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Assessment Guide

Components of the Project The overall Project grade is made up of marks from the following component parts: Project Report Project Planning and Execution Oral Presentation

The method of arriving at and combining the marks for each component is explained below. Project Report The upervisor and the econd !arker assess the Project Report independentl" taking into account such considerations as outlined in ection #.$ and below. The" each complete a %omment heet and Report &ssessment 'rid to give a breakdown of marks and calculate an overall mark for the report (out of )*+. The upervisor,s and econd !arker,s Report marks are recorded on the Project &ssessment ummar" -orm b" the supervisor. .f the supervisor and second marker do not agree on the Report mark the" will discuss the basis for their individual marks/ agree a mark and record the rationale on the Project &ssessment ummar" -orm. .f agreement cannot be reached the advice of other members of staff can be sought. This can be prior to or during the Project !oderation 0oard. Project Planning and Execution Assessment The upervisor allocates a mark for the Project Planning and Execution taking into account such considerations as outlined below. The breakdown of marks is given on the Project Planning and Execution &ssessment 'rid and %omment heet. &n overall mark is calculated (out of )*+ and recorded on the Project &ssessment ummar" -orm b" the supervisor. Oral Presentation Assessment &t least two members of academic staff are responsible for allocating the oral presentation grade. The" use the Oral Presentation &ssessment -orm to give comments and a breakdown of the marks and calculate an agreed overall mark for the presentation (out of )*+. .deall" the members of staff will be the supervisor and second marker but it is not alwa"s possible to arrange this. .f applicable the upervisor and1or econd !arker can comment on the Oral Presentation on the %omment heet. The assessors of the presentation are responsible for returning the Oral Presentation -orms to the Project %oordinator who will pass on the mark to the supervisor/ if necessar". The mark is recorded on the Project &ssessment ummar" -orm b" the supervisor.

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Project Mark and Grade The marks for the Project Report/ Project Planning and Execution and Oral Presentation are multiplied b" the relevant weighting and a total percentage mark calculated. The weightings used depend on the degree course. The percentage mark is converted to a letter grade using the usual 3niversit" scale: 8 7* 9& #* : #; 9 0 <* : <; 9 % 6* : 6; 9 = $< : $; 9 E >$6 9-

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Ten Point Grading Scheme

The 3niversit" grading scheme is based on a six point letter scale (& to -+. The 3niversit" also permits the use of other marking scales/ for example the percentage marking scale used for examinations. Percentages/ where used/ are converted to grades at module level for 3niversit" records for academic progression and awards. The combination of assessment component grades to give a final module grade has been based on a grid or look?up table. This is cumbersome when more than two components need to be combined/ particularl" in cases where the relative proportions of the components are une@ual. 0ecause the &?- grade is not linear/ arithmetic combination of components is flawed. 3sing a decimal marking scale allows weighted elements of an assessment component to be combined. The numeric grade?e@uivalents should be in the middle of the grade band (e.g. <.< and not <.*+. To do otherwise would mean that even one outl"ing grade that was just one grade point below the rest would pull the overall grade down even for a minor element. &ssessors are at libert" to use other values within the * to )* range/ though the mid band value is recommended. Aith the decimal scale/ the inclusion of finer grade points within the 3niversit" & grade categor" allows for trul" exceptional achievements to be recognised. & similar situation applies at the low end of the scale. 'rade Point 0and ;.*:)*.* Points &llocated ;.< =escription =epth and breadth of knowledge far exceeds the expectation at the level of stud" indicating full master" of the subject. The work is conve"ed without an" lack or flaw in the presentation. ()* awarded onl" in extremis.+ Exceptional level of knowledge and understanding of the subject/ expressed fluentl" and precisel". Extensive knowledge and understanding of the subject/ expressed fluentl" and precisel". 'ood depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding. !inor lapses in fluenc" and1or expressions of naivet" tolerable. 'ood depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding. Onl" occasional and minor lapses in fluenc" and1or expressions of naivet" tolerable. atisfactor" level of knowledge and understanding. ome naivet" or lack of fluenc" in its expression is tolerable. The level of knowledge and understanding is weak/ is flawed and1or is expressed falteringl". %ontent is presented/ but with little or no evidence of knowledge/ understanding or skill. !eaning is severel" hampered. %ontent is factuall" inaccurate/ grossl" incomplete and1or incompetentl" presented. Previous E@uivalent Better 'rade &

C.*:C.; 7.*:7.; #.*:#.; <.*:<.; 6.*:6.; $.*:$.; 5.*:5.; ).*:).;

C.< 7.< #.< <.< 6.< $.< 5.< ).<

& & 0 % = E -



4on?submission or omission.

