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CONSTITUTIONAL LAW II SYLLABUS Introduction Art. VIII, Secs. 1 and 5, Phi i!!ine Constitution Section 1. The "udicia !

o#er sha $e %ested in one Su!re&e Court and in such o#er courts as &a' $e esta$ ished $' a#. (udicia !o#er inc udes the dut' o) the courts o) "ustice to sett e actua contro%ersies in%o %in* ri*hts #hich are e*a ' de&anda$ e and en)orcea$ e, and to deter&ine #hether or not there has $een a *ra%e a$use o) discretion a&ountin* to ac+ or e,cess o) "urisdiction on the !art o) an' $ranch or instru&enta it' o) the -o%ern&ent. Section 5. The Su!re&e Court sha ha%e the )o o#in* !o#ers. 1. /,ercise ori*ina "urisdiction o%er cases a))ectin* a&$assadors, other !u$ ic &inisters and consu s, and o%er !etitions )or certiorari, !rohi$ition, &anda&us, 0uo #arranto, and ha$eas cor!us. 1. 2e%ie#, re%ise, re%erse, &odi)', or a))ir& on a!!ea or certiorari, as the a# or the 2u es o) Court &a' !ro%ide, )ina "ud*&ents and orders o) o#er courts in. a. A cases in #hich the constitutiona it' or %a idit' o) an' treat', internationa or e,ecuti%e a*ree&ent, a#, !residentia decree, !roc a&ation, order, instruction, ordinance, or re*u ation is in 0uestion. $. A cases in%o %in* the e*a it' o) an' ta,, i&!ost, assess&ent, or to , or an' !ena t' i&!osed in re ation thereto. c. A cases in #hich the "urisdiction o) an' o#er court is in issue.

d. A cri&ina cases in #hich the !ena t' i&!osed is rec usion !er!etua or hi*her. e. A cases in #hich on ' an error or 0uestion o) a# is in%o %ed. 3. Assi*n te&!orari ' "ud*es o) o#er courts to other stations as !u$ ic interest &a' re0uire. Such te&!orar' assi*n&ent sha not e,ceed si, &onths #ithout the consent o) the "ud*e concerned. 4. Order a chan*e o) %enue or ! ace o) tria to a%oid a &iscarria*e o) "ustice. 5. Pro&u *ate ru es concernin* the !rotection and en)orce&ent o) constitutiona ri*hts, ! eadin*, !ractice, and !rocedure in a courts, the ad&ission to the !ractice o) a#, the inte*rated $ar, and e*a assistance to the under5!ri%i e*ed. Such ru es sha !ro%ide a si&! i)ied and ine,!ensi%e !rocedure )or the s!eed' dis!osition o) cases, sha $e uni)or& )or a courts o) the sa&e *rade, and sha not di&inish, increase, or &odi)' su$stanti%e ri*hts. 2u es o) !rocedure o) s!ecia courts and 0uasi5"udicia $odies sha re&ain e))ecti%e un ess disa!!ro%ed $' the Su!re&e Court. 6. A!!oint a o))icia s and e&! o'ees o) the (udiciar' in accordance #ith the Ci%i Ser%ice La#. 15 7ar$ur' %s. 7adison, I Cranch 85 US9 13:, 11 /d. 6; 81<;39 In the !residentia e ection o) 1<;;, =e&ocratic52e!u$ ican Tho&as (e))erson de)eated >edera ist (ohn Ada&s, $eco&in* the third President o) the United States. A thou*h the e ection #as decided on >e$ruar' 1:, 1<;1, (e))erson did not ta+e o))ice unti 7arch 4, 1<;1. Unti that ti&e, out*oin* !resident Ada&s and the >edera ist5contro ed 6th Con*ress #ere sti in !o#er. =urin* this a&e5duc+ session, Con*ress !assed the (udiciar' Act o) 1<;1. This Act &odi)ied the (udiciar' Act o) 1:<? in esta$ ishin* ten ne# district courts, e,!andin* the nu&$er o) circuit courts )ro& three to si,, and addin* additiona "ud*es to each circuit, *i%in* the President the authorit' to a!!oint >edera "ud*es and "ustices o) the !eace. The act a so reduced the nu&$er o) Su!re&e Court "ustices )ro& si, to )i%e, e))ecti%e u!on the ne,t %acanc' in the Court. On 7arch 3, "ust $e)ore his ter& #as to end, Ada&s, in an atte&!t to st'&ie the inco&in* =e&ocratic52e!u$ ican

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Con*ress and ad&inistration, a!!ointed 16 >edera ist circuit "ud*es and 41 >edera ist "ustices o) the !eace to o))ices created $' the (udiciar' Act o) 1<;1. These a!!ointees, the in)a&ous @7idni*ht (ud*es@, inc uded Wi ia& 7ar$ur', a !ros!erous )inancier in 7ar' and. An ardent >edera ist, 7ar$ur' #as acti%e in 7ar' and !o itics and a %i*orous su!!orter o) the Ada&s !residenc'. Ae had $een a!!ointed to the !osition o) "ustice o) the !eace in the =istrict o) Co u&$ia. The ter& )or a "ustice o) the !eace #as )i%e 'ears, and the' #ere @authoriBed to ho d courts and co*niBance o) !ersona de&ands o) the %a ue o) 1; do ars.@ On the )o o#in* da', the a!!oint&ents #ere a!!ro%ed en &asse $' the SenateC ho#e%er, to *o into e))ect, the co&&issions had to $e de i%ered to those a!!ointed. This tas+ )e to (ohn 7arsha , #ho, e%en thou*h recent ' a!!ointed Chie) (ustice o) the United States, continued as the actin* Secretar' o) State at President Ada&sDs !ersona re0uest. Whi e a &a"orit' o) the co&&issions #ere de i%ered, it !ro%ed i&!ossi$ e )or a o) the& to $e de i%ered $e)ore Ada&sDs ter& as !resident e,!ired. As these a!!oint&ents #ere routine in nature, 7arsha assu&ed the ne# Secretar' o) State (a&es 7adison #ou d see the' #ere de i%ered, since @the' had $een !ro!er ' su$&itted and a!!ro%ed, and #ere, there)ore, e*a ' %a id a!!oint&ents.@On 7arch 4, 1<;1, Tho&as (e))erson #as s#orn in as President. As soon as he #as a$ e, President (e))erson ordered Le%i Linco n, #ho #as the ne# ad&inistrationDs Attorne' -enera and actin* Secretar' o) State unti the arri%a o) (a&es 7adison, not to de i%er the re&ainin* a!!oint&ents. Without the co&&issions, the a!!ointees #ere una$ e to assu&e the o))ices and duties to #hich the' had $een a!!ointed. In (e))ersonDs o!inion, the unde i%ered co&&issions, not ha%in* $een de i%ered on ti&e, #ere %oid. The ne# ' s#orn5in =e&ocratic52e!u$ ican :th Con*ress i&&ediate ' set a$out %oidin* the (udiciar' Act o) 1<;1 #ith their o#n (udiciar' Act o) 1<;1 #hich re%ersed the act o) 1<;1 so that the (udicia $ranch once a*ain o!erated under the dictates o) the ori*ina (udiciar' Act o) 1:<?. In addition, it re! aced the CourtDs t#o annua sessions #ith one session to $e*in on the )irst 7onda' in >e$ruar', and @cance ed the Su!re&e Court ter& schedu ed )or (une o) that 'ear E1<;1F ... see+in* to de a' a ru in* on the constitutiona it' o) the re!ea act unti &onths a)ter the ne# "udicia s'ste& #as in o!eration.@ Relevant law In a Cases a))ectin* A&$assadors, other !u$ ic 7inisters and Consu s, and those in #hich a State sha $e a Part', the su!re&e Court sha ha%e ori*ina (urisdiction. In a the other Cases $e)ore &entioned E#ithin the "udicia !o#er o) the United StatesF, the su!re&e Court sha ha%e a!!e ate (urisdiction, $oth as to La# and >act, #ith such /,ce!tions, and under such 2e*u ations as the Con*ress sha &a+e. GU.S. Constitution, Artic e III, Section 1, C ause 1 The Su!re&e Court sha a so ha%e a!!e ate "urisdiction )ro& the circuit courts and courts o) the se%era states, in the cases herein a)ter !ro%ided )orC and sha ha%e !o#er to issue #rits o) !rohi$ition to the district courts E...F and #rits o) &anda&us E...F to an' courts a!!ointed, or !ersons ho din* o))ice, under the authorit' o) the United States. G(udiciar' Act o) 1:<?, H 13 The issue Inscri!tion on the #a o) the Su!re&e Court Bui din* )ro& 7ar$ur' %. 7adison, in #hich Chie) (ustice (ohn 7arsha out ined the conce!t o) "udicia re%ie#. There are three #a's a case can $e heard in the Su!re&e Court. 819 )i in* direct ' in the Su!re&e CourtC 819 )i in* in a o#er )edera court, such as a district court, and a!!ea in* a the #a' u! to the Su!re&e CourtC 839 )i in* in a state court, a!!ea in* a the #a' u! throu*h the stateDs hi*hest courts, and then a!!ea in* to the Su!re&e Court on an issue o) )edera a#. The )irst is an e,ercise o) the CourtDs ori*ina "urisdictionC the second and third are e,ercises o) the Su!re&e CourtDs a!!e ate "urisdiction. Because 7ar$ur' )i ed his !etition )or the #rit o) &anda&us direct ' in the Su!re&e Court, the Court needed to $e a$ e

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to e,ercise ori*ina "urisdiction o%er the case in order to ha%e the !o#er to hear it. 7ar$ur'Ds ar*u&ent is that in the (udiciar' Act o) 1:<?, Con*ress *ranted the Su!re&e Court ori*ina "urisdiction o%er !etitions )or #rits o) &anda&us. This raises se%era issues that the Su!re&e Court had to address. =oes Artic e III o) the Constitution create a @) oor@ )or ori*ina "urisdiction, #hich Con*ress can add to, or does it create an e,hausti%e ist that Con*ress canDt &odi)' at a I I) Artic e IIIDs ori*ina "urisdiction is an e,hausti%e ist, $ut Con*ress tries to &odi)' it an'#a', #ho #ins that con) ict, Con*ress or the ConstitutionI And, &ore i&!ortant ', #ho is su!!osed to decide #ho #insI In its ans#er to this ast 0uestion, the Su!re&e Court )or&a iBes the notion o) "udicia re%ie#. In short, the constitutiona issue on #hich 7ar$ur' %. 7adison #as decided #as #hether Con*ress cou d e,!and the ori*ina "urisdiction o) the Su!re&e Court. The decision On >e$ruar' 14, 1<;3, the Court rendered a unani&ous 84J;9 decision,E13F that 7ar$ur' had the ri*ht to his co&&ission $ut the court did not ha%e the !o#er to )orce 7adison to de i%er the co&&ission. Chie) (ustice 7arsha #rote the o!inion o) the court. 7arsha !resented the case as raisin* three distinct 0uestions. =id 7ar$ur' ha%e a ri*ht to the co&&issionI =o the a#s o) the countr' *i%e 7ar$ur' a e*a re&ed'I Is as+in* the Su!re&e Court )or a #rit o) &anda&us the correct e*a re&ed'I 7arsha 0uic+ ' ans#ered the )irst t#o 0uestions a))ir&ati%e '. Ae )ound that the )ai ure to de i%er the co&&ission #as @%io ati%e o) a %ested e*a ri*ht.@ In decidin* #hether 7ar$ur' had a re&ed', 7arsha stated. @The -o%ern&ent o) the United States has $een e&!hatica ' ter&ed a *o%ern&ent o) a#s, and not o) &en. It #i certain ' cease to deser%e this hi*h a!!e ation i) the a#s )urnish no re&ed' )or the %io ation o) a %ested e*a ri*ht.@ One o) the +e' e*a !rinci! es on #hich 7ar$ur' re ies is the notion that )or e%er' %io ation o) a %ested e*a ri*ht, there &ust $e a e*a re&ed'. 7arsha ne,t descri$ed t#o distinct t'!es o) /,ecuti%e actions. !o itica actions, #here the o))icia can e,ercise discretion, and !ure ' &inisteria )unctions, #here the o))icia is e*a ' re0uired to do so&ethin*. 7arsha )ound that de i%erin* the a!!oint&ent to 7ar$ur' #as a !ure ' &inisteria )unction re0uired $' a#, and there)ore the a# !ro%ided hi& a re&ed'. A )edera court has a @s!ecia o$ i*ation to Dsatis)' itse ) not on ' o) its o#n "urisdiction, $ut a so that o) the o#er courts in a cause under re%ie#.D@ I) a court does not ha%e the !o#er to hear a case, it #i not issue dicta. Conse0uent ', #ith e,ce!tions not a!! ica$ e here, a )edera court &ust decide #hether it has "urisdiction $e)ore discussin* the &erits o) the case. Chie) (ustice 7arsha , ho#e%er, did not address "urisdictiona issues unti addressin* the )irst t#o 0uestions !resented a$o%e. Because o) the canon o) constitutiona a%oidance 8i.e., #here a statute can )air ' $e inter!reted so as to a%oid a constitutiona issue, it shou d $e so inter!reted9, courts *enera ' dea #ith the constitutiona issues on ' i) necessar'. In this case, the "urisdictiona issue #as a constitutiona one. In ana 'Bin* the third 0uestion, 7arsha di%ided the 0uestion )urther, as+in* i) a #rit o) &anda&us #as the correct &eans $' #hich to restore 7ar$ur' to his ri*ht, and i) so, #hether the #rit 7ar$ur' sou*ht cou d issue )ro& the Su!re&e Court. Conc udin* 0uic+ ' that since a #rit o) &anda&us, $' de)inition, #as the correct "udicia &eans to order an o))icia o) the United States 8in this case, the Secretar' o) State9 to do so&ethin* re0uired o) hi& 8in this case, de i%er a co&&ission9, 7arsha de%otes the re&ainder o) his in0uir' at the second !art o) the 0uestion. @Whether it Ethe #ritF can issue )ro& this court.@

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7arsha )irst e,a&ined the (udiciar' Act o) 1:<? and deter&ined that the Act !ur!orted to *i%e the Su!re&e Court ori*ina "urisdiction o%er #rits o) &anda&us. 7arsha then oo+ed to Artic e III o) the Constitution, #hich de)ines the Su!re&e CourtDs ori*ina and a!!e ate "urisdictions 8see 2e e%ant La# a$o%e9. 7ar$ur' had ar*ued that the Constitution #as on ' intended to set a ) oor )or ori*ina "urisdiction that Con*ress cou d add to. 7arsha disa*reed and he d that Con*ress does not ha%e the !o#er to &odi)' the Su!re&e CourtDs ori*ina "urisdiction. Conse0uent ', 7arsha )ound that the Constitution and the (udiciar' Act con) ict. This con) ict raised the i&!ortant 0uestion o) #hat ha!!ens #hen an Act o) Con*ress con) icts #ith the Constitution. 7arsha ans#ered that Acts o) Con*ress that con) ict #ith the Constitution are not a# and the Courts are $ound instead to )o o# the Constitution, a))ir&in* the !rinci! e o) "udicia re%ie#. In su!!ort o) this !osition 7arsha oo+ed to the nature o) the #ritten ConstitutionGthere #ou d $e no !oint o) ha%in* a #ritten Constitution i) the courts cou d "ust i*nore it. @To #hat !ur!ose are !o#ers i&ited, and to #hat !ur!ose is that i&itation co&&itted to #ritin*, i) these i&its &a', at an' ti&e, $e !assed $' those intended to $e restrainedI@E1<F 7arsha a so ar*ued that the %er' nature o) the "udicia )unction re0uires courts to &a+e this deter&ination. Since it is a courtDs dut' to decide cases, courts ha%e to $e a$ e to decide #hat a# a!! ies to each case. There)ore, i) t#o a#s con) ict #ith each other, a court &ust decide #hich a# a!! ies. >ina ', 7arsha !ointed to the "ud*eDs oath re0uirin* the& to u!ho d the Constitution, and to the Su!re&ac' C ause o) the Constitution, #hich ists the @Constitution@ $e)ore the @ a#s o) the United States.@ Part o) the core o) this reasonin* is )ound in the )o o#in* state&ents )ro& the decision. It is e&!hatica ' the !ro%ince and dut' o) the (udicia =e!art&ent Ethe "udicia $ranchF to sa' #hat the a# is. Those #ho a!! ' the ru e to !articu ar cases &ust, o) necessit', e,!ound and inter!ret that ru e. I) t#o a#s con) ict #ith each other, the Courts &ust decide on the o!eration o) each. So, i) a a# Ee.*., a statute or treat'F $e in o!!osition to the Constitution, i) $oth the a# and the Constitution a!! ' to a !articu ar case, so that the Court &ust either decide that case con)or&a$ ' to the a#, disre*ardin* the Constitution, or con)or&a$ ' to the Constitution, disre*ardin* the a#, the Court &ust deter&ine #hich o) these con) ictin* ru es *o%erns the case. This is o) the %er' essence o) "udicia dut'. I), then, the Courts are to re*ard the Constitution, and the Constitution is su!erior to an' ordinar' act o) the Le*is ature, the Constitution, and not such ordinar' act, &ust *o%ern the case to #hich the' $oth a!! '. Those, then, #ho contro%ert the !rinci! e that the Constitution is to $e considered in court as a !ara&ount a# are reduced to the necessit' o) &aintainin* that courts &ust c ose their e'es on the Constitution, and see on ' the a# Ee.*., the statute or treat'F. This doctrine #ou d su$%ert the %er' )oundation o) a #ritten constitutions. @In den'in* his re0uest, the Court he d that it ac+ed "urisdiction $ecause Section 13 o) the (udiciar' Act !assed $' Con*ress in 1:<?, #hich authoriBed the Court to issue such a #rit, #as unconstitutiona and thus in%a id.@ 7ar$ur' ne%er $eca&e a (ustice o) the Peace in the =istrict o) Co u&$ia 14 An*ara %s. / ectora Co&ission, 63 Phi . 13? 81?369 >acts. Petitioner, An*ara, instituted an action )or the issuance o) a #rit o) !rohi$ition to restrain and !rohi$it the / ectora Co&&ission )ro& ta+in* )urther co*niBance o) the !rotest )i ed $' Pedro Ynsua a*ainst the e ection o) said !etitioner. In the e ections o) Se!t. 1:, 1?35, !etitioner (ose A. An*ara and the res!ondents Pedro Ynsua, 7i*ue Casti o, and =ionisio 7a'or #ere candidates %oted )or the !osition o) &e&$ers o) the Nationa Asse&$ ' )or the )irst district o) Ta'a$as. The !ro%incia $oard o) can%assers !roc ai&ed An*ara as &e&$er5e ect o) the Nationa Asse&$ ' and he too+ his oath o) o))ice. The Nationa Asse&$ ' !assed 2eso ution No. <, #hich in e))ect, )i,ed the ast date to )i e e ection !rotests. Ynsua )i ed $e)ore the / ectora Co&&ission a @7otion o) Protest@ a*ainst An*ara and !ra'in*, a&on* other thin*s, that Ynsua $e dec ared the e ected 7e&$er o) the Nationa Asse&$ ' or that the e ection o) said !osition $e nu i)ied. The / ectora

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Co&&ission therea)ter ado!ted the reso ution statin* that ast da' )or )i in* o) !rotests is on =ec. ?. An*ara contended that the reso ution o) the Nationa Asse&$ ' has the e))ect o) cuttin* o)) the !o#er o) the / ectora Co&&ission to entertain !rotests a*ainst the e ection, returns and 0ua i)ications o) &e&$ers o) the Nationa Asse&$ ', then the reso ution o) the / ectora Co&&ission is &ere sur! usa*e and had no e))ect. Ae a so ar*ued that the Constitution con)ers e,c usi%e "urisdiction u!on the / ectora Co&&ission so e ' as re*ards the &erits o) contested e ections to the Nationa Asse&$ ' and the Su!re&e Court there)ore has no "urisdiction to hear the case. 2es!ondent a%erred that the / ectora Co&&ission has the so e !o#er o) re*u atin* its !roceedin*s to the e,c usion o) the Nationa Asse&$ ', then the reso ution o) =ece&$er ?, 1?35, $' #hich the / ectora Co&&ission )i,ed said date as the ast da' )or )i in* !rotests a*ainst the e ection, returns and 0ua i)ications o) &e&$ers o) the Nationa Asse&$ ', shou d $e u!he d. Issues. 1. WON the Su!re&e Court "urisdiction o%er the / ectora Co&&ission and the su$"ect &atter o) the contro%ers'. 1. WON the said / ectora Co&&ission acted #ithout or in e,cess o) its "urisdiction in assu&in* to the co*niBance o) the !rotest )i ed the e ection o) the herein !etitioner not#ithstandin* the !re%ious con)ir&ation o) such e ection $' reso ution o) the Nationa Asse&$ '. Ae d. 1. On Su!re&e CourtKs "urisdiction. Yes. The se!aration o) !o#ers is a )unda&enta !rinci! e in our s'ste& o) *o%ern&ent. It o$tains not throu*h e,!ress !ro%ision $ut $' actua di%ision in our Constitution. /ach de!art&ent o) the *o%ern&ent has e,c usi%e co*niBance o) &atters #ithin its "urisdiction, and is su!re&e #ithin its o#n s!here. But it does not )o o# )ro& the )act that the three !o#ers are to $e +e!t se!arate and distinct that the Constitution intended the& to $e a$so ute ' unrestrained and inde!endent o) each other. The Constitution has !ro%ided )or an e a$orate s'ste& o) chec+s and $a ances to secure coordination in the #or+in*s o) the %arious de!art&ents o) the *o%ern&ent. The "udiciar', )or e,a&! e, #ith the Su!re&e Court as the )ina ar$iter, e))ecti%e ' chec+s the other de!art&ents in the e,ercise o) its !o#er to deter&ine the a#, and hence to dec are e,ecuti%e and e*is ati%e acts %oid i) %io ati%e o) the Constitution. In cases o) con) ict, the "udicia de!art&ent is the on ' constitutiona or*an #hich can $e ca ed u!on to deter&ine the !ro!er a ocation o) !o#ers $et#een the se%era de!art&ents and a&on* the inte*ra or constituent units thereo). The Constitution sets )orth in no uncertain an*ua*e the restrictions and i&itations u!on *o%ern&enta !o#ers and a*encies. The Constitution is a de)inition o) the !o#ers o) *o%ern&ent. The Constitution itse ) has !ro%ided )or the instru&enta it' o) the "udiciar' as the rationa #a'. And #hen the "udiciar' &ediates to a ocate constitutiona $oundaries, it does not assert an' su!eriorit' o%er the other de!art&ents. This is #hat is ter&ed as @ "udicia su!re&ac'@ #hich !ro!er ' is the !o#er o) "udicia re%ie# under the Constitution. /%en then, this !o#er o) "udicia re%ie# is i&ited to actua cases and contro%ersies to $e e,ercised a)ter )u o!!ortunit' o) ar*u&ent $' the !arties, and i&ited )urther to the constitutiona 0uestion raised or the %er' is &ota !resented. Courts accord the !resu&!tion o) constitutiona it' to e*is ati%e enact&ents, not on ' $ecause the e*is ature is !resu&ed to a$ide $' the Constitution, $ut a so $ecause the "udiciar' in the deter&ination o) actua cases and contro%ersies &ust res!ect the #isdo& and "ustice o) the !eo! e as e,!ressed throu*h their re!resentati%es in the e,ecuti%e and e*is ati%e de!art&ents o) *o%ern&ent. Aere is then !resented an actua contro%ers' in%o %in* as it does a con) ict o) a *ra%e constitutiona nature $et#een the Nationa Asse&$ ' on the one hand, and the / ectora Co&&ission on the other. A thou*h the / ectora Co&&ission &a' not $e inter)ered #ith, #hen and #hi e actin* #ithin the i&its o) its authorit', it does not )o o# that it is $e'ond the reach o) the constitutiona &echanis& ado!ted $' the !eo! e and that it is not su$"ect to constitutiona restrictions. The / ectora Co&&ission is not a se!arate de!art&ent o) the *o%ern&ent, and e%en i) it #ere, con) ictin* c ai&s o) authorit' under the )unda&enta a# $et#een de!art&enta !o#ers and a*encies o) the *o%ern&ent are necessari '

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deter&ined $' the "udiciar' in "usticia$ e and a!!ro!riate cases. The court has "urisdiction o%er the / ectora Co&&ission and the su$"ect &atter o) the !resent contro%ers' )or the !ur!ose o) deter&inin* the character, sco!e, and e,tent o) the constitutiona *rant to the / ectora Co&&ission as @the so e "ud*e o) a contests re atin* to the e ection, returns, and 0ua i)ications o) the &e&$ers o) the Nationa Asse&$ '.@ 1. On / ectora Co&&issionKs "urisdiction The issue hin*es on the inter!retation o) section 4 o) Artic e VI o) the Constitution. >ro& the de i$erations o) our Constitutiona Con%ention it is e%ident that the !ur!ose #as to trans)er in its tota it' a the !o#ers !re%ious ' e,ercised $' the e*is ature in &atters !ertainin* to contested e ections o) its &e&$ers, to an inde!endent and i&!artia tri$una . The / ectora Co&&ission is a constitutiona creation, in%ested #ith the necessar' authorit' in the !er)or&ance and e,ercise o) the i&ited and s!eci)ic )unction assi*ned to it $' the Constitution. A thou*h it is not a !o#er in our tri!artite sche&e o) *o%ern&ent, it is, to a intents and !ur!oses, #hen actin* #ithin the i&its o) its authorit', an inde!endent or*an. The *rant o) !o#er to the / ectora Co&&ission to "ud*e a contests re atin* to the e ection, returns, and 0ua i)ications o) &e&$ers o) the Nationa Asse&$ ', is intended to $e as co&! ete and uni&!aired as i) it had re&ained ori*ina ' in the e*is ature. The e,!ress od*in* o) that !o#er in the / ectora Co&&ission is an i&! ied denia in the e,ercise o) that !o#er $' the Nationa Asse&$ '. And thus, it is as e))ecti%e a restriction u!on the e*is ati%e !o#er as an e,!ress !rohi$ition in the Constitution. The creation o) the / ectora Co&&ission carried #ith it e, necessitate rei the !o#er re*u ati%e in character to i&it the ti&e #ithin #hich !rotests instructed to its co*niBance shou d $e )i ed. There)ore, the incidenta !o#er to !ro&u *ate such ru es necessar' )or the !ro!er e,ercise o) its e,c usi%e !o#er to "ud*e a contests re atin* to the e ection, returns, and 0ua i)ications o) &e&$ers o) the Nationa Asse&$ ', &ust $e dee&ed $' necessar' i&! ication to ha%e $een od*ed a so in the / ectora Co&&ission. But inde!endent ' o) the e*a and constitutiona as!ects o) the !resent case, there are considerations o) e0uita$ e character that shou d not $e o%er oo+ed in the a!!reciation o) the intrinsic &erits o) the contro%ers'. It a!!ears that on =ec. ?, 1?35, the / ectora Co&&ission &et )or the )irst ti&e and a!!ro%ed a reso ution )i,in* said date as the ast da' )or the )i in* o) e ection !rotests. When, there)ore, the Nationa Asse&$ ' !assed its reso ution o) =ec. 3, 1?35, con)ir&in* the e ection o) the !etitioner to the Nationa Asse&$ ', the / ectora Co&&ission had not 'et &etC neither does it a!!ear that said $od' had actua ' $een or*aniBed. >ro& another an* e, 2eso ution No. < o) the Nationa Asse&$ ' con)ir&in* the e ection o) &e&$ers a*ainst #ho& no !rotests had $een )i ed at the ti&e o) its !assa*e, cannot $e construed as a i&itation u!on the ti&e )or the initiation o) e ection contests. Whi e there &i*ht ha%e $een *ood reason )or the e*is ati%e !ractice o) con)ir&ation o) the e ection o) &e&$ers o) the e*is ature at the ti&e the !o#er to decide e ection contests #as sti od*ed in the e*is ature, con)ir&ation a one $' the e*is ature cannot $e construed as de!ri%in* the / ectora Co&&ission o) the authorit' incidenta to its constitutiona !o#er to $e @the so e "ud*e o) a contests...@, to )i, the ti&e )or the )i in* o) said e ection !rotests. SUMMARY: 8a9 That the *o%ern&ent esta$ ished $' the Constitution )o o#s )unda&enta ' the theor' o) se!aration o) !o#er into the e*is ati%e, the e,ecuti%e and the "udicia . 8$9 That the s'ste& o) chec+s and $a ances and the o%er a!!in* o) )unctions and duties o)ten &a+es di))icu t the de i&itation o) the !o#ers *ranted. 8c9 That in cases o) con) ict $et#een the se%era de!art&ents and a&on* the a*encies thereo), the "udiciar', #ith the Su!re&e Court as the )ina ar$iter, is the on ' constitutiona &echanis& de%ised )ina ' to reso %e the con) ict and

6 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

a ocate constitutiona $oundaries. 8d9 That "udicia su!re&ac' is $ut the !o#er o) "udicia re%ie# in actua and a!!ro!riate cases and contro%ersies, and is the !o#er and dut' to see that no one $ranch or a*enc' o) the *o%ern&ent transcends the Constitution, #hich is the source o) a authorit'. 8e9 That the / ectora Co&&ission is an inde!endent constitutiona creation #ith s!eci)ic !o#ers and )unctions to e,ecute and !er)or&, c oser )or !ur!oses o) c assi)ication to the e*is ati%e than to an' o) the other t#o de!art&ents o) the *o%ern&ents. 8) 9 That the / ectora Co&&ission is the so e "ud*e o) a contests re atin* to the e ection, returns and 0ua i)ications o) &e&$ers o) the Nationa Asse&$ '. 8*9 That under the or*anic a# !re%ai in* $e)ore the !resent Constitution #ent into e))ect, each house o) the e*is ature #as res!ecti%e ' the so e "ud*e o) the e ections, returns, and 0ua i)ications o) their e ecti%e &e&$ers. 8h9 That the !resent Constitution has trans)erred a the !o#ers !re%ious ' e,ercised $' the e*is ature #ith res!ect to contests re atin* to the e ections, returns and 0ua i)ications o) its &e&$ers, to the / ectora Co&&ission. 8i9 That such trans)er o) !o#er )ro& the e*is ature to the / ectora Co&&ission #as )u , c ear and co&! ete, and carried #ith it e, necesitate rei the i&! ied !o#er inter a ia to !rescri$e the ru es and re*u ations as to the ti&e and &anner o) )i in* !rotests. 8"9 That the a%o#ed !ur!ose in creatin* the / ectora Co&&ission #as to ha%e an inde!endent constitutiona or*an !ass u!on a contests re atin* to the e ection, returns and 0ua i)ications o) &e&$ers o) the Nationa Asse&$ ', de%oid o) !artisan in) uence or consideration, #hich o$"ect #ou d $e )rustrated i) the Nationa Asse&$ ' #ere to retain the !o#er to !rescri$e ru es and re*u ations re*ardin* the &anner o) conductin* said contests. 8+9 That con)ir&ation $' the Nationa Asse&$ ' o) the e ection is contested or not, is not essentia $e)ore such &e&$er5 e ect &a' dischar*e the duties and en"o' the !ri%i e*es o) a &e&$er o) the Nationa Asse&$ '. 8 9 That con)ir&ation $' the Nationa Asse&$ ' o) the e ection o) an' &e&$er a*ainst #ho& no !rotest had $een )i ed !rior to said con)ir&ation, does not and cannot de!ri%e the / ectora Co&&ission o) its incidenta !o#er to !rescri$e the ti&e #ithin #hich !rotests a*ainst the e ection o) an' &e&$er o) the Nationa Asse&$ ' shou d $e )i ed. 13 Peo! e %s. Vera, 65 Phi . 13? 81?369

7ain to!ic. Po ice Po#er >acts. The de)endant #as char*ed #ith a %io ation o) Act No. 154?, as a&ended $' Acts Nos. 3;<5 and 3?5< The in)or&ation a e*ed that )ro& Se!te&$er ? to Octo$er 1<, 1?36, and so&e ti&e a)ter, the accused, in his ca!acit' as !resident and *enera &ana*er o) the Conso idated 7ines, ha%in* en*a*ed the ser%ices o) Se%era Ve asco de Vera as steno*ra!her, at an a*reed sa ar' o) P35 a &onth #i )u ' and i e*a ' re)used to !a' the sa ar' o) said steno*ra!her corres!ondin* to the a$o%e5&entioned !eriod o) ti&e, #hich #as on* due and !a'a$ e, in s!ite o) her re!eated de&ands. The accused inter!osed a de&urrer on the *round that the )acts a e*ed in the in)or&ation do not constitute an' o))ense, and that e%en i) the' did, the a#s !ena iBin* it are unconstitutiona . A)ter the hearin*, the court sustained the de&urrer, dec arin* unconstitutiona the ast !art o) section 1 o) Act No. 154? as ast a&ended $' Act No. 3?5<, #hich considers as an o))ense the )acts a e*ed in the in)or&ation, )or the reason that it %io ates the constitutiona !rohi$ition a*ainst i&!rison&ent )or de$t, and dis&issed the case, #ith costs de o)icio.

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In this a!!ea the So icitor5-enera contends that the court erred in dec arin* Act No. 3?5< unconstitutiona . ISSU/. Whether the said !ro%ision on !ena ties )or non5!a'&ent is unconstitutiona seein* as the constitution denies i&!rison&ent )or non5!a'&ent o) de$t. A/L=. No. The ast !art o) section 1 considers as i e*a the re)usa o) an e&! o'er to !a', #hen he can do so, the sa aries o) his e&! o'ees or a$orers on the )i)teenth or ast da' o) e%er' &onth or on Saturda' o) e%er' #ee+, #ith on ' t#o da's e,tension, and the non!a'&ent o) the sa ar' #ithin the !eriods s!eci)ied is considered as a %io ation o) the a#. The sa&e Act e,e&!ts )ro& cri&ina res!onsi$i it' the e&! o'er #ho, ha%in* )ai ed to !a' the sa ar', shou d !ro%e satis)actori ' that it #as i&!ossi$ e to &a+e such !a'&ent. The court he d that this !ro%ision is nu $ecause it %io ates the !ro%ision o) section 1 8119, Artic e III, o) the Constitution, #hich !ro%ides that no !erson sha $e i&!risoned )or de$t. We do not $e ie%e that this constitutiona !ro%ision has $een correct ' a!! ied in this case. A c ose !erusa o) the ast !art o) section 1 o) Act No. 154?, as a&ended $' section 1 o) Act No. 3?5<, #i sho# that its an*ua*e re)ers on ' to the e&! o'er #ho, $ein* a$ e to &a+e !a'&ent, sha a$stain or re)use to do so, #ithout "usti)ication and to the !re"udice o) the a$orer or e&! o'ee. An e&! o'er so circu&stanced is not un i+e a !erson #ho de)rauds another, $' re)usin* to !a' his "ust de$t. In $oth cases the deceit or )raud is the essentia e e&ent constitutin* the o))ense. The )irst case is a %io ation o) Act No. 3?5<, and the second is esta)a !unished $' the 2e%ised Pena Code. In either case the o))ender cannot certain ' in%o+e the constitutiona !rohi$ition a*ainst i&!rison&ent )or de$t. Po ice !o#er is the !o#er inherent in a *o%ern&ent to enact a#s, #ithin constitutiona i&its, to !ro&ote the order, sa)et', hea th, &ora s, and *enera #e )are o) societ'. 811 C. (., !. ?;4.9 In the e,ercise o) this !o#er the Le*is ature has a&! e authorit' to a!!ro%e the dis!uted !ortion o) Act No. 3?5< #hich !unishes the e&! o'er #ho, $ein* a$ e to do so, re)uses to !a' the sa aries o) his a$orers or e&! o'ers in the s!eci)ied !eriods o) ti&e. Undou$ted ', one o) the !ur!oses o) the a# is to su!!ress !ossi$ e a$uses on the !art o) e&! o'ers #ho hire a$orers or e&! o'ees #ithout !a'in* the& the sa aries a*reed u!on )or their ser%ices, thus causin* the& )inancia di))icu ties. Without this a#, the a$orers and e&! o'ees #ho earn &ea*er sa aries #ou d $e co&!e ed to institute ci%i actions #hich, in the &a"orit' o) cases, #ou d cost the& &ore than that #hich the' #ou d recei%e in case o) a decision in their )a%or. Ynot %s. IAC, 14< SC2A 65? 81?<:9


Petitioner assails constitutionality of E.O. No. 626-A prohibitin the interpro!incial "o!e"ent of carabaos an# the slau hterin of carabaos. E.O. No. 626-A $as hel# unconstitutional for !iolatin the #ue process clause. %acts& 13'an1()4& Petitioner *estituto +not ha# trans"itte# 6 carabaos in a pu"p boat fro" ,asbate to -loilo $hen they $ere confiscate# by the police station co""an#er of .arotac for !iolatin E/ecuti!e Or#er No. 626-A E/ecuti!e Or#er No. 626-A prohibits the interpro!incial "o!e"ent of carabaos an# the slau hterin of carabaos. 0arabao1carabeef transporte# in !iolation of E.O. 626-A shall be sub2ect to confiscation an# forfeiture by the o!t3 to be #istribute# to charitable institutions as 0hair"an of National ,eat -nspection "ay see fit 4carabeef5 an# to #eser!in far"ers as the 6irector of Ani"al -n#ustry "ay see fit 4carabao5. 7his a"en#e# E.O. 6268 the latter prohibitin only the slau hter of carabaos of a e.

) Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

Petitioner sue# for reco!ery8 *70 issue# $rit of reple!in after petitioner file# superse#eas bon of P123999.99 7rial 0ourt 4705& confiscation of carabaos:sustaine#8 or#ere# confiscation of the bon#8 #ecline# to rule on the constitutionality of the E.O. for lac; of authority an# its presu"e# !ali#ity Petitioner appeale# the #ecision to the -nter"e#iate Appellate 0ourt 4-A058 -A0 uphel# the 70.

Petitioner<s ar u"ents& 1. E.O. is unconstitutional. -t authori=es outri ht confiscation of carabao or carabeef bein transporte# across pro!incial boun#aries. 2. Penalty is in!ali#. -t is i"pose# $ithout accor#in the o$ner a ri ht to be hear# before a co"petent an# i"partial court as uarantee# by #ue process. 3. -"proper e/ercise of le islati!e po$er by the for"er Presi#ent.

-ssue1s& >ON EO 626-A is constitutional. *ulin & EO 626-A is #eclare# unconstitutional. 0A #ecision re!erse#. ?uperse#eas bon# cancelle# an# the a"ount thereof is or#ere# restore# to petitioner.

*atio& On the power of courts to decide on constitutional matters *esolution of such cases "ay be "a#e in the first instance by lo$er courts sub2ect to re!ie$ of the ?upre"e 0ourt. @..$hile lo$er courts shoul# obser!e a beco"in "o#esty in e/a"inin constitutional Auestions3 they are nonetheless not pre!ente# fro" resol!in the sa"e $hene!er $arrante#3 sub2ect only to the re!ie$ of the hi hest tribunal.B ?ec. 5C24a5D Art E---3 1()7 0onstitution.

On the presumption of constitutionality Not by any "eans conclusi!e an# in fact "ay be rebutte#

On due process Pro!isions of the charter are to be cats in precise an# un"ista;able lan ua e to a!oi# contro!ersies

( Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

that "i ht arise on their correct interpretation. 0lause $as ;ept intentionally !a ue so it $oul# re"ain also con!eniently resilient8 fle/ibility

,-N-,F, *EGF-*E,EN7?& a5 notice an# b5 hearin Hinten#e# as safe uar# a ainst official arbitrariness.

On the power used by President Marcos in promulgating EO 626-A 7he challen e# "easure is #eno"inate# as an EO but it is actually a P6 issue# by Pres. ,arcos not for the purpose of ta;in care that the la$s $ere faithfully e/ecute# but in the e/ercise of his le islati!e authority un#er A"en#"ent No. 6. .ut it $as not sho$n that there is sufficient e/i encies to e/ercise the e/traor#inary po$er

Police power as used by the government to justify E O 626-A 7est& 1. 0o"pellin state interest 2. Ia$ful "etho# 4as use# in the case3 but this is the sa"e $ith the fit bet$een "eans an# ob2ecti!e test5 1 J @present con#itions #e"an# that the carabaos an# the buffaloes be conser!e# for the benefit of the s"all far"ers $ho rely on the" for ener y nee#s.B %aile# to co"ply $ith K28 there is no reasonable connection bet$een conser!ation of carabaos 4not ha!in the" slau htere#5 an# the "eans& non-transportation of carabaos.
11 Sa on*a %s. CruB Pano, 134 SC2A 43< 81?<59 FACTS: A rash o) $o&$in*s occurred in the 7etro 7ani a area in the &onths o) Au*ust, Se!te&$er and Octo$er o) 1?<;. On Se!te&$er 1?<;, one Victor Burns Lo%e ', (r., a Phi i!!ine5$orn A&erican citiBen )ro& Los An*e es, Ca i)ornia, a &ost +i ed hi&se ) and in"ured his 'oun*er $rother, 2o&eo, as a resu t o) the e,! osion o) a s&a $o&$ inside his roo& at the Y7CA $ui din* in 7ani a. >ound in Lo%e 'Ds !ossession $' !o ice and &i itar' authorities #ere se%era !ictures ta+en so&eti&e in 7a' 1?<; at the $irthda' !art' o) )or&er Con*ress&an 2au =aBa he d at the atterDs residence in a Los An*e es su$ur$. (o%ito 2. Sa on*a and his #i)e #ere a&on* those #hose i+enesses a!!eared in the *rou! !ictures to*ether #ith other *uests, inc udin* Lo%e '. As a resu t o) the serious in"uries he su))ered, Lo%e ' #as $rou*ht $' &i itar' and !o ice authorities to the A>P 7edica Center 8V. Luna Aos!ita 9#here he #as ! ace in the custod' and detention o) Co . 2o&an P. 7ade a, under the o%er5a direction o) -enera >a$ian Ver, head o) the Nationa Inte i*ence and Securit' Authorit' 8NISA9. Short ' a)ter#ards, 7r. Lo%e ' and his t#o $rothers, 2o&eo and Ba taBar Lo%e ' #here char*ed #ith su$%ersion, i e*a !ossession o) e,! osi%es, and da&a*e to !ro!ert'. Bo&$s once a*ain e,! oded in 7etro 7ani a inc udin* one #hich resu ted in the death o) an A&erican ad' #ho #as sho!!in* at 2ustanDs Su!er&ar+et in 7a+ati and others #hich caused in"uries to a nu&$er o) !ersons. The PresidentDs anni%ersar' te e%ision radio !ress con)erence #as $roadcast. The 'oun*er $rother o) Victor Lo%e ', 2o&eo, #as !resented durin* the con)erence. The ne,t da', ne#s!a!ers ca&e out #ith a &ost identica head ines statin* in e))ect that Sa on*a had $een in+ed to the %arious $o&$in*s in 7etro 7ani a. 7ean#hi e, Lo%e ' #as ta+en out o) the hos!ita Ds intensi%e care unit and trans)erred to the o))ice o) Co . 7ade a #here he #as he d inco&&unicado )or so&e ti&e. 7ore $o&$s #ere

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re!orted to ha%e e,! oded at 3 $i* hote s in 7etro 7ani a. The $o&$s in"ured ? !eo! e. A &eetin* o) the -enera 7i itar' Counci #as ca ed )or 6 Octo$er 1?<;. 7inutes a)ter the President had )inished de i%erin* his s!eech $e)ore the Internationa Con)erence o) the A&erican Societ' o) Tra%e A*ents at the Phi i!!ine Internationa Con%ention Center, as &a $o&$ e,! oded. Within the ne,t 14 hours, arrest, search, and seiBure orders 8ASSOs9 #ere issued a*ainst !ersons, inc udin* Sa on*a, #ho #ere a!!arent ' i&! icated $' Victor Lo%e ' in the series o) $o&$in*s in 7etro 7ani a. / e&ents o) the &i itar' #ent to the hos!ita roo& o) Sa on*a at the 7ani a 7edica Center #here he #as con)ined due to his recurrent and chronic ai &ent o) $ronchia asth&a and ! aced hi& under arrest. The arrestin* o))icer sho#ed Sa on*a the ASSO )or& #hich ho#e%er did not s!eci)' the char*e or char*es a*ainst hi&. ISSUE: Whether the Court &a' sti e a$orate on a decision #hen the o#er courts ha%e dro!!ed the case a*ainst !etitioner Sa on*a. HE !: The settin* aside or dec arin* %oid, in !ro!er cases, o) intrusions o) State authorit' into areas reser%ed $' the Bi o) 2i*hts )or the indi%idua as constitutiona ' !rotected s!heres #here e%en the a#eso&e !o#ers o) -o%ern&ent &a' not enter at #i is not the tota it' o) the CourtDs )unctions. The Court a so has the dut' to )or&u ate *uidin* and contro in* constitutiona !rinci! es, !rece!ts,doctrines, or ru es. It has the s'&$o ic )unction o) educatin* $ench and $ar on the e,tent o) !rotection *i%en $' constitutiona *uarantees. In de a Ca&ara %. /na*e 841 SC2A 19, the !etitioner #ho 0uestioned a P1,1?5,1;;.;; $ai $ond as e,cessi%e and,there)ore, constitutiona ' %oid, esca!ed )ro& the !ro%incia "ai #hi e his !etition #as !endin*. The !etition $eca&e &oot $ecause o) his esca!e $ut #e nonethe ess rendered a decision. In -onBa es %. 7arcos 865 SC2A 6149 #hether or not the Cu tura Center o) the Phi i!!ines cou d %a id ' $e created throu*h an e,ecuti%e order #as &ooted $' Presidentia =ecree 15, the CenterDs ne# charter !ursuant to the PresidentDs e*is ati%e !o#ers under &artia a#. Sti , the Court discussed the constitutiona &andate on the !reser%ation and de%e o!&ent o) >i i!ino cu ture )or nationa identit'. In the ha$eas cor!us case o) A0uino, (r., %. /nri e 85? SC2A1<39, durin* the !endenc' o) the case, 16 !etitioners #ere re eased )ro& custod' and one #ithdre# his !etition. The so e re&ainin* !etitioner #as )acin* char*es o) &urder, su$%ersion, and i e*a !ossession o) )irear&s. The )act that the !etition #as &oot and acade&ic did not !re%ent the Court in the e,ercise o) its s'&$o ic )unction )ro& !ro&u *atin* one o) the &ost %o u&inous decision se%er !rinted in the 2e!orts. Aerein, the !rosecution e%idence &isera$ ' )ai s to esta$ ish a !ri&a )acie case a*ainst Sa on*a, either as a co5cons!irator o) a desta$i iBation ! an to o%erthro# the *o%ern&ent or as an o))icer or eader o) an' su$%ersi%e or*aniBation. The res!ondents ha%e ta+en the initiati%e o) dro!!in* the char*es a*ainst Sa on*a. The Court reiterates the ru e, ho#e%er, that the Court #i not %a idate the )i in* o) an in)or&ation $ased on the +ind o) e%idence a*ainst Sa on*a )ound in the records. 1; (a%ier %s. CO7/L/C, 144 SC2A 1?4 81?<69 >ACTS. The !etitioner /%e io (a%ier and the !ri%ate res!ondent Arturo Paci)icador #ere candidates in Anti0ue )or the Batasan* Pa&$ansa e ection in 7a' 1?<4. A e*in* serious ano&a ies in the conduct o) the e ections and the can%ass o) the e ection returns, (a%ier #ent to the CO7/L/C to !re%ent the i&!endin* !roc a&ation o) his ri%a . On 7a' 1<, 1?<4, the Second =i%ision o) the CO7/L/C directed the !ro%incia $oard o) can%assers to !roceed #ith the can%ass $ut to sus!end the !roc a&ation o) the #innin* candidate unti )urther orders. On (une :, 1?<4, the sa&e Second =i%ision ordered the $oard to i&&ediate ' con%ene and to !roc ai& the #inner #ithout !re"udice to the outco&e o) the !etition )i ed $' (a%ier #ith the CO7/L/C. On certiorari #ith the S.C. the !roc a&ation &ade $' the Board o) Can%asser #as set aside as !re&ature, ha%in* $een &ade $e)ore the a!se o) the 5 J da' !eriod o) a!!ea , #hich the !etitioner seasona$ ' &ade. On (u ' 13, 1?<4 the Second =i%ision itse ) !roc ai&ed Paci)icador the e ected asse&$ '&an o) Anti0ue. ISSU/. Was the Second =i%ision o) the CO7/L/C, authoriBed to !ro&u *ate its decision o) (u ' 13, 1?<4 !roc ai&in* Paci)icador the #inner in the e ection I A/L=.

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The !roc a&ation &ade $' the Second =i%ision is in%a id $ecause a contests in%o %in* &e&$ers o) the Batasan* Pa&$ansa co&e under the "urisdiction o) the Co&&ission on / ections en $anc. APPLICABL/ P2OVISIONS O> TA/ CONSITUTION. The a!! ica$ e !ro%isions o) the 1?:3 Constitution are Art. LII5C, secs. 1 and 3, #hich !ro%ide. MSection 1. Be the so e "ud*e o) a contests re atin* to the e ection, returns and 0ua i)ications o) a &e&$ers o) the Batasan* Pa&$ansa and e ecti%e !ro%incia and cit' o))icia s.N MSection 3. The Co&&ission on / ections &a' sit en $anc or in three di%isions. A e ection casesa &a' $e heard and decided $' di%isions e,ce!t contests in%o %in* &e&$ers o) the Batasan* Pa&$ansa, #hich sha $e heard and decided en $anc. Un ess other#ise !ro%ided $' a#, a e ection cases sha $e decided #ithin ninet' da's )ro& the date o) their su$&ission )or decision.N The S.C. decided to reso %e the case e%en i) the Batasan* Pa&$ansa had a read' $een a$o ished $' the A0uino *o%ern&ent, and e%en i) (a%ier had a read' died in the &eanti&e. This #as $ecause o) its desire )or this case to ser%e as a *uide. Thus it said. MThe Su!re&e Court is not on ' the hi*hest ar$iter o) e*a 0uestions $ut a so the conscience o) the *o%ern&ent. The citiBen co&es to us in 0uest o) a# $ut #e &ust a so *i%e hi& "ustice. The t#o are not a #a's the sa&e. There are ti&es #hen #e cannot *rant the atter $ecause the issue has $een sett ed and decision is no on*er !ossi$ e accordin* to a#. But there are a so ti&es #hen a thou*h the dis!ute has disa!!eared, as in this case, it ne%erthe ess cries out to $e reso %ed. (ustice de&ands that #e act, then, not on ' )or the %indication o) the outra*ed ri*ht, thou*h *one, $ut a so )or the *uidance o) and as a restraint u!on the )uture.N The S.C. he d on the &ain issue that in &a+in* the CO7/L/C the so e "ud*e o) a contests in%o %in* the e ection, returns and 0ua i)ications o) the &e&$ers o) the Batasan* Pa&$ansa and e ecti%e !ro%incia and cit' o))icia s, the Constitution intended to *i%e it )u authorit' to hear and decide these cases )ro& $e*innin* to end and on a &atter re ated thereto, inc udin* those arisin* $e)ore the !roc a&ation o) the #inners. The decision rendered $' the Second =i%ision a one #as there)ore set aside as a %io ation o) the Constitution. The case shou d ha%e $een decided en $anc. Pre5!roc a&ation contro%ersies $eca&e +no#n and desi*nated as such on ' $ecause o) Sec. 1:5 o) the 1?:< / ection Code. The 1?:3 Constitution cou d not ha%e there)ore $een intended to ha%e di%ided contests $et#een !re and !ost !roc a&ation #hen that Constitution #as #ritten in 1?:3. The #ord McontestsN shou d not $e *i%en a restricti%e &eanin*C on the contrar', it shou d recei%e the #idest !ossi$ e sco!e con)or&a$ ' to the ru e that the #ords used in the Constitution shou d $e inter!reted i$era '. As e&! o'ed in the 1?:3 Constitution, the ter& shou d $e understood as re)errin* to an' &atter in%o %in* the tit e or c ai& o) tit e to an e ecti%e o))ice, &ade $e)ore or a)ter the !roc a&ation o) the #inner, #hether or not the contestant is c ai&in* the o))ice in dis!ute. There #as a so a denia o) due !rocess. One o) the &e&$ers o) the Second =i%ision, Co&&issioner (ose O!inion #as a a# !artner o) Paci)icador. Ae denied the &otion to dis0ua i)' hi& )ro& hearin* the case. The Court has re!eated ' and consistent ' de&anded Mthe co d neutra it' o) an i&!artia "ud*eN as the indis!ensa$ e i&!erati%e o) due !rocess. To $o ster that re0uire&ent #e ha%e he d that the "ud*e &ust not on ' $e i&!artia $ut &ust a so a!!ear to $e i&!artia as an added assurance to the !arties that his decision #i $e "ust. ? <

=a%id %s. - oria 7aca!a*a 5Arro'o, 4<? SC2A 16; 81;;69 Ba*on* A 'ansan* 7a+a$a'an et a . %s. /r&ita, et a . 4<< SC2A 116 81;;69 Facts: 2a ies o) Se!te&$er 1;, Octo$er 4, 5 and 6, 1;;5 is at issue. BAYANKs ra ' #as %io ent ' dis!ersed. 16 !etitioners #ere in"ured, arrested and detained #hen a !eace)u &ass action the' #as !ree&!ted and %io ent ' dis!ersed $' the !o ice. O7U asserts that the ri*ht to !eace)u asse&$ ', are a))ected $' Batas Pa&$ansa No. <<; and the !o ic' o) MCa i$rated Pree&!ti%e 2es!onseN 8CP29 $ein* )o o#ed to i&! e&ent it. O7U, et a ., c ai& that on Octo$er 4, 1;;5, a ra ' O7U co5s!onsored #as to $e conducted at the 7endio a $rid*e $ut !o ice $ oc+ed the& a on* C.7. 2ecto and Le!anto Streets and )orci$ ' dis!ersed the&, causin* in"uries to se%era o) their &e&$ers. The' )urther a e*e that on Octo$er 6, 1;;5, a &u ti5sectora ra ' #hich O7U a so co5s!onsored #as schedu ed to !roceed a on* /s!aPa A%enue in )ront o) the UST and *oin* to#ards 7endio a $rid*e. Po ice o))icers $ oc+ed the& a on* 7ora'ta Street and !re%ented the& )ro& !roceedin* )urther. The' #ere then )orci$ ' dis!ersed, causin* in"uries on one o) the&. Three other ra 'ists #ere arrested. A !etitioners assai Batas Pa&$ansa No. <<; The Pu$ ic Asse&$ ' Act o) 1?<5, so&e o) the& in toto and others on ' Sections 4, 5, 6, 11, 138a9, and 148a9, as #e as the !o ic' o) CP2. The' see+ to sto! %io ent dis!ersa s o) ra ies under the Mno !er&it, no ra 'N !o ic' andthe CP2 !o ic' announced on Se!t. 11, 1;;5. Petitioners Ba'an, et a ., contend that BP <<; is c ear ' a %io ation o) the Constitution and the Internationa Co%enant on Ci%i and Po itica 2i*hts and other hu&an ri*hts treaties o) #hich the Phi i!!ines is a si*nator'.

