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EE 4343/5329 - Control System Design Project

LECTURE 1 EE 4343/5329 o!epage EE 4343/5329 Co"rse #"tline

Design of Phase-lead and Phase-lag compensators using Bode Plot Method

1. Phase-lead compensator design using Bode Plot Method $oal% &esign a phase'lead (o!pensator )or the syste! G ( s ) =
1 * s"(h that the steady' s( s +1)

state error is less than +.1 )or a "nit ra!p inp"t and a , overshoot less than 25,. Steady'state error spe(i)i(ation
KV = li! sG ( s ) = li! s
s + s +

K 1 =K s( s + 1)

ess =

1 1 = < +.1 K 1+ KV K

, overshoot spe(i)i(ation -e(all the relationship .et/een , overshoot and da!ping ratio 0 1 /hi(h is given .y

, #vershoot = 1++e

1 2

and is sho/n in 2ig"re 1.


2ig"re1. , #vershoot vs. &a!ping -atio.

100 90 80 70 60 % Overshoot 50 40 30 20 10 0




0.4 0.5 dam ping ratio





3hen* the relationship .et/een phase !argin 0451 and da!ping ratio 0 1 )or the spe(ial 2 n G ( s ) = (ase o) open'loop trans)er )"n(tion /hi(h is given .y s ( s + 2 n )
1 45 = tan 2 1 = 4 2 2 2

!aintains that the phase !argin o) the (o!pensated syste! sho"ld .e greater than o.tain a per(ent overshoot less than 25, and is sho/n in 2ig"re 2.
80 70 60 50 P hase M argin (PM ) 40 30 20 10 0






0.4 0.5 0.6 dam ping ratio




2ig"re2. 4hase 5argin vs. &a!ping -atio.


4hase'lead design pro(ed"re% i.1 ii.1 Choose the &C gain (onstant K s"(h that the steady'state error spe(i)i(ation is !et. 2ro! a.ove* /e kno/ K !"st .e greater than or e6"al to 1+* so let K = 1+ . #.tain the gain !argin and phase !argin plots o) the "n(o!pensated syste! along /ith the &C gain (onstant K )o"nd in 0i.1 to deter!ine the a!o"nt o) phase lead m needed to reali7e the re6"ired phase !argin so that the per(ent overshoot spe(i)i(ation is !et.
B ode Diagram s Gm = Inf, P m =17.964 deg. (at 3.0842 rad/sec) 60 40 20 Phase (deg); M agnitude (dB ) 0 -20

-100 -120 -140 -160 -180 10



Frequency (rad/sec)

2ig"re 3. :ode plot o) "n(o!pensated syste! K G ( s ) . 2ro! 2ig"re 3.* the 45 o) the "n(o!pensated syste! 45 uncomp 2+ . 3h"s* (hoosing the 45 o) the (o!pensated syste! as 45 comp = 45 * then the additional a!o"nt o) phase lead m = 45 comp 45 uncomp = 25 . 8o/ that m has .een deter!ined* the para!eter o) the phase'lead (o!pensator (an .e (hosen )ro! 2ig"re 2.14 in Appendi9 A* /hi(h has .een (hosen to .e = +.3 /hi(h (orresponds to a !a9i!"! phase lead o) 33 . iii.1 3he !a9i!"! phase lead m !"st .e added aro"nd the ne/ gain'(rossover )re6"en(y m . 3he phase'lead (o!pensator (ontri."tes a gain aro"nd 1+ log( +.3) = 5.2d: at the ne/ m ; there)ore* one !"st deter!ine the )re6"en(y at /hi(h the "n(o!pensated syste! has a !agnit"de 1+ log( +.3) = 5.2d: . 3h"s* m sho"ld e6"al this )re6"en(y so that it .e(o!es the ne/ +'d: (rossover )re6"en(y in the (o!pensated syste!. 2ro! inspe(tion o) 2ig"re 3* the !agnit"de o) the "n(o!pensated syste! e6"als <5.2d: at the )re6"en(y = 4.5 rad se( . =et m = 4.5 rad se( . iv.1 Cal("late the para!eters o) the phase'lead (o!pensator .ased on the val"es o.tained in steps 0i.1 thr" 0iii.1. 3he trans)er )"n(tion o) a phase'lead (o!pensator is given as
C( s) = s +1 T s +1 T 1 or C ( j) = jT +1 /ith <1 jT +1

. 3h"s* )or = +.3 * T = +.41 se( . 3his leads to a phase'lead m (o!pensator design o) the )ollo/ing%

