$ admirable cotta!es is t e ma/imum, not just in terms of presti!e but also in terms of competition for material and symbolic resources% 'it years, as t e tourists diversified and t eir pretentions increased, t e o$ners sou! t to offer more not only in attractin! t e more and more sop isticated rural tourist, but also in alimentin! t is presti!e and competition% T is implied also a specific use of natural and cultural resources as $e $ill see furt er% T e pension $ ere $e $ere lod!ed $ ile developin! our field$or) as t e follo$in! announcement osted by "NTREC $ebpa!eE
" !uest ouse located at ,.m from t e "rada river, in a Cuite area, close to t e fir tree forests% T e !uest ouse is composed of t$o buildin!sE a traditional $ooden ouse, $it a typical local arc itecture, and a modern buildin!, located close to t e first one% T e !or!eous vie$ of t e mountains covered $it fir tree forests and t e beautiful river flo$in! a fe$ meters a$ay $ill surely deli! t you%

Oour ost is a very dynamic and $elcomin! person% S e is al$ays ready to receive you as onour !uests% 8er dau! ters are t e best !uides to elp you discover t e beauties of t is re!ion, includin! t e traditional activities of local people in t is mountain area% 7t*s for sure you $ill recommend to your friends to spend t eir olidays in t is !uest ouseM & ttpEHH$$$%ruraltourism%roHapuseniHpensiuniN5.apuseniHalbacH;!aibaH tmlH;!aibaen% tml(

Besides facilities, t e activities are, o$ever, t e stron! part of a rural oliday% T e same $eb pa!e invite us to discover farm activities &mil)in! or collectin! ay, berries and mus rooms(> to ride in a orse dra$n cart or sled!e> to participate to festive dinners and open air parties $it bon fire and musicians at a c alet in t e mountains> to $atc $ild life and flora, accompanied by t e ost, and even to fis or unt on permits t at can be obtained> or to visit t e crafters, t e old Roman !old mines, t e !or!es and t e )arst plateau in t e re!ion% Nevert eless t is ric activity $ ic t e <touristic pro!ram* of eac pension more or less provides $as not enou! in terms of presti!e for t e local mayor $ o, avin! political po$er, and t erefore easier access to information and funds, and oldin! some prior land and money capital as $ell, planned to construct t e best pension in "puseni% 8e did, and t e result is more li)e a four star otel &alt ou! is considered a four daises pension( $it lu/ury interiors, but situated at a mar!in of a $ood, $it very poor road access% T e tar!et of t is construction, as t e o$ner let us to understand, is not t e simple tourist, $ o merely see)s to spend t e vacation in a rural natural ;one, but t e sop isticated and ric one, $ o $ants to spend some days or to participate to a conference in a top-class otel, but situated in t e middle of an isolated forest% 7n fact, t is affair probably mana!ed to speculate very $ell t e cultural references to t e <ruralHnatural life*, <$ ere it*s $ort y to return*, if not to <t e benefits of rural tourism* t at people $ o are e/pected to come ere are a$are of% Peavin! apart for a moment t is <rural lu/ury otel* it is important to notice t at t e pension is t e place of encounter bet$een osts and !uests, and includin! bet$een !uests and ost*s relatives or local community members% 7t is a place $ ere tourists are comin! into contact $it t e local culture in t e broader sense, of local social relations, practices and refle/ivity, i%e% not only in t e sense of t e touristic broc ures illustratin! embellis ed fol) customs% T e dinnin! room of t e pension $ ere $e $ere lod!ed $as in t e same time a bar $ ere local people sometimes $ere meetin!% " reaction in t e middle of a conversation $e ad t ere $it t e mayor*s $ife, $ o $as t e ost*s sister-in-la$, summari;e very $ell t e discussion so far, and e/emplifies t e competition bet$een ostsE QPoo) at t is poor man, s e reacted, $ ile scrutinin! a broc ure presentin! some pension o$ners and interiors in "lbac, e didn*t )no$ even $ at furniture to buy for is roomsM1% "t t e same table, t$o days later, t e ost*s fat er, a droll old man $ o entertained tourists $it jo)es and istorical stories, e/plained us t at for t e tourist is more important to ta)e a trip to t e forest t an stayin! near t e furniture% 8e s o$ed us t en a secret pat to$ards and assured t at $e too) $it us t e old Russian binoculars e !ave in t e first day, because 0$e $ere smart, and $e ad to see t e mountains around1%

