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APO and i2 technologies





Table of Contents












Delivery Plan Gate Management


Dependency/Impact Analysis


Top 10 frequently asked user queries


Different Environments


Important tables to debug


Contract Creation


Engine Run Checks


Plan/Run Date Settings


Calendar setup


Important Unix directories to be managed


Steps to re-run ASP

1. Application Overview
The purpose of Apparel Supply Planning is to create a plan that will:

Utilize available inventory effectively.

Takes into account factory capacities and minimums.

Satisfy customer demands.

Allow to create POs.

APO/DP sends to SCP the demand in monthly buckets for a total of 19 months.

A feasible capacity constraint plan is generated for the first 9 months of the horizon

Products will arrive JIT at DC.

All POs locked during previous engine run consume capacity before any new demand is

Regional managers set the numbers for BA ( Build Ahead ), BL ( Build Late ), SS
( Safety Stock ) & loading sequence

Capacity is available at the 1st of every month

Planning Parameters Toolkit allows selecting of predefined planning parameter set

based on the risk factor defined in DP. This set is defined in planning parameter matrix.

BL, BA, SS, Loading Sequence are set by country/region, risk factor & ln-line or promo.

The following listing provides the list of modules, sub-modules and interfaces that will be
maintained with respect to i2 SCP.

Sub-Applications /


Technology Stack


i2 Supply Chain

SWAPP Database (Oracle


i2 SCP running on




SAP R/3 application

Oracle 10g Database

running on HP-UX

CDB (Oracle Database with

product attributes)

Tera Data DB

UNIX Shell and

PERL Scripts


HP-UX B.11.11





2. Restart points :
a. eGate Jobs: When an egate job fails(job description will have a command line of
java eXxxxxx), we should restart the whole job instead of restarting the interface
b. SAP Jobs: When a SAP job fails(job description will have a command line of
SAPJOB), we should restart the whole box instead of restarting the failed job
c. i2 jobs: When an i2 job fails its very critical to check the stage of the engine
where it failed and have to restart from the required jobs instead of the single job
along. Refer section xx for details
d. i2 engine failures: If i2 engine fails its important to check why the engine failed.
This can be done by checking engine log file scp_engine.log This file is located

3. Debugging :
a. eGate Jobs: When an egate job fails(job description will have a command line of
java eXxxxxx),login to the aspuser staging warehouse DB and execute the
following command to see the logs for this specific failed job.
Select L.log_id,
to_char(tmst, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss'),
From Message_Logistics M ,
Logistics_Port P,
Log L
Where Upper(L.log_defn_cd) like 'ASP%'

M.Lgst_Port_Id_Next = P.Lgst_Port_Id (+)


M.Msg_Lgst_Id (+) = L.Msg_Lgst_Id

order by log_id Desc

b. i2 jobs: The logs for the i2 scp jobs and i2 ods jobs are present in the following
I2 scp logs: $INSTANCE_PATH/project_data/logs/scp
I2 ODS bad files: $INSTANCE_PATH/ project_data/logs/ods

4. Exception Codes :

a. When we have an user query with specific error message, login to the aspuser
staging warehouse DB and check for the specific combination of the
style/factory/werks/season in the table TV_ASP_STYLE_LIST
b. Verify the exception codes in the table TV_ASP_XCEP to know the exact error
message for the specific error code
c. Please refer to the attached file for exception codes.

C:\Documents and

5. Integration Points :
a. Delivery Plan files: The delivery plan files come from Teradata environment.
They are located under $FTPDIR on Intpeg2 server.
b. R/3 files:
c. File watcher jobs:
i. 43G: This file AspMapper43G.dat has the details of the Country level
sourcing overrides. The file watcher job associated with this file is
ii. 58I: This file AspMapper58I.dat has the details of the Regional sourcing
overrides. The file watcher job associated with this file is
iii. 606: This file has the details of the Factory lead times and minimums for
non-CMP styles. We send a file named AspMapperCap606ParmsMsg.dat
to mapper requesting for the factory minimums and lead times and
mapper in turn sends back the file fg-cap-606.dat with the required
information. The file watcher associated with this file is
iv. BPBLD: We send the supply plan to the mapper team and the mapper
team sends back the Buy Plan file <To be updated>. The file watcher job
is nscasg0105_fwmapbp

6. Delivery Plan Gate Management

Business user manages the gates. The delivery plan data for a region is supplied to ASP
engine when gate for that region is open. The business user manually opens or closes
the gates.

