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Abbasids (7501258), 143; colored brickwork

for palaces and monuments, 148; Mongols
conquering, 142, 151; Al-Mutasim (r. 833
42), 140; and Song, 140; and Tang, 99, 105
6; trading towns, 235
Abul-Fazl (15511602), Akbarnama, 24647
Accounts of India and China/Akhbar al-Hind
wal Sin (851), 147
Achaeminids (559330 b.c.e.), 148, 170
Acta Eruditorum/learned deeds journal, 62
aesthetics: Chinese, 166, 17274, 277, 281, 288,
295; diverse media, 165, 243; flower arranging, 132 ; islamic, 243; Mughal, 245, 247;
pilgrim art, 5, 63, 252; rococo, 74, 267,
28184, 288, 289; sharawadgi, 281. See also
architecture; art history; calligraphy; decorative motifs; paintings; tapestries
Africa: Alczar-Quibir battle, 12; Great Zimbabwe, 234, 235, 236; isthmus linking Eurasia with, 12; Muslim merchants, 143; pottery
divinities, 3941; slave trade, 71, 234; Swahili
coast pottery, 23337, 293; Zheng He voyages, 23334
Agency for the Southern branch of the imperial
Clan, 109
agriculture: loess and, 88; wet-rice, 228. See also
food; rice
Alexander the Great (336323 b.c.e.), 148
alumina, 8283, 137
Amboina, nautilus shells, 72

American indians: clay, 290, 293; Hopi Plumed

Serpent, 72; pottery divinities, 3941
Americas: first pottery, 38; Popol vuh (book of
the Community), 41; silk trade, 8, 256; silver,
2, 46, 55, 60, 63, 145, 256, 264; Spanish, 256.
See also American indians; Mexico; Peru
Amsterdam: commercial and industrial supremacy, 251; dutch war with France (1672
78), 201; French competition, 53; nautilus
shells, 72; Spinoza, 62; voC auction of Portuguese cargoes, 253; voC directors, 270
ancient tradition: Chinese, 2526, 11523, 163
66, 279, 280; European, 28889, 290. See also
Andrade brothers, 255
Anjou kings, Hungary and naples, 157
An lushan rebellion (75563), 1056, 140, 181,
Arabs: trade, 99, 109, 140
arcanum (secret formula for porcelain), 62, 66.
archaeology: broken pottery, 10, 104, 233, 236;
Herculaneum, 28283, 304; Japanese trade
with China, 186; Jingdezhen, 162; shipwrecks,
104, 141, 157, 2023, 223; Song kilns, 109;
Southeast Asia, 22627; Southwest Asia, 141,
148; Swahili coast, 233, 234, 236; Tang ceramics, 104; Tang ying, 75
architecture: Chinese, 16263; Japanese emulating Chinese, 191; Kew pagoda, 281
82; Mughal, 245; Porcelain Pagoda/baoen




architecture (continued)
Temple, 16263, 219, 28182, 29495, 296,
303; Trianon de Porcelaine (1670), 163, 211,
275, 28182
Argenson, marquis d (16941757), 212, 290
armorial porcelain, 2728, plates 5-6
art history: economic history separated from,
1112. See also aesthetics; pilgrim art
artisans: jade, 13334; talent drain from Mediterranean to northern Europe, 251. See also
Asia: first diplomatic legation to Europe from,
21112; first pottery, 8, 38; islam, 14347;
tectonic plates, 8588, 176; trade with West,
3, 5, 5360, 69, 96103, 29394. See also
Central Asia; China; india; Japan; Southeast
Asia; Southwest Asia
LAstre (Urf), 133
August ii (the Strong, 16701733), Elector
of Saxony and King of Poland, 6064, 276,
plate 5; bourbons united with, 282; cobalt,
150; cross-cultural decorations, 303; pilgrim
flasks, 300; shells, 73; table services, 202;
Tschirnaus with, 60, 6162, 84, 128, 276;
yixing pots, 128. See also Meissen ceramic
August iii (173363), 60, 73, 273; archaeology,
282; daughter Maria Josepha, 267; daughter
Marie Amalia, 282
Australia, convict colony, 289
Austria: Ferdinand ii (152996), 4; War of the
Austrian Succession (174048), 283
Avalokitesvara, 1023, 178, 181, 184, 207, 298.
See also Guanyin
Baburnama, 24546
babylon, Gate of ishtar, 148
bacon, Sir Francis (15611626), Novum Organum
(1620), 66
baghdad, 105, 140, 142, 148, 151, 154, 241.
bali: Hindu-buddhist, 144, 208; kendi, 299
banks, Sir Joseph (17431820), 49, 277, 290, 291
baoen/Porcelain Pagoda Temple, nanjing, 162
63, 219, 28182, 29495, 296, 303
barbosa, duarte (d. 1545), 65, 66
barros, Joo de (ca. 14961570), Dcadas da
sia, 71
barrow, John, Dictionarium Polygraphicum (1735),
basalt, 7879
batavia/Jakarta: Muslim porcelain culture, 233;

voC, 22, 2930, 111, 207, 222, 255, 257,

26061, 270; Western territory, 294; Zheng
He trade, 222
bells, bronze and pottery, 135
bembo, Ambrosio (16521705), 244
bengal, EiC, 261, 287, 294
bentley, Thomas (173180), 79, 28993
bernier, Franois (162088), 54, 247
black basalt ware, 79
blue: blue China, 9699, 204, 21718; buddhas
head blue, 160; kingfisher blue, 177; Muslim
blue, 13940, 148, 150, 158; Wedgwood use
of, 290. See also cobalt
blue-and-white lisbon earthenware, 34, 5, 252,
blue-and-white porcelain, 13974, plate 21; decorative motifs, 165; dutch, 25960; earliest
known, 5; France, 62; india, 245; Japan, 189,
192, 200201, plates 18,19; Korean, 182, plate
17; lisbon imitation, 34, 5, 252, 304; Ming,
137, 139, 140, 15870, 182, 235, 241, plates
1,9,13-15,24; Mughal, 245, 24647; Muslim,
6, 13940, 16974, 236; ottoman, 24850;
Persian, 238, 24145, 304, plates 21-22;
pilgrim flasks, 35, 13, 104, 300, plates 1,13 ;
Spain, 3; Swahili coast, 23637; Syria, 249,
plate 21; tea vessels, 128, 19293, 201;
Timurid, 24145, 249; trade volume, 6,
157; vietnamese, 203, 2056, plate 21; yuan,
140, 15861, 163, 164, 166, plate 16. See also
Jingdezhen blue-and-white porcelain
bodhisattvas, 1023, 112, 124; Avalokitesvara,
1023, 178, 181, 184, 207, 298
boileau, nicolas (16361711), 271
Book of Changes, 50, 117, 120, 168
Book of Kings/Shahnama (Firdausi), 242, 244
The Book of Odes (ca. 1000600 b.c.e.), 116,
118, 121
borneo: dishware, 224; martaban jars/dragon
jars, 226, 231, 232; porcelain culture, 228
29, 231, 23233; porcelain famine in early
Ming, 222; porcelain trade, 22425; pottery
divinities, 40, 41; Sarawak, 17677, 224, 231,
23233. See also brunei Sultanate
borobudur stupa, 227, 299
boswell, James (174095), 288
bttger, Johann Friedrich (16821719), 62, 276
bourbon, louis-Henri de (16921740), 58
bourbon monarchy, 64, 213, 282
brenk, Gerrit van den, A Dialogue between a
Lady and a Pastry Cook (ca. 1750), 27273

britain: Albertina Agnes (163496), 275; Asia
trade, 24, 46, 54, 55; Australia convict
colony, 289; basalt, 7879; birmingham
Society for the Encouragement of Arts,
Manufactures and Commerce, 13031;
John bull, 291; calico import ban, 57; canal
transportation, 95; ceramic manufacture, 13,
7374, 27796 ; Charles i (r. 162549), 263,
264; Charles ii (r. 166085), 257, 274; Civil
War (164249), 264; cotton trade, 5657;
shell-shaped pottery, plate 7; dining culture,
266, 267, 268, 269, 271; dowager Princess
Augusta (171972), 281; dutch war (1665
66 and 167274), 10, 201; earthenware, 262;
Elizabeth i (r. 15881603), 2, 274; empire,
28788; feminizing France and China, 286;
First opium War (183942), 294; George ii
(r. 16831760), 27778; George iii (r. 1760
80), 267; Glorious revolution (1688), 274;
Hampton Court, 275 ; india takeover, 54,
245, 248, 287, 294; industrial revolution,
13, 78, 80, 261, 291; James i (r. 160325),
262, 274; James vi (r. 16031625), 238; Kew
pagoda, 28182; Mary ii (r. 168994), 42
43; George lord McCartney (17371806)
mission, 29394; opium trade, 46, 294;
porcelain trade, 2122, 24; Princess Mary,
275; Queen Charlotte (17441820), 267, 290;
rhenish stoneware, 83, 262; Seven years
War (175663), 283, 28587, 294; Stuart
monarchy, 264; tea culture, 126, 127, plate
11; The Tryal of Lady Alluria Luxury, 286;
William iii (r. 16891702), 263. See also
English East india Company (EiC); london;
Wedgwood, Josiah
british Museum, 283
broissia, Marquis Jean-Claude de, 4950
bronze: ancient tradition, 12021, 164; cooking
utensils, 120; Illustrated Catalogue of Bronzes
in the Qing Imperial Collection, 12021;
melted down, 1078; Ming, 164; ritual
objects, 8990, 116, 117, 135, 231; Shang,
25, 8990, 116, 120, 121, 135; Song, 116,
117, 12021, 165; vases, 132
bronze Age: Chinese pottery, 89, 92, 93; jade,
134; Minoan pottery, 72; ornament, 120
browne, Sir Thomas (160582), Pseudodoxia
Epidemica (1646), 6667
brhl, Count Heinrich von (17001763), 73,
brunei Sultanate: agriculture supporting, 228;


Muslims, 14445; raja Siripada, 229, 233;

renounce allegiance to Majapahit and
Ayutthaya, 220; Victoria sails to, 229
buddha: luohan (venerable disciples), 121;
Siddartha Gautama (d. ca. 483 b.c.e.),
102, 186
buddhas head blue, 160
buddhism, 36; An lushan rebellion (75563)
and, 105, 181; chairs, 12324; decorative
motifs, 1024, 128, 166, 168, 169, 210, 298,
301; empress Wu sponsoring, 91; expansion
in East Asia, 102; india, 185, 298; Japan, 124,
178, 18489, 192, 196, 198; lotus Sutra,
1023; maritime trade fostered by, 98, 100
104; Mongol, 152; monks, 108, 176, 178,
189; Paekche, 178; ritual objects, 181, 298
99; Silk road communities, 100101; Song,
1023, 115; Southeast Asia, 144, 181, 204,
205, 206, 207, 208, 239; Sui, 24; Tang, 24, 91,
100104, 112, 188; Tantric, 152, 162; tea
culture, 125, 127, 128, 189, 190; Tibetan,
152; white favored by, 125, 186; Zen/Chan,
124, 125, 18890, 192, 196, 198; Zheng He,
219. See also bodhisattvas; Avalokitesvara;
building: European houses, 268 ; Jiaotan, 115;
megalith, 116; turnpike, 291. See also
bureau of imperial Manufactures, 158, 160, 165
burgundy, dukes of, 254, 271
burials: islamic, 144, 235; pottery, 39, 226
burma, martaban jars, 225
burton, robert (15771640), The Anatomy of
Melancholy (1621), 52
byng, Admiral George (170457), 287
Cabral, Pedro lvares (ca. 14671520), 13
Calicut, 238. See also india
calligraphy: Arabic, 144, 145, 17071, 172;
Chinese, 17273; porcelain inkstones, 132
Cambodia: Angkor Wat, 208, 209; buddhism,
207, 208; Khmer shell-shaped pottery, 72;
Khmer kendi, 299; pottery divinities, 40;
Suryavarman ii (r. 1113ca. 1150), 209; tea
caddies, 194; trade with China, 20711
Camden, William (15511623), 14
camels, caravan trade, 100
canals: Canal de languedoc, 95; Grand Canal,
45, 86, 9596, 98, 108; Trent and Mersey
Canal, 95, 291
Cangrande della Scala (r. 131129), 156



Canton, 3, 4546, 67; dentrecolles and other

Jesuits, 17, 2425, 48; East indies companies,
2230, 53, 269, 277, 290; First opium War
(183942), 294; Guanyin statue, 42; ibn
battuta, 12, 146, 157, 234; Jingdezhen orders,
21, 290; maritime trade, 46, 52, 98, 99, 104,
105, 109, 110, 223, 255, 277; Muslims, 105,
141, 14647, 169; Portuguese, 3, 4, 25556;
tableware, 6, 27
Cao Pi (r. 22026), 185
Cao xueqin (ca. 171563), The Dream of the
Red Chamber/ The Story of the Stone, 122
Cao Zhao (fl. 1388), Essential Criteria of
Antiquities, 120
caravan trade, 99106, 10910, 142, 156, 222,
242. See also Silk road
Cardano, Girolamo (150176), 65
Carletti, Francesco (ca. 15731636), 21, 33, 194,
220, 230
carpets, Persia, 171
Cawthorn, James (171961), 286
Cecil, Sir William (152098), 274
celadon/greenware, 133, 164, plate 10; blue-andwhite vs., 158, 16465; Korean, 177, 179,
18081; longquan, 135, 148, 157, 158, 165,
189; Southwest Asia, 147, 148
Central Asia, 91, 106, 151, 152; contact with
latin Christendom, 153; decorative images,
100, 15455; horse warriors, 241; jade, 4,
133; loess, 87, 88; pilgrim flasks, 300; silk
currency, 101; Silk road trade in Tang, 101,
102, 104, 105, 139; tectonic plates, 8588.
See also Samarqand; Turkic peoples
ceramic. See pottery
Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote (160515),
chairs, 12324
Chamber, Sir William (172396), Designs of
Chinese Buildings (1757), 281
Chan buddhism/Zen buddhism, 124, 125, 188
90, 192, 196, 198
Changan: An lushan rebellion (75563), 105;
Japanese capitals modeled after, 184; Tang
imperial court, 74; trade, 95, 99, 100, 102
Chardin, John (16431713), 238
China: aesthetics, 166, 17274, 277, 281, 288,
295; ancient tradition, 2526, 11523,
16366, 279, 280; anti-Europe/oriental
Europe, 51; blue, 9699, 204, 21718;
chairs, 12324; Christianity linked with
traditions of, 36, 4243, 5052, 298; cowries,

