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IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand

Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and

Relay Systems Associated with
Electric Power Apparatus
IEEE Power & Energy Society
5ponsored by the
Power 5ystem Relaying Committee
3 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5997
17 September 2012
IEEE 5td C37.90.l'M-2012
(Revision of
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2002
IEEE Std C37.90.1T
(Revision 01
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2002)
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand
Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and
Relay Systems Associated with
Electric Power Apparatus
Power System Relaying Committee
IEEE Power & Energy Society
Approved 30 August 2012
IEEE-5A Standards Board
Grateful acknowledgment is made lhe lnternational Electrotechnical Commission (lEC) for pennission to
reproduce infonnation from its International Standards lEC 61000-4-18 Ed. l.l (2011) and lEC 61000-4-4
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Abstract: Two types of design tests for relays and relay systems that relate to the immunity of
this equipment to repetitive electrical transients are specified. Test generator characteristics, test
waveforms, selection of equipment terminals on which tests are to be conducted, test procedures,
criteria for acceptance and documentation of test results are described. This standard has been
harmonized with lEC standards where consensus could be reached.
Keywords: fast transient test, IEEE C37.90.1, osciflatory test, relay, relay systems, surge
withstand capability, SWC
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, lne.
3 ParkAvenue, NewYork, NY 10016-5997, USA
Copyright 2012 by The InsUMe af Elecmcal and Electroncs Engineers, Ine.
AII rights reserved. Published 17 September 2012. Printed in the United States of America.
IEEE is a registered trademar!< in the U.S. Pateot &Trademark Office. owned by The InsUtute 01 Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.
POF: ISBN 978-0-7381-7305-4
Print: ISBN 978-0-7381-7357-3
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At the time this IEEE standard was completed, the 120 Working Group had!he following membership:
Tom Beckwith, Chair
Jeff Burnworth, Vice Chair
Barbara Anderson
Bob Beresh
Ryan Bares
Jack Chadwick, Jr.
Bui DacPhuoc
Jay Murphy
Mario Ranieri
Norbert Rochow
Veselin Skendzic
John Tengdin
Murty V. Yally
The following members of!he individual balloting cornmirtee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
William Ackerruan
AH Al Awazi
Jay Anderson
G. Bartok
Michael Basler
Philip Beaurnont
Thomas Beckwith
Robert Beresh
Steven Bezner
Wallace Binder
Oscar Bolado
Gustavo Brunello
Jeffrey Bumworth
William Bush
Mark Bushnell
Suresh Channarasappa
Arvind K. Chaudhary
Bill Chiu
Stephen Conrad
Gary Donner
Michael Dood
Randall Dotson
Neal Dowling
Gary Engrnann
Dan Evans
Fredric Friend
John Galanos
Frank Gerleve
Jeffrey Gilbert
David Gilmer
Mietek Glinkowski
Jalal Gohari
Stephen Grier
Randall Groves
Roger Hedding
Gary HolIman
Ronald Hotchkiss
Gerald Johnson
Joseph L. Koepfinger
Jirn Kulchisky
Chung.Yiu Lam
Robert Landrnan
Greg Luri
Michael Mayturn
Ornar Mazzoni
John McDonald
Nigel Mcquin
Brian Mugalian
Jerry Murphy
R. Murphy
Bruce Muschlitz
Michael S. Newman
Bansi Patel
Robert Pettigrew
Copyright 2D12 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IuHan Profir
Mario Ranieri
Michael Roberts
Charles Rogers
Bartien Sayogo
Samuel Sciacca
Gil Shultz
Veselin Skendzic
James Srnith
Jererny Srnith
Jerry Srnith
Gary Stoedter
Charles Sufana
John Tengdin
Demetrios Tziouvaras
Joe Uchiyarna
Eric Udren
John Vergis
John Wang
Steven Whalen
Thomas Wiedman
Philip Winston
Murty V. Yalla
Jian Yu
Matthew Zeedyk
When lhe IEEE-SA Standards Board approved tbis standard on 30 August 2012, it had the following
Richard H. Hulett, Chair
John Kulick, Vice Chair
Robert M. Grow, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary
Satish Aggarwal
Masayuki Ariyoshi
Peter Balma
William BartIey
Clint Chaplin
Wael Diab
Jean-Philippe Faure
*Member Emeritus
Alexander Gelrnan
Young Kyun Kirn
Joseph L. Koeptinger*
David 1. Law
Oleg Logvinov
Ted lsen
Gary Robinson
Jon Walter Rosdahl
Mike Seavey
Yatin Trivedi
Phi! Winsgton
Yu Yuan
AIso induded are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Richard DeBlasio, DOERepresentative
Michael Janezic, NI8TRepresentative
Matthew 1. Ceglia
IEEE Client Services Manager, Professional Services
Michelle D. Tumer
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development
Erin Spiewak
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
This intraduction is not par! of IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012, IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests
for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus.
Assurance is needed lhat electronic relays and relay systems will operate satisfactorily when installed in lhe
harsh environment of a substation or switchyard. Standard surge tests will provide assurance that lhe relays
and relay systems will wilhstand a specitied surge level. The use of proper grounding and shielding
techniques when installing the equipment will attenuate the actual surge level hnpinging on the equipment.
However, even wilh proper grounding and shielding, surges may reach lhe equipment lhat are above lhe
test levels specitied in this standard. In such cases, the addition by the user of surge suppression devices
extemal to the relay system may be required.
The fIrst standard document to specify an SWC Test was ANSIIIEEE Std C37.90a
-1974IIEEE Std 472'"-
1974 (redesignated ANSIIIEEE Std C37.90.l-l974), Guide for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests.
Experience with ANSIIIEEE C37.90.1-1974 was good, and in 1978 lhe Guide was incorporated as Clause 9
of ANSI/IEEE Std C37.90'"-1978, IEEE Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated wilh Electric
Power Apparatus. This meant lhat the oscillatory SWC Test became a required test for relays and relay
systems containing semiconducting devices.
From lhe beginning, it was realized that lhe oscillatory SWC test had limitations and did not adequately
represent all conducted transients lhat may be experienced in substation environments. The need for a
complementary test was recognized and the general type of test required was identitied. The problem lhen
became one of a search for a circuit lhat would produce a repeatable, controllable oulput. During lhe
search, the IEC showering are test was studied as well as a number of other tests proposed by various
organizations. These were not chosen because they were not repeatable or controllable.
The combination of lhe original oscillatory SWC test and lhe fast transient SWC test ensure that relays and
relay systems will function at a level of inomunity in the presence of conducted transients that occur in
substations. The fast transient test was therefore incorporated into ANSIIIEEE Std C37.90.l-l989, because
it is stable, easy to control and can be performed in a minimum time and at a reasonable cost.
A working group was later assembled to harmonize ANSI/IEEE Std C37.90.l-1989 with corresponding
IEC standards and to make the standard more understandable through claritications and inoprovements to
lhe document. This working group made extensive revisions such that one set of tests are necessary to
reach closer harmonization with lhe corresponding IEC standards.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
l. Overview 1
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Purpose 1
2. Nonnative references , 2
3. Defmitions ; 2
4. Test wave shapes 3
4.1 Oscillatory test wavefonn characteristics (see Figure 1) 3
4.2 Fast transient test wavefonn (see Figure 2) 4
5. Test generator characteristics 6
5.1 Oscillatory SWC test 6
5.2 Fast transient SWC tesl.. 6
5.3 Common characteristics for al! SWC test generators 6
5.4 Veritication oftest generator characteristics 7
6. Equipment to be tested 8
6.1 Test intent 8
6.2 System 8
6.3 Application 8
6.4 Protective relay communications equipment 8
6.5 Test points 9
7. Application oftest wave 9
7.1 External connection groups 9
7.2 Point ofapplication oftests 9
7.3 Conditions oftest.. 10
8. Testprocedures 14
8.1 Test types 14
8.2 Common mode tests 14
8.3 Transverse mode tests 14
9. Criteria for acceptance 15
9.1 Application ofcriteria 15
9.2 Conditions to be met.. 16
9.3 Equipment functioning 16
10. Test records 16
Annex A (infonnative) Bibliography 18
Annex B (infonnative) Veritication oftest generator characteristics 19
Annex C (infonnative) Test wavefonn delivery 23
Annex D (infonnative) Balanced/unbalanced (balun) transfonner impedance matching
network examples 25
Copyright 2D12 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
Annex E (nonnative) Communication interface equipment and communication system equipment 27
Annex F (infonnative) Comparison with IEC Protective Relay Standards 34
Annex G(infonnative) History oflEEE Std C37.90.l... .36
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Standard tor Surge Withstand
Capability (SWC) Tests tor Relays and
Relay Systems Associated with
Electric Power Apparatus
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1.1 Seope
This standard specifies design tests for relays and relay systems that relate to the immunity of this
equipment to repetitive electrical transients. Two types of tests are specified. The oscillatory and fast
transient SWC tests are defmed as distinct tests. However, it is not intended to prohibit a combined test,
provided aH requirements ofthe individual SWC tests are mel.
The application of SWC tests to equipment other than relays and relay systems is the responsibility ofthose
specifying the testiug.
1.2 Purpose
This standard establishes a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of relays and
relay systems when subjected to repetitive transients on supply, signal, control, and commuuication lines or
connections. This standard establishes that an evaluation is performed during both normal (non-tripped)
and abnormal (tripped) relay operating conditions.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (Le., lhey must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, lhe latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or conigenda) applies.