E46#**1E46#*6 Engineering projects have three assessment components and assessment grids: Project Report/ Project !anagement and Execution/ and Oral Presentation. The attributes considered when awarding marks will var" for each of these. .n the case of the presentation of written and verbal evidence for project work for example/ a number of elements will be considered/ each of which should be assessed with reference to the certain @ualities. .n most situations the marks allocated are backed up b" an assessor,s written report detailing the salient points that lead to the mark awarded.

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Project Report Assessed Element .ntroduction/ cene etting/ Rationale 0ackground/ Theor"/ Biterature Review/ References ndicators %larit" and succinctness of the &bstract. The .ntroduction states the problem clearl" and outlines the report. The broader context/ rationale and relevance of the work undertaken are made clear. 0ackground in the form of a literature review/ summar" of previous work/ pre?re@uisite theor"/ detailed specification and1or other material to provide a context for the project is presented. This is underpinned b" an appropriate number and correct use of relevant bibliographic references. The work carried during the project out is described in appropriate detail. =epending on the nature of the project this ma" relate to design work/ experimental methods/ measurement/ simulations/ anal"sis of pre?existing data/ gathering of knowledge or other activities. .t Throughout the report as well as in specific chapters and sections critical evaluation is evident. &s well as drawing considered conclusions/ a justification of approach/ consideration of alternative possibilities and other evidence of an en@uiring nature are evident/ depending on the nature of the work carried out. &dherence to the guidelines on structure/ format and length of the report. Eualit" of language and freedom from errors. The work carried out is described in sufficient detail to allow the reader to draw his1her own conclusions and without extraneous material. &ppropriate choice and clarit" of presentation of the products of the project such as results and designs/ b" means appropriate to the work such as diagrams/ graphs/ tables or other material.

!ain Aork : !ethodolog"/ &nal"sis/ Results =iscussion D %ritical Evaluation

%ommunication D Presentation

Project Management and Execution Assessed Element pecification Bogbook ndicators Production of the project specification. %onsistent keeping of a project logbook to provide a traceable record of project plans/ information/ design/ data/ results etc as appropriate to the project methodolog". elf motivation/ level and consistenc" of effort. Time management. &ttendance at project meetings with supervisor. .nput of original ideas and willingness to follow guidance where necessar". &ppropriate use of 3niversit" facilities and resources including safe working practises and use of technical support where re@uired.

Project !anagement

Oral Presentation Assessed Element %ommunication kills tructure and %ontent Technical Gnowledge ndicators Ferbal and non?verbal communication: clarit" and audibilit"/ appropriate use of visual aids/ interaction with audience (e.g. e"e contact+/ time keeping. uitable balance of introductor"/ background and core material with appropriate level of description/ explanation and summar". Exposition of technical knowledge during presentation and abilit" to answer technical @uestions/ appropriate to the level of stud".

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chool of Engineering/ Robert 'ordon 3niversit" E4$#*5 .ntegrative Engineering Project &ssessment
!ame of Student"


Report Title"

Super#isor$s mark for the Project Report Second Marker$s mark for the Project Report

f Super#isor$s and Second Marker$s initial marks %a&o#e' are different( comment on the e#idence and)or &asis used to reconcile the different grades in order to reach the final mark*

Mark %see grids' ,inal agreed mark for the Project Report Super#isor$s mark for the Project Planning and Execution Oral Presentation mark






, !A0 PRO1ECT MAR2 %percentage'

A 70%, B = 60 69%, C = 50 59%, D = 40 49%, E = 35 39%, F = <35%

, !A0 PRO1ECT GRA3E %letter'

Signature of Super#isor"


Signature of Second Marker"


Project 'uidelines E4$#*5 .ntegrative Engineering Project

chool of Engineering/ R'3 page < of 67

chool of Engineering/ Robert 'ordon 3niversit" E4$#*5 .ntegrative Engineering Project %omment
!ame of Student" Report Title" !ame of Assessor" Super#isor ) Second Marker
%delete as appropriate'


Comments: Please give suitabl" comments on the report (supervisor and second marker+
and general approach/ planning and preparation/ execution of project work/ log book/ oral presentation (supervisor onl"/ unless second marker has knowledge of these+.

ee also assessment grids

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Robert 'ordon 3niversit" ? &berdeen/

chool of Engineering/ .ntegrative Engineering Project (E4$#*5+



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MAR2 9

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Robert 'ordon 3niversit" ? &berdeen/

chool of Engineering/ .ntegrative Engineering Project (E4$#*5+




=E-.4.T.O4 3''E TE= !&RG




Fer" 'ood





Fer" Poor

















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MAR2 9

Project 'uidelines

chool of Engineering/ R'3

EN3602 Integrative Engineering Project

page C of 67

Robert 'ordon 3niversit" ? &berdeen/

chool of Engineering/ .ntegrative Engineering Project (E4$#*5+



=E-.4.T.O4 3''E TE= !&RG




Fer" 'ood





Fer" Poor
















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MAR2 9


E OR 1=&TE

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EN3602 Integrative Engineering Project

page ; of 67

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