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Suggested calendar schedule of pilot project: Time frame: June 1, 2014 to June 1, 2015 Continuing Ed courses on urban chicken

keeping at specified dates during winter and spring of 2014 Comp ete app ication process and register b! "a! #0, 2014 $i out %fourth month& feedback sur'e! and return during the month of (eptember 2014 Coop tour in month of )pri , 2015 b! counci member, b! aw officer, or ) berta )gricu ture representati'e and C*+C,-appointed representati'e .ossib e coop tour in month of )pri , 2015 for town residents and media, courtes! of back !ard hen keepers wishing to share more open ! $i out %tenth month& feedback sur'e! and return during month of )pri 2015 )ssessment of pi ot pro/ect )pri to "a! #0, 2015 0fficia c ose of pi ot pro/ect June 1, 2015 )nnouncement of counci decision June, 2015

Documents 1ew 2a'en Connecticut 3est .ractices .i ot .ro/ect 4egu ations and re e'ant section of app icab e town b! aws )pp ication 5uestionaire 4egistration form +rban 2ens 4 ,eepers possib e content out ine $eedback (ur'e! 6 (eptember $eedback (ur'e! 6 )pri

Pilot Project Regulations 1o roosters 7ma e chicken8 1o ess than two hens and no more than si9 hens 7fema e chicken8 0n ! se9ed chicks, pu ets 7o d enough to determine se9 easi !8 or adu t hens are a owed Coop: *ocation 6 side or back !ard on ! ocated 7 8 -feet from propert! ine as per 7 8 and p aced in a position that promotes good re ations with neighbours (i:e 6 Coop 7inc udes she ter ca ed the %hen house& and outdoor area ca ed the %run&8 tota ground 7wa king area8 space must be a minimum of 10 s;uare feet per hen, i<e<, a rectang e with 2 ft width and 5 ft ength 2en house 6 minimum of 4 s;uare feet per bird, i<e<, a s;uare with 2 foot edge engths 4un 6 minimum of = s;uare feet per bird, i<e<, a rectang e with 2 foot width and # foot ength 4oost 6 7a non-meta ic bar >to reduce chances of fro:en feet? upon which the hens stand whi e s eeping8 minimum 1 foot of ength per hen @esign parameters - the coop must pro'ide weather proofing and she ter against heat, co d and moisture< Aood 'enti ation is re;uired to pre'ent respirator! ai ments< (ecurit! measures are necessar! to discourage predators, inc uding a secured and fenced run protected at ground e'e against digging and tunne ing, which is made of sufficient ! strong wire to pre'ent breakage< The hen house must ha'e doors and windows that can be ocked, and a structure that is tight enough to pre'ent a ternate predator entrance< "otion-sensiti'e securit! ights are optiona but can aid in discouraging predators a so< The coop must be designed to be easi ! maintained so as to pre'ent odor-producing wastes from accumu ating< 3est practises for coop maintaince are ad'ised to ensure good hen hea th and undisturbed fe ow residents< 7 8 b! aws in respect to noise, nusance and bui ding de'e opment must be comp ied with and wi be enforced< ( aughtering of hens is to be carried out b! a 'et, abbatoir, or on a farm where it is ega to do so< @eceased hens must be disposed of 7 8<

1on adherence to app ication and pi ot pro/ect regu ations wi resu t in remo'a from the pi ot pro/ect or in the pena ties out ined in the app icab e b! aw<

Application 1ew 2a'en Connecticut 3est .ractices "anua read and accepted< (ignBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB +rban 2ens 4 ,eepers course comp eted on BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB2014< (ignBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB C am wi ing to a ow a coop inspection b! a b! aw officer and a C*+C,-appointed representati'e at a mutua ! acceptab e time and date prior to the commencement of the pi ot pro/ect< (ignBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB C wi not ac;uire hens unti the coop inspection has been carried out and appro'ed< (ignBBBBBBBBBBB C am wi ing to comp ete a $eedback (ur'e! during the month of (eptember 2014 and to make it a'ai ab e to the appointed monitoring bod! b! (eptember #0, 2014< (ignBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB C am wi ing to a ow a coop inspection with ad'anced notice during the month of )pri 2015 b! a b! aw officer, a town counci or, a C*+C,-appointed representati'e, andDor an ) berta )gricu ture representati'e< (ignBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 0ptiona 6 C am wi ing to participate in a coop tour for fe ow residents and possib ! the media with ad'anced notice during the month of )pri 2015< (ignBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB C am wi ing to comp ete a $eedback (ur'e! during the month of )pri 2015 of the pi ot pro/ect and to make it a'ai ab e to the appointed monitoring bod! b! )pri #0, 2015< (ignBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB C wi be notified b! June BBBBBBBBBBBBBB2015 b! phone or emai of the counci Es decision to a ow or disa ow the continuation of back!ard hen keeping in BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB<

Registration 1ame )ddress 7 if renting, written permission from the and ord is re;uired8 .hone Emai Coop (i:e and site ocation on propert! diagram $ee 7To co'er administration cost and cost of materia s for course8