71; cultural continuity, 11617; deforestation, 91, 108, 109; dinner etiquette, 26466;
dinner services, 26667; economically most
advanced, 13, 15, 140; falling reputation,
288, 29496; feminized in English eyes,
286; First opium War (183942), 294; first
pottery, 8, 38, 89; fulcrum of world system,
14, 140; Japanese embassies ended, 189; kiln
making, 92; land-based power orientation,
97; metallurgy and pottery, 39, 8991, 92,
95; Muslim residents, 105, 139, 141, 14647,
15861, 169; neolithic, 39, 90; northern,
8586, 9599; Philip ii urged to conquer, 3;
religion, 21, 24, 3539, 4243, 5152, 100
105, 15253, 219; religious tolerance, 3536,
48; southern, 8586, 9599; superiority seen
by Europeans, 5153, 60, 17576, 21417,
27778; tea, 8, 22, 59, 12328, 198; tectonic
plates, 8588; and West, 4780, 27796; in
world map, 175; yellow, 9699, 21718;
zhongguo concept, 14, 176. See also Canton;
Chinese dynasties; Chinese porcelain; Chinese trade; Fujian; Jesuits; Macao; missionaries, Christian
china clay. See kaolin/china clay
china stone/ porcelain stone/cishi, 8283, 86,
chinaware. See Chinese porcelain
Chinese dynasties: liao state of the Qidan (907
1125), 106; Qin (221207 b.c.e.), 70, 88,
204; Six dynasties (265589), 119; Sui (581
618), 24, 94, 95. See also Han dynasty; Ming
dynasty; Qing/Manchu dynasty; Shang
dynasty; Song dynasty; Tang dynasty; yuan/
Mongol dynasty; Zhou dynasty
Chinese porcelain, 25396; celadon/greenware,
133, 147, 164, plate 10; centers producing, 4,
15, 1746, 6768, 7475, 94, 13638; china
stone/ porcelain stone/cishi, 8283, 86, 137
38; colors, 120, 133, 16162, 200, 27980;
creation, 13638; cross-cultural exchange,
512, 16674, 201, 3014; Eurasian trade,
94106; European condemnation of, 284
88; European earthenware inferior to, 84;
European enthusiasm for, 45, 8, 1415, 52,
5963, 6970, 212, 254, 27782, 285, 288
89, 294, 295; European imitations, 9, 1315,
4950, 58, 6064, 163, 27576, 295, 3012;
European imports, 3, 5, 2122, 25, 2829,
52, 5960, 64, 69, 74, 15657, 249, 252, 254,
258, 260, 269, 274, 27682; formula, 49, 62

70, 7477, 80, 84, 276, 295; glazes, 82, 83, 93,
13031, 133, 136, 138, 164; and jade, 135
36; Japanese tea culture, 18990; Macao, 3,
21, 33; market decline, 1315, 27782, 292
96 ; packing, 11011 ; Southeast Asia, 179,
182, 209, 22333; Southwest Asian, 141,
14750, 156, 16974, 238, 298; superiority
of, 53, 60; Tang ware/Tangyao, 75; Wedgwood creamware competition, 293 ; whitewares, 104, 133, 138, 147, 148, 162, 164, 165;
Zheng He voyages, 222, 233. See also blueand-white porcelain; Chinese trade; decorative motifs; Jingdezhen; porcelain production
Chinese trade, 89, 2126, 5253, 94106, 260
61; decline, 1315, 27782, 29296; European porcelain imports, 3, 5, 2122, 25, 28
29, 52, 5960, 69, 74, 15657, 249, 252, 254,
258, 260, 269, 274, 27682; Huizhou, 44;
india, 99, 23839; jade, 133; Japan, 18, 185
88, 19091, 200202, 255; Jingdezhen, 24
25, 44, 6869, 136, 15960, 2067, 270;
Khmer, 20711; Korea, 177, 178; Philippines, 224, 22627, 256, 294; Portuguese, 3,
8, 21, 25458; Qing ban, 259, 260; silk, 8, 22,
59, 256; silver, 9, 46, 256, 260, 294; Southwest Asia, 18, 22, 25, 29, 9495, 99, 100103,
14047, 15860, 22122, 23839; Tang, 95
106, 109; Thailand, 20711; vietnam, 206
7; voC, 2122, 2425, 2930, 25458, 270;
water transportation, 4346; West, 3, 5, 53
60, 69, 29394; yuan promoting, 15960,
215; Zheng He, 21722, 23334, 238, 242.
See also Chinese porcelain; tribute to China
chinoiserie, 15455, 163, 28083, 294, 295, 301
Chojiro, raku (151692), 193
Christians/Christianity, 153; Alhambra vases,
250; Archipelago, 233; Chinese tolerance of,
3536, 48; Chinese traditions linked with,
36, 4243, 5052, 298; Cinco Chagas de
Cristo, 12; decorative motifs, 155, 298,
300; dominicans, 52, 5758, 278; geology
based on scriptures of, 76, 77; Japan, 21, 39,
4243, 200; Jingdezhen, 21, 3536; Mamluk
conquest, 156; Mughal policy, 24647;
nestorian, 101, 153, 157, 298; origen of
Alexandria (ca. 185ca. 254), 41; Philippines, 3, 145; pottery workers, 32, 35, 67;
rabban Sauma (ca. 122594), 153; roman
and byzantine, 9; St. Thomas the Apostle, 36,
42; Thailand, 211, 212; usury, 159. See also
Jesuits; missionaries; popes


Churchill, Charles (173164), 127

cinchona bark, 48
cities: Archipelago, 22830; Persia, 151; population (China, 1100), 108; Song and Tang, 123
civil exams, 95, 11319, 16667, 188
civilization: Chinas mission civilisatrice, 17576;
origins (around 4000 b.c.e.), 12, 91
class: and ancient tradition, 119, 123; coffee and
tea drinkers, 274; consumerism, 55, 284,
28586; dining and, 264, 266, 26768, 269,
270, 27172; European porcelain and, 274;
hierarchy under attack, 285; Hindu caste,
239, 240; Japanese daimyo, 183, 186, 19099,
230; Korea, 179, 18081; literati, 24, 35, 117,
119, 135, 164, 16668, 172, 198; Song connoisseurship, 12328; tea ceremony, 199
200. See also scholar-officials
classicism, 282; Etruscan pottery, 77, 79, 271,
282, 283, 288; neoclassicism, 28284, 288
89, 293, 295
Clavijo, ruy Gonzalez de, 110, 242
clays: borneo, 176; Cherokee, 290, 293; creamware, 290; East Asian, 176; Jingdezhen, 82,
290, 293; Persian, 245; Wedgwood, 290, 293.
See also fired clay; kaolin/china clay
clove trees, Moluccas, 55
cobalt: Chinese, 4, 6, 160, 173; Korean, 182;
Muslim blue, 140, 148, 150, 158; Persian,
4, 6, 150, 158, 160, 221, 240
coffee, tableware for, 274
Colbert, Jean-baptiste (161883), 53, 61
colors: Chinese porcelain, 120, 133, 16162,
200, 27980; jade, 133; Japanese porcelain,
200; Southwest Asia pottery, 148, 150; tinglazed pottery, 251; Wedgwood view of, 289;
yellow earth, 8788. See also blue; celadon/
greenware; green tea; red; whitewares
Columbus, Christopher (14511506), 12, 13, 97,
commerce. See trade
Compagnie des indes orientales (French East
india Company), 17, 22, 4950, 53, 54;
Amphitrite, 17, 48, 49, 50, 52, 58
Confucianism: Chinas superiority, 5152, 175
76, 21417, 27778; civil exams, 95, 11319,
16667, 188; Four Gentlemans Attainments,
11415; Japan, 185, 188, 201; kendi, 299;
Korea, 181, 188; Lixue/learning of Principle,
119; Ming, 113, 116, 119, 162, 181, 218; mission civilisatrice, 17576; neo-Confucianism,
11819, 181, 188, 201, 205; Qing, 113, 117;



Confucianism (continued)
religious tolerance, 3536; scholar-officials,
11315, 175, 188, 218; Song, 11215, 116
17, 11819, 159; Three Perfections, 11415;
trade disdained by, 159, 162, 208, 216; vietnamese, 205, 208; yuan, 113, 120, 15253;
Zhu xi (11301200), 11819
Confucius (ca. 551479 b.c.e.): Confucius
Sinarum Philosophus (Paris, 1687), 134; and
jade, 134; rites Controversy, 36; texts, 116,
117, 118
connoisseurship: ancient tradition, 12123; jade,
13336; pottery, 31, 11213, 12028, 131
36, 16465, 177, 273, 282; tea, 198; teapots,
consumerism, 5459, 261, 284, 28586
cookbooks, 270, 271
Cookworthy, William (170580), 83
copper-cash, 71, 107; Japan, 186; Java, 222,
227; jiazhi, 33; Korea-China trade, 18586;
Swahili coast, 23435
costs: bronze vessel, 90; Chinese porcelain and
European imitations, 55; dinner service,
26768; jade, 13334; porcelain production,
23, 94, 26768; porcelain tableware, 27374;
silver, 264
cotton: European imports, 5657, 59, 285; global
economy, 297
cowries: currency, 7071; pottery, 70, 7172, 74
creamware, 290, 29293, 3034
cross-cultural exchange, 95, 99, 1036, 297, 301
5; among Muslim realms, 243, 245, 249;
book workshops, 243; Chinese culture, 36,
4243, 5052, 95, 99, 1036, 15556, 163,
184207, 209, 298, 3013; Chinese porcelain, 512, 16674, 201, 3014; Christian,
36, 4243, 5052, 298; decorative motifs,
15556, 16374, 200202, 210, 243, 301
3; European, 15556, 163, 202, 297, 3013;
fabrics, 89, 155, 297; india, 207, 209, 246
47; Japan, 184202, 207, 3023 ; Mongol, 99,
15158; reciprocal, 10, 170, 207; Southeast
Asian, 184, 2037, 209; Southwest Asian,
119, 138, 140, 302 ; West, 15556, 163, 202,
207, 24950, 3012
Cruz, Gaspar da (d. 1570), Tractado (156970),
65, 125
crystallography, 7980, 82
culture: Archipelago peoples, 22833; Chinas
ancient tradition, 2526, 11523, 16366,
279, 280; Chinas falling reputation, 288,

29496; Chinas superiority seen by Europeans, 5153, 60, 17576, 21417, 27778;
cultural continuity of China, 11617; dining,
2728, 123, 26471, 282, 289, 302; Hellenistic,
104, 176, 29798; of jade, 13336; Japanese
material, 18687; Muslim umma, 145, 146;
of porcelain, 10738, 17783, 18993, 228
33, 24045, 24850, 26162; Swahili coast,
23436; Wedgwood, 28889; zhongguo concept, 14, 176. See also aesthetics; civilization;
cross-cultural exchange; religion; tea culture
currency, 71, 1078; cowries, 7071; gold, 71, 108;
porcelain, 108, 230; silk, 101, 108; silver, 64,
71, 107, 108, 142, 221. See also copper-cash
da Gama, vasco (ca. 14601524), 5, 12, 13, 14;
first porcelains by sea to Europe, 5, 69, 156,
249, 252; Manuel i porcelain from, 5, 13,
254; size of ships and crew, 218
dairy products, 27071
dante Alighieri (12651321), The Inferno, 156
daoism: decorative motifs from, 72, 1024, 114,
128, 166, 168, 169; five basic elements, 39;
jade culture, 135; porcelain culture, 113;
Queen Mother of the West, 101; Zhang
Chun (11481227), 152
darwin, Charles (180982), 7778; On the
Origin of Species (1859), 78; Voyage of the
Beagle (1839), 78
darwin, Emma (180896), 78
darwin, Erasmus (17311802), 7879, 80, 163
david vases, 160, 170
Da Yu Controlling the Floods (jade sculpture,
1780), 134
death: porcelain effect, 8; water pollution, 130.
See also burials; immortality
decorative motifs, 15456, 16374, 298; aesthetics, 17274, 243; buddhist, 1024,
128, 166, 168, 169, 210, 298, 301 ; Chinese
manuals, 200; chinoiserie, 15455, 163, 280
83, 294, 295, 301; Christian, 155, 298, 300;
cross-cultural, 15556, 16374, 200202,
210, 243, 3013; daoist, 72, 1024, 114,
128, 166, 168, 169; dragons, 30, 88, 154,
15556, 171; dutch, 9, 299, 301; floweringtree, 304 ; Hellenistic, 104, 29798; Illustrated Compendium of Eight Styles (ca. 1616),
200; italo-Flemish, 3, 258; Japanese, 200,
plate 11; kendi, 301, 304; lotus, 103, 154,
29798, 301; Ming, 30, 114, 16366, 168;
neoclassical, 28284, 28889, 293, 295;

pattern books, 243; pilgrim flask, 300; political, 119, 162, 168; pottery divinities, 19, 36
37, 3943; Qing vases, 132, 168; rebuses,
16667; Song, 25, 105, 132; Southeast Asian,
180, 206, 210; Southwest Asian, 15456,
16874, 243, 300, plate 23; story-painted
pottery, 251; taotie monster-face, 89, 120,
135; tiles, 17172, 206; Western, 2829;
yixing pots, 128. See also Guanyin
defoe, daniel (16601731), 5860, 275, 285;
Robinson Crusoe books (1719), 5859, 163,
286, 294
deforestation, China, 91, 108, 109
delftware, 62, 258, 25960; Chinese porcelain
competition, 64, 29596; cross-cultural
influences, 202, 301; tableware, 270; tin
glazing, 148; Wedgwood creamware competition, 293
delhi Sultanate (12061526), 143, 239; Ghaznavids (10011186), 143; Muhammed bin
Tughlaq (r. 132554), 149; Tughlaq dynasty
(13211450), 149, 241
dentrecolles, Franois-xavier, Lettres difiantes
et curieuses de Chine par des missionnaires
jsuites (170276), 1736, 4552, 6370,
153; ancient traditions, 2526, 122; baoen
Temple, 162; blue-and-white porcelain,
139, 157; cobalt, 160, 173; cost of porcelain
production, 94; egg-shaped kiln, 93; Guanyin
and virgin Mary, 4243, 246; porcelain composition, 8283, 138; porcelain for hot liquids,
12425; porcelain formula, 66, 6770, 74
76, 80, 8485, 276, 295; yunlo musical instrument, 135
diderot, denis (171384), Encyclopedia (1751
72), 18
diemen, Antonie van (15931645), 255, 257,
dining: communal, 266, 269; culture of, 2728,
123, 26471, 282, 289, 302; dinner services,
2728, 73, 202, 26669, 282, 289, 302; etiquette, 26469; privacy and intimacy, 268.
See also food; tableware
disease. See health
division of labor, potters, 21, 26, 27, 3031, 32
35, 78, 29091
Don Quixote (Cervantes, 160515), 303
dragon jars, 22526, 228, 23132
dragon kilns (longyao), 9293, 178, 184
dragon motifs, 30, 88, 154, 15556, 171
drake, Francis (ca. 154096), 2


The Dream of the Red Chamber/ The Story of the

Stone (Cao xueqin), 122
dryden, John (16311700), Annus Mirabilis, 10
du Halde, Jean-baptiste (167443), 65, 97, 288;
Description de lEmpire de la Chine (1735),
18, 49, 51, 63, 80, 83, 27778
dutch, 25360; cross-cultural exchange, 202,
301, 3023; French trade competition, 53;
paintings, 6, 7273, 84, 128, 262, 299; porcelain, 2425, 25358, 27475; porcelain
decoration, 9, 299, 301 ; Portuguese conflict,
25657; pottery production, 258, 25960;
seashells, 7273; stoneware, 84, 262; tableware, 26970; tin-glazing technique, 251;
Franois valentijn (16661727), 274; wars
with England and France, 10, 201; yixing
teapot variations, 128. See also Amsterdam;
delftware; vereenigte oost-indische Compagnie (United East india Company, voC)
dynasties, Chinese. See Chinese dynasties
ear-cup, 124
earthenware: blue-and-white lisbon, 34, 5, 252,
304; composition, 8183; delftware, 62, 64;
England, 262, 290, 29293; faience, 49, 64,
130; Hispano-Moresque, 25052; maiolica,
148, 269; smokeless stoves, 268; Southwest
Asia, 14748, 17374, 238; taxonomy, 81
82, 8485; tin-glazed, 269
East indies companies: European life transformed by, 261; Jingdezhen collaboration,
260; spice trade cutback, 54. See also
Compagnie des indes orientales (French
East india Company); English East india
Company (EiC); vereenigte oost-indische
Compagnie (United East india Company,
economies: Archipelago peoples, 22930; barterbased/money, 18586; China as worlds most
advanced, 13, 15, 140; clay substitutes for
bronze, 90; global, 13, 297; Ming, 108, 118;
Song, 1078, 185; Southwest Asia, 142; Sui,
94; Tang, 94, 1012; wealth defined, 5354;
world system, 1315, 140. See also costs;
currency; taxes; trade
ecumene, 1214; ceramic culture, 298; Egypt as
pivot of trade, 142; West and China at two
extremes of, 5152; world system, 1315,
140, 156
education: Confucianism scholar-officials, 114
15; Jesuit, 4748, 51. See also knowledge



