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Andrew McCauley: In today's podcast, we're continuing the top ten things you need for a website.

Andrew McCauley: Hey everybody this is Andrew McCauley, welcome to Podcast number !. "his is the second addition of our current theme. #e're tal$ing about the top ten things that you need for a great website and this episode we're tal$ing about the ne%t three things, so we're covering &ust three things in this particular podcast today, and it is a continuation from our previous podcast where we covered the first three things. And, of course, if that's not confusing enough then I'm going to bring on Heather Porter to ma$e it even more clear. Hey Heather' Heather Porter: Hey Andrew, hello you guys' It's great to be bac$ and as Andrew suggested in his (round about way, we're continuing on with the top ten things that you guys need in your websites right now. Andrew McCauley: )eah I couldn't ma$e that any more confusing, could I* Heather Porter: )eah, you $now. +ut that's alright, that's why you have me here right* Andrew McCauley: ,eeping me on the straight and narrow. Heather Porter: "rying to do my best, but loo$ we are continuing on with this and the reason why is, yes, we've done our show a couple of years ago about websites but as you $now, they constantly change. -o, we thought it would be a good idea to revisit and spend a few podcast with you guys covering a few topics on each one, on what you need to pay attention to on your website right now to get the most out of online mar$eting. Andrew McCauley: )es, last wee$ we covered set up, we covered website systems you can use and we also covered various plugins that will enhance your site. "oday's going to be a bit of fun, but of course before dive into that section, what did you learn this wee$, Heather Porter*


Heather Porter: .ood /uestion, now I am constantly telling people in my tal$s that I do and &ust, you $now, in consultancy or whatever I'm doing I'm constantly saying, before you create anything, any products, even a blog post, go to find out what the mar$et wants first and I suggest you use what is called the '.oogle ,eyword "ool' because that basically allows you type in some $eywords and find out if people are actually searching for those $eywords online. 0ow, the .oogle ,eyword "ool is officially gone' +ut it's o$ay, it's gone but there is a new tool and you can still get access to that. "hey've changed it to be called '"he ,eyword Planner'. -o, if you go ahead and type in... #ell, in the past I'd &ust say .oogle ,eyword "ool, if you do that it will &ust redirect you into a new page on .oogle that tal$s to you a little bit about what the ,eyword Planner is and then it has a nice little button or a lin$ on there that says to sign into Adwords account. 1o not worry, you don't necessarily need to be placing ads to get access to this great little tool, all you need to do is have a .oogle account whether you have .mail or an analytics account or a )ou"ube account, all these accounts you already have that allows you to basically sign on into the new ,eyword Planner and accept their terms and conditions and then you're off and running using their ,eyword Planner tool which, by the way, I &ust was in there and it's li$e the old $eyword tool. -o, there you have it. Andrew McCauley: )eah, you $now I'm glad that they actually replaced it with something else because .oogle recently have a bit of a history of &ust stopping things and not replacing them li$e the .oogle 2eader &ust disappeared and so many people were up in arms about that and there's a whole bunch of other .oogle tools that they've put out and they play with and then they &ust delete. )ou $now, once you get used to them they &ust delete it so... .oogle are doing a fair bit of changes going on right now, we spo$e about .mail changing and the way that they've changed their tabs and that sort of stuff. )ou $now there's a few changes going on with .oogle so I'm sure that's not the end of it at all.


