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Dwarf Plaver's Battle Scroll


The rebel Dwarf force collsists of 1,5OO points, chosen from the army list in the warhammer Arrnies Dwarf book. The choice of troops is limited to those listed here. Wherever the scenario calls for an exception to the Warhammer Armies list, this is indicated below.

Krudd Mad-Mattock
The rebel Dwads a-re led by Ikudd Mad-Mattock himself, who counts as the army's General.

Dwarf Miners
Your armv may include any number of units of Miners. Although the Dwarf army list usuzrlly limits your choice to one unit of Miners, Krudd's rebel army may have any number of such units, reflecting the numerous Dwarf miners at $,ork in the region-


Battle Standard Bearer

The Battle Standard Bearer represents a Dwarf Champion

beafing the rebel banner proclaiming the revolution in Dwad runes. The flag should perhaps be blood red! The banner may bear runes up to a value of 50 points.
Note tbat none of tbe Du)arf units are permitted to carry/ a magic standetr.l during tbis battle.

Dwarf Wamiors
Your army may include any number of units of V/arriors.

O-1 O-1

Uflit ofLong Beards Unit oflron Breakers

Your army may include one unit of Long Beards.

You may choose one Champion for each unit in your army, armed and equipped in the same way as the rest of the unit. Champions may have 1 runic item up to a value of 25 points.

Your afmy may include one unit of lron Breakers.


Unit of Thunderers

Your army may include one unit of Thunderers.

Dice roll

Drunkel BehaYiour

AII the harf rebels have utter contempr fo. the Elves and any Dwarfs who deal with them. The rebels a.re therefore subiect to Hatred of Elves, as described in the v/arhammer ruiebook.

The Dwarf unit does not move at alt this turn. lnstead the Dwarfs stop to puke, lie down or hold their heads in aheir hands mutte.ing, 'I must keep off the Bugmans
before a battle.'


This does not stop rhem shootirg or

fighting, bua they suffer -1 to hit until their next Drunken Behaviour roll.

of the rebel Dwarfs are totally drun&- This acrually rnakes lhem brave to the point of utter recklessness. Consequeld)l ahey are all immure to panic. Another effect of the drunkenness is that the Dwarf unias shamble forwards as undisciplined mobs, stopping oecasionally to throw up. At the start of each Dwarf turn, after declaring charges but before any other action, roll one dice for each Dwarf unit and consult fhe f)runken Rehaviour chart. If they blunder into :he enemy they are assumed to be charging them, evelr thoug! a charge was not declared. Thunderers who staSger forward will have spoilt their opportunity to shoot by modng. After the Dwarfs have moved under the iDfluence of alcohol, they may then move as nonnal assumi.g that ahey have aot stopped to puke.

lfhe Dwarfs don't do anlthing odd or dait this fu.n. They cao move as normal.
Eager ro get to grips widl the foe, the Dwarfs stagger forward 1* torlands the eflemy in a drunken rage, chanting and shouting insults. Add 1 more inch for each extra rant in the unit (up to a maximum of 4') to represent ihe Dwads at the back pushing the others forward. This move is made before their
norma.l move-



B",,.s.. iosod,l

Wahammeris a regislered lEdemark ol GamesWoikshop Lld. @ Copyrjghl Gaoes Workshop Ltd.1996. All rights ieserued.

KRUDD MAD_MATTOCK Geleral of the Re*rel





Krudd is a kinsman of Drong and a notorious

rabble-rouser. Now he has seized his chance to lead

colonialism. Krudd thir*s that the mines should be

a revolution against Queen Helgar and

takeo over by Drong because he stands for traditional Dq,arf values. He is p.oud aod
courageous, and wields a gigantic maltock.




