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TNR BEST OF 2013 AUGUST 6, 2013

Science Is Not Your Enemy An impassioned plea to neglected novelists, embattled professors, and tenure-less historians
The great thin#ers of the Age of "eason and the Enlightenment $ere scientists% Not only did many of them contribute to mathematics, physics, and physiology, but all of them $ere avid theorists in the sciences of human nature% They $ere cognitive neuroscientists, $ho tried to e&plain thought and emotion in terms of physical mechanisms of the nervous system% They $ere evolutionary psychologists, $ho speculated on life in a state of nature and on animal instincts that are 'infused into our bosoms%( And they $ere social psychologists, $ho $rote of the moral sentiments that dra$ us together, the selfish passions that inflame us, and the foibles of shortsightedness that frustrate our best-laid plans% These thinkersDescartes, S in!"a, #!$$es, %!cke, #&'e, R!&ssea&, %ei$ni", (ant, S'ithare a)) the '!re re'arka$)e *!r ha+in, cra*te- their i-eas in the a$sence !* *!r'a) the!r. an- e' irica) -ata/ The 'athe'atica) the!ries !* in*!r'ati!n, c!' &tati!n, an- ,a'es ha- .et t! $e in+ente-/ The 0!r-s 1ne&r!n,2 1h!r'!ne,2 an- 1,ene2 'eant n!thin, t! the'/ 3hen rea-in, these thinkers, 4 !*ten )!n, t! tra+e) $ack in ti'e an- !**er the' s!'e $it !* t0ent.5*irst5cent&r. *resh'an science that 0!&)- *i)) a ,a in their ar,&'ents !r ,&i-e the' ar!&n- a st&'$)in, $)!ck/ 3hat 0!&)- these Fa&sts ha+e ,i+en *!r s&ch kn!0)e-,e6 3hat c!&)- the. ha+e -!ne 0ith it6 3e -!n7t ha+e t! *antasi"e a$!&t this scenari!, $eca&se 0e are )i+in, it/ 3e ha+e the 0!rks !* the ,reat thinkers an- their heirs, an- 0e ha+e scienti*ic kn!0)e-,e the. c!&)- n!t ha+e -rea'e- !*/ This is an e8tra!r-inar. ti'e *!r the &n-erstan-in, !* the h&'an c!n-iti!n/ 4nte))ect&a) r!$)e's *r!' anti9&it. are $ein, i))&'inate- $. insi,hts *r!' the sciences !* 'in-, $rain, ,enes, an- e+!)&ti!n/ :!0er*&) t!!)s ha+e $een -e+e)! e- t! e8 )!re the', *r!' ,enetica)). en,ineere- ne&r!ns that can $e c!ntr!))e- 0ith in !ints !* )i,ht t! the 'inin, !* 1$i, -ata2 as a 'eans !* &n-erstan-in, h!0 i-eas r! a,ate/ One 0!&)- think that 0riters in the h&'anities 0!&)- $e -e)i,hte- an- ener,i"e- $. the e**)!rescence !* ne0 i-eas *r!' the sciences/ B&t !ne 0!&)- $e 0r!n,/ Th!&,h e+er.!ne en-!rses science 0hen it can c&re -isease, '!nit!r the en+ir!n'ent, !r $ash !)itica) ! !nents, the intr&si!n !* science int! the territ!ries !* the h&'anities has $een -ee ). resente-/ ;&st as re+i)e- is the a )icati!n !* scienti*ic reas!nin, t! re)i,i!n< 'an. 0riters 0ith!&t a trace !* a $e)ie* in G!- 'aintain that there is s!'ethin, &nsee'). a$!&t scientists 0ei,hin, in !n the $i,,est 9&esti!ns/ 4n the 'a=!r =!&rna)s !* ! ini!n, scienti*ic car et$a,,ers are re,&)ar). acc&se- !* -eter'inis', re-&cti!nis', essentia)is', !siti+is', an- 0!rst !* a)), s!'ethin, ca))e- 1scientis'/2 The ast c!& )e .ears ha+e seen *!&r -en&nciati!ns !* scientis' in this 'a,a"ine a)!ne, t!,ether 0ith attacks in Bookforum, The Claremont Review of Books, The Huffington Post, The Nation, National Review Online, The New Atlantis, The New York Times, anStandpoint/ The ec)ectic !)itics !* these &$)icati!ns re*)ects the $i artisan nat&re !* the resent'ent/ This assa,e, *r!' a 2011 re+ie0 in The Nation !* three $!!ks $. Sa' #arris $. the hist!rian ;acks!n %ears, 'akes the stan-ar- case *!r the r!sec&ti!n $. the )e*t>

