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Country Industry Forecast

Report Service

The Indian Automotive Industry

1996 - 2006
The Indian Automotive Industry

Structural Reforms To Accelerate Economic Growth

Economic reforms in India have finally steered the country towards steady growth. The
country escaped the Asian crisis and even experienced stable economic development.
Opportunities have arisen in the manufacturing, infrastructure, and the services sectors.
This positive trend is expected to continue over the next five years. The new EXIM policy
is tailored to promote exports while import duties are gradually aligning with WTO
commitments. Indian companies are now facing stiff competition from global giants, causing
them to match global standards. On the fiscal front too, the Government is taking steps to
contain inflation by channeling expenditure into priority projects and speeding up the
disinvestment of public sector enterprises. In all, the economic outlook for the country is
quite positive.

This encouraging forecast is reflected in the increasing scale of production for the automotive
industry. The dereservation of the vehicle component market and the rising ceiling for
investment are likely to drive growth and encourage new ventures in this sector. However,
Report # 4526 - 90
the provision of additional depreciation on new plant and machinery may discourage
Available as part of CIF technology up gradation as the industry is already plagued by excess capacities.
Automotive Subscription #9909-H1

The Country Industry Forecast studies the country-specific factors such as politics, business
Country Industry Forecast (CIF) –
policy, and macroeconomic indicators that have an impact on the Indian automotive industry
your tool to gauge how a country’s
and its main segments. This report provides incisive analysis of the industry for 1996–2001
economic, political, and regulatory
as well as forecasts for 2002–2006.
environment impacts the industry.
In a dynamic global business
environment, knowledge of
Motor Vehicle Segment to Witness Mixed Growth
country-specific factors is vital
Despite the fact that saturated western markets have forced manufacturers to contemplate
for effective decision-making -
greater production and sales in the virtually untapped markets in the Asia Pacific region,
specifically information about
inadequate infrastructure and comparatively low consumer spending could deter the growth
political situations, policy
of the motor vehicle segment. According to the report, “The motor vehicle segment is likely
decisions, and prevailing
to witness a mixed growth though a large number of manufacturers have entered the arena
economic conditions. CIF’s
after the opening up of the automotive industry. However, the market is still at the infant
integrated approach links all
stage. Consumer spending is also low due to the poor purchasing power of the rural
components of the economy
section that accounts for nearly 72 percent of the population.”
to give you industry insights
without missing out on
Multi-tiering of Industry Vital to Growth
the ‘big picture’.
The current situation requires automotive manufacturers in India to increase their
investments and revamp technologies to met global standards. The report says, “The
Created and supported by Frost &
requirement of the day is tierization of component suppliers into Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III
Sullivan’s team of analysts and
suppliers, Tier I forming the core suppliers to the original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s)
experts around the globe, the
and Tier II and III forming the suppliers to the Tier I component manufacturers as well as to
Country Industry Forecast reports
the OEM’s for specific requirements. The Indian automotive market is still in the infant
provide a unique service, which is a
stages, it is rapidly undergoing a transformation with tierization and increasing quality
must for senior-level decision-
standards to ensure becoming globally competitive.”
makers, analysts, industry observers,
and marketing professionals.
Table of Contents C. Growth Determinants 6.2. Financial and External
Influenced by Macroeconomic Markets
1. Executive Summary
Factors and the Country- A. Foreign Trade
1.1. An Introduction to the
Industry Matrix B. Foreign Investment & Financial
Automotive Industry in India
D. Country-Industry Linkage Markets
A. Introduction
6.3. Labor
B. Scope of the Report and
4. Political Analysis and its Implications A. Population and Labor Laws
Industry Definitions
for the Automotive Industry B. Employment and Earnings
1.2. Summary of Major Findings
4.1. The Indian Political System 6.4. Prices and GDP
A. Country Trends and Forecasts
A. Political System A. Prices
B. Industry Trends and Forecasts
B. Government Agenda B. GDP
4.2. Political Analysis - Implica- 6.5. Economic Analysis -
2. Overview of the Automotive
tions for the Automotive Implications for the Automotive
Industry in India
Industry Industry
2.1. Global Overview
A. Implications of the Domestic A. Influences of Consumption
A. Introduction to the Industry
Political Stance on the Automo- B. Influences of External Markets
B. Global Overview of the
tive Industry C. Influences of Financial
Automotive Industry
B. Implications of the Interna- Markets
2.2. Industry Overview
tional Political Stance on the D. Influences of the Economy
A. Regional Overview
B. Country-Industry Overview: Automotive Industry
7.Trends and Forecasts for the
Share in Domestic Output
5. Business Policy Analysis and its Automotive Industry in India
C. Country-Industry Overview:
Implications for the Automotive 7.1. Industry Trends
Share in Trade and Employment
Industry A. Industry Trends
5.1. Business Policies in India B. Industry Growth and
3. Structure of the Automotive
A. Domestic Policies Revenues
Industry and the Key Industry
B. External Policies 7.2. Trends and Forecasts for the
5.2. Business Policies - Implica- Key Industry Parameters
3.1. Industry Structure
tions for the Automotive A. Motor Vehicles Segment
A. Industry Structure
Industry B. Vehicle Parts and Accessories
B. End-User Segment Analysis
A. Domestic & Foreign Policies Segment
3.2. Key Industry Parameters
A. Key Industry Parameters for the Automotive Industry
B. Impact of Domestic & Foreign 8. Industry Progression Index
B. Key Industry Parameters for
Policies on the Automotive 8.1. Methodology for the
the Motor Vehicles Segment
Industry Industry Progression Index
C. Key Industry Parameters for
A. Methodology
the Vehicle Parts and Accessories
6. Economic Analysis and its B. Weights Assigned to the Key
Implications for the Automotive Industry Parameters
3.3. Country-Industry Linkage
Industry 8.2. Industry Progression Index
A. Growth Determinants
6.1. Consumption and Invest- A. Index for the Automotive
Influenced by Political
ment Industry and its Segments
A. Consumption B. Implications for the Automo-
B. Growth Determinants
B. Investment tive Industry and its Segments
Influenced by Business Factors
Fact Sheets Automotive Industry - Revenues of the Indian Rupee against the Dollar, 1996-
Motor Vehicles and Vehicle Components 2000.
Segments (India), 1996-2001
1. Country Fact Sheet
Trends and Forecasts for GDP (India),
A. Geography Demography and 1996-2006
Nature of Impact of the Growth Determi-
Infrastructure nants on the Key Industry Parameters of
B. Economic Indicators the Automotive Industry (India), 1996-2006 Proportion of Personal Disposable
Income Spent on Automotive Products

