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NCBB 2uu8 Reflective Tools foi Bealing with 0nceitainty

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Banuouts (v.2) foi
1oo|s for Dea||ng w|th Uncerta|nty, Amb|gu|ty, and aradox:
kef|ect|ve Methods for Group Deve|opment

A woikshop at NCBB 2uu8

Woikshop facilitatois:

Tom Nuiiay, Saia Ross, }an Inglis

tommuiiay.uscs.umass.euu, saia.noia.iossgmail.com, janinglistelus.net

!"#$%&"' )*%+#,'-,"./

Bialog anu uelibeiation can become paiticulaily challenging when the focal topic involves
substantial complexity, unceitainty, ambiguity, oi paiauox, as is all too often the case.
Complexity anu unceitainty aiise in pait fiom the exteinal situation, but also because
human thinking anu social piocesses, aie so complex. 0ui focus is on methous uesigneu to
piomote mutual unueistanuing anu open paiticipants to moie flexible unueistanuing of
multiple peispectives anu inteipietations that aiise uuiing uialog anu uelibeiation. The
tiauitional B&B goals of giving all paities a voice anu finuing common giounu, while
impoitant, can iesult in a less than ueep mutual unueistanuing among paiticipants. 0ui
goal is to suppoit B&B going ueepei into leaining, change, anu tiansfoimational spaces.

We will intiouuce seveial methous foi helping gioups giapple with such situations. These
methous aie paiticulaily appiopiiate to contexts that allow iich uialog foi small to meuium
sizeu gioups with a commitment to woiking togethei.

(Piesentei Bios aie at the enu of the packet.)
NCBB 2uu8 Reflective Tools foi Bealing with 0nceitainty
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1ab|e of Contents

!""#$ &"' ()*#+,- .+/0 1,2)'/*+,/34 567+-8+/34 *,9 :*'*9";< =)&#)2/+>) ?)/0"9$ &"'
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!""#$4 ?)/0"9$4 52/+>+/+)$ &"' *9*A/+>)U9+*#)2/+2*# -'"8A /0+,G+,-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB CV
!""#$ /" 0)#A 9)*# .+/0 2"6A#);+/34 8,2)'/*+,/34 *67+-8+/34 A*'*9";BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB CV
D0*,-) :'"2)$$ ]Y668,+/3 ?*A^< Y,/)',*# #*,-8*-)$ &"' /'*,$&"'6*/+", BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB CK
5$$86A/+",$ /" L8AA"'/ ?8/8*# X)*',+,- *,9 _,/"#"-+2*# [86+#+/3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB EV
L"6) 2"-,+/+>) $G+##$ +6A#+2*/)9 +, $"A0+$/+2*/)9 *AA'"*20)$ /" 2"6A#); (F( 2",/);/$

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Act|v|ty: Descr|be the D&D work you do or are |nterested |n
..in teims of wheie the woik that you uo falls along these spectia:

Quickly leain a bit about each othei in teims of how we use B&B
Stait thinking in teims of how B&B contexts vaiy in ways that may help us map
situation paiameteis to B&B methous.)

_8/2"6) -"*#$
Beaiing each othei!!!!!!!!!!"Becisionsactions

D0*,-) ()A/0
Pioblem solving Leaining Tiansfoimation

Small gioup !!!!!!!!!!" Laige gioup

(8'*/+", of the B&B piocess:
Shoit teim !!!!!!!!!!" Long teim

Casualtempoiaiy!!!!!!!!!!" Longsignificant

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D|a|og and De||berat|on Context arameters

'010234315 678 90: 853 47 1043; 9<7753; 71 985472=>3 )?) 234<7@5A
-<3 234<7@5 B3 B=CC =:417@893 47@06 0DDC6 E316 178F<C6 05 G7CC7B5 =: 4<3 @78HC3IC=:3@ 01305/

Small gioup !============!.!" Laige gioup

(8'*/+", of the B&B Piocess:
Shoit teim !!!!==========" Long teim

!'8$/ & Tone
Auveisaiial !!!============" Collaboiative

=)#*/+",$0+A$ (past anu futuie)
Casualtempoiaiy!!!!=========" Longsignificant

(of powei, class, cultuie, neeusvalueswoiluviews..)
Low!===============" Bigh

!"#)'*,2) &"' 8,2)'/*+,/3 (anu ambiguity, paiauox)
('uialectical' oi 'complexity' skill)
Low!!!=============" Bigh

D"66+/6),/4 Eneigy, Buy-in
Low!!!=============" Bigh

L+/8*/+",U:'"7#)6 D"6A#);+/3

Inexpeiienceu !!!!=========" Expeiienceu

_8/2"6) -"*#$
Beaiing each othei!!!!========="Becisionsactions

D0*,-) ()A/0
Pioblem solving Leaining Tiansfoimation
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Iocus on Mutua| Understand|ng aspect of D&D processes

Nutual 0nueistanuing is only one aspectphasegoal of any full B&B piocess. What we
offei heie is meant to be a component oi a layei of a full piocess.

