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Aurora 2014

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Choices Nature Children Spirituality

Take time for you, meditate, and reflect. This can be done anywhere. If you are too busy for you, you are too busy.

1. Choices Behold I set before you, life or death, choose life.

We were born with free choice, a gift to use. We can use it wisely, promoting life, or promote death. When we make a choice, we take an action and those actions have consequences. Some are good, some are not. Our life today is the result of our choices. Each day we live is a gift, an opportunity for a new beginning, and new choices. Our past does not have to be our tomorrow. As soon as we decide that we are going to be happy no matter what, the Universe moves in miraculous ways to get us there. Yes, happiness is a choice, It is sad too many choose to be unhappy, No it is not always easy, Positive outlooks, and thinking take time to make a habit of. The Law of Attraction or like attracts like, or birds of a feather flock together. We literally become what we place and keep our focus, and thoughts on. You can think of each of us as energy magnets. We attract circumstances that are in agreement with whatever vibration we are holding and emitting. Have you ever had the experience of getting up in the morning, feeling off-key and then one thing after another happens so that the whole day is off ? This is what Im talking about. What usually occurs when we feel off is that we focus on the negative feeling, thereby intensifying and perpetuating it. Then, since we are emitting a negative energy, like a magnet, we attract situations that are in sync with where we are: more negativity. We just keep creating more of the same, without even realizing were doing it. This is what happens when we misuse our power of choice. By consciously using our power of choice and choosing the direction of thought that feels good, and are positive we can actually make that the tone and quality of our reality. How? Because whatever we put our attention on we become.

2. Nature- Animals Nature of we listen speaks. If we make time we will hear. Animals, Seasons, Trees, all have lessons for us if we are open. The seasons teach us there is a time for everything. There is a saying; There is a time to plant, and a time to reap, a time to play, and a time to not play, a time to rejoice, and a time for tears. There is a book called, Animals Speak. A very good book by Ted Andrews about how animals speak to us, as well as their symbolism. Here is a view, and teaching of Native Americans regarding the sacredness, and importance of animals in life. They believe if we are open that animals speak to us, and have lessons for us. A long time ago, humans were created to be caretakers of the garden -- Mother Earth. They held all things of creation sacred. The people respected Nature and understood they were only a small part of the whole circle of life. Humans knew each part of creation played a significant role in the contentment and survival of the other. They accepted the divine idea that all things were equal and no animal, including man, held dominion over other parts of creation. Since the beginning of mankind, people believed in the extraordinary powers of animals. This belief originates in animism the idea that animals possess souls and consciousness. Early people around the world honored animals for having a spiritual life similar to their own and the spirit of the animal existed after death.

They recognized their dependency upon the animal and respected the animal's superior strength, speed, and other qualities. Some cultures held the animal sacred because it was an important part of their lives. Various types of animals, especially snakes and birds, were held in great esteem by early peoples around the world and many cultures adopted prayers, rituals and built temples in which to worship them. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Hindus, Buddhists, Aztecs and other cultures venerated and worshiped various animals, birds and reptiles.

However, there is an important distinction between these cultures and North American Indians. Most North American Indians were careful not to worship any part of creation, but held the whole of creation sacred. They constructed no idols or temples to worship animals, birds or reptiles but made fetishes, art and others works honoring their animal cousins.


Symbolic of the four sacred directions, four seasons, and the four colors of man, there are four basic types of animal guides.

Whether an animal spirit comes by dreams, signs and symbolic events, or actual events it is important to first determine if the guide is a Messenger Guide (Totem), Shadow Guide, Journey Guide or Life Guide.

The meaning and lessons an animal guide brings will differ according to the type of guide it may be. Learning to differentiate between the four types of totems is critical to knowing how to react and the actions you will take when an animal totem makes itself known to you. All guides are powerful.

