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English Practice Clb

(No.53) DiscussionTopic:"Many students believe

that having a part-time job while studying in
college is useful and sai roi con ah, it gives Deleted: necessary because

students an insight into what work is about and

prepares them psychologically for their future
jobs. Ho...wever many others, especially their
parents, think reversely as it might greatly affect
the study performance of those students. What is
your view about this problem?" Read More

Yesterday at 10:59pm · Comment · Like / Unlike

You, Luna Atanasova, Roona Ali Roona, Giang Huong

Nguyen and 11 others like this.

David Cadman Ielts Cnr

I had one, and the skills i cai nay ok useful now... the Deleted: learnt then are
money was useful then too... for beer...
Yesterday at 11:01pm · Delete

Devi Eka
i'm a collge student of 3th ye ar n i have part time
job;teaching in the evening. my parents support it because
though i'm working, i can still make a good achievment
(compared with some friends), n oii can pay my study Deleted:
myself by this. so, it depends on the student himself...if u
can show ur parents that workin doesn't disturb ur study, it
will not be a problem,thx.
Yesterday at 11:06pm · Delete

BoYan Nejjad Chaves

I support those who do part time job while studying, coz it
was my experience when I was at college..,I am proud of
my self for earning money to pay mine tuition, and it led Deleted: my
me how to spend on the money of mine, having part time
job while studying is absolutely good. I dare say..
Yesterday at 11:08pm · deleted Deleted: Delete
Pham YLan
the balance is necessarys , i mean btw part time job and
studying. most of students graduating from universities are
inexperience and retrained by working in some companies
b4 getting a stable job with high salary
Yesterday at 11:09pm · Delete

Nha Linh Huynh

i strongly disagree with that idea ed 'cause having o part-
time job take us lots of time and health, so we don't have
enough time to prepare well for our subjects at college,it
make us loss concentration...i used team work as a tutor Deleted: to
and from my experience i see that it's useless,it didn't help
much in my study,it's just 'cause of money.
Yesterday at 11:12pm · Delete

Abdirahman M Essa
I'm a college student, and I have a part -time job so in my
experience it is not useful to work while you are in
studying because it is really difficult to manage your time
of reading, preparing your Assignments and than work
Yesterday at 11:14pm · Delete

Quynh Nguyen
Although, I don't have any part -time job now but I strongly
believe that it's very useful for students. Not only money, it
also gives us many experiences which we need after
graduation. All we have to do is balanc e the time for
working and studying.(you shouln’t use this kind of photo
because it might affect your parents)
Yesterday at 11:18pm · Delete

Nam H. Bui
Working on part-time basis during study is always for
Yesterday at 11:18pm · Delete
BoYan Nejjad Chaves
it depends on the doer, When I was at college I worked
hard and study hard, I didnt lose my concen tration, in fact I
got motivation on it, i always got A or B for all Subject,
and I was the best graduate at my collage at the time, I was
proud of my self.........and I thanks, I’ll help you to correct Deleted: agree it s for
all these mistakes (thanks) money, because I wasnt born
with the silver spoon,.. I didnt even tell my parents about
my study........
Yesterday at 11:19pm · Delete

Olen Clarita
It was very useful for me since I did it when I was in the
college. It helped me to earn money and also to apply my
knowledge. My parents didn't mind about that as long as it
didn't make me lazy to go to campus. For info: When I was
in the college I studied in the Teachers Training and
Education Faculty okie, could you please help me. I highly Deleted: majoring in English and I worked as English private teacher
for Elementary,Jjunior
appreciate that, thanks and Senoir high school students.
Yesterday at 11:19pm · Delete

Devi Eka
n 4 experience. 4example when u take a job based ur study
field, it will give u view that real world is somewhat
different from theory taught in college
Yesterday at 11:20pm · Delete