Egypt: Abu Mina, 300; Arab-Muslim conquest

(642), 99; Ayyubids (11711250), 142, 235 ;
Eighteenth dynasty (ca. 15701293 b.c.e.),
new Kingdom (ca. 15701070 b.c.e.), 148;
Fatimids (9691171), 142, 148, 235, 250;
Fustat/old Cairo, 148; Mamluk, 142, 151,
153, 219, 249; maritime trade, 97, 142;
pottery traditions, 249; Sultan al-Ashraf
barsbay (r. 142238), 219
EiC. See English East india Company
Elcano, Juan Sebastin de (ca. 14761526),
Magellan voyage, 229
Eliot, T.S., Four Quartets (1944), 112
England. See britain
English East india Company (EiC), 2122, 29,
96; The Advantage of the East India Trade
to England, reconsidered (169798), 63;
bengal, 261, 287, 294; Colonel robert Clive
(172574), 287; cotton imports, 56, 57;
dinner services, 27, 267; Floris, 223; india,
238; Jingdezhen collaboration, 260; Jingdezhen imitations, 202, 238; lamb, 280;
Mun, 54; porcelain packing, 111; pottery
shipments suspended, 277; spice trade cutback, 54; tea services, 27; trade and warfare
linked by, 97; Wedgwood transactions, 290
Enlightenment, 18, 116
The Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 2500 b.c.e.), 40
Etruria pottery, 74, 7880, 28893
Etruscan pottery, 77, 79, 271, 282, 283, 288
Eugen, Karl, duke of Wrttemberg (r. 173793),
eunuchs, Ming, 21819, 221
Eurasia: Chinese trade, 1314, 94106; isthmus
linking Africa to, 12; Mongol unification,
15053. See also Asia; Europe
Europe: Canal de languedoc, 95; chairs, 124;
Chinese decorative motifs, 15556, 163, 202;
chinoiserie, 155, 163, 28083, 294, 295, 301;
dinner etiquette, 26568; first Asian diplomatic legation to, 21112; first porcelains
brought by sea to, 249, 252; forks, 26566;
Japanese trade, 200, 257; Mongol diplomatic
missions, 153; nine years War (168897),
64 ; population, 131, 262; porcelain enthusiasm, 45, 8, 1415, 52, 5963, 6970, 212,
254, 27789, 294, 295; porcelain imports,
3, 5, 2122, 25, 2829, 52, 5960, 15657,
254, 258, 260, 269, 274, 27682; tableware,
6, 27, 26173; in world map, 175; in world
system, 1415, 156, 29296; yixing teapots,

128. See also britain; East indies companies;

European ceramic manufacturing; France;
Germany; Poland; Portugal; Spain
European ceramic manufacturing, 27879, 290;
buon retiro, 292; Capodimonte, 7374, 282;
Chinese decorative motifs, 163; Cicaire
Cirou (17001760), 58; dutch, 258, 25960;
English, 13, 7374, 27796, 303, plate 11;
Etruria, 74, 7880, 28893; first, 8, 38; imitating Chinese, 9, 1315, 4950, 58, 60
64, 163, 27576, 295, 3013; italian, 251;
kaolin, 82, 276, 290, 293; Miragaia, 292;
Saint-Cloud, 62, 276; shells, 7374; tin
glazing, 148, 258, 259, 293; venice, 249,
27576; Watt, 79. See also delftware; Meissen
ceramic manufactory; Svres porcelain
manufactory; Staffordshire
Evelyn, John (16201706), 13536
evolution, darwins theory, 78
exams, civil, 95, 11319, 16667, 188
fabrics: cotton, 5657, 59, 285, 297; crosscultural exchange, 89, 155, 297; wool,
56, 57, 5859. See also silk
faience, 49, 64, 130, 148, 303
Farnese, Alessandro (154592), 272
fashion: chinoiserie, 15455, 163, 28083, 294,
295, 301; consumer, 5659, 261, 284; destabilizing effect, 28586; Korean pottery, 180
81; porcelain enthusiasm, 45, 8, 1415,
52, 5963, 6970, 212, 254, 275, 27789,
294, 295; Song, 112, 125; tea, 12527, 285.
See also decorative motifs
Feng yan, Record of Things Heard and Seen, 125
Fielding, Henry (170754), 5455
Figurists, 50
Firdausi (ca. 934ca. 1026), Book of Kings/
Shahnama, 242, 244
fired clay: earthenware, 82; first, 3839; saggars,
Fitch, ralph (ca. 15501611), 256
flasks. See kendi; pilgrim flasks
Flemish artisans: italo-Flemish style, 3, 258;
pilgrim flasks, 300
Floris, Peter, 223.
folk religion: China, 36, 103; Mongol, 152
food: Chinese, 123; natural, 271. See also
agriculture; dining; rice
forests, Chinese deforestation, 91, 108, 109
Forrest, Thomas (ca. 17291802), 225, 230
France: calico import ban, 57; Capetian dynasty

(9871328), 116; Catherine de Medici, 73 ;
Charles vii (r. 140361), 249; clay sculptures, 39; Council of Commerce, 64; dining
etiquette, 266, 269; dutch war with (1672
78), 201; faience, 49, 64, 303; feminized
in English eyes, 286; French Academy,
62; French revolution (178999), 64, 116,
213; Henry iv (r. 15891610), 72, 73, 274;
Jesuits in China from, 1718, 4652, 75,
277; louis xiii (r. 161043), 7374, 274;
louis xv (r. 171574), 28, 58, 7374, 273,
290; louis xvi (r. 177492), 58, 26768,
271, 273, 283; Marie Amalia (172460), 282;
Marie Antoinette (175593), 58, 271, 273,
283; Mme de Pompadour (172164), 28,
290; Monsieur louis de France (Grand
dauphin, 16611711), 62, 157; nine years
War (168897), 64 ; Saint-Cloud pottery
manufactory, 62, 276; duc de Saint-Simon
(16751755), 64; Seven years War (1756
63), 283, 28587; silver, 55, 64, 212, 248, 264;
Staffordshire products, 293; Thai diplomacy,
62, 21113, 275; War of the Spanish Succession (170114), 64, 212, 264. See also
Compagnie des indes orientales (French
East india Company); louis xiv; Paris;
Svres porcelain manufactory
Fujian: civil exams, 114; Korean relations, 178;
Marco Polo bowl, 74; maritime trade, 98,
109, 221; Mazu, 43; Persian rebellion against
yuan, 161; porcelain decoration, 42, 127;
Song pottery kilns, 109
Furata oribe (15441615), 199
furnace transformation, 3739, 86, 127, 229
Gaignires-Fonthill vase, 15657
Gay, John (16851732), To a Lady on her Passion
for Old China (1725), 284
gender stereotypes, 7, 28487
geology: early modern, 7680; tectonic plates,
7980, 8588, 176; volcanoes, 7780, 8588,
Germany: dinner etiquette, 266; kendi replication, 299; pilgrim flasks, 300; porcelain
manufactories, 276; rhenish stoneware,
8384, 262. See also Holy roman Empire;
Prussia; Saxony
Gilray, James (17571815), The Advantages of
Wearing Muslin Dresses! (1802), 57
Giovio, Paolo (14831553), 254
glass, 9, 2425


glazes. See pottery glazes

gold, 133; Africa, 234; currency, 71, 108; islamic
proscriptions, 149; porcelain as white gold,
62; ritual objects, 90; trade in, 1314, 5360,
Goldsmith, oliver (ca. 173074), The Citizen of
the World, 286
Grand Canal, 45, 86, 9596, 98, 108
Great Wall: loess, 88; yellow China, 96
Greece: Alexander the Great (336323 b.c.e.),
148; Aristotle (384322 b.c.e.), 76; crosscultural exchange, 297; Etruscan pottery,
77; maritime trade, 97; neolithic burial
pottery, 39
green tea, 125, 127
greenware. See celadon/greenware
Grotius, Hugo (15831645), Of the Law of War
and Peace (1625), 254
Guangdong: European porcelain traders, 25;
maritime trade, 98, 109, 221; Song pottery
kilns, 109, 138
Guangzhou. See Canton
Guanyin: Avalokitesvara transformed into, 103,
181, 184, 298; figurine in Chinese shipwreck,
157; guardian of seafarers, 219; Japan, 184;
Korea, 181; Ming, 4243, 162, 219; in Persian
art, 169; Qing, plate 3; and virgin Mary, 42
43, 103, 246
Guatemala, Popol vuh (book of the Community), 41
Guido di Savino (d. 1541), 251
Gwynn, John (171386), 28788, 294; London
and Westminster Improved (1766), 287
Hall, James (17611815), 7677, 78
Hamilton, Sir William (17301803), 7779,
28283, 288, 289, 304; Observations on
Mount Vesuvius (1772), 77
Hancarville, baron Pierre d (17191805), 283,
Han dynasty (206 b.c.e.220 c.e.), 98; aesthetics, 172; ancient tradition, 121; borneo
trade, 17677; camel representations, 100;
Confucian view of merchants, 159, 216; fall,
90, 94; glazes, 93; gold and silver wares, 90;
jade culture, 13435, 139; Java trade, 227;
Jiaotan, 115; Korea influenced by, 177; literary Chinese, 117; martaban jars, 225; tea
uses, 124, 125; tribute, 215; and vietnam,
Hawaiian islanders, pottery divinities, 40



health: glazed pottery threatening, 13031; jade

treatments, 135; Jesuit treatments, 48; porcelain benefits for, 8, 13031, 232, 235; tea
effects, 12831
Hellenistic culture, 104, 176, 29798
Herculaneum, 28283, 304
Hideyoshi, Toyotomi (153698), 186; gunpowder firearms, 195; Korea invasion, 182
83, 184, 214, 256; tea culture, 196, 19798
Hinduism: decorative motifs, 206; india, 239
40, 246, 247, 248; merchants, 143; pottery
divinities, 40; ritual objects, 239, 29899;
Southeast Asia, 144, 207, 208, 239; spiritual
pollution and pottery, 23940
Hispano-Moresque style, 25052
history: early modern (1500 to 1800), 12, 14
15, 131; late Paleolithic/old Stone Age, 63;
Mesozoic volcanic eruptions, 86; Porcelain
Age, 227 ; Precambrian, 85. See also archaeology; art history; bronze Age; iron Age;
Holy roman Empire: Charles v (150058), 254;
rudolf ii (r. 15761612), 250
Hongwu emperor, Grand Progenitor (r. 1368
98), 16162, 163; porcelains for ryukyu, 23;
successor and grandson Jianwen emperor
(r. 13991402), 162, 218; tribute and trade,
215, 21617, 242; vs. yuan, 181; Zhu yuanzhang (132898), 161
Hong yanzu (12671329), 1920
Hormuz, Zheng He voyages, 240, 242
horses: Central Asian warriors, 106, 241;
Transoxiana, 101, 105
Huizhou, Anhui, merchants, 44
Huizong emperor (r. 110125), 16364; ancient
tradition, 11516, 120; dining culture, 123;
Han Zhuo (d. 1125), 173; Illustrations of
Antiquities of the Xuanhe Era, 116; Landscapes in the Four Seasons, 191; Literary
Gathering, 124; tea culture, 124, 127, 190
Hutton, James (172697), 7679; Theory of the
Earth (1785), 79
ibn battuta (130469), 12; China, 12, 146, 151,
157, 234; Chinas economy in the world, 140;
cowry-shell currency, 71; Mlaga pottery,
250; martabans, 225; Meccan hajj, 145;
Muslim communities, 144, 14647; Persia,
147, 151; Swahili coast, 234, 235; tableware,
149, 239
ibn Taghri birdi (141169), 219

ilkhanids (12581353): aggression/aesthetics,

242; Arghum (r. 128491), 153; Ghazan
(r. 12951304), 153; iraq and, 151; al-Juvayni,
152; lotus motifs, 154, 29798; maritime
trade, 142; rashad al-din (ca. 12471318),
152, 242; vassal khans, 151; yuan and, 160
immortality: jade identified with, 134. See also
import substitution, 5459. See also manufacturing; trade
india: Ayutthaya commerce, 21011; british
takeover, 54, 245, 248, 287, 294; buddhism,
185, 298; Cambodia influenced by, 207, 209;
Canton exports to, 14647; Cape route to,
12; carreira da India/roadway to india, 1,
255; chairs, 12324; deccan, 245; diplomatic
relations with China, 102; Goa, 1, 238, 239,
257, 294; Golconda sultanate (15181637),
239; Gupta Empire (320ca. 550), 207, 239;
Hinduism, 23940, 246, 247, 248; kendi,
24, 137, 29899; loua da India, 69, 148;
Muslims, 14344, 149, 239, 245, 246, 247;
opium, 46, 294; Paekche relations, 178;
Persian trade, 239, 245; pottery divinities,
40; quantities of porcelain traded, 21, 238
39; shell-shaped pottery, 72; St. Thomas
the Apostle, 36; silk, 8, 59; Silk road, 99;
tectonic plates, 8687; vietnamese motifs
from, 206; Zheng He voyages, 238. See also
delhi Sultanate; Mughal empire
indians, American. See American indians
industrial revolution, 13, 78, 80, 261, 291
intellectuals: vs. China, 278, 285; Chinese,
117; leibniz, 5153, 61, 62, 76, 84, 276;
vs. porcelain/fashion/consumerism, 285;
Tschirnhaus, 61. See also Confucianism;
knowledge; literati; science
interior decoration, 274
iraq: Arab-Muslim conquest (637), 99; baghdad,
105, 140, 142, 148, 151, 154, 241.; civilization origins, 91; instability, 142; Mongols,
151; Samarra, 140, 141
iron: cast, 9091
iron Age: Philippines, 227; roman Empire, 97
islam: aesthetics, 243; burials, 144, 235; divine
potter, 41; expansion, 99, 102, 14347, 208;
food proscriptions, 149; kendi, 299; pilgrim
flask decorations, 300; porcelain depictions,
29, 119; pottery of, 14750; Prophet Muhammad, 99, 141, 146, 149, 219, 241; ramadan,
149. See also Muslims; Quran

italy: Chinese decorative motifs, 15556; della
robbia workshop, 251; dinner etiquette, 266,
269; Etruscan pottery, 77; faience, 130; forks,
26566; italo-Flemish polychrome decoration, 3, 258; kiln making, 92; naming of
porcelain, 70; ottoman potters and, 249;
pilgrim flasks, 300; pottery and divine, 41
42; renaissance, 242, 269, 270, 280, 284, 302;
story-painted pottery, 251; tin-glazing,
251; trade, 142, 25051; vivaldi brothers,
156; Winckelmann vs. porcelain of, 282.
See also naples; roman Empire; venice
iznik, potteries, 248, 249, 302
jade: culture of, 13336; Han, 13435, 139;
Khotan, 133, 135; Song, 13336, 165
Japan: Ashikaga shoguns (13361573), 19092,
195, 197; Asuka (552710), 178, 18485;
bakufu (tent government/shogunate), 186;
blue-and-white porcelain, 189, 192, 200
201, plates 18-19; buddhism, 124, 178, 184
89, 192, 196, 198; Chinese culture, 175, 176,
184202; Chinese trade, 18, 18588, 190
91, 200202, 255; Christianity, 21, 39, 42
43, 200; Confucianism, 185, 188, 201; shellshaped ceramics, 71; cross-cultural exchange,
184202, 207, 3023; daimyo, 183, 186, 190
99, 230; decorative motifs, 200, plate 11;
dinner etiquette, 26465, 269; Emperor
Go-daigo (r. 131839), 188; Emperor GoHanazono (141970), 191; Emperor ogimachi (r. 156086), 197; Emperor Saga
(r. 80923), 185, 189; European trade, 200,
257; first pottery, 38; Fujiwara clan, 189;
Heian (7941185), 184, 185, 186, 188, 189;
imari porcelain, 200, 201, 202; Jomon (1500
1000 b.c.e.), 71; Kakiemon porcelain, 200,
201, 202, 260, 303; Kamkurara (11851333),
186, 18892; karamono, 18591, 195, 196;
Korea invasion by, 8, 18283, 214, 256;
Korean potters/pottery, 18384, 189, 200;
latter days of the law, 186, 188; luzon jars,
194, 230; Sugawara no Michizane (845903),
189, 197, 198; Ming kilns producing for, 30;
Mongols attempting invasion, 188; Muromachi (13361573), 189, 190, 191; nabeshima Katsushige (15801657), 183, 186,
200; nara (71094), 18485, 188; oda
nobunaga (153482), 186, 195, 19697,
199; onin War (146777), 192, 195; Furata
oribe (15441615), 199; Paekche relations,


