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PROCEDURE PLL_ON_ERROR(ERR_IN IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, MSG_IN IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS --* -----------------------------------------------------------------------* -- PLL_On_Error overrides default form

error processing. Usually -- this is called from a form-level on-error trigger with the command -PLL_ON_ERROR; -- However, if the form requires additional error processing, the -- following method can be used: /* DECLARE Err_Code NUMBER(5) := ERROR_CODE; MSG VARCHAR2(150) := SUBSTR(' '||ERROR_TYPE||'-'||TO_CHAR(Err_Code)||': ' ||ERROR_TEXT,1,150); BEGIN IF Err_Code=<special value here> THEN Message(' <special message, etc. here> '); Raise Form_Trigger_Failure; ELSE PLL_ON_ERROR(Err_Code,MSG); END IF; END; ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Err_Code NUMBER(5) := NVL(ERR_IN,ERROR_CODE); Err_Text VARCHAR2(100) := ERROR_TEXT; MSG VARCHAR2(255) := NVL(MSG_IN,SUBSTR(' '||ERROR_TYPE||'-' ||TO_CHAR(Err_Code)||': '||Err_Text,1,150)); DBMS_TXT VARCHAR2(500); subcode varchar2(5); -Procedure Err_Msg(M1 in varchar2) is begin Message(M1); Raise form_trigger_failure; End Err_Msg; -BEGIN IF Err_Code IN (40401,40405, --No changes to save/apply 40100,40352) THEN --at first/last record MESSAGE(MSG,NO_ACKNOWLEDGE); -- Don't raise Form_Trigger_Failure Elsif Err_Code between 50002 and 50026 and Err_Code - 50000 in(2,3,4,12,17,18,19,21,22,23,25,26) then -- Format date input error messages -- 50002: Month must be between 1 and 12. -- 50003: Year must be 00-99 or 1000-4712 -- 50004: Day must be between 1 and last of month. -- 50012: Date must be entered in a format like <fxMMDDRR> -- 50017,18,19: Hour,Min,Sec must be between 0 and 23,59,59. -- 50025: Date/time must be entered in a format like <xxyytttt> -- 50026: same as 50012 and 50025 with <yyyy> year. Declare Fmt varchar2(30) := replace(replace(replace(replace( upper(GET_ITEM_PROPERTY( Name_in('SYSTEM.TRIGGER_ITEM'), FORMAT_MASK)), 'RR','YY'),'FX',''),'HH24','hh'),'MI','mm'); Itm varchar2(30); Msg1 varchar2(100); Msg2 varchar2(30); Begin

Itm := Substr(Name_in('SYSTEM.TRIGGER_ITEM'), instr(Name_in('SYSTEM.TRIGGER_ITEM'),'.')+1); Itm := replace(Itm,'_',' '); Msg1 := ' 0012 Invalid value in '|| Itm ||'. '; If fmt = 'YY' then Err_Msg(Msg1||'Enter a two-digit year between 00 and 99.'); Else Msg2 := substr(Err_Text,1,instr(Err_Text,' ')-1); If upper(Msg2) in ('MONTH','DAY','YEAR','HOUR','MINUTES') then Msg1 := Msg1 ||'Error in ' || Msg2 ||' -- '; end if; Err_Msg(Msg1 || 'Format is ' || Fmt ); End if; End; ELSIF Err_Code BETWEEN 40200 AND 40299 --field errors detected by Form OR Err_Code between 40600 and 40699 --record locking errs OR Err_Code = 40108 -- No such form OR Err_Code > 50000 THEN Err_Msg(MSG); ELSIF Err_Code between 40100 and 40199 -- Forms navigational errs. OR Err_Code IN (40501, --unable to reserve rec for updt/delete (ORA-00054) 41008, --undefined fn key(dbms_txt=ora-01003:no stmt parsed) 47013,47021) --no such parameter errs. THEN -- display msg on status line. Don't check dbms_txt below Err_Msg(MSG); ELSIF Err_code=40735-- xxx trigger raised unhandled excpt ORA-nnnnn and instr(MSG,'ORA-')>0 then --extract ORA- msg from FRM-40735 msg subcode := substr(MSG,instr(MSG,'ORA-')+4,5); If translate(subcode,'+0123456789','+') is null then--if numeric DBMS_TXT:=sqlerrm(-1*to_number(subcode)); If instr(DBMS_TXT,chr(10))>0 then --remove second msg (dbms_error_text) added on in web forms 10.1 DBMS_TXT:=substr(DBMS_TXT,1,instr(DBMS_TXT,chr(10))-1); End if; MSG := replace(MSG,'ORA-'||subcode,DBMS_TXT); End if; Err_Msg(ltrim(MSG)); ELSE -- All other messages: Display Forms error along with database -- error. Helps determine the "real" problem. DBMS_TXT := SUBSTR(DBMS_ERROR_TEXT,1,500); if DBMS_TXT is null or substr(DBMS_TXT,5,5) = '00000' or Err_code between 41000 and 41999 and substr(DBMS_TXT,5,5) = '01403' --no data found --get 1403 msg with many messages or Err_code between 40501 and 40599 and instr(upper(MSG),'ORACLE ERROR')=0 then Err_Msg(MSG); -- just issue FRM error else -- Display Msg plus DBMS_Txt DBMS_TXT := replace(DBMS_TXT,'ORA-',chr(10)||'ORA-'); DBMS_TXT := replace(DBMS_TXT,' '||chr(10), chr(10)); -- show MSG and DBMS_TXT both -Err_Msg( ltrim(MSG) || DBMS_TXT ); End if; END IF; END PLL_ON_ERROR;

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