+ 310

EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, double-handed

mattock, heary armour.
SAVE: Heary armour:





If Kmdd wins the battle. he can take over the mincs and put them to work in the service of his kirNman, Drong. 'lhis will alkrw Drong to build up a contingcnt of war machines ready for dre Battle of Ikag Bryn. The mines s'ill supply the metal for their construction and coal for thc steam engines. \'ictory permits you to ioclude war machines in your army in the final battle. Deleat restricts
you to just one srar machine in your army

Krudd wields his big mattock with both hands, so it counts as a double-handed li'eapor like a miner's pick. The maraock is inscribed with the Master Rune of SEiftness, so it will alwa]r strikes first in hald-tohand combat.

KRUDD'S PRIDE [,'rudd is proud aod arrogant, and eager to prove
himself a worthy leader of the rebellion. He knows he must encou.age the other rebels by his examplc. This, plus drunkenness, has made him foolhardy

and boastful and so he will always accept


Your army is a Rabble! The rebel Dwarf army is more or less a mob and rvill behave like one- The choice of units is very limited and
there is little opportunity for clever tactics.

Stand by your Leader

Thc Dwarfs should defend their leade! Kr-udd, because the Elves are out to get him! He should stick with the biggcst and best Dwarf unit. Don't leave him uinerable or out ir the open.

The Enemy Battle line is Brittle

Try to smash through the Eh.en battle line. lf the Elves don't \r,in a sudden death victory then the Dwarfs should win on lictory points if they fiUht well.

Safety il1 Numbers

will try to shoot as many Dwarfs as possible and will gang up on Dwarf units in close combat. Thcl, will also try to gain victorr' points by wiping out the smallcst Dwarf units, so pick a fcw big units and bcnefit from the rank bonus.
Survive! The Elves



D'WARF ROAD Dwarf Player's Battle Scroll


The Ruflesfldth's Retinue coflsists of 1,OOO pofults chosefl frorn the afmy list ifl the Warhammer Arrnies Dwarfs book. TIe choice is lfunited to the troops listed here. V{herever the scenario 6all5 for an exceptiofl to the Warhamrrrer Arrnies list, this will be indicated below.

Grung Grudge-Bdnger. Master Runesnrith
Grung leads his own retinue himself and so counts as the army's General.


Unit of Long Beards

These veteran warriors escaped with Grung from their original home in Kazak Gor a-fter it was sacked by Dark Elves. They blame all Elves for this, failing to distinguish the good from the bad.


Standard Bearer

0-1 Unit of Hamflerers

These are some of Drong's own bodyguard which he has lcnt to Grung for his protection. Their task is to escort and protect the Runesmith at all times.

The Battle Standard Bearer represents a trusted retainer of Grung, and he bears the Runesmith's personal banner He may be equipped as any ofthe troops listed below: The banner may bear ruoes up to a value of 75 points.
Note tbat none of tbe Doarf uTtits are permitted to carry a magic standard during tbis battle.

O-1 Unit of C,rrossbowrnen

Anorher contingent lent to Grung by the devious Drong.

You may choose one Champion for each unit

in the retinue, armed and equipped lite the rest of the unit. Any Champion may have a runic item up to a value of 25 points.


0-l Unit of Slayers

These are Ds,arf Slayers who have chosen to serve and protect Grung as a worthy atonement for their defeat at Kzzak Gor - and because Grung always causes trouble.

If rhe D$,arfs win the battle, Grung the Runesmith will

join Drong's army The Dwarf player will thus be able to

choose Grung for the final batde. Grung is the only Runesmith for a rhousand miles around, so if Grung is denied to Drong's army, the Dwarf player cannot include such a powerful figure in his army in the final battle. In

other words, it's Grung or nobody! 'whether or not he chooses Grung for the final battle, the fact that Grung is safe at Kazak Thrund and for$ng runes for Drong, means thar the Dwarf player has a free choice of runic items from the Dwarf army list in the final battle (s.ithin the limirs imposed by the list, and the list for the final scenario). who knows what items Grung might have found up on *re Dwarf High Road?