Phuong Hoang
- Advantage: 1st: earn more money, ofcourse, not depend
on ur parent to much. Behavious ski ll - in my opinion, it's
the most important thing, fdsfdsfsdSo, when we have part Deleted: real life will teach you abt that. ;]
- Disadvantage: u'll be swept along with money n neglect study. :">
time job, we need manage time effectively.!
Yesterday at 11:21pm · Delete

Olen Clarita
earn money by taking part fdsfsdfds Deleted: time job will make u know that life is not that simple..
Yesterday at 11:27pm · Delete
BoYan Nejjad Chaves
I agree with Phuong Hoang, Experience is the best teacher,
although we have part time job it didnt mean we neglect the Deleted: Hoang, Experience is the best teacher, although we have part
time job it didnt
main thing to do as the student, we still focus on the study,
so part time job just PART TIME activi Hoang, Experience
is the best teacher, although we have part time job it didnt
Yesterday at 11:27pm · Delete

Olen Clarita
yes, I do agree..!!
Yesterday at 11:29pm · Delete

Doan Dieu Minh

one more thing, as most of the part time job are not relevant
to the major you study in the college, the experience you
gain may not be useful as you expect
Yesterday at 11:30pm · Delete

Roberto Marinelli
somebody says that having part - Hoang, Experience is the
best teacher, although we have part time job it didnt but Deleted: time job in college it is always for money.This is true
nobody can deny that that job, part -time or whole time, lear
Hoang, Experience is the best teacher, although we have
part time job it didnt many things. To live, for instance..... Deleted: n
Yesterday at 11:31pm · Delete

BoYan Nejjad Chaves

@ Doan: It s different case Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt to our field Deleted: , sometimes in a real life it never happ en what we are
expecting, the point is we can learn more from the experience whether it
or not... s relevant
Yesterday at 11:33pm · Delete

Maria Santos
I worked in a part time job, for two years,and i must
confess is pretty stressful, when you think your day is over,
you have to take books:(, but i learnt with the pass of the
time , that my day was over after i studied for my subject!,
its tiring but if you have a Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt in your Deleted: goal
mind, it become less stressing,and if it is the only way for
you to ... Read Morestudy( as was my case)then no way, i
do agree in doing it!!and Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt recommend
for those who think study isnt worthwile:D, both things are
important,and not having a career means, have a low salary
all your life:D
Yesterday at 11:36pm · Delete

Roberto Marinelli
besides, money means independence, freedom and no
charge for parents. Is it important? I think so
Yesterday at 11:37pm · Delete

Van Anh Le
Yes, if u are student, u should take a part -time job at least.
When I was a first-year student, I got 2 jobs as a
shopkeeper and a tutor at the same ti sme. My day is full of
actions, no time to play or go somewhere, I feel a bit tired
but in the end of month, I was paid by s my own money that
I made.
Then I knosw thse value of money.
But no money can buy the time, right? So now I'm enjoying
my Hoang, Experience is the best teacher, although we
have part time job it didnt Yesterday at 11:37pm · Delete Deleted: student time, that money I made is enough to do something I

Olen Clarita
For those who haven't take it, I suggest you to try then you
will get your own experience...
Yesterday at 11:39pm · Delete

BoYan Nejjad Chaves

@Van anh le: yeah Hoang, Experience is the best teacher,
although we have part time job it didnt way, So partime job Deleted: , I did the same
makes us think, ....
Yesterday at 11:40pm · Delete

BoYan Nejjad Chaves

Its strongly recommended to Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt real lesson Deleted: take a part time job for those who study in college for more
experience and
in facing life....
Yesterday at 11:43pm · Delete

Huyen Shuneo
some agree and some disagree. i think everyproblem has
two sides. and the problem here is how do you balance the
time for working and studying. if you can d Hoang,
Experience is the best teacher, although we have part time
job it didnt, i think part-time job very useful! Deleted: o
Yesterday at 11:46pm · Delete

Olen Clarita
yeah.. Huyen you're right. In fact my brother quit from his
part time job since he can not do it in balance..
Yesterday at 11:48pm · Delete