IEEE Std C37.90, IEEE Standard Relays and Relay Systems Associated wilh Electric Power
Apparatus. 1, 2
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, lhe following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary Online should be consuIted for terms not defined in lhis clause.
calibration: The adjustment of a deYice to haye the designed operating characteristics, and lhe subsequent
marking of lhe posilions of the adjusting means, or lhe making of adjustments necessary to bring operating
characteristics into substantial agreement with standardized scales or marking.
common (longitudinal) -mode yoltage: The yoltage common to all conductors of a group as measured
between that group at a giyen location and an arbitrary reference (usually earth).
communications interface equipment: A portion of a relay system which transmits or receiyes
information from a communications system; e.g., audio tone equipment or carrier
incIuded as an integral par! of the reIay system.
communications system: Any system which transfers proteclion or olher data to or from lhe reIay
interface to or from anolher location.
current circuit: An input circuit to which is applied a current of greater lhan or equaI to lOO mA, which is
a measure ofprimary curren!.
digital data circuit: Any circuit that transfers data in a digitally encoded form that is essential for the
proper operation oflhe relay system.
input circuit: Circuits wilh the primary intended function of sensing logical state data, such as circuit
breaker position or interlocking commands between relays.
measuring unit: Any analog or digital deYice lhat anaIyzes input currents or yoltages or bolh to produce an
oUlput to lhe relay logic.
normal tolerauce: Accuracy of the equipment, specified by the manufacturer as a numeric or percentage
"plus or minus" yariation. Tolerances may be general or specific to a giyen application.
autput circuit: A circuit from a relay system that exercises direct or indirect control of power apparatus
such as tripping or closing of a power circuit breaker,
I The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks ofIhe Institute ofEleetrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
2 IEEE publications are available from The Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers. 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,
USA (http://standards.ieee.orgD.
3 IEEE Standards Dictionary Online subscription is available at
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capabiiity (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with EJectric Power Apparatus
output: QUlputs convey a state of the equipment under test. They may include: electrical oUlputs such as
contacts or trip pulses, mechanical oUlputs such as targets, visual oUlputs such as indicating lights or light-
emitting diodes (LEDs), audio oUlputs such as bells or buzzers, message oUlputs in digital or analog form,
protective communication signals, and data communication signals in analog or digital formo
power supply circuit: An input circuit to a relay system that supplies power for the functioning of the
relay system.
relay interface equipment: An assembly that connects a relay system to other equipment, Le. carrier
equipment or instrument transformers. This assembly does not need to be located in the vicinity of the rest
ofthe relay system.
relay logic: A logic network that coordinates the oUlput of measuring units and other inputs to energize
oUlput circuits when prescribed conditions and sequences have been met.
relay system: An assembly usually consisting of current and voltage circuits, measuring units, logic, and
power supplies to provide a specific relay scheme such as line, transformer, bus, or generator protection. A
relay system may include connections to other systems such as data logging, alarm, communications, or
other relay systems.
signal circuit: Any circuit other than a power supply circuit or an oUlput circuit whose maximum voltage is
less than 50 V and maximum current is less than 100 mA.
surge ground: The point of extemal connection to the relay system reference or common bus for surge
transverse (differential) -mode voltage: The voltage between two conductors of a circuit at a given
voltage circuit: An input circuit to which is applied a voltage greater than or equal to 50 V, that is a
measure ofprimary voltage.
4. Test wave shapes
4.1 Oscillatory test waveform characteristics (see Figure 1)
The test waveform parameters for an open circuit generator condition at the generator terminals shall be as
Wavefoim envelope: A damped oscillatory wave, with the envelope decaying to 50% ofthe peak I
value (Pkl) between the Peak 5 (Pk5) and Peak lO (PkIO) points ofthe waveform.
Frequency: I MHz (tolerance IO%)
Rise time offirst peak: 75 ns (tolerance 20%), as measured between 10% and 90% ofthe peak
Test voltage magnitude: Initial crest of 2.5 kV for common mode tests and for transverse tests
(tolerance +0 / -10%).
Repetition rate: 6-10 bursts per period of the power system frequency. Bursts shall be non-
synchronous with the power system frequency.
Test duration: 2 s (tolerance +10% / -0%). For relays with an operating time greater than 2 s, it is
recommended that the test be carried out with a minimum time setting. In such cases, the period of
application ofthe test signal shall be at least as long as the operating time ofthe relay under test.
Polarity ofthe fITst half-period: Positive and negative.
Source impedance: 200 n resistive at I MHz (tolerance 20%).
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
NOTE l-Oscillation ftequency is defined as the reciprocal of the period between the first and third zera crossings
after the initial peak. Ihis period is shown as T in Figure 1.
NOTE 2-0utput impedanee is ealeulated as open cireuit voltage PKI divided by ,hort eireui! eurrenl PKI.
TI =75ns
6-10 bursts perperlad ofthe power system fr&quency
"' 2 sQConds +10M}% _
Figure 1-0scillatory test waveform
(Reprinted with permission from lEC
Copyright 2011 lEC Geneva, 5witzerland.www.iec.ch)
4.2 Fast transient test waveform (see Figure 2)
Burst duration: 15 ms (toleranee ZO%)
Repetition rate during bursts: 5 !<Hz (toleranee ZO%)
Output type: Coaxial, 50 n.
Repetition rate: The waveform eonsists ofbursts ofpulses that repeat periodically.
f) Burst periodo 300 ms (toleranee ZO%)
g) Test duration: Not less than 1 min, eaeh polarity
h) Wave shape ofthe pulse
The test generator waveform parameters at the generator terminals shall be as follows:
a) Waveform polarity: Positive and negative
4Notes in text, tables, and figures of a standard are given for information only and do Dot contain requirements needed to implement
this standard.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. Al! rights reseIVed.
IEEE Std C37.90.12012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoeiated
with Electric Power Apparatus
1) into 50 n load
i) rise time (10% to 90%) =5 ns 30%
ii) duration (above 50%) = 50 ns 30%
iii) peak voltage =2 kV 10%
2) into 50 n load
i) rise time (10% to 90%) = 5 ns 30%
ii) duration (above 50%) =50 ns with a toleranee of-15 ns to + 100 ns
iii) peak voltage =4 kV 20%
NOTE-Test resistive load impedances are 50 Q 2% and 1000.0 2%, non-inductive, in parallel with:S 6 pF. The
resistance measurement is marle at de and the capacitance measurement is performed using a cornmercially available
capacitance meter.
lIfof---sons 30%---J
Posltlve or
Negatlve Polarity
2 ~ 2 I t
1--'------15ms 20%
15ms20%..... 1- j
.-300 ms 20%
.....------ 1 minute, each polarlty ------_1
Figure 2-Fast transient test waveform characteristics
(Reprinted with penmission from lEC
Copyright@2011 lEC Geneva, 5wilzerland.www.iec.ch)
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoeiated
with Electric Power Apparatus
5. Test generator characteristics
5.1 Oscillatory SWC test
5.1.1 Generator output
The test generator shall be eapable of produeing the output test voltage waveform as deseribed in 4.1. It
shall also meet lhe requirements of 4.1 regarding frequeney, rise time, magnitude, repetition rate, test
duration, polarity, and souree impedanee.
5.1.2 Additional requirements
The generator shall also meet the requirements listed in 5.3.
5.2 Fast transient SWC test
5.2.1 Generator output
The test generator shall be eapable of produeing the output test voitage waveform as deseribed in 4.2. It
shall also meet the requirements of 4.2 regarding polarities, pulse rise time, pulse duration, pulse peak
voltage, repetition rate, burst duration, and test duration.
5.2.2 Additional requirements
The generator shall also meet lhe requirements listed in 5.3.
5.2.3 Lowfrequeney and de bloeking
The test generator shall have an internal bloeking eapaeitor of 0.01 F to allow applieation of the test to
live relay input and output eireuits without shorting or overloading lhe relay ae signal souree or de supply
souree during SWC testing.
5.3 Common characteristics for al! SWC test generators
5.3.1 Coupling/deeoupling network
A suitable network shall be ineluded external to lhe test generator to eouple the test voltage to lhe relay and
to prevent the SWC test voltage being propagated baek into lhe relay ae signal souree.
5.3.2 Safety ground
The test generator shall have a dedieated safety ground eonneetor terminal.
5.3.3 Test mode eapability
The generator shall be eapable of providing a eommon mode output voltage with one output terminal
grounded and a balaneed transverse mode output voltage where bolh output terminals are floating.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capabiiity (SWC) Tests for Reiays and Reiay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
5.4 Verification of test generator characteristics
5.4.1 General
It is necessary to establish a simple test procedure intended to verify and document lhe SWC generator
performance prior to its use for lhese tests. Two verification tests shal! be defmed:
a) SWC waveform validity tests
b) SWC test generator performance verification
The detailed test description is given in Annex B.
5.4.2 Waveform validity tests
The waveform validity tests shal! be performed before and after each SWC test per Clause 8, with the
results recorded and included with lhe SWC test reporto The tests described in B.2 are intended to verify
that lhere i$ no major insulation breakdown, damage, or test system component failure that may have
occurred during lhe physical test setup, test application, or prolonged instrument storage. The waveform
validity tests shal! include:
a) Measuring system feedthrough test
b) Oscillatory SWC test generator open circuit voltage waveform test
c) Fast transient SWC test generator open circuit voltage waveform test
d) Measurement melhods different from lhose described in the Annex B are acceptable, as long as lhe
same level of precision, and lhe same parameters are used to document lhe results.
5.4.3 SWC Test generator performance verification
A ful! set of SWC test generator characteristics shal! be verified as per manufacturer's reconunendations or
at least once every year, with lhe test results dated, recorded and included wilh each SWC test reporto These
tests are intended to precisely document the test generator characteristics, and are used to track lhe SWC
generator's compliance wilh this standard. The characteristics to be verified are given in Table 1.