If the Dx'arfs lose this battle, the Dwa-rf player car spend
no more than 150 points on runic items or magic irems for his entire army in *re ffnal battle. (That is in addition to any carried by named special campaign characte$.) This represents the limited stash of runic ancestral heirlooms which Droog or his followers have already got.

Wahammer is a regisiered iEdmark oi Games Workshop Lid- O Copynghl Games Worlshop Ltd. 1996- All ighls leserud.





crung is a rather rotund and haggard old Runesmith, burder.red $,ith the s,eight of a hefly grudge. He is known as the Grudge-tsringer because he hates glves and tries to infect everyone he meets $.ith the same

He hates Elves becausc they attacked his home

stronghold and rzrnsacked it. Since that time Grung has been a fugitive and a refugee, seeki[g sanctuary at the


of any Dwarf lords rilling to shelter


v,/herever he goes, he tells a tale of spite allainst the Eh'es. Actually, it was a raiding force of Dark Elves who

sacked crung's stronghold,

but Grung


distinguish betB.een good and bad Mves; they're all the same to him, treacherous and despicable!







SAVE: None

FIERY RING OF THORI The Ring of Thori may be used ody once duri.g the battle. It may be used at any time in the Dwarf player's fufll, as loog as there are no enem-y within 6". The rilg creates a baffier of flame a distance of 6" in lront of Grxng and the unit he accompanies, ei'tending for the length of the uoit. The flame lasts until the start of the Dwarf playcr's following turn. The barrier crLnnot be cast onto enemy models- only enemy immuoc to the effect of flame can cross the barrier without suffering
harm. AII other models cannot cross rhe barrier. so thcy move [ext to it they must come to a halt.

This evefl includes the lagles, who will not risk getting rhet feathers sioged by leaping flarnes as they descend to fight at D\r,arf height. For shooting purposes, the barier is corsidered to be a man-high unit $.hich blocks sight across it. Note that the barrier does not extend round the flanks or rear of Grung's uait. only' to its front.

HATES EL\tsS Grung is subiect to Harred against Elves, as described il) the vhrhammer rulebook.


Guard the Runes0aith
The Ruresmith's retinue should bc capable of doing theirtask well. This is to protect their master Grung is perhaps belit protected by ptacing him in a big, po\1'erful unit. 'l'his $,ill makc it hard for the Elves to rout or slay him.

Let the Slayers go after the Elves! 'I'he Eagles and TEthan's magic are two unpredictable
threats which

to these dangers. Expect the Elves to use their archery This means Slayers
should pror.e surprisingl-v resistant
are vulnerable and should be used in a big unit, $.lich should attack immediately. ln turn, _vou can use your own crossbowmen to outshoot the Elves and wear do[.n their attacking units.


can do little about. Evefl so, youa troops

Fortune Favours the Big Battalions 'Ihe Elves will try to gain enough \.ictory points to win the battle $,ithout slaying or routing Grung. You cao th$'art
this plan bv using lar:ge units which cannot be shot do*,n and wiped out easil,v, and by attacking and defeating Elf units. You can count on _vour solid reliable troops to stafld their ground most of the time. Nonetheless, it is a good idea to advance and put some distance bet$.een your troops and the chasm just in case anl, units flee.


Dwarf Player's Bartle Scroll


The Dwarf army consists of 1,5OO points chosen frorn the arrny list in the Warhammer Armies Dwarfs book. The choice of tfoops is lirnited to those listed here. V/herever the scenario calls for an exception to the Wafhammer Arrnies list' this will be indicated below.

Skag the Stealthy
Skag rhe Stealthy leads ar-rrrv's General.

without their rightful ale ration. Droog told them

to storm the brewery

to go and letch the Brenmasaer or go dry, , so they volunteered

the Dwarf army and counts as the



Your army may include an-v number of units of waffiors.

Champions and Slayer Champions

You may choose one Champion for each unit in your army, arrrred and equipped as the rest of the unit. Each Champion may have a rune item up to a value of 25 points.