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The' ar*ue that B.P. No. <<; re0uires a !er&it $e)ore one can sta*e a !u$ ic asse&$ ' re*ard ess o) the !resence or a$sence o) a c ear and !resent dan*er. It a so curtai s the choice o) %enue and is thus re!u*nant to the )reedo& o) e,!ression c ause as the ti&e and ! ace o) a !u$ ic asse&$ ' )or& !art o) the &essa*e )or #hich the e,!ression is sou*ht. Petitioners (ess de Prado, et a ., in turn, ar*ue that B.P. No. <<; is unconstitutiona as it is a curtai &ent o) the ri*ht to !eace)u ' asse&$ e and !etition )or redress o) *rie%ances $ecause it !uts a condition )or the %a id e,ercise o) that ri*ht. It a so characteriBes !u$ ic asse&$ ies #ithout a !er&it as i e*a and !ena iBes the& and a o#s their dis!ersa . Thus, its !ro%isions are not &ere re*u ations $ut are actua ' !rohi$itions. 2e*ardin* the CP2 !o ic', it is %oid )or $ein* an u tra %ires act that a ters the standard o) &a,i&u& to erance set )orth in B.P. No. <<;, aside )ro& $ein* %oid )or $ein* %a*ue and )or ac+ o) !u$ ication. O7U, et a ., ar*ue that the Constitution sets no i&its on the ri*ht to asse&$ ' and there)ore B.P. No. <<; cannot !ut the !rior re0uire&ent o) securin* a !er&it. And e%en assu&in* that the e*is ature can set i&its to this ri*ht, the i&its !ro%ided are unreasona$ e. >irst, a o#in* the 7a'or to den' the !er&it on c ear and con%incin* e%idence o) a c ear and !resent dan*er is too co&!rehensi%e. Second, the )i%e5da' re0uire&ent to a!! ' )or a !er&it is too on* as certain e%ents re0uire instant !u$ ic asse&$ ', other#ise interest on the issue #ou d !ossi$ ' #ane.As to the CP2 !o ic', the' ar*ue that it is !ree&!ti%e, that the *o%ern&ent ta+es action e%en $e)ore the ra 'ists can !er)or& their act, and that no a#, ordinance or e,ecuti%e ordersu!!orts the !o ic'. >urther&ore, it contra%enes the &a,i&u& to erance !o ic' o) B.P. No. <<; and %io ates the Constitution as it causes a chi in* e))ect on the e,ercise $' the !eo! e o) the ri*ht to !eacea$ ' asse&$ e. 2es!ondents ar*ued that !etitioners ha%e no standin*. BP <<; entai s tra))ic re5routin* to !re%ent *ra%e !u$ ic incon%enience and serious or undue inter)erence in the )ree ) o# o) co&&erce and trade. It is content5neutra re*u ation o) the ti&e, ! ace and &anner o) ho din* !u$ ic asse&$ ies. Accordin* to AtienBa 2A. :16; *i%es the 7a'or !o#er to den' a !er&it inde!endent ' o) B.P. No. <<;. and that the !er&it is )or the use o) a !u$ ic ! ace and not )or the e,ercise o) ri*htsC and that B.P. No. <<; is not a content5$ased re*u ation $ecause it co%ers a ra ies. Issue: Whether or Not BP <<; and the CP2 Po ic' unconstitutiona . Held: No 0uestion as to standin*. Their ri*ht as citiBens to en*a*e in !eace)u asse&$ ' and e,ercise the ri*ht o) !etition, as *uaranteed $' the Constitution, is direct ' a))ected $' B.P. No. <<;. B.P. <<; is not an a$so ute $an o) !u$ ic asse&$ ies $ut a restriction that si&! ' re*u ates the ti&e, ! ace and &anner o) the asse&$ ies. It re)ers to a +inds o) !u$ ic asse&$ ies that #ou d use !u$ ic ! aces. The re)erence to M a#)u causeN does not &a+e it content5$ased $ecause asse&$ ies rea ' ha%e to $e )or a#)u causes, other#ise the' #ou d not $e M!eacea$ eN and entit ed to !rotection. 7a,i&u& to erance1 is )or the !rotection and $ene)it o) a ra 'ists and is inde!endent o) the content o) the e,!ressions in the ra '. There is, i+e#ise, no !rior restraint, since the content o) the s!eech is not re e%ant to the re*u ation. The so5ca ed ca i$rated !ree&!ti%e res!onse !o ic' has no ! ace in our e*a )ir&a&ent and &ust $e struc+ do#n as a dar+ness that shrouds )reedo&. It &ere ' con)uses our !eo! e and is used $' so&e !o ice a*ents to "usti)' a$uses. Inso)ar as it #ou d !ur!ort to di))er )ro& or $e in ieu o) &a,i&u& to erance, this #as dec ared nu and %oid. The Secretar' o) the Interior and Loca -o%ern&ents, are =I2/CT/= to ta+e a necessar' ste!s )or the i&&ediate co&! iance #ith Section 15 o) Batas Pa&$ansa No. <<; throu*h the esta$ ish&ent or desi*nation o) at east one suita$ e )reedo& !ar+ or ! aBa in e%er' cit' and&unici!a it' o) the countr'. A)ter thirt' 83;9 da's )ro& the )ina it' o) this =ecision, su$"ect to the *i%in* o) ad%ance notices, no !rior !er&it sha $e re0uired to e,ercise the ri*ht to !eacea$ ' asse&$ e and !etition in the !u$ ic !ar+s or ! aBas o) a cit' or &unici!a it' that has not 'et co&! ied #ith Section 15 o) the a#. =e)ensor5Santia*o %s. CO7/L/C, 336 Phi . <4< 81??:9 =/>/NSO25SANTIA-O %s. CO7/L/C 8-.2. No. 11:315 5 7arch 1?, 1??:9 >acts. Pri%ate res!ondent Att'. (esus =e )in, !resident o) Peo! eKs Initiati%e )or 2e)or&s,7oderniBation and Action 8PI27A9,

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)i ed #ith CO7/L/C a !etition to a&end the constitution to i)t the ter& i&its o) e ecti%e o))icia s, throu*h Peo! eKs Initiati%e. Ae $ased this !etition on Artic e LVII, Sec. 1 o) the 1?<: Constitution, #hich !ro%ides )or the ri*ht o) the !eo! e to e,ercise the !o#er to direct ' !ro!ose a&end&ents to the Constitution. Su$se0uent ' the CO7/L/C issued an order directin* the !u$ ication o) the !etition and o) the notice o) hearin* and therea)ter set the case )or hearin*. At the hearin*, Senator 2oco, the IBP, =e&o+ras'a5I!a*tan**o an* Oonstitus'on, Pu$ icInterest La# Center, and La$an n* =e&o+rati+on* Pi i!ino a!!eared as inter%enors5o!!ositors. Senator 2oco )i ed a &otion to dis&iss the =e )in !etition on the *round that one #hich is co*niBa$ e $' the CO7/L/C. The !etitioners herein Senator Santia*o, A e,ander Padi a, and Isa$e On*!in )i ed this ci%i action )or !rohi$ition under 2u e 65 o) the 2u es o) Court a*ainst CO7/L/C and the =e )in !etition raisin* se%era ar*u&ents, such as the )o o#in*. 819 The constitutiona !ro%ision on !eo! eKs initiati%e to a&end the constitution can on ' $e i&! e&ented $' a# to $e !assed $' Con*ress. No such a# has $een !assedC 819 The !eo! eKs initiati%e is i&ited to a&end&ents to the Constitution, not to re%ision thereo). Li)tin* o) the ter& i&its constitutes a re%ision, there)ore it is outside the !o#er o) !eo! eKs initiati%e. The Su!re&e Court *ranted the 7otions )or Inter%ention. Issues. 819 Whether or not Sec. 1, Art. LVII o) the 1?<: Constitution is a se )5e,ecutin* !ro%ision. 819 Whether or not CO7/L/C 2eso ution No. 13;; re*ardin* the conduct o) initiati%e on a&end&ents to the Constitution is %a id, considerin* the a$sence in the a# o) s!eci)ic !ro%isions on the conduct o) such initiati%e. 839 Whether the i)tin* o) ter& i&its o) e ecti%e o))icia s #ou d constitute a re%ision or an a&end&ent o) the Constitution. 849 Is 2.A. No. 6:35 su))icient to ena$ e a&end&ent o) the Constitution $' !eo! eKs initiati%eI Ae d. 1. Sec. 1, Art LVII o) the Constitution is not5se ) e,ecutor', thus, #ithout i&! e&entin* e*is ation the sa&e cannot o!erate. A thou*h the Constitution has reco*niBed or *ranted the ri*ht, the !eo! e cannot e,ercise it i) Con*ress does not !ro%ide )or its i&! e&entation. 1. The !ortion o) CO7/L/C 2eso ution No. 13;; #hich !rescri$es ru es and re*u ations on the conduct o) initiati%e on a&end&ents to the Constitution is %oid. It has $een an esta$ ished ru e that #hat has $een de e*ated, cannot $e de e*ated 8!otestas de e*ata non de e*ari !otest9. The de e*ation o) the !o#er to the CO7/L/C $ein* in%a id, the atter cannot %a id ' !ro&u *ate ru es and re*u ations to i&! e&ent the e,ercise o) the ri*ht to !eo! eKs initiati%e. 3. The i)tin* o) the ter& i&its #as he d to $e that o) a re%ision, as it #ou d a))ect other !ro%isions o) the Constitution such as the s'nchroniBation o) e ections, the constitutiona *uarantee o) e0ua access to o!!ortunities )or !u$ ic ser%ice, and !rohi$itin* !o itica d'nasties. A re%ision cannot $e done $' initiati%e. Ao#e%er, considerin* the CourtKs decision in the a$o%e Issue, the issue o) #hether or not the !etition is a re%ision or a&end&ent has $eco&e acade&ic. 4. NO. 2.A. 6:35 is inade0uate to co%er the s'ste& o) initiati%e on a&end&ents to the Constitution. Under the said a#, initiati%e on the Constitution is con)ined on ' to !ro!osa s to A7/N=. The !eo! e are not accorded the !o#er to @direct ' !ro!ose, enact, a!!ro%e, or re"ect, in #ho e or in !art, the Constitution@ throu*h the s'ste& o) initiati%e. The' can on ' do so #ith res!ect to @ a#s, ordinances, or reso utions.@ The use o) the c ause @!ro!osed a#s sou*ht to $e enacted, a!!ro%ed or re"ected, a&ended or re!ea ed@ denotes that 2.A. No. 6:35 e,c udes initiati%e on a&end&ents to the Constitution. A so, #hi e the a# !ro%ides su$tit es )or Nationa Initiati%e and 2e)erendu& and )or Loca Initiati%e and 2e)erendu&, no su$tit e is !ro%ided )or initiati%e on the Constitution. This &eans that the &ain thrust o) the a# is initiati%e and re)erendu& on nationa and oca a#s. I) 2.A. No. 6:35 #ere intended to )u ' !ro%ide )or the i&! e&entation o) the initiati%e on a&end&ents to the Constitution, it cou d ha%e !ro%ided )or a su$tit e there)or, considerin* that in the order o) thin*s, the !ri&ac' o) interest, or hierarch' o) %a ues, the ri*ht o) the !eo! e to direct ' !ro!ose a&end&ents to the Constitution is )ar &ore i&!ortant than the initiati%e on nationa and oca a#s. Whi e 2.A. No. 6:35 s!ecia ' detai ed the !rocess in i&! e&entin* initiati%e and re)erendu& on nationa and oca a#s, it intentiona ' did not do so on the s'ste& o) initiati%e on a&end&ents to the Constitution. 6 5 WA/2/>O2/, !etition is -2ANT/=. Li& %s. /,ecuti%e Secretar', 3<; SC2A :3? 81;;19 La&$ino, et a . %s. CO7/L/C, 5;5 SC2A 16; 81;;69

These are conso idated !etitions on the 2eso ution 831 Au*ust 1;;69 o) the CO7/L/C den'in* due course to an

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initiati%e !etition to a&end the 1?<: Constitution. Facts: 15 >e$ruar' 1;;6, !etitioners 8-.2. No. 1:41539, na&e ' 2au L. La&$ino and /rico B. Au&entado 8@La&$ino -rou!@9, #ith other *rou!s1 and indi%idua s, co&&enced *atherin* si*natures )or an initiati%e !etition to chan*e the 1?<: Constitution. 15 Au*ust 1;;6, the La&$ino -rou! )i ed a !etition #ith the CO7/L/C to ho d a ! e$iscite that #i rati)' their initiati%e !etition under Section 58$9 and 8c91 and Section :3 o) 2A 6:35 or the Initiati%e and 2e)erendu& Act. The La&$ino -rou! a e*ed that their !etition had the su!!ort o) 6,31:,?51 indi%idua s constitutin* at east t#e %e per centum 811Q9 o) a re*istered %oters, #ith each e*is ati%e district re!resented $' at east three per centum 83Q9 o) its re*istered %oters. The La&$ino -rou! a so c ai&ed that CO7/L/C e ection re*istrars had %eri)ied the si*natures o) the 6.3 &i ion indi%idua s. The La&$ino -rou!Ds initiati%e !etition chan*es the 1?<: Constitution $' &odi)'in* Sections 15: o) Artic e VI 8Le*is ati%e =e!t94 and Sections 154 o) Artic e VII 8/,ecuti%e =e!t9 5 and $' addin* Artic e LVIII entit ed @Transitor' Pro%isions.@6 These !ro!osed chan*es #i shi)t the !resent Bica&era 5Presidentia s'ste& to a Unica&era 5 Par ia&entar' )or& o) *o%ern&ent. 3; Au*ust 1;;6, the La&$ino -rou! )i ed an A&ended Petition #ith the CO7/L/C indicatin* &odi)ications in the !ro!osed Artic e LVIII 8Transitor' Pro%isions9 o) their initiati%e. : CO7/L/C.denied Issues: 1. Whether the La&$ino -rou!Ds initiati%e !etition co&! ies #ith Section 1, Artic e LVII o) the Constitution on a&end&ents to the Constitution throu*h a !eo! eDs initiati%eI 1. Whether this Court shou d re%isit its ru in* in Santiago dec arin* 2A 6:35 @inco&! ete, inade0uate or #antin* in essentia ter&s and conditions@ to i&! e&ent the initiati%e c ause on !ro!osa s to a&end the ConstitutionI 3. Whether the CO7/L/C co&&itted *ra%e a$use o) discretion in den'in* due course to the La&$ino -rou!Ds !etitionI Held: The La&$ino -rou! &isera$ ' "ailed to co#$l% with the &asic 'e(ui'e#ents o" the Constitution "o' conductin) a $eo$le*s initiative. Thus, there is e%en no need to 'evisit Santiago, as the !resent !etition #arrants dis&issa $ased a one on the La&$ino -rou!Ds * arin* )ai ure to co&! ' #ith the $asic re0uire&ents o) the Constitution. >or )o o#in* the CourtDs ru in* in Santia*o, no )'ave a&use o" disc'etion is attri$uta$ e to the Co&&ision on / ections. 1. The Initiative Petition Does Not Comply with Section 2, Article X II o! the Constit"tion on Direct Proposal #y the People The )ra&ers o) the Constitution intended that the @d'a"t o" the $'o$osed constitutional a#end#ent@ shou d $e @'ead% and shown@ to the !eo! e @&e"o'e@ the' si*n such !ro!osa . The )ra&ers ! ain ' stated that @&e"o'e the% si)n the'e is al'ead% a d'a"t shown to the#.@ The )ra&ers a so @envisioned@ that the !eo! e shou d si*n on the $'o$osal itsel" $ecause the !ro!onents &ust @$'e$a'e that $'o$osal and $ass it a'ound "o' si)natu'e.@ The essence o) a&end&ents @di'ectl% $'o$osed &% the $eo$le th'ou)h initiative u$on a $etition@ is that the enti'e $'o$osal on its "ace is a $etition &% the $eo$le. This &eans t#o essentia e e&ents &ust $e !resent. >irst, the !eo! e &ust autho' and thus si)n the entire !ro!osa . No a*ent or re!resentati%e can si*n on their $eha ). Second, as

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an initiati%e u!on a !etition, the $'o$osal &ust $e e#&odied in a $etition. These essentia e e&ents are !resent on ' i) the )u te,t o) the !ro!osed a&end&ents is "i'st shown to the !eo! e #ho e,!ress their assent $' si*nin* such co&! ete !ro!osa in a !etition. Thus+ an a#end#ent is ,di'ectl% $'o$osed &% the $eo$le th'ou)h initiative u$on a $etition, onl% i" the $eo$le si)n on a $etition that contains the "ull te-t o" the $'o$osed a#end#ents. 81;;,;;; co!ies on '9 lo)'ollin) 5 #hen the initiati%e !etition incor!orates an unre ated su$"ect &atter in the sa&e !etitionC co&$inin* &u ti! e !ro!ositions into one !ro!osa 2. The Initiative iolates Section 2, Article X II o! the Constit"tion Disallowing $evision thro"gh Initiatives A $eo$le*s initiative to chan*e the Constitution a!! ies on ' to an a#end#ent 8chan*e that adds, reduces, or de etes #ithout a terin* the $asic !rinci! e in%o %ed9 o) the Constitution and not to its re%ision. In contrast, Con)'ess o' a constitutional convention can !ro!ose $oth a#end#ents and 'evisions 8chan*e that a ters a $asic !rinci! e in the constitutionC chan*e a ters the su$stantia entiret' o) the constitution, as #hen the chan*e a))ects su$stantia !ro%isions o) the constitution9 to the Constitution. 8Artic e LVII, Sec 19 This Court, #hose &e&$ers are s#orn to de)end and !rotect the Constitution, cannot shir+ )ro& its so e&n oath and dut' to insure co&! iance #ith the c ear co&&and o) the Constitution R that a !eo! eDs initiati%e &a' on ' a&end, ne%er re%ise, the Constitution. Two.$a't test 8Ca i)ornia9. 0uantitati%e test and the 0ua itati%e test. The 0uantitati%e test as+s #hether the !ro!osed chan*e is @so e,tensi%e in its !ro%isions as to chan*e direct ' the Dsu$stantia entiret'D o) the constitution $' the de etion or a teration o) nu&erous e,istin* !ro%isions.@36 The court e,a&ines on ' the nu&$er o) !ro%isions a))ected and does not consider the de*ree o) the chan*e. The 0ua itati%e test in0uires into the 0ua itati%e e))ects o) the !ro!osed chan*e in the constitution. The &ain in0uir' is #hether the chan*e #i @acco&! ish such )ar reachin* chan*es in the nature o) our $asic *o%ern&enta ! an as to a&ount to a re%ision.@ 3: Under $oth the 0uantitati%e and 0ua itati%e tests, the a#&ino /'ou$*s initiative is a 'evision and not #e'el% an a#end#ent. Suantitati%e ', the La&$ino -rou!Ds !ro!osed chan*es o%erhau t#o artic es 5 Artic e VI on the Le*is ature and Artic e VII on the /,ecuti%e 5 a))ectin* a tota o) 1;5 !ro%isions in the entire Constitution. 4; Sua itati%e ', the !ro!osed chan*es a ter su$stantia ' the $asic ! an o) *o%ern&ent, )ro& !residentia to !ar ia&entar', and )ro& a $ica&era to a unica&era e*is ature. J the initiative is void and unconstitutional $ecause it %io ates Section 1, Artic e LVII o) the Constitution i&itin* the sco!e o) a !eo! eDs initiati%e to ,0A1#end#ents to this Constitution., 3. A $evisit o! Santiago v. C%&'('C is Not Necessary There is no need to re%isit this CourtDs ru in* in Santiago dec arin* 2A 6:35 @inco&! ete, inade0uate or #antin* in essentia ter&s and conditions@ to co%er the s'ste& o) initiati%e to a&end the Constitution. An a))ir&ation or re%ersa o) Santiago #i not chan*e the outco&e o) the !resent !etition. Thus, this Court &ust dec ine to re%isit Santiago #hich e))ecti%e ' ru ed that RA 2345 does not co#$l% with the 'e(ui'e#ents o" the Constitution to i#$le#ent the initiative clause on a#end#ents to the Constitution . This Court &ust a%oid re%isitin* a ru in* in%o %in* the constitutiona it' o) a statute i) the case $e)ore the Court can $e reso %ed on so&e other *rounds. Such a%oidance is a o*ica conse0uence o) the #e 5sett ed doctrine that cou'ts will not $ass u$on the constitutionalit% o" a statute i" the case can &e 'esolved on so#e othe' )'ounds .51 /%en then, the !resent initiati%e %io ates Section 58$9 o) 2A 6:35 #hich re0uires that the @!etition )or an initiati%e on the 1?<: Constitution &ust ha%e at east t#e %e per centum 811Q9 o) the tota nu&$er o) re*istered %oters as si)nato'ies.@ Section 58$9 o) 2A 6:35 re0uires that the !eo! e &ust si*n the ,$etition - - - as si)nato'ies., The 6.3 &i ion si*natories did not si*n the !etition o) 15 Au*ust 1;;6 or the a&ended !etition o) 3; Au*ust 1;;6 )i ed #ith the CO7/L/C. The La&$ino -rou!Ds lo)'ollin) initiative a so %io ates Section 1;8a9 o) 2A 6:35 statin*, @5o $etition e#&'acin)

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#o'e than one 617 su&8ect shall &e su&#itted to the electo'ate C , , ,.@ The !ro!osed Section 4849 o) the Transitor' Pro%isions, &andatin* the interi& Par ia&ent to !ro!ose )urther a&end&ents or re%isions to the Constitution, is a su$"ect &atter tota ' unre ated to the shi)t in the )or& o) *o%ern&ent. Since the !resent initiati%e e&$races &ore than one su$"ect &atter, 2A 6:35 !rohi$its su$&ission o) the initiati%e !etition to the e ectorate. Thus+ even i" RA 2345 is valid+ the a#&ino /'ou$*s initiative will still "ail. ). The C%&'('C Di* Not Commit +rave A#"se o! Discretion in Dismissing the (am#ino +ro"p,s Initiative In dis&issin* the La&$ino -rou!Ds initiati%e !etition, the CO7/L/C en $anc &ere ' )o o#ed this CourtDs ru in* in Santiago and People,s Initiative !or $e!orm, &o*erni-ation an* Action .PI$&A/ v. C%&'('C .51 >or )o o#in* this CourtDs ru in*, no *ra%e a$use o) discretion is attri$uta$ e to the CO7/L/C. On this *round a one, the !resent !etition #arrants outri*ht dis&issa . 0. Concl"sion The Constitution, as the )unda&enta a# o) the and, deser%es the ut&ost res!ect and o$edience o) a the citiBens o) this nation. No one can tri%ia iBe the Constitution $' ca%a ier ' a&endin* or re%isin* it in $ atant %io ation o) the c ear ' s!eci)ied &odes o) a&end&ent and re%ision aid do#n in the Constitution itse ). To a o# such chan*e in the )unda&enta a# is to set adri)t the Constitution in unchartered #aters, to $e tossed and turned $' e%er' do&inant !o itica *rou! o) the da'. I) this Court a o#s toda' a ca%a ier chan*e in the Constitution outside the constitutiona ' !rescri$ed &odes, to&orro# the ne# do&inant !o itica *rou! that co&es #i de&and its o#n set o) chan*es in the sa&e ca%a ier and unconstitutiona )ashion. A re%o %in*5door constitution does not au*ur #e )or the ru e o) a# in this countr'. An o%er#he &in* &a"orit' T 12+299+111 vote's co#$'isin) 32.4 $e'cent o" the total votes cast 53 T a!!ro%ed our Constitution in a nationa ! e$iscite he d on 11 >e$ruar' 1?<:. That a$$'oval is the un#ista:a&le voice o" the $eo$le+ the "ull e-$'ession o" the $eo$le*s sove'ei)n will. That a$$'oval included the $'esc'i&ed #odes "o' a#endin) o' 'evisin) the Constitution. No a&ount o) si*natures, not e%en the 6,31:,?51 &i ion si*natures *athered $' the La&$ino -rou!, can chan*e our Constitution contrar' to the s!eci)ic &odes that the !eo! e, in their so%erei*n ca!acit', !rescri$ed #hen the' rati)ied the Constitution. The a ternati%e is an e,tra5constitutiona chan*e, #hich &eans su&ve'tin) the $eo$le*s sove'ei)n will and disca'din) the Constitution. This is one act the Court cannot and shou d ne%er do. As the u ti&ate *uardian o) the Constitution, this Court is s#orn to !er)or& its so e&n dut' to de)end and !rotect the Constitution, #hich e&$odies the rea so%erei*n #i o) the !eo! e. Incantations o) @!eo! eDs %oice,@ @!eo! eDs so%erei*n #i ,@ or @ et the !eo! e decide@ cannot o%erride the s!eci)ic &odes o) chan*in* the Constitution as !rescri$ed in the Constitution itse ). Other#ise, the Constitution R the !eo! eDs )unda&enta co%enant that !ro%ides endurin* sta$i it' to our societ' R $eco&es easi ' susce!ti$ e to &ani!u ati%e chan*es $' !o itica *rou!s *atherin* si*natures throu*h )a se !ro&ises. Then, the Constitution ceases to $e the $edroc+ o) the nationDs sta$i it'. The La&$ino -rou! c ai&s that their initiati%e is the @!eo! eDs %oice.@ Ao#e%er, the La&$ino -rou! una$ashed ' states in ULAP 2eso ution No. 1;;65;1, in the %eri)ication o) their !etition #ith the CO7/L/C, that @ULAP &aintains its un(uali"ied su$$o't to the a)enda o) Aer /,ce enc' President - oria 7aca!a*a 5Arro'o )or constitutiona re)or&s.@ The La&$ino -rou! thus ad&its that their @!eo! eDs@ initiati%e is an @un0ua i)ied su!!ort to the a*enda@ o) the incu&$ent President to chan*e the Constitution. This )ore#arns the Court to $e #ar' o) incantations o) @!eo! eDs %oice@ or @so%erei*n #i @ in the !resent initiati%e. This Court cannot $etra' its !ri&ordia dut' to de)end and !rotect the Constitution. The Constitution, #hich e&$odies the !eo! eDs so%erei*n #i , is the $i$ e o) this Court. This Cou't e-ists to de"end and $'otect the Constitution . To a o# this constitutiona ' in)ir& initiati%e, !ro!e ed $' dece!ti%e ' *athered si*natures, to a ter $asic !rinci! es in the Constitution is to a o# a desecration o) the Constitution. To a o# such a teration and desecration is to ose this CourtDs raison d'etre.

17 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

O!osa %s. >actoran, 114 SC2A :?1 81 Bernas 1:9 OPO!A "! #A$%O&A' %OP($) A&% "(((* !E$ + A', - O# $O'!%(%.%(O' %A07?& Principal petitioners3 are all "inors #uly represente# an# 2oine# by their respecti!e parents. 7he ori inal #efen#ant $as the Lonorable %ul encio ?. %actoran3 'r.3 then ?ecretary of the 6epart"ent of En!iron"ent an# Natural *esources 46EN*5. 7he co"plaint $as institute# as a ta/payersM class suit an# alle es that the plaintiffs Nare all citi=ens of the *epublic of the Philippines3 ta/payers3 an# entitle# to the full benefit3 use an# en2oy"ent of the natural resource treasure that is the countryMs !ir in tropical forests.N 7he "inors further asse!erate that they Nrepresent their eneration as $ell as enerations yet unborn.N 0onseAuently3 it is praye# for that 2u# "ent be ren#ere#&

1D0ancel all e/istin ti"ber license a ree"ents 2D 0ease an# #esist fro" recei!in 3 acceptin 3 processin 3 rene$in or appro!in

in the country8 ne$ ti"ber license a ree"ents.

On 22 'une 1((93 the ori inal #efen#ant3 ?ecretary %actoran3 'r.3 file# a ,otion to 6is"iss the co"plaint base# on t$o 425 roun#s3 na"ely& 415 the plaintiffs ha!e no cause of action a ainst hi" an# 425 the issue raise# by the plaintiffs is a political Auestion $hich properly pertains to the le islati!e or e/ecuti!e branches of Oo!ern"ent. -n their 12 'uly 1((9 Opposition to the ,otion3 the petitioners "aintain that 415 the co"plaint sho$s a clear an# un"ista;able cause of action3 425 the "otion is #ilatory an# 435 the action presents a 2usticiable Auestion as it in!ol!es the #efen#antMs abuse of #iscretion. On 1) 'uly 1((13 respon#ent 'u# e issue# an or#er rantin the afore"entione# "otion to #is"iss. Plaintiffs thus file# the instant special ci!il action for certiorari un#er *ule 65 of the *e!ise# *ules of 0ourt an# as; this 0ourt to rescin# an# set asi#e the #is"issal or#er on the roun# that the respon#ent 'u# e ra!ely abuse# his #iscretion in #is"issin the action. -??FE& >ON the petitioners ha!e locus stan#in for the case to be sub2ect of the judicial power of the $ourt

$O.&% &./('0) Petitioners minors assert that they represent their generation as well as generations yet unborn %heir personality to sue in behalf of the succeeding generations can only be based on the concept of intergenerational responsibility insofar as the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is concerned 'ature means the created world in its entirety Every generation has a responsibility to the ne1t to preserve that rhythm and harmony for the full enjoyment of a balanced and healthful ecology %he minors2 assertion of their right to a sound environment constitutes* at the same time* the performance of their obligation to ensure the protection of that right for the generations to come %he complaint focuses on one specific fundamental legal right the right to a balanced and healthful ecology which* for the first time in our nation2s constitutional history* is solemnly incorporated in thefundamental law !ection +6* Article (( of the +345 $onstitution 6hile the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is to be found under the ,eclaration of Principles and !tate Policies and not underthe 7ill of &ights* it does not follow that it is less important than any of the civil and political rights enumerated in the latter !uch a right belongs to a different category of rights altogether for it concerns nothing less than self-preservation and self-perpetuation 8 aptly and fittingly stressed by the petitioners the advancement of which may even be said to predate all governments and constitutions As a matter of fact* these basic rights need not even be written in the $onstitution for they are assumed to e1ist from the inception of human9ind (f they are now e1plicitly mentioned in the fundamental charter* it is because of the well-founded fear of its framers that unless the rights to a balanced and healthful ecology and to health

1) Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

are mandated as state policies by the $onstitution itself* thereby highlighting their continuing importance and imposing upon the state a solemn obligation to preserve the first and protect and advance the second* the day would not be too far when all else would be lost not only for the present generation* but also for those to come generations which stand to inherit nothing but parched earth incapable of sustaining life $onformably with the enunciated right to a balanced and healthful ecology and the right to health* as well as the other related provisions of the $onstitution concerning the conservation* development and utili:ation of the country2s natural resources* then President $ora:on $ A;uino promulgated on +< =une +345 E O 'o +32* !ection > of which e1pressly mandates that the ,epartment of Environment and 'atural &esources ?shall be the primary government agency responsible for the conservation* management* development and proper use of the country2s environment and natural resources* specifically forest and gra:ing lands* mineral* resources* including those in reservation and watershed areas* and lands of the public domain* as well as the licensing and regulation of all natural resources as may be provided for by law in order to ensure e;uitable sharing of the benefits derived therefrom for the welfare of the present and future generations of #ilipinos ? !ection @ thereof ma9es the following statement of policy) %he above provision stresses ?the necessity of maintaining a sound ecological balance and protecting and enhancing the ;uality of the environment ? !ection 2 of the same %itle* on the other hand* specifically spea9s of the mandate of the ,E'&A however* it ma9es particular reference to the fact of the agency2s being subject to law and higher authority (t may* however* be recalled that even before the ratification of the +345 $onstitution* specific statutes already paid special attention to the ?environmental right? of the present and future generations On 6 =une +355* P , 'o ++-+ and P , 'o ++-2 were issued %hus* the right of the petitioners to a balanced and healthful ecology is as clear as the ,E'&2s duty under its mandate and by virtue of its powers and functions under E O 'o +32 and the Administrative $ode of +345 to protect and advance the said right A denial or violation of that right by the other who has the correlative duty or obligation to respect or protect the same gives rise to a cause of action Petitioners maintain that the granting of the %/As* which they claim was done with grave abuse of discretion* violated their right to a balanced and healthful ecologyA hence* the full protection thereof re;uires that no further %/As should be renewed or granted (t is settled in this jurisdiction that in a motion to dismiss based on the ground that the complaint fails to state a cause of actionA the ;uestion submitted to the court for resolution involves the sufficiency of the facts alleged in the complaint itself 'o other matter should be consideredA furthermore* the truth of falsity of the said allegations is beside the point for the truth thereof is deemed hypothetically admitted Policy formulation or determination by the e1ecutive or legislative branches of 0overnment is not s;uarely put in issue 6hat is principally involved is the enforcement of a right vis-a-vis policies already formulated and e1pressed in legislation (t must* nonetheless* be emphasi:ed that the political ;uestion doctrine is no longer* the insurmountable obstacle to the e1ercise of judicial power or the impenetrable shield that protects e1ecutive and legislative actions from judicial in;uiry or review %he case at bar is subject to judicial review by the $ourt =ustice ,avide* =r precisely identified in his opinion the re;uisites for a case to be subjected for the judicial review by the $ourt According to him* the subject matter of the complaint is of common interest* ma9ing this civil case a class suit and proving the e1istence of an actual controversy Be strengthens this conclusion by citing in the decision !ection +* Article 5 of the +345 $onstitution Although concurring in the result* =ustice #eliciano penned his separate opinions on a number of topics pointed by =ustice ,avide* =r in this $ourt decision =ustice #eliciano said that the concept of the word CclassD is too broad to cover the plaintiffs and their representatives alone* and that the $ourt may be deemed recogni:ing anyoneEs right to file action as against both the public administrative agency and the private

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C'either petitioners nor the $ourt has identified the particular provisions of the Philippine Environment $ode which give rise to a specific legal right which petitioners are see9ing to enforce D

=ustice #eliciano further stated that the $ourt in the case at bar in effect made !ections +- and +6 of Article 2 of the +345 $onstitution to be self-e1ecuting and judicially enforceable even in its present form* and that these implications are too large and far reaching in nature ever to be hinted in this instant case $ivil $ase 'o 3<555 be said to raise a political ;uestion Policy formulation or determination by the e1ecutive or legislative branches of 0overnment is not s;uarely put in issue 6hat is principally involved is the enforcement of a right vis-a-vis policies already formulated and e1pressed in legislation (t must* nonetheless* be emphasi:ed that the political ;uestion doctrine is no longer* the insurmountable obstacle to the e1ercise of judicial power or the impenetrable shield that protects e1ecutive and legislative actions from judicial in;uiry or review %he second paragraph of section +* Article "((( of the $onstitution states that) =udicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable* and to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lac9 or e1cess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the 0overnment $ommenting on this provision in his boo9* Philippine Political Law* 22 Mr distinguished member of this $ourt* says) =ustice (sagani A $ru:* a

%he first part of the authority represents the traditional concept of judicial power* involving the settlement of conflicting rights as conferred as law %he second part of the authority represents a broadening of judicial power to enable the courts of justice to review what was before forbidden territory* to wit* the discretion of the political departments of the government As worded* the new provision vests in the judiciary* and particularly the !upreme $ourt* the power to rule upon even the wisdom of the decisions of the e1ecutive and the legislature and to declare their acts invalid for lac9 or e1cess of jurisdiction because tainted with grave abuse of discretion %he catch* of course* is the meaning of ?grave abuse of discretion*? which is a very elastic phrase that can e1pand or contract according to the disposition of the judiciary (n Daza vs. Singson* 2@ Mr =ustice $ru:* now spea9ing for this $ourt* noted) (n the case now before us* the jurisdictional objection becomes even less tenable and decisive %he reason is that* even if we were to assume that the issue presented before us was political in nature* we would still not be precluded from revolving it under the e1panded jurisdiction conferred upon us that now covers* in proper cases* even the political ;uestion Article "((* !ection +* of the $onstitution clearly provides)

7ani a Prince Aote %s. -SIS, 16: SC2A 4;1

>acts. The contro%ers' arose #hen res!ondent -o%ern&ent Ser%ice InsuranceS'ste& 8-SIS9, !ursuant to the !ri%atiBation !ro*ra& o) the Phi i!!ine -o%ern&ent under Proc a&ation No. 5; dated < =ece&$er 1?<6, decided to se throu*h

29 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

!u$ ic $iddin* 3;Q to 51Q o) the issued and outstandin* shares o) res!ondent 7ani a Aote Cor!oration. In a c ose $iddin* he d on 1< Se!te&$er 1??5 on ' t#o 819 $idders !artici!ated. !etitioner 7ani a Prince Aote Cor!oration, a >i i!ino cor!oration, #hich o))ered to $u' 51Q o) the 7AC or 15,3;;,;;; shares at P41.5< !er share, and 2enon* Berhad, a 7a a'sian )ir&, #ith ITT5Sheraton as its hote o!erator, #hich $id )or the sa&e nu&$er o) shares at P44.;; !er share, or P1.41 &ore than the $id o) !etitioner. Pendin* the dec aration o) 2enon* Berhad as the #innin* $idderUstrate*ic !artner and the e,ecution o) the necessar' contracts, &atched the $id !rice o) P44.;; !er share tendered $' 2enon* Berhad. On 1: Octo$er 1??5, !erha!s a!!rehensi%e that res!ondent -SIS has disre*arded the tender o) the &atchin* $id and that the sa e o) 51Q o) the 7AC &a' $e hastened $' res!ondent -SIS and consu&&ated #ith 2enon* Berhad, !etitioner ca&e to this Court on !rohi$ition and &anda&us. In the &ain, !etitioner in%o+es Sec. 1;, second !ar., Art. LII, o) the 1?<:Constitution and su$&its that the 7ani a Aote has $een identi)ied #ith the >i i!ino nation and has !ractica ' $eco&e a historica &onu&ent #hich re) ects the %i$ranc' o) Phi i!!ine herita*e and cu ture. It is a !roud e*ac' o) an ear ier *eneration o) >i i!inos #ho $e ie%ed in the no$i it' and sacredness o) inde!endence and its !o#er and ca!acit' to re ease the )u !otentia o) the >i i!ino !eo! e. To a intents and !ur!oses, it has $eco&e a !art o) the nationa !atri&on'. 6 Petitioner a so ar*ues that since 51Q o) the shares o) the 7AC carries #ith it the o#nershi! o) the $usiness o) the hote #hich is o#ned $' res!ondent -SIS, a *o%ern&ent5o#ned and contro ed cor!oration, the hote $usiness o) res!ondent -SIS $ein* a !art o) the touris& industr' is un0uestiona$ ' a !art o) the nationa econo&'. Issue. Whether or Not the sa e o) 7ani a Aote to 2enon* Berhad is %io ati%e o) the Constitutiona !ro%ision o) >i i!ino >irst !o ic' and is there)ore nu and %oid. Ae d. The 7ani a Aote or, )or that &atter, 51Q o) the 7AC, is not "ust an' co&&odit' to $e so d to the hi*hest $idder so e ' )or the sa+e o) !ri%atiBation. The 7ani a Aote has ! a'ed and continues to ! a' a si*ni)icant ro e as an authentic re!ositor' o) t#entieth centur' Phi i!!ine histor' and cu ture. This is the ! ain and si&! e &eanin* o) the >i i!ino >irst Po ic' !ro%ision o) the Phi i!!ine Constitution. And this Court, heedin* the c arion ca o) the Constitution and acce!tin* the dut' o) $ein* the e der ' #atch&an o) the nation, #i continue to res!ect and !rotect the sanctit' o) the Constitution. It #as thus ordered that -SIS acce!ts the &atchin* $id o) !etitioner 7ANILA P2INC/ AOT/L CO2PO2ATION to !urchase the su$"ect 51Q o) the shares o) the 7ani a Aote Cor!oration at P44.;; !er share and therea)ter to e,ecute the necessar' c earances and to do such other acts and deeds as &a' $e necessar' )or !ur!ose. The Su!re&e Court directed the -SIS and other res!ondents to cease and desist )ro& se in* the 51Q shares o) the 7AC to the 7a a'sian )ir& 2enon* Berhad, and instead to acce!t the &atchin* $id o) the !etitioner 7ani a Prince Aote . Accordin* to (ustice Be osi o, !onente o) the case at $ar, Section 1;, second !ara*ra!h, Artic e 11 o) the 1?<: Constitution is a &andator' !ro%ision, a !ositi%e co&&and #hich is co&! ete in itse ) and needs no )urther *uide ines or i&! e&entin* a#s to en)orce it. The Court /n Banc e&!hasiBed that 0ua i)ied >i i!inos sha $e !re)erred o%er )orei*ners, as &andated $' the !ro%ision in 0uestion. The 7ani a Aote had on* $een a and&ar+, there)ore, &a+in* the 51Q o) the e0uit' o) said hote to )a #ithin the !ur%ie# o) the constitutiona she ter )or it e&!rises the &a"orit' and contro in* stoc+. The Court a so reiterated ho# &uch o) nationa !ride #i %anish i) the nationKs cu tura herita*e #i )a on the hands o) )orei*ners. In his dissentin* o!inion, (ustice Puno said that the !ro%ision in 0uestion shou d $e inter!reted as !ro5>i i!ino and, at the sa&e ti&e, not anti5a ien in itse ) $ecause it does not !rohi$it the State )ro& *rantin* ri*hts, !ri%i e*es and concessions to )orei*ners in the a$sence o) 0ua i)ied >i i!inos. Ae a so ar*ued that the !etitioner is esto!!ed )ro& assai in* the #innin* $id o) 2enon* Berhad $ecause the )or&er +ne# the ru es o) the $iddin* and that the )orei*ners are 0ua i)ied, too. Oi os$a'an %s. 7orato, 146 SCTA 54; 81 Bernas 5:19 Peo! e %s. >errer, 4< SC2A 3<1 81 Bernas ?139 >acts. Aon. (ud*e Si&eon >errer is the Tar ac tria court "ud*e that dec ared 2A1:;; or the Anti5Su$%ersi%e Act o) 1?5: as a $i o) attainder. Thus, dis&issin* the in)or&ation o) su$%ersion a*ainst the )o o#in*. 1.9 >e iciano Co )or $ein* an o))icerU eader o) the Co&&unist Part' o) the Phi i!!ines 8CPP9 a**ra%ated $' circu&stances o) conte&!t and insu t to !u$ ic o))icers, su$%ersion $' a $and and aid o) ar&ed &en to a))ord i&!unit'. 1.9 Ni o Ta'a* and 5 others, )or $ein* &e&$ersU eaders o) the NPA, incitin*, insti*atin* !eo! e to unite and o%erthro#

1 1

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the Phi i!!ine -o%ern&ent. Attended $' A**ra%atin* Circu&stances o) Aid or Ar&ed 7en, Cra)t, and >raud. The tria court is o) o!inion that 1.9 The Con*ress usur!ed the !o#ers o) the "ud*e 1.9 Assu&ed "udicia &a*istrac' $' !ronouncin* the *ui t o) the CPP #ithout an' )or&s o) sa)e*uard o) a "udicia tria . 3.9 It created a !resu&!tion o) or*aniBationa *ui t $' $ein* &e&$ers o) the CPP re*ard ess o) %o untariness. The Anti Su$%ersi%e Act o) 1?5: #as a!!ro%ed 1;(une1?5:. It is an act to out a# the CPP and si&i ar associations !ena iBin* &e&$ershi! therein, and )or other !ur!oses. It de)ined the Co&&unist Part' $ein* a thou*h a !o itica !art' is in )act an or*aniBed cons!irac' to o%erthro# the -o%ern&ent, not on ' $' )orce and %io ence $ut a so $' deceit, su$%ersion and other i e*a &eans. It dec ares that the CPP is a c ear and !resent dan*er to the securit' o) the Phi i!!ines. Section 4 !ro%ided that a))i iation #ith )u +no# ed*e o) the i e*a acts o) the CPP is !unisha$ e. Section 5 states that due in%esti*ation $' a desi*nated !rosecutor $' the Secretar' o) (ustice $e &ade !rior to )i in* o) in)or&ation in court. Section 6 !ro%ides )or !ena t' )or )urnishin* )a se e%idence. Section : !ro%ides )or 1 #itnesses in o!en court )or acts !ena iBed $' !rision &a'or to death. Section < a o#s the renunciation o) &e&$ershi! to the CCP throu*h #ritin* under oath. Section ? dec ares the constitutiona it' o) the statute and its %a id e,ercise under )reedo& i) thou*ht, asse&$ ' and association. Issues. 819 Whether or not 2A1:;; is a $i o) attainderU e, !ost )acto a#. 819 Whether or Not 2A1:;; %io ates )reedo& o) e,!ression. 2u in*. The court ho ds the VALI=ITY O) the Anti5Su$%ersion Act o) 1?5:. A $i o) attainder is so e ' a e*is ati%e act. It !unishes #ithout the $ene)it o) the tria . It is the su$stitution o) "udicia deter&ination to a e*is ati%e deter&ination o) *ui t. In order )or a statute $e &easured as a $i o) attainder, the )o o#in* re0uisites &ust $e !resent. 1.9 The statute s!eci)ies !ersons, *rou!s. 1.9 the statute is a!! ied retroacti%e ' and reach !ast conduct. 8A $i o) attainder re ati%e ' is a so an e, !ost )acto a#.9 In the case at $ar, the statute si&! ' dec ares the CPP as an or*aniBed cons!irac' )or the o%erthro# o) the -o%ern&ent )or !ur!oses o) e,a&! e o) S/CTION 4 o) the Act. The Act a!! ies not on ' to the CPP $ut a so to other or*aniBations ha%in* the sa&e !ur!ose and their successors. The ActKs )ocus is on the conduct not !erson. 7e&$ershi! to this or*aniBations, to $e UNLAW>UL, it &ust $e sho#n that &e&$ershi! #as ac0uired #ith the intent to )urther the *oa s o) the or*aniBation $' o%ert acts. This is the e e&ent o) 7/7B/2SAIP #ith ONOWL/=-/ that is !unisha$ e. This is the re0uired !roo) o) a &e&$erKs direct !artici!ation. Wh' is &e&$ershi! !unished. 7e&$ershi! renders aid and encoura*e&ent to the or*aniBation. 7e&$ershi! &a+es hi&se ) !art' to its un a#)u acts. >urther&ore, the statute is P2OSP/CTIV/ in nature. Section 4 !rohi$its acts co&&itted a)ter a!!ro%a o) the act. The &e&$ers o) the su$%ersi%e or*aniBations $e)ore the !assin* o) this Act are *i%en an o!!ortunit' to esca!e ia$i it' $' renouncin* &e&$ershi! in accordance #ith Section <. The statute a!! ies the !rinci! e o) &utatis &utandis or that the necessar' chan*es ha%in* $een &ade. The dec aration o) that the CPP is an or*aniBed cons!irac' to o%erthro# the Phi i!!ine -o%ern&ent shou d not $e the $asis o) *ui t. This dec aration is on ' a $asis o) Section 4 o) the Act. The /LIST/NC/ O> SUBSTANTIV/ /VIL "usti)ies the i&itation to the e,ercise o) M>reedo& o) /,!ression and AssociationN in this &atter. Be)ore the enact&ent o) the statute and state&ents in the !rea&$ e, care)u in%esti*ations $' the Con*ress #ere done. The court )urther stresses that #hate%er interest in )reedo& o) s!eech and association is e,c uded in the !rohi$ition o) &e&$ershi! in the CPP are #ea+ considerin* NATIONAL S/CU2ITY and P2/S/2VATION o) =/7OC2ACY. The court set $asic *uide ines to $e o$ser%ed in the !rosecution under 2A1:;;. In addition to !ro%in* circu&stancesU e%idences o) su$%ersion, the )o o#in* e e&ents &ust a so $e esta$ ished. 1. Su$%ersi%e Or*aniBations $esides the CPP, it &ust $e !ro%en that the or*aniBation !ur!ose is to o%erthro# the

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!resent -o%ern&ent o) the Phi i!!ines and esta$ ish a do&ination o) a >O2/I-N POW/2. 7e&$ershi! is #i )u ' and +no#in* ' done $' o%ert acts. 1. In case o) CPP, the continued !ursuance o) its su$%ersi%e !ur!ose. 7e&$ershi! is #i )u ' and +no#in* ' done $' o%ert acts. The court did not &a+e an' "ud*&ent on the cri&es o) the accused under the Act. The Su!re&e Court set aside the reso ution o) the T2IAL COU2T. PACU %s. Secretar', ?: Phi . <;6 81 Bernas 53?9 Petition )or Prohi$ition >ACTS. The Phi i!!ine Association o) Co e*es and Uni%ersities &ade a !etition that Acts No. 1:;6 other#ise +no#n as the MAct &a+in* the Ins!ection and 2eco*nition o) !ri%ate schoo s and co e*es o$ i*ator' )or the Secretar' o) Pu$ ic InstructionN and #as a&ended $' Act No. 3;:5 and Co&&on#ea th Act No. 1<; $e dec ared unconstitutiona on the *rounds that. 19 the act de!ri%es the o#ner o) the schoo and co e*es as #e as teachers and !arents o) i$ert' and !ro!ert' #ithout due !rocess o) La#C 19 it #i a so de!ri%e the !arents o) their Natura 2i*hts and dut' to rear their chi dren )or ci%ic e))icienc' and 39 its !ro%isions con)erred on the Secretar' o) /ducation un i&ited !o#ers and discretion to !rescri$e ru es and standards constitute to#ards un a#)u de e*ation o) Le*is ati%e !o#ers. Section 1 o) Act No. 1:;6 MIt sha $e the dut' o) the Secretar' o) Pu$ ic Instruction to &aintain a *enera standard o) e))icienc' in a !ri%ate schoo s and co e*es o) the Phi i!!ines so that the sa&e sha )urnish ade0uate instruction to the !u$ ic, in accordance #ith the c ass and *rade o) instruction *i%en in the&, and )or this !ur!ose said Secretar' or his du ' authoriBed re!resentati%e sha ha%e authorit' to ad%ise, ins!ect, and re*u ate said schoo s and co e*es in order to deter&ine the e))icienc' o) instruction *i%en in the sa&e,N The !etitioner a so co&! ain that securin* a !er&it to the Secretar' o) /ducation $e)ore o!enin* a schoo is not ori*ina ' inc uded in the ori*ina Act 1:;6. And in su!!ort to the )irst !ro!osition o) the !etitioners the' contended that the Constitution *uaranteed the ri*ht o) a citiBen to o#n and o!erate a schoo and an' a# re0uirin* !re%ious *o%ern&enta a!!ro%a or !er&it $e)ore such !erson cou d e,ercise the said ri*ht. On the other hand, the de)endant Le*a 2e!resentati%e su$&itted a &e&orandu& contendin* that 19 the &atters !resented no "usticia$ e contro%ers' e,hi$itin* una%oida$ e necessit' o) decidin* the constitutiona 0uestionC 19 Petitioners are in esto!!e s to cha en*e the %a idit' o) the said act and 39 the Act is constitutiona ' %a id. ISSU/. Whether or not !etitioners &a' in%o+e "udicia !o#er to dec are Act No. 1:;6 as unconstitutiona . A/L=. No. As a *enera ru e, the constitutiona it' o) a statute #i $e !assed on on ' i), and to the e,tent that, it is direct ' and necessari ' in%o %ed in a "usticia$ e contro%ers' and is essentia to the !rotection o) the ri*hts o) the !arties concerned. In su!!ort o) their )irst !ro!osition !etitioners contend that the ri*ht o) a citiBen to o#n and o!erate a schoo is *uaranteed $' the Constitution, and an' a# re0uirin* !re%ious *o%ern&enta a!!ro%a or !er&it $e)ore such !erson cou d e,ercise said ri*ht, a&ounts to censorshi! o) !re%ious restraint, a !ractice a$horrent to our s'ste& o) a# and *o%ern&ent. Petitioners o$%ious ' re)er to section 3 o) Act No. 1:;6 as a&ended #hich !ro%ides that $e)ore a !ri%ate schoo &a' $e o!ened to the !u$ ic it &ust )irst o$tain a !er&it )ro& the Secretar' o) /ducation. The So icitor -enera on the other hand !oints out that none o) the !etitioners has cause to !resent this issue, $ecause a o) the& ha%e !er&its to o!erate and are actually o!eratin* $' %irtue o) their !er&its. 1 And the' do not assert that the res!ondent Secretar' o) /ducation has threatened to re%o+e their !er&its. The' ha%e su))ered no #ron* under the ter&s o) a#G and, natura ' need no re ie) in the )or& the' no# see+ to o$tain. It is an esta$ ished !rinci! e that to entit e a !ri%ate indi%idua i&&ediate ' in dan*er o) sustainin* a direct in"ur' as the resu t o) that action and it is not su))icient that he has &ere ' a *enera to in%o+e the "udicia !o#er to deter&ine the %a idit' o) e,ecuti%e or e*is ati%e action he &ust sho# that he has sustained or is interest co&&on to a &e&$ers o)


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the !u$ ic. Courts #i not !ass u!on the constitutiona it' o) a a# u!on the co&! aint o) one #ho )ai s to sho# that he is in"ured $' its o!eration. The !o#er o) courts to dec are a a# unconstitutiona arises on ' #hen the interests o) iti*ant re0uire the use o) that "udicia authorit' )or their !rotection a*ainst actua inter)erence, a h'!othetica threat $ein* insu))icient. Bona fide suit.G(udicia !o#er is i&ited to the decision o) actua cases and contro%ersies. The authorit' to !ass on the %a idit' o) statutes is incidenta to the decision o) such cases #here con) ictin* c ai&s under the Constitution and under a e*is ati%e act assai ed as contrar' to the Constitution are raised. It is e*iti&ate on ' in the ast resort, and as necessit' in the deter&ination o) rea , earnest, and %ita contro%ers' $et#een iti*ants. 7ere a!!rehension that the Secretar' o) /ducation &i*ht under the a# #ithdra# the !er&it o) one o) !etitioners does not constitute a "usticia$ e contro%ers'. And action, i+e this, is $rou*ht )or a !ositi%e !ur!ose, na', to o$tain actua and !ositi%e re ie). Courts do not sit to ad"udicate &ere acade&ic 0uestions to satis)' scho ar ' interest therein, ho#e%er inte ectua ' so id the !ro$ e& &a' $e. This is es!ecia ' true #here the issues Mreach constitutiona di&ensions, )or then there co&es into ! a' re*ard )or the courtKs dut' to a%oid decision o) constitutiona issues un ess a%oidance $eco&es e%asion.N Petition denied. 14 OILOSBAYAN %s. -uin*ona, 13: SC2A 11; 81 Bernas 5619 >acts. PCSO decided to esta$ ish an on5 ine otter' s'ste& )or the !ur!ose o) increasin* its re%enue $ase and di%ersi)'in* its sources o) )unds. Ber"a'a -rou! Berhad, a &u tinationa co&!an' and one o) the ar*est !u$ ic co&!anies in 7a a'sia, en*a*ed in success)u otter' o!erations in Asia $eca&e interested to o))er its ser%ices and resources to PCSO. OILOSBAYAN sent an o!en etter to Presidentia >ide V. 2a&os stron* ' o!!osin* the settin* u! to the on5 ine otter' s'ste& on the $asis o) serious &ora and ethica considerations. =es!ite that, a Contract o) Lease #as sti e,ecuted $et#een PCSO and Ber"a'a. As an initia ste!, Ber"a'a -rou! Berhad or*aniBed #ith so&e >i i!ino in%estors, a Phi i!!ine cor!oration +no#n as the Phi i!!ine -a&in* 7ana*e&ent Cor!oration. Considerin* the denia $' the O))ice o) the President o) its !rotest and the state&ent o) Assistant /,ecuti%e Secretar' 2enato Corona that @on ' a court in"unction can sto! 7a acaPan*,@ and the i&&inent i&! e&entation o) the Contract o) Lease, OILOSBAYAN, #ith its co5!etitioners )i ed a !etition. This is a s!ecia ci%i action )or !rohi$ition and in"unction, #ith a !ra'er )or a te&!orar' restrainin* order and !re i&inar' in"unction, #hich see+s to !rohi$it and restrain the i&! e&entation o) the @Contract o) Lease@ e,ecuted $' the Phi i!!ine Charit' S#ee!sta+es O))ice and the Phi i!!ine -a&in* 7ana*e&ent Cor!oration in connection #ith the on5 ine otter' s'ste&, a so +no#n as @ otto.@ ;etitione'<s a')u#ents. Petitioners su$&it that the PCSO cannot %a id ' enter into the assai ed Contract o) Lease #ith the P-7C $ecause it is an arran*e&ent #herein the PCSO #ou d ho d and conduct the on5 ine otter' s'ste& in @co a$oration@ or @association@ #ith the P-7C, in %io ation o) Section 18B9 o) 2.A. No. 116?, as a&ended $' B.P. B *. 41, #hich !rohi$its the PCSO )ro& ho din* and conductin* charit' s#ee!sta+es races, otteries, and other si&i ar acti%ities @in co a$oration, association or "oint %enture #ith an' !erson, association, co&!an' or entit', )orei*n or do&estic.@ The !etitioners a so !oint out that !ara*ra!h 1; o) the Contract o) Lease re0uires or authoriBes P-7C to esta$ ish a te eco&&unications net#or+ that #i connect a the &unici!a ities and cities in the territor'. It cannot a#)u ' enter into the contract in 0uestion $ecause a )or&s o) *a&$ in* are inc uded in the so5ca ed )orei*n in%est&ents ne*ati%e ist under the >orei*n In%est&ents Act #here on ' u! to 4;Q )orei*n ca!ita is a o#ed. 2es!ondentKs ar*u&ents. It is &ere ' an inde!endent contractor )or a !iece o) #or+, as such inde!endent contractor,

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P-7C is not a co5o!erator o) the otter' )ranchise #ith PCSO, nor is PCSO sharin* its )ranchise, Din co a$oration, association or "oint %entureD #ith P-7C. It )urther c ai&s that as an inde!endent contractor )or a !iece o) #or+, it is neither en*a*ed in @*a&$ in*@ nor in @!u$ ic ser%ice@ re ati%e to the te eco&&unications net#or+. >ina ', it states that the e,ecution and i&! e&entation o) the contract does not %io ate the Constitution and the a#sC that the issue on the @&ora it'@ o) the otter' )ranchise *ranted to the PCSO is !o itica and not "udicia or e*a , #hich shou d $e %enti ated in another )oru&C and that the @!etitioners do not a!!ear to ha%e the e*a standin* or rea interest in the su$"ect contract and in o$tainin* the re ie)s sou*ht.@ Issues. 1. Whether or not !etitioners ha%e the e*a standin* to )i e the instant !etition. 1. Whether or not the contract o) ease is e*a and %a id. Ae d. 1. Yes. A !art'Ds standin* $e)ore this Court is a !rocedura technica it' #hich it &a', in the e,ercise o) its discretion, set aside in %ie# o) the i&!ortance o) the issues raised. The uncha en*ed ru e is that the !erson #ho i&!u*ns the %a idit' o) a statute &ust ha%e a !ersona and su$stantia interest in the case such that he has sustained, or #i sustain, direct in"ur' as a resu t o) its en)orce&ent. Ao#e%er, #hat !etitioners !ossess @is an interest #hich is shared in co&&on $' other !eo! e and is co&!arati%e ' so &inute and indeter&inate as to a))ord an' $asis and assurance that the "udicia !rocess can act on it. 7oreo%er, !etitioners ha%e con%incin* ' sho#n that in their ca!acit' as ta,!a'ers, their standin* to sue has $een a&! ' de&onstrated. O$"ections to ta,!a'ersD suits )or ac+ o) su))icient !ersona it' standin* or interest are, ho#e%er, in the &ain !rocedura &atters. Considerin* the i&!ortance to the !u$ ic o) the cases at $ar, and in +ee!in* #ith the CourtDs dut', under the 1?<: Constitution, to deter&ine #hether or not the other $ranches o) *o%ern&ent ha%e +e!t the&se %es #ithin the i&its o) the Constitution and the a#s and that the' ha%e not a$used the discretion *i%en to the&, this Court has $rushed aside technica ities o) !rocedure and has ta+en co*niBance o) these !etitions. We )ind the instant !etition to $e o) transcendenta i&!ortance to the !u$ ic. The e*a standin* then o) the !etitioners deser%es reco*nition and, in the e,ercise o) its sound discretion, this Court here$' $rushes aside the !rocedura $arrier #hich the res!ondents tried to ta+e ad%anta*e o). 1. No. No inter!retation o) the said !ro%ision to re a, or circu&%ent the !rohi$ition can $e a o#ed since the !ri%i e*e to ho d or conduct charit' s#ee!sta+es races, otteries, or other si&i ar acti%ities is a )ranchise *ranted $' the e*is ature to the PCSO. In short then, $' the e,ce!tion e,! icit ' &ade in !ara*ra!h B, Section 1 o) its charter, the PCSO cannot share its )ranchise #ith another $' #a' o) co a$oration, association or "oint %enture. Neither can it assi*n, trans)er, or ease such )ranchise. The court a*reed #ith the !etitioners that it %io ated Section 1 o) 2.A. No. 116?, as a&ended $' B.P. B *. 41, not#ithstandin* its deno&ination or desi*nation as a 8Contract o) Lease9. The court #as not con%inced $' the insistence and )orce)u ar*u&ents o) the P-7C that it does not $ecause in rea it' it is on ' an inde!endent contractor )or a !iece o) #or+, i.e., the $ui din* and &aintenance o) a otter' s'ste& to $e used $' the PCSO in the o!eration o) its otter' )ranchise. Whether the contract in 0uestion is one o) ease or #hether the P-7C is &ere ' an inde!endent contractor shou d not $e decided on the $asis o) the tit e or desi*nation o) the contract $ut $' the intent o) the !arties, #hich &a' $e *athered )ro& the !ro%isions o) the contract itse ). A care)u ana 'sis and e%a uation o) the !ro%isions o) the contract and a consideration o) the conte&!oraneous acts o) the PCSO and P-7C indu$ita$ ' disc ose that the contract is not in rea it' a contract o) ease under #hich the P-7C is &ere ' an inde!endent contractor )or a !iece o) #or+, $ut one #here the statutori ' !roscri$ed co a$oration or association, in the east, or "oint %enture, at the &ost, e,ists $et#een the contractin* !arties. Aence, contract is not e*a and %a id.

