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The Biology of Belief Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles

By Bruce H. Lipton, PH.D

The Evolution of the Study of Evolution

Since Watson and Crick revealed DNAs double helix structure to be the hereditary factor hypothesized by Darwin the Central Do!"a of the study of biolo!y has been that !enes are predo"inantly responsible for our physical characteristics our health and even our e"otion and behaviors# $he concept of Survival of the fittest has e"phasized co"petition between or!anis"s over cooperation althou!h both survival strate!ies can be observed in the natural world# Different ele"ents of nature are in a delicate dyna"ic balance with each other and with the environ"ent# %ar"ony is everywhere in nature# $he field of biolo!y has e"phasized the co"petitive nature of survival and ne!lected the i"portance of cooperation#

The Magic of Cells and the New Biology

Cells are co"plex s"art entities that can survive on their own# Cells analyze infor"ation fro" the environ"ent and select appropriate responses# Cells are capable of learnin! &called cell "e"ory' and can pass infor"ation on to their offsprin!# $he structure and function of cells are inti"ately intertwined# Cells hold the key to understandin! the "echanis" as well as the "eanin! of life# An individual can be seen as a !roup of () trillion sin!le*celled citizens workin! to!ether sharin! one a"oebic consciousness# Cell co""unities are role "odels for !roups of individuals# +n contrast to the Central Do!"a which tends to view individuals as controlled by their !enes and in constant stru!!le with each other for survival the New ,iolo!y sees life as a cooperative -ourney of powerful individuals who can pro!ra" the"selves to create -oy*filled lives# $he fully conscious "ind can tru"p nature &!enes' and nurture &environ"ental pro!ra""in!'#

What Can We Learn from Cells?

%u"ans are "ade of cells so it follows that we "ust share so"e basic behavioral patterns with the"# $he structures within cells called or!anelles are the functional e.uivalents of the tissues and or!ans with hu"an bodies# $he first life for" on earth was a sin!le cell# /ulticellular life*for"s were ori!inally loose colonies of tens of thousands of sin!lecelled or!anis"s# ,ecause increased awareness of the environ"ent results in increased survival capacity and "ore cells "eans "ore awareness the evolutionary advanta!e of co"binin! led to colonies of "illions to trillions of interactive cells# As co"plex "ulticellular or!anis"s evolved it proved "ore efficient for the cells to differentiate "eanin! individual cells took over specific tasks# 0ver ti"e this pattern of differentiation beca"e e"bedded in the !enes of every cell in the co""unity of cells which increased its overall efficiency and ability to survive# %u"an or!anizations

%enry 1ords asse"bly line for exa"ple e"ploy this sa"e principle of specialization and cooperation with the result of increased productivity and efficiency and conse.uently enhanced survival potential for all "e"bers of the co""unity# %i!hly or!anized associations of "illions and trillions of cells eventually beca"e what we now refer to as sin!le entities for exa"ple a "ouse do! or hu"an#

Was Lamarck


1ifty years before Darwin published his theory of evolution based on the concepts of stru!!le and violence 2ean*,aptiste 3a"arck presented a theory of evolution based on instructive cooperative interaction a"on! or!anis"s and their everchan!in! environ"ent# %e proposed that or!anis"s ac.uire adaptations necessary for survival and pass the" on to their offsprin!# $his idea that or!anis"s can pass on their adaptations has lon! been dis"issed as incorrect but today 3a"arcks theories are bein! reevaluated based on new findin!s in cell biolo!y# %is e"phasis on cooperation over co"petition is also receivin! a fresh look with the increased awareness that cooperation plays an invaluable role in the survival of the biosphere and in li!ht of the "any sy"biotic relationships that are observed in nature# 4ecently it has been found that !enes can even be shared across species throu!h !ene transfer# $his process speeds up evolution by allowin! species to pass on their cell "e"ories to other species and is a !ood exa"ple of the i"portant role cooperation can play in the survival of a co""unity of species#