B&B components
- Infoimation shaiing
- uoalvision setting
- !"#"$%& ()*)+$ ),-"./*+,-0,1
- Auvocating, uelibeiating
- Agieements. uecisions
- ..

Sources of Uncerta|nty, Amb|gu|ty, and aradox

D"6A#); situations, Ill-uefineu ("Wickeu") pioblems
ulobal, civic, oiganizational, peisonal.. (on all scales)

A. *J431:0C souices
- Lots of infoimation
- Complex inteiielationships
- 0n-tiusteu infoimation souices.
- Bilemmas - involve uifficult tiaueoffs, can't "have it all"
WB b2,*".,+$ $"8'2)$b
- Nultiple peispectives, opinions, agenuas, woiluviews.
- Biuuen assumptions, conflicting innei beliefs, uesiies,.
K74< 013 =2D7140:4A LKM =5 4<3 D1=2016 G7985 7G 4<3 234<7@5 =:417@893@ <313A
Work|ng w|th Comp|ex|ty and Uncerta|nty
What uo we uo with complexity, unceitainty, ambiguity, anu paiauox..

A. =)982) +/ (fix it!)
o uet moie accuiate info
o Simplify the piocess
o Scale uown the pioject.
*B. 522)A/ *,9 59*A/ to it*
(0ui focus is on what is left ovei oi inheient)
See oui suggestions latei..

K74< 013 =2D7140:4A LKM =5 4<3 D1=2016 G7985 7G 4<3 234<7@5 =:417@893@ <313A
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Att|tudes to, and Capab|||t|es for, Comp|ex|ty and Uncerta|nty

1. Theie is no unceitainty!
Theie is a iight way anu a wiong way. (Its us vs. them)
2. Theie aie many appioaches to exploie systematically, iationally.
A most effective one exists anu oui goal is to finu it.
S. Eveiyone is iight. Let many floweis bloom.
What uoes youi intuition say. (Can leau to inuecision.)
4. 0nceitainty anu peispectival uiveisity aie inheient.
We move foiwaiu to meet the neeus of the whole thiough
minufulness, iigoi, cieativity, anu compassion.

Black & white thinking Auaptive (& uialectical) thinking

5//+/89)U2*A*2+/3 9)A),9$ ", D_c!de!
0ne's capacity to ueal with complexity anu unceitainty is paitly uevelopmental anu
skill-baseu, B0T: each peison biings a uiffeient level to each situation oi topic.

D"-,+/+>) ">)'#"*9 *,9 )6"/+",*# 20*'-) (feai, angei, confusion, uigency, etc.) can put
the biain into moie piimitive (black anu white) thinking moualities.

Some uegiee of 2)'/*+,/3 +$ +6A"'/*,/ foi uecision anu action. W8/ iigiu oi black anu
white thinking can not piocess complexity, plan foi long teim anu sustainability, oi balance
conflicting neeus.
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D|a|og, De||berat|on, and Mutua| Understand|ng

(+*#"- suppoits #+$/),+,- to otheis; suppoiting eveiyone in having a >"+2)
()#+7)'*/+", builus upon uialog, using ieasoning skills to make 9)2+$+",$ foi
iecommenuation oi action

Beep listening anu shaiing cieates ueep 68/8*# 8,9)'$/*,9+,-.
Nutual unueistanuing cieates mutual iegaiu anu mutual iecognition
Nutual unueistanuing foims the basis foi collaboiation, action, tiansfoimation

D"66", A'"7#)6$ when B&B uoes not ieach its potential anu mutual unueistanuing is
not achieveu:
"Feel goou" outcome without sufficient uepth.
The "common giounu" iuentifieu is shallownot a basis foi collaboiation & change.
Real uiffeiences in values oi goals aie not auuiesseu anu acknowleugeu.
Nisunueistanuing, inaction, oi pooi uecisions can iesult.

34445678%8577772 /""5 9:%);777
Those iaie moments of unueistanuing acioss gieat human uiviues...
.an "A),+,- "& 6+,9 *,9 0)*'/
Noments of giace, appieciation, foigiveness, connection, ielease.

Why are moments of mutua| understand|ng so rare and d|ff|cu|t?

Complexity anu unceitainty is the teiiitoiy of 9+$$",*,2)4 9+$2"6&"'/4 >8#,)'*7+#+/3..

A. d6"/+",*# factois
Emotionalego challenge of opening to new infoimation, suspenuing assumptions,
letting go of pieconceptions.

B. D"-,+/+>) factois
Cognitive challenge of uealing with complexity, unceitainty, ambiguity, paiauox
--often iequiies auaptiveuialecticalsystems thinking.

Paiticipants neeu both 3274=7:0CN579=0C suppoit anu 97F:=4=E3 fiamewoiks to navigate
these wateis.
The methous we show help mostly with the cognitive siue. But they may not be
effective if )6"/+",*#U$"2+*# $8AA"'/ is missing.