178; paintings, 29, 187, 191; population

growth, 131; porcelain, 9, 60, 63, 176, 179,
18393, 200202, 260, 269, plates 18-19;
porcelain culture, 18993; pottery divinities,
39; Sakai, 19597; samurai, 183, 186, 199;
Sen no rikyu (152291), 193, 196, 197, 198,
199; silk, 8, 256; silver, 46, 186, 201, 256, 257;
Shotoku Taishi (574622), 184, 188; Tang
connections, 18485, 18788; tea culture,
127, 129, 189202, 206, 271; Temple of the
Golden Pavilion, 191; Temple of the Silver
Paviliion, 191; Thailand trade, 21011;
three great unifiers, 186; Tokugawa dynasty
(16151868), 186, 197, 199200, 201, 256,
257; tribute to China, 195, 21516; Way
of Politics, 19697, 198; zhongguo concept,
176. See also Hideyoshi, Toyotomi; Sengoku/
Warring States period
Java: borobudur stupa, 227, 299; Chinese trade,
220, 22122, 22728; indigenous pottery,
227; kendi, 299; Mataram (ca. 16001755),
228; Muslims, 144, 206, 222, 227; porcelain
culture, 22829, 232; Sailendra dynasty (ca.
775860), Srivijayan kingdom (6701025),
227; vietnamese pottery, 206. See also
batavia/Jakarta; Majapahit
Jesuits, 1736, 4152, 105, 119, 278; luis de
Almeida (152583), 193; Joseph-Marie
Amiot (171893), 75; Joachim bouvet (1656
1730), 4652, 211; Giuseppe Castiglione
(16881766), 27980; colors, 120; Etienne
Faber, 36; French, 1718, 4652, 75, 277;
luis Frois (153297), 195; Claudio Filippo
Grimaldi (16381712), 52; ignatius of
loyolas Constitution, 47; Georg Joseph
Kamel (16611706), 4748, 124; Mughal
policy, 24647; louis-Franois orry, 1718,
48, 49, 50, 75; Francesco Pasio (15441612),
238; porcelain formula, 6370, 7476, 80,
8485, 276, 295; Matteo ripa (16821746),
27980; Guy Tachard (16481712), 211;
Fra Alessandro valignano (15391606),
19394. See also dentrecolles, Franoisxavier; du Halde, Jean-baptiste; ricci,
Matteo; rodrigues, Joo
Jiangxi. See Jingdezhen
Jiaotan temple, 115
Jingdezhen, 1746, 82, 295; baoen Temple
tiles, 162; clays, 82, 290, 293; cross-cultural
exchange, 303; deterioration, 6869; directors,
(16831756), 279, 295; Fuliang Porcelain



Jingdezhen (continued)
bureau, 158; Japanese market, 200202;
Jingdezhen blue-and-white porcelain; lan
Pus Potteries of Jingdezhen, 25, 30, 75, 122;
Ming, 44, 75, 93, 137, 200, 222, 258; pilgrim
flasks, 300; porcelain center, 4, 15, 1746,
6768, 7475, 13638; porcelain formula,
66, 6770, 7476, 80, 8485, 276, 295; potters,
2335, 4243, 6768, 80, 84, 85, 122, 137;
Qing, 20, 23, 34, 137, 200201, 258, 260,
27980, 295; skeuomorphs, 25; Song, 20,
44, 45, 74, 83, 13637, plate 12; Taiping
rebellion (185064) and, 293; tea vessels,
128; trade, 2425, 44, 6869, 136, 15960,
2067, 270; transportation, 4345, 137, 291;
Western competition, 202, 279, 291, 293,
29596 ; yuan, 137, 15861, 163. See also
dentrecolles, Franois-xavier; Tang ying
Jingdezhen blue-and-white porcelain, 157, plates
12-16; dinner services, 267, plate 16; iznik
copies, 249; Japan, 192, 200201; kendi, 299;
lotus motif, 298; market domination, 260,
279; Ming, 137, 163, 182, plates 13-15;
Muslim blue, 139, 148, 158; origins, 15861;
Persian copies, 238, 298; sea animal motifs,
218; Southwest Asia, 99, 16970; Staffordshire/Wedgwood competition, 202, 279, 291,
293, 29596; Zheng Hes voyages, 240
Johnson, dr. Samuel (170984), 273, 278, 288
Joyners Company of london, lacquerware, 58
al-Juvayni, Ata Malik (122683), History of the
World Conqueror (1260), 152
Kaifeng: ceramic storehouse, 112; civil exams,
114; dining culture, 123; iron pagoda, 91
Kangxi era/emperor (r. 16611722): Archipelago
porcelains, 232; Jesuits, 47, 48, 5051; Jingdezhen, 34, 201, 260, 27980, 295; porcelains
from Thailand to France, 21113, 275
kaolin/china clay: China, 8283, 88, 95, 13738;
European ceramic manufacturing, 82, 276,
290, 293; Japan, 184
kendi, 301, 304; india, 24, 137, 29899; Southeast Asia, 210, 29899, plate 4; Southwest
Asia, 299
Khmer. See Cambodia
Kidd, William (ca. 16451701), 10
kiln activity. See pottery production
kiln fillers, 30
kiln making, 9293
kiln stokers, 3031

Korea, 17783, 192; blue-and-white porcelain,

182, plate 17; Chinas gravitational pull, 175,
176; Cholla province, 177, 178; Choson
(13921910), 178, 179, 18183, plate 17;
Confucianism, 181, 188; Japanese invasion,
8, 18283, 214, 256; kendi, 299; King Euijong
(r. 114670), 180; King Hyonjong (r. 1009
31), 179; King Sonjong (r. 108394), 179;
Koguryo, 177, 184; Koryo dynasty (918
1392), 17881; Paekche (18 b.c.e.660 c.e.),
178, 184; porcelain made in, 9, 176, 17783,
plate 17; potters/pottery in Japan from, 183
84, 189, 200; Silla (57 b.c.e.618 c.e.), 177
78; Unified Silla (675935), 17879, 184;
yangban elite, 179, 18081; yi Song-gye
(13351408), 181; zhongguo concept, 176
Kublai Khan (121594), 151; Jingdezhen, 158
59; Korean relations, 181; religion, 15253;
Southeast Asia connections, 205, 209
labor: market expansion affecting, 21, 26; wages,
33, 90. See also potters
lacquerware: European imports, 5758, 59;
Japanese tableware, 189; Song utensils, 123
lamb, Charles (17751834), 280
lang Tingji, Jingdezhen reconstruction (1705
12), 279
language: Chinese homophones, 16667; classical Chinese, 117; literary Chinese, 11617;
yuan/Mongol, 153
lan Pu, Potteries of Jingdezhen, 25, 30, 75, 122
laws: commercial maritime, 146, 188; international, 254; Quran-based, 146, 149, 247
lead glazes, 93, 13031
leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (16461716), 5153,
61, 62, 76, 84, 276; Novissima Sinica/latest
news of China (1699), 5152
linschoten, Jan Huyghen van (15631611),
Itinerario (159596), 66
lisbon: Fronteira Palace, 73; earthenware, 34,
5, 252, 304; Santos Palace, 3
li Shizhen, essay on herbs (1578), 129
literary Chinese language, 11617
literati (rujia), Chinese, 24, 35, 117, 119, 135,
164, 16668, 173, 198
liu xie (ca. 465ca. 522), Literary Minds and the
Carving of Dragons/Wenxin diaolong, 118
loess, 8789, 90, 92
london: chinaware mending, 9; EiC Court of
directors, 22; EiC porcelain warehouse, 21;
Joyners Company, 58; leadenhall Street, 22,

57, 280; royal Society of london, 46, 61,
136, 277, 291; silk, 57
longquan, Zhejiang: celadons, 135, 148, 157,
158, 165, 189; decline, 157; Song pottery
kilns, 109, 133, 138
lotus motif, 103, 154, 29798, 301
louis xiv (r. 16431715), 21113; Aurangzeb
resembling, 248; boileau, 271; celadon, 133;
chinoiserie, 155, 163, 281; Colbert as finance
minister for, 53, 61; Confucius Sinarum
Philosophus (1687), 134; decorative motifs,
28 ; Jesuits sent from, 17, 18, 4852; la Fares
Mmoires et rflexions de Louis XIV (1715),
212; mercantilism, 6364; melting silver plate,
64, 212, 248, 264; Madame de Montespan
(16411707), 163; porcelain fashion, 2021,
275; table manners, 266; Trianon de Porcelaine (1670), 163, 211, 275, 28182. See also
luo Guanzhong (ca. 1330ca. 1400), Water
Margin, 119
luo Maodeng, Voyage of the San Bao Eunuch
to the Western Ocean/San bao Taijian xia
xiyang (1597), 219, 222
lusterware, 14850, 250
lyell, Charles (17971875), The Principles of
Geology (1830), 77
Macao, 3, 25557, 294; Carletti purchases, 21,
Magellan, Ferdinand (ca. 14701521), 229
Ma Huan (ca. 1380ca. 1460), The Overall Survey
of the Oceans Shores/ying-yai Sheng-lan,
220, 222, 240
maiolica, tin glazing, 148, 269
Majapahit (ca. 12901528), 220, 227; court and
mosque ceramics, 206; Gaja Mada (d. 1351),
22728; Muslims, 144, 145; porcelain rituals,
Maldive islands: cowries, 70, 71; Muslims, 146;
Zheng He voyages, 233
Mali, Mansa Sulayman (r. 134160), 71
Mamluks (12501517), 156, 169; Egypt, 142,
151, 153, 219, 249; Syria, 241, 249
Manchus: Ming struggle with, 183, 200, 207,
256, 25859, 260. See also Qing/Manchu
manuals: Chinese decorative motifs, 200; cookbooks, 270, 271; dining etiquette, 268, 269;
pattern books, 243
manufacturing: lacquerware, 58; pewter, 26263;


tea vessels, 128. See also import substution;

metalworking; pottery production
maritime trade, 9699; Canton, 46, 52, 98, 99,
104, 105, 109, 110, 223, 255, 277; Chinese
government attitude toward, 159, 162, 208,
211, 21617, 259; decline, 277; Ming, 159,
21622, 240, 242, 295; Portuguese, 1, 5, 69,
156, 249, 252, 25458; Qing emergency
measures, 259, 260; Song, 1045, 10712,
137, 159, 22728; Southeast Asia, 22733;
Southwest Asia, 12, 97, 99, 1035, 1089,
111, 14047, 153, 158, 22122, 23839;
and tribute, 21522; Western-dominated,
296; yuan Government-invested Ships,
159; Zheng He, 21722, 23334, 238, 242,
29495. See also Chinese trade; East indies
Marot, daniel (16611752), porcelain fashion,
martaban jars, 22526, 228, 23132
Mary, virgin, 4243, 103, 246, 247, 300
Mason, Charlotte, The Ladys Assistant for Regulating and Supplying the Table (1773), 131
Massialot, Franois (16601733), Le Cuisinier
royal et bourgeois (1691), 271
Mataram (ca. 16001755), agriculture
supporting, 228
Mecca: hajj, 14546, 21819; porcelain, 222
Medici family: Catherine de Medici (151989),
73; Cosimo deMedici, Grand duke of Tuscany, 272; Francesco i de Medici, Grand
duke of Tuscany (r. 157487), 73, 275;
lorenzo de Medici (144992), 249; Marie
de Medici, 274, 275; shells, 73, 249, 272,
274, 275
Mediterranean: commercial and industrial
supremacy, 251; pilgrim flask, 299; trade,
97, 101, 142. See also Southwest Asia
Meissen ceramic manufactory, 9, 276, 284, plates
5,8,20; August iis porcelain collection, 61,
6263; cross-cultural exchange, 303; dinner
services, 73, 267, 282, 302; and English pottery, 292, 293; Guanyin copies, 42; Jingdezhens competition, 202; pilgrim flasks, 300
301; rococo style, 74, 267, 281, 283, 284; war
effects, 283
Melaka: Chinese protection, 220; dutch conquest, 257; Muslims, 143, 144, 233, 238;
Portuguese conquest, 69, 218, 255; strategic
port for West, 294
Memling, Hans (ca. 143394), altarpieces, 8384



