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Academic Year 2 !" # 2 !$ ASSIGNMENT TO%ICS This booklet contains assignment topics. Students are asked to write the assignments for EIGHT papers as per instructions. Last date for submission : 28-02-2014
Last date for submission with late fee Rs. 300/- : NOTE& 1. Assignments sent after 14-03-2014 will not be evaluated. . Assignments should be in the own hand writing of the student concerned and not t!pe-written or printed or photocopied. ". Assignments should be written on foolscap paper on one side onl!. #. All assignments $with %nrolment number marked on the Top right hand corner on all pages& should be put in an envelop with superscription '()A Assignments* and sent to The Director, Directorate of Distance Education+ Annamalai ,niversit!+ Annamalainagar - ./0 // b! 1egistered post. 2. 3o notice will be taken on assignments which are not properl! filled in with Enrolment Number and the Title of the papers. .. Students should send full set of assignments for all papers. 4artial assignments will not be considered. 14-03-2014

5rite assignments on an! TWO topics in each paper out of the 67,1. 6or each topic the answer should $ topics&. not e8ceed 12-pages. %ach assignment carries 2 marks




1. 'The managers of tomorrow will not be a bigger man than his father was before him.* 9riticall! anal!se this statement and discuss the tasks e8pected to be performed b! future managers to effectivel! deal with management challenges. . :dentif! four corporate social responsibilit! initiatives adopted b! corporate which !ou are familiar with. ". '(ore centrali;ation and decentrali;ation are not advisable* - <o !ou agree or disagree= >ustif!. Suggest when and where these two concepts effectivel! applied in corporate. #. '()7 is the motivating factor or controlling techni?ue*. 9riticall! evaluate this statement. 9ompare and contrast between ()7 and ()%.


1. 5hat is product life c!cle= 9hoose a case in international marketing and discuss the same. . <iscuss which brands of mobile do !ou feel successfull! targeted the group '@eneration A*. 5hich brands do not= 5hat could the! do better= ". '(arketing research is the ke! to the success of a compan!*. <iscuss the above statement+ keeping in view of an e8ample of the recent past where application of market research helped in formulating the right marketing strateg!. #. Suggest suitable pricing strateg! for: $i& 1// cc (otorc!cle $ii& Laptop $iii& )randed Shirts


1. . ". 4repare a report on the cultural diversit! of an B1 department in a multi location :T compan!. %8amine the challenges it faces in the changed business scenario. Stud! and compare the performance appraisal s!stem in a manufacturing sector and service sector. %valuate the reasons for their success/ failures in the respective sectors. 9riticall! anal!se the selection process vis-C-vis the B1 Strateg! of an organi;ation+ e8amine whether the selection process is facilitating the recruitment and retention of the manpower with the re?uired skill sets and competencies.

#. Anal!se and appraise the ?ualit! circle movement in a service organi;ation and suggest methods for its enhancement.


1. 'The profit ma8imi;ation is not an operationall! feasible criteria.* <o !ou agree= :llustrate !our views.

. 'The function of 6inancial (anagement is to review and control decisions to commit or recommit funds to new or ongoing uses. Thus in addition to raising funds+ financial (anagement is directl! concerned with production+ marketing and other functions within an enterprise whenever decisions are made about the ac?uisition or destruction of assets*. %lucidate. ". '5hen the corporate income ta8es are assumed to e8ist (odigilani-(iller and the traditional theorists agree that capital structure does affect value. So the basic point of disputes disappears*. <o !ou agree= 5h! or wh! not= #. 'The contention that dividends have an impact on the share price.* %8plain the essentials of this argument. 5h! the argument is considered fallacious.


1. 5h! do !ou think choosing correct location for a plant is significant= <raft a plan to locate a nuclear power plant. . %8plain intermittent and continuous operations. ,nder what t!pe of situation it would be used in automobile industr!= ". %8plain the t!pes of material handling e?uipments used in coal mines industr!. #. <iscuss the importance and methods of inventor! s!stem followed in refining industries in :ndia.


1. A chartered Accountant applies for a Dob in two firms E and A. Be estimates that the probabilit! of his being selected in firm E is /.F and being reDected in A is /.2 and the probabilit! that atleast one of his applications reDected is /... 5hat is the probabilit! that he will be selected in one of the firms= . :n a factor! turning out ra;or blade+ there is a small chance of 1/2// for an! blade to be defective. The blades are supplied in a packet of 1/. ,se 4oisson distribution to calculate the appro8imate number of packets containing blades with no defective+ one defective+ two defectives and three defectives in a consignment of 1/+/// packets. ". Samples of #// students of undergraduate and #// students of post graduate classes were taken to know their opinion about autonomous college. G/ of the undergraduate and "1/ of the post graduate students favoured the autonomous status. 4resent these fact in the form of a table and test at 2H level+ that the opinion regarding autonomous status of colleges are independent of the level of classes of students. #. Test the significance of variation of the retail prices of the commodit! in three principle citiesI )omba!+ Jolkata and <elhi. The four shops were chosen at random in each cit! and prices observed in rupees were as follows

Bombay 16 8 12 14 Kolkata 14 10 10 Delhi 4 10 8 6 8


1. . ". #.

'Advertisement facilitates the building up of positive attitude of the target audience towards a brand.* <o !ou agree= 'Bouse-to-house selling is the most efficient form of retailing as it can eliminate wholesalers as well as retail stores.* - <iscuss. :t is said that telemarketing will revolutioni;e the marketing communication process. <o !ou agree= :nteractive s!stems of direct marketing are the wave of the future. <o !ou agree or disagree= %8plain.


1. 6ind article in the business press or general news about a recent incident involving a compan! $for e8ample+ a merger or ac?uisition+ a scandal or crisis+ or the launching of a new product&. 5hat kind of communication challenges might this event pose for the compan!+ both internall! and e8ternall!= 5hat kinds of messages would probabl! need to be written+ and to whom= . :nterview a working professional about his or her writing process. :n addition to asking about general strategies for different kind of writings+ also how he or she tracked a particularl! difficult writing situation. 5rite up the results of !our findings briefl!. ". Locate si8 e8amples of video and audio clips !ou might use in a business document. <escribe the e8amples along with a brief e8planation of a good use in a business document. #. Look through current newspapers+ maga;ines+ the web and so on+ and get the best available information on the Dob outlook for this !earKs college graduates. Aou should show variations b! geographic areas+ degree+ and schools. 4resent !our findings in a well-organi;ed and illustrated report.

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