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Juliette: We have results from Iowa and New Hampshire, now we will comment on those results for most

of the show but we will talk about identity theft,Jobs Act and we will have a controversial Democrat on the show, August Delacourt. Kirsten: Well those wins are certainly a success for Gates but they are pretty close wins, it shouldnt be like that, she lost liberals to Collinson, there are warning signs for Gates but the fact that she won the races, will make it up those, if I were Collinson, Id give up South Carolina and go to Nevada, Gates was the author of the immigration reform that gives her a solid lead among Hispanics, Collinson needs to erase that lead. Juliette: I disagree when I look at the polls there is not much difference in between Nevada and South Carolina and as you stated Nevada has a strong hispanic base that will be responsive to Gates, I think Collinson should go to South Carolina and win there. Nevada is lost to Collinson the moment the reform signed by the president. Here we have a few chart right now, it shows the delegate count, how decided voters in SC and NV votes and the polls from SC and NV.

Gates Collinson

49% 51%

Decided Voters
Gates Collinson

26 48


25 48


72 51


72 51


SC Liberal

SC Moderates

SC Conservatives

NV Liberals

NV Moderates

NV Conservatives

South Carolina
Gates Collinson Undecided

26% 44%


Gates Collinson Undecided

26% 43%


Kirsten: Gates leads the primary but a Collinson win might derail her path to nomination. Juliette: It will definitely have an effect but derailing it requires more than a win in Nevada or South Carolina. Kirsten: Senator Luke endorsed Roberts and left the race. Roberts is the presumptive nominee of the GOP. Juliette: I can hear Elizabeth Gates saying phew. Roberts may be the moderate one but Luke is definitely the one who can fire up conservatives and appeal to Hispanics, Luke is a great

candidate on paper but he is definitely a poor campaigner, his ad in South Carolina was a disaster and he released it again, his senate campaign suffered from poorly constructed ads. Luke definitely needs to change his ad maker. Because they suck at it. Frankly those ads make him look silly and childish, you are running for president you need to be passionate and mature. Kirsten: Well, Roberts campaigned effectively, he proved himself as an profilic fundraiser and effective campaigner, which is a thing we have seen neither in the Democratic field nor in Senator Luke. DNC machine will help Gates or Collinson, which will make it not a problem but in a primary you wont have a party machine that works for anyone, which brought end of Luke campaign. Juliette, can we have a projection for South Carolina and Nevada. Juliette: Gates win in Nevada and South Carolina, in GOP Primaries Roberts have the advantage of being the only candidate *giggles* Kirsten: Well, I say a Collinson win in the state he invests in and a Gates win in the state Collinson did not invest in but if he makes the mistake of investing in both states, he will lose both of them. Juliette: Well, thats plausible. We have Representative Gates who will comment on her wins. Congresswoman Gates, what do you deduct from the wins in IA and NH? Gates: The wins in Iowa and New Hampshire solidify the fact that the voters want true moderate leadership, not just more of the same old same old. Juliette: Congresswoman, what do you say about your opponent's fast rise, in the previous polling you lead Iowa by 5 and New Hampshire by 8 but Congressman Collinson almost closed up the difference in Iowa and lowered it to 5 percent in New Hampshire? Gates: Polls are always wrong and I am fairly confident especially going into the next batch of states Juliette: Thank you congresswoman. Kirsten: Congresswoman Gates is pretty confident, I mean if I were in her shoes, Id be confident too and I can say this, there are not too many things that can beat a confident person. Juliette: I agree. Kirsten: Lets move to the tobaccogate, I know its a chessy suffix but its really a huge, it involves corruption, subliminal messages and campaigns to lure kids to cigarrettes. First of all we have a hearing in the Senate and its going pretty interesting, Senators Holson,Smith and Delacourt are more focused on the corruption side and Senators Luke and Roberts are more focused on the targeting of children. I think Senators doing a good job in the hearing. I mean who expects them to unify on an issue, I mean we are talking about a majority who filibusters bills and a minority who repeated failed to show up to votes and fails to filibuster bills they do not support