#hoto +" "lbac mayor*s four daises 0pension1 durin! $intertime%

n!ironment: between touristic ob"ecti!e and resource #or constructing new pensions
T e Mot as !one t rou! out t e countryHFor sellin! pails and $ooden tubs &traditional local fol)lore( 'e do not craft lar!e $ooden tubs anymore because $e ave t e better plastic ones, but $e do ma)e t is little fancy ones because tourists li)e t em &old man at a Sunday fair in Barda de Sus(

T e local environment in "lbac is muc affected by $ood e/ploitation% 'ood e/ploitation $as for lon! time an economic practice of ouse olds family economy &9opa, 5..?(, t en it $as a practice of centrali;ed socialist economy, and after ,--. a practice of t ose $ o $ere restituted o$n forest properties &Pa$rence:S;abo, 5..6(% Sellin! timber and constructin! ne$ ouses, and t en pensions, $as t e main utili;ation of $ood% T e pensions and t e development of rural tourism $ould be ideally &or lo!ically( t e last moment of ard e/ploitation of $oods, because from no$ on t e osts are supposedly to be a$are for t e importance of protectin! forests in t e idea t at t is is one of t e main attraction for t e tourists t ey ad built pensions forM

Nevert eless, irrational $ood cuttin! is still a common practice, despite la$s a!ainst it% 4ne of t e last political projects is t e buildin! of a National 9ar) of 26,23= a &#arcul ,atural Muntii Apuseni( $ ic $ill aim to protect flora, fauna, soil and $aters of t e central and nort ern ;one of t e mountainous area% 8ere $ood cuttin! $ill be completely forbidden, but t is $ill provo)e ot er economic impediments for a $ooddependent population, and probably la$ violations% Besides $ood clearances anot er ecolo!ical problem in "lbac is t e "ries river $ ic is muc polluted by t e local practice of t ro$in! !arba!e or timber splinters into it% 4f less visibility respectin! t e natural environment are t e relations ip of traditional andicrafts $it $ood, and t e local ouse olds* relations ip $it t eir immediate plots and farmyard% "ll t ese practices are intensified and c allen!ed $it t e tourism development in t e re!ion% Not only in terms of deterioratin! t e natural environment, but also in terms of <reinventin! nature* &Cronon, ,--A(, and, finally recreatin! a ne$ relations ip bet$een nature and tourism &cf% 8ar)in, 5..?> ' elan, ,--,(% "ll t ese processes and attitudes are very visible $it in rural tourism development in "lbac% Returnin! to t e imposin! pension- otel in t e middle of t e $oods, besides its brutal intrusiveness into a natural settin!, a set of ot er embellis ments, $ ic t e mayor told us about, is e/pected to illustrate t is tense relations ip bet$een nature and tourism% T e more s oc)in! is t e o$ner desire of plantin! English turf in front of t e buildin!, on t e place destroyed by t e bi! eCuipments and materials t at served to its construction% 4t er intentions are to set an old $atermill on t e "rada broo) flo$in! in front of t e bi! pension and to build a orse reservation, near t e otel, servin! for orse ridin!% "ll t ese, startin! $it t e imposin! construction and finis in! $it t e ne$ pat s t at $ere created around affected t e natural environment and t e $ay nature is treated, in a si!nificant $ay% Natural environment is not perceived by local people or !uest ouse o$ners by an ecolo!ical point of vie$% For t em, it principally constitutes a ric economic resource for primary and secondary industry% 'ood, for instance, is mainly a material for direct use in family industry &coo)in! and eatin! combustible, material for carvin! ladders or fences, material for constructin! ne$ ouses(, or secondary use in sellin! timber to furniture factories around t e country% " tertiary economy and activity related to tourism &cf% #cCall:Ba)er, ,-33> @aa)son, ,--3( is still very little perceived and practiced% Nevert eless some ne$ attitudes and values, on $ ic $e are !oin! to discuss furt er, are s o$in! t at t is is an on!oin! process, and andcraftin! small $ooden bibelot-li)e tubs for no ot er utility but for decoratin! t e ne$ pension is a si!n of its <tertiali;ation*, since $ood is symbolically involved in a service activity% 7n fact, all t e economy of t e re!ion, dominated before and by timber industry &focused on intensive $ood e/ploitation and sale( and domestic a!riculture &focused on individual use of products( is under!oin! a c allen!in! process% 9eople are becomin! a$are t at forests are !ood for tourists* $atc in! of $ildlife and flora and t eir $ood for touristic andicrafts, $ ile foodstuff produced in t e family !arden and bac)yard stable is !ood for t e tourists* meals% 'it t is, an o$n understandin! of ecolo!y, less ideolo!i;ed or imposed from outside policies, is e/pected to be formed amon! local people and local tourist entrepreneurs%