Mendoza, Juan Gonzlez de (ca. 15401617),

History of the Great Kingdom of China
(1585), 145
mercantilism: European, 5359, 6364; Japanese, 201
merchants. See trade
Mercier, louis-Sbastian (17401814), 55, 297
Mesopotamia: Arab-Muslim conquest (641), 99;
babylon, 148; Chinese trade, 101, 14042;
civilization origins, 91; cuneiform tablets, 39;
kiln making, 92; maritime trade, 97; pilgrim
flasks, 299; pottery divinities, 3940; potters
imitating Chinese, 141. See also Abbasids;
iraq; Syria
metalworking, 8991; casting vs. hammering,
9091; lusterware and, 14850; pewter, 262
63; pottery and, 39, 8995; Southwest Asia,
158. See also bronze; copper-cash; gold; iron;
Mexico: blue-and-white chinaware shipped to,
6, 302; pottery divinities, 41; Puebla potters,
293, 302; silk, 256; silver, 2, 46
Ming dynasty (13681644): aesthetic forms
interchanged, 165; ancient tradition, 119,
120, 16366, 279; blue-and-white porcelain,
137, 139, 140, 15870, 182, 235, 241, plates
1,9,13-15,24; Chongzhen emperor (r. 1628
45), 119; Confucianism, 113, 116, 119, 162,
181, 218; dinner services, 267; economy, 108,
118; egg-shaped kiln (zhenyao), 93; Empress
xu (d. 1407), 162; eunuchs, 21819, 221;
Grand Canal, 96; Guanyin images, 4243,
162, 219; inflation, 108; jade culture, 135;
Japanese embassies, 195; Jiajing emperor
(r. 152266), 267; Jingdezhen, 44, 75, 93,
137, 200, 222, 258; kendi, 299; and Korea,
181, 182, 183 ; Manchu threat, 183, 200,
207, 256, 25859, 260; maritime trade, 159,
21622, 240, 242, 295; miracles related to
porcelain, 3637, 38; paintings, 119, 125,
163; pilgrim flasks, 300, plate 1; political
corruption, 119; porcelain colors, 16162;
porcelain connoisseurship, 113, 122, 164
65; porcelain images, 30, 114, 16366, 168;
porcelain products, 22; Silk road trade, 110;
Southeast Asian trade, 226; Southwest Asian
pottery modeled after, 240, 249; tea culture,
12526, 127, 128; Thai trade, 210; tribute
and trade, 21622; and vietnam, 204, 205,
206, 207; Zheng Chenggong Koxinga
(162462), 25859. See also Hongwu em-

peror; nanjing; Wanli era/emperor; xuande

emperor; yongle emperor
Minoan pottery, 39, 72
Mirabeau, comte de (174991), Essaie de le
despotisme (1775), 21213
miracle-fanciers, 3739
missionaries, Christian, 3536, 48, 265. See also
Moluccas: Chinese trade, 226; clove trees, 54;
dutch conquering, 257
Mongols, 24041; Abbasids conquered by, 142,
151; cross-cultural exchange, 99, 15158;
Eurasian unification by, 15053; Genghis
Khan (ca. 11671227), 15051, 152, 241,
245; Hongwu and, 21617; Hulegu (d. 1265),
51; Japanese invasions attempted by, 188;
Karakorum, 152; Korea, 181; Kublai Khan;
Middle Kingdom conquered by, 106, 216;
Mughal name, 245; ogodei Khan (r. 1229
41), 152; Pax Mongolica, 151; Silk road
security, 12, 151; and Southern Song, 150,
181, 188, 205; and vietnam, 205. See also
ilkhanids; Timurids; yuan/Mongol dynasty
monsoon winds, 104, 23334
Montagu, Elizabeth Wortley (17201800), 285
Montaigne, Michel de (153392), 130, 266
Montesquieu, baron de (16891755), 116; on
louis xiv, 212; silver, 46; The Spirit of the
Laws (1748), 14, 97, 117, 212; tea consumption in Holland, 129
Moravia, first ceramic, 38
Morocco, Alczar-Quibir battle, 12
Mughal empire (15261720), 239, 240, 245
48; Akbar (15561605), 241, 245, 246
47; Ambassador roe to, 54, 238, 239, 247;
Aurangzeb (r. 16581707), 245, 24748;
babur (14831530), 24546; cross-cultural
exchange, 243, 24647; Jahangir (r. 1605
27), 238, 245, 247; Mumtaz Mahal (1593
1631), 247, 248 ; nur Jahan (ca. 15811645),
247; paintings, 154, 245, 246, 247; rajput
warriors, 246, 247; religious policy, 24648;
Shah Jahan (r. 162858), 245, 247, 248
Muhammad, Prophet (ca. 570632), 99, 141,
146, 149, 219, 241
Mun, Thomas (15711641), A Discourse on
Trade, from England unto the East Indies
(1621), 54
Al-Muqaddasi (d. 1000), on Fustat (old Cairo),

Murasaki Shikibu (973ca. 1013), The Tale of
Genji, 187
musical instruments: jade-like, 13536; Jingdezhen kilns, 24
Muslims: An lushan rebellion and, 1056, 140;
blue-and-white chinaware, 6, 13940, 169
74, 236; China residents, 105, 139, 141, 146
47, 15861, 169; cross-cultural exchange
among, 243, 245, 249; decorative motifs,
17074; hajj, 14546, 21819; india, 14344,
149, 239, 245, 246, 247; massacred during
rebellions, 105, 161; merchants, 12, 99, 105,
108, 14047, 153, 158, 22122, 23839;
Mongol, 153; Muslim blue, 13940, 148,
150, 158; porcelain trade, 14647, 156, 157;
ramisht of Siraf (d. 1140), 14142; Song,
139, 14042; Southeast Asia, 2, 143, 14445,
206, 208, 222, 227, 233, 238; Swahili coast,
23435, 23637; tableware, 149; Turkish
warriors, 142, 143; umma, 145, 146; Zheng
He, 21819. See also ibn battuta; islam
nanjing: Ming capital, 161; Porcelain Pagoda/
baoen Temple, 16263, 219, 28182, 294
95, 296, 303
naples: Anjou kings, 157; Capodimonte pottery
manufacturers, 7374, 282; center for collectors of antique vessels, 28283; Hamilton,
british plenipotentiary, 77; King Charles iv,
282; vesuvius, 77, 79, 282; Winckelmann,
nautilus shell, 7, 66, 7273, 74, 128, 300
navarette, domingo (161886), Tratados histricos (1676), 52, 5758, 278
nebuchadrezzar ii (r. 604562 b.c.e.), neobabylonian Empire (625539 b.c.e.), 148
neoclassicism, 28284, 28889, 293, 295
neo-Confucianism, 11819, 181, 188, 201, 205
neolithic, 39; China, 39, 90; firing range, 92;
jade, 134; megalith builders of brittany, 116;
potters in northern vietnam, 203
neptunism, 76, 77
netherlands. See dutch
nezami de Gandjeh (11411209), The Seven
Beauties, 154
nian xiyao: Jingdezhen reconstruction (1726
28), 279; Shi Xue/visual learning, 280
nieuhoff, Johann (161872), An Embassy from
the East India Company of the United Provinces to the Emperor of China (1665), 162
63, 202, 281


northern Song (9601126), 116; ancient tradition, 120; Central Asia relations, 106; copper
coins, 107; painters, 118; pottery production,
109, 137; tea, 125; tribute and maritime trade,
215. See also Kaifeng
opium, trade, 46, 294
orry, Jean-Henry-louis, comte de Fulvy (1703
51), 49
orry, louis-Franois, 1718, 48, 49, 50, 75
ottomans (12881918): artwork motifs, 154,
16869, 243, plate 23; kendi, 299; Memhed ii
(the Conqueror, r. 145181), 250; Ming
porcelain designs, 240, 249; Muslim sultans
of the deccan close to, 245; Philip ii defeating at lepanto, 2; porcelain culture, 24850;
Selim i (r. 151220), 249; Selim ii (r. 1566
74), 244; Sleyman i (the Magnificent,
r. 152066), 149, 241
Paekche (18 b.c.e.660 c.e.), 178, 184
painters: Giovanni bellini (14301516), 250;
Gentile bellini (ca. 14291507), 250; Pieter
bruegel the Elder (15681625), 84; Jan brueghel the Elder (15681625), 299; Albrecht
drer (14711528), 254; Giovanni Gheradini (1654ca. 1704), 29; Giotto (ca. 1266
1337), 155; Guanxiu (832912), 121; Han
Zhuos (d. 1125) Chunjuans Compilation
on Landscape, 173; limbourg brothers (fl.
1410), 155; Ambrogio lorenzetti (d. 1384),
155; Jan Miense Molenaer (ca. 161068),
262; Antonio Pisanello (13951455), 155;
david Teniers the younger (161090), 84;
Titian (14881576), 250; Zhang yanyuans
Reports on Famous Painters for All Dynasties
(ca. 847), 172. See also paintings
paintings: Akbar Receiving the Iranian Ambassador (159095), 246; ancient tradition, 115
16, 118, 119, 121, 16364; bedford Masters
Festivities at the Court of the Grand Khan,
155; Giovanni bellinis The Feast of the Gods
(1514), 250; Christoffel van den berges
Bouquet of Flowers in Glass (1617), 7273;
Giovanni del biondos Martydom of Saint
Sebastian (ca. 1370), 155; Chinese excellence
in, 15354; Chinese and Southwest Asian,
17274; bhawani dass The Mughal Dynasty
from Timur to Aurangzeb and The Sons of
Shah Jahan (ca. 1680), 245; Jan de Heems
(160683) A Richly Laid Table with Parrot



paintings (continued)
and Macaw, 72; Gerrit dous (161375)
Young Woman at Her Toilet (1667), 84;
Dream Journey over Xiao Xiang (ca. 1170),
apparition painting, 172; dutch, 6, 7273,
84, 128, 262, 299; Eighteen Scholars of the
Tang (Song artists), 115; European use of
Chinese decorative motifs, 155; Johannes
Goednerts(161768) Flowers in a Wanli
Vase with a Blue-Tit, 72; Frans Halss (1580
1656) Banquet of the Officers of the St. George
Militia (1616), 265; Han reign, 121; Huizong
emperors Landscapes in the Four Seasons,
191; Huizong emperors Literary Gathering,
124; ilkhanid, 242; international Gothic
style, 155 ; Jahangir Entertains Shah Abbas
(ca. 1618), 247; Jahangir and Prince Khurram
Feasted by Nur Jahan (1617), 247; Japanese,
29, 187, 191; Junayds miniature manuscript
paintings, 241; Willem Kalf s (161993) still
lifes, 72, 299, plate 2; Kuo ruoxis history of,
177; Manohars The Nativity (ca. 1600), 247;
Marian devotional, 84; Simone Martinis
(ca. 12841334) Saint Louis of Toulouse and
Annunciation (ca. 1333), 155; meals, 262,
266; Ming, 119, 125, 163; Mughal, 154,
245, 246, 247; narsinghs Akbar Discourses
with two Jesuit Priests (ca. 1605), 246; Clara
Peeterss (1589ca. 1657) Still Life with
Gold Goblets and Collectibles, 73; Persian,
154, 304; Pieter Gerritz van roestraetens
(ca. 16301700) still lifes, 128; Floris van
Schootens (15901655) A Kitchen Scene
(ca. 1625), 84; Song, 119, 172; Jan Steens
(162679) Prayer before the Meal (ca. 1667),
262; still lifes, 6, 11, 7273, 128, 262, 299,
plate 2; story-painted pottery, 251; Abraham Suseniers (ca. 1620ca. 1667) Still Life
with Shells (1659), 72; tableware, 84, 262;
Tang, 121, 125, 172; Timurid manuscripts,
242, 245; Paolo Uccellos (13971475) Saint
George Fighting the Dragon (ca. 145560),
155; diego velzquezs (15991660) Tavern
Scene with Two Men and a Boy at Table,
262; venetian, 250; Wu Zhens (12801324)
Crooked Pine, 173; yixing pots, 128; yuan
pottery designs, 119; Zhang Zeduans Peace
Reigns over the River, 123; Zhao yuans Lu Yu
Brewing Tea, 163. See also painters
Pangaea/All Earth, 85
paper use, Timurid, 243

Paris: Confucius Sinarum Philosophus (1687),

134; cosmopolitan life, 297; dragon painting
in notre-dame, 155
Parker, George Treatise on Japanning and
Varnishing (with John Stalker, 1688), 281
pattern books, 243
Pegolotti, Francesco, La practica della mercatura/
The Practice of Trading, 151, 156
Pepys, Samuel (16331703), 261, 262, 264
Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, 104
Persia: Arab-Muslim conquest (651), 99; Farid
al-din Attar (d. 1221), 41; blue-and-white
porcelain, 238, 24145, 304, plates 21-22;
Caliph Harun al-rashid (r. 786809), 106;
carpets, 171; cobalt, 4, 6, 150, 158, 160, 221,
240; decorative motifs, 16874, 243; ibn
battuta, 147, 151; india trade, 239, 245;
iskander Sultan (140935), 24243; Japan
trade, 185; Kashan tile-making center, 149,
239, 244; kendi, 299; maritime trade, 101,
104, 160; Mongols and, 142, 151, 15455,
160; paintings, 154, 304; pilgrim flasks, 300;
Polo visit, 151; porcelain imitations, 147,
238, 298; Abul Qasim al-Qashani, 149;
Sassanian (226651), 99, 102, 170, 242, 297;
Zoroastrians, 99, 246. See also Abbasids;
ilkhanids; Safavids; Timurids
persons of gentility (Waungwana), 23536,
237. See also Swahili coast
Peru: blue-and-white chinaware shipped to,
6, 302; Jesuit and cinchona bark, 48; silver,
2, 46, 256
Petra, nabatean pottery, 299
pewter, European tableware, 26263
Philip ii (r. 155698), 15, 14; Alessandro
Farnese (154592), 272; Charles v (1500
58), 254; dutch conflict, 25657; pilgrim
flasks, 35, 13, 267, 300, plate 1
Philippines: blue-and-white chinaware, 6, 233;
Chinese trade, 224, 22627, 256, 294; Christianity, 3, 145; Japanese, 194; Jingdezhen jars,
137; Kamel, 4748, 124; kendi, 299; legazpi,
3, 7, 145; luzon jars, 194, 225, 230; Manila
governing council, 23; martaban jars, 226;
Muslims, 2, 14445; Porcelain Age, 227;
porcelain culture, 231; porcelain famine in
early Ming, 222; silk trade, 8; silver, 256;
Spanish, 2, 145, 227, 233 ; Wedgwood creamware, 293
Phoenicia, maritime trade, 97
Piccolpasso, Cipriano (ca. 152379), 92, 251;