David Cadman Ielts Cnr

When we say part-time job is for the money, how much
money did you get?!?!?! The money I earnt working
around 8 hrs a week was enough Hoang, Experience is the
best teacher, although we have part time job it didnt food Deleted: to buy some
and pay some bills... not exactly getting obsessed with the
money there. But also, it's a sad fact in the UK a degree is
the beginning not the end, no experience equals no job, so
you HAVE to try and... Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt More work Deleted: Read
while at uni... What jobs did people do? I worked as an
accounts clerk, very useful, practical experience as I was
studying a social science subject.
Yesterday at 11:51pm · Delete
Van Anh Le
The real world is never easy. I and some of my friends had
some experience about cheating your money or promising
the jobs that were not as they had said.
Don't be off your guard.
Yesterday at 11:52pm · Delete

BoYan Nejjad Chaves

Those who never want to try are spoiled and lazy
students...SO TRY IT..
Yesterday at 11:54pm · Delete

Minh Dt
You will be in greater need of financial support when you
are about Hoang, Experience is the best teacher, although
we have part time job it didnt you are ready to stand on Deleted: to graduate. It's also one way to prove your independence and
your own feet and lead your own life.
Yesterday at 11:57pm · Delete

Huyen Shuneo
i think the balance is necessary. i just take part in some
activities at my uni, i am so tired and when i come home, i
don't have inspiration of studying :(
14 hours ago · Delete

Van Anh Le
@ David: You're lucky when u get an useful job for ur
study. In my Hoang, Experience is the best teacher,
although we have part time job it didnt of probation, can we Deleted: hometown, only after we graduate from the university or
have a A period
get a job which we can use what we learnt for.
14 hours ago · Delete

BoYan Nejjad Chaves

@ Huyen: I agree with you, just think first before we have
it, then manage it....BaLANCE is necessary
14 hours ago · Delete

BoYan Nejjad Chaves

@van: in my country everyone can get job if they are
capable of handling the j Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt , so there is Deleted: ob
no discrimination....
14 hours ago · Delete

Phuong Hoang
one more thing, the adv of par -time job is you will have
nice CV :D when u graduated. The employeers also notice
abt that :D
14 hours ago · Delete

Huyen Shuneo
everyone has a suitable job. if you can do it, they will
accept you. no discrimination in Hoang, Experience is the
best teacher, although we have part time job it didnt
14 hours ago · Delete

BoYan Nejjad Chaves

In having job there are at least two points: gaining and
Fun...so you will enjoy it...
14 hours ago · Delete

Van Anh Le
I agree with Boyan. There are many kinds of part -time jobs
u can take to make earnings but to take a job that you can
apply what u learnt from the Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt provides Deleted: uni or that
the skills for your career future is not easy
14 hours ago · Delete

Giang Huong Nguyen

Im a highschool girl. Im really tired of asking for pocket
money and giving Hoang, Experience is the best teacher,
although we have part time job it didnt dont seem to trust Deleted: long 'presentations' on what im gonna use the money for to
my parents, who
their daughter and dont think im old enough to use and
keep money=.=". Hoang, Experience is the best teacher,
although we have part time job it didnt a part time job to be Deleted: So I wanna take
more independent of my parents . Do u guys think that i
14 hours ago · Delete

Huyen Shuneo
is there anybody know how to fds the time? Deleted: manage
@van anh: what things you lean from ur uni? i think some
subjecfdsfdsts at the uni isn't fds and unreal. you do any Deleted: necessary
job, you can knodsw what is around u such as people,
relationship and some characters
14 hours ago · Delete

Nguyen Luu
i have a different opinion with all of you..if you don't care
about money, you fds take a part-time job..besides, you Deleted: shouldn't
should take part in some clubs in your college or university
14 hours ago · Delete

Huyen Shuneo
yes you should do that. i fds anyparents is always like that Deleted: think
14 hours ago · Delete

Van Anh Le
@huyen: I dofds, I do get some part-fdstime jobs to make
monefdsy but not for my practices.
And I undefdrstood sofdsme methods tfdso cheat the
students who need jobs
14 hours ago · Delete