Heather Porter: 0o, it doesn't sound li$e it. And guys that are listening, you $now, &ust a heads up if you've never used ,eyword tool before, now's your chance to go in there and use this. It's a great opportunity to chec$ out how really ama3ing it is because, after all, the $ey fundamentals in business is find out what your mar$et wants first, then go create it and then get it out there to them, so this is how you do that. Andrew McCauley: )es. Heather Porter: -o, Andrew, what have you learned in the wee$* Andrew McCauley: I've been learning lots of stuff in the last few wee$s actually. I tell you what I have learned is... I've been playing with my iPad a lot more lately, loving my iPad. 1o you use your iPad much* Heather Porter: )eah, off and on. 4or me it's more of a -aturday morning lay5in, you $now. -urfing around, that sort of stuff. Andrew McCauley: -ince .oogle reader closed down, I have actually used a couple of new tools that I'm using for my reader, but that's not what I was going to tal$ about today. I am going to tal$ about a tool, or an app, that I found on iPad, which helps me because I do a lot of writing as far as notes go, so when I start my day I usually have a sheet of blan$ paper and I put down all of the things that need to happen for that day, and then I rip it off and start a new one the ne%t day. +ut, what I found was an app called Penultimate, which is basically li$e a notepad for your iPad, but it actually, you can use a stylus, li$e a pen designed for touch screen iPads to write notes. "he good thing about this is it lets you sync it straight into your 6vernote. I use 6vernote a fairly large amount with things I come across on the #eb, I want to $eep some information or I want to use it as a storehouse for other topics that I may need to tal$ about or do a blog post later so I put it in 6vernote, and what this Penultimate does is it lets you mar$ .pdfs, as well, so if you have a .pdf that someone sent


you and you want circle bits and pieces or you want to write notes on the pages of a .pdf, you can do it, as well. It lets you mar$ photos and that sort of stuff. )ou've got a screen shot and you want to send a screen shot to somebody and you want to write some notes around it, you can do that, as well. Penultimate loo$s li$e it's going to be a fun little tool for me. )ou $now, I go to events and I'll ta$e my iPad and I'll, you $now, I used to type notes into the yellow notepad and I'm not a fast typer in the best of times, and when I've got to pec$ at it on an iPad, I'm slow. 0ow I can start writing notes on Penultimate. Heather Porter: "his is cool. 1oes it actually ta$e your doodles or your writing and translate it into te%t* How does that wor$* Andrew McCauley: )eah, well it also does that, too, so it lets you scan te%t so you can actually scan it, you can draw pictures and move them around. )ou can circle a piece of picture that you want to move around and shift around somewhere else. "he other thing it does is it also comes with different writing paper style, too. )ou can have a graph paper, you can have notes, you can even have music sheets if you want to buy music sheets. It lets you do a whole range of awesome things. I'm en&oying it already, ta$ing notes and $eeping trac$, and then I &ust save it straight to 6vernote, so it's pretty cool. Heather Porter: 7h, than$s for that heads5up. I'm going to chec$ that out. 8i$e you said, what a cool little tool when you're &ust at an event, or traveling, or something and you need to &ot down some information. 0ice one' Andrew McCauley: )eah. Anyway, let's get on with it, shall we* Heather Porter: 8et's do it, let's get into the content. Andrew McCauley: Alright, so the content, spea$ing of content, as I said, we've covered three items already, the first item we want to cover today is, drum roll... Heather Porter: "heme and designs. www.autopilotyourbusiness.com

Andrew McCauley: "heme and design. Heather Porter: #hich is essentially the loo$ of your website, you $now, we've tal$ed in a previous episode about hosting, and domains, and platforms that you can use, li$e #ordPress, to actually create a website, but theme or design is actually what ma$es your website loo$ the way it does with all of the nice graphics and the layout and all that. -o, that's what we're going to tal$ about. Andrew McCauley: Alright, well, let's go. 8et's dig into it. Heather Porter: Alright, so here's the $ey thing about a theme or design nowadays9 you must have it be responsive. And, all that means is that it automatically re5si3es itself based on the device that you are using to chec$ out the website, so whether that's an iPhone or a tablet, des$top, laptop, it'll re5si3e itself accordingly. 0ow, what cool about a responsive theme is the navigation, or the main menu bar, will even get more simplistic as it shrin$s down to smaller devices. #hat this means for the user is /uite simply is a simpler way of using your website, it &ust allows them to navigate and find things easier on a small device rather than pinching their screen and trying to go in and read things. I don't $now about you, Andrew, but I've had so much confusion when I'm pinching somebody's website to go small and big and I lose trac$ of where I am, I can't find the menu, I get confused, and then I leave. Andrew McCauley: )eah, or you pinch something and it becomes a lin$, and then suddenly you're in another page, and you're li$e :#hat's going on here*: Hey, so ;ohn -mith owns a little ba$ery down the road, and we tells me that he's got a mobile website already. Is that the same as a responsive theme* Heather Porter: "hey are different, actually. "hat's a very good /uestion. "here are plugins that you can get for #ordPress, but also &ust different designs you can get that are mobile. #hat it means is that if somebody comes to your website from a mobile device, then the website $nows to serve them up a different version of your website, which is the mobile version. It's not responsive in the fact