Three Books of the Potters Art (1557), 12,
Pigafetta, Antonio (ca.14801534), Magellan
voyage, 229
pilgrim art, 5, 63, 252, 304
pilgrim flasks, 4, 104, 299301, plate 13; blueand-white porcelain, 35, 13, 104, 300,
plates 1,13; Philip ii, 35, 13, 267, 300,
plate 1
Pinto, Ferno Mendes (ca. 151083), 45, 244,
265, 269
Pires, Tom (ca. 14681540?), Suma Oriental
(ca. 1513), 71, 144, 255
plate tectonics, 7980, 8588, 176
Poland: Stanislaus Augustus (r. 176495), 292.
See also August ii
politics: centralization, 94; Confucian, 11315,
17576, 188, 21417; decorative motifs, 119,
162, 168; india, 143, 207; Japan, 188, 191,
193202; Khmer, 208; Korea, 17879; Ming
corruption, 119; Southwest Asian upheavals,
142, 143; Sui, 94; Swahili coast, 234; Tang,
94, 135, 188; Thai, 208; vietnam invaded by
Ming, 205. See also rebellions; war
Polo family: Christendom to China, 153; Silk
road, 151
Polo, Marco (12541324), 12, 96, 219; basilica of
San Marco, 74, 275; cowries, 7071; Marco
Polo bowl, 74; Persia, 151; porcelain designation, 70; possessions at death, 155; rustichello
of Pisa scribe, 70; speed of travel, 101; Tibetan plateau and Himalaya mountains as
roof of the world, 86; The Travels of Marco
Polo (1298), 13, 14, 65, 70, 145, 153, 156;
yuan administrative position, 159
Pontanus, Johannes (15711639), 254
popes: boniface viii (r. 12941303), 155; China
contacts, 153; Pius iv (r. 155965), 6970
population: Changan, 95; Chinese in Thailand,
210; Europe, 131, 262; Fujian, 109; indian
Muslims, 239; Japan, 131; Jingdezhen, 18;
Mongols, 152; porcelain effect, 8; Quanzhou,
109; Samarqand, 151; Song, 108, 131, 140;
Tang, 98
porcelain, 1213, 23; armorial, 11, 2728, plates
5-6; composition, 8385; connoisseurship,
31, 11213, 12228, 13136, 16465, 177,
273, 282; cowry replicas, 71; creation of, 81
106, 13638; cross-cultural exchange, 512,
16674, 201; culture of, 10738, 17783,
18993, 22833, 24045, 24850, 26162;


currency, 108, 230 ; European enthusiasm,

45, 8, 1415, 52, 5963, 6970, 212, 254,
27789, 294, 295 ; Europeans seeking to discover how to make Chinese porcelain, 49,
6270, 73, 7477, 80, 84, 276, 295; flawed,
19294; gender stereotypes, 7, 28487;
global economy, 297; idol, 3637; imari,
200, 201, 202; inkstones, 132; Japan, 9, 60,
63, 176, 179, 18393, 200202, 260, 269,
plates 1819; Jingdezhen center, 4, 15, 17
46, 6768, 7475, 13638; Kakiemon, 200,
201, 202, 260, 303; Korean, 9, 176, 177
83, plate 17; lacquerware imported with,
58 ; modern uses, 8; Mughal, 239, 245
48; netherlands, 2425, 25358, 27475;
origins, 8, 3839, 69, 81; Philip ii and, 3
5; porcelain disease, 6064, 274, 295;
Portugal, 34, 5, 6970, 73, 252, 25458;
pulverized fragments, 910; qingbai, 137
38, 150, 157, 189, plate 12; repair of, 9; shellwork with, 7074; tableware, 8, 123, 149,
189, 264, 27374; Tang, 83, 9295, 96, 133;
taxonomy, 8182, 8485, 132; tea accompanied by, 12633; tea culture, 12633, 192
93, 274; term, 6971 ; vietnamese, 176,
2023, 2056, plate 21; water transportation,
4346; in Western art, 250; Western earliest,
74, 295; white gold (weissener Gold), 62.
See also blue-and-white porcelain; Chinese
porcelain; decorative motifs; porcelain trade
Porcelain Age, Philippines, 227
porcelain formula, 66, 6770, 7476, 80, 8485,
276, 295
Porcelain Pagoda/baoen Temple, nanjing, 162
63, 219, 28182, 29495, 296, 303
porcelain production: celadon vs. blue-andwhite, 158, 16465; cobalt, 160, 182; costs,
23, 94, 26768; dragon kilns (longyao),
9293, 178, 184; European attempts, 9, 13
15, 4950, 58, 6064, 27576; Five Great
Wares, 13233; furnace transformation, 37
39, 86, 127, 229; Kashan tile-making, 149,
239, 244; Korean centers, 179; mass, 22
23, 30, 44, 91, 137; and metallurgy, 9095;
procedures, 2632, 4344, 49, 68, 92, 137
38; secret ornament, 164; Tang, 9295;
Tang yings knowledge, 27, 75. See also
Chinese porcelain; decorative motifs; Jingdezhen; potters; pottery glazes; pottery
production; porcelain formula
Porcelain regiment, 8, 283



porcelain trade, 8, 1213; European imports, 3,

5, 2122, 25, 2829, 52, 5960, 69, 74, 156
57, 249, 252, 254, 258, 260, 269, 276, 277
82; Grand Canal, 96; india, 14647, 23839;
Muslim, 14647, 156, 157; Silk road, 106,
110, 15657, 222, 300; Southeast Asia, 223
33; Swahili coast, 23337. See also Chinese
Portland vase, 289, 29394, 296
Portugal, 148; Afonso vi (r. 165667), 73; Asian
trade, 3, 8, 21, 25458; Catherine of braganza (16381705), 257, 274; Chinese court
clerics from, 50; Cinco Chagas de Cristo/
Five Wounds of the Crucifixion, 12;
isabella (13971471), 254; John iii (r. 1521
57), 5; loua da India, 69, 148; Macao, 3, 21,
33, 25557, 294; Manuel i (r. 14951521), 5,
13, 254; Maria (153877), 272; maritime
trade, 1, 5, 69, 156, 249, 252, 25458; Melaka
conquest, 69, 218, 255; Miragaia manufactory, 292; Pedro ii (16481706), 73; Philip
the Good, duke of burgundy (r. 141967),
254; Ferno Mendes Pinto (ca. 151083), 45,
244, 265, 269; porcelain, 34, 5, 6970, 73,
252, 25458; Sebastian i (r. 155778), 12,
5; shells, 71, 72, 73; silk trade, 8, 256; Spain
uniting with, 23, 4, 14; spice trade, 54;
Swahili coast, 237; teapots, 127; trade supremacy, 237, 257; trade-warfare link, 97;
voC capture of ships, 253. See also da Gama,
vasco; lisbon
Postelthwayt, Malachy (ca. 170767), 63, 129;
Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce
(175774), 18, 61
potters, 2330; Christian, 32, 35, 67; Ary de
Milde (d. 1708), 128; division of labor, 21,
26, 27, 3031, 3235, 78, 29091; Egyptian,
249; European, 49; guilds, 23, 2728; Hindu
caste, 240; income, 33; Japans Korean, 183
84, 189, 200; Jingdezhen, 2335, 4243, 67
68, 80, 84, 85, 122, 137; kiln making, 9293;
in loess deposits, 88; metalworking, 90, 91;
miracle-fanciers, 3739; bernard Palissy
(ca. 151089), 73; rebellions, 3334; Safavids
Chinese, 245; secrecy, 67; Talavera de lareina,
3; Tang ying, 39, 75; Thailands Chinese,
20910; Timurs, 241; Wedgwood, 29091.
See also porcelain production
pottery: bells, 135; composition, 8185; connoisseurship, 31, 11213, 12028, 13136, 164
65, 177, 273, 282 ; cultural progress, 28889;

distinctive attributes, 7; divinities, 19, 3637,

3943; English, 291; Etruria, 74, 7880, 288
93; Etruscan, 77, 79, 271, 282, 283, 288; first,
8, 3839, 89; india, 23940; loua da India,
69, 148; lusterware, 14850, 250; metallurgy
and, 39, 8991, 92, 95; and religion, 35
39; Southeast Asia, 2089; Southwest Asia,
104, 14753, 240, 249, 299; story-painted,
251; taxonomy, 8182, 8485, 132. See also
archaeology; earthenware; manufacturing;
porcelain; potters; stoneware; terra-cotta
pottery glazes: Chinese porcelain, 82, 83, 93,
13031, 133, 136, 138, 164; crackling, 164;
Khmer, 209; lead, 93, 13031; luster-glazing,
14850; Southwest Asia, 14750; tin, 147
48, 150, 24952, 258, 259, 264, 269, 293, 295
pottery production: Chinas superiority in, 53;
firing range, 85, 9293, 147; iron in, 9091;
kiln making, 9293; Korean government
control of, 17879; loess in, 8789, 90, 92;
mass, 2223, 30, 44, 91, 137; petuntse, 82;
Song percentage, 109; Southeast Asia, 209
10; Southwest Asia, 147, 250; technology,
3839, 62, 82, 9095, 184, 2089. See also
European ceramic manufacturing; kaolin/
china clay; porcelain production; pottery
Pozzo, Andrea, Perspectiva Pictorum (169398),
prices. See costs
printing: press, 243; Wedgwood transferprinting process, 291; woodblock, 44
production. See manufacturing
Prussia: Frederick ii (the Great, r. 174086),
61, 283; Frederick William i (r. 171340), 8,
275, 276; louise Henriette (162767), 275
Pu family, 141, 161
Qianlong emperor (r. 173695), 12021; celadon
dishes, plate 10; crackling glaze, 164; jade
artworks, 134; kiln owner labor relations,
34; McCartney ambassadorial mission, 293
94; Tang ying work, 75, 121; tea culture,
13233; treasure boxes (duobaoge), 165;
Western designs, 280
Qin dynasty (221207 b.c.e.), Qin Shihuang
(r. 221210 b.c.e.), 70, 88, 204
qingbai, 13738, 150, 157, 189, plate 12. See also
blue-and-white porcelain
Qing/Manchu dynasty (16441911): aesthetic
forms interchanged, 165; ancient tradition,

11922, 279, 280; armorial porcelain, plate 6;
british military aggression, 294; bronze
objects, 89, 121; ceramic connoisseurship,
120; Confucians, 113, 117; despised rulers,
119; Guanyin figure, plate 3; Jingdezhen, 20,
23, 34, 137, 200201, 258, 260, 27980, 295;
kiln fillers, 30; language of elite, 116; porcelain trade, 44; porcelain vase decoration, 132,
168; Portland vase, 294, 296; rebellion of
Three Feudatories (167381), 34; Thai trade,
210; trade ban, 259, 260; yongzheng emperor
(r. 172335), 120, 167, 280. See also Kangxi
era/emperor; Manchus; Qianlong emperor
Quanzhou: maritime trade, 98, 109, 158, 159
60, 260; Muslims, 141, 146, 158, 15961,
169; rebellion vs. yuan, 161
Queen of Heaven (Tianhou), 43
Qui ying (ca. 150251): Ranking Ancient Works
in a Bamboo Court, 121; Zhao Mengfu Writing the Heart Sutra in Exchange for Tea, 125
Quran: divine potter, 41; law based on, 146, 149,
247; light verse, 150; Paradise, 171; vs.
silver and gold tableware, 149. See also islam
raleigh, Walter (15521618), 2
rebellions: An lushan (75563), 1056, 140,
181, 18788; pottery workers, 3334;
Taiping rebellion (185064), 293; Three
Feudatories (167381), 34; vs. yuan, 161,
163. See also revolutions; war
red: Chinese porcelain, 16162; tea, 125
religion, 3539; Archipelago peoples, 228, 233;
Chinese, 21, 24, 3539, 4243, 5152, 100
105, 15253, 219; idols, 3537; Mongol, 152;
Mughal policy, 24648; pottery divinities,
19, 3637, 3943; rites Controversy, 36, 50;
Southwest Asian salvation religions, 233;
Zoroastrians, 99, 246. See also buddhism;
Christians/Christianity; Confucianism;
daoism; Hinduism; islam; rituals; Sufi
renaissance, italy, 242, 269, 270, 280, 284, 302
revolutions: French (178999), 64, 116, 213;
Glorious revolution (1688), 274; industrial,
13, 78, 80, 261, 291; neolithic, 39; Thailand
(1688), 212. See also rebellions
ricci, Matteo (15521610), 47; ancient tradition,
121, 122; Chinese language, 166; dinner
etiquette, 26465; elegance of porcelain
vessels, 123; furniture, 124; Goa, 238; lacquer
technology, 55; leibniz echoing, 51; literary


Chinese, 117; monochromes of China, 172;

Mughals, 246; porcelain term, 69; religion,
3536, 219; silk trade, 8; superiority of
China, 175, 21416; teas health benefits,
12930; trade-warfare link, 97; transportation and waterways, 44, 45, 46, 88, 9596;
tribute system, 214, 215, 216
rice: chief grain, 123; currency, 71; Grand Canal
trade, 95
rites Controversy, 36, 50
ritual objects: African pottery, 40, 236; ancient
tradition, 11516; bronze, 8990, 116, 117,
135, 231; buddhist, 181, 29899; first ceramics, 38; gold, 90; Hindu, 239, 29899;
jade, 135; porcelain, 132, 23033; silk, 9;
silver, 90. See also kendi
rituals: Christian, 9, 36; Chinese kowtow, 215;
tea ceremony, 191202, 206. See also ritual
rivers: Chang river, 4345; Gan river, 4546;
yellow river/Huang He, 88, 95, 96. See also
yangzi river area
Robinson Crusoe (defoe, 1719), 5859, 286;
The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
(1719), 59, 163, 286, 294
rococo, 74, 267, 28184, 288, 289
rodrigues, Joo (15611633): chopstick use,
265; Japanese painting, 29, 187; tea culture,
125, 129, 130, 19496, 198
roe, Sir Thomas (ca. 15811644), 54, 238, 239,
roman Empire: Augustus (r. 31 b.c.e.14 c.e.),
289; diocletian (r. 284305), 155 ; Julius
Caesar (10044 b.c.e.), 117; maritime trade,
97, 142; Trajan (r. 98117), 209. See also
Holy roman Empire
rousseau, Jean-Jacques (171278), The New
Hlose (1761), 286
russia: Catherine ii (the Great, r. 176296),
267, 283, 289; Mongols, 15051; Peter
(the Great, r. 16821725), 74, 175; russoJapanese war (1905), 183
ryukyu, 23, 216
Safavids (15011722), 24049, plate 22; dragon
motif, 154; Shah Abbas, 241, 24445, 299;
Shah ismail (r. 150124), 24344, 249; Shah
Sulaiman (166694), 244; Shah Tahmasp
(r. 152476), 244; Sheik Safi (12521334),
shrine, 244
Saint-Cloud pottery manufactory, 62, 276



Samarqand: caravan trade, 99, 101, 104, 110;

ibn battuta, 147; Mongol sack of, 151, 152;
population, 151; Timurid, 24142, 243, 298
Samarra: palace complex, 140; Song porcelain,
Saxony: Count Jacob Heinrich von Flemming
(16671728), 61; Frederick ii invasion, 283;
kaolin, 276; Marie Amalia (172460), 282;
silver, 150. See also August ii; Meissen
ceramic manufactory
Sayer, robert, The Ladies Amusement (1760),
281, 284
Sayyid Abdalla bin Ali bin nasir, The Souls
Awakening/Al-inkishafi (ca. 1810), 237
Scaliger, Justus Caesar (14841558), 65, 66, 70
Scarron, Paul (161060), 70
scholar-officials: Confucian, 11315, 175, 188,
218; Tang ying, 20
science, 7480; Anders Celsius (170144), 76;
Aristotle (384322 b.c.e.), 76; Chinese
learning, 52; Chinese, 84; Gabriel Fahrenheit
(16861736), 76; Christiaan Huygens (1619
95), 6162; Jesuit education, 4748; Carolus
linnaeus (170778), 4748, 54, 117, 124;
ren-Antoine de Ferchault raumur (1683
1757), 76, 78, 82; lazaro Spallanzani (1729
99), 78; nicolaus Steno (163886), 76; x-ray
crystallography, 79, 82. See also geology;
knowledge; technology
Sengoku/Warring States period, 199, 255; bronze
vessels, 90; Chinese trade resurgence after,
260; jade, 134; tea culture, 195, 197, 199
Sen no rikyu (152291), 193, 196, 197, 198, 199
Svres porcelain manufactory, 9, 7375, 3034;
dinner services, 26768, 273, 283; income,
290; lacquerware, 58; Mme de Pompadour,
290 ; neoclassical wares, 283, 293
Shakespeare, William (15641616), 274
Shang dynasty (ca. 17001027 b.c.e.): bronzes,
25, 8990, 116, 120, 121, 135; cowry currency, 70; firing range, 92; Fu Hao, 89, 134;
glazes, 93; jade culture, 134, 135; King Wu
ding (ca. 1200 b.c.e.), 89; political motifs,
119; pottery, 25, 90; ritual objects, 8990,
116, 231; taotie monster-face motif, 89, 120,
135; white vessels, 88
shells, 7074, 79. See also cowries
Shi naian (ca. 1290ca. 1365), Water Margin, 119
shipwrecks, 22, 104, 141, 157, 2023, 223
Shonagon, Sei, Pillow Book (ca. 1000), 187
Siam. See Thailand