Dwarf Crossbowmen
Your army may include any number of units of Crossbo*.men.

Dwarf Thunderers
Your almy may include any number ofunits of Thunderers.

Note tbat none of tbe

Duatf units are pernitted to carry a magic standard duling tbis battle

O-1 War


Skag kno\r,s that storming the bre1r,cry s,ill be a


Unit of Hammerers

These are volunteers from Drong's owr1 bodygr.rard of Hammerers. Their desperate need for ale $'ill ensure the utmost determination!

0-L Unit of Slayers

Drong's own contingent of Slayers have threatened to mutiny or join Queen Helgar if thcy have to go any longer

challeoge; after all, it Bas buitt by D$'arfs! So to help he has b.ought *.ith him a war machine from Kamd 'l hnrnd. You mav choose one $ar machine aod crew fiom the vhr Machioes section of the D$arf army 1ist. You may not use a [ryrocopter, due to the lack of available fuel (one morc reason for rescuing the Brewmaster).


warhammer is a reglslered lademark ol Games Workshop Ltd @ Copynght Games Workshop Ltd. 1996 AII righls reserued.

If the Dwarf side wins the battle. the Brewmaster will be escorted safely to IGzad Thruod. Here he will brew
gallons and gallons of Ds.arf ale to supply Drong's army This will enable Drong to keep his troops in high spirits and cagcr for battle.

This may be positioned on the hill or in the brewery area. Hills and buildings can prove useful

to screen )'our units for part ofthe time from ccrtain angles as they approach the bre\1,house.

He {.ill also bres' high-octane gyrocopter fucl, $/irhout which any gyrocopters Drong may ha1'e will be grounded and out of actioli. lf the D*.ads lose the Bre$,ery tsash, the D$aIf al-my will suller a reduction of 500 points due to deserlion and cannot use gyrocoptcrs in the final

Attack lfnrrlediatelv
Time is ctucial. Adlaoce to\rvards the bre$.housc as quickly as possible. The Elf pla,ver $,i11 rry to delay you, so have tx.o or thrce

big unirs powcrful enough to break through


defenders. One ofthem should get through s'ith enough Ds.arf luck and persisteflcc.

Go Straight for the Brewhouse!
The Dwarf force should conccntrate their attack in a determined thrust to*,ards the brewhouse. If you can break through the Elfdefensive line, which $.ill be bdttle,
you can snatch a sudden death victory This $.ill be better than allowing the Elves rime to gaio vital victory points Fith their archery or by launching attacks on youl exposed flanking units.

Grind down the Elves! If it looks like you cannot reach thc brewhouse to win a sudden death victory s\1-itch ]'our attention to damaging the enemy so much that )'ou snatch a \{'in on victory
points anF! ar

Beware of the

Support your Mair Attack

High supportcd
Your missile troops $'illprove useful in wearing down Elf units and deteffing smaller units from coming out from

Bolt Throwef

that the

ElYes are ver,, $,ell by a repeater bolt

their defcflsive positions. Remember that your big

well as by
:Lfche IS.

thro*,er as their expcrt

attackjng uflits may veryn'ell be lulnerable to cunning EIf flank attacks calculated to pin them dos'n and delay them.


General of the

RUNES OF LUCK Skag's helmet is iflscribed with threc Runes of Luck. Each ftrne atto$'s Skag to re-roll any one dice roll during the course of the batrlc. These runes only s,ork once, after vhich ihey are useless. B_y having three such runes, Skag can thetefore re-roll a dice r.]ll three times during the gamc. Keep a tally of each time Skag uses a rune uotil all three are used up.