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Feliciano+ =.+ concu''in). There is no dis!ute that the doctrine o) ocus standi re) ects an i&!ortant constitutiona !rinci! e, that is, the !rinci! e o) se!aration o) !o#ers #hich, a&on* other thin*s, &andates that each o) the *reat =e!art&ents o) *o%ern&ent is res!onsi$ e )or !er)or&ance o) its constitutiona ' a otted tas+s. Inso)ar as the (udicia =e!art&ent is concerned, the e,ercise o) "udicia !o#er and carr'in* out o) "udicia )unctions co&&on ' ta+e ! ace #ithin the conte,t o) actua cases or contro%ersies. This, in turn, re) ects the $asic notion o) "udicia !o#er as the !o#er to reso %e actua dis!utes and o) the traditiona $usiness o) courts as the hearin* and decidin* o) s!eci)ic contro%ersies $rou*ht $e)ore the&. In our o#n "urisdiction, and at east since the turn o) the !resent centur', "udicia !o#er has a #a's inc uded the !o#er o) "udicia re%ie#, understood as the authorit' o) courts 8&ore s!eci)ica ' the Su!re&e Court9 to assa' contested e*is ati%e and e,ecuti%e acts in ter&s o) their constitutiona it' or e*a it'. Thus, the *enera !ro!osition has $een that a !etitioner #ho assai s the e*a or constitutiona 0ua it' o) an e,ecuti%e or e*is ati%e act &ust $e a$ e to sho# that he has ocus standi. Other#ise, the !etition $eco&es %u nera$ e to !ro&!t dis&issa $' the court. Certain ' that is the case #here *reat issues o) !u$ ic a# are at sta+e, issues #hich cannot $e a!!roached in the sa&e #a' that a court a!!roaches a suit )or the co ection o) a su& o) &one'. The $road 0uestion is #hen, or in #hat t'!es o) cases, the court shou d insist on a c ear sho#in* o) ocus standiunderstood as a direct and !ersona interest in the su$"ect &atter o) the case at $ar, and #hen the court &a' or shou d re a, that a!!arent ' strin*ent re0uire&ent and !roceed to dea #ith the e*a or constitutiona issues at sta+e in a !articu ar case. 13 >rancisco %s. Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es, -2 16;161 81; No%. 1;;39

7ain To!ic. Constitutiona it' o) 2u es, I&!each&ent V Chec+s and Ba ances >acts. The Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es ado!ted a ne# ru es o) !rocedure on i&!each&ent cases. On (u ' 11, 1;;1, the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es ado!ted a 2eso ution, s!onsored $' 2e!resentati%e >e i, Wi ia& =. >uente$e a, #hich directed the Co&&ittee on (ustice @to conduct an in%esti*ation, in aid o) e*is ation, on the &anner o) dis$urse&ents and e,!enditures $' the Chie) (ustice o) the Su!re&e Court o) the (udiciar' =e%e o!&ent >und 8(=>9.@ On (une 1, 1;;3, )or&er President (ose!h /. /strada )i ed an i&!each&ent co&! aint a*ainst Chie) (ustice Ai ario -. =a%ide (r. and se%en Associate (ustices o) this Court )or @cu !a$ e %io ation o) the Constitution, $etra'a o) the !u$ ic trust and other hi*h cri&es.@ The co&! aint #as endorsed $' 2e!resentati%es 2o e, T. Su! ico, 2ona do B. Wa&ora and =ida*en Pian* =i an*a en, and #as re)erred to the Aouse Co&&ittee. The Aouse Co&&ittee on (ustice ru ed on Octo$er 13, 1;;3 that the )irst i&!each&ent co&! aint #as @su))icient in )or&,@ $ut %oted to dis&iss the sa&e on Octo$er 11, 1;;3 )or $ein* insu))icient in su$stance. To date, the Co&&ittee 2e!ort to this e))ect has not 'et $een sent to the Aouse in ! enar' in accordance #ith the said Section 3819 o) Artic e LI o) the Constitution. >our &onths and three #ee+s since the )i in* on (une 1, 1;;3 o) the )irst co&! aint or on Octo$er 13, 1;;3, a da' a)ter the Aouse Co&&ittee on (ustice %oted to dis&iss it, the second i&!each&ent co&! aint #as )i ed #ith the Secretar' -enera o) the Aouse $' 2e!resentati%es -i $erto C. Teodoro, (r. and >e i, Wi ia& B. >uente$e a a*ainst Chie) (ustice Ai ario -. =a%ide, (r., )ounded on the a e*ed resu ts o) the e*is ati%e in0uir' initiated $' a$o%e5&entioned Aouse 2eso ution. This second i&!each&ent co&! aint #as acco&!anied $' a @2eso ution o) /ndorse&entUI&!each&ent@ si*ned $' at east one5third 81U39 o) a the 7e&$ers o) the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es. Issue. 819Whether or Not the )i in* o) the second i&!each&ent co&! aint a*ainst Chie) (ustice Ai ario -. =a%ide, (r. #ith the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es )a s #ithin the one 'ear $ar !ro%ided in the Constitution and 819 Whether the ado!ted ru es are unconstitutiona .

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839 Whether or not the Court can &a+e a deter&ination o) #hat constitutes an i&!eacha$ e o))ense. Suic+ Ans#ers. 819 Yes. The second !etition #as )i ed #ithin a 'ear. This conc usion has $een reached a)ter deter&inin* #hen the one5 'ear count #i run J once the !roceedin* is MinitiatedN. 819 Yes, since the ne# ru es are %io ati%e o) the constitution as the' create a ne# &eanin* $et#een M)i in*N, Mre)erra N and MinitiateN. The constitution uses the #ord MinitiateN in its ordinar' &eanin*. 839 No. This is a !o itica 0uestion. Ae d. On (urisdiction. In an' e%ent, it is #ith the a$so ute certaint' that our Constitution is su))icient to address a the issues #hich this contro%ers' s!a#ns that this Court une0ui%oca ' !ronounces, at the )irst instance, that the )eared resort to e,tra5 constitutiona &ethods o) reso %in* it is neither necessar' nor e*a ' !er&issi$ e. Both its reso ution and !rotection o) the !u$ ic interest ie in adherence to, not de!arture )ro&, the Constitution. In !assin* o%er the co&! e, issues arisin* )ro& the contro%ers', this Court is e%er &ind)u o) the essentia truth that the in%io ate doctrine o) se!aration o) !o#ers a&on* the e*is ati%e, e,ecuti%e or "udicia $ranches o) *o%ern&ent $' no &eans !rescri$es )or a$so ute autono&' in the dischar*e $' each o) that !art o) the *o%ern&enta !o#er assi*ned to it $' the so%erei*n !eo! e. At the sa&e ti&e, the coro ar' doctrine o) chec+s and $a ances #hich has $een care)u ' ca i$rated $' the Constitution to te&!er the o))icia acts o) each o) these three $ranches &ust $e *i%en e))ect #ithout destro'in* their indis!ensa$ e co5e0ua it'. There e,ists no constitutiona $asis )or the contention that the e,ercise o) "udicia re%ie# o%er i&!each&ent !roceedin*s #ou d u!set the s'ste& o) chec+s and $a ances. Veri ', the Constitution is to $e inter!reted as a #ho e and @one section is not to $e a o#ed to de)eat another.@ Both are inte*ra co&!onents o) the ca i$rated s'ste& o) inde!endence and interde!endence that insures that no $ranch o) *o%ern&ent act $e'ond the !o#ers assi*ned to it $' the Constitution. When suin* as a citiBen, the interest o) the !etitioner assai in* the constitutiona it' o) a statute &ust $e direct and !ersona . Ae &ust $e a$ e to sho#, not on ' that the a# or an' *o%ern&ent act is in%a id, $ut a so that he sustained or is in i&&inent dan*er o) sustainin* so&e direct in"ur' as a resu t o) its en)orce&ent, and not &ere ' that he su))ers there$' in so&e inde)inite #a'. It &ust a!!ear that the !erson co&! ainin* has $een or is a$out to $e denied so&e ri*ht or !ri%i e*e to #hich he is a#)u ' entit ed or that he is a$out to $e su$"ected to so&e $urdens or !ena ties $' reason o) the statute or act co&! ained o). In )ine, #hen the !roceedin* in%o %es the assertion o) a !u$ ic ri*ht, the &ere )act that he is a citiBen satis)ies the re0uire&ent o) !ersona interest. In the case o) a ta,!a'er, he is a o#ed to sue #here there is a c ai& that !u$ ic )unds are i e*a ' dis$ursed, or that !u$ ic &one' is $ein* de) ected to an' i&!ro!er !ur!ose, or that there is a #asta*e o) !u$ ic )unds throu*h the en)orce&ent o) an in%a id or unconstitutiona a#. Be)ore he can in%o+e the !o#er o) "udicia re%ie#, ho#e%er, he &ust s!eci)ica ' !ro%e that he has su))icient interest in !re%entin* the i e*a e,!enditure o) &one' raised $' ta,ation and that he #ou d sustain a direct in"ur' as a resu t o) the en)orce&ent o) the 0uestioned statute or contract. It is not su))icient that he has &ere ' a *enera interest co&&on to a &e&$ers o) the !u$ ic. At a e%ents, courts are %ested #ith discretion as to #hether or not a ta,!a'erDs suit shou d $e entertained. This Court o!ts to *rant standin* to &ost o) the !etitioners, *i%en their a e*ation that an' i&!endin* trans&itta to the Senate o) the Artic es o) I&!each&ent and the ensuin* tria o) the Chie) (ustice #i necessari ' in%o %e the e,!enditure o) !u$ ic )unds.

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As )or a e*is ator, he is a o#ed to sue to 0uestion the %a idit' o) an' o))icia action #hich he c ai&s in)rin*es his !rero*ati%es as a e*is ator. Indeed, a &e&$er o) the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es has standin* to &aintain in%io ate the !rero*ati%es, !o#ers and !ri%i e*es %ested $' the Constitution in his o))ice. The )ra&ers o) the Constitution a so understood initiation in its ordinar' &eanin*. Thus #hen a !ro!osa reached the ) oor !ro!osin* that @A %ote o) at east one5third o) a the 7e&$ers o) the Aouse sha $e necessar'X to initiate i&!each&ent !roceedin*s,@ this #as &et $' a !ro!osa to de ete the ine on the *round that the %ote o) the Aouse does not initiate i&!each&ent !roceedin* $ut rather the )i in* o) a co&! aint does. To the ar*u&ent that on ' the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es as a $od' can initiate i&!each&ent !roceedin*s $ecause Section 3 819 sa's @The Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es sha ha%e the e,c usi%e !o#er to initiate a cases o) i&!each&ent,@ This is a &isreadin* o) said !ro%ision and is contrar' to the !rinci! e o) reddendo sin*u a sin*u is $' e0uatin* @i&!each&ent cases@ #ith @i&!each&ent !roceedin*.@ Aa%in* conc uded that the initiation ta+es ! ace $' the act o) )i in* and re)erra or endorse&ent o) the i&!each&ent co&! aint to the Aouse Co&&ittee on (ustice or, $' the )i in* $' at east one5third o) the &e&$ers o) the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es #ith the Secretar' -enera o) the Aouse, the &eanin* o) Section 3 859 o) Artic e LI $eco&es c ear. Once an i&!each&ent co&! aint has $een initiated, another i&!each&ent co&! aint &a' not $e )i ed a*ainst the sa&e o))icia #ithin a one 'ear !eriod. The Court in the !resent !etitions su$"ected to "udicia scrutin' and reso %ed on the &erits on ' the &ain issue o) #hether the i&!each&ent !roceedin*s initiated a*ainst the Chie) (ustice trans*ressed the constitutiona ' i&!osed one5'ear ti&e $ar ru e. Be'ond this, it did not *o a$out assu&in* "urisdiction #here it had none, nor indiscri&inate ' turn "usticia$ e issues out o) decided ' !o itica 0uestions. Because it is not at a the $usiness o) this Court to assert "udicia do&inance o%er the other t#o *reat $ranches o) the *o%ern&ent. No one is a$o%e the a# or the Constitution. This is a $asic !rece!t in an' e*a s'ste& #hich reco*niBes e0ua it' o) a &en $e)ore the a# as essentia to the a#Ds &ora authorit' and that o) its a*ents to secure res!ect )or and o$edience to its co&&ands. Perha!s, there is no other *o%ern&ent $ranch or instru&enta it' that is &ost Bea ous in !rotectin* that !rinci! e o) e*a e0ua it' other than the Su!re&e Court #hich has discerned its rea &eanin* and ra&i)ications throu*h its a!! ication to nu&erous cases es!ecia ' o) the hi*h5!ro)i e +ind in the anna s o) "uris!rudence. The Chie) (ustice is not a$o%e the a# and neither is an' other &e&$er o) this Court. But "ust $ecause he is the Chie) (ustice does not i&! ' that he *ets to ha%e ess in a# than an'$od' e se. The a# is so icitous o) e%er' indi%idua Ds ri*hts irres!ecti%e o) his station in i)e. Thus, the 2u es o) Procedure in I&!each&ent Proceedin*s #hich #ere a!!ro%ed $' the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es on No%e&$er 1<, 1;;1 are unconstitutiona 5 The !ro%isions o) Sections 16 and 1: o) 2u e V o) the Aouse I&!each&ent 2u es contra%ene Section 3 859 o) Artic e LI as the' *i%e the ter& MinitiateN a &eanin* di))erent )ro& M)i in*.N Conse0uent ', Aa%in* conc uded that the initiation ta+es ! ace $' the act o) )i in* o) the i&!each&ent co&! aint and re)erra to the Aouse Co&&ittee on (ustice, the initia action ta+en thereon, the &eanin* o) Section 3 859 o) Artic e LI $eco&es c ear. Once an i&!each&ent co&! aint has $een initiated in the )ore*oin* &anner, another &a' not $e )i ed a*ainst the sa&e o))icia #ithin a one 'ear !eriod )o o#in* Artic e LI, Section 3859 o) the Constitution.the second i&!each&ent co&! aint a*ainst Chie) (ustice Ai ario -. =a%ide, (r is $arred under !ara*ra!h 5, section 3 o) Artic e LI o) the Constitution. On Po itica Suestions. YYY >ro& the )ore*oin* record o) the !roceedin*s o) the 1?<6 Constitutiona Co&&ission, it is c ear that "udicia !o#er is not on ' a !o#erC it is a so a dut', a dut' #hich cannot $e a$dicated $' the &ere s!ecter o) this creature ca ed the !o itica 0uestion doctrine. Chie) (ustice Conce!cion hastened to c ari)', ho#e%er, that Section 1, Artic e VIII #as not intended to do a#a' #ith @tru ' !o itica 0uestions.@ >ro& this c ari)ication it is *athered that there are t#o s!ecies o) !o itica 0uestions. 819 @tru ' !o itica 0uestions@ and 819 those #hich @are not tru ' !o itica 0uestions.@ Tru ' !o itica 0uestions are thus $e'ond "udicia re%ie#, the reason )or res!ect o) the doctrine o) se!aration o) !o#ers to $e &aintained. On the other hand, $' %irtue o) Section 1, Artic e VIII o) the Constitution, courts can re%ie# 0uestions #hich

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are not tru ' !o itica in nature. Po itica 0uestions are Mthose 0uestions #hich, under the Constitution, are to $e decided $' the !eo! e in their so%erei*n ca!acit', or in re*ard to #hich )u discretionar' authorit' has $een de e*ated to the Le*is ature or e,ecuti%e $ranch o) the -o%ern&ent.N It is concerned #ith issues de!endent u!on the #isdo&, not e*a it', o) a !articu ar &easure. Citin* Chie) (ustice Conce!cion, #hen he $eca&e a Constitutiona Co&&issioner. MXThe !o#ers o) *o%ern&ent are *enera ' considered di%ided into three $ranches. the Le*is ati%e, the /,ecuti%e, and the (udiciar'. /ach one is su!re&e #ithin its o#n s!here and inde!endent o) the others. Because o) that su!re&ac' !o#er to deter&ine #hether a *i%en a# is %a id or not is %ested in courts o) "usticeX courts o) "ustice deter&ine the i&its o) !o#ers o) the a*encies and o))ices o) the *o%ern&ent as #e as those o) its o))icers. The "udiciar' is the )ina ar$iter on the 0uestion #hether or not a $ranch o) *o%ern&ent or an' o) its o))icia s has acted #ithout "urisdiction or in e,cess o) "urisdiction, or so ca!ricious ' as to constitute an a$use o) discretion a&ountin* to e,cess o) "urisdiction or ac+ o) "urisdiction. This is not on ' a "udicia !o#er $ut a so a dut' to !ass "ud*&ent on &atters o) this natureXN a dut' #hich cannot $e a$dicated $' the &ere s!ecter o) the !o itica a# doctrine. The deter&ination o) a tru ' !o itica 0uestion )ro& a non5"usticia$ e !o itica 0uestion ies in the ans#er to the 0uestion o) #hether there are constitutiona ' i&!osed i&its on !o#ers or )unctions con)erred u!on !o itica $odies. I) there are, then our courts are dut'5$ound to e,a&ine #hether the $ranch or instru&enta it' o) the *o%ern&ent !ro!er ' acted #ithin such i&its. The Court he d that it has no "urisdiction o%er the issue that *oes into the &erits o) the second i&!each&ent co&! aint. 7ore i&!ortant ', an' discussion o) this #ou d re0uire this Court to &a+e a deter&ination o) #hat constitutes an i&!eacha$ e o))ense. Such a deter&ination is a !ure ' !o itica 0uestion #hich the Constitution has e)t to the sound discretion o) the e*is ation. I. =U/ P2OC/SS AN= /SUAL P2OT/CTION Art. III, Sec. 1, Phi i!!ine Constitution Section 1. No !erson sha $e de!ri%ed o) i)e, i$ert', or !ro!ert' #ithout due !rocess o) a#, nor sha an' !erson $e denied the e0ua !rotection o) the a#s. 1. =ue Process 11 /r&ita57a ate Aote and 7ote O!erators Association %s. Cit' o) 7ani a, 1; SC2A <4? 81?6:9 /r&ita57a ate Aote and 7ote O!erators Association, and one o) its &e&$ers Aote de 7ar Inc. !etitioned )or the !rohi$ition o) Ordinance 46:; on (une 14, 1?63 to $e a!! ica$ e in the cit' o) 7ani a. The' c ai&ed that the ordinance #as $e'ond the !o#ers o) the 7ani a Cit' Board to re*u ate due to the )act that hote s #ere not !art o) its re*u ator' !o#ers. The' a so asserted that Section 1 o) the cha en*ed ordinance #as unconstitutiona and %oid )or $ein* unreasona$ e and %io ati%e o) due !rocess inso)ar $ecause it #ou d i&!ose P6,;;;.;; icense )ee !er annu& )or )irst c ass &ote s and P4,5;;.;; )or second c ass &ote sC there #as a so the re0uire&ent that the *uests #ou d )i u! a )or& s!eci)'in* their !ersona in)or&ation. There #as a so a !ro%ision that the !re&ises and )aci ities o) such hote s, &ote s and od*in* houses #ou d $e o!en )or ins!ection )ro& cit' authorites. The' c ai&ed this to $e %io ati%e o) due !rocess )or $ein* %a*ue. The a# a so c assi)ied &ote s into t#o c asses and re0uired the &aintenance o) certain &ini&u& )aci ities in )irst c ass &ote s such as a te e!hone in each roo&, a dinin* roo& or, restaurant and aundr'. The !etitioners a so in%o+ed the ac+ o) due !rocess on this )or $ein* ar$itrar'. It #as a so un a#)u )or the o#ner to ease an' roo& or !ortion thereo) &ore than t#ice e%er' 14 hours. There #as a so a !rohi$ition )or !ersons $e o# 1< in the hote . The cha en*ed ordinance a so caused the auto&atic cance ation o) the icense o) the hote s that %io ated the ordinance. The o#er court dec ared the ordinance unconstitutiona . Aence, this a!!ea $' the cit' o) 7ani a. Issue. Whether Ordinance No. 4:6; o) the Cit' o) 7ani a is %io ati%e o) the due !rocess c auseI

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Ae d. No. (ud*&ent re%ersed. 2atio. @The !resu&!tion is to#ards the %a idit' o) a a#.N The action o) the e ected re!resentati%es o) the !eo! e cannot $e i*ht ' set aside. The counci ors &ust, in the %er' nature o) thin*s, $e )a&i iar #ith the necessities o) their !articu ar &unici!a it' and #ith a the )acts and circu&stances #hich surround the su$"ect and necessitate action. The oca e*is ati%e $od', $' enactin* the ordinance, has in e))ect *i%en notice that the re*u ations are essentia to the #e $ein* o) the !eo! e , , , . The (udiciar' shou d not i*ht ' set aside e*is ati%e action #hen there is not a c ear in%asion o) !ersona or !ro!ert' ri*hts under the *uise o) !o ice re*u ation. In OD-or&an V Youn* %. Aart)ord >ire Insurance Co5 Case #as in the sco!e o) !o ice !o#er. As under 'in* 0uestions o) )act &a' condition the constitutiona it' o) e*is ation o) this character, the resu&!tion o) constitutiona it' &ust !re%ai in the a$sence o) so&e )actua )oundation o) record )or o%erthro#in* the statute.@ No such )actua )oundation $ein* aid in the !resent case, the o#er court decidin* the &atter on the ! eadin*s and the sti!u ation o) )acts, the !resu&!tion o) %a idit' &ust !re%ai and the "ud*&ent a*ainst the ordinance set aside.N There is no 0uestion $ut that the cha en*ed ordinance #as !recise ' enacted to &ini&iBe certain !ractices hurt)u to !u$ ic &ora s, !articu ar ' )ornication and !rostitution. 7oreo%er, the increase in the icensed )ees #as intended to discoura*e @esta$ ish&ents o) the +ind )ro& o!eratin* )or !ur!ose other than e*a @ and at the sa&e ti&e, to increase @the inco&e o) the cit' *o%ern&ent.@ Po ice !o#er is the !o#er to !rescri$e re*u ations to !ro&ote the hea th, &ora s, !eace, *ood order, sa)et' and *enera #e )are o) the !eo! e. In %ie# o) the re0uire&ents o) due !rocess, e0ua !rotection and other a!! ica$ e constitutiona *uaranties, ho#e%er, the !o#er &ust not $e unreasona$ e or %io ati%e o) due !rocess. There is no contro in* and !recise de)inition o) due !rocess. It has a standard to #hich the *o%ern&enta action shou d con)or& in order that de!ri%ation o) i)e, i$ert' or !ro!ert', in each a!!ro!riate case, $e %a id. What then is the standard o) due !rocess #hich &ust e,ist $oth as a !rocedura and a su$stanti%e re0uisite to )ree the cha en*ed ordinance )ro& e*a in)ir&it'I It is res!onsi%eness to the su!re&ac' o) reason, o$edience to the dictates o) "ustice. Ne*ati%e ' !ut, ar$itrariness is ru ed out and un)airness a%oided. =ue !rocess is not a narro# or @technica conce!tion #ith )i,ed content unre ated to ti&e, ! ace and circu&stances,@ decisions $ased on such a c ause re0uirin* a @c ose and !erce!ti%e in0uir' into )unda&enta !rinci! es o) our societ'.@ Suestions o) due !rocess are not to $e treated narro# ' or !edantica ' in s a%er' to )or& or !hrase. Nothin* in the !etition is su))icient to !ro%e the ordinanceKs nu it' )or an a e*ed )ai ure to &eet the due !rocess re0uire&ent. Cu Un"ien* case. Licenses )or non5use)u occu!ations are a so incidenta to the !o ice !o#er and the ri*ht to e,act a )ee &a' $e i&! ied )ro& the !o#er to icense and re*u ate, $ut in )i,in* a&ount o) the icense )ees the &unici!a cor!orations are a o#ed a &uch #ider discretion in this c ass o) cases than in the )or&er, and aside )ro& a!! 'in* the #e 5+no#n e*a !rinci! e that &unici!a ordinances &ust not $e unreasona$ e, o!!ressi%e, or t'rannica , courts ha%e, as a *enera ru e, dec ined to inter)ere #ith such discretion. /*. Sa e o) i0uors. LutB %. Araneta5 Ta,ation &a' $e &ade to su!! e&ent the stateKs !o ice !o#er. In one case5 M&uch discretion is *i%en to &unici!a cor!orations in deter&inin* the a&ount,@ here the icense )ee o) the o!erator o) a &assa*e c inic, e%en i) it #ere %ie#ed !ure ' as a !o ice !o#er &easure. On the i&!air&ent o) )reedo& to contract $' i&itin* duration o) use to t#ice e%er' 14 hours5 It #as not %io ati%e o) due !rocess. DLi$ert'D as understood in de&ocracies, is not icenseC it is D i$ert' re*u ated $' a#.D I&! ied in the ter& is restraint $' a# )or the *ood o) the indi%idua and )or the *reater *ood o) the !eace and order o) societ' and the *enera #e 5$ein*. Laure 5 The citiBen shou d achie%e the re0uired $a ance o) i$ert' and authorit' in his &ind throu*h education and !ersona disci! ine, so that there &a' $e esta$ ished the resu tant e0ui i$riu&, #hich &eans !eace and order and ha!!iness )or a . The )reedo& to contract no on*er @retains its %irtua it' as a i%in* !rinci! e, un i+e in the so e case o) Peo! e % Po&ar. The !o ic' o) aisseB )aire has to so&e e,tent *i%en #a' to the assu&!tion $' the *o%ern&ent o) the ri*ht o) inter%ention e%en in contractua re ations a))ected #ith !u$ ic interest. What &a' $e stressed su))icient ' is that i) the i$ert' in%o %ed #ere )reedo& o) the &ind or the !erson, the standard )or the %a idit' o) *o%ern&enta acts is &uch &ore ri*orous and e,actin*, $ut #here the i$ert' curtai ed a))ects at the &ost ri*hts o) !ro!ert', the !er&issi$ e sco!e o) re*u ator' &easure is #ider. On the a# $ein* %a*ue on the issue o) !ersona in)or&ation, the &aintenance o) esta$ ish&ents, and the M)u rate o) !a'&entN5 Ao &es5 MWe a*ree to a the *enera ities a$out not su!! 'in* cri&ina a#s #ith #hat the' o&it $ut there is no canon a*ainst usin* co&&on sense in construin* a#s as sa'in* #hat the' o$%ious ' &ean.@ Tanada %s. Tu%era, 136 SC2A 1: 81?<59C 146 SC2A 446 81?<69 In%o+in* the ri*ht o) the !eo! e to $e in)or&ed on &atters o) !u$ ic concern as #e as the !rinci! e that a#s to $e %a id and en)orcea$ e &ust $e !u$ ished in the O))icia -aBette, !etitioners )i ed )or #rit o) &anda&us to co&!e res!ondent


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!u$ ic o))icia s to !u$ ish andUor cause to !u$ ish %arious !residentia decrees, etters o) instructions, *enera orders, !roc a&ations, e,ecuti%e orders, etters o) i&! e&entations and ad&inistrati%e orders. The So icitor -enera , re!resentin* the res!ondents, &o%ed )or the dis&issa o) the case, contendin* that !etitioners ha%e no e*a !ersona it' to $rin* the instant !etition. ISSU/. WON )ai ure to !u$ ish a a#, act or ordinance $e)ore it $eco&es %a id is a %io ation o) the due !rocess c ause.

A/L=. Yes. The !u$ ication o) !residentia issuances @o) a !u$ ic nature@ or @o) *enera a!! ica$i it'@ is a re0uire&ent o) due !rocess. It is a ru e o) a# that $e)ore a !erson &a' $e $ound $' a#, he &ust )irst $e o))icia ' and s!eci)ica ' in)or&ed o) its contents. As (ustice C audio Teehan+ee said in Peralta vs. COMELEC 3. In a ti&e o) !ro i)eratin* decrees, orders and etters o) instructions #hich a )or& !art o) the a# o) the and, the re0uire&ent o) due !rocess and the 2u e o) La# de&and that the O))icia -aBette as the o))icia *o%ern&ent re!ositor' !ro&u *ate and !u$ ish the te,ts o) a such decrees, orders and instructions so that the !eo! e &a' +no# #here to o$tain their o))icia and s!eci)ic contents. The Court there)ore dec ares that !residentia issuances o) *enera a!! ication, #hich ha%e not $een !u$ ished, sha ha%e no )orce and e))ect. In the 1?<6 case, the court said that. It is not correct to sa' that under the dis!uted c ause !u$ ication &a' $e dis!ensed #ith a to*ether. The reason. is that such o&ission #ou d o))end due !rocess inso)ar as it #ou d den' the !u$ ic +no# ed*e o) the a#s that are su!!osed to *o%ern the e*is ature cou d %a id ' !ro%ide that a a# e e))ecti%e i&&ediate ' u!on its a!!ro%a not#ithstandin* the ac+ o) !u$ ication 8or a)ter an unreasona$ ' short !eriod a)ter !u$ ication9, it is not un i+e ' that !ersons not a#are o) it #ou d $e !re"udiced as a resu t and the' #ou d $e so not $ecause o) a )ai ure to co&! ' #ith $ut si&! ' $ecause the' did not +no# o) its e,istence, Si*ni)icant ', this is not true on ' o) !ena a#s as is co&&on ' su!!osed. One can thin+ o) &an' non5!ena &easures, i+e a a# on !rescri!tion, #hich &ust a so $e co&&unicated to the !ersons the' &a' a))ect $e)ore the' can $e*in to o!erate. Ao#e%er, the court a so c ari)ied the sco!e o) the !u$ ication re0uire&ent, to #it. The ter& @ a#s@ shou d re)er to a a#s and not on ' to those o) *enera a!! ication, )or strict ' s!ea+in* a a#s re ate to the !eo! e in *enera a $eit there are so&e that do not a!! ' to the& direct '. An e,a&! e is a a# *rantin* citiBenshi! to a !articu ar indi%idua , i+e a re ati%e o) President 7arcos #ho #as decreed instant natura iBation. It sure ' cannot $e said that such a a# does not a))ect the !u$ ic a thou*h it un0uestiona$ ' does not a!! ' direct ' to a the !eo! e. The su$"ect o) such a# is a &atter o) !u$ ic interest #hich an' &e&$er o) the $od' !o itic &a' 0uestion in the !o itica )oru&s or, i) he is a !ro!er !art', e%en in the courts o) "ustice. In )act, a a# #ithout an' $earin* on the !u$ ic #ou d $e in%a id as an intrusion o) !ri%ac' or as c ass e*is ation or as an ultra vires act o) the e*is ature. To $e %a id, the a# &ust in%aria$ ' a))ect the !u$ ic interest e%en i) it &i*ht $e direct ' a!! ica$ e on ' to one indi%idua , or so&e o) the !eo! e on ', and t to the !u$ ic as a #ho e. We ho d there)ore that all statutes, inc udin* those o) oca a!! ication and !ri%ate a#s, sha $e !u$ ished as a condition )or their e))ecti%it', #hich sha $e*in )i)teen da's a)ter !u$ ication un ess a di))erent e))ecti%it' date is )i,ed $' the e*is ature.


Serrano %s. NL2C, 313 SC2A 445 81;;;9 FACTS: Petitioner #as hired $' the 2es!ondent Isetann =e!art&ent Store as a securit' chec+er to a!!rehend sho! i)ters. As a cost5cuttin* &easure, !ri%ate res!ondent decided to !hase out its securit' section en*a*e the ser%ices o) an inde!endent securit' a*enc'. Petitioner #as then ter&inated !ro&!tin* hi& to )i e a co&! aint )or i e*a dis&issa . NL2C ordered !etitioner to $e *i%en se!aration !a' ho din* that the !hase5out o) the securit' section #as a e*iti&ate

31 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

$usiness decision. Ao#e%er, res!ondent #as denied the ri*ht to $e *i%en #ritten notice $e)ore ter&ination o) his e&! o'&ent. Issue: WON there #as a %io ation o) !etitionerDs ri*ht to due !rocess #hen res!ondent5e&! o'er )ai ed to *i%e the re0uired 1 &onth notice !ro%ided in the La$or Code. Held: @It is no# sett ed that #here the dis&issa o) one e&! o'ee is in )act )or a "ust and %a id cause and is so !ro%en to $e $ut he is not accorded his ri*ht to due !rocess, i.e., he #as not )urnished the t#in re0uire&ents o) notice and o!!ortunit' to $e heard, the dis&issa sha $e u!he d $ut the e&! o'er &ust $e sanctioned )or non5co&! iance #ith the re0uire&ents o), or )or )ai ure to o$ser%e, due !rocess.@ There are three reasons #h', on the other hand, %io ation $' the e&! o'er o) the notice re0uire&ent cannot $e considered a denia o) due !rocess resu tin* in the nu it' o) the e&! o'eeDs dis&issa or a'o)). The )irst is that the =ue Process C ause o) the Constitution is a i&itation on *o%ern&enta !o#ers. It does not a!! ' to the e,ercise o) !ri%ate !o#er, such as the ter&ination o) e&! o'&ent under the La$or Code. This is ! ain )ro& the te,t o) Art. III, H1 o) the Constitution, %iB.. @No !erson sha $e de!ri%ed o) i)e, i$ert', or !ro!ert' #ithout due !rocess o) a#. . . .@ The reason is si&! e. On ' the State has authorit' to ta+e the i)e, i$ert', or !ro!ert' o) the indi%idua . The !ur!ose o) the =ue Process C ause is to ensure that the e,ercise o) this !o#er is consistent #ith #hat are considered ci%i iBed &ethods. The second reason is that notice and hearin* are re0uired under the =ue Process C ause $e)ore the !o#er o) or*aniBed societ' are $rou*ht to $ear u!on the indi%idua . This is o$%ious ' not the case o) ter&ination o) e&! o'&ent under Art. 1<3. Aere the e&! o'ee is not )aced #ith an as!ect o) the ad%ersar' s'ste&. The !ur!ose )or re0uirin* a 3;5 da' #ritten notice $e)ore an e&! o'ee is aid o)) is not to a))ord hi& an o!!ortunit' to $e heard on an' char*e a*ainst hi&, )or there is none. The !ur!ose rather is to *i%e hi& ti&e to !re!are )or the e%entua oss o) his "o$ and the =OL/ an o!!ortunit' to deter&ine #hether econo&ic causes do e,ist "usti)'in* the ter&ination o) his e&! o'&ent. The third reason #h' the notice re0uire&ent under Art. 1<3 can not $e considered a re0uire&ent o) the =ue Process C ause is that the e&! o'er cannot rea ' $e e,!ected to $e entire ' an i&!artia "ud*e o) his o#n cause. This is a so the case in ter&ination o) e&! o'&ent )or a "ust cause under Art. 1<1. We ho d, there)ore, that, #ith res!ect to Art. 1<3 o) the La$or Code, the e&! o'erDs )ai ure to co&! ' #ith the notice re0uire&ent does not constitute a denia o) due !rocess $ut a &ere )ai ure to o$ser%e a !rocedure )or the ter&ination o) e&! o'&ent #hich &a+es the ter&ination o) e&! o'&ent &ere ' ine))ectua . Indeed, under the La$or Code, on ' the a$sence o) a "ust cause )or the ter&ination o) e&! o'&ent can &a+e the dis&issa o) an e&! o'ee i e*a . ? <

An* Ti$a' %s. CI2, 6? Phi . 635 81?4;9 PAILCO7SAT %s. A cuaB, 1<; SC2A 11< 81?<?9 ;hili$$ine Co##unications v. Alcua> Z 2e*a ado, (. =ece&$er 1<, 1?<? ?e%wo'ds: 'ate."i-in) $owe'


32 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

This case is one o) )irst i&!ression as it in%o %es the !u$ ic uti it' ser%ices rendered on ' $' !etitioner Phi i!!ine Co&&unications Sate ite Cor!oration 8PAILCO7SAT9. 2.A. No. 5514 *ranted a M)ranchise to esta$ ish, construct, &aintain and o!erate in the Phi i!!inesX stations and e0ui!&ent and )aci ities )or internationa sate ite co&&unications. The sate ite ser%ices !ro%ided $' PAILCO7SAT ena$ e internationa carriers to ser%e the !u$ ic #ith indis!ensa$ e co&&unications ser%ices. Sec. 6 o) 2A. No. 5514 e,e&!ted PAILCO7SAT )ro& the "urisdiction o) the Nationa Te eco&&unications Co&&ission 8NTC9, then Pu$ ic Ser%ice Co&&ission. Ao#e%er, the issuance o) /.O. No. 1?6, ! aced PAILCO7SAT under the contro , "urisdiction and re*u ation o) NTC, inc udin* the )i,in* o) rates. In i&! e&entin* said /.O., NTC re0uired PALCO7SAT to a!! ' )or the re0uisite certificate of public convenience and necessity co%erin* ser%ices rendered and authorit' to char*e rates. PAILCO7SAT a!! ied )or authorit' to continue o!eratin* and &aintainin* )aci ities it has $een o!eratin* since 1?6: and to char*e currents )or renderin* ser%ices. Pendin* hearin*, it a!! ied )or provisional authority to continue o!erations i) such )aci ities. NTC *ranted the !ro%isiona authorit' )or 6 &onths, #hich #as e,tended )or another 6 &onths. A)ter the end o) such !eriod, NTC )urther e,tended to another 6 &onths $ut NTC Co&&issioner A cuaB ordered PAILCO7SAT to reduce rates $' 15Q. o The reduction #as $ased on the e%a uation conducted on the )inancia state&ents o) PAILCO7SAT. PAILCO7SAT assai s that /.O. 546 undu ' de e*ated e*is ati%e !o#er, !articu ar ' ad"udicati%e !o#ers, to NTC $' e&!o#erin* the atter to )i, rates )or !u$ ic ser%ice co&&unications and not !ro%in* the necessar' standards constitutiona ' re0uired. o I) the rate5)i,in* !o#er #as !ro!ert' con)erred, it #as e,ercised in an unconstitutiona &anner in %io atin* !rocedura and su$stanti%e due !rocess.

ISSUES @ HE ! 819 WON there #as a %a id de e*ation o) e*is ati%e !o#er in *rantin* NTC authorit' to )i, rates. YES.

819 WON the NTCKs order #as %io ati%e o) PAILCO7SATKs ri*ht to su$stanti%e and !rocedura !rocess. YES+ the o'de' is void and nulli"ied.

RATIA5A E Issue [1 =e e*ation o) e*is ati%e !o#er &a' $e sustained on ' u!on the *round that so&e standard )or its e,ercise is !ro%ided and that the e*is ature in &a+in* the de e*ation has !rescri$ed the &anner o) the e,ercise o) the de e*ated !o#er. When the ad&inistrati%e a*enc' esta$ ishes a rate, its act &ust $oth $e non5con)iscator' and &ust ha%e $een esta$ ished in the &anner !rescri$ed $' the e*is atureC in the a$sence o) a )i,ed standard, the de e*ation o) !o#er $eco&es unconstitutiona . In case o) a de e*ation o) rate5)i,in* !o#er, the on ' standard #hich the e*is ature is re0uired to !rescri$e )or the *uidance o) the ad&inistrati%e authorit' is that the rate $e reasona$ e and "ust. /%en in the a$sence o) an e,!ress re0uire&ent, this standard o) reasona$ eness &a' $e i&! ied. Pursuant to /,ecuti%e Orders 5461 and 1?61, NTC is e&!o#ered to deter&ine and !rescri$e rates !ertinent to o!eration o) !u$ ic ser%ice co&&unications. NTC in the e,ercise o) rate5)i,in* !o#er is i&ited $' the re0uire&ents o) !u$ ic sa)et', !u$ ic interest, reasona$ e )ina it' and reasona$ e rates, #hich con"oint ' &ore

Section 15(g) of Executive Order No. 546 states that NTC should e guided ! the re"uire#ents of $u lic safet!% $u lic interest and reasona le feasi ilit! of #aintaining effective co#$etition of $rivate entities in co##unications and roadcasting facilities. &hile Sec. 6(d) $rovides that the national econo#ic via ilit! of the entire net'or( or co#$onents of the co##unications s!ste#s conte#$lated therein should e #aintained at reasona le rates.

33 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

than satis)' the re0uire&ents o) a %a id de e*ation o) e*is ati%e !o#er. Issue [1 ;'ocedu'al due $'ocess PAILCO7SAT ar*ues that the order #as issued #ithout notice to the& and #ithout the $ene)it o) hearin*C that the order #as $ased on an Minitia e%a uationN #hich #as a uni atera e%a uation. It is a so ar*ued that the rate5 )i,in* !o#er is an ad"udicator' )unction, hence 0uasi5"udicia , not 0uasi5 e*is ati%e, #hich re0uires notice and hearin*. NTC ad&its that the rate5)i,in* !o#er is 0uasi5"udicia $ut #here an order a!! ies to a na&ed !erson, the )unction in%o %ed is ad"udicator'. NTC insists that a hearin* is not necessar' $ecause the said order is &ere ' inter ocutor'C it on ' $ein* an incident in the on*oin* !roceedin*s )or PAILCO7SATKs a!! ication. Vigan Electric vs. Public ervice Commission &ade a cate*orica c assi)ication as to #hen the rate5)i,in* !o#er is 0uasi5"udicia or #hen e*is ati%e. o The rate )i,ed #as M!redicated u!on the )indin* o) )act5$ased u!on a re!ort su$&itted $' the -enera Auditin* O))ice. In &a+in* said )indin* o) )act, res!ondent !er)or&ed a )unction !arta+in* o) a 0uasi5 "udicia character, the %a id e,ercise o) #hich de&ands !re%ious notice and hearin*.N In Central Ban! vs. Cloribel , et a . as a *enera ru e, notice and hearin* are not essentia to the %a idit' o) ad&inistrati%e action #here the ad&inistrati%e $od' acts in the e,ercise o) e,ecuti%e, ad&inistrati%e, or e*is ati%e )unctionsC $ut #here a !u$ ic ad&inistrati%e $od' acts in a "udicia or 0uasi5"udicia &atter, and its acts are !articu ar and i&&ediate rather than *enera and !ros!ecti%e, the !erson #hose ri*hts or !ro!ert' &a' $e a))ected $' the action is entit ed to notice and hearin*. The order in 0uestion #as a (uasi.8udicial ad8udication. It !ertains to PAILCO7SAT e,c usi%e ' and it #as !re&ised on )indin* o) )act that there is &erit in reduction o) rates char*ed. This deduction #as on ' $ased on an initia e%a uation o) PAILCO7SATKs )inancia state&ents. No rationa iBation #as discussed that !ro&!ted the 15Q reduction $' NTC. ;HI CAMSAT #a% "i- a te#$o'a'% 'ate $endin) "inal dete'#ination o" its a$$lication &ut even i" such is te#$o'a'% it is not e-e#$t "'o# the statuto'% $'ocedu'al 'e(ui'e#ents o" notice and hea'in)+ as well as the 'e(ui'e#ent o" 'easona&leness. NTC3 &a' not e,ercise such !o#er in an ar$itrar' and con)iscator' &anner. NTC has no authorit' to issue rate5)i,in* orders #ithout )irst *i%in* PAILCO7SAT a hearin*, #hether the order is !er&anent or not. It is i&&ateria i) the order is &ade u!on a co&! aint, a su&&ar' in%esti*ation or motu propio. Since a hearin* is essentia , NTC shou d act so e ' on $asis o) e%idence $e)ore it and not on in)or&ation not o))ered in e%idence. The order &a+es the reduced rates e))ecti%e on a s!eci)ic date. It is a )ina e*is ati%e act durin* the !eriod it has to re&ain in )orce, #hi e the case is sti !endin*. In the case at $ar, the order is )ina #ith re*ard to the re%enue co%ered $' the !eriod. Su&stantive due $'ocess PAILCO7SAT asserts that the reduction in rate is con)iscator' and #ou d %irtua ' resu t in the c osure o) the $usiness. PAILCO7SAT is a &ere *rantee o) a e*is ati%e )ranchise #hich is su$"ect to a&end&ent, a teration, or re!ea $' Con*ress #hen the co&&on *ood so re0uires. Ao#e%er, such *rant cannot $e uni atera ' re%o+ed a$sent a sho#in* that the ter&ination o) the o!eration o) the uti it' is re0uired $' the co&&on *ood. An' re*u ation, #hich o!erates as an e))ecti%e con)iscation o) !ri%ate !ro!ert' or constitutes an ar$itrar' or unreasona$ e in)rin*e&ent o) !ro!ert' ri*hts is %oid, $ecause it is re!u*nant to the constitutiona *uaranties o) due !rocess and e0ua !rotection o) the a#s. The inherent !o#er and authorit' o) the State, or its authoriBed a*ent, to re*u ate rates char*ed $' !u$ ic uti ities is a #a's su$"ect to the re0uire&ent that the rates )i,ed are reasona$ e and "ust. o The $asic re0uire&ent o) reasona$ eness. not so o# as to $e con)iscator' or too hi*h as to $e o!!ressi%e.

Section 16. The Co##ission shall have $o'er% u$on $ro$er notice and xxx (c) To fix and deter#ine individual or +oint rates% ... 'hich shall e i#$osed% o served and follo'ed thereafter ! an! $u lic service, ...

34 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

It is a 0uestion o) sound $usiness "ud*&ent and a 0uestion o) )act ca in* )or the e,ercise o) discretion. Co&!etition is considered a )actor since a carrier is a o#ed to &a+e such rates as are necessar' to &eet co&!etition. o 2easona$ eness assu&es that the rates are )air to $oth the !u$ ic uti it' and consu&er. Court he d that the reduction #as so e ' $ased on he initia e%a uation &ade o) PAILCO7SATKs )inancia state&ents. NTC !ro%ided no e,! anation ho# such )inancia data in) uenced it to arri%e at the reduced rate. NTCKs decision cou d resu t in detri&ent in the !u$ ic ser%ice 8i) the order turns out to $e unreasona$ e9 or in the cessation o) the $usiness. SC ordered NTC to !roceed #ith the hearin* and deter&ination o) PAILCO7SATKs a!! ication. o o

Concurrin* O!inion, -utierreB, (r. The doctrine that the e,ercise o) 0uasi5 e*is ati%e !o#er does not re0uire notice and hearin* is ri!e )or re5 e,a&ination. 7e&$ers o) ad&inistrati%e $odies are a!!ointed not on the $asis o) co&!etence and 0ua i)ications $ut out o) !o itica or !ersona considerations. Such a!!oint&ents resu t in ac+ o) sense o) !ersona res!onsi$i it' to the e ectorate 8#hich is !resent in the Con*ress $ein* direct ' e ected9 and ac+ o) e,!ertise and e,!erience needed )or the issuance o) ru es. Ad&inistrati%e a*encies, in the e,ercise o) 0uasi5 e*is ati%e !o#ers, shou d ho d hearin*s and $e *i%en *uide ines #hen notices and hearin*s are essentia in : Non %s. =a&es, 1<5 SC2A 513 81??;9 5on BS. !a#es 1C5 SCRA 594 /.R. 5o. CD413 Ma% 9E+ 1DDE Facts: Petitioners, students in !ri%ate res!ondent 7a$ini Co e*es, Inc. in =aet, Ca&arines Norte, #ere not a o#ed to re5enro $' the schoo )or the acade&ic 'ear 1?<<51?<? )or eadin* or !artici!atin* in student &ass actions a*ainst the schoo in the !recedin* se&ester. The su$"ect o) the !rotests is not, ho#e%er, &ade c ear in the ! eadin*s. Petitioners )i ed a !etition in the court see+in* their read&ission or re5enro &ent to the schoo , $ut the tria court dis&issed the !etition. The' no# !etition the court to re%erse its ru in* in A cuaB %s. PSBA1, #hich #as a so a!! ied in the case. The court said that !etitioners #ai%ed their !ri%i e*e to $e ad&itted )or re5enro &ent #ith res!ondent co e*e #hen the' ado!ted, si*ned, and used its enro &ent )or& )or the )irst se&ester o) schoo 'ear 1?<<5<?, #hich states that. The 7a$ini Co e*e reser%es the ri*ht to den' ad&ission o) students #hose scho arshi! and attendance are unsatis)actor' and to re0uire #ithdra#a o) students #hose conduct discredits the institution andUor #hose acti%ities undu ' disru!ts or inter)ere #ith the e))icient o!eration o) the co e*e. Students, there)ore, are re0uired to $eha%e in accord #ith the 7a$ini Co e*e code o) conduct and disci! ine. Issue: Whether or Not the studentsK ri*ht to )reedo& o) s!eech and asse&$ ' in)rin*ed. Held: Yes. The !rotection to the co*nate ri*hts o) s!eech and asse&$ ' *uaranteed $' the Constitution is si&i ar ' a%ai a$ e to students is #e 5sett ed in our "urisdiction. Ao#e%er there are i&itations. The !er&issi$ e i&itation on Student /,ercise o) Constitutiona 2i*hts #ithin the schoo !resu!!oses that conduct $' the student, in c ass or out o) it, #hich )or an' reason #hether it ste&s )ro& ti&e, ! ace, or t'!e o) $eha%ior shou d not &ateria ' disru!t c ass#or+ or &ust not in%o %e su$stantia disorder or in%asion o) the ri*hts o) others. 6 5

Lu&i0ued %s. /,e%ea, 1<1 SC2A 115 81??:9 PAILCO7SAT %s. A cuaB, 1<; SC2A 11< 81 Bernas <9

Facts: Aerein !etitioner is en*a*ed in !ro%idin* )or ser%ices in%o %in* te eco&&unications. Char*in* rates )or certain s!eci)ied ines that #ere reduced $' order o) herein res!ondent (ose A cuaB Co&&issioner o) the NTC. The rates #ere ordered to $e reduced $' 15Q due to /O 546 #hich *ranted the NTC the !o#er to )i, rates. Said order #as issued

35 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

#ithout !rior notice and hearin*. Issue: Whether /.O. 546 is unconstitutiona I Held: Yes. 2es!ondents ad&itted that the a!! ication o) a !o ic' i+e the )i,in* o) rates as e,ercised $' ad&inistrati%e $odies is 0uasi5"udicia rather than 0uasi5 e*is ati%e. But res!ondentKs contention that notice and hearin* are not re0uired since the assai ed order is &ere ' incidenta to the entire !roceedin*s and te&!orar' in nature is erroneous. Section 168c9 o) the Pu$ ic Ser%ice Act, !ro%idin* )or the !roceedin*s o) the Co&&ission, u!on notice and hearin*, dictates that a Co&&ission has !o#er to )i, rates, u!on !ro!er notice and hearin*, and, i) not su$"ect to the e,ce!tions, i&itations or sa%in* !ro%isions. It is thus c ear that #ith re*ard to rate5)i,in*, res!ondent has no authorit' to &a+e such order #ithout )irst *i%in* !etitioner a hearin*, #hether the order $e te&!orar' or !er&anent, and it is i&&ateria #hether the sa&e is &ade u!on a co&! aint, a su&&ar' in%esti*ation, or u!on the co&&issionDs o#n &otion as in the !resent case.