Table 1-Test generator characteristics to be verified
Oscillatorv waveform Fast transient
Rise time of lbe tir't Deak Rise time
Peak vollaoe level (no load) Peak vollaoe level (no load)
Output impedance Oulput impedance
Wavefonn envelopedecay Pulse duration
Oscillation freouencv n/a
Repetition rate Repetition rate durino lbe bur't
n/a Burst duration
n/a Burst period
Test duration Test duration
Al! performance verification measurements shal! be preceded by conducting an SWC waveform validity
test described in B.2.
Measurement methods different from those described in the Annex B are acceptable, as long as the same
level of precision, and lhe same parameters are used to document the results.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII ri,ghts reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoeiated
with Electric Power Apparatus
6. Equipment to be tested
6.1 Test intent
The tests deseribed herein are design tests to be applied to any par! of the relay system that can be exposed
to conducted or coupled transients under normal installed operating condtions. It is not lhe intent of these
tests to test an isolated subassembly oflhe relay system nnless lhat subassembly can be used independently
and located more than 2 m from the rest ofthe relay system.
Prefabricated wiring hamesses, connectors or shelfwiring shall not be disrupted.
The composition of a relay system will vary from a single relay monnted on a panel to several pieces of
eqnipment integrated into a single relay system. A relay system may also include communications interface
equipment such as a carrier transmitter/receiver or audio tone equipment.
6.3 Application
These type tests are applied to samples bult to the fmal design using production methods. It is lhe intent of
these tests to prove lhat a given production relay system can operate satisfactorly wilhout component
falure and without misoperating when subjected to lhe transients defmed in lhis standard.
6.4 Protective relay communications equipment
6.4.1 General
All equipment for lhe purpose of interfacing and transporting lhe protective relay logie signal is to be
tested. See Table 2 for specific points of application.
The manufacturer shall state which interfaces comply wilh lhis standard. The manufacturer shall state lhe
application method and what form of acceptance criteria was used, for each interface, in lhese tests.
Sorne commnnications system equipment may have both relay protection and general commnnications
facilities. When a device has not been specifically engineered for relay protection, or several pieces of
equipment are involved, it may be difficult to apply lhese type tests and assure proper protection
performance. Eaeh piece of equipment may meet lhis standard when tested separately or may only pass
when connected as a system. In these cases lhe equipment should be tested as close as possible to the
intended application and the user should work closely with lhe manufacturers with lhe intention ofhaving a
system that performs reliably in the substation.
Table 2-Test requirements tor relay communication equipment
System por! Communications Communications
interface equ;pment system equipment
Power supplv inputs Mandatorv Mandatorv
Input circuits/outouts circuits Mandatorv Mandatorv
Data communications carrving relay logic signals Mandatory Mandatory
Data commnnications not earrving relay logic signals Mandatorv Mandatory (see 6.4.2)
Simal circuits Mandatorv Mandatorv (see 6.4.2)
Power line carrer RF ports (see 6.4.4) Not required Not required
Temporarv communications ports (see 6.4.3) Not required Not required
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Wlthstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
6.4.2 Signal circuits and data communication ports
The acceptance criteria are listed in Clause 9.
6.4.3 Communication ports not permanently connected during normal operation
Testing is not required for ports lhat are intended for use on!y during instaHation or maintenance and are
not permanently connected during normal operation.
6.4.4 RF inputs and outputs of power Une carrier
Testing ofpower line carrier RF inputs and outputs is addressed by ANSI C93.5-1997 [BI].' Consequently,
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012 does not require power line carrier RF inputs and outputs to be subjected to SWC
6.5 Test points
After the relay system is defined, aH points of connection between lhe relay system and externa! circuits
shaH be tested.
7. Application oftest wave
7.1 External connection groups
AH externa! connections to lhe relay system shaH be considered in one of the foHowing seven groups, as
defmed in Clause 3:
a) Current Circuit
b) Voltage Circuit
c) Power Supply Circuit
d) Input Circuit
e) Output Circuit
f) Digital Data Circuit
g) Signa! Circuit
7.2 Point of application of tests
The test voltage shaH be applied to lhe respective extemal connection groups in common or transverse
mode according to Clause 8.
'The numbers in brackets correspond 10 those afthe bibliography in Annex A.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
7.3 Conditions of test
7.3.1 General
The tests shall be made under usual service conditions in accordance with IEEE Std C37.90. Typical test
setups for small and large equipment are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.
7.3.2 Partal smulaton
If lhe relay is par! of a system, or can be connected to auxiliary equipment, lhen the relay shall be tested
while connected to a representative configuration of auxiliary equipment necessary to exercise the circuits.
The requirements of lhis standard shall include any external protection devices or special installation
pracedures clearly specified in lhe manufacturer's instruction manual, unless expressly waived by the
manufacturero Any auxiliary equipment, external pratection devices or special installation procedures
included in lhe tests shall be documented.
7.3.3 Coupling to test generator
Application oflhe test wave to lhe relay under test shall be done using coupling/isolating networks or
capacitive coupling clamps as described in and Coupling/isolating networks
Figure 5 and Figure 6 show common and transverse mode connections where isolation from a nonnal
current or voltage SOurce is required. This method shall be used when testing current circuit, voltage circuit,
power supply circuit, input circuit, or output circuit external connection groups. Capacitive coupling clamp
The capacitive coupling clamp is intended as a means for coupling test wavefonns to shielded and olher
circuits where direct galvanic connection to the equipment under test (EUT) tenninals may impair
operation. Typical use ofthe clamp for common mode tests i,; shown in Figure 7. The use ofthe capacitive
clamp shall be lirnited to lhose indicated in Table 3 and Table 4.
The capacitive clamp consists of two conductive surfaces (made of galvanized steel, brass, copper, or
aluminum) insulated from each other by means of high quality insulating supports. Figure 7 illustrates
typical construction details of a capacitive clamp. The coupling effect is established by placing an insulated
cable (feeding lhe signals to lhe device under test) through the V-shaped duct on top of the clamp, and
subsequently closing lhe clamp as much as possible in order to maximize the coupling capacitance between
lhe clamp and lhe cable.
The lower conductive surface oflhe clamp shall be placed on (and solidly connected to) a ground plane
with a minimum area of 1m'. The reference ground plane shall extend beyond the clamp by at least 0.1 m
on all sides.
The high voltage coaxial connector intended for connection to the test generator may, for convenience, be
provided on bolh ends of the clamp. Regardless of the design however, during the test, the generator shall
be connected to that end ofthe clamp lhat is nearest to the device under test.
Due to high voltages involved, the external insulation on lhe cable to which lhe transients are being coupled
must be capable ofwithstanding a 5 kV 1.2/50 ls pulse.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
7.3.4 Reference graund plane
A reference ground plane shall be used to get reproducible capacitive coupling conditions. The ground
plane shall consist of a metallic sheet (copper or aluminum) of at least 0.25 rnrn thickness. It shall have a
minimum size of Ixl m or project beyond the external dimensions of the relay by at least 0.1 m on all
sides, whichever is greater. The reference ground plane shall be solidly connected to ground.
7.3.5 Relay placement
The relay shall be tested in its case above a ground reference plane placed on top of a nonconductive table
approxirnately 0.8 m high. The relay shall be isolated from the ground reference plane by an insulating
support 0.1 m 0.01 m thick. Floor standing equipment shall be placed on lhe reference ground plane with
lhe interposition ofan insulating support, 0.1 m lhicl<, such as dry wood.
7.3.6 Wiring cannectians
Wiring to lhe relay shall be consistent with the manufacturer' s recornrnended procedures. When lhere are
no recornrnendations given by the manufacturer, all parts to be grounded shall be solidly connected with
copper straps of at least 20 rnrn width through lhe shortest possible distance to lhe ground plane. Cables
interconnecting lhe various external circuits of lhe relay under test shall be kept at a distance of at least
0.1 m from the ground plane. Leads from the couplinglisolating network to lhe relay or lhe test generator
shall be no longer than I m. When using the capacitive coupling clamp, lhe leads from lhe relay shall be
extended by 1 m to allow placement along the fulllength of lhe coupling plates. The minirnurn distance
between the coupling plates and aH conductive structures other lhan the ground plane shall be 0.5 m.
7.3.7 Valtage and current values
It is lhe intent ofthis test to duplicate as nearly as possible in-service conditions wilh lhe relay in its normal
non-transitional state. Where appropriate, the relay system shall be energized with rated voltage and rated
curren!. The relay settings shall be chosen such lhat the relay is as close as possible to its transitional state,
but not closer lhan the recommended margins for its application function. Input voltage to power supply
cireuits shall be within specified limits.
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoeiated
with Electric Power Apparatus
( 1 mx 1 mmin., 0.25 mm mino thickness)
(0.1 mthick)
Figure 3-Example of test setup for small equipment
( 1 mx1 mmin., 0.25 mm mino thfckness)
Figure 4-Example of test setup for large equipment
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoeiated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Terminals of EUT
Isolating Reactors
(Ose. test: 10 A,1.5 mH, 2500 V)
/ (Fast Trans: 10 A, >100 2500 V)
y y y
y y

/1' /f
pling Capacitors
test: 0.5 V)
Trans: 33 nF, 1000 V)
Hi Low
Test Generator
- -
Ground Reference Plana
Figure 5-Application of common mode tests using coupling/isolating network
Isolating Reactors
(Ose. test: 10 A, 1.5 mH, 2500 V)
)1' (Fast Trans: 10 A, >100 2500 V)
Terminals of EUT
Coupling Capacitors /
(Ose. test: 0.5 1000 V) r--;-;--:::--:----:--'----,
(Fast Trans: 66 nF, 1000 V) Une Balancing
Transformer T1
(see Annex e)
Hi Low
Test Generator
Ground Reference Plana
Figure 6-Application of transverse mode tests using coupling/isolating network
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capabiiity (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoeiated
with Electrjc Power Apparatus
Signal cables
pass lhrough

0.14 m

connector for
connection to
test generator
0.07 m
Insulating supports
Figure 7-Capacitive coupling clamp
(Reprinted with permission from lEC
Copyright 2011 lEC Geneva, Switzerland.www.iec.ch)
0.10 m
8. Test procedures
8.1 Test types
The test waves described in 4.1 and 4.2 shall be applied to each external connection group using connnon
and transverse modes as shown in Table 3 and Table 4. The voltage of the test waveforms shall be as
defmed by Table 3 and Table 4 unless specifically marked otherwise on lbe relay praduct or associated
manufacturer's instruction manual. The relay system connections for lbe fast transient wave shapes shall be
subjected to both polarities.