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Support|ng Growth and 1ransformat|on

?8/8*# 1,9)'$/*,9+,- ff ggg hh L)#& 8,9)'$/*,9+,-

0pening ueeply to unueistanu oi consiuei wheie anothei is coming fiom iequiieu
suspenuing, ieleasing, anuoi ieflecting upon one's own assumptions, fiamewoik,

Pioblem solving Leaining Tiansfoimation
,: =:@=E=@80C5 0:@ 71F0:=>04=7:5

Nethous that allow foi complexity anu that woik towaiu ueepei mutual unueistanuing
suppoit leaining anu tiansfoimation of inuiviuuals anu gioups. (This is possible if theie is
$8&&+2+),/ /+6) *,9 .+##+,-,)$$, anu wheie the iesistance to change is not significant.)

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Context-sett|ng Act|v|ty

5$$86) /0*/ 3"8' )#)2/)9 "&&+2+*#$ *') A*$$+,-
#)-+$#*/+", ')i8+'+,- 2+>+2 2"668,+/3 $)'>+2) .0)') *##
2+/+a),$ ),-*-) +, &"'6*# 2+>+2 (F( A'"2)$$)$ "& $"6)
$"'/ +, "'9)' /" ')$A",9 /" 20*##),-+,- 2",/)6A"'*'3

CB [". 6*3 0"8'$ A)' 6",/0 /" 3"8 /0+,G $0"8#9 7)
')i8+')9 &"' )*20 2+/+a),P (Agiee to one numbei heie.)

EB d;A#*+, 3"8' ')*$",+,- &"' jCB

HB M0*/ );2)A/+",$ $0"8#9 /0) #)-+$#*/+", *##". &"' /0)
*7">) ]'8#)P^

(Feel fiee to make whatevei assumptions you neeu so that it seems like a piactical,
woikable piece of legislation.)

ost Act|v|ty kef|ect|ve uest|ons:

Biu you encountei /)'6$ "' 2",2)A/$ that people hau uiffeient meanings foi oi
inteipietations of. Biscuss the natuie of a couple of these.
Biu anyone feel as though theii peispective was ,"/ &8##3 8,9)'$/""9, anu was
misunueistoou oi misiepiesenteu. What was that like.
What aie the 2),/'*# 2",2)A/$ in the uialog. Bo people have uiffeient
inteipietations oi *$$"2+*/+",$ with these concepts.
Biu anyone encountei a statement oi belief fiom anothei that they uisagieeu with.
Was it 9+&&+28#/ /" )6A*/0+a) with how one coulu come to that belief.
Biu you #)*', *,3/0+,- in the encountei. Biu you change you minu about
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1oo|s, Methods, Act|v|t|es for adapt|ve]d|a|ect|ca| group th|nk|ng

1oo|s to he|p dea| w|th comp|ex|ty, uncerta|nty, amb|gu|ty, paradox

In this packet we pioviue biief uesciiptions of the items in the fiist list. We simply mention
items in the seconu list.

Napping Conceptual Spieau
)=597E31=:F @=GG313:935 =: 230:=:F
The Believing game
*:431=:F =:47 0C431:04=E3 B71C@ E=3B5 0:@ H3C=3G5
Lauuei of Infeience
O0:0F=:F 781 97:G=@3:93
Revealing Youi Biuuen voices
!<04 013 B3 4<=:P=:F 8:@31:304< 781 4<78F<45 0:@ 094=7:5Q
TIP--The Integial Piocess foi Woiking on Complex Issues
Polaiity Napping
R:@31540:@=:F D7C01=4=35; D010@7J35; @=0C394=95S

Belief "tuin aiounus" (see Byion Katie)
K3=:F DC06G8C B=4< 230:=:F 0:@ H3C=3G
0sing extieme cases, analogies, simple cases
)=E31F3:4 4<=:P=:F
Reflective listening (uebugging communication)
-<=5 =5 B<04 , <301@ 678 506 T71 B<04 @=@ 678 <301 23 506UQ

+0E3045 G71 4<=5 477C5 534/
These aie only pait of any laigei B&B piocess
They focus on builuing mutual unueistanuing
They suppoit the cognitive challenges of having multiple peispectives, but
cieating suppoitive emotionalsocial enviionment is also necessaiy.
They assume paiticipants have the time anu willingness to go "ueepei."

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Mapp|ng Conceptua| Spread

#3E30C=:F 4<3 20:6 230:=:F5 7G 4<3 B71@5 B3 013 85=:F.

In uialog people can have veiy uiffeient iueas anu emotions come to minu foi the same
woiu. Recognizing these uiffeiences can leau to cleaiei communication anu gieatei mutual
unueistanuing. As shown in ueoige Lakoff's books, the associations that we foim in oui
minus between uiffeient woiks oi concepts have a poweiful unconscious influence on us.