There is no 0uestion that !etitioner is a #e'e )'antee o" a le)islative "'anchise which is su&8ect to a#end#ent+ alte'ation+ o' 'e$eal &% Con)'ess when the co##on )ood so 'e(ui'es. 1F A$$a'entl%+ the'e"o'e+ such )'ant cannot &e unilate'all% 'evo:ed a&sent a showin) that the te'#ination o" the o$e'ation o" said utilit% is 'e(ui'ed &% the co##on )ood. The ru e is that the !o#er o) the State to re*u ate the conduct and $usiness o) !u$ ic uti ities is i&ited $' the consideration that it is not the o#ner o) the !ro!ert' o) the uti it', or c othed #ith the *enera !o#er o) &ana*e&ent incident to o#nershi!, since the !ri%ate ri*ht o) o#nershi! to such !ro!ert' re&ains and is not to $e destro'ed $' the re*u ator' !o#er. The !o#er to re*u ate is not the !o#er to destro' use)u and har& ess enter!rises, $ut is the !o#er to !rotect, )oster, !ro&ote, !reser%e, and contro #ith due re*ard )or the interest, )irst and )ore&ost, o) the !u$ ic, then o) the uti it' and o) its !atrons. An' re*u ation, there)ore, #hich o!erates as an e))ecti%e con)iscation o) !ri%ate !ro!ert' or constitutes an ar$itrar' or unreasona$ e in)rin*e&ent o) !ro!ert' ri*hts is %oid, $ecause it is re!u*nant to the constitutional )ua'anties o" due $'ocess and e(ual $'otection o" the laws. 15 Aence, the inherent !o#er and authorit' o) the State, or its authoriBed a*ent, to re*u ate the rates char*ed $' !u$ ic uti ities shou d $e su$"ect a #a's to the re0uire&ent that the rates so )i,ed sha $e reasona$ e and "ust. A co&&ission has no !o#er to )i, rates #hich are unreasona$ e or to re*u ate the& ar$itrari '. This $asic re0uire&ent o) reasona$ eness co&!rehends such rates #hich &ust not $e so o# as to $e con)iscator', or too hi*h as to $e o!!ressi%e. 12 What is a "ust and reasona$ e rate is not a 0uestion o) )or&u a $ut o) sound $usiness "ud*&ent $ased u!on the e%idence 13 it is a 0uestion o) )act ca in* )or the e,ercise o) discretion, *ood sense, and a )air, en i*htened and inde!endent "ud*&ent. 1C In deter&inin* #hether a rate is con)iscator', it is essentia a so to consider the *i%en situation, re0uire&ents and o!!ortunities o) the uti it'. A &ethod o)ten e&! o'ed in deter&inin* reasona$ eness is the )air return u!on the %a ue o) the !ro!ert' to the !u$ ic uti it'. Co&!etition is a so a %er' i&!ortant )actor in deter&inin* the reasona$ eness o) rates since a carrier is a o#ed to &a+e such rates as are necessar' to &eet co&!etition. The #rit !ra'ed )or is -2ANT/= and the order o) res!ondents is here$' S/T ASI=/. 4 Ateneo %s. CA, 145 SC2A 1;6 TA;IC: !UE ;RACESS >ACTS. Car&e ita 7ateo, a #aitress in the ca)eteria o) Cer%ini Aa inside the uni%ersit' ca&!us char*ed (uan 2a&on -uanBon, , and a $oarder and )irst 'ear student o) the uni%ersit' #ith un$eco&in* conduct co&&itted on =ece&$er 11, 1?6: at a$out 5.15 in the e%enin* at the Cer%ini Aa Ds ca)eteria, as )o o#s.

36 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

7r. -uanBon, a $oarder at Cer%ini #ho I thin+ co&es )ro& Baco od, #as as+in* )or @sio!ao.@ I #as at the counter and I to d hi& that the @sio!ao@ had sti to $e heated and as+ed hi& to #ait )or a #hi e. Then 7r. -uanBon started &u&$ in* $ad #ords directed to &e, in the hearin* !resence o) other $oarders. I as+ed hi& to sto! cursin*, and he to d &e that #as none o) &' $usiness. Since he see&ed i&!atient, I #as *oin* to *i%e $ac+ his &one' #ithout an' conte&!t. 8sic9 Ae retorted that he did not i+e to acce!t the &one'. Ae *ot &adder and started to curse a*ain. Then he threatened to stri+e &e #ith his )ist. I tried to a%oid this. But then he actua ' struc+ &e in &' e)t te&! e. Be)ore he cou d stri+e a*ain, his )e o# $oarders he d hi& and =r. Be a and Le'es coa,ed hi& to sto!C I *ot ho d o) a $ott e so I cou d dod*e hi&. It #as then that >r. Ca&!$e arri%ed. The incident #as hidden )ro& >r. Ca&!$e $' the $oarders. I cou d not te hi& &'se ) as I had *one into the +itchen cr'in* $ecause I #as hurt. On the $asis o) the in%esti*ation o) the uni%ersit' , (uan 2a&on #as dis&issed )ro& the uni%ersit'. The dis&issa o) (uan 2a&on tri**ered o)) the )i in* o) a co&! aint )or da&a*es $' his !arents a*ainst the uni%ersit' in the then Court. The co&! aint states that (uan 2a&on #as e,!e ed )ro& schoo #ithout *i%in* hi& a )air tria in %io ation o) his ri*ht to due !rocess and that the' are !ro&inent and #e +no#n residents o) Baco od Cit'. In its ans#er, the uni%ersit' denied the &ateria a e*ations o) the co&! aint and "usti)ied the dis&issa o) (uan 2a&on on the *round that his un$eco&in* $eha%ior is contrar' to *ood &ora s, !ro!er decoru&, and ci%i it', that such $eha%ior su$"ected hi& as a student to the uni%ersit'Ds disci! inar' re*u ationsD. A)ter due tria , the o#er court )ound )or the -uanBons .U!on a!!ea to the Court o) A!!ea s $' the uni%ersit', the tria courtDs decision #as initia ' re%ersed and set aside. The co&! aint #as dis&issed. Ao#e%er, u!on &otion )or reconsideration )i ed $' the -uanBons, the a!!e ate court re%ersed its decision and set it aside throu*h a s!ecia di%ision o) )i%e. In the reso ution issued $' the a!!e ate court, the o#er courtDs decision #as reinstated. The !etitioner no# as+s us to re%ie# and re%erse the reso ution. ISSU/. WON TA/ CA IS CO22/CT IN 2/V/2SIN- ITS P2/VIOUS =/CISION AN= IN >IN=IN- TAAT TA/2/ WAS NO =U/ P2OC/SS IN TA/ =IS7ISSAL O> P2IVAT/ 2/SPON=/NT >2O7 SCAOOL A/L=. NO. The ori*ina decision o) the )acts on record to sho# that the !rocedures in the e,!u sion case #ere )air, o!en, e,hausti%e, and ade0uate. The decision states. >irst, a)ter the s a!!in* incident #hich ha!!ened on =ece&$er 11, 1?6:, >r. We sh in his ca!acit' as Chair&an o) the Board o) =isci! ine u!on recei!t o) the etter5co&! aint 8/,h. 19 o) Car&e ita 7ateo conducted a !re i&inar' in0uir' $' inter%ie#in* the co&!anions and )riends o) (uan 2a&on -uanBon #ho #ere a so at the ca)eteria. The' con)ir&ed the incident in 0uestion. 8/,hs. 5, 6, : and ?9. Second, >r. We sh, )indin* that there #as !ro$a$ e cause a*ainst 7r. -uanBon, !re!ared a &e&orandu& to the &e&$ers o) the Board o) =isci! ine dated =ece&$er 16, 1?6: Third, on =ece&$er 14, 1?6:, 7r. -uanBon #as )u ' in)or&ed o) the accusation a*ainst hi& #hen >r. We sh read the etter5co&! aint o) Car&e ita 7ateo and he ad&itted the truth o) the char*e. 8tsn., !!. 3<53?, 7a' ?, 1?:;C /,h. 49. >ourth, >r. We sh a so sent se!arate etters to 2e%. Antonio Cuna, Student Counse or o) the Co e*e o) Arts and Sciences dated =ece&$er 1<, 1?6: and 2e%. (a&es Cu i*an, =irector o) -uidance o) the Co e*e o) Arts and Sciences >i)th, notice o) the &eetin* o) the Board o) =isci! ine set on =ece&$er 1?, 1?6: #as !osted at the Bu etin Board o) the Co e*e o) Arts and Sciences and a so at =or&itor' Aa s 8tsn., !!. 11511, (u ' 11, 1?:;9 The Secretar' o) the =ean o) =isci! ine !ersona ' noti)ied 7r. -uanBon o) the &eetin* o) the Board on =ece&$er 1?, 1?6:, he #as to d to see+ the he ! o) his *uardians, !arents and )riends inc udin* the student counse ors in the residence ha s and Co e*e o) Arts

37 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

and Sciences. 8tsn., !. 1<, (u ' 11, 1?:;9 Si,th, des!ite notice o) the Board o) =isci! ine on =ece&$er 1?, 1?6:, 7r. -uanBon did not care to in)or& his !arents or *uardian +no#in* )u ' #e the seriousness o) the o))ense he had co&&itted and instead he s!o+e )or hi&se ) and ad&itted to ha%e s a!!ed Car&e ita 7ateo. Ae then as+ed that he $e e,cused as he #anted to catch the $oat )or Baco od Cit' )or the Christ&as %acation. Se%enth, the decision o) the Board o) =isci! ine #as unani&ous in dro!!in* )ro& the ro s o) students 7r. -uanBon 8/,h. 119 #hich #as e e%ated to the o))ice o) the =ean o) Arts and Sciences, 2e%. (ose!h A. -a don, #ho a)ter a re%ie# o) the case )ound no *round to re%erse the decision o) the Board o) =isci! ine. 8/,h. 139 The case #as )ina ' e e%ated to the President o) the Ateneo Uni%ersit' #ho sustained the decision o) the Board o) =isci! ine 8/,h. 115A, !. 6 /i*hth, #hen the decision o) the Board o) =isci! ine #as a$out to $e carried out, 7r. -uanBon %o untari ' a!! ied )or honora$ e dis&issa . Ae #ent around to the o))icia s o) the uni%ersit' to o$tain his c earance and this #as a!!ro%ed on (anuar' <, 1?6<. 8/,h. 3, tsn., !. 5<, 7a' 6, 1?:;9 Ninth, 7r. 2o&eo -uanBon, )ather o) (uan 2a&on -uanBon arran*ed )or )u and co&! ete re)und o) his tuition )ee )or the entire second se&ester o) the schoo 'ear 1?6:56<. (uan 2a&on #as ne%er out o) schoo . Ae #as ad&itted at the =e a Sa e Co e*e o) Baco od Cit' and ater trans)erred to another (esuit Schoo . >ro& the a$o%e !roceedin*s that trans!ired it can not $e said that (uan 2a&on -uanBon #as denied due !roe&s o) a#. On the contrar', #e )ind that he #as *i%en the )u o!!ortunit' to $e heard to $e )u ' in)or&ed o) the char*e a*ainst hi& and to $e con)ronted o) the #itnesses )ace to )ace. And since he chose to re&ain si ent and did not $other to in)or& his !arents or *uardian a$out the disci! inar' action ta+en a*ainst hi& $' the de)endant uni%ersit', neither he nor his !arents shou d )ind reason to co&! ain. ,,, ,,, ,,, When the etter5co&! aint #as read to (uan 2a&on, he ad&itted the a tercation #ith the #aitress and his s a!!in* her on the )ace. 2e%. We sh did not sto! #ith the ad&ission. Ae inter%ie#ed /ric Ta* e, =ann' -o, 2o$erto Beri$er, and (ose 2e'es, )riends o) (uan 2a&on #ho #ere !resent durin* the incident. The Board o) =isci! ine #as &ade u! o) distin*uished &e&$ers o) the )acu t' There is nothin* in the records to cast an' dou$t on their co&!etence and i&!artia it' inso)ar as this disci! inar' in%esti*ation is concerned. (uan 2a&on hi&se ) a!!eared $e)ore the Board o) =isci! ine. Ae ad&itted the s a!!in* incident, then $e**ed to $e e,cused so he cou d catch the $oat )or Baco od Cit'. (uan 2a&on, there)ore, #as *i%en notice o) the !roceedin*sC he actua ' a!!eared to !resent his sideC the in%esti*atin* $oard acted )air ' and o$"ecti%e 'C and a re0uisites o) ad&inistrati%e due !rocess #ere &et. We do not share the a!!e ate courtDs %ie# that there #as no due !rocess $ecause the !ri%ate res!ondents, the !arents o) (uan 2a&on #ere not *i%en an' notice o) the !roceedin*s. In )act, in the inter%ie# #ith 2e%. We sh, he e%en as+ed i) he #ou d $e e,!e ed $ecause o) the incident. Ae #as )u ' co*niBant o) the *ra%it' o) the o))ense he co&&itted. When in)or&ed a$out the =ece&$er 1?, 1?6: &eetin* o) the Board o) =isci! ine, he #as as+ed to see+ ad%ice and assistance )ro& his *uardian andUor !arents. In the natura course o) thin*s, (uan 2a&on is assu&ed to ha%e re!orted this serious &atter to his !arents. The )act that he chose to re&ain si ent and did not in)or& the& a$out his case, not e%en #hen he #ent ho&e to Baco od Cit' )or his Christ&as %acation, #as not the )au t o) the !etitioner uni%ersit'. 7oreo%er, not#ithstandin* the non5!artici!ation o) the !ri%ate res!ondents, the uni%ersit', as stated ear ier, undertoo+ a )air and o$"ecti%e in%esti*ation o) the s a!!in* incident. =ue !rocess in ad&inistrati%e !roceedin*s a so re0uires consideration o) the e%idence !resented and the e,istence o)

3) Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

e%idence to su!!ort the decision 8Aa i i %. Court o) Industria 2e ations, 136 SC2A 1119. 3 -o d$er* %s. Oe ', 3?: US 154 81?:;9

>acts. This case #as $rou*ht $' residents o) Ne# Yor+ Cit' #ho recei%ed )inancia aid under the )edera ' assisted !ro*ra& o) Aid to >a&i ies #ith =e!endent Chi dren 8A>=C9 or under Ne# Yor+ StateKs Ao&e 2e ie) Pro*ra&. Their co&! aint a e*ed that Cit' o))icia s ad&inisterin* these !ro*ra&s ter&inated such aid #ithout !rior notice and hearin*, den'in* the& due !rocess o) a#. A)ter that suit #as )i ed, the Cit' ado!ted !rocedures )or notice and hearin*, #hich the ! ainti))5a!!e ees then cha en*ed as constitutiona ' inade0uate. The !rocedure a o#ed the reci!ient to cha en*e the !ro!osed ter&ination o) $ene)its #ithin se%en da's and su$&it a #ritten state&ent )or the re%ie#in* o))icia to &a+e a )ina deter&ination. A!!e eesK cha en*ed the !roceduresK ac+ o) an o!!ortunit' to !ersona ' a!!ear $e)ore the re%ie#in* o))icer )or ora testi&on' and cross e,a&ination o) ad%erse #itnesses. The !rocedure did a o# )or a !ost ter&ination M)air hearin*N ho#e%er. The =istrict Court he d that on ' a !re5ter&ination hearin* #ou d satis)' the constitutiona due !rocess re0uire&ent. Brie) >act Su&&ar'. A!!e ees #ere )inancia aid reci!ients #hose $ene)its #ere ter&inated #ithout $ein* a))orded !re5ter&ination hearin*, #hich the' cha en*ed as a denia o) due !rocess. Issue. WON a State that ter&inates !u$ ic assistance $ene)its to a !articu ar reci!ient #ithout a))ordin* hi& an o!!ortunit' )or an e%identiar' hearin* !rior to ter&ination den' the reci!ient due !rocess o) a#I Ae d. Y/S. A))ir&ed. Where #e )are is concerned, on ' a !re5ter&ination e%identiar' hearin* !ro%ides the reci!ient #ith !rocedura due !rocess. >or 0ua i)ied reci!ients, #e )are !ro%ides the on ' &eans to o$tain essentia )ood, c othin*, housin* and &edica care. The crucia )actor is that the ter&ination o) aid !endin* reso ution o) a contro%ers' &i*ht de!ri%e an e i*i$ e reci!ients o) the %er' &eans $' #hich to i%e #hi e he #aits. =issent. No !ro%ision in the Constitution shou d !ara 'Be the *o%ern&entKs e))orts to !rotect itse ) a*ainst &a+in* !a'&ents to !eo! e #ho are not entit ed to the&. There are ar*e nu&$ers o) undeser%in* #e )are reci!ients, and the States shou d $e a$ e to )i*ht $ac+ a*ainst the&. =iscussion. The interest o) the e i*i$ e reci!ient in uninterru!ted recei!t o) !u$ ic assistance, cou! ed #ith the StateKs interest that !a'&ents not $e erroneous ' ter&inated, c ear ' out#ei*h the StateKs co&!etin* interest to !re%ent ad&inistrati%e and )isca $urdens. The !re ter&ination hearin* need not ta+e the )or& o) a "udicia or 0uasi5"udicia tria , as the M)air hearin*N #i a))ord )u ad&inistrati%e re%ie# ater on. It need on ' !roduce an initia deter&ination that the #e )areKs *rounds )or ter&ination o) $ene)its are %a id. S'no!sis on 2u e o) La#. The e,tent to #hich !rocedura due !rocess &ust $e a))orded is in) uenced $' the e,tent to #hich he &a' $e Mconde&ned to su))er *rie%ous oss.N =ue !rocess re0uired a !re5ter&ination hearin* !rior to ter&ination o) #e )are $ene)its.

1 1

UP %s. Aon. Li*ot5Te an, 11: SC2A 341 /strada %s. Sandi*an$a'an, 36? SC2A 3?4 81? No%. 1;;19

#acts) Petitioner 'oseph E2ercito Estra#a3 the hi hest-ran;in official to be prosecute# un#er *A 79)9 4An Act 6efinin an# Penali=in the 0ri"e of Plun#er53 1 as a"en#e# by *A 765(3 2 $ishes to i"press upon us 3( Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

that the assaile# la$ is so #efecti!ely fashione# that it crosses that thin but #istinct line $hich #i!i#es the !ali# fro" the constitutionally infir". Le therefore "a;es a strin ent call for this 0ourt to sub2ect the Plun#er Ia$ to the crucible of constitutionality "ainly because3 accor#in to hi"3 4a5 it suffers fro" the !ice of !a ueness8 4b5 it #ispenses $ith the Nreasonable #oubtN stan#ar# in cri"inal prosecutions8 an#3 4c5 it abolishes the ele"ent of "ens rea in cri"es alrea#y punishable un#er 7he *e!ise# Penal 0o#e3 all of $hich are purporte#ly clear !iolations of the fun#a"ental ri hts of the accuse# to #ue process an# to be infor"e# of the nature an# cause of the accusation a ainst hi". 7hat #urin the perio# fro" 'une3 1(() to 'anuary 29913 in the Philippines3 an# $ithin the 2uris#iction of this Lonorable 0ourt3 accuse# 'oseph E2ercito Estra#a3 7LE P*E?-6EN7 O% 7LE *EPF.I-0 O% 7LE PL-I-PP-NE?3 by hi"self AN61O* in 0ONN-EAN0E10ON?P-*A0+ $ith his co-accuse#3 >LO A*E ,E,.E*? O% L-? %A,-I+3 *EIA7-EE? .+ A%%-N-7+ O* 0ON?ANOF-N-7+3 .F?-NE?? A??O0-A7E?3 ?F.O*6-NA7E? AN61O* O7LE* PE*?ON?3 .+ 7AP-NO FN6FE A6EAN7AOE O% L-? O%%-0-AI PO?-7-ON3 AF7LO*-7+3 *EIA7-ON?L-P3 0ONNE07-ON3 O* -N%IFEN0E3 #i# then an# there $illfully3 unla$fully an# cri"inally a"ass3 accu"ulate an# acAuire .+ L-,?EI% 6-*E07I+ O* -N6-*E07I+3 illotten $ealth in the a re ate a"ount or 7O7AI EAIFE of %OF* .-II-ON N-NE7+ ?EEEN ,-II-ON E-OL7 LFN6*E6 %OF* 7LOF?AN6 ONE LFN6*E6 ?EEEN7+ 7L*EE AN6 ?EEEN7EEN 0EN7AEO? 4P439(73)943173.1753 "ore or less3 7LE*E.+ FN'F?7I+ EN*-0L-NO L-,?EI% O* 7LE,?EIEE? A7 7LE EQPEN?E AN6 7O 7LE 6A,AOE O% 7LE %-I-P-NO PEOPIE AN6 7LE *EPF.I-0 O% PL-I-PP-NE? throu h AN+ O* A co"bination O* A series of o!ert O* cri"inal acts3 O* ?-,-IA* ?0LE,E? O* ,EAN?. *E?PE07-EEI+ O* A 7O7AI O% ,O*E O* IE?? ONE .-II-ON E-OL7 LFN6*E6 %O*7+ ?EEEN ,-II-ON %-EE LFN6*E6 ?EEEN7+ E-OL7 7LOF?AN6 %-%7+ ?EEEN PE?O? AN6 %-%7+ 0EN7AEO? 4P13)47357)3957.5958 AN6 .+ 0OIIE07-NO O* *E0E-E-NO3 6-*E07I+ O* -N6-*E07I+3 .+ L-,?EI% AN61O* -N 0ONN-EAN0E >-7L 'OLN 6OE? 'ANE 6OE?3 0O,,-??-ON? O* PE*0EN7AOE? .+ *EA?ON O% ?A-6 PF*0LA?E? O% ?LA*E? O% ?7O0P -N 7LE A,OFN7 O% ONE LFN6*E6 E-OL7+ N-NE ,-II-ON ?EEEN LFN6*E6 7LOF?AN6 PE?O? 4P1)(37993999.995 ,O*E O* IE??3 %*O, 7LE .EIIE 0O*PO*A7-ON >L-0L .E0A,E PA*7 O% 7LE 6EPO?-7 -N 7LE EGF-7A.IE .ANP FN6E* 7LE A00OFN7 NA,E M'O?E EEIA*6EM

(ssue) *.A. No. 79)9 is unconstitutional on the follo$in roun#s& -. -7 E-OIA7E? 7LE 6FE P*O0E?? 0IAF?E %O* -7? EAOFENE?? --. -7 E-OIA7E? 7LE 0ON?7-7F7-ONAI *-OL7 O% 7LE A00F?E6 7O PNO> 7LE NA7F*E AN6 0AF?E O% 7LE A00F?A7-ON AOA-N?7 L-, ---. -7 E-OIA7E? 7LE 6FE P*O0E?? 0IAF?E AN6 7LE 0ON?7-7F7-ONAI P*E?F,P7-ON O% -NNO0EN0E .+ IO>E*-NO 7LE GFAN7F, O% EE-6EN0E NE0E??A*+ %O* P*OE-NO 7LE 0O,PONEN7 EIE,EN7? O% PIFN6E* -E. -7 -? .E+ON6 7LE 0ON?7-7F7-ONAI PO>E* O% 7LE IEO-?IA7F*E 7O 6EI-,-7 7LE *EA?ONA.IE 6OF.7 ?7AN6A*6 AN6 7O A.OI-?L 7LE EIE,EN7 O% ,EN? *EA -N ,AIA -N ?E 0*-,E? .+ 0ONEE*7-NO 7LE?E 7O ,AIA P*OL-.-7A3 -N E-OIA7-ON O% 7LE 6FE P*O0E?? 0ON0EP7 O% 0*-,-NAI *E?PON?-.-I-7+.

Beld) P*E,-?E? 0ON?-6E*E63 this 0ourt hol#s that *A 79)9 other$ise ;no$n as the Plun#er Ia$3 as a"en#e# by *A 765(3 is 0ON?7-7F7-ONAI. 0onseAuently3 the petition to #eclare the la$ unconstitutional is 6-?,-??E6 for lac; of "erit. ?O O*6E*E6. 49 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

&atio) (n view of vagueness and ambiguity 0on ress is not restricte# in the for" of e/pression of its $ill3 an# its inability to so #efine the $or#s e"ploye# in a statute $ill not necessarily result in the !a ueness or a"bi uity of the la$ so lon as the le islati!e $ill is clear3 or at least3 can be athere# fro" the $hole act3 $hich is #istinctly e/presse# in the Plun#er Ia$. ,oreo!er3 it is a $ell-settle# principle of le al her"eneutics that $or#s of a statute $ill be interprete# in their natural3 plain an# or#inary acceptation an# si nification3 7 unless it is e!i#ent that the le islature inten#e# a technical or special le al "eanin to those $or#s ) 7he intention of the la$"a;ers : $ho are3 or#inarily3 untraine# philolo ists an# le/ico raphers : to use statutory phraseolo y in such a "anner is al$ays presu"e#. 7hus3 >ebsterMs Ne$ 0olle iate 6ictionary contains the follo$in co""only accepte# #efinition of the $or#s Nco"binationN an# Nseries&N 0o"bination : the result or pro#uct of co"binin 8 the act or process of co"binin . 7o co"bine is to brin into such close relationship as to obscure in#i!i#ual characters. ?eries : a nu"ber of thin s or e!ents of the sa"e class co"in one after another in spatial an# te"poral succession. Eerily3 ha# the le islature inten#e# a technical or #istincti!e "eanin for Nco"binationN an# Nseries3N it $oul# ha!e ta;en reater pains in specifically pro!i#in for it in the la$. As for Npattern3N $e a ree $ith the obser!ations of the ?an#i anbayan ( that this ter" is sufficiently #efine# in ?ec. 43 in relation to ?ec. 13 par. 4#53 an# ?ec. 2. . . un#er ?ec. 1 4#5 of the la$3 a MpatternM consists of at least a co"bination or series of o!ert or cri"inal acts enu"erate# in subsections 415 to 465 of ?ec. 1 4#5. ?econ#ly3 pursuant to ?ec. 2 of the la$3 the pattern of o!ert or cri"inal acts is #irecte# to$ar#s a co""on purpose or oal $hich is to enable the public officer to a"ass3 accu"ulate or acAuire ill- otten $ealth. An# thir#ly3 there "ust either be an Mo!erall unla$ful sche"eM or MconspiracyM to achie!e sai# co""on oal. As co""only un#erstoo#3 the ter" Mo!erall unla$ful sche"eM in#icates a M eneral plan of action or "etho#M $hich the principal accuse# an# public officer an# others conni!in $ith hi"3 follo$ to achie!e the aforesai# co""on oal. -n the alternati!e3 if there is no such o!erall sche"e or $here the sche"es or "etho#s use# by "ultiple accuse# !ary3 the o!ert or cri"inal acts "ust for" part of a conspiracy to attain a co""on oal. >ith "ore reason3 the #octrine cannot be in!o;e# $here the assaile# statute is clear an# free fro" a"bi uity3 as in this case. 7he test in #eter"inin $hether a cri"inal statute is !oi# for uncertainty is $hether the lan ua e con!eys a sufficiently #efinite $arnin as to the proscribe# con#uct $hen "easure# by co""on un#erstan#in an# practice. -t "ust be stresse#3 ho$e!er3 that the N!a uenessN #octrine "erely reAuires a reasonable #e ree of certainty for the statute to be uphel# : not absolute precision or "athe"atical e/actitu#e3 as petitioner see"s to su est. Lence3 it cannot plausibly be conten#e# that the la$ #oes not i!e a fair $arnin an# sufficient notice of $hat it see;s to penali=e. Fn#er the circu"stances3 petitionerMs reliance on the N!oi#-for-!a uenessN #octrine is "anifestly "isplace#. 7he #octrine has been for"ulate# in !arious $ays3 but is "ost co""only state# to the effect that a statute establishin a cri"inal offense "ust #efine the offense $ith sufficient #efiniteness that persons of or#inary intelli ence can un#erstan# $hat con#uct is prohibite# by the statute.

(n view of due process 41 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

On the secon# issue3 petitioner a#!ances the hi hly stretche# theory that ?ec. 4 of the Plun#er Ia$ circu"!ents the i""utable obli ation of the prosecution to pro!e beyon# reasonable #oubt the pre#icate acts constitutin the cri"e of plun#er $hen it reAuires only proof of a pattern of o!ert or cri"inal acts sho$in unla$ful sche"e or conspiracy. 7he runnin fault in this reasonin is ob!ious e!en to the si"plistic "in#. -n a cri"inal prosecution for plun#er3 as in all other cri"es3 the accuse# al$ays has in his fa!or the presu"ption of innocence $hich is uarantee# by the .ill of *i hts3 an# unless the ?tate succee#s in #e"onstratin by proof beyon# reasonable #oubt that culpability lies3 the accuse# is entitle# to an acAuittal. >hat the prosecution nee#s to pro!e beyon# reasonable #oubt is only a nu"ber of acts sufficient to for" a co"bination or series $hich $oul# constitute a pattern an# in!ol!in an a"ount of at least P5939993999.99. 7here is no nee# to pro!e each an# e!ery other act alle e# in the -nfor"ation to ha!e been co""itte# by the accuse# in furtherance of the o!erall unla$ful sche"e or conspiracy to a"ass3 accu"ulate or acAuire ill- otten $ealth.

(n view of mens rea As re ar#s the thir# issue3 a ain $e a ree $ith 'ustice ,en#o=a that plun#er is a "alu" in se $hich reAuires proof of cri"inal intent. 7hus3 he says3 in his 0oncurrin Opinion : . . . Precisely because the constituti!e cri"es are "ala in se the ele"ent of "ens rea "ust be pro!en in a prosecution for plun#er. -t is note$orthy that the a"en#e# infor"ation alle es that the cri"e of plun#er $as co""itte# N$illfully3 unla$fully an# cri"inally.N -t thus alle es uilty ;no$le# e on the part of petitioner. C>ith the o!ern"entD terribly lac;in the "oney to pro!i#e e!en the "ost basic ser!ices to its people3 any for" of "isappropriation or "isapplication of o!ern"ent fun#s translates to an actual threat to the !ery e/istence of o!ern"ent3 an# in turn3 the !ery sur!i!al of the people it o!erns o!er. Eie$e# in this conte/t3 no less heinous are the effect an# repercussions of cri"es li;e Aualifie# bribery3 #estructi!e arson resultin in #eath3 an# #ru offenses in!ol!in o!ern"ent official3 e"ployees or officers3 that their perpetrators "ust not be allo$e# to cause further #estruction an# #a"a e to society. -n#ee#3 it $oul# be absur# to treat prosecutions for plun#er as thou h they are "ere prosecutions for !iolations of the .ouncin 0hec; Ia$ 4..P. .l . 225 or of an or#inance a ainst 2ay$al;in 3 $ithout re ar# to the inherent $ron ness of the acts.

7o clinch3 petitioner li;e$ise assails the !ali#ity of *A 765(3 the a"en#atory la$ of *A 79)93 on constitutional roun#s. ?uffice it to say ho$e!er that it is no$ too late in the #ay for hi" to resurrect this lon #ea# issue3 the sa"e ha!in been eternally consi ne# by People !. Eche aray 3) to the archi!es of 2urispru#ential history. 7he #eclaration of this 0ourt therein that *A 765( is constitutionally !ali# stan#s as a #eclaration of the ?tate3 an# beco"es3 by necessary effect3 assi"ilate# in the 0onstitution no$ as an inte ral part of it.

(n view of presumption of innocence At all e!ents3 let "e stress that the po$er to construe la$ is essentially 2u#icial. 7o #eclare $hat the la$ shall be is a le islati!e po$er3 but to #eclare $hat the la$ is or has been is 2u#icial. ?tatutes enacte# by 0on ress cannot be e/pecte# to spell out $ith "athe"atical precision ho$ the la$ shoul# be interprete# un#er any an# all i!en situations. 7he application of the la$ $ill #epen# on the facts an# circu"stances as a##uce# by e!i#ence $hich $ill then be consi#ere#3 $ei he# an# e!aluate# by the courts. -n#ee#3 it is the constitutionally "an#ate# function of the courts to interpret3 construe an# apply the la$ as $oul# i!e flesh an# bloo# to the true "eanin of le islati!e enact"ents. 42 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

A construction shoul# be re2ecte# if it i!es to the lan ua e use# in a statute a "eanin that #oes not acco"plish the purpose for $hich the statute $as enacte# an# that ten#s to #efeat the en#s that are sou ht to be attaine# by its enact"ent. Eie$e# broa#ly3 Nplun#er in!ol!es not 2ust plain thie!ery but econo"ic #epre#ation $hich affects not 2ust pri!ate parties or personal interests but the nation as a $hole.N -n!ariably3 plun#er parta;es of the nature of Na cri"e a ainst national interest $hich "ust be stoppe#3 an# if possible3 stoppe# per"anently.N

(n view of estoppel Petitioner is not estoppe# fro" Auestionin the constitutionality of *.A. No. 79)9. 7he case at bar has been sub2ect to contro!ersy principally #ue to the personalities in!ol!e# herein. 7he fact that one of petitionerMs counsels $as a co-sponsor of the Plun#er Ia$ an# petitioner hi"self !ote# for its passa e $hen he $as still a ?enator $oul# not in any put hi" in estoppel to Auestion its constitutionality. 7he rule on estoppel applies to Auestions of fact3 not of la$. ,oreo!er3 estoppel shoul# be resorte# to only as a "eans of pre!entin in2ustice. 7o hol# that petitioner is estoppe# fro" Auestionin the !ali#ity of *.A. No. 79)9 because he ha# earlier !ote# for its passa e $oul# result in in2ustice not only to hi"3 but to all others $ho "ay be hel# liable un#er this statute.

6hat is &($O *ac;eteer -nfluence# an# 0orrupt Or ani=ations Act is a Fnite# ?tates fe#eral la$ that pro!i#es for e/ten#e# cri"inal penalties an# a ci!il cause of action for acts perfor"e# as part of an on oin cri"inal or ani=ation. *-0O $as enacte# by section (914a5 of the Or ani=e# 0ri"e 0ontrol Act of 1(79 4Pub.I. (14523 )4 ?tat. (223 enacte# October 153 1(795. *-0O is co#ifie# as 0hapter (6 of 7itle 1) of the Fnite# ?tates 0o#e3 1) F.?.0. R 1(61H1(6). >hile its inten#e# use $as to prosecute the ,afia as $ell as others $ho $ere acti!ely en a e# in or ani=e# cri"e3 its application has been "ore $i#esprea#.

(n view of facial challenge A facial challen e is allo$e# to be "a#e to a !a ue statute an# to one $hich is o!erbroa# because of possible Nchillin effectN upon protecte# speech. 7he theory is that NC$Dhen statutes re ulate or proscribe speech an# no rea#ily apparent construction su ests itself as a !ehicle for rehabilitatin the statutes in a sin le prosecution3 the transcen#ent !alue to all society of constitutionally protecte# e/pression is #ee"e# to 2ustify allo$in attac;s on o!erly broa# statutes $ith no reAuire"ent that the person "a;in the attac; #e"onstrate that his o$n con#uct coul# not be re ulate# by a statute #ra$n $ith narro$ specificity.M 7his rationale #oes not apply to penal statutes. 0ri"inal statutes ha!e eneral in terrore" effect resultin fro" their !ery e/istence3 an#3 if facial challen e is allo$e# for this reason alone3 the ?tate "ay $ell be pre!ente# fro" enactin la$s a ainst socially har"ful con#uct. -n the area of cri"inal la$3 the la$ cannot ta;e chances as in the area of free speech.

(n view of burden of proof FaccusedG according to PA'0A'(7A'* = -n su"3 the la$ "ust be pro!en to be clearly an# uneAui!ocally repu nant to the 0onstitution before this 0ourt "ay #eclare its unconstitutionality. 7o stri;e #o$n the la$3 there "ust be a clear sho$in that $hat the fun#a"ental la$ prohibits3 the statute allo$s to be #one. 49 7o 2ustify the nullification of the la$3 there "ust be a clear3 uneAui!ocal breach of the 0onstitution8 not a #oubtful3 ar u"entati!e i"plication. 41 Of 43 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

so"e ter"s in the la$ $hich are easily clarifie# by 2u#icial construction3 petitioner has3 at best3 "ana e# "erely to point out alle e# a"bi uities. %ar fro" establishin 3 by clear an# un"ista;able ter"s3 any patent an# larin conflict $ith the 0onstitution3 the constitutional challen e to the Anti-Plun#er la$ "ust fail. %or 2ust as the accuse# is entitle# to the presu"ption of innocence in the absence of proof beyon# reasonable #oubt3 so "ust a la$ be accor#e# the presu"ption of constitutionality $ithout the sa"e reAuisite Auantu" of proof. Petitioner no$ conclu#es that the Anti-Plun#er Ia$ Neli"inates proof of each an# e!ery co"ponent cri"inal act of plun#er by the accuse# an# li"its itself to establishin 2ust the pattern of o!er or cri"inal acts in#icati!e of unla$ful sche"e or conspiracy.N All tol#3 the abo!e e/planation is in consonance $ith $hat is often percei!e# to be the reality $ith respect to the cri"e of plun#er : that Nthe actual e/tent of the cri"e "ay not3 in its brea#th an# entirety3 be #isco!ere#3 by reason of the Mstealth an# secrecyM in $hich it is co""itte# an# the in!ol!e"ent of Mso "any persons here an# abroa# an# Cthe fact that itD touches so "any states an# territorial units.NM N7he constitutionality of la$s is presu"e#. 7o 2ustify nullification of a la$3 there "ust be a clear an# uneAui!ocal breach of the 0onstitution3 not a #oubtful or ar u"entati!e i"plication8 a la$ shall not be #eclare# in!ali# unless the conflict $ith the 0onstitution is clear beyon# a reasonable #oubt. M7he presu"ption is al$ays in fa!or of constitutionality . . . 7o #oubt is to sustain.M

(n view of burden of proof F!tateG according to HAP.'A'* = 7he 0onstitution uarantees both substanti!e an# proce#ural #ue process as $ell as the ri ht of the accuse# to be infor"e# of the nature an# cause of the accusation a ainst hi". A cri"inal statute shoul# not be so !a ue an# uncertain that N"en of co""on intelli ence "ust necessarily uess as to its "eanin an# #iffer as to its application. 7here are three #istinct consi#erations for the !a ueness #octrine. %irst3 the #octrine is #esi ne# to ensure that in#i!i#uals are properly $arne# e/ ante of the cri"inal conseAuences of their con#uct. 7his Nfair noticeN rationale $as articulate# in Fnite# ?tates !. Larriss& 7he constitutional reAuire"ent of #efiniteness is !iolate# by a cri"inal statute that fails to i!e a person of or#inary intelli ence fair notice that his conte"plate# con#uct is forbi##en by the statute. 7he un#erlyin principle is that no "an shall be hel# cri"inally responsible for con#uct $hich he coul# not reasonably un#erstan# to be proscribe#. >hile the #ictu" that la$s be clear an# #efinite #oes not reAuire 0on ress to spell out $ith "athe"atical certainty the stan#ar#s to $hich an in#i!i#ual "ust confor" his con#uct3 it is necessary that statutes pro!i#e reasonable stan#ar#s to ui#e prospecti!e con#uct. An# $here a statute i"poses cri"inal sanctions3 the stan#ar# of certainty is hi her. 7he penalty i"posable on the person foun# uilty of !iolatin *.A. No. 79)9 is reclusion perpetua to #eath. Oi!en such penalty3 the stan#ar# of clarity an# #efiniteness reAuire# of *.A. No. 79)9 is unar uably hi her than that of other la$s. -t has been incorrectly su este# that petitioner cannot "ount a Nfacial challen eN to the Plun#er Ia$3 an# that NfacialN or Non its faceN challen es see; the total in!ali#ation of a statute. %r. .ernas3 for his part3 pointe# to se!eral proble"atical portions of the la$ that $ere left unclarifie#. Le pose# the Auestion& NLo$ can you ha!e a MseriesM of cri"inal acts if the ele"ents that are suppose# to constitute the series are not pro!e# to be cri"inalSN 7he "eanin s of Nco"binationN an# NseriesN as use# in *.A. No. 79)9 are not clear.

44 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

7o Auote %r. .ernas a ain& NLo$ can you ha!e a MseriesM of cri"inal acts if the ele"ents that are suppose# to constitute the series are not pro!e# to be cri"inalSN .ecause of this3 it is easier to con!ict for plun#er an# sentence the accuse# to #eath than to con!ict hi" for each of the co"ponent cri"es other$ise punishable un#er the *e!ise# Penal 0o#e an# other la$s $hich are bailable offenses. 7he resultant absur#ity stri;es at the !ery heart if the constitutional uarantees of #ue process an# eAual protection. 7he co"ponent acts constitutin plun#er3 a heinous cri"e3 bein inherently $ron ful an# i""oral3 are patently "ala in se3 e!en if punishe# by a special la$ an# accor#in ly3 cri"inal intent "ust clearly be establishe# to ether $ith the other ele"ents of the cri"e8 other$ise3 no cri"e is co""itte#. .y eli"inatin "ens rea3 *.A. 79)9 #oes not reAuire the prosecution to pro!e beyon# reasonable #oubt the co"ponent acts constitutin plun#er an# i"poses a lesser bur#en of proof on the prosecution3 thus payin the $ay for the i"position of the penalty of reclusion perpetua to #eath on the accuse#3 in plain !iolation of the #ue process an# eAual protection clauses of the 0onstitution. -t obfuscates the "in# to pon#er that such an a"bi uous la$ as *.A. No. 79)9 $oul# put on the balance the life an# liberty of the accuse# a ainst $ho" all the resources of the ?tate are arraye#. -t coul# be use# as a tool a ainst political ene"ies an# a $eapon of hate an# re!en e by $hoe!er $iel#s the le!ers of po$er.

(n view of due process according to I'A&E!-!A'%(A0O* = -t is an ancient "a/i" in la$ that in ti"es of fren=y an# e/cite"ent3 $hen the #esire to #o 2ustice is tarnishe# by an er an# !en eance3 there is al$ays the #an er that !ital protections accor#e# an accuse# "ay be ta;en a$ay. ?ubstanti!e #ue process #ictates that there shoul# be no arbitrariness3 unreasonableness or a"bi uity in any la$ $hich #epri!es a person of his life or liberty. 7he trial an# other proce#ures lea#in to con!iction "ay be fair an# proper. .ut if the la$ itself is not reasonable le islation3 #ue process is !iolate#. 7hus3 an accuse# "ay not be sentence# to suffer the lethal in2ection or life i"prison"ent for an offense un#erstoo# only after 2u#icial construction ta;es o!er $here 0on ress left off3 an# interpretation supplies its "eanin . 7he 0onstitution uarantees both substanti!e an# proce#ural #ue process as $ell as the ri ht of the accuse# to be infor"e# of the nature an# cause of the accusation a ainst hi". ?ubstanti!e #ue process reAuires that a cri"inal statute shoul# not be !a ue an# uncertain. ,ore e/plicitly : 7hat the ter"s of a penal statute. . . "ust be sufficiently e/plicit to infor" those $ho are sub2ect to it $hat con#uct on their part $ill ren#er the" liable to penalties3 is a $ell-reco ni=e# reAuire"ent3 consonant ali;e $ith or#inary notions of fair play an# the settle# rules of la$. An# a statute $hich either forbi#s or reAuires the #oin of an act in ter"s so !a ue that "en of co""on intelli ence "ust necessarily uess at its "eanin an# #iffer as to its application3 !iolates the first essential of #ue process. -n its early for"ulation3 the o!erbrea#th #octrine states that a o!ern"ental purpose to control or pre!ent acti!ities constitutionally sub2ect to re ulation "ay not be achie!e# by "eans $hich s$eep unnecessarily broa#ly an# thereby in!a#e the area of protecte# free#o"s. ( A statute3 especially one in!ol!in cri"inal prosecution3 "ust be #efinite to be !ali#. A statute is !a ue or o!erbroa#3 in !iolation of the #ue process clause3 $here its lan ua e #oes not con!ey sufficiently #efinite $arnin to the a!era e person as to the prohibite# con#uct. A statute is unconstitutionally !a ue if people of co""on intelli ence "ust necessarily uess at its "eanin .

45 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

-n "al!ersation or bribery un#er the *e!ise# Penal 0o#e3 the cri"inal intent is an i"portant ele"ent of the cri"inal acts. Fn#er the Plun#er Ia$3 it is enou h that the acts are co""itte#. EAually #isa reeable is the pro!ision of the Plun#er Ia$ $hich #oes a$ay $ith the reAuire"ent that each an# e!ery co"ponent of the cri"inal act of plun#er be pro!e# an# instea# li"its itself to pro!in only a pattern of o!ert acts in#icati!e of the unla$ful sche"e or conspiracy. 1) -n effect3 the la$ see;s to penali=e the accuse# only on the basis of a pro!en sche"e or conspiracy3 an# #oes a$ay $ith the ri hts of the accuse# insofar as the co"ponent cri"es are concerne#. -n other $or#s3 *.A. No. 79)9 circu"!ents the obli ation of the prosecution to pro!e beyon# reasonable #oubt e!ery fact necessary to constitute the cri"e of plun#er3 because the la$ reAuires "erely proof of a pattern of o!ert acts sho$in an unla$ful sche"e or conspiracy. - a ree $ith petitionerMs concern o!er the #an er that the trial court "ay allo$ the specifications of #etails in an infor"ation to !ali#ate a statute inherently !oi# for !a ueness. An infor"ation cannot rise hi her than the statute upon $hich it is base#. Not e!en the construction by the ?an#i anbayan of a !a ue or a"bi uous pro!ision can supply the "issin in re#ients of the Plun#er Ia$. 7he ri ht of an accuse# to be infor"e# of the nature an# cause of the accusation a ainst hi" is "ost often e/e"plifie# in the care $ith $hich a co"plaint or infor"ation shoul# be #rafte#. Lo$e!er3 the clarity an# particularity reAuire# of an infor"ation shoul# also be present in the la$ upon $hich the char es are base#. -f the penal la$ is !a ue3 any particularity in the infor"ation $ill co"e fro" the prosecutor. 7he prosecution ta;es o!er the role of 0on ress.

(n view of vagueness according to !A',O"A/-0.%(E&&EJ* = As a basic pre"ise3 $e ha!e to accept that e!en a person accuse# of a cri"e possesses in!iolable ri hts foun#e# on the 0onstitution $hich e!en the $elfare of the society as a $hole cannot o!erri#e. 7he ri hts uarantee# to hi" by the 0onstitution are not sub2ect to political bar ainin or to the calculus of social interest. 7hus3 no "atter ho$ socially-rele!ant the purpose of a la$ is3 it "ust be nullifie# if it tra"ples upon the basic ri hts of the accuse#. >hen ?ection 4 of *.A. No. 79)9 "an#ates that it shall not be necessary for the prosecution to pro!e each an# e!ery cri"inal act #one by the accuse#3 the le islature3 in effect3 ren#ere# the enu"erate# Ncri"inal actsN un#er ?ection 1 4#5 "erely as "eans an# not as essential ele"ents of plun#er. 7his is constitutionally infir"e# an# repu nant to the basic i#ea of 2ustice an# fair play. As a "atter of #ue process3 the prosecution is reAuire# to pro!e beyon# reasonable #oubt e!ery fact necessary to constitute the cri"e $ith $hich the #efen#ant is char e#. 7he ?tate "ay not specify a lesser bur#en of proof for an ele"ent of a cri"e. ) >ith "ore reason3 it shoul# not be allo$e# to o aroun# the principle by characteri=in an essential ele"ent of plun#er "erely as a N"eansN of co""ittin the cri"e. %or the result is the re#uction of the bur#en of the prosecution to pro!e the uilt of the accuse# beyon# reasonable #oubt. -n short3 all that *.A. No. 79)9 reAuires is that each 'ustice "ust be con!ince# of the e/istence of a Nco"bination or series.N As to $hich cri"inal acts constitute a co"bination or series3 the 'ustices nee# not be in full a ree"ent. ?urely3 this $oul# co!er-up a $i#e #isa ree"ent a"on the" about 2ust $hat the accuse# actually #i# or #i# not #o. ?tate# #ifferently3 e!en if the 'ustices are not unifie# in their #eter"ination on $hat cri"inal acts $ere actually co""itte# by the accuse#3 $hich nee# not be pro!e# un#er the la$3 still3 they coul# con!ict hi" of plun#er. 7he ?pecial Prosecution 6i!ision Panel #efines it as Nat least three of the acts enu"erate# un#er ?ection 14#5 thereof.N 33 .ut it can !ery $ell be interprete# as only one act repeate# at least three ti"es. An# the Office of the ?olicitor Oeneral3 in!o;in the #eliberations of the Louse of *epresentati!es3 conten#s 46 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

#ifferently. -t #efines the ter" series as a NrepetitionN or pertainin to Nt$o or "ore.N A statute $hich is so !a ue as to per"it the infliction of capital punish"ent on acts alrea#y punishe# $ith lesser penalties by clearly for"ulate# la$ is unconstitutional. 7he !a ueness cannot be cure# by 2u#icial construction. -n fine3 - can only stress that the one on trial here is not ,r. Estra#a3 but *.A. No. 79)9. 7he issue before this 0ourt is not the uilt or innocence of the accuse#3 but the constitutionality of the la$. - !ote to rant the petition3 not because - fa!or ,r. Estra#a3 but because - loo; beyon# to#ay an# - see that this la$ can pose a serious threat to the life3 liberty an# property of anyone $ho "ay co"e un#er its unconstitutional pro!isions. As a "e"ber of this 0ourt3 "y #uty is to see to it that the la$ confor"s to the 0onstitution an# no other. si"ply cannot3 in oo# conscience3 fortify a la$ that is patently unconstitutional. E?7*A6A !s ?AN6-OAN.A+AN 4A66-7-ONAI5 -ssues& 1. >ON Plun#er Ia$ is unconstitutional for bein !a ue

No. As lon as the la$ affor#s so"e co"prehensible ui#e or rule that $oul# infor" those $ho are sub2ect to it $hat con#uct $oul# ren#er the" liable to its penalties3 its !ali#ity $ill be sustaine#. 7he a"en#e# infor"ation itself closely trac;s the lan ua e of la$3 in#icatin $1 reasonable certainty the !arious ele"ents of the offense $1c the petitioner is alle e# to ha!e co""itte#. >e #iscern nothin in the fore oin that is !a ue or a"bi uous that $ill confuse petitioner in his #efense. Petitioner ho$e!er be$ails the failure of the la$ to pro!i#e for the statutory #efinition of the ter"s @co"binationB an# @seriesB in the ;ey phrase @a co"bination or series of o!ert or cri"inal acts. 7hese o"issions3 accor#in to the petitioner3 ren#er the Plun#er Ia$ unconstitutional for bein i"per"issibly !a ue an# o!erbroa# an# #eny hi" the ri ht to be infor"e# of the nature an# cause of the accusation a ainst hi"3 hence !iolati!e of his fun#a"ental ri ht to #ue process. A statute is not ren#ere# uncertain an# !oi# "erely because eneral ter"s are use# herein3 or because of the e"ploy"ent of ter"s $ithout #efinin the". A statute or act "ay be sai# to be !a ue $hen it lac;s co"prehensible stan#ar#s that "en of co""on intelli ence "ost necessarily uess at its "eanin an# #iffer in its application. -n such instance3 the statute is repu nant to the 0onstitution in t$o 425 respects H it !iolates #ue process for failure to accor# persons3 especially the parties tar ete# by it3 fair notice of $hat con#uct to a!oi#8 an#3 it lea!es la$ enforcers unbri#le# #iscretion in carryin out its pro!isions an# beco"es an arbitrary fle/in of the Oo!ern"ent "uscle. A facial challen e is allo$e# to be "a#e to !a ue statute an# to one $hich is o!erbroa# because of possible @chillin effectB upon protecte# speech. 7he possible har" to society in per"ittin so"e unprotecte# speech to o unpunishe# is out$ei he# by the possibility that the protecte# speech of other "ay be #eterre# an# percei!e# rie!ances left to fester because of possible inhibitory effects of o!erly broa# statutes. .ut in cri"inal la$3 the la$ cannot ta;e chances as in the area of free speech. 47 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

2. >ON the Plun#er Ia$ reAuires less e!i#ence for pro!i#in the pre#icate cri"es of plun#er an# therefore !iolates the ri hts of the accuse# to #ue process No. ?ec. 4 4*ule of E!i#ence5 states that& %or purposes of establishin the cri"e of plun#er3 it shall not be necessary to pro!e each an# e!ery cri"inal act #one by the accuse# in furtherance of the sche"e or conspiracy to a"ass3 accu"ulate or acAuire ill- otten $ealth3 it bein sufficient to establish beyon# reasonable #oubt a pattern of o!ert or cri"inal acts in#icati!e of the o!erall unla$ful sche"e or conspiracy. -n a cri"inal prosecution for plun#er3 as in all other cri"es3 the accuse# al$ays has in his fa!or the presu"ption of innocence uarantee# by the .ill of *i hts3 an# unless the ?tate succee#s in #e"onstratin by proof beyon# reasonable #oubt that culpability lies3 the accuse# is entitle# to an acAuittal. 7he @reasonable #oubtB stan#ar# has acAuire# such e/alte# stature in the real" of constitutional la$ as it i!es life to the 6ue Process 0lause $hich protects the accuse# a ainst con!iction e/cept upon proof of reasonable #oubt of e!ery fact necessary to constitute the cri"e $ith $hich he is char e#. Not e!erythin alle e# in the infor"ation nee#s to be pro!e# beyon# reasonable #oubt. >hat is reAuire# to be pro!e# beyon# reasonable #oubt is e!ery ele"ent of the cri"e char e#:the ele"ent of the offense. *elati!e to petitioner<s contentions on the purporte# #efect of ?ec. 4 is his sub"ission that @patternB is a @!ery i"portant ele"ent of the cri"e of plun#er8B an# that ?ec. 4 is @t$o-pron e#3 4as5 it contains a rule of e!i#ence an# a substanti!e ele"ent of the cri"e3 @ such that $ithout it the accuse# cannot be con!icte# of plun#er H >e #o not subscribe to petitioner<s stan#. Pri"arily3 all the essential ele"ents of plun#er can be culle# an# un#erstoo# fro" its #efinition in ?ec. 23 in relation to sec. 1 par. 4#5. ?ec. 4 purports to #o no "ore than prescribe a rule of proce#ure for the prosecution of a cri"inal case for plun#er. .ein a purely proce#ural "easure3 ?ec. 4 #oes not #efine or establish any substanti!e ri ht in fa!or of the accuse# but only operate# in furtherance of a re"e#y. >hat is crucial for the prosecution is to present sufficient e!i#ence to en en#er that "oral certitu#e e/acte# by the fun#a"ental la$ to pro!e the uilt of the accuse# beyon# reasonable #oubt. 3. >ON Plun#er as #efine# in *A 79)9 is a "alu" prohibitu"3 an# if so3 $hether it is $ithin the po$er of 0on ress to so classify it. No. -t is "alu" in se $hich reAuires proof of cri"inal intent. Precisely because the constituti!e cri"es are "ala in se the ele"ent of "ens rea "ust be pro!en in a prosecution for plun#er. -t is note$orthy that the a"en#e# infor"ation alle es that the cri"e of plun#er $as co""itte# @$illfully3 unla$fully an# cri"inally.B -t thus alle es uilty ;no$le# e on the part of petitioner. -n support of his contention -n support of his contention that the statute eli"inates the reAuire"ent of "ens rea an# that is the reason he clai"s the statute is !oi#3 petitioner cites the follo$in re"ar;s of ?enator 7aTa#a "a#e #urin the #eliberation on ?... No.733 ?enator 7aTa#a $as only sayin that $here the char e is conspiracy to co""it plun#er3 the prosecution nee# not pro!e each an# e!ery cri"inal act #one to further the sche"e or conspiracy3 it bein enou h if it pro!es beyon# reasonable #oubt a pattern of o!ert or cri"inal acts in#icati!e of the o!erall unla$ful sche"e or conspiracy. As far as the acts constitutin the pattern are concerne#3 ho$e!er3 the ele"ents of the cri"e "ust be pro!e# an# the reAuisite "ens rea "ust be sho$n. 4) Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

