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I know it would be nicer if I comment on somebody whose conclusions have not been commented yet but I did not

find anybody who analyzed the same theses as I did, at least we have in common three theses. Well, we both have analyzed theses: 1, 6 and 7. Thesis 1: We both agreed that the first paragraph is a reminder of the purpose of the study and we also agree in most of the aspects of this conclusion chapter. However, when it comes to the main findings we disagree. You see that paragraph as the overview of the results, whereas I see it as a simple announcement of what it could come later as main findings. I honestly think that the paragraph does not give an overview of any results. Thats why I suggested that the first and the second paragraph should be merged into one. Another point we disagree on is regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the study. To me, this conclusion does not state the weaknesses of the research, even though to you it does. For instance, in your view the statement in the following paragraph alludes the latter.
It seems that the language deficiency that was also described in the literature is relevant for the acquisition of English for students from ethnic minorities. If students are not proficient in Dutch, it will be difficult to successfully acquire another language, because instructions, such as the explanation of grammar, are often given in Dutch. Of course, in this research we have not looked at the level of Dutch proficiency of the students. It could be interesting to see if bilingual students that perform well in Dutch perform better in English than Dutch students, and to see if in that case their bilingualism is an advantage in third language acquisition.

In my opinion, the paragraph above does not have to do anything with the mentioned previously since the weaknesses of a study are not questions or implications for further research that the study did not cover. Thesis 6: It seems that we have looked at this thesis from different angles since I have analyzed the whole chapter and you did the last section of the chapter. First of all, I have analyzed the whole chapter because I think the chapter itself discusses all the information relevant to a conclusion chapter. I think you got the idea that this thesis didnt have a conclusion chapter, then you decided to analyze the only conclusion that you found. I think so because that was the first impression I got when I first read the chapter. Secondly, I see the last paragraphs under the subtitle conclusion as the overview of the previous chapters. For instance, the second paragraph of this section makes reference to what it was previously discussed the main findings, but this time, it makes it in a general way. An aspect that we both agree is that we did not read along the paragraphs anything related the strengths and weaknesses of the study. Thesis 7: After reading our comments on each section and the overall comments as well, I can see that we do not agree at all in the analysis of this chapter. On one hand you say this chapter gave

too much attention to previous research and on the other hand I say that this concluding chapter goes straight to the point. You find the interpretation of results very unsatisfactory and for me is just the opposite. Well, after compare my analysis with yours, I think you may be right regarding the overview of the results. I say so because I have just read it again and now it seems that the writer spent too much time talking about the results of previous research when he is supposed to be focused on the results of his own research.

Finally, I hope my analysis can contribute to your analysis. Greetings,


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