The woiu oi phiase________________________

Positive associations Neutial associations Negative associations

Biainstoiming questions (fill in the boxes):
It means ____; It is _____; It is not ______
Examples aie.
It ieminus me of.
It leaus to.
What causes it.
It makes me feel.

Notice how uiffeient people inteipiet a woiuphiase uiffeiently. Note theie is no
single "iight" inteipietation. (Though theie can be inaccuiate facts anu non-useful
What aie geneial aieas of agieement anu uiffeience.
What uiu you leain heie (about otheis, youiself, youi gioup, the woilu).
Bow can we communicate with moie claiity oi unueistanuing.

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1he 8e||ev|ng game

CiiticismSkepticism's Piopei uoals: piotect us fiom faulty claims of otheis; ANB
challenge oui own beliefs. (Not: to simply piotect oui own woilu view.)
Yet "ciiticalskeptical thinking" is so often applieu to 74<315V iueas anu can block the
ieceptionpeiception of valiu infoimation.
Avoiu the extiemes of:
o Bogmatism: unskilleu at uoubting
o Skepticism: unskilleu at believing
Befoie ciitiquing, open up to the othei's iueaswoilu view.

(Auapteu fiom P. Elbow's The Rhetoiic of Assent anu The Believing uame)

The Claim ___________________________
Claim's feeling oi 'valence': goouuesiieu <--! bauunuesiieu

(A Countei-claim ___________________________) (Its feelingvalance)

Choose the uifficult one (claim oi countei claim), the one you B0N'T agiee with.

Answei these questions about the uifficult claim:

Bow coulu you 9)&+,) oi unueistanu the woius useu to make it seem tiue (anu feel

Think of ieal oi imagineu 2+'286$/*,2)$ wheie it woulu seem tiue (anu feel

What woulu one neeu to 7)#+)>) foi it to seem tiue (anu feel gooubau).

#3C3053 E0CE3W/ X78 206 :33@ 0 5D093 47 B1=43 71 506 B<04 678 Y130CC6V 71 71=F=:0CC6
H3C=3E3A T"1 <7B =G G33C5 47 H3 416=:F 4<=5 3J319=53U

Follow up:
uiains of tiuth: Is the 5723 53:53NB06 that it is tiue. Some 53:53NB06 that it is not
What uiu you leain heie (about otheis, youiself, youi gioup, the woilu).
Woulu we ALL agiee that it seems tiue IF (woiu meaning, context, assumptions.)

Note: can be uone inuiviuual, paiis, oi gioups; then uo gioup follow-up.
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Ladder of Inference

Revealing Assumptions (mental mouels, leaps of abstiactiongeneialization) anu
giounuing in obseivations.

Lauuei of infeience Nouel (ieau fiom bottom to top)
I take ACTI0NS baseu on my beliefs.
I auopt BELIEFS about the woilu.
I uiaw C0NCL0SI0NS.
I make ASS0NPTI0NS baseu on the meanings I auu.
I auu NEANINuS (cultuial anu peisonal).
I select "BATA" fiom what I obseive.
Something happens in my obseivable woilu

NB Ny BELIEFS affect the BATA that I select

Stait with a statement (a claim).

What aie the obseivable uata behinu that statement.
Boes eveiyone agiee on what the uata aie.
Can you iun me thiough youi ieasoning.
Why is the outcome impoitant to you.
o What uo you wish foi.
o What aie you conceineu about.
What aie the assumptions. Keep asking ueepei: why, how.

(ief: Aigyiis)
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kevea||ng our n|dden Vo|ces

Revealing oui innei uialog
0ncoveiing subconscious goals (competing oi unueimining intentions oi
commitments) that make us iesistant to changing oui un-useful beliefs oi behavioi

d;A"$+,- .0*/ -")$ 8,$*+9

Left hanu column:
What I am (was) thinking (anu uiu not say)
Right Banu column:
What I anu they saiu:

(auapteu fiom Aigyiis)

Also possible to auu columns:
"The iesult of what was saiu"
"Ny intentionsthe iesults I wanteu"

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Change rocess "Immun|ty Map": Interna| |anguages for transformat|on

(Fiom Kegan & Lahey)

A piocess foi uncoveiing pioblematic coie beliefs that unueimine oui effoits to fulfill oui
intentions anu commitments.

u. Complaints 1. Commitment 2. Responsibility
(what pievents)
S. Competing
4. Big
(coie beliefs)
What is
about me,
otheis, the
I am committeu
to the value oi
of.(implieu by
my complaints)
What I am uoing
oi not uoing that
pievents my
fiom being fully
I may also
be committeu
Ny competing
assumes that.

Follow up:
Question the Big Assumptions
Bow uoes this assumption impact youi ielationships anu goal success.
Consiuei testing (anu ieplacing) them.