!uick "verview of Cell Biology

Cells are an asse"bly of protein buildin! blocks# $he hu"an body co"prises over 5)) ))) proteins# 6ach protein is a linear strin! of linked a"ino acid "olecules si"ilar to a pop bead necklace# 7eptide bonds between a"ino acids in the protein backbone can adopt different contours# 8 factors deter"ine the contour of a protein9 5# the physical pattern defined by the se.uence of differently shaped a"ino acids 8# the interaction of electro"a!netic char!es a"on! the linked a"ino acids $he final confor"ation of a protein "olecule reflects a balanced state a"on! its char!es# +f a proteins positive and ne!ative char!es are altered the backbone will twist to ad-ust to the new distribution# $here are three ways in which the distribution of electro"a!netic char!es can be altered9 5# bindin! of other "olecules such as hor"ones 8# enzy"atic re"oval or addition of char!ed ions :# interference fro" electro"a!netic fields &e#!# fro" cell phones' 7roteins bind to!ether when they are physical and ener!etic co"ple"ents interlockin! like !ears that fit to!ether# $he constant shape*shiftin! "ove"ents of proteins are the "ove"ents that propel life#

oots of #enetic $eterminism

When two strands of double helix unwind each strand can "ake an exact co"ple"entary copy of itself# $herefore DNA "olecules are self*replicatin! and were assu"ed to be able to control their own replication# $his supposed capability co"bined with its role as blueprint for the bodys proteins led DNA to be seen as the pri"ary deter"inant of an or!anis"s traits# DNA beca"e the star of the show and the A!e of ;enetic Deter"inis" was born#

Beyond #enes
$he one !ene*one protein theory prevailed until the %u"an ;eno"e pro-ect found far too few !enes &8( )))' to account for all the proteins found in the hu"an body &5)) )))'# $he hu"an body contains only 5()) "ore !enes than a spineless "icroscopic wor"# Sin!le*!ene disorders affect less than 8< of the population# Diseases such as cancer heart disease and diabetes are the result of co"plex interactions a"on! "ultiple !enes and environ"ental factors# $here are not enou!h !enes to account for the co"plexity of hu"an life or of hu"an disease# /ost diseases are linked to !enes= !enes are not the sole cause# ;enes are not self*e"er!ent9 they cannot turn the"selves on and off # ;enes do not have the ability to control life because they are dependent upon environ"ental tri!!ers to deter"ine when and how they will be expressed# 6pi!enetics is the study of the "olecular "echanis"s by which environ"ent controls !ene activity#

%indings of E&igenetics' #enes are not $estiny

DNA blueprints are not set in stone at birth# 1actors such as stress nutrition and e"otions can "odify !enes without chan!in! the basic blueprint# Studies of protein synthesis reveal that epi!enetic factors can create 8))) or "ore variations of proteins fro" the sa"e !ene blueprint# $hese "odifications fro" environ"ental causes can be passed on to future !enerations# 7roteins are turnin! out to play as crucial a role in heredity as DNA# $he flow of infor"ation in the current understandin! of biolo!y starts with an environ"ental si!nal then !oes to a re!ulatory protein and only then !oes to DNA 4NA and finally a protein is coded# $his is opposite of the previous assu"ption in which DNA was the driver# +t is now clear that two "echanis"s exist for passin! on hereditary infor"ation9 5# !enes &nature' 8# epi!enetic "echanis"s &nurture'

E&igenetics and $isease

6pi!enetic "echanis"s have been found to be a factor in "any diseases includin! cancer cardiovascular disease and diabetes# 0nly (< of cancer and cardiovascular patients can attribute their disease to heredity# 6pi!enetic alterations not defective !enes result in "any cancer cases#

The Magical Mem(rane ) The True **Brain++ of the Cell

$he nucleus has lon! been thou!ht to be the brain of the cell however it has been found that after enucleation &re"oval of the nucleus' cells continue to survive and en!a!e in all nor"al functions of a cell except dividin! and reproducin! protein parts# $herefore the nucleus cannot be the central infor"ation processor as it is not necessary for the cell to function nor"ally and respond to its environ"ent# +f the nucleus is not the brain then what part of the cell fills the role of infor"ation processor and deter"ines how to respond to the environ"ent> $he cell "e"brane holds the "echanis"s by which the body translates environ"ental si!nals into behavior# $he i"portance of the "e"brane has been underesti"ated by science because it is so thin that until the develop"ent of the electron "icroscope in the 5?()s its existence could not even be confir"ed# +t is now known that if the "e"brane of a cell is destroyed the cell dies# $he three*layer structure of the "e"brane can be thou!ht of as a bread and butter sandwich usin! the followin! analo!y9 +f dye were to be added to the top of the sandwich it would seep throu!h the bread but stop at the butter because of the oily substance would act as a barrier Now two kinds of olives are added to the sandwich one with pi"entos &stuffed' and the other without &unstuffed' +f dye were added now and the sandwich were sliced in half we would see that the dye stops when it hits the stuffed olives ,ut the unstuffed olives would provide a channel throu!h which the dye could flow throu!h the buttery layer to reach the other side of the "e"brane sandwich +n this analo!y the bread and butter to!ether represent the phospholipids which contain polar "olecules &the bread' and non*polar "olecules &the butter layer'# $he olives are proteins called +nte!ral /e"brane 7roteins &+/7s' which allow nutrients waste "aterials and other for"s of infor"ation to be transported across the "e"brane# +/7s act as a sti"ulus*response tea" and can be divided into two !roups9 @ 4eceptor &sensory' proteins which "onitor the environ"ent both inside and outside the cell @ 6ffector &action*!eneratin!' proteins which respond to the environ"ent si!nals $o!ether the receptor and effector proteins act as a switch which translates environ"ental si!nals into cellular behavior &referred to as si!nal transduction' 4eceptor proteins can read ener!y fields su!!estin! the possibility of future phar"aceutical*free "edical treat"ent All effector proteins when activated can serve as si!nals that activate !enes

