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Questions 1 to 9 carry 1 mark each.

Find the harmonic mean (H.M.) of two numbers whose arithmetic mean (A.M.) is 25 and geometric mean (G.M.) is 15.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution

9 7 0.6 125/3 15

Find the sum of the three numbers whose arithmetic mean is 28 and geometric mean is 16.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution

64/7 84 28 168 Cannot be determined

Find the median of the first 100 whole numbers.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution

50.5 50 49.5 51.5 51

15 numbers are arranged in a random order. The average of the 15 numbers is 54. The average of the first 8 numbers is 64 and the average of the last 8 numbers is 60. Find the 8th number.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution

182 152 214 91 180

The average age of 12 players in the Indian Hockey team is the same as it was 18 months ago because an old player has been replaced by a young player now. Find the difference in the age of the older and the younger player. 1) 2) 21.6 24

3) 4) 5) Solution

18 12 Cannot be determined

Two different batches of students of a coaching class with average marks 80 and 90 are combined to form a third batch and the average marks now change to 84. Find the ratio of the number of students in the first batch to that of the second batch. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution 2:3 4:3 5:4 3:2 5:6

The average age of 40 students and a teacher is 24 years. The average age of only the students is 0.5 years less than the average age of the 40 students and the teacher. Find the age of the teacher.

1) 2) 3) 4)

40 years 42 years 44 years 45 years

5) Solution

46 years

The average of Maxs marks in Data Interpretation and English is 86 whereas the average of his marks in Math and English is 76. What is the difference between the marks that he obtained in Math and Data Interpretation? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution 30 marks 20 marks 40 marks 10 marks Data insufficient

The average weight of 6 students increases by 2 kg if a student who weighs 48 kg is replaced by another student. What is the weight of the new student?

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution

36 kg 46 kg 50 kg 12 kg 60 kg

Questions 10 to 13 carry 1 mark each.

10 The average age of a group of friends is 25 years. If four new friends with an average age of 21 years join the group, the average of the entire group becomes 23 years. How many friends were there in the group initially? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution 4 5 6 2 10

11 The average of 13 consecutive numbers is 324. If there is another series which starts with the same number as the previous series, then what is the average of the first 20 consecutive numbers of the series? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 327.8 327 328.5 326.5 327.5


12 The average of temperatures on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday is 48 and the average of temperatures on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is 49. If the ratio of temperatures on Sunday and Thursday is 12 : 13, then find the temperature recorded on Sunday. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution 45 48 44 49 50

13 The average age of 20 women is 49. The age of the youngest woman is 32 years and that of the oldest woman is 56. If two women with ages 45 and 50 leave the group and three women join the group, the average remains unchanged. What is the average age of the three women who joined the group later? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 32 years 35 years 38 years 49 years 48 years


14 The arithmetic mean of two positive numbers a and b, where a > b, exceeds their geometric mean by 5. The geometric mean exceeds the harmonic mean by 4. Find a b.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution

15 20 30 40 50

15 Ana and Binu study in the same class. The average score of the all the students in the class, excluding Binu who was absent, in a Mathematics exam was 26 while the average score of all the students in the class, excluding Ana who was absent, in an English exam was 34. If the total score of the class in Mathematics and English was 1920, then how many students were there in the class? 1) 2) 3) 4) 34 33 32 40

5) Solution


16 The arithmetic mean, A, and the geometric mean, G, of two numbers satisfies the condition 2A + G2 = 27. If their harmonic mean, H, is 4, find the sum of the numbers.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution

27 10.8 6 4.5 9

17 The average age of a group of n people changes by 12 if Sam and Monica are excluded. The total age of two new people, Kiel and Marissa, is the same as that of Sam and Monica. If Kiel and Marissa are added to the group of n people, the average age changes by 4. Find n. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5 6 4 2

5) Solution

Cannot be determined

The arithmetic mean of

two positive numbers a and b, where a > b, exceeds their geometric mean by 5. The geometric mean exceeds the harmonic mean by 4. Find a b. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution: 15 20 30 40 50

Solving this we get,

ab = 400 Substituting this in equation (i), we get, a + b = 50 From the values of ab and (a + b), we can see the values of a and b are 40 and 10 (since a > b). So, the difference between the numbers is 30. Hence, option 3.

Questions 14 to 17 carry 1 mark each.

17 The average age of a group of n people changes by 12 if Sam and Monica are excluded. The total age of two new people, Kiel and Marissa, is the same as that of Sam and Monica. If Kiel and Marissa are added to the group of n people, the average age changes by 4. Find n. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Solution: Let the total age of Sam and Monica = w The total age of Kiel and Marissa = w Let x be the average age of the group initially. Change in the average age on excluding Sam and Monica = 12 5 6 4 2 Cannot be determined

|w 2x| = 12(n 2)


Change in the average age on including Kiel and Marissa = 4

|w 2x| = 4(n + 2)


Equating equations (i) and (ii), we get, 4n + 8 = 12n 24 8n = 32

n=4 Hence, option 3.

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