8.2 Common mode tests
The inlent of this test is to expose an external connection group to a surge referenced to earth ground. One
terminal of lbe test generator shall be connected to all external connections of lbe external connection
group to be tested using the couplinglisolating network as shown in Figure 5, or capacitive coupling clamp
as shown in Figure 7. The olber terminal oflbe test generator shall be solidly connected to ground.
8.3 Transverse mode tests
The intent of this test is to expose each pair of a given external connection group to a surge across its
terminals. Wilbin a given external connection group, one terminal of the test generator shall be connected
to one side of an external connection pair, or one side of a logical group of connections, and the olber
terminal of the test generator shall be connected to the other side of the external conneetion pair or logical
group using the couplinglisolating network as shown in Figure 6. Within a given external connection group,
lbe test shall be repeated for other external connection pairs or pairs of logcal groups until each pair has
been tested. The required pairs within a given external connection group vary depending on the design of
the relay. All external connection groups defined in 7.1 shall be tested in the same manner per Table 3 and
Table 4.
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard lor Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests lor Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Table 3-Test modes and voltage tor each external
connection group - oscillatory test
Apphed through capacIttve couplmg clamp
ExternaI connection group
Test modes Oscillatory test
Common Transverse Volta2e to be applied
Current circuit Yes Yes 2.5 kV
Voltage circuit Yes Yes 2.5 kV
Power supply circuit Yes Yes 2.5 kV
Input circuit Yes Yes 2.5 kV
Output circuit Yes Yes 2.5 kV
Digital data circuit Yes No 2.5 kV'
Signal circuit Yes No 2.5 kV'

Table 4-Test modes and voltage tor each external
connection group - tast transient test
Externa) connection group
Test modes Fast transieot test
Common Transverse Voltage to be aoolied
Current circuit Yes Yes 4kV
Voltage circuit Yes Yes 4kV
Power supply circuit Yes Yes 4kV
Input circuit Yes Yes 4kV
Output circuit Yes Yes 4kV
Digital data circuit Yes No 4 kV'
Signal circuit Yes No 4 kV'
Applied through capacitive coupling ciamp
9. Criteria for acceptance
9.1 Application of criteria
The criteria below shan apply to the equipment being directiy tested, and any devices linked to the
equipment via direct or remote connections. Examples of lhe connections are current loops and voltage
circuits (ac, audio, carrier, or microwave). Serial, paranel, optical (tiber or infrared), and radio frequency
connections apply as wen.
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoclated
with Electric Power Apparatus
9.2 Conditions to be met
The equipment shall be considered to have passed the swC tests if- doring, or as a result of, the tests - all
ofthe conditions below are met for the equipment and the connected devices:
a) The specified performance ofthe equipment, ineluding the operating time, does not change, beyond
stated tolerances.
b) No hardware damage occors.
c) No change in calibration beyond normal tolerances results.
d) No loss or corruption of stored memory or data, including active or stored settings, oceurs.
e) System resets do not oeeor, and manual resetting is not required.
f) Established eommunications not affeeting proteetion funetions recover within the manufaeturer's
time period, if disrupted.
g) Communications errors, ifthey occor, do not jeopardize the protective functions.
h) No loss of digital pulse synehronization oeeors or where the loss of digital pulse synehronization
does oeeor, it shall not produce an out oftoleranee eondition.
i) No changes in the states of the eleetrical, mechanical, or communication status outputs oceor. This
ineludes alarms, status outputs, or targets.
j) No erroneous, permanent change of state of the visual, audio, or message outputs results.
Momentary ehanges ofthese outputs during the tests are permitted.
k) No error outside normal tolerances ofthe data communication signals (SCADA analogs) occurs.
9.3 Equipment functioning
Doring and after the tests, the equipment and the conneeted devices shall be completely and aeeurately
funetional as designed, unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer, for the equipment to be eonsidered as
having passed the SWC tests.
10. Test records
The test program shall be recorded and made available upon request. The report shall be adequate to gnide
another person to duplicate the test programo The record shall inelude the following:
a) Product model and revision number for the produet under test (serial number ifapplieable).
b) Details ofproduet settings, inputs, and operating conditions for each individual test.
e) Diagrams, sehematics or photographs showing the deviee under test, any externally conneeted
equipment, and related cabling.
d) Deseription ofthe SWC test generator and its calibration date and ofthe eoupling networks used.
e) Waveform validity test results per B.2.
f) A tabulation for each test performed. The tabulation of each test shall inelude the following:
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rlghts reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoelated
with Electric Power Apparatus
A list of eaeh point Ibat is eleetrieally eonneeted to the SWC test generator andlor eoupling networks, with
referenee to sehematies or diagrams as neeessary. The list shall indude the method of eoupling for eaeh
point tested.
The settings of the SWC test generator for Ibe particular test, for example, Ibe voltage level, whether the
test is oseillatory or fast transient, ete.
A deseription of how the deviee under test was monitored to ensure that any failure was deteeted; Ibat s,
whieh output lines, indieators or other features ofthe ~ v i e under test were monitored.
The test results (pass/fail).
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Reiay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Bibliographical referenees are resourees that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Referenee to these resourees is made for informational use
[B!] ANSI C93.5-l997, American National Standard Requirements for Single Funetion Power-Line
Carrier TransmitterlReeeiver Equipment. 6
[B2] Gilles, D. A., and Ramberg, R.C., "The Effeets of Transient Voltages on Measurements Within a
Switehyard," Pacifie Northwest Instrumentation Conferenee, ISA April1965. .
[B3] Gottlieb, I. M., Practical RFPower Design Techniques, MeGraw-Rili lne., PA, 1993.
[B4] lEC 60255-22-1 Ed. 3.02007-10, MeasUring reiays and proteetion equipment - Part 22-1: Eleetrieal
disturbanee tests - 1 MHz burst immunity tests. 7
[B5] lEC 60255-22-4 Ed. 3.0 2008-04, MeasUring relays and protection equipment - Part 22-4 Eleetrieal
disturbanee test - Eleetrieal fast transient/burst irnmunity test.
[B6] IEC 61000-4-18 Ed. 1.I 2011-03-30, Eleetromagnetie eompatibility (EMC) - Part 4-18: Testing and
measurement teehniques - Damped oseiliatory wave irnmunity test.
[B7] IEC 61000-4-4 Ed. 2.1 2011-03-30, Eleetromagnetie eompatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: Testing and
measurement teehniques - Eleetrieal fast transient/burst immunity test.
[B8] IEEE 10QTM, The Authoritative Dietionary ofIEEE Standards Terros, Seventh Edition.
[B9] IEEE Std 487_2007, Reeommended Praetiee for the Proteetion of Wire-Line Communieation
Facilities Serving Eleetrie Power Stations.
[BIO] IEEE Std 1613_2009, Standard Environmental and Testing Requirements for Communications
Networking Deviees lnstalled in Eleetric Power Substations.
[Bll] Kotheirner, W. C.,"The Nature and Souree ofTransient Surges," Paper lSPD 76-16 IEEE Industry
Applieations Society, Mareh 1977.
[BI2] Malewski, R., Coreoran, R. P., Feser, K., MeComb, T. R., Nellis, C., Nourse G., "Measurements of
the Transient Electric and Magnetic Field Components in HVLaboratories," IEEE Transaetions Vol. PAS-
[BI3] Rotholz, E., "Transmission-Line Transformers", IEEE Transaetions on Mierowave Theory and
Teehniques, April 1981.
[BI4] Sonneman, W. K., "Transient Voltages in Relay Control Cireuits," AlEE paper 61-925, Deeember,
[BI5] Tirnperley, J. E., "Construetion and Applieation of a SWC Generator," IEEE Conferenee Paper C 72
040-9 presented at the IEEE PES Winter Meeting New York, NY January 30 - February 4, 1972.
[B16] Urden, Erie A., and Delivannides, John S., "Integrated System for Substation Relaying and Control
Shows Benefits," Computer Applieations in Power January 1989, pp. 21-27.
6 ANSI publications are available fram the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 2S West 43rd Street, 4th Floor,
New York, NY 10036, USA (http://www.ansi.orgl).
1 lEC publications are available from the Intemational Electrotechnical Commission webste http://www.iec.ch/.
8 IEEE publications are avalable Crom The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331,
Piscataway, NI 08855-1331, USA (http://standards.ieee.orgl).
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoeiated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Annex B
Verification of test generator characteristics
8.1 Measuring system requirements
All tests are performed using a wide bandwidth digital oscilloscope wilb a suitable wide bandwidlb voltage
divider (shielded high voltage probe, a high voltage coaxial attenuator, or a current probe based alternative
scheme described in B.4) intended to reduce the measured generator output voltage to a level which can be
safely applied to lbe oscilloscope input. The voltage calibration and transient response of the measuring
system shall be verified prior to measuring lbe generator output. For lbe Oscillatory SWC Test generator,
lbe measuring system shall have a frequency bandwidth of 50 MHz or better. The measuring system shall
have a frequency bandwidth of at least 500 MHz for lbe fust transient SWC Test generator.