7he application of "iti atin an# e/tenuatin circu"stances in the *e!ise# Penal 0o#e to prosecutions un#er the Anti-Plun#er Ia$ in#icates Auite clearly that "ens rea is an ele"ent of plun#er since the #e ree of responsibility of the offen#er is #eter"ine# by his cri"inal intent. %inally3 any #oubt as to $hether the cri"e of plun#er is a "alu" in se "ust be #ee"e# to ha!e been resol!e# in the affir"ati!e by the #ecision of 0on ress in 1((3 to inclu#e it a"on the heinous cri"es punishable by reclusion perpetua to #eath. 7he e!il of a cri"e "ay ta;e !arious for"s. 7here are cri"es that are3 by their !ery nature3 #espicable3 either because life $as callously ta;en or the !icti" is treate# li;e an ani"al an# utterly #ehu"ani=e# as to co"pletely #isrupt the nor"al course of his or her ro$th as a hu"an bein . 7here are cri"es ho$e!er in $hich the abo"ination lies in the si nificance an# i"plications of the sub2ect cri"inal acts in the sche"e of the lar er socio-political an# econo"ic conte/t in $hich the state fin#s itself to be stru lin to #e!elop an# pro!i#e for its poor an# un#erpri!ile e# "asses. 7he le islati!e #eclaration in *.A. No.765( that plun#er is a heinous offense i"plies that it is a "alu" in se. %or $hen the acts punishe# are inherently i""oral or inherently $ron 3 they are "ala in se an# it #oes not "atter that such acts are punishe# in a special la$3 especially since in the case of plun#er the pre#icate cri"es are "ainly "ala in se. Lel#& P*E,-?E? 0ON?-6E*E63 this 0ourt hol#s that *A 79)9 other$ise ;no$n as the Plun#er Ia$3 as a"en#e# by *A 765(3 is 0ON?7-7F7-ONAI. 0onseAuently3 the petition to #eclare the la$ unconstitutional is 6-?,-??E6 for lac; of "erit
15 Peo! e %s. NaBario, 165 SC2A 1<6 81 Bernas 169 The de)endant is char*ed o) the cri&e o) Vio ation o) 7unici!a Ordinance in in)or&ation )i ed $' the !ro%incia >isca . It #as a e*ed that in the 'ears 1?64 J 1?66, in the 7unici!a it' o) Pa*$i ao, Pro%ince o) SueBon. NaBario, $ein* then the o#ner and o!erator o) a )ish!ond situated in the sa&e &unici!a it', re)used and )ai ed to !a' &unici!a ta,es a&ountin* to P361.61. The 7unici!a ordinances %io ated NaBario are 7O No. 4 series o) 1?55 as a&ended $' 7O No. 15 series o) 1?65, and )ina ' a&ended $' 7O No. 11 series o) 1?66. In his de)ense, NaBario dec ared the )o o#in*. Ae has i%ed in Sta. 7esa 7ani a since 1?4? and he $ou*ht his 2esidence Certi)icates at 7ani a or San (uan. In 1?64566, he #as i%in* in 7ani a, and his $usiness #as in 7ani a. Ae ne%er resided in Pa*$i ao, SueBon and do not o#n a house there. Ae, ho#e%er, ha%e a ease a*ree&ent #ith the Phi i!!ine >isheries Co&&ission durin* those ti&es 81?645669, the contract o) ease #as sti e,istin* and en)orcea$ e. The Accused tends to sho# to the court that the ta,es sou*ht to $e co ected ha%e a read' a!sed and that there is no a# e&!o#erin* &unici!a ities to !ass ordinances ta,in* )ish!ond o!erators 8Under Sec. 13;? o) the 2AC, &unici!a ta,es a!se9. >urther&ore, the' tried to sho# that as essee o) the )orest and to $e con%erted into a )ish!ond, he is not co%ered $' said &unici!a ordinancesC and )ina ', NaBario shou d not $e ta,es as )ish!ond o!erator $ecause there is no )ish!ond 'et $ein* o!erated $' hi&, considerin* that the su!!osed )ish!ond #as under construction durin* the !eriod co%ered $' the ta,es sou*ht to $e co ected. >ina ', the de)endant c ai&s that the ordinance in 0uestion is u tra %ires as it is outside o) the !o#er o) the &unici!a counci o) Pa*$i ao to enact and that the de)endant c ai&s that the ordinance in 0uestion is a&$i*uous and uncertain. ISSU/. Whether or not the statute is unconstitutiona )or $ein* %a*ue thus %io ati%e o) the due !rocess ru e. A/L=. No. Sec. 1 o) 7O No. 4, 15 and 11 J An' o#ner or &ana*er o) )ish!onds in ! aces #ithin the territoria i&its o) Pa*$i ao,

4( Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

SueBon, sha !a' a &unici!a ta, in the a&ount o) P3.;; !er hectare o) )ish!ond on !art thereo) !er annu&. a9 >or con%enience o) those #ho ha%e or o#ners or &ana*ers o) )ish!onds #ithin the territoria i&its o) this &unici!a it', the date o) !a'&ent o) &unici!a ta, re ati%e thereto, sha $e*in a)ter the a!se o) three 839 'ears startin* )ro& the date said )ish!ond is a!!ro%ed $' the Bureau o) >isheries. Sec. 1 No. 119 An' o#ner or &ana*er o) )ish!onds in ! aces #ithin the territoria i&its o) PA*$i ao sha !a' a &unici!a ta, in the a&ount o) P3.;; !er hectare or an' )raction thereo) !er annu& $e*innin* and ta+in* e))ect )ro& the 'ear 1?64, i) the )ish!ond started o!eratin* $e)ore the 'ear 1?64. As a ru e, a statute or act &a' $e said to $e %a*ue #hen it ac+s co&!rehensi%e standards that &en o) co&&on inte i*ence &ush necessari ' *uess at tis &eanin* and di))er as to its a!! i cation. It is re!u*nant to the Constitution in t#o res!ectsC 1. It %io ates due !rocess )or )ai ure to accord !ersons, es!ecia ' tar*eted $' it, )air notice o) the conduct to a%oid, and 1. It ea%es a# en)orcers un$rid ed discretion in carr'in* out its !ro%ision and $eco&es ar$itrar' ) e,in* o) the -o%ern&ent &usc e. But the act &ust $e utter ' %a*ue on its )ace, that is to sa', it cannot $e c ari)ied $' either a sa%in* c ause or $' construction. M!er)ect ' %a*ueN J Act #hose o$scurit' is e%ident on its )ace VS 1. Le*is ation couched in i&!recise an*ua*e J &a' $e Msa%edN $' !ro!er construction 1. Statutes that are a!!arent ' a&$i*uous 'et )air ' a!! ica$ e to certain t'!es o) acti%ities. In this e%ent, such statutes &a' not $e cha en*ed #hene%er directed a*ainst such acti%ities. In no #a' &a' the ordinance at $ar $e said to $e tainted #ith the %ice o) %a*ueness. Petitioner )a s #ithin the co%era*e. As the actua o!erator o) the )ish!onds, he co&es #ithin the ter& &ana*er 8>inanced the construction o) the )ish!onds, introduced )ish )ries into the )ish!onds and had e&! o'ed a$orers to &aintain the&9. Whi e it a!!ears that it is the Nationa -o%ern&ent #hich o#ns the&, the *o%ern&ent ne%er shared in the !ro)its the' had *enerated. It is there)ore on ' o*ica that he shou ders the $urden o) ta, under the said ordinances. The ordinances are in the character o) re%enue &easures desi*ned to assist the co))ers o) the &unici!a it' and o$%ious ', it cannot $e the o#ner 8*o%ern&ent9 #ho& ia$i it' shou d attach, )or ont thin*, u!on the ancient !rinci! e that the -o%ern&ent is i&&une )ro& ta,es and )or another, since it is not the -o%ern&ent that had $een &a+in* &one' )ro& the %enture. A*ustin %s. /du, << SC2A 1?5 81 Bernas 439 >acts. The %a idit' o) a etter o) Instruction !ro%idin* )or an ear ' sea&in* de%ice )or &otor %ehic es is assai ed in this !rohi$ition !roceedin*. The So icitor -enera contended that The Letter o) Instruction on is a %a id !o ice !o#er &easure. Nor cou d the i&! e&entin* ru es and re*u ations issued $' res!ondent /du $e considered as a&ountin* to an e,ercise o) e*is ati%e !o#er. Accordin* ', the !etition &ust $e dis&issed. The assai ed Letter o) Instruction No. 11? o) President 7arcos states that the statistics sho# that one o) the &a"or causes o) )ata or serious accidents in and trans!ortation is the !resence o) disa$ ed, sta ed or !ar+ed &otor %ehic es #ithout an' a!!ro!riate ear ' #arnin* de%ice to si*na a!!roachin* &otorists o) their !resence. A so, the Vienna Con%ention #hich #as rati)ied $' the Phi i!!ine -o%ern&ent under P.=. No. 1;:, reco&&ended the enact&ent o) oca e*is ation )or the insta ation o) road sa)et' si*ns and de%ices. In the interest o) sa)et' on a streets and hi*h#a's, inc udin* e,!ress#a's or i&ited access roads, it #as directed. 1. That a o#ners o) &otor %ehic es sha ha%e at a ti&es in their &otor %ehic es at east one !air o) ear ' #arnin* de%ice. The Letter o) Instruction #as assai ed $' !etitioner Leo%i o A*ustin #ho is a $eet e o#ner to ha%e %io ated the constitution *uarantee o) due !rocess and it c ear ' %io ated the !ro%isions and de e*ation o) !o ice !o#er. Issue. Whether or not the Letter o) instruction %io ates the constitutiona *uarantee o) due !rocess. Ae d. No. The Letter o) Instruction in 0uestion #as issued in the e,ercise o) the !o ice !o#er. It is the su$&ission o) the !etitioner, ho#e%er, that #hi e e&$raced in such a cate*or', it has o))ended a*ainst the due !rocess and e0ua


59 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

!rotection sa)e*uards o) the Constitution. The $road and e,!ansi%e sco!e o) the !o ice !o#er #hich #as ori*ina ' identi)ied $' Chie) (ustice Tane' in a decision as @nothin* &ore or ess than the !o#ers o) *o%ern&ent inherent in e%er' so%erei*nt'.N Persons and !ro!ert' cou d thus D$e su$"ected to a +inds o) restraints and $urdens )or the *enera co&)ort, hea th and !ros!erit' o) the state. Because it is )or !u$ ic sa)et', the constitutiona it' o) the a# #as u!he d. /%en i) the car had $ in+in* i*hts, he &ust sti $u' re) ectors. Ais c ai&s that the statute #as o!!ressi%e #as not &eritorious $ecause the re) ectors #ere not e,!ensi%e. The $ in+in* i*hts &a' ead to con)usion #hether the nature and !ur!ose o) the dri%er is concerned. There #as a so no )actua )oundation on !etitioner to re)ute %a idit'. The !resu&!tion o) constitutiona it' &ust !re%ai in the a$sence o) )actua record in o%er thro#in* the statute. There #as no constitutiona $asis )or !etitioner $ecause the a# doesnKt %io ate an' constitutiona !ro%ision. LOI 11? doesnKt )orce &otor %ehic e o#ners to !urchase the re) ector )ro& the LTO. It on ' !rescri$es the re0uire&ent )ro& an' source. The o$"ecti%e is !u$ ic sa)et'. Last ', the Vienna con%ention on road ri*hts and P= 1;: $oth reco&&ended use o) /W=Ks. O &stead %s. US 8Brandeis dissent9, 1:: US 43<


7ain To!ic. Search V SeiBure and Pri%ac' S'no!sis o) 2u e o) La#. MA standard #hich #ou d )or$id the rece!tion o) e%idence, i) o$tained $' other than ethica conduct $' *o%ern&ent o))icia s, #ou d &a+e societ' su))er and *i%e cri&ina s *reater i&&unit' than has $een +no#n hereto)ore. In the a$sence o) contro in* e*is ation $' Con*ress, those #ho rea iBe the di))icu ties in $rin*in* o))enders to "ustice &a' #e dee& it #ise that the e,c usion o) e%idence shou d $e con)ined to cases #here ri*hts under the Constitution #ou d $e %io ated $' ad&ittin* it. >acts Various indi%idua s #ere con%icted o) i0uor re ated cri&es, inc udin* cons!irac'. The o!eration *rossed a su$stantia a&ount o) &one'. The eadin* cons!irator and the *enera &ana*er o) the $usiness #as one o) the Petitioners, O &stead 8the MPetitionerN9. The &ain o))ice o) the $usiness #as in Seatt e and there #ere three te e!hones in the o))ice, each on a di))erent ine. There #ere a so te e!hones in an o))ice the Petitioner had in his o#n ho&e, at the ho&e o) his associates and %arious other ! aces in Seatt e. A ot o) co&&unication occurred $et#een Seatt e and Vancou%er, British Co u&$ia. MThe in)or&ation #hich ed to the disco%er' o) the cons!irac' and its nature and e,tent #as ar*e ' o$tained $' interce!tin* &essa*es on the te e!hones o) the cons!irators $' )our )edera !rohi$ition o))icers. S&a #ires #ere inserted a on* the ordinar' te e!hone #ires )ro& the residences o) )our o) the sus!ects and those eadin* )ro& the chie) o))ice. The insertions #ere &ade #ithout tres!ass u!on an' !ro!ert' o) the de)endants. The' #ere &ade in the $ase&ent o) the ar*e o))ice $ui din*. The ta!s )ro& house ines #ere &ade in the streets near the houses.N Various con%ersations #ere ta!ed and testi)ied to $' *o%ern&ent #itnesses. Issue Whether the use o) e%idence o) !ri%ate te e!hone con%ersations $et#een the de)endants and others, interce!ted $' &eans o) #ire ta!!in*, a&ounted to a %io ation o) the >ourth and >i)th A&end&ents. When it co&es to inter!retin* the Constitution, are "ud*es i&ited to the #a's in #hich the te,t #as ori*ina ' understood $' the authorsI When it co&es to the constitutiona !roection a*ainst @unreasona$ e serach and seiBure,@ does that re)er on ' to the sorts o) thin*s that cou d $e searched and seiBed at the ti&e that the Constitution #as #rittenI Ae d. The Su!re&e Court ru ed 554 a*ainst the ! ainti))s and in )a%or o) the *o%ern&ent, ho din* that #ire5ta!!in* #as not an unreasona$ e search and seiBure #ithin the &eanin* o) the >ourth A&end&ent and #as not co&!u sor' se )5

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incri&ination #ithin the &eanin* o) the >i)th A&end&ent. Accordin* to Chie) (ustice Ta)t. The a&end&ent itse ) sho#s that the search is to $e o) &ateria thin*s 5 the !erson, the house, his !a!ers or his e))ects. The a&end&ent does not )or$id #hat #as done here )or there #as no seiBure. The e%idence #as secured $' the sense o) hearin* and that on '. There #as not entr' o) the houses. The an*ua*e o) the a&end&ent cannot $e e,tended and e,!anded. Since the e%idence #as a con%ersation and no entr' #as &ade into O &steadDs ho&e, there #as there)ore no %io ation o) his ri*hts a*ainst unreasona$ e search and seiBure. Brandeis =issent Particu ar ' i&!ortant in this case #as (ustice BrandeisD dissentin* o!inion, in #hich he aid the *round#or+ )or understandin* constitutiona *uarantees o) i$ert' and !ri%ac'. I sha 0uote hi& at en*th, $ut the sa ient !oints o) his dissent are. )irst, that the Constitutiona an*ua*e shou d not $e i&ited to "ust the ideas in the &inds o) the authors and &ust instead $e a!! ied to &odern issuesC second, that the Court has a tradition o) a!! 'in* the #ords in the Constitution $road ' rather than narro# ' or itera ', and third, that the an*ua*e o) the Constitution *uarantees e%er'one $asic ri*hts to i$ert' and !ri%ac' #hich are inherent in, e%en i) not e,!ressed $', the actua #ords o) the Constitution. The -o%ern&ent &a+es no atte&!t to de)end the &ethods e&! o'ed $' its o))icers. Indeed, it concedes that i) #ire5 ta!!in* can $e dee&ed a search and seiBure #ithin the >ourth A&end&ent, such #ire ta!!in* as #as !racticed in the case at $ar #as an unreasona$ e search and seiBure, and that the e%idence thus o$tained #as inad&issi$ e. But it re ies on the an*ua*e o) the A&end&entC and it c ai&s that the !rotection *i%en there$' cannot !ro!er ' $e he d to inc ude a te e!hone con%ersation. DWe &ust ne%er )or*et,D said 7r. Chie) (ustice 7arsha in 7cCu och %. 7ar' and, Dthat it is a Constitution #e are e,!oundin*.D Since then this court has re!eated ' sustained the e,ercise o) !o#er $' Con*ress, under %arious c auses o) that instru&ent, o%er o$"ects o) #hich the )athers cou d not ha%e drea&ed. ...We ha%e i+e#ise he d that *enera i&itations on the !o#ers o) *o%ern&ent, i+e those e&$odied in the due !rocess c auses o) the >i)th and >ourteenth A&end&ents, do not )or$id the United States or the states )ro& &eetin* &odern conditions $' re*u ations #hich Da centur' a*o, or e%en ha ) a centur' a*o, !ro$a$ ' #ou d ha%e $een re"ected as ar$itrar' and o!!ressi%e.D ...C auses *uaranteein* to the indi%idua !rotection a*ainst s!eci)ic a$uses o) !o#er, &ust ha%e a si&i ar ca!acit' o) ada!tation to a chan*in* #or d. Ti&e and a*ain this court, in *i%in* e))ect to the !rinci! e under 'in* the >ourth A&end&ent, has re)used to ! ace an undu ' itera construction u!on it. This #as nota$ ' i ustrated in the Bo'd Case itse ). Ta+in* an*ua*e in its ordinar' &eanin*, there is no DsearchD or DseiBureD #hen a de)endant is re0uired to !roduce a docu&ent in the order ' !rocess o) a courtDs !rocedure. DThe ri*ht o) the !eo! e o) $e secure in their !ersons, houses, !a!ers, and e))ects, a*ainst unreasona$ e searches and seiBures,D #ou d not $e %io ated, under an' ordinar' construction o) an*ua*e, $' co&!e in* o$edience to a su$!oena. But this court ho ds the e%idence inad&issi$ e si&! ' $ecause the in)or&ation eadin* to the issue o) the su$!oena has $een un a#)u ' secured. The !rotection *uaranteed $' the a&end&ents is &uch $roader in sco!e. The &a+ers o) our Constitution undertoo+ to secure conditions )a%ora$ e to the !ursuit o) ha!!iness. The' reco*niBed the si*ni)icance o) &anDs s!iritua nature, o) his )ee in*s and o) his inte ect. The' +ne# that on ' a !art o) the !ain, ! easure and satis)actions o) i)e are to $e )ound in &ateria thin*s. The' sou*ht to !rotect A&ericans in their $e ie)s, their thou*hts, their e&otions and their sensations. The' con)erred, as a*ainst the *o%ern&ent, the ri*ht to $e et a one 5 the &ost co&!rehensi%e o) ri*hts and the ri*ht &ost %a ued $' ci%i iBed &en. To !rotect that ri*ht, e%er' un"usti)ia$ e intrusion $' the *o%ern&ent u!on the !ri%ac' o) the indi%idua , #hate%er the &eans e&! o'ed, &ust $e dee&ed a %io ation o) the >ourth A&end&ent. YYYBrandeisD dissent has )or&ed the )oundation )or ci%i 5 i$ertarian ar*u&ents in a cases in%o %in* !ri%ac' since this decision #as handed do#n.

52 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$


-ris#o d %s. Connecticut, 3<1 US 4:? 81?659

7o follo$.


2oe %s. Wade, 41; US 113 81?:39 2oe 8P9, a !re*nant sin* e #o&an, $rou*ht a c ass action suit cha en*in* the constitutiona it' o) the Te,as a$ortion a#s. These a#s &ade it a cri&e to o$tain or atte&!t an a$ortion e,ce!t on &edica ad%ice to sa%e the i)e o) the &other. Other ! ainti))s in the a#suit inc uded Aa )ord, a doctor #ho )aced cri&ina !rosecution )or %io atin* the state a$ortion a#sC and the =oes, a &arried cou! e #ith no chi dren, #ho sou*ht an in"unction a*ainst en)orce&ent o) the a#s on the *rounds that the' #ere unconstitutiona . The de)endant #as count' =istrict Attorne' Wade 8=9. A three5"ud*e =istrict Court !ane tried the cases to*ether and he d that 2oe and Aa )ord had standin* to sue and !resented "usticia$ e contro%ersies, and that dec arator' re ie) #as #arranted. The court a so ru ed ho#e%er that in"uncti%e re ie) #as not #arranted and that the =oesK co&! aint #as not "usticia$ e. 2oe and Aa )ord #on their a#suits at tria . The district court he d that the Te,as a$ortion statutes #ere %oid as %a*ue and )or o%er$road ' in)rin*in* the Ninth and >ourteenth A&end&ent ri*hts o) the ! ainti))s. The =oes ost, ho#e%er, $ecause the district court ru ed that in"uncti%e re ie) a*ainst en)orce&ent o) the a#s #as not #arranted. The =oes a!!ea ed direct ' to the Su!re&e Court o) the United States and Wade cross5a!!ea ed the district courtKs "ud*&ent in )a%or o) 2oe and Aa )ord. ISSU/. =oes the =ue Process C ause o) the >ourteenth A&end&ent to the United States Constitution !rotect the ri*ht to !ri%ac', inc udin* the ri*ht to o$tain an a$ortionI Yes. The =ue Process C ause !rotects the ri*ht to !ri%ac', inc udin* a #o&anKs ri*ht to ter&inate her !re*nanc', a*ainst state action. The Court issued its decision on (anuar' 11, 1?:3, #ith a :5to51 &a"orit' %ote in )a%or o) 2oe. The Court dee&ed a$ortion a )unda&enta ri*ht under the United States Constitution, there$' su$"ectin* a a#s atte&!tin* to restrict it to the standard o) strict scrutin'. Ri)ht to $'ivac% The Court dec ined to ado!t the district courtDs Ninth A&end&ent rationa e, and instead asserted that the @ri*ht o) !ri%ac', #hether it $e )ounded in the >ourteenth A&end&entDs conce!t o) !ersona i$ert' and restrictions u!on state action, as #e )ee it is, or, as the district court deter&ined, in the Ninth A&end&entDs reser%ation o) ri*hts to the !eo! e, is $road enou*h to enco&!ass a #o&anDs decision #hether or not to ter&inate her !re*nanc'.@ =ou* as, in his concurrin* o!inion in the co&!anion case "oe v. Bolton, stated &ore e&!hatica ' that, @The Ninth A&end&ent o$%ious ' does not create )edera ' en)orcea$ e ri*hts.@ The Court asserted that the *o%ern&ent had t#o co&!etin* interests J !rotectin* the &otherDs hea th and !rotectin* the @!otentia it' o) hu&an i)e@. >o o#in* its ear ier o*ic, the Court stated that durin* the )irst tri&ester, #hen the !rocedure is &ore sa)e than chi d$irth, the decision to a$ort &ust $e e)t to the &other and her !h'sician. The State has the ri*ht to inter%ene !rior to )eta %ia$i it' on ' to !rotect the hea th o) the &other, and &a' re*u ate the !rocedure a)ter %ia$i it' so on* as there is a #a's an e,ce!tion )or !reser%in* &aterna hea th. The Court additiona ' added that

53 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

the !ri&ar' ri*ht $ein* !reser%ed in the #oe decision #as that o) the !h'sicianDs ri*ht to !ractice &edicine )ree ' a$sent a co&!e in* state interest J not #o&enDs ri*hts in *enera . The Court e,! icit ' re"ected a )eta @ri*ht to i)e@ ar*u&ent.


O! e %s. Torres, 141 SC2A 1?3 Facts: On =ece&$er 11, 1??6, then President >I=/L V. 2A7OS issued Ad&inistrati%e Order No. 3;< entit ed MA=OPTION O> A NATIONAL CO7PUT/2IW/= I=/NTI>ICATION 2/>/2/NC/ SYST/7N. The AO see+s to ha%e a >i i!ino citiBens and )orei*n residents to ha%e a Po!u ation 2e)erence Nu&$er 8P2N9 *enerated $' the Nationa Statistics O))ice 8NSO9 throu*h the use o) BIO7/T2ICS T/CANOLO-Y . Issues. The AO #as 0uestioned $' Senator O! e on the )o o#in* *rounds. 1. The esta$ ish&ent o) the P2N #ithout an' a# is an unconstitutiona usur!ation o) the e*is ati%e !o#ers o) the Con*ress o) the Phi i!!inesC 1. The a!!ro!riation o) !u$ ic )unds )or the i&! e&entation o) the said AO is unconstitutiona since Con*ress has the e,c usi%e authorit' to a!!ro!riate )unds )or such e,!enditureC and 3. Held: 1. The AO esta$ ishes a s'ste& o) identi)ication that is a 5enco&!assin* in sco!e, a))ects the i)e and i$ert' o) e%er' >i i!ino citiBens and )orei*n residents and there)ore, it is su!!osed to $e a a# !assed $' Con*ress that i&! e&ents it, not $' an Ad&inistrati%e Order issued $' the President. Ad&inistrati%e Po#er, #hich is su!!osed to $e e,ercised $' the President, is concerned #ith the #or+ o) a!! 'in* !o icies and en)orcin* orders as deter&ined $' !ro!er *o%ern&enta or*ans. It ena$ es the President to )i, a uni)or& standard o) ad&inistrati%e e))icienc' and chec+ the o))icia conduct o) his a*ents. Precedin* )ro& the )ore*oin* !rece!ts, AO 3;< in%o %es a su$"ect that is ina!!ro!riate to $e co%ered $' an Ad&inistrati%e Order. An ad&inistrati%e order is an ordinance issued $' the President #hich re ates to s!eci)ic as!ects in the ad&inistrati%e o!eration o) the *o%ern&ent. It &ust $e in har&on' #ith the a# and shou d $e )or the so e !ur!ose o) i&! e&entin* the a# and carr'in* out the e*is ati%e !o ic'. The su$"ect o) AO 3;< there)ore is $e'ond the !o#er o) the President to issue and it is a usur!ation o) e*is ati%e !o#er. 1. The AO i+e#ise %io ates the ri*ht to !ri%ac' since its &ain !ur!ose is to !ro%ide a Mco&&on re)erence nu&$er to esta$ ish a in+a*e a&on* concerned a*encies throu*h the use o) BIO7/T2ICS T/CANOLO-Y. Bio&etr' is the science o) the a!! ication o) statistica &ethods to $io o*ica )actsC a &athe&atica ana 'sis o) a $io o*ica data. It is the con)ir&ation o) an indi%idua Ks identit' throu*h a )in*er!rint, retina scan, hand *eo&etr' or )acia )eatures. Throu*h the P2N, the *o%ern&ent o))ice has the chance o) $ui din* a hu*e and )or&ida$ e in)or&ation $ase throu*h the e ectronic in+a*e o) the )i es o) e%er' citiBen. The data, ho#e%er, &a' $e *athered )or *ain)u and use)u *o%ern&ent !ur!osesC $ut the e,istence o) this %ast reser%oir o) !ersona in)or&ation constitutes a co%ert in%itation to &isuse, a te&!tation that &a' $e too *reat )or so&e o) our authorities to resist. 3. >urther, the AO does not e%en te us in c ear and une0ui%oca ter&s ho# these in)or&ation *athered sha $e hand ed. It does not !ro%ide #ho sha contro and access the data and under #hat circu&stances and )or #hat !ur!ose. These )actors are essentia to sa)e*uard the !ri%ac' and *uarant' the inte*rit' o) the in)or&ation. The co&!uter in+a*e *i%es other *o%ern&ent a*encies access to the in)or&ation. Y/T, TA/2/ A2/ NO CONT2OLS TO -UA2= A-AINST L/AOA-/ O> IN>O27ATIONS. WA/N TA/ ACC/SS CO=/ O> TA/ CONT2OL P2O-2A7S O> TA/ PA2TICULA2 CO7PUT/2 SYST/7 IS B2OO/N, AN INT2U=/2, WITAOUT >/A2 O> SANCTION O2 The AO %io ates the citiBenKs ri*ht to !ri%ac' !rotected $' the Bi o) 2i*hts o) the Constitution.

54 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

P/NALTY, CAN 7AO/ US/ O> TA/ =ATA >O2 WAAT/V/2 PU2POS/, O2 WO2S/, 7ANIPULAT/ TA/ =ATA STO2/= WITAIN TA/ SYST/7. 4. AO No. 3;< is unconstitutiona since it )a s short o) assurin* that !ersona in)or&ation *athered a$out our !eo! e #i $e used on ' )or s!eci)ied !ur!oses there$' %io atin* the citiBenKs ri*ht to !ri%ac'. ? <

Peo! e %s. >a"ardo, 1;; Phi 443 81 Bernas 63?9 Ynot %s. CA, 14< SC2A 65? 81 Bernas 119 FACTS: The !etitioner had trans!orted si, cara$aos in a !u&! $oat )ro& 7as$ate to I oi o on (anuar' 13, 1?<4, #hen the' #ere con)iscated $' the !o ice station co&&ander o) Barotac Nue%o, I oi o, )or %io ation o) /,ecuti%e Order No. 6165A #hich !ro%ides that Mthe cara$ao or cara$ee) trans!orted in %io ation o) this /,ecuti%e Order as a&ended sha $e su$"ect to con)iscation and )or)eiture $' the *o%ern&ent, to $e distri$uted to charita$ e institutions and other si&i ar institutions as the Chair&an o) the Nationa 7eat Ins!ection Co&&ission &a' a' see )it, in the case o) cara$ee), and to deser%in* )ar&ers throu*h dis!ersa as the =irector o) Ani&a Industr' &a' see )it, in the case o) cara$aosN. The !etitioner sued )or reco%er', and the 2e*iona Tria Court o) I oi o Cit' issued a #rit o) re! e%in u!on his )i in* o) a su!ersedeas $ond o) P11,;;;.;;. A)ter considerin* the &erits o) the case, the court sustained the con)iscation o) the cara$aos and, since the' cou d no on*er $e !roduced, ordered the con)iscation o) the $ond. The court a so dec ined to ru e on the constitutiona it' o) the e,ecuti%e order, as raise $' the !etitioner, )or ac+ o) authorit' and a so )or its !resu&ed %a idit'. The !etitioner a!!ea ed the decision to the Inter&ediate A!!e ate Court,Y 3 #hich u!he d the tria court, YY and he has no# co&e $e)ore us in this !etition )or re%ie# on certiorari. ISSUES: Whether or not e,ecuti%e order no. 6165A is unconstitutiona due &isa!! ication o) !o ice !o#er, %io ation o) due !rocess, and undue de e*ation o) e*is ati%e !o#erI HE !: The !rotection o) the *enera #e )are is the !articu ar )unction o) the !o ice !o#er #hich $oth restraints and is restrained $' due !rocess. The !o ice !o#er is si&! ' de)ined as the !o#er inherent in the State to re*u ate i$ert' and !ro!ert' )or the !ro&otion o) the *enera #e )are. It is this !o#er that is no# in%o+ed $' the *o%ern&ent to "usti)' /,ecuti%e Order No. 6165A, a&endin* the $asic ru e in /,ecuti%e Order No. 616, !rohi$itin* the s au*hter o) cara$aos e,ce!t under certain conditions. To "usti)' the State in thus inter!osin* its authorit' in $eha ) o) the !u$ ic, it &ust a!!ear, )irst, that the interests o) the !u$ ic *enera ', as distin*uished )ro& those o) a !articu ar c ass, re0uire such inter)erenceC and second, that the &eans are reasona$ ' necessar' )or the acco&! ish&ent o) the !ur!ose, and not undu ' o!!ressi%e u!on indi%idua s. In the i*ht o) the tests &entioned, #e ho d #ith the Tori$io Case that there is no dou$t that $' $annin* the s au*hter o) these ani&a s e,ce!t #here the' are at east se%en 'ears o d i) &a e and e e%en 'ears o d i) )e&a e u!on issuance o) the necessar' !er&it, the e,ecuti%e order #i $e conser%in* those sti )it )or )ar& #or+ or $reedin* and !re%entin* their i&!ro%ident de! etion. But #hi e concedin* that the a&endator' &easure has the sa&e a#)u su$"ect as the ori*ina e,ecuti%e order, #e cannot sa' #ith e0ua certaint' that it co&! ies #ith the second re0uire&ent, %iB., that there $e a a#)u &ethod. We note that to stren*then the ori*ina &easure, /,ecuti%e Order No. 6165A i&!oses an a$so ute $an not on the s au*hter o) the cara$aos $ut on their &o%e&ent, !ro%idin* that @no cara$ao re*ard ess o) a*e, se,, !h'sica condition or !ur!ose 8sic9 and no cara$ee) sha $e trans!orted )ro& one !ro%ince to another.@ The o$"ect o) the !rohi$ition esca!es us. The reasona$ e connection $et#een the &eans e&! o'ed and the !ur!ose sou*ht to $e achie%ed $' the

55 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

0uestioned &easure is &issin*. We do not see ho# the !rohi$ition o) the inter5!ro%incia trans!ort o) cara$aos can !re%ent their indiscri&inate s au*hter, considerin* that the' can $e +i ed an'#here, #ith no ess di))icu t' in one !ro%ince than in another. O$%ious ', retainin* the cara$aos in one !ro%ince #i not !re%ent their s au*hter there, an' &ore than &o%in* the& to another !ro%ince #i &a+e it easier to +i the& there. As )or the cara$ee), the !rohi$ition is &ade to a!! ' to it as other#ise, so sa's e,ecuti%e order, it cou d $e easi ' circu&%ented $' si&! ' +i in* the ani&a . Perha!s so. Ao#e%er, i) the &o%e&ent o) the i%e ani&a s )or the !ur!ose o) !re%entin* their s au*hter cannot $e !rohi$ited, it shou d )o o# that there is no reason either to !rohi$it their trans)er as, not to $e ) i!!ant dead &eat. /%en i) a reasona$ e re ation $et#een the &eans and the end #ere to $e assu&ed, #e #ou d sti ha%e to rec+on #ith the sanction that the &easure a!! ies )or %io ation o) the !rohi$ition. The !ena t' is outri*ht con)iscation o) the cara$ao or cara$ee) $ein* trans!orted, to $e &eted out $' the e,ecuti%e authorities, usua ' the !o ice on '. In the Tori$io Case, the statute #as sustained $ecause the !ena t' !rescri$ed #as )ine and i&!rison&ent, to $e i&!osed $' the court a)ter tria and con%iction o) the accused. Under the cha en*ed &easure, si*ni)icant ', no such tria is !rescri$ed, and the !ro!ert' $ein* trans!orted is i&&ediate ' i&!ounded $' the !o ice and dec ared, $' the &easure itse ), as )or)eited to the *o%ern&ent. This &easure de!ri%es the indi%idua due !rocess as *ranted $' the Constitution. The due !rocess c ause #as +e!t intentiona ' %a*ue so it #ou d re&ain a so con%enient ' resi ient. This #as )e t necessar' $ecause due !rocess is not, i+e so&e !ro%isions o) the )unda&enta a#, an @iron ru e@ a'in* do#n an i&! aca$ e and i&&uta$ e co&&and )or a seasons and a !ersons. > e,i$i it' &ust $e the $est %irtue o) the *uarant'. The %er' e asticit' o) the due !rocess c ause #as &eant to &a+e it ada!t easi ' to e%er' situation, en ar*in* or constrictin* its !rotection as the chan*in* ti&es and circu&stances &a' re0uire. A#are o) this, the courts ha%e a so hesitated to ado!t their o#n s!eci)ic descri!tion o) due !rocess est the' con)ine the&se %es in a e*a strait"ac+et that #i de!ri%e the& o) the e $o# roo& the' &a' need to %ar' the &eanin* o) the c ause #hene%er indicated. The &ini&u& re0uire&ents o) due !rocess are notice and hearin* #hich, *enera ' s!ea+in*, &a' not $e dis!ensed #ith $ecause the' are intended as a sa)e*uard a*ainst o))icia ar$itrariness. It is a *rati)'in* co&&entar' on our "udicia s'ste& that the "uris!rudence o) this countr' is rich #ith a!! ications o) this *uarant' as !roo) o) our )ea t' to the ru e o) a# and the ancient rudi&ents o) )air ! a'. It has a read' $een re&ar+ed that there are occasions #hen notice and hearin* &a' $e %a id ' dis!ensed #ith not#ithstandin* the usua re0uire&ent )or these &ini&u& *uarantees o) due !rocess. It is a so conceded that su&&ar' action &a' $e %a id ' ta+en in ad&inistrati%e !roceedin*s as !rocedura due !rocess is not necessari ' "udicia on '. In the e,ce!tiona cases acce!ted, ho#e%er. there is a "usti)ication )or the o&ission o) the ri*ht to a !re%ious hearin*, to #it, the i&&ediac' o) the !ro$ e& sou*ht to $e corrected and the ur*enc' o) the need to correct it. In the case $e)ore us, there #as no such !ressure o) ti&e or action ca in* )or the !etitionerDs !ere&!tor' treat&ent. The !ro!erties in%o %ed #ere not e%en ini&ica !er se as to re0uire their instant destruction. There certain ' #as no reason #h' the o))ense !rohi$ited $' the e,ecuti%e order shou d not ha%e $een !ro%ed )irst in a court o) "ustice, #ith the accused $ein* accorded a the ri*hts sa)e*uarded to hi& under the Constitution. Considerin* that, as #e he d in Pesi*an %. An*e es, 11 /,ecuti%e Order No. 6165A is !ena in nature, the %io ation thereo) shou d ha%e $een !ronounced not $' the !o ice on ' $ut $' a court o) "ustice, #hich a one #ou d ha%e had the authorit' to i&!ose the !rescri$ed !ena t', and on ' a)ter tria and con%iction o) the accused. To su& u! then, #e )ind that the cha en*ed &easure is an in%a id e,ercise o) the !o ice !o#er $ecause the &ethod

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e&! o'ed to conser%e the cara$aos is not reasona$ ' necessar' to the !ur!ose o) the a# and, #orse, is undu ' o!!ressi%e. =ue !rocess is %io ated $ecause the o#ner o) the !ro!ert' con)iscated is denied the ri*ht to $e heard in his de)ense and is i&&ediate ' conde&ned and !unished. The con)er&ent on the ad&inistrati%e authorities o) the !o#er to ad"ud*e the *ui t o) the su!!osed o))ender is a c ear encroach&ent on "udicia )unctions and &i itates a*ainst the doctrine o) se!aration o) !o#ers. There is, )ina ', a so an in%a id de e*ation o) e*is ati%e !o#ers to the o))icers &entioned therein #ho are *ranted un i&ited discretion in the distri$ution o) the !ro!erties ar$itrari ' ta+en. >or these reasons, #e here$' dec are /,ecuti%e Order No. 6165A unconstitutiona . : Be 5Air Association %s. IAC, 1:6 SC2A :1? >acts. E-2 :116?F Be 5Air Vi a*e is ocated north o) Buendia A%enue e,tension across a stretch o) co&&ercia $ oc+ )ro& 2e!oso Street in the #est u! to Wodiac Street in the east. When Be 5Air Vi a*e #as ! anned, this $ oc+ $et#een 2e!oso and Wodiac Streets ad"oinin* Buendia A%enue in )ront o) the %i a*e #as desi*nated as a co&&ercia $ oc+. Be 5Air Vi a*e #as o#ned and de%e o!ed into a residentia su$di%ision in the 1?5;s $' 7a+ati =e%e o!&ent Cor!oration 87=C9, #hich in 1?6< #as &er*ed #ith A'a a Cor!oration. S!ouses San*a an* reside at 11; (u!iter St. $et#een 7a+ati A%e. and 2e!oso St.C S!ouses -aston reside at 64 (u!iter St. $et#een 7a+ati A%e. and Wodiac St.C S!ouses Briones reside at 66 (u!iter St.C #hi e Be 5Air Vi a*e Association, Inc. 8BAVA9 is the ho&eo#nersD association in Be 5Air Vi a*e #hich ta+es care o) the sanitation, securit', tra))ic re*u ations and *enera #e )are o) the %i a*e. The ots #hich #ere ac0uired $' the San*a an*s, the -astons, the Brioneses in 1?6;, 1?5: and 1?5<, res!ecti%e ', a so d $' 7=C su$"ect to certain conditions and ease&ents contained in =eed 2estrictions #hich )or&ed a !art o) each deed o) sa e 8i.e. $ein* auto&atic &e&$ers o) Be 5Air Association #ho &ust a$ide $' the ru es and re*u ations aid do#n $' the Association Eas !er sanitation, securit' and *enera #e )are o) the co&&unit'FC that ots cannot $e su$di%ided and on ' used )or residentia !ur!osesC that sin* e )a&i ' house $e constructed in sin* e otC no co&&ercia or ad%ertisin* si*ns ! aced or erected on the otC no )ar& ani&a s a o#ed, !ets a o#edC ease&ent o) 1 &eters #ithin otC ot not used )or i&&ora or i e*a trade or acti%it'C *rass a #a's tri&&edC 2estrictions in )orce )or 5; 'ears startin* 15 (anuar' 1?5:9. 7=C constructed a )ence on the co&&ercia $ oc+ a on* (u!iter Street in 1?66, a thou*h it #as not !art o) the ori*ina ! an. The )ence #as !artia ' destro'ed in 1?:; due to a t'!hoon. The )ence #as su$se0uent ' re$ui t $' the A'a a. (u!iter Street #as #idened in 1?:1, and the )ence had to $e destro'ed. U!on re0uest o) BAVA, the #a #as re$ui t inside the $oundar' o) the co&&ercia $ oc+. A'a a )ina ' decided to su$di%ide and se the ots in the co&&ercia $ oc+ $et#een Buendia and (u!iter. BAVA re0uested con)ir&ation o) use o) the co&&ercia ots. On 3; (une 1?:1, A'a a i+e#ise in)or&ed BAVA that in a )e# &onths it sha su$di%ided and se the co&&ercia ots $orderin* the north side o) Buendia A%enue /,tension )ro& 2e!oso St. u! to Wodiac St. =eed restrictions 8$ui din* ha%in* set $ac+ o) 1? &eters, and &atters 2/ entrances and e,its9 are i&!osed in such co&&ercia ots to har&oniBe and $ end #ith the de%e o!&ent and #e )are o) Be 5Air Vi a*e. A'a a )urther a!! ied )or s!ecia &e&$ershi! in BAVA o) the co&&ercia ot o#ners, the a!! ication su$&itted to BAVAKs $oard o) *o%ernors )or decision. On 15 Se!te&$er 1?:1, hei*ht i&itations )or $ui din*s #ere increased )ro& 11.5 &eters to 15 &eters and (u!iter street is #idened $' 3.5 &eters. The #idenin* o) the street reduced the association dues to $e re&itted to BAVA, inas&uch that it no# a!! ies to :6,:16 s0.&. rather than <1,5?; s0.&. =ue rates ha%e increased )ro& P;.5Us0.& in 1?:1 to P3Us0.& in 1?<;. On 4 A!ri 1?:5, 7a+ati enacted Ordinance <1, !ro%idin* )or the Boni)ication o) 7a+ati, #hich c assi)ied Be 5Air Vi a*e as a C ass A 2esidentia Wone, #ith its $oundar' in the south e,tendin* to the center ine o) (u!iter Street 8Cha!ter 3, Artic e 1, Section 3.;3, !ara*ra!h >9. The Buendia A%enue e,tension area #as c assi)ied as Ad&inistrati%e O))ice Wone #ith its $oundar' in the NorthNorth /ast /,tendin* a so u! to the center ine o) (u!iter Street 8Cha!ter 3, Artic e 1, Section 3.;5, !ara*ra!h C9. The 2esidentia Wone and the Ad&inistrati%e O))ice Wone ha%e a co&&on $oundar' a on* the center ine o) (u!iter Street. The Bonin* #as ater )o o#ed under the Co&!rehensi%e Wonin* Ordinance )or the Nationa Ca!ita 2e*ion ado!ted $' the 7etro 7ani a Co&&ission as Ordinance <15;1 on 14 7arch 1?<1, #ith &odi)ication that Be 5Air Vi a*e is si&! ' $ounded in the South5Southeast $' (u!iter Street, and the $ oc+dee! stri! a on* the north#est side o) Buendia A%enue /,tension )ro& 2e!oso to /=SA as Ai*h Intensit' Co&&ercia Wone. Under the Bonin* c assi)ication, (u!iter Street is a co&&on $oundar' o) Be 5Air Vi a*e and the co&&ercia Bone. On 1: (anuar' 1?::, the O))ice o) the 7a'or o) 7a+ati directed BAVA, in the interest o) !u$ ic #e )are and !ur!ose o) easin* tra))ic con*estion, the o!enin* o) the A&a!o a 8/stre a7ercedesC Pa &a *ate5Vi ena9, 7ercedes 8/=SA5I&e daUA&a!o a "unction9, Wodiac 87ercedes5Buendia9, (u!iter 8Wodiac52e!oso, connectin* 7etro!o itan a%enue to Pason* Ta&o and V. CruB e,tension9, Ne!tune 87a+ati a%e.52e!oso9, Or$it 8>.Wo$e U Cande aria intersection J(u!iter Paseo de 2o,asC 7ercedes5Buendia9 streets o) Be 5Air Vi a*e )or !u$ ic use. On 1; >e$ruar', BAVA re! ied, e,!ressin* concern o) the residents a$out the o!enin* o) the streets to *enera !u$ ic and re0uestin* the inde)inite !ost!one&ent o) the ! an to o!en (u!iter St. to !u$ ic %ehic es. BAVA, ho#e%er, %o untari ' o!ened the other streets. On 11 Au*ust 1?::, the &unici!a o))icia s o) 7a+ati a e*ed ' o!ened, destro'ed and re&o%ed the *ates constructed at the corner o) 2e!oso St. and (u!iter St. as #e as *atesU)ences constructed at

57 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

(u!iter Street and 7a+ati A%enue )orci$ 'C there$' o!enin* (u!iter street to !u$ ic tra))ic. Increased tra))ic #as o$ser%ed a on* (u!iter Street a)ter its o!enin* to !u$ ic use. Purchasers o) the co&&ercia ots started constructin* their res!ecti%e $ui din*s and de&o ished the )ence or #a #ithin the $oundar' o) their ots. 7an' o#ners constructed their o#n )ences and #a s and e&! o'ed their o#n securit' *uards. On 1: (anuar' 1?:<, A'a a donated the entire (u!iter Street )ro& 7etro!o itan A%enue to Wodiac Street to BAVA. With the o!enin* o) the entire (u!iter street to !u$ ic tra))ic, the residentia ots ocated in the northern side o) (u!iter Street ceased to $e used )or !ure ' residentia !ur!oses, and $eca&e co&&ercia in character. On 1? Octo$er 1?:?, s!ouses San*a an* )i ed an action )or da&a*es a*ainst A'a a !redicated on $oth $reach o) contract and on tort or 0uasi5de ict. A su!! e&enta co&! aint #as ater )i ed $' the San*a an*s to au*&ent the re ie)s !ra'ed )or in the ori*ina co&! aint $ecause o) a e*ed su!er%enin* e%ents #hich occurred durin* the tria o) the case. C ai&in* to $e si&i ar ' situated, s!ouses -aston, Briones, and BAVA inter%ened in the case. The C>I Pasi* rendered a decision in )a%or o) the San*a an*s a#ardin* the& P5;;,;;; as actua and conse0uentia da&a*es, P17 as &ora da&a*es, P5;;,;;; as e,e&! ar' da&a*es, P1;;,;;; as attorne'Ks )ees, and the cost o) suit. The inter%enors -aston and Briones #ere a#arded P4;;,;;; as conse0uentia da&a*es, P5;;,;;; as &ora da&a*es, P5;;,;;; as e,e&! ar' da&a*es, P5;,;;; as attorne'Ks )ees, and the cost o) suitC each. Inter%enor BAVA #as a#arded the sa&e e,ce!t )or &ora da&a*es. The da&a*es a#arded $ear e*a interest )ro& the )i in* o) the co&! aint. A'a a #as a so ordered to restoreUreconstruct the !eri&eter #a at the ori*ina !osition in 1?66 at its o#n e,!ense #ithin 6 &onths )ro& )ina it' o) "ud*&ent. On a!!ea , the Court o) A!!ea s re%ersed and set aside the decision )or not $ein* su!!orted $' )acts and a# on the &atterC and entered another, dis&issin* the case )or ac+ o) cause o) actionC #ithout !ronounce&ent as to costs. San*a an* a!!ea ed. \\\\\ Short >acts. -2 :43:6, :63?4, :<1<1, and <11<1 are e))orts to en)orce the @deed restrictions@ a*ainst s!eci)ic residents o) (u!iter Street and, #ith res!ect to -2 :<1<1, 2e!oso Street. The residents ha%e a e*ed ' con%erted their residences into co&&ercia esta$ ish&ents 8a restaurant in -2 :43:6, a $a+er' and co))ee sho! in -2 :63?4, an ad%ertisin* )ir& in -2 :<1<1C and a construction co&!an', a!!arent ', in -2 <11<19 in %io ation o) the said restrictions. Their &other case, -2 :116? is, on the other hand, a !etition to ho d the %endor itse ), A'a a Cor!oration 8)or&er ' 7a+ati =e%e o!&ent Cor!oration9, ia$ e )or tearin* do#n the !eri&eter #a a on* (u!iter Street that had thereto)ore c osed its co&&ercia section )ro& the residences o) Be 5Air Vi a*e and usherin* in, as a conse0uence, the )u @co&&ercia iBation@ o) (u!iter Street, in %io ation o) the %er' restrictions it had authored. The Court o) A!!ea s dis&issed a 5 a!!ea s on the $asis !ri&ari ' o) its ru in* in AC5-2 6664?, @Be 5Air Vi a*e, Inc. %. A'5Land 2ea t' =e%e o!&ent Cor!oration, et a .,@ in #hich the a!!e ate court e,! icit ' re"ected c ai&s under the sa&e @deed restrictions@ as a resu t o) Ordinance <1 enacted $' the -o%ern&ent o) the 7unici!a it' o) 7a+ati, as #e as Co&!rehensi%e Wonin* Ordinance <1;1 !ro&u *ated $' the 7etro!o itan 7ani a Co&&ission, #hich t#o ordinances a e*ed ' a o#ed the use o) (u!iter Street $oth )or residentia and co&&ercia !ur!oses. It #as i+e#ise he d that these t#in &easures #ere %a id as a e*iti&ate e,ercise o) !o ice !o#er. Issue. Whether the constitutiona *uarantee on non5i&!air&ent o) contracts can $e raised as a deterrent to the e,ercise o) !o ice !o#er. Ae d. A contracts are su$"ect to the o%erridin* de&ands, needs, and interests o) the *reater nu&$er as the State &a' deter&ine in the e*iti&ate e,ercise o) !o ice !o#er. The Court *uarantees sanctit' o) contract and is said to $e the @ a# $et#een the contractin* !arties,@ $ut #hi e it is so, it cannot contra%ene @ a#, &ora s, *ood custo&s, !u$ ic order, or !u$ ic !o ic'.@ A$o%e a , it cannot $e raised as a deterrent to !o ice !o#er, desi*ned !recise ' to !ro&ote hea th, sa)et', !eace, and enhance the co&&on *ood, at the e,!ense o) contractua ri*hts, #hene%er necessar'. Po ice !o#er is the !o#er to !rescri$e re*u ations to !ro&ote the hea th, &ora s, !eace, education, *ood order or sa)et' and *enera #e )are o) the !eo! e. In%aria$ ' descri$ed as @the &ost essentia , insistent, and i i&ita$ e o) !o#ers@ and @in a sense, the *reatest and &ost !o#er)u attri$ute o) *o%ern&ent,@ the e,ercise o) the !o#er &a' $e "udicia ' in0uired into and corrected on ' i) it is ca!ricious, #hi&sica , un"ust or unreasona$ e, there ha%in* $een a denia o) due !rocess or a %io ation o) an' other a!! ica$ e constitutiona *uarantee. Po ice !o#er is e astic and &ust $e res!onsi%e to %arious socia conditionsC it is not con)ined #ithin narro# circu&scri!tions o) !recedents restin* on !ast conditionsC it &ust )o o# the e*a !ro*ress o) a de&ocratic #a' o) i)e. Pu$ ic #e )are, #hen c ashin* #ith the indi%idua ri*ht to !ro!ert', shou d $e &ade to !re%ai throu*h the stateDs e,ercise o) its !o ice !o#er. Aerein, the 77C Ordinance re!resents a e*iti&ate e,ercise o) !o ice !o#er, as the ordinance is neither ca!ricious or ar$itrar' or unreasona$ eC $ut that it is $ased on co&!e in* interests o) *enera #e )are. The restricti%e ease&ents are si&i ar to an' other contract, and

5) Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

shou d not deter the %a id e,ercise o) !o ice !o#er. The 77C has rec assi)ied (u!iter Street into a Mhi*h densit' co&&ercia Bone, !ursuant to Ordinance <15;1. San*a an*, BAVA, et. a ., thus ha%e no cause o) action on the stren*th a one o) said Mdeed restrictions.N 6 5 /PWA %s. =u a', 14? SC2A 3;5 81 Bernas 6559 =e Onecht %s. Bautista, 1;; SC2A 66; 81 Bernas 6669

7ain To!ic. /&inent =o&ain >acts. The instant case is an unendin* se0ue to se%era suits co&&enced a &ost t#ent' 'ears a*o in%o %in* a !arce o) and ocated at the corner o) the south end o) /=SA and >.B. Aarrison in Pasa' Cit'. The and #as o#ned $' !etitioners Cristina de Onecht and her son, 2ene Onecht. On the and, the Onechts constructed ei*ht houses, eased out the se%en and occu!ied one o) the& as their residence. In 1?:?, the *o%ern&ent )i ed )or the e,!ro!riation o) OnechtsK !ro!ert'. The *o%ern&ent #anted to use the and )or the co&! etion o) the 7ani a > ood Contro and =raina*e Pro"ect and the e,tension o) the /=SA to#ards 2o,as Bou e%ard. In 1?<1, the Cit' Treasurer o) Pasa' disco%ered that the Onechts )ai ed to !a' rea estate ta,es on the !ro!ert' )ro& 1?<; to 1?<1. As a conse0uence o) this de)icienc', the Cit' Treasurer so d the !ro!ert' at !u$ ic auction )or the sa&e a&ount o) their de)icienc' ta,es. The hi*hest $idders #ere res!ondent S!ouses Anastacio and >e isa Ba$iera 8the Ba$ieras9 and res!ondent S!ouses A e"andro and > or San*a an* 8the San*a an*s9. Su$se0uent ', San*a an* and Ba$iera so d the and to res!ondent Sa e& In%est&ent Cor!oration. On >e$ruar' 1:, 1?<3, the Batasan* Pa&$ansa !assed B.P. B *. 34; authoriBin* the nationa *o%ern&ent to e,!ro!riate certain !ro!erties in Pasa' Cit' )or the /=SA /,tension. The !ro!ert' o) the Onechts #as !art o) those e,!ro!riated under B.P. B *. 34;. The *o%ern&ent *a%e out "ust co&!ensation )or the ands e,!ro!riated under B.P. B *. 34;. Sa e& #as inc uded and recei%ed !artia !a'&ent. Se%en o) the ei*ht houses o) the Onechts #ere de&o ished and the *o%ern&ent too+ !ossession o) the !ortion o) and on #hich the houses stood. Since the Onechts re)used to %acate their one re&ainin* house, Sa e& )i ed a case a*ainst the& )or un a#)u detainer. As de)ense, the Onechts c ai&ed o#nershi! o) the and and $ui din*. The ori*ina ! an )or e,!ro!riation )or the e,tension o) /=SA #as a on* Cuneta A%enue $ut #as ater chan*ed to the >ernando 2ein J =e Pan route. A&on* the 0uestions in%o %ed #ere the %a idit' o) the sudden chan*e o) !ro!osed e,tensions and co%ered !ro!erties $' the !ro"ect. The 7unici!a Tria Court ho#e%er ordered the OnechtsD e"ect&ent thus their residence #as de&o ished. The Onechts continuous ' c ai&ed o#nershi! o) the !ro!ert' and a e*e that the' &ust $e *i%en "ust co&!ensation. Petitioners a so !ra' )or the !rohi$ition o) the 2e!u$ icKs i&&ediate !ossession o) the !ro!erties in 0uestion. Issue. 819 Whether or not Onechts are the a#)u o#ners o) the and at su$"ect. 819 Whether or not the chan*e in choices o) ands to $e e,!ro!riated is "usti)ied. Ae d. The Su!re&e Court he d that the Onechts #ere not the o#ners an'&ore o) the said and. The OnechtsD ri*ht to the and had $een )orec osed a)ter the' )ai ed to redee& it one 'ear a)ter the sa e at !u$ ic auction. Since the !etitions 0uestionin* the order o) dis&issa #ere i+e#ise dis&issed $' the Court o) A!!ea s and this Court, the order o) dis&issa $eca&e )ina and res "udicata on the issue o) o#nershi! o) the and. Petitioners contended that the' did not recei%e notice o) their ta, de in0uenc'. Neither did the' recei%e notice o) the auction sa e. Ao#e%er, this 0uestion has $een !re%ious ' raised in the cases #hich ha%e $een a read' set aside. The court is not a trier o) )acts. 2es "udicata has a read' set it. The Onechts there)ore are not the a#)u o#ners o) the and and are not an' on*er accounta$ e )or "ust co&!ensation *i%en $' the *o%ern&ent. Note. 2es "udicata is a *round )or dis&issa o) an action. It is a ru e that !rec udes !arties )ro& re iti*atin* Issue actua ' iti*ated and deter&ined $' a !rior and )ina "ud*&ent. It !er%ades e%er' #e 5re*u ated s'ste& o)