A Messenger Guide quickly comes into your life and then leaves once a message is understood. The time a Message Guide stays in your psychic is relative to you seeing and accepting the message. The message itself can be spiritual in nature, or it can be a warning. The message may deal with a seemingly mundane aspect of your life or it may be a wake-up call for some important action you must make. Sometimes the animal messenger will come during an unusual event and make a powerful statement and others come on the wind as a whisper. A messenger guide

can cause you delays or some unforeseen help in your life. They can be both negative and positive in nature for they are totally impartial. A Shadow Animal Guide is one that invades you with fear. Its purpose it to teach a lesson you have not learned from repeated mistakes because of anger, avarice, greed, insecurity, or other negative thoughts. A Shadow Guide will return again and again bearing strong feelings of fear until its message is acted upon or a change in lifestyle or actions are incorporated into your life. The Shadow Guide is powerful. It can help you to overcome fear by bringing truth and turning fear into a helper animal guide or spirit animal guide. However, if ignored the Shadow Guide can become dangerous and its powers will have a negative affect on your life. The Shadow Guide lives in the spirit world and usually arrives during a time of testing.

A Journey Animal Guide appears at the fork in the road of your life. When a decision is made to follow a certain path in life, the Journey Guide is there to serve as a guide along the way. It represents a path that may take months or years to complete. It can be a friendly traveling companion if the path is right. If you become lost along the way, the Journey Guide is there help lead the way back. Unlike a Messenger Guide who comes and leaves quickly, the Journey Guide remains at your side until the current cycle in your life has changed. appears at the fork in the road of your life. When a decision is made to follow a certain path in life, the Journey Guide is there to serve as a guide along the way. It represents a path that may take months or years to complete. It can be a friendly traveling companion if the path is right. If you become lost along the way, the Journey Guide is there help lead the way back. Unlike a Messenger Guide who comes and leaves quickly, the Journey Guide remains at your side until the current cycle in your life has changed.A Life Animal Guide is also called a Spirit Guide as it remains a part of you throughout life and reflects your inner-spiritual self. You may have more than one Life Guide and new ones may come during an expected time. Usually a Life Guide does not move away or disappear but remains an integral part of your life, however, there are instances when a particular Life Guide is no longer needed and is replaced with a new one. Its powers are always there for you and serve as a constant reminder of your inner powers and oneness with

nature. If for example your Life Guide is Bear, you should be a person who is a solitary dweller, a seeker of knowledge and well grounded. A Life Guide will often call upon other animal guides found within its domain to assist in giving you special messages from time

to time. Source- TAKATOKA/ Manataka American Indian Council

3. Children Children are our future we have all heard this many times. I wonder if many have forgotten as I read the news or listen to the news on tv. Children have in many cases become a punching bag for some who have major issues they refuse to take personal responsibility for. Honestly I think some are just to selfish, and self0 centered to be parents. Jesus valued children so much He taught that unless we become childlike, not childish, but like, we will never enter His kingdom. As Adults we tend to make many things more complicated then need be. There are many things children can teach us adults; one is humility, another is forgiveness. Do not be afraid to dream big. Live one day at a time. Lessons from children.. Lesson 1: Let Things Go One thing about children is they are extremely forgiving. One minute they can be fighting over a toy and the next minute they're hugging.

I can tell you that hating people is complicated and it's hard work. You can carry a grudge and be bitter, resentful, mad and offended. And every time you see "that person" you can cringe inside and you can talk about them behind their backor you can spare yourself the trouble. Listen, don't waste the rest of your life sulking about some unfair thing that happened to you. Get yourself off your mindand simplify.I have wasted much of my own time and life doing this. I have chosen to stop this.

Lesson 2: Be a Dreamer

Another thing children do that makes their lives simple is that they so easily believe. They believe in magic and fairytales. They have no problem coming up with imaginary playmates or imagining life to be amazing and fantastic.

There's a book by John Ortberg called God Is Closer Than You Think. And in it, he writes about a little girl who said she knew Jesus was living in her heart because when she put her hand to her chest, she could feel Him walking around.

Now, we adults know she was just feeling her heartbeat. But that little childlike spirit felt God inside her! And when you think about it, she was right because a beating heart is a sign that life is in you.