silk, 89, 59; Americas, 8, 256; Chinese, 8, 22,

59, 256; in Christian rituals, 9; currency, 101,
108; india, 8, 59; london, 57; trade in, 89,
10, 22, 59, 101, 110
Silk road, 100106, 15657; Jade Gate, 135;
Japan, 185; Khotan jade, 133, 135; Mecca
porcelain, 222; Mongol security, 12, 151;
pilgrim flasks, 300; silver vessels, 297; Song,
106, 10910; Tang, 100106, 109, 139;
Timurid, 242; wasteland, 87
Silla (57 b.c.e.618 c.e.), 17778; Unified Silla
(675935), 17879, 184
silver, 9, 70, 297; Americas, 2, 46, 55, 60, 63, 145,
256, 264; August iis Saxony, 150; Chinese,
46, 256, 260, 294; currency, 64, 71, 107, 108,
142, 221; European, 292; France, 55, 64, 212,
248, 264; islamic proscriptions, 149; Japan,
46, 186, 201, 256, 257; melted down, 9, 64,
212, 248, 264; Mughal, 248; Philippines, 256;
ritual objects, 90; tableware, 95, 123, 128,
149, 26364; Tang pottery copying objects
in, 25, 95; trade in, 9, 1314, 46, 5360, 63,
9495, 256, 260, 294, 297
Sima Qian (ca. 145ca. 87 b.c.e.), 118
skeuomorphs, 25, 90, 289
slaves: abolition, 28889; African trade, 71, 234;
global economy, 297; Korea, 179
Smith, Adam: division of labor, 21; the great
mercantile republik, 54, 58; louis xiv
appraisal by, 212; mercantilism, 5354, 55,
58; water transportation, 44; The Wealth
of Nations (1776), 14, 21, 27, 5354
Smollett, Tobias (172171), 266, 286
sociability: meals, 266; tea, 125
Somalia, Zheng He voyages, 233, 234
Song dynasty (9601279), 11237; ancient
tradition, 11523, 166, 280; armaments
industry, 91; blue-and-white porcelain, 140;
blue China dominance, 98; buddhism, 102
3, 115; Confucianism, 11215, 11617, 118
19, 159; copper-cash exports, 185; dragon
kilns, 93; economy, 1078, 185; flower
arranging, 132; furnace transformation, 38;
glazes, 136, 164; jade, 13336, 165; Japan
and, 186, 187, 188; Jingdezhen, 20, 44, 45,
74, 83, 13637, plate 12; kiln atmospheres,
94; kiln centers, 179; Korean porcelain
imitations, 179; literary Chinese, 117; lizong
emperor (r. 122564), 115; maritime trade,
1045, 10712, 137, 159, 22728; martaban
jars, 226; Muslims, 139, 14042; paintings,

119, 172; pilgrim flasks, 300; population, 108,
131, 140; porcelain as central emblem of
Chinese culture, 176; porcelain connoisseurship, 31, 11213, 12328, 13136, 164, 177;
porcelain exports to Southwest Asia, 141,
14750; potter hardships, 34; pottery designs,
25, 105, 132; Silk road, 106, 10910; Southeast Asia porcelain trade, 224, 226, 227;
tableware, 123, 264; tea culture, 12533;
whitewares, 104, 133, 137, 138, 147, 148,
164, 165; xenophobia, 115, 166; Zhao xigu
(fl. 1220), 135; Zheng xie (10441119), 109;
Zhenzong emperor (r. 9981022), 136. See
also Huizong emperor; northern Song;
Southern Song
Song yingxing (ca. 1637), 31, 37, 82, 113
Southeast Asia: buddhism, 144, 181, 204, 205,
206, 207, 208, 239; kendi, 210, 29899, plate
4; Muslims, 2, 143, 14445, 206, 208, 222,
227, 233, 238; porcelain culture, 22833;
shipwrecks, 22, 104, 157, 2023, 223; terracotta, 224, 225, 226, 227. See also borneo;
Cambodia; Java; Korea; Melaka; Moluccas;
Philippines; Sumatra; Thailand; vietnam;
Zheng He
Southern Song (11271279), 123, 13738, 151,
215; blue China dominance, 98; coinage,
1078, 185; Dream Journey over Xiao Xiang
(ca. 1170), 172; Gaozong emperor (r. 1127
62), 1079, 116, 120, 121; Jingdezhen blueand-white porcelain, 137, 150, plate 12;
Mongols and, 150, 181, 188, 205; Silk road,
106, 10910; tea culture, 125, 127, 190; Thai
connections, 209; and vietnam, 205
Southwest Asia: aesthetics, 166, 17274;
ceramics and metallurgy, 91; Chinese
porcelain of, 141, 14750, 156, 16974;
Chinese silks, 9; Chinese trade, 18, 22, 25,
29, 9495, 99, 100103, 14047, 15860,
22122, 23839; cross-cultural exchange,
119, 138, 140, 302; decorative motifs, 154
56, 16874, 243, 300, plate 23; Hellenistic
culture, 104, 176, 29798; Japanese porcelain, 201; kendi, 299; kilns, 92; maritime
trade, 12, 97, 99, 1035, 1089, 111, 14047,
153, 158, 22122, 23839; Mongols, 15053;
pilgrim flasks, 300; pottery of, 104, 14753,
240; Tang, 100103; trade shift from Persian
Gulf to red Sea, 142, 148. See also Mediterranean; Mesopotamia; Muslims; ottomans; Persia


Spain: Alhambra palace, 250; Americas, 256;

Andalucia, 250; buon retiro manufactory,
292; Charles iii (1759), 282; Charles v
(150058), 254; Escorial, 1, 3; HispanoMoresque style, 25052; nasrid dynasty
(12301492), 250; Philip iii (r. 15981621),
5, 63, 252, 254, 264; Philip v (r. 170046),
64; Philippines, 2, 145, 227, 233; Portugal
uniting with, 23, 4, 14; silk trade, 8; silver,
46; Talavera de lareina potters, 3; War of the
Spanish Succession (170114), 64, 212, 264.
See also Philip ii
spices: European enthusiasm for, 5; French
meals, 271; Jingdezhen, 44; royal feast, 271;
trade in, 5, 8, 10, 5455, 98, 142, 219, 226,
257, 261
Spinoza, baruch (163277), Ethics, 61
Staffordshire: copied globally, 293; exports, 292;
Jingdezhen competition, 202, 279, 291, 293,
29596; pottery teapots, 79; tin miners vs.,
263. See also Wedgwood, Josiah
Stalker, John, Treatise on Japanning and Varnishing (with George Parker, 1688), 281
steam power, Wedgwood and, 79, 291
Stevens, Wallace, Anecdote of a Jar, 1112
Stonehenge, 116
stoneware: composition, 8385; English, 292;
Khmer, 209; Korean, 177; martaban jars,
225; northern German/rhenish, 8384, 262 ;
red, 276; Southeast Asian trade, 225, 226;
taxonomy, 8182, 8485; tea caddies, 194,
203; yixing teapots, 12728
stoves, smokeless, 268
Su dongpo (10371101), 127, 128, 131
Sufi mysticism, 169, 170, 171, 241, 246
sugar: European imports from brazil and West
indies, 270; global economy, 297; sculptures,
Sui dynasty (581618), 24, 94, 95
Sumatra: kasha coins, 33; porcelain culture, 228
29, 231, 232; Sailendra dynasty (ca. 775860),
Srivijayan kingdom (6701025), 227; Sultan
iskandar Muda (r. 160636) of Atjeh, 274
Sumeria, civilization origins, 91
superiority of China seen by Europeans: 5153,
60, 17576, 21417, 27778; West, 28788,
Swahili coast, pottery culture, 23337, 293.
See also persons of gentility
Syria: blue-and-white porcelain designs, 249,
plate 21; Mamluk, 241, 249



Al-Tabari, ibn-Jarir (ca. 838923), 41, 141

tableware, 26174; chopsticks, 265; from
communal to individual dining, 26469;
cups for liquids, 126, 263; dinner services,
2728, 73, 202, 26669, 282, 289, 302;
European, 6, 27, 26173; forks, 26566;
gold, 149; Hindu, 239; lacquerware, 189;
porcelain, 8, 123, 149, 189, 264, 27374;
silver, 95, 123, 128, 149, 26364; Song, 123,
264. See also dining
Taiwan, dutch expelled from, 25859, 260
Taj Mahal, Agra, 247
Tang dynasty (618906), 74, 92106; ancient
tradition, 115, 118, 120, 121; An lushan
rebellion (75563), 1056, 140, 181, 18788;
buddhism, 24, 91, 100104, 112, 188; cities,
123; cups for liquids, 126; deforestation, 91;
economy, 94, 1012; empress Wu (r. 691
705), 91, 103; glazes, 136; Grand Canal, 95
96, 98; jade culture, 135, 136; Japanese
connections, 18485, 18788; Jingdezhen,
25, 74, 128, 136, 137; kendi, 299; kiln complexes, 94, 179; literary Chinese, 117; ornamental motifs, 154; paintings, 121, 125, 172;
Philippines, 227; politics, 94, 135, 188;
porcelain, 83, 9295, 96, 133 ; Silk road,
100106, 109, 139; silver objects copied by
potters, 25, 95; Sogdians, 99, 101; Taizong
emperor (r. 62649), 102; tea culture, 125,
127, 128, 190; trade, 95106, 109; Unified
Silla, 178, 184; xenophobia, 105; xuanzong
emperor (r. 71256), 135; yellow and
blue China, 9599
Tang ying (16821756), 20, 32; ancient tradition, 2526, 34, 120, 121, 279; calligraphy,
173; dentrecolles learning from, 2526, 75;
Description of the Twenty Illustrations of the
Manufacture of Porcelain, 75; egg-shaped
kiln, 93; Great Potter, 39, 75; Illustrated
Explanation of the Miracles of the God of
the Furnace, 37; Jingdezhen reconstruction
(172956), 279; porcelain production, 27,
75; porcelain shipping, 4445; Tang
ware/Tangyao, 75
Tao Qian (d. 420), Peach blossom Spring,
taotie monster-face motif, 89, 120, 135
tapestries, beauvais: The Audience of the
Emperor, 50; The Siamese Ambassadors in
Paris, 211
taxes: Mughal, 247; porcelain production, 23;

Song, 108, 109, 125; trade, 108, 125, 159.

See also tribute to China
taxonomy, pottery, 8182, 8485, 132
tea, 12631, 189202; Camellia sinensis, 124;
China, 8, 22, 59, 12328, 198; fashion, 125
27, 285; global economy, 297; green, 125,
127; health effects, 12831; Korea, 180;
Qimen, Anhui, 128 ; trade, 8, 22, 59. See also
tea culture
tea culture, 12331, 180, 189202; blue-andwhite vessels, 128, 19293, 201; ceremony,
191202, 206; chanoyu, 191, 192, 195, 196,
19799; cups, 126; dr. Cornelius decker/
doctor Good Teas (164886) Treatise of
the Excellent Herb Tea (1679), 129; flawed
vessels, 19294, 201; Furata oribe (1544
1615), 199; Jonas Hanways (171286) Essay
on Tea (1756), 54, 285, 286; Japan, 127, 129,
189202, 206, 271; Japanese huts, 19192,
19596, 271; Takeno Joo (150255), 192,
196; lu yus (ca. 730804) The Classic of
Tea, 12629, 189; pewter and, 263; porcelain,
12633, 19293, 274; Qui yings (ca. 1502
51) Zhao Mengfu Writing the Heart Sutra in
Exchange for Tea, 125; Sen no rikyu (1522
91), 193, 196, 197, 198, 199; Murata Shuko
(14231502), 191, 192; imai Sokyu (1520
93), 196; tatami mats, 192, 19596; teabowls/
temmoku, 18990, 19293, 197, 203; tealeaf reading (tasseomancy), 127; tea-tasting
parties, 12627; wabicha, 192, 196, 197, 198;
Way of Tea (chado), 192, 197, 198; yosai/
Eisais (11411215) Record of Curing Disease
with Tea/Kissa yojoki, 129, 190. See also
teapots, 125; british, 126, plate 11; shell decoration, 79; yixing, 12728, 169, 251, 276,
plate 11
technology: ceramics and metallurgy, 9091,
92, 95; food consumption, 26566; Jingdezhen, 295; lacquer, 5758; maritime, 1089;
pottery, 3839, 62, 82, 9095, 184, 2089;
pottery packing, 111; Wedgwood, 291; x-ray
crystallography, 79, 82
tectonic plates, 7980, 8588, 176
Temple, Sir William (162899), sharawadgi, 281
terra-cotta: Europe, 262; india, 23940; Southeast Asia, 224, 225, 226, 227; Swahili coast,
Thailand: Ayutthaya (13511767), 208, 210, 211
13, 215, 220; Chinese cultural exchange, 207,

209; Chinese population, 210; France visit,
62, 21113, 275; kendi, 210, 299, plate 4;
King Phra narai (r. 165888), 21113; King
Prasat-Thong (r. 162956), 211; martaban
jars, 225; ramkamhaeng (d. 1317), 209;
revolution (1688), 212; Sukotai (ca. 1238
1419), 209, 210; tea caddies, 194, 203; trade
with China, 20711; tribute to China, 210,
215, 216
Thomas, Elizabeth (16751731), The Metamorphoses of the Town (1730), 284
Three Kingdoms, 17778
Tibetan buddhism, 152
Tibetan plateau, 8687, 101
Timurids (13781506), 24048; blue-and-white
porcelain, 24145, 249; manuscript paintings, 242, 245; Shah rukh (r. 140547), 147,
242; Timur/Tamerlane (ca. 13301405),
24148, 298; Timurnama, 246; Ulugh beg
(13941449), 243
tin: glazes, 14748, 150, 24952, 258, 259, 264,
269, 293, 295; pewter from, 26263
trade: balance of exchange, 5354; caravan, 99
106, 10910, 142, 156, 222, 242; commodities prominent in, 89; currency varieties,
71; custom duties, 108; global, 13, 297; gold,
1314, 5360, 234; india, 1, 21, 99, 14647,
21011, 23839, 245, 255; italy, 142, 25051;
Japan-Europe, 200; Japan-Thailand, 21011;
Macao, 3, 21, 33, 256; mercantilism, 5359,
6364, 201; opium, 46, 294; Philip ii, 2; silk,
89, 10, 22, 59, 101, 110; silver, 9, 1314, 46,
5360, 63, 9495, 256, 260, 294, 297; slave, 71,
234, 297; spice, 5, 8, 10, 5455, 98, 142, 219,
226, 257, 261; taxes on, 108, 125, 159; tea, 8,
22, 59; triangular, 256, 261; vietnamese, 206;
war linked with, 97; water transportation, 43
46; West with Asia, 5360, 69, 96103, 294.
See also Chinese trade; cross-cultural exchange; import substitution; manufacturing;
maritime trade; porcelain trade; Silk road
Transoxiana, 99, 101, 105, 241. See also
transportation: camel, 100; carreira da India/
roadway to india, 1, 255; Jingdezhen, 43
45, 137, 291; postal system across Eurasia,
151; Quanzhou overland and maritime, 141;
turnpike construction, 291. See also horses;
Silk road; water transportation
Trianon de Porcelaine (1670), versailles, 163,
211, 275, 28182