that it's not the same website, it's actually another version of your website. "his can actually $ind of get confusing because you have to sit down and thin$, :#hat am I going to put in the other version*:, and I have to update both versions when I do big updates. 4rom a user5friendly perspective, as far as you as the owner of your website, get the responsive theme because that means that you &ust have the one website to worry about and it's nice and clean and your branding is consistent throughout. Andrew McCauley: 2ight, right. 7$ay. Heather Porter: -o, it's a very good /uestion. +ut, where do you get themes* "here's a couple of options here when you're dressing up your website and you're wanting to get a really nice layout. )ou can get custom themes, which are essentially where you get somebody to design the site using an illustrator li$e Photo-hop or some other design program. "hat can then be coded into your own customer theme, or loo$ and feel of your website, which, of course, is going to be on the premium side, but that's get e%actly what you want it to loo$ li$e. )ou can actually go and buy things, so this is the middle of the road option. )ou can buy themes from places. #e love #oo"hemes, we use "heme 4orest, and we've also used 6legant "hemes. )ou can go to these websites and you can do a search by business theme, or fun theme, or blogging theme, or maga3ine theme, or whatever it is, or you can search their top sold themes, and you can go in and do a live demo, so you can play around in the theme of what it loo$s li$e as a real website rather than &ust seeing a still image of it. -o, you can do that, and then the lower end options is, of course, is you can find a free theme. And, loo$, we say stay away from that because if it's free, chances are it's not going to be updated, and with #ordPress and any other 7pen -ource sort of platform nowadays, there's hac$ers, there's people trying to get in, and you want to ma$e sure that you're supported with everything that you put into your website and it's easy to update and www.autopilotyourbusiness.com

upgrade as you need it to happen. -o, if you have a free thing, you're not going to have as many options to ma$e it loo$ ama3ing, but also get stuc$ with something potentially dangerous for your site, as well. Andrew McCauley: 2ight, right. 1efinitely. -o, #oo"hemes, what's the rough cost of a theme* Heather Porter: 4rom my research lately, I found the average cost is around the <=>.>>5<?>.>> mar$ for a theme, which is nothing, you $now, it isn't. And, yes, anybody can install a theme and go through tutorials and learn how to set it up, however, it is much more complicated. If you're going to these sites and you're thin$ing, :7h, I want my site to loo$ e%actly li$e that live demo:, because in the live demos you can clic$ color choices, you can change the colors, and you can sort of do different sliders which are the slide shows in the home page, and you can really see all the options that the theme has, but when you actually install it into your #ordPress, your hosting, it comes with nothing. )ou $now, it's li$e you're staring at this empty shell of a thing and you can't possibly figure out, :how do I get it to loo$ li$e what I &ust saw*:, and you can get very frustrated. -o, yeah, these themes are great, but you might, and I do probably recommend as a business owner, that you go out and find somebody to help you to actually install the theme and get it up to the level you want it to be. Andrew McCauley: 2ight, right. 6%cellent' I thin$, is there anything else on that topic that we need to cover* I thin$ we're done. Heather Porter: I guess, &ust the last thing, yes, you can search by responsive, as well, so if you go to any of these sites, when I said you could search by business style, or maga3ine style, also you can search by responsive. -o, ma$e sure you tic$ that little bo%, and you're getting all the responsive options, which is what you want going forward online. Andrew McCauley: .ood, good, good. Alright, so, that brings us to the ne%t part of our website stuff, and that is blogs.


