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Story about Estonian bread

Black bread has had the noble position in Estonian cuisine through the history and most of the local people eat it daily. Even nowadays many households in the towns and rural areas still bake the bread at home by themselves. The following bread recipe is invented by the spouse of the President of the Republic of Estonia, Mrs. Evelin Ilves. As the spouse of the President of the Republic of Estonia, Evelin Ilves accompanies the President of the Republic on official visits, both locally and internationally, and hosts foreign guests who come to Estonia. She supports awareness-raising work on healthy living and is the patron of a number of movements designed to benefit society. Bread has a personality. This means that one must treat it very sensitively. Already in ancient times people knew that if you think bad thoughts while making bread, the bread wont turn out right. Bread also prefers warmth and does not tolerate drafts. When I was away from rma for three weeks recently, I was somewhat worried about the health of my leaven after all it had been alone for a long time. But the bread was so happy that it jumped right out of the wooden bowl during the night. I was very happy. The following is a basic recipe that has to be tuned to suit your taste buds and moods with the help of various flour mixtures, bran, seeds, nuts, raisins, dried fruits, herbs, onion, garlic, bacon or salted Baltic herring. Since our family does not love extra ingredients, I hide them and use tiny seeds linseed, poppy or hemp seeds. The latter, by the way, are nice and crunchy. The nuts can also be ground, to make the bread healthier and the taste better. If you want lovely coloured bread for a celebration, add green pistachio nuts, golden raisins, dried blue bilberries and red lingonberries, or modern goij berries. Ones own family bread always has the most beloved taste! www.visitestonia.com

Eesti leiva lugu

Mustal leival on olnud thtis roll Eesti toidukultuuri ajaloos ja enamus kohalikest inimestest sid seda iga pev. Ka tnapeval kpsetatakse ise leiba paljudes kodudes nii linnas kui maal. See leiva retsept on loodud Eesti Presidendi abikaasa Mrs. Evelin Ilvese poolt. Eesti Presidendi abikaasa proua Evelin Ilves saadab riigi presidenti nii kohalikel kui ka rahvusvahelistel viisitidel ja vrustab sageli riigi vlisklalisi. Ta toetab tervisliku eluviisi teadlikkuse suurendamist ja on patrooniks mitmetel hiskondlikel algatustel. Leival on personaalsus. See thendab, et leiba tuleb suhtuda suure lugupidamisega. Juba iidsetel aegadel teati, et kui melda leivategemise ajal halbu mtteid, siis ei kerki leib igesti. Leib eelistab sooja ja talle ei meeldi tuuletmme. Hiljuti kui ma olin rma talust eemal kolm ndalat, siis ma olin mures juurestise prast, kuna jtsin selle kauaks ajaks ksi. Kuid leib oli nii rmus, et hppas suisa sel kausist vlja. Ja mina olin samuti nnelik. Lihtne leiva retsept tuleb muuta sobivaks teie maitse ja tujuga kasutades erinevaid jahusegusid, kliisid, seemneid, phkleid, rosinaid, kuivatatud puuvilju, rte, sibulat, peekonit vi soolatud Balti heeringat. Kuna meie pere ei armasta palju lisakomponente, siis ma peidan neid kasutades viksemaid seemneid lina-, moonivi kanepi seemneid. Samuti vib lisaks jahvatada phkleid, et muuta leib tervislikumaks ja maitsvamaks. Kui soovid kaunist vrvilist leiba pidupevaks, siis lisa veidi pistaatsia phkleid, kuldseid rosinaid, kuivatatud siniseid mustikaid ja punaseid pohli vi moodsaid goji marju. Oma pere leib maitseb alati kige paremini! www.visitestonia.com

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