#hoto -" "riesului Galley cleared after $ood e/ploitation%

$ultural resources: rural tourism between ethnonationalist re#erences and an exterior%oriented acti!ity
Oou Transylvania, $e are your soldiersH"nd our sacred temple are t e "puseni #ountains% &Romanian nationalist son! promoted durin! communist period(

Rural tourism culture and practice in "lbac F and t rou! out t e country F $as muc constructed on t$o previous referencesE &i( lod!in! practices in villa!ers* ouses before <rural tourism* formally constituted and became fas ionable, and &ii( t e nationalist discourses in $ ic t e 0Romanian villa!e1 and t e 0Romanian peasant1 $as embedded &Sta l ,-3A> T iesse ,---> Gaetisi 5..=(% Respondin! attitudes today are a better understandin! of tourists needs in terms of accommodation and visible forms of retraditionali;ation or refol)lori;ation in association $it nationalist values in promotin! tourism% T ey are continuously actuali;ed in order to reinforce a model of interaction & ost-!uest( and an ima!e of a specific form of tourism% 4ne event $ ere $e can better understand t ese practices and values is The Rural Tourism .air% T is year it as been eld in "lbac, in #arc % 4r!ani;ed by "NTREC, it

constituted a vivid display of a mi/ture of official speec es, traditional dis es and andicrafts, fol) dances and costumes, conferences on tourist mar)etin! and mana!ement, international contracts, nationalist istory and parties% T e t ree national and local eroes, 8orea, Closca and Crisan, represented by t ree naturalistic puppets in actual si;e, dominated t e "lbac stand at t e fair% 8ere a couple of youn! $omen clot ed in fol) costumes &t at t ey do not re!ularly $ear( offered e/planation and broc ures to t ose interested% "t anot er table everyone $as invited to taste and enjoy t e local food and drin)% "t a table be ind a middle a!ed man si!ned some contracts% 4n an improvised scene !roups of youn! and old fol) musicians and dancers $ere entertainin! t e atmosp ere% T e t ree-day tourist fair, developed in t e "lbac sport all and by visitin! t e most famous pensions and touristic objectives in t e re!ion, finis ed $it a !rand party, /alul vanatorilor &t e 8unters Ball(% Events li)e t is, $ ere are invited to participate not only entrepreneurs but also local people and tourists, are important% 8ere are not only displayed ob0ects t at many of t em reco!ni;e, but are su!!ested values, meanings and norms re!ardin! o$ a <!ood rural tourism* s ould be" "mon! t ese, t e nationalistic ones are very importantE from t e Romanian fol) to$els, $ ic almost every pension adopted for t eir decoration to t e national re!ional eroes, li)e 8orea and "vram 7ancu &$ om pictures are every$ ere around from mayor*s office $alls to t e porc of our ost*s fat er ouse(% "n ar!ument is t at t e ima!e of Romanian villa!e and villa!er is very lin)ed to nationalist values, anot er is t at rural tourism needs a form of specificity and identity t at is constructed and understood t e easiest usin! t ese objects and ima!es% T ere is a )ind of parado/, or an ostensibly parado/, ere% Tourism is alle!edly a $elcomin! activity, oriented to$ards ot ers and especially forei!ners - $ o in "lbac are renderin! presti!e for osts amon! nei! bors% 7n $ at e/tent t is nationalistic atmosp ere t at rural tourism often creates is repu!nant for tourists or in $ at e/tent t is is accepted as a form of idenity is a topic of anot er discussion% 9robably bot are confused by $ at seems to assume to be <aut enticity* and t e result is a simple fa)e aut enticity or <sta!ed tourism* &+esmond, ,---> see also 'est:Carrier, 5..=> "llerton, 5..?> Crei! ton, ,--2( " more e/terior-oriented activity t at stands, as $ell, on t e $ay of usin! cultural resources in developin! tourism is cultivatin! net$or) relations and traditional ouse old practices% Stron! net$or)s of social, political and economic relations ips amon! small community*s members are very common in Romania% T ey $ere of muc elp durin! communist period &Didec)el ,--?> Gerdery ,--A> Dli!man ,--3( in accessin! economic resources and social position and constitute visible p enomena and cultural practices even today% 7n "lbac area, includin! upper "ries villa!es, t ose $ o succeeded to open o$n pensions for tourists ad relevant socio-economic and political positions &en!ineers, sylvicluturists, members of Communist 9arty and t e li)e(% T ey not only constituted an economic elite t at old t e necessary funds, but ad, after ,--., t e appropriate information and relations ips for startin! a business in tourism% "fter t is first step, of constructin! and openin! a !uest ouse, t e second $as of decoratin! and placin! it in an advertisin! discourse F $ ic meant t e nationalistic appeal described above% "nd t e t ird $as t at of benefitin! from t e local )no$led!e and practice F re!ularly performed in one*s ouse old by $omen, elders and c ildren F suc as ouse)eepin!, coo)in!, farmin!, c attin! and entertainin!%

