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n the beginning, when I began dreaming, I sought only to view vast alien landscapes.

The cosmos is vast and (thought I) if I could but glimpse one miniscule part of the whole, I would be most pleased. Then I discovered that even as I dreamt, the dream also dreamt me. Internal imbalances, hopes, and desires begin to manifest within the dream. Then there are at the other dreamers. Are they real? But, then again, what is real? Am I real? Are you, gentle reader, real? As none of these questions can readily be answered, it is only polite (IMO) to treat others within the dream as being of the same level of reality as myself. But this is just the beginning. The dream is plastic - not in the sense of artificial, but malleable. It is not we who create the dream from a bit of undigested dinner, as Scrooge once thought. But neither is the dream something external which merely observe. The dream is a living ecology which dreams itself because we individual dreamers dream with other dreamers (both human, and alien) within the sentient ever-evolving dream.

The dream (IMO) is part of the mechanism of creation-&-manifestation. The dream does not take place just inside our heads. The dream exists at the borderlines of Maya (which we call reality) and that region of pregnant chaos from which reality ever weaves itself. Where the warp & woof of what we call reality begin to weave together - that is the dream. We all (from my perspective) participate in the dream. Most appear to do so unconsciously. Some of us do so consciously.

The fractal artwork in this essay is (for the most part) not my own. I harvested much of it from the alt.binaries.pictures.fractal newsgroup. Fractal images are posted there for personal use. As I am not making a dime from this essay & neither is anyone else, I figure that I can call this personal use. If anyone whose fractal art appears here wants me to remove their work, please let me know. If anyone whose work appears here wants to be listed at the end of the essay with website &/or e-mail, let me know also. The nature of saving images from NGs & websites is such that I cannot easily keep track of where I D/Led what. I can be reached at Alobar@Gmail.com. http://alobar.livejournal.com/profile http://alobar.livejournal.com/

Some Technical Considerations

t some point in the future, the PDF format you are viewing will undoubtedly be no longer supported on newer computers. Feel free to translate this document into HTML or whatever format is then current. This book is issued under immortalist copyright. If you gain something from viewing this book, you are obligated by virtue of immortalist copyright to share what you have gained. I am not asking for money. I am asking to view your art & read your writings. I want to hear your music and tap-into your dreaming as much as I am able. Should I die & then re-incarnate on this plane, I want to be able to locate the works of those influenced by me that I may remember more easily who I am and how to dream bigger and more interesting dreams than I ever could alone. This book is free. You may not make money from selling it. This book contains art from myraid artists. I have no idea who they are. They gave me permission to use their work for nonnon-commercial ventures only. My words may be quoted freely.

Mage & Watcher

Miskatonic Alchemykal Expedition

New Orleans, 2001 e. v. Alobar@Gmail.com
http://alobar.livejournal.com/profile http://alobar.livejournal.com/

I: On the Nature of Tools

have found that there are certain tools (both internal & external) which facilitate conscious participation in the dream. Rather than attempting to list tools in the chronological sequence I discovered them, or grouping tools in some classification system, I shall simply talk of them as they come to mind. There is, IMO, no hierarchy of tools. Many of the tools I treasure most, you (the reader) may find useless. Other tools you will need to reshape or twist in order that they work to your own ends. My experiences are (I hope) useful to you, but I doubt very much that anyone can just incorporate all I have done into their own dreaming. I adjure you to never accept anything I say as gospel truth. Think about what I say. Play with concepts. Let my ideas influence your dreaming. Then pull inspiration back out into consciousness and create your own tools, your own mythologies, your own dreaming. See my flaws and limitations for what they are. Do not deify them. Transcend them.

If you are even partially human, you will undoubtedly have your own flaws & limitations. No need to add mine to yours unnecessarily.

On Orgasms And the Frustration Thereof

y wife commented some years ago that she felt I did not really like sex. I was nonpulsed. For decades I had considered myself somewhat sex obsessed. But after much contemplation, I had to admit she was right. It is not sex which interests me so much. It is orgasms. When having sex with another human being, I am not nearly so interested in intimacy or connection with that person as I am in orgasms & where orgasms can take me. Not just my orgasms but those of my partners. For me, orgasm is a gateway to the dream.

I feel I should give a warning here. Using sex as a vehicle for dream has its side effects. Most humans seem to use sex for bonding with h-is/er partner. Sex is a tool of intimacy. By utilizing sex exclusively or even mainly for dream, one can

undermine relationship. If one wills to be a Hermit, this is probably ok. But if one expects to maintain relationship long-term, one might better think about how one utilizes sex.