Tiansfoiming oui language fiom one of .. to one of.

complaint T0 commitment
blame T0 peisonal iesponsibility
new yeai's iesolutions T0 competing commitments
assumptions that holu us T0 assumptions we holu
piizes anu piaising T0 ongoing iegaiu
iules anu policies T0 public agieement
constiuctive ciiticism T0 ueconstiuctive ciiticism
eneigy iequiieu foi change immunity T0 hainessing eneigy foi change
mental uoluiums T0 mental state-of-the-ait technology
oiganizational stagnation T0 oiganizational tiansfoimation
peisonal fiustiation T0 peisonal tiansfoimation

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1I Issues Iram|ng

Pait of TIP: The Integial Piocess foi Woiking on Complex Issues
(See ARINA, Saia Ross)

Y$$8)$ J'*6+,- !)6A#*/) fiom TIP

People may favoi this appioach if they *$$86) that.
People who favoi this appioach 7)#+)>) it is best because.
This appioach may be ."''+$"6) to otheis because.
Sample *2/+",$ that a uiveise aiiay of actois coulu take to implement this appioach
effectively (say which actois)
A iange of /'*9)R"&&$ that uiffeient actois woulu have to make unuei this appioach

The Y,/)-'*# :'"2)$$ &"' M"'G+,- ", D"6A#); Y$$8)$ (TIP) is uesigneu to help people in
a wiue vaiiety of settings to uo knowleuge-builuing anu compiehensive uecision making
about issues. It pioviues a cleai piogiession of steps foi people to see conciete
inteiconnections among big topics of concein so they iealize when anu why quick fixes aie
uniealistic anu so they know how to woik on a sustaineu, systemic basis to auuiess issues.
The steps help people iuentify the ioot causes' tangleu weave of behaviois, attituues,
institutional stiuctuies anu policies. When people see how issues uevelopeu anu how they
aie maintaineu as pioblems, they can begin to auuiess them systematically anu

0ne step is +$$8)R&'*6+,-. TIP incluues issue-tianspoitable "issue fiaming templates" to
help people to iuentify foi themselves the bioau anu ueep iange of factois anu peispectives
suiiounuing an issue so it can be uelibeiateu. Within each of the (usually foui) options
people uevelop befoie tiying to figuie out how to auuiess an issue, paiticipants aie askeu
to answei the foui questions shown in the template above.

A iange of tiaue-offs that uiffeient actois woulu have to make unuei this appioach. The
templates help ensuie all voices aie heaiu, iespecteu, useu anu available to be uelibeiateu.
Templates ensuie that people have uelibeiation-inuucing options. These facilitate
uelibeiation within ouiselves anu with otheis. This suppoits compiehensive uecision
making at the meta level that complexity seems to uemanu.

See http:www.global-aiina.oigieseaichpiojectsTIP.html
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Integra| Iac|||-mentor|ng

(See }an Inglis, anu www.integiativeleaininginstitute.com)

}an will be uemonstiating Integial Facili-mentoiing uuiing the
woikshop activity.

This is a teim we have cieateu to uesciibe what happens when
facilitation is uone in a way that leaus to leaining. Inquiiy anu analysis
aie useu so that patteins anu gaps can be seen anu ieflecteu upon
within anu between paiticipants, amongst the gioup anu in the context
of theii cultuial oi oiganizational situation oi issue. These may leau to
ueepening integiity between intentions, actions anu outcomes. It builus
connections between expeiiential anu conceptual leaining.

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o|ar|ty Mapp|ng

(0sually calleu "Polaiity Nanagement")

Some challenges aie A"#*'+/+)$ /" 6*,*-), iathei than pioblems to solve. Polaiity
management involves moving fiom focusing on one pole as the pioblem anu the othei as
the solution (eitheioi thinking), to valuing both poles (7"/0U*,9 thinking). The poles of a
polaiity aie inteiuepenuent anu mutually uefining. They ielateu uialectically oi as in
figuiegiounu. uoou polaiity management gets the best of both poles of a uilemma while
avoiuing the limits of eithei.

Polaiities aie:
0ngoing, no enu point, not "solvable"
Inteiuepenuent, Cannot stanu alone, must be manageu togethei

D"66", :"#*'+/+)$ (Fiom }ohnson, 1992)

Inuiviuual (fieeuom, cieativity)
Autociatic (top uown)
Claiity & Rigoi (vs. ambiguous, unuiiecteu)
Planning (oi ieflection)
Stability (oi tianquility, stanuaiuization)
Cost Biiven
Teams (belonging, equality)
Paiticipatoiy (bottom up)
Flexibility & 0penness (vs. iigiu)
Action (oi ueciuing)
Challenge (oi stiess, innovation)
Quality Biiven

See Polaiity Nanagement by Baiiy }ohnson, www.polaiitymanagement.com

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o|ar|ty Mapp|ng, Cont.

L+, R+ : values anu Positive Results fiom focusing on LeftRight Pole.
L-, R- : Feais anu Negative Results fiom (ovei)focusing on LeftRight siue Pole.