7. Dependency/Impact Analysis
a. Delivery Plan: In the absence of delivery plan files, ASP engine can not create
the supply plan. These files are a critical input for ASP engine. In the absence of
supply plans, Pos will not get created.
b. ASP Reports: ASP reports are dependent on ASP engine run. ASP exports data
like supply plan, material pegging info etc, which is used as a critical input for
ASP Brio reports generation. These reports are used by business user for
c. AME/AMPS reports: AME/AMPS reports are indirectly dependent on ASP run.
The buy plan generated from Mapper will become an input of AME run. Mapper
in turn depends on supply plan generated by ASP.

8. Top 10 frequently asked user

Following are the frequently asked questions:

Why is the buy date in past? i.e. BDIP

Buy Date In Past(BDIP) occurs when lead time for the style is such that the
suggested buy date by the system is in the past. i.e. before plan.current ASP
engine while planning explores all possible options like violating safety stock,
build late and expedite mode to bring the plan after plan.current. However it is
not always possible to resolve this. The lead times which cause this issue are as
below. One should start from demand date and go back in time by subtracting
the lead times mentioned below.
DC Processing Time
Safety Stock
Transit Time
Macro Lead Time

By subtracting all these lead times you will get ideal buy date which will be most
likely in the past before plan.current. Plan.current is the date on which engine
runs. This ideal buy date is aligned to Nike apparel global buy date which is
further in the past. Hence a BDIP scenario emerges. To debug this issue one
needs to have access to apparel SW database or apparel ODS database.
Following are some places where you can get the values for the lead times
mentioned above.
1) Macro Lead time: This is in table TV_ASP_FCTY_PARM
2) Safety stock/build Ahead/Build Late: This is in table TV_ASP_INV_PARM
3) DC Processing Time: The default values are updated in table

4) Transportation Lead Time: This is available in ODSAPP.BODDETAIL table

Why a factory is not assigned to a style?
If this error occurs NO_LD_CD will be set to 1 in TV_ASP_STYLE_LIST table.
What it means is that FY_FCTY_CD in TV_ASP_STYLE_LIST table is NULL.
I.e. a factory did not get assigned to the demand. To debug please refer to
The cursor makes a join between TV_ASP_SAP_VENDOR &

If this join fails for the record in question, then a NULL is populated for

Why there is no supply plan?

Sometimes this question is raised by the business users if they were expecting a
supply plan from ASP for a particular style and they dont see it in their Brio
reports. Before proceeding to debug one can go to TV_ASP_SUPPLY_PLAN
table and check if the supply plan is indeed missing. In case of a missing supply
plan the easiest way to debug the issue is to login to ASP WebUI and check the
planning scenario for that style-factory-dc
Combination. One can access web UI with url http://cami2p9:7101/i2/login.jsp?
User name: sphatak
Password: changeme
Click on Plan Review in the left hand side panel.
Click on Inventory
In the Locations tab select the factory and dc in question.
In the Items tab select the style in question.
Click OK
The screen will give period wise display of how the style was planned. For the
month in question, when the supply plan was expected, investigate what is the
beginning inventory and demand forecast to see why supply plan was not

Another reason why a supply plan may not exist is that demand in question may
have some error. Examine the NO_LD_ALL in TV_ASP_STYLE_LIST table. If it
is not NULL then investigate the reason based on the code.


Why did the style error out with message Lead Time found is 0 or null for
Region/Style/Factory combination?
If this error occurs NO_LD_CD will be set to 11 in TV_ASP_STYLE_LIST table.
What it means is that there no macro lead time for the specified combination of
experimental style number, season, year & factory. You may also have to check
rb_mkt_reg_cd. This data should be checked against TV_ASP_FCTY_PARM. If
no rows are found for above mentioned combination error code 11 will be raised.

Why style is sourced from factory A when it should be sourced from factory B?
The default factory for a style is specified in PPS. This is available in table
TV_ASP_PPS_SGSRCQT. Business users have the option of using override
through Mapper system. The TV_ASP_MPR_58I table contain factory overrides.
To check if override exists one has to look at the combination of season-year,
experimental style number, style number, style color, market type id & market
region code. Override can be specified using any combination of above
mentioned data. In case of sourcing question as above check if there is any
override from Mapper system.