Skag is a henchman of

Drong, notorious for his abilitv

to find his way into or out of absolutely anl.where and any situation. Most of the time he uses his expertise to rob tombs and hunt for hidden trcasure.. Drong ha5 nus srnt him un :r mission to
fetah the Rrewfiaster. Before Skag ioined Drong's retinue he was renowned as a mercenary and once lost an eye in battle $'ith the Orcs. Alier that, he spent much time aboard Dwarf ships oo expeditions to far distant l)warf colonies

Skag is renos,ned

before Jindiflg his way


to the fortress of


for his cunnirg plans. He






3 6 5 4 5 2 4 310

has more than one trick up his sleeve. In this battle, he may send a unit off ahead of his main force to sneal stealthily around the flank of the brewery This has to be a small unit I\'hich crn morc into fosition af night without alerting the defenders. Because of rhis qualit]a you na,v thereforc deploy one unit of up

EQUIPMENT: Hard neapon, double-handed A,,

healy armour'.
SAVE: Healy armour: 5+

to a total points i?lue of 200 points anfi'here in

either ofthe two tlanking zofles. This unit may oot be placed ncarcr rhan 8 ro an) l]ll unit.



Dwarf Plaver's Battle Scroll


T1le army of Kazak Thnrnd coflsists of 3,OOO points commanded by Drong the Hard. It can be larger than this if both players agree to a higher points valuei any points bonus or penalty resulting from victory or defeat in a previous battle will still apply. If the Dwarfs lost the Brewery Bash, the total points value of the Dwarf army will be 5OO points less than the Elf arrny, due to desertion resulting from the lack of beer ratiofls. The army is chosen from the Dwarf army hst in the Warhamrner Armies Dwarfs book. The choice is lirnited to the troops listed here. Wherever the scenario calls for an exception to the warhammer Armies list, this will be indicated trelow.

Drong the Hard
Drong the Hard, Lord of Kazad Thrund, leads the Dwarf army as the army's General.

Note tbat units ma,/ onll baqe mdgic standards ubere indicated.


Unit ofLong Beards

You may include the rebel Dwarf Hero, Krudd Mad-Mattock, in the army if he survived the Battle of
Grudge Pass and if the Dvrarf rebels were victorious. Note that Krudd is sober for this battle (especially if the Dwarfs lost the Brewery Bash!).

Krudd Mad-Mattock

This unit may have a magic runic standard up to a value of 50 points.

0'L Ufrit of Hamfllerers

This unit may have a magic runic standard up to 50 points.
a 1,alue


Skag the Stealthy

You may include the Hero Skag the Stealthy in the army he surr'ived the Brewery Bash and if he was victorious.


Unit oflron Breakers

Iron Breakers may only be included ifthe Dwarfs won the Battle of Grudge Pa-ss. This unit may have a magic runic standard up to a value of 50 points.

Other fleroes
You may include more Heroes chosen fiom the Dwarf army list. Each Hero may have a l:une item up to a value of 50 points.

Dwarf Wariors
Your army may include any number ofunits ofwaffiors-

You may include Grung Grudge-Bearer in the

Grung Grudge-Bearer, Master Runesmith

Your army may include any number of units of

Crossbovsmen. army,

Dwarf Crossbowmen

provided he survived the ambush on the Dwarf High Road and his army was victorious. Grung is the only Runesmith a!'ailable for Drong's army, so if he $/as slain or defeated in the ambush your army cannot have a Runesmith at all. Ifyou include Gmng in your army he may on this occasion have an Anvil of Doom at a cost of 200 points.

Your army may include any number

of units of

Dwarf Miners
Your afmy may include a unit of Miners. The unit may only be included if thc Dwarfs won the Battle of Grudge Pass. If they are included, they must be led by Krudd. The unit can have ofle magic runic standard, this will be the Rebel Banner described in Ikudd's rebel list. Note that Miners are sober for this bartle.

Battle Standard Bearer

Drong's army may include a Batde Standard Bearer bearing the ancestral clan battle standard of the
Thrundtings. The banner may be inscribed with runes up to a value of 150 points.