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"uris!rudence, and is $ased u!on t#o *rounds e&$odied in %arious &a,i&s o) the co&&on a# G one, !u$ ic !o ic' and necessit', that there shou d $e a i&it to iti*ationC and another, the indi%idua shou d not $e %e,ed t#ice )or the sa&e cause. When a ri*ht o) )act has $een "udicia ' tried and deter&ined $' a court o) co&!etent "urisdiction, or an o!!ortunit' )or such tria has $een *i%en, the "ud*&ent o) the court, so on* as it re&ains unre%ersed, shou d $e conc usi%e u!on the !arties and those in !ri%it' #ith the& in a# or estate. To )o o# a contrar' doctrine #ou d su$"ect the !u$ ic !eace and 0uiet to the #i and ne* ect o) indi%idua s and !re)er the *rati)ication o) the iti*ious dis!osition o) the !arties to the !reser%ation o) the !u$ ic tran0ui it'. 2es "udicata a!! ies #hen. 819 the )or&er "ud*&ent or order is )ina C 819 the "ud*&ent or order is one on the &eritsC 839 it #as rendered $' a court ha%in* "urisdiction o%er the su$"ect &atter and the !artiesC 849 there is $et#een the )irst and second actions, identit' o) !arties, o) su$"ect &atter and o) cause o) action. 819 No. There is no 0uestion as to the ri*ht o) the 2e!u$ ic o) the Phi i!!ines to ta+e !ri%ate !ro!ert' )or !u$ ic use u!on the !a'&ent o) "ust co&!ensation. Section 1, Artic e IV o) the Constitution o) the Phi i!!ines !ro%ides. @Pri%ate !ro!ert' sha not $e ta+en )or !u$ ic use #ithout "ust co&!ensation.@ Ao#e%er, it is a so reco*niBed that the *o%ern&ent &a' not ca!ricious ' or ar$itrari 'D choose #hat !ri%ate !ro!ert' shou d $e ta+en. This is #hat the !etitioners are 0uestionin*. Both the Nationa Aousin* Authorit' and =e!arth&ent o) Pu$ ic Ai*h#a's ha%e !ro%ided that their ana 'sis and studies do not see the )unctiona it' and !ractica it' o) the !ro!osed chan*e. The chan*e "usti)ied $' Msocia i&!actN cannot $e *i%en &erit since the stri! a on* Cuneta A%enue is &arred $' &ote s on ', as o!!osed to the other route !ro!osed #hich is a$undant #ith sett e&ents, !ri%ate enter!rises and ho&e. >ro& a the )ore*oin*, the )acts o) record and reco&&endations o) the Au&an Sett e&ents Co&&ission, it is c ear that the choice o) >ernando 2ein G =e Pan Streets as the ine throu*h #hich the /!i)anio de os Santos A%enue shou d $e e,tended to 2o,as Bou e%ard is ar$itrar' and shou d not recei%e "udicia a!!ro%a . The res!ondent "ud*e co&&itted a *ra%e a$use o) discretion in a o#in* the 2e!u$ ic o) the Phi i!!ines to ta+e i&&ediate !ossession o) the !ro!erties sou*ht to $e e,!ro!riated. 8/in9 FACTS: The ! an to e,tend /=SA to 2o,as Bou e%ard to $e u ti&ate ' in+ed to the Ca%ite Coasta 2oad Pro"ect, ori*ina ' ca ed )or the e,!ro!riation o) !ro!erties a on* Cuneta A%enue in Pasa' Cit'. Later on, ho#e%er, the 7inistr' o) Pu$ ic Ai*h#a's decided to &a+e the !ro!osed e,tension !ass throu*h >ernando 2ein and =e Pan Streets. Because o) the !rotests o) residents o) the atter, the Co&&ission on Au&an Sett e&ents reco&&ended the re%ersion to the ori*ina ! an, $ut the 7inistr' ar*ued the ne# route #hich sa%e the *o%ern&ent 17. The *o%ern&ent )i ed e,!ro!riation !roceedin*s a*ainst the o#ners o) >ernando 2ein and =e Pan Streets, a&on* #ho& #as !etitioner. ISSUE: Whether there is a *enuine need to e,!ro!riate the !ro!erties o#ned $' =e Onecht and others si&i ar ' situated on the *round that the choice o) !ro!erties to $e e,!ro!riated see&ed ar$itrari ' &ade $' the =PWAI HE !: The choice o) >ernando 2ein and =e Pan Streets is a'&it'a'% and should not 'eceive 8udicial a$$'oval . The Au&an Sett e&ents Co&&ission conc uded that the cost )actor is so &ini&a that it can $e disre*arded in &a+in* a choice $et#een the t#o ines. The )actor o) )unctiona it' stron* ' &i itates a*ainst the choice o) >ernando 2ein and =e Pan Streets, #hi e the )actor o) socia and econo&ic i&!act $ears *rie%ous ' on the residents o) Cuneta A%enue. Whi e the issue #ou d see& to $oi do#n to a choice $et#een !eo! e, on one hand, and !ro*ress and de%e o!&ent, on the other, it is to $e re&e&$ered that !ro*ress and de%e o!&ent are carried out )or the $ene)it o) the !eo! e. There is no 0uestion as to the ri*ht o) the 2e!u$ ic o) the Phi i!!ines to ta+e !ri%ate !ro!ert' )or !u$ ic use u!on the !a'&ent o) "ust co&!ensation. Section 1, Artic e IV o) the Constitution o) the Phi i!!ines !ro%ides. @Pri%ate !ro!ert' sha not $e ta+en )or !u$ ic use #ithout "ust co&!ensation.@ It is reco*niBed, #as, that the *o%ern&ent &a' not ca!ricious ' or ar$itrari 'D choose #hat !ri%ate !ro!ert' shou d $e ta+en. $. M. %ua&on ' Co.( )nc. vs. Land %enure* ..a ando#ner is co%ered $' the &ant e o) !rotection due !rocess a))ords. It is a &andate o) reason. It )ro#ns

69 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

on ar$itrariness, it is the antithesis o) an' *o%ern&enta act that s&ac+s o) #hi& or ca!rice. It ne*ates state !o#er to act in an i&!ressi%e &anner. It is, as had $een stressed so o)ten, the e&$odi&ent o) the s!ortin* Idea o) )air ! a'. In that sense, it stands as a *uarant' o) "ustice. That is the standard that &ust $e &et $' an' *o%ern&ent ta + a*enc' in the e,ercise o) #hate%er co&!etence is entrusted to it. As #as so e&!hatica ' stressed $' the !resent Chie) (ustice, DActs o) Con*ress, as #e as those o) the /,ecuti%e, can den' due !rocess on ' under !ain o) nu it', ... ,,, With due reco*nition then o) the !o#er o) Con*ress to desi*nate the !articu ar !ro!ert' to $e ta+en and ho# &uch thereo) &a' $e conde&ned in the e,ercise o) the !o#er o) e,!ro!riation, it is sti a "udicia 0uestion #hether in the e,ercise o) such co&!etence, the !art' ad%erse ' a))ected is the %icti& o) !artia it' and !re"udice. That the e0ua !rotection c ause #i not a o#. 82ena9 7anoto+ %s. NAA, 15; SC2A <? 81 Bernas 6:49 >ACTS. Petitioners are the o#ners o) t#o ar*e estates +no#n as the Ta&$untin* /state and Suno*5A!o* in Tondo, 7ani a, $oth o) #hich #ere dec ared e,!ro!riated in t#o decrees issued $' President 7arcos, P= 166? and P= 16:;. The !etitioners contend that the decrees %io ate their constitutiona ri*ht to due !rocess and e0ua !rotection since $' their &ere !assa*e their !ro!erties #ere auto&atica ' e,!ro!riated and the' #ere i&&ediate ' de!ri%ed o) the o#nershi! and !ossession thereo) #ithout $ein* *i%en the chance to o!!ose such e,!ro!riation. The *o%ern&ent on the other hand contends that the !o#er o) e&inent do&ain is inherent in the State and #hen the e*is ature or the President throu*h his a#5&a+in* !o#ers e,ercises this !o#er, the !u$ ic use and !u$ ic necessit' o) the e,!ro!riation and the )i,in* o) the "ust co&!ensation $eco&e !o itica in nature and the courts &ust res!ect the decision. ISSU/.WON res!ondents de!ri%ed the !etitioners o) their !ro!erties #ithout due !rocess o) a# A/L=. A)ter a care)u e,a&ination o) the 0uestioned decrees, #e )ind P.=. Nos. 166? and 16:; to $e %io ati%e o) the !etitionersD ri*ht to due !rocess o) a# and, there)ore, the' &ust )ai the test o) constitutiona it'. The decrees, do not $' the&se %es, !ro%ide )or an' )or& o) hearin* or !rocedure $' #hich the !etitioners can 0uestion the !ro!riet' o) the e,!ro!riation o) their !ro!erties or the reasona$ eness o) the "ust co&!ensation. Aa%in* )ai ed to !ro%ide )or a hearin*, the -o%ern&ent shou d ha%e )i ed an e,!ro!riation case under 2u e 6: o) the 2e%ised 2u es o) Court $ut it did not do so. O$%ious ', it did not dee& it necessar' $ecause o) the enact&ent o) the 0uestioned decrees #hich rendered, $' their %er' !assa*e, an' 0uestions #ith re*ard to the e,!ro!riation o) the !ro!erties, &oot and acade&ic. In e))ect, the !ro!erties, under the decrees #ere @auto&atica ' e,!ro!riated.@ This $eca&e &ore e%ident #hen the NAA #rote the 2e*ister o) =eeds and re0uested her to cance the certi)icate o) tit es o) the !etitioners, )urnishin* said 2e*ister o) =eeds on ' #ith co!ies o) the decrees to su!!ort its re0uest. This is hard ' the due !rocess o) a# #hich the state is e,!ected to o$ser%e #hen it e,ercises the !o#er o) e&inent do&ain. The Ta&$untin* su$di%ision is su&&ari ' !roc ai&ed a $ i*hted area and direct ' e,!ro!riated $' decree #ithout the s i*htest se&$ ance o) a hearin* or an' !roceedin* #hatsoe%er. The e,!ro!riation is instant and auto&atic to ta+e e))ect i&&ediate ' u!on the si*nin* o) the decree. No de!osit $e)ore ta+in* is re0uired under the decree. The P3,4;;,;;;.;; a!!ro!riated )ro& the *enera )und is not a de!osit $ut constitutes an insta &ent !a'&ent )or the !ro!ert', the &a,i&u& !rice o) #hich is )i,ed so as not to e,ceed P1:,;;;,;;;.;;. There is no !ro%ision )or an' interests to $e !aid on the un!aid insta &ents s!read out o%er a !eriod o) )i%e 'ears. Not on ' are the o#ners *i%en a$so ute ' no o!!ortunit' to contest the e,!ro!riation, ! ead their side, or 0uestion the a&ount o) !a'&ents )i,ed $' decree, $ut the decisions, ru in*s, orders, or reso utions o) the NAA are e,!ress ' dec ared as $e'ond the reach o) "udicia re%ie#. An a!!ea &a' $e &ade to the O))ice o) the President $ut the courts are co&! ete ' en"oined )ro& an' in0uir' or !artici!ation #hatsoe%er in the e,!ro!riation o) the su$di%ision or its incidents. , a thou*h due !rocess does not a #a's necessari ' de&and that a !roceedin* $e had $e)ore a court o) a#, it sti &andates so&e )or& o) !roceedin* #herein notice and reasona$ e o!!ortunit' to $e heard are *i%en to the o#ner to !rotect his !ro!ert' ri*hts. We a*ree #ith the !u$ ic res!ondents that there are e,ce!tiona situations #hen, in the e,ercise o) the !o#er o) e&inent do&ain, the re0uire&ent o) due !rocess &a' not necessari ' entai "udicia !rocess.

61 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

But #here it is a e*ed that in the ta+in* o) a !ersonDs !ro!ert', his ri*ht to due !rocess o) a# has $een %io ated, the courts #i ha%e to ste! in and !ro$e into such an a e*ed %io ation. The !ro%ision o) P.=. 166? #hich a o#s NAA, at its so e o!tion, to !ut !ortions o) the e,!ro!riated area to co&&ercia use in order to de)ra' the de%e o!&ent costs o) its housin* !ro"ects cannot stand constitutiona scrutin'. The -o%ern&ent, )or instance, cannot e,!ro!riate the ) ourishin* 7a+ati co&&ercia area in order to earn &one' that #ou d )inance housin* !ro"ects a o%er the countr'. The eadin* case o) +uido v. #ural Progress ,dministration 8<4 Phi . <4:9 &a' ha%e $een &odi)ied in so&e #a's $' the !ro%isions o) the ne# Constitution on a*rarian and ur$an and re)or& and on housin*. The !rinci! e o) non5a!!ro!riation o) !ri%ate !ro!ert' )or !ri%ate !ur!oses, ho#e%er, re&ains. The e*is ature, accordin* to the +uido case, &a' not ta+e the !ro!ert' o) one citiBen and trans)er it to another, e%en )or a )u co&!ensation, #hen the !u$ ic interest is not there$' !ro&oted. The -o%ern&ent sti has to !ro%e that e,!ro!riation o) co&&ercia !ro!erties in order to ease the& out a so )or co&&ercia !ur!oses #ou d $e @!u$ ic use@ under the Constitution. P.=. No. 16:; su))ers )ro& a si&i ar in)ir&it' The &ar+et %a ue stated $' the cit' assessor a one cannot su$stitute )or the courtDs "ud*&ent in e,!ro!riation !roceedin*s. It is %io ati%e o) the due !rocess and the e&inent do&ain !ro%isions o) the Constitution to den' to a !ro!ert' o#ner the o!!ortunit' to !ro%e that the %a uation &ade $' a oca assessor is #ron* or !re"udiced. The state&ents &ade in ta, docu&ents $' the assessor &a' ser%e as one o) the )actors to $e considered $ut the' cannot e,c ude or !re%ai o%er a court deter&ination &ade a)ter e,!ert co&&issioners ha%e e,a&ined the !ro!ert' and a !ertinent circu&stances are ta+en into account and a)ter the !arties ha%e had the o!!ortunit' to )u ' ! ead their cases $e)ore a co&!etent and un$iased tri$una . To en"oin this Court $' decree )ro& oo+in* into a e*ed %io ations o) the due !rocess, e0ua !rotection, and e&inent do&ain c auses o) the Constitution is i&!er&issi$ e encroach&ent on its inde!endence and !rero*ati%es. 3 Su&u on* %s. -uerrero, 154 SC2A 461 81 Bernas 65;9

>ACTS. On =ece&$er 5, 1?:: the Nationa Aousin* Authorit' 8NIIA9 )i ed a co&! aint )or e,!ro!riation o) !arce s o) and co%erin* a!!ro,i&ate ' t#ent' )i%e 8159 hectares, 8in Anti!o o, 2iBa 9 inc udin* the ots o) !etitioners LorenBo Su&u on* and /&i ia Vidanes5Ba aoin* #ith an area o) 6,66: s0uare &eters and 3,333 s0uare &eters res!ecti%e '. The and sou*ht to $e e,!ro!riated #ere %a ued $' the NAA at one !eso 8P1.;;9 !er s0uare &eter ado!tin* the &ar+et %a ue )i,ed $' the !ro%incia assessor in accordance #ith !residentia decrees !rescri$in* the %a uation o) !ro!ert' in e,!ro!riation !roceedin*s. To*ether #ith the co&! aint #as a &otion )or i&&ediate !ossession o) the !ro!erties. The NAA de!osited the a&ount o) P15<,?<;.;; #ith the Phi i!!ine Nationa Ban+, re!resentin* the @tota &ar+et %a ue@ o) the su$"ect t#ent' )i%e hectares o) and, !ursuant to Presidentia =ecree No. 1114 #hich de)ines @the !o ic' on the e,!ro!riation o) !ri%ate !ro!ert' )or socia iBed housin* u!on !a'&ent o) "ust co&!ensation.@ Petitioners )i ed a &otion )or reconsideration on the *round that the' had $een de!ri%ed o) the !ossession o) their !ro!ert' #ithout due !rocess o) a#. This #as ho#e%er, denied ISSU/S. 19 2es!ondent (ud*e acted #ithout or in e,cess o) his "urisdiction or #ith *ra%e a$use o) discretion $' issuin* the Order o) (anuar' 1:, 1?:< #ithout notice and #ithout hearin* and in issuin* the Order dated (une 1<, 1?:< den'in* the &otion )or reconsideration. 19 Pres. =ecree 114, as a&ended, is unconstitutiona )or $ein* %io ati%e o) the due !rocess c ause, s!eci)ica '.

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The =ecree #ou d a o# the ta+in* o) !ro!ert' re*ard ess o) siBe and no &atter ho# s&a the area to $e e,!ro!riatedC @Socia iBed housin*@ )or the !ur!ose o) conde&nation !roceedin*, as de)ined in said =ecree, is not rea ' )or a !u$ ic !ur!oseC The =ecree %io ates !rocedura due !rocess as it a o#s i&&ediate ta+in* o) !ossession, contro and dis!osition o) !ro!ert' #ithout *i%in* the o#ner his da' in courtC The =ecree #ou d a o# the ta+in* o) !ri%ate !ro!ert' u!on !a'&ent o) un"ust and un)air %a uations ar$itrari ' )i,ed $' *o%ern&ent assessorsC The =ecree #ou d de!ri%e the courts o) their "udicia discretion to deter&ine #hat #ou d $e the @"ust co&!ensation@ in each and e%er' raise o) e,!ro!riation. A/L=. The e,ercise o) the !o#er o) e&inent do&ain is su$"ect to certain i&itations i&!osed $' the constitution, to #it. Pri%ate !ro!ert' sha not $e ta+en )or !u$ ic use #ithout "ust co&!ensation 8Art. IV, Sec. ?9C No !erson sha $e de!ri%ed o) i)e, i$ert', or !ro!ert' #ithout due !rocess o) a#, nor sha an' !erson $e denied the e0ua !rotection o) the a#s 8Art. IV, sec. 19. Petitioners contend that @socia iBed housin*@ as de)ined in Pres. =ecree No. 1114, as a&ended, )or the !ur!ose o) conde&nation !roceedin*s is not @!u$ ic use@ since it #i $ene)it on ' @a hand)u o) !eo! e, $ere)t o) !u$ ic character.@ The @!u$ ic use@ re0uire&ent )or a and e,ercise o) the !o#er o) e&inent do&ain is a ) e,i$ e and e%o %in* conce!t in) uenced $' chan*in* conditions. The restricti%e %ie# o) !u$ ic use &a' $e a!!ro!riate )or a nation #hich circu&scri$es the sco!e o) *o%ern&ent acti%ities and !u$ ic concerns and #hich !ossesses $i* and correct ' ocated !u$ ic ands that o$%iate the need to ta+e !ri%ate !ro!ert' )or !u$ ic !ur!oses. Neither circu&stance a!! ies to the Phi i!!ines. We ha%e ne%er $een a aisseB )aire State. And the necessities #hich i&!e the e,ertion o) so%erei*n !o#er are a too o)ten )ound in areas o) scarce !u$ ic and or i&ited *o%ern&ent resources. 8!. 1319 S!eci)ica ', ur$an rene#a or rede%e o!&ent and the construction o) o#5cost housin* is reco*niBed as a !u$ ic !ur!ose, not on ' $ecause o) the e,!anded conce!t o) !u$ ic use $ut a so $ecause o) s!eci)ic !ro%isions in the Constitution. The 1?:3 Constitution &ade it incu&$ent u!on the State to esta$ ish, &aintain and ensure ade0uate socia ser%ices inc udin* housin* EArt. 11, sec. :F. The 1?<: Constitution *oes e%en )urther $' !ro%idin* that. The State sha !ro&ote a "ust and d'na&ic socia order that #i ensure the !ros!erit' and inde!endence o) the nation and )ree the !eo! e )ro& !o%ert' throu*h !o icies that !ro%ide ade0uate socia ser%ices, !ro&ote )u e&! o'&ent, a risin* standard o) i%in* and an i&!ro%ed 0ua it' o) i)e )or a . EArt. II, sec. ?F

1 1

LuB >a&rs %s. Secretar', 1?1 SC2A 51 81 Bernas 1;119 Carida' %s. CA 8-utierreB (., =issentin*9, 1:6 SC2A 31

#A$%! 0ari#ay -n!est"ent 0orporation 40A*-6A+ for bre!ity5 is the o$ner of a resi#ential buil#in in the %orbes Par; ?ub#i!ision3 hence3 a "e"ber of the %PA. %orbes Par; Association 4%PA5 is a non-profit an# non-stoc; corporation or ani=e# for the purpose of pro"otin an# safe uar#in the interests of the resi#ents an# lot o$ners in that sub#i!ision $ho auto"atically beco"e "e"bers of the association an# are boun# by its rules

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an# re ulations stipulate# in the 6ee# of *estrictions annotate# on the bac; of their certificates of title. One of the restrictions& @Iots "ay be only use# for resi#ential purposes an# not "ore than one sin le fa"ily resi#ential buil#in $ill be constructe# thereon e/cept that separate ser!antMs Auarters "ay be built.B 7he sa"e restrictions are foun# in ?ection l4b53 Article -E of the associationMs rules an# re ulations& A*7. E-. .F-I6-NO *FIE? AN6 *EOFIA7-ON? ?ec. 1. IO7? b. One residential building per lot. Lots may be used only for residential purposes, and not more than one single-family residential building will be constructed on one lot3 e/cept that separate ara e an# ser!antsM Auarters an# bathhouses for s$i""in pools "ay be built. c. Use and occupancy of a house. 7he use an# occupancy of houses an# other i"pro!e"ents insi#e %orbes Par; shall be exclusively for residence only of the owners and bona fide residents, their families, house guests, staff and domestics but never for commercial, business or office purposes, such as, but not limited to, hotels, restaurants, resorts, motels, condominiums 3 stores3 clubs3 schools3 stu#ios or any ;in# of office $hatsoe!er. In case of violation hereof, the Board of overnors shall, after at least !" days previous notice in writing to the member resident concerned, order the disconnection of the water service supplie# to the latter by the AssociationMs #eep-$ell pu"ps8 Pro!i#e#3 ho$e!er3 that reconnection thereof shall only be "a#e upon satisfactory sho$in that !iolation of this rule no lon er e/ists an# that the reAuisite actual cost of reconnection as esti"ate# by the Association is #uly #eposite# before such reconnection is "a#e. 0ari#ay3 $ith notice to the %PA3 Nrepaire#N its buil#in . After inspection of the Nrepairs3N the %PAMs retaine# ci!il en ineer reporte# that Na##itions or #eletions $ere "a#e in the e/istin resi#ence.N A secon# inspection in ,ay 1()7 #isclose# "ore !iolations of the restrictions. Le obser!e# that the buil#in Ncan be use# by "ore than one fa"ily.N 0ari#ay a#"itte# that its buil#in has the e/terior appearance of a sin le fa"ily resi#ence but it is #esi ne# insi#e to allo$ occupancy by t$o fa"ilies. %PA #e"an#e# that corrections be "a#e in the structure to confor" $ith the restrictions. Lo$e!er3 $ithout #oin any corrections3 0ari#ay lease# one portion of the house to an En lish"an an# the other to an A"erican e/ecuti!e3 *obert La#en3 of Procter an# Oa"ble. >hen La#en trie# to "o!e in3 he $as not allo$e# to enter the sub#i!ision 4$hich resulte# to PUO rescin#in its contract $ith 0ari#ay5. %PA a#!ise# 0ari#ay that it $oul# not allo$ 0ari#ay to lease its house to "ore than one tenant as this $oul# !iolate the rule re ar#in None sin le-fa"ily resi#ential restrictionN. .ecause of the alle e# Nbuil#in !iolations3N the %PA threatene# to #isconnect the $ater ser!ice 4$hich it supplies to the resi#ents fro" its #eep-$ell pu"ps5 to 0ari#ayMs property. 0ari#ay file# a co"plaint an# praye# for issuance of $rit of P- so %PA $ill #esist in #isconnectin ser!ice. *70& -ssue# P.-. %PA& ,* to *70 but #enie#. ?ou ht relief to 0A. 0A& Fphel# the ri ht of the %PA to prohibit the entry of a##itional tenants into 0ari#ayMs buil#in an# to #isconnect the $ater ser!ice for !iolation of the restrictions 64 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

(!!.E) >1N the proper interpretation of a pro!ision in the 6ee# of *estrictions on the title of a lot in the %orbes Par; ?ub#i!ision $hich bin#s the o$ner to use his lot Nfor resi#ential purposes an# not "ore than one sin le fa"ily resi#ential buil#in $ill be constructe# thereonB a restriction that enerally encu"bers lots in the socalle# NplushN resi#ential sub#i!isions &./('0) No. -t is not a restriction. 7he purpose of the restriction is to a!oi# o!ercro$#in both in the houses an# in the sub#i!ision $hich $oul# result in pressure upon the co""on facilities such as $ater3 po$er an# telephone connections3 accelerate the #eterioration of the roa#s3 an# create proble"s of sanitation an# security in the sub#i!ision. As correctly percei!e# by the petitioner itself3 the restrictions are Nfor aesthetic consi#eration an# for the preser!ation of the peace3 beauty3 tranAuility an# serenity of li!in at %orbes Par;. 7he prohibition "ay not be circu"!ente# by buil#in a house $ith the e/ternal appearance of a sin le fa"ily #$ellin but $hose interior is #esi ne# for "ultiple occupancy. -t is an ele"entary rule of reason that $hat "ay not be #one #irectly3 "ay not also be #one in#irectly. 0.%(E&&EJ F,(!!E'%('0G 7he #ispute# contractual co""it"ent ha!in been i!en too restricti!e a "eanin by the #o"inant party3 the 0ourt shoul# step in $ith a "ore liberal an# reasonable interpretation. - ha!e no ob2ection to the proposition that o$nership restrictions $hich are inten#e# to a!oi# o!ercro$#in 3 #eterioration of roa#s3 unsanitary con#itions3 u ly surroun#in s3 an# la$less beha!iour in resi#ential areas "ay be enforce# throu h the 0ourtMs coerci!e po$ers. 7here is absolutely no sho$in 3 ho$e!er3 that t$o fa"ilies li!in in one bi resi#ence in %orbes Par; $oul# lea# to any of the abo!e unpleasant conseAuences. 7he =eal $ith $hich the pri!ate respon#ent enforces the #ispute# sin le fa"ily restriction is inten#e# to insure that %orbes Par; real estate !alues re"ain hi her "uch3 "uch hi her than the !alues in any other resi#ential area in the $hole country $hat the 0ourt is protectin are inflate# lan# !alues an# an elitist life style. Fn#er the #ispute# pro!ision3 one fa"ily coul# hire a battalion of ser!ants3 #ri!ers3 yayas3 ar#eners3 butlers3 foot"en3 roo"s3 coo;s3 laun#resses an# other lac;eys $ithout !iolatin the sin le fa"ily rule. -t is not o!ercro$#in $hich is sou ht to be a!oi#e# but so"ethin else. - consi#er it a $aste of scarce resources if property $orth se!eral "illions of pesos is li"ite# in its use to one solitary fa"ily3 no "atter ho$ s"all3 $hen it coul# co"fortably house t$o or "ore fa"ilies in the ;in# of co"fort an# lu/ury $hich is un#rea"e# of e!en to upper "i##le inco"e people. %he provisions of the $onstitution on !ocial =ustice and Buman &ights FArticle K(((* $onstitutionG emphasi:e the social function of land 0on ress "ust i!e the Nhi hestN priority to "easures $hich enhance the ri ht of all the people to hu"an #i nity an# re#uce social3 econo"ic3 an# political ineAualities throu h the eAuitable #iffusion of $ealth an# political po$er 4 id3 ?ection 15. 7he ?tate is "an#ate# to un#erta;e3 in cooperation $ith the pri!ate sector3 a continuin housin pro ra" an# an urban lan# refor" pro ra" $hich see; to "a;e a!ailable at affor#able cost #ecent housin an# basic ser!ices to un#erpri!ile e# an# ho"eless citi=ens3 4id. ?ection (5. - a" afrai# that the 0ourtMs #ecision in this %orbes Par; case #oes not in any $ay help achie!e these constitutional ob2ecti!es. 7he present 0onstitution e/presses the i"patience of the fra"ers $ith $hat they percei!e# as an 65 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

unfortunate lac; of attention to the "ost pressin proble" face# by the country. .ut e!en un#er the 1(35 0onstitution3 the 0ourt $as less than enthusiastic $hen as;e# to enforce contractual co""it"ents base# on a laisse= faire theory of o!ern"ent.-n #lalayan v. $ational %ower &orporation 424 ?0*A 17231)1-1)2 C1(6)D5 the 0ourt rule#& -t is to be a#"itte# of course that property ri hts fin# shelter in specific constitutional pro!isions3 one of $hich is the #ue process clause. -t is eAually certain that our fun#a"ental la$ fra"e# at a ti"e of Nsur in unrest an# #issatisfactionN 47he phrase is 'ustice IaurelMs3 appearin in his concurrin opinion in An 7ibay !. 0ourt3 cite# $ith appro!al in Anta"o; Ool#fiel#s ,inin 0o. !. 0ourt3 79 Phil. 349 C1(49D53 $hen there $as the fear e/presse# in "any Auarters that a constitutional #e"ocracy3 in !ie$ of its co""it"ent to the clai"s of property3 $oul# not be able to cope effecti!ely $ith the proble"s of po!erty an# "isery that unfortunately afflict so "any of our people3 is not susceptible to the in#ict"ent that the o!ern"ent therein establishe# is i"potent to ta;e the necessary re"e#ial "easures. 7he fra"ers sa$ to that. 7he $elfare state concept is not alien to the philosophy of our 0onstitution. 40f MPri!ate property #oes not constitute for anyone an absolute an# uncon#itione# ri ht. ...All "en are eAual in their ri ht to a #ecent life. ... -t is not a syste" of 2ustice $here one "an is !ery $ealthy an# another !ery poor. >here such a situation e/ists on a national scale3 it beco"es a "atter of social 2ustice. ... C-n the Philippines3 $hileD a fe$ ha!e far "ore than they nee#3 the !ast "a2ority lac; e!en the barest essentials of life. Pastoral Ietter of the 0atholic Lierarchy3 ,ay 13 1(6)5 -t is i"plicit in Auite a fe$ of its pro!isions. -t suffices to "ention t$o. 7here is the clause on the pro"otion of social 2ustice to ensure the $ell-bein an# econo"ic security of all the people3 4Art. 113 ?ec. 53 0onstitution of the Philippines5 as $ell as the ple# e of protection to labor $ith the specific authority to re ulate the relations bet$een lan#o$ners an# tenants an# bet$een labor an# capital. 4Art. Q-E3 ?ec. 63 -#.5 7his particulari=e# reference to the ri hts of $or;in "en $hether in in#ustry an# a riculture certainly cannot preclu#e attention to an# concern for the ri hts of consu"ers3 $ho are the ob2ects of solicitu#e in the le islation no$ co"plaine# of. 7he police po$er as an attribute to pro"ote the co""on $eal $oul# be #ilute# consi#erably of its reach an# effecti!eness if on the "ere plea that the liberty to contract $oul# be restricte#3 the statute co"plaine# of "ay be characteri=e# as a #enial of #ue process. 7he ri ht to property cannot be presse# to such an unreasonable e/tre"e. - reali=e the #ifficulty in pinpointin the line $here restrictions on property o$nership o beyon# the constitutional boun#s of reasonableness. Each case "ust be resol!e# on its particular "erits. -nsofar as this petition is concerne#3 ho$e!er3 - concur the #issentin "inority. - !ote to rant the petition.

1. /0ua Protection Art. III Sec. 1, Phi i!!ine Constitution

Section 1. No !erson sha $e de!ri%ed o) i)e, i$ert', or !ro!ert' #ithout due !rocess o) a#, nor sha an' !erson $e denied the e0ua !rotection o) the a#s. Art. II Secs. 14 and 11, Phi i!!ine Constitution Section 1F. The State reco*niBes the ro e o) #o&en in nation5$ui din*, and sha ensure the )unda&enta e0ua it'

66 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

$e)ore the a# o) #o&en and &en. Section 99. The State reco*niBes and !ro&otes the ri*hts o) indi*enous cu tura co&&unities #ithin the )ra&e#or+ o) nationa unit' and de%e o!&ent. Art. IV, Phi i!!ine Constitution Section 1. The )o o#in* are citiBens o) the Phi i!!ines. 1. Those #ho are citiBens o) the Phi i!!ines at the ti&e o) the ado!tion o) this ConstitutionC 1. Those #hose )athers or &others are citiBens o) the Phi i!!inesC 3. Those $orn $e)ore (anuar' 1:, 1?:3, o) >i i!ino &others, #ho e ect Phi i!!ine CitiBenshi! u!on reachin* the a*e o) &a"orit'C and 4. Those #ho are natura iBed in the accordance #ith a#. Section 9. Natura 5$orn citiBens are those #ho are citiBens o) the Phi i!!ines )ro& $irth #ithout ha%in* to !er)or& an' act to ac0uire or !er)ect their Phi i!!ine citiBenshi!. Those #ho e ect Phi i!!ine citiBenshi! in accordance #ith !ara*ra!h 839, Section 1 hereo) sha $e dee&ed natura 5$orn citiBens. Section 4. Phi i!!ine citiBenshi! &a' $e ost or reac0uired in the &anner !ro%ided $' a#. Section F. CitiBens o) the Phi i!!ines #ho &arr' a iens sha retain their citiBenshi!, un ess $' their act or o&ission the' are dee&ed, under the a# to ha%e renounced it. Section 5. =ua a e*iance o) citiBens is ini&ica to the nationa interest and sha $e dea t #ith $' a#. Art. LII, Secs. 1 and 14.1 Phi i!!ine Constitution

Section 9. A ands o) the !u$ ic do&ain, #aters, &inera s, coa , !etro eu&, and other &inera oi s, a )orces o) !otentia ener*', )isheries, )orests or ti&$er, #i d i)e, ) ora and )auna, and other natura resources are o#ned $' the State. With the e,ce!tion o) a*ricu tura ands, a other natura resources sha not $e a ienated. The e,! oration, de%e o!&ent, and uti iBation o) natura resources sha $e under the )u contro and su!er%ision o) the State. The State &a' direct ' underta+e such acti%ities, or it &a' enter into co5!roduction, "oint %enture, or !roduction5sharin* a*ree&ents #ith >i i!ino citiBens, or cor!orations or associations at east 6; !er centu& o) #hose ca!ita is o#ned $' such citiBens. Such a*ree&ents &a' $e )or a !eriod not e,ceedin* t#ent'5)i%e 'ears, rene#a$ e )or not &ore than t#ent'5)i%e 'ears, and under such ter&s and conditions as &a' !ro%ided $' a#. In cases o) #ater ri*hts )or irri*ation, #ater su!! ', )isheries, or industria uses other than the de%e o!&ent o) #ater!o#er, $ene)icia use &a' $e the &easure and i&it o) the *rant. The State sha !rotect the nations &arine #ea th in its archi!e a*ic #aters, territoria sea, and e,c usi%e econo&ic Bone, and reser%e its use and en"o'&ent e,c usi%e ' to >i i!ino citiBens. The Con*ress &a', $' a#, a o# s&a 5sca e uti iBation o) natura resources $' >i i!ino citiBens, as #e as coo!erati%e )ish )ar&in*, #ith !riorit' to su$sistence )isher&en and )ish #or+ers in ri%ers, a+es, $a's, and a*oons. The President &a' enter into a*ree&ents #ith )orei*n5o#ned cor!orations in%o %in* either technica or )inancia assistance )or ar*e5sca e e,! oration, de%e o!&ent, and uti iBation o) &inera s, !etro eu&, and other &inera oi s accordin* to the *enera ter&s and conditions !ro%ided $' a#, $ased on rea contri$utions to the econo&ic *ro#th and *enera #e )are o) the countr'. In such a*ree&ents, the State sha !ro&ote the de%e o!&ent and use o) oca scienti)ic and technica resources. The President sha noti)' the Con*ress o) e%er' contract entered into in accordance #ith this !ro%ision, #ithin thirt' da's )ro& its e,ecution.

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Section 1F. The sustained de%e o!&ent o) a reser%oir o) nationa ta ents consistin* o) >i i!ino scientists, entre!reneurs, !ro)essiona s, &ana*ers, hi*h5 e%e technica &an!o#er and s+i ed #or+ers and cra)ts&en in a )ie ds sha $e !ro&oted $' the State. The State sha encoura*e a!!ro!riate techno o*' and re*u ate its trans)er )or the nationa $ene)it. The !ractice o) a !ro)essions in the Phi i!!ines sha $e i&ited to >i i!ino citiBens, sa%e in cases !rescri$ed $' a#. 15 Phi i!!ine (ud*es Association %s. Prado, 11: SC2A :;3 81??39 )ran+in* !ri%i e*es 5 The ri*ht o) &e&$ers to !ost &ai to constituents #ithout ha%in* to !a' !osta*e. A co!' o) the &e&$erKs si*nature re! aces the sta&! on the en%e o!e. >acts. The &ain tar*et o) this !etition is Section 35 o) 2.A. No. :354 as i&! e&ented $' the Phi i!!ine Posta Cor!oration throu*h its Circu ar No. ?151<. These &easures #ithdra# the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e )ro& the SC, CA, 2TC, 7TC, 7eTC and the Land 2e*istration Co&&ission and its 2e*isters o) =eeds, a on* #ith certain other *o%ern&ent o))ices. The !etitioners are &e&$ers o) the o#er courts #ho )ee that their o))icia )unctions as "ud*es #i $e !re"udiced $' the a$o%e5na&ed &easures. The !etition assai s the constitutiona it' o) 2.A. No. :354. Issues. 819 Whether or not its tit e e&$races &ore than one su$"ect and does not e,!ress its !ur!ose 819 Whether or not it did not !ass the re0uired readin*s in $oth Aouses o) Con*ress and !rinted co!ies o) the $i in its )ina )or& #ere not distri$uted a&on* the &e&$ers $e)ore its !assa*eC 839 Whether or not it is discri&inator' and encroaches on the inde!endence o) the (udiciar' J Yes, it is discri&inator' Ae d. 819 Artic e VI, Sec. 168 9, o) the Constitution !ro%idin* that @/%er' $i !assed $' the Con*ress sha e&$race on ' one su$"ect #hich sha $e e,!ressed in the tit e thereo).@ The !ur!oses o) this ru e are. 819 to !re%ent hod*e5!od*e or @ o*5 ro in*@ e*is ationC 819 to !re%ent sur!rise or )raud u!on the e*is ature $' &eans o) !ro%isions in $i s o) #hich the tit e *i%es no inti&ation, and #hich &i*ht there)ore $e o%er oo+ed and care ess ' and unintentiona ' ado!tedC and 839 to )air ' a!!rise the !eo! e, throu*h such !u$ ication o) e*is ati%e !roceedin*s as is usua ' &ade, o) the su$"ect o) e*is ation that is $ein* considered, in order that the' &a' ha%e o!!ortunit' o) $ein* heard thereon, $' !etition or other#ise, i) the' sha so desire. It is the su$&ission o) the !etitioners that Section 35 o) 2.A. No. :354 #hich #ithdre# the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e )ro& the (udiciar' is not e,!ressed in the tit e o) the a#, nor does it re) ect its !ur!oses. 2.A. No. :354 is entit ed @An Act Creatin* the Phi i!!ine Posta Cor!oration, =e)inin* its Po#ers, >unctions and 2es!onsi$i ities, Pro%idin* )or 2e*u ation o) the Industr' and )or Other Pur!oses Connected There#ith.@ The !etitionersD contention is untena$ e. The tit e o) the $i is not re0uired to $e an inde, to the $od' o) the act, or to $e as co&!rehensi%e as to co%er e%er' sin* e detai o) the &easure. It has $een he d that i) the tit e )air ' indicates the *enera su$"ect, and reasona$ ' co%ers a the !ro%isions o) the act, and is not ca cu ated to &is ead the e*is ature or the !eo! e, there is su))icient co&! iance #ith the constitutiona re0uire&ent. >urther&ore, the re!ea o) a statute on a *i%en su$"ect is !ro!er ' connected #ith the su$"ect &atter o) a ne# statute on the sa&e su$"ectC and there)ore a re!ea in* section in the ne# statute is %a id, not#ithstandin* that the tit e is si ent on the su$"ect. The reason is that #here a statute re!ea s a )or&er a#, such re!ea is the e))ect and not the su$"ect o) the statuteC and it is the su$"ect, not the e))ect o) a a#, #hich is re0uired to $e $rie) ' e,!ressed in its tit e. The #ithdra#a o) the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e )ro& so&e a*encies is *er&ane to the acco&! ish&ent o) the !rinci!a o$"ecti%e o) 2.A. No. :354, #hich is the creation o) a &ore e))icient and e))ecti%e !osta ser%ice s'ste&. 819 It is a &atter o) record that the con)erence Co&&ittee 2e!ort on the $i in 0uestion #as returned to and du ' a!!ro%ed $' $oth the Senate and the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es. Therea)ter, the $i #as enro ed #ith its certi)ication $' Senate President Ne!ta i A. -onBa es and S!ea+er 2a&on V. 7itra o) the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es as ha%in* $een du ' !assed $' $oth Aouses o) Con*ress. It #as then !resented to and a!!ro%ed $' President CoraBon C. A0uino on A!ri 3, 1??1. Under the doctrine o) se!aration !o#ers, the Court &a' not in0uire $e'ond the certi)ication o) the a!!ro%a o) a $i )ro& the !residin* o))icers o) Con*ress. The enro ed $i is conc usi%e u!on the (udiciar' 8e,ce!t in &atters that ha%e to $e entered in the "ourna s i+e the 'eas and na's on the )ina readin* o) the $i 9. 839 It is a e*ed that 2.A. No. :354 is discri&inator' $ecause #hi e #ithdra#in* the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e )ro& the

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(udiciar', it retains the sa&e )or the President o) the Phi i!!ines, the Vice President o) the Phi i!!inesC Senators and 7e&$ers o) the Aouse o) 2e!resentati%es, the Co&&ission on / ectionsC )or&er Presidents o) the Phi i!!inesC the Nationa Census and Statistics O))iceC and the *enera !u$ ic in the )i in* o) co&! aints a*ainst !u$ ic o))ices and o))icers. The #ithdra#a o) the )ran+in* !ri%i e*es #as indeed discri&inator'. The res!ondents are in e))ect sa'in* that the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e shou d $e e,tended on ' to those #ho do not need it %er' &uch, i) at a , 8 i+e the #ido#s o) )or&er Presidents9 $ut not to those #ho need it $ad ' 8es!ecia ' the courts o) "ustice9. It is i+e sa'in* that a !erson &a' $e a o#ed cos&etic sur*er' a thou*h it is not rea ' necessar' $ut not an o!eration that can sa%e his i)e. I) the !ro$ e& o) the res!ondents is the oss o) re%enues )ro& the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e, the re&ed', it see&s to us, is to #ithdra# it a to*ether )ro& all a*encies o) *o%ern&ent, inc udin* those #ho do not need it. The !ro$ e& is not so %ed $' retainin* it )or so&e and #ithdra#in* it )ro& others, es!ecia ' #here there is no su$stantia distinction $et#een those )a%ored, #hich &a' or &a' not need it at a , and the (udiciar', #hich de)inite ' needs it. The !ro$ e& is not so %ed $' %io atin* the Constitution. In u&!in* the (udiciar' #ith the other o))ices )ro& #hich the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e has $een #ithdra#n, Section 35 has ! aced the courts o) "ustice in a cate*or' to #hich it does not $e on*. I) it reco*niBes the need o) the President o) the Phi i!!ines and the &e&$ers o) Con*ress )or the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e, there is no reason #h' it shou d not reco*niBe a si&i ar and in )act *reater need on the !art o) the (udiciar' )or such !ri%i e*e. Whi e #e &a' a!!reciate the #ithdra#a o) the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e )ro& the Ar&ed >orces o) the Phi i!!ines Ladies Steerin* Co&&ittee, #e )ai to understand #h' the Su!re&e Court shou d $e si&i ar ' treated as that Co&&ittee. And #hi e #e &a' concede the need o) the Nationa Census and Statistics O))ice )or the )ran+in* !ri%i e*e, #e are intri*ued that a si&i ar i) not *reater need is not reco*niBed in the courts o) "ustice. 14 P ess' %s. >er*uson, 163 US 53: 81<?69 >acts Ao&er A. P ess' #as an A&erican citiBen #ho #as considered to $e :U< #hite and 1U< A)rican A&erican 8his *reat5 *rand&other $ein* $ ac+9. P ess' atte&!ted to sit in an a 5#hite rai road car. A)ter re)usin* to sit in the $ ac+ rai #a' carria*e car, P ess' #as arrested )or %io atin* an 1<?; Louisiana statute that !ro%ided )or se*re*ated Mse!arate $ut e0ua N rai road acco&&odations. Those usin* )aci ities not desi*nated )or their race #ere cri&ina ' ia$ e under the statute. At tria #ith (ustice (ohn A. >er*uson !residin*, P ess' #as )ound *ui t' on the *rounds that the a# #as a reasona$ e e,ercise o) the stateKs !o ice !o#ers $ased u!on custo&, usa*e, and tradition in the state. P ess' )i ed a !etition )or #rits o) !rohi$ition and certiorari in the Su!re&e Court o) Louisiana a*ainst >er*uson, assertin* that se*re*ation sti*&atiBed $ ac+s and sta&!ed the& #ith a $ad*e o) in)eriorit' in %io ation o) the Thirteenth and >ourteenth a&end&ents. The court )ound )or >er*uson. The State o) Louisiana asserted that the Act under scrutin' is not discri&inator' a*ainst an' race as it is e0ua ' a!! ica$ e to $oth M#hitesN and Mnon5#hitesN. Issue. WON the stateKs constitutiona ' enact e*is ation re0uirin* !ersons o) di))erent races to use Mse!arate $ut e0ua N se*re*ated )aci itiesI Ae d. 8Bro#n9 Yes. The states can constitutiona ' enact e*is ation re0uirin* !ersons o) di))erent races to use Mse!arate $ut e0ua N se*re*ated )aci ities. Thirteenth A&end&ent issue. The statute does not con) ict #ith the Thirteenth A&end&ent. The Thirteenth A&end&ent a$o ished s a%er' and in%o untar' ser%itude, e,ce!t as a !unish&ent )or cri&e. S a%er' i&! ies in%o untar' ser%itude and a state o) $onda*e. The Thirteenth A&end&ent ho#e%er #as re*arded as insu))icient to !rotect )or&er s a%es )ro& certain a#s #hich had $een enacted in the south #hich i&!osed u!on the& onerous disa$i ities and $urdens and curtai ed their ri*hts in the !ursuit o) i)e, i$ert' and !ro!ert' to such an e,tent that their )reedo& #as o) itt e %a ueC and that the >ourteenth A&end&ent #as de%ised to &eet this e,i*enc'.

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>ourteenth A&end&ent Issue. Bro#n (. dre# a distinction $et#een a#s that inter)ere #ith !o itica e0ua it' and se*re*ation, conc udin* that the >ourteenth A&end&ent. MCou d not ha%e $een intended to a$o ish distinctions $ased u!on co or, or to en)orce socia , as distin*uished )ro& !o itica , e0ua it', or a co&&in* in* o) the t#o racesN. A !ersons $orn or natura iBed in the United States and su$"ect to the "urisdiction thereo) are &ade citiBens o) United States and o) the State #herein the' reside, and the States are )or$idden )ro& &a+in* or en)orcin* an' #hich sha a$rid*e the !ri%i e*es or i&&unities o) citiBens o) the United States, or sha de!ri%e an' !erson o) i$ert', or !ro!ert' #ithout due !rocess o) a#, or den' to an' !erson #ithin their "urisdiction the e0ua !rotection o) a#s. the a# i)e, the

The !ro!er construction o) this a&end&ent in%o %es a 0uestion o) e,c usi%e !ri%i e*es rather than race. Its &ain !ur!ose #as to esta$ ish the citiBenshi! o) )or&er s a%es, to *i%e de)initions o) citiBenshi! o) the United States and o) the States, and to !rotect the !ri%i e*es and i&&unities o) citiBens o) the United States )ro& hosti e e*is ation o) the states. It #as intended to en)orce the a$so ute e0ua it' o) the t#o races $e)ore the a#, $ut it #as intended to a$o ish distinctions $ased u!on co or, or to en)orce socia e0ua it', or a co&&in* in* o) the t#o races u!on ter&s unsatis)actor' to either. La#s !er&ittin* and e%en re0uirin* their se!aration in ! aces #here the' are ia$ e to $e $rou*ht into contact do not necessari ' i&! ' the in)eriorit' o) either race. Such a#s ha%e *enera ' $een reco*niBed as #ithin the sco!e o) the statesK !o ice !o#ers. The &ost co&&on instance in%o %es the esta$ ish&ent o) se!arate schoo s, #hich has $een he d to $e a %a id e,ercise o) the e*is ati%e !o#er e%en $' courts o) States #here the !o itica ri*hts o) $ ac+s ha%e $een on*est and &ost earnest ' en)orced. =is!osition. (ud*&ent )or >er*uson %his case -as later overruled by Bro-n v. Board of Education. $ustice .arren -rote the opinion for a unanimous court( holding that separate facilities -hich segregate based on race are inherently une/ual. 13 Bro#n %s. Board o) /ducation, 34? US 1?4 81?549C 34: US 4<3 81?549

7ain To!ic. /0ua Protection =is!uted the MSe!arate $ut /0ua N doctrine. >acts This case is a conso idation o) se%era di))erent cases )ro& Oansas, South Caro ina, Vir*inia, and =e a#are. Se%era $ ac+ chi dren, throu*h their e*a re!resentati%es, sou*ht ad&ission to !u$ ic schoo s that re0uired or !er&itted se*re*ation $ased on race. The ! ainti))s a e*ed that se*re*ation #as unconstitutiona under the /0ua Protection C ause o) the >ourteenth A&end&ent. In a $ut one case, a "ud*e )edera district court cited P ess' %. >er*uson in den'in* re ie) under the Mse!arate $ut e0ua N doctrine. On a!!ea to the Su!re&e Court, the ! ainti))s contended that se*re*ated schoo s #ere not and cou d not $e &ade e0ua and that the' #ere there)ore de!ri%ed o) e0ua !rotection o) the a#s. Issue Whether or not the race5$ased se*re*ation o) chi dren into Mse!arate $ut e0ua N !u$ ic schoo s is constitutiona Ae d. No. The race5$ased se*re*ation o) chi dren into Mse!arate $ut e0ua N !u$ ic schoo s %io ates the /0ua Protection C ause o) the >ourteenth A&end&ent and is unconstitutiona . Se*re*ation o) chi dren in the !u$ ic schoo s so e ' on the $asis o) race denies to $ ac+ chi dren the e0ua !rotection o) the a#s *uaranteed $' the >ourteenth A&end&ent, e%en thou*h their !h'sica )aci ities and others &a' $e e0ua . /ducation in !u$ ic schoo s is a ri*ht #hich &ust $e &ade a%ai a$ e to a on e0ua ter&s.

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The 0uestion !resented in these cases &ust $e deter&ined not on the $asis o) conditions e,istin* #hen the >ourteenth A&end&ent #as ado!ted, $ut in the i*ht o) the ro e o) !u$ ic education in A&erican i)e toda'. The se!arate $ut e0ua doctrine ado!ted in P ess' %. >er*uson, #hich a!! ied to trans!ortation, has no ! ace in the )ie d o) !u$ ic education. Se!aratin* $ ac+ chi dren )ro& others so e ' $ecause o) their race *enerates a )ee in* o) in)eriorit' as to their status in the co&&unit' that &a' a))ect their hearts and &inds in a #a' un i+e ' e%er to $e undone. The i&!act o) se*re*ation is *reater #hen it has the sanction o) a#. A sense o) in)eriorit' a))ects the &oti%ation o) a chi d to earn. Se*re*ation #ith the sanction o) a# tends to i&!ede the educationa and &enta de%e o!&ent o) $ ac+ chi dren and de!ri%es the& o) so&e o) the $ene)its the' #ou d recei%e in an inte*rated schoo s'ste&. Whate%er &a' ha%e $een the e,tent o) !s'cho o*ica +no# ed*e at the ti&e o) P ess' %. >er*uson, this )indin* is a&! ' su!!orted $' &odern authorit' and an' an*ua*e to the contrar' in P ess' %. >er*uson is re"ected.


Or&oc Su*ar Co&!an', Inc. %s. Treasurer o) Or&oc Cit', 11 SC2A 6;3 Or&oc cit' !assed an ordinance #hich !ro%ides. @There sha $e !aid to the Cit' Treasurer on an' and a !roductions o) centri)u*a su*ar &i ed at the Or&oc Su*ar Co&!an', Incor!orated, in Or&oc Cit', a &unici!a ta, e0ui%a ent to one !er centu& 81Q9 !er e,!ort sa e to the United States o) A&erica and other )orei*n countries.@ Or&oc Su*ar Co&!an' )i ed a co&! aint a*ainst the cit' o) Or&oc, a e*in* that the a)ore5stated ordinance is unconstitutiona )or $ein* %io ati%e o) the e0ua !rotection c ause 8Sec. 1E1F, Art. III, Constitution9 and the ru e o) uni)or&it' o) ta,ation 8Sec. 11E1F9, Art. VI, Constitution9 ISSU/. WUN the ordinance %io ates the e0ua !rotection c ause and the uni)or&it' o) ta,ation 2ULIN-. Y/S The e0ua !rotection c ause a!! ies on ' to !ersons or thin*s identica ' situated and does not $ar a reasona$ e c assi)ication o) the su$"ect o) e*is ation, and a c assi)ication is reasona$ e #here 819 it is $ased on su$stantia distinctions #hich &a+e rea di))erencesC 819 these are *er&ane to the !ur!ose o) the a#C 839 the c assi)ication a!! ies not on ' to !resent conditions $ut a so to )uture conditions #hich are su$stantia ' identica to those o) the !resentC 849 the c assi)ication a!! ies on ' to those #ho $e on* to the sa&e c ass. A !erusa o) the re0uisites instant ' sho#s that the 0uestioned ordinance does not &eet the&, )or it ta,es on ' centri)u*a su*ar !roduced and e,!orted $' the Or&oc Su*ar Co&!an', Inc. and none other. At the ti&e o) the ta,in* ordinanceDs enact&ent, Or&oc Su*ar Co&!an', Inc., it is true, #as the on ' su*ar centra in the cit' o) Or&oc. Sti , the c assi)ication, to $e reasona$ e, shou d $e in ter&s a!! ica$ e to )uture conditions as #e . The ta,in* ordinance shou d not $e sin*u ar and e,c usi%e as to e,c ude an' su$se0uent ' esta$ ished su*ar centra , o) the sa&e c ass as ! ainti)), )or the co%era*e o) the ta,. As it is no#, e%en i) ater a si&i ar co&!an' is set u!, it cannot $e su$"ect to the ta, $ecause the ordinance e,!ress ' !oints on ' to Or&oc Cit' Su*ar Co&!an', Inc. as the entit' to $e e%ied u!on Ichon* %s. AernandeB, 1;1 Phi . 1155 81 Bernas 619 >ACTS. The Le*is ature !assed 2.A. 11<; 8An Act to 2e*u ate the 2etai Business9. Its !ur!ose #as to !re%ent !ersons #ho are not citiBens o) the Phi . )ro& ha%in* a stran* eho d u!on the !eo! eKs econo&ic i)e. a !rohi$ition a*ainst a iens and a*ainst associations, !artnershi!s, or cor!orations the ca!ita o) #hich are not #ho ' o#ned $' >i i!inos, )ro& en*a*in* direct ' or indirect ' in the retai trade a iens actua ' en*a*ed in the retai $usiness on 7a' 15, 1?54 are a o#ed to continue their $usiness, un ess their icenses are )or)eited in accordance #ith a#, unti their death or %o untar' retire&ent. In case o) "uridica !ersons, ten 'ears a)ter the a!!ro%a o) the Act or unti the e,!iration o) ter&.


