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1) K2 and K5 concrete lined channel realignment

SN. Activity / item Desc

scope:reach k2 and k5 channel realingnment ref:WDM -0028.00-P10

Unit AGREED qty Rev-0 (A) AGREED qty Rev-1 (B) DELTA (B-A)

WORK FRONT_REACH K2 Chainage 0+000 to 0+968.30m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Site grading preparation and compaction excavations up to proposed depth,materials other selected excavated materials Fiter drainage layer;imported as specified Geotextile;200gauge non-woven filter fabric Blinding/lean concrete Reinfored concrete in ground slabs,horizondal(incl,shoulder and toe wall) reforced concrete in ground slabs,slope reforcing steel bars epoxy coated ,minimum 420Mpa formworks,generally fair faced coal tar mastic waterproofing,outer side of toe weep holes Type A weep holes Type B partial contraction joint expansion joint Aggregate sub-base,400mm thick Guardrail,road galvanized side barrier

m2 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 ton m2 m2 nr nr m m m3 m

26338 24947 2107 3464 28358 868 2048.5 2472.5 246.02 968.3 3146.975 776 776 5484 1774 3869.2 1936.6

29063 44250 2821 3899 31291 977 2260.3 2728.1 271.98 1068.5 3472.625 856 856 6050 1957 4274 2137

2725 19303 714 435 2933 109 211.8 255.6 25.96 100 326 80 80 566 183 404.8 200.4

WORK FRONT_REACH K5 Chainage 0+000 to 3+352.74m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Site grading preparation and compaction excavations up to proposed depth,materials other selected excavated materials Fiter drainage layer;imported as specified Geotextile;200gauge non-woven filter fabric Blinding/lean concrete Reinfored concrete in ground slabs,horizondal(incl,shoulder and toe wall) reforced concrete in ground slabs,slope reforcing steel bars epoxy coated ,minimum 420Mpa formworks,generally fair faced coal tar mastic waterproofing,outer side of toe weep holes Type A weep holes Type B partial contraction joint expansion joint Aggregate sub-base,400mm thick Guardrail,road galvanized side barrier

m2 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 ton m2 m2 nr nr m m m3 m

138133 353931 0 20870 137535 4718 16480.7 8560.9 1446.009 3352.72 10896.34 7212 3852.8 28031.4 13261 6705.48

139067 473473 0 21014 138480.1 4754 16592.1 8618.7 1456.103 3375.41 10970.0825 7272 3887.2 28282.5 13352 6750.82

934 119542 0 144 945.1 36 111.4 57.9 10.094 23 74 60 0 34.4 251.1 91 45.34

Total Delta for Reach K2 and K5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Site grading preparation and compaction excavations up to proposed depth,materials other selected excavated materials Fiter drainage layer;imported as specified Geotextile;200gauge non-woven filter fabric Blinding/lean concrete Reinfored concrete in ground slabs,horizondal(incl,shoulder and toe wall) reforced concrete in ground slabs,slope reforcing steel bars epoxy coated ,minimum 420Mpa formworks,generally fair faced coal tar mastic waterproofing,outer side of toe weep holes Type A weep holes Type B partial contraction joint expansion joint

m2 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 ton m2 m2 nr nr m m

164471 378878 2107 24334 165893 5586 18529 11033 1692 4321 14043 7988 776 9337 29805

168130 517723 2821 24913 169771 5731 18852 11347 1728 4444 14443 8128 856 9937 30240

3659 138845 714 579 3878 145 323 313 36 123 399 140 80 600 434

16 17

Aggregate sub-base,400mm thick Guardrail,road galvanized side barrier

m3 m

17130 8642

17626 8888

496 246


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