Heather Porter: )ou $now, it's funny, blogs confuse people I still find to this day. "hey're li$e :1o I need a blog*:, or :Isn't #ordPress a blog*: Andrew McCauley: I $now, I did a video for somebody today to show them that they actually do have a blog on their site, and they've been using it for a year and a half and they didn't even $now that it was a blog. Heather Porter: )ou $now, I thin$ the confusion lies in the fact that blogging was a really big popular trend where anybody could &ust get up and start typing article bac$ in the late !>'s, early @>>>'s. And, &ust get on, you can get a free blogging platform li$e +logger or #ordPress, and essentially have a website overnight where you type in content into it. #hat blogs now are used for is essentially, thin$ of it li$e this, it's a page that e%ists on your website. )ou may have seen it called +log, you may have seen it called 8atest 0ews, or 2esources, or whatever it is, ultimately it's &ust a page that's dynamic that you can constantly update, easily with posts $nown as blog posts, it sits on your website, and, you $now, some website owners will actually have their blogs also display on their home page, whether that's the entire home page content or a little module that sits there and says 8atest 0ews or +log Posts, 8atest Posts, for e%ample, and that's &ust simply pulling through the content from your page, your blog page. -o, it's easy, and why would somebody want a blog nowadays, Andrew* Andrew McCauley: #ell, here's the reason. 7f of the biggest things is that .oogle is really hell5bent on ma$ing sure that you have fresh, relevant content that's being shared through the social circles. And, if you have a, what they call a static website, the old postcard, the old brochure sites that people used to have where you would have the same home page, the same about page, the same information on a page. .oogle doesn't li$e that because they thin$, :well, we're not sure if that owner of that website is actually doing anything on there.: -o, here's an e%ample9 8et's say that +illy comes along to Heather's site, let's say Heather's got an old brochure site, and +illy comes along www.autopilotyourbusiness.com

and he loo$s at Heather's site and it's got information that he's interested in and he li$es it, he thin$s it's great. He goes away and he comes bac$ to your site, Heather, and he loo$s at the site a wee$ or two later and says, :#ow, there's nothing different here, it's still the same.: -o, he thin$s, :o$ay, maybe Heather's busy, she hasn't put anything new up there, but it's o$ay, I li$e what she's doing. I'll come bac$ again.: -o, three or four wee$s pass, and +illy comes bac$ and he sees your site, and your site is still the same. He's really going to say, :)ou $now what* "here's nothing new here, I don't thin$ she changes it and I'm not going to come bac$.: 0ow there's two problems here. +asically, one is that you've lost a customer. )ou won't see him again because he won't come bac$ because he $nows that there's nothing new for him to see. He's seen all that you've possibly given him to see. "he second thing is that .oogle will loo$ at it and say :)ou $now what* People are bouncing off your site /uic$ now. "hey're getting there and they're leaving very /uic$ly.: And we've spo$en about bounce rates on websites in a previous podcast, so if you want to go and find out about that go and listen to that episode. I can't remember what it is off the top of my head, but... -o, +illy goes away, .oogle doesn't li$e it because they've served up a site for +illy's search results and it's not what people are loo$ing for. #hat you decide to do, Heather, is put a blog on there, and let's say you blog every wee$, once a wee$, and you've got new content coming along. 0ow, let's say that ;ohnny comes along, and ;ohnny loo$s at your site and you've got a blog entry. It's great information that he li$es, he's loo$ing at your site and he thin$s it's great. He goes away, comes bac$ a wee$ later, and you've got some new information, there's another blog post there. It's information that's relevant to what he's loo$ing for. -o, ;ohnny goes :#ow, this is great, I'm going to come bac$ again.: -o, all of a sudden you get a regular return visitor and he's stays there longer because he's reading new stuff. "he other bonus, the upside, is that .oogle loves it. .oogle loves it because ;ohnny's staying on your site longer, but also it's new content. "heir little spiders, their robots, come out to your site and