/here T =


C( s) =

+.41s +1 +.123s +1

4hase'lead (o!pensator si!"lation res"lts% 5atla. Si!"lation

clear all; wm = 4.5; % gain-crossover frequency alpha = 0.3; % phase-lead compensator parameter = !"wm"sqrt#alpha$; % phase-lead compensator time constant % = !0; % &' compensator gain % (hase-lead compensator '#s$ cnum = %)* !+; cden = * )alpha !+; % ,pen-loop sys -#s$ gnum = *!+; gden = *! ! 0+; % .nity--ain /eed0ac1 2oop 3#s$ hnum = *!+; hden = *!+; % ,pen-loop sys '#s$)-#s$ numo = conv#cnum4gnum$; deno = conv#cden4gden$; % 'losed-loop sys *gnumc4gdenc+ = feed0ac1#%)gnum4gden4hnum4hden4-!$; *numc4denc+ = feed0ac1#numo4deno4hnum4hden4-!$;



B ode Diagram s


25 Phase (deg); M agnitude (dB )

20 30 20 10






Frequency (rad/sec)

2ig"re 4. :ode plot o) phase'lead (o!pensator C ( s ) .


sys! = tf#%)gnum4gden$; sys5 = tf#numo4deno$; *mag!4ph!4w+=0ode#%)gnum4gden4logspace#-!454500$$; *mag54ph54w+=0ode#numo4deno4logspace#-!454500$$; su0plot#5!!$; semilog6#w450)log!0#mag!$47r74 w450)log!0#mag5$4707$; title#78ode &iagrams7$; yla0el#79agnitude #d8$7$; legend#7uncompensated747compensated74 -!$; su0plot#5!5$; semilog6#w4ph!47r74 w4ph54707$; yla0el#7(hase #deg$7$; 6la0el#7/requency #rad"sec$7$; legend#7uncompensated747compensated74 -!$;
B o d eD ia g ra m s M a g n itu d e (d B ) 5 0 u n co m p e n sa te d co m p e n sa te d

-5 0

-1 0 0 -1 1 0 -8 0 P h a se (d e g ) -1 0 0 -1 2 0 -1 4 0

1 0

1 0

1 0

compensated system

u n co m p e n sa te d co m p e n sa te d

uncompensated -1 6 0 system
-1 8 0 -1 1 0
0 1 2

1 0 1 0 F re q u e n cy (ra d /se c)

1 0

2ig"re 5. :ode plots o) "n(o!pensated and (o!pensated syste!s.

figure; sys!c = tf#gnumc4gdenc$; sys5c = tf#numc4denc$; step#sys!c4sys5c$;grid; legend('uncompensated','compensated',-1);


S te pR e sp o n se 1 .6 1 .4 1 .2 A m p litu d e 1 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 T im e (se c.) u n co m p e n sa te d co m p e n sa te d

2ig"re >. Step response o) "n(o!pensated and (o!pensated syste!.


t=0:0.0!:5; y = t; *y!46!+=step#gnumc4conv#gdenc4*! 0+$4t$; *y5465+=step#numc4conv#denc4*! 0+$4t$; *y3463+=step#numc4denc4t$; *y4464+=step#gnumc4gdenc4t$; plot#t4y!47r74t4y547074t4y47g7$;grid; 6la0el#7 ime #sec$7$; title#7.nit ;amp <nput response7$; legend#7uncompensated74 7compensated74 7desired74-!$;
U n it R a m p In p u t re sp o n se 5 4 .5 4 3 .5 3 2 .5 2 1 .5 1 0 .5 0 0 u n co m p e n sa te d co m p e n sa te d d e sire d

2 3 T im e (se c)

2ig"re ?. -esponse o) "n(o!pensated and (o!pensated syste!s d"e to "nit ra!p inp"t.


2. Phase-lag compensator design using Bode Plot Method $oal% &esign a phase'lag (o!pensator )or the syste! G ( s ) =
1 * s"(h that the steady'state s( s +1)

error is less than +.1 )or a "nit ra!p inp"t and a per(ent overshoot less than 25,. Steady'state error spe(i)i(ation As (o!p"ted in 01.1* K 1+ . 4er(ent overshoot spe(i)i(ation As o.tained in 01.1* 45 comp 45 . 4hase'lag design pro(ed"re% i.1 ii.1 Choose the &C gain (onstant K s"(h that the steady'state error spe(i)i(ation is !et. 2ro! a.ove* /e kno/ K !"st .e greater than or e6"al to 1+* so let K = 1+ . #.tain the gain !argin and phase !argin plots o) the "n(o!pensated syste! along /ith the &C gain (onstant K )o"nd in 0i.1 to esti!ate the )re6"en(y at /hi(h the 45 o) 5+ o(("rs. &enote this )re6"en(y as the ne/ gain'(rossover )re6"en(y m . 2ro! 2ig"re 8.* let m = +.84 rad se( .
B ode Diagram s Gm = Inf, P m =17.964 deg. (at 3.0842 rad/sec) 60 40 20 Phase (deg); M agnitude (dB ) 0 -20

-100 -120 -140 -160 -180 10



Frequency (rad/sec)

2ig"re 8. :ode plot o) "n(o!pensated syste! K G ( s ) .