,nteraction with the Environment $etermines Cell Behavior

$here "ust be flexibility in how !enes are expressed or cells would not be able to adapt to chan!in! environ"ents# DNA provides the blueprint but not the control of the operations of the cell# A cells operations are pri"arily deter"ined by its interaction with the environ"ent not by its !enetic code# $he cell "e"brane by way of receptors &for awareness' and effectors &for action' exhibits intelli!ent behavior that controls the behavior of the cell in the sa"e way that the brain controls the body

The Cell Mem(rane as a Com&uter

$he cell "e"brane can be co"pared to a co"puter chip in the way that it acts as a se"iconductor with !ates and channels# $he nucleus of the cell is like a "e"ory disk or hard drive pro!ra""ed by DNA# $he nucleus is re"ovable once the pro!ra"s are downloaded into the cell# 6nviron"ental data is entered into the cell via the "e"brane receptors &keyboard' which then tri!!er the action of the effectors &the C7A'# Biewin! the cell this way allows the followin! two corollaries to be drawn9 5# Co"puters and cells are pro!ra""able# 8# +n both cases the pro!ra""er lies outside the co"puterCcell# $he second conclusion is si!nificant because it challen!es the !ene*centered view of cell behavior# $he knowled!e of the central role played by the +/7s in the cell "e"brane leads to the understandin! that we can be "asters of our fate not victi"s of our !enes#

!uantum -hysics and Biology

7hysics is the foundation of all sciences but since 6instein concluded that 6D/C8 the findin!s of .uantu" physics have been lar!ely i!nored by biolo!y and "edicine because they dont fit in the "atter*based world of Newtonian physics on which biolo!y is based# Euantu" physics tells us the followin! about the nature of the universe9 6ner!y and "atter are one and the sa"e*it is i"possible to consider the" as independent ele"ents# $he universe is one indivisible dyna"ic whole in which ener!y and "atter are deeply entan!led# $he ato" has no physical structure# /atter can be defined both as a solid and an i""aterial force field# 6very "aterial structure &includin! hu"an bein!s' radiates its own uni.ue ener!y si!nature# Fet doctors are trained to disre!ard the effectiveness of alternative treat"ents that are based on the idea that ener!y fields are the key to influencin! physiolo!y and health such as acupuncture chiropractic "assa!e therapy and prayer# Conventional

research has co"pletely i!nored the role of ener!y in health and disease#

.olistic vs/

eductionist 0&&roach to .ealing

$he reductionist view of "edicine acts on the principal that if there is a proble" in the syste" such as disease the source of the proble" can be identified as a "alfunction at one of the steps alon! the che"ical asse"bly line# $his approach leads to the develop"ent of "a!ic*bullet dru!s tar!eted to fix the broken spot or to a focus on faulty !enes and an effort to desi!n better ones# %owever the .uantu" perspective shows us that the universe is an inte!ration of interdependent ener!y fields constantly interactin! with one another in a holistic syste" of infor"ation pathways# $he reductionist view disre!ards the fact that chan!in! one ele"ent of a syste" will have profound effects on the rest of the syste" and on its functionin! as a whole# 4ecent research in "appin! protein to protein interactions in the cell has de"onstrated the physical presence of the co"plex holistic pathways theorized by .uantu" physics#