T$o ne$ aspects brou! t t ese process and strate!yE &i( people previously accustomed to $or) and live in a close community and, re!ularly, reduced to t e p ysical space of a ouse old, opened and diversified t eir activities to$ards different people, from different re!ions or countries, and &ii( t e net$or)s of relations ips continuously developed to$ards an international partners ip% 4ur ost, a $oman in er forties not only prepared very !ood dis es, but $as also t e boo)-)eeper of t e pension e/penses $ o stayed, c attin! and smo)in! in t e dinnin! room $it us, t e tourists% T is is surely not a usual be avior for a traditional country $oman% 4n t e ot er side, one of er dau! ters participated in #ay 5..6 to an international conference on rural tourism eld in France% 'it t at occasion s e met rural pension o$ners, elpers or !uides, li)e s e $as, from ot er parts of Europe% 4t er villa!es in "puseni ave stron! relations ips $it fraterni;ed villa!es t rou! out all European countries, $ ose in abitants are re!ularly visitin! eac ot er% "ll t ese indicate o$ useful traditional objects, practices and values ave been surpassed by t e ne$ ones% Not only in t e sense of retraditionali;ation, suc t e fol) costumes t at t e youn! !irls from "lbac $ere obli!ed to $ear at t e tourist fair, but more in t e sense of speculatin! e/istin! local social relations and )no$led!e in t e idea of e/pandin! and open t em to a $ider level% 7n fact, $e spea) ere about an intricate, )een mi/ture of traditional and modern, or of reactive and prospective, or of local and !lobal, t at an ant ropolo!ical eye can discern, despite t e mess illustrated by t e frantic atmosp ere at t e tourist fair above%

#hoto 1" Ooun! $omen in "lbac, $earin! 0national costumes1, offerin! tourisitc broc ures to visitors% Fol) objects and 08orea, Closca, and Crisan F eroes1 as puppets are visible be ind%

$onclusion: processes, !alues and impacts o# rural tourism de!elopment in Albac

4ne of t e most evident processes of tourism development in "lbac area is t e resource use% 'ood, landscape, rivers, animal farm, local tradition, national- istorical tradition, andcraftin!, coo)in! abilities, social relations ip net$or)s, political po$er etc% all are involved by osts in developin! a touristic activity% 7t could seem t at ot er activities use t ese resources as $ell, but spea)in! about tourism, and more specific about rural tourism, t ese are i! ly necessary and visible% #oreover, spea)in! about tourism $e spea) about an interaction $ ere osts* use of resources is bein! inter$oven, or at least reflected, by !uests* use of t em% T ose $ o are constructin! ne$ !uest ouses are usin! $oods in a material manner, but tourists are <consumin!* t e $ooden !uest ouses $ ere t ey lod!e in a <refle/ive* or <symbolic* manner% " less visible aspect is t at of access to resources% T is is i! ly more accessible for t e political-economic elite members and t eir relatives to construct ne$ pensions in a !ood place, to obtain funds for t eir connection to t e central se$era!e or to contact active tourist a!encies t at to invite t em to international tourist e/positions% But, despite t is, if t ey do not ave a <!ood relations ip* $it t e local nature and culture t ey do not ave lon! time success% Bad positioned people in respect $it resource access as $omen, unemployed $or)ers and youn! or old people, succeeded to involve t emselves too $it in t is ne$ business because t eir useful )no$led!e% "s t is )no$led!e, from ouse)eepin! to entertainment, is not a politically mediated resource, as for instance $ood cuttin! permission or t e nationalist symbols, t eir usefulness is more direct and, finally, more open to$ards c an!e and successful re!ular touristic activities% "n even lesser visible process is t at of t e $ay tourism c an!e local identities% 'e spo)e about a symbolic consumption of $ood, $ o is in fact a $ay of identifyin! $it a lost natural $orld, once supposedly covered by $ild forests, and $it lost cultural practices, $ en $ood not plastic $as in t e center of domestic and industrial life% ' en tourist entrepreneurs and activists recall t ese traditions t ey do not appeal jut a cultural erita!e but also present an innovative $ay of promotin! t eir business% But in doin! so t ey reconstruct, to!et er $it t eir ne$ <traditional* !uest ouses, a ne$ touristic identity, muc influenced by $ at t ey understand by t is <rural tourism*% 7n t is construction, as $e sa$, t e use of natural and cultural resources and its reflection on t e tourists* practices and e/pectation is i! ly relevant% 7t is remar)able t at in "lbac t e number of pensiuni as continuously increased and t at an important part of t e youn! unemployed $or)er, dismissed $it t e occasion of industry restructurin! in t e re!ion, t e ouse)eepers and t e retired persons found t emselves ne$ and profitable occupations, at least seasonally% 7n addition, alon! $it t e e/ austion of some traditional or previous forms of industry, a!riculture, economy, culture and social life, t ey could involve in a ne$ activity, rural tourism, $ ic refres ed and !alvani;ed all t ose activities provo)in! in t e same time ne$ competitions