Urban Hens 4 Keepers Course to be offered through continuing education at (heep 4i'er *ibrar! between 2 to 4 times depending on interest and a'ai abi it! of instructors across the winter and spring of 2014< .ossib e content: Committment 6 dai ! care, ho ida! co'erage, effects of ife e'ents, costs both dai ! and across ife of hen, compatabi it! with other petsF meat birds 's egg birds 's pets 's show birds: what to consider when deciding )nima Ge fare 6 o'er- oaded humane and rescue societies, heritage birds, industria birds, birds of the wrong se9F where to ook in the e'ent hens must be rehomed 6 oca farms 7to be researched8, fe ow keepers and prospecti'e keepers 6 C*+C, communities The 2en 6 anatom!, needs and care, t!pes of hens, most suited breeds for our c imate, common causes of i ness, norma and abnorma beha'iours, t!pica routine $ ock si:e 6 companions, pecking order, adding new hens 7;uarantine8, space, heating, and acti'it! re;uirements The $ood 6 age re ated, hea th re ated, hea th! eggs and strong she s, commerica brands, home made recipies, oca gra:ing, chicken gardens, neighbour ! donations @isease 6 common, most etha to hens, contagious to humans, ;uarantine, pre'ention, he p: 'et, on ine communities, ong time hen keepers, books, agricu ture canada and a berta The Coop - si:e, purpose, weather proofing, predator proofing, neighbour ! courtesies, ocation, design options 7fi9ed, portab e, raised, ground e'e , sma , kid friend !, cute:88, c eaning, nest bo9es, roosts, feeding areas, dust baths, poop catchers, deep dish f oor co'ering or regu ar remo'a .redators - most common, nati'e to our area, how to discourage, how to pick up the pieces 6 disposa , new hens, repairs, mo'ing on Engaging !our neighbours 6 courtes!, discussion, bui ding communit! 4esources: books, on ine sites and pages, 'ets, e;uipment supp iers, oca carpenters, )gricu ture ) berta and Canada contacts, town b! aws, counci ors, other back!ard hen towns, hen supp iers, food sources, C*+C, communities

Feed back parameters for monitoring bod : @ifficu ties e9perienced b! hen keepers 4eso ution of difficu ties Comp aints: H, t!pe, responder, reso ution H of chickens at start, H of chickens at end, reason for change 6 if an!, t!pes of chickens @rop outs and reasons .redator prob ems (ocia , Econimic, En'ironmenta benefits rea i:ed Communit! interest in raising hens at start and at finish 3usiness to oca supp iers of e;uipment, feed and hens Cnterest in meat hens 's egg hens oca business generated or impro'ed Communit! benefits 3urden to b! awDhumane and rescue societies and town emp o!ees To icense or to register )ffects on oca chicken producers and egg supp iers

Feedback sur!e " September #$%4 &fourth month' .articipant Cs there an! information !ou are aware of now that !ou fee wou d ha'e been more usefu and was missed before !ou started the pi ot pro/ectI Ghat t!pe of hens did !ou decide to get and what were the reasonsI Gi !ou be keeping the same hens for the fu pi ot pro/ectI 2ow ha'e peop e responded when the! earn !ou ha'e back !ard hensI 2as !our e9perience measured up to !our e9pectations so far 6 fu fi ed !our goa s and ob/ecti'esI Gou d !ou recommend back !ard hen keeping to othersI Ghat has been the most difficu t aspect to !our hen keeping so farI Cs there an! aspect that turned out to be easier then anticipatedI Ghat wou d be the most important ad'ice !ou wou d share with a prospecti'e hen keeperI @o !ou fee the pi ot pro/ect regu ations shou d remain as the! are or shou d the! be ad/ustedI

1on-participant )re !ou aware of the presence of back !ard hens in !our neighbourhoodI Cf !ou ha'e had an! interaction with back !ard hens andDor their keepers, ha'e !ou found those interactions to be positi'e, neutra , or negati'eI )re !ou present ! supporti'e, neutra , or nonsupporti'e of back !ard hens in !our townI Cf back !ard hen keeping is appro'ed, is there an!thing in the pi ot pro/ect regu ations 7can be found BBBB8 that !ou fee shou d be ad/usted, added, or de etedI 2as the pi ot pro/ect changed !our attitude towards back !ard hensI Cf !es, in what wa!I Gou d !ou be interested in /oining a coop tour in )pri if one is set upI

Feedback sur!e " April #$%( &tenth month' .articipant @id !ou oose an! hens or did the! suffer an! i ness to dateI 2ow did !ou reso 'e, if !esI 2as !our coop suffered an! predator prob emsI Cf !es, what t!pes of predatorsI Ghat is the o'era response to back !ard hens in !our neighbourhood, to dateI Gou d !ou choose to continue keeping back !ard hens at this timeI 4easons< 2a'e !ou encountered much interest in others as propecti'e back !ard hen keepersI Ghat is the most important esson !ou ha'e earned from the pi ot pro/ectI Cs there an!thing e se pertaining to !our e9perience in the pi ot pro/ect that !ou wou d ike to shareI 1on-participant Gou d !ou encourage counci to ega i:e back !ard hensI Ghat e9posure ha'e !ou had to back !ard hens during the pi ot pro/ectI @o !ou fee the presence of back !ard hens has good potentia to impro'e ;ua it! of ife residentia !I Cs there an!thing !ou wou d ike to share pertaining to the pi ot pro/ect and its outcomesI )re !ou or an!one !ou know in town inspired to keep a back !ard hen f ock as a resu t of the pi ot pro/ectI @id !ou take a coop tourI

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