they say, :7h, there's something new here we've never seen this before. "his site must be fresh, it must be uni/ue and it must be relevant because we haven't seen any of this content anywhere else on the #eb. #e li$e it, we're going to give it thumbs up and put it in the search results.: Heather Porter: 2eally well said, actually, and the other thing, too, is it &ust helps to $eep your credibility and your trustworthiness high, as well, because if you're a business that's constantly on top of things and dishing out new content, it means that you're going to be there for a while. -o, if you go to a site that's old and it doesn't loo$ li$e it's been touched for a couple of years, I mean, for me I thin$ they're probably no longer a business that e%ists, you $now. "hey don't care enough to update their content in the most popular place they're going to get traffic, and that is on the internet. )ou $now* -o... Andrew McCauley: )eah. Heather Porter: "he one thing, too, I guess, about blogs is that by having #ordPress, what's cool about it is it has two sections in itA it has a section that's called Pages which allows you to have &ust standard webpages, such as a home page, a contact page, about, product services, etc., then it has an area that's called Posts. "he posts are your blog, so you have both standard webpages and a blog inside the very same domain and inside the very same theme inside your #ordPress site, which allows it, you $now, it's very easy to use. And I guess the last point on that is the ma&ority of your traffic, your organic traffic, the people that are searching for $eywords on the Internet, are going to find you through your blog posts, and that's because each post can be highly, highly targeted to a $eyword phrase. -o, you $now, you would write a topic, li$e an article, say if you're a personal trainer, you could write an article about an ingredient that helps you lose weight, li$e cinnamon or something li$e that, and when people type in 'an herb that helps me lose weight', they'll hopefully find your blog post, and that's the entryway into your website, which &ust allows you to have multiple entryways into your website. Most people that find your site are not going to $now you yet, they're not going to be smart enough to type yourname.com or loo$ for your www.autopilotyourbusiness.com

name online and find your homepage. "hey're going to find you through blog posts. "he new people, that is. -o, that's why a blog is incredibly powerful. Andrew McCauley: 0ow, without getting into this too deeply because I $now you and I could tal$ about this for a month... Heather Porter: )eah, I $now... Andrew McCauley: ...layouts of a blog or website, give us the top two or three most important aspects that you thin$ are necessary for someone in this day and age with a website. Heather Porter: )ou definitely want to have a page on your website where you stic$ your blog. 8i$e we said before it could be called blog, it could be called latest news, free resources, whatever it is. Articles, I've seen articles, as well. -o, you want to have it in your main navigation, your main menu. I recommend that you also loo$ at pulling your latest news to your home page, and, of course, this is simply because if somebody visits your homepage once they $now who you are, then they can see that you're updating your site easily because, visually, they'll see new posts that are there. 7f course, that'll pull them into your blog page. And then, as far as where else you might put them, you can highlight certain popular blog posts in your side bar, as well, so you have this, sort of, side area of your website and you can highlight them and say, you $now, most popular post, or latest post, and you &ust sit that on all the pages of your site so people can see /uite easily what's going on with your blogs, as well. Andrew McCauley: #hat about an opt5in or a call to action for them to sign up to receive updates of your blog posts* Heather Porter: )eah, that's a great point, actually, and as far as the ultimate layout of your blog, ideally what you want in there is your article and multimedia, so you want to have your video, if you have a podcast you'll have an audio player, and, of course, images, people love images, and then I highly recommend at the bottom of your


actual article itself to always have a little opt5in bo%, &ust at the bottom that is basically, :8i$e what you see here* -ign up to get more:, and that's &ust to get your blog updates. )ou'll start to see this popping up on a lot of sites, and the reason why is that it wor$s. -omebody reads your article, they get down to the bottom of the page, and then they get an opportunity to continue to hang out with you. "hese are 55 opt5in bo%es, by the way, Andrew, are &ust the things we always tal$ about from MailChimp or Awebber, they're the email opt5in bo% that comes with your email program that you use for mar$eting. Andrew McCauley: Absolutely, now, all of the big companies are all doing blogs. If you're not doing a blog, then it's time to loo$ at what those successful people are doing and model that. -o, I thin$ that's enough about blogs, I thin$ we'll move on to the final piece of this pu33le for today, and that's content placement. Content placement, tell us about what you thin$ about content placement, where should things go as far as a website goes* Heather Porter: "hat's a great /uestion, and there's a term that's thrown around called 'above the fold'. #hat this means is that, when you go to somebody's website, the screen that you see that's on your device is what's $nown as above the fold. "he second you scroll down the page or scroll anywhere else, you're no longer above the fold. -o, obviously, what shows up in that space is the most important prime real estate on your website to ma$e that great first impression and also /uic$ly show people what you stand for, what you're all about, and what your site is going to do to help them out. -o, content placement. If you thin$ in terms of 'what do I put above the fold*', of course you're going to want to have some sort of prominent menu, you're navigation bar so people can easily see where else they can go with you. 0ow, this is where I always say in your navigation bar, don't get cutsie and creative. )ou $now, if you're starting to do weird words in there and somebody comes to your site for the first time, when they actually read that, it's li$e someone's corner, or cra3y session time, or whatever you might thin$ is fun and