:!siti+ist ass&' ti!ns r!+i-e- the e iste'!)!,ica) *!&n-ati!ns *!r S!cia) Dar0inis' an! 5e+!)&ti!nar. n!ti!ns !* r!,ress, as 0e)) as *!r scienti*ic racis' an- i' eria)is'/ These ten-encies c!a)esce- in e&,enics, the -!ctrine that h&'an 0e))5$ein, c!&)- $e i' r!+e- an- e+ent&a)). er*ecte- thr!&,h the se)ecti+e $ree-in, !* the ?*it? an- the steri)i"ati!n !r e)i'inati!n !* the ?&n*it/? /// E+er. sch!!)ki- kn!0s a$!&t 0hat ha enene8t> the catastr! hic t0entieth cent&r./ T0! 0!r)- 0ars, the s.ste'atic s)a&,hter !* inn!cents !n an &n rece-ente- sca)e, the r!)i*erati!n !* &ni'a,ina$)e -estr&cti+e 0ea !ns, $r&sh*ire 0ars !n the eri her. !* e' irea)) these e+ents in+!)+e-, in +ari!&s -e,rees, the a )icati!n !* sceinti*ic research t! a-+ance- techn!)!,./ The case *r!' the ri,ht, ca t&re- in this 200@ s eech *r!' %e!n (ass, Ge!r,e 3/ B&sh7s $i!ethics a-+iser, is =&st as 'eas&re-> Scienti*ic i-eas an- -isc!+eries a$!&t )i+in, nat&re an- 'an, er*ect). 0e)c!'e an- har')ess in the'se)+es, are $ein, en)iste- t! -! $att)e a,ainst !&r tra-iti!na) re)i,i!&s an- '!ra) teachin,s, ane+en !&r se)*5&n-erstan-in, as creat&res 0ith *ree-!' an- -i,nit./ A 9&asi5re)i,i!&s *aith has s r&n, & a'!n, &s)et 'e ca)) it ?s!&)5)ess scientis'?0hich $e)ie+es that !&r ne0 $i!)!,., e)i'inatin, a)) '.ster., can ,i+e a c!' )ete acc!&nt !* h&'an )i*e, ,i+in, &re). scienti*ic e8 )anati!ns !* h&'an th!&,ht, )!+e, creati+it., '!ra) =&-,'ent, an- e+en 0h. 0e $e)ie+e in G!-/ /// Aake n! 'istake/ The stakes in this c!ntest are hi,h> at iss&e are the '!ra) an- s irit&a) hea)th !* !&r nati!n, the c!ntin&e+ita)it. !* science, an- !&r !0n se)*5&n-erstan-in, as h&'an $ein,s an- as chi)-ren !* the 3est/ These are "ea)!&s r!sec&t!rs in-ee-/ B&t their cases are 0eak/ The 'in-set !* science cann!t $e $)a'e- *!r ,en!ci-e an- 0ar an- -!es n!t threaten the '!ra) an- s irit&a) hea)th !* !&r nati!n/ 4t is, rather, in-is ensa$)e in a)) areas !* h&'an c!ncern, inc)&-in, !)itics, the arts, an- the search *!r 'eanin,, &r !se, an- '!ra)it./ The ter' 1scientis'2 is an.thin, $&t c)ear, '!re !* a $!!50!r- than a )a$e) *!r an. c!herent -!ctrine/ S!'eti'es it is e9&ate- 0ith )&natic !siti!ns, s&ch as that 1science is a)) that 'atters2 !r that 1scientists sh!&)- $e entr&ste- t! s!)+e a)) r!$)e's/2 S!'eti'es it is c)ari*ie- 0ith a-=ecti+es )ike 1si' )istic,2 1naB+e,2 an- 1+&),ar/2 The -e*initi!na) +ac&&' a))!0s 'e t! re )icate ,a. acti+ists7 *)a&ntin, !* 19&eer2 an- a r! riate the e=!rati+e *!r a !siti!n 4 a' re are- t! -e*en-/ Scientis', in this ,!!- sense, is n!t the $e)ie* that 'e'$ers !* the !cc& ati!na) ,&i)- ca))e- 1science2 are artic&)ar). 0ise !r n!$)e/ On the c!ntrar., the -e*inin, ractices !* science, inc)&-in, ! en -e$ate, eer re+ie0, an- -!&$)e5$)in- 'eth!-s, are e8 )icit). -esi,ne- t! circ&'+ent the err!rs an- sins t! 0hich scientists, $ein, h&'an, are +&)nera$)e/ Scientis' -!es n!t 'ean that a)) c&rrent scienti*ic h. !theses are tr&e< '!st ne0 !nes are n!t, since the c.c)e !* c!n=ect&re an- re*&tati!n is the )i*e$)!!!* science/ 4t is n!t an i' eria)istic -ri+e t! !cc& . the h&'anities< the r!'ise !* science is t! enrich an- -i+ersi*. the inte))ect&a) t!!)s !* h&'anistic sch!)arshi , n!t t! !$)iterate the'/ An- it is n!t the -!,'a that h.sica) st&** is the !n). thin, that e8ists/ Scientists the'se)+es are i''erse- in the etherea) 'e-i&' !* information, inc)&-in, the tr&ths !* 'athe'atics, the )!,ic !* their the!ries, an- the +a)&es that ,&i-e their enter rise/ 4n this c!nce ti!n, science is !* a iece 0ith hi)!s! h., reas!n, anEn)i,hten'ent h&'anis'/ 4t is -istin,&ishe- $. an e8 )icit c!''it'ent t! t0! i-ea)s, an- it is these that scientis' seeks t! e8 !rt t! the rest !* inte))ect&a) )i*e/