8.2 SWC waveform validity tests
8.2.1 General
The Waveform Validity Tests shall be performed before and afier each SWC test session, with the results
recorded and included with the SWC test reporto These tests are intended to verify lbat there is no major
insulation break down, damage or component failure that may have occurred during lbe physical test setup,
test application, or prolonged instrunient storage between lbe test sessions. The waveform validity tests
shall include:
a) Measuring system feedthrough test
b) Oscillatory SWC test generator open circuit voltage waveform test
c) Fast transient SWC test generator open circuit voltage waveform test
8.2.2 Measuring system feedthrough test
This test is performed by shorting the high voltage input of the voltage divider to ground and connecting
lbis point to lbe SWC test generator output ground terminal. Then wilb the test generator operating at
maximum voltage output, the oscilloscope waveform display should not deviate from a straight horizontal
line more than 1% of lbe generator output voltage. This test verifies lbat there is a minimum of extraneous
voltage pickup in lbe measuring system. For feedthrough check the oscilloscope setting for vertical and
horizontal calibration should be the same as stated in the sections below for each specified SWC test.
Whenever possible, a separate trigger channel should be established, enabling precise measurement of lbe
undesired feedthrough signal magnitude.
If it is not possible to obtain a good feedthrough check with the voltage divider selected, lbe alternative
voltage measuring scheme described in B.4 may be used.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capablllty (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
8.2.3 Oscillatory SWC test generator open circuit voltage waveform test
The high voltage terminal of the measuring system voltage divider is connected to the high voltage oulput
terminal ofthe test generator. The oscilloscope horizontal scale is set to 2 Ils/div and the vertical scale is set
to l kV/div, with 'div' denoting oscilloscope screen division. This scale shall include the voltage divider
ratio. For example ifthe divider ratio is 1000/1 then the scope vertical scale would be set to 1 V/divo The
horizontal sweep trigger of the oscilloscope is adjusted to display one oscillatory burst waveform on the
screen starting from the initial voltage rise from zero. The specified generator oulput voltage waveform is
then recorded.
A second recording is made with the horizontal scale set to 50 ns/div. This will display the initial rise time
ofthe waveform.
A final recording of the generator voltage is made with the divider input paralleled by a non-inductive
resistor equal to the test generator source hnpedance. The waveform amplitude should drop to one half its
original value. This checks the value of the generator source impedance. All other parameters of the test
wave shall remain within the original generator specifications.
8.2.4 Fast transient SWC test generator open circuit voltage waveform test
These tests are performed similar to the Oscillatory SWC tests except for the oscilloscope horizontal scale
setting which should be set to 20 ns/div for the total waveform check and 5 ns/div for the initial rise time
8.3 SWC test generator performance verification
8.3.1 General
The full set of SWC test generator characteristics shall be verified as per manufacturer's recornmendations
or at least once every year, with the test results included with each SWC test reporto The characteristics to
be verified are specified in 5.4.3, and are repeated in Table B.I for convenience:
Table 8.1- SWC test generator characteristics to be verified
Oscillatorv waveform Fast transient
Rise time 01lhe tirst neak Rise time
Peak voltage level (no load) Peak voltage level (no load)
Output impedance Output impedance
Waveform envelone decav Pulse duration
Oscillation freauencv n/a
Repetition rate Repetition rate during the burst
n/a Burst duration
n/a Burst perlod
Test duration Test duration
All measurements in this seclion shall be preceded by conducting an SWC waveform validity test (see B.2).
The addition of any components that are used during testing shall be incorporated into !he verification of
the generator (Le., coupling and isolating networks).
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rlghts reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
8.3.2 SWC waveform validity test
The performance verification measurements shall start by conducting the SWC waveform validity tests
described in B.Z. In addition to the required waveform plots, individual numbers for the following
parameters shall be measured and documented:
a) Rise time ofthe frrst peak (oscillatory test)
b) Waveform rise time (fast transient test)
c) Peak voltage level with no load (R
<: 1000 n)
d) Waveform envelope decay (oscillatory test)
e) Pulse Duration (fast transient)
A copy of all recorded waveforms shall be included in the reporto
8.3.3 Test generator output impedance measurement
The generator output impedance shall be obtained by measuring the output voltage that the generator
produces with two different load impedances. The voltage measurements shall be conducted in accordance
with B.2.3 (for the oscillatory SWC test) and B.ZA (for the fast transient SWC test).
Load impedance shall be resistive across the measurement bandwidth (B.I) and shall include impedance
contribution ofthe voltage divider used in the measurements. It shall be known to within 5% actual value.
The exact impedance value selection is arbitrary as long as the precision of the fmal generator impedance
estimate remains within IO%, and one of the values selected is close to the expected generator output
impedance 2
, Agood seleetion for 2
=ZOO n wouid be 2
,=1000 n, 2
=ZOO n, and for 2
=50 n would
be 2
=ZOO n, 2[2=50 n.
The generator impedance shall be calculated according to Equation (B.I):
Zo is the generator output impedance
ZLI is the load impedance applied in the frrst test
ZL2 is the load impedance applied in the second test
is the peak voltage measured with impedance ZLl
is the peak voltage measured with impedance ZL2
8.3.4 Oscillatory SWC test generator repetition rate measurement
The generator repetition rate measurement shall be conducted in accordance with B.Z.3 with the
oscilloscope horizontal scale set to l ms/div. The period between the oscillatory bursts shall be documented
and compared with the value specified in 4.1.
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Wilhstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Syslems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
8.3.5 Fast transient SWC test generator repetition parameter measurement
Three fast transient repetition parameters shall be measured: the fast transient repetition rate during bursts,
individual burst duration and burst periodo The measurements shall be performed in accordance with B.2.4
with lhe horizontal scale set to 0.1 ms/div for measuring the repetition rate during bursts, and 50 msldiv for
measuring the individual burst duration and the burst periodo The parameters shall be documented and
compared with the values specified in 4.2.
8.4 Alternative voltage measuring scheme
Tbis scheme replaces lhe voltage divider by a 1000 n resistor and a wide frequency bandwidlh current
transformer. The resistor shall be non-inductive and be able to dissipate 4 W. It is connected across the
output of the SWC test generator. The current transformer is used to measure the current through the
resistor connections which are passed through its primary window. Several wide-band current transformers
are available commereally, wilh one typical device having a ratio of IV/lA and a flat frequency response
from 900 Hz to 900 MHz when used wilh a special signal cable and a termination resistor which are
included. When used to measure the current in lhe 1000 n resistor, it is equivalent to using a 1000/1
voltage divider. The oscilloscope vertical calibration should be set to 1.0 V/div.
This method willload lhe test generator somewhat and lhe voltage measured will appear less lhan its !Tue
value. The !Tue voltage can be estimated by multiplying the measured voltage by a correction factor, Kc:
Where Zo is the output impedance oflhe SWC test generator measured in 8.3.3.
Because lhis measuring scheme inductively couples the current in lhe resistor, it eliminates the direct
connection between the oscilloscope signal ground and lhe test generator. Therefore stray transient ground
currents which can produce large errors are significantly reduced.
flhe transient signal feedthrough problem persists, it may be necessary to replace the oscilloscope wilh an
altemate unit meeting minimum shieldingjnoise immunity requirements.
All measurements in this clause shall be preceded by a measuring system feedthrough test specified in
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII righls reseIVed.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capabiiity (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoeiated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Annex e
Test waveform delivery
C.1 Waveform delivery principies
Delivering a high quality test waveform to lhe system under test may represent a ehallenge if all faetors
involved in signal transmission are not taken into aeeoun!. This aunex gives a brief deseription of the
teehniques needed to ensure test repeatability. The waveform delivery eomponents eonsidered are:
a) Cable eouneeting lhe generator to lhe eoupling network
b) Coupling network
e) Balaneed / unbalaneed transformer
d) Impedanee matehing network
It is innportant to reeognize that the SWC test load impedanee eaunot be implieitly eontrolled and will be
determined by the eireuit under test To avoid eomplieated evaluation of different installation conditions,
the following are required:
1) The cable counecting the generator to the coupling network should be a transmission line with its
characteristic impedance matched to lhe SWC generator output impedance.
2) The coupling network by itself should not introduce additional waveform distortion or rise time
,,3) AIl tests requiring transverse mode signal delivery (line to line tests) should use a wideband
balanced / unbalanced transformer network. The transformer should be placed innmediately in
front of the coupling network, and should be implemented in the form of a transmission line. An
example describing such a network is given in D.2.
4) In lhe case where lhe generator output impedance may be different lhan the standard output
impedance required by the SWC test, a suitable wideband innpedance transformation network
should be used to provide lhe matehing. An example describing such a network is given in D.3.
The introduction of the impedance transformation network makes it possible to build an SWC generator
with a single output impedance set to 50 n unbalanced, for both lhe Fast Trans!ent, and the I MHz
Oscillatory SWC tests. The signal should be delivered by using a coaxial output counector, followed by
I m of the 50 n coaxial cable. The cable end can be counected to a capacitive clamp, an appropriate
couplinglisolation network (in case of the fast transient test), or a 50/200 n innpedance transformer
followed by an appropriate couplinglisolation network (for a cornmon mode I MHz Oscillatory SWC test).
It should be noted, that due to lhe voltage transformation (1:2), generator output voltage required for the
oseillatory SWC test will be one half in the case of a 50 n system followed by a 50/200 n transformer,
lhan the one found in a 200 n system.
The transverse mode tests should be conducted by adding a balancedlunbalanced transformer network.