You may choose one Champion for each unit in your arm),, armed and equipped as the rest of the unit. Each

O-5 War Machines If the Dwarfs won the Battle of

Champk)n may have a rune item chosen freely from the Dwarf army list, up to a value of 25 points.

include up to five war machifles chosen from the Dwarf army list. If they lost. you may include a maximum of one war machine. If the Dwarfs lost the Brewhouse Bash, you
may not use gyrocopte6 as their fuel has to be bresred by the Brewmaster, so there will be none available.

Grudge Pass, _you may


1396. Allr ghts rps"rvFd


General of the Army of Kazad Thrund

EQUIPMENT: Double-handed hammer,

armour, shield.


.233 poitl.ts

SAVE: Hearo armour dnd shield: J+

Thrund was slai. by his arch-enemy Brotn $*rile trying to conque. Krag Bryn. His kinsmen, the Thmndlings, swore a grudge-oath to uphold his dubious claim to the throne of Krag Br),nn. Drong is determined to continue the feud and sit upon the throne of Krag Bqri by hook or by crook, even if it
has determined to take the strooghold by force. He loathes all Elves and ultimately plans to oveithrow the colony of Tol Eldroth.
means maflfing Queen Helgar herselll Failirg that, he

Drong the Hard is a descendant of Thtund the Angry


This magical hammer is an heidoom of

rhe Thrundlings. It has been passed down from generatron

to generation from 'fhrund himself to Drong,



distant descendant. ?he harnmer is a rune weapoo, inscribed with a Rune of Smiting vr'hich causes f)6

Droog is subiect to Hatred against Elves as described in the warhammer rulebook.



3 5 4tO

If the Dwarfs $in this final battlc, I(rag Br'.n witl lall undcr the control of Drong either as conqueror or because of a renewed pact between him and Queen Helgar. The army of Tol Eldroth wilt be lying stre\,en upon the bloody field and thc doom ofthe Elven colony will be sealed. within a year, the city will fall to the siegc machines of Drong and rhe last of the Elves will sail away to the west.

Endure the Affows of Outrageous El\/es!

You can expect volleys of arrows and deadly bolt throwers

cutting swathes through your ranks. Counter these by deploving in big units that are able to endure the hail of

Remember that D&?rfs are very determined and resilient, and the enemy haven't got much to srithstand )-our troops in hand-to-hand combat when you finally get to them. Don't be put off by shooting and ar.oid being pinned by cavalry Use massed crossbows to harass the Elven archers and their bolt thrower crews. lf you have them, send gl'rocopters to attack from devious angles. As a precaution use ]-our missile taoops to cover the flanks ofyour army

Advance in Echelon Expcct the Eh'es to use common sense and advance on their left, v/hile holding back on their right. You can
cou[tcr this tactic b]. adyancing your troops in an echelon lbrmation. This means that serral big blocks of Dwarf warriors can advance with the leading unit to your left
rvhile the others can be staggered back towards the right.

Be Devious
The Elves will be too clever to provoke Queen Helgar's troops by invading her territory so you should be equally as cunning. However there is al*.ays the chance that Helgar rvill see reason and ioin forces with her fellow
Dwarls. This suggests two possible plans lbr atrack: either advance on your left, hugging the banks of the stream so that you can join forces with Helgar if she crosses the bridge, or

Three Dwarf Units advancing in Echelon



ffi ffi


hold back on your left to draw the Elves forward, exposing the flank of thef a-rmy to Helgar's contiogcnt-

This formation makes it difficult for the enemy to work thek way behind your army or attack it in the flank. The wood on your right will also screen part oi your arrny from shooting.



Dwarf Player's Bartle Scroll


bodyguard of Trollslayers. The total points value of this contingetrt is determined randomly befote the battle starts. Even Helgar doesn't know how mafly tfoops afe ufldef her command frorn one day to the next! However, Drong has no Slayers avai'7able to hirn by the tirne of the final battle. If any survived the previous battles, Drong's and Grung's Slayets have now all drifted to Helgar's retinue either through lack of ale rations or, more probably, in search of heroic death in a doorned cause! To deterrnine the points value of the Tlollslayers guarding Helgar at the tirne of the battle, roll a dice. The score

Queen Helgar leads her owlr

points value which carr be spent ort her bodyguard (ie, between 1OO and 6OO points). These points are additional to the cost of Helgar herself and Loki Ifi/hitebeard, her aged and loyal Battle Standard Bearer. The randomly determined points can only be spent on a

multiplied by 1oo points is the total

single unit





accompanying Slayer champions.