The inder !aller", c/16225162C, D!r-!+er D!))ecti!n, %%D The *irst is that the 0!r)- is intelligi#le/ The hen!'ena 0e e8 erience 'a. $e e8 )aine- $. rinci )es that are '!re ,enera) than the hen!'ena the'se)+es/ These rinci )es 'a. in t&rn $e e8 )aine- $. '!re *&n-a'enta) rinci )es, an- s! !n/ 4n 'akin, sense !* !&r 0!r)-, there sh!&)- $e *e0 !ccasi!ns in 0hich 0e are *!rce- t! c!nce-e 14t =&st is2 !r 14t7s 'a,ic2 !r 1Beca&se 4 sai- s!/2 The c!''it'ent t! inte))i,i$i)it. is n!t a 'atter !* $r&te *aith, $&t ,ra-&a)). +a)i-ates itse)* as '!re an- '!re !* the 0!r)- $ec!'es e8 )ica$)e in scienti*ic ter's/ The r!cesses !* )i*e, *!r e8a' )e, &se- t! $e attri$&tet! a '.steri!&s E)an +ita)< n!0 0e kn!0 the. are !0ere- $. che'ica) an- h.sica) reacti!ns a'!n, c!' )e8 '!)ec&)es/ De'!ni"ers !* scientis' !*ten c!n*&se inte))i,i$i)it. 0ith a sin ca))e- re-&cti!nis'/ B&t t! e8 )ain a c!' )e8 ha enin, in ter's !* -ee er rinci )es is n!t t! -iscar- its richness/ N! sane thinker 0!&)tr. t! e8 )ain 3!r)- 3ar 4 in the )an,&a,e !* h.sics, che'istr., an- $i!)!,. as ! !se- t! the '!re ers ic&!&s )an,&a,e !* the erce ti!ns an- ,!a)s !* )ea-ers in 1C1F E&r! e/ At the sa'e ti'e, a c&ri!&s ers!n can )e,iti'ate). ask 0h. h&'an 'in-s are a t t! ha+e s&ch erce ti!ns an- ,!a)s, inc)&-in, the tri$a)is', !+erc!n*i-ence, an- sense !* h!n!r that *e)) int! a -ea-). c!'$inati!n at that hist!rica) '!'ent/ Aan. !* !&r c&)t&ra) instit&ti!ns c&)ti+ate a hi)istine in-i**erence t! science/ The sec!n- i-ea) is that the ac9&isiti!n !* kn!0)e-,e is hard/ The 0!r)- -!es n!t ,! !&t !* its 0a. t! re+ea) its 0!rkin,s, an- e+en i* it -i-, !&r 'in-s are r!ne t! i))&si!ns, *a))acies, an- s& er5 stiti!ns/ A!st !* the tra-iti!na) ca&ses !* $e)ie**aith, re+e)ati!n, -!,'a, a&th!rit., charis'a, c!n+enti!na) 0is-!', the in+i,!ratin, ,)!0 !* s&$=ecti+e certaint.are ,enerat!rs !* err!r an- sh!&)- $e -is'isseas s!&rces !* kn!0)e-,e/ T! &n-erstan- the 0!r)-, 0e '&st c&)ti+ate 0!rk5ar!&n-s *!r !&r c!,niti+e )i'itati!ns, inc)&-in, ske ticis', ! en -e$ate, *!r'a) recisi!n, an- e' irica) tests, !*ten re9&irin, *eats !* in,en&it./ An. '!+e'ent that ca))s itse)* 1scienti*ic2 $&t *ai)s t! n&rt&re ! !rt&nities *!r the

*a)si*icati!n !* its !0n $e)ie*s G'!st !$+i!&s). 0hen it '&r-ers !r i' ris!ns the e! )e 0h! -isa,ree 0ith itH is n!t a scienti*ic '!+e'ent/ 4n 0hich 0a.s, then, -!es science i))&'inate h&'an a**airs6 %et 'e start 0ith the '!st a'$iti!&s> the -ee est 9&esti!ns a$!&t 0h! 0e are, 0here 0e ca'e *r!', an- h!0 0e -e*ine the 'eanin, an&r !se !* !&r )i+es/ This is the tra-iti!na) territ!r. !* re)i,i!n, an- its -e*en-ers ten- t! $e the '!st e8cita$)e critics !* scientis'/ The. are a t t! en-!rse the artiti!n )an r! !se- $. Ste hen ;a. G!&)in his 0!rst $!!k, Ro$ks of Ages, acc!r-in, t! 0hich the r! er c!ncerns !* science an- re)i,i!n $e)!n, t! 1n!n5!+er)a in, 'a,isteria/2 Science ,ets the e' irica) &ni+erse< re)i,i!n ,ets the 9&esti!ns !* '!ra) 'eanin, an- +a)&e/ Un*!rt&nate)., this entente &nra+e)s as s!!n as .!& $e,in t! e8a'ine it/ The '!ra) 0!r)-+ie0 !* an. scienti*ica)). )iterate ers!n!ne 0h! is n!t $)inkere- $. *&n-a'enta)is're9&ires a ra-ica) $reak *r!' re)i,i!&s c!nce ti!ns !* 'eanin, an- +a)&e/ T! $e,in 0ith, the *in-in,s !* science entai) that the $e)ie* s.ste's !* a)) the 0!r)-7s tra-iti!na) re)i,i!ns an- c&)t&restheir the!ries !