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2002 Edition
Peter E. Staubli MDT, COT
Darwin Bagley AS, COT

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e 1'IIbie of Content s
Thi. dIVided 11110 lin AttJlchmenl lind lin Imp/,,,,/ Campo",,,,' .9CriQn.
Attachme nts--lntroducti on and Technical Procedures
ImroducliOO to Attachments
Attachment Selection
Technical Procedures for Anachments
Attac hments- Purts
IntracC<OMI Atlacr.mems
Locking Type Auachmenls
Stud Type A!tachml)(1t$
Ba< Type AttaChments
Hinee Attachments
Pkmger AttachmenTS
Tube /l. Screw Attachments
Set Sc<ews
Gold and Titan,,,,,, Screws
Mlli ng Instrumef1!-AF 30
Auxi j,atY Attschn'\9nt Produc1s
Case D 'gn
Implant Components-lntroduction /md Procedures
Implant Component Index
Implant Compatibility CMrt
Implant IntrOO...clioo
Technical Procedures for ImplanlS
How lO Orde< Implanl Componems
Implant -Components based on compatibility
UMA System
B,anemarl< Ilmz Hex Head I Ste<iOss H9. Loc
1M2 System
In $ySlCllll
Imegral l 0 6u1menl System
3i, Imp'ant lnrlO"8tionS. IrIC.
Paragon (COr(lWm) System
Sleri.Qss System
AUllilia Implant Products I Drive r Sys t e m s
Implant Products
S.C)- Torq Syslem
LT I RA Driver Syslem
... ........ '" ..... _ .... '......-.... "',-"'".,......-
0""""""",,, ". ,,*. _ .. '" .......... ""'
"" m
.. """ 'iIl 1 R<v
The 2001 eoo,1ion A!\ad"ten11 & ReI ... ",,. olkn now 10 .II&CI" ... ( IIIICI .. , 8M 8_
'I'QI,j WIth t.<I"'Med p'00I0d .... 1 t>oOiIlor II!lachrl'l<1<li ."a ItnI)IMt 1IPI>IIc"''oJ<'oS.
Til. 111 ...... 1 Is d/"Ided 1"'0 Iwo seelio",,:
I AII-=hlnent s.etlon, onclo.>d"'O _" .... ProcodI.w ... _ Patts and case Dos9'",
AI\ac:I'Imer,t P ....... ... .,. b'\' type c:f ailaClwnont, ie, exlI"""" .. OI. Irnr_ . "c.
Spo'" aIIMCI".'1$ ate "*' .. _. 'ho COl' 1"dorIV _...- __ It.- 1IlId"rnttIIo .... _,.
_ .. the "'" c:f tt. I>f""' ....... P"O" kif Y<U" WI'_
t> A" I", ... P ...... b'\'!ype c:f _" .... -. Ie .......... "' .... ex1r .... Oool, locking SIucI typO,
b8! .,.. POl.II<iJiafy EocI> .uacImenI pooe ___ 0'0CI\I(IH 00.ieIc _ GuOo III tt. "'" 01 MCtr pooe
Tl'oi$ Go.8Oe OIlers."., Ctitlcool inIc:o ... , .... ooe:leolO ""'"" , aelecloon-. a gIanc<> See ... oqrnple boIo:>.o<
Q. ca .. Ovsq.o Ole ptM.nted 10....., you in lhe 01" lIUCCe$Slo.j _,,,,..uon "'"
l\JIlIX)Ol "'run II .,U3bIO to conlor1U.lion al 65Q.340. 1<\26,
2. ,...,..." Soc_. ImpI8nt f>roced ... .. Cr.:on, L<njlIant Ca,,.,.,, ... ,, .,.. ___ once
....... "" 'atoll col Cor_a in !he _ont c:f "'" ManooaI,"'" ImpI8nt _ on _ 1501 <II lIoe _ on
p0g00280b ....... Se"' ... ,' ....
.. If'"ClIInI -.t """" CO"" cr.n 10 I(l(1o _ e.n to.. conf'.-rI\I_ .. fill _ --,.
f\Q field. The ....... '.og po; oncII.do ... ClrIrUI.' ........ QQcl ... doW TOO._. Sor.gI<IloolIo.
Sroage oM "'II:opoc; Rec.on.,ruct,,,,,., .S ....,. .. .at""'" op6Cilic If!Ctorml ..... $UO/'O .. , ... CAl. Pa .. "",
;04:1' _and ptacticOlloroetf\Q ","" 11, ... aIso ad<I_
b Impl3nt Con'i!><>nfm. onckJ(lt COI"O'I(aOl,ble _!Of.'ive component. fo UMA. B'Memarl<. IMZ ITI. In,...ral, 3i.
Par.gon Cor, VenI and Sloti-Oss. The mony ",her IVIIO_ th8l are comPf,I,1)Io .r. l;,ted 111 \WIll "' Nell
Oo\oIanl sysIem"l Introo,.-y jlIIQ&
C 010....,., ill included to aid In "fOUl C>:Ide<1tan<lng gI _ OIlho ....... oc .. term!I ""'" .. hiel> I'0Il"'" bIPI
AHQ{hmenl Qui<k V'l5uol Guide:
'- f.-, _
2, l<>eatiOn ("-tIll, .... 10 _ 3-4)
3 Function (<leW . .... 10 PIli" 5)
4. (CIe\aiI,"'" III paoli!)
6 Pan st.:;Mn _ 10 .:lUIiI .... (1.1)
- '-
7. eo.., rICi ........ 1I. (( II' jte rt'IorlO _ 7l
.. .-..-, _ .. 'oo.......... . .. ". Iv
e_''''' _____ " ..,_0:;..

8. ........ Of odtn1ieoIl0
!)A B,ldll"

00 o.erClelltute
PO Pw1IOI o.n....
-.. -
' 9 ' flo'
,- ""
HI h7'C"" too", '''',_Iio:ad
9 AHachlitant Ptocedures
"",.,,_., _.du"..
.... RTIAI.
SCORE-PO, M-S-, McCollum, B;bc. roc. AF!.O-lotco
SCOR!'BR poc, OIne\jo'Od, II.') ....
SCOfIE-<.JI' p., 0.. _"" IPDM)
I!"xI'.c..,..,..../ __
Do boS. 00lI>0 ....... s ....... fIi
SA 0<:10'_,"" ERA, S<o>oo_
QHS..OI' (D <tal &1,.",,) 0 -Ro."Q Sys.<>n, OSO
A3:;522.err"Tl & 3.00-tn _"'

So-''''UV ""'",aod A\eQf<l
"" s..'_ ........ , Go ".". 80M. Moo"'"
s",SL:Ic lew Paw ... R_ A, ROo""
TSoc f" ''''''-flIoc. S ..... BIoc, ScJo-",BIoc
Inl,. , /I" .. "" __

O ... m.nl .... ProeM.,...
-- O-lVlg Syt:om, DRS-OO
0 . .,." DRS O-Rit>g SyDm, OSO
Neo-IM'l""', Joe"- .......,.,

cas CM_Rode<, 0000< (la, & 51_. """"'''''''"' C,.,.
ecco,.-.... m, ..... .><.......,. __ ,'" """ "''''' CA USA.





"',od.d .. _ ... "". _" .......... _ 0<...,. "'OQO<''''' __
,.,.",. .... ,",pc ,.,.,,,_.
.......,.. "''''''''. IC

_Too ...... ,

TIl"" . S"". ... Proc. d_
'''''''"'1(1 1 IIcg.l
" 1"",""\1 foo" Sol S<: .....
" .. ,In. -.0'""..
{)oJ. BoI'. aod _ .. ..,..,.., Flol ""

, ,
" "
..,O ... ''' ........ OOOM,..,.,. DO...,..,..."., -.. _ ... _ '''''''', ,.,.....,...,... "Y"''' . ''''' .__.. _ ie, ,_ . "" ono=:"""",,"
<OYOng. .,.,....,.. ""'_ ............. .....,., ... _""" >t, "'''''' cI ." ..... , ... __ ...,
""' .. ..". ... "IJIO .. < ....... "" ' 00'." .... """",.._ ''*'"

e Introduction
3 Sliit I'fml lples of I Clasp;
T) Oo:;tu .. , " ...
2) e,acong Of reciprocal a,m
3) Ret....-.... ,m
Attachment Procedures
Attlu'h ..... nf. in
In our last paced and u!>Wardly mobilo soc;ety, pall""'S win see a donb.,!or two
maO, """",,", doSCQl1l11 and I 01 IIl."". The (leM.' proles,lOnal ...... t b<I able to
,olat. to Ihe pav",,(s """""'''S. WI> ph),.,.,ally Md psycMlogicolly. Attachments
P>""de. ''''Y important ....,;on in treal ng patient lOS . whole .... d "'"
merely u a dl ......... Just u p.benIO' neoo. diHer, "" do allaChrri<:nlS. II i. Imponant
10 roa""o "" ollael'meni ;$ per!ect !or every &ppIocaloon.
Attachmen t Applications
lei us taka a tooO allhe ""plical ..... where attocl'menis moy be ne,,,,s""'),.n<l/

C","", & Br"'l/O re.lOratJOns
Pam"t Ocn1u'" ",stora! ono
Qvorn..ntuM resIOtalic.,.
.... rcslorat,on.
TO provide )'JU"'II'I an excellent e..ample of Ihe benelit. 01 ..... aUaclvr><'nT. lot us tooO

oT rho RPD (Rem:>vat>le Dentu",) rcsTOtaTIOI1.

A """"""!"",,,t RPD prosll>cs< ... ,e\ained an(! po'l!ioned Oy various CIl$P$. Each
cia.., having _ baolc prio>;;ipaIs (A)
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' ochn;c,,1 pfocedu'es
pfQduct uprj"t"

I) Occ:IuMt "",T
2) Brae .... '" teClprocai a,m
3) Relont"",.,m
Cla.ps r.o-.,. ..... "', may c,o<l1o many d,ftlcvll,.,. lor The pa'''''''. ir>clJding rood &enp-
....,..,. whd1 can "ad To tu:u'e perio<lor>Tal onc:I poor .... 'li!t'CS 'CSUlling
in lower sell-esteem A clasp can also act M 8 ' I)Ott le opener' Md e)<'l,acl
the abulmonT. (e)
AttocMWnO P""""" "'" same b"",,, pOooipal. (C) ;
1t OcCIuSaIOt Q"(/1V31 res! .eal
2) Bracing Ot rocipr<>Cat wals
3) R$len!ivo
TM COt,ecl use 01 atlachme-nls moy o"",come both phyo:col and p$)'chologica!
PI"".""" a.soclated witt> c""","flIiOt>al APD
A . ........ ____ , ... . .......... ,, __ '" <__ t
0""'-"" .. " .... . "_,"" .... _0,.
.. introduction

Precision vs Semi-Precision
What i. an Atlachm_t?
M aucl'II'I"Ien1 i$ COMi$1inIl 1<.'0 or mo:. portO (A). One paTl 0$ COf\-
necte<llO. rOO. IOOIh. or i"n!>IiOnl and 11'6 0_ pM It> a prOOli><>s. . There rue "",.
lain e. ceolion, as some attacM'lolms have only one manulaclu,ed pall and the
oIho< pIOrt m.J" boo m,I<'1t by tt .. tlMhO! e:. 1M <leOtal te<:1'Inic ..... (B). Some antlCh
menls """t 01$0 have 0 rest <eat prepared to i"I"Iee! all ttvee ponc;pl.s, nO. Hao ....
,.,1\<:1\01 (Ilk. IhfllC), Sw,ssTao. laen EZ and other plungor type Qnachmeot. fall inIo
this C!lt"lJOO"Y, (C)
AlIacllrnent. Can 1>0 di""'M inlo I"", 001<>00""'. P''''''''''n and s.e,,"PrecISlon,
Wc .... 11 examine IXllh 01 them pne:. \0 attncl'll'l"len1 COrl$lcjeration.
Precision .,s Semi-Precis/on ______ _
1. -..i. i .... Anaehm. n1.
Prec .."., altachrneontt ar" jusltl1at preclSion-. Their <"'''ponMI' are machined rn
spcc.all'lCtal aIoy, undor prec'.e !QI(>,onces. The<e IOIer."""S are with,n 001mm .
StrIcc 1M opeC<llc hardneu 01 1M BI'oys .s oonIrolled, precislOrl attacl'll'l"len1. oller
!he advanl"9" 01 less we", on the abutments, and stan""'" pMS wMoc/l allows 1M
componento to be ,nterchangeable. and usually easicr to ,epai' when
nac<ls'''y_ (01
casrmg mtI compofl/On!S oi a pr"",slOfI anac/lmenl, 1TI8k6
.UfO ,""ro is rrNnimtJm O.SnYn 01 c,'sl """al ",oond II'IfI !amaJe ana-t>- mtI ""'''' com
von_n! If nol, 'h6re , .. II b6 mOSI Str.ss erae'" in (/Ie Que 10
II'IfI C<W II'IfI m.>eMM
2. ....... P....., io n AII""" ..... nl. _____ _
A Semi-I'll.'''''''''' attaclvnooi IS fabriCated by the direct ca9iing plastic, wax. Q(
.-.,fr""toIy MosI semi--prec,""", all"" .......... p"Iter",, "re "'I"C1I(Jf1 molded 10
rodu<;e the O'ICiall OO$t They (If" cons.dcrod -oorri-proci..".. Oi"",,", !heir fabtoca-
lion lhey.re .... bI.ct to .-.cons.st," w.I..-/pow"'" ralOOl, burn "'" 'emper","'" . nd
otri/tr The reMong compon""t$ ttJerelore, vary IQ , CleQrM.
1I>oor main oovanla(leS a,e: economy, .... sy fabr<:aI,on and 00.1,,.,. 10 be ca .. "'
wi';" choice alloys with<:<J1 1M proOiem of coeIIIC0enc1 be_ the
cast eIIoy and the mech.ned alloy. (EI
.. ____ _ .. " L __ ... ",,_ 2
"" _ """ _ - """ 4_, ... ..... _""
Funct ion

Son<> '/OJ' QCO$""" vie o-moil '"
.OIl 0Vf lO<""e.>I _, "!Ie,
650-340-'426 .
..",.. ..
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technical p'ocedu'es
p,oduc' upda'!lS
TO p<operly se'"", 8ttiIChm.nt """ tac,,," sholiid btl conl,{!e,&o Ind """81""t&o,
location, then func1ion. ava'.abte space and linally coot,
Location ___ .. __
Radicutar !Intra,adicula, Stud Type
Bar Type
Inl.aco.-nal ...................... .
Im,8COf<IOaf anacl>ment$ a,. oncorporaled anl,cely within the conlour 01 II .. crown
(A). The actvllf'tage of an om8cofMl'll att""hmem i. <hat the occklsaltorces exerted
upon tho> abutment tootl1 are ai>Plie<! close 10 the 10rJg "'IS 01 the tooth, An intracoro-
.... ' sMctme<11 howe .... ', uo"ally ""lY'''''. box prep"," ' ''''' to all().. the .,tachment
10 III within the c'own It IS ,.,. possible 10 c'081e a box p'8p"'alion that ... 1
to'olly iflCrpOrale 1M lentalO OlOrI'I!)nl, I/'len en o' !ruco",,",al eliaChmOflt 'rIOuid
&nc<t ..,. introc"""",' attad'OYl9fllS are f'IOf'H"9&'_. "" '8C""""""0 _ at>utlMlg
In a c""o w,th Vl><tleol SP<IOC. miJcd 'ogual shoulder> on the abutments are
Mos' wear on tho precision a'Lachmcr>1O <>ec ...... during
the <>oet\lon and """""al 01 the restoration.
Exlracor""aI are posi""""d Mnrely outside the ",""'" """tour 18)
A<t.tMlogeS 01 extraooronol ot\achmonts art> that the normallOO1h contour con be
mainta"",d, mirlimal tootI, reduct"", os <>e<:essary and lhe poosobolly of """" .... "'11
Ihe IOOttl hi reduced, Atso, Ihe oo.th of .".ertion is easier tor patienl$ de>:\erily
Moot eX!lac<><onal a:tachrneon1s h""" oome lype of rHu,oncy (",""'S red,,<lC1ors),
E.en ",,11'1 rosilient 1L"laCtments we _ ab<Jttlf'l(l """"""'" poosible
os 110"'0_ rr.oe. dificult to rnaLOtain 1'YIl "''''' wl\h attachrront. and
patOlnts should t>o "'str'-'01oO on the uOO oJ dental 110$$ (WId hygoene acc&S$Ofie$.
ThIS ,,<II pJF.""nt """""' ...... rv ,,...,., i""tal"'" c"""o<l by load """apment or
calc""'o wid-up
c . .. tlO Fr.
Wl><'n<I_ )'O<J uS<' ",sdom/ /lfld _ in Iing""-rs, /he rosihcncy cI me
art.'lc!Jmenr \WI 0.. msI<,r,g ClaSS I" SO/<d 1_""""'1,
Attachment Selection cont. Location

Do """.

/ - ........... .... r""", ..
( . h

, ' 'V
. I ,
R.dle"I , lnt adie"I Stud Typ
RacIic .... r and lotr. ra(jicul8r stud Iype al18_1$ arc 10 a ,OO! PI_,a-
loon The 1 ...... 10 or mole LS &OI<Iered or caSl '0 a rOO! cap cOI"'9 (" ). The Ie"""" eIe-
mem of inuara<ticular .. ud ' voe altac""'""'t. lit wi'hin IIIe rOO! I""" conIou'. J ....
Swits.LogiC. Zes' an" t .... ZAAG 8r<o 8Xamples 01 t!Ii< (ype of aUac/Vncnt (6 ). Scmc
stuco !)'De a'IacMlents. as t .... Uni-Ancl>or and the o;.-<>e' O-Ring. if\) ";'OCl./y
cemented ",I<> the pr_oo ";thooA reqWing a caS1 cop'ng (C)
IVP. ",.r.oum ""pla nt 8(laChment. arc also ava"abIe 10 .,,,ew <;I;,eclly into
irrplanl:l or 'issue ",ten"""", (DI
One advantage 01 u'il'2ing Slue .'tachmenT' is Ihat promOle
oral hv>I"""', The e,o.m-rOO! ratio 'S .manced w" h 1he low prolilo 01 the shol
"'" r'E "'ON
h . _ _____ _
Bar 1'fP<' o:ttaci'lrr>onts spa"I an -":ul:ooJs area ar><I CQr>"l8C' ""'11'1. ,001.
(E) or ....,. ..... (F) "'" "''''''''3blt oriOg . part.a! d$nIur<o. or 0VM:IM1"", liLS ""'"
the boar and is I<> ";11'1 """ 0.- "..,.a retention sleeves. rI<lers./Glips. 0.-
The ad_a nlages of 3rf1 INn 11ley splint que'hooable aOUlment.
t<oQOth<>r for mutual SLJPjXlO1 and In scme instances, m3Y 3110w for la' e< con_""", 10
a $tud tyP8 if "'"'" of the &i>u1"""'OIS f .. , To COfI\ICI1 tt>c ",.."..flO" Irom a
boar ret..--.e<l 10 a Slud ,eta.ned "'st<>r3\roo. If-.. SchIJbiger frO,I$I b!) o.o$<XI
;";'ially Tile oor "'he<> connoc'cO to the Sch.ot>lger 1M Goo""" attach-
ment .... lltplac. t!-.. bar.
Ba, . wI1"" prope'ly 'ela' ed to the gu>g .. a, Sl>ould nQ( cau,*, lood
enUaprr>o>nl , t>lor-.ch'''Il 01 the nor e ncwroge Iluuo proM"r"""",, (HInd arod
!css"" t,ons Ihwld bO laken ",10 considerst",n when ba,
tyP8 18$1o.-al.on*1
00 cOCl'J'fJ ........... o<;QN
loekin. 8". TJp
Locking AnochmeN" ar(> Uliirod t mocha"'Cally lock 8 patient ,"""""able _ora-
tion ,n place urnil lhe pal","1 o,..,nQ"ge. t .... attachment Locki ng altachrn.nts
Dr"""'''! lift-off caLlSed by cant"."'" lorees. S", Loc. S".vel Loc and MK I arc
ex""""". 01 , ..... type of eltachmen\, (G)
I@ I A\1.l<' ""'."... r:-nr
Au>il18ry Anocnment. oneluoe e<:mponen".$ a$ pIuOl)Cr$ tunges and SCrews,
Thew types of anact-rnenlS must be 'ncorporal<l<l "'to U>o <Ie"g" of !he prosthesIS,
Plungers (H), sU<:l> as the _s An<1>or, S" ... l ac and EZ. ,"quO-" a lorm of
llIC,proc all"" aM r:>:xlu$lll "top in 1M df!$I(!'. HrngM, such a. the .',,-Hoge, a'a
cnt '0 a Ctlrome par'iaI <lent",e Screw . =h as Iha Tube & Screw
",,"ad. mat are castt() or tapp&<! "'0 lhe _a1LO<l
.. ,,,,,,-, ""' .. "40_ ."". '" _ .... .", , ,.,,,,, _,.
.. "'. - "' .. '"
" t

III Function
II is Impo<tant to ditlerenilate between a ,00id and ", .. Iienl Iype reslor.,ion.
At>uvnen\lloott1 IIWp<;<1O<l r.'!Or81ion. C<Jn.,_ solid. __ oblllm8fllllooth
and 'J,sue WPI)Orte(i fHlOra1ions are WppOrl -
eO .Ilac"""",,l. 'f. OIJt>cIa.Sif,O<! into" ,lItO Iypeo, ""","lockable lockable
Roosiliont auachrrN!nt F. COi&gOl',t8(j inIo 5 classifications ranging lrom ver!icaI to
"",_sal resiliency. The higher the "..."be< oj classificalion. ItIe leSS lOrque IcarlS-
""'M to I"" abu\menO:. rOOl 0< implant.

-Class to Solid, "(lid.
CIa .. II;> non-msilen1. lockable ,,"Ill Q U-f'in '" Screw
-Cia .. 2
oCla" 3
-Cia .. 4
>Cia" 5
CI 1.
Vertical ",oil""!
Hu1Qe resi lient
Ve<lical &
Rotational & Vertical restienl
Un<\o'CfWI. Ornni-planar
I. a ooI,d/nQldlrlOrl-,e"it<1t attachment allo'Mng no bet"''''''' !he a but-
menl tooth and The altachme<'ol (AI
Examples: !r>/rlJ<XJJlUJl: SCOREPD, SCQRE8i'( Beyelt!r. POC. pr.s.>IJP. MGS Ole.
Examp1w: Exu/iOOff]()a/' $wwEx. 2.7 ttn<J 0 3.0, o r $Jrategy. \lslio. AI/f!gro etc.
CI . .. 1b
I. the..",. t'/pe of anac",,-t as Ie.. Cia .. ' a 1>cM'._. til. female and male c0m-
ponents are loc1<ed !OgC(hcr willi a """'w, U-Pin Of r.IIlx< m"cl .. ,,'ocal mea"", (AJ
El<ampIes: $CORE-UP. s..;ss Bloc, S<;rew-Bkx;. l'BJoc
CI ... 2
Cia .. 3
Is hinQ8 type {fIslI:"", ."""hrnoM .Ikmg """'em&n! .1'OO.rId !;liven POint. (C)
EX3mp1es: o..!Jx> Mit>, s..,_, Anc<>rYrs Gitror, Swi$sM.'l< Mayo, Al-Hi1Igc, Cle,
Cla n .
Is a vertICal and htnge Iype altachment allowir>g movemenl "' both Ihe
,"rilCai plane rw;d 11'0> I>inge ",Is simuIIaneously (0)
D.t!Oo S. pa$$.'1Yt O<tl/X> /,/;n/ or $wiss/,/;n/ ..",
Cl . ... 5
The rotatoonel ."., VerllCa! type ","lient 8I'""hmenr. _11ow boIh r""'tlona! 8""
v .. lical resilie<>;y ....... 1"""""01'/ (El
Eumples: SA ERA ASC 52, CeI<a. e/c.
CI ... II
The 0If"<\IilIe<1'" Iype.nacm- _ OJ IWIY pIiIrJo, (F)
e. ampIH: DRS, Lcg.c, ZUf}, file.

