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General Paper 1. Which of the following statement is true: A B " &.

All atoms of a given element are exactly alike Isobars are nuclide with the same number of photon. !he atomic mass of a nuclide is always less than its atomic number 1 n i # $% disintegrations per second

!he term ' specific ioni(ation ' refers to : A B " !he amount of radiation re)uired to completely ioni(e 1 cubic centimeter of dry air. !he numbers of ion pair per unit path length !he ioni(ation necessary to do a specific amount of damage to a tissue !he amount of * or gamma radiation to read 1 +

!he half life of a radionuclide,,,,,,. A B " can be altered by temperature and pressure cannot be altered by chemical or physical means can be altered by chemical analysis can be affected by doing a radiation survey


.aterial that has a good shielding factor for neutron is,,. A B " aluminium wax iron lead

/. 0ne of isotope of natrium is A &$ B $11 " 1&

1a . .ass number of this isotope is,..

2. ,,,,..is the most radiosensitive A 3oetus B hild Adolescent " Adult %. ,,,,,,.is the probability of an effect occuring proportional to the dose. A 4arly effect B Acute effect

5tochastic effect " 1on stochastic effect 6. Which organ of the body is most sensitive to radiation7 A 8ung B 9eart :onad " 8iver ;. What is the maximum dose rate can be received by a radiation worker 7 i. ii. iii. iv. v. 1 m5v<week /= m5v<year &/ m5v<hr 1=== m5v<month =.& m5v<day A i and ii B i>ii and iii i > ii and iv. i>ii and v


1=. Annual dose means,,. A B " 11 the dose received over a period of one year the dose received over a period of one calendar year. the dose received over a period of half a year the dose received over a period of half a calendar year.

If a radiation worker is suspected to have received exceeding the permissible limit he should be,. A B " exempted from any radiation work until the actual dose is known. terminated from his post give neutrali(ing pill immediately wear more than one film badges for subse)uent work.

11. If the exposure rate from a gamma source at 6 meters is 1= m+<hr > what is the exposure rate at & meters from the source 7 A B " 12= m+< hra &== m+<hr &%/ m+<hr $/= m+<hr


!hree basic methods in radiation dose control are,. A B " shielding > time and allowable dose time > distance and shielding survey meter > !8" and film badge time > distance and allowable dose.


!he radiation symbol shall consist of three blade ? trefoil @ design with radiation caution colours > that is ,.for design and ,,,for the background respectively A B " yellow < black black < yellow red < black black < red


"istance is an effective way to reduce external radiation exposure because ,,,. A B " air absorption reduces radiation intensity radiation intensity varies inversely proportional to the s)uare of distance x and gamma rays have finite range of distance the wavelength of photon is decreased by their interaction in matter.

1/. !he +adiation Arotection 0fficer must provide personnel monitoring device?s@ for all workers in the ,,..area A B " clean supervised controlled working

12. Working area s shall be classified into ,. A B " clean > danger and prohibited supervised > danger and safe clean > supervised and control controlled > restricted and prohibited

1%. :iven that the dose rate at 1 meter away from a 1= .B) is 1 m5v<hr. After oneBhalf life has elapsed > what is the dose rate at /= cm away from the source 7 =./ m5v<hr - m5v<hr 1 m5v<hr " & m5v<hr 16. "ifferent filters are used in film badge are meant to.. A B " reduce the amount of radiation exposure to the body increase the sensitivity of the film badge assess radiation of different energies reduce the amount of scattered radiation A B

1;. A pocket dosimeter is given to personnel entering a radiation area to,,,.. A B check the film badge reading reduce the amount of radiation determine the dose received


substitute for survey meter

&=. !he medical record book of the worker shall kept by the , A B " +adiation Arotection 0fficer 8icensee Worker Approved registered medical practitioner

&1. "ose assessment center?s@ which is<are recogni(ed by A48B is<are, i ii iii. iv. A B " .I1! "epartment of 5afety and 0ccupational 9ealth .inistry of 9ealth 5I+I. i only i and ii only iii only ii and iv only


1. &. $. -.

8ist five ? / @ responsibilities of +adiation Arotection 0fficer. "escribe briefly the methods of using survey meter ? list down five @ ?/@ important procedures to follow when using a survey meter. A radiation survey meter reads &= m+ < hr. 9ow long it takes before a dose of - m5v is achieved.. a@ b@ What ha(ard normally associated with an CxBray e)uipment. 1ame the three ? $ @ main categories of ha(ard control

c@ /. 2 a.

8ist five ? / @ methods of administrative control measure.

5enaraikan lima ? / @ kelas lessen yang dikeluarkan oleh 8embaga Aerlsenan !enaga Atom dan terangkan tuDuan setiap lessenBlesen tersebut. 1ame - basic structure of level gauge b. c. Briefly describe the functions of these structure :ive two examples of the level gauge used in industry

%. 8ist down three ? $ @ advantages and two ? & @ disadvantages thermoluminescence dosimeter in comparison to the film badge.

4xercise 1. A radiation survey meter reads &== u5v<hr . 9ow long it takes before a dose of / m5v achieved.


A radiation survey meter reads &= m+<hr. 9ow long it takes before a dose of 1/ m5v is achieved 7


A radiation survey meter reads &/ u5v<hr. 9ow long it takes before a dose of 1= m+ is achieved 7


"ose rate at & meter is 1== u5v<hr. At what distance the dose rate becomes 12 u5v<hr.

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