* the !ri,ins !* )i*e, h&'ans, an- s!cietiesare *act&a)). 'istaken/ 3e kn!0, $&t !&r ancest!rs -i- n!t, that h&'ans $e)!n, t! a sin,)e s ecies !* A*rican ri'ate that -e+e)! e- a,ric&)t&re, ,!+ern'ent, an- 0ritin, )ate in its hist!r./ 3e kn!0 that !&r s ecies is a tin. t0i, !* a ,enea)!,ica) tree that e'$races a)) )i+in, thin,s an- that e'er,e- *r!' re$i!tic che'ica)s a)'!st *!&r $i))i!n .ears a,!/ 3e kn!0 that 0e )i+e !n a )anet that re+!)+es ar!&n- !ne !* a h&n-re- $i))i!n stars in !&r ,a)a8., 0hich is !ne !* a h&n-re- $i))i!n ,a)a8ies in a 13/I5 $i))i!n5.ear5!)- &ni+erse, !ssi$). !ne !* a +ast n&'$er !* &ni+erses/ 3e kn!0 that !&r int&iti!ns a$!&t s ace, ti'e, 'atter, an- ca&sati!n are inc!''ens&ra$)e 0ith the nat&re !* rea)it. !n sca)es that are +er. )ar,e an- +er. s'a))/ 3e kn!0 that the )a0s ,!+ernin, the h.sica) 0!r)- Ginc)&-in, acci-ents, -isease, an- !ther 'is*!rt&nesH ha+e n! ,!a)s that ertain t! h&'an 0e))5$ein,/ There is n! s&ch thin, as *ate, r!+i-ence, kar'a, s e))s, c&rses, a&,&r., -i+ine retri$&ti!n, !r ans0ere- ra.ers th!&,h the -iscre anc. $et0een the )a0s !* r!$a$i)it. an- the 0!rkin,s !* c!,niti!n 'a. e8 )ain 0h. e! )e $e)ie+e there are/ An- 0e kn!0 that 0e -i- n!t a)0a.s kn!0 these thin,s, that the $e)!+ec!n+icti!ns !* e+er. ti'e an- c&)t&re 'a. $e -ecisi+e). *a)si*ie-, -!&$t)ess inc)&-in, s!'e 0e h!)t!-a./ 4n !ther 0!r-s, the 0!r)-+ie0 that ,&i-es the '!ra) an- s irit&a) +a)&es !* an e-&cate- ers!n t!-a. is the 0!r)-+ie0 ,i+en t! &s $. science/ Th!&,h the scienti*ic *acts -! n!t $. the'se)+es -ictate +a)&es, the. certain). he' in the !ssi$i)ities/ B. stri in, ecc)esiastica) a&th!rit. !* its cre-i$i)it. !n *act&a) 'atters, the. cast -!&$t !n its c)ai's t! certit&-e in 'atters !* '!ra)it./ The scienti*ic re*&tati!n !* the the!r. !* +en,e*&) ,!-s an- !cc&)t *!rces &n-er'ines ractices s&ch as h&'an sacri*ice, 0itch h&nts, *aith hea)in,, tria) $. !r-ea), an- the ersec&ti!n !* heretics/ The *acts !* science, $. e8 !sin, the a$sence !* &r !se in the )a0s ,!+ernin, the &ni+erse, *!rce &s t! take res !nsi$i)it. *!r the 0e)*are !* !&rse)+es, !&r s ecies, an- !&r )anet/ F!r the sa'e reas!n, the. &n-erc&t an. '!ra) !r !)itica) s.ste' $ase- !n '.stica) *!rces, 9&ests, -estinies, -ia)ectics, str&,,)es, !r 'essianic a,es/ An- in c!'$inati!n 0ith a *e0 &ne8ce ti!na$)e c!n+icti!ns that a)) !* &s +a)&e !&r !0n 0e)*are an- that 0e are s!cia) $ein,s 0h! i' in,e !n each !ther an- can ne,!tiate c!-es !* c!n-&ctthe scienti*ic *acts 'i)itate t!0ar- a -e*ensi$)e '!ra)it., na'e). a-herin, t! rinci )es that 'a8i'i"e the *)!&rishin, !* h&'ans an- !ther sentient $ein,s/ This h&'anis', 0hich is ine8trica$)e *r!' a scienti*ic &n-erstan-in, !* the 0!r)-, is $ec!'in, the -e *act! '!ra)it. !* '!-ern -e'!cracies, internati!na) !r,ani"ati!ns, an)i$era)i"in, re)i,i!ns, an- its &n*&)*i))e- r!'ises -e*ine the '!ra) i' erati+es 0e *ace t!-a./ A!re!+er, science has c!ntri$&te--irect). an- en!r'!&s).t! the *&)*i))'ent !* these +a)&es/ 4* !ne 0ere t! )ist the r!&-est acc!' )ish'ents !* !&r s ecies Gsettin, asi-e the re'!+a) !* !$stac)es 0e set