Juliette: I think it is nice to see working this coordinated on this issue but Im not that skeptical, I did expect them to do this and first time in years I can say Senate is doing something in a way they should do it. The hearing will get more heated when they have the emails from Mr.Crowleys mail account and we will cover deeply, because there is nothing talked that we did not know. I want to talk about Jobs Act, I think this is just not acceptable, this act gives tax breaks to employers that hires veterans,long term unemployed and this bill will allow every American and worker refinance their mortgages to todays interest rates and this may give them more than 2000 dollars to their pockets, it will improve our crumbling infrastructure, this act will prevent more than 200,000 teacher layoffs while keeping policemen and firefighters on their jobs. This act will pay for itself, in a 10 year period it will lower the deficit by 3 billion, this act will raise the revenue by closing corporate tax loopholes also the revenue increase projected from the jobs created. I cant see any reason why anyone opposed to this bill. Except that people who wants to be the saviours and people who failed to propose this act, Republicans are jealous that they did not proposed this act, Senate Majority Leader failed show us any reason why he did opposed to this act and he filibusters it, I cant understand why Republicans continue to filibuster the bills that matter to American people while he failed to put the bills that matters on the floor of the Senate.

Kirsten: Youve left me nothing to say, I %100 agree with you. It seems like Republican Party is just out of touch with what %86 of Americans want, creating jobs and improving the economy. Juliette: So, we have Senator Delacourt with us, Senator, welcome to the show. August: Thank you Juliette, its great to be here Kirsten: Senator, lets begin with your supposed moderacy, we will get to the jobs act and the hearing but I think our viewers want us to ask these questions too. It seems like you agree with Republican on every social issue abortion,gun rights and else, is this being moderate in a time when everyone criticises GOP being extreme on social issues: August: Kirsten, let me be clear, Im pro-life and Im not ashamed of it but this doesnt mean I approve every abortion restrictions, first of all I certainly do not support the 72 hour waiting period that has been passed in my state, I do not and will not ever support defunding Planned Parenthood, PP is not just abortion clinic, frankly its not their primary or secondary service, they provide family planning, cancer screenings, sex ed, treatment for STDs and abortion, abortion is just %3 of their services. On gun rights yes I support 2nd Amendment and Im not ashamed of this either, I support basic background checks and this does not effect right to bear arms, this is the part where it enters to well regulated militia, we can control who gets the guns or not and frankly I dont want felons and people with mental disabilities get guns in their hands through loopholes in our system, you need to pragmatic about it, when Senate sunk down Manchin-Toomey, I was sad because both Senator Toomey and Manchin are A rated members of NRA, I think we really need to think about our priorities but we are talking about social issues a lot. We need to be focused on economy,education,jobs,healthcare. Juliette: So, Senator, do you support the Jobs Act? August: Of course, I support it because it gives a tax break to employers and all Americans while invest in infrastructure and education and most importantly this bill will create millions of jobs and it will pay for itself in 10 years. I cant see a reason why I should oppose it.

Kirsten: Senator, when we close look at your campaign you have been emphasized on education,jobs and infrastructure, what did you do about those issues? August: Well, Ive sponsored several bills but this is not enough, Ive motioned to pass several legislation and those got passed the Senate and waiting the House for action, it has tax breaks to small businesses and teachers, president signed my identity theft bill immediately which Im proud of, Ive able to pass a bill that promotes manufacturing and mining of critical minerals, Ive been proud of that bill too, it will ensure that China wont able to dictate us on critical minerals, these minerals are important in defense,agriculture,energy,technology and more sectors. I hope House will consider my bill and we can pass this immediately. Juliette: Senator, we have come to end of our time, thank you for being here August: Thank you for having me.

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