$angers of -rescri&tion $rugs

Dru!s interact with "ore than one protein# Dru!s can affect si"ilar si!nalsCproteins in different bodily syste"s due to the fact that the sa"e proteins are used in different syste"s# Whereas the hu"an i""une syste" is specific &i#e# tar!ets only the area with the proble"' "ost phar"aceuticals are distributed syste"atically throu!hout the body causin! the "any side effects associated with the dru!s# /ost dru!s treat the sy"pto"s but not the underlyin! proble"# Accordin! to conservative esti"ates iatro!enic illness &illness resultin! fro" "edical treat"ent' is the third leadin! cause of death in the A#S# /assive .uantities of dru!s prescribed in the A#S# violate the %ippocratic 0ath taken by doctors to 1irst do no har"#

Need to ,ntegrate Newtonian and !uantum -hysics in Medicine

Newtonian laws apply to hi!her levels of or!anization such as or!an syste"s people or !roups of people# /ost disease is first detected at this level# %owever the processes that insti!ate the disease are likely to have started at the "olecular level where .uantu" physics apply# $o truly understand and effectively treat a disease an inte!rated approach that takes into account the "icro and "acro levels of functionin! is necessary# /any studies over the last fifty years have de"onstrated that the invisible forces of electro"a!netic ener!y profoundly i"pact every facet of biolo!ical re!ulation# $hese ener!ies include9 /icrowaves 4adio fre.uencies $he visible li!ht spectru" Bery low fre.uencies Acoustic fre.uencies $hese ener!ies i"pact the followin! processes to na"e a few9 DNA 4NA and protein synthesis 7rotein shape and function ;ene re!ulation Cell division and differentiation %or"one secretion Nerve !rowth and function Anderstandin! ener!y fields is i"portant for "edicine because vibrational fre.uencies can alter the physical and che"ical properties of an ato" -ust as physical si!nals like hista"ine and estro!en can# +t has also been found that electro"a!netic fre.uencies are a hundred ti"es "ore efficient in relayin! environ"ental infor"ation than physical si!nals such as hor"ones and neurotrans"itters# $his opens up a whole new avenue for the treat"ent of disorders and disease# %owever while these ener!y fields have been utilized in scannin! for disease for exa"ple in CA$ scans /4+s and 76$ scans biolo!ical research has for the "ost part i!nored and even shunned their potential for use in treat"ent#

Bringing the Mind and Body Back Together

Since Descartes philosophical separation of "atter and "ind in the seventeenth century traditional bio*"edicine has been based on a "atter*only universe# %owever the findin!s of .uantu" physics reveal that the physical body &"atter' can be affected by the i""aterial "ind &ener!y' since the two are actually inseparable# $hou!hts are ener!y# 6ner!y can activate or inhibit the cells proteins# 6ner!y is "ore efficient than che"icals# $herefore the power of the "ind can be "ore effective than dru!s# $here are "any well*docu"ented but unexplained exa"ples of "ind*body interactions such as the reli!ious practice of walkin! on hot coals without !ettin! burned# Such exa"ples are usually dis"issed by traditional science as irrelevant exceptions# Within "edicine it is not known why so"e people are infected with %+B but never develop A+DS or why so"e ter"inal cancer patients experience spontaneous re"ission of their disease# $he "ind*body connection "ay hold the answers#

-ositive Thinking
$o harness the power of the "ind over "atter it is necessary to understand the roles of the separate but interdependent conscious and subconscious "inds# $he conscious "ind9 Creative Can produce positive thou!hts $he subconscious "ind9 %abitual 4elies on instinct and learned experiences 4e*plays old sti"ulus*response behavior pro!ra"s

/ore powerful than the conscious "ind in ter"s of neurolo!ical processin! abilities When the desires of the subconscious conflict with those of the conscious "ind the subconscious "ind has the advanta!e# Conscious positive thou!hts alone are not enou!h to override years of hard*wired pro!ra""in!# +t is necessary to learn to re*write these pro!ra"s if we are to have control over our responses and behaviors#

The Evolution of Self)Consciousness and %ree Will

1unda"ental reflexes are passed on fro" !eneration to !eneration in the for" of instincts# As lar!er brains developed with an increased neural cell population or!anis"s !ained the capacity to learn fro" their experiences# $his conditionin! beco"es hard*wired in the brain resultin! in subconscious habits# +n "ost ani"als this subconscious conditionin! characterizes all of the brain activity# %u"ans and so"e other ani"als have evolved a special re!ion of the brain &the prefrontal cortex' associated with thinkin! plannin! and decision*"akin!# $his is "ost likely the area of the brain where self*consciousness resides# $he self*conscious "ind is extre"ely powerful# +t can9 access "uch of the data stored in lon!*ter" "e"ory observe and evaluate pro!ra""ed behaviors decide to chan!e the pro!ra" override the subconscious