in !&r !0n ath, s&ch as the a$!)iti!n !* s)a+er. an- the -e*eat !* *ascis'H, 'an. 0!&)- $e ,i*ts $est!0e- $. science/ The '!st !$+i!&s is the e8hi)aratin, achie+e'ent !* scienti*ic kn!0)e-,e itse)*/ 3e can sa. '&ch a$!&t the hist!r. !* the &ni+erse, the *!rces that 'ake it tick, the st&** 0e7re 'a-e !*, the !ri,in !* )i+in, thin,s, an- the 'achiner. !* )i*e, inc)&-in, !&r !0n 'enta) )i*e/ Better sti)), this &n-erstan-in, c!nsists n!t in a 'ere )istin, !* *acts, $&t in -ee an- e)e,ant rinci )es, )ike the insi,ht that )i*e -e en-s !n a '!)ec&)e that carries in*!r'ati!n, -irects 'eta$!)is', an- re )icates itse)*/ Science has a)s! r!+i-e- the 0!r)- 0ith i'a,es !* s&$)i'e $ea&t.> str!$!sc! ica)). *r!"en '!ti!n, e8!tic !r,anis's, -istant ,a)a8ies an- !&ter )anets, *)&!rescin, ne&ra) circ&itr., an- a )&'in!&s )anet Earth risin, a$!+e the '!!n7s h!ri"!n int! the $)ackness !* s ace/ %ike ,reat 0!rks !* art, these are n!t =&st rett. ict&res $&t r!-s t! c!nte' )ati!n, 0hich -ee en !&r &n-erstan-in, !* 0hat it 'eans t! $e h&'an an- !* !&r )ace in nat&re/ An- c!ntrar. t! the 0i-es rea- canar- that techn!)!,. has create- a -.st! ia !* -e ri+ati!n an+i!)ence, e+er. ,)!$a) 'eas&re !* h&'an *)!&rishin, is !n the rise/ The n&'$ers sh!0 that a*ter 'i))ennia !* near5&ni+ersa) !+ert., a stea-i). ,r!0in, r! !rti!n !* h&'anit. is s&r+i+in, the *irst .ear !* )i*e, ,!in, t! sch!!), +!tin, in -e'!cracies, )i+in, in eace, c!''&nicatin, !n ce)) h!nes, en=!.in, s'a)) )&8&ries, an- s&r+i+in, t! !)- a,e/ The Green Re+!)&ti!n in a,r!n!'. a)!ne sa+e- a $i))i!n e! )e *r!' star+ati!n/ An- i* .!& 0ant e8a' )es !* tr&e '!ra) ,reatness, ,! t! 3iki e-ia an)!!k & the entries *!r 1s'a)) !82 an- 1rin-er est2 Gcatt)e )a,&eH/ The -e*initi!ns are in the ast tense, in-icatin, that h&'an in,en&it. has era-icate- t0! !* the cr&e)est ca&ses !* s&**erin, in the hist!r. !* !&r kin-/ Th!&,h science is $ene*icia)). e'$e--e- in !&r 'ateria), '!ra), an- inte))ect&a) )i+es, 'an. !* !&r c&)t&ra) instit&ti!ns, inc)&-in, the )i$era) arts r!,ra's !* 'an. &ni+ersities, c&)ti+ate a hi)istine in-i**erence t! science that sha-es int! c!nte' t/ St&-ents can ,ra-&ate *r!' e)ite c!))e,es 0ith a tri*)in, e8 !s&re t! science/ The. are c!''!n). 'isin*!r'e- that scientists n! )!n,er care a$!&t tr&th $&t 'ere). chase the *ashi!ns !* shi*tin, ara-i,'s/ A -e'!ni"ati!n ca' ai,n anachr!nistica)). i' &,ns science *!r cri'es that are as !)- as ci+i)i"ati!n, inc)&-in, racis', s)a+er., c!n9&est, an,en!ci-e/ ;&st as c!''!n, an- as hist!rica)). i))iterate, is the $)a'in, !* science *!r !)itica) '!+e'ents 0ith a se&-!scienti*ic atina, artic&)ar). S!cia) Dar0inis' an- e&,enics/ S!cia) Dar0inis' 0as the 'isna'e- )aisse"5*aire hi)!s! h. !* #er$ert S encer/ 4t 0as ins ire- n!t $. Dar0in7s the!r. !* nat&ra) se)ecti!n, $&t $. S encer7s Jict!rian5era c!nce ti!n !* a '.steri!&s nat&ra) *!rce *!r r!,ress, 0hich 0as $est )e*t &ni' e-e-/ T!-a. the ter' is !*ten &se- t! s'ear an. a )icati!n !* e+!)&ti!n t! the &n-erstan-in, !* h&'an $ein,s/ E&,enics 0as the ca' ai,n, ! &)ar a'!n, )e*tists anr!,ressi+es in the ear). -eca-es !* the t0entieth cent&r., *!r the &)ti'ate *!r' !* s!cia) r!,ress, i' r!+in, the ,enetic st!ck !* h&'anit./ T!-a. the ter' is c!''!n). &se- t! assai) $eha+i!ra) ,enetics, the st&-. !* the ,enetic c!ntri$&ti!ns t! in-i+i-&a) -i**erences/ 4 can testi*. that this recri'inati!n is n!t a re)ic !* the 1CC0s science 0ars/ 3hen #ar+ar- re*!r'e- its ,enera) e-&cati!n re9&ire'ent in 2006 t! 200@, the re)i'inar. task *!rce re !rt intr!-&ce- the teachin, !* science 0ith!&t an. 'enti!n !* its )ace in h&'an kn!0)e-,e> 1Science an- techn!)!,. -irect). a**ect !&r st&-ents in 'an. 0a.s, $!th !siti+e an- ne,ati+e> the. ha+e )e- t! )i*e5sa+in, 'e-icines, the internet, '!re e**icient ener,. st!ra,e, an- -i,ita) entertain'ent< the. a)s! ha+e she her-e- n&c)ear 0ea !ns, $i!)!,ica) 0ar*are a,ents, e)ectr!nic ea+es-r! in,, an- -a'a,e t! the en+ir!n'ent/2 This stran,e e9&i+!cati!n $et0een the &ti)itarian an- the ne*ari!&s 0as n!t a )ie- t! !ther -isci )ines/ G;&st i'a,ine '!ti+atin, the st&-. !* c)assica) '&sic $. n!tin, that it $!th ,enerates ec!n!'ic acti+it. an- ins ire- the Na"is/H An- there 0as n! ackn!0)e-,'ent that 0e 'i,ht ha+e ,!!-