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Reiays and Relay Systems Assoclated
with Eleetric Power Apparatus
C.2 Verification of the waveform delivery system characteristics
The perfonnance of ilie components used for wavefonn delivery should be verified by using ilie test
procedures described in Annex B with ilie main difference being iliat the tests should be perfonned at the
following output points:
a) For ilie common mode oscillatory and fast transient SWC tests, ilie measurements should be
perfonned between the surge ground and ilie surge output tenninal of the couplinglisolating
network assembly. Any impedance transfonnation network required to meet ilie output impedance
specifications given in Clause 4 should be included in ilie measurements.
b) For a transverse mode oscillatory SWC test, ilie measurements should be perfonned between the
couplinglisolating network surge output tenninals, and between eaeh ofthe tenninals and ilie SWC
generator ground (balance test). Any impedance transfonnation network required to meet the
output impedance specifications given in Clause 4 should be included in the measurements.
c) For a common mode fast transient SWC test wiili the capacitive clamp coupling network, the
measurements should be perfonned between the output tenninals ofilie coaxial connector nonnally
feeding the capacitive clamp, with the clamp assembly disconnected.
The measurement should be perfonned aboye a reference ground plane specified in 7.3.4 with ilie generator
connected to a coup.linglisolating network by means of a 1m long transmission line, the impedance
characteristic of which should be equal to ilie output impedance of ilie SWC generator. The
balanced/unbalanced and impedance transfonnation networks should be inserted in ilie circuit as required
by ilie SWC generator manufacturero There should be no oilier loads connected to the output.
Wiili ilie connections described aboye, the wave shape measured on ilie output of ilie wavefonn delivery
system should comply wiili all specifications given in 4.1 and 4.2.
In addition to ilie aboye, it is necessary to verify ilie common mode rejection properties of the balancing
network used for transverse mode testing. The test is perfonned by connecting the voltage divider across
ilie balanced couplinglisolation network outputs. The output connected to ilie grounded side of ilie divider
should further be connected directly to ilie surge generator ground tennina!. After measuring the open
circuit voltage wavefonn in accordance with B.2.3, ilie couplinglisolation network tenninals should be
swapped,and the measurements repeated.
The resulting output voltage wavefonns should remain within ilie original standard specifications, with less
than 10% difference between any two points on the wavefonns recorded during the two measurements.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Reiay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Annex D
Balanced/unbalanced (balun) transformer impedance matching network
0.1 Introduction
As indicated in 5.3.3, the test generator must be capable of generating both common mode and transverse
mode output voltages. Due to their internal construction, sorne test generators may be inherently limited to
producing only common mode transients (one output terminal referenced to ground). This problem can
conveniently be corrected by adding an external balancedlunbalanced transformer network folIowed by an
appropriate coupling/isolation network connected in series at each of the output terminals. Description of
this network is given in D.2 below. The method for verifying the correct operation of the
balancedlunbalanced transformer network is described in C.2, with the typical coupling/isolation network
connections shown in Figure 6.
D.3 describes the construction ofa 4:1 impedance matching transformer capable oftransforming generator
output impedance from 50 n to 200 n. In most instances, the use of this network should not be necessary
due to the fact that most commercialIy available generators already support correct output impedance
0.2 Balanced/unbalanced transmission line transformer
A simple transmission line transformer providing the balanced to unbalanced mode transformation is
shown in Figure D.!. The transformer was realized with 10 turns ofa RG 58 NO 50 n type coaxial cable
with solid dielectric wonnd on a Type 43 ferrite core toroid (.," 800 @ 25C). The core dimensions were:
...irmer diameter 35 mm, outer diameter = 61 mm, core thickness 12.7 mm.
Figure 0.1- Balanced/Unbalanced transmission Une transformer example
0.3 Transmission line based impedance matching transformer
A simple 4: I transmission line based impedance matching transformer is shown in Figure D.2. The
transformer was realized with 10 tums of a RG 58 NO50 n type coaxial cable with solid dielectric wound
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AiI rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoclated
with EJectric Power Apparatus
on a Type 43 ferrite core toroid ().lf" 800 @ 25 oC). The core dimensions were: iooer diameter =35 mm,
outer diameter =61 mm, core thickness =12.7 mm.
Ideally, the impedance of the transmission line used in a 4: I transformer design should be equal to lhe
geometric mean oflhe desired input and oUlput impedance (for a 50 Q input), as shown in Equation (DI).
.JSOx200 =1000 (D.I)
In actual practice, however, the impedance may vary from its ideal value without significantly affecting lhe
device bandwidlh and transformation ratio. If more convenient, the transmission line can be constrncted by
substituting lhe coaxial cable with a simple twisted wire pairo
Figure 0.2- Transmission Une based impedance matching transformer example
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Annex E
Communication interface equipment and communication system
E.1 General
The logical services performed by the protective relay communication equipment can be provided by way
of several mechanisms. The relay system may interface with communication interface equipment that can
either provide services directly or in conjunction with a communication system. In some cases the
protective relay may have some form of communication facilities built in. All equipment providing transfer
trip, directional comparison, pennissive communications services, transport or similar protective functions,
shall comply with this standard. The communication interface equipment covered by this standard can
connect to the relay logic by any means including direct wiring or data networking as long as protective
functions are involved.
In many cases, such as with audio tone (direct on a telephone circuit) and power line carrier, the
communication interface equipment and the communication system is the same device. However, when
audio tone is connected to, for example a TI channel baJik or microwave multiplexer, the audio tone is
considered the communication interface equipment and the TI equipment or microwave is considered to be
the communication system. It is possible to have more than one device perform the function of the
communication system such as when a TI channel baJik is connected to an add/drop multiplexer and then a
Sonet multiplexer.
In all cases, equipment under test shall meet the acceptance criteria established in Clause 9. In some cases
other standards may refer to IEEE Std C37.9.l using their own acceptance criteria. It is outside the
scope of this standard to address these situations. Please consult the appropriate standards that govern these
E.2 Examples of protective communication configurations
Table 2 of 6.4 identifies points where testing is required for relay communication equipment. Additional
testing requirements may be established in other standards.
The following represents some example configurations and the tests required to comply with this standard.
Since equipment varies among manufacturers and application, these examples may not be entirely
applicable but will act as a starting point in determining the required test points for similar designs.
Points that shall be tested and are common to all examples include:
a) Keying and output connection between the relay system and the communication interface
b) Alarm and auxiliary l/O connections.
c) Permanently connected substation computers.
d) The power supply inputs to each device.
e) In the situations involving multiplexers that are transporting non-protection logic signals, the non
protection inputs are to be tested with observations made on the protection logic signals.
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Wlthstand Capabillty (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoclated
with Electric Power Apparatus
f) Conneclions between connnunicalion inlerface and connnunicalions syslem equipmenl shall be
lesled unless lhe manufacturer(s) stales lhal lhese conneclions musl be less lhan 2 m in length as
permilted in 6.1.
As described in Clause 6, lesling is nol required for the following:
1) Temporary connecled mainlenance compulers per 6.4.3.
2) Conneclions lhal, as slaled by lhe manufacturer, musl be less than 2 melers in length per Clause
3) Non-metaIlic conneclions, such as tiber oplic cable.
E.2.1 Example Configurations
1) Example 1: Audio lone connecled lo a leased telephone circuil (see Figure E.I)
The 4-wire audio conneclion shall be lesled.
NOTE- The equipmenl manufaclured lo comply wllh IEEE Std 487.Z007 [39], need only meel
the requlrements of lhat standard, however the current IEEE Std 487-2007 only detalls passlve
equipment. If active equipment is used, 6.4 applies, since it is being used ror the purpose of
interfacing and transporting the protective relay logic signal.
2) Example 2: Power line carrier connecled to a hybrid (see Figure E.2)
Per 6.4.4, lesling of power line carrier RF ports is nol required by this standard and is
addressed by ANSI C93.5-1997 [Bl].
3) Example 3: Transfer trip module in a TI/Sonel shelf(see Figure E.3)
NOTE- In applieations using a TI shelf, tesling oflhe TI conneetlon ltselfls excluded per 6.1 as
long as its length ls kept less lhan 2 m.
4) Example 4: Audio lone connecled lo a microwave mulliplex card or a PCM ehannel bank card
in a TI/Sonel shelf(see Figure E.4)
The 4wire audio conneclion shall be lesled.
5) Example 5: A Currenl Differenlial relay connecled lo a channel bank card via a tiber oplic
cable (see Figure E.5)
NOTE- In applieations uslng a TI shelf, testing oflhe TI conneelion ltself ls excluded per 6.1 as
long as lts length is keplless lhan 2 m.
6) Example 6: A proleclive relay connecled lo a modem, where the modem transports lhe
proleclive logic signal (see Figure E.6)
The 4-wire audio conneclion shall be lesled.
NOTE- The equipmenl manufactured to comply wilh IEEE Std 4872007 need only meet lhe
requirements of lhat standard, however lhe current IEEE Sld 487-2007 only detaUs passive
equipment. Ir active equipment is used, it shall comply with this standard as required by 6.4 since it
is being used for the purpose of interfacing and transporting the protective relay logic signal.
7) Example 7: A proleclive relay wilh an Elhernel inlerface, where the Ethernel is used lo
transport the proleclive logic signal (see Figure E.7)
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Assoeiated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Any metallie eonneetion to the hub shall be tested. This ineludes power supply inputs, alarms
and ports utilizing balaneed twisted pair inputs.
8) Example 8: A Phase Comparison relay eonneeted to frequeney shift keying (FSK) interface
equipment and an analog microwave system (see Figure E.8)
Any metallie eonneetion between the phase eomparison relay and lhe baseband equipment
shall be tested if that eonneetion is over 2 m in length.