9 Att. Dlwiient Selection Retention
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Retention ______ _
The, .. are fiw: diftefC<1\ types of rete<1tion lIVaLOOIe to tile patient. When WIeCti'Ig m ..
noct'lrrl8ru " ill t>e$l 10 I)e 1 ...... 11ar """ all 0I1hem. Psten,. generenv ILke a 101 01
rete<11ion lor ",,)'Cl><IIogica1 '''''SM!. Even 00, h is MYIoaflie """"""'" pes""'" to
Plo.idfl inrtiaII'y only "'"""""" ffIt.n1ion one! I."" me_ l n ... d8d Keep in mind
however, 1M, not 011 attachments are adjost3b1e.
- Mechanical
_Fnclional & M""hanoc>ll
Friclo<lnal ,etMllon "resistance to the relalive """"'" of two Of more s ... laces in
intimale C'""act with each _ (A). The Be-, eler anootment IS a QOOd """"""" .
II "'" averpoIishod, 1nc00nal IfflCfliIOfl may t>o 10&1.
M&cl'lanical IS ,_"""'" 10 the ftlla1ive moIion 01 two '" .uri""", due
to 8 undercUI (8). The Haf"lr"lCS AnCl"'lo:O' 3'tachrri(lnl ;s a (jOO(I c><ampiO.
c..utlon, II lire plunger 01 I"" .n""""""'l does no! e"fJlJ!)<t ,,,., 1_ """""'Uf.
"-,.i. t>e no _aI ftIInW>.
frloll"". , ,,, _ .... Ale.'
f "ChOMI and MOCI'Iar'IoCaI """bones both teal\>ftlS <;f f'lCl.".,.1 and rnect.an-
icaifetentJoo as alXWe (C). The ScorePO attacr.nent ;$8 gooo .<ample
elution: II BIIBcl>ments er. fl"Orlon.! may"o IeSI. It
rile PM>g6r is noI ptOIrJ.JCitrg trom ",., mal6, _ wiil ".. no mec/larncat
IC!cntkrn Cl"ICCk tile S()f"'(l reo make S""'" i! is not OTOI<en,
,. ...... 110
Magnetic fC'ention it the ",sistar>ee 10 ll'lO"o'e"""'l """",d by mog>e!lC '>00'/ IMI
attract. cerl."n malO"." by ",nUl 01. oun'OI.o"I(!ll"Ig f,&I<I of !<:<C& prO<luCeo" Cv me
"""",,, 01 oneil"" 31;gnment of its (0)
CJruliorr: Magroers '*' J1{J/ piOVid8 JIIM"" slsbiIiJy and aftl Ct>"lI".jndicarect lot na1
." ..
Suel"'" IS """. "",.1." bV. VltCwm that ClIU .... S()Ijd objfL<:t II> _ to a
..... 1"" . An exo"'Ple I)e a Wf,l l filting dem ... e.
........,.aOle ,,..lC<a,,0O5 r&Quim a per.xJIC cfICC/r; oIliSSU1O
M:l ncc<f t>c. rcI#>a. Sa<> ProcccI.JfCS page 61.
......... ... ,----." .. ---' .. - ..

0::-.. "'" ____ ..... ............. co
--- f ---

ttn ..
.... f I """"-lJO-"

\to- 1oI!!lN.-OSIq

-....,.- ...
.0 . .......
.,. It>
U . ..
-....,._ ... '"
.... -.w.' ..
.... " .. " ....... ..,
Space and Cost
.. space .............. _
Space considerations should .-.;luOe !he SuccolLio1QU8l and Mesial-Dostal dirrle<>-
" <)fIS as ,.,.,. os lhe vertiCal space reqwred. AOOllional YC'"Cal space is
rl.quil&d f<lt tile l..st<)roti"" _ aver the an","h"'''''t
Comlor! lor !tie patien1 sr.ouJd Q""" special conside",,"on ... well as eslhelics.
EffOfl should be tok"" .0 a. to 001 "",rcoMour thl filial ,.storatio<1 "tnch would
ad_...cy dOCl C(lmlor! and speech
V. rUnl
The vertical space," me""umd from the tissue to !he margOl8l ,;,;go. Of from !he
marg<n oIlhe ab\Jtmenl to Ihe """g<tIIl " ..... <>t the oppos;r.g (lCntilion. Use the lull
l&ngth oIlhe anachmcn!. wheneve< p:>soible. and plaCO ,I a. _ "" POSSIble without
imping,;gon lhetiuue. (")
B""cal . U"IIu. ' or Loob .. tLingual
BoccaI-l ln\lUII1 Of libool-llngualsp""c" very o;.l"cal. eSj)eC""v wi!h ,.,.,..,..bIe par
liaI !lenwrcs, 8<Jcca1-1;ngual or labl""lingual space should De measured accurately
to lIVOid over..-;QnIo\J''''Q II'IC restoration in ttus d"""",."., An add".,......1 lmm
be add&d to ,r.. tlOC<:aJ.llnguai meas",,,,,,,,,,t k>r ",.,.al p<ec<OKJ<1 10
allOw lor Ihe casting alloy. We setting"'" toolh prior 10 the selecl"'" 01
an an""l'IrrI8nt ThIS ",ill a:d in the oi .. delerm.,.I"", a nd "xael po.d"", of Iho
all<>ehmenl. (8)
M"slal .. ' .. lal Dr OI. l a l M. ';a'
M""aI-Dis!a1 0( E),S!3l--Me.,a1 ,,-o,""omen1$ arc cr:lical for inu&COOlMl a ttachme"'S.
<once " box prcparalK><l it s..l<!CI ''''' I8.rll""1 allacJvnenI pos_ for the
space ''I3iolllo. (el
A II<"'d ",ay 10'!Iow how rn<>eh redu"""" .. fl<!Ce.sary is 10 prcpere lhe study
IS also 1le1plt.O 10( the de!>1iSl1O ,"",ve th8 ",,,,,,,,,,analle,,,,,1e cha iOO _
me abul"..,,-n Os being
Cost i. alway' 3 tac<or.1IoweVOf. it sto;>uld t>I! 1M I".. eonsideraltOn. is expen
sIve in the ""'g-re,m to utili"" a more oxiJ<)l"l$M) attaochmenl a low maintenance
facIO< lhan low C1 a!1aC/"W'n,,'" 'Mlh a 1>111' malllle<ta">Oe facto(. r"" <Sl i.
/elated 10 lho \'iP<' 0<1d mal&rial 01 Machmenl selected "S r:lescnl>ed t>eIOw
In 110$ _I we use a Cost Icon 10 'optfOielll th8 OPlJroX>maIO COSI_ Each dollar
sign /epresent' $25. We ""'"-'do pllJs and m ..... . ion' 10 1_ cIeIino the porice. Fer
.xornple. 3 tIoIIar ,ill"" ond a pIvs 1IK!ica,a.ltIe 3It8Chment OOOlS.""-"'<I $76499.
As ltte COSIo! 81i""m-.ent. and rnplanl components may chaoge ""Ihout notice. U>is
priciog gu;oo is only appro" r"" I"
:oIhlc" .... nl.
I .... hlgI>II' cosl 01 a preciSIOn anacl"ment is dircclly related to the comlexi\'i of lhe
maoolactll<lng slid 10 1"" CO<nposilio<\ of 1M preci."," "!lachmenl. AI precision
o.tlacrrnento .r. Pf""".on maohoned lrom a knowr> alloy Compo,Jter controllC<! eNG
mills 0<1d $CfCW machines are used 10 mar-..riOoC1ure extremely aceu"'" com""""",IS
h mi._i.io", . lIac" ...... I.
The low cool 01 S<)miprecision anoel""""ls is mainly due 10 the 01 [M
m3!llJfOC\l.O'Lng ,ecf'InIQu!!' . injecllon molding I'S machining etc. ond me mater;"l.
MOst scmi-prec""'" a[tactvt_ 1 Pinero. are m,d(! 01 pIa.l:'; Qf refraclOO"'/
.. iAI. and ...... ""bjecl 10 s[igIll _iobleo dL.OOlQ manufoctunng ...-.d ll"I<Iir ..... in
lhe laboralory
-..0 _____ , .. " ,',,, ,,,,. _ , 7
0""","", ,,,,, ", .J ..... r-.......,.."" .... _'"
4) Ptellillinary & Initial Attachments Procedures
Visi t OUf Website
l echnical p rocedures
prod"'" updales
no..'ment PI.nn;ng ___
1. Evaluale "'" pa!;.,nt"s oral and _al health.
2. 11 aw1i<:abIe. dlscu," tho pa'I""" and SOO what is requotfId or
des_"" Evs1tJate p",enl'. need Ie.- e.H>etit. and C<)mIort, I>oth psychological and
physical. Oel<le'Uy. and moIwatioo to perfo.m!he .-sary h)'Jiooe po:x:edute.
3 T.1<e 1 .... 1 ml)Ulh " diOQrapM , p'eliminary .nd a bi,e ,eg'$(raHon
4 Vsing "'dio,,rapi1, and stOOy """to, pI<Vl and deoiQn me 08 .. bio-
med\anoc.1 aspect$ $UCh as. HOw lerll" <:II a space IS to t... ",stored? HOw is lhol
restor .. "", to r.. and supported? I. a r"""""able Of fi xed .... indi o
",,!ed? /\Iso C()(\SI(lCr inIorma!"", !rom me lnr11.1 _tu.tion,
5 Cor'I$UII wrth !he dental t_ an 'eoardinQ allacl'lrrlenl _lion and coorc!ino-
t"", 01 me f<IbriCatiOn sequence Use !he '" GOUQ8 to d$:$rmlne available opac<I,
Oirnens"",s lor allaclments "'" in this manual.
Initial Procedures
.." ... 1: CLiHICAL __
eon.tJII ..tm the IiIbora>ry lcc1ncoan the coord"",!"", ol !he eltach-
mont and labricatJa1 ..... """" . U .. lhe '" Gaug.oto cjetermono """"e.
2. AS!< U", 1&bo<.1ory to construc1 a lemporary oe\up
a .... 1I1I 01. 5et Up ITSU):
Thol patient ...... IIlat as a prol S!OOOI, yoo co,,, atlOut!helr partiCula' case ThOs.
i$ W'ry importanI p-sy<;:llologocaDy 10 ll>e patJenl
The TSU enable. "'" P'llient to ..... wh<ol the j,naI _uti '-'ill i0oi< like belore )'OIJ
begin worI< Of\ tho ""IC)(alion.
It be utiliZ<>d to S$$6$$lhe proper toolh redtocIIOfI and oIignme,1 f'IflIed lor
tho> int'acoroMl aMcr."'''''$
The TSU may be used to I'Cfify U., <>OCIuU1 ,00a"0fI. If is uS<>(j k,r an f1>/ejen.
lure. the venical rel.t"""hop " .. "'" be 1051.
r"" of m, A_.IntemaICt>i>l Mall is slways avaiJat>,la
r<> a .... l you " ,rn fYO/essiMal Ca de0l9n "va!U<uion via phone. fo Of'
0rI/0'le tccIlnic9I .... ""'diIy et

"",,,, 110"

. -
<Xl''' '" """'"



@ @


""as. 2: TECHNICAL
1. Set denture teeth on w3>< !l<OC<>rdeng to ,"" ",,,,,,.,,ed study casts lIOCl the demISI's
i>!<'ocOption The \ootI1 may be usOO later lor the final ,cOlora.oo
2. Re,,,,n , t'Ie arucuralOt WII n tnfI TSU 10 rnA <1MMI.
PIta ... 3: CLINICAL .......... ..
I Try ill the !he TSU Wl(j cn""k !he occlu""", one thones.
2 Pr""",,,, lhe aOO"""", using 1M TSU ... a (lUilIe
Inl ... n.1 ...... h_ .
For intrAcorOMl ""oehmen" ...... tile lemale element to 00\ .. """" the depth and
wldt!1 of !he box preparation trSl, tt>en complete 1t1e """",,,",g preparMion. (A)
.... _ .... __ n
Extracoronal attachments do not reqUIte specta. pr&p3ratlOn "'. do ,,,.,.
'ha,the mat"," iI'I ,he .",a of I .... allacrrnent 0; prep...,.; .... I>gingival. (B)
t ll.()fVOI " ",.
St .... .., ....... <h .... nt.
Fa< o' .. ,m'''''' '''' oWd t)oJ')e attxr.nems. the S/'IOuI(j r,e Cl lriCely
to 11>0 tlet9h! of the U S"" and &n<Iodonri<;ally lreal&!:!. (el
.. Typo ... ae" ........
For """,dent,"", bat type attachments. th& abutments _ be clnlCaIIy reclucod 10
the heoghl oIlhe hs .... a.-.d eodo<Ioo!icaty I",. ,ed. The roo! canals _ be
"'1 to eacI1 otIle< If that is !lOt possible then a SCI .... elemem on alle,.,,1 one 01 ,he
fOOlS hO! 10 be between crown. lor pr",,,.1OtI parll.t . Make " .. !hal !he pr_ry
",e (Ol
3. Ta1<e a mll$1$r 01 the maxOiAry AOO ""ndibuia, Arch<!<. Th<I TSU may
be used as l>iIo ,ogistration.
4 Fabnc.te the lemporary CI"""'" and/or bnOge(s).
5. e.'!uale the- ir'rIpre$$ion. r;,'M 1M impre "", wrlh tho! TSU a M a ll 01 1M neces
' '''Y intormalion .nd inslruct;"". TO the lechrOc;an.
"' _ _ _ 00 _ __ . ""-'-"_'" 9
"CO" .., "4 ....... "" ..... , "-' '"
lubacOianal PNcedures Partial Dentures
SCORE PO, PTSnap, McCOllum, SCORESR, 8iloc, POC, APM-Latch
Prelimina ry and Initial Attachme nt Proce dure.
\ Ph.u I: Always rcfer to I"" Prelimmary and Initiat AI/achmenls .. ,
,Y pag9 8 0rIiy t1>ts WIll gtJ3r3i'ltcc 8 succeSS/'"

1 Pw< tOe pin tt>e di(,$. """",t lhe casts, ond articulate II>e models.
2 Tho TS Of TSIJ may b<I """" aU I)/Ie re .... uab:;'"
3. Wax Iho "'SIOraTlCtl to Toll (A) L40 Iho TS Of TSU '" a QUido to insure ohal
IOe ore no( over COf'fOUlod.
4. $ur"vey me model to II>e rmt;ll<lvorable path <A insert"" (B) "is pra/er.
at>le 10 """"" II>e m:;>:;Ie4 '" a intermedia1e base This may b<I [*formed ..... tt> Iho
Transfer RoO and Nipp'e Syslem_ """' .. we the space lrom l he n<Jge 10 I""
opposing den"lIOn. Th8 wI(lTh 01 1h8 and the ",,,' leal d.stance lrom II>e
ma rll'" at lhe prepara' IOO 10 , he I S Of TSU Seiectthe anachrrien'
acoordillg 10 1he mea>","" ","co. MOOSl imraooronal a!t<>Chfficnl$, e><cePT Ihe
SCORE PO !he Sohalzman, may I>e uSe<! as a cro .. arch . 1abi lizer
A!I3Ctwnen:t \Oi!h "" e.,..,...;on flangft m" y .nterlere wilh the oppoW>g ,I
mOle i$ .naUeQUa1e space, (C)
5. Aller seiec1<>glhe p.-oper "'tr""oronal .lI8Cht'no>nt. Create a space fo< II>e lemale.
(0) and w il ;,-oo the Cf""'" wa>;-yp. Be .... e to _ rh8 prOP$r mandrel (E)
Some plastic altnc/"W'J\e<>t. 118 Iho """""'" 3nacned. " a pMi&t den!uro "' t>eu>g
planor>d create a _ Iir>gual arm _ever pos.ible Au"i"""1 a"ochrnoorn$ $UCh
tho ()r-r-oega-M may be \I$Od direcUy opposing the panl3l deroture arammonl. (F)
.11 NOTE: II is cfl ticol that al icas! O.5mm or more wa' OS .Oded around any metal
L:ilI anactment 10 prevent alress cracI\.,
I> "Ille "",Ie has an eXle<1S"", ftang" ,.r".lJre lIlat acleqo."''' space eXl '" for lhe-
,""" ... " tOO\t1 , (C)
? Sprue the resloration aM pr8p.r8 Tor iI'\ve$1 ng. 00 noI ...... debti>b,,,,, on the
attact-.nenT, If" o."M'\ic core is used, klave illOog and !ack 10 ! he femal e with
'!Jcky wax betore I""OS! wi",",e proper irrvesU'llCn! lor lhe alley berng
u$I)d_ Yoo may u ... a smaU iostruMen! to iii ,n lho irweSlmo)n! into the lema'" dc
mM1 (GI Do rt _ _ ! CaS! lhe crown ndJ<>r br,dgt ($). Do not "n(!btaSl
lhe alUlci>menl$ as !hi. may Instead, u$l) an Ai Glas. Br"'" (H)
Finish the ""ICfMion And r8!Urn to the donW along W'I, h II>e TS or TSU_
""",lor!: "",ee/a.n. 8doJ sil,,,,,,,,, impress"", ma"'''.' in the
lemaJiJ 10 pre..,nt ffon! CMCMg Rema ... "''''''''''' maleria!
ItOm """'" and try-... mate for iii /;>clOt(} /iring.
I Remove the ''''''DOra''l crown .
2, Try rn ,ne MOl o< bridl/Cl') Check rh8 marQ,oal li t aru:r the OCCluSIon
Check , he shade at the porcelain. if i, has aIr .... cty t>een lirOO to 11)(> framework,
3 " """"S","y, 181<08 new m;lsl", mp""SIOn I'oi! h the crowns irl place. H you OUI
1ho models, ftpp1y thin cOOl at peUo!eum jelly irl , he Crown! _ e poo..-.... the
stone. Tho. Slep wl l psowen, darruoge to the margirts arid ... sum """- of II>e
erWIn. fal"' .
Return the .,."es....., or model Wllh W'iltc-n inlormMlon lor Any Chanoe' 10 the
tochr'Ocian Include lIle TS 01 TSU.
1 Mal<e any change, OIlY outlinE<:l ., !he ""'" Ofder. Beion> pOUr.". ...
sion, apply a thin coal at P/llroieLXTI inside tho OW"" . lhon plM:<! $011'1& &el l
CUlf ro,"" arid a 00weI pin inlo tho before 1I>ot model i. poored. Thrs wi n
""""re ,elease at 1tle WIll pr$'e<>1 !O the """gon. and to lhe
r1'1O(lcj . Pw< the mast"' model wi th Crown! in plAce
.. ,..,...,. ....... _'" _ ' ... ____ ..... _ ... ,_,. __ _ 10 CCf't""-'fld """I P8I)e
>CR' ,,-- _0. ,_""- '" .. ,_ ""
.bscorona. Piocedures Partial Dentures
2 Rea"icu1ate 1M models and """ck for an1 _$<Iry M j""trrI(!fl!$.
3 Keep .sthetrcs end 1M e<:mtort ot 1M in rnond _ 6<Osigr;.,g 1M '''''''''-
On rTIfIx1Ilary Try!'101 to CoY$< 1M rugae. plo<"
inslead. a wide !hin palalal strap whenever possible IJ) Ar)$<)arCf> !'>as shOw" tt>at
!hi. design is pmfe,'ed by po,""",. as rl i$ rnucto more
cas1 and 1M pM",1 Irarr'lework. Ens""o that lho 00es no! inteo'-
lern "'11'1 II'IfI par!>al lramew<>fl<.
5 Cold ClKO. solder. or spot the &pptOpr"'le male or female ,,_I 10 me
..1 NOT; 00 not OOl6<Or or ,pol on anachmem that i. de.iQned 10 be
L>II cdd O""edl
(; R""",," ll'lflleell'l ffcm ItJo TSU and '"""t thorn 0010 1M part .. llrarnework. For
SlJperior esthetICs. selecl a wider !>rot l00th tfoal will close the irrte'p""",nal .pace.
and abut 10 U>o l idge if poos;bie.
7 Re,""n the crowns. 1M oodge ls). and the partial to !he den""l for !he final try-in.
Pha .. 5; CLINICAL __________ _
1 RMno:>ie tM tflmporar1 crown .
2 Seal tM allutmenUs). cfO'W!\S or O<L<I\IO(S),
3 Try-in p"'tiat ood e".u .... <hat auact.".rrts!uncrion COIreclly_ Ched< the occlusion
and e.theti<.., Mako ......,. r>OC<>ssary adjUStments sod request pat ..... " approval,
RetlKn crown . or bridge(. ) (0 the tee .... cia n for final ""
!he Incivde in.lr\>Clk:<"l$ for OIly
Pha 6: TECHNICAL ........ .
1 Complete the adjustmenl;. maoe or req""stO<! by the cklnl; _.1.
2. Process the partial donru", Dflpend"'f,J upon 1M ,echniQue. ' M crowns may
need to be rem<l'<ed bel"", 1M process:ng In sctne c a ses me attacttnent "..,.t
be I>Iockad out 10 p<ope< (L)
3. tile models ond eQIJllibra!c me ocelu, On.
4. Rer ... n the compIeled 10 the <;IenI,,,. lrociu<jo all of the .morrna\>(:<l .""h
itS tho slla"". the mold fll>'OOer, and the a"acl ....... rn name. and orde< ro.rnber !or
inciu$On in [he pa[;e.,!'s pe rmanel'l file.
Phas. 1: CLINICAL ............ .
I Ro."cw and ched< ttle lillal "'stOOltion,
2. eet"'" $$aMQ tM Cl'IfICk me lunct[(l(l 0' l1>e attachments IniU II)'.
provide 'I>e pallent "'Ih Ih& least a""""" 01 retcntIM po",ble Ir; acliv"'in9 Of
deactivaling lho atlachmwlt.
3 Rem(J'>le 11>e oempora ry CfOWns_
4, Try ", tt>e abulrl>9l'll(s) arid sea! II>e P" !lai.
5 CheCl< lor $C<e Il1>01$ .nd adiuttihe ocCluSion.
6 Cemen! crowns, one a l a I me with I.,.,.,.,."..y cement
7. 'nstruct ,lie patient on insert"'" and ro"""," "" the par1i<ll as wdl a. !I>e C"'Q
of the P ...... l>eIow and eroond 'he 8Itactrn. n,. ""'Oft p.mlal 8nd dlsrnss pat"""
8 In t..<> to three _s, mean !he patient for a final AI !hi. time_
""no a reline is f8QU0red See Reline ProcOOut ... page 61 .
9 Record tho name ...-td tl>e ordor ncmbo< ., the pa"e"''sl".
10. Recall lhe pat .. nl (in 3 tn 6 mant!>.) to determ"", il tho parlial
require. a reline, and 10 assure oon1""-'"<1 function 0/ anac'-"-IS.
.. -..._", ..... _ ' .,. _ .... .. ... . _"' .... "'_ I I
0"""", .". " " , 0 "'" .. ",-, ,,, ....... "-'
Intracoronal PNeeciures Bridge Type
Prelimlna" and Initial Attachment Procedures
Pfulu ! , Always reler 10 I"" P,elimil!lJry aM Inili81 A/lach"",nl.
psge 8 Only In,. wi" a :tueeeso/ul ref;I<Xalioo.
PhlJSe 2: TECHNICAL ____ _
I. Pour tI>f) irnpr<)$$!Ql"l. PI" I"IC (!i<)$, i'n:XJnllrIC ca$!, an<.1 MicuralC!I>e moxie!$.
2. Wax !he c"",""" to !uII coot"",. Sepa,./e ,he wax",p in !he 3'''' _& th8
ITlCfI1 is """";'00
3 A, Itii$ p:)Iru a c/>(:;Ce has '0 rrl/lOO in ,*"j to 'he placemem of tI1e a1aCtment
The f1>mRIe can t>e plaoo<:I """"""",nal/y (Al 0< f ""meOCI It C""""ilhe mal8 """
t>e placed up side down exMc()O'()(Idy (B) Place rnale on "'" model.
T...-." care no! \0 set irIvor1cd makllOO hi9tl ""'ticali)'.
4. F'l&c8 1118 ffimol8 0"",,!>m8n! "'10 "'" CfOoIn w",,-up,"'" 8 m"," moo"'''' iI
oble, CompIele !he ",exup oC !he firOl 'egme<'II.
5. Invest cOS1 ,....:; _the firs, segment 00 no! .tart the .&COnd oegmem untilt""
tnl it firIi$l'!ed
6, a, Inlroooronll: Place !he plaSl<e '" metal male element into the female aru.l
comp:1<ll00 wax up 01100 SOCOfid ""l/ffiCIlt 01100 resl""'I""" (e)
Exlr.c .... on. ,: PIac8 1M """018 up"M <!Own _, [hOI comple:e
!he wax up 01 tM second 011"" bnclge lhe ferMIe male
makinll ....... lhey """tact the model. The ginglyal 01 the inverted
81laclm6nl coo bo , ....... Itd I>8tore ,",'very 10< OJl\II'"Ium nygl_. (01
7, Invest. cast. aM flnioh I"" second ""omenl 01 t"" ","""alion. DeIive, 1M
rest", al .... 1<> 111& ejen"'!. (E 1
I. E valuel" mo , .... 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,II "" Rer, ""'$ '"" 1""''''''8ry (:ItMT1.
2, Try in the crownsls), Chcck, and if r.oceosary. adjust 1"" oce""",,,.
3. P"o, 10 Ih@ IlnAt . eat Ihe c,own. ,,",th tempo'a'y cement.
Bo1l1 o;ection$ ",,-,Sl be ;ea:oo before II>/) _I $01$
4. Aller "",,'oximatoljt I"", __ ....... 11 tn. p.:ien1 tor fi nal cernent3li"",
5, Record:t>e atlacImMt MTII'I and order runbeI in :t>e pa!ien1" file .
.. ="',_ .. n ""' __ __ '" __ " 12
o ___ " , _ .. ,_ ....... ,." ... ,_:0
I .. b acoronlll Procedures Locking Bridge Type
SCORE-UP or Pin Des Marets (POM)
Atuchmenls using UPln$
r.... ,*"I'
Preliminary and IniUal Attaeh .... nt PToe .........
1: 10 rh6 Inlfj., Arlacnm .... r. Prc<:Mure .
p/lg6 8. CWy ",i. wiI """,,,,,rw wcc .. sIr.JI _lO<a_
PhlJse 2: TECHNICAL _______ _
1 Pou< the impres ...... pin the di8., r"I'\()I.O"I1lhe <;aS1$, and articuta:e!he modelS,
Wa>: the restOration 10 '''' C<>nIO\>f. Use l he T$U a. a ou;oe to ot'ISUI8 lIIat the
"""""" "'" not ""'" C<>I'IIOur$(I
3. S<J<vey the lor the most I.VOIable path 01 ., ... 1."".
4. Wi'" 1M mandr8l. Vc the b&;k plate ar$s of Ihe SCORE-uP female 10 c","", (A)
In-' the wax.ng PM Into lI>e female sod Ie, them ..... tf\Kle throvgh !he bucCIIIl
laboal area "'" w1l>( pat<or" Doccualy and lingually 10 comour C.re1u11y
twist the "'" wal<ir>g pins arid remo'Ve them from the """.up (8) 'he
hoIe$ using. r<>.nd w (e) Use !he reamer Ie clean out the _so (D)
("" .. lin, th. ,CORE.IIP:
Hold ""ued pan .... horizontally without ring. AllOw investment to fl holes. Relurn
...... ighl .nd place long. Complete . "e'b,l8I"It.
S. In,,", . cast. and li<Ii$h!he C"""'" oodIor bfidge(s), Be carelul not 10 sandblasl
attachments >:IS tll is may C8U$(l dan'IItge.
6. PI_ !he pl astIC rna'" SCORE-UP elell'lM1 into the =1 female. lock w.th !he
wa>:"'11 pon Of !he Up;., anti fui$h wa' '''9 ttoo 'e_"'.",
7 Cas!, aod fin<5I\ I"" "''''''''''''0 Uf'II!" CUI a $n'>aI1l'1Orizontal 'ilfOOYe be,",-,
tn. u -p", 100'-, $0 11>0 dE<1tllt has easy access for """"". 1 0/ ..... u Pon, TI'I&
Up;., may be ,,,,,,,,,,eO wilh an <<piorer t)"l>8 ... trument (f), Rei"" the bnclge or
impIanl _1O<.1IOfI !O 11>0 C_IUIy close buccal holes wiIh opaque (F)
"". .. 3: CLINICAL ___________ k
I RevIew and C!>eCI<. the linal teSIOfalion
2. Bc10rc 00",,",," me abulmr:<lts, check the 11.0"""" '" !he
J . Try .. !he obutmenWs). place """'" dental loss .", .. "d the U-Pin PtoOf I<> insert""'.
The Up;., ""'Y _ some sligllt adjustments Sprwd U-Pin very n., will
h&Ip p'''''''''I!he U-Pwi nom !alOng 001 .
4 Check and r.ecessary adjusl the oociusion.
5. F'rlr;o to the Iinal cementa\IOfl ...... t!he with !ernpOrat'/ cement.
6 After awro><ll1"la!8/y two weekS, "",al ..... pal' .... lor 1_ cemenw.",.
7. RecOf<l the SCORE-uP orde< nurr>t>er in ..... pal.enrsli1e.
,.,....1 .... "1 Planning Option
I II posterior al>ulrnen1. "'" a .", anachmer11 may be maoo
in advance !O allow !he SCOREUP !O be c",wOf1ed to a ,esWient anachmenl such
os the p'''1oC Dalbo. Swr ...... ,nO, ASC 5.2 Of SwIss Aoctlor I Ceka, The .11achmenl
may be Or1<!O!O 11'1& t>ack 0/ a SCOREUP male. The 8<terlSOon 01 !he SCORE-UP
mole is r 1 cut 011, lhen krted to Ihe artacl"menl (0). Cas! ilnd!noh. Vet"" aha!
the assembly also tits Ihe f emale 1hos assernllIy (H) .r.ouId be .,10 !he
poh ..... file tor lulure trealr"nMl
.d No .. : The unmald"led varuloilly 0111>0 SCORE attactomo>n! system .-1Of"I9
Wm Ireatmertf pi .... 10 0'ICIude the convetSIQn 0/. scgmon1ed
with Of wit"""" the UPin to a SCOAE poroc,""", part,al. Reier to lhe
SCQAEPO porOCedu,e. tor deta'lS.