reas!ns t! re*er science an- kn!05h!0 !+er i,n!rance an- s& erstiti!n/ At a 2011 c!n*erence, an!ther c!))ea,&e s&''e- & 0hat she th!&,ht 0as the 'i8e- )e,ac. !* science> the era-icati!n !* s'a)) !8 !n the !ne han-< the T&ske,ee s. hi)is st&-. !n the !ther/ G4n that st&-., an!ther $)!!-. shirt in the stan-ar- narrati+e a$!&t the e+i)s !* science, &$)ic5hea)th researchers $e,innin, in 1C32 tracke- the r!,ressi!n !* &ntreate-, )atent s. hi)is in a sa' )e !* i' !+erisheA*rican A'ericans/H The c!' aris!n is !$t&se/ 4t ass&'es that the st&-. 0as the &na+!i-a$)e -ark si-e !* scienti*ic r!,ress as ! !se- t! a &ni+ersa)). -e )!re- $reach, an- it c!' ares a !ne5ti'e *ai)&re t! re+ent har' t! a *e0 -!"en e! )e 0ith the re+enti!n !* h&n-re-s !* 'i))i!ns !* -eaths er cent&r., in er et&it./ A 'a=!r ,!a- *!r the recent -en&nciati!ns !* scientis' has $een the a )icati!n !* ne&r!science, e+!)&ti!n, an- ,enetics t! h&'an a**airs/ Dertain). 'an. !* these a )icati!ns are ,)i$ !r 0r!n,, anthe. are *air ,a'e *!r criticis'> scannin, the $rains !* +!ters as the. )!!k at !)iticians7 *aces, attri$&tin, 0ar t! a ,ene *!r a,,ressi!n, e8 )ainin, re)i,i!n as an e+!)&ti!nar. a-a tati!n t! $!n- the ,r!& / Yet it7s n!t &nhear- !* *!r inte))ect&a)s 0h! are inn!cent !* science t! a-+ance i-eas that are ,)i$ !r 0r!n,, an- n! !ne is ca))in, *!r h&'anities sch!)ars t! ,! $ack t! their carre)s an- sta. !&t !* -isc&ssi!ns !* thin,s that 'atter/ 4t is a 'istake t! &se a *e0 0r!n,hea-e- e8a' )es as an e8c&se t! 9&arantine the sciences !* h&'an nat&re *r!' !&r atte' t t! &n-erstan- the h&'an c!n-iti!n/ T! si' )i*. is n!t t! $e si' )istic Take !&r &n-erstan-in, !* !)itics/ 13hat is ,!+ern'ent itse)*,2 aske- ;a'es Aa-is!n, 1$&t the ,reatest !* a)) re*)ecti!ns !n h&'an nat&re62 The ne0 sciences !* the 'in- are ree8a'inin, the c!nnecti!ns $et0een !)itics an- h&'an nat&re, 0hich 0ere a+i-). -isc&sse- in Aa-is!n7s ti'e $&t s&$'er,e- -&rin, a )!n, inter)&-e in 0hich h&'ans 0ere ass&'e- t! $e $)ank s)ates !r rati!na) act!rs/ #&'ans, 0e are increasin,). a reciatin,, are '!ra)istic act!rs, ,&i-e- $. n!r's an- ta$!!s a$!&t a&th!rit., tri$e, an- &rit., an- -ri+en $. c!n*)ictin, inc)inati!ns t!0ar- re+en,e an- rec!nci)iati!n/ These i' &)ses !r-inari). ! erate $eneath !&r c!nsci!&s a0areness, $&t in s!'e circ&'stances the. can $e t&rne- ar!&n- $. reas!n an- -e$ate/ 3e are startin, t! ,ras 0h. these '!ra)istic i' &)ses e+!)+e-< h!0 the. are i' )e'ente- in the $rain< h!0 the. -i**er a'!n, in-i+i-&a)s, c&)t&res, an- s&$5 c&)t&res< an- 0hich c!n-iti!ns t&rn the' !n an- !**/ The a )icati!n !* science t! !)itics n!t !n). enriches !&r st!ck !* i-eas, $&t a)s! !**ers the 'eans t! ascertain 0hich !* the' are )ike). t! $e c!rrect/ :!)itica) -e$ates ha+e tra-iti!na)). $een -e)i$eratethr!&,h case st&-ies, rhet!ric, an- 0hat s!*t0are en,ineers ca)) #i::O Ghi,hest5 ai- ers!n7s ! ini!nH/ N!t s&r risin,)., the c!ntr!+ersies ha+e careene- 0ith!&t res!)&ti!n/ D! -e'!cracies *i,ht each !ther6 3hat a$!&t tra-in, artners6 D! nei,h$!rin, ethnic ,r!& s ine+ita$). )a. !&t ancient hatre-s in $)!!