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The Retail Store December 16, 2013


Project Restless Summer Night


SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 4 NEEDS/PROBLEMS ............................................................................................................. 5 GOALS/OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................... 5


SCOPE OF OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................. 5-6

TIMETABLE .......................................................................................................................... 7 RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................ 7


KEY PERSONNEL ................................................................................................................. 8

RISK ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 8


EVALUATION ...................................................................................................................... 9

I. Summary
The Retail Store is looking to expand in the areas of sales, stores, products and employees. In addition to this expansion, The Retail Store will be conducting a good-will mission to increase the reputation of the store. This proposal will outline the steps that project Restless Summer Night will conduct to achieve the objectives of the organization by realizing the vision statement and by maintaining the mission statement.

II. Introduction
The Retail Store is an organization that created $3.2 million in sales last year. Additionally, the organization is made up of three store locations, three distribution centers and thirty employees. The Retail Store currently carrys 2,500 American produced products. The Retail Store started in early 2002 after Michael McCabe decided to open a store that contained products that were made by and for Americans. Understanding that the best way to support American business was to conduct business with manufacturers that had the best interest of the American economy at heart. Upon opening the first location of The Retail Store, Michael McCabe desired to boost the economy of additional small towns. Within five years, two additional locations where open in separate towns near the first location in Visalia, CA. As the economy of the towns began to increase, so did the contracts that The Retail Store began to have. With the increase of contracts, three distribution centers were created. Each of these centers provided delivery of goods to various businesses. The Retail Store is also driven to provide help to those in need and provides support to communities that are going through difficult times (particularly around holiday seasons and inclement weather). The purpose of this help is to create a clean, impressionable image of the organization as well as creating an outreach to those that might not know Christ.

Mission Statement: The Retail Store offers our customers convenience, quality, and great prices. By doing so, we strive to make each and every community a better place to live.

Vision Statement: The Retail Store strives to be the leading retailer as measured by fiscal results and community improvement advocacy within every small community. (outstanding job providing information on the current business environment and I like how you worked yourself into it (smile))



The Retail Store has a high level of sales. Because of this volume of sales, it is in need of additional products and locations. With an increase in goods readily available to sale, an increase in both storage and distribution is needed. While the organization has never had a need of this type in the past, it has never been addressed until this project comes into place. The Retail Store is a relatively newer organization. This being the case, it is not as well-known as larger household names. While individuals that are local to the towns that the stores exist in know of the organization, many neighboring locals do not know much of the products and services that The Retail Store provides. This problem has been addressed on only one occasion with great success in the area of the outreach that the store provides.

IV. Goals/Objectives
The Retail Store will conduct this project in a manner that will place objectives 1-3 as a priority. This will allow for the successful completion of those objectives as well as create a footing for the future objectives numbered 4 and 5. 1) Achieve annual sales of at least $5 million 2) Participate in the improvement of at least 10 low income communities throughout the state. 3) Expand core product offerings by 10% within a 2-year time frame. 4) Expand Store size by 10% 5) Open at least one store in a neighboring state within a 5-year time frame.

Comment [BA1]: Again, outstanding job providing your stakeholders the business issues youre trying to address.

V. Scope of Objectives
Objective 1 will be achieved by opening two additional locations. These locations will be new store and distribution locations. With two locations (currently 10 miles and 25 miles) nearer the main headquarters location, these two additional locations will be further placed. In this way, it will allow for an opening into new communities as well as a possibility of increasing sales. This will be in keeping with the goal of opening an additional store in a different state within 5 years.

Comment [BA2]: Excellent job tying the project to the Retail Stores organizational obectives.

Objective 2 will be achieved by researching areas that have a difficult time with the downturn in the economy. This will also allow for a looking into possible areas that might suit for locations for the two additional stores. The Retail Store will use product and dollar donations to families in need up to $250,000 in the next fiscal year. Objective 3 will be completed through the Research and Development section of the organization. The initial research will look into low-cost and desirable clothes, cosmetics, and groceries that individuals request. R&D will then take into account the items requested and the items that generate a regular cost for the organization. Upon their suggestion, a revamp of products carried and offered at all locations will be analyzed. This will allow for a great stock of products without every product needing to be carried in every store. Objective 4 will be initially used at the newer locations. This is primarily for the ease in which these locations can purchase land. With an increase in land, these locations will be able to increase the amount of products that they will be able to carry. The amount of products The Retail Store will carry (from objective 3) will directly affect the amount of land that is to be required for future locations. As The Retail Stores headquarters are near the state of Nevada, the desired state to open an additional store will also be Nevada. This will help to satisfy Objective 5 as the organization continues its growth. This expansion will allow for a dynamic in multiple states as well as setup an organization that is more readily able to expand outside of its initial states borders.