P,ocedu ... Part ial Dentures
Prellmh""Yand Initllol "ttacl."ent Proc:eduN.
_ I : Alway, "ler to r". Inil ial Ar',""""" " PrQUdurn.
P8(JIJ 8 Only !his will Q<AIf""""" fiIIXH$hJ "" ror'''On
,.,.. 2:
, "'" 10 _il'"'''' """1 ....... _ palI'I '" -wn CAl"'" tt-.
aI>.JIment cr""'-"'l I) 10 fIA (:(:<I\(M,lf'
2 c-a beI><.,,,, "" wa. to _ ",. ...- v'" ... . Wtlh 1ht ",.,.". ...
fIIKe ..... rn-.(') "*'_..-.. ...... -up _ ..... _ prE IN _ "....-.0 """
....... (8) Be .... to .. _ ItIe -'''''11'00'' lew ,_"'" ., Iho CMlfIQ (C).
The Swi$$MinI ..... should .... _ """ !lie VM>C-' *,-, lo .rTIOCIItitjI
the rna,.. should be I.iO<"ticoondy dOt orgenl in "'" $/Ig,'.' pl_ (0) l ho .......
be PII'_ (1rIt "C1 or 0IMcI "" """'" betw , I'll cr.rl or lroe rdgo anti
lilt "II"" (IN "B"). tEl
3. Sl!tue "" .. pool'''''. ,,,...1. casI. 8"" .... on IIIe CfCWInl or bn<lge(l) (PI,st",
CUl3bl ..-..e __ be ca.1 in """-preQouI Melal casl4tl males _ be C4SI
only 10 pr$C0l<JI or 8b{). 00 not .. 00I>III11 the au"""""", I I this
c:s.mog& '*".
1\>: AI\ct C' " . .... <10 I'lOl poW! ",. OIiIw ... s.. H .,...40 _. JlOI ,..
SPray """ gI-. __ I)efote ""'ivtt"f The 'opec! '" ........ IIle
""'Y PO/1(1/'1 oIlhe anacl'wl'lOnl can be pOIo'_ to lacilitOle 1Iyg,.ne
,.,." 3: CLINICAL
,. r"" on !he Wldlor brdge(').
2 K rIIoClKSa' Y, lOoi<t P""-UP impr ...,., 1101110 !ht crowns "' !or ..... 1lt()Ce$$-
3. fIoUn .... or 1'1'0)0II-. lor ""' d ...... lO" IICI,,,,,,,,,,
"",._ 4: TI!CHNICAL
I . If a "picl<-UP" .. "" wu "'I"" let a __ , nasle( moatI. O"l$e<t k"",.IO/f (lie$
_ c..,..,. anti pcv the .......... w ....,.,.. ..." ctO\O'f\I on pIac&.
2. fIM_lle.-rt
. ...... )1', .... _",.l' ..... , .. ,1S,
3 01' fII' a __ .,."" POO_ war> ..... 2 2 bioi on ....... Y' , Mba. I'y:
II>g not to".,.... the ro.o(ll>e . Reoo.Cf1 na ..,.",.,.., Ihol "'" deSogn .. pr.Ie....,. III "
10 ITII,ICh ........... ' ole< "'".. II>an 'horoesh(le' c1w(/l'l. (F)
L1 No .. ___ be_"' __ ,.a' .. ' ... ...-.en
.... "'*' !IE par!III io> pilot ""'11>0 1..- IX ' ..... IUIed 1tI
the 1*1'" (G) The parqIeI hmll ShOuld be deSiO"t'd to JUI>'
porI lt\e lemale iOOp(') .
. ca....,.." the I*\lII e",,\.
s. 8IocI. out the acrz..-1Iar'IJ" -. wax and Iu!e ...... , '7(.) to the par",,1
..... .... h auIO<u'8 '"'" (H)
5.nlng Den/V,. T_ h-IIlni o.lbol SwfuMln/
50&&. The """11 . .... bOil 01"'" UnI o.t>ol9o," JAn ...... 3, , .... be 1h)rI .
...,; '" _ fPIC" lor "'" 0.- _. The I4no DaIIxIIS>Mos.IAini ..... f">tIIf
be _ 10 tile heoghI 01 11\01_ (J)
" ........ ... ,- .... -.. .... , -"" ... , ,.
"b_._,'" , ....... _ C>.
." ,.,..,
Procedures Partial Dentures
Dalbo, Dalbo Mini and SwissMlnl conl.nued
Setting Denture Teetf>-()JJIOO 5
1), To allow ven"",1 _100"", for the Dalbo S Attachment. !he OenIure tooth rrkJIll be
relieved art;J<lrOOj If>e oocIusaI male up<oght (K) To <lSI ..... ,'", """"" a widfI,
100th 10 reduce !he interproximal spoc ...
7. Relum !he CI'OW'I"IS, blidge(o), and paltiall<> n""""ltiSl fa IhI) I""" trvin.
Ph . ... 5, CLINICAL _
1. Try_in !he c""""./bridge(s). and pan .... Ctoecl< for allactmenl lunct""',
Check IhI) oc.owon ancIlhI) esthe1"s
2. Relum!he models. Cr<M11, bridge(s). and to 1M loeM",",n ""tn ...r,tter>
"'sWClions I", a<ld<ti<>->llol cl oanges.
Ph ... 6: TCHNICAL
I R""",,,,, CtOWI'IO and pr@pOonfOOdol.R""""""fn ..... withsetupltQm .... fJ'OdoI,
HI in IemaIe with thin p/asl<)r and QUICkly fr...,.. .. ilh "''''',P
OIl model Smooth missing crown are.a ",r\h pla .. e, Irwest me part.I an<! Mil "'"
1he-", (Ll
1. C_ully _ <lUI adjust_ flange .' ..... "'''' maler'''' "'""*' a. Rubber
The t>Iockoot will create a space whoch ""I .. lew !he 10 no, prOPCffY
<>ver tho male boll and be adjustable. (M)
2. I'roceu the DellUk and Mi$h 1M jrMI. Remove any lempor.ry
rost struts.
3, Vo<ity ""'t pwtiaIlits with crowns and .>;hiM, proper tIiroge !unc1""',
'. Retum !he completed ,estorat"'" 10 the OenI,SI, Iroctocl<I ..,format"", '-':JudonQ 1M
sh_. mold """'bet. atlachmeni name and order rKJmber
Ph . ... 7: CLI NICAL _________
, . Review ""'" ch\lcI< IhI) final "'.,"'"''''''_
2. flcmo"" the tompo<ary crowns """
3. T'y-in "'" ,,,,oralion ond &djtJst the retamOO (W. racomm."", u .. ng me
relen!ion possible),
4. Check for sore spot. ""'" adjust me occlusion,
5. Seal the crown./ bOdge. ""1h lempot'acy one .. do! ., a ",no. _Ie
.. do! should be .... Ied w,tnoul ..-.til tirSI ,de is set. The ren>o'>'able partial
denture ,...,,, be ""aled bel",,, !he ".",.."t """ Seat mmalf'llng cr""",. /!>rldge
""'h 1empor. ry """""'t.
6. "'SI'UC1 lhe patie1>1 "" the inserbOn a nd 'en>o'>'.1 0/ Ihc partial""" coo> 0/ 1M
..... below and around lho atlachment.
7. Aile, approximately two woeks. recal lhe pallenl I", "",rna"""t cemenlallon,
Al \tlis lme l"" may del .. " .e I ...... Os f$QIJOfed. s..e RetOe Procedures page tl3
8. Recoollho attacl1mont na"", aod <>r<l'" nuoTibe< '" IhI) pal:entll,l!i
9. Recall lhe (on 3 10 6 monlhS) 10 dt!lertl'iine tho retrovable paU1a1 req.,.-$$
.,elM and 10 M""'" oont"""" pcope, funclion 0/ the "'SIOtalion.
Adjusting Relett/ion
1 The ratent,,,,, may be >ldlu.led simply by bendiilQ OI't,ihl'Y Ihe
ft ange,_ (N)
Rep/tieing Ihll VtllOO S Spring
I. The worn i. e"",y r""", .... j with a modi!i&r;t bur shah
2. The repl""""""" spnng IS Ihcn placed OIl a mandtel shalt and """,,'ed WIth 11-",
wider and towardstf>e occlusal aspect (P)
............ _ .... . ___ -.. __ .. .... ,._ f 5
_ .... _"'_," _ ..... """"

Partial Dentures
SA SwlssAnchor, Ceka, Octolink, ERA, Servo Anchor, !!Ic.
P.elimi ... ry and Initial Altach ..... nt Proc. d" ...
Ptt.u I: Al>vays refe, '0 the and InW" AII. c"_nlt Prtxeduru.
p-.,e 8, Only ltd w>il9W,""loo a out:C8$SluI ",$IOf1iI/.", .
Ph .... z: TECHNICAL _
1. Poor tM pin tM (lies n'IO<JtI1 'M ca .... ar>d artiCUlale Ihe .
2. The T$ or TSU may he us6d a. a bite reg.Sj,"""".
3. wax the r!lStorat"'" to full contour. U ... 1he TSU .ne!"""" inde, .. a guide 10
&nSUf8tM' the Cr(>M\S <1<& I'IO! O'I'ercontOUred.
4. S"""'Y Ihe model 10 del",,,,..., Ihe mosl lavcweble path or insMion tA). II is prefer.
at>le 10 mo ... " Ihe model in an >n1e<mediala base, 1M may be _ fly """'9 a
transfer rod and fl<pple,
5, Place the Sw,.""""ho! female onto Ihe CrOWn wax-U9. \>Sing Ihe mand,,,1 (8),
Plac. female as low as possitlle I'o1l11out impongong 1M tr$$lJe. $/l'II011

to .11ow hrore ... """"so., The SWlssAncr.:w- I""", ... "..,.t be para.,1 in tt", "",,,,,at
plane but not """"ssa<l!'/ in 1he .a\lilal pIa<>e. (e)
6 S!><"" w .... palt",n. add a sho!I $prue to !he r.nare (0) Inves> and cast .,
approp<late alloy. (1M re<! femaleS "'0 ... tJicatod for p<e<O""'" or _precious
allOys "'hiio the blue lema le. a.e ind.ca.ed fo, oon-preClOu$ alloys) Finish
It>e crown. andlor bridg.rs), Do n01 sa ndblast 1he etlachrnen .. as U". may
dMIage them. In$tea<l '"'" Ihe At Grass Brush. "99-9' 1020 Add cera",iC material
8Snec ....... y
? Relum tt>e crowns anOJor brklge(o) 8I>d the TS or TSU ., the OfInltot.
1 Ile<noVfIIhe tefltp::o-ary CrQwr'I$.
2. T'1 On the crowns OflOfor brktge{s). the marginal fit and the occtusi""
Che<:I< the &1lar;!e or the porC<'lain. , "'" at,eady !if8(j 10 'M I,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .
3.lf nece .. ary t .... &. new rt"IaS1* imprH$IOr;,.,;ttI CIQwrI$ on pi""'" tI)'J'J POU' Ihe
models, opply a thln ot petroleum jelly in the """'''9 bel"" pouring Ihe .tone.
"lli$ stop \WI prevent (jamage 101M """g"".
4 Relum tM impress.",,, modet ,.,;v, written inform.,,,,,, tor W>f chongeo to !he
t&ctncian, Ir>cJude the TS or TSU.
Phasa.: TECHNICAL _ _
, Belore the impreUion ptace a Ihm f,'m of potrot. "", ",lIy ", .. de {he
CfOWr"1S Thr>n pIaCft some ..,If CIH" resin and a pin into Ihe Clown. t>eIor8
the model is poured. 1M ... 11"1ow {lie crowns to be .... tty a nd WtIl P"' _
yefll darna"" to mar;l,ns and ""","I. Poor 1M ma,'8 model with CfO'WfIS in place,
2. R&."'CutSl. lhe and chock for any nece.sary ad"st"",n" lola the
cMnges. any. in lile wort< oreler.
3 Kge!> and the eom!on of the In mind _ desi9rIinQ the r<lmOY-
8b1e lrMle".vor1<. H you Inten<t to solder the a ltoo","""" to Ihe framework. plan lor
ttli. in Y<"J' de .. Add a cxtens>on to p"",ent litt.()/l tor drMat exten""'"
portlol$ (E)
..1 Nol. : Tho a"""e .....,...,ooned altaCllr"nen1S MI'(! a tendency 10 ti1l-oll d,stolly. To
L3:lI prevent thi add a m<llallPdo pi""" .gar .... t 1M or me$,31 gurr;le
plano or the
4. On maxillary ",.torat",,", try no! 10 /XNe, {tie rugae Place a """",,, thLn palatal
strop ...-er pos_ Rese .. dI M' ,,,,,,,,n 1ha!lhi. design is pre1erre<!, u is
fnJCh mo ... comfortable. (F)
5, Cast and ftnIsh IIIfI parlrat .
.. ---....., .. _ ...... -, _._ .. ,_.-
h .... __ Cw .... _0.0
Need technical assistance?
Sen<I vo..>t Q!.IO.1ions v,," Of
call "." ""ppor! .... ,

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,,,,,nn,,,al procwurO$
product updales
Procedures Partial Dentures
SA SwlasAnchor, Coka, Oclolink, ERA, Servo Anchor continued
Co1<l __ Of 'pc< 1M &pproptI8<& """""\I Of ",Ing cap <" tt'le parnal
Iramowork (G & HI
7 Remowo the teeth f ro-n tho TS Of TSU ..0 _ It>om onto !he pan .. 1 j'amew<;<k.
'too may need to r-.oIlOw llril"l(! some ,";1\ (leperxlinQ upon 11'1e \>Sod.
To impr<Y.>e estl"""'$, seleCt a _ tooIh 10 ,,.,.,..,., 1M inlerprO>cimal spaces
8 Return!tie """""'. bticlQe(')' and partial to the cIo'UI fOl tho
Phase 5: CLINICAL -
I Remove 1!le 1emporary crowns.
2. Trt-in!he """",",s,;he t>r<clge(sl..rod!he parUl, 8fld cho<:k t", prope< anac_
!unction. ChocI< 1tl<r ocelusior> 1d lhe ... thelie!. Make ""I _ .... Y MJ'.'Stmen",
8fld ''''1_1 the p ..... nf. lIPPfO'liOI .
3 Re,um alittle models, crown, brldgo{s). to the tocMic iM "" th
_ onsttUChon.'()( any changes.
"""se 6; TECHNiCAL
I C<:mpIOtO .. ",,-up ar"""" all;>Chmen\. Verily erne aMptatIMs 10 rnodotl.
2. Remove crown. and die. !rom mOO,., R"""",e ma .. ....."".,1 k:<m r.>u .. ng Of
W1ng cap. Fill .. t.:>Jstng Of winO cap with ;tlln pIa$* arid on omoo"
ar ... wotn pla$1C)(. ",veslthO part"" and boil out II>e wa .
3. Apply a lhin 1a)lOl of latex matclial such as RulJberS.p' around plaster under
housing or WInII cap. (J)
P""" acrylic is """ ""I' Md process as usual Della'" and tknish the partial,
Sc_ in mole ........ n .. &00 ch Ick for pn>pe< aI13o""""," h..." .... ,
6, ... n !tie compjeted ",st",aUon to tho clcntist 1_ aI 01 the inIotmat .... such
as !tie sh,,(Ie. I .... mol<! number. the .nachrne<1t name end Old/)< tor
Inclusion in the pali"" .. file.
#>hilS. 7: CLINICAL _ __
I. Relli_ and check tho!'nal res\oration,
2. ROfTIO\I(j t .... lemporary CrOWll$ Md boi(lge(s).
3, Try in tne restoral;'" .rod adjust the "'t""';'" for \he . ttacm."",. reco""oe< '"
usong the least rotont .... possible).
4. CI>cck tor sore SPOIS ond adjust the occlus;'"
5. Se.t tho crowns""" 81 a tome Wllh te-mpor8ly ceme<1. The retmV8t>iC partlaI de ....
IUro musl be ocate<I t>eIore tho """""" S<!I$.
6. In""..,t tho po""nt on II>e in."'t"'" and IhO I."...,..at oIlhO partial as well as the
care of !lie I"sue below and around tho attachmer-l. It il .100 itnporl8(ll 10
empI\Mi'" oral hygene as the exteOO$ t>eyOri(l tne tooth coruOUl".
7 Aft'" apt>ro:<imalely two weeks. """,II I .... patient l()t a final Atlhis
time yoo may dale<rn.ne " a "" ...... requi<ed
S Record hI altachmenl """'" and order ro.rnber in tho Pati"",. file
9. Racaft m.. Pa1Jent (1/\ 3 to 6 monthO) to OclClrrOne i!he """""able parllal reawes
" (e\tne and 10 ....... e contin<J&d P>P<'r luncnon 01 the anilCM>ent.
/he expet .... 0I1tie AII9CM>enI$ InreH1al1CMi $Iaff is a.ways _
10 assiSI yoo with professiornfl case fJ/"><>M. la>l or <>-msiJ
0nIin<> technical $WOOIIIS rc(t(iily available a/ "'NIO<altacl!men",con!
-..o_.@. __ .... .... ' , ,___ 17
-"'" .. ., ............ '-""'

Ptoceclure. Partial Dentures
.... ,.nd Inl i liol AU."hm. nt Procfll ....
-.. I : AIw.y. re'" 10 m. PreM>in'f)'.t>d PfOCl<J<Jt
p/ffIe". CWy "'" "" successIuI_.o _
_ Ill 2: TECHNICAL ...... ..
1 Pour !he ""P'ntoOr'l, p.t\ thO ""0. """""" "'" casI"- aM MllCu4.t. t .. tTICIOeIo.
2 The TS Of l$U l1'\li1 tie \l$1/Q n Me regc>l'auon
3 Wao ....... ",.,.. to lui ""'""""" U$e me rsu aM IioloOOf"oe """". go""" 10
......... _ .
Sutvly ... "_tod," " ........ _bli"_l*"oI .I)re!ef"
ablll "' ........ 1N.......sa In .. _he" 1 but. The".,.., tie _ by..-.g!he
T, ..... fIoa .MI NopQIe
5. M" .... " ........ _.., .... -...cl:nol!he _ """"'" UIII No r..",.
_ made '>om Iht TSU 1D ... 1y The Ilngovai WI'" 01 !he
ORS-O ..... ....,"'...:II.ICed!or odJobOnallj>Ke y (BI The "'.!Ie
ORS-DE ....... ""Y "' ..... ""'" to . 5rTrn ,...,.....,. (C). !he __ _
boo _, f8C1UCed "' ............... ""9ot. c.v. .... pIInO!or 'o::het
f8!8rII.,......." ... .."yIoc.
e_ P1..,.tne plMto; ORS-DE mo1ot ' onto !he orown .... -up, at 90 Jegr ...
10 U .. 01 .. _ It>o ORS-DE m3nJr1ll (0) PItoce .. lOw I. poI8iZJIe
wit"""t "'P<"II"'II ' t>o maI<. oure aJe<;p..>a!o .pace .... ts D$I::Iw .ttlCMlOn'
1<>r hyglflnO ICCH" Tt>o ORS-OE attacl\l'l'lei1!$ mul'''' In tt>o _t.,111
plio .... !>U! t'IOC """N<lI)r In "" ""9 ... 1 plane (E)
7 Spr ... the ..... pan...... A ...... vet'i! ....... may boo fOdClOJ to of .".
male(l) fF) __ cut In I .. Il'10 __ btidgell) Do
<>01 ""db'''1 \lit 81_'" this .... 1 -..oge tntm "-'<I u" "" .oJ
G_8<o.oIII. AJ o9Q.il102\l. A(lJC ... .....,maIOr... ........ -,

2_ Try in the ",,,. _ bNI9t(S)_ Che<:I< 1M ..... ,g ... lk.rId .... ace)....",
eNd<.,.. *"'- 01.". POt( ", n. .... 1Iao _5 5 "y -. fnd II> "" ...