inside t e local social net$or)s, for furt er access to resources and presti!e, and even res aped ne$ socio-cultural identities%

"brudan, 7%, Turnoc) +% &,---(% " rural development strate!y for t e "puseni #ountains, Romania% 2eo3ournal, =A, ?,-F??A% "llerton, C% &5..?(% "ut entic ousin!, aut entic cultureJ Transformin! a villa!e into a <tourist site* in #an!!arai, Eastern 7ndonesia% 4ndonesia and the Malay 5orld, ?, &-3(, ,,--,53% "NTREC, &Ed%(% &5..=(% 6acante la tara &Rural Gacations(, ,&=(, "pril 5..=% "teljevic, 7%, +oorne, S% &5..?(% Unpac)in! t e localE a cultural analysis of tourism entrepreneurs ip in #urter, Croatia% Tourism 2eographies, 6&5(, ,5?-,6.% Bran, F%, #arin +%, Simon T% &,--2(, Turismul rural" Modelul european &Rural Tourism% T e European #odel(% Buc arestE Editura Economica% Buc), R% C% &,-35(% 4n tourism as an ant ropolo!ical subject% (urrent Anthropology, 5?, ?5A-?52% Burns, B% P% &5..=(% "nt ropolo!y and TourismE 9ast contributions and future t eoretical c allen!es, Anthropological .orum, ,= &,(, 6F55% C ambers, E% &5...(% ,ative Tours! The Anthropology of Travel and Tourism% 9rospect 8ei! ts, 7llinoisE 'aveland% Crei! ton, #% &,--2(% Consumin! rural @apanE T e #ar)etin! of tradition and nostal!ia in t e @apanese travel industry% Ethnology, ?A&?(, 5?--56=% Cric), #alcolm% ,--,% Tourists, locals and ant ropolo!istsE Rui;;ical reflections on Sot ernessS in touristic encounters and in tourism researc % Australian (ultural 7istory, ,., A-,3% Cronon, '% &,--A(% )ncommon 2round! To ard Reinventing ,ature% Ne$ Oor)E '%'% Norton and Company% +esmond, @% C% &,---(% Staging Tourism! /odies on 8isplay from 5ai9i9i to Sea 5orld" C ica!oE University of C ica!o 9ress%

+eutsc lander, S%, #iller, P% @% &5..?(% 9olitici;in! abori!inal cultural tourismE T e discourse of primitivism in t e tourist encounter% (anadian Revie of Sociology and Anthropology, =. &,(, 52-==% Eadin!ton, '%R%, Smit , G% P%, &Eds%(% ,--5% Tourism Alternatives! #otentials and #roblems in the 8evelopment of Tourism% 9 iladelp iaE University of 9ennsylvania 9ress% B eres, #%, Culda, S% &5...(% Turism rural &Rural Tourism(% Cluj-NapocaE Risoprint% Breen$ood, +% &,-3-(% Culture by t e poundE "n "nt ropolo!ical perspective on tourism as cultural commoditi;ation% 7n G% Smit &Ed%(, 7osts and 2uests! The Anthropology of Tourism &5nd ed%( &pp% ,2,-,36(% 9 iladelp iaE University of 9ennsylvania 9ress% 8all, +% &5...(% Sustainable tourism development and transformation in Central and Eastern Europe% 3ournal of Sustainable Tourism, 3 &A(, ==,-=62% 8all, +% &5..=(% Rural tourism development in Sout eastern EuropeE Transition and t e searc of sustainability1, 4nternational 3ournal of Tourism Research, A &?(, ,A6-,2A% 8ar)in, #% &5..?(% Sta!ed encountersE 9ostmodern tourism and abori!inal people% Ethnohistory, 6. &?(, 626-636% 8olland, @%, Burian, #%, +i/ey, P% &5..?(% Tourism in #oor Rural Areas" 8iversifying the product and expanding the benefits in rural )ganda and the (&ech Republic% 99T &9ro-9oor Tourism( 'or)in! 9aper No% ,5, @anuary 5..?% @aa)son, R% &,--3(% Tourism development in perip eral re!ions of 9ost-Soviet StatesE " case study of strate!ic plannin! on 8iiumaa, Estonia% 4nternational #lanning Studies, ?
&5(, 5=--525%