ma$es sense to you, for that first time visitor, they're going to read that and thin$, :I still have no idea what your site is all about.: Andrew McCauley: )eah, how many times do we see that* Heather Porter: All the time' Andrew McCauley: It's so often. Heather Porter: It's not 55 yes, we $now you want to get your personality out there, but this is not the time to do it because this real estate, this space on your website is so important that you really want to utili3e it. 6ven with the menu, the words that are in your menu. Andrew McCauley: )eah, absolutely. Heather Porter: Ma$e, you $now, really clear about that, as well as this is a chance for opt5in, so this is where you can build your list. 0ow, you can use what's called a widget or side bar, which is on the top right, which is an opt5in form for people to get more information from you, your freebie, the thing that you're giving away. People that have home pages oftentimes they'll put that hori3ontally across their entire page &ust under their main menu. -o, you see the menu and then you see this opt5in form, as well, get my free > day course on business mar$eting, for e%ample. Andrew McCauley: let me stop you there. #hat you've found so far, is the hori3ontal opt5in wor$ing better than a vertical opt5in* Heather Porter: )eah, we've tested this, as well, you $now, and it's no surprise that top mar$eters, you'll see their sites, every top mar$eter that I'm loo$ing at right now all have done this, as well. -o, instead of having it down the side &ust as a bo%, it actually is a hori3ontal across your entire page. Andrew McCauley: 2ight, )eah. -o, you've seen those on a whole bunch of different sites, I'm sure. It's &ust a different layout and this is what mar$eters do, they test and measure this sort of stuff. Always pushing the boundaries. It could be the flavor, too, the flavor of the


month. )ou $now, it may go bac$ to being vertical down the trac$, and it could depend on each mar$et, as well, so don't get hung up on having it the same as everyone else all the time. Heather Porter: And you can mi% it up, li$e I $now a lot of times home pages will have it across the page, but then on every other page will have it on the right5hand side, down the side bar of the site, so mi% it up. )ou $now, don't get caught up, as Andrew suggested. +ut, the $ey thing is that you want to ma$e sure that your opt5in is in that top area before someone scrolls down so they have that opportunity to engage with you /uic$ly. "he other $ey thing is, use that top area to the best of your ability with endorsements, or, you $now, any social proof that you have, testimonials, as seen in if you've been on "B or in media. ;ust thin$ in terms of if I were to go to somebody's website, what do I need to see in order to entice me enough to scroll down the page or clic$ on one of the lin$s that I see* #hat do I need to see about them to build trust in my eyes and ma$e me li$e them, and then also, what do I need to see so I actually $now what they do and how they can help me* And then, you &ust do that on your own website for the public. Andrew McCauley: 1efinitely. 6asy. 6asy' It sounds easy, doesn't it* Heather Porter: And less is more. ;ust always remember, less is more nowadays. Instead of having huge amounts of pages and drop5 down menus, and all of that cra3iness, you can direct people to pages strategically from within your blog posts, or if you have your opt5in and people get into your email list you can send them off by your emails and your social media posts into individual pages that e%ist on your site that may not be available in your menu, but may be available throughout the blog. -o, visually, it's not going to overwhelm somebody, but strategically you can use these pages throughout your mar$eting in the future, so don't try and ma$e it all available upfront to overwhelm somebody. Cse them in other areas in your mar$eting. Andrew McCauley: )eah, I thin$ less is more is a great comment. It can be used across so many different areas of your life, it's fascinating how we try and complicate things, and really less is more.