iii.1 &eter!ine the !agnit"de o) "n(o!pensated syste! at m = +.84 rad se( . 2ro! 2ig"re 8.* the !agnit"de o) the "n(o!pensated syste! at m = +.84 rad se( is 2+ d:. 3o .ring the !agnit"de ("rve do/n to + d: at m * the phase'lag (o!pensator !"st provide
2+ log() = 2+ d: or

iv.1 Cal("late the para!eters o) the phase'lag (o!pensator .ased on the val"es o.tained in steps 0i.1 thr" 0iii.1. 3he trans)er )"n(tion o) a phase'lag (o!pensator is given as
C( s) = 1

2+ = 1+ 2+

= 1+

s +1 T

s +1 T

or C ( j) =

jT +1 /ith >1 jT +1

=11.9 se( . 3his is to ens"re that the )re6"en(y at = is one de(ade m T .elo/ the ne/ gain'(rossover )re6"en(y m . 3his leads to a phase'lag (o!pensator design o) the )ollo/ing%

/here T =


C( s) =

11.9 s +1 . 119 s +1

4hase'lead (o!pensator si!"lation res"lts% 5atla. Si!"lation

clear all; wm = 0.=4; % gain-crossover frequency alpha = !0; % phase-lag compensator parameter = !0"wm; % phase-lead compensator time constant % = !0; % &' compensator gain % (hase-lead compensator '#s$ cnum = %)* !+; cden = * )alpha !+; % ,pen-loop sys -#s$ gnum = *!+; gden = *! ! 0+; % .nity--ain /eed0ac1 2oop 3#s$ hnum = *!+; hden = *!+; % ,pen-loop sys '#s$)-#s$ numo = conv#cnum4gnum$; deno = conv#cden4gden$; % 'losed-loop sys *gnumc4gdenc+ = feed0ac1#%)gnum4gden4hnum4hden4-!$; *numc4denc+ = feed0ac1#numo4deno4hnum4hden4-!$;

' 1+ '

B ode Diagram s

20 15 10 Phase (deg); M agnitude (dB ) 5 0

-10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10







Frequency (rad/sec)

2ig"re 9. :ode plot o) phase'lag (o!pensator C ( s ) .

' 11 '

sys! = tf#%)gnum4gden$; sys5 = tf#numo4deno$; *mag!4ph!4w+=0ode#%)gnum4gden4logspace#-!454500$$; *mag54ph54w+=0ode#numo4deno4logspace#-!454500$$; su0plot#5!!$; semilog6#w450)log!0#mag!$47r74 w450)log!0#mag5$4707$; title#78ode &iagrams7$; yla0el#79agnitude #d8$7$; legend#7uncompensated747compensated74 -!$; su0plot#5!5$; semilog6#w4ph!47r74 w4ph54707$; yla0el#7(hase #deg$7$; 6la0el#7/requency #rad"sec$7$; legend#7uncompensated747compensated74 -!$;
B o d eD ia g ra m s M a g n itu d e (d B ) 5 0 u n co m p e n sa te d co m p e n sa te d

-5 0

-1 0 0 -1 1 0

1 0

1 0

1 0

P h a se (d e g )

compensated -1 0 0 system
-1 2 0 -1 4 0 -1 6 0 -1 8 0 -1 1 0
0 1 2

-8 0

uncompensated system

u n co m p e n sa te d co m p e n sa te d

1 0 1 0 F re q u e n cy (ra d /se c)

1 0

2ig"re 1+. :ode plots o) "n(o!pensated and (o!pensated syste!s.

' 12 '

sys!c = tf#gnumc4gdenc$; sys5c = tf#numc4denc$; step#sys!c4sys5c$;grid; legend#7uncompensated74 7compensated74-!$;

S te pR e sp o n se 1 .6 1 .4 1 .2 A m p litu d e 1 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 T im e (se c.) u n co m p e n sa te d co m p e n sa te d

2ig"re 11. Step response o) "n(o!pensated and (o!pensated syste!.

' 13 '

t=0:0.0!:5; y = t; *y!46!+=step#gnumc4conv#gdenc4*! 0+$4t$; *y5465+=step#numc4conv#denc4*! 0+$4t$; *y3463+=step#numc4denc4t$; *y4464+=step#gnumc4gdenc4t$; plot#t4y!47r74t4y547074t4y47g7$;grid; 6la0el#7 ime #sec$7$; title#7.nit ;amp <nput response7$; legend#7uncompensated74 7compensated74 7desired74-!$;
U n it R a m p In p u t re sp o n se 5 4 .5 4 3 .5 3 2 .5 2 1 .5 1 0 .5 0 0 1 2 3 T im e (se c) 4 5 u n co m p e n sa te d co m p e n sa te d d e sire d

2ig"re 12. -esponse o) "n(o!pensated and (o!pensated syste!s d"e to "nit ra!p inp"t.

' 14 '

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