Didec)el, +% "% &,--?(% The Solitude of (ollectivism! Romanian 6illagers to the Revolution and /eyond% 7t aca and PondonE Cornell University 9ress% Dli!man, B% &,-33(% The 5edding of the 8ead! Ritual, #oetics, and #opular (ulture in Transylvania% Ber)eleyE T e University of California 9ress% Dneafsey, #% &,--3(% Tourism and place identityE " case study in rural 7reland% 4rish 2eography ?,&5(, ,,,-,5?% Pa$rence, "%, S;abo, "% &5..6(% .orest Restitution in Romania! (hallenging the 6alue Systems of .oresters and .armers% 9aper presented at t e Conference on European Forests in Et ical +iscourse, Berlin ,3-,- @anuary 5..6, Environmental C an!e 7nstitute, University of 4/ford%

#ason, B% &,--A( #anufactured #yt sE 9ac)a!in! t e E/otic for Gisitor Consumption% 7n Tourism and (ulture! To ards the %$st (entury, (onference #roceedings, Gol% Tourism and CultureE 7ma!e, 7dentity and #ar)etin! &Eds, Robinson, #%, Evans, N% and Calla! an, 9%( T e Centre for Travel : Tourism in association $it Business Education 9ublis ers Ptd%, Sunderland, pp% ,5, - ,?6% #cCall, R% #%, Ba)er, T% &,-33(% Tertiary "ctivity Related to Recreation "round Raysto$n Pa)e, 9ennsylvania% The #ennsylvania 2eographer, 5A&,:5(, ,--56% Nas , +% &,--A(% Anthropology :f Tourism, Ne$ Oor)E 9er!amon% 9opa, 7% &5..?(% 4ndustria si comertul lemnului in Muntii Apuseni &Timber 7ndustry and Trade in "puseni #ountains(% "lba 7uliaE "ltip% Rat;, T%, 9uc;)o, P% &,--3(% Rural tourism and sustainable development% 9aper presented in t e Rural Tourism Management! Sustainable :ptions 7nternational Conference, September ,--3, S"C, "uc incruive, Scotland% S"9"R+% &5..5(% ,ational #lan for Agriculture and Rural 8evelopment over the %;;;<%;;1 #eriod% Under t e EU special accession pro!ram for a!riculture and rural development &S"9"R+( &revised version @uly, ,,, 5..5(% Retrieved from ttpEHHeuropa%eu%intHcommHa!ricultureHe/ternalHenlar!eHcountriesHromaniaHplanH5.. ?Hte/t%pdfH Sta l, 8% 8% &,-3A(% Eseuri critice" 8espre cultura populara romaneasca &Critical Essays% 4n Romanian Fol)loric Culture(% Buc arestE #inerva% Stron;a, "% &5..,(% "nt ropolo!y of tourismE For!in! ne$ !round for ecotourism and ot er alternatives% Annual Revie of Anthropology, ?., 5A,-53?% Surd, G%, Turnoc), +% &5...(% Romania*s "puseni #ountainsE Safe!uardin! a cultural erita!e% 2eo3ournal, 6., 536-?.=% T iesse, "%-#% &,---(% =a cr>ation des identit>s nationales" Europe ?6444e<??e siecles% 9arisE Seuil% Turnoc), +% &5..5(% 9rospects for sustainable rural tourism in #aramures, Romania% Tourism 2eographies, =&,(, A5--=% Urry, @% &,--.(% The Tourist 2a&e! =eisure and Travel in (ontemporary Societies, PondonE Sa!e% Gaetisi, S% &5..=(% " critical essay on t e Romanian et no-fol)lorist discourse% 7n E% #a!yari-Ginc;e, 9% #indrut &Coord%(, #erforming 4dentities" Renegotiating Socio<(ultural 4dentities in the #ost<Socialist Eastern Europe, Cluj-NapocaE EFES, pp% ?=6-?66%