See Polaiity Nanagement by Baiiy }ohnson, www.polaiitymanagement.com

Left Siue:
Right Siue:
Xk =k
Bighei Puiposes
Beepei Feais
NCBB 2uu8 Reflective Tools foi Bealing with 0nceitainty
Nuiiay, Ross, Inglis Page 2u of 28
Conc|ud|ng S||des
Assumpt|ons to Support Mutua| Learn|ng and Cnto|og|ca| num|||ty
( vs unilateial contiol anu ontological aiiogance)

0ui piocess is baseu on these assumptions we hope you can make:
- =*/+",*#+/3 +$ #+6+/)9;
- 0thei peispectives aie complementaiy anu auuitive,
- Eiiois aie leaining oppoitunities
- Eveiyone's neeus mattei

(auapteu fiom Kofman; Aigyiis & Schon)
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Nuiiay, Ross, Inglis Page 21 of 28

Sources of comp|ex|ty, uncerta|nty, amb|gu|ty, paradox:

The paiauox of conflicting iueas: 0". 2*, 7"/0 l*##m 7) '+-0/.
Possible souices:
Biffeiences in inteipietation (meaning) of the woius
Biffeient associations (examples, what it is like, causeu it, will cause)
Biffeient ieasonable (but unceitain) assumptions
The poles constitute a polaiity; each is neeueu foi a whole unueistanuing

Souices ielateu to );/)',*# 2",/);/:
- Accuiate infoimation is haiu to ueteimine (what souices to tiust.)
- State of affaiis is complex, uynamic
- "Bilemmas" - involve uifficult tiaueoffs, can't "have it all"

1,*>"+9*7#) souices of complexity anu unceitainty, fiom human natuielanguage
- Each peison has a uiffeient (valiu) peispective, "piece of the puzzle"
- Woius have sliuing oi fuzzy meaningsinteipietations (e.g. "punishment")
- Biveigent associations among paiticipants (e.g. "iight to life")
- Tenuency towaiu black & white (eitheioi) thinking (neeu foi ceitainty)
- Beeply helu, unexamineu beliefs, assumptions, unconscious agenuas.
- Nultiple oi conflicting beliefs within each inuiviuual
- Rationality is limiteu ("bounueu")the minu makes illogical leaps!

5>"+9*7#) souices of complexity anu unceitainty
- Topics aie too geneial oi vague
- Lack of agieement about wheie to stait
- Lack of agieement on ioot causes
- Lack of stiuctuiemethou to suifaceholu the tensionuissonance that aiises

*09< of these souices can be auuiesseu (anticipateu anu manageu, if not ieuuceu) with an
appiopiiate methouology. The moie we unueistanu the lanuscape anu natuie of
complexity (the inheient souices of unceitainty), the moie piecise we can be in uesigning
anu choosing amelioiative methous.

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1act|cs for reduc|ng cogn|t|ve and emot|ona| stress

Psychological (emotional anu ego) loau (uissonance): S0PP0RT
o Tiust, ease
o Spaciousness anu time (slow it uown; silent ieflections.)
o Familiaiity (shaie impoitant stoiies, values.)
o Finu commonality
o Appieciations, Fun, Beauty (cieating the enviionment)

Cognitive loau & complexity: S0PP0RT
Stiuctuie the inquiiyuialog to:
o Simplify, bieak into paits (anu latei ie-integiate)
o 0ncovei inteiconnections anu ioot causes
o uive spacetime foi emeigent cieativity anu uepth
o See: methous shown in /0+$ A')$),/*/+",

(anu see Schaimei 0-Theoiy Piesencing piocess)

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Nuiiay, Ross, Inglis Page 2S of 28
Cverv|ew of key Concepts

D3>>? F=G@
D_?:XdeY!Z F
Cm (dd: ?1!15X 1c(d=L!5c(Yc@
Em D5:5DY!Z MY![Yc D_?:XdeY!Z
En n
NCBB 2uu8 Reflective Tools foi Bealing with 0nceitainty
Nuiiay, Ross, Inglis Page 24 of 28

Cther kesources
Sca|e of ub||c Interact|ons

Anu see the TIP piocess above anu at:
www.integiativeleaininginstitute.com, www.global-aiina.oig.

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Nuiiay, Ross, Inglis Page 2S of 28
Comp|ex|ty and W|cked rob|ems

Chaiacteiistics of D"6A#);+/3:
Bynamic Change (anu uelayeu feeuback)
Quantity: many paits oi layeis
Inteiconnecteuness (systems, inteiuepenuencies)
Biveisity (many woilu-views, peispectives, neeus, values.)
Inueteiminacy (unceitainty, ambiguity of info, concepts, language)
Nultiple goals oi 'bottom lines'

Y##R9)&+,)9 (".+2G)9") pioblems:

(1) F0ZZINESS: You uon't unueistanu (can't uefine) the pioblem until you have
foimulateu anu peihaps even fielueu possible solutions;
lEm :d=L:dD!Y\5X< !0) $/*G)0"#9)'$ 0*>) >)'3 9+&&)'),/ ."'#9 >+).$4 >*#8)$4
7)#+)&$4 *,9U"' ,))9$
(S) BYNANIC: The constiaints on the pioblem solving piocess - who, what, when,
wheie, why - coulu change ovei time;
(4) 0NS0LvABLE: The pioblem is nevei "solveu" in the tiauitional sense, you simply
iun out of iesouices (i.e. time oi money); satisfice iathei than optimize;
continuously monitoi.