3.' _. <'lOW mzv ... """' .. In pIIoCt j)OUt Ite .,_'- "PI)Iy "'" l..on 01 ;.tv ... "" c.....-. -. pounng .". _.
Th. 0lOI) W'II _ ... to"" """'g".
ReI",n.". ompreIlJOf1 Of moOeI with "rine<> ontc.-matiQn !or any (1\alIgM '" lh01
I_tan. It'iCItJOe TS Of TSU
,.,.. 4,
1 DIeck tOf fY'ft """"" CN,.,.,... BoticJoe poiJIt'ig!he ....,:1 . - , pIeCe. tI'Iin film 01
pelrdlum .-tv __ the CfIMIIS lhoon place oomc !leW C\n '"'" .., a _
pin no .. CtOM"e _. hi .......sa Thoo ... _ lilt c.....-. to boo
,.rO'IJ _ .... poe j ""'*1/6 to tie PWgont _ \lit ,..-. P\;Io.iI lilt
...... W "_....,, c.....-. " pIG;>o.
2. Ra,,,,ocu1a,. "'" tnOdlIl _ checIo; Iof _ ..." -' I ry 1IO,.'mor>1l: 101 ...... No
_J , __ .. 1IIt_0fd0<
3. KMP " ,_'" me OOI,Iu t fA ... pallen! mrna ""'* all :p. '1/ tnoo ......,...
_ ....... "" fry _ >:> _ Il'1O "'0"" "" ..... I.)' _ at.,... pIeCe I _
...... '_ltliip_ ... pca,bIII,P - ch ..... _n .....
Ito,..., """"" more 001,1",_. IG)
4 C_iInol ......... ",.par!OlI , ...
' .oc>'T
Partial Dentures
ORS-DE (Distal Extension) O-Ring System or 050 continued
s p,,,,,,, red QrinIl rno the melal TtI_ nng and on maIe ... th
I&rg&r opeMQ of retainer ring onen!ad !OW3rd ti$Sl>t.
8Io<J<. O<JI between the t<SSue arod reta ...... ring with ",a, arod cold cum The ,e_
ring It> the pMiaI framewo<l< (HI
6 -.. the (,om II'IfI TS '" TSU and ",Oe! tl'H!m 00'" 1M p"'llal ffame""""' .
You may need 10 _ onnd some leelh depending uPOr1 the allaChmenl used.
To ."prOWl .. _s, seItoct .. wider loom 10 ..aLICe the Tft *pr<o,.nol opac<TS
7. Ret",n the crowns, I)ndge($). arw:I panisllO the ""nlist lot- the
Phase 5, CLINICAL ........... ..
1. R<tmr:>.te the {erT'J!>OI'ary C"",,,,",
2 Try .... the """""'", Ih8 brid(lll(S) and the p"rT..w. aM CheCk lor p",p'" tunctiorong
ot TI>e aTtaChments, Check lhe <)Cclu&on and TI>e e$lh/)1<c,. M(Ikc "I r1eC=ry
adjustments and requeSI lite palient$ approval.
J. R"""n oil the """""". crown, br idge<s,...., p;l!TIaI($) 10 !he _ ic;"" wilh writ
ten inslructictls lor an.,.- addil ionel Crlang<)$.
Phase 6: TECHNICAL ...... _
I. Comp/e!e lhe adj\JSJnem$ made by the <Ii>n1i01.
2. I n\f&St tt"le p"'bai arod I>::lO O<J the Wll<.
J. elock OUI space tle1ween lhe i)O!!Otn of 1M ,etairte' ,o-.g and the !iSS"" with
pliTStfI< (J) A Ihir\",vet" of !o!ex materia! (RubbrI< may tie applied to bIocI<
OUI are . You may coId-o,e housing 10 the frame. (I<)
4 Pack acrylic in on<> "ep Ootlao/;: arod Ti",stt the paTtial as usual.
5. Che<:k to< prC>Per lunClTon;"o of the allachmenl. nOling un!\lersa l movemenT.
(Range of fL.<"IC""" Class 6)
Return 1M completed ,e010<3t"", to me (len1L$l. 1nCIu(le all 01 me in!",mallOft $!.ICh
n the OM_, tM mold nu:'I'IllfI< aM!he anac""""" narJ'\I! and "'''''' runMr lor
in the Pllienf. file
"".n 7: CLINICAL ._
I Review...., cheel<!he final resl"" liOn.
2 Rerno-.te!he tempo<ary c"""". anc:! bridge<.),
3. T,y in !he crowns and r$"TIO\I'bIo res"",,,,,,,.
4. Check lot- SOle spoto and adiuot lhe occluSIOn.
5. ;;&a1 !he Crowrnl or>e aT a !OInt ";!IT lempQr"'Y ce<nenT. TM r$"TIO\Isl:JIe PM la l den-
lU'" must br! .... l&<I Delo .. ,!he cernent sels
5, InslrUCl !he patient 00 tho "'sert"'" and the romoval ot the partial tIS _ as !he
c,"e ot tit<! t,. ..... bel"", and aTOI..<ld the anachmenl "is o!so importanl 10
... oral hygreoe as !he a_ e>"_ be)'OO<llhe _ con",,-".
7 . .... fi tJ app.-(OO(I"I81e/y r..o week>, recall !ITe pal""'t lot linal c""",",.hor. Al lhlo !orne
you may dete1 mine a rein<! "f&QUlled, See _Procedures P"O" 61.
a Recon:I lite attacl'lm<lnt "."'" aM Olef nu:'I'IllfI< in !he !IIfl.
9, Recall tho patent ('" 3 to 6 months) 10 Oe!ermne the re""""bIe partial requwes
..... 10 ... UTtl con!",uecI PIOP"r June!"'" ot!he &nachmenl
.......... , ......... _ .. __ ."... .... " ... ,,..,..""__ 19
.. """"""' ..... _______ . ,. "",_co
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prod""1 updates
Partial Dentures
Ase 52 2.6mm & 3.Omm and Nova!
Adlual l"", I". ASC 52
1. Th& ASC 52 scr!wdnver i. U$ed 10 the iote/nal rnechaniun!rom the
"'''''' _SlOg.
2. The tension of the.pmg is adjusted boy Molding the spllerkal t\ead 01 tho male
very c .. oIuIl)' ",,11> hemost"" and 1urrung the omatl oolat/nul on the e<MJ 01 the
dow .. W'lh the No 4 piJIi,loon 01 the un;v","" ASC 52 oc;rewdri_ 0< with the
small <)('!(j of !he dOuI)IC ended regular SCrewdri\ter {The hemool.t tip" $l>o0IO be
"''''we<! on caU.",. dOll, '" rubbftr darM 10 pr"""" the sphere I",rn clarnol/O_I (J)
3. AIII>ough the terISIO<l may be incr .... sed. a slight .,nog aclion "' reqwcd 10 allow
the meIe to ""',,," and eng,,\/<, lhe 1ema1e
4, The "pring may be "'placed by reroo.oIng the sma/I adjusting rMlt. (Tum ooun\e(
cIocI<""se I", !oosef>;ng '" <9Ol'O<'al - cloclo.wise for l;gntenong )
A NOle, R>< ReI"", ProcO'dlJ""" oonsuII thos Attaclvn8o>ts S lmpIan," _ence
Manual pg. 63.
Patls.refer to PBfI'>=-_M ____ ,
Partial Dentures-Solid
SwlssEll, Dawson D 2. 7 and D 3.0
Preliminary and Inilial Allachmant "'oc edures
Phil .. /: AI .... ys 10 the anrlln''''aj Arlacl>menlS
Po'ge 8. (hry"""" will guar""'<!6 wcceWeJI ""l<>"a!iM.
C,.,.." _ Pro<;..wr..
1. Su"'e:t model lor <10_ path of inSMion, (A)
2. We:/. e<own. to coniOUt, s..1 lhe machined plaslic male 8ltacrmenlS parallel 10
the paih 01 "' __ ..,.., os low as possible 10 !he tissue (B & C), As witt> all $ol:d
p.rlial denlure . ttacho"nen[$, a linQuai (lrm " reootrmended,
3. Sprue, and cast ... a hard ncnprecio!J$ or a[loy, Note: 0 2.7
and 0 3.0 maIeo must be caM wi th prec.,.,. or """"",,,""""" alloys Of'/;;. Clean the
ca'iong, 1'<>1,'" "'" g<ng<v.!l ArM only, dO r-.;lI or rubber wheel ooy O!her aoea
0I1he male oecuon. Bake porcelli .. or awtY composllo I<> Ihe lixo>d
B ""a 3 : CLINICAL
1 Try-in the abutments. Ve<dy "'"'9""" Ii !, cOfJlO\.O arJcI occlwsioro. If ,",C8"
r $,",>,. ma"" pick up OnpreS"""" Return the ma$ICf imp", "", with lhe
.... , ...


crown. 10 tile .
p",,_ 4 : TCHNICAL _
Acrylic " F",_wotII P,OCJufH
L Fa bricate 'he ",,".Ie' model w,th C"'WIlI in place _I art'culal" Design. wax,
. "' ... t, CA>t arid I ni$l\ "'" partial k"""""""k Af!et COMeCbng the leme.IOS 10 It<>
.. lute th<l preciSIon maclline<! meta! lomB"" 1<> the Irame uolnQ cold curo
, " .. n or composit .. (0). Ens,"" th<ol the junct,on t>ooTwe en the female/mato is
.... Ied with Ihin bIocl<out m81erial. The ""!>C. ijingi"ally tletween the atlaC!YMn1
ond the is aloo blocked out 1M gingMol screw. IE)
2. Set teeth &rid I;rush lhe wax up. You may process ttoe parl ... 1 <lenl,"" althis s!C;>,
We ""","""",d, r-oow-, tha' a comple!& try--ir> i. rna"" lifSt
1. Tf'1-;" the wax up and """Iy 1he sI>a<18 and (lCclu.,"", Check 1he lunction and
retont'on of the RnllChmenl II the pal''''' is .. tislie<! "';th the try.n, return all com
ponent$ to ttoe tecflnlc<an lor I;"al poocess ing
FI".r Pro<;NiJns
1 Review the prescription. Setol me waxup. ""'"'t on flo .... and boiI-oul wax.up. P,ior
to pOCkong ac rylic . rily that the g,no,val a",a be"' .... n male and tema'" is
bIocJ<ed out (E). Pack and heat pn)cc.s the ""r)'l"', FirOsh the restoration and_
fy that the g' ngNat screw is expooe<i ond tll.t"'" pIo..o"ger l'-'"'Cliorls correC!lI'
,."., 7: CLINICAL
I, 1I<:"",w and ch""k !he tonal re$10,.[ion
2. R""""", the temp<:<"'y crow .... and brid\lels).
3. Checl< lor ""'" spots and adjust t"" OCCk>$lon.
4. Seat 1110 CI""""', brlclges"';.n temporary Cement ,"",,01 set. The removable partial
denture must t>e seated b<!fora the cemen, set>, Seallornao-o.r.g Clown.' bridges
wilt1 tempoo"orl' comen!.
t"' truct the on m. ,nsertlO<\ and r"""",at ot the pM,,,, a rid care 01 the
t'ss ue .. hI .ttachment.
6 Afi8r a ppro><imaWy two ,,"""s, '""al the pat,ent tor permaroem c. "",n" t:on.
AI rhos t""" you may <Ie .............. if reline is requi1od,
7. Roco<d the attachment) name end order flI>"!lber in !he patienl 's 1lIe.
8. Aecallthe pa!;ent in 3 to 6 months to dOlorm"", ,t lhe ",,,,,,,,a ble portial r()qu.o. a
rei .... and to a .. ur" continued proper funct"""ng 01 the _!orat,on .
... """""'-.. ... ___ .... _"" __ .. 22
"c--__ ""', "'" --.. . ".. """,,,, __ c.
.xbacoronal Plocedures Partial Type
St rategy, Varia, Allegro-De, etc.
Preliminary and Initial AU,,,;"""'nt PrIoc. d ......
Plutu I: Always ,eter 10 IIlfJ Pre-limin. ry aM Inm. 1 At'ach",.,nto PrrxerJur. ,.
PB()'i 8 Only",," will ' "Jlifan/oo a =_fIJ/ . ."S1<>'al,,",.
Phase 2; TECHNICAL ______ _
1 Survio11he m:;>dol 10 deto, ,,,,,,, Vie moot la>'O<ob1e path ot insert"" (A)_ Wa>< l he
ab\J1t"1e<'I! Crown(S) '0 lull contouf.
2 Creata 8 00< Into "'" wa' panern 1() ,ecei. & Ihe guir:1e pWIe 1(0- me m&le &1&"",01
18). 'Mth the malldrtll. place the mele gLJidO pl8M ir\IOIM crown wa><oUP "" """ as
poss;b!<> IMIhOu! O'npirlQinQ tr1& risw& Ie)
3.11 is ,ecoo".,,,ded 1() mU .... '" p<o'\Ii<je indiroc1 I<'1cn1ion and ,einforce
the attachments A ey\indriea! ottoc!'rnent ."",h as the Omega_M may he pI""ed
""''''!y, (D)
3, Sprue wa>< pattern. invest cas!, and firNsI, 11>0 crowns '" b<iOge, C"""", _
he c ... on a hard alloy. Usc <>nI1 glas. beads '" f;bergl "", brvsh to clean ..,,;est
ment lrom male . Ra"""""'TS Male e\emerl1$ may be pOlished ""ttl 110ft Rob<l$Or'l
t>rush8s ar>d rOl.Jg<l_ Check rei""""" willl l>Qhle8t 181..,."", lemoie olor"ert.
PhIl 3: CLINICAL _________ _
1 T", on the C/t>'M1. M<l/o<
2. Tako a p;.::H.op impt oion ,.,th ., pla<;e 10< oow procass'ng r'J'>O{jel.
3_ Retu'" 'h" ""P,Utr<>n 0( mode l with in.lruct,ons fo, a ny eoa nges to the
,.,.. ... 4: TECHNI CAL _____ _
!. Fabricate ar>d "-<t nnst .. d ... ...., crowns .-.o pour !he new ma.teI modellMtn
crown. in p!(ICC.
2. !he mast ... r'J'>O{jel$"'" Check for any necC1sary oo;,.slrr>erO,
3_ Ptaoe 0 widO l>in palatat suap whenever possible on "'''''ilIaty ",.1","1""",. I'Ylng
not 10 """ .. the 'ugae Re_,et> !\as snown lhallhio tlesign is prelen6(t, as i.
much """. Cmtortab"-_ (EI
Not.: ",st $Ir\ll> should be added to I,amewor\<.s 10 hok:I !hi>
kame ., plaC<l _ !he female elements a re luted 10 tl>o tramework (I']
N01. : For \lo no/Alle g'o: A refoOoCt"'y model may be with the yellow
lem.le oI..,....-.t1 ., place on the crowns. This lechn<quc ;$ used in pIOoCe d !he
p< .",aoe metalllous "11', En""'" ma l "'" females a,. parallel belOte making
!he duplication.
4, cast . tId 1",011 !he pMieI (lentu,," lramewor\<.
5 ..,_ 1M t",.,..alo 1(0- l he Slrategy 0< gr...., f<!mol. tor ttl .. Vf,riOlAle!),O inlO
tte metal h<;:usr"ll "'" l<.4e the Ilous<llgs \0 the part ... tramewort< wrth a uto-cur8
"',.,. EMute that the lema,., assemblies 818 pa rallel before luting ..... h resin. (G)
..jJ Not.: For VaMoiAlie9ro: 11100 -""'0' 10< lI1e V .. nolAJlogro musl be p<asl
6. Aet"'o Ihe e ,owros. bridgel.). and partral 10 thO '""'liSt for the finrol uy-in
Set1<1lg <Xonl lJle 10.111.
.. """"' ...... ___ ._-.. or ,,..- ." ",,-,_
."-00>' -... __ "'_, " ... _ 0.

'&" ... ""001.
Partial Type
1. Try..., the c_ t>n09t(tj , or>d Vetili' Ih.!I 1M porl.-i I , .. " .,.k and
Im.Ch,""el ... co ....... eIy _I'd_ C ... way hous.inglllld rMltoc!> 10
"$In __ . .... y,
2 Il{,lum 11>0 model$, Cl'll'Wtll, OOClQe(O). and to 11>0 tecMlc,.n w"" wr,t1on
... 1"",100I\I 101 OIly
PfIa 6, TECHNICAL _ ..... _
1, SfII IOOIh ..,.;I ..." to <lllniost for finallrf-i'
PfIa a,
1 Romoo.a.,........ and '* pteps"" IfIOCIeI R .. ' ..... .---. .... s..-<JI)1rO<n "'"
...-.:<III r ., Ittrzlz ala .eotll) w(h _ p!ooo:or 11'1(1 QI.Iekly ,tQOeiooon " .... with
MI...-p on """"" "' ...... cr""" .... WI'" pIa_ .... -up, IIaM<
the pIIr"*11Ild I)Ooj OIl. 1". "Il>, (H)
ACryliO P,..., ... I ... ,
, I'rOONO tho o.cr,1ic o.tllt ... IIld fOnto the lOCf ytic Rorntow. """' *"I)Or.ry 11ft
2. vonIy """ the PO'1ilil """"'" till "",""'ltv w.!I> the CIOWIlI and lIXhib.ts p""*
- 3. AcIt.m fit co" I :Ied _ ....... J) "'. don,.. In::IudIo __ incUcIoIg 1tII
_. rI"I()t(I....."o., _ ....... _1Ild ora.......-
1 T,.,...,CroornI, t>rkJgos _ ... ""' _ ...... '" (M ccrowr-.
and 01 br<ll/ft r.1IUCI,-r . on.,..., __ _
2 __ 1OOi1a...a 10.-1,."... e ... , lui ,I .. (Jl
4 __ --.: .. __ ' .._''"4 __ '"'_..
oCr,.,,,,,, .... " __ ., ".-'"
" ,
Locking Type
Swiss Mar, Gilmar, 81oMar, Ancorvis
Pr.limin.ry.nd InLt"'l Attachme nt Pro" ........
Phau I : Always refer '0 IttC Pff/limrn.ry In;" .. 1 AII .. P,o>c<>du,(JS,
ptJfIlJ 8. """ will guw""''''''' successful 'CS/rJfalion.
The S ..... Ma' I Gilmal .. "" extracorM6l. hon(18 dls!al attach
meot, The s.. ... Mo, I Golmar has" unique l0!3tiona1lock"'9 mccl' @n i .... "ith
oprtng._ plunge<, _ pr<:Mdes 'CSOS\aOOe \0 The plunge< ond"P<int)
mochani$(ll retu<n, Ih(j rc<novable _tor.1ion "'to be! .. een chewing
cycles. TrIfI S",s'Mgr I Gilmor IS ind;ca:ed tor uoil"'c<aI p .. rtl al ,,;"'C>ut
e""," ofeh Slabiitzal"" reptaclng no rnoro INm tn. ... , ... '" fA) Abu!rren! emwns
mould be double abutted """""'- the M81e is ""'Site and should be
ClOst In """.pteC""" IX a Mrd """'-proe""" allO)'
8 Ph",.:z: ClINICAl - room Preparation

L I'<epare abutment\!. Uto the Icmp<;<ary se, UP.S 8 gu<lo f<>< the tooth reduel"" 10
2. In$p$C! """" di$iIlfec1 ttJe ""4l'ess>:>f\ and soocJ to !he lal:>o<8tory ,,,'" II'P" ,..riIlen
""!ructions MaI<a ou<. yQIJ ret""n the _p<:<ary sel",-,p <1$ well.

Ph 3: TECHNICAL _ 1.10061 FaOriCIIIIQn and Waxing _ _
1 R"" .. w!he impres$IC<I and pour Wa.: abu ......... "'O\WI' 10 full contour, 8dd
malo to 1"" W8J<-Up (S). The Sw;'"M&r I Gd,"'" .,tact .. " .",1 canrot t>e adjusted ..
tJooghI Of WO(jth A '" 6mm vertical i$ reQUire<! for l/'II) anacm-t
....., !he denture teeth. 00 no! aI:c, tho acel""" Of \jIr1giYaI .. as '" 1M ar:acl"lrrlMl
2. Alilln the pla'IIC mare OVfIr "'" Cr8$1 01 II>e Mge Ie) Rem""" from
remale belo .... assembling. The papolla area <!istall:> "'" _ may be >crape<!
approximalCly 0 5mm. The ant .. "" por l.::fl 01 !he maItI.<I'Iou'd "'" bUCJe.
3. lJ< siIicooa rr.alli>< made from lhe Set-Up (TSU) 10 "'" fy 11>0 POO'"""
011"" in relation 1<> 1M <l<>nturo _th set-uP (0)
4 Roduco full CfOWfl wao: up 10 the p<oper con1our to roccivo """cera," '" cos-
metIC _
5. Sprue Ihe W", panern. 100 no! "1""" m the male element), remove and cast in
flOf>-PI'ecoo. or hard -n'prQCw, alloy. IE)
6 F .. s/, tho spl<fltOO """"'. and _ on to.. modol. Do not OW< poliSh 11'1& """agtng
port"" of 11'1& male element. The gingival our!""" 01 tr>e male which contacts ti>o
t .. sue. may be poI,she<j
Ph .... 4: CLINICAL - Try-in _____ _
t. FIe"""", tempor .. ieo. seat C<0Wf\S and clleck occkJsaI, margin and ...
2. A new pocl-U!> .,. ... &SSIOn WIIh =-""."' pl&CO m;>y oe taken at ttme. Do not
use the lemale element for Impress"".
3. Flet .. o dlsin/ec,oo ompr ..... ion arid a:tacm-t parts with r.ecessary type written
instruct>ons to tnt labofatOtY
Ph 5: TECHNICAL Processing and Rnl$llirlg
I, If a new p,ck-up ;mpros.,on with 1M erowM WSO M8<lft. iut,,,ca! e inten"" at
etOw'tlS and 1.11 paller" resin for re .... <JOe. Insert a dowel P lll ";l10 Cr()$11 e,M on
the shalt "'to the , ....... All"'" to sel,
2. P<lu, new master mOdel .nd rurt1cu",'e. The 'osto, .. IIon may bo
i>""M"Sed '"' tM ma",er model '" or> a """"r.nt-proc...,,-,g model.
Threo options lire listed on IIw next page kH processing 11'" acrytic .
.. "' ..... ,--_ ... ----" .. ,.,,_., ..........
0" ," .",. ... ___ .... ,.., ... ...... c.

.;.-, i
. . j, " :
"0' ,,- :


u,: .. '- Jo\I
, ...... """"