The -ower of -erce&tion

$he perceptions that we hold influence our behavior# 0ur ability to learn is so re"arkable that we can download these perceptions fro" others &parents teachers etc#' without havin! to learn the" fro" experience# $hese perceptions then beco"e our truth and part of our hard*wired pro!ra"# $he proble" arises when these perceptions which "ay beco"e part of our subconscious pro!ra""in! without our awareness turn out to be inaccurate# ,ecause they are not infallible these perceptions are actually beliefs# ,eliefs can control biolo!y but these beliefs can be true or false# +f we find our subconscious saddled with false beliefs we do have the capacity to consciously evaluate our sti"ulus*response pro!ra" and chan!e old responses but it re.uires dealin! with the powerful subconscious "ind#

#rowth vs/ -rotection

Cells exhibit two opposin! responses to environ"ental sti"uli# When in a toxic environ"ent they retreat fro" the threatenin! si!nals &protection'# When in the presence of nutrients they !ravitate towards the life*sustainin! si!nals &!rowth'# $hese basic !rowthCprotection behaviors are also essential for the survival of "ulticellular or!anis"s# $hese behaviors have evolved for survival but there is a catch9 the "echanis"s within a cell that support !rowth and protection cannot operate opti"ally at the sa"e ti"e# 6ner!y diverted to one !oal "eans less ener!y is available for the other# Additionally while !rowth re.uires an openin! up of the syste" to the environ"ent protection re.uires a shuttin! down of the syste" to shield it fro" perceived threats# Anlike sin!le cells "ulticellular or!anis"s can respond to both si!nals si"ultaneously but at a cost to overall vitality# 1or exa"ple hu"ans can survive under stress fro" threats but constant stress leads to a chronic inhibition of !rowth "echanis"s# 1urther"ore eli"inatin! stress only brin!s an or!anis" to neutral# $o fully thrive we "ust also actively seek -oyful lovin! fulfillin! lives that sti"ulate !rowth processes#


ole of the Nervous System

$he nervous syste"s -ob is to9 /onitor and interpret environ"ent si!nals 0r!anize appropriate behavioral responses $he nervous syste" has two protection syste"s9 %ypothala"us*7ituitary*Adrenal &%7A' Axis*protects a!ainst external threats +""une syste"* protects a!ainst internal threats such as bacteria and viruses# $he %7A axis initiates the fi!ht*fli!ht response which includes the followin!9 Stress hor"ones are released into the blood# ,lood vessels of the di!estive tract are constricted so "ore blood is available for extre"ities &ar"s and le!s'# Bisceral or!ans experience inhibition of !rowth*related functions of di!estion absorption excretion etc# $he i""une syste" is suppressed# Conscious brain functions are slowed# $he %7A axis is a re"arkably well*desi!ned syste" for handlin! acute stresses# %owever it was not desi!ned to be continuously activated as it often is in our "odern stressful environ"ent#

Effects of Chronic Stress on .ealth

4esearch su!!ests that this hyper*vi!ilant lifestyle is severely i"pactin! our health# Al"ost every "a-or illness that people ac.uire has been linked to chronic stress# +t is i"portant to look at the areas of your life that cause stress and deter"ine the source of the stress# +f it is fear then !ainin! control over the fear can allow us to re!ain control over our lives and our health# +n the words of 1ranklin Delano 4oosevelt We have nothin! to fear but fear itself# 3ettin! !o of fears is the first step towards creatin! a full and satisfyin! life#

Conscious -arenting
7arents are very influential in their childrens "ental and physical develop"ent# ,e!innin! in the wo"b the childs environ"ent will have a powerful effect on all aspects of his or her life even on those areas typically thou!ht to be deter"ined by !enes# 7arents can act

as !enetic en!ineers for their children by influencin! epi!enetic "echanis"s startin! prenatally and continuin! throu!hout childhood# Children learn an incredible a"ount of infor"ation in the early years of life# $hey learn by experience as well as by observation# $hey often download their parents beliefs &both i"plicit and explicit beliefs'# $hese beliefs beco"e hard*wired as synaptic pathways in the subconscious "ind# $hese truths can shape the behavior and potential of the child throu!hout his or her life in a ne!ative or positive direction# +t is not until children are older that they are able to consciously exa"ine the beliefs stored in their subconscious#