Why is style inactive on MLP for region?

This happens if MLP status is inactive in CDB. The record in style list table is
marked with exception code 76. Refer to package PKG_ASP_ITEM for code

Please explain the GAC date calculation.

ASP uses following lead times & planning parameters in calculation:
1) Macro Lead time: This comes from Mapper. The file ASP receives from

Mapper is
fg-cap-606.dat and loaded in ASP table TV_ASP_FCTY_PARM
2) Safety stock/build Ahead/Build Late: These come from SAP Inventory Toolkit
loaded in table TV_ASP_INV_PARM

3) DC Processing Time: The default values are updated in table

4) Transportation Lead Time: This comes from SAP Materialized views
ASP applies optimization logic using these inputs to come up with a supply
plan. Based
upon Cap Std Flag, Cap Lt Flag, BDIP Flag combination the correct GAC date
determined. Explanation of these flags is as below:
Capacity Std Flag: If Buy Date by Standard Mode is after Plan Current then this
flag =
Y otherwise N
Capacity Latest Flag: If Buy Date by Standard Mode is before Plan Current but
Date by Expedite Mode is after Plan Current then this flag = Y
BDIP Flag: If Buy Date by Standard and Expedite Mode is before Plan Current
then this
flag = Y

To explain the GAC date we can start with demand date and go back in time
with DC processing time. Also by subtracting safety stock time & transit time
will give
you the GAC date. Please note that due to transportation alignment GAC date
shift. i.e. if the transportation operation is starting in a month after make month
alignment logic will pull it in the same month as make month. This is a Nike


Please explain error 58i override invalid - Factory is not active for Apparel

The factory overrides come from Mapper. The default factory comes from PPS.
The overrides are mentioned in table TV_ASP_MPR_58i while the default factory
is in table TV_ASP_PPS_SGSRCQT. In case the override factory is inactive
exception code 37 is flagged in style list table. Refer to package
ASP_SOURCE_OVERRIDE for code logic. The procedure
Put_Invalid_Fcty_xcep will check for this exception.
This will update xxx_stat flag in Mapper based on
sy_sty_nbr/sy_colr_cd_id/season/year/Marketting type/region code. That means
if one
fy_fcty_cde is invalid for sy_sty_nbr/sy_colr_cd_id/season/year/Marketting
type/regionit then all the rows for
type/regionit will be excluded from processing.

Error Invalid AFS for this plant

Error code 66 is generated when ASP flags this error. Refer to
pkg_asp_cache.chk_afs_dc_cache If combination of AFS to DC is invalid this
error is generated.

Negative quantity issue.

Error code 45 is generated for this issue. In TV_ASP_DP the formula is
adj_qty = net_qty + NVL(drs_qty,0) - NVL(net_futr_qty,0)
It is possible that this will give negative number. In which case this error is
flagged and adj_qty is set to zero.

9. Different Environments
a. Production Support Environment

b. QA
c. Development
d. Production
e. Process of Issue Regression

10. Important tables to debug

a. Aspuser:
i. TV_ASP_STYLE_LIST: List of all ASP styles we're sending to i2 for
planning and the associated exception codes if any
ii. TV_ASP_DP: Demand Planning or Forecast data we're sending to i2 for
planning. The delivery plan files sent by the DP team are loaded into this
table depending on the GATES open/closed
iii. TV_ASP_SUPPLY_PLAN: ASP Supply Plan (after aggregation) that we
send to SAP, Mapper, GBI
iv. TV_ASP_CONSTANT: List of all the ASP constants used in PLSQL
code.The norm is to not to hard code any of the literals
ASP lookups
vi. TV_ASP_FCTY_PARM: This table has the details of the Lead times and
factory minimums associated for each style/factory/season at the
experimental style level.
vii. TV_ASP_GATE_PARM: This table has the details of all the regional DP
Gates status. We load the data into our TV_ASP_DP table depending on
the DP gates status
viii. TV_ASP_CDB* tables: These tables contain the information related to the
CDB item details and their active/inactive status
b. Odsapp:


i. Salesorderline/salesordermaster:This table has the details of the demand

which got loaded from the staging warehouse into the i2 database
ii. MtrlpeggingInfo: This table has the supply to demand pegging details
along with the specific MAKE/Transport operations associated with the
iii. BodHeader/BodDetail: This table has the details of all the lanes from a
factory to the NIKE plant and their associated materials
iv. Item* tables: These tables have the detailed information of the
items/groups associated with the materials
c. Nscapp: Nscapp schema has one table named unplanned_demand which
contains the details of the demand which i2 SCP couldnt plan because of either
capacity issues or BDIP issues
d. SWAPP: SWAPP schema has the tables relevant to reporting. The data from i2
SCP, aspuser and nscapp gets loaded into SWAPP database