Semi-Comatose Lucidity
first read about Semi-Comatose Lucidity in De Arte Magica by Crowley. I gave a copy to a woman I was interested in sleeping with. After we became lovers, she took me totally by surprise one evening when I came home far too tired for lovemaking by tying me down to the bed & bringing me to a state of full arousal, then keeping me there. Not just for a few minutes or a few hours. This technique requires extreme diligence and extreme dedication. My lover kept me in the neither-neither state all night and into the next day. I was too weak to move after a while. She alternated from mouth to hand to climbing astride me. She took short breaks to pace herself. She gave me water from her mouth in a kiss. When I started babbling incoherently, she asked me questions about what I was seeing to help me maintain my focus.

This technique is perhaps best suited for younger dreamers. Not real sure I could maintain sexual interest like that these days - no matter who my Priestess was. But for those with the strength, youth, and stamina, Eroto-Comatose Lucidity is a very potent tool for opening up one to the dream. It does, however, take a partner with amazing fortitude, incredible sexual skill, and an adamantine dedication to the Great Work.

Sleeping in Carthage
his is another great tool from Uncle Al. Not quite as he wrote about it. As usual, modified thru inspiration. The technique is hetero. Not sure if there is a gay or lesbian analog. I would be interested in hearing of any interesting modifications to generalize the formula beyond heterosexuality. At bedtime, the couple engages in a bit of karezza to tease both male & female into wanting to cum. The woman should be on the second day of her menstrual cycle. The first day is for dumping

stress & toxins. The second day is for magick & nourishing her lovers/playmates with her bloods. The man lays on his back, the woman mounts him & then they both try to get some sleep. Each will probably wake several times during the night & initiate sex. No cuming allowed for either partner. If the male goes limp, a little hand or oral stimulation, followed by the woman remounting her lover & then back to sleep (or as much sleep as is possible under the circumstances). Just before dawn, the couple wakes up, engages in anal sex, followed by the man eating out the woman until she has cum several times. They then share wet kisses and return to sleep in a more comfortable position than atop one another. All this assumes no condoms. First, the menses is absorbed into the male. It takes hours for any appreciable amount to be absorbed. Some say the female fluids are siphoned up into the bladder. I cannot attest to this. I have found that much of the female secretions are absorbed thru the head of the penis, which then energizes the semen of the next male ejaculate.

Dreams in the male should be quite vivid while the character of the semen is being transformed. The unnatural & uncomfortable positions for sleep should also affect both partners and their dreaming. Anal sex places this combined male/female energized fluid into the woman, but after the hidden manner. When both return to sleep, her dreams should be as lively as his was during the karezza sleep the night before. The dream state may be affected for weeks thereafter, perhaps longer. It is good to do this rite when both partners can sleepin the following day. The night is rather exhausting, and the highly stimulated dream gateways are best not wasted by waking suddenly & getting into daily routines. Best plan to lie around till at least noon (or beyond), then be prepared to spend hours writing & talking with one another over what transpired.Please leave the phone off the hook, turn off the radio, computer and tv & do not engage in mundania until the rite has been fully processed. I would recommend looking into Crowleys formula of LAShTAL - both prior to this working & again once you have actually done it.

BTW, if you are having difficulty reading the text in this little book because of the intense background images - good! My intention is to make you strain & be distracted by the images. Part of my plan. Trying to make you use as many of your brain circuits as possible. If you speed read thru just plain words, only part of your brain is absorbing data. I have gone to great lengths to impregnate your sub-conscious and non-conscious parts of your brain as well. I want you to take the strains & puzzles in this book with you into dream. Then maybe you can begin to understand far more of what I say than your rational conscious mind (which you probably think of as you) can normally comprehend. Am I trying to confuse you? Yes! Am I trying to impregnate you with information which will slip by your censors? Yes! For some, this book will have little impact upon their lives. For others, this book may initiate them into realms they thought were only fictional devices to convey a good yarn. I do hope your worldview is not overly threatened by discovering that the world is far vaster than was taught to in grade school.or university.

You are a part of dream. You are part an ecology with we who manifest dream. It is my belief that doing so consciously is far more fun & interesting than simply going unconscious for fully one-third of your fleshy life while your cells take out the garbage and parts of you which you cannot perceive dream while you sleep. I do not ask you to believe that this is real. I only ask that if what I speak of turns out to be real or even if hat I say is fiction, but it points you to to something which is real, that you are open enough to handle it. Madness will not save you from dream. It just makes for dream threads which other dreamers must compensate for. A nuisance, really. So what I ask of you is an open mind. Barring that, I suggest you close this book & go elsewhere in your investigations.