(auapteu fiom Coikhill; Rittel; Hayes)

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Nuiiay, Ross, Inglis Page 26 of 28
ko|e-p|ay|ng scenar|os and case-based approaches

Case-baseu leaining mateiial is being uevelopeu to suppoit the following steps anu skills foi
uealing with complex socialethical pioblems.

A. :'"7#)6 $"#>+,- L/)A$ in auuiessing a complex socialethical pioblem:

1. REC0uNIZE situations having significant ethical uimensions.
2. IBENTIFY inuiviuuals oi gioups ("stakeholueis" anu theii ioles) likely to be affecteu
positively oi negatively by action in the situation.
S. 0NBERSTANB the goals, neeus, values, incentives of each majoi stakeholuei (anu iole).
4. ASCERTAIN ielevant A) stanuaius, B) laws, C) noims anu pieceuents, B) othei souices of
ielevant expeitise.
S. BETERNINE the spheies of action, uuties, iesponsibilities, anu liabilities of those in
iesponsible (supeivisoiy), acting (uiiect opeiation), oi iesponsive (emeigency iesponse,
uamage contiol, acciuent investigation) ioles.
6. BELIBERATE on uiffeiences anu balance among: competing goalsvaluesincentives;
iesponsibilities anu liabilities (e.g. Who is to blame. Who is iesponsible.).
7. SPECIFY appiopiiate couise of action (anu who is iesponsible foi caiiying it out).
8. P0RS0E appiopiiate couise of action.
9. N0NIT0R anu ievise couise of action iteiatively (establish oveisight, feeuback, anu
accountability loops).

B. 1,9)'#3+,- D"-,+/+>) $G+##$ neeueu foi successfully auuiessing complex socialethical

1. Ability to compiehenu anu consiuei the A)'$A)2/+>)$ of otheis (actois oi stakeholueis);
2. Resilience in conuitions of 8,2)'/*+,/3 iesulting fiom conflict, ambiguity, paiauox, anuoi
change in infoimation oi knowleuge;
S. Ability to ciitically ')&#)2/ 8A", ", ",)o$ >*#8)$4 7+*$)$, habit patteins, emotional states,
anu beliefs ;
4. Awaieness of one's own A)'$",*# +,/),/+",$ anu piioiities (in each of one's ioles) anu
how these fit with the acting gioup's puipose anu piioiities.
S. dA+$/)6+2 2"6A)/),2), incluuing: uiffeientiating among facts (mutually veiifiable
infoimation), assumptions, anu infeiences; anu awaieness of common fallacies in
6. Capacity to engage in piouuctive 9+*#"-$ "& +,i8+'3 with otheis to builu mutual
7. Ability to assess anu impiove the i8*#+/3 "& 2"668,+2*/+", uuiing infoimation-
acquisition anu uecisions-making, incluuing an awaieness of whethei all ielevant
peispectives aie being iepiesenteu anu how powei uynamics anu gioup cognition effects
(e.g. heiu mentality) aie affecting the uelibeiation

(Auapteu fiom woik on an National Science Founuation pioject "Inteinational Bimensions of Ethics
Euucation in Science anu Engineeiing," conuucteu at the 0niveisity of Nassachusetts, NSF giant
numbei u7S4887.)
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Nuiiay, Ross, Inglis Page 27 of 28
resenter 8|os

('B !"6 ?8''*34
'315D3F1=46 %7C84=7:5, Chief visionaiy & Instigatoi (www.peispegiity.com)
tommuiiay.usgmail.com, www.tommuiiay.us

Bi. Tom Nuiiay has been consulting, ieseaiching, publishing, anu leauing woikshops in
aieas incluuing online communities, cognitive tools, auaptive euucational softwaie, anu
knowleuge engineeiing since 198S. Pieviously a visitingaujunct faculty membei at the
0niveisity of Nassachusetts anu Bampshiie College, he is cuiient woiking as a consultant
at Peispegiity Solutions. Be also teaches classes in Nonviolent Communication anu offeis
meeting facilitation seivices foi seveial non-piofits.