Huyen Shuneo
oh, if you don't fdsget money,ds you dont have motivation
for doing fdsenthusiastically
14 hours ago · Delete

Phuong Hoang
i always feel not enough time :">
@ Huyen: rite, u should fds the main subjfdsect for work Deleted: focus
after. Realyty, fds dont know why we have to study subs Deleted: i
not neccessary, it waste time muchfds
@Giang Hương: it's general psychology of fds. So u should Deleted: youth
fds deeply. coz Stufdsdy of highchool is DO not like Uni. u Deleted: think
alway focus study. To me, u shouldnt. ;)
14 hours ago · Delete

Giang Huong Nguyen

@huyen: thank u. But im still afraid of not being able to
manage the time:( i also hav fdse no idea where i can find a
place thats nefsar my fds and reqfdsures their employees to Deleted: schl
sfds fsd anyone here can help me. Im very appreciated. Deleted: use
Btw, i live in hanoi:D Deleted: english:(
14 hours ago · Delete

Huyen Shuneo
i agree with Phuong Hodsfdsang , Giang should focus on
study first. if you want, you can do in summer or long
14 hours ago · Delete

BoYan Nejjad Chaves

Go the nearest restaurants, the manager might hire you....Or
go to the fdslaundry.. for the firsfdsfsdt step.
14 hours ago · Delete

Giang Huong Nguyen

@phuog: ok, its confusing fdsnow. 1, i would never get fds Deleted: permission
of my parents,2, i have tuition classes in the morning and
scfdshl in the afternoon--> the matter of schedule prevents
me from getting mdfsore independent:((.3, its hard to find a
suitabfdsfle place.4,5.6.... Anw, if i can deal with those
problems, i will take a job rite away
14 hours ago · Delete

Phuong Hoang
@ Giang Hương: u fds go to the SfdfdssEAMAP CLub at Deleted: can
CatLinh Stt to practice Speaking Eng Skill at Sundayly
Afternoon. :Dfds
14 hours ago · Delete

Giang Huong Nguyen

@phuong: Sory but im not using my computer now so i
cant goodsfsgle itsdf Can u fds me more fdsdetails? I can Deleted: =.=".
only practice english there! What fdsf abt money, the main Deleted: tell
purpose:D. Btw, my nfdsames gjang.
13 hours ago · Delete

Heba Alaa Eldin

Hmm .......I wanna say I didn't try before to work while I'm
studying I wanna point that I'm talking about while i was in
the college .I guess working besides to studying is really
hard thing because sometimes u need to pay attention for ur
studying bfdsecause it is ur wafdsy to achieving one of ur
dreams ,so if working ds the studying will form ... Read Deleted: besides
Moregreat burden on you and u will not find the
satisfaction that u are looking for ,so it is better to pay
attention for ur study first ,then fds the time after u finish ur Deleted: with
college u will have free time to work ,but if I need the
money to assist me in paying fdsthe fees of the tuition ,so
in this case yofdsu have to work ,but again the work that
achieves the balance bfdsetween ur study and work I mean
you can choose flexible hours that enable you to find time
for ur self to study hard .
But here is an important point here which is working while
studying has many advantages like gaining experience and
developing manfdsfdsy skifdslls in ur fdsf or even in ur Deleted: character
abilities such as making decisions ,working in team work
and how to have creative ide fdsas and a lot of skills like
this ,so I guess workinfdsfg is a good point if u try try to
make balance between ur job and ur studying :))
12 hours ago · Delete
Fogonza Darío
I think working and studying at the same time is very hard
for every students. I admire the ones who does that, but
honestly I don... Read More´t think they do it because they
want to be fds or sth, they just do it for economical matters, Deleted: prepare
I mean, their parents aren´t capab fdsle to support them, so
they don´t have other choi ce. At least that´s what happens
where I live. Next year I´ll try to fdsstudy at the university
the English teacher carreer and on the other hand I´ll keep
my actual job which takes me 8 hours a day. I still don´t
know how I´ll get it, but never will I know i f I don´t try it...
10 hours ago · Delete

