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Ever seen one? Now you can make your own!

You will need: Plastic bottle Compass Scissors Cardboard box card Pen Stick glue P ! glue Paintbrus" Cotton or t"read Paper Cocktail sticks #issue paper Sticky tape

Start o$$ by cleaning out a plastic bottle t"at%s wide enoug" to $it a s"ip inside&

'se a compass to pierce a "ole in t"e top o$ t"e bottle&

You can use t"is "ole to get a pair o$ scissors in easily( so t"at you can care$ully cut a rectangular door into one side&

#ry to keep t"e "ole as neat as you can!

Put t"e bottle and t"e door you cut out o$ it to one side& #"e s"ip is next( so cut a piece o$ cardboard $or t"e base& )t needs to be a little smaller t"an t"e plastic door&

Next( draw t"e s"ape o$ a boat * as i$ you were looking at it $rom above * onto a piece o$ cardboard box card& Cut t"e s"ape out&

'se t"is as a template to draw around onto some more cardboard box card& Cut t"is s"ape out too * you s"ould now "ave two&

Cut o$$ t"e pointed end o$ one o$ t"ese cardboard pieces&&&

&&&and t"e ot"er end( too&&&

&&&t"en glue t"e $ull boat s"ape onto t"e card base( like t"is&

Next( glue t"e pointy bit you cut o$$ onto t"at&

+o t"e same again wit" t"e blunt end& You s"ould now "ave somet"ing t"at looks like t"is!

Next you%ll need t"ree cocktail sticks to make t"e s"ip%s masts&

Care$ully snip o$$ t"e top t"ird o$ t"e cocktail sticks( so t"at t"ey%re all about t"e same lengt"&

Punc" one o$ t"e cocktail sticks into t"e middle o$ t"e boat& +on%t punc" it all t"e way t"roug" * ,ust enoug" so t"at it stands up on its own&

+o t"e same again( wit" one be"ind t"e raised part at t"e $ront( and one in $ront o$ t"e raised part at t"e back&

Now take two o$ t"e smaller pieces o$ cocktail stick&&&

&&&and stick one into t"e $ront o$ t"e s"ip at an angle&&&

&&&and one at t"e back&

Next( mix up some P ! glue wit" water and use it to paste on small pieces o$ tissue paper&

-ust seal around all t"e ,oins( to give t"e s"ip a good texture&

."en t"e glue and tissue paper "as dried( you can paint t"e s"ip!

/or sails( cut out some triangular s"apes $rom w"ite paper& You need $ive in all&

Paste some P ! glue onto one edge o$ eac" sails and stick t"em to t"e cocktail sticks& You%ll "ave to "old eac" sail in place until t"e glue dries!

Stick one sail to eac" o$ t"e t"ree cocktail sticks in t"e middle o$ t"e s"ip( and t"e $inal two to t"e small cocktail stick at t"e back o$ t"e s"ip&

/inis" o$$ wit" a small $lag on t"e cocktail stick at t"e $ront&&&

&&&and i$ you put a tiny dab o$ glue on t"e top o$ eac" mast&&&

&&&you can add on some t"read $or rigging! ."en t"e glue "as dried( trim o$$ t"e excess&

Next( glue t"e base o$ t"e boat to t"e plastic door you made at t"e beginning&&&

&&&t"en tape t"e plastic door to t"e bottle& #"is traps t"e s"ip inside!

You can $inis" o$$ by making a cardboard box card cork and stand&

/or ot"er ideas( "ere%s a cruise liner&&&

&&&a sporty yac"t&&&

&&&or a pirate s"ip in a giant s0uas" bottle! #ry it yoursel$!

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