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Announcement to All Kachin People

Released Date: 15th September 2009

Message of The urgent matters and current political issues to All Kachin People:

Brief Political History Background

1. For many years, We, Kachin People have been ruling our own land and living in peace and
harmony. Since 1926, we were colonized by the British for many years. In 1942, when the
World War II started, Japanese invaded our Kachin Land and we lost some of our own
territories to the Japanese. However with the help and support of the world military alliance,
our courageous and patriotic ancestors fought against the Japanese and claimed back our
Kachin Land. The World War II ended in 1945. Our ancestors then planned to regain the
power to rule their own Kachin Land with independence and freedom. Our ancestors then
formed and organized a “Duwa” council (council led by Kachin Chiefs or Kachin leaders
from different areas inside Kachin Land) to get that independence and freedom. While the
above plans were in process, the Burmese leader General Aung San came up to Kachin Land
and tried to persuade Kachin leaders to welcome the independence together with the
Burmese and live in harmony with them. Kachin leaders agreed to live together with the
Shans, the Karennis (Kayar), the Burmese and the Chins with fairness and righteousness in
terms of politics, power sharing and human rights. Therefore in 1947, in Shan State in a
town called Pang Lung, the Kachins, the Shans, the Karennis (Kayar), the Chins and the
Burmese signed the Pang Lung Agreement. The Pang Lung agreement is a peace treaty
agreement. As set out in the Pang Lung agreement, till this day we have been living together
with the Burmese. From that moment on, we Kachin People have been suffering in endless
agony and hardship. Even though there were many problems and no unity among the
Burmese, the Burmese started war against the Karens, the Pa Ohs and the Shans. Therefore,
because of severe clashes among the Burmese people, the people living inside Burma were
always under Chaos and sufferings. Consequently, civil war started within Burma, and the
Burmese Military government have been oppressing and abusing all ethnic groups within
Burma day and night. These ethnic groups are as mentioned above, the Kachins, the
Karens, the Karreni (Kayar), the Shans, the Muns, the Arakharns and the Chins. The
Burmese Military government did not use fairness nor follow the rules set out in the Pang
Lung agreement. The Burmese also fought against and oppressed each other using their
military powers and tactics.

2. Because of all these Burmese political conflicts and situations, it is very hard for Kachin
people to live together in harmony with the Burmese. As a result, the Kachin leaders decided
to go into war with the Burmese. In 1949, Kachin leader Laphai Naw Seng started and led
the revolution against the Burmese Military Junta. All the ethnic groups in Burma proposed
their unanimous decision to change Burma’s original National Constitution into the new
Constitution under Federalism. However, the Burmese leaders were dirty-minded and were
very crafty that they did not agree and voided the proposed Federal Constitution by their
ethnic groups. The cunning Burmese leaders and military government only wanted to
control and maintain their sovereign power and continue to use their foul and dirty ways.
3. Because the Burmese leaders wanted to maintain and control the whole Burmese Nation
under their old Military Regime, General Ne Win organized and led a coup and seized
control of power from Burmese Parliamentary government. After General Ne Win seized
the power, he and his group formed a group called ‘Myanmar Socialist Lansin Party’
(Burmese Socialist Party, also known as MSL) to rule and keep things under the control of
Burmese military government. The MSL party then enacted as the new laws, rules and
regulations for Burma so that they could run and control Burmese Nation as they wish to.
Hence, the Pang Lung agreement that was made between the Kachins, the Karennis (Kayar),
the Shans, the Chins and the Burmese was destroyed and broken.

4. In 1961, Kachin patriots formed an independent political organization called Kachin

Independent Organization (KIO). Kachin Independent Army (KIA) was also formed to
fight against the Burmese Military government. KIO used two different types of political
approach. One of the approaches is to use military arms and military power and the second
approach is to use peace talk tactics on the table. These approaches are to regain and
reclaim all the authorities and rights that were once given to the Kachin people.

5. On 8th of August 1988, the whole Burmese Nation and its people (this includes all ethnic
groups from Burma) organized a mass protest and demonstration against the MSL party and
cast out the MSL party with all their strength. However, the Burmese military army came up
with crueler methods and tactics to tyrannize, control and destroy the people of Burma.
These cruel tactics and oppressions were led by the brutal and malicious Burmese Military
government officials.

