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STATUS QUO Over time, with regard to Atlantis a theme relevant handling has taken over, that is faraway

of any basic logic. The topic Atlantis is dominated by a hodgepodge of presumption, opinion, faith, ignorance or mere contention. Looked at from the scientific angle, it turns out to be pofic*1. Once, Aristotle should have said that Platos Atlantis is just a fairy tale Since then for the sciences, this simply statement became the accepted scientific doctrine. Although Plato never mentioned a continent Atlantis, neither in Critias nor in Timaeus, but still such a continent is spooking around the great Atlantis-literature. To convince even the most determined supporters of such a continent Atlantis or even such an equal named primal continent, we are loading down the Mid-atlantic Ridge map from the internet: The map (left) showing the Atlantic threshold, (thats where the former continent Pangaea divided,) drifting apart as the continents North and South America to the left and Europe with Africa to the right. The continent (Atlantis) >that had gone down<, ...the evolution has never let arise; on the contrary; it is formed a sea; the Atlantic Ocean. Fact is: The said Continent Atlantis could n e v e r have been formed.
The Mid-atlantic ridge

Yet nevertheless, the LEXIKON DER WELTGESCHICHTE*2 argues as follows: (here in English translation): >Atlantis, a legendary continent which, in prehistoric time, was a part of the today's Atlantic Sea; mentioned in lost writings of the Egyptian priesthood and Solon, handed down from Plato in the dialogues Critias and Timaeus... (the rest is not worth mentioning.)
*1 pofic, synthetic word for unscientific; set together with the first letters of presumption, opinion, faith, ignorance and contention. *2 Lexicon of the history of the world

And here (in translation) the topical BROCKHAUS*1, the relevant encylopedia in German language, representative for all the other lexica: >Atlantis, in ancient times legendary island, after Plato beyond the strait of Gibraltar, situated in the area of Gades, bigger than Asia and Libya together. Plato posed here the mighty empire which was defeated 9,000 years before him by the Athenians and then sank into the sea. The question about the position from A. it is controversial.< So far the current knowledge about Atlantis in Germany. Leaving aside the fact that Platos >Asia< is to be translated into Asia Minor, what is about the today's Western Turkey; for an other island of the size of Asia there is actually no more space on the globe. It is completely mistaken of BROCKHAUS, writing further about >the powerful empire defeated by Athens and disappeared into the ocean some 9.000 years before him;< (Plato). Ultimately, these transferred >9,000 years< do not refer on Plato; they base on Solon. And, as the difference between Solons and Platos lifetime, it sums up to an error of round about 200 years.

* German encyclopaedia

INTRODUCTION As I already described in the internet on www.ATLANTISREPORT.com, you will have to undergo a radical change of all your previous conceptions about Atlantis from the elementary beginning. Whatever you have heard or read about Atlantis or what youve seen in movies or television programs, declared as Atlantis, has nothing to do with Platos Atlantis, except the name itself. Unaware of the historical facts, Atlantis was branded by the sciences as legendary. At the same time, authors of all conceivable provenience extended the sparse 20 pages of Plato at their own discretion to huge libraries filled up on the subject of Atlantis and again blown up by the new media to a multiple of analogue and digital products. A historical Atlantis, for the actual scientific point of view, is far away from any awaiting and yet, during the last 25 years I succeeded in disentangling the tremendously trashed topic Atlantis, in a very logical and understandable way. Sorting out the relevant scripts, at least comparable of threshing cereals, I had to decide w h a t the chaff is and what is the wheat. The remaining Atlantis-relevant texts can be counted on one hand only, listed here, at the time of their origination: The codices of the Merenptah-stela, the texture of the Amun temple of Ramses III in Medinet Habu, and, dating from the same time, the historical sections of Papyrus Harris and also parts of the Old Testament. With the radical removal of the big load of non-historical ballast, Atlantis appears in a completely new dimension as an integral component of the Europes past during the Nordic Bronze Age. In view of the fact that the North- and the Baltic Seas are inland seas of the Atlantic Ocean we use for the local residential folks the term Atlanteans and, their settlement areas, is what we call the country of Atlantis. The question about the former position of Atlantis is cleared without delay, all by itself. With Scandinavia, as the former location of Atlantis, Olof Rudbeck, the Swedish universal genius and rector of the university of Upsala, was surprisingly already in 1700 quite close to the reality: In Rudbecks Atlantica the capital of Atlantis was situated near by Upsala and the biblical Gomer, the son of Japheth, should have settled after the flood in Sweden, so that Sweden was, as the >vagina gentium<, the country of origin for the most European nations