Pennanently Connected
Substation Computer
Temporary Connected
Maintenance Computer
Direct Transfer Trlp Audio Tone
Alarms, Auxiliary 110
4-wire Audio
Company Network
Figure E.1- Audio tone and leased telco circuit
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
PermanenUy Connected
Substation Computer
.. 11
Dlrect Transfer Trlp Audio Tone
Alanns, Auxillary t/O
Transmlt Coax Receive Coax
To Une Tuner
Temporary Con ted
Maintenance Ca
Figure E.2- Power Une carrier and hybrid
Permanently Connected
$ubstatlon Computer
Retay E5

Transfer Trip Can:lln a
SoneUT1 Shelf
Alarms, Auxlliary IJO
Fiber Optic Cable
or Metallic Ti Cable
Temporary Con d
Maintenanca e
Figure E.3- Transfer trip card in a SonetIT1 shelf
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
PennanenUy Connected
Substatlon Computer


Laptop and
computer Output
Temporary Connected
Malntenance Computer
Temporary Connected
Malntenance Computer
Olrect Transfer Trlp Audio Tone
4wlre Audio
Alarms, Auxlliary l/O
Audio to Sanet
Alanns, AuxiIJary l/O
Figure E.4- Audio tone connected to a multiplex card
Pennanently Connected
Substation Computer
Temporary Connected
Malntenance Computer
Correo! DlffereoUal Relay I!I
--...r----lii 11., ,[J
Digital Data Interface
Jn a SonetIT1 Shelf
Alanns, Auxillary 110
Non-Protectlon nputs
Fiber Optlc Cable or
Metalllc 11 Cable
Figure E.5- Current differential and fiber optic channel bank card
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII ghts reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capabiiity (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Permanently Connected
Substatlon Computer
Temporary Connected
MaintenanC9 Computar
Laptop Recelve Metalllc
computar Data l
4-wlre Audio
Company Network
Alarms, Auxillary UO
Figure E.G- Protective relay using a modem tor teleprotection
Permanently Connected
Substation Computer
LAN Connections lo
Other Substations
Alanns, Auxillary 110
Figure E.7- Protective relay using Ethernet tor protection logic and tripping output
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard lor Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests lor Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Eleetric Power Apparatus
Permanently Connected
Substatlon Computer
Dlrect on Baseband FSK
Alarms, AuxlJlaryl/O
Volee Channels
Mlcrowave Radio
Figure E.8- Phase comparison equipment using analog microwave via an FSK interface
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reseNed.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Sys!ems Assoelated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Annex F
Comparison with lEC Protective Relay Standards
Beloware details in whieh IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012 differs froro the corresponding lEC standards for the
oseillatory - lEC 60255-22-1 Ed. 3.02007-10 [B4] and lEC 61000-4-18 Ed. 1.1 2011-03-30 [B6] and fast
transient - lEC 60255-22-4 Ed. 3.0 2008-04 [B5] and lEC 61000-4-4 Ed. 2.1 2011-03-30 [B7].
Table F.1-IEC 60255-22-1 Ed. 3.0 2007-10 and lEC 61000-4-18 Ed.1.1 2011-03-30
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012- lEC 60255-22-1 Edition 3.0 2007-10 Comments
Oseillatory and lEC 61000-4-18 Ed. 1.12011-
Subclause 4.1 Oseillato!)' test lEC 61000-4-18, Subelause 6.1.1 - IEEE Std C37.90.l-2012 lhe power
waveform - Repetition rate is 6-10 Characteristics and performance of frequency range is greater than the
bursts per period of the power system the slow damped oscillatory wave lEC range, and eneompasses the lEC
frequeney. Bursts shall be non- Generator - specifies a repetition rate 400/see rate. Sinee the lEC rate was
synchronous with the power system of400/see 10 % selected as a compromise and not
frequeney (360/see - 600/see). based upon a specific system
occurrence. the prior IEEE Std
C37.90.1-2012 rate.was retained.
Subelause 4.1 Oseillato!)' test lEC 60255-22-1, Clause 7- Test IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012 provides a
waveform - Test duration is 2 s procedure - specifies a periad of at +10% tolerance where lEC does not
(tolerance + 10%/ - 0%) orlong least2 s. provide a limit for atime greater than
enough to satisf)r the operating time 2 s. lt is preferable to speei!), a test
ofthe relay under test. time limit, when applicable, for
imDroved testin. reoeatabilitv.
Subclause 7.3.6 Wiring connections lEC 60255-22-1, Clause 6- Test set- IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012 requires lhe
Test Ieads from the eoupling/isolating up . specifies that the test leads use of shorter 1mleads to assure
network to the relay or the test between the EUT and lhe minimum line impedance to the EUT
generator shall be no longer than 1m. eoupling/deeoupling network shan for improved test repeatability.
not be IOMer than 2 m.
Clause 8 Test proeedures, Table 3 - lEC 60255-22-1, Clause 4 - Test IEEE Std C37.90.I-2012 is more
Magnitude ofinitial erest are 2.5 kV severity levels - speeifies the initial severe and does not allow a lower
for both eommon and transverse erest is 2.5 kV for eommon mode and erest value for a differential mode
mode tests. 1kV for Differential mode. test. Equivalent transverse and
eommon mode erest exist within a
proteetlve relay system.
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Table F.2-IEC 60255-22-4 Ed. 3.0 2008-04 and lEC 61000-4-4 Ed. 2.1 2011-03-30
IEEE Std C37.90.TM-2012 - Fast lEC 60255-22-4 Ed. 3.0 2008-04 and Cornrnents
Transieot lEC 61000-4-4 Ed. 2.1 2011-03-30
Subclause 4.2 Fast transieot test lEC 60255-22-4, Clause 4 - Test IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012 utilizes
waveform . Repetition rate is 5 kHz severity level- Table 1 specifies a the standard 5 kHz repetition
(tolerance 20%). repetition rate of either 5 kHz or 100 rate only. lEC 60255-22-4
kHz (Toleranee +/-10%). Note; Use of identifies the 5 kHz rate as
5 kHz rates is traditional ... traditional. Based upon this
statement, the prior IEEE
C37.90.1 rate was retained.
Subc1ause 6.4.3 Communication ports lEC 60255-22-4, Clause 4 -Test IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
not permanently connected during severity level- exc1udes testing port Deludes requirements to test aH
normal operation . Excludes the inputs with cable lengths of less than communication ports
application oftest waveforms to 3 m. pennanently connected during
cornmunication inputs not norrnally normal operation. Pennanent
used. disruption of a normally
connected communications port
may cause a failure ofthe
oroteetion system.
Clause 8 Test procedures, Table 4 - lEC 60255-22-4, Clause 4 - Test IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
Magnitude for aIl points to be tested is severity level- Table 1- Class Po. requires 4 kV for aIl test
4 kV. specifies 4 kV (+/- 10%) except applications, including
communications ports are tested at communication ports.
2 kV. Test is more severe than
lEC 60255-22-4.
Clause 8 Test procedures, Table 4 - lEC 60255-22-4, Subclause 6.1 and IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
Wavefonn is applied for both common Clause 7 - Test procedure -lEC 60000- specifies the test to be applied in
and transverse mode for aH input types 4-4 forward and Subc1ause 6.2.1 both common and transverse
except for digital data signa! and signal specifies the application of the fast modes, excluding tests of signal
circuits. transient in eommon mode only. and digital data circuits. Test is
more severe than lEC 60255-22-
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reseIVed.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Annex G
History of IEEE Std C37.90.1
G.1 Introduction
A few years after the invention of the transistor in 1948, sorne transistor designs becarne available that
could withstand the typical extreme temperature variations in electric utiiity substations. TheIr capabiiity as
solid state amplifiers was very attractive to the designers of protective relays, as the search was always on
for more sensitive and faster, yet secure designs for transmission line reiaying. These products were
sometimes called "solid state relays" or "static terminals," and were often applied to EHV (345 kV and
500 kV) transmission lines to reduce fault clearing times. Relays for other functions, such as transformer
differential protection and automatic synchronizing, also used transistors.
G.2 The high voltage substation environment
In the 1960s, the semiconductor components in sorne of these statie terminals installed in the relay houses
or control rooms of EHV substations were faiiing, and apparently not in connection with faults on an EHV
line or bus. As early as 1961, AlEE, IEEE and ISA conference papers [B2], [[BI2], and [BI4] were
published describing the transients generated in these substations when EHV disconnect switches were
closed or opened. These transients, now referred to as the oscillatory SWC transients, were found and
recorded on CT, VT and control cables in the high voitage yard. Note: It was found that switch closings
created more severe transients than opening due to the inrush current when energizing a bus section's
capacitance to ground and of its connected apparatus (Le. bushings, coupling capacitor potential devices,
grading capacitors in EHV cIrcuit breal<ers). In sorne cases, a ground potential rise of over 40 kV was
measured in adjacent cable trenches.
In a 1977 paper, "The Nature and Source ofTransient Surges" [BII], Kothemier, W.E, wrote:
"Sources of transient"
"The transient surges found in protective and control cIrcuits originate in high voltage power cIrcuits and
also in low voltage and auxiiiary power and control cIrcuits. For the purpose of this paper, these are
classified simply as high voltage sources and low voltage sources."
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IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays.and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
"A. High voltage sources"
"The high voltage power circuits in an electrie power substation consist of al! the high voltage buses and
power circuits, the primary circuits of current and potential transformers, lhe line-to-ground paths of al!
capacitor deviees such as capacitance voltage transformers (CVTs), carrier couplers and apparatus
bushings, and include the station ground grid and al! equipment grounds. They form a large cage-like
structure as shown in Figure G.I (Figure I of [BliD."
H.V. Bus
-LControl Cable
Equip. Cap. to Gnd : ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; ; : : : ; ; ;
..::... ,"'" ....
.,,:::...... .... -..