tribute to China, 106, 21423; from Hormuz,

240; from Japan, 195, 21516; from Korea,
177, 182, 215; from Sulu Archipelago, 226;
from Thailand, 210, 215, 216; from Timurids,
242; from vietnam, 205. See also taxes
Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried Walther von (1651
1708), 60, 6162, 128, 276
Turkic peoples, 99, 139, 142, 143, 147, 150
51, 24048; Seljuqs (10381194), 142, 149.
See also ottomans
Tuscany, dukes of, 73, 272, 275
urban areas. See cities
Urf, Honor d (15681625), LAstre, 133
varenne, Franois Pierre de la (161878), Le
Cuisinier Franais (1651), 271
venice: basilica of San Marco, 74, 275; ceramic
manufacturing, 249, 27576; commercial
and industrial supremacy, 251; cowries, 71;
lattimo glass, 275; Maestro Antonio, 275; pilgrim flasks, 300; Southwest Asian porcelain
connections, 24950, 302; trade, 142, 219
vereenigte oost-indische Compagnie (United
East india Company, voC), 96, 257, 258,
259; Amboina seized by, 72; Amsterdam,
253, 270; batavia/Jakarta, 22, 2930, 111,
207, 222, 255, 257, 26061, 270; Chinese
trade, 2122, 2425, 2930, 25458, 269,
270; coophandel met force/trade by force of
arms, 97; delftware, 260; dinner services,
267; EiC competition, 261; formed (1602),
253; French competition with, 53; Jacob van
Heemskerk (15671607), 253; india, 239;
Japan, 200201, 3023; Japanese blue-andwhite for, plate 19; Jingdezhen connections,
202, 238, 260; martaban jars, 225; porcelain
auctions, 60, 253; porcelain packing, 111;
Portuguese ships captured by, 253; pottery
designs, 25, 2930; pottery shipments suspended, 277; raozhou, 45; Joost Schouten,
211; spice trade cutback, 54; tableware, 269
70; teas health effects, 129; Thailand, 210,
211; vietnamese trade, 207; Jeremias van
vliet (160263), 210; yixing teapots, 128
versailles, 248; bouvet in Chinese robes, 50;
faience imitations, 64; Saint-Cloud pottery
manufactory, 62, 276; Samarra palace compared, 140; Thai envoys, 21112; Trianon de
Porcelaine (1670), 163, 211, 275, 28182
vesuvius, 77, 79, 282



vietnam: blue-and-white pottery, 203, 2056,

plate 21; Chinas gravitational pull, 175, 176,
2034; Confucianism, 205, 208; kendi, 299;
le dynasty (14281527), 205, 206; le loi
(r. 142833), 205; ly dynasty (10091225),
204; Ming and, 204, 205, 206, 207; pottery
made in, 176, 2023, 2056, plate 21; pottery
divinities, 41; tea caddies, 194; Tran (1225
1400), 204; zhongguo concept, 176
virgin Mary, 4243, 103, 246, 247, 300
voC. See vereenigte oost-indische Compagnie
(United East india Company, voC)
volcanoes, 7780, 8588, 282
voltaire (16941778), 18, 116, 274, 277, 278;
Candide (1759), 287; Sicle de Louis XIV
(1730s51), 5152
vondel, Joost van (15871679), 25758, 261
Voyage of the San Bao Eunuch to the Western
Ocean/xia xiyang (1597), 219, 222
Voyage to the Western Ocean/xia xiyang, 222
wages: bronze vessel cost and, 90; pottery
workers, 33
wallpaper, Chinese hand-painted, 57
Walpole, Horace (171797), 267, 273, 281, 287
Walpole, Horatio, 303
Wanli era/emperor (r. 15731620), 200; blueand-white porcelain, 201, plate 9; porcelain
commissions, 23, 260; ricci map, 175; vases,
72, plate 9
war: Alczar-Quibir battle (Spain vs. Portugal),
12; Austrian Succession (174048), 283;
Chaldiran battle (ottomans vs. Safavids),
249; dutch vs. English (166566 and 1672
74), 10, 201; dutch vs. French (167278),
201; English Civil War (164249), 264; First
opium War (183942), 294; Korea invaded
by Japanese, 8, 18283, 214, 256; Meissen
effects, 283; Mongols vs. Southern Song, 188;
nine years War (168897), 64; onin War
(146777), 192, 195; porcelain role, 8, 10;
Potters Wars/Teabowl Wars (159298), 8,
184; russo-Japanese (1905), 183; Seven years
War (175663), 283, 28587, 294; Spanish
Succession (170114), 64, 212, 264; Talas
battle (Abbasids vs. Tang), 105; Three Kingdoms, 17778; trade linked with, 97; vietnam
invaded by Ming, 205, 207; yuan dynasty
civil war, 240. See also rebellions; revolutions;
Sengoku/Warring States period
water quality, teas health effects and, 130

water transportation: Europe, 95; Jingdezhen,

4345, 137; lake boyang, 45, 161. See also
canals; maritime trade; rivers
Watt, James (17361819), 79, 291
Wedgwood, Josiah (173095), 49, 7880, 264,
277, 28896; Artes Etruriae renascuntur/The
Arts of Etruria Are reborn, 79; black basalt,
79; Commonplace book, 18, 80; creamware,
290, 29293, 3034; dairy ware, 27071;
Etruria pottery, 74, 7880, 28893; Green
Frog Service, 289; and industrial revolution,
13, 78, 80, 291; jasper, 290; Jingdezhens
competition, 202, 279, 291, 293, 29495;
marketing methods, 291; and Porcelain
Pagoda, 163; Portland vase, 289, 29394,
296; shells, 74; and Hamilton, 282, 288,
289; and Winckelmann, 282, 288
Wei family, kiln stokers, 30
Wei yuan (17941856), Illustrated Gazetteer
of Maritime Nations/Haikuo tuzhi (1847),
West: Asian trade with, 3, 5, 5360, 69, 96103,
29394; ceramics much later than China, 83,
85; China and, 4780, 27796; commerce,
war, and sea entwined, 97; Confucius portrait, 134; cross-cultural exchange, 15556,
163, 202, 207, 24950, 3012; earliest porcelain coming to, 74, 295; first porcelain in
Western art, 250; global dominance, 1415,
29296; Jingdezhen competition, 202, 279,
291, 293, 29596; porcelain commissioned
by, 2829; porcelain enthusiasm, 45, 8, 14
15, 52, 5963, 6970, 212, 254, 27789, 294,
295; pottery taxonomies, 81, 8485; power
and commerce in Philippines, 145; rise of
the, 1215, 29496 ; world dominance, 14
15, 29296. See also Americas; Europe
white gold (weissener Gold), 62
whitewares: buddhists favoring, 125, 186; first
porcelains exported from China, 104; kilns
producing, 133, 138; Korean, 181; Ming,
162, 164; Song, 104, 133, 137, 138, 147, 148,
164, 165; Southwest Asia, 147; tea vessels,
125, 127. See also blue-and-white porcelain
William Frederick of nassau-dietz (d. 1664),
Winckelmann, Johann (171768), 28283, 288
women, 33. See gender stereotypes, 7, 28487
wool, 56, 57, 5859
Worcester manufactory, 303, plate 11
world: Chinas economy most advanced in, 13,

15, 140; circumnavigation of, 229; European
maps, 175; global economy, 13, 297; Tibetan
plateau and Himalaya mountains as roof of
the world, 86; Western dominance, 1415,
29296. See also world system
world system, 1315; China as fulcrum of, 14,
140; Europe central in, 1415; Europe peripheral to, 156. See also ecumene; world
Wu Chengen (ca. 15001582), The Journey to
the West, 102
xiang yuanpian, 139
xie li, Quanzhou official and poet, 98
xuande emperor (r. 142635): ancient tradition,
120; cricket fighting, 164; maritime power,
217, 221; Persian influences, 169; pilgrim
flasks, 300; porcelain connoisseurship, 23,
16365, 170, plates 13-14
xuanzang (ca. 596664), 100, 102, 103, 185
xu Jing (10911153), Illustrated Account of
Korea, 177, 180
xu yin (fl. 890), The Secret-Colored Bowl Remaining from the Gifts to the Emperor, 136
yangzi river area: blue China, 96, 98, 204; first
pottery, 38, 39; Gaozong emperor, 116;
glazes, 93; granary, 9596; Grand Canal, 95,
108; Hangzhou, 98, 106; jade, 134; Korean
trade, 177; maritime trade, 108; pottery
manufacturers, 94; Qin Shihuang, 204;
rebellion vs. yuan, 161
yellow China, 9699, 21718
yellow earth (huangtu), 8788
yellow river/Huang He: Grand Canal, 95; loess,
88; yellow China, 96
yellow Sea, 177
yi Kyu-bo (11681241), praise for Jingdezhens
qingbai, 180
yixing: Book of Changes, 50; teapots, 12728,
169, 251, 276, plate 11
yongle emperor (r. 140325), 162; baoen/
Porcelain Pagoda Temple, 16263; maritime
imperialism, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 226,
240; pilgrim flasks, 300; vietnam invasion,


yuan/Mongol dynasty (12791368), 151;

ancient tradition, 119, 120, 166; blue-andwhite porcelain, 140, 15861, 163, 164,
166, plate 16; Chinese barred from government, 15253; civil war overthrowing,
240; Confucians, 113, 120, 15253; decline,
16061, 181; Jingdezhen, 137, 15861, 163;
kiln stokers, 30; pilgrim flasks, 300; rebellion vs., 161, 163; trade promoted by, 159
60, 215; and vietnam, 204; white porcelain,
162; Zhao Mengfu (12541322), 118. See
also Mongols
yunnan: Mongol, 153, 218; nasir al-din, 153;
Sayyid Ajall Shams al-din (ca. 121079),
153, 218; Zheng He, 218
Zang yingxuan, Jingdezhen reconstruction
(168388), 279
Zan Qiande (15771643), Treatise on Vase
Flowers/Pinghua Pu, 132
Zen/Chan buddhism, 124, 125, 18890, 192,
196, 198
Zhao rugua (11701231), Description of
Barbarian Peoples/Zhufan zhi (ca. 1225),
224, 228, 234
Zhejiang: Hangzhou, 98, 106; jade bells, 135;
Korean relations, 178; porcelain decorations,
127. See also longquan, Zhejiang
Zheng He (13711435), 21722, 23334, 238,
240, 242, 29495
Zheng Tinggui, editor of lan Pus Potteries of
Jingdezhen, 75
zhongguo concept, 14, 176
Zhou daguan, ambassador, 209
Zhou danquan, Jingdezhen potter, 122
Zhou dynasty (1027221 b.c.e.): Annals, 117;
bronze objects, 89, 117, 120, 135; currency,
33, 70; firing range, 9293; Shang officials,
119; taotie monster-face motif, 89, 120, 135;
yellow dragon, 88
Zhuang Chuo, on water quality, 130
Zhu yan, 31, 122; cobalt, 160; A Description of
Pottery (1774), 26, 27; furnace transformation, 3739; tableware, 126, 127, 267
Zoroastrians, 99, 246

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1. Chinese blue-and-white pilgrim ask. Ming dynasty (13681644). Jingdezhen ware,

porcelain painted in underglaze cobalt blue. Peabody Essex Museum.

2. Detail of painting by Willem Kalf (161993), Wine Glass on a Gilded Silver Foot and
a Bowl of Fruit. Oil on canvas. 23.7 27.7 in. (60.3 50.2 cm). The Cleveland Museum
of Art, Leonard C. Hanna, Jr., Fund, 1962.292

3. Chinese gure of Guanyin. Qing Dynasty, 18th19th century. Dehua

porcelain. h: 19 in. (48.3 cm). Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection, Seattle
Art Museum. Photo: Paul Macapia. 43.42.

4. Thai kendi, 15th16th century. Sistatchanalai ware, stoneware with underglaze

black decoration. h: 8 in. (22 cm). Gift of Gloria Gunn Prince, Seattle Art
Museum. Photo: Paul Macapia. 92.82.82.

5. German plate. Meissen manufactory, ca. 173034. Porcelain with enamel colors and
gilding. diam: 8 in. (22.5 cm). Gift of Martha and Henry C. Isaacson, Seattle Art
Museum. The crossed-sword emblem of the Elector of Saxony appears in the lower left
corner of the coat of arms of the King of Poland and Elector of Saxony. The crossedsword device was designated as the mark of the Meissen manufactory in 1723. Photo:
Paul Macapia. 69.201.

6. Chinese armorial teapot, teabowl, saucer, and milk jug. Qing dynasty, ca. 1744. Porcelain with
overglaze enamels and gold. From left: Teapot: h: including lid 5 in. (14 cm); teabowl: diam:
1 in. (3.8 cm); saucer: diam: 4 in. (cm 12.1); milk jug: h: 3 in. (8.9 cm). Gift of Martha and
Henry C. Isaacson, Seattle Art Museum. Photo: Paul Macapia. 76.115.1.

7. English triple shell dish. Plymouth-Bristol manufactory, ca. 1770. Porcelain. h: to top
of bowl 6 in. (16.2 cm). Blanche M. Harnan Ceramic Collection, Seattle Art Museum.
Photo: Paul Macapia. 57.85.

8. German clock. Meissen manufactory, ca. 1748. Porcelain with enamel

decoration and gilding; metal clock face with white and black enamel.
h: 15 in. (39.4 cm). Gift of Martha and Henry C. Isaacson, Seattle Art
Museum. Photo: Paul Macapia. 78.13.

9. Chinese blue-and-white vase. Ming dynasty, Wanli period

(15731619). Jingdezhen ware, porcelain painted in underglaze
cobalt blue. h: 22 in. (57.2 cm). Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection, Seattle Art Museum. The vase is based on an ancient wine
vessel (zun) of the 12th10th century b.c.e., with the lower half
elongated, unlike the bronze prototype. The design includes veclawed dragons, the emblem of the emperor. Photo: Paul Macapia.

10. Pair of Chinese celadon dishes. Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign mark and period (173695).
Jingdezhen ware, porcelain with celadon green glaze. diam: 4 in. (11.8 cm). Eugene Fuller
Memorial Collection, Seattle Art Museum. The celadon dishes are decorated with molded and
incised petal designs. Photo: Paul Macapia. 44.118.1.

11. English teapot. Worcester manufactory, ca. 175354. Porcelain with enamel colors.
h: 5 in. (14 cm). Kenneth and Priscilla Klepser Porcelain Collection, Seattle Art Museum.
Based on the red stoneware teapots of Yixing, the teapot has a lobed melon shape and is
embellished with Japanese-inuenced motifs. Photo: Paul Macapia. 94.103.5.

12. Chinese lidded box. Southern Song dynasty (11271279). Jingdezhen qingbai
ware, porcelain with bluish-toned glaze and molded decoration. diam: 2 in.
(6.4 cm). Thomas D. Stimson Memorial Collection, Seattle Art Museum. Photo:
Paul Macapia. 45.78.

13. Chinese blue-and-white ask. Ming dynasty, Xuande reign mark and
period (142635). Jingdezhen ware, porcelain painted in underglaze cobalt
blue. h: 11 in. (29.2 cm). Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection, Seattle Art
Museum. The interlaced oral medallion on this ask is Islamic in origin. In
shape, the vessel is a close relative of the pilgrim ask. The Xuande emperors
reign mark is just below the lip of the vessel. Photo: Paul Macapia. 48.167.

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