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Bibliografa Principal Microcontroladores 2014-1

Hoja de datos 24FV32KA302


Bibliografa Complementaria
1. ANGULO, Jos. MICROCONTROLADORES PIC. Diseo prctico de aplicaciones. Primera parte: El PIC16F84. Lenguajes PBASIC y Ensamblador, McGraw-Hill Interamericana de Espaa, Tercera edicin, Espaa 2003. 2. BATES, Martin. Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers: Embedded Design by Interactive Simulation, Newnes, 1ra edicin, E.U.A. 2006. 3. BATES, Martin. PROGRAMMING 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLERS IN C with Interactive Hardware Simulation, Newnes, E.U.A. 2008. 4. DI JASIO, Lucio. Programming 16-bit Microcontrollers in C Learning to Fly the PIC 24, Newnes, 1ra edicin, E.U.A. 2007. 5. DI JASIO, Lucio. Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C Exploring the PIC32, Newnes, 1ra edicin, E.U.A. 2008. 6. FLOYD, Thomas. DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS, Prentice Hall, 8va edicin, E.U.A. 2003. 7. GROB, Bernard. BASIC ELECTRONICS, McGraw Hill, 6ta edicin, 1989.

8. HUDDLESTON, Creed. Intelligent Sensor Design Using the Microchip dsPIC, Newnes, 1ra edicin, E.U.A. 2007. 9. JONES, Joseph. Robot Programming A practical Guide to Behavior-Based Robotics, McGraw-Hill, 1ra edicin, E.U.A. 2004. 10. KATZEN, Sid. The Quintessential PIC Microcontroller, Springer, 2da edicin, E.U.A. 2007. 11. KERNIGHAN, Brian. THE C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE, Prentice Hall, 2da edicin, E.U.A. 1998. 12. MAXFIELD, Clive. Bebop to the Boolean Bogie: An Unconventional Guide to Electronics, Newnes, 2da edicin, 2002. 13. MORRIS, Mark. Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall, tercera edicin, E.U.A. 1992. 14. MORRIS, Mark. Digital Design, Prentice Hall, tercera edicin, E.U.A. 2001. 15. MORTON, Jonh. The PIC Microcontroller: Your Personal Introductory Course, Newnes, 3ra edicin, E.U.A. 2005. 16. NISAN, Noam. The Elements of Computing Systems Building a Modern Computer from First Principales, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1era edicin, E.U.A. 2005. 17. PRATA, Stephen. C Primer Plus, Sams Publishing, 5ta edicin, E.U.A. 2005 18. PREDKO, Myke. Programming & Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers, McGraw Hill/TAB Electronics, 2da edicin, E.U.A. 2005. 19. PREDKO, Myke. Programming Robot Controllers, McGraw Hill, 1ra edicin, E.U.A. 2003. 20. REESE, Robert. MICROCONTROLLERS From Assembly Language to C Using the PIC24 Family, Course Technology, 1ra edicin, Canad, 2009.

21. SANCHEZ, Julio. Microcontroller Programming The Microchip PIC, CRC Press, primera edicin, E.U.A 2007 22. SANDHU, Harprit. Making PIC Microcontroller Instruments and Controllers, 1ra edicin, McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics, 2009, E.U.A. 23. SANDHU, Harprit. RUNNING SMALL MOTORS WITH PIC

MICROCONTROLLERS, 1ra edicin, McGraw-Hill, 2009, E.U.A. 24. SMITH, David. Pic in Practice A Proyect-Based Aprroach, Newnes, 2da edicin, E.U.A. 2006. 25. TOCCI, Ronald. Digital Systems, Prentice Hall, 7ma edicin, E.U.A. 1998. 26. WARD, Stephen. Computation Structures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1era edicin (5ta reimpresin), E.U.A. 1990. 27. WILMSHURST, Tim. Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers: Principles and Applicactions, Newnes, 2ra edicin, E.U.A. 2010.

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