Digression I: What is the Nature of Time & Space?

pace appears to be manifold, twisted, and an overlapping of many possibility Universes which share some aspects of Maya (reality).

Whereas Time appears (to me, anyway) to be (at the very least) three-fold in nature. Firstly, there is linear time by which mortals set their clocks, make their calendars, and get all preachy about history. Much (but not all) of Science fits into linear time the Big Bang, limitation of the speed of light, and an infinite, yet bounded, universe. Then there is recursive time. The pattern of linear time repeating itself, again and again, in a spiral which is not the same each time around, but which is analogous to similar time in previous or future loops of the spiral. Big bang leads to expansion leads to contraction & another big bang which starts it all over again. Third is what I term tangential time. Influences from elsewhere-&-elsewhen. Not from our timeline in this node of the Space/Time continuum. Not from other cycles of time. This is where the 23 Current manifests. But not just the

23 Current. There are many dreamers and many mythologies. Each has a place within the weave; each manifests gateways. Tangential time deals with Time (and with it, Space) from outside. Where exactly is outside, anyway? Picture a lot of different Universes - each with its own linear time & cycles of Time. Each universe occupies space (different dimensions) but the physical laws need not be identical for each. Some may have 3 dimensions, others 5, or 11 (for example). In some ways, each Universe is unique and bounded. But in other ways, some of these Universes may share Maya (reality) and their dimensions may impinge (for a moment, an on, or an eternity). It is here (from my perspective) that the dream threads of the edge of one universe may become congruous with the threads of the edge of another realm of realty.

Digresion II: On the Nature of Impinging Realities and Gateways which Connect Them

ream is the interface and the tool for re-working the interface which knits the layers of reality together. And dream is also what allows for the separate layers of reality to remain apart so they do not impinge too greatly and destroy the uniquenesses of each realm. Some dreamers dream to open gateways. Others dream to close them. Still others seek to maintain the status quo. Most (IMO) do a bit of all three. It is the old Hindu trinity - Brahma, Shiva & Vishnu- Creation, Destruction, and Preservation. BTW, the Hindus seem to be the only major world religion which acknowledges recursive time & has mythic models dealing with same. While the different dreamers may seem to work at cross-purposes, I do not see things so black&-white. We live in a consensus reality - but one with room to move beyond consensus. If an individual dreamer dreams dreams which attract others to dream similarly, that vapour of dream becomes a stronger thread. Eventually gateways open for the sensitive. If the process continues, eventually the physical laws of that Universe begin to shift to accommodate new aspects of reality.

An example I like to use deals with the Noble Gas (Group VIII) compounds. When I was in Highschool, most respectable scientists did not believe that chemical compounds could be manufactured from Helium, Neon, Argon, etc. Some researchers claimed to be able to create these compounds. They published their findings. As is standard scientific practice, other scientists attempted to duplicate the research of the scientists making these claims. But many failed & felt there was experimental error in the original research. Here is where it gets interesting: If a scientist who could not duplicate the results of making a noble gas compound were to visit a lab where the Noble gas compounds could be manufactured, that scientist became convinced of the reality of making noble gas compounds & was then able to return to his lab & duplicate the experiment. Over time, as more & more chemists became convinced of the reality of noble gas compounds, it became easier & easier to create these compounds without any need to first visit a chemist who was proficient in noble gas chemistry.

For the past 35 years or so, Noble Gas compounds are an accepted part of our collective reality. The chemical reality I saw in flux while in highschool is no longer questioned. The very fabric of the fundamental laws of Chemistry & Physics shifted less than 50 years ago, and very few people seemed to notice. Which brings me to the following

2 Corollaries
ONE: If there is a paradigm shift, an opening or closing of a gateway to another realm of Reality which causes change in the fundamental nature of things, most people will not be able to comprehend that things have changed. I am not talking about general ignorance which (for example) precludes the masses from understanding what a Noble Gas Compound might be or know enough history of science to know there has been a change. I am talking about paradigm shifts which should be detectable to those who study these things. It is as if certain cause-&-effect logical links have been erased from most peoples brains. Humans (in general) seem unable to notice points of transcendance in the reality framework