6. As a result, KIO and KIA were formed and had been constantly fighting with the Burmese
Army for Kachin people’s freedom and independence. While KIO and KIA were still
fighting with the Burmese, KIO’s Chairman Maran Brang Seng and General Malizup Zau
Mai came up with a plan to ceasefire between KIO/KIA and Burmese Military Junta.
Following their ceasefire plan, on the 24th of February 1994 the ceasefire agreement was
implemented and the Kachin leaders started the peace talk with the Burmese Military Junta.
Even after the ceasefire agreement between KIO/KIA and Burmese Military Junta was
accomplished, the peace talk was not carried out nor put into practice nor taken as a serious
matter and the Burmese Military Junta did not initiate any discussion on any political issues
for the Kachins. Hence political consultation and public hearing was not organized by the
Burmese government and also there was no clear explanation of the National Constitution
to the Burmese Nation and its people. The Burmese Military government organized and
called upon a National Convention against the will of the Burmese citizens and its people.
In that convention, a Constitution was written, compiled and enacted by the ‘State Peace and
Development Council’ (SPDC, SPDC was formed by the Burmese Military government).
This Constitution was not accepted and disagreed by the Burmese citizens (all ethnic groups
in Burma) and its people. KIO participated in the National Convention led by the SPDC
and KIO proposed and discussed their political and social interest for the Kachin people and
also for other ethnic groups in Burma. However, SPDC did not approve any of the
proposals made by KIO and other ethnic groups and totally ignored everything and went on
their own ways. In addition to this, SPDC also ignored any proposals and interests made by
their own ethnic Burmese people. SPDC only carried out their personal interests and
enforced these interests in a dictated military ways. Although the KIO leaders realized and
noticed the injustice wrong doings of the SPDC, KIO leaders have been patient and
benevolent towards the SPDC and still continued to participate in the National Convention.
Despite the compassion and patience shown by the KIO, the Burmese Military Junta just
took no notice and no consideration over the Kachin people’s welfare. As a result, it has
become very hard for Kachin people and other ethnic groups living inside Kachin Land to
live peacefully with the Burmese Military government as one country and unity.
Furthermore, till today other ethnic groups in different states within Burma such as Karen,
Karreni (Kayar), Mun, Arakhan, Shan and Chin can not live together in harmony with the
Burmese in one country as a Union of Burma.

7. Because of the political circumstances mentioned above, patriotic Kachin leaders have
formed a new political organization called “Kachin National Organization” (KNO). KNO
was formed in order to get back on the original path and target that has been set out by the
KIO and KIA, which is to get freedom for the Kachin people from the Burmese Military
government. Thus KNO has been continuously opposing and fighting with the Burmese
Army. Citizens of Burma desire to be set free from all the torments and brutal way of the
Burmese Military government. That is why together with the Kachins, all other ethnic
groups, such as Karen, Karrenni (Kayar), Shan, Mun, Arakhan, Chin and Burmese have
united to fight against the Burmese Army and the Burmese Military government.

Current circumstances/situation of Kachin politics and military awareness:

1. Burmese Military government has ordered all the peace and ceasefire groups inside
Kachin State to transform into Border Guard Forces (BGF). KIO and KIA could not
accept the order to transform into BGF, instead they proposed to stand and transform
as the Kachin State Army or Kachin Regional Guard Force. But the proposal was totally
rejected by the Burmese Military government, SPDC.

2. KIO and KIA leaders didn’t want to use military force again to shed blood inside of
Burma nor fight with the Burmese Army, therefore they have tried to send special
Kachin representatives to PINMANA (Nay Pyi Daw, head quarter of Military
government) to negotiate with SPDC leaders. However, SPDC leaders rejected all of the
proposals made by KIO and KIA and were not taken into consideration. As ordered by
SPDC leaders, KIO and KIA must follow and accept the plans that SPDC have laid out
for KIO and KIA. SPDC have said that SPDC will not change any rules or give any
other authorities or opportunities to KIO and KIA. KIO and KIA must obey the laws
and political regulations set out by SPDC. SPDC will not allow any amendments or take
any other requests made by KIO and KIA. Furthermore, SPDC have said to KIO and
KIA that ordering or allowing ceasefire groups inside Kachin State to transform into
Border Guard Forces is because SPDC felt sorry for KIO and KIA and this was their
way to show KIO and KIA a path and that they cared.
3. While this dilemma with SPDC and KIO/KIA was taken into place, Burmese Military
government, using all their military forces and strengths, went into war with KOKANG
army on 24th of August 2009. KOKANG were the first to ceasefire with the Burmese
Military government. Now, the Burmese Military government has seized KOKANG
land. Burmese Military government has destroyed and broken the ceasefire agreement
that they had made with KOKANG. The Burmese Military government has also
planned to initiate and terminate all other peace treaty made with ceasefire groups in
Burma. Burmese Military government has initiated their plan to use all their military
forces and strengths to fight against and go into war with all ceasfire groups in Burma,
not just the KOKANG.