Maria Santos
@Dario, try and you will see you will be able!!at first time
is so strfdsessing, but not imposfdssible!!!Iused to feel
exhaustedfds,but then you will feel get used to taht:D,
believe me , and good luck fds!
8 hours ago · Delete

Phan Việt Đức

Part-time jobs really do affected our study progress... But
look at the bright side, everything's not that bad. I really
want to score 7.0 in my fds exam and then I want to take a Deleted: IELTS
part-time job as an English teacher... fdsIt will be great
when you fds chances to work in an English enviroment, Deleted: have
moreover, you can practice English ALL THE TIMES!!!
Isn'... Read Moret it great? but it's true. If you want
something, you must gfdsfdive up something in return... So
managing the time is not tfdsfdsfsdfdsfhe biggest problem
but your own habits... You will have to leave parties
sooner, have to fds give up. Then think about it Deleted: stay up late to do all the exercises... and who knows what you
will have to
carefully...fdsfsd The more you can get, the more
responsibility you will have to carry. ..
7 hours ago · Delete

Lê Dung
oh, I used to work part- Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt more Deleted: time jobs when I was a student, that really helped me now.
Practicing is always
important than theories,I think so.
4 hours ago · Delete
Analyn Cuasay
I was a working student when I was in college, well I had
no choice Hoang, Experience is the best teacher, although
we have part time job it didnt me the reason why I learn to Deleted: but to work to be able to finish my studies..My parents can't
be independent.. I paid my tuition fee, provide my
allowances & pay rental for my boarding Hoang,
Experience is the best teacher, although we have part time
job it didnt.. I was a private tutor to graders in all subjects, Deleted: house
that was my job, I can say that ... Read Morethe job helped
me also to learn more, maybe that's the reason why I
became a deans list & became outstanding almost in all
subjects, especially in Math & English subject.. I think
working, if you are really interested in what you are taking
up in college won't affect your performance in school.. I
work & study at the same time but I can say that I'm fds Deleted: both efficient as a student & as a private tutor... That
experience thought me a lot in
dealing with life circumstances..
3 hours ago · Delete

Analyn Cuasay
by the way I Hoang, Experience is the best teacher,
although we have part time job it didnt & I can say that my Deleted: graduated in a private University & my course is Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy
job was not related to what I too Hoang, Experience is the
best teacher, although we have part time job it didnt k up in
college but if you have goal & determination you can do
both excellently...
3 hours ago · Delete

Luna Atanasova
Wow! So many good comments! Well done for trying!
Some common errors and then I will number specific errors
as per your post as Hoang, Experience is the best teacher,
although we have part time job it didnt get article!) / part- Deleted: writing names will take too much space!
a part time job (don't for
time jobs (in general or plural) Post num ber 2: in my 3rd,
distract you from your studies 4:inexperienced (adj) 5: uses
a lot of time... Read More, lose concentration 7: experience
(uncountable) 9: got motivation from it 11: based on 12:
behaviour, need to 16: not as Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt not Deleted: useful as 17: full-time (not whole) 19: as time passed,
stressful (
stressing), having a low salary 21: haven't tried it, I suggest
you do 22: I did it the same way / did the same thing 27:
being cheated out of some/our money 29: Well said Minh
Dt! 30: inspiration (motivation) to s tudy 34: graduate
(verb), notice this (no about Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt Deleted: )
Will comment on rest of posts later - hope you find
corrections useful!
2 hours ago · Delete

Amelia Agustina
I think thats good idea for students because they can be
independent..and if they work while stud ying in
college,they will get so many Hoang, Experience is the best
teacher, although we have part time job it didnt periences Deleted: ex
for their future,but They should be responsible and dont
forget to finish all of their homeworks..sometimes the
weakness of this way is they could be lazy because of
feeling tired to Hoang, Experience is the best teacher,
although we have part time job it didnt activity Deleted: do another
2 hours ago · Delete

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