TWO: When one is consciously dreaming the dream, one is very much aware of the shift - especially if the shift pertains to realms of dream which engage the dreamer in powerful ways. If not careful, one may be tempted to compare h-is/er reality framework with that of non-conscious dreamers & begin to think that s/he is losing h-is/er marbles. Something which took me many years to figure out is learning to trust myself above all else. Not ignoring what I should be looking at. Not that kind of blind trust. Trust based upon critical selfexamination. Trust that I cannot compare my reality to the reality of others & hope to judge thereby the state of my own sanity. Crowley seemed to have a good handle on this one. In one of Uncle Als secret initiation rituals, the candidate is asked In times of difficulty and distress, in whom do you place your trust? There is only one correct answer which allows the candidate to proceed. I am not talking about trusting in any of the gods or goddesses. Nor trusting in the Order, or in ones superiors. Not trust in Crowley nor even in ones angel. Trust in self. Period.

It is my wholehearted experience that there is no external verification suitable for those who dream. Not textbooks or courts or lovers or friends. Not any Magickal Orders to which the dreamer may have sworn fealty. In my experience, the noticeable changes in reality are usually small. It takes a honed awareness to even perceive them. At first, I had a tendency to doubt my memory or my senses, then shrug off the niggling sensations that I should be paying more attention to something. But they accumulate. And sometimes there are big shifts. Then what? Does one dismiss what s/he remembers & chalk it up to taking too many recreational drugs? Or holding ones breathe for too long as a kid? Or heavy metals in the water supply? Or does one take a deep breath, look in the mirror, and and begin to contemplate in earnest who one really is, anyway. The question I like to keep in the front of my mind has little to do with Am I sane?, Rather, I keep asking myself Am I appropriate? It is (IMO) not about sanity. It is about politeness & decorum. Those who know me realize that I am

by no means advocating conservative dress or politics. For the rest of my readers, allow me to explain. When my personal reality is not congruent with collective reality, it behooves me to pay strict attention to paradigm shifts which can alter the nature of local law &/or taboo. I try to violate laws consciously & with full awareness of the consequences of slip-ups. Best not to blunder about stepping on various peoples toes being oblivious that the rules have changed & what was once acceptable is no longer so.

Lets Get Back to Dream Tools

he sexual tools I mentioned earlier are rather uh. . . Herculean. Feats of magickal prowess for special occasions. But not real suited for day by day use, unless one is living with a succubus or an incubus.

What about the day to day stuff? Well, if you do not have any live-in sexual partners, it is easy. Pleasure yourself just before sleep & ride your orgasm into dream. Takes a bit of practice, but

in this case practice is fun, so do it it a lot. Create a sigil. Anoint the sigil with your sexual fluid &/or envision the sigil as you cum. Open the gateway to dream. Much more about sigils later. If you have a live-in lover (or more than one), one might want to consider balancing out sex which is meant to strengthen the relationship with sex which is meant to feed dreaming. I am very narrow with respect to lovers. I have never seen a healthy relationship where both partners were not both on the same or congruent magickal paths. Not just both magickians (which IMO goes without saying) but both aligned magickally and with congruency of Will & practice. The sexual act has many purposes. If one focuses too diligently on Dreaming, other aspects of relationship may suffer. But if one focuses primarily upon feeding the relationship, one can atrophy in dreaming. This is where it becomes obvious (to me, anyway) that both partners need a similar focus. If both are dreamers & both want a strong relationship, the practicum of sex can be used to feed both. But probably not at the same time. Best not (IMO) attempt to use sex for too many

purposes at once. Set aside time for the relationship, and at other times the both of you can focus on dreaming. When using sex for encouragement of dreaming & the feeding thereof, I suggest going directly from orgasm to dream with no informal talk, getting up to go to the bathroom, etc. Share elixir thru kissing after oral sex - either as an end to itself or after fucking. Share the sacrament of the combined elixir, keeping it under the tongue for direct absorbtion into the blood without digestion in the stomach, & get to sleep with as little disturbances as possible. When feeding the relationship, it might be better to talk & cuddle & play after sex. But for nurturing the dream, I suggest flowing as smoothly as possible from sharing the elixir to dream. As I mentioned earlier, this technique assumes no condoms. Elixir is a vital sacrament. The physical & chemical aspects of the sacrament are (IMO) very important. Sex to fascilitate dreaming is not for those who fear h-is/er partners sexual fluids.

end of part I
Plenty more to come. I am breaking this book up into small chunks

to fascilitate ease for those with slow connections.

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