Comment [BA3]: This section should provide (1) cost estimates (2) return on investment along with the great job you did providing detailed information on the project deliverables.

VI. Timetable
The proposed timetable is encompassing all future objectives (1-5). Updates to this timetable may occur.
Description of Phase Phase One Phase Two Phase Three Phase Four Phase Five Phase Six Phase Seven Phase Eight Phase Nine Phase Ten Phase Eleven Phase Twelve Research Locations for Objective 2 Start Outreach into Objective 2 areas Research Products desired at all locations Begin Store construction in Objective 2 areas Start hiring process for Objectives 1 Increase Products offered at all locations Grand Opening for new locations Begin to Increase location sizes Research Objective 5 Locations Start First Nevada Location Building Start Hiring process for Nevada Location Grand Opening at Nevada Location Start and End Dates January 2014-February 2014 February 2014-TBD February 2014-January 2015 March 2014-April 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015-November 2016 July 2017-August 2017 September 2017-November 2018 October 2018 December 2018 Comment [BA4]: Some great milestone information here but remember that you are proposing this project so you dont have approval and as a result, a project start date. Youre better off providing durations instead of dates.



Many resources will be required in the completion of this project. These resources will include products that will be needed to stock future stores, land for construction of future stores, and employees to run future locations. (what kind of employees, how many and when will they be needed?) In addition to these resources, a large portion of the budget for the next five years will be devoted to the completion of these objectives. Some resources that will need to be addressed will be those of Nevada State as they apply to employment benefits and other licensing (liquor, pharmacy, etc.).

VIII. Key Personnel

Listed below is the key personnel who will be responsible for completion of the project, and their corresponding areas of responsibility.

Michael McCabe, Project Manager

Jeremy Cooper, Team Leader (Outreach)

Meghan Wagnall, Team Leader (Sales)

Aaron Biggs, Team Leader (R & D)

Carrie Tharp, Team Leader (HR)

IX. Risk Analysis

There are several risks that need to be identified and considered in the undertaking of this project. The possibility of having a bad reception in a new community is always a possibly. For this reason, the Outreach phase of the project will need to be handled with a delicate touch. With a successful image in the new communities, the possibility of having a successful store location will become a reality. The economic conditions of these locations will also need to consider. With a lower income area, the threat of not making enough sales and possible theft/damage can be a reality. Addressing a change of products that are less expensive in value will also provide a lower cost to the consumer. With the use of a security system and a security service to provide safety for the building, products, and employees, a safe haven area can be created. Lastly, the risk of damage created by either weather conditions (snow, rain, etc.) and natural events (dust storms and earthquakes) needs to be analyzed. While these events seldom happen in the locations that would be prime areas for The Retail Stores future locations, there is always a possibility that these events could become a reality. The high risk of a rolling blackout during summer conditions can also occur. For this reason, each location will be required to have facilities that can handle emergency situations and power failures. (we would also want to include information on the probability each risk could happen and the impact each would bring if they came to fruition)

X. Evaluation
Evaluations will occur at the beginning and projected mid-point of each phase. The evaluations conducted will ensure that proper budgeting of resources and efforts are being conducted. Areas of consideration will look at a cost-benefit for The Retail Store. If the cost is greater than the benefit, reconsideration or further analysis will take place. Evaluations will also consider that proper progression is in line with the project timetable. Michael, overall you did an outstanding job with this. One of the best Ive gotten in any class Ive taught. Your scenario was well thought out and very realistic. You also did a great job including most of the key supporting information that would be required to sell your idea except some of the cost and ROI information that leaders would be looking for. Your template was very professional and one worthy of giving to the senior leadership team. I noted some other strengths, a couple areas of improvement and missing information in the comment balloons but also wanted to note that Chapter 2, figures 2.4 A and B included a couple of additional fields that would have made your proposal even more robust: What is the impact of not doing this project? - This way youve taken some time to provide valuable input into the project selection process. How will we measure success? - This way when you get to the closing phase of the project, youll have established the criteria that will be used to obtain final sign-off from the key stakeholder(s).

FINAL GRADE: details)


98.2 % (See grading rubric for grading

If you have any questions, let me know

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