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Chickpea & Quinoa Salad If you havent heard, Quinoa is all the new rage!

It is a super food packed with protein, iron, fiber and lots of other nutritious deliciousness! Its a great substitution for rice and can be served in a multitude of ways, from a hot cereal to a cold salad, which is what this recipe is. o, this is what youll need! Ingredients! " cups of cooked Quinoa #ere is a recipe on how to prepare $uinoa! http!%%www.thekitchn.com%how& to&cook&$uinoa&'(()) * can of +hickpeas ( & ) diced ,oma -omatoes . cup of sliced /alamata olives * cup of chopped raw pinach . cup diced 0,ed1 2nion " 3 ( cloves of 4arlic . cup of diced red bell pepper * 5vocado 0diced1 For dressing (*approximately* yield to your own taste) " tablespoons 2live oil * tablespoon 6hite 7inegar * tablespoon #oney * tablespoon 8emon%lime 9uice alt : ground black pepper -he only thing you have to cook for this recipe is the $uinoa. 6hile your $uinoa is cooking, you can start prepping your veggies. 2nce that is done mi; everything into a large bowl. <or the dressing, either pour on top of salad and mi; well or make separately and mi; later. =ither way youre guaranteed a light, healthy, easy meal that goes straight from the refrigerator to your childs plate. Roasted Broccoli Instead of the boring and somewhat mundane way of preparing broccoli, here is an alternative method with a colorful peppered twist that is sure to satisfy both kids and parents alike. #eres what youll need! Ingredients!

*. lbs. >roccoli 0fresh1 * 8eek 0sliced1 . cup ?ulti&colored bell pepper 0sliced1 * teaspoon lemon alt : ground black pepper +ut up all ingredients@ place on a baking sheet or in a cast iron skillet. AriBBle olive oil, lemon 9uice, and seasonings on top 3 give a gentle shake. Clace in oven at )"D for "E minutes and voilF, a delicious roasted broccoli dish that is an amaBing side. Spaghetti Spaghetti Squash Im huge fan of any and all kinds of s$uash. Gnfortunately, when it comes to children 3 they may be a bit pickier. #owever, there are a few s$uash varieties that will have your children begging for more. paghetti s$uash is one of those. o, who doesnt like spaghetti, rightH -his recipe is super simple and lots of fun with children. 6hat youll need! Ingredients! paghetti s$uash 2live oil alt Cepper 4arlic powder +ut open s$uash 0length wise1 and deseed. 2n a baking sheet aligned with aluminum foil, place s$uash skin side down and lightly dress with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder. 2nce the s$uash is coated, flip it so that the skin side is up. Clace in heated oven at )"D&)DEI for )D minutes. 2nce done, let it cool for D minutes. 5t that point you should be able to fork out the insides of the s$uash and what youll have is a heap of s$uash in the shape of spaghetti! Jou can toss with more olive oil, salt and pepper or serve it with spaghetti sauce and cheese! Jour children wont know the difference and you can feel good about incorporating more veggies into their meal. Tofu Sticks 8ots of people dread tofu because they 9ust dont know what to do with it. -heyve had bad e;periences with it, the te;ture is off, its a block of white something or another, and its bland 3 trust me, I understand the terror. >ut fear no more! =ver heard of that saying, everything is better friedH 6ell,

in this instance, that may be true. If your family is trying to go healthy, but you still want a cheat day to satisfy that crunchy, fried temptation, why not try tofu sticksH >efore making your 9udgments, give it a little try! -his is what youll need! Ingredients! -ofu <ish fry 2ld bay seasoning oy sauce 7egetable oil -he trick with tofu preparation is that J2G #57= -2 =5 2K it before 0not during or after1 cooking! +ut tofu into thick strips and season with old bay seasoning and soy sauce. #ave an e;tra plate ready with fish fry. Aip your seasoned tofu into the fish fry batter and cover generously. 6hen your oil is nice and hot on the stove, place the tofu in the pan and fry until crisp on each side, or to your liking. <eel free to serve with an array of sauces! >>Q, #oney ?ustard, iracha, /etchup, ,anch, or make your own! >on 5ppLtit! fa

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