Gerdery, D% &,--A(% 5hat 5as Socialism and 5hat (omes ,ext" 9rinceton, N%@%E

9rinceton University 9ress%

'est, 9%, Carrier, @% B% &5..=(% Ecotourism and aut enticity% Bettin! a$ay from it allJ% (urrent Anthropology, =6 &=(, =3?-=-,% ' elan, T%, &Ed%(% &,--,(% ,ature Tourism! Managing for the Environment% 'as in!ton, +%C%E 7sland% Chapter 3. Presentation of the case study Apuseni Mountains area, Alba County describes the socio-economic aspects of the disadvantaged area in Apuseni Mountains, chosen as case study, based on a research regarding the assessment of local development needs, whose results are presented in annex 3.1. of the thesis. he ob!ective of the research was to investigate the opinion of the citi"ens in the Apuseni Mountains area, regarding the level of area development, priority development ob!ectives, and citi"ens involvement availability in the activity of formulation and implementation of local development plans. he analysis is mainly based on a #uantitative approach developed through$ - Sociological survey with a standard #uestionnaire1 for the population in the mining area of Apuseni Mountains, based on a representative sample% - Documents analysis, made through reviewing the statistical documents held by public institutions acting in economic and social field. he problems identified at the case study level are the following$

&ee the #uestionnaire at point '(Annex 1.

)*+,-.A/ 0*1*/-2M*. A.0 3&* -4 /A5-3) 4-)6* ,. 0,&A01A. A+*0 A)*A& ,. A23&*., M-3. A,.&

373 - he Apuseni Mountains area has no rail connection with the rest of the country territory, which is one of the main causes of its wea8 economic and social development. At the same time, the poor access to fix and mobile telephone lines in this part of the county, represents a big disadvantage. he specific geographic conditions ensure a difficult accessibility of neighbouring urban centres, or of the

main village. - he social infrastructure is maybe the wea8est in the country, ta8ing into consideration the big amount of households without electricity 9+:rda de &us, &carisoara, Avram lancu, 1idra, etc.;, the reduced number of education and health units, including their e#uipment. - he living standard has a low level in this area, determining a high intensity of depopulation process with conse#uences on the aging population factor. - he surplus of agricultural animal products can not be used because of the isolation degree, reduced transport possibilities to the urban mar8et, and lac8 of intermediaries to exploit these products. - he specific of industrial activities determines continuous environment degradation in the area. )elated to these activities, in <latna area, atmosphere is extremely polluted, which generates fre#uent acid rains, with severe conse#uences on forests, and people=s health, and in the areas of Abrud, 6:mpeni, and Ariesului 1alley, water is the most polluted environment component, because of mining exploitation. 4ollowing the pollution processes, only in <latna area there are 7,>>> ha of heavily polluted land, the annual loss of wood material being of 3',?'@ cm. he agricultural production is very low in this area, and the number of animals dropped because of lac8 of food, and diseases. - Apuseni area is characterised by high unemployment, due to the fact that many inhabitants live from resources obtained in their households, which can only ensure a minimal subsistence level. -n the other side, the collective dismissals in mining industry, and metal industry determined an increase of unemployment.
)*+,-.A/ 0*1*/-2M*. A.0 3&* -4 /A5-3) 4-)6* ,. 0,&A01A. A+*0 A)*A& ,. A23&*., M-3. A,.&

37A - 3nder the conditions of severe decrease of production, and continuous application

of restructuring programs, the labour force specialisation in the field of mining and metal industry, ma8es difficult its professional reconversion. he labour force surplus can be used, only in small amounts, in urban or rural centres service provision, and therefore, agriculture breeding, and tourism, remain the only possible alternatives. - he number of employees in the communes= area represents less than 1>B of the active population. At 31st 0ecember 1@@', 0.M.2.&. Alba registered 3,??? unemployed people, but this amount does not reflect the real figure, because a bigger number are see8ing for a !ob, without being registered to receive unemployment allowance. ,n the area, the registered unemployment is 11,@77 persons, which means an unemployment rate of 3>.CDB. he employees wor8ing in the extraction industry in Apuseni area represent ?7B of the total industry employees. )elated to the total employees, the labour force in extraction industry represent 3@.3B, in the field of strict exploitation, and A?.AB considering the metal industry as well, as the mining activity is defined in the /aw ?1(1@@'. ,n the end of 1@'', ?D> mining employees were supposed to be dismissed under the conditions of +overnment 0ecision 77(1@@C, but they have not been registered yet with 0.M.2.&. Alba. Chapter 4. Evaluation of sustainable development programs implemented in the case study area analyses the sustainable development programs implemented by now in the case study area, ma8ing at the same time a partial evaluation of their results. he ma!or and unsolved problems in mining areas, and in Alba 6ounty, as well as the solutions they re#uire are classified according to causes and effects, in the following table$ Causes Effects olutions
0ismissals - high unemployment% 2rofessional reconversion