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CitiBens and "uridica entities o) the United States #ere e,e&!ted )ro& this Act. !ro%ision )or the )or)eiture o) icenses to en*a*e in the retai $usiness )or %io ation o) the a#s on nationa iBation, econo&ic contro #ei*hts and &easures and a$or and other a#s re atin* to trade, co&&erce and industr'. !ro%ision a*ainst the esta$ ish&ent or o!enin* $' a iens actua ' en*a*ed in the retai $usiness o) additiona stores or $ranches o) retai $usiness Lao Ichon*, in his o#n $eha ) and $eha ) o) other a ien residents, cor!orations and !artnershi!s a))ected $' the Act, )i ed an action to dec are it unconstitutiona )or the )). reasons. 1. it denies to a ien residents the e0ua !rotection o) the a#s and de!ri%es the& o) their i$ert' and !ro!ert' #ithout due !rocess 1. the su$"ect o) the Act is not e,!ressed in the tit e 3. the Act %io ates internationa and treat' o$ i*ations 4. the !ro%isions o) the Act a*ainst the trans&ission $' a iens o) their retai $usiness thru hereditar' succession ISSU/. WON the Act de!ri%es the a iens o) the e0ua !rotection o) the a#s. A/L=. The a# is a %a id e,ercise o) !o ice !o#er and it does not den' the a iens the e0ua !rotection o) the a#s. There are rea and actua , !ositi%e and )unda&enta di))erences $et#een an a ien and a citiBen, #hich )u ' "usti)' the e*is ati%e c assi)ication ado!ted. 2ATIO. The e0ua !rotection c ause does not de&and a$so ute e0ua it' a&on* residents. It &ere ' re0uires that a !ersons sha $e treated a i+e, under i+e circu&stances and conditions $oth as to !ri%i e*es con)erred and ia$i ities en)orced. The c assi)ication is actua , rea and reasona$ e, and a !ersons o) one c ass are treated a i+e. The di))erence in status $et#een citiBens and a iens constitutes a $asis )or reasona$ e c assi)ication in the e,ercise o) !o ice !o#er. O))icia statistics !oint out to the e%er5increasin* do&inance and contro $' a ien o) the retai trade. It is this do&ination and contro that is the e*is atureKs tar*et in the enact&ent o) the Act. The &ere )act o) a iena*e is the root cause o) the distinction $et#een the a ien and the nationa as a trader. The a ien is natura ' ac+in* in that s!irit o) o'a t' and enthusias& )or the Phi . #here he te&!orari ' sta's and &a+es his i%in*. The a ien o#es no a e*iance or o'a t' to the State, and the State cannot re ' on hi&Uher in ti&es o) crisis or e&er*enc'. Whi e the citiBen ho ds his i)e, his !erson and his !ro!ert' su$"ect to the needs o) the countr', the a ien &a' $eco&e the !otentia ene&' o) the State. The a ien retai er has sho#n such utter disre*ard )or his custo&ers and the !eo! e on #ho& he &a+es his !ro)it. Throu*h the i e*iti&ate use o) !ernicious desi*ns and !ractices, the a ien no# en"o's a &ono!o istic contro on the nationKs econo&' endan*erin* the nationa securit' in ti&es o) crisis and e&er*enc'. Tecson %s. Co&e ec, -2 No. 161434, 7arch 3, 1;;4 8>P( Case9 Facts: Petitioners sou*ht )or res!ondent PoeKs dis0ua i)ication in the !residentia e ections )or ha%in* a e*ed ' &isre!resented &ateria )acts in his 8PoeKs9 certi)icate o) candidac' $' c ai&in* that he is a natura >i i!ino citiBen des!ite his !arents $oth $ein* )orei*ners. CO7/L/C dis&issed the !etition, ho din* that Poe #as a >i i!ino CitiBen. Petitioners assai the "urisdiction o) the CO7/L/C, contendin* that on ' the Su!re&e Court &a' reso %e the $asic issue on the case under Artic e VII, Section 4, !ara*ra!h :, o) the 1?<: Constitution. Issue:


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Whether or not it is the Su!re&e Court #hich had "urisdiction. Whether or not CO7/L/C co&&itted *ra%e a$use o) discretion in ho din* that Poe #as a >i i!ino citiBen. Is an i e*iti&ate chi d dis0ua i)ied to run )or !u$ ic o))iceI Held. 1.9 The Su!re&e Court had no "urisdiction on 0uestions re*ardin* M0ua i)ication o) a candidateN )or the !residenc' or %ice5!residenc' $e)ore the e ection is he d. @2u es o) the Presidentia / ectora Tri$una @ in connection #ith Section 4, !ara*ra!h :, o) the 1?<: Constitution, re)ers to McontestsN re atin* to the e ection, returns and 0ua i)ications o) the @President@ or @Vice5President@, o) the Phi i!!ines #hich the Su!re&e Court &a' ta+e co*niBance, and not o) @candidates@ )or President or Vice5President $e)ore the e ections. 1.9 CO7/L/C co&&itted no *ra%e a$use o) discretion in ho din* Poe as a >i i!ino CitiBen. The 1?35 Constitution on CitiBenshi!, the !re%ai in* )unda&enta a# on res!ondentKs $irth, !ro%ided that a&on* the citiBens o) the Phi i!!ines are @those #hose )athers are citiBens o) the Phi i!!ines.@ Tracin* res!ondentKs !aterna inea*e, his *rand)ather LorenBo, as e%idenced $' the atterKs death certi)icate #as identi)ied as a >i i!ino CitiBen. Ais citiBenshi! #as a so dra#n )ro& the !resu&!tion that ha%in* died in 1?54 at the a*e o) <4, LorenBo #ou d ha%e $een $orn in 1?<;. In the a$sence o) an' other e%idence, LorenBoKs ! ace o) residence u!on his death in 1?54 #as !resu&ed to $e the ! ace o) residence !rior his death, such that LorenBo Pou #ou d ha%e $ene)ited )ro& the @en &asse >i i!iniBation@ that the Phi i!!ine Bi had e))ected in 1?;1. Bein* so, LorenBoKs citiBenshi! #ou d ha%e e,tended to his son, A an555res!ondentKs )ather. 2es!ondent, ha%in* $een ac+no# ed*ed as A anKs son to Bessie, thou*h an A&erican citiBen, #as a >i i!ino citiBen $' %irtue o) !aterna )i iation as e%idenced $' the res!ondentKs $irth certi)icate. The 1?35 Constitution on citiBenshi! did not &a+e a distinction on the e*iti&ac' or i e*iti&ac' o) the chi d, thus, the a e*ation o) $i*a&ous &arria*e and the a e*ation that res!ondent #as $orn on ' $e)ore the assai ed &arria*e had no $earin* on res!ondentKs citiBenshi! in %ie# o) the esta$ ished !aterna )i iation e%idenced $' the !u$ ic docu&ents !resented. But #hi e the tota it' o) the e%idence &a' not esta$ ish conc usi%e ' that res!ondent >P( is a natura 5$orn citiBen o) the Phi i!!ines, the e%idence on hand sti #ou d !re!onderate in his )a%or enou*h to ho d that he cannot $e he d *ui t' o) ha%in* &ade a &ateria &isre!resentation in his certi)icate o) candidac' in %io ation o) Section :<, in re ation to Section :4 o) the O&ni$us / ection Code. On E/ual Protection of La-s and )llegitimacy The o!inion o) (oa0uin Bernas, S( is &ost con%incin* in the issue at hand. Ae stated that the Court &ust as+ #hat the lis mota #as in each o) the cases cited $' the !etitioners to su!!ort their contention that $irth to un&arried !arents #ou d &a+e >P( an i e*iti&ate chi d and there)ore he #ou d )o o# the citiBenshi! o) his &other, an A&erican. A&on* the cases cited #ere Morano v. Vivo 81; SC2A 5619, #hich #as a$out a ste!son o) a >i i!ino $ut the chi d o) a Chinese &other and a Chinese )ather, Chiongbian v. de Leon 8<1 Phi . ::19, #hich #as a$out a e*iti&ate son o) a )ather #ho had $eco&e >i i!ino $' e ection to !u$ ic o))ice $e)ore the 1?35 Constitution, and erra v. #epublic 8?1 Phi . ?149, #hich #as a$out an i e*iti&ate chi d o) a Chinese )ather and a >i i!ino &other. The )acts in these cases #ere not the sa&e as those in the case at $ar. 7oreo%er, in another case, Paa v. Chan 811 SC2A :539, #hich #as a$out the son o) an i e*iti&ate chi d o) a Chinese )ather and a >i i!ino &other, the ar*u&ent #as $ased )ro& an o$iter dictu&, #hich #as a$so ute ' unnecessar' )or the case and cannot $e *i%en *reat #ei*ht. >ather Bernas )urther stated that aside )ro& the )act that such !ronounce&ent that an i e*iti&ate chi d o) a >i i!ino )ather cannot run )or !u$ ic o))ice #ou d ha%e no te,tua )oundation in the Constitution, it #ou d a so %io ate the e0ua

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!rotection c ause o) the Constitution. >irst, it #ou d &a+e an i e*iti&ate distinction $et#een a e*iti&ate chi d and an i e*iti&ate chi d, and second, it #ou d &a+e an i e*iti&ate distinction $et#een the i e*iti&ate chi d o) a >i i!ino )ather and the i e*iti&ate chi d o) a >i i!ino &other. In the case o) People v. Cayat, "uris!rudence has esta$ ished a test to deter&ine %a id c assi)ication. A thou*h distinction $et#een e*iti&ate and i e*iti&ate chi dren rests on rea di))erences, these di))erences &a' "usti)' distinction )or one !ur!ose $ut not )or another. In )act, it &ust $e considered that it #as not the )au t o) the chi d that his !arents had i icit iaison. To dis0ua i)' the i e*iti&ate chi d )ro& ho din* an i&!ortant !u$ ic o))ice is to !unish hi& )or the indiscretion o) his !arents. There is neither "ustice nor rationa it' in that. Thus, it trans*resses the e0ua !rotection c ause. Another amicus curiae, 7r. (ustice 7endoBa, a so reiterated that #here "uris!rudence re*arded an i e*iti&ate chi d as ta+in* a)ter the citiBenshi! o) its &other, it did so )or the $ene)it o) the chi d. It #as to ensure a >i i!ino nationa it' )or the i e*iti&ate chi d o) an a ien )ather in ine #ith the assu&!tion that the &other had custod', #ou d e,ercise !arenta authorit' and had the dut' to su!!ort her i e*iti&ate chi d. It #as to he ! the chi d, not !re"udice or discri&inate hi&. The Con%ention on the 2i*hts o) the Chi d #as a so used as $asis in this case since it a$o ished a discri&inations on account o) M$irth or other status.N The Con%ention !rotects in the &ost co&!rehensi%e #a' a ri*hts o) chi dren. !o itica ri*hts, ci%i ri*hts, socia ri*hts, econo&ic ri*hts and cu tura ri*hts. A %io ation o) one ri*ht is considered a %io ation o) the other ri*hts. It a so e&$raced the ru e that a actions o) a State concernin* the chi d shou d consider the M$est interestsN o) the chi d. This #as, ho#e%er, attac+ed $' (ustice Car!io in his dissent $' statin* that >P( cannot in%o+e the Con%ention since he is no on*er a chi d #hen the con%ention #as rati)ied in the Phi i!!ines in Se!te&$er 1??; and, thus, has no retroacti%e e))ect. 7oreo%er, he stated that the Con%ention has the status o) a &unici!a a# and its rati)ication cou d not ha%e a&ended the e,!ress re0uire&ent in the Constitution that on ' natura 5$orn citiBens o) the Phi i!!ines are 0ua i)ied to $e President. Ae )urther noted that the Con%ention does not *uarantee a chi d a citiBenshi! at $irth, $ut &ere ' Mthe ri*ht to ac0uire a nationa it'N in accordance #ith &unici!a a#. When >P( #as $orn in 1?3?, he #as a!!arent ' under United States a# an A&erican citiBen at $irth. A)ter his $irth >P( a so had the ri*ht to ac0uire Phi i!!ine citiBenshi! $' !ro%in* his )i iations to his a e*ed >i i!ino )ather in accordance #ith Phi i!!ine a#. At no !oint in ti&e #as >P( in dan*er o) $ein* state ess. C ear ', >P( cannot in%o+e the Con%ention to c ai& he is a natura 5$orn Phi i!!ine citiBen. The &a"orit' o!inion and the dissentin* o!inions a so discussed the conce!ts deri%ed )ro& the Ci%i Code in re ation to this issue. Ao#e%er, this #as not *i%en *reat #ei*ht $' the Court since the distinctions $et#een e*iti&ac' and i e*iti&ac' codi)ied in the Ci%i Code shou d re&ain on ' in the s!here o) ci%i a# and not undu ' i&!ede or in)rin*e on the do&ain o) !o itica a#.

II. Search and SeiBure Art. III. Sec. 1, Phi i!!ine Constitution Art. II Secs. 14 and 11, Phi i!!ine Constitution Art. IV, Phi i!!ine Constitution Art. LII, Secs. 1 and 14.1, Phi i!!ine Constitution ? < : 6 5 Peo! e %s. 7arti, 1?3 SC2A 5: 81??19 Na a %s. Barroso, (r. 4;< SC2A 51? 81;;39 Li& %s. >e i,, 1?4 SC2A 1?1 81??19 Stonchi %s. =io+no, 1; SC2A <<3 81?6:9 Bur*os %s. Chie) o) Sta)), 133 SC2A <;; 81?<49 Facts: Petitioners assai the %a idit' o) 1 search #arrants 8=ece&$er :, 1?<19 $' res!ondent (ud*e CruB5Pano o) the then C>I 2iBa , #herein @7etro!o itan 7ai @ and @We >oru&@ ne#s!a!ers, #ere searched, and o))ice and !rintin*

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&achines, e0ui!&ent, !ara!herna ia, &otor %ehic es and other artic es used in the !rintin*, !u$ ication and distri$ution o) the said ne#s!a!ers, as #e as nu&erous !a!ers, docu&ents, $oo+s and other #ritten iterature a e*ed to $e in the !ossession and contro o) !etitioner (ose Bur*os, (r. !u$ isher5editor o) the @We >oru&@ ne#s!a!er, #ere seiBed. As a conse0uence o) the search and seiBure, these !re&ises #ere !ad oc+ed and sea ed, #ith the )urther resu t that the !rintin* and !u$ ication o) said ne#s!a!ers #ere discontinued. 2es!ondents contend that !etitioners shou d ha%e )i ed a &otion to 0uash said #arrants in the court that issued the& $e)ore i&!u*nin* the %a idit' o) the sa&e $e)ore this Court. 2es!ondents a so assai the !etition on *round o) aches 8>ai ure or ne* i*ence )or an unreasona$ e and une,! ained en*th o) ti&e to do that #hich, $' e,ercisin* due di i*ence, cou d or shou d ha%e $een done ear ier. It is ne* i*ence or o&ission to assert a ri*ht #ithin a reasona$ e ti&e, #arrantin* a !resu&!tion that the !art' entit ed to assert it either has a$andoned it or dec ined to assert it9. 2es!ondents )urther state that since !etitioner had a read' used as e%idence so&e o) the docu&ents seiBed in a !rior cri&ina case, he is sto!!ed )ro& cha en*in* the %a idit' o) the search #arrants. Petitioners su$&it the )o o#in* reasons to nu i)' the 0uestioned #arrants. 1. 2es!ondent (ud*e )ai ed to conduct an e,a&ination under oath or a))ir&ation o) the a!! icant and his #itnesses, as &andated $' the a$o%e50uoted constitutiona !ro%ision as #e as Sec. 4, 2u e 116 o) the 2u es o) Court. 1. The search #arrants !in!ointed on ' one address #hich #ou d $e the )or&er a$o%e&entioned address. 3. Artic es $e on*in* to his co5!etitioners #ere a so seiBed a thou*h the #arrants #ere on ' directed a*ainst (ose Bur*os, (r. 4. 2ea !ro!erties #ere seiBed. 5. The a!! ication a on* #ith a "oint a))ida%it, u!on #hich the #arrants #ere issued, )ro& the 7etroco& Inte i*ence and Securit' -rou! cou d not ha%e !ro%ided su))icient $asis )or the )indin* o) a !ro$a$ e cause u!on #hich a #arrant &a' $e %a id ' issued in accordance #ith Section 4+ A'ticle IB o) the 1?:3 Constitution. 2es!ondents "usti)' the continued sea in* o) the !rintin* &achines on the *round that the' ha%e $een se0uestered under Section < o) P= <<5, as a&ended. Issue: Whether the 1 search #arrants #ere %a id ' issued and e,ecutedI Held: In re*ard to the 0uasha o) #arrants that !etitioners shou d ha%e initia ' )i ed to the o#er court, this Court ta+es co*niBance o) this !etition in %ie# o) the seriousness and ur*enc' o) the constitutiona Issue raised, not to &ention the !u$ ic interest *enerated $' the search o) the @We >oru&@ o))ices #hich #as te e%ised in Channe : and #ide ' !u$ iciBed in a &etro!o itan dai ies. The e,istence o) this s!ecia circu&stance "usti)ies this Court to e,ercise its inherent !o#er to sus!end its ru es. With the contention !ertainin* to aches, the !etitioners *a%e an e,! anation e%idencin* that the' ha%e e,hausted other e,tra5"udicia e))orts to re&ed' the situation, ne*atin* the !resu&!tion that the' ha%e a$andoned their ri*ht to the !ossession o) the seiBed !ro!ert'. On the enu&erated reasons. 1. This o$"ection &a' !ro!er ' $e considered &oot and acade&ic, as !etitioners the&se %es conceded durin* the hearin* on Au*ust ?, 1?<3, that an e,a&ination had indeed $een conducted $' res!ondent "ud*e o) Co . A$adi a and his #itnesses. 1. The de)ect !ointed out is o$%ious ' a t'!o*ra!hica error. Precise ', t#o search #arrants #ere a!! ied )or and issued $ecause the !ur!ose and intent #ere to search t#o distinct !re&ises. It #ou d $e 0uite a$surd and i o*ica )or res!ondent "ud*e to ha%e issued t#o #arrants intended )or one and the sa&e ! ace. 3. Section 1, 2u e 116, o) the 2u es o) Court, does not re0uire that the !ro!ert' to $e seiBed shou d $e o#ned $' the

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!erson a*ainst #ho& the search #arrant is directed. It &a' or &a' not $e o#ned $' hi&. 4. Petitioners do not c ai& to $e the o#ners o) the and andUor $ui din* on #hich the &achineries #ere ! aced. This $ein* the case, the &achineries in 0uestion, #hi e in )act $o ted to the *round, re&ain &o%a$ e !ro!ert' susce!ti$ e to seiBure under a search #arrant. 5. The &'oad state#ents in the a$$lication and 8oint a""idavit a'e #e'e conclusions o" law and does not satis"% the 'e(ui'e#ents o" $'o&a&le cause. =e)icient o) such !articu ars as #ou d "usti)' a )indin* o) the e,istence o) !ro$a$ e cause, said alle)ation cannot se've as &asis "o' the issuance o" a sea'ch wa''ant and it #as a *ra%e error )or res!ondent "ud*e to ha%e done so. Pro$a$ e cause )or a search is de)ined as such )acts and circu&stances #hich #ou d ead a reasona$ ' discreet and !rudent &an to $e ie%e that an o))ense has $een co&&itted and that the o$"ects sou*ht in connection #ith the o))ense are in the ! ace sou*ht to $e searched. When addressed to a ne#s!a!er !u$ isher or editor, the a!! ication )or a #arrant &ust contain a s!eci)ication statin* #ith !articu arit' the a e*ed su$%ersi%e &ateria s he has !u$ ished or intendin* to !u$ ish. A %areB %. C>I. @the oath re0uired &ust re)er to the truth o) the )acts #ithin the !ersona +no# ed*e o) the !etitioner or his #itnesses, $ecause the !ur!ose thereo) is to con%ince the co&&ittin* &a*istrate, not the indi%idua &a+in* the a))ida%it and see+in* the issuance o) the #arrant, o) the e,istence o) !ro$a$ e cause.@ Another )actor #hich &a+es the search #arrants under consideration constitutiona ' o$"ectiona$ e is that the' are in the nature o) )ene'al wa''ants. The descri!tion o) the artic es sou*ht to $e seiBed under the search #arrants in 0uestion are too *enera . With re*ard to the res!ondents in%o+in* P= <<5, there is an a$sence o) an' i&! e&entin* ru es and re*u ations !ro&u *ated $' the 7inister o) Nationa =e)ense. >urther&ore, President 7arcos hi&se ) denies the re0uest o) &i itar' authorities to se0uester the !ro!ert' seiBed )ro& !etitioners. The c osure o) the !re&ises su$"ected to search and seiBure is contrar' to the )reedo& o) the !ress as *uaranteed in our )unda&enta a#. The sea'ch wa''ants a'e decla'ed null and void . 4 2oan %s. -onBa es, 145 SC2A 6<: 81?<49 >ACTS. That ri*ht is *uaranteed in the )o o#in* !ro%isions o) Artic e IV o) the 1?:3 Constitution. S/C. 3. The ri*ht o) the !eo! e to $e secure in their !ersons, houses, !a!ers and e))ects a*ainst unreasona$ e searches and seiBures o) #hate%er nature and )or an' !ur!ose sha not $e %io ated, and no search #arrant or #arrant o) arrest sha issue e,ce!t u!on !ro$a$ e cause to $e deter&ined $' the "ud*e, or such other res!onsi$ e o))icer as &a' $e authoriBed $' a#, a)ter e,a&ination under oath or a))ir&ation o) the co&! ainant and the #itnesses he &a' !roduce, and !articu ar ' descri$in* the ! ace to $e searched, and the !ersons or thin*s to $e seiBed. 819 An' e%idence o$tained in %io ation o) this or the !recedin* section sha $e inad&issi$ e )or an' !ur!ose in an' !roceedin*. In%o+in* these !ro%isions, the !etitioner c ai&s he #as the %icti& o) an i e*a search and seiBure conducted $' the &i itar' authorities. The cha en*ed search #arrant #as issued $' the res!ondent "ud*e on 7a' 1;, 1?<4. 1 The !etitionerDs house #as searched t#o da's ater $ut none o) the artic es isted in the #arrant #as disco%ered. 3 Ao#e%er, the o))icers conductin* the search )ound in the !re&ises one Co t 7a*nu& re%o %er and ei*hteen i%e $u ets #hich the' con)iscated. The' are no# the $ases o) the char*e a*ainst the !etitioner. 4 To $e %a id, a search #arrant &ust $e su!!orted $' !ro$a$ e cause to $e deter&ined $' the "ud*e or so&e other authoriBed o))icer a)ter e,a&inin* the co&! ainant and the #itnesses he &a' !roduce ISSU/. Whether the 2es!ondent (ud*e )ai ed to co&! ' #ith the !ro!er !rocedure in issuin* the Search Warrant.

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A/L=. I&! e&entin* this re0uire&ent, the 2u es o) Court !ro%ided in #hat #as then 2u e 116. S/C. 4. E0amination of the applicant. G The &unici!a or cit' "ud*e &ust, $e)ore issuin* the #arrant, !ersona ' e,a&ine on oath or a))ir&ation the co&! ainant and an' #itnesses he &a' !roduce and ta+e their de!ositions in #ritin*, and attach the& to the record, in addition to an' a))ida%its !resented to hi&. The !etitioner c ai&s that no de!ositions #ere ta+en $' the res!ondent "ud*e in accordance #ith the a$o%e ru e, $ut this is not entire ' true. As a &atter o) )act, de!ositions #ere ta+en o) the co&! ainantDs t#o #itnesses in addition to the a))ida%it e,ecuted $' the&. B' his o#n account,#hat he did #as 0uestion Ca!tain Sui osa on the contents o) his a))ida%it on ' @to ascertain, a&on* others, i) he +ne# and understood the sa&e,@ and on ' $ecause @the a!! ication #as not 'et su$scri$ed and s#o& to.@ The su**estion is that he #ou d not ha%e as+ed an' 0uestions at a i) the a))ida%it had a read' $een co&! eted #hen it #as su$&itted to hi&. In an' case, he did not as+ his o#n searchin* 0uestions. Ae i&ited hi&se ) to the contents o) the a))ida%it. Ae did not ta+e the a!! icantDs de!osition in #ritin* and attach the& to the record, to*ether #ith the a))ida%it !resented to hi&. As this Court he d in Mata v. Bayona. 11 7ere a))ida%its o) the co&! ainant and his #itnesses are thus not su))icient. The e,a&inin* (ud*e has to ta+e de!ositions in #ritin* o) the co&! ainant and the #itnesses he nia' !roduce and attach the& to the record. Such #ritten de!osition is necessar' in order that the (ud*e &a' $e a$ e to !ro!er ' deter&ine the e,istence or non5 e,istence o) the !ro$a$ e cause, to ho d ia$ e )or !er"ur' the !erson *i%in* it i) it #i) $e )ound ater that his dec arations are )a se. We, there)ore, ho d that the search #arrant is tainted #ith i e*a it' $' the )ai ure o) the (ud*e to con)or& #ith the essentia re0uisites o) ta+in* the de!ositions in #ritin* and attachin* the& to the record, renderin* the search #arrant in%a id. The res!ondent "ud*e a so dec ared that he @sa# no need to ha%e a!! icant Sui osaDs de!osition ta+en considerin* that he #as a!! 'in* )or a search #arrant on the $asis o) the in)or&ation !ro%ided $' the a)orena&ed #itnesses #hose de!ositions as a)ore&entioned had a read' $een ta+en $' the undersi*ned.@ 11 In other #ords, the a!! icant #as as+in* )or the issuance o) the search #arrant on the $asis o) &ere hearsa' and not o) in)or&ation !ersona ' +no#n to hi&, as re0uired $' sett ed "uris!rudence.@ 13 T One &a' #e #onder #h' it did not occur to the res!ondent "ud*e to as+ ho# the #itness cou d $e so certain e%en as to the ca i$er o) the *uns, or ho# )ar he #as )ro& the #indo#, or #hether it #as on the )irst ) oor or a second ) oor, or #h' his !resence #as not noticed at a , or i) the acts re ated #ere rea ' done o!en ', in the )u %ie# o) the #itnesses, considerin* that these acts #ere a*ainst the a#. These #ou d ha%e $een "udicious 0uestions $ut the' #ere in"udicious ' o&itted. Instead, the dec arations o) the #itnesses #ere readi ' acce!ted and the search #arrant sou*ht #as issued )orth#ith. Nonethe ess, the So icitor -enera ar*ues that #hate%er de)ect there #as, #as #ai%ed #hen the !etitioner %o untari ' su$&itted to the search and &ani)ested his con)or&it' in #ritin*. 1; We do not a*ree. What #e see here is !ressure e,erted $' the &i itar' authorities, #ho !ractica ' coerced the !etitioner to si*n the su!!osed #ai%er as a *uarant' a*ainst a !ossi$ e cha en*e ater to the %a idit' o) the search the' #ere conductin*. Con)ronted #ith the ar&ed !resence o) the &i itar' and the !resu&!ti%e authorit' o) a "udicia #rit, the !etitioner had no choice $ut to su$&it. The res!ondents a so ar*ue that the Co t 7a*nu& !isto and the ei*hteen ha%e $u ets seiBed )ro& the !etitioner #ere i e*a per se and there)ore cou d ha%e $een ta+en $' the &i itar' authorities e%en #ithout a #arrant. Possession o) the

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said artic es, it is ur*ed, #as %io ati%e o) P.=. 1<66 and considered malum prohibitum. Aence, the We*a artic es cou d $e ta+en e%en #ithout a #arrant. Prohi$ited artic es &a' $e seiBed $ut on ' as on* as the search is %a id. In this case, it #as not $ecause. 19 there #as no %a id search #arrantC and 19 a$sent such a #arrant, the ri*ht thereto #as not %a id ' #ai%ed $' the !etitioner. In short, the &i itar' o))icers #ho entered the !etitionerDs !re&ises had no ri*ht to $e there and there)ore had no ri*ht either to seiBe the !isto and $u ets. 3 1 1 15 14 13 A ih %s. Castro, 151 SC2A 1:? 81?<:9 No asco %s. Pano, 13? SC2A 151 81?<:9C 14: SC2A 5;? 81?<:9 Peo! e %s. 7a &stedt, 1?< SC2A 4;1 81??19 Peo! e %s. Bur*os, 144 SC2A 1 81?<69 A &eida5SancheB %s. US, 413 US 166 81?:39 =e a#are %s. Prouse, 44; US 64< 81?:?9 7ain To!ic. Search and SeiBure >acts. In =e a#are, a !o ice&an sto!!ed Wi ia& ProuseKs %ehic e in order to &a+e a routine chec+ o) his dri%erKs icense and re*istration. The o))icerKs decision to initiate the tra))ic sto! #as not $ased u!on an' o$ser%a$ e tra))ic %io ation or sus!icious conduct $' Prouse. A)ter initiatin* the sto!, the o))icer )ound &ari"uana in the %ehic e. Ae seiBed &ari"uana in ! ain %ie# on the car ) oor. 2es!ondent #as su$se0uent ' indicted )or i e*a !ossession o) a contro ed su$stance. The &ari"uana #as u ti&ate ' used as e%idence in the success)u indict&ent a*ainst Prouse. At a hearin* on res!ondentDs &otion to su!!ress the &arihuana, the !atro &an testi)ied that, !rior to sto!!in* the %ehic e, he had o$ser%ed neither tra))ic or e0ui!&ent %io ations nor an' sus!icious acti%it', and that he &ade the sto! on ' in order to chec+ the dri%erDs icense and the carDs re*istration. The !atro &an #as not actin* !ursuant to an' standards, *uide ines, or !rocedures !ertainin* to docu&ent s!ot chec+s, !ro&u *ated $' either his de!art&ent or the State Attorne' -enera . The tria court *ranted the &otion to su!!ress, )indin* the sto! and detention to ha%e $een #ho ' ca!ricious, and there)ore %io ati%e o) the >ourth A&end&ent. Issues. Whether or not the o))icerKs search o) ProuseKs %ehic e %io ated his constitutiona ri*hts a*ainst unreasona$ e search and seiBure !ursuant to the >ourth A&end&ent. Ae d. The Court )ound that ProuseKs constitutiona ri*hts had in )act $een %io ated. The Court reasoned that the stateKs interests concernin* discretionar' tra))ic sto!s 8s!ot chec+s9 did not out#ei*h the !ri%ac' interests o) tra%e ers 8dri%ers9. The Court ru ed that rando& chec+s did not *reat ' i&!ro%e road sa)et', and there)ore did not constitute a !re%ai in* state interest that #ou d out#ei*h citiBensK !ri%ac' interests. The Court )ina ' reasoned that o))icers &ust ha%e !ro$a$ e cause )or such searches or e se it #ou d $ ur the i&itations i&!osed u!on the *o%ern&ent, #hich is the !ur!ose o) the >ourth A&end&ent. This case #as si*ni)icant $ecause the Su!re&e Court ru ed that a# en)orce&ent &ust ha%e so&e &odicu& o) !ro$a$ e cause in order to sto! a %ehic eC that there are i&itations to searchin* %ehic es and seiBin* e%idence, !articu ar ' #hen $orne out o) sto!s not $ased on !ro$a$ e cause.

11 11 1;

Va &onte %s. =e Vi a, 1:< SC2A 111 81?<?9C 1<5 SC2A 665 81??;9 In re. U&i et a . %s. 2a&os, 1<: SC2A 311 81??;9C 1;1 SC2A 151 81??19 7ana i i %s. CA, 1<; SC2A 4;; 81??:9

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Petition )or re%ie# on certiorari o) a decision o) the Court o) A!!ea s Facts. Pat. 2o&eo /s!iritu and Pat. An*er Lu&a$as #ere !atro in* the %icinit' o) the Oa oo+an Cit' Ce&eter' dueto re!orts o) dru* addicts roa&in* the area. The' chanced u!on a &a e 8#ho turned out to $e !etitioner A ain 7ana i i ' =iBon9 #ho see&ed to $e ]hi*h on dru*s in )ront o) the ce&eter'. Ae #as o$ser%ed to ha%e reddish e'es and to $e #a +in* in a s#a'in* &anner. When 7ana i i tried to a%oid the !o ice&en, the atter a!!roached hi& and as+ed #hat he #as ho din* in his hands. 7ana i i tried to resist, $ut the !o ice&en #ere !ersistent unti he 'ie ded his #a et #hich the' e,a&ined and )ound to contain crushed &ari"uana residue. >urther e,a&ination $' the >orensic Che&istr' Section o) the NBI con)ir&ed the )indin*s. Tria court con%icted 7ana i i o) %io ation o) Section <, Artic e II, o) 2A 6415. U!on a!!ea , the Court o) A!!ea s a))ir&ed the decision o) the tria court.8In his de)ense, 7ana i i c ai&ed that he #as not #a +in*C that he #as ridin* a tric'c e unti the three !o ice&en ordered the dri%er o) the tric'c e to sto! $ecause the dri%er and !assen*er #ere a e*ed ' under the in) uence o) &ari"uana. Ae c ai&ed that he #as searched and his !ants #ere turned inside5out $ut nothin* #as )ound. To so&e e,tent he i&! ied that the &ari"uana sa&! e )ound in his entit' #as )ra&ed u! $' the !o ice&en.9 Issue: WON the e%idence seiBed durin* a sto!5and5)ris+ o!eration is ad&issi$ e. Held: Yes. The *enera ru e is that a search and seiBure &ust $e %a idated $' a !re%ious ' secured "udicia #arrant. Ao#e%er, this is not a$so ute and e,ce!tions ha%e $een conte&! ated $' the a#. 1. Search incidenta to a a#)u arrest 1. Search o) &o%in* %ehic es 3. SeiBure in ! ain %ie# 4. Custo&s search 5. Wai%er $' the accused the&se %es o) their ri*ht a*ainst unreasona$ e search and seiBure. In the cited cases, the search and seiBure &a' $e &ade on ' #ith !ro$a$ e cause as essentia re0uire&ent. Pro$a$ e cause 8in re ation to search and seiBure9 is the e,istence o) such )acts and circu&stances #hich cou d ead a reasona$ ' discreet and !rudent &an to $e ie%e that an o))ense has $een co&&itted and that the ite&, artic e, or o$"ect sou*ht in connection #ith said o))ense or su$"ect to seiBure and destruction $' a# is in the ! ace to $e searched. A Msto!5and5)ris+ o!erationN is another e,ce!tion to the *enera ru e. In this case, !ro$a$ e cause #as esta$ ished #ith 7ana i iKs sus!icious $eha%ior. ? < : 7a acat %s. CA, 1<3 SC2A 15? 81??:9 =a%id et a . %s. 7aca!a*a 5Arro'o, 4<? SC2A 16; 81;;69 Ba$st %s. NIB, 131 SC2A 316 81?<49 P2IVACY O> CO77UNICATION AN= CO22/SPON=/NC/ 8S/C. 39 O! e %s. Torres, 1?3 SC2A 141 81??<9 Wu ueta %s. CA, 153 SC2A 66: 81??69 A'er %s. Ca!u on*, 16; SC2A <61 81?<<9 >ACTS. Petitioner 7c/ ro' an Austra ian )i & &a+er, and his &o%ie !roduction co&!an', A'er Productions, en%isioned, so&eti&e in 1?<:, )or co&&ercia %ie#in* and )or Phi i!!ine and internationa re ease, the historic !eace)u stru** e o) the >i i!inos at /=SA. The !ro!osed &otion !icture entit ed @The >our =a' 2e%o ution@,. Petitioners discussed this Pro"ect #ith oca &o%ie !roducer Lo!e V. (u$an #ho su**ested th the' consu t #ith the a!!ro!riate *o%ern&ent

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a*encies and a so #ith -enera >ide V. 2a&os and Senator (uan Ponce /nri e, #ho had ! a'ed &a"or ro es in the e%ents !ro!osed to $e )i &ed. It is desi*ned to $e %ie#ed in a si,5hour &ini5series te e%ision ! a', !resented in a @docu5dra&a@ st' e, creatin* )our )ictiona characters inter#o%en #ith rea e%ents, and uti iBin* actua docu&entar' )oota*e as $ac+*round. /nri e dec ared that he #i not a!!ro%e the use, a!!ro!riation, re!roduction andUor e,hi$ition o) his na&e, or !icture, or that o) an' &e&$er o) his )a&i ' in an' cine&a or te e%ision !roduction, )i & or other &ediu& )or ad%ertisin* or co&&ercia e,! oitation. !etitioners acceded to this de&and and the na&e o) /nri e #as de eted )ro& the &o%ie scri!t, and !etitioners !roceeded to )i & the !ro"ected &otion !icture. Ao#e%er, a co&! aint #as )i ed $' /nri e in%o+in* his ri*ht to !ri%ac'. 2TC ordered )or the desistance o) the &o%ie !roduction and &a+in* o) an' re)erence to ! ainti)) or his )a&i ' and )ro& creatin* an' )ictitious character in ieu o) ! ainti)) #hich ne%erthe ess is $ased on, or $ears su$stantia or &ar+ed rese&$ ance to /nri e.. On ? 7arch 1?<<, Aa 7c/ ro' ) ied a 7otion to =is&iss #ith O!!osition to the Petition )or Pre i&inar' In"unction contendin* that the &ini5series )i & #ou d not in%o %e the !ri%ate i)e o) (uan Ponce /nri e nor that o) his )a&i ' and that a !re i&inar' in"unction #ou d a&ount to a !rior restraint on their ri*ht o) )ree e,!ression Aence the a!!ea ISSU/. Whether or Not ri*ht to !ri%ac' o) res!ondent #as %io ated. A/L=. Yes. >reedo& o) s!eech and o) e,!ression inc udes the )reedo& to )i & and !roduce &otion !ictures and e,hi$it such &otion !ictures in theaters or to di))use the& throu*h te e%ision. >urther&ore the circu&stance that the !roduction o) &otion !icture )i &s is a co&&ercia acti%it' e,!ected to 'ie d &onetar' !ro)it, is not a dis0ua i)ication )or a%ai in* o) )reedo& o) s!eech and o) e,!ression. The ri*ht o) !ri%ac' or @the ri*ht to $e et a one,@ 6 i+e the ri*ht o) )ree e,!ression, is not an a$so ute ri*ht. A i&ited intrusion into a !ersonDs !ri%ac' has on* $een re*arded as !er&issi$ e #here that !erson is a !u$ ic )i*ure and the in)or&ation sou*ht to $e e icited )ro& hi& or to $e !u$ ished a$out hi& constitute o) a!u$ ic character. :Succinct ' !ut, the ri*ht o) !ri%ac' cannot $e in%o+ed resist !u$ ication and disse&ination o) &atters o) !u$ ic interest. < The interest sou*ht to $e !rotected $' the ri*ht o) !ri%ac' is the ri*ht to $e )ree )ro& un-arranted !u$ icit', )ro& the -rongful !u$ iciBin* o) the !ri%ate a))airs and acti%ities o) an indi%idua -hich are outside the realm of legitimate public concern. ? Bein* a !u$ ic )i*ure i!so )acto does not auto&atica ' destro' in toto a !ersonDs ri*ht to !ri%ac'. The ri*ht to in%ade a !ersonDs !ri%ac' to disse&inate !u$ ic in)or&ation does not e,tend to a )ictiona or no%e iBed re!resentation o) a !erson, no &atter ho# !u$ ic a he or she &a' $e 8 Whether the @$a ancin* o) interests test@ or the c ear and !resent dan*er test@ $e a!! ied in res!ect o) the instant Petitions, the Court $e ie%es that a di))erent conc usion &ust here $e reached. The !roduction and )i &in* $' !etitioners o) the !ro"ected &otion !icture @The >our =a' 2e%o ution@ does not, in the circu&stances o) this case, constitute an un a#)u intrusion u!on !ri%ate res!ondentDs @ri*ht o) !ri%ac'.@ The !ro"ected &otion !icture #as as 'et unco&! eted and hence not e,hi$ited to an' audience. Neither !ri%ate res!ondent nor the res!ondent tria (ud*e +ne# #hat the co&! eted )i & #ou d !recise ' oo+ i+e. There #as, in other #ords, no @c ear and !resent dan*er@ o) an' %io ation o) an' ri*ht to !ri%ac'. The su$"ect &atter o) @The >our =a' 2e%o ution@ re ates to the non5$ ood' chan*e o) *o%ern&ent that too+ ! ace at /!i)anio de os Santos A%enue in >e$ruar' 1?<6, and the trian o) e%ents #hich ed u! to that denoue&ent. C ear ', such su$"ect &atter is one o) !u$ ic interest and concern. @The >our =a' 2e%o ution@ is not !rinci!a ' a$out, nor is it )ocused u!on, the &an (uan Ponce /nri eD $ut it is co&!e ed, i) it is to $e historica , to re)er to the ro e ! a'ed $' (uan Ponce /nri e in the !reci!itatin* and the constituent e%ents o) the chan*e o) *o%ern&ent in >e$ruar' 1?<6 At a re e%ant ti&es, durin* #hich the &o&entous e%ents, c ear ' o) !u$ ic concern, that !etitioners !ro!ose to )i &

)9 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

#ere ta+in* ! ace, /nri e #as a @!u$ ic )i*ure.@ Such !u$ ic )i*ures #ere he d to ha%e ost, to so&e e,tent at east, their ri*ht to !ri%ac'. , public figure has been defined as a person -ho( by his accomplishments( fame( or mode of living( or by adopting a profession or calling -hich gives the public a legitimate interest in his doings( his affairs( and his character( has become a 'public personage.' 1e is( in other -ords( a celebrity. Obviously to be included in this category are those -ho have achieved some degree of reputation by appearing before the public( as in the case o) an actor, a !ro)essiona $ase$a ! a'er, a !u*i ist, or an' other entertain&ent. The ist is, ho#e%er, $roader than this. )t includes public officers( )a&ous in%entors and e,! orers, -ar heroes and even ordinary soldiers, an in)ant !rodi*', and no ess a !ersona*e than the -rand /,a ted 2u er o) a od*e. )t includes( in short( anyone -ho has arrived at a position -here public attention is focused upon him as a person. Three reasons #ere *i%en, &ore or ess indiscri&ate ', in the decisions@ that the' had sou*ht !u$ icit' and consented to it, and so cou d not co&! aint #hen the' recei%ed itC that their personalities and their affairs has already public( and could no longer be regarded as their o-n private business2 and that the press had a privilege( under the Constitution( to inform the public about those -ho have become legitimate matters of public interest. Pri%ate res!ondent is a @!u$ ic )i*ure@ !recise ' $ecause, inter alia, o) his !artici!ation as a !rinci!a actor in the cu &inatin* e%ents o) the chan*e o) *o%ern&ent in >e$ruar' 1?<6. Because his !artici!ation therein #as &a"or in character, a )i & reenact&ent o) the !eace)u re%o ution that )ai s to &a+e re)erence to the ro e ! a'ed $' !ri%ate res!ondent #ou d $e *ross ' unhistorica . The ri*ht o) !ri%ac' o) a @!u$ ic )i*ure@ is necessari ' narro#er than that o) an ordinar' citiBen. The ine o) e0ui i$riu& in the s!eci)ic conte,t o) the instant case $et#een the constitutiona )reedo& o) s!eech and o) e,!ression and the ri*ht o) !ri%ac', &a' $e &ar+ed out in ter&s o) a re0uire&ent that the !ro!osed &otion !icture &ust $e )air ' truth)u and historica in its !resentation o) e%ents. 3 La*unBad Vda. =e So o %s. -onBa eB, ?1 SC2A 4:6 81?:?9 IV 2II-ATS O> TA/ ACCUS/= 8S/CS. 1151:, 1? and 119 7iranda %s. AriBona, 3<4 US 436 81?669 Peo! e %s. 7ahina', 3;1 SC2A 455 81???9 Peo! e %s. O$rero, 331 SC2A 1?; 81;;;9 7ora es %s. /nri e, 111 SC2A 53< 81?<39 Peo! e %s. -a it, 135 SC2A 465 81?<59

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7ain To!ic. Constitutiona 2i*ht to 2e&ain Si ent V Counse , Con)essions and Inad&issi$i it' o) /%idence >rancisco -a it #as arrested )or +i in* Nati%idad >ernando on the occasion o) a ro$$er'. Ae #as detained and interro*ated a &ost continuous ' )or 5 da's. Ae consistent ' &aintained his innocence. There #as no e%idence to in+ hi& to the cri&e. The interro*atin* o))icers $e*an to &au hi& and to torture hi& !h'sica '. The' co%ered his )ace #ith a ra* and !ushed his )ace into a toi et $o# o) hu&an #aste. The !risoner then ad&itted #hat the in%esti*atin* o))icers #anted hi& to ad&it. Ae then si*ned the con)ession the' !re!ared. The tria court con%icted hi& o) the cri&e o) 2o$$er' #ith Ao&icide and sentenced hi& to the su!re&e !ena t' o) =eath. Aence this a!!ea . ISSU/. Whether or not the con)ession is ad&issi$ e in e%idence. A/L=. -a it shou d $e ac0uitted. At the ti&e a !erson is arrested, it sha $e the dut' o) the arrestin* o))icer to in)or& hi& o) the reason )or the arrest and he &ust $e sho#n the #arrant o) arrest, i) an'. Ae sha $e in)or&ed o) his constitutiona ri*hts to re&ain si ent and to counse , and that an' state&ent he &i*ht &a+e cou d $e used a*ainst hi&. The !erson arrested sha ha%e the ri*ht to co&&unicate #ith his a#'er, a re ati%e, or an'one he chooses $' the &ost e,!edient &eans J $' te e!hone i) !ossi$ e J or $' etter or &essen*er. It sha $e the res!onsi$i it' o) the arrestin* o))icer to see to it that this is acco&! ished. No custodia in%esti*ation sha $e conducted un ess it $e in the !resence o) counse en*a*e $' the !erson arrested, $' an' !erson on his $eha ), or a!!ointed $' the court u!on !etition either o) the

)1 Constitutional Law Review Bill of Rights / Atty. Jose Grapilon PLM LAW Bat h !"#$

detainee hi&se ) or $' an'one on his $eha ). The ri*ht to counse &a' $e #ai%ed $ut the #ai%er sha not $e %a id un ess &ade #ith the assistance o) counse . An' state&ent o$tained in %io ation o) the !rocedure herein aid do#n, #hether e,cu !ator' or incu !ator', in #ho e or in !art, sha $e inad&issi$ e in e%idence. Such a on* 0uestion )o o#ed $' a &onos' a$ic ans#er does not satis)' the re0uire&ents o) the a# that the accused $e in)or&ed o) his ri*hts under the Constitution and our a#s. Instead there shou d $e se%era short and c ear 0uestions and e%er' ri*ht e,! ained in si&! e #ords in a dia ect or an*ua*e +no#n to the !erson under in%esti*ation. Accused is )ro& Sa&ar and there is no sho#in* that he understands Ta*a o*. 7oreo%er, at the ti&e o) his arrest, accused #as not !er&itted to co&&unicate #ith his a#'er, a re ati%e or a )riend. In )act, his sisters and other re ati%es did not +no# that he had $een $rou*ht to the NBI )or in%esti*ation and it #as on ' a$out 1 #ee+s a)ter he had e,ecuted the Sa a'sa' that his re ati%es #ere a o#ed to see hi&. Ais state&ent does not e%en contain an' #ai%er o) ri*ht to counse and 'et durin* the in%esti*ation he #as not assisted $' one. At the su!!osed re5enact&ent, a*ain accused #as not assisted $' counse o) his choice. These constitute *ra%e %io ations o) his ri*hts. The a e*ed con)ession and the !ictures o) the su!!osed re5enact&ent are inad&issi$ e as e%idence $ecause the' #ere o$tained in a &anner contrar' to a#.

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Peo! e %s. 2o"as, 14: SC2A 16? 81?<:9 Peo! e %s. A'son, 1:5 SC2A 113 81?<?9 -utan* %s. Peo! e, 335 SC2A 4:? 81;;;9 >acts. On 7arch 5, 1??4, accused5a!!e ant =a%id -utan*, to*ether #ith Noe 2e*a a, A e, (i&eneB and Oscar de Venecia, (r., #as arrested $' e e&ents o) the PNP NA2CO7, in connection #ith the en)orce&ent o) a search #arrant E3F in his residence at No. 331 Orti*as A%enue, -reenhi s, San (uan, 7etro 7ani a. When the !o ice o!erati%es o) the PNP5 NA2CO7 ser%ed the search #arrant, #hich #as issued $' (ud*e 7artin Vi ara&a, (r. o) the 2e*iona Tria Court, Branch 156, Pasi*, 7etro 7ani a, the' )ound the !etitioner and his three 839 co&!anions inside the co&)ort roo& o) the &asterKs $edroo&, at the second ) oor o) the house. E4F =urin* the search, the )o o#in* sha$u &ateria s and other !ara!herna ias #ere )ound on to! o) a * ass ta$ e inside the &asterKs $edroo&. The PNP5NA2CO7 tea& a so ins!ected the cars o) accused and the' )ound a Winchester 2a'$an case 8sun* asses9 #ith an undeter&ined a&ount o) sus!ected sha$u residues and tooters in a $ ac+ ! astic container and a u&inu& )oi inside the car o) 2e*a a. A so a)ter e,a&inin* the urine sa&! es su$&itted )or a$orator' in%esti*ation, PNP >orensic Che&ist =e Vi a ca&e out #ith Che&istr' 2e!ort No. =T51;:5?4E:F and Ph'sica 2e!ort No. =T51;:5?4E<F dated 7arch ?, 1??4, sho#in* that the said urine sa&! es a tested !ositi%e )or the !resence o) &etha&!heta&ine h'droch oride 8sha$u9. The "ud*&ent o) con%iction o) the o#er court #as a))ir&ed $' the Court o) A!!ea s. Issue. 1. WON TA/ COU2T O> APP/ALS /22/= IN NOT >IN=IN- TAAT TA/ 2/C/IPT >O2 P2OP/2TY S/IW/=,TA/ PAYSICAL SCI/NC/ 2/PO2T, and TA/ CA/7IST2Y 2/PO2T A2/ INA=7ISSIBL/ IN /VI=/NC/. 1. WON TA/ COU2T O> APP/ALS /22/= IN NOT >IN=IN- TAAT TA/ P2/SU7PTION O> INNOC/NC/ O> TA/ ACCUS/= AAS NOT B//N OV/2CO7/ BY P2OO> B/YON= 2/ASONABL/ =OUBT. A/L=. SC a))ir&ed the con%iction o) the !etitioner. Petitioner insists that the tria court erred in ad&ittin* in e%idence /,hi$its MIN and M2N, #hich are the 2ecei!ts o) Pro!ert' SeiBed, considerin* that it #as o$tained in %io ation o) his constitutiona ri*hts. The said 2ecei!ts )or Pro!ert' SeiBed, #hich descri$ed the !ro!erties seiBed )ro& the !etitioner $' %irtue o) the search #arrant, contain his si*nature. Accordin* to !etitioner, inas&uch as the said e%idence #ere o$tained #ithout the assistance o) a a#'er,

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said e%idence are tanta&ount to ha%in* $een deri%ed )ro& an uncounse ed e,tra5"udicia con)ession and, thus, are inad&issi$ e in e%idence )or $ein* M)ruits o) the !oisonous tree.N SC a*reed. It has $een he d in a on* ine o) cases that the si*nature o) the accused in the 2ecei!t o) Pro!ert' SeiBed is inad&issi$ e in e%idence i) it #as o$tained #ithout the assistance o) counse . E11F The si*nature o) the accused on such a recei!t is a dec aration a*ainst his interest and a tacit ad&ission o) the cri&e char*ed )or the reason that, in the case at $ar, &ere une,! ained !ossession o) !rohi$ited dru*s is !unisha$ e $' a#. There)ore, the si*natures o) the !etitioner on the t#o 819 2ecei!ts o) Pro!ert' SeiBed 8/,hi$its I and 29 are not ad&issi$ e in e%idence, the sa&e $ein* tanta&ount to an uncounse ed e,tra5"udicia con)ession #hich is !rohi$ited $' the Constitution. Ao#e%er, in the !etitionerKs contention that since the 2ecei!ts )or Pro!ert' SeiBed 8/,hi$its I and 29 are inad&issi$ e in e%idence, it )o o#s that the Ph'sica Science 2e!orts Nos. =516<5?4 and =T51;:5?4 8/,hi$it = and 79 and Che&istr' 2e!ort No. =T51;:5?4 8/,hi$it L9 )indin* the said ite&s seiBed to $e !ositi%e )or &ari"uana and sha$u are a so inad&issi$ e inas&uch as the' are &ere conc usions dra#n )ro& the said 2ecei!ts and hence a !art thereo), SC disa*rees. The )act that the 2ecei!ts o) Pro!ert' SeiBed 8/,hi$its I and 29 are inad&issi$ e in e%idence does not render inad&issa$ e the Ph'sica Science 2e!orts 8/,hi$it = and 79 and the Che&istr' 2e!ort 8/,hi$it L9 inas&uch as the e,a&ined &ateria s #ere e*a ' seiBed or ta+en )ro& the !etitionerKs $edroo& on the stren*th o) a %a id search #arrant du ' issued $' (ud*e Vi ara&a, (r. o) the 2e*iona Tria Court o) Pasi*, 7etro 7ani a. Since the said &ateria s #ere %a id ' seiBed or ta+en )ro& the $edroo& o) the !etitioner in his !resence, the a$orator' tests conducted thereon #ere e*a ' and %a id ' done. Aence, the said 2e!orts containin* the resu ts o) the a$orator' e,a&inations, aside )ro& the testi&onia and other rea e%idence o) the !rosecution, are ad&issi$ e in e%idence and su))icient ' !ro%ed that the !etitioner used and had the said !rohi$ited dru*s and !ara!herna ia in his !ossession. In other #ords, e%en #ithout the 2ecei!ts o) Pro!ert' SeiBed 8/,hi$its I and 29 the a e*ed *ui t o) the !etitioner )or the cri&es char*ed #ere !ro%en $e'ond reasona$ e dou$t. Petitioner a so !osits the theor' that since he had no counse durin* the custodia in%esti*ation #hen his urine sa&! e #as ta+en and che&ica ' e,a&ined, /,hi$its MLN and M7N, #hich are the res!ecti%e Che&istr' and Ph'sica 2e!orts, $oth dated 7arch ?, 1??4, are a so inad&issi$ e in e%idence since his urine sa&! e #as deri%ed in e))ect )ro& an uncounse ed e,tra5"udicia con)ession. Petitioner c ai&s that the ta+in* o) his urine sa&! e a e*ed ' %io ates Artic e III, Section 1 o) the Constitution, #hich !ro%ides that. Sec. 9. The ri*ht o) the !eo! e to $e secure in their !erson, houses, !a!ers, and e))ects a*ainst unreasona$ e searches and seiBures o) #hate%er nature and )or an' !ur!ose sha $e in%io a$ e, and no search #arrant or #arrant o) arrest sha issue e,ce!t u!on !ro$a$ e cause to $e deter&ined !ersona ' $' the "ud*e a)ter e,a&ination under oath or a))ir&ation o) the co&! ainant and the #itnesses he &a' !roduce, and !articu ar ' descri$in* the ! ace to $e searched and the !erson or thin*s to $e seiBed. SC disa*rees. The ri*ht to counse $e*ins )ro& the ti&e a !erson is ta+en into custod' and ! aced under in%esti*ation )or the co&&ission o) a cri&e, i.e., #hen the in%esti*atin* o))icer starts to as+ 0uestions to e icit in)or&ation andUor con)ession or ad&issions )ro& the accused. Such ri*ht is *uaranteed $' the Constitution and cannot $e #ai%ed e,ce!t in #ritin* and in the !resence o) counse . Ao#e%er, #hat the Constitution !rohi$its is the use o) !h'sica or &ora co&!u sion to e,tort co&&unication )ro& the accused, $ut not an inc usion o) his $od' in e%idence, #hen it &a' $e &ateria . In )act, an accused &a' %a id ' $e co&!e ed to $e !hoto*ra!hed or &easured, or his *ar&ents or shoes re&o%ed or re! aced, or to &o%e his $od' to ena$ e the )ore*oin* thin*s to $e done, #ithout runnin* a)ou o) the !roscri!tion a*ainst testi&onia co&!u sion. The situation in the case at $ar )a s #ithin the e,e&!tion under the )reedo& )ro& testi&onia co&!u sion since #hat #as sou*ht to $e e,a&ined ca&e )ro& the $od' o) the accused. This #as a &echanica act the accused #as &ade to under*o #hich #as not &eant to unearth undisc osed )acts $ut to ascertain !h'sica attri$utes deter&ina$ e $' si&! e o$ser%ation. In )act, the record sho#s that !etitioner and his co5accused #ere not co&!e ed to *i%e sa&! es o) their urine $ut the' in )act %o untari ' *a%e the sa&e #hen the' #ere re0uested to under*o a dru* test.