-. c!n*)ict6 D! eacekee in, *!rces rea)). kee the eace6 D! terr!rist !r,ani"ati!ns ,et 0hat the. 0ant6 #!0 a$!&t Gan-hian n!n+i!)ent '!+e'ents6 Are !st5c!n*)ict rec!nci)iati!n rit&a)s e**ecti+e at re+entin, the rene0a) !* c!n*)ict6 #ist!r. ner-s can a--&ce e8a' )es that s& !rt either ans0er, $&t that -!es n!t 'ean the 9&esti!ns are irres!)+a$)e/ :!)itica) e+ents are $&**ete- $. 'an. *!rces, s! it7s !ssi$)e that a ,i+en *!rce is !tent in ,enera) $&t s&$'er,e- in a artic&)ar instance/ 3ith the a-+ent !* -ata sciencethe ana).sis !* )ar,e, ! en5access -ata sets !* n&'$ers !r te8tsi,na)s can $e e8tracte- *r!' the n!ise an- -e$ates in hist!r. an- !)itica) science res!)+e- '!re !$=ecti+e)./ As $est 0e can te)) at resent, the ans0ers t! the 9&esti!ns )iste- a$!+e are G!n a+era,e, an- a)) thin,s $ein, e9&a)H n!, n!, n!, .es, n!, .es, an- .es/ The h&'anities are the -!'ain in 0hich the intr&si!n !* science has r!-&ce- the str!n,est rec!i)/ Yet

it is =&st that -!'ain that 0!&)- see' t! $e '!st in nee- !* an in*&si!n !* ne0 i-eas/ B. '!st acc!&nts, the h&'anities are in tr!&$)e/ Uni+ersit. r!,ra's are -!0nsi"in,, the ne8t ,enerati!n !* sch!)ars is &n5 !r &n-ere' )!.e-, '!ra)e is sinkin,, st&-ents are sta.in, a0a. in -r!+es/ N! thinkin, ers!n sh!&)- $e in-i**erent t! !&r s!ciet.7s -isin+est'ent *r!' the h&'anities, 0hich are in-is ensa$)e t! a ci+i)i"e- -e'!crac./ Dia,n!ses !* the 'a)aise !* the h&'anities ri,ht). !int t! anti5inte))ect&a) tren-s in !&r c&)t&re an- t! the c!''ercia)i"ati!n !* !&r &ni+ersities/ B&t an h!nest a raisa) 0!&)- ha+e t! ackn!0)e-,e that s!'e !* the -a'a,e is se)*5in*)icte-/ The h&'anities ha+e .et t! rec!+er *r!' the -isaster !* !st'!-ernis', 0ith its -e*iant !$sc&rantis', -!,'atic re)ati+is', an- s&**!catin, !)itica) c!rrectness/ An- the. ha+e *ai)e- t! -e*ine a r!,ressi+e a,en-a/ Se+era) &ni+ersit. resi-ents anr!+!sts ha+e )a'ente- t! 'e that 0hen a scientist c!'es int! their !**ice, it7s t! ann!&nce s!'e e8citin, ne0 research ! !rt&nit. an- -e'an- the res!&rces t! &rs&e it/ 3hen a h&'anities sch!)ar -r! s $., it7s t! )ea- *!r res ect *!r the 0a. thin,s ha+e a)0a.s $een -!ne/ Th!se 0a.s -! -eser+e res ect, an- there can $e n! re )ace'ent *!r the +arieties !* c)!se rea-in,, thick -escri ti!n, an- -ee i''ersi!n that er&-ite sch!)ars can a ). t! in-i+i-&a) 0!rks/ B&t '&st these $e the !n). aths t! &n-erstan-in,6 A c!nsi)ience 0ith science !**ers the h&'anities c!&nt)ess !ssi$i)ities *!r inn!+ati!n in &n-erstan-in,/ Art, c&)t&re, an- s!ciet. are r!-&cts !* h&'an $rains/ The. !ri,inate in !&r *ac&)ties !* erce ti!n, th!&,ht, an- e'!ti!n, an- the. c&'&)ate an- s rea- thr!&,h the e i-e'i!)!,ica) -.na'ics $. 0hich !ne ers!n a**ects !thers/ Sh!&)-n7t 0e $e c&ri!&s t! &n-erstanthese c!nnecti!ns6 B!th si-es 0!&)- 0in/ The h&'anities 0!&)- en=!. '!re !* the e8 )anat!r. -e th !* the sciences, t! sa. n!thin, !* the kin- !* a r!,ressi+e a,en-a that a ea)s t! -eans an- -!n!rs/ The sciences c!&)- cha))en,e their the!ries 0ith the nat&ra) e8 eri'ents an- ec!)!,ica)). +a)ihen!'ena that ha+e $een s! rich). characteri"e- $. h&'anists/ 4n s!'e -isci )ines, this c!nsi)ience is a *ait acc!' )i/ Arche!)!,. has ,r!0n *r!' a $ranch !* art hist!r. t! a hi,h5tech science/ %in,&istics an- the hi)!s! h. !* 'in- sha-e int! c!,niti+e science anne&r!science/ Si'i)ar ! !rt&nities are there *!r the e8 )!rin,/ The +is&a) arts c!&)- a+ai) the'se)+es !* the e8 )!si!n !* kn!0)e-,e in +isi!n science, inc)&-in, the erce ti!n !* c!)!r, sha e, te8t&re, an)i,htin,, an- the e+!)