programs$ recertification, career advising% 0ecrease of income - decrease of purchasing power, decrease of consumption, economic drop for other local &upport programs for families in need, and assistance in solving critical situations%
)*+,-.A/ 0*1*/-2M*. A.0 3&* -4 /A5-3) 4-)6* ,. 0,&A01A. A+*0 A)*A& ,. A23&*., M-3. A,.&


activities% - poor population% - school abandon% 2olluted areas, unattractive from infrastructure and public utilities point of view% - lac8 of !ob opportunities% - migration, depopulation% - damaged environment, inade#uate for agriculture activities% 2rograms for support( development( establishment of &M*s in the area, special incentives to attract sustainable investment% 4inancial incentives for companies to employ the target group affected by the restructuring process% *nvironment reconstruction programs that generate temporary employment. ,solated area% - reduced communication possibilities% - lac8 of information% - lac8 of entrepreneurial s8ills generated by the lac8 of information% 2ublic information program, community development% *xternali"ation(crash of services supported by mining industry% - public transport reduction% - reduction of water supply, heating and electric systems% ,nvestment in infrastructure, which can also create temporary employment%

Abandoned assets% - degradation of abandoned assets, which may be useful for the community%

,ntroduction )omania is still a largely rural country. ,n 7>>C the percentage of rural population still reached ADB of the total 9,nstitutul .atxional de &tatisticaE, 7>>';, a stri8ingly high level that clearly differentiates )omania from the rest of the *uropean 3nion 97AB; and suggests the survival of a lively system of villages and small towns that continues to play a ma!or role in the socio-economic and cultural life of the country. )omania=s rural characteristics consolidated after the end of .icolae 6eausFescu=s regime, in 1@'@. he difficult transition from a planned to a mar8et economy caused the decline of the formerly dominant industrial sector, whose labour force was only partially absorbed by the services sector. As a result, many unemployed wor8ers had to return to an agricultural life 95iertel and urnoc8, 7>>C;. his phenomenon, in combination with the deep social changes caused by the ongoing land restitution process, produced a new GGagrarisation== of society 95enede8, 7>>>$ A7;. Hence, agriculture is a 8ey sector in )omania, accounting for about 37B of employment 9approximately C>B in rural areas;, 17B of +02 and @B of exports 9,nstitutul .atxional de &tatisticIa ,.&, 7>>?;. However, in spite of the central role played by this sector in the economic life of the country, productivity is generally very low, as indicated by the GGlabour to land== ratio of ?3 Annual Jor8 3nits( 1>> ha 93* average D AJ3(1>> ha;, and the negative trade balance in agro-food products that continues to widen 911.3 billion in 7>>D;. According to +ertrud et al. 91@@@;, the 8ey characteristic of )omanian farming is its dual structure, with the coexistence of a small number of large entities, mostly commercial farms 91',7?3 averaging 7?@ ha, accounting for 3A.DB of total utili"ed agricultural area 3AA; and a considerable number of individual farms, mostly subsistence and semi-subsistence holdings 9A,171,7AC, average si"e 7.1D ha, accounting for ?D.DB of 3AA;. /ess than >.DB of holdings account for more than one third of 3AA, with the remaining @@.DB accounting for two thirds of 3AA. Around 3 million holdings, covering approximately 3>B of total agricultural land, have clear subsistence features. ,n some types of farming, such as vegetable production, the contribution of subsistence agriculture reaches @>B. he rural areas of the country are characteri"ed by a highly dispersed population. )omania has about 13,>>> separate villages, a number that increases when considering smaller hamlets, which developed over the centuries in relation to local agricultural potential 95iertel and urnoc8, 7>>C;. A traditional socio-economic structure largely survived through the communist time, when the government strengthened and emphasised GGtop-down== central planning and introduced a new farming system through large cooperatives and state farms. 0uring the 1@'>s, 6eausFescu=s GGsistemati"are== plan turned into a highly controversial pro!ect aiming at radically eliminating up to '>>> villages in order to create stronger district units based on coordinating GGrural towns==, but the fall of the regime stopped the pro!ect at its very early stages. he #uality of life in rural areas is generally poor. 6urrently, only 33B of rural residents are connected to awater supply networ8, only 1>B to a sewerage system and only 1>B of rural roads are of ade#uate standard 9,nstitutul .atxional de &tatisticaE, 7>>';. 5asic social infrastructure 9health and education systems, finance and credit provision, etc.; is also much less developed than in urban areas. hese factors hamper economic development, increase out-migration and exacerbate sanitary and environmental problems.

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