As adults, we need to move into the supernatural realm and start dreaming again. We need to create joy in our own lives. It's a right and privilege we have as children of God, but it's a decision we must choose to make.

Lesson 3: Pick Up Your Toys

Some of us can simplify our lives very easily, even without using our imaginations.

For one thing, we can go home and clean up our rooms. Keep the stuff you use and keep the stuff you love. But give away what you're holding on to for someday because odds are when you need it, you won't remember where you put it.

Lesson 4: Focus Your Attention

Another way you can simplify your life is to practice doing one thing at a time. Multitasking may be popular, but the Bible tells us to give our mind to what we are doing 4, Spirituality We do not have to go to a building called church to be spiritual, Much of Jesus way of life was outside, and serving people. As there are many people, so there are many beliefs. It is important to know what you believe, and why. Not to just believe because someone said so. From the Wikipedia There is no single, widely-agreed definition of spirituality.[1][2][note 1] Social scientists have defined spirituality as the search for the sacred, for that which is set apart from the ordinary and worthy of veneration, "a transcendent dimension within human experience...discovered in moments in which the individual questions the meaning of personal existence and attempts to place the self within a broader ontological context."[8]

According to Waaijman, the traditional meaning of spirituality is a process of reformation which "aims to recover the original shape of man, the image of God. To accomplish this, the re-formation is oriented at a mold, which represents the original shape: in Judaism the Torah, in Christianity Christ, in Buddhism Buddha, in the Islam Muhammad."[note 2] In modern times spirituality has come to mean the internal experience of the individual. It still denotes a process of transformation, but in a context separate from organized religious institutions: "spiritual but not religious."[5] Houtman and Aupers suggest that modern spirituality is a blend of humanistic psychology, mystical and esoteric traditions and eastern religions.[6]

Waaijman points out that "spirituality" is only one term of a range of words which denote the praxis of spirituality.[10] Some other terms are "Hasidism, contemplation, kabbala, asceticism, mysticism, perfection, devotion and piety".[10]

Spirituality can be sought not only through traditional organized religions, but also through movements such as liberalism, feminist theology, and green politics. Spirituality is also now associated with mental health, managing substance abuse, marital functioning, parenting, and coping. It has been suggested that spirituality also leads to finding purpose and meaning in life.[3] Peace is built on the foundations of other spiritual practices: connections, compassion, justice, unity. It is a goal of all spiritual people. Peace is an inner state of well-being and calm. It is also an outer project of promoting nonviolence, conflict resolution, and cooperation in the world. The root of the Hebrew word for peace, "shalom," means "whole" and points to this twofold meaning: peace within oneself and peace between people.

Practice peace by refusing to participate in violence either directly or indirectly. Try to stay composed no matter how agitated the people around you become. Meet conflict with equanimity. Disarm yourself lower your guard as a first step in disarming the world. Silence is often referred to in terms of space: the immensity inside, the cave of the heart, the oasis of quiet, the inner sanctuary, the interior castle, the sacred center where God dwells. For centuries, people have used this practice as a resting and renewal stop on the spiritual journey. It provides a way to periodically withdraw from the world. You may go into silence as a prelude to prayer, or you may seek it as the place where through meditation you can contact your deeper self and Spirit.

How can you find this inner quietude, tranquility, and calm? You must make room for it literally. Find a space of physical silence where you can sit quietly, away from distracting demands, voices, and sounds. Go there every day. It is the gateway to your interior silence. Reverence is the way of radical respect. It recognizes and honors the presence of the sacred in everything our bodies, other people, animals, plants, rocks, the

earth, and the waters. It is even an appropriate attitude to bring to our things, since they are the co-creations of humans and the Creator.

Nothing is too trivial or second class for reverence. But it has to be demonstrated with concrete actions. Don't abuse your body eat right, exercise, get enough rest. Don't abuse the earth by being wasteful of its gifts. Protect the environment for your neighbors and future generations.

Reverence is also a kind of radical amazement, a deep feeling tinged with both mystery and wonder. Approaching the world with reverence, we are likely to experience its sister awe. Allow yourself to be moved beyond words.

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