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Sample Oue,stions

1. Ansbu waots t.CJ, find the dist.soO!l her iiDCJVes. on the :side walk when the tyre makes ooe
380 rot.atioJL
Wbi.e:b ufthe fello,wmg best deaeribe.s. the dis1:.a.Dee in one 36()D!l"Gtstiom?
(A} The am a m the tyr-e (B) 'Fhe radios m the tyre
( C) The diameteriDftbe tyre (D) The di:reumference of the tyre
2. A comet pa's.....J by t,he Earth iu the )'ear 1835. R passes. by the Earth every 60 years,. Based em
this information, im wbieh of tbe following year can the comet 'be upeeted t.o pass by the Earth?
(A)>2035 (B) 2000 (C) 2075 (D) 2080
y - U 0 I 10
The diagram above shoW!i a num boer li.:me.. The value of X-V is::
( A) - 15 (B) - 10 (C) lD (D) 25
For the fi.gure :sbowu abmre, fiDel the area, iu of the :shaded porti.oo.
(B) .U (C) 48 ( D) NCIDB of thase
5.. Mr. Srmivas wo:rk!.s on the 3tfrl' floor uf aD off'i.cle eompltm. He goes. down 33 floon. t.CJ, post a iletter
and then pes up 42 Doors t-0, a restaur-ant t-0, take his lunCh. Ou whieb Door is diM! ii"B5taur.ant?
( A) 'Z1 (B) 39 (C) 45 (D) 12
Sample Questions PHYSICS l!Im!D
L U the pla.M of orbit ql e arth and moon woukl be a strai.g.bt li.ne, what "WOuld happen?
(A) No wiD t.ke place ever
(B) Onl,y IOiu O<tipoo wiD talte place on every new moon da,y
(C) Onl,y lunar ocHpoo will talte place on every full moon da,y
(D) Both .olar and h.a.aar eetipse wiD take plam oo e very new mooo ed full moon day
o bulb with the twoterminabX lU>d Yaocl wiroowithmds P&QlU>d S&R. 'lhe
dir(:CtiCJO of CWTt'ftt wiD be:
a. Table pven below abows tbe four object.8.
Q -
R o-+wt...._
Which of tbc foDowing object.s is made cl a IIW'!t.al?
( A)P (B ) Q (C) R (D) S
4. Ui.ng t bo mot convenicmt units express the ol YQI"IO\II 'iz_OJ!I aa given below.
a. Htctar
c. am>
d. em'
(A) a - 1,. b - 2.< S. d
I . S<l poM CDin
2. Alldofaaid:ttllfld
J. Alldofaclty
.f. Ali'G' of Q stat
(B) a- 4, b - 2.<- S.d -1 (C) a- 2. b !I.e l,.d - 4 (D) a -2. b - 1. e -S, d- 4
5. Satiab .,.._iood a piece oHron using the abo king method M tho'"' in the figure. Which part
of the iron rod wiD beccxne the North seeking" poleT
( A)W (B) X ( C)Y (D) Z
Wbieh of tbe foD.owing plants is. hy H, S and T1
(A) Paddy Bal sam Ordrld
(B) Maize Paddy Pa:paya
( C) Coonnm Fe:m.
(D) Ma:ogo Maize Sugareane
2. Mr. X is. suffering from &'Ji1re. What is. the eaU!!le of this disease?
( A) X eats too m.uch.much cHatty mod (B) Jrs food Iacb viita.mi\n. Bs.md C
( C) X does not eat :seafood
( A) P - buds, Q -spirruring, R
( C) P Q -wearing, R - s'J)imrl:ng
(D) xs mod Iacb magoss.il!JDl :s.aJm
(B) P-bol!ls, Q - spinning. R - wea.v.D:q;
(D) P - boi!Is, Q - girnnirng. R - carding
(B) CBJ'ibcn d:iicmde (C) Sugar (D) Salt
(C) Ball s.md soclst j omt (D) ffimge joint
Sa1mple Ouestions CHEMISTRYmmD!IJ
The flow dUqr,ram shows the pnJI.'lBSs involving the ehanfJe iu different states. m water.
the flow di.agram is
Cool Beat
IC!!B . "4! . water ..
Beat C.OOI
Can ycm identify w breb of the folllnring iflo.w cJi.a#am is.
Heat Coo1 Heat. O:xll
(A)> Ice
water 41: steam (B) Ice . water ;::=:::::!:: steam.
Cool Heat Beat Cool
Heat Cool
( C) Ice ;:::=::t: water )I steam
.. Ileat
Heat . Heat b
( D) ke +=:::=!::11 water "" stes.m.
Cool Cml Cool
(A)> sir is a bad ooadl!IC'tm' of elettriaty
( C) bare w:i'rnm oondl!Jl"t electricity better
(B) sir is a good oonducl.ar of electricity
( D) none of these
Wbieh m the.se is NOT a physieal chan ge?
( A) in. cmbon. d.fs'Dlph:ide
( C) Fer:me:nts.t:iion of al.l!1e jjWoe
( B) 1l:i&!rlutiom of r-miio. m a1oobo1
(D) GJawi:og man e&!ctric bulb
4.. The water cycle iu Dature iuvu:We.s the follo:w.ing pni0BSSB5. sequeDtiaD.y::
( A) evapomtiion,. precipitation, ooodens.a.t:iion (B) preapitatron, oondensation, evapomtiion
( C) evs:pomtiion,. ooodensa.tron, pmapitat:iion (D) ooDdem;atiiom, evaporation,
Wbieh of the following state:me:nts. is NOT true?
( A) No mare salt can be dis.sch,-.ed :ina saturated solfutiom. ofsalt water with.Olilt beating
(B) Water dioiso1!ws di!6"er-ent s.:mD1ill!lt of:sclo bile su br.st.anC'8Sl in it
( C) A mixtm-e of milk and water c;am be separated by fiJtmtion
(D) Salt is :sepa.:rated bom sea water by evaporation.
Sample Ouestions GENERAL KNO,WLED,GE m::m!D
2.. Which oumher:should come iu the empty'IMm in the number series gi.V'e:o
(.A) -
(B) -
J t]"'"' D
3' i ' . 3' 3' 6t
(C) 3
Who' .&JDCD:(C' tbe following persons :shared the No bel Pri:m for Peaee for the year 2001' aJong
with IPOC?
(A) Yasser Amfat (B.) Mohammed Ymms (C}Nel\s:on:MJmde]a (D) Alberl.Ar:ooMGoreJr .
4.. Which erieket plsyiDg CI'Bated a wc:dd ofwinnioC 18 Te.st 1\latehe.s?
( A) Pakista:n (B) South Africa (C) Austr-s]ia (D)EmgkOO
6. The Simla P arl was betwee:o:
(A) Rus.s.ia- IDdia (B) India- Paki stan

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