11. Contract Creation

After the supply plan is created, it becomes an input for PO creation. The supply plan
from Tv_Asp_Supply_Plan is fed to 1870 run administered by the IM team. This 1870
run creates the Pos. This process runs twice a month during mid month buy and final
buy towards the end of the month.

12. Engine Run Checks

Follow the document attached below for engine run checks.

C:\Documents and


13. Plan/Run Date Settings

These dates are found in Tv_Asp_Constants table.
Dpul_Run_Date: Contains the latest run date.
Batch_Run_Date: Contains the latest run date.

14. Calendar setup

Calenders used in case of the ASP Engine run are as described below
a. GB-AspLRunAPA-NI: Includes all Long Engine Run Dates as mentioned in
business calendar.
b. GB-AspDpulAll-NI: Includes all the Demand Pull runs associated with the ASP
c. GB-AspDpulOnly-NI: Includes ONLY the demand pull runs(Without ASP Engine
Below table specifies the calender and the associated autosys boxes

Autosys Boxes

Needs ALL Long

Engine Run dates



(New 1007
Demand Pull)


All the Demand Pull

runs associated with

(New 1007
Demand Pull )


Only if theres a
Demand Pull Run
request by Business.

15. Important Unix directories to be

Following are important directories on cami2p9 server:
$INSTANCE_PATH/project_data Contains binary backup of the engine before & after
plan. Also contains various log files.
$INSTANCE_PATH/project_data_0 -- Contains binary backup of the engine before &
after plan for previous engine. Also contains various log files.
$INSTANCE_PATH/project_data_1 -- Contains binary backup of the engine before &
after plan for engine before previous engine. Also contains various log files.

Following are important directories on cami2p6(intpeg2) server:



16. Steps to re-run ASP

The Demand Planning team generates demand data fro Canada, US, EMEA and Asia
Countries into DPR. The DP team will then extract all demand files and place them in
cami2p9:/appl/prod/dpr/ndata/asp folder. The Demand files are generated daily by the
DP jobs.
Depending on the ASP LER and the Gating process, the demand files will be picked up
and ftped to /appl02/egateVSRE/egprdrib_nike1/datafiles/in.
Note: The Demand files will be picked only the regions/countries for which the gates are
The flat file coming from DP is of fixed length records.
The Bucket id information received from the flat files is the identifier associated with
Forecast time bucket and the Season bucket. The data from the flat files are loaded into
TV_ASP_DP table. The look up table for the bucket information is
So when the user raises questions of missing demand for region or country level, please
check the bucket id in the flat files or the TV_ASP_DP table to identify the missing
forecast. Contact the DP Team to check why the forecasts are missing.

Following are the steps to rerun the ASP engine:

a. Backup the table TV_ASP_GATE_PARM
b. Open / Close the Gates as per the user requirement. This can be done in
two ways. 1) Use the SAP Toolkit to update 2) Do an update on
TV_ASP_GATE_PARM table based on Regions


c. Move the files from camintp6>/appl02/egateVSRE/egprdrib_nike1/datafiles/in to camintp6>/appl02/egateVSRE/egprdrib_nike1/datafiles/tmp

d. Copy the files AspMapper43G.dat and AspMapper58I.dat from camintp6>/appl02/egateVSRE/egprdrib_nike1/datafiles/in to camintp6>/appl02/ftp/asp folder.
e. Run the following boxes
i. NSCASG_84 (Refresh control brokers)
ii. NSCASG_01
iii. NSCASG_32
iv. NSCASG_36

Intimate the Mapper team to execute their job to extract us

fg606_cap.dat file. Mapper job waits for our trigger and then sends the
Mapper data according to our file sent to Mapper. So always manually
intimate them to run the Mapper job box after our job nscasg_0069

g. Intimate Brio Report team to execute the report batch NSCDMG_501

h. Intimate Mapper team to run their process MPR_097


Execute AME batch and AMPS Batch if required.

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