Locking Type
Swl$$Mar, Gllmar, BloMar, Ancorvl s continued
OPTION I: p,..., ... mg on ,"",s'", _..nit A .. 'o-e .....
. Se.t "'won ti M! new rnod&1 and rMlce a buccal silicone maUix_ Boil ""t the
WllJ< . Pamt U>c m:xIei with $(!paralor. Do not apply separalor 10 allaGtwncn,. (F)
b. plr..o>gor. spr;ng $Crew the lernale hou$lng_ Ched< rnale to
tamale rc\C<1t1on. Adju$' the retemlOO tumo"Itt tl"lfl OCr ........ .--000. (e & G)
c Place a smaI """,,",I of I;q"Kl la'c< (Aullber SoP'") ,"_lhe lemlO!& AM M
O'I6r the mal . Mal<.e sure thai the IJetwoon rnale (amale is filled In and (luslo
t>oth and Tile g;ngival a rn under the male(gmal& junet"'"
_ also be bIocl<ed QUI. (H)
.t1 H01<I 1: sn.m spacer is iocIu<Ied with Iho GiImar. bU is not .... :led. (n taI<$
a addIIlOM ) 'l>3Ce) A thin layer (II " 'e' __ ..... Ihe .. "'.
d Flow oome pin!< WaJe around the c","", rnarS"'" and any LlO"IOercut U$(! aulO-C ... e
r&Sln and poor th& .. dd(. aroa CUfflln pre.""re pol tor 20 minule. al 120.
degrees. Rem:we and I\nist> Iho saddle a,ea.
OPTION 2: H"., ProceOllJnQ on AI frH' _
a, Ched< malelfemale reler1lior1. The ,"'en1OO1'\ may be .djUSle<! 1he OC' .... (G)
Pfac& a o.mal 01 IiQu1d lat., .... KIe lhe lemaIG aoc! seat over Iho male
Make ...... 'ha' tOo space b_ moll 1,..,..' & .. Me<! in ood fluslo bolh
'nd lingually. AI&O lhe OIt>Qival area bet_me MtAC"""'nl AM lhe
',.we ohOIJId "" t>IOCI<&d OUI )Hf Rofer 1<> NOIe 1 above
b. Se al .el- up on model and place in t>ottom porI"'" 01 lhe 1<0$1<. Apply a
pn>i""'''''' Iay<lr of puny""", Cf"""'" and oIeo1uro 18Il1h_ Complete !IWut>Q pnxe
r;lu!e. Soil OUI an<! ""p,"alOf as usual
.t1 2: If a space eXlot. between lhe male ext"".oo and Iho rOdQc. stOOd
LJ be lilled '" wiIto ",..,. (H)
C Pack acrylic '" Me 01"1' without I.,al pac:k f'I<><:ess and finloh acrylic os usual.
OPTION 3: PTOCfI lnQ on Q""dnnt /.I.-I _
a. Paint lIIe model wiIto separator Adapl folm rolling "'" base arrund attachment.
Complete set.up and ","".up,
crowns SOd Sad<lle together. sep*r.[e II>e uOO[e from 1M
Cf""' ..... WIl>< migr.l "'Ier(ore wiIto I!>e malel female junction "" carellAy r"""",e!he
wa, Imm [hal "'''''. Pour .tone 0'\10 the "''''' base laking ca,e 10 . :bfole s'''''''
inside !he r.."",,,, att._, AA i. 10 mok. _ m,,,.[ processmg JIQ WIlli
a plastic male a opr .... and cast tr'l& P[al;tiC n"I3Ie (J). Mach!he cast ana
log no II", I""",Ie and then pc<.J< tile rnrxI/!I )K)
c Invesl Iho waxup and boiI-ou1 ;>$ "sual III Refer 10 Ncle 2 Ilbove .
d. Parnt m<;J<IeoI with _aral.)Do not aM scpa'ator 10 auachmOnt). Pack Of) one
steP tri(O pack u$ing high $Irength ,esin.
8 Della ... ood 1irVst\ the ""'ylo; Verity the !oJ"et"'" 01 the S", Mar/Girnar.
I, Seal reslOral on on master """"'I and OOjUSl "",Iuslon as n"" .. slllY.
Pftne 6: CLINICAL - Final C9Il'l<>nUltion _ _
I Roo""e T......""a,_ 8nd "". 1 crown.
2. Seal parti&l (Ie"! .... over male. A(Ijo.rsll11e OCClusal as n&C&$$$<y.
J lostrUCI patient tor proper O<'aI hY(jl_ and in$er1OO1'\ lecIv>;que Rocon:l .Itact>-
men! and older . in Iho pal"""!" !IIo
4 Recall"'" pa1ien: in 3 to 6 rTl()flIhs to deoermine il1r'1& ,,,,,,,,,,able Pilmal <eQU1fU a
,OIl"" aM 10 ........ contrnLJerl p"",,* tLKIC""""'9 of the restoral""'.
Extracoronal Procedures Locking Type
SwissLoc NG, lew Passive, Riegel A, Riegel E. ete .
..... Umlnarw and Initial Alla-cnmerot ....
Pfur_ I : AI .. ays 10 P,.rimin&ry.nd Initial AllachnMnrs ProcedUfiJ$.
P/ifJ6 8 Only fflio w>II gwr(lt)/oo a Sl.JCCeSSlui 'e,,,,,,,,,",,,,
For Impl.nl A torations,
.:iJ -, The plaS1;,;;, \Pd and btani\m Ha<!&r-EDS Bars are tr>o most v.idely USllO
bar paner .... I", stand",d '" implant bar res"""",""", (A)
PhJJ.a 2: CLINICAL Impression
I. Remove """"" screw or healing caps form impI.arot or
2. Anach Ihe imp",,,,,,,", cc>p.-.g and tilke impl&$$ion. You may .-...ed a closed or
open technique depending on !he imprMSIon cOping UMd
3 impression and .-C<>'Ver ..,rews '" caps.
4. Type pre.cropt"", With the na"", oi l"" "'planl Or S!)vlmenrs USed, Scn<l oIl
C<>IYII>",,,,,l1:, imp<esson to Ihe 18tx:."lory,
""ase 3: TECHNICAL ......
I. Read tho pA>SCl"iption and oI>ecI<. ail lrHO p",ts_l.
2. .... tog to im>"HSioncoplng, Fabric.,e maslOt rroOOt
3 Remove impression C<lP>"gs fmm lhe 8roalogS and evelua1e modtt.
PhJJ,e 4: TECHNICAL - Bar Fabricarion - 3 0pI1Ot1$: __
, OPTION I : P""'tic CyIi_ .r. PIIJ.Uc aw. (W/Ulng Thrt/qll<l)
OPTION 2: Geld .r. Geld 8.,. (S<okHrlng or LaM. TMIlt>Jq""1
t OPTION 3: WIll> TII""I"", Cylinders ""d ra"";um s.r. (LUM Wftltling)
, OPTION I: PIIJ .. rc Cyll"".".. .. Plaslie s.r.
8 Scr&w lhe pIUI,C cylind&r. to the analog. and wax lho bar palle"'. ootwoon
ImpIanI cylinders. YCMJ may also e ... '''''' plaStic bar pe"",,,,, 10 \Pd base cyIOr><Io<$.
b. Wu (I degr ... praslic bar .... oj approximalciy 4-{imm in lengln 10 lhe dislal
or tr>o C)l\lldOr' The 0 de\lre<! PPM I>ar and lhe PPM rMnCfrei
099-580001 U .. IIlo 1.5mrn rea""" .'s.)")415 to orr. a hole
inl:o ttlc pla$11 bar cx\Cr"l$iOn 16). The PPM bar is ... 3 locking ",,,,n,,,,,,, 10
pr'W8n! IJS8 a rMIrix to Sid in tr>e PO$t1iorung ot Ihe bar patter ....
nd extenSIOn, Ie)
c Sprun 1M bar pan",n and Ihe ..,_ (D). _I and cast in a Type IV
gold Or hord .11oy. 00 NOT CASI IMPLANT BARS IN NONf'RE-
CIOUS AlLOYS Ftnish ""Plant bar cyIiOOor a" IUy cre"" WI ""tension hole
... ill1 the 1.5nYn I>MSldn1i, Verity lhe lit of Ihe clips or tide" over 111& 1ia(I",EDS ber
o section. /\Iso ctoeck the Irt lhe pkJrogror _ 1tle hole of Ihe bar 8<lension, Verily til
of Ihe c ... bar inuaor.ty-<oiA and solder If nece ",y.
r /1 For milled telescopIC bar f8SlOr. tion$, CreMe
Space in to oIo'w Svf''S1 oc NG OItaclwrJerrl lO direclly
asa_ substn.>cture IE)
.. -..'-' ..... ,"' ....... _.--_ .... , _ .........
. """"'" ..,,. ... -.. . .., ... -""
....... ,0'1 88 _ ";;,!,"
Locking Type
OPTION 7; G(Jfd c,IIo ,"'" .. G<Hd Bars
ea, using the SoIderirog Tec/Yliq.JII
I. Screw "" troe gold cylonOero ...., Math gold bar j)Me'" be_ Irrl>Ittnl cylin.
Oom wM will< 01 rft>I1. The gold bit lor _""", .......
;" tt>e Gold Hac*EDS Bat 199-53 1036 (G)_ CrU\e ba' with tho pre
c""\ () dcgrH PF'M ba, 1>01\10.0 1995IlOC)OO (HI ShoIlOO length 10
_ 6rm\, ....... tile 1 5rIYn_ 11S-000415 to ""'" !>Ole imOtt>e bar eidenSoons.
un. tt>e I>If _ 10 ,.. (li$!al c)'londeos oMOg 1111 PPM "*""III oI99.s&:X101
(J). UN 2' :0. fT1I.tmc 10 .,;<;l in .... 01 11>1 bar _ ...., ""*'"
- '" b 'til _ ... e"L _ an(! toIdor "'" M\),.tf ............ "'"
..... '., __ "", lor l!>e'" I ",tincIe<s.
c Fnsh otiQIanI .... ",_ ...... iIy l!>e '" 01 ..... 01 , .......... the
HnifoEOS'" ....., ctIeck the fillI>e pUooer inIo ... noM 0111>1 bel'
e;..-L_lyldolhcaolb.- ...... .., C'"_.okIeI't..:o 2 .. - -...,
IN r...."... cae 10 l!>e _lor try..n.
, onION): nt_ Cyt/tIde ... _ JIIanium a.... __
Bar ""Ing the L .... ' Weld,ng Tecnnoqoue
. SC, .... "" h __ to bo, crl""""'"' SII<lnfIe ...., pOSil"'" l!>e l<Ia'''U'I''
t>8f paUl"" bC_ t,tor."", ImpIam 01'1"''''''', 1t>e fTIOIl w>del) utod "ta ....
..." bar fOr ' IIItOraliorts is !he T __ EDS a.. t99.s31035
b C,&a1O distal .><1."1",,," ""U, It>e () ""lI'.' PF'M b., _99.51lOO1O (HI
Sho<ton 10 enm. lISe the 1.3.,.." _b+cM _10 drIIl_
..., 11>1 bel' e>:too ...... _ Poolt"'" .><Ien""" 10 'til _ """,rert eyt'-.
uoing the 1'I"I.t ........,... ogg..5G()XI1 (I<) lISe a 0l0C<InI fT1I.lri>:. 10 .. in "" r:>OS>-
.010.0001 ... ""too ..... , (W- UNIigh' C\n 01 C}1n06CI'/.
'_tollOkl '*'., stJ-'1I
_ c 1..1_...., "" '* M\) tf ", ... t<larw'l'oc,1Nlo<l.
d. v.r.ty IhlIiI o! 01 ,din """'.,. _ms bar _u. AlIa h
I, me IIUIQIIO' _ ... _ 01 1M 0... ,""*"",,,,_ IN _ ",1<l1l<I ErE
bIy 10'" "'" - 'fOr. \IoOfIf)r lor M 01 1M bel' ..... 101111\<
p,.. .. ! : CLINICAL TI)'""' ::::::-::::
1 'i:A.l'IIr!IylhaI1l1l1r .. , ...
"'0i'JJ<V 10 .okIeI or .. " I' J tho bar
2. II !rome he, *" cut )'Q'J ""lIht """s_de< lal<ing II new .mp'."lOn. U .. 1ong
gu"", P'<II and uto the <>!>'In to 11"' ac:CC$T !Q tn. guooo pin, T"".
Impt ....... ";'h thO _ bar in plaCe
3 Send ... 10 II"1II for _.no The '-1)0111101. W>I ""'" tlO)W
anAlog, 10 ....... I ...... ma.'" mode!
_ .. IS: TECNNICAL - p",,:a.:::': 5:",,::'::::;
1 AelOeutho Il< .... ......, ..,..-1'>1,.... .'!'')' .... ' .. , ...
2. PI8CI .... on .... __ .)OJ ___ EOS or _ dop&, .--'Iho
Mol, $ &V" i'"*> l!>e IJOi' p/aI1oO 1IIJUIIitOO.., pliooo .... IhI __
A _ : 00 no. ...... 1Itw .... ..., cipI_ h l4L>I.-.go
ThIo _.(06 ond _ plaslJc '_5 _ 0'>Iy .......-.cy The
CM.,..; _ ......... gold noon _ >'$14C.II1 ...... __ """""" '22 fO "'1
...... ___ t_ .... ___ .. d_ ... """ .. _ ..
c.:...-""",,' ' " _ ,-",_ . ., .... _ ""

EJdracorot'Nll Procedures Locking Type

TO Stvorton S>o , .... <>C .
.. '-'"
" -
, ..
Swl$$LOC NG, Lew Passive, Ri egel A, Riegel E continued
3. Seal the doncu", ""-UP wer the bar. II """en",y. rtrMVo wax ...-.li tho d()nturc
oeH,!> is <:OI1lpiete/y ""Sled on IhI! ""'., .. """"". Mal<e ""'""",al r.::;.,.. "' buCCal
flange an" Lflsart P'OCULflQ ,i<.lS CoMplete wOJ<, uP around processinQ F\asI<.
w",,_up .. .,"". I p/asler "over,ng tile boocal e",ono"",. oj pI"" ...
irIg jigs (III) Boil,.,. wax.
4, H necessary ..... ' ""Y gaps between ,,,,, bar and procCfllng jigs liQwd 'ale.
malC<iaI as FIubIle<-8ep.
5. Block-out an ,"de< ColO"'" acldO'<>na1 alla.ctonen!. S<.JCh a. cylncle<s and
II>e oerows. Also 001 tt>e oar casTinQ occlusally with a lat male';al if
...... enl lunc,"", IS deSLrOO. Proces. ,he (>Crytic
6. 1! prQC<),SLflQ on !he master 1'I"<>dfH, 00 "" '"""",e oonlu<e until au"" .......... ' .... 8
cured In po'ili "" II P'''''OSSI''Il on a duplicate modcl denlure m.y be
,,,,,,,,,,ed, tu'llshed an<i ",.ted on !he
7 Ro" ...... IhIl process"'9 jog. with pliers wt.le 'LJ<ning. Apply a _Ileal to tile pr<>-
ce$$lng jig$ il """"Mary to aid r.",,,,,,'"
8. fly_in $w1s>lOC fIG tI>e acrylic and intQ ..... hOlt in Itte bar
The a!taCt-.nen! _ Ii lOOSely in a<:<yIic ""r"'" hole. Aelleve acrylic if neoes
sary. The fl.n(le 01 tOO .r_ should be lLush ""Ih the buccal ,.;ryiic
(Nl The 5.00'm ond 7.5I!Yn attachments may I>e sro.'tened 10 a rrin. mum 01 4rrrn
_ .... , To shorten. p>J!I 0Ul plunger. then housing ond
lliith <tamond do""", Sma! lines on the and pIun .... r pOl indiC81& CLdo/I
ponlS tor 5.nd 6m"n length$ (Pl TI>e pIi..nOOr $/'lOuie! xtond l.(WIm from hooJs.
ir>g The SWis.l oc NG loot, 089-80(1010 IS n :IM to ...... Crew I"" """"" .Ieeve.
9 W,lh .ttacllmon! in closod posllioo. carctully oeaIt"" inside 01 the fto.r>ge and
.<il peont 01 ptung..,. Wlth 0011 ponk W"". r"" wax ""I auto-cure ilCryIic from
""'<><:ling internat II"I6ChMism. ",",v gap$ hetween ..... aM ..... h ..
. .. y 101
10. Appty runny auto-potymeri..,g acrylic .. oun<I knurled h;<.JcIng ond",-t a l!lOCh
menl Ihr"""h "',",cot 11""9<' and intO l>ar <'C(;e$$ I1Ole . Place in pre-ssu,e pot
10 cure.
11. WrIh a sharp .,.lrumen! caro'ully pull plunger fla nge 10 CUI posilion C .. efully lin-
ish acry10c .'ouM 81tIICto'ne<>l, Croale. $light mesiot in the acrylic to
lac_tate 'emoval by the pallen!. IA)
NoI.: B.be dell,,6ry. ,elight"" the inner ""th 11>0 S"Iis$l..oc NG Toot
Ph 7, CLINICAL _ Try. jn __
12 Trv .... restoration aM &quilibra!e oco ...... , To allow ,esilient tunctioo and p<""",,1
Sire .. to altaotment, al elong' te '" hl '''''''''''' met"1 gtngfYlll to lhe pon
IS) The ccmplele ",slO<atoon _ be l'Oe<;t inU"",,,,, 10 _ify fil betore lhe
a u "'" I'IcoM in 1he t>a, is moctifle<!,
TI\M;/J p,oeMu,,,,, ar" only guidelines, .11.mot ...... 6>' 101 I", the compIe1:Qn 01 a
ouccesSIIJI ",_aloon,

Exbacoronal Procedures Locking Type

Swivel Loc
Pnllminary and Inilial Attachment Procodures
PIlau t, AlWays role< to ''''' Ml<llniWll Pl.......w"'., p;ijl_
a til", will wccess/tJ/ _alion
The folOw>ng procedc< .. ar& fo, 5 0< more impIWlt. SlMvel Loc attachmenls ""th
Ii"$ or& crosiderM S()I;(j Iype """ocations. 11>& $wiveIlOC . UoclYnellt .. the
<!e\o1ce and no ath., Ho"","*'. yW could ,ro;OfpOr8to
allaclvnc<1l$ OUCh as most POPtJ"" Hader EDS Clips.
""as. 2: CLINICAL Impression _
1 flem<Ne """'" .crew or healing cap.lrorn implant or at>wrtcot .
2. Attach the imp' .... .., copong a.nO take ,,"pression. YOU m&y .... *<1 olosed or
<>pen te<:Miq<Je d&pendlf1g on tt.. mp<eWor\ e<!ping used.
3. F\emr;Ne impr$SSrn aM "' .... 00.<)' SCfews 0< hea'''II caps.
Type PI'''''''''ption with tt>e namo oIlho mpIarIt or abutmMl. used. Sene.1 com-
ponenIS aM Ornp<&!;SIO<\ yolIlI ... e purCh(oscd to !he lat>o<atory.
",.,. ... 3: TECHNICAL _ ....
1. Rood tre presc''P'''''''''''' cI'>eck aIIlhe p$rnl sen! H..,..,.., potts are mssir>g reI...- 10
the do<:\or>. PI"",ipborIand or"'" II'Ie oTIISSiI"IQ pa1S roquired 10 do the ,,,,,1<,,,,lI0I'I
2. Attach analog 10 imprcooion coping. F.br","t" J'o"<l<l8I .
3. i'np!&S$ion C<l!>ings from the aneIogs and """""Ie mr:><Iol .
Ph ... 4: TECHNICAL Mj/led BarFabricalk>n _
1. Screw !he mochln8d plasllC cyrt1ooro to 11>0 analogi. I.!o>n<;l the rnoIIong """' ....... Of
"""""""' the castable pioSIIC O. 2 Of 4' PPM bars (A) to !he q06nde using
the PPM mandrel (8). You may aloo the pla.,oe b<v por.c<ns 10
(JOld t>.> ... cylinc:\efs
2. G,jM a ""'ilontai hole int<l tn. oor Of l)ar di$tal .,tenSion 10 receive !he lalch
a",.chmM t (B) A <li.,., b.r " 'tens"" 01 approximatoly 6mm is used il Ihe
imPlants at .r<> 100 together Of Ih" diS">! implMts are P061l1Of16d 100 far
anler'lOfly. LIse a";cone mat"X Ifom tr>e rrnp to Old in the posit;.,ning 01 the bar
ponems and the 8"""'" Loc (C) use the SwIYeI LOG mandrel t<l create ,he l.maIo
rec()p:aclO for anachmem male Th<o S" ...... LOG mQOdrei "" left a"" right $ide
Saat lhe rnanclrOl II'Iroogh the 1>01. and aga.,..' the I)ar and wax around the
",,,,,ted pottlOn 01 the mandrel. T"" mandrel """"d protrude stighdy II'Iroogh the
b<JccaI "00. (D E). A"""""" the mandrel lrom me bar
3. Sprue. i""fil COSt ono hnooh. Do not grind insi<Se the attar;t..-.enl recept""le in me
t>ar II SI>:luId be CleM Md ha.e no bubble. in .t. Ret..-" ''''' cas! Iramcworl< t<l the
<Senut (F)
,.".sco 5: CLiNICAL - Milled SubsfruClure Try.;" _ .....
I Verify lit of Ihe cast bar inlraOfaly.
2. It ",. miIIe<l bar Mfr. not til pas"""y c .... the t>ar close to a with a stlm
a"" (very fine disk). Lute sectroned Mr WTh panern re$in, The luted bar frame
worl< may boo '"",kod up' in..., impression IOf. r>eW maol .. rr-.:xlO-' Sarrrl t<llai>o-
r"\OI)' for 5OI<Sering.
Ph.asa 6: TECHNICAL - Superstructure
L Read presc"pIIon and m""e 8ff1 nece.sary ChangeS required. Solder neces-
sary. r .. sh arod poIi"" milled bo.r """.'n.dum .
.. """",_,,, .. __ . r, ..
______ .... _"" ..... "" ... co.
xbacoronal Procedures Locking Type
Swivel Loc
2 8Ioct;. "'" the """,w slots Of I>o s and ""' ,""""CU15 a resin partern
over the Drm-.ary for the with Lnc attact'lme<11 ..
pleeo Ret"""on I:>6ads Of lOOpS should be a<XJed EMur.!hal <he SMvcl LOC
male hto Into the I"""" one! aga ... t 10 t>ar oegme<l1,
/I Not.: II you .'011<>"11 to s.oId.,- the _ to the supc<sl'o.o::IU"'. the resin paner"
should aI&O surround <he a.l<!. Ilemove . ,d" and attachment (G). oncl
t'Mh OW\OfSI".lClUre.
J Cut a small ooteh IrlIo the S_I Loc: latcn tot MQerna il a.cCeS$. (Ii)
4 S""t pnmary &upe'S1ructvr. O r oc<:onda'y s ubSifucture. Inser! 5.,.;.,,,1 Loc
aMeh""""",, into female rtlCepta.c1e$ 51>0<"", a"'-10 . PPlopriate length.
AIl...," lng Swivel Loc Moll .. 10 .... ,
. Ault>-Cure TIlCI>nique." AOd pO; wa>: to the vertical sIoI aM 1M ooten Of tM
attact.rn&nt. Shorten <'>:Ie 10 II!lpropriele one! .... "It .... 0 "",Ie latch.lnsert
male latch into temale receptacllr in SUbst""'tu, . Lute al<1e to "" ....... 'uelu'"
v..lh aulO-Cl.ofe resin Ensure <har. latch QPei1s aOd Close. (J)
b. Seide, Techr,;qu,,; Lute $)(11) to .up,Uitrucrur. w;th aulo-cur. resin. In,,,,,.
burn 001 ra,," and ..,Ide, axle to "",,",,"\>eTc" . The !>Oldering tocM' que
"""'eo d .... let to teplace male latch in !he future if nec_ry
5. Reset teeth on lhe ,con,."y cu"ng. Moke ....... the "" up almost iclenlOc:alIO
!he ....... restoratoo you $I1vi$Jon.
Ph.se 7: CLINICAL - T'Y jn Subs/rvcrllre aM Supers/ruClllf6 '
1. T,y in pnmwv stJt>strUClUre oncl _.tructu", assembly verily 1I1al ,hit SWi .....
Loc 8_$11' eongages the p'im&ry subo/'u::'ure Plopet1y.
2. ChecI< occ .... "'" <Ofl(j Notify the laborMOl)' in <I an)' ...
f>t< B: TECHNICAL _ Processing
,. Review Itie ",escripoon """ maI<. the r.ecessary Finish W2J<-up. FIaS1c
.,., boil"",-" w8x Let ..... nuk cool (!own and wa:< on ..... hor",ontal sIoI '" lhe
$_ Loc mate.nd thlt notch, groa.'e. 8Ioct;.-out all '"""" cut. and a<I<Iitional
SHact.rn&n1S r.eed '" be such as dps, eyllndels Md tl>e SClews. PrOClliS aOd
Iinrsh !he ac'ylic. CI>ec!r ot stJp"rstructure and Loc llltact.rn&nt.
f>t< ... 9: CLINICAL _ Fil1S/ Appoirltment _
1 Screw in priMiIry . ubs"<>C1Ufe and &Oat Itie IinoJ "".If il.
2. V/,)rity tha, 0h0 SoMvel Loc OI18CI'rnent engage. th/t pnmary property IK)
3, ChecI< occlusion and estllel",., Make any """"" .. ry .,.,... $<IiUiur-t,
4. Record the """'" of the Ind tm. name of the COf"'"IPMY """'rn you
could 0'" a(!ditionll parts and tecMicai .... won.
n.e.e prooedu'eo are only (lO><leIineS all(!mOwes am' for the complc1oo of a suc
cessful restorat"""
.. """,,,,-.. .. ,
O"-'" ... >;O;:r _____ ....... """ ............... ""
P.ocedures Posts and Build-Up
Moser Post System
Prellminery encll"itial Athlchment Procedures
PlY .. I : A/Nays reler,o 1M PrBUmlnary and !nlhal P'OCeOUffJ'J.
page 8. 111;" ..m goa"""ee .. WCceMlu/ <esroratt{1t!.
En<I<xIOnb< P<>ot R .. tOfalion. are uUu..d 10 pre.""". an<l '.".'ore ",,,,,,,ninO <001
_...l-L __ LL_-L-L:'J $!rU1ure. l1'Icre are baOICal1y line "'poi! of eOOodonIIC post ",",,,,al,,,,,,, (A)
1. Roo! cop copong (pre .... "". root)
\1 -
2. Roo1 cap <:<>pong "';111 ""ac"""'", re",.-.io"Ig $r' or pan",1
3. Post &. core build UI> Ie"",,", .butm"",)
The staMatdized Moser I'<IsI System """ specih:;:aty de'signed Ie< !he labrlC8l101"1 01
e<o<lo<lcc pool ret.!O(allMS. 0I!1er caS1-lQ Of Ca#able pool syslOffiS eM .Iso be used
"""se 2: CLINICAL - Impression TIXhniqll6 __ __
,. Perl<wm enOOdonllC tr<:al monl and """""" cl.n.c&1 """"'" SeI6c1t .... Moser I'osl
He $Il'I8I1 '" meQil..m, """"" ""n be ae<:omrr>:>dated by """",,,,ng ,"'" "ox",,.,
2. Us. tne ,,,,,,,d bu, 10 sl'QhHy counterS,,,,, st.rler r.,Ie Ie). Prepare canal with
oelect&d ''''''''''' to clcsired depm with COnTrA angie (el l 6<> careh.ol 10
l'1l)I ocrlorat. !he root Try in """&f ""P""sIon po5t The "" .... 1 may be relined by
I'IIInO /II'Id "'_, t necessary (c:!)
3. The occlusal aspeel may be indexed ." increase ml)ili1y. (0)
4 ShorIen The appropriate MO$;)f Pool 01 nece"8'Y .... d place into !he caMl. The
Impre "", pOOl _ be W1th a hot instrument (E'). Pack cord desired
and take impres&on_ Rem:lv<l imprC$$1(JI'I when oct and "'1'1_ poOl
no imp,e.""'" Il.\ayO in rOOl,
5. Tempor8nly .... 1 O>In.,
Ph ... 3: TECHNICAL _ Mod91 Fabricali(l(f __ _
I, <era1'to< to exposed imp"" ""'" post and PQUI model in <10 stone. A """,n
a<noo.JnI 01 cyanoacry1al& may be appliM 10 seol POSll0 impros.,,,,, d """"""ry
before IS poured.
2, Aller d", stone has"", remov. imp"''''''''_ Carc!ully """""'" impres
"'" POSt lrom model """essary.
3, Lub<icale canal and inserl awfOP"8.le COlor coded burn out post. Cm-plete wax
paltorn lor copw1Q '" Inco<POrat,"O lI\e MO$e< b<.Irn oul PO"' (E2)
3 . Wl>en uUvr.g CM;able or caSl-1O overOent"'" attachment,. shorton lhe Moser
t>ur1WlUt PO$! and '"corporale componerrc: ",,10 Of In", ""'HlP Use maM"". 1<)<

4 Sprue ond cast in appropr;ale alloy The COIling sl'lOUld be cest In !;!Old "
prOCIOUO alloy a1tachrnem is 10 be _cd 10 t .... o:>pI(IQ.
5 Take care IlOIlO """' hruM 111. PO$1- _ aM b<ushc<;
6_ One side OIlhe post may be tIa"onecI to oIow """""'" to escape. (F)
I. EndodontiC POSt coping. may be -picked up' in imp"'s""" for new a master
modet Leave "pM> ""9"*'''' an.tchAd 10 ovor(jenlUre COpIngs to facilltale pick_
up Imp1e .. lOO, TemPOr'ry acrylIC .... ads ""'Y be made OVCr I ..... """" .. 10 a id
pock-up impression, AA open custom tray may be ,abnc_d to allow lhe
appiy orO'$$u", to t .... COPingS until imj)r. ,s"., mat",,"1 has set
"" ... se 4: CLINICAL
, Seal PO$! eoptngs ...,0;1 ",i<e PIC' up Press coping" in place to ensure
posIt.ve seating until impres""", sets iI open tecllnrq"" i& UIIllZ$d.
"" ..... 5: TECHNICAL
, Apply (0 PMI aM unaaro,ae 01 copings before pou"nQ tho new
masl", model.
"""'-<',-' .... __ ... ,--_ .. "'._ .. _ .. - $
_"", ... , ., ....... 'Y . . .............. ""
Overdenture Procedures Stud Type
Dalla Bona, Compact, etc.
Prelimin .. ry and Initial Attachment Procedu ...
PhIlu I: Always 16161 Ie Ii><> Plt/lml",,,, tl rod Inirial Alrach"",ms Plocedul"s.
pag.8. Only Ihis ... ,11 gu,>rI.mce n successful ,""SI0l81'"" F", inil,"
.mp1cssion an(} o"1>tX!f/ f/lblk:"' ;()(1 ""'" to II>e M?scr Post ... on
II>e Pf""i<>us PMJ".
,." ..... 2: TECHNICAL ___ "
0.'" s ...... Ca.t._
1. 5rior1en castable Pos1IMoser Po., ptOCOdurcs /1re on preoPovs page) and
, .... a slighlty 00m0cJ Of flal ..... Ia"" 1,0, ). Set plastic: DoIIa Bono malo
""0 verity p' !h of ins.rtion and clearsOC<l with index (B) Mui1.pIe anact>monlS
sh<.Ud sOarc corrrnon path ot irl$$rtion. u... mandrel " """"""'Y,
2_ Sprue and cas! in ha ,d all<' F ... sh cast assemt>tv COr. IlOIlo <>Yet polish
!he male ' e1e."1Iive area.
eMUa Bona, _Iou_ (Sol __ to)
1 $pfui Olnd eM' C<lP1I"IQ in rwd (lOkI all"., (PlasIO; t.Iose< Pos1 may extend ti'Wou!)tl
I"" oopong )
2. Finish coping ...-rth n.lI...-l il<Jrlaco for Dalla Bono malo element AWl soldering
flux ond a small PlOCe of to.. lusing (/Old "" .... 1585F-615F etc.) (C)- Set p..ci<:>.r$
0011. Bona "",," on top ot _ and hold with twee,er. ""'" bl..O>S$ll bur"'" .. >lit
soIde, IIows ID). Tho soI<I<I<ed '-""I be heal h():(InOd '" for 20 """uoes
Pha .. 3; CLINICAL
1 The flniSM<l maH> allaCtments are ""' led and "p;cio:&<I uP' in a '- imorC$$on_
I-1oIes may be clealed '" !he ctISIOm tray to :/oleN the coprrIQ$ to be pr ..... d '"
!>lace ..-.I, the Ompt8$s>:>n mot.."a! o.to ThIS requre. " "'.'" tl<Jild.up around the

