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Structure of the Atom nucleon number, isotop, empirical formula Periodic Table of Elements [table] + Chemical Bond

Chemicals for Consumers Preparation of soap + medicine Structure of the Atom + Periodic Table

Structure of the Atom nucleon number, isotop, empirical formula Periodic Table of Elements [table] + Chemical Bond

Structure of the Atom

Boiling + diffusion
Periodic Table of Elements [table] Chemicals for Consumers

Electrochemistry 3
Electrolysis of CuCl2 Factor of concentration Rate of Reaction Factor of catalyst; decomposition of H2O2 - draw graph

Standard represent of element Electrochemistry chemical cell Redox U-tube


Acids and Bases acid & pH Salts flow chart Rate of Reaction Factor of catalyst Thermochemistry Heat of precipitation Redox +++ U-tube Electrochemistry elec cell + chem. cell
Manufactured Substances in Industry Alloy + polymer + soap+medicine

traditional medicine + soap

Acids and Bases titration

Preparation + heat effect Rate of Reaction Factor of size + catalyst Carbon Compound [flow chart]
Periodic Table of Elements

Thermochemistry Heat of displacement Redox U-tube


Carbon Compound [flow chart] Thermochemistry Heat of displacement

Acids and Bases Role of water alkali

Construct ionic equation + flow chart

Manufactured Substances in Industry polymer + glass + composite

Group 1+++
Manufactured Substances in Industry polymer + glass + haber

acid & pH Rate of Reaction Factor of concentration

Chemical Bond Periodic Table of Elements G1

Carbon Compound flow chart

Acids and Bases Role of water

Thermochemistry Heat of displacement Carbon Compound + fat Beza alkane alkene Thermochemistry Heat of combustion

Carbon Compound flow chart



Construct ionic equation + flow chart

Redox U-tube + Construct ECS

Question Number 1 2 3 4 5 6

Negeri Sembilan
Structure of the Atom

Consumer Chemistry

Manufactured Substances in Industry

Periodic Table of Elements proton number

Sub atomic particles

Acids and Bases

Prepare soap, glass

Periodic Table of Elements(table)

Haber + traditional medicine

Periodic Table of Elements [table] Structure of the Atom

acid & pH Electrochemistry ECS displacement

Rate of Reaction

Chem Bond
Electrolysis , chemical cell Sadur

Chemical Formulae & Equations empirical formula MgO

Electrolysis purification Acids and Bases Role of water

Melting pt, isotope Thermochemistry Heat of displacement Salt flow chart CuO
Rate of Reaction

Salt heating ZnCO3

Rate of Reaction

Temperature Salt heating CuCO3 Electrochemistry Type of electrode Redox Reactivity series
Manufactured Substances in Industry

Size Thermochemistry Heat of combustion

Structure of the Atom Isotop Melting point Acids and Bases ++ acid & pH

Carbon Compound flow chart Thermochemistry Heat of displacement Chem Bond Structural formula physical properties
Manufactured Substances in Industry

Temperature Electrochemistry Sadur displacement

chemical bond

7 8

Haber + baja + polimer

Consumer Chemistry

Food ad + soap + ubat

Acids and Bases kira, acid test

Salt cation anion Carbon Compound + Beza alkane alkene, flow chart Redox Electrochemistry ECS displacement

physical properties Carbon Compound Beza alkane alkene Electrochemistry

chemical cell

Alloy, contact+haber
Rate of Reaction

Salt cation anion test

Chemical bond

Size, concentration
Periodic Table of Elements-G1 Redox-displacement halogen, reac series


physical properties

Redox Fe2 Fe3

Question Number 1

Manufactured Substances in Industry Alloy + polymer + glass + composite Periodic Table of Elements proton number

Terengganu Structure of the Atom melting Jadual p, e, n /isotope Manufactured Substances in Industry contact + haber baja Periodic Table of Elements/Chemical bond simbol element dgn nucleon & proton number Acids and Bases kaitan antara kepekatan dgn pH

Melaka Carbon Compound isomer Redox Utube Carbon Compound Fat/Oil

Consumer Chemistry


Chemical cell

Soap Acids and Bases Prepare standard solution

4 5 6

Chemical Formulae & Equations empirical formula CuO

Rate of Reaction

Temperature Thermochemistry Heat of displacement

Structure of the Atom

Rate of Reaction Salts Preparation/Qualitative analysis graf

Redox Utube, rusting Electrochemistry, chem. cell factor electrode Cu & C dlm CuSO4 Thermochemistry maklumat daripada energy level diagram. Exp heat of displacement Rate of Reaction factor concentration Carbon Compound Beza alkane alkene Prepare ester

Electrochemistry Electrolysis concentration Structure of the Atom Isotope Chem Bond formation
Periodic Table of Elements G1 Chemicals for Consumers

isotope + Melting
Acids and Bases Role of water

Manufactured Substances in Industry composite +Alloy

Carbon Compound flow chart Beza alkane alkene, Redox Rusting, Fe2+ , Fe3+, U-tube


Salts Preparation, Qualitative analysis

ANALISIS SOALAN PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2011 KIMIA Paper 3 Question Number Terengganu Pahang Perak Selangor Perlis Negeri Sembilan Kelantan Johor Kedah SBP Melaka 1 Thermochemistry Heat combustion Salts Solubility Redox Effect of metal on the rusting
Acids and Bases Role of water

2 Redox Effect of metal on the rusting Thermochemistry Heat combustion Chemical Formula & Equation empirical formula Thermochemistry Heat combustion Acid base [OH-] and pH Salt Construct ionic equation Acid base Titration Electrochemistry Construct ECS Salt Construct ionic equation -

3 Electrochemistry Construct ECS Redox Effect of metal on the rusting Carbon compound Beza hexene & ethanoic acid Redox Effect of metal on the rusting Thermochemistry Neutralisation Carbon compound Beza hexane & hexene Redox Effect of metal on the rusting Electrochemistry Potential different between 2 metal
Acids and Bases Role of water

Alloy Compare hardness Thermochemistry Heat displacement Chemical bond Electrical conductivity Redox Effect of metal on the rusting Redox Reactivity series Electrochemistry Type of electrode Thermochemistry Heat combustion + lain2

Thermochemistry Heat combustion Carbon compound Coagulation latex

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