The points cost of Helgar's bodyguard does not count towards that total. Helgar and her troops are uffeliable potential allies of Drong. They are not under the Dwarf player's control unless she decides to betray the Elves during the course of the fightturg.

Helgar's bodyguard is ted by the queen herself and she counts as the General of her meagre force.

Bronnling Battle Banner Bearer

Helgar is accompanied by Loki whitebeard, an ancient but toyal Giant Slayer bearing the Bronnling ancestral clan banner This is a runic banner bea-ring three Runes of Battle (+3 combat result, +75 points).

Queen Helgar Longplaits

O-3 Slayer Champions

Hetgar's bodyguard may include up to three Slayer champions, but not more than one of each kind. Each champion may have a rune weapon up to a value of 25 points. Up to 50% of the random points available for
Hetgar's bodyguard can be spent on Slayer champiors.


Unit of Slayers

Your afmy may include one unit of Slayefs, including many Slayer models as your points will allow

wa.hammer is a registercd ,ademark ot Games workshop Lid.

copyrighl Games workshop lld. 1 996. All rights reserved-

Go For


\Xrhen Helgar makes up her mind whose sicle she is on,

she should lead her retinue over the strcam \!'ithout delay Whichever side she has betrayed will no doubt turn their artillely to cover the bridge, so getting across \r-ith a dense mass ofl'ulnerable Slayers s.ill be her most difficult
task. Helgar's troops sh()uld therefore be deployed ready





surge across the bddge without wasting any time

manoeuvring or changing lbr'mrlion.

Queen Helgar is the tuler of IGag Brtr. She is the last descendaot of Brona the Bold, the founder of the stronghold. There are nooe of her clan, the Bronnlings, left in her dornain save lbr herself They have all been slain in the endless grudge feud B.ith the Thrundlings. who are descendaflE of Bronn's arch rival, Thrund the Angry Helga. is noted for her pride aod detefinination. l-Ier long plaits are lvorthy of the respect due to any D\.!arf king's beard. Shc wields the axe and tie tankard u,ell enou6;tr to strike alve into any D$.arf warrior.

Once across, she is li,ell placed to tip the balance in favour of her chosen side, possibl_v using the moment to attack the enemy in the flank at a crucial point in the





5 3 5110

EQUIPMENT: Axe. heary armour. shield.

SAVE: Light arnour and shield: 4+

'Ihis axe
BRONN'S AJ(E $,,as wielded by Broon himself \rhen he slew'Ihrund. lt is a rune liieapon, inscribed $,ith the Rune of lrate. This causes double \\,ounds against
thc first character hit.

Bronnling Battle


. 188 points

Loki V,hirebe,trd is the sole loval friend of I{elgar's, having scrve<l her father and possibly his father before him. Loki is too old and ser in his ways to desert the family to which he ha:, dedicated his life. He caries the Bronnling Batde Banner.




4 4 .i 7 32

EQUIPMENT: Axe and batde standard.

SAYE: None.

BRONNLING BATTLE BANNER This ancestral banner has three runes of battle. (+3 conflict result).


warhammer is a registered rrademark ol Games workshop Lrd. o copynghl cames workshop Ltd. 1ss6. Arrrghls reserued.



Warhammer s a registered lrademark ol cames workshop Lrd. O copyrighr cames wo:kshop Lrd. 1996.


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Warhamner s a registered lrademark oi cames Workshop Lld. O Copyright Games Workshop Lld 1996. All rlghis reseryecl.

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