ALTERNATI VE: Tne finished ()()J)iog< may be c .......... e<j. An imp_ Os taKen
mo .... 1e eleMent., The,.....o Dalla Bona b<a .. analog. are pIacea no the
impre.,""" beto<& __ .... 'ter mode! '. poured.
o ,." .... 4: ___ _
-----'--' 1 Apply a Ihln lay'" 01 V. seIiM to . ho PO"' ond vn<lefSlde 01 COping. l'Qui r">(!W
, __________ , ma.l", mocIel
ALTERNATIVE: blass male .nalogs "'10 ,mp'enion Seal in place witl\
drop o! q"""""'ytate Pour ....... """'''', model and fab<ico", bne Of_'
"'li31 temporary seI tJP d poss,bIe,
"".se !k CLINICAL ________ _
1 Try in setup Of "",0 new bOle regi.1f81"'" n nee sary
r Pha .. 6: TECHNICAL
I One<! "'1""1> i. apj)IO"o"ed. in " and 1>001 oul wOJ< as ...... 1.
r 2 BurnlOh apaca r o.er cOOing (EI , Place lemal. Datta Bona 0'" "",te. Do no(
""'"""'" 1he U.Mpalom pl .. 1ic PVC (F). To create SOlid function,
space< may be ,e<juccd to e. pou coping. The acrylic ...-,It IMn conlaC1 Ihe
coping p"",ding solid function_ TN.. i. no( re-Quife<J w t/'l \/'Ie $01id Dalla Bona. (G)
3 Pac< acrylic in one step do no( .. paC1<, Proc and acrylic in !he usuat
""'...- Take c .. a not to (I_the maVn 01 male eop;ng ..-">en f,"'"
S\Ori<>, Do not 'omo'-"> the pIa.loe PVC rinQlotum
COfltinuad """I P8gIJ
A """"" ""'" ___ ,.".., .. _ ............ _ _ ...
""","",,,,""- _-.-.., "'" . "', ........... -. ""


t_ ";;j

.>.:"yaung Tool

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technical procedures
Product uP(l;)' es
newsl" ""'$
Stud Type
Dalla Bona, Compact, elc. continued
,. over(lentur$ tqui!b<ale occII.Is>o'1 .....0 adjusl for cetntor1 ai necosary,
2. h110rm pal,,,,,. as to hygtene &no'rocal . Reco<d!he ().R,OO an"",hrneoI type"2I)
and oro. numbe< in pat.en!' cI1ar\.
Addl", 0 .. '111 1_ 0;,...,11, Inlo hlotlne 0..,,, ... ,
I. Create "",d ., acryliC to oe<:epl Dalla 80M female"..,.".,..... Place:space< &no'
seal 0..1& Bona 1,"","1es. Try in de<>1 ... rc 10 ""',tv I"", $pace eXLOl$ for
altachmen!s. CrCaiC a Wln1 _ through the j"9llal 01 den1ure to allOw e. cess
acryt;c 10 (H)
2. M.x 1ftjn resin aroj place around Dalla Bona lemalO. AWlI' """,,'ncIe< 01
aut""""", _ in'" 1'OiO", acrylic and seat clenture., IIQI>l <XCIJ5I011 . Alk;Iw _in
10 08t completerI'.
blllin. Denlur. A.11. m.liv.,
,. Are' ..... ""4>< .... "'" may be It>ken O,,&r DalI8 Bon& males. The brass 0aIIa Bona
arc placed ,nlo "', .... omp.es""'" and ,"" """"" is pourOJ<! The
80M lomaIe$ are !her> added during rcmo <<:>eeos.
AIij ... Ung R. tanll"",
1. Retootion is &dlu'IM will> the o"la Bona! Ur>iAnchor AcI ..... ltOg (. 99-451017)
......0 Oeact .... alO"ig (.99-45 tOl $) <001$. (J)
.......... "'---, ................... , ,, ...-_ 37
.. """',... oro. """' ..... " ,...._". "' .... _ co.
averdenture Procedures Stud Type

Pmllmlnary and Initial AUaehm.nt Pr .. e.d ...... .
PM T: A,ways rolor 10 1110 preliminary and Jnillal Attachments prONdures,
8, 0nJy fJ"" rsnlee 8 sl.>'Xesslui reslOr8lson. Fo< .001""""
pteparatron, """0_ m:xiols and pas! cwinr; rotcr !O l1lo
_ Pt>s! ",ooedI.!tw 3$,
, Aa:lCn occlusal surface 01 casl g,ok! post "",""9 in a 90 deg'''' '"g''' 10 1M palh
01 ,nnrlIOn (A) Mu't,ple .1tachm"ots must tie parallel , USing Index. vehly
occlu$al spa"" (B)
2 OP8nng oIlomale m,lSr align with oce""''' inde< on male (e) Ptace me
m .... element on the cop"'Q ""th Inde>< mar1<. """,aids. the> 01 inola,
on tho <X>l>"'\l (0)
3. Appty nux I $OIde<ing paste and i>oI<:ier male elOmC<lliO eopWJg USi"9 __
over 8 t>un_ burner (E). Solder on cen"" .... 11 ivro oh.-.y "'""' <t'op lorming a
.",al l dimple. Quench in ""Ier .... d pickle in acid. l-1eal n8fdC<1 at 400 <Iegr ....
C/15 min. Asserooled coptr1Q t>e piCl<&<1-up' '" 3 new ""p'O"'l>C<"l (!e$ire(T.
' . ComPte-te denture tooth set-up: ""'. invest an<! bool aut a ......... 1
5. PI,,,,,, female clem ..... on male al>goO'!g l hot opening 01 the clip w,1h the occkJsal
1Oda<. Spacer mus1 t>e .... too fir51 fa< ",.i ient attachMOnI .
6, a II'-in layer 01 !.lite, molena! (Rubber Sep' M) over COp,r>g" and ."""nd arms
01 lorna .. ....,.,.", .. Cold cure IMOlie ,elent"", area 10 m::>de\, (F)
7. Pack acr)1o<; in one 'tet) f'Toccs, and finish iii usual. TaI<e care nOl to ""mol1"
UI/I moll)l1" of "'a copings.
1. Ch8ck tt>t prosthe ... and copings Tryin coping. and overdenture.
2. C".,.",.,. "'*"9S, A<ljuSO relention jj .--oary.
3. Record anactrnelll nome and order number cha rt. Keep in
PI"_' record lor rei ..... ,
RELINE PROCEDURES (also refer fo page 61 lor Relme Proced<;'IlS)
Ph ... 4: CLINICAL
1 Sp_ spacer over coping (res<ioerot and impressiOn.
""a .. 5: TECHNICAL _._
1. Re<>"Iove excess reIina mo!erial "roond Iemtole oJemenI and cop.-.g .roo.,
2 lab pUtt)I in _Ie and pour reline modol.
3. Reine overdenlu,e ......... 1 """.-.g puny on pllOCe unti f>roShe<I .



'-- ... ," """'
Stud Type
ORing Syslem and ORS-OO
Prelim I ... .,. and Initial Attachmant _"'UM.
Ph.,.. 1: Always f"I,,, to 11>8 aM Inil,al Altacl>,.,.,nrs Procedures.
P"IJO 8 0,,1)< I"', ""_ gulltanre<! SUCCC';!;/r;I rcsto<O'IQIl, For
p_SllOf\ imp"'ssKJn&. models an<! post """"'9 IlIDricarion refer '" /tle
Moser Pest P"fI9 35
,.,.. 2! TECHNICAL
I. SI10rTen c.astable Mose< post _ wID< a domed '" IIal SI..ffaoo oocm..alty. (II)
2. PIaC<l MaIO ORS _'" <JtI1O parallel ""III ..... pain of ,.--"0" \/$"'0 .....
if 1'ICC<>$$l\IY (8) Mu/lJpIit DRS ottachrnont5 rruSl be paralol to 01,,",
3. The pint le male m.y be sI\o<tened aUC>Mns a rYIinlr'oorn oflrrm 0110 ""I.nc:t g;<>gi _
"<illy un<lo>r 0fIS housing (e)
4 Vet,fy POSition us.>g sikOM inde:>< ma<le from temP"'"'Y .... -up. (0)
5. Sp",e and ca .. in liard alloy. A "",.1 V9<\t "P''''' may be added 10 h&ed 01 mole to
aid CO.ling IE), FoniSh coS! takng car .. not 10 <>vel 1>01, .... ,1>11 mol8 ""on,
&.<e arM Fobncate CU$= tray for "pick up ""1"00$""".
Phs 3: CLINICAL ________ _
1 The !inished male attachme<l1. are scated and 'pockM up' in new imp<OWi""'-
HoIe$ be crN:ed in cu.lCrn If,Y 10 atI<>w Ite copings 10 be prenCd in
place until !tI<i male<ial _ .
ALTERNATIVE: ..... tioished cOPiOgO mtq bfI c ....... n'$d. AA irrII'>ression is la1<on
<Mif!he mole olomenl._ Tn" 1TI31& br."" 8Mk>gs Bre plooed .. 10 the 'mprO$$lOf>
r..Ior& m& new master i$ pouroO,
Phase 4: TECHNICAL _ _
1. AWly a Il,n "y&' 01 I"" poSl an<l uMers,"" 01 e<>p<ng Pour "" ..
master ITIOdc1
ALTERNATIVE: Place !'xus mal. analOgs imo impression, Seal", place ",ilh a
clrop 0/ cY""'""'F)tI8Ie. Poor oow ""'.",.- moI1OI 800 l8b<ocste bile bIocl< or S<tallni-
up poss.l>Ie
Ph .... 5: CLINICAL _________ _
1. Try on ""'up a Il>k<> ,-b<te r09'wa1lC<O of nece ..... ry,
PrY ... 6: TECHNICAl _._
1 Once .... -up is appr<l"\'ed, 0Wes1 and boil 0Ul w8)( as uSUal_
2_ I(\$()" 'cd procoss"'Q 0 ....... inlo mela! ret_ 'ong ..-..:j se81 C>ve, male casting or
bra .. """" a""iOg. IUM flna! ORing tor proce.sing the Micro CAS). The larger
ope<II(I9 side 01 the ,mair>r)r ring is orirlrrtCd towerd. (F)
3. BIocl< OUI tn. space belW<len ,eta",., ring ond I "...., with pl tar AWIy a lhin
coat"'9 0/ IIrJbbe< Sop'M lale< rnal",,,,11o OUI a_ 8r"Id a litO<! 0/ male.
4 Pack "e<ylic '" """ "'&!>' do no! ,,,,,I ProceS$ 8r"Id lirus/l acrylIC on 1he usual
rna".,.' Ta.I<. car. IIOt to da--nage the 0/ malo> copinll' _ ko-n
stone Replace Roo processing O-Ri1>g wt"", or black Ional O-Rlng_
PrY 7: CLINICAL _________ _
I male POSt C<JPl'III$. Seat over"<lenWf"e equil:br"", occlusion ana adlUllI
tor comfort as necessary.
2. Inform potion( to 11)19_ aod <8C4In_ Ro<:o<d Ihe O-Ring 8I13ci>men! type .. '"
...-.:j <>rtIo!, """,,be, "' potlen!S cha<t_
.,""""" __ --o_._"._ .. ___ 3S
0_"'" ........ , .. ,., .. ,'"". __ "-'-
o.Mrdenture Plocedures Direct Stud Type


: '

, i ;
--;n ,
'" _ ... -.", ... _- ... ,-..
Direi:t ORS ORlng System snd OSO, etc.
Pral lml nary and Initial Attac hment Proc.d ......
P"-H T: Always 'olot 10 lite Preliminary .nd In;),.! Artachmenl. .
f)<lfJ" 8. rtI>$ .... SilCC<JWuI ""'WfariM.
Pft811e.2: CLINICAL Post P,cparallcn
Z_Jrp_ Slud AII . .. ' '' .... nl.
, Co"nplele M<IocIonIic pmcedutes.
2. !'lotion the '001 ..... face. 0<,1 a ,WI ... hoIot "' the 0_1 .. oIh 8 .700 or _lar car
biclo 10..., appro>oimale depth at 7rrrn. (A)
3 Use .. 6 laund carbtdfllO """"(I8 lh8 hoI8 10 a deplh cf 3rM>_ (B)
4 The- I)ur is usod 10 CIA a lui rocoss lor linaf ... ;og Mako .... e lhal
tho dlamorld_Si.z'" bur is rotaI .... at ., '''''''' incII.I<linQ ,,,-II,,,, ...,.;! removal at
the bur wi&> (C)
St"'ight Type DlrKl SfIJd AItlmNnrs
1 Comple'8 8nd<Xlon1,C procedures Flatten 1M root canat 10
deplt. wi th the I 5<m'1 dlarm'cr "',""." Shr;M-t..., ot'aiglt po.t to oppropri-
.tolength (0)
Pft.s.3; CLINICAL - Cementing Males P
\ Cement "'" ORS mele pO$! no prapar.d canals WIt h ionon>cr or
reo", C8rnor1' IE & F). Round ot1 cornef$ oj tII prtoaration. The DRS
'-ale (O-R",g In the gd:j pl.ated ret ....... ring) may be "Oded d;"";UV"
ch;lir siOO. tJowGv"", we tlla' tho laboratto"y procC$$ me
ass irtto!he dontur. ",It. heat cure
Pfte.e 4, CLINICAL Adding Femalo! t:lo!menrs Chaj,$kJe
, Cleale c.vity in dMture lC<ylic '0 accept the ORS femalt, tn ... !h. ,ubOO'
O-Ring inIo metal telainer ' .... Seal a_ O-RinQ f<lmaI. over male.
open;ng <>I the re!aino< r;og is or"",,"d toward Ihc (lingiva!. Block out ur"I(IOr trICtaf
ratainsr ring wilt. WaY. 0' putty. block oul e><pOSed hMd 01 DRS mafol. (G)
2. 1,.,.-., tr.t """,dOrnur& to omur" compl., ...... ting over !he .... ted ottacl"rnents
Increase cavil'! in ac'ylic !IS neceS$3fv.
3 Prepare small vanlllol WI linllU"t behind all.clYnent. to all.".. e<pr ... sion of
""""s, ACrytic. (H)
4. Mi, thin auto-cure "'''''' in a smal 00h and paonl .", ... >d lemale ........",ts . Use a"
IQ _ away saliva a""""" f"""Ies.
5 Place excess wto-cure re .... ., <lMl",. ,0Cf!" and ..... 1 """,cleolut . Ask pauent
to close on ooclusoon _ """' s.eIS, Allow ..... KK:ure ",.in to set <;Omfl1Cle1y. AO<f
onty """ lema,. cicmonl at a time
6 A.<Id "''''".I'III"'Ig f""", lo 81""""",", over(!enlute aM rermve...".,..... acrylic
on 1"'9"al a,pect. Polish as nece5"""",
Pfta.e 5: TECHNICAL a.
1. "'sen b,an DRS male onatog. Into <np<essoon Sear in pI_ cyMOaCryla.e.

2, C:mplete final <et.up, do n<:( inset!"'" forna"'" .""""'Y ir"OO!he set up unle
the lema .... "'" p.ocessed al.-Mdy "' hatd "",ylic bas.
3 Rei"'" tho tiMI se, up to the de<1ti,L
.... _ _ .. 40
.0 ........ ,.,,' ____
av denture P,ocedures Direct Stud Type
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OOCM,,"'" procoou,e
producl " 1>0"10$
Direct DRS D-Ring System and OSO
Pha .. 6: CLINICAL
1 V&riIy SCI up and rna"" ""'Y ooce.sary oo]US\merlls.
2 Return the "", up wl m rype ""ir.on C"ar>g()$ if "oed IQ be for I . ... proc __ ng.
Phase 7: TECHNICAl ____ '-__
1. lnserl red aRing ;"to metal rotall'.er Mg Seal assemlllO<l aR'" ove< male .
opening is Orlenled we< OAS ........ ei .. m""1 lacing Q"'gwat out
untie, rna'al ret ...... ''''\1, block out material >nciIJd<> slOne Of liq..oid la,e" AlSO
block (O.JI the head 01 ORS ...... I(!. u""ally WIth iQlJl<! late . (J)
J. PaLnt model WIth "*p.,.to< "" USU3I.
4. Close flaSk 10 ensure complel" clOSure teeth f nlOC .. ...-y, When
has teacMd dou>lhy COI"I5<SWICy. a_IS on model "'.Ih """'.
ar7\OUl'llS. Pack acrylic In OM .tep.do not trial peck
5 Pn>ces. acryliC and tinis/llhe DRS rOSk>raUOrl. Repiace red O-RinQs With ""role Of
bIad; MaiO-Ring',
Ph .... 8, CLINICAL ________ _
1 Try .... fll'lisl>od """'<lentur" Adjlm occlJW> and ft as nece.s.ary
2. RccO<d attachmen1 name and order numt>e, on P'I,,.;nt-s
1n_lng New Q-Rmg .
1. T ...... an O-RioQ and squeeze ,1 !OQ81Mr, Punch one into the """009 and
un a burni_ 0< "",.Iar Instrument to push in 1M remain'ng ""9men! of
the O-Ring.
-, .. -.. ---,-_ .......... ...,.,. .. """"- .,
"_"",, .... . ... ___ . '" ...,.-. CA
Overdenture Procedures Direct Stud Type
Uni-Anchor, DDB, Pivot Fie. , Moser-Sphere, etc,

Prelimin .. ., and Initial Attachment Procedure.
_ I: Alw"Y' reiN ,,, I"" aM InWal Procedures.
pilga 8. C\"IIY ItlJ< will gu.arantoo _ =" .. 1uI
,.,.. 2: CLINICAL - PostPrep8r1llion _ _
Z-1)"JM Stud AU..," ....... t s
1 Complete ...,OO<Iontic ptooed< . ...
2 Flal\&ll the root Drill. stalter hoi. in the """"' will> a M700 or co.
""do 10 an BDpt""imal" depth of 1rrrm. (Al
3 Use at 6 '''' HId cartlloo 10 ortIargc lhe hole to a depth 01 a p-proximotely 4rrrn. (8)
4 The dlam::>r\d'$Ozlng 00' U$&d to ct>l a full rfK:8M lor 1001 si.orlg. Mail .. sure lhal
1110 d.amMd.oIMg bur is rotallng al limes IrIclYding inse""" and ",r, .. ,,,,,' 01
the bur wi ll1
S/nJj9ht TyfX' omx:t Stud
1 Complele ""dod"",io procedure. Rauen Ihe rool suriace. Prcpa'e canal 10
desned deplh wit!> lI1e t.5rrrn d,"._", ,,,,m.,. Sho<1Otl $1""11'1 poll! 10 8PProp'.
ate let>gth ID)
,." ..... 3: CLINICAL _ Cemenling Males
, . C""""" lI1e I!tanIum male Into prepareo canals 1101111 gt..ss "",orner 01 """lX"Ile
Ie.", cerne<ll (E & F) Round COl""" 01 root ptcyaration The U<V-Aslcho< 01
OllIe< '-ales may be adde<i directry ella_ SIde 01 in the Iober81ory
PfI .... 4: CLINICAL - Addifl9 Female EI9fn6()1$ Chalrsid6
1. Cr .... I. cavily in dertllr .... acrylic to accepl temaio
2. F'lace spac", ""'" male elelni!OI BIlO SU I tM female oye' male. 00 001
"""""" clear PVC ring .. ""''' UnIAnchor IemaIa (G)
Alfwrnrll.,. will. Pfutic F_ lind Alelal Hou$;nga:
Insert the pl .. liC (omale in.er" onto the mel al Muorl'lQ w.th the ", ... rt"", loot
Place spac'" aM """""bled female ove, cemen!ed male.
3. 1'"1 '" the oy"'dent ...... to ensu' . """ling <M!f the _ssembled _"ach
m&n:$ Ir"ICleau caYity In acryt'c BS necesu ry.
4. f'roIp" .... ...,..1 ....., holes on 'ngual boh,nd to . "P'"""'" 01
cess acrylic. (H)
5. MIX thin alJlO.Cure r8$in In. $Il"10 1 <I,." and pam! '<OOOd '""",Ie, (Use rur 10
blow """,,-y saliVa aroo..nd
6 Place c . ... "".cure ",." ., denM. I"",,$!I an<j $<l at '''''If<i(II,h ... _ PliIiolnt
to ClO$e in 111)'1! C>Xlu$ion ","Ie WI$ AllOw luto--Cu .... res,o 10 set
A<Ir:I onty OM fema,., el"""",t at Irme
1. Add 1<VlIaining femates Remove "' ....... and """"" pr .... ""'ytic on lin
oual.speC! Polish nece .. ooy
,.,.. 5. CLINICAL - Addifl9 F9lfla11l EI9fn6()1$ in Lllbcratol)'
, . Talce impress"", OYer moles.
2 Senct ""PI"""". rtttrl8tning t.:1Jdir'>;;!)rOSS <Y'IaI e ar>aIOgS to labOralory
Direct Stud Type
Unl-Anchor, ODB, Pivot Flel(, MoserSphere
Pha ... 6: TECHNICAL
1 Inurt Crass male analogs into ,mpre$sOon. in .. w" h cya"","c,,;laIC.

2. final seI.up_ Do not ..,.." the lorna"'" no the set...., lXIIe$$ me l$J1ao:e.
arc _000 ."eOOy 10 e ,,",d acr')o1ic 1>0; ....
3. ReI"m tYIe rll'lal seHJp to the den','.
1. Verily Tinal SOl-up and mok8 Any &Ojuslme<'I'
2. Rerum me Set-up w1tl'l type WflU.-n changes ne&d 10 I)t tor I."", p>c8SUlg.
I. ROBd p'6scnpt,on. eval",,'e 1M I'MI",-up and mako 1M n"" ... ,,,y ct>anQe
re<l'*St. "" lhe pre5Cflplm.
2. Flask ca.se and boil C\I! "''''' (>$ ul ual.
3. P1ace SPllcer$ lifSl _nd then 11>0 lJni 11,,,,,,,,,, lerr.a'n o-er bru. analogs. (J)
Alt,.,_ wlllt PI lle Fem.Ie. lind IMt.I HDUIIi"fJ. :
In""'l the pla.i", lemale in",,,s imo the ". ... tal houMl{jI WIth the io&erl"", ,"" ..
P\aoe .pacer and e .... mb $(I femaleS OV$ the bfass male anaIog._
4 Bk>cI< out lhe rernai<W'og e'posed rOOI sn<>Clure wilh late, """"".'
I. rry.<n linisn..o overdenturfl. Alli"'" OCC1vs>oo ..,d r" as necessary
2. U ... 1M &elr.taling 0< Oeactivating tools 10 adjUSt r&!en100r> Of trle Uni-Anchor as
"""eS$ary (K)
3. Record onocl>m8nt name ood order in pat,...,rs li1e .
--....... . .. _ _ 43
; . o"", ... "'_ ... ... _CA
Overdanture Procedures Direct Stud Type


- .

