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fontsize - What is the default font size of a LaTeX document? - TeX - L...


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What is the default font size of a LaTeX document?

What is the default font size of a LaTeX document?
{fontsize} edited 4 hours ago Joseph Wright
10 ! " #" #1$

as!ed 4 hours ago John Threep%ood

&"' $

)t depends on the font*related options and the argument of the \documentclass[<options>]{<classname>} command+ ,ssuming -ou.re use a /asic document class 0such as article 1 and don.t pro2ide font*related options3 the default font size %ill /e 10pt + ( 4ico 4 hours ago 5o less important3 perhaps3 is the 2alue for \baselineskip 3 %hich is e6ual to 0a/out1 1+ times the fontsize unless fiddled %ith+ Thus a simple \the\baselineskip %ill print the 2alue for \baselineskip right in -our document+ 07imple math to %or! /ac!%ards to the fontsize 2alue+1 ,lso the standard classes %ill usuall- load3 right after the .cls file3 a .clo file 0something li!e size10.clo 13 %hich is %here man- of these .size. 2alues are initiall- set+ ( 8on & hours ago 9elated te:+stac!e:change+com;6uestions; 4#<<;= ( te:enthusiast hours ago

3 Answers
7hort ,ns%er 10pt is the default font size unless -ou opt for other a2aila/le sizes+

Long ,ns%er >epends on the document class -ou are using3 /ut mostl- it is 10pt+ article ? >efault is 10 pt3 other a2aila/le options are 11 pt and 1 pt+ /oo! ? >efault is 10 pt3 other a2aila/le options are 11 pt and 1 pt+ report ? >efault is 10 pt3 other a2aila/le options are 11 pt and 1 pt+ letter ? >efault is 10 pt3 other a2aila/le options are 11 pt and 1 pt+ proc ? >efault is 10 pt3 other a2aila/le options are 11 pt and 1 pt+ e:t 2ersions of the a/o2e 0e:tarticle3e:treport3 e:t/oo!3 e:tletter3 and e:tproc1 0the e:tsizes1? ,gain3 >efault is 10 pt3 other a2aila/le options are $pt3 <pt3 11pt3 1 pt3 14pt3 1"pt3 and 0pt+ The ams class 0amsart3 ams/oo! and amsproc13 coming from the ams*LaTeX collection prepared /- the ,merican 4athematical 7ociet-? >efault is 10 pt3 other a2aila/le options are 11 pt and 1 pt+ memoir ? >efault is 10 pt3 other a2aila/le options are <pt3 11pt3 1 pt3 14pt3 1"pt3 0pt3 #pt3 &0pt3 &'pt3 4$pt3'0pt+ @ption extrafontsizes is a2aila/le to indicate that -ou %ill /e using scala/le fonts that can e:ceed #pt+ /eamer ? >efault is 11 pt3 other a2aila/le options are $pt3 <pt3 10pt3 11pt3 1 pt3 14pt3 1"pt3 0pt+ !oma*script 0scrartcl3 scr/oo!3 and scrreprt1? >efault is 11 pt+ A@4,*7cript does not use fi:ed fonts and attri/utes to emphasize different elements of the te:t+ )nstead there are 2aria/les that contain the commands used for changing fonts and other te:t attri/utes+

Burther 9eading This one 0What are the a2aila/le CdocumentclassD t-pes and their uses?1 %ill ans%er mansupplementar- 6uestions -ou might ha2e+
edited hours ago ans%ered 4 hours ago 44,
43&#' 1 " &1

the ams document classes e6ui2alent to article3 /oo! and proc are in the Elate: re6uiredE collection distri/uted as part of te: li2e+ if -ou %ant to add a EgroupE item to this list3 the- default to 10 pt3 %ith options 11pt and 1 pt+ 0ams classes differ from the /ase classes %ith respect to the top matter 0input format and output presentation13 and /- the inclusion of amsthm3 amsmath and amsfonts3 /ut other%ise conform to the structure of the /ase classes to allo% eas- su/stitution+1 ( /ar/ara /eeton hours ago

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1/26/2014 1:04 AM

fontsize - What is the default font size of a LaTeX document? - TeX - L...


Bor a /it of /ac!ground on A@4,*7cripts fontsize selection? te:+stac!e:change+com;6;10$#'< ( cgnieder hours ago F/ar/ara/eeton When -ou ma!e a list3 -ou al%a-s run the ris! of omissions+ Than!s a lot+ ,dded+ ( 44, hours ago >efault is 10 pt for article report book letter e:cept slides Brom LaTeX 9eference manual? 4+1

>ocument class options ( te:enthusiast

hours ago

F44, than! -ou for -our nice e:planation+ Brom %here did -ou get the information a/out the standard classes li!e article3 /oo!3 report3 letter? ( John Threep%ood &0 mins ago

The !"#-$cript classes scrartcl 3 scrbook 3 and scrreprt ** unli!e the standard classes and memoir ** feature a default font size of 11pt3 %hich allo%s for t-pographicall- sound margins %hen using the paper sizes ,4 or letter+ With !"#-$cript 3 it is also possi/le to select an- desired font size and specif- it in an- TeX unit of measure+ 7ee section &+# of the !"#-$cript manual for details+
edited & hours ago ans%ered & hours ago loc!step
114! 1 <' 4$<

Gased on a 4i!e 9enfro.s ans%er to Ho% can ) test for the current font?+ \f%size is the internal macro that holds the current font size+ Without specif-ing additional font size options to document class one can test the default font size+ Bor e:ample slides has default font size of I 0 pt
\documentclass{slides} \makeatletter \newcommand{\showfontsize}{\f@size{}&pt} \makeatother \begin{document} 'he&current&font&size&is&\showfontsize \end{document}

ans%ered 1 hour ago te:enthusiast

&3#<0 10 &'

5o idea %h- it sho%s 1(.(0)&pt not *0&pt e:actl- unli!e 10&pt ? ( te:enthusiast 1 hour ago

)t.s /een man-3 man- -ears since ) last used the slides document class+ )s there an- reason 0other than inertia+++1 for still using slides if beamer is an option? ( 4ico 1 hour ago

F4ico it.s onl- m- curiosit- to find the default font size for a not %idel- used document class ?1+ ) do use /eamer ( te:enthusiast 1 hour ago

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1/26/2014 1:04 AM

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