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PS 0500 Spring 2014 Simulation group assignment

Country Group responsibilities: Each member of the country-group must circulate his/her report by email to the rest of the group in advance of the Simulation sessions !n addition" you should organi#e a group meeting at least once before the simulation in order to start to develop your country$s negotiating strategy %see belo&' How you will be evaluated: (ou &ill be evaluated on three criteria) (our presence and participation during the in-class simulation sessions (our &ritten report" handed in to your section leader at the end of the second session *he +uality and professionalism of your group$s negotiating proposals and positions during the in-class simulation

Country negotiating strategies: !n your initial country meetings %i e " before the simulation'" you should agree on the follo&ing points) ,hat are your country$s goals-demands in the negotiations. ,hat is your ideal outcome. ,hat are you &illing to accept as a less-than-ideal outcome. ,hat are the /red lines0 that you are not &illing to cross. 1or each of the four &or2ing groups" come up &ith a constructive proposal that is consistent &ith your goals and interests Select a spea2er to ma2e an opening statement *his statement &ill set the tone for your negotiating strategy

2 List of Working Groups: ( !" individuals from each country group will be present in each of these working groups during the working group sessions# $uclear %rogram and &erification: *his is the group charged &ith determining the future of 3orth 4orea$s nuclear program *his group is also responsible for formulating a detailed plan for verification of any agreement forged by the head negotiators on 3orth 4orea$s nuclear program *he plan must specify &hat the conse+uences &ill be if any party does not follo& through &ith the verification 3egotiators in this group should 2eep updated of their country$s position in each of the other &or2ing groups" &hich are also central to the final deal

'id: *his group is responsible for formulating agreements on any e5change of economic" humanitarian and energy aid bet&een the si5 parties that may influence the ability of the parties to agree on a final deal on 3orth 4orea$s nuclear program

(ilitary issues: *his group is responsible for addressing any military issues among the si5 parties that may influence their ability to agree to a final deal on 3orth 4orea$s nuclear program Such issues include %but are not limited to') %1' the status of 6S forces on the 4orean peninsula" %2' military aid-assistance among the si5 parties" %7' arms sales" %4' military alliances and nonaggression pacts

)nification and *iplomatic +ssues) *his group is responsible for discussing steps that may be ta2en to facilitate the eventual unification of the 4orean peninsula *he goal is to see &hether such steps are possible" and &hether they can influence the parties$ ability to agree on a final deal on 3orth 4orea$s nuclear program 8ther diplomatic issues to be addressed include %but are not limited to') %1' 3orth 4orea$s alleged abduction of 9apanese citi#ens" %2' bilateral tal2s bet&een 3orth 4orea and the 6 S " %7' diplomatic relations bet&een 3orth and South 4orea" %4' increased contact bet&een the citi#ens of 3orth and South 4orea

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