Neomagnet, Jackson Magnet, etc.
Preliminary and Initial Attachmenl Pfocedure.
,.",.. I: AI .... 8y. 10 til" and 'n;,i .. , A"acIlm. " rs P[()(;"du''''.
pa'J" 8. /I>i$ wi! """"/Ot1tH'
PllIClIIg I(H per.net Mttgnef.'
Pha ... 2: CLINICAL - Post Prspaf8tion
1. CompleTe . "OO<TontlC proc&<lures. Fran .... !he root wrt..,,, OCCluSalII' Propare
canol 10 oosO-ed the 1.5r'M\ drl'le:er reamer. (A)
"" .... 3: CLINICAL _
1 S/><>r ten .t<a,gtrt lJ'OC"'ed _sat keepe1 posl 10 "PP'OP' .. IO Ieogth. Comont T ....
I<.eoper into prepared canal "";11> gl .... ionomer or composr\8 resin cement (9 3. C).
The qll> can 00 shortened. Flour><! 0/1 corne,. 04 root prcparOI""', Tho
tloomagnc! should be added d;roctly aT chair side.
""a 4, CLINICAL Pf<lcing MagtlCf CluJirsldc .....
1. Cr .... I" (;'''''y "' do-ntur8 OCryi", to..,,,,,,,, me Nea"nagr>Ot.
2. Place Neomagne! 0_ cemented keeper, KnrJrIeO housing is _&<I <>eclu .......
TI>O $Ir'IIX>Ih M orrsn SlWd contact koeper (0)
3. Try-in !h. over""n!"re to ensure comoleTe "". r 11>. seated magnet
I""",.so ca>Oily;" acryhc '" ncc<lssary
4 . Prepare $mall vent !"des in lingual oohil"ld attaChmenlS 10 allow .,pres"i"" oj
exces. ""')1ic IE)
5. Moe tt-.o auto-c...-e '"'" in ."..11 dish .. oo p.oi<I1 oroun<l Iholn knL.OI"d _''''0.
(lI$e air rust to away s;)lwa)
6. PI""" &''''' ... allt<>-Cure rKin in denture reo .... .... , '''18rOern"re Alii< poT' .... ,
10 ck>sc in light occlusion _ rosin SCt l, AllOw autOoClXe reS,n 10 U1 C<Jmpleleiy.
Acid or>Iy one magoeI . , I>me
7 Add remainlnQ rnogoets. Remove "".roenture and temOV<l oxpr-o acryl", on
IonguaI a .... CI PoI,s/1 a. n ""o,,,,,\<
UslngC""t.Ta K_,
""",e f ' CLINICAL _ Root Prep8ralion r
1 Complete eOOOOontic prooodures FlaIIeO!he rool and prepare margin. Prep...,
canal Ie< posI and 1IIk8 ompr-.on u.;ng the f'08l '" SUTo!ar Syslem (P\I 7).
""ase 2: TECHNICAL _ ....
1 Pour modelll\CQrpOra1on;jlhe plastIC '" mel.' ompr .. .."., poOl
2 SIootI...-. and in_I co.table plasOc po$l ;"to die canal
:> Wax KMPtr" "'10 coping .... ill> metal post oriMt8d The po$l
wil l hold 1M k""p"r in poOit"'" Oufl"9 I>u, n out. Tile "'"3)( SlWd enclose 11>0
unde<cut oround The keeper (F)
4 Spo-w, """,,51..,d casl 10 l he U",vor.oI KMp..- in ioIloy QI' 00 NOT "'"
caSing ", ""'d.
5 Cut oH Ille posl and omooIh I<ecpe< occIusalty
,. ,.,..... , _.... .. ...... ",_."' .. """"",,w'," ",
"C-, , ,."_ ....... ",, ........ _-.""

Oer.en:ture Ptocedu1'es Direct Stud Type

Prelimi ... , y and Inill., Allachment Proced" ...
PM t : Always reler to Ihe In!! .. ! Pr<>CMiure.
p.i{Je 8 Only ml!, wi. """ranI&/! WCCtISSItlI roS/O<8001>
The Locato< is a radocular $W Iype allachm .... '>'i!l'l eMily
plaSIiC male elements. The metal fomales are available "' "'reel Of cast 10.
The direct has. Cf>Oice of a OSl and Iv><> """,,,,' (10 and 20 OOQreeilllO
"""ommodal&d'"",I1"" roots
Pfla .. 2: CLlNICAL - Post Preparalion
1. Complole aMMonhC proce(lures and ti an&n Ihe f<><>l ourJac .. <>cc lusally
The Locator mquIreo at least 4mm roo! _t ...
clmfJl /0, IIlr1 le<:lm/qu.,
1. Sol 1M plastic D$p1t\ Re1i1fence Ring on lh<l Plio! Or. 10 .. depth slight ..... exceed
ing 1M length of tM female pool {appro> ?mm} The lernal e post c""' be sholt.
ened 00s<ted (A). Irrigation ia to pr&venl 0V9rhea""9
2. CounterSink me rO<.J! s<Jrlacc UOIr.g!he $pol F""", (Cooo'lle<sanl< Dia.nond Bur) to a
depll> whe,. a lUI 360 ,"",me rec_ seal _. on the occlusal .urlace of
U .. fOO( IA) Whe<\ making the coootersOok preparation onto. <Ii_gem root, !he
depth of the wiI vary across the "",tace 01 ttoe root. On !he shallow
&Ide 01 1M propar2tk>n, create a nvwnaI recessed seat U$lI"Ig tnc Spot Facer_ (8)
3. A portion oj tI>e orogifllll depth lrom !I'll) PiIO\ Ori . Canal prepa,ation,.; n lost
to countersOnking Re ... otabti.h the lu1 <lePln oj ,ne canal p'epa'ation by ' e -
PI"'P"'"'II will! the Drill using the original Deplh Flele<enr;e Ring oel!ing.
4. U!ling1M lOCATOA Pa,aIIeI PO$I., a ""odie. pi""" . 0 Female 1M<> lito
compleh.d Plepa'"tlOl'l to s.oprove prope' and paroMol alognment 01 1M
atlactvnent, lithe alignment 01 tI>e altaCh .... " CIOn be imprO'>'eO. select !he most
suitaOle angled lemale (10 or 20 cIegr_) lIr'Id rotate in the ClIn" to deterrnioe
.to to make par_. Ie)
.t1 Note: (;(eate" ....... U """"''''9 m.or" 00 the base and the '<>01$" ,1""'0 to
help return !he angled female to the exact PO$ItiCo\ <:luring c_ion.
S. Coment the LOCATOR in ",II> e<:mPOSiIe """n C8r'I'IMt Of a strong
act;es;oo molerlal 0I)'OU' cl\OlCe r.-.ng up .-.:lex marl'-
6. Aft er Ih& has sel , ""-""CI 011 and pol,,,,, !he root to """""" ."""., .
.. "" """""" orOU"ld female (0). The Parallel Pool can be placed <NO( lite lemale
to proteCl " during me po:ili$l'ur1g.
Phese 3; CLINICAL - Adding Male Elements .01 CI!a;f$KJtI
1 Place. While BloCk.-)u, Sp""", ""'" 'he head oj """""'ted lemale, The tpacer is
used to bIoCl< "'" lit. ''''''"'''''Xl e>:pO$e(l oj loe root.
2. Inoon a LOCATOR Slack Process'ng Male ... metal housing Into cemented
female, Ie ..... ,ng lhe WM. Block.()uI Spacer beneath It The f'I""e ... ng
MaI<l will maimern lhe o.-erdont",e in !he upper I.,.. ollIS .-ertICaI reSiliency during
!he procesSIng PI"". ""'o_
3, f'lepao-e a Ieee .. in tt"" -.. to acoo,.-.-..xr.", the protrU(Mg f'lor;eui no
Make a .ant 110/& on 1118 1"'\I1Ia1 .Sped to e><PMSS e.cess resin, "",iIy IMI 1l(j&.
QUale $pace has been prlOCIed tor the sta<1lcss stoot """sing bel"", cco'I ng
<I l\Wy . small """""'" 01 aco,tic 0<{IUr\0j!he housin 01 !he ProceU!IlQ
Male. and In !he 01 lite denture. {E) A.sk to """"" in Iiglt ocCl usion
untit ac')o1'" sets
pty .. 4, CLINICAL Adcling Mal" EItmlllf'ls jn LatJorarory _
1. Place P,oc ... ing Male W,lh housing onto cemenle" Female "'ement TOkO
.. """""',,- ,", .. -' .. -.. ... ..... .
,,=><'" ""' .. -"'"" '" .... " ",",,,,-,,,,
Palls-refer 10 page 99
, -
Cast-to rCchr"Oq\>oi"_
Replacing Worn M3Ies ___ ,
Direct Stud Type
,. Attach f<omaIe """"'IiI 10 procesSll>g male in unpr ... ion, Pour moo'el as ...... or_ (G)
2. Remove IffiPres""",, pi""" ..rut" space< ar><! pr",,_ng rnale eve< anaklQ and
process oeryhc in 0 .... 810p. Do,." llial p&Ck. (H)
3 F<ni ... _nlure as...sua! Remov<I wM .. spac ... I""" ""'yIic. S ..... spaeor in
role lor !vi"", , .........
Ph ... 1, CLINICAL Preparing canal /()(east-Io lecfIniqua _
1. Selt .... plastic D&pth Rel",.,,,c., R,ng ()fl tlle PiIoI DniIIO a <Jepth $liQM)' exeC)-
inII the IernJh 01 the female post (apprtM 4,....,1. TIH> l"""'Ie!Xl" can I>e_.
cned il <le,ircd (J). For (lwe'l/ent rOOlS. Ihe angled (I"ect lemale may be
5I"oOf!ttne<l I", co.,_", teCM>que. l"'gabOn is 10 pr<IlIefll ovemeall "ll
2 Coo.o1Irm.inI< Itle root suriace US"'!j11>o S!>o1 Facer (CounterSink Oiafl'VY\d Bur) 10 a
d.pth wh ..... lull :J6O <I8gI'" ""' .... d ... , .""""'. on lho! OC(Olu,,' .... lac8 01
lhe <00\ ............. mak"'g lhe counler$irjo: into a rOOl, the depth
01 the """'_ wi( 113ry acr= the Mac" 01 "'" roo1 On me .MIOw side 01
lhe prep ... l""" CreA' e a rninimaI racessad <eM .... no I"" S!>o1 Fac ..
3. Injec1 melelia! into prepamrlOll and lolce impression. Soond 10 IsborMOry,
Ph.,.. 2: TECHNICAL - cast Coptngs __
I PIac<: "" .. -;0 metal kmale. "'10 wax-up 101 copn;,. Uu plastic paralleling 01)$/1;
to venty aligrmert110r path of in __ . (K)
2 parallflllng fl<lSlt aM 'p,ue (place '!>fUO 21 45 009<01) ar>gIe 10 female)
Carefully flew investment "10 r"",,,I,,. (Iur'og procedure. Cw onty WIth
precious type 4 alloy or _pre<:"""" alloys_ 00 no! cleon c tingS in &<)OJ.
Ph .... 3, CLINICAL - C(NT/(!nlingcasl-Io Females
1. C......,.,.. c8s1 oop;.-.", onto root Folow procedures on PreviOuS PilOC or aJ:>ovc fC<
inc<wporOI"'!j moles in\o """,oIenture using d,""" or ino"oct ""'''''''''''"'
REPLACING -WORN ', . . , .
I . U&e II"Ie LOCATOR Ma:& TOOl 10 "'" s:.cI<. f'lOCMS"'II lrom
tho! metal doni"'" cap. The rIOOk on tM end 01 t"" curved I0oI sI>ooI(I b& llledged
tirfotly down ""0 the _y bonom COl"'" of the piesroc male ",,!hal "". c atch
lhe""", 0I1he DIad< plastic malerial and <lraiQht up and out 011"" metal
""""ng, (L)
2_ The LOCATOFI Mste Seaill'lg Tool it ""cd IQ pUSh a LOCATOR RepIacemen!
M31e in/o!he e.-ply metal ""ntura cap. (1.1) The replaoement male musl sear
securcly into plaCe, level wllh the , im 0111>0 cap.
tto1e, The Male will not St.1y on the 1001 __ i. lurCotld upsi(!o
down due 10 lhe .a,ying oil"" 01 males ..... Iable II is best to IloIO the denture
",th tho baoe sido down and snop I"" male OnIO I"" melal <lenture cap (10.1)
"_"' ___ "'__ 46
"""",,. "", ...... - ... .... -""'
..... ' ...........
Logic, Zest , ZAAG, etc .
Direct Stud Type
..... Iirnin .,. .nd Initial AUachment "",,,e dures
I : Atways retet 10 tl'l6 Pretim,nary aM Initial Attachment. Proc6dura.,
8, Orrft It>&.,.;/I guarant ... a sUCGessflJl te!ilOration,
o.OC<'iption; TMSe procecl",'" are 10:1 ,.. thO ab<Ne ''''''It''''''''' allachmenl . The
Logic System regular and micro femak!;male a,e ... 11'1 VIC e<iOinel
Znt Syslem buI "'" w,th the VAG SfS*" The ZMG Star\d:Or<I and MirM ... " "'"
itII",changeable wrth each _ . .... " that the proper size tool$ are be<n9 used
with lhe anacm>cnt tt>al tlas b:ceo """,clOd."" SfS!<>mS tlav. a d, ......... d ''''''Y d"U
and a one.tep drill. _ay. use cooIont during d .. lrog _nd ' I<'ng procecUes.
,.,. ..... 2, CLINICAL - Post Preparation ___ LL
1. er><;I<;JdQnTic procoodu, ... ar><\ flatten !he ,"'" s",face
1n1"l1 O.....sl"l' Drm:
1. The One Sl"", d" s sell .IMng.....a dor.I"", """""" a hole, DrOll the hole III
_ op<>ed 750 RPM to c'c.t lull 36O--<IcgrC<l roc.,.SW seal in
the O:Xlusat $urtace. vse wale, coor.nt wing the procedure (.0.)
DillmOl1d SlzJng 8u"
I . 001 "rler /\Ole in the CIOnel ,,'iIh a . 700 or $ilYlilar cartoide. (6)
2 vse a ;.e ,,,,,",d C9tbode to .......... 11" the """' (C)
3. The diMlOM $il<flg bur i$ used to cut. M ,ecess lor I,nel sozinij Mai<e ...... !hat
I"" d""""""."'w>g 1>uI' .. rotalong al ... """'" II'ICludong inse<toon and r....,..,al 01
II>e ,,",. LI>e water coolant duling the procedu,e. (D)
4 Reput proce.s for ,emotnong 'oots The t,y .... >NaS1JC p.'allel'ng posts wrth 'he
Iemllie .""cned ".,.y tIfI U$O<l to Palh (It 0$_ (E)
"""s e 3: CLINICAL Cemenring Female Elemenl1 . ........
1. Cement the me:ai female elements inlO U'Ic prepa,<Xf roctliSCS (001
Gast ,onom,,, Of C<lmPO .. 18 , ... n I\"PO """,ani ,. MOIl tt ... ",.,.
""lacs, (F)
Pflase", CLINICAL - Ar1ding Mall> Ell>menrs al(;hairslde '
1, Attach male element into female C",ato ca'ity ., dent"'" acryOc 10 acoopt the
males .nd housongs. AI"" mai<e a small ""'" hole "" tr.. hngual a.poct to allow
.,cess 'osin to expross. r,y in <wordent"'" to _if>! adequate clea'
lOCo. Adjust ca",ty"' acryliC as necessary
2, Mix thlrIaul<>-cure resin in a smaU dlOll ar"ld paltd around elements, (Use ""
1.01 to blow away saliva al<.ltO(j mol",) Place e""" .. """""" ...... "IS''' "' dotnlu ..
rece ... and ... at ""'" <lentu,. <XCOM <;in ""'I .,p ..... tIvoo\j1 tn. vent _. Ask
pali"". to ClOSe in OCClwiO/l _ ,eSin sets Allow .ut<>-eure ", .... to ... t C<lm.
pIelely Add cnI:y one male .... at time (G)
3 Add re".,. ........ male elemettlS """,dentc<e and finish. Por,sh as -S8'Y
Ph .... IS: CLINICAL Adding Mala Elemenfs in La/)OralOly
t. Ftace male .,..,res,"m """"Ie, el<)<'J'ICnt$ in ccmcnOOd f""",1es 101<e 'rTOpre''''''''
over transfer male. Remove impre "", 1f">COI'poratw>g 1,...,01", mall .. fran"""
male coIo<. ore; Z .... reg. bU>. Z/>.AG ' eg_\j<een.....a ZNJ"; mono_black. (H)
"""sa 6: TECHNICAL
t Altach Ironsf,... temoles 10 """,,fer males "' .mpteS$lOO. Pwr tnO(!ef as uwat M
2. R&rr'oOYe tr1lr\ $!er males and ptece final male. WIth space ' _ h...,sl", _so
F'r<>c<I ocrytoc "' one "'OP, Do "'" g;.,r pack, (K)
3. F .... ..., ",,,,_e a. usual. Careluly ",n..,.... cem",irog sIce_ around ma .. ole-
ment" Save centering aleey "' petlem file lor M ure """-
____ ... __ ,_ .. < __ w_ ..
c " ... "", __ .......,.... '"< ..... """'-""
Ow. rd . .... Ptocedures Direct Stud Type

Logic, Zest, ZAAG coni nued
"""se 7, CLINICAL
1. T,.,. .... O'IIer<;ler( .. e. Adiust occlusion and ri1 ... necessary.
2. Record a1laClrnent rtarl<I and ora.. numb8r in po:iMl. fi1e.
c..tt<> "_"re.
Ph"se 1: CLINICAL RoorPreparalioo _____ _
1. Prepare rootS as previously using tho ."...,...tep dli. or diamond <LZln(j
bur for casno proc&<lu,e (StePOl t4 Root Pr_,alion)
.t1 1>101. : Tro. Sizl"9 drti/bul for the castto 0110.","""'01 .. lao"", til"" the standard
d $lzin9drl1llbu1
2. T ..... impression ave, roots. (L)
"" .... 2: TECHNICAL _ Cast Copings
1. Place castto metar females onto ... "" .... p for cop,ng. U ... piastre oaralleling posts
to vc<iIy for path 01 .... (M)
2. Heme"" pa<aJleIlng post. and $pn.!OI (place ... rue a1 45 degree angle I() remale).
C..,clully fico, "",est"..,.." ",to ffIomo.l M dunnQ irlv8s1I'ner"ll procedure. Cilsi only w;U.
precious type 4 .Ioy or Mmj.p"""ious alloys. 00 MI CleM caSlin"" in ""i<!
"" .... 3: CLINICAL _ Cementing Females ______ -
1. Cement cast copin"" into root Foil"", on p_iou, page or above for
inc<wporOl<>g ...... 1es in!<> U$ing dlrec1 C< in<IiIec! technique.
RELINES OR ________ _
1 existing ...... tes and I><>JSlngS. Propa'" bssue side 01 ac' yIic as usual for
......... Place tranol ... males inw female elements. Use cIeolUle .s ""pre'"'''' 1'0)'
af'ld ;mp,essl"" ovel I,ansre, mat ov,"0entute incorpora:lng
transfer ""'Ies.
Pha .. 2: TECHNI CAL - ..,., _____ r
I Allach 1,an$le, re""'it't IIn<l pour rno<IeI.
2_ MOo.o1t on """'" I'll,
J. linal males Of w"I><>J' housing with c""tetonQ ,Ieeves Into Irsnsf.,
females Ret>aso and finISh as usuar incorporali"" ,.... males remove
centering sfeell ...
1 W.th ttrfI COMO tOO. drill OUI WOrn nylon male element lfOm the metal houarnQ.
Take caM MI to ttrfI ""')'110 (N). Push the ,err_ 01100 worn ........ out
with the metal pin which is inserted .. to \I>e tool. FlllrTi<e ",,,,,,rnder 01
worn male from metal housu1Q Wllh a poinIe<I inll1,,""ent.
2. I ....... t M\>Iacement male ""0 sealing tool and pr." lilt<> mola l hou$>r'IQ_ (One end
Qlthe Ihteaded pl.stic I. for tho Zest I Logic. I"" OIher lor tho ZAAG.) (I
.. -..."--.....,-... ,.-.... .. ,-...... -
""'"' "", "." ."" ..... _ ..... ...... -'"

-.. __ c
l l'1 \
. ,
J . "
. . \,
i ' .1
P.ocedures Bar Type-Plastic Clips
Hader-EOS Bar System
Preliminary a nd Init ia l Allaohment Proce du ...
_!: 10 m .. aM Inilial Allachmenrs ProcMJu'"S,
p!JgIJ 8 0r>Iy 11>,.. Q $"""'0$$1 ... resl<QlK)(l,
T"" foIIowong procedures for lreated lee1h wllh 1'00' cOPing. con
nect"" by a bar The overdontUH,l ... pl"'tic Haclc,-EDS clip. with !he mac/'lin!{!
metal Hadet-EDS This de$ign hu proven to 1M rnos1 ''-''Ce 1uI and
lowest mainlOf1a<>ce , .. ""aliGn tor !he palieJ>! and 1M
P'Ocedurn lor tn, of ba ro arC provided-note t he Icons
G!o.m for !he bar gold 1011he g.oId bar ond ",av for Ihe lI'./I rII"m be,
PhIl .. 2 : CLINICAL _ TOOlh P'epJ/,ation & Impf6$Sk)n
I. See Pools P,eparaooo and Impression ("""_1'0$\ Pg 35)
PIu 3: TECHNICAL - Model Fabrit::ahon
1. fleviewlhe pre$Cfiptiorl, imp"",""". Check that Ihe ",,"!able r><>Sts aM __ d
2. F'ovr VIe pi!> tho moder., trim !I>e <ii ... anti """""" !he casl .
PhIl 4: TECHNICAL _ Bar Fabr1catlon _ 3 OPTIONS
, OPTION ,,' Plullc Btl ..
01 'JON 2, Gold s.r. 1:>0 orlng L 'gl
, OPTION S, Ti!.Omum Ban (t...s..- Wlrldlngl
OP TION 1,' PI..-Iie BIl, .
1. Wo:< tho root copings with 1M pIas\Ic Mo&lr Posts in place, Fabricate a matnx or
!Me:>< ot lhI TSU (Tempor .. y Sol-UpHill Use the malnx from lhe bc>ccol or lIfl9JoI
8. a guide 10 posaion lhe bars 10 prevenl over conlO<Jriog tl"le re.to<atoon (8),
wt'!eMv&r poO$ible, the tw-s ShCUd be pooit<:ned .., Sllaight sectiool$. "'" !lenl in
curve (C, D. EI, The pl"'''i< !-;a<l(!r EDS bar CIIII be shononed lram 1M 0009"'al
aspect tt>e<e not """'-'(lh occluu.1 clearance. 00 not <edooo beyond !he rQI.n(l

2 Wa>< lhe plaoTlC barS d.nctty to the copings. 00 not """"",,11M .p ..... "' !he bar.
Sprue to the cO\>i<lgs
3 I""""" caS! and linlth ..... C<lpinwbo' aliSljfl101y, II hard alloy _ be osed
OPTltJIU, Gold Ban (" g .. I "9/
1 W"'" the roo! c"p"'9'l Wllh Ihe pIa.ric Mo$er Poot in p lace ConIO<Jr C<Ip"'Q lor
solder join1 wiI1'I Wor
2 In_I casl and flfliYt !he coping$.
3 the gold HaOOr-EOS t),,, ..-.d coM lhe TSU with the mal'''' to deter",,,,, the
C<Jr,ect ptacement. This prior plamlng wIG result in l><>Iter ",,'hellOS and com1orl lor
!he pat;ern. ( .... B)
4 l Wl the bar wid> panern roSir> to !he coping Tho bar can be Ir(:O'n the
g"glvol ....... 00 not nx>d ly!he rouncI section,
S R""""", !he bar and cOping assembly and place in _,ng inveSiMern. U&e
""",mom ..,..,."." 01 soldering irwestmefll. Excess"" .,,, .. .e q..,;,es """ ....
_ heat which COiJ\cl dam_I!" !he b ...
e Bu- n OOt res<n. IJ$e 660 or 10\;'"" temperaturo IPd ,O/{je,. Solder a nd a'iow to
bench COOl. The Hader EOS ba, IS made 01 80'0' A.11oy and Os selltlard&ning.
Ranoa' 16S!).1795 F) The G<>i<f H_EOS bar cart alSO be U- welc1ed
to lhe eopotIQ,. FoIIcP.v Lase.-wr;\CWlg from !he rMnufac1urer.
7 Finish COPing bar a$-$&ml)ly.
_ , II the ,ootO arfl d"'"'l)ent, S CUmim ma<le &crew bloc des;gn .. """""ed
.. 'IIh 1100 bar gmerd tabooaled In 2 or ".,. .. unils (F)
proce<itJf'" CMhr.ut>d ""XI pAge


Overdlnture Procedures Bar Type-Plastic Clips
.... , ""
HaderEDS Bar System continued
PMI", 8: TECHNICAL Processing will! FSbticAtmg C1ip6 _
/1 Net. : ")OJ preTer to tacricate a 1""""'_'\1 take a imp'_
""'. CtJt the aIumir!urn bar onaIog 10 tt>e appropfl ale and inse<1 into ttl.
impresolOO. Pour a """ ptOCe$$iog mod<>l
1 11 vou do no! use tc.e met" seat the fabrkahng clip <>'Ie' the bar and
blocl<-oot."., undercuts on the bar (N). You rnoy Med 10 the Ieng:h o/lhe
i.",ieating cip. 11 \fie t$brICO""Il chp .. """,ooJU"ted. fill in soace with block.."..
material .
2 M ..... 0'"'' that the eX1<>nSlOll rtanues do "'" Oil r$ad. M the 1 ..... 1 clips wil 00 loose