Heather Porter: I wanted to bring up one point on that, too, because as you were tal$ing about the content and the blogging and stuff, we have an ama3ing podcast episode, number D?, called content mar$eting and content creation ideas. If you're listening to this and you thin$, :I really want to start a blog on my website, but I have no idea what to tal$ about:, we highly recommend that you go listen to number D? of our podcast episodes and it'll tell you everything you need to $now about what you should write about to get results. Andrew McCauley: I'm so glad you $now the numbers of our podcasts. Heather Porter: I may &ust be staring at our website as I say that. Andrew McCauley: I'm trying to give you some credits here. ElaughingF Alright, is there anything else that we wanted to cover in this session* I thin$ we've covered a fair bit in this /uic$ session, although it loo$s li$e it's tic$ing up to half an hour, so anything else that we wanted to cover* Heather Porter: "hat's, no I thin$ that's it for now. Again, what we'd love for you to do is &ust travel on this little short series of podcasts with us if you're really loo$ing to revamp your website. )ou're going to start out with number G and then we'll have a handful of these for the top ten things you need to focus on in your website right now. -o, ne%t wee$ we're going to continue on with the ne%t three things that you need to $now about. Andrew McCauley: #e might even do four things ne%t wee$ to round it off to ten. Heather Porter: "hat's a smart idea, actually. "hen, so, yeah, there you go, so number G, !, and => will be our website episodes. Andrew McCauley: )es, yes, and here's our 4iverr gig of the wee$. 0ow, I've gone ahead already and done a bit of preparation for this particular call, and we're not going to do a 4iverr gig. #e're not actually going to go and get one done because what we're going to show you is something that people are already doing, but we already do ourselves.


+ut, there are people out there who will configure, customi3e, and twea$ your #ordPress themes or your websites for five dollars. "hey'll go out and, if you buy a theme, and as Heather said earlier you can buy a theme, it'll have all the bells and whistles, you can chose to have some of those removed, added, changed, colors, and deleted, and so on. It can be a little bit daunting sometimes when you buy a theme thin$ing that it's going to be that easy &ust to slide it in and everything will appear, so you want to have someone who can help you. -o, we have posted on this page, you'll see a lin$ to two gigs that I've pic$ed out. +oth of them are pretty highly rated. 7ne is D>>H positive, it's had I= people vote D>>H, it's had a lot of success and he configures that sort of stuff. "he other one is a person that will actually design or create a custom #ordPress "heme for you for five dollars. Heather Porter: +rilliant. Andrew McCauley: How cool is that* 0ow, what would you use that for* )ou may, let's say you were creating a boo$, or a podcast, and you want to have a little theme that someone's created especially for you. It's not going to be, you $now, ama3ingly, blow you out of the par$, stand out, everything else, but it's something that can be done pretty /uic$ and these people will create it for five dollars, so II> people have voted this service, !GH positive rating. -o, there's two little things, chec$ them out on autopilotyourbusiness.comJpodcasts. 8oo$ for podcast number !, and you will see the lin$s to those two 4iverr gigs of the wee$. Heather Porter: +rilliant. 0icely done, Andrew. Andrew McCauley: -o, that's it H, now anything else that we can share with people* Anything else that they need to $now* #e've done our gig in Melbourne, as you heard, a live gig. #e've got another one coming up in -ydney in a few wee$s. If you're in -ydney and you want to come to our live event, drop us an email. -hoot us an email, or you can go and chec$ out our website, our sales page on that one. <!K.>> I thin$ we're charging, that's ridiculously cheap.


Heather Porter: )eah, for a full day your get your own online map, you $now, customi3ed to your business, and it's A)+chat.com, by the way, that where you can go and learn more about our event. Andrew McCauley: And, they get to be on our podcast' Heather Porter: )ou do, yes you do' Andrew McCauley: If you're in -ydney on 7ctober the ?th, come along, let us $now. #e'd love to have you at our event. It'll be fun. #e have a lot of fun, we had a lot of fun last time, and as we said, you get a blueprint, you get the map to your business. #e're going to wor$ on that. #e wor$ on that during the day and it's your own personali3ed map. Heather Porter: "here you go, alright' Andrew McCauley: Alright, Heather. "han$ you, Heather' 8ovely day in sunny -ydney today, I'm suffering storms and lightning stri$es everywhere here in tropical Palm -prings. -o I'm going to go out and &ump in the rain. Heather Porter: -tay safe and have fun' ElaughingF Alright, guys, than$s for &oining us, we'll tal$ ne%t time. Andrew McCauley: +ye bye'


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