Figure G.1- The high-voltage structure
"Note that a protective or control cable may traverse through lhis region which, during disturbances, can be
a region of intense transient electromagnetic fields. These fields induce or couple lhe transient surges into
lhe protective and control circuits. Typical high voltage sources of surges are:
a) Switching of a bus section by an air break isolator or disconnect switch
b) Switching capacitor bank, and paral!eled power transformers and capacitor bank
c) Circuit breaker re-striking during line dropping
d) Circuit breaker re-striking during interruption oftransformer exciting current
e) Fault interruption
f) Gap flashover
g) Cable switching
h) Lightning
i) Pre-striking of breakers during load pickup
The coupling ofsurges generated by lhe high voltage circuits to lhe control circuits can be by inductive or
magnetic flux coupling, electric, Le. capacitive coupling, and in some cases direct conductive coupling.
When one considers lhat switching transients can be equal or greater than rated system voltage, a coupling
factor of even one percent will give rise to asevere transient surge in the protective system in an extra high
voltage substation."
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
"B. Low voltage sources"
"In low voltage power, protective or control wiring systems, typieal sourees of surges are:
1) Load switehing
2) Switehing of low current, highly induetive deviees sueh as auxiliary relay eoils on de eireuits
3) Switehing of eapacitors
4) Lightning
5) Fuse operations
Again, eoupling plays an important parto However, here lhe type of eoupling most eornmonly eneountered
is lhat ereated by parallel cable runs which can result in eoupling faetors of 30% or more. AIso, direet
eoupling is a very eornmon problem, espeeially in case 2) above."
"111. The nature of transient surges"
"Exeept for lightning produeed surges, the transients eoupled into proteetive relay eircuits from high
voltage and low voltage sourees tend to have distinetly different eharaeteristies."
"A. Nature of surges due to high voltage sources"
"There have been a number of papers reporting field test data on surges from these sourees. From these
data one can generalize lhe following:
a) Waveform - Mostly repeated oseillatory bursts, lightly damped. Oeeasional unidireetional pulses
b) Crest Voltage -2000 - 3000 V is eornmon. Sorne cases up to 10 kV
e) Oseillatory Frequeney - 5000 Hz to about 10 MHz
d) Burst or Repetition Rate - Single to 100/s
e) Individual Burst Duration - Up to 50 .ts
1) Burst Train Duration - Several seeonds
g) Available eurrent - Up to 50 A erest
h) Mode - Both eornmon and transverse modes"
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AIi rlghts reseNed.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
Burst Traln
[--0.01 sec---j
-- -

Burst Detall
Figure G.2- High-voltage transient waveform
Figure G.2 (Figure 2 of [Bll]) shows a sketch illustrating lhe typical voltage wavefonn that might be
observed at lhe input to protective reloy equipment."
G.3 Field faHures precipitated the development of the oscillatory SWC test
In lhe late 1960s and earlyl970s, lhere were failures ofstatic tenninals installed in both 345 kV and 500 kV
substation control/relay rooms. These failures were unrelated to any primary voltage (345 or 500 kV)
faults. Investigations and field data captured in storage oscilloscopes ultimately pointed toward transients
generated by HV switching operations. In order to conduct repeatable tests in lhe laboratory, it was
necessary to design a test set which could repeatedly and accurately reproduce lhese high voltage
oscillatory transient voltages. This required an L-C tank circuit lhat oscillated in lhe Megahertz range, wilh
an inductance of less than I iH, but wilh a very low resistance (in lhe order of 0.005 ohms at lhose
frequencies). The required low resistance dictated a large surface area to minimize skin effects at
Megahertz frequencies. According to one who witnessed an early design, its inductor was a length of silver
plated W' copper tnbing wound around an oalmeal curton as its coreo Anolher test set, as described in
Timperly, J. E. [B15] states "- - -our conductor consists oftwo layers ofsilver plated braid over a Teflon
coreo This is the double shield found on RG-9BIU coaxial cable slipped over a 0.5 cm Teflon sleeve. The
effective area of a silver wire 0.75 cm in diameter is the result. Wilh 3.5 turns at a 7 cm diameter (fonning
lhe air core coil) lhe circuit resistance at 1.2 MHz is 0.005 ohms while the reactance of lhe 0.6 iH coil is
4.5 ohms.'"
In 1974, lhe oscillatory SWC test was frrst standardized in ANSIIIEEE Std C37.90a-1974 Guide for
Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests (Supplement to ANSIIIEEE Std 30.90.I-1971) Standard for
Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus.
During the EPRI WESPAC Project (see Urden and John [BI6]), additional tests of oscillatory transient
levels were made in the PSE&G Deans Substation. That project included field mounted Data Acquisition
Units (DAUs) which were built to meet IEEE Std C37.90.1. During the life oflhe project, there were no
field failures of lhe DADs.
9 Parenthetical note added by the editor.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
G.4 Transients in substation control circuits
Quoting again from Bibliography [BII]:
"B. Nature ofSurges Generated in Low Voltage Circuits
a) Waveform - Mostly bursts ofunidirectional pulses. Both polarities. Occasional oscillatory bursts.
b) Peak Voltage - Ranges from 100 V to 10 kV
c) Initial Rise Time - As smaU as 5 ns to as long as I ms
d) Decay Time - From 50 ns to as long as 100 ms
e) Repetition Rates - Single to 106 /s
t) Oscillatory Frequency (when applicable) - Ranges from 1000 Hz to 20 MHz
g) Burst train duration - Up to 0.1 s
h) Avai!able Current - Not weU documented. Possibly up to lOO A in pulses, lower in oscillations
i) Mode - Cornmon mode dominates, but transverse mode is also present"
IContinuing from [811]):
"A typical surge source in a low voltage circuit"
125 v
,,, C
L=25 H
=500 pF
Figure G.3- Generation of surges by switching a relay coi!
"Figure G.3 (Figure 3 of [B11]), shows the equivalent circuit of one ofthe most common sources of a surge
in a low voltage circuit. This is the switching off of the current in a low current auxiliary relay coi! by a
smaU switch or by the opening of a contact in another auxiliary or protective relay. The surges generated by
this circuit appear across the dc bus and can be very destructive to semiconductor devices operating on the
bus The real hazard ofthis surge source is its ability to deliver a very high instantaneous pulse power
which can be damaging to semiconductor devices, even those protected by avalanche or zener action."
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AiI rights reserved.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2012
IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus
G.5 Field failures precipitated the development of the fast transient SWC test
In about 1975, tbe automatic synchronizing relay on a relay panel for a gas turbine generator failed (its
internal components were damaged). Measurements made at tbe field site were then used to construct a
replicated relay panel in the laboratory, and testing tbere created an identical failure. In tbis case, the failure
was traced to the very fast rising (5 ns) transient on a 125 V dc circuit when an auxiliary relay coil with a
large inductance was de-energized by a slowly opening contact. Note that tbe paragraph aboye describing
tbis transient (from Urden and John [BI6]) was written in 1977. In 1975, there were very few recording
oscilloscopes witb the ability to capture transients with a rise time of a few nanoseconds.
About this same time, tbere were reports of failures of transistorized time overcurrent relays installed in
distribution substations, with seemingly no connection to any external event. These relays had been
designed to meet IEEE Std C37.90.l, which tben only included tbe oscillatory SWC test. It was tbe zener
diodes, installed in these relays as low voltage surge arrestors to protect tbe input circuits, tbat were fuiling
- but with no apparent connection to any transient event. In theory, if a high voltage transient occurred, the
zener diode should briefly conduct to dissipate the transient. But the reality was tbat, when subjected to tbis
very fast rising transient voltage, tbe zener diode's resistance did not change (drop) fast enough. However,
tbis fast transient had created a high resistance leakage patb tbrough tbe zener diode connected across the
dc power input terminals ofthe relay. Current tbrough tbis leakage path created heat. And subsequent fast
transient events created more leakage patbs, more continuous current, and more heat. Later, perhaps long
after the last transient event, the increased current tbrough the Zener diode would cause a fuse on the dc
supply to tbis relay to melt (a very long inverse time characteristic) witb no apparent connection to any
transient event. The zener diode had failed thermally.
There were otber field failures or equipment damage from these fast rising transients. Ultimately, tbey were
captured on high speed recording oscilloscopes. Then, tbrough analysis of tbese wave forms and work in
tbe IEEE Power System Relaying Committee, a test metbod was standardized. This test was anotber surge
witbstand capability (SWC) test, but differed from tbe oscillatory SWC test primarily by its much faster
rise time (5 ns vs. 75 ns). Thus, it was named tbe "fast transient SWC test". In addition, tbis test has a
higher peak voltage (4 kV vs. 2.5 kV), and lasts longer (1 min, each polarity vs. 2 seconds). During the
codification of tbis new transient test, it was learned tbat sorne devices (that had passed tbe oscillatory
SWC test) failed the fast transient SWC test. The fast transient test was added to the IEEE standard for tbe
oscillatory SWC test (IEEE Std C37.90.1) in 1989. The comparable lEC standards (lEC 60255-22-1 and
61000-4-18 for the oscillatory test, 60255-22- 4 and 61000-4-4 for tbe fast transient test) are essentially
identical to those tests in IEEE Std C37.90.l .
G.6 Oscillatory SWC test and fast transient SWC test summary
These two surge withstand capability tests (oscillatory SWC and tbe fast transient SWC tests) are now
codified in IEEE Std C37.90.1 and in Clause 6 ofIEEE Std 1613-2009 [BID]. For protective relays, tbe
requirements in lEC 60255-22-1 are similar (but not identical) to IEEE Std C37.90. I for tbe oscillatory
SWC test and tbose in lEC 60255-22-4 are more similar for the fast transient SWC test.
Copyright 2012 IEEE. AII rights reserved.

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