&ti!nar. aesthetics !* *aces an- )an-sca es/ A&sic sch!)ars ha+e '&ch t! -isc&ss 0ith the scientists 0h! st&-. the erce ti!n !* s eech an- the $rain7s ana).sis !* the a&-it!r. 0!r)-/ As *!r )iterar. sch!)arshi , 0here t! $e,in6 ;!hn Dr.-en 0r!te that a 0!rk !* *icti!n is 1a =&st an)i+e). i'a,e !* h&'an nat&re, re resentin, its assi!ns an- h&'!&rs, an- the chan,es !* *!rt&ne t! 0hich it is s&$=ect, *!r the -e)i,ht an- instr&cti!n !* 'ankin-/2 %in,&istics can i))&'inate the res!&rces !* ,ra''ar an- -isc!&rse that a))!0 a&th!rs t! 'ani &)ate a rea-er7s i'a,inar. e8 erience/ D!,niti+e s.ch!)!,. can r!+i-e insi,ht a$!&t rea-ers7 a$i)it. t! rec!nci)e their !0n c!nsci!&sness 0ith th!se !* the a&th!r an- characters/ Beha+i!ra) ,enetics can & -ate *!)k the!ries !* arenta) in*)&ence 0ith -isc!+eries a$!&t the e**ects !* ,enes, eers, an- chance, 0hich ha+e r!*!&n- i' )icati!ns *!r the inter retati!n !* $i!,ra h. an- 'e'!iran en-ea+!r that a)s! has '&ch t! )earn *r!' the c!,niti+e s.ch!)!,. !* 'e'!r. an- the s!cia) s.ch!)!,. !* se)*5 resentati!n/ E+!)&ti!nar. s.ch!)!,ists can -istin,&ish the !$sessi!ns that are &ni+ersa) *r!' th!se that are e8a,,erate- $. a artic&)ar c&)t&re ancan )a. !&t the inherent c!n*)icts an- c!n*)&ences !* interest 0ithin *a'i)ies, c!& )es, *rien-shi s, anri+a)ries that are the -ri+ers !* )!t/ An- as 0ith !)itics, the a-+ent !* -ata science a )ie- t! $!!ks, eri!-ica)s, c!rres !n-ence, an'&sica) sc!res h!)-s the r!'ise *!r an e8 ansi+e ne0 1-i,ita) h&'anities/2 The !ssi$i)ities *!r the!r. an- -isc!+er. are )i'ite- !n). $. the i'a,inati!n an- inc)&-e the !ri,in an- s rea- !* i-eas, net0!rks !* inte))ect&a) an- artistic in*)&ence, the ersistence !* hist!rica) 'e'!r., the 0a8in, an-

0anin, !* the'es in )iterat&re, an- atterns !* &n!**icia) cens!rshi an- ta$!!/ N!nethe)ess, 'an. h&'anities sch!)ars ha+e reacte- t! these ! !rt&nities )ike the r!ta,!nist !* the ,ra''ar5$!!k e8a' )e !* the +!)iti!na) *&t&re tense> 14 0i)) -r!0n< n! !ne sha)) sa+e 'e/2 N!tin, that these ana).ses *)atten the richness !* in-i+i-&a) 0!rks, the. reach *!r the &s&a) a-=ecti+es> si' )istic, re-&cti!nist, naB+e, +&),ar, an- !* c!&rse, scientistic/ The c!' )aint a$!&t si' )i*icati!n is 'is$e,!tten/ T! e8 )ain s!'ethin, is t! s&$s&'e it &n-er '!re ,enera) rinci )es, 0hich a)0a.s entai)s a -e,ree !* si' )i*icati!n/ Yet t! si' )i*. is n!t t! $e si' )istic/ An a reciati!n !* the artic&)ars !* a 0!rk can c!5e8ist 0ith e8 )anati!ns at 'an. !ther )e+e)s, *r!' the ers!na)it. !* an a&th!r t! the c&)t&ra) 'i)ie&, the *ac&)ties !* h&'an nat&re, an- the )a0s ,!+ernin, s!cia) $ein,s/ The re=ecti!n !* a search *!r ,enera) tren-s an- rinci )es ca))s t! 'in;!r,e %&is B!r,es7s *ictiti!&s e' ire in 0hich 1the Dart!,ra hers G&i)- -re0 a 'a !* the E' ire 0h!se si"e 0as that !* the E' ire, c!inci-in, !int *!r !int 0ith it/ The *!))!0in, Generati!ns /// sa0 the +ast Aa t! $e Use)ess an- er'itte- it t! -eca. an- *ra. &n-er the S&n an- 0inters/2 An- the critics sh!&)- $e care*&) 0ith the a-=ecti+es/ 4* an.thin, is naB+e an- si' )istic, it is the c!n+icti!n that the )e,ac. si)!s !* aca-e'ia sh!&)- $e *!rti*ie- an- that 0e sh!&)- $e *!re+er c!ntent 0ith c&rrent 0a.s !* 'akin, sense !* the 0!r)-/ S&re). !&r c!nce ti!ns !* !)itics, c&)t&re, an'!ra)it. ha+e '&ch t! )earn *r!' !&r $est &n-erstan-in, !* the h.sica) &ni+erse an- !* !&r 'ake& as a s ecies/ http)**$$$%ne$republic%com*article*++,+-.*science-not-enemy-humanities

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