J. S ... , on the rr>:>del. If ... iII n,,, fil wa>< around the 01 tM b.r
and rI(Ier prca .,1 """'" oomplelely
4 Seal ti,e seo up 10 the mas"" n>;>deI , on" ... , and 001-<><.0. the wax. Recheck the
bloc1<.-<lwt area to.....al<C Suo it is 01" intact
5. Pack. PfOC<!ss. and deIIasl<1he dcnwre Do nOl !rial pa<;k.
5. Finish the overdenlure. chock ' '''' ,,, ncrion 01 the al1achmenl and 1M
noembly and "'" corr pleted <wer<1Cnturn ttl the denti st. If t<lbllcalu<g
LJSed . remove them and mpIac& With 1i ... 1 eliPl'.
7, Provide tho 0e<11,01 or<lor ""rrt>e,. for the bar ana clops. You may prQvide
,I'a clip" with less or more (eI .... hon. IHll<lOfEDS C<mbo Clips !l99--631009)
PIt B: CLINICAL to Patief11 ...... .
I, CMeI< 1M pr""'->$ and the cop<ngs. Call the I""""""'" IIl'>rne<ialety d there a re
"OY """$I",,," Let herfroim i<r>Ow hOw 1I>e< !e<:hnocol .... <11 make$ )'C<r( jot>
(We 'pprocra!e oomptimenl. """" in a wMe and Ihis can 0111',- beoelcl lM
2. Sea! the bru r,*,lOrOIl(ll\. There should be spac<> _ the b", secl"",
and the t."'" for benor 1\yQ'''''''''
3 Seat 'M Clen:ur& wor the ba r and cl\eck the amourn of rel...-.h:.'. CheeI< a nd
adjuSi <)Ccf\J$lon.
4 Rcc<>-d Ille orders ro.ornbers o! the bar all<! Clips. By ..... ,.. the coo coded clip&.
)'C<r can P""""" II>e pal,""1 with less or more retenllOr" !hen the yellow clip will...".
IVa recommend starting with tho v.tute clips (leasl "'I@nl"",).
,.,.. .. 10, CLINICAL Rep/acir1g HaderEDS Clops
.iJ Not.: 1M HMer,EOO CI"", are not adjuslabie but .......... tv repla<;Od,
I. use a "",rOW in.lnlfI'I<lIlIlO ramove 1M old clip (P). Soot a new cl,p on the plio_he
".'IOg '001 iIOd Ins.!;t into th. melal housing or oenlure acrylic. I Q)
PfI.ase 11: CLINICAL _ N6w Denture over Exishng Bar
I . S/"iQr1&n the Hade<-EOS impr """, c p 10 tho Ier"ig:h of 11>& bar belw"n cop,ngs.
Z. Take 8 new """,_ion with the OOping In pla<e. Th& ok! demure can
be u..,.; 80 a tray IA)
Pfuose 12: TECHNICAL _ New DenrUf8 0_ ExisTing Bar
I . SilO/ ton a _rEOO analog 10 the samo IcnQlh 8S the ompr8$$1on Clip Md in&ett
into impr<>$SioJ\ copifIg
2, Pot.o mo<1el and arlic .... te.
3, Sal new I&elh anrl toIIow procedure. Ircm Phaso 7 throug-h I'NI ... 12 .
.. _'-.. ___ ... _r .. " ............. _.. 51
.. __ , _ ... .., ""'_""
OVe'd.nt ..... Plocedures
Bar Type-Metal Riders
CBS, CM-Rider, Dol der Bar & Sl eeve and Ackermann Clip$
..... Umina.' . nd Initial Attllchme nt Proc.d ......
Phs.., I: Always relar ", 11>0 Inill.' Arta""rn8nl. P,()(:edurcs,
p,oge 8. thIS wolI gu.a,....,roo a !lUCCessful_r<xa'tOn
The 1a11owing ale for el'ld<'.odomcaty \lUI! _ ",,11\ root copings COIl-
nlOCled by a Ha<lerEDS bar (pI""tc. gold. tIl or a Cold$! Bar (gokI. pIa .. c) The
""eroenture "olil.cs OOjIJ.tabIe metal ri<lero/clips insteoo of p/<Ist'" et;ps. Unlike pIu.
he met811 <>de'o/clip' haV(! vertical resiliency The DoIOOr sleeve is onl)l indca;
ed lor the Daldor Sar
Procedu,es to, thru types o! bars a'e p'o. ided-not@ tM bar icons'
Gr_ for the pia .. " bar. QOId lor 1M gold ba, and Q'8V lor titanium bar
,.,.., 2: CLINICAL - TOOlh Pr6f)ifraffoo & !mp...ssioo __ " __
1 Sao Endod:;>ntc Propa,ooon and Im"",ss"", (Moser Post Pg 35)
"" ... 3: TECHNICAL - Modoll Fabrication __ _
1. Revoew !he prescript""'. ""P'0$Si0n. CI'IeCl< that t .... ca",.bIe posts .. c eoclosed,
2. Poo, lhe "'l>ros*"" pin !he models. !,;m lI>e dies, and moun! the caStS.
"" .<f, TECHNICAL - Sa, FabricatiQn - 3 OPTIONS
, OPTION I: PIIU,kfh,.
t OPTION GDid BmI (-."9 , L wooJa!
t OPTION 3: TIt>mIum B . ... (LIt_ W.ldlng)
, OPflON I; P185' ic BmI .... _ .. _
I Wa:< tt>e root copu>g' wilh !he plas!IC Moser Posi. in place. 8 mM';X or
index aI the TSU (T",,,,,,,,a'1 Se!.IJp) (A). Use !hoi flO"l'llhe buCCal 0< lingual
as a guide to posil"",!he t>a", 10 prevent W.r (ontou,;ng Ih& '".!oral"", (Il)
WMMwer posSIble, 1fl<> bar. shoUd be ""","one<! in slralQh1. sect"",", no! ben! in
c",,,,, (C. D. The pl&stl(; H.<lerEDS bar can be shorteoed I""" the gor.grvat
aspecIll'l<! .. flO! "'"""'11> Do no! be)'oncI _lIOn.
2. Wax the bors d,rectty to copir>gs, Co no! connect th8 sprue lo!he bar,
Sproo to the
3. Invest cM1 and !irIi$h tl'" oopif'\9lbal A ham .Iov oI>;>uIr;I t>C uWd
, OPTION Z: Gold 6;N'S f5<; "" .. "!l & WtOdl"!Jl
1. Wax lf1e root e<>pings with the plas!ic Mo6e,?os! in plaCe. ConI"", c;oping for
soIde< join! .... h Hader-EOS gold ba,.
2. io",,", coS! "",..,!he coping,.
J. Cui Ihe gold Hede,EDS b<\, and V$e the TSIJ .. ,lh the ma!'1x to deler,.,..;"e. the
C(O",ect pIae...,...rn. Thts POOl plarnng will r in "-- OSIherir:, and """,Iort kIr
the pat1Cr'l1. (A, Il)
4 Lute Ir>e bal ";11'1 palletn """" to the coping. The bar can be edjus!eO I""" the
gl"llIVBf ",ea. Do nol modify the """"" oecI<Or'I.
5, Romovo the b ... and C<>PIfI\l 8S ...... tIIY a<>d in soId$!;ng ",,<>stme'" use
""""""" .rnou'" 01 $Oi<lerir>Q ir"rIoeS:menI. ExcessMI ....... tmeri '0",",(>$ _ .
siV(! heal """"h C<>JI<j d"'""g8 """ gold be,
6. 9<o'n wi ""In. use S50 or lowe, 1""'.oc'a!Ure QOId soIde,. Sol"", An<l allOw 10
benCh cool. The Hed&r-EOS b., '. made 01 EI,10' AJ<1'{ &1">(1 i, self-ha,denrng.
(Melnng Rang8: \65(). \ 795 F) The Gold Hade<EOO b8< can at"" be Laser Welded
to me copings FoIbN LMer WeId.ng IIlOlruc"",,' horn ItIe
7 CO!>'''ll b ... a .oerrtbly
.t1 Not e, If the roots ale d<W!rge nt,. ""Slom "",,'" scr"", bloc design is requi'ed
L:>lI "';!ll the b8< segmen! IabrtCalBd in 2 0< more units. (F)
con_ nexl
Overclenlure Procedures Bar Type-Metal Riders
CBS, eM.Ri der, Dol der Bar & Sleeve and Ackermann Clips COn!.
, OPTION J: m.nlum &r. (b ur
1 wax. iflvOl$1 ano cast copit1gs in lltariu'n.
2. Defta'" and .... sh """"'lJ5
3. Laser WIJd II'IC til;lni,.m Ir W tI'IC t. tanioJm coping,_
4, f olow l_ WeI<Wlg onslru,:I"", fr<>YI the ""'n"'''''lut@r.,. II .. La_Welding .... l.
Ph .. "e 5: TECHNICAL - Soldering Gold Bar 10 PotceIllin Crowns ..
A Not. : If yOU plan to COMeCI gOI(j H/I(IOr-EDS t>er 10 poleNn c,.,...,. maI<e
Sure you IOIIOw II'HI pnmery a"" inalAI prr!C00ur$$
1 Aft .. tho poo'Coj,.;o CfO\Ml$ """" boon maoo, CUI tho goi<I O8r Ie I"" length and
height roqw&d. Verily the posit"'" ot the b ... utilizing the TSU and mat' ''' a. a
\/Ui<;le, (' M i$ eSpeially critical fO< patiem rel'l"lOV301e al'l1&riOr br;,gowo.'K,) (A, B)
2 W1P. t!>e bar to !he "<"""'IS (G). Malo. plaste< occlusal index 01 the c""",,,s "00
bar assembly (HI Acmovc Index and crowns Irom lt1e masle, model Inseli
Cl"""" IWld t>ar """ !he pI&mor "","x"'" pO<: "'"" ""'" !he ood IntO
I1e ........ ;,19 "'""" (JI Crowns and bar s/"<::Ud lit index freet.I ""til
J 1"""'1 \h<> Cro'Mli>ar asoombly ., oo;:Odcriog Do nol ""'" ill",,, IK). Boil
QUloolde<ing blocl<--<ndex shouI<I e<>me offl.eely. Ory-ou1 the iflVi>S1menl, 8<10
_ llux and a unall a"""-"t 01 _ to ti>e assetl1b1y. Bring it up 10 metto.g
,_alum 01 ItM! """"" unMr """,.....", h<II<l for 30 ""","IdS aM _ vacu
um <l$S&mb/y from !he """", L&t cool. 1M Hader-EOS gold ba' is S&If.
MrdMing We recommended Ihal you consull wllh Ihe porcelain and al loy
"'" no;(....." ""'-t _.ng!e<Jl>er",""," _ b@.-l
,.". 6: CLINICAL Tryin of Coping Bar AsssmbIy .... _
t. Try .. !he Cping. or copinglJt>/Ir and ItM! TSU.
2 MaI<.e any """""gary adjuSlmeol.
3. the nsC<'l'lbtr (\Of)S no! passiv(,ly, CUI il close 10 lhe cOPtrIQ_ U$f) If $lim (1I$k_
4. Fl8QU'O.t the pal,,,,,,. opproval or !he 1"",1 TSU
5. FIcIurn II\e masler r"!"IOdcI and the TSU to Ihe technic"n as well !IS any WIlli,",
;"forma""" r""",ding chang.es
Ph ... 7: TCHNICAL Processing Riders. Clips and S/eeW/s _
I, FIcW;rw Ihe r>$W pre$CriplJon;V1(l 1M $e\.up_ Make
ltung i6 returned 10 yw
2. The cnlleal u;>ect is Ihe bk>ok-oul oIlI><l slcc,c, rK!cr{clip, As the rlOc,. and
. .... v """" a<!rJstob1e relen"oo. the bu<;col encj Itng",,1 orea 01 the sleev<o. ri<lel
or clips MUST be bOJcked oul up 10 and past !he hegh1 or COIltooJ< (F;g..
3 . Seal If SpacM ""'" IhfI bar and place the sleeve. r<l'" or over II>e wac'" and
bar. Biocl< out all other undercu1S and glngiv.1 part" or "'" 01--.., cl;pmde<' This
can be """" with alTlOUl1t 01 "<>ne """"00 by Bio-Sep or liquid La"'.
(Ao..tlber.Sep), In mosl cases)'<>ll may need 10 bloc\< C<Jt OW< l he bar se<:1ion
ve<iOoaI r ... ......-.cy oS "'quitOO
4 $eat the set-up on ""',.,..".,. does "'" lit .. .,,,," or 0'''''' Ihe teeth
around the area oIlhe bar onct clip until .. scMs complotcIy,
,. SNI the set-<JP to me master tI>:)det. onvest oM tlOol--OU! lI\e "',"". " the an<!
riders l\avt> lOOSened. reposition lI\I)m .. lite original posi tion.
6. BIoGk.out any other und.,c"," that aro ctNrly ,,",1>10. Proc ..... c_ and linish
acrylic 00 not use "'joel"" prrx:essing as il may IhfI """,",clops ()<
- 7, 1'f0'0'ide tho denlist wilh the orckr IUT1bers for the ba, and clips,
po,,,.C/.U$ COOl ......,. P8fJ"

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Bar Type-Metal Riders
"" .... 8: CLINICAL - DeIivfIry to Patient
I. Check the proslhosis and !he coptnljO. Can I""hroi<;,.n 1fTInlO!(J",leIy 01 1Il<H@
. '" any q_I""",. Let h9r/him""ow hOw well their IOCMlCai >'<ill mal<e$)'QiJ' joI:o
ca,ie' CWo all appreo::,,,,e compl.ments 0<IC8 in 8 w_ 8M CM MIy o..Mf,1
l he 00&"", .. ", tJonOhip).
2. Seat th<t bar 'est "". There _ "". small spaoo tIelwoon me bar secl.,..,
on<! theliss,,", 10< bctIOf
3. Ivnction 01 the and adjust occlvsoon 01 '"<1""00. 'IOoJ may ""';.
c< OOactrvale Ihe retentIOn. The I\cliloalion In,aument 1197{; \0125 (3 adj.o;l-
II'IQ blades) _ks all metal clip9I"""" &nd '''"'
4. ROC<l!d the order$ "'-"Ylb&r$ <>11M Mr aM Clip!.
The prOCe<;!ures di$CUue<;! ;n the Artl'Chmem t; Implant RM8r8r'lC$ MaruaI i. only
9ul""""'" Many alto,nal_ ,,,oS! fo, 1M completion 01 a atlachment '"
implon! "'$1""'100.
_ ...... ""' ... _ ... '_ h' ......... " .... _ .. _ ..
" 1; _ . . ... ...,... ",., c.o


Plunger Type
Prelimi .... ry and Initial AttachMent Pn>c;ed ..... s
_!; Always rerer 10 the Preliminary aM Initial Attacnment. Proceoures .
PBfilJ 8. O!lty /IlJ', will g<Wan/e<) a IWCCessfui res!C<3/iM.
Tho H..,....,. I\nchoI is an economical Ontr""orooaI p/IKllI'" allactlmcnl available in
tlvee ."e. IA). $lmpl. plunger IUBC_to such .s !he Har<>es Anc ..... DrOll'''''
<>"y mocharOcal retention. Therefore . ' 1 .... 1 that prQ'\Oi<ln an occlusal sIo;> anO
rec;'prQCOlion fl'OJ$l b<l wi! into thO (I(l$ign oI lhO rc.toration. To function prOPerly.
anaCM'l&n1$ ""'$) m$O' me oame _ MOle pr"',"pOl' ao a ciaOp {Ii! & CJ
C"""". are no! req".;re<:l for .... Iural 00"""""1. '...r.on using """ngar allach-
,.,on\1 wch as !he H ........ Anct>c<. Taooh-Z or SwI .. Tac. The plo.nger may I>e ... ,
into ",,:ur31 uf'ldelCUI in me loom. If .n und&rCUI is not avai!abIe use small IOU""
t>u< and propano. dlmpio cor",""",ld.,.. to Iho> <lamc\e, of 1he 81 apprO<i
I 5mm 2.Omm above 1M Msue (D). The SwiMTac na. an
opt""'"1 pIa.IIC !>lung'" thai may be used with uncrowned abut"""'l tee\l1. The
Hannes Anc ..... 0< IC ha"". st ........ stool ....... Ie..tOch c"" be inlo!he
onomel of the obUTme<1t M"". sure lllal there io a deep rest seal . , 160
the dimple (E 5. F). Crowns lal)rica,"'" $:;>n(far(! ani>Chment$ (10
rlQ! req.,...," 18O<le!l"" "'01 ""at . ....,., [fie ",.1 seal ancl !ecl""",al"'" " ,,10
lI1e des<"" QI standard rutac""""'l$.
Ph 2: CLINICAL - Narural Teem wilfJlJUi Crowns - OPTION I _
I. Ensure lhal ode<iuare ""'..-al unr:IerCUI 81<J.tIi '" _ .. a small dOnple .,10 the
IIilUlrn&r1ts. H u&i<lg !!'Ie Hannes AochOr. "'" me ... 1 I)e Cl!II"I'leI"I:ed imo
I"" """"",I. ""pression taking cate 10 impress receptacle area. for lhe
plunger<;, 1_ CrosidorobMS above) A subst"",;.1 resl .... 1 opposile the pOJngef
must be prepared for lunction 01 111. , .. Io'a_. (E)
Pha .. 2: CLINICAL - CrowningAbulmtmts - oPTION 2 _ _
1. Mak" <:>wn prep.rations as usual Take ""Pre."""' .... """'"
Z Pour lI1e mosie' impre$$iOn and ,e-,.;ew lt1e r'nOCIel. 00 (Ne< ttle Part"'!.
The 1000 metal iramewor k, tM more comtor,able il win be for the pallenl.
Remerr"lb8r, Iha pjur"Jgo< a!l""M"I&I1ts are now repltting th" ""enliv. clasp arm
re!luIi"'9 in t>ett", es1h&Iic . Send the masl", model to Itle laborarory technlC .. n
ond include the Me '''9101'"\0;)0"1. oppoWg model ancl Tcmpoo"ary Sci Up (TSU),
In<licale the shad. and the mold of the clenturo teeth.
Ph 3: TCHNICAL Crown & __ ..
MounI !he maSter model$. II rr.aI<ir>Q crowns . inc<l,pa:e a "'M sut 100 doogr"'"
Iho plunge' (EI 1..inQ""1 a' .... a", <:N! rec<m''''''00d for solid/"gid iuncllOn
(F). Make a guiOe into the c,,,,,,, SUlface. which ",J """""'" 111. d.mple Of
... castabiefemal.lI1at
may be into "",,!!On. CM' ond 1:nisI> crow"s the plastIC lemale .. as not
""'''N. prap"-!e a <limpl<! a 114 round b..- approximately. 75mrn cIeep and
..,proximately 1 5mrn.bove the "090 Send to 000l<Sl lor p;ci:.-vp ""pres-
'00 !Of """ mo.slC! m:xIcI.
Ph.n 4: CLINICAL _ Pick.up Impression _ Crown & 8fir:Jgt1 _
1. Sn' C<Q\IonS on abut"", nts and "'"'ginal til T.ke impr .. """, """' "" ..
c,,,,,,,," aM pid< up crowns", new impression. Send to laboratory tOf new moster
'"..--..'-' .... .,.._ .. "'-_ ...... ,-_ .. -
___ ...... . ...... _CA
@ Plun r Type P,ocedure. Plunger Type
_mrJII J
_. -

I1anoea Anchof (Inlen:ilal'lje;obie with t.,. It)
"".I 5: CLINICAL _ New Mast'" Model - Crown & &/dge
I. Lutric:.,. ir'11 .. 00r 01 o:rowr. III ..... ....,.......,.,. "W'I_n .-..., _ p ....
.. 0 crowns lor 0UP:lfI'I (I,". F'ou< ...... masl .. model.
"" 6, TECHNICAL Frllm6wori< Desy>
, u.e , i"ot TSIJ (10mp0t"'Y SGH)p) as a QUiOe In pIaroWIg tne """'"' deeign '" 'he
Pfo,I,al lhe pI""I)e' .,tac:tlrr-..rOla now reptac;no the
'Oten_ eluP "nI r9tIJIing III 1)&It8 .. !he11CS. " res!"" ISO CIegt e II from me
pIungIIr ".".. Ile ,,*,!he Ira, ... "" cis, ii'
2_ Block QOI. It. h ... "otdoI_ .. doi: '", Ie< f'w parbaI 1,., ,0<1<
3. Clo4)IoC 55, !hi _ " ...... ..., poo.f !he ''''acto, model
4 _,.. parbaI,. ,.".,1o. Opcion 1. !)OrO 1hO ..... 1O _'I>P"1in .... '"',
_"'4' lor !hi ...-oer (GJ_ Opion 2' ,",",11& _ """"'"' ....,.
til... !ttl _1I'W pI_1"oJuroor'Ig ..., 'M...t r 77roet,. no IIW Gir,ipII. Lo.o ,..
,. 5'oOuIot1g 10'" n ...... ___ fie ""'-<11> oIlIw ....... 1 dolnI,"
,,_ dn ;P' (H). 0pII0n 3: 1I'W _ "1.-' _ Ii",,.., )'OU ....., ,..
5'oOuIot1g <irtoclljo on f'w .... "' mela! oed ...... mey tie ___ ".. hOuIrO'Ig loS
pert '" <he patbli 0.0" !he Wcca'rItocwI....-1_ 10 1UPPQr'I. com-
pos.IO '''''',, IJ) Ti"ot pIoslic I"oCJallOQ IS !he r"r'IOr'Iirn.I' Il'10:::-,-, o 1or .i"ot
cuI .... ind5ca'Od .spec ,1y 10' H."" .. Anc"", or Ie
A_ . lll'1ty c""""" be ""'I,,,ed to lhe par ... ' _
5. \I1l;>Cm-.nt. "PI""", i/lVeOl. east anO fir>$h ", .. parllal frarntwOr k Seel 1110
on llle_ model
Ph .... 7: TECNNICAL - Anac/ltf'lg F'kInrJtJr 10 Fr,,,,,"""" _'
1 P11e11I'W "'. """"'"' througI'I ".. CMI ""'-"""II"'" 1f1\IIQe""'" "" Iwmo..,. ...
porbOn "'!hi moll pk,Ir9'f aIIkl I_ IIW d ..... Tn. tQMg IroAd no( be
CQ51LWefte<i Cold an tnIt ....... _ pb"ver" tnIt .. ""' '""_ (K)
.&l - '"'"' ......... _Of ... ICCIMOIbt _"" .. Ihe"-.
2_ Use ... TSU .. 1he'-' __ lIWpardIol ' OOk 'P'Ou """'_,.,
gma 1I'W _. _ pM- 'ed __ !he _ "
3. Chtek ... OCC""""'antl1I'W Re, .. ,..,. ..........................
..,...... '" IIle "")o'<>OO'Itcr tnIt paIWn\ .... Slll.1ICI ..., CQ'*,,1
SoncI'" _(,..11'< "'1 __ uP) "" "try-"' 10'" OIntlSt _ ......
_ )'OOJ kaep IIW ",OdOIi
,.,. 8: CLINICAL _ Tty-kt ______ _
I Try on , i"ot 1,1m8'o'o'O/I( ..tI1\ 1he lI!1oci"ot<! plur'lge< and I'" (lenl",. Chocl< the
_1cS and ,.. occluwion. lin(! mol<e ..... rwc.osary adJll'trrwnll
2. Alllurn III '" flo ow III and 1IOCIt...-y _ inIormaUOn to''''
, 0-. .. ",00:1 fa "'" MIII<t.-.y ""-,*,"",, ''''' '""
2. StIlI .... "'-'=', """"" _ boil aut ... case.
3. PIoca II r. Of Ao""'-SII> a'IJl.OJd "" p1U'Iger Ilu1 not on,.. 5'oOuIot1g (L) _
pi 51 _ ..... "",.."OOdIl
4 "-<l< f'wllCf'/lrC_ "' 7 _ you ""'" t'Oal PId<. PI',. 1he ICJ>I'C e::cooGir"<l III
"" .............. reco",._
5. DoIl5 51 1hO ................. e _ r4On\OU'I1 01.".... H fIICI-.y,
6 "'...., .. <ft1 .... tir:II'I maI<"'U ...... Nt h pU-ooe< fo.oncticnI ",.,.,.1)1
7. Aelum ... 1WI/1ad "",',1110 IIle ,1"nUIIIn(! onOICoII. _ atIIId" .. nt hi. been
uMd and ill or<lel ....,."",.,
"-..-._.n ........... , __ " .... .-..0-_
..,,----"'" ,," .. .., "'-"'-

Plunger bpe Procedure.
Adjustable Plunger
10 tf1I# I IT
' /--

Swln Tec:. Tec:h-E.z Mlnum end Tec:h-E-Z Mlc:ro Coil
",-limh ... ry and InIU.1 Attachment P'Poc .........
Ph ... I, ... r .... y. 'ale, '" If><! p,."",,,,ary.nd I"m.,,tn.chm..,,. P,OUdu, .
paQOtJ. II'w ""gu8ranMe ....,CHSIuIIftIOr.tJQ'>
The S ... "T.c.nd TtdIEZ "'. a<lju'lable plungo< a:I.CM\en" {AI
pIungIer 11!aC1.-.r. such .. Jho _lac """ Ta.ch-Z .,..."dIr only "*''''' ....
oc. -.on The"'iIlt4I '" _ 1hoI p>VI<IM; an rxri". SIOP..,d IIPICICaI"'"
A'lJOi be I)o.ItJ InIo IN ""Y' QlIhe .-.....,.,. To 1>001*11 mull
..-"'" ........... baoc princ>P&!s ... """" .., rxri ... '"' __ btlCOlg 01
recipe ...... """"'O I ,.*1(1 0'8 _ . ($ee Haro'IOS Nocto' "....,... page )
en-. ... nco: ......... tor M1UraI ..,.,.,"". _ '*'0
,oeo, .. OUCI'I" I ... T __ Z 01 SwaTac The pU>gef""'" be fIIO ...... "" ..
.. ...... _ . ." ... _WJio,.." .. I .. .- ..... . 2rouno;1 .... 1rod
"''''PIlI ""'1 .. ,"0"1110"" <Same:. 01l1li 4i><w, .. 1df
1.5rmI. 201'm_"," -.elrod (8) CWy",1IlUJld.
ad pO<lIOI' 01>'" pU'lOtr SI'IO<JId tho ICJ The s..mT""
AS- " ' hIJ.., ilp1lO'IIoI I"C """""' ..... rMI be.-...., .. COiNO" __
_ Mar.. 1<JrO ..... _ II' dMi:I"'" seal II! 180 dsg4 2" ' om ... dio' .