2. Regional and Industry Fact Sheets Revenue and Expenditure of the Govern- (India), 1996-2006
ment (India), 1996-2001
A. Asia Pacific: Regional Fact
Consumer Finance (India), 1996-2006
Central Plan Expenditure by the Govern-
B. India: Automotive Industry Vehicles in Operation and Vehicle Scrap-
ment (India), 1996-2001
Fact Sheet page Rate (India), 1996-2006
Peak Tariff Rate (India), August 1, 1998
Composition and Direction of Exports for
FDI Policy in Selected Sectors (India), 2001 the Motor Vehicles Segment (India), 1996-
1. Appendix for the Indian Economy
Sector-wise Share of FDI (India), 1991-
A. Appendix for the Indian
2001 Composition and Direction of Exports for
Automotive Industry the Vehicle Components Segment (India),
2. Appendix for the Indian Automotive Trends and Forecasts for Consumption 1996-2006
Industry Expenditure and Its Components (India),
A. Index for the Key Industry 1996-2006 Composition and Direction of Imports for

Parameters 1996-2001 the Vehicle Components Segment (India),

Trends and Forecasts for Gross Savings 1996-2006
B. Index for the Key Industry
and Its Components and Household
Parameters 2002-2006
Savings Rates (India), 1996-2001 Production of Transportation Equipment
and Parts (India), 1996-2006
Trends and Forecasts for Gross Domestic
Investment and its Components (India), Input Costs for the Transportation
1996-2006 Equipment and Parts Industry (India), 1996-
1. List of References for the Wholesale Price Index, Consumer Price
Indian Economy Index, and Inflation (India), 1996-2006 Agricultural Output and Growth of the
Agricultural Sector (India), 1996-2006
2. List of References for the
Population and Unemployment (India),
Automotive Industry in India
1996-2006 Revenues for the Automotive Industry and
its Segments (India), 1996-2006
List of Figures
Trends and Forecasts for Foreign Direct
Investment and Foreign Portfolio Invest- Trends and Forecasts for the Key Industry
Production and Sales of Vehicles (World), Parameters of the Motor Vehicles Segment
ment (India), 1996-2006
2000 of the Automotive Industry (India), 1996-
Bank Rate of the Reserve Bank (India), 2006
Share of Vehicle Production and Sales by
Countries (Asia Pacific), 2001 Trends and Forecasts for the Key Industry
Trend and Forecasts for Exports and Parameters of the Vehicle Components
Share of Automotive Industry in Gross Segment of the Automotive Industry
Imports (India), 1996-2006
Domestic Output (India), 1996-2001 (India), 1996-2006
Trends and Forecasts for Current Account
Share of the Automotive Industry in
Deficit and Foreign Exchange Reserves
External Trade (India), 1996-2001
(India), 1996-2006
Weights Assigned to the Key Parameters C a t e g o r y o f u s e r- g r o u p s The CIF Advantage
of the Motor Vehicles and Vehicle Compo-
CIF is an indispensable tool for the following
nents Segments of the Automotive Automotive Equipment Manufacturers
Industry (India)
Senior Executives • Senior level decision-makers and
Consumption Multiplier (India), 1996-2001 COO s and CEOs planners who formulate company
strategies for various industries.
Presidents and Vice Presidents
Index of Key Parameters by Segment of the • Industry analysts and industry
Automotive Industry (India), 1996-2001 Trade and Business Associations
observers who look for country-
Industry and Manufacturers Associations specific industry intelligence.
Index of Key Parameters by Segment of the
Automotive Industry (India), 2002-2006 Banks and Multi-National Corporations • Marketing professionals who want
to know the ‘lay of the land’ and
Trans-National Corporations
GDP and Economic Growth Rate (India), the ‘pulse of the market’.
1996-2006 Financial Institutions

Asset Management Companies

Progression Index for the Segments in the CIF is beneficial for companies:
Venture Capitalists
Automotive Industry and the Industry as a • Entering a new geographical
Whole (India), 1996-2006 Analysts
Country Fact Sheet (India), 2002
Industry Observers • Making strategic decisions on

Regional Fact Sheet (Asia-Pacific), 2000 Planning Boards alliances, mergers, and acquisitions.

Business Development Managers

• Learning how the non-market
Automotive Industry Fact Sheet (India), forces affect your company’s
1999-2000 Country Managers
present performance in a country.
Forecasters and Economic Trackers • Judging the extent of competition
Merchant Bankers faced by various industries in a
• Shaping and fine-tuning future
strategies based on new market
• Preparing contingency plans based
on the likely scenarios.
• Making in-depth micro research on
various industries.
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