Already in the 5th century, in the Jordanes GETICA*1, it is to be found an astonishing identical formulating: There we have the Isle of Scandza*2 as the beehive of the races and the peoples uterus. In my opinion, this choice of word finally integrates the Cimbri and Teutons and the Ambronen, spreading tremendous troubles in the 2nd century B.C. when, crisscrossing the Roman Empire, in search of new residential areas. The basic work, concerning Atlantis in the real History of ancient Europe, has been done by Jrgen Spanuth, a philologist and prehistorian, an immigrant from Austria, working also in pastoral care in Bordelum, a small village at the West Coast of Jutland. As a resident of the settlement areas of the former Atlanteans, Spanuth deald thoroughly with the history of his professional and new home country. To the sciences, Spanuth played a smart trick: Spanuths >Die Atlanter<*3, being badly attacked by the sciences, and demonised as unserious, while, on the other hand, Die Philister*4, rose up to the historical main work of Philistine research. The important clue, however, is that these two books have, with the Philistines alias the Atlanteans, as the leitmotiv originating, during the 13th century B.C., from the Northwest of Europe. Spanuth, at the same time, also, let seduce himself by searching even there the metropolis Atlantis, his Basilea*5, that, in the 13th century B.C., disappeared in the depth of the North Sea near the Island of Heligoland. Pertaining to the real History, the oldest and earliest masonry buildings in the Germania Magna*7 are to be found in a Roman forum near LahnauWaldgirmes, Hessen/Germany. This nameless forum was given up and left shortly after Herman the Cheruscis great victory over the Roman general Publius Quinctilius Varus in the year 0009. It is quite a fact, that the usage of masonry came only since Roman times in the Northwest of Europe, so, in the 13th century B. C., there, the said City of Atlantis, could never ever have exist. Not even the name Atlantis itself did exist then; (as shown overleaf:)
*1 De origine actibusque Getharum, (origin and deeds of the Goths) *2 in Roman Times Scandinavia was considered to be an island 3 * The Philistines, Grabert-Verlag-Tbingen 1976 4 * The Atlanteans, Otto Zeller Verlag, Osnabrck, 1980 *5 Basilea and Metropolis, both are to be translated as >Mother town< *6 east of the river Rhine-Rhaetian Limes

THE NAME ATLANTIS For the ancient peoples, since Stone Age, the only resting in place point on sky was the North Star. And below it, that is what one believed, stood the pillar of heaven with its two spacious arms, (Hebrew: kaphtorim, plur. of kaphthor,) carrying the wide sky above. Plato called the pillar of heaven spindle of necessity*1; (Reduced): >After four days we came to a place from which one saw a light that spreads out vertically from the height like a column in the entire sky and the earth. It mostly looked like the rainbow, but, more luminous and clear. Now we stood in the middle of the light and we saw its ends stretching down from the sky like a ribbon. The light ties the sides of the sky to each other and holding firm the whole vault like the belt in the trireme does. From an end on the other hand was the spindle of necessity... The pole and the hook of the spindle are from ore, the whirl is from a mixture of ore and other materials...< In the 17th century, until Galileo Galilei explained the function of our solar system, one thought in the >geocentrical world view<, ...when the earth was a disc, surrounded by the Big Water Circle and the firmament was fastened to a pillar, orbited by the sun, the moon and the stars. In the 8th century B.C., Hesiod refers in his THEOGONIA*2, ...Atlas, participating at the Titans uprising against the Gods. Therefore he became punished by Zeus to carry the sky on his shoulders on a far away island in the North Sea. Further we get to know at the same place about Atlas, having his origin in an alliance with the titan Japetos and the morningly, slender and agile Okeanine named Klymene. But, according to Plato, Atlas was a son of Poseidon:*3 >And Poseidon, receiving for his lot the island of Atlantis, begat children by a mortal woman, who was called Cleito. (Further reduced.) He begat and brought up five pairs of twin male children And he named them all; the eldest, who was the first king, he named Atlas, and after him the whole island and the ocean were called >Atlantic<. Thus, the name of the Isle of Atlantis, (as a substantiated adjective,) is derived from its geographical position in the Atlantic Sea: The Atlantic Island; Atlantis.