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Assu&in* arguendo that the urine sa&! es ta+en )ro& the !etitioner are inad&issi$ e in e%idence, #e a*ree #ith the tria court that the record is re! ete #ith other !ieces o) credi$ e e%idence inc udin* the testi&onia e%idence o) the !rosecution #hich !oint to the cu !a$i it' o) the !etitioner )or the cri&es char*ed. ? < : 6 5 4 -a&$oa %s. CruB, 161 SC2A 641 81?<<9 United States %s. Wade, 3<< SC2A 11< 81?6:9 Peo! e %s. Pa%i are, 31? SC2A 6<4 81;;;9 /sco$edo %s. I inois, 3:< US 4:< 81?649 Peo! e %s. /sto&aca, 156 SC2A 41? 81??69 Peo! e %s. /s!ano a, 1:1 SC2A 6<? 81??:9 >ACTS. (essette TarroBa #ent to #or+ at the 7erc' Co&&unit' C inic, Ca&a*ue, I i*an Cit', as a &edica techno o*ist. .E1F A)ter #or+in* )or ei*ht hours, she e)t the c inic #ith C aro Li0ui*an, a co5e&! o'ee. at a$out 11.3; !.&., C aro o))ered to escort (essette to her house $ut she re)used sa'in* that she +ne# the !eo! e in the area. When the' !arted #a's, C aro noticed )our 849 !ersons in the !ath#a' eadin* to (essetteDs house. (essette TarroBa )ai ed to co&e ho&e that )ate)u e%enin*. She #as )ound dead. Aer )ather, 2o&eo TarroBa, rushed to the ! ace #here her $od' #as disco%ered.E4F Aer $od' $ore sta$ #ounds. Aer red $ ouse #as #ide o!en and her !ants re&o%ed. Aer !ant' #as i+e#ise re&o%ed #hi e her $raE5F #as cut. In the &ornin* o) No%e&$er 1?, 1??1, SPO 4 2u!erto Neri recei%ed an anon'&ous te e!hone ca su**estin* that a certain @Win*5#in*@ E1;F$e in%esti*ated as he has +no# ed*e o) the cri&e. @Win*5#in*@ is (oe -onBa es. At the !o ice station, -onBa es con)essed that he #as !resent #hen the cri&e #as co&&itted and that he +ne# its !er!etrators. Ae identi)ied the& as @Bero'@, @Lan**a@ and @(i&&'@. Ae in)or&ed that the three sta$$ed and ra!ed (essette TarroBa. -onBa es, ho#e%er, did not *i%e the surna&es o) the three sus!ects. The !o ice&en as+ed 2o&eo TarroBa #hether he +ne# the sus!ects. 2o&eo TarroBa dec ared that the' #ere his nei*h$ors. On the sa&e da', -onBa es #as detained at the !o ice station. an in)or&ation )or ra!e #ith ho&icideE14F #as )i ed a*ainst Pa0uin*an, /s!ano a and A$e o. In the a)ternoon o) No%e&$er 15, 1??1, Chie) Lu$an* $rou*ht (i&&' Pa0uin*an to the Cit' ProsecutorDs O))ice )or the ta+in* o) his con)ession a)ter he &ani)ested to the "ai #arden his intention to con)ess. Cit' Prosecutor U 'sses V. La*cao as+ed Pa0uin*an i) he #ou d a%ai the ser%ices o) counse and he ans#ered in the a))ir&ati%e. When as+ed i) he had a counse o) his o#n choice, he ans#ered in the ne*ati%e. Ae #as !ro%ided #ith the ser%ices o) Att'. Leo Cahana!, the e*a counse o) the Cit' 7a'orDs O))ice, and Att'. Susan /cha%eB, a re!resentati%e o) the IBP Le*a Aid, I i*an Cit' Cha!ter. The' #ere *i%en ti&e to con)er #ith hi&.E16F Pa0uin*an then con)essed. . Ao#e%er, #hen as+ed to si*n the steno*ra!hic notes, Pa0uin*an re)used sa'in* he #ou d #ait )or his &other )irst. the e%idence o) the accused5a!!e ants !ro))ers the de)ense o) a i$i. the tria court *a%e credence to the e%idence !resented $' the !rosecution, !articu ar ' the testi&on' o) state #itness (oe -onBa es. The three accused #ere con%icted o) the cri&e o) 7urder as the +i in* #as attended $' the a**ra%atin* circu&stance o) treacher' ISSU/. WON TA/ LOW/2 COU2T /22/= IN NOT -IVIN- W/I-AT TO TA/ T/STI7ONY O> ACCUS/=5 APP/LLANT PASUIN-AN TAAT TA/ TAOIN- O> AIS A>>I=AVIT O> CON>/SSION BY CITY P2OS/CUTO2 LA-CAO WAS NOT VOLUNTA2Y, AN= IN >ACT, A/ 2/>US/= TO SI-N TA/ SA7/, CONT2A2Y TO TA/ STAT/7/NT O> SAI= P2OS/CUTO2 TAAT IT WAS VOLUNTA2ILY -IV/N BY TA/ SAI= ACCUS/=5APP/LLANT IN VIOLATION O> TA/ 2I-AT O> TA/ ACCUSS/=. A/L=. Y/S. A!!e ants contend that the tria court erred #hen it ru ed that the s#orn state&ent o) (i&&' Pa0uin*an #as %o untari ' *i%en $' hi& thou*h he re)used to si*n the sa&e. Under the Constitution and e,istin* a# and "uris!rudence, a con)ession to $e ad&issi$ e &ust satis)' the )o o#in* re0uire&ents. 19 the con)ession &ust $e %o untar'C 19 the con)ession &ust $e &ade #ith the assistance o) co&!etent and inde!endent counse C 39 the con)ession &ust $e e,!ressC and 49 the con)ession &ust $e in #ritin*. E44F In Peo! ev. Bandu a,E45F #e ru ed that an e,tra5 "udicia con)ession &ust $e re"ected #here there is dou$t as to its %o untariness. The )act that a!!e ant Pa0uin*an did not si*n his s#orn state&ent casts serious dou$t as to the %o untariness o) its e,ecution. It is inad&issi$ e e%idence.

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Additiona ', the c ai& o) a!!e ant Pa0uin*an that he #as not assisted $' a counse o) his o#n choice #hen his a))ida%it o) con)ession #as ta+en is #orth notin*. Pa0uin*anDs s#orn state&ent #as ta+en on No%e&$er 15, 1??1, at 3 oDc oc+ in the a)ternoon. At that ti&e, an in)or&ation )or ra!e #ith ho&icide had a read' $een )i ed a*ainst hi& and his co5a!!e ants. Aence, #hen Pa0uin*an *a%e his con)ession, Pa0uin*an #as no on*er under custodia in%esti*ationE46F since he #as a read' char*ed in court. Nonethe ess, the ri*ht to counse a!! ies in certain !retria !roceedin*s that can $e considered @critica sta*es@ in the cri&ina !rocess. E4:F Custodia interro*ation $e)ore or a)ter char*es ha%e $een )i ed and non5custodia interro*ations a)ter the accused has $een )or&a ' char*ed are considered to $e critica !retria sta*es.E4<F The in%esti*ation $' >isca La*cao o) Pa0uin*an a)ter the atter has $een )or&a ' char*ed #ith the cri&e o) ra!e #ith ho&icide, is a critica !retria sta*e durin* #hich the ri*ht to counse a!! ies. The ri*ht to counse &eans ri*ht to co&!etent and inde!endent counse !re)era$ ' o) his o#n choice. E4?F It is dou$t)u #hether the counse s *i%en to Pa0uin*an #ere o) his o#n choice. 7oreo%er, #e ho d that Att'. Cahana! cannot 0ua i)' as an inde!endent counse , he $ein* a Le*a O))icer o) I i*an Cit'. An inde!endent counse cannot $e $urdened $' an' tas+ antithetica to the interest o) an accused. As a e*a o))icer o) the cit', Att'. Cahana! !ro%ides e*a assistance and su!!ort to the &a'or and the cit' in carr'in* out the de i%er' o) $asic ser%ices to the !eo! e, inc udin* the &aintenance o) !eace and order. Ais o))ice is a+in to a !rosecutor #ho undou$ted ' cannot re!resent the accused durin* custodia in%esti*ation due to con) ict o) interest. E51F Assi*ned errors nu&$ered 1 and 3 are there)ore ru ed in )a%or o) the a!!e ants. 3 1 1 15 14 13 Peo! e %s. Sun*a, 3?? SC2A 614 81;;39 Pecho %s. Peo! e, 161 SC2A 51< 81??69 Peo! e %s. Le*aB!i, 146 SC2A 1;6 81??59 Peo! e %s. 7a i&it, 164 SC2A 16: 81??69 Peo! e %s. Won* Chuen 7in*, 156 SC2A 1<1 81??69 Peo! e %s. 7orico, 164 SC2A 114 81??69

7ain To!ic. Constitutiona 2i*ht to $e In)or&ed V Assisted $' Counse , and Inad&issi$i it' o) /%idence >acts. 7orico #as accused o) the act o) se in*, de i%erin*, and distri$ute and *i%e a#a' to another, three 839 hand ro ed stic+s o) &ari"uana ea%es #hich are e*a ' considered !rohi$ited dru*s. A!!e ant, assisted $' his counse 5de5o)icio, asserted his innocence to the char*e. Su$se0uent ', another a#'er entered his a!!earance as counse 5de5!arte. Tria court )ound hi& *ui t'. Accordin* to the NA2CO7, On No%e&$er 11, 1?<:, at a$out 3.;; P.7., e e&ents o) the Anti5Narcotics Co&&and 8NA2CO79 in Bacoor, Ca%ite recei%ed an in)or&ation )ro& their con)identia in)or&ant that a certain @Si,to,@ a resident o) Baran*a' Sa$utan, Si an*, Ca%ite, #as en*a*ed in the sa e o) &ari"uana ea%es. A tea&, co&!osed o) S*t. 2odri*o /s!iritu, CIC 2o$erto -e ido and Pat. A an A cantara, #as )or&ed to conduct a $u'5$ust o!eration. A &ar+ed ten5!eso $i #as *i%en to the in)or&ant, #ho #as a so tas+ed to act as the !oseur5$u'er. The !oseur5$u'er then #ent to the house o) a!!e ant and en*a*ed hi& in a con%ersation. Later, the !oseur5$u'er handed the &ar+ed ten5!eso $i to a!!e ant, #ho in turn, *a%e hi& a s&a !ac+a*e. It #as at that instant that the !oseur5$u'er raised his t5shirt, the !re5 arran*ed si*na . The &e&$ers o) the tea& s#oo!ed do#n on a!!e ant and arrested hi&. The' reco%ered )ro& hi& the &ar+ed ten5!eso $i . Therea)ter, a!!e ant #as $rou*ht to the district o))ice o) the NA2CO7 in I&us, Ca%ite. A!!e ant c ai&ed that he #as #or+in* as a &ason at Baran*a' Sa$utan #hen he #as arrested. When a!!e ant as+ed #h' he #as arrested, he #as to d that he #as !edd in* &ari"uana. A!!e ant #as then $rou*ht to the &unici!a $ui din* in Si an*, Ca%ite. >ro& Si an*, a!!e ant #as $rou*ht to I&us. Ae re ated that he sa# the stic+s o) &ari"uana !resented in e%idence a*ainst hi& )or the )irst ti&e in I&us. Ae a so c ai&ed that a !o ice&an *ot the &ar+ed &one' )ro& the !oc+et o) S*t. /s!iritu and handed the sa&e to hi&. On the third da' o) his detention, he #as &anhand ed and ordered to si*n the @2ecei!t o) SeiBed !ro!ert'@ #ithout the assistance o) counse . Ae #as threatened #ith $odi ' har& i) $e )ai ed to si*n the docu&ent. A!!e ant a so c ai&ed that #hen he si*ned the Boo+in* Sheet and Arrest 2e!ort 8/,h. @=@9, the sa&e #as ne%er

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e,! ained to hi& nor #as he assisted $' counse . On the )ourth da' o) his detention, the !o ice&en de&anded &one' )ro& hi& )or his re ease. Ae re)used. Accordin* to 7orico, he #as con%icted o) a cri&e not char*ed on the in)or&ation. Issue. 819 Whether or not the tria court erroneous ' con%icted hi& o) an o))ense #hich is not char*ed in the in)or&ation. 819 Whether or not his si*nin* in the $oo+in* sheet #ithout the assistance o) a counse is %io ati%e o) his constitutiona ri*hts and &ust $e ad&issi$ e as e%idence. 839 Whether or not his si*nin* on the 2ecei!t o) Pro!ert' #ithout the assistance o) a counse is %io ati%e o) his constitutiona ri*hts and &ust $e ad&issi$ e as e%idence. Ae d. A!!e antDs ar*u&ent shou d $e sustained. 819 The in)or&ation on ' char*ed a!!e ant #ith %io atin* Section 4, Artic e II o) 2.A. No. 6415, as a&ended. Ao#e%er, he #as con%icted o) %io atin* Sections 4 and 15 o) the sa&e a#. Section 4 and Section 15 are t#o se!arate and distinct o))enses. Section 4 !ena iBes an' !erson #ho, un ess authoriBed $' a#, se s, ad&inisters de i%ers, distri$utes and trans!orts an' !rohi$ited dru*s. Section 15 !ena iBes an' !erson #ho #ithout authorit' o) a#, se s, ad&inisters, distri$utes and trans!orts an' re*u ated dru*s. An accused cannot $e con%icted o) an o))ense not char*ed in the in)or&ation. To do so #ou d constitute a %io ation o) his constitutiona ri*hts, i.e., to $e in)or&ed o) the char*es a*ainst hi& and his ri*ht to due !rocess 8Peo! e %. -ue%arra, 1:? SC2A :4; E1?<?F9. 819 No, it is not incri&inatin* in nature. The Boo+in* Sheet is &ere ' a state&ent o) the accusedDs $ein* $oo+ed and o) the date #hich acco&!anies the )act o) an arrest. It is a !o ice re!ort and &a'$e use)u in char*es o) ar$itrar' detention a*ainst the !o ice the&se %es. It is not an e,tra5"udicia state&ent and cannot $e the $asis o) a "ud*&ent o) con%iction 839 Yes, a!!e antDs si*nature on this docu&ent is a dec aration a*ainst his interest and a tacit ad&ission o) the cri&e char*ed. An' ad&ission ta+en )ro& a!!e ant, as a resu t o) a %io ation o) his constitutiona ri*ht, is inad&issi$ e in e%idence a*ainst hi&. But e%en disre*ardin* this e,hi$it, the re&ainin* e%idence on record is su))icient to sustain a!!e antDs con%iction. A!!e ant sti *ui t' since des!ite the a$sence o) the dis0ua i)ied !ieces o) e%idence, the re&ainin* e%idence sti has #ei*ht and is ade0uate to con)ir& his con%iction.

11 11 1;

Peo! e %s. Andan, 16? SC2A ?5 81??:9 Peo! e %s. =o&anta', 3;: SC2A 1 81???9 Peo! e %s. 7orada, 3;: SC2A 1 81???9 FACTS: The Court reso %es the so e issue o) con) ict o) "urisdiction $et#een the Cit' Court o) Na*a 8!resided $' res!ondent "ud*e9 and the (u%eni e and =o&estic 2e ations Courts )or Ca&arines Sur and Cities o) Na*a and Iri*a o%er cri&ina cases #here the accused is 16 $ut under 11 'ears o) a*e and ru es that the issuance o) the Chi d and Youth We )are Code 8P= 6;39 #hich inc udes such accused #ithin the de)inition o) 'outh)u o))enders 8o%er ? 'ears $ut under 11 'ears at the ti&e o) the co&&ission o) the o))ense9 did not trans)er "urisdiction o%er such cases )ro& the re*u ar courts 8the

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Cit' Court in this case9 to the (u%eni e Courts. 2es!ondent5accused 2o&u o Intia ' 7orada, 1: 'ears o) a*e, #as char*ed on >e$ruar' 1;, 1?:6 $' the Na*a Cit' )isca Ks o))ice #ith %a*ranc' 8Artic e 1;1, !ara*ra!h 1 o) the 2e%ised Pena Code9 in res!ondent "ud*eKs court. In an Order dated 7arch 6, 1?:6, res!ondent "ud*e dis&issed the case on the *round that her court Mhas no "urisdiction to continue to ta+e )urther co*niBance o) this caseN #ithout !re"udice to the re5)i in* thereo) in the (u%eni e Court. ISSUE: Which court has "urisdiction to tr' cases in%o %in* 'outh)u o))enders 8o%er ? 'ears $ut under 11 'ears at the ti&e o) the co&&ission o) the o))ense9I HE !: The Court sustains the !etition on the )o o#in* *rounds. 1. 2e!u$ ic Act 65?1 #hich too+ e))ect on Se!te&$er 3;, 1?:1 created the Ca&arines and i&ited "urisdiction o%er Mcri&ina cases #herein the accused is under si,teen 'ears o) a*e at the ti&e o) the )i in* o) the case. The su$se0uent issuance o) P. =. 6;3 +no#n as the Chi d and Youth We )are Code #hich too+ e))ect on (une 11, 1?:5 and de)ines in Artic e 1<? a 'outh)u o))ender as Mone #ho is o%er nine 'ears $ut under t#ent'5one 'ears o) a*e at the ti&e o) the co&&ission o) the o))enseN did not $' such de)inition trans)er "urisdiction o%er cri&ina cases in%o %in* accused #ho are 16 'ears and $e o# 11 'ears o) a*e )ro& the re*u ar courts 1 to the (u%eni e Court, as o!ined $' res!ondent "ud*e. 1. The Chi d and Youth We )are Code 8P.=. 6;39 concernin* the #e )are o) the chi d and 'outh throu*hout the countr' is a *enera a# #hi e 2.A. 65?1 #hich de)ined and con)er "urisdiction on the (u%eni e and =o&estic 2e ations Court )or Ca&arines Sur is a s!ecia a# 3 c assi)'in* e,!ress ' that it can tr' in cri&ina cases in%o %in* o))enders $e o# the a*e o) &a"orit' on ' those accused #ho are under 16 'ears o) a*e at the ti&e o) the )i in* o) the case. (urisdiction is con)erred $' a# and there is nothin* in either 2.A. 65?1 or P.=. 6;3 that #ou d sustain res!ondent "ud*eKs ru in* on reconsideration that Mto*ether, these t#o a#s, the atter a&endin* the )or&er con)er "urisdiction on 'outh)u o))enders #ho are a$o%e 16 'ears $ut under 11 'ears o) a*e at the ti&e o) the co&&ission o) the cri&e u!on the (=2C o) Ca&arines Sur and re&o%e the sa&e )ro& the Cit' Court.N A *enera a# cannot re!ea a s!ecia a# $' &ere i&! ication. The re!ea &ust $e e,!ress and s!eci)ic. >urther&ore, the (u%eni e and =o&estic 2e ations Court o) Ca&arines Sur is a court o) s!ecia and i&ited "urisdiction and the en ar*e&ent or con)er&ent o) additiona "urisdiction on said court to inc ude accused !ersons #ho are 16 'ears and under 11 'ears o) a*e &ust !ositi%e ' a!!ear in e,!ress ter&s. It is 0uite !atent that the &ere de)inition in a sin* e artic e o) the Chi d and Youth We )are Code 8P. =. 6;3, Artic e 1<?9 o) 'outh)u o))enders 8o%er ? and under 11 'ears o) a*e9 did not #ithdra# )ro& the re*u ar courts their "urisdiction to tr' accused !ersons #ho are 16 $ut $e o# 11 'ears o) a*e and trans)er the sa&e to the (u%eni e Courts #hose cri&ina "urisdiction is e,!ress ' i&ited to those #here the accused is under 16 'ears o) a*e. I) it #ere the intent and !ur!ose o) P.=. 6;3 to re&o%e )ro& the Cit' Court the "urisdiction o%er 'outh)u accused #ho are 16 $ut $e o# 11 'ears o) a*e and trans)er the sa&e to the (u%eni e Court, it #ou d ha%e e,!ress ' so !ro%ided )or re!ea o) the corres!ondin* !ro%ision as #hen it re!ea ed the Ci%i Code !ro%isions on Ado!tion in Artic e 16 thereo). The issuance o) a ater decree, P.=. No. :?<, #hich #ent into e))ect on Se!te&$er 11, 1?:5 stren*thens the !rosecutionKs stand that "urisdiction o%er accused #ho are 165'ears o d u! to 11 'ears re&ains #ith the re*u ar courts #hi e the (u%eni e Courts retain their i&ited "urisdiction on ' o%er those under 16 'ears. Thus, P. =. No. :?<, MAuthoriBin* the Con)ine&ent in 2eha$i itation Centers or 2e)or&atories o) Truants and Youths out o) Schoo )or No Le*iti&ate 2eason,N retains the c assi)ication and !ro%ides that the a!! ication )or con)ine&ent o) truants or out o) schoo 'ouths sha $e )i ed #ith the !ro!er court o) >irst Instance o) the !ro%ince or cit' sa%e that in the case o) 'ouths

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under 16 'ears o) a*e the a!! ication sha $e )i ed #ith the (u%eni e Court #here such a court has $een esta$ ished. ACCO2=IN-LY, the dis&issa orders o) res!ondent "ud*e dated 7arch 6, 1?:6 and A!ri 1, 1?:6 are set aside. The case )i ed #ith res!ondent "ud*eKs court is ordered reinstated )or !ro&!t tria and deter&ination on the &erits. ? < : 6 5 4 3 1 1 15 Ace%edo %s. Sar&iento, 36 SC2A 14: 81?:;9 Peo! e %s. Ta&!a , 144 SC2A 1;1 81??59 Peo! e %s. Ta&!us, ?6 SC2A 614 81?<;9 =e a Ca&ara %s. /na*e, 41 SC2A 1 81?:19 To entino %s. Ca&ano, 311 SC2A 55? 81;;;9 /nri e %s. PereB, -2 No. 14::<5, 2eso ution o) the Court /n Banc on 7a' 5, 1;;1 Peo! e %s. Sandi*an$a'an, 4?1 SC2A 1<5 81;;69 Bu aon* %s. Peo! e, 1: SC2A :46 81?669 Peo! e %s. 2e o%a, 14< SC2A 1?1 81?<:9 7e o %s. Peo! e, <5 Phi :66 81?6;9 V. AAB/AS CO2PUS 8S/C. 15 A2T. VII, S/C. 1<9 14 13 Barce on %s. Ba+er, 5 Phi <: 81?;59 Lansan* %s. -arcia, 41 SC2A 44< 81?:19

7ain To!ic. Sus!ension o) Aa$eas Cor!us >acts. In the e%enin* o) Au*ust 11, 1?:1, at a$out ? !.&., #hi e the Li$era Part' o) the Phi i!!ines #as ho din* a !u$ ic &eetin* at P aBa 7iranda, 7ani a, )or the !resentation o) its candidates in the *enera e ections schedu ed )or No%e&$er <, 1?:1, t#o hand *renades #ere thro#n at the ! at)or& #here said candidates and other !ersons #ere. /i*ht !ersons #ere +i ed and &an' &ore in"ured. Proc a&ation <<? #as issued $' the President sus!endin* !ri%i e*e o) Writ o) Aa$eas Cor!us statin* that there is a cons!irac' o) re$e ion and insurrection in order to )orci$ ' seiBe !o itica !o#er. Petitions )or #rit o) ha$eas cor!us #ere )i ed $' !ersons 8139 #ho ha%e $een arrested #ithout a #arrant. It #as stated that one o) the sa)e*uards o) the !roc a&ation #as that it is to $e a!! ied to !ersons cau*ht in ) a*rante de icto. Incidenta ', Proc. <<?5A #as issued as an a&end&ent, insertin* the #ord Mactua ' sta*in*N. Proc. <<?5B #as a so issued i)tin* the sus!ension o) !ri%i e*e in 1: !ro%inces, 3 su$5!ro%inces and 16 cities. Proc. <<?5C #as issued restorin* the sus!ension in 13 !ro%inces and cities 8&ost ' in 7indanao9. Proc. <<?5= )urther i)ted the sus!ension in : !ro%inces and 4 cities. On ' 1< !ro%inces and su$5!ro%inces and 1 cities #hose !ri%i e*e #as sus!ended. Petitioners &aintained that Proc a&ation No. <<? did not dec are the e,istence o) actua @in%asion insurrection or re$e ion or i&&inent dan*er thereo), ho#e%er it $eca&e &oot and acade&ic since it #as a&ended. Petitioners )urther contend that !u$ ic sa)et' did not re0uire the issuance o) !roc a&ations statin*. 8a9 that there is no re$e ionC 8$9 that, !rior to and at the ti&e o) the sus!ension o) the !ri%i e*e, the -o%ern&ent #as )unctionin* nor&a ', as #ere the courtsC 8c9 that no unto#ard incident, con)ir&ator' o) an a e*ed (u '5Au*ust P an, has actua ' ta+en ! ace a)ter Au*ust 11, 1?:1C 8d9 that the PresidentDs a e*ed a!!rehension, $ecause o) said ! an, is non5e,istent and un"usti)iedC and 8e9 that the Co&&unist )orces in the Phi i!!ines are too s&a and #ea+ to "eo!ardiBe !u$ ic sa)et' to such e,tent as to re0uire the sus!ension o) the !ri%i e*e o) the #rit o) ha$eas cor!us. A reso ution #as issued $' &a"orit' o) the Court ha%in* tentati%e ' arri%ed at a consensus that it &a' in0uire in order to satis)' itse ) o) the e,istence o) the )actua $ases )or the !roc a&ations. No# the Court reso %es a)ter conc usi%e decision reached $' &a"orit'. Issues. 819 Whether or Not the authorit' to decide #hether the e,i*enc' has arisen re0uirin* sus!ension 8o) the !ri%i e*e o) the #rit o) ha$eas cor!us9 $e on*s to the President and his decision is )ina and conc usi%e u!on the courts and u!on a other !ersons. 819 Whether or Not !u$ ic sa)et' re0uire the sus!ension o) the !ri%i e*e o) the #rit o) ha$eas cor!us decreed in Proc a&ation No. <<?5A. Ae d. The President has authorit' ho#e%er it is su$"ect to "udicia re%ie#. T#o conditions &ust concur )or the %a id e,ercise o) the authorit' to sus!end the !ri%i e*e to the #rit 8a9 there &ust $e @in%asion, insurrection, or re$e ion@ or @i&&inent dan*er thereo),@ and 8$9 @!u$ ic sa)et'@ &ust re0uire the sus!ension o) the !ri%i e*e. President has three 839 courses o) action. 8a9 to ca out the ar&ed )orcesC 8$9 to sus!end the !ri%i e*e o) the #rit o) ha$eas cor!usC and 8c9 to ! ace the Phi i!!ines or an' !art thereo) under &artia

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11 11 1;

a#. Ae had, a read', ca ed out the ar&ed )orces, !ro%ed inade0uate. O) the t#o other a ternati%es, the sus!ension o) the !ri%i e*e is the east harsh. Petitioners contention that CPP5NPA has no a$i it', is ne*ated $' the +i in* o) 5 &a'ors, 1; $arrio ca!tains and 3 chie)s o) !o iceC that there #ere )ourteen 8149 &eanin*)u $o&$in* incidents in the -reater 7ani a Area in 1?:;. CPP has &ana*ed to in)i trate or esta$ ish and contro nine &a"or a$or or*aniBationsC has e,! oited the 8119 &a"or student or 'outh or*aniBationsC a$out thirt' 83;9 &ass or*aniBations acti%e ' ad%ancin* the CPP. Ve asco %s. CA, 146 SC2A 6:: 81??59 7oncu!a %s. /nri e, 141 SC2A 133 81?<69 So&$on* %s. CA, 151 SC2A 663 81??;9 VI. LIB/2TY O> ABO=/ AN= T2AV/L 8S/C. 69 2u$i %s. Pro%incia Board o) 7indoro, 3< Phi 66; 81?1<9 Vi a%icencio %s. Lu+$an, 3? Phi ::< 81?1<9 Sa on*o %s. Aer&osa, ?: SC2A 111 81?<;9 7anoto+ %s. CA, 141 SC2A 14? 81?<69 Oant O#on* %s. PC--, 156 SC2A 111 81?<:9 7arcos %s. 7an* a!us, 1:: SC2A 66< 81?<?9 VII. C2U/L, =/-2A=IN- O2 INAU7AN PUNISA7/NT and /LC/SSIV/ >IN/S 8S/C1?9 Peo! e %s. /stoista, ?3 Phi 64: 81?539 /che*ara' %s. Secretar' o) (ustice, 16: SC2A 651 81??:9C 1?: SC2A :54 81??<9 VIII. >2//=O7 O> /LP2/SSION 8S/C. 49 -it o# %s. Ne# Yor+, 1<< US 651 81?159 Te,as %s. (ohnson, 4?1 US 3?: 81?<?9 Schen+ %s. US, 14? US 4: 81?1?9 A$ra&s %s. US, 15; US 616 81?1?9

? < : 6 5 4

3 1

1 15 14 13

7ain To!ic. Li&itation to >reedo& o) S!eech >acts o) the Case The de)endants #ere con%icted on the $asis o) t#o ea) ets the' !rinted and thre# )ro& #indo#s o) a $ui din*. One ea) et si*ned @re%o utionists@ denounced the sendin* o) A&erican troo!s to 2ussia. MThe )irst o) these ea) ets sa's that the PresidentDs co#ard ' si ence a$out the inter%ention in 2ussia re%ea s the h'!ocris' o) the ! utocratic *an* in Washin*ton. It inti&ates that @-er&an &i itaris& co&$ined #ith a ied ca!ita is& to crush the 2ussian e%o ution @ 55 *oes on that the t'rants o) the #or d )i*ht each other unti the' see a co&&on ene&' 55 #or+in* c ass en i*hten&ent, #hen the' co&$ine to crush it, and that no# &i itaris& and ca!ita is& co&$ined, thou*h not o!en ', to crush the 2ussian re%o ution. It sa's that there is on ' one ene&' o) the #or+ers o) the #or d, and that is ca!ita is&C that it is a cri&e )or #or+ers o) A&erica, Vc., to )i*ht the #or+ersD re!u$ ic o) 2ussia, and ends @A#a+e^ A#a+e, 'ou Wor+ers o) the Wor d, 2e%o utionists^@ A note adds It is a$surd to ca us !ro5-er&an. We hate and des!ise -er&an &i itaris& &ore than do 'ou h'!ocritica t'rants. We ha%e &ore reasons )or denouncin* -er&an &i itaris& than has the co#ard o) the White Aouse.N The second ea) et, #ritten in Yiddish, denounced the #ar and US e))orts to i&!ede the 2ussian 2e%o ution. MThe other ea) et, headed @Wor+ers 55 Wa+e U!,@ #ith a$usi%e an*ua*e sa's that A&erica to*ether #ith the A ies #i

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&arch )or 2ussia to he ! the CBec+o5S o%a+s in their stru** e a*ainst the Bo she%i+i, and that this ti&e the h'!ocrites sha not )oo the 2ussian e&i*rants and )riends o) 2ussia in A&erica. It te s the 2ussian e&i*rants that the' no# &ust s!it in the )ace o) the )a se &i itar' !ro!a*anda $' #hich their s'&!ath' and he ! to the !rosecution o) the #ar ha%e $een ca ed )orth, and sa's that, #ith the &one' the' ha%e ent or are *oin* to end, @the' #i &a+e $u ets not on ' )or the -er&ans, $ut a so )or the Wor+ers So%iets o) 2ussia,@ and )urther, Wor+ers in the a&&unition )actories, 'ou are !roducin* $u ets, $a'onets, cannon, to &urder not on ' the -er&ans, E!616F $ut a so 'our dearest, $est, #ho are in 2ussia and are )i*htin* )or )reedo&. It then a!!ea s to the sa&e 2ussian e&i*rants at so&e en*th not to consent to the @in0uisitionar' e,!edition to 2ussia,@ and sa's that the destruction o) the 2ussian re%o ution is @the !o itics o) the &arch to 2ussia.@ The ea) et #inds u! $' sa'in* @Wor+ers, our re! ' to this $ar$aric inter%ention has to $e a *enera stri+e^@ and, a)ter a )e# #ords on the s!irit o) re%o ution, e,hortations not to $e a)raid, and so&e usua ta ta + ends, @Woe unto those #ho #i $e in the #a' o) !ro*ress. Let so idarit' i%e^ The 2e$e s.@N The de)endants #ere char*ed and con%icted )or incitin* resistance to the #ar e))ort and )or ur*in* curtai &ent o) !roduction o) essentia #ar &ateria . The' #ere sentenced to 1; 'ears in !rison. Issue. Whether or not the a&end&ents to the /s!iona*e Act or the a!! ication o) those a&end&ents in this case %io ate the )ree s!eech c ause o) the >irst A&end&ent. Conc usion No and no. The actDs a&end&ents are constitutiona and the de)endantsD con%ictions are a))ir&ed. In C ar+eDs &a"orit' o!inion, the ea) ets are an a!!ea to %io ent re%o ution, a ca )or a *enera stri+e, and an atte&!t to curtai !roduction o) &unitions. The ea) ets had a tendenc' to encoura*e #ar resistance and to curtai #ar !roduction. Ao &es and Brandeis dissented on narro# *round. the necessar' intent had not $een sho#n. These %ie#s #ere to $eco&e a c assic i$ertarian !ronounce&ent.

11 11 1; ? < : 6 5 4 3 1 1 15 14 13

Branden$ur* %s. Ohio , 3?65 US 444 81?6?9 Sa on*a %s. Pano, 134 SC2A 43< 81?<69 -onBa es %s. Co&e ec, 1: SC2A <35 81?6?9 =ennis %s. US, 341 US 4?4 81?519 US %s. ODBrien, 3?1 US 36: 81?6<9 >CC %s. Paci)ica >oundation, 43< US :16 81?:<9 2eno %s. ACLU, 1:: S. Ct. 131?C 13< L. /d. 1d <:4 81??:9 Cha! ins+i %s. Ne# Aa&!shire, 315 US 56< 81?419 Cohen %s. Ca i)ornia, 4;3 US 15 81?:19 2AV %s. St. Pau , 111 St. Ct. 153< 81??19 US %s. Bustos, 3: Phi :31 81?1<9 7utuc %s. Co&e ec, 36 SC2A 11< 81?:19 Tin+er %s. =es 7oines Schoo =istrict, 3?3 US 5;3 81?6?9 Near %s. 7innesora, 1<3 US 6?: 81?\19 -ros"ean %s. A&erican Press Co., 1?: US 133 81?369

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7ain To!ic. Ta,ation and >reedo& O) the Press >acts. The a!!e ees, nine !u$ ishers o) ne#s!a!ers, had $rou*ht a suit to en"oin the en)orce&ent a*ainst the& o) a e*is ati%e re0uire&ent Dthat e%er' !erson, )ir&, association or cor!oration ... en*a*ed in the $usiness o) se in*, or &a+in* an' char*e )or, ad%ertisin* or )or ad%ertise&ents, #hether !rinted or !u$ ished ... in an' ... !u$ ication #ith a circu ation o) &ore than 1;,;;; co!ies !er #ee+ ... sha ... !a' a icense ta, ....D >ai ure to !a' the ta, #as !unisha$ e $' a )ine, or $' a &a,i&u& sentence o) si, &onthsD i&!rison&ent o) si, &onths, or $oth. The a!!e ees )i ed )or an in"unction, a&on* other thin*s on the *round that the ta, constituted a %io ation o) the ri*ht to )reedo& o) e,!ression. The o#er court he d )or a!!e ees, *rantin* a !er&anent in"unction. Issue. Whether or not the ta, sanction constituted a %io ation o) the ri*ht to )reedo& o) e,!ression. Ae d. Yes, as it ser%es as a dou$ e restraint #ith t#o a'ers o) ta,es )or ad%ertisin* and )or re*istration. The Court considered that the ta, #as desi*nated as an ad%ertisin* ta,. In the instant case, the ta, o!erated as a ta, o) 1 !ercent on the *ross recei!ts deri%ed )ro& ad%ertise&ents carried in their ne#s!a!ers #hen, and on ' #hen, the ne#s!a!ers o) each en"o' a circu ation o) &ore than 1;,;;; co!ies !er #ee+. The Court considered that the ta,, there)ore, acted as a dou$ e restraint. >irst, its e))ect #as to curtai the a&ount o) re%enue rea iBed )ro& ad%ertisin*C and, second, the Court considered that its direct tendenc' #as to restrict circu ation. The Court considered that, historica ', such ta,es as the one under consideration, re%enue to the *o%ern&ent #as o) su$ordinate concern. Instead, the do&inant and contro in* ai& #as to !re%ent, or curtai the o!!ortunit' )or, the ac0uisition o) +no# ed*e $' the !eo! e in res!ect o) their *o%ern&enta a))airs. The )or& o) the ta, itse ) as sus!icious since its $asis is the circu ation, or the nu&$er o) !eo! e reached and not the nu&$er o) ad%ertise&ent. In this sense, it is curtai in* the ri*ht o) the !eo! e to !artici!ate in )or&in* o!inions a$out &is*o%ern&ent. These #ere re&iniscent o) Mta,es on +no# ed*eN #hich #ere ra&!ant on the o den da's as enacted $' the /n* ish Cro#n J the &ain ro e o) #hich is to su!!ress the chea!er !a!ers #hich #ere the on ' &edia a%ai a$ e to the !oorer &asses. These #ere !rotested a*ainst not due to their )inancia ta, $urden $ut on its a$i it' o) den'in* in)or&ation to the !eo! e. The Court considered )urther&ore that it had no dou$t $een the intention o) the )ra&ers o) the Constitution to ensure that such a$usi%e i&!osition o) ta,es shou d not $e a o#ed. It 0uoted #ith a!!ro%a )ro& one o) the standard e*a te,t$oo+s. The e%i s to $e !re%ented #ere not the censorshi! o) the !ress &ere ', $ut an' action o) the *o%ern&ent $' &eans o) #hich it &i*ht !re%ent such )ree and *enera discussion o) !u$ ic &atters as see&s a$so ute ' essentia to !re!are the !eo! e )or an inte i*ent e,ercise o) their ri*hts as citiBens. 8re)erence o&itted9 The Court reiterated that this shou d not $e inter!reted as re ie%in* ne#s!a!ers and other !u$ ishers )ro& !a'in* an' ta, #hatsoe%er. Ao#e%er, the Dre*istration ta,D under consideration cou d not $e "usti)ied. The Court reca ed the i&!ortant )unction o) the !ress. The ne#s!a!ers, &a*aBines, and other "ourna s o) the countr', it is sa)e to sa', ha%e shed and continue to shed, &ore i*ht on the !u$ ic and $usiness a))airs o) the nation than an' other instru&enta it' o) !u$ icit'C and since in)or&ed !u$ ic o!inion is the &ost !otent o) a restraints u!on &is*o%ern&ent, the su!!ression or a$rid*e&ent o) the !u$ icit' a))orded $' a )ree !ress cannot $e re*arded other#ise than #ith *ra%e concern. >or these reasons, the ta, constituted a %io ation o) the ri*ht to )reedo& o) e,!ression.

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NY Ti&es %s. US, \; US, :13 81?:19 -inB$ur* %s. US, 363 US 463 81?669 7i er %s. Ca i)ornia, 413 US 15 81?:39 NY Ti&es %s. Su i%an, 3:6 US 154 81?649 -ertB %s, 2o$ert We ch, Inc, 41< US 313 81?:49 VaB0ueB %s. CA, 314 SC2A 46 81???9 Phi s. (ourna ists, Inc. %s. Theonen, 4:: SC2A 4<1 81;;59 Ne#s#ee+ Inc. %s. IAC, 141 SC2A 1:1 81?<69 In 2e. (urado, 141 SC2A 1:1 81?<69 /astern Broadcastin* %s. =ans, 15: SC2A 64: 81?<<9 -onBa es %s. Oa a#5Oati*$a+, 13: SC2A :1: 81?<59 7T2CB %s. ABS5CBN Broadcastin* Cor!., 44< SC2A 5:5 81;;59 NAACP %s. A a$a&a, 35: US 44? 81?5<9 -er&an %s. Baran*an, 135 SC2A 514 81?<59 2e'es %s. Ba*atsin*, 115 SC2A 553 81?<39

7ain To!ic. Constitutiona 2i*ht To Peace)u Asse&$ ' >acts. Petitioner sou*ht a !er&it )ro& the Cit' o) 7ani a to ho d a !eace)u &arch and ra ' on Octo$er 16, 1?<3 )ro& 1.;; to 5.;; in the a)ternoon, startin* )ro& the Luneta to the *ates o) the United States /&$ass'. Once there, and in an o!en s!ace o) !u$ ic !ro!ert', a short !ro*ra& #ou d $e he d. The &arch #ou d $e attended $' the oca and )orei*n !artici!ants o) such con)erence. That #ou d $e )o o#ed $' the handin* o%er o) a !etition $ased on the reso ution ado!ted at the c osin* session o) the Anti5Bases Coa ition. There #as i+e#ise an assurance in the !etition that in the e,ercise o) the constitutiona ri*hts to )ree s!eech and asse&$ ', a the necessar' ste!s #ou d $e ta+en $' it @to ensure a !eace)u &arch and ra '.N Ao#e%er the re0uest #as denied. 2e)erence #as &ade to !ersistent inte i*ence re!orts a))ir&in* the ! ans o) su$%ersi%eUcri&ina e e&ents to in)i trate or disru!t an' asse&$ ' or con*re*ations #here a ar*e nu&$er o) !eo! e is e,!ected to attend. 2es!ondent su**ested that a !er&it &a' $e issued i) it is to $e he d at the 2iBa Co iseu& or an' other enc osed area #here the sa)et' o) the !artici!ants the&se %es and the *enera !u$ ic &a' $e ensured. An ora ar*u&ent #as heard and the &andator' in"unction #as *ranted on the *round that there #as no sho#in* o) the e,istence o) a c ear and !resent dan*er o) a su$stanti%e e%i that cou d "usti)' the denia o) a !er&it. Ao#e%er (ustice A0uino dissented that the ra ' is %io ati%e o) Ordinance No. :1?5 o) the Cit' o) 7ani a, !ursuant to the Vienna con%ention, !rohi$itin* the ho din* o) ra ies #ithin a radius o) )i%e hundred 85;;9 )eet )ro& an' )orei*n &ission or chancer' and )or other !ur!oses. Aence the Court reso %es. Issue. Whether or Not the )reedo& o) e,!ression and the ri*ht to !eacea$ ' asse&$ e #as %io ated. Ae d. Yes. The in%ocation o) the ri*ht to )reedo& o) !eacea$ e asse&$ ' carries #ith it the i&! ication that the ri*ht to )ree s!eech has i+e#ise $een disre*arded. It is sett ed a# that as to !u$ ic ! aces, es!ecia ' so as to !ar+s and streets, there is )reedo& o) access. Nor is their use de!endent on #ho is the a!! icant )or the !er&it, #hether an indi%idua or a *rou!. There can $e no e*a o$"ection, a$sent the e,istence o) a c ear and !resent dan*er o) a su$stanti%e e%i , on the choice o) Luneta as the ! ace #here the !eace ra ' #ou d start. It is i&!ortant to note that since ti&e i&&e&oria Luneta has $een used )or !ur!oses o) asse&$ ', co&&unicatin* thou*hts $et#een citiBens, and discussin* !u$ ic

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0uestions. Such use o) the !u$ ic ! aces has )ro& ancient ti&es, $een a !art o) the !ri%i e*es, i&&unities, ri*hts, and i$erties o) citiBens. With re*ard to the ordinance, there #as no sho#in* that there #as %io ation and e%en i) it cou d $e sho#n that such a condition is satis)ied J it does not )o o# that res!ondent cou d e*a ' act the #a' he did. The %a idit' o) his denia o) the !er&it sou*ht cou d sti $e cha en*ed. A su&&ar' o) the a!! ication )or !er&it )or ra '. The a!! icants )or a !er&it to ho d an asse&$ ' shou d in)or& the icensin* authorit' o) the date, the !u$ ic ! ace #here and the ti&e #hen it #i ta+e ! ace. I) it #ere a !ri%ate ! ace, on ' the consent o) the o#ner or the one entit ed to its e*a !ossession is re0uired. Such a!! ication shou d $e )i ed #e ahead in ti&e to ena$ e the !u$ ic o))icia concerned to a!!raise #hether there &a' $e %a id o$"ections to the *rant o) the !er&it or to its *rant $ut at another !u$ ic ! ace. It is an indis!ensa$ e condition to such re)usa or &odi)ication that the c ear and !resent dan*er test $e the standard )or the decision reached. Notice shou d $e *i%en to a!! icants )or the denia . There #as no c ear and !resent dan*er in this case nor is there an' !roo) that the distance $et#een the e&$ass' and the area is ess than 5;; )eet, there)ore, the denia is #ithout $asis. Na%arro %s. Vi e*as, 31 SC2A :31 81?6<9 7a a$ana %s. 2a&ento, 11? SC2A 35? 81?<49 Peo! e %s. >errer, 4< SC2A 3<1 81?:19 Yates %s. US, 354 US 1?< 81?5:9 IL ACC/SS TO PUBLIC IN>O27ATION 8S/C. :9 Le*as!i %s. Ci%i Ser%ice Co&&ission, 15; SC2A 53; 81?<:9 Va &onte %s. Be &onte, (r., 1:; SC2A 156 81?<?9 Cha%eB %s. Pu$ ic /states Authorit', 3<4 SC2A \\\\\ 81;;19 L. 2/LI-ION AN= NON5/STABLISA7/NT O> 2/LI-ION 8S/C. ?9 /strada %s. /scritor, 4;< SC2A 1 81;;39 Le&on %s. OurtB&an, 4;3 US 6;1 81?:19 Board o) /ducation %s. A en, 3?1 US 136 81?6<9 A&erican Bi$ e Societ' %s. Cit' o) 7ani a, 1;1 Phi . 3<6 81?5:9 /$rani a* %s. =i%ision o) Schoo s, 111 SC2A 156 81?<39 S#a**art 7inistries %s. Board o) /0ua iBation, 4?3 SC2A 3:< 81??;9 I* esia ni Cristo %s. CA, 15? SC2A 51? 81??69 LI. /7IN/NT =O7AIN =e Oneecht %s. Bautista, 1;; SC2A 66; 81?<;9 Aeirs o) (uancho Ardona %s. 2e'es, 113 SC2A 11; 81?<39 /PWA %s. =u a', 14? SC2A 3;5 81?<:9 Su&u on* %s. -uerrero, 154 SC2A 461 81?<:9 7anoto+ %s. NAA, 15; SC2A <? 81?<:9 LII. CONT2ACTS CLAUS/ 8S/C. 1;9 2utter %s. /ste$an, ?3 Phi 6< 81?:?9 Ausorio %s. CA2, 1: SC2A 15 81?669

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Nor&an %s. Ba ti&ore, 1?4 US 14; 81?359 LIII. /L5POST >ACTO L/-ISLATION AN= BILL O> ATTAIN=/28S/C. 119 2e!u$ic %s. AernandeB, ?? Phi ?34 81?569 Peo! e %s. Vito, 31 Phi 51? 81?159 Co %s. CA, 11: SC2A 444 81??39 LIV. NON5I7P2ISON7/NT >O2 =/BT AN= INVOLUNTA2Y SU2VITU=/ 8S/C. 1<9 -ana#a' %s. -ui en, 41 Phi <;5 81?119 Sera)in %s. Linda'a*, <: SC2A 166 81?:<9 US %s. Cara, 41 Phi <16 81?119 A"eno %s. Inserto, :1 SC2A 166 81?:69 LoBano %s. 7artineB, 146 SC2A 313 81?<69 7ain To!ic. Non5i&!rison&ent )or =e$t and In%o untar' Ser%itude >acts. A &otion to 0uash the char*e a*ainst the !etitioners )or %io ation o) the BP 11 #as &ade, contendin* that no o))ense #as co&&itted, as the statute is unconstitutiona . Such &otion #as denied $' the 2TC. The !etitioners thus e e%ate the case to the Su!re&e Court )or re ie). The So icitor -enera , co&&ented that it #as !re&ature )or the accused to e e%ate to the Su!re&e Court the orders den'in* their &otions to 0uash. Ao#e%er, the Su!re&e Court )inds it "usti)ia$ e to inter%ene )or the re%ie# o) o#er courtDs denia o) a &otion to 0uash. Issue. Whether or not BP 11 is constitutiona as it is a !ro!er e,ercise o) !o ice !o#er o) the State. Ae d. The enact&ent o) BP 11 a %a id e,ercise o) the !o ice !o#er and is not re!u*nant to the constitutiona inhi$ition a*ainst i&!rison&ent )or de$t. Those #ho 0uestion the constitutiona it' o) BP 11 insist that. 819 it o))ends the constitutiona !ro%ision )or$iddin* i&!rison&ent )or de$tC 819 it i&!airs )reedo& o) contractC 839 it contra%enes the e0ua !rotection c auseC and 849 it undu ' de e*ates e*is ati%e and e,ecuti%e !o#ersC Aas BP 11 trans*ressed the constitutiona inhi$ition a*ainst i&!rison&ent )or de$tI To ans#er the 0uestion, it is necessar' to e,a&ine #hat the statute !rohi$its and !unishes as an o))ense. Is it the )ai ure o) the &a+er o) the chec+ to !a' a de$tI Or is it the &a+in* and issuance o) a #orth ess chec+ in !a'&ent o) a de$tI What is the *ra%a&en o) the o))enseI This 0uestion ies at the heart o) the issue $e)ore us. The *ra%a&en o) the o))ense !unished $' BP 11 is the act o) &a+in* and issuin* a #orth ess chec+ or a chec+ that is dishonored u!on its !resentation )or !a'&ent. It is not the non5!a'&ent o) an o$ i*ation #hich the a# !unishes. The a# is not intended or desi*ned to coerce a de$tor to !a' his de$t. The thrust o) the a# is to !rohi$it, under !ain o) !ena sanctions, the &a+in* o) #orth ess chec+s and !uttin* the& in circu ation. Because o) its de eterious e))ects on the !u$ ic interest, the !ractice is !roscri$ed $' the a#. The a# !unishes the act not as an o))ense a*ainst !ro!ert', $ut an o))ense a*ainst !u$ ic order. The !o ice !o#er o) the state has $een descri$ed as @the &ost essentia , insistent and i i&ita$ e 8 east i&ita$ e9 o) !o#ers@ #hich ena$ es it to !rohi$it a thin*s hurt)u to the co&)ort, sa)et' and #e )are o) societ'. It is a !o#er not e&anatin* )ro& or con)erred $' the constitution, $ut inherent in the state, ! enar', @suita$ ' %a*ue and )ar )ro& !recise ' de)ined, rooted in the conce!tion that &an in or*aniBin* the state and i&!osin* u!on the *o%ern&ent i&itations to sa)e*uard constitutiona ri*hts did not intend there$' to ena$ e indi%idua citiBens or *rou! o) citiBens to o$struct unreasona$ ' the enact&ent o) such sa utar' &easures to ensure co&&una !eace, sa)et', *ood order and

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#e )are.@ The enact&ent o) BP 11 is a dec aration $' the e*is ature that, as a &atter o) !u$ ic !o ic', the &a+in* and issuance o) a #orth ess chec+ is dee&ed !u$ ic nuisance to $e a$ated $' the i&!osition o) !ena sanctions. The a# !unishes the act not as an o))ense a*ainst !ro!ert', $ut an o))ense a*ainst !u$ ic order. The thrust o) the a# is to !rohi$it, under !ain o) !ena sanctions, the &a+in* o) #orth ess chec+s and !uttin* the& in circu ation. An act &a' not $e considered $' societ' as inherent ' #ron*, hence, not &a u& in se $ut $ecause o) the har& that it in) icts on the co&&unit', it can $e out a#ed and cri&ina ' !unished as &a u& !rohi$itu&. The state can do this in the e,ercise o) its !o ice !o#er. The e))ects o) the issuance o) a #orth ess chec+ transcends the !ri%ate interests o) the !arties direct ' in%o %ed in the transaction and touches the interests o) the co&&unit' at ar*e. The &ischie) it creates is not on ' a #ron* to the !a'ee or ho der, $ut a so an in"ur' to the !u$ ic. The har&)u !ractice o) !uttin* %a ue ess co&&ercia !a!ers in circu ation, &u ti! ied a thousand )o d, can %er' #e !o ute the channe s o) trade and co&&erce, in"ure the $an+in* s'ste& and e%entua ' hurt the #e )are o) societ' and the !u$ ic interest. As a!t ' stated. MThe Dchec+ ) asherD does a *reat dea &ore than contract a de$tC he sha+es the !i ars o) $usinessC and to &' &ind, it is a &ista+en charit' o) "ud*&ent to ! ace hi& in the sa&e cate*or' #ith the honest &an #ho is una$ e to !a' his de$ts, and )or #ho& the constitutiona inhi$ition a*ainstD i&!rison&ent )or de$t, e,ce!t in cases o) )raud #as intended as a shie d and not a s#ord.N In su&, #e )ind the enact&ent o) BP 11 a %a id e,ercise o) the !o ice !o#er and is not re!u*nant to the constitutiona inhi$ition a*ainst i&!rison&ent )or de$t. As stated e se#here, !o ice !o#er is a d'na&ic )orce that ena$ es the state to &eet the e,i*encies o) chan*in* ti&es. There are occasions #hen the !o ice !o#er o) the state &a' e%en o%erride a constitutiona *uarant'. >or e,a&! e, there ha%e $een cases #herein #e he d that the constitutiona !ro%ision on non5i&!air&ent o) contracts &ust 'ie d to the !o ice !o#er o) the state. Whether the !o ice !o#er &a' o%erride the constitutiona inhi$ition a*ainst i&!rison&ent )or de$t is an issue #e do not ha%e to address. This $rid*e has not $een reached, so there is no occasion to cross it. We ho d that BP 11 does not con) ict #ith the constitutiona inhi$ition a*ainst i&!rison&ent )or de$t. We )ind no %a id *round to sustain the contention that BP 11 i&!airs )reedo& o) contract. The )reedo& o) contract #hich is constitutiona ' !rotected is )reedo& to enter into @ a#)u @ contracts. Contracts #hich contra%ene !u$ ic !o ic' are not a#)u . Besides, #e &ust $ear in &ind that chec+s cannot $e cate*oriBed as &ere contracts. It is a co&&ercia instru&ent #hich, in this &ode& da' and a*e, has $eco&e a con%enient su$stitute )or &one'C it )or&s !art o) the $an+in* s'ste& and there)ore not entire ' )ree )ro& the re*u ator' !o#er o) the state. Neither do #e )ind su$stance in the c ai& that the statute in 0uestion denies e0ua !rotection o) the a#s or is discri&inator', since it !ena iBes the dra#er o) the chec+, $ut not the !a'ee. It is contended that the !a'ee is "ust as res!onsi$ e )or the cri&e as the dra#er o) the chec+, since #ithout the indis!ensa$ e !artici!ation o) the !a'ee $' his acce!tance o) the chec+ there #ou d $e no cri&e. This ar*u&ent is tanta&ount to sa'in* that, to *i%e e0ua !rotection, the a# shou d !unish $oth the s#ind er and the s#ind ed. The !etitionersD !osture i*nores the #e 5acce!ted &eanin* o) the c ause @e0ua !rotection o) the a#s.@ The c ause does not !rec ude c assi)ication o) indi%idua s, #ho &a' $e accorded di))erent treat&ent under the a# as on* as the c assi)ication is no unreasona$ e or ar$itrar'. It is a so su**ested that BP 11 constitutes undue or i&!ro!er de e*ation o) e*is ati%e !o#ers, on the theor' that the o))ense is not co&! eted $' the so e act o) the &a+er or dra#er $ut is &ade to de!end on the #i o) the !a'ee. I) the !a'ee does not !resent the chec+ to the $an+ )or !a'&ent $ut instead +ee!s it, there #ou d $e no cri&e. The o*ic o) the ar*u&ent stretches to a$surdit' the &eanin* o) @de e*ation o) e*is ati%e !o#er.@ What cannot $e de e*ated is the !o#er to e*is ate, or the !o#er to &a+e a#s #hich &eans, as a!! ied to the !resent case, the !o#er to de)ine the o))ense sou*ht to $e !unished and to !rescri$e the !ena t'. B' no stretch o) o*ic or i&a*ination can it $e said that the !o#er to de)ine the cri&e and !rescri$e the !ena t' there)or has $een in an' &anner de e*ated to the !a'ee. Neither is there an' !ro%ision in the statute that can $e

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construed, no &atter ho# re&ote ', as undue de e*ation o) e,ecuti%e !o#er. The su**estion that the statute un a#)u ' de e*ates its en)orce&ent to the o))ended !art' is )ar)etched. LV. >2// ACC/SS TO COU2TS AN= OTA/2 SUASI5(U=ICIAL A-/NCI/S 8S/C. 119 LVI. ACA=/7IC >2//=O7 -arcia %s. >acu t' Ad&ission Co&&ittee, 6< SC2A 1:: 81?:59 Isa$e o %s. Per!etua Ae !, 11: SC2A 5?1 81??39 2e'es %s. CA, 1?4 SC2A 4;1 81??19 UP %s. CA, 11< SC2A :1? 81??39 =/CS %s. San =ie*o, 1<; SC2A 534 81?<?9 and Ta$ arin %s. -utierreB, 154 SC2A :3; 81?<:9 Non %s. (ud*e =a&es, su!ra A cuaB %s. PSBA, 161 SC2A : 81?<<9

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