('B L*'* ="$$
Z#,.Z, Biiectoi (global-aiina.oig)

Saia Ross, Ph.B. is founuei anu piesiuent of ARINA, Inc., a global nonpiofit foi euucation,
social scientific ieseaich, anu the public goou (www.global-aiina.oig). Ross uevelopeu The
Integial Piocess Foi Woiking on Complex Issues (TIP) out of ovei 1S yeais in action anu
theoietical ieseaich anu analyses of public issues, uevelopment, anu uelibeiative
uemociacy. She uiu community issues anu politics ieseaich inuepenuently anu foi
Ketteiing Founuation, wheie she seiveu as a piimaiy community politics ieseaichei anu
woikshop facilitatoi foi a numbei of yeais. She biings ovei 2u yeais expeiience teaching,
uesigning, tiaining, anu facilitating foi laige anu small gioups in euucational anu
uelibeiative public settings.

p*, Y,-#+$
,:43F104=E3 [301:=:F ,:54=4843, Biiectoi (www.integiativeleaininginstitute.com)

}an Inglis specializes in uevelopmental anu integial appioaches to complex public issues.
She is the uiiectoi of the Integiative Leaining Institute
www.integiativeleaininginstitute.com, which offeis piogiams anu seivices to inuiviuuals
anu oiganizations committeu to compiehensive social change. She has a bioau backgiounu
that integiates expeiience in health caie, community oiganizing, auult euucation,
psychotheiapy, meuia anu paiticipatoiy action leaining. She has woikeu inteinationally to
uevelop noithsouth uialogues on community sustainability. She is a boaiu membei of
ARINA, an inteinational non-piofit oiganization ueuicateu to euucation, social scientific
ieseaich, anu the public goou. }an has an extensive Su yeai backgiounu in small anu laige
gioup expeiiential leaining exchanges anu piesenting at confeiences. She has iecently
piesenteu at the IAP2, C2B2, anu BC Non Piofit Bousing confeiences.

NCBB 2uu8 Reflective Tools foi Bealing with 0nceitainty
Nuiiay, Ross, Inglis Page 28 of 28
Aigyiis, C. (198S) A94=7: 59=3:93; 97:93D45; 234<7@5; 0:@ 5P=CC5 G71 1353019< 0:@ =:431E3:4=7:.
San Fiancisco: }ossey-Bass. www.actionuesign.com.
Basseches, N. (2uuS). The uevelopment of uialectical thinking as an appioach to
integiation. Integial Review, 1, 47-6S. (www.integial-ieview.oig.)
Bohm, B. (1996). 0n uialog (L. Nichol, Eu.). New Yoik: Routeleuge.
Conklin, }. (2uuS). Bialogue Napping: Builuing Shaieu 0nueistanuing of Wickeu Pioblems.
Elbow, P. (2uuS). Biining the ihetioic of assent anu the believing game togethei--Anu into
the classioom. College English, Naich 2uuS.
Babeimas, }. (1999). Noial consciousness anu communicative Action (C. Lenhaiut & S. W.
Nicholsen, Tians.). Cambiiuge, NA: NIT Piess.
Beizig, Naggie; anu Lauia Chasin. A Nuts anu Bolts uuiue fiom the Public Conveisations
Pioject Fosteiing Bialogue Acioss Biviues. Fiom the Public Conveisations Pioject,
publicconveisationspioject.oig. (Also see the PCP Bialogue Tool Box.)
Inglis, }. (2uu7). Natching Public Inteiaction Skills with Besiieu 0utcomes by Inteinational
}ouinal of Public Paiticipation. volume 1, Issue 2, 2uu7.
Kahneman, B, Slovic, P, & Tveisky, A. (Eus.). (1982). }uugment unuei unceitainty:
Beuiistics anu biases. Cambiiuge, 0K: Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess.
Kegan, R. (1994). In ovei oui heaus: The mental uemanus of mouein life. Cambiiuge, NA:
Baivaiu 0niveisity Piess.
Kegan, R. & Lahey, L. (2uu1). Bow the way we talk can change the way we woik: Seven
languages foi tiansfoimation. San Fiancisco, CA: }ossey-Bass.
King, P.N. anu Kitchenei, K.S. (1994). Beveloping ieflective juugment: 0nueistanuing anu
piomoting intellectual giowth anu ciitical thinking in auolescents anu auults. San
Fiancisco: }ossey-Bass.
Bolman, Peggy; Tom Bevane, Steven Cauy. The Change Banubook: The Befinitive Resouice
on Touay's Best Nethous foi Engaging Whole Systems.
Kofman, Fieu (2uu6). Conscious Business: Bow to Builu value thiough values. Sounus Tiue,
Bouluei C0.
Lakoff, u. (1987). Women, fiie, anu uangeious things: What categoiies ieveal about the
minu. Chicago, IL: 0niveisity of Chicago Piess.
Nuiiay, T. & Ross, S. (2uu6). Towaiu integial uialog: Piovisional guiuelines foi online
foiums. Integial Review, vol. S, pp. 4-1S. Available on line at integial-ieview.oig.
Ross, Saia. Towaiu An Integial Piocess Theoiy 0f Buman Bynamics: Bancing The 0niveisal
Tango . Integial Review, vol. 1 No. 1, pg. 64.
Schaimei. 0. (2uu7). Theoiy 0: Leauing fiom the Futuie as it Emeiges.
Toibeit, B. & Associates. (2uu4). Action inquiiy: The seciet of timely anu tiansfoiming
leaueiship. San Fiancisco: Beiiett-Koehlei.

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