*1THE STATE, book 10, Kap. XIV *2 verso 700 B. C. *3 Cri. 113 b - 114 a

The idea that Atlas being sentenced by Zeus to carry the heaven on his shoulders, can only work in the view of the geocentric global system, (with the earth as the centre of it.) But, in the present time, in the heliocentric world view (with the sun as the central star), it makes absolutely no sense at all, carrying the heaven on ones shoulders. In unawareness of the state of affairs, instead of the sky, the performing arts loaded the whole world on Atlas shoulders With the imagination, ...with Atlas carrying the sky on his shoulders on a far away isle in the North Sea, the ancient Greeks called this ocean the >Sea of Atlas<; the Atlantic Sea; todays Atlantic.
ATLAS in Melbourne; Australia

The emergence of the name of Atlantis is to be dated exactly at the time of Solons stopover in Egypt during the years 570 560 BC: First, lets imagine the scenario, the Satic priest reading out to Solon the >consecrated Egyptian scrolls<*1. Then, the priest translated the indicated NineBows and Temehu*2 for Solon into Greek as the Atlanteans. The name Atlantis as such, was published about 200 years after Solon by Plato in his last decades works, the dialogues Timaeus and dialogue Critias. So far, these are the historical facts.

*1Tim. 23 e *2 both are folks from the Ninth Bow

SOLONS DECLINE From Plato, a leading thinker of the ancient world, we heard for the first time ever about the former existence of Atlantis. Even the name Atlantis itself was written down for the first time by Plato in the 4th Century B.C.. In relation to the source of the topic Atlantis, Plato referred to Solons manuscript which he brought from Egypt some 200 years before.




PLATON, the Romans called him Plato

In one of his later works, the dialogue Critias, ...between Critias, Timaeus, Hermokrates and their teacher, Socrates, Plato lets report his protagonist, Critias, about Solons manuscript as follows: *1> My great-grandfather, Dropides, had the original writing, which is still in my possession, and was carefully studied by me when I was a child.< *2... if Solon had only, like other poets, made poetry the business of his life, and had completed the tale which he brought with him from Egypt, and had not been compelled, by reason of the factions and troubles which he found stirring in his own country when he came home, to attend to other matters, in my opinion he would have been as famous as Homer or Hesiod, or any poet.<
*1Cri. 113 b *2Tim. 21 c

Plato clarifies explicitly that Solon is the true originator of the topic Atlantis. However, he dissociated from some obscure passages, so as not to appear a liar. Nevertheless, because of his confidence in Solons credibility, Plato adopted all of the facts and figures from, what I call, the >Solons Egypt Diary<. In the year 570 B.C., according to his curriculum vitae, Solon handed over his newly created laws to the Athenians for them to follow for the next ten years. After that, in order to exclude personal interests, he demonstratively left Athens in the direction of Egypt for a ten year study trip. We know the contents of the history imparted by Platos so called Atlantis Report; so called because the report was only secondarily about Atlantis: (Plato in Timaeus:) *1>In the Egyptian Delta, at the head of which the river Nile divides, there is a certain district which is called the district of Sas, and the great city of the district is also called Sas, and is the city from which King Amasis*2 came.< When Solon, with great astonishment, was informed about the former heroic deeds of his metropolis*3 of Athens, he asked the Satic priest to tell him further details about it. The priest then answered: *4>the exact particulars of the whole we will hereafter go through at our leisure in the sacred registers themselves.< Solon took extensive notes which he intended to develop at home into a great epic poem of Athens with the leitmotiv of >his hometowns victory over the Atlanteans<. Thats why the common valid name Atlantis Report is strictly incorrect. When Solon returned in 560 B.C. to Athens, the city was ruled by chaotic and anarchic machinations. Solon was 90 years old and lacked the strength for a power struggle. To the former reformer of the Athens legislation, Solon, remained no more time as a retiree to work off the sensational information that he brought from Egypt about the past of his hometown. He soon passed away after the return to his former spheres of action. Later, In Solons decline, it was found that aforesaid manuscript, the Egyptian Diary, whose theme later became published in extracts by Plato in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias. So much for the history. It is a fact, that Solons recordings cannot be the originals of the topic Atlantis. To get round to it we just follow back the track to the Satic priests information-point. The sacred registers, probably papyri, are certainly crumbled to dust; but not the originals. To inspect them on the spot, actually, ...there are some hurdles to overcome:
* Tim. 21 e *2 Chnem-ib-r, 570-525, Amosis II *3 (Greek:) mother town *3 Tim. 23 e


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all the hundreds of years lasting quarrels about Atlantis are gone

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