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Risk for falls and "Unlikely" Accidents at any moment Burn Injury from Hot substances (15% TBSA affectation

Environmental Factor: The kitchen

Disturbed Body Image Impaired Skin Integrity

Fluid volume deficit related to cutaneuous blood volume loss

Systemic capillary instability

Overproduction of WBCs and immunoglobulins

decreased cardiac output related to fluid volume loss

Fluid and electrolytes ( na, K, CHON) shift to interstitial spaces

Deprivation of Leukocytes, neutrophils, and Immunoglobulins occur

Disruption of nerve endings in the PNS Irritation of the PNS

impaired peripheral and central tissue perfusion related to excessive fluid volume loss and reduced cardiac output

Edema (Pulmonary)

compromised immune system PAIN Risk for infection related to broken line of defense

Goblet cell stimulation

Increased mucus secretion in the lungs

decreased oxygen delivery Impaired Gas Exchange

Ineffective airway clearance r/t reluctance to cough as aggravated by pain

Activity intolerance r/t aggravation of pain

impaired comfort related to aggravation of pain

Impaired physical mobility related to aggravation of pain upon movement

List of prioritized Problems Impaired skin integrity related to loss of protective Dermal layer secondary to burn

Justification Causative to all the problems listed below. Under Maslow's Safety needs but needed to be addressed first as it simultaneously solves the other problems stated below. Classified under A in the ABCs of life but cannot be resolved unless 1st problem is resolved. Can be easily and immediately managed.

Ineffective airway clearance related to reluctance in coughing exercises s/t aggravation of pain Impaired Gas exchange r/t decreased circulating blood volume to the lungs

Fluid volume deficit related to excessive cutaneous blood volume loss

Classified under C in the ABCs of life. Circulation is essential but this problem is third in priority because it can only be caused by the first problem and can be solved simultaneously as the 1st Px is Txed Classified under C in the ABCs of life. Circulation is essential but this problem is4th in priority because it can only be caused by the first problem and can be solved simultaneously if the above prioritized problems are solved Under Maslow's physiologic needs. Less prioritized than the problems stated above. The problem that recurs most often but poses less problems than the problems stated above

Impaired tissue perfusion related to reduced circulating blood volume and reduced cardiac output

Acute pain related to tissue trauma

Impaired comfort r/t aggravation of pain during activity

Under Maslow's safety needs. Less prioritized than the problems stated above. one problem that occurs often but poses less problems than the problems above. Cannot be resolved until pain is. Under Maslow's physiologic needs. Less prioritized than the problems stated above. A problem that is more obvious but poses less problems than the problems above Cannot be met until Acute Pain is resolved Under Maslow's Self- Actualization needs. Poses the least threat among all the active problems identified. Under Maslow's safety needs. May pose serious threats but it is still a potential threat as for the moment.

Impaired physical mobility r/t reluctance of initiating activity

Disturbed body Image

Risk for infection r/t broken first line defense

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