The Su(conscious and the Conscious ) a $ynamic $uo

Subconscious "ind 9 $he subconscious is an e"otionless database of stored pro!ra"s# +t exists only in the present# +ts function is to read environ"ental si!nals and en!a!e in hard*wired behavioral pro!ra"s# $he pro!ra"s are sti"ulus*response based behaviors# $he sti"ulus can co"e fro" the external world or fro" si!nals fro" inside the body such as e"otions pleasure and pain# Conscious "ind9 $he conscious "ind has the power to be spontaneously creative and respond in new ways to environ"ental sti"uli# +t can be self*reflective and observe behaviors as they are occurrin!# +t can stop an auto"atic behavior and create a new response# +t can think forward and backward in ti"e# While the subconscious is the autopilot the conscious "ind is the "anual control# $he two "inds to!ether "ake a powerful tea" because both can operate si"ultaneously# $hey can cooperate such as when you learn a new behavior consciously and then practice it until it beco"es part of your subconscious# $he conscious "ind can over*ride auto"atic pro!ra""in! but only if it is payin! full attention# $he subconscious is pro!ra""ed to take over the "o"ent there is a lapse in conscious attention#

Energy -sychology
$he bi!!est stu"blin! block to realizin! the success that we consciously desire co"es fro" the li"itations pro!ra""ed into our subconscious# So"eti"es we can be our own worst ene"ies# +n order to over*ride ne!ative beliefs and create new behaviors it is necessary to chan!e the pro!ra""in! in the subconscious# %owever this cannot be done by force or by si"ply reasonin! with the subconscious "ind# Conventional "ethods such as dru!s and talk therapy seek to suppress destructive behaviors# Newer "ethods capitalize on the findin!s of .uantu" physics and focus on the connection between ener!y and thou!ht as the point of influence on the subconscious#

Conscious Conce&tion and -regnancy

$he best way to eli"inate ne!ative and unhealthy patterns of thou!ht and behavior is to ensure that they are never pro!ra""ed in the first place# Conscious parentin! can result in positive "essa!es and healthy cell behaviors bein! pro!ra""ed into childrens "inds fro" the ti"e of conception# New research is showin! how the environ"ent of the wo"b can influence "any aspects of the childs entire life# ;eno"ic i"printin! occurs in the wo"b and shapes the brain layin! the !roundwork for personality te"pera"ent and hi!her thou!ht# Alon! with nutrients the fetus receives other substances fro" the "other such as stress hor"ones if the "other is chronically stressed or excess !lucose if the "other is diabetic# Subopti"al conditions in the wo"b that lead to low birth rate have been linked to a nu"ber of adult diseases includin! diabetes heart disease and obesity# Ap to (5< of a childs potential intelli!ence is related to environ"ental factors such as the "others drinkin! or s"okin! durin! pre!nancy or exposure to lead in the wo"b# $ouch &or lack of ' durin! infancy has been linked to later stress levels social develop"ent and violent tendencies# 1or ourselves and for our children !enes represent our potential not our destiny# 7arents have the power to act as !enetic en!ineers for their children by supplyin! their subconscious "inds with positive and healthy "essa!es# As adults we have the ability to take char!e of our lives once we realize the power of our self*conscious "inds to repro!ra" our subconscious pro!ra""in!#

S&irit and Science

$he conclusions of .uantu" physics "irror those of early civilizations in which "atter and ener!y are intertwined and every ob-ect in the universe possesses a spirit &ener!y'# 1ro" biolo!y we know that each individual has self*receptors &hu"an leukocytic anti!ens' that are related to the i""une syste" and reflect the uni.ue sta"p of that individuals identity# 6ach cells uni.ue set of identity receptors are located on the "e"branes outer surface where they act as antennas by downloadin! co"ple"entary environ"ental si!nals# $hese identity receptors read a si!nal of self that does not exist within the cell but co"es fro" the external environ"ent# +t is the authors belief that people are spirits in "aterial for" who receive infor"ation fro" an environ"ental controller or Spirit# As we live our lives our experiences are sent back to that Spirit and therefore the conse.uences of our lives exist outside of and last lon!er than our bodies#

Survival of the Most Loving

We are spiritual bein!s who need love in the sa"e way we need food# We can learn fro" the lesson of cells that the best way to advance hu"an civilization is to co"e to!ether in a !lobal co""unity in which cooperation is valued over co"petition# $he best way to do this is to -oin co""unities of like*"inded people who are workin! towards a world in which the "ost lovin! not only survive they thrive#

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