4. While seizing the territory of Kokang group, Burmese Military government had deployed
their strong and powerful Burmese Army forces around and near the Wa’s territories.
Using their Burmese military forces, Burmese Military government has also entered and
kept close around the territory of KIA’s fourth Brigade inside of Kachin Sub State.
Even in the KIO and KIA territories, Burmese Military Armies have placed their strong
Burmese Military forces and have set their fully armed army into standby position to fire.
The Burmese Military government has already set up a plan to diminish all the ceasefire
groups, such as KIA / KIO and WA. Under these kinds of pressure and circumstances,
the Kachin leaders wanted to avoid and run away from any sort of violence of fighting
and blood shed and only wanted to find ways of living in peace with the Burmese.
Therefore, on 5th of September 2009, Kachin leaders invited prominent Kachin people
(civilian, activist and church members) to “Laiza”, a region in Kachin State for an
emergency meeting. During the meeting, Kachin leaders and KIO leaders pleaded with
the Burmese Military government SPDC to negotiate both Kachins’ and SPDC’s needs
and interests. But SPDC did not consider or take into account any of the proposals and
requirements that have been requested by KIO and the Kachin people. In return, SPDC
has replied back saying that KIO and Kachin people should follow and accept exactly as
what SPDC desires. So simply speaking, KIO and KIA must accept SPDC’s
dictatorship and adhere to their order and for KIO and KIA to transform into the
Border Guard Force. For that reason, it has come to ‘an end of the road’ for both the
Burmese Military government and KIO to discuss or negotiate any political concerns.

5. The current Burmese Military armed forces that are already in Kachin State are ready to
start a war against KIO and KIA. Burmese Military government has deployed many of
their armed forces around KIA’s territories and these armed forces are waiting for an
order to fire. It has also reached a time for KIA’s armed forces to be ready to defend
their own Kachin Land with all the available weapons that they have. Within KIA, its
armed forces have prepared day and night, patriotic soldiers to save and protect their
own Kachin Land.

6. Consequently, knowing that the Burmese Military Army will be attacking Kachin Land,
patriotic soldiers from United Kachin Land Army (UKA) are ready to fight for their
freedom and for their Kachin Land. These UKA patriotic soldiers are going hand in
hand with KIA and are ready to sacrifice themselves to protect their Kachin Land at any

Now is the time to take responsibilities in protecting and defending our people and our own
Land. In this war, we Kachins must win. We must fight to win.

Method / Path to take part in protecting the Kachin people and

defending our Kachin Land.

1. All the citizens that are living inside Kachin Land, lets be ready to protect and defend our land.
( these citizens include: Kachin, Burmese, Shan, Kachin-Indian and Kachin-Chinese)
2. All the Kachin people and citizens living in Kachin State, lets protect our land and be ready to
contribute any knowledge, wealth, skills and strength that you may have.
3. All the Kachin people that are living all over the world, lets be ready to come back quickly from wherever
you are to protect our Kachin people and defend our Kachin Land because it is now the time to protect
our Kachin Land.
4. All the Kachin people and Kachin youth, young and old, male or female, lets be ready to sacrifice
yourselves to protect our Kachin Land.
5. To protect our Kachin Land, please come quickly and join KIA and UKA. It is now the time!
6. All the Kachin people and citizens, who are living inside Kachin Land, now is the time to use your own
skills and strength to fight the Burmese Military government who are in our territories. Be brave and
courageous! Use all your abilities to protect our Kachin Land.

We, Kachin people must win this war. Failure is not an option. If we Kachins lose this war, our Kachin identity will
be lost and our Kachin Land will be lost. Therefore, in order to keep our Kachin identity alive, to keep our Kachin
Land, we Kachins must use all our strength and abilities to fight in this inevitable war and it is essential that we win
this war. It is our duty. God is always together with us. In this righteous war, we Kachin will bring triumph and get
victory and reach our goals.

May we get freedom and victory. May all Kachin people have peace and good health!

Bawmwang Laraw
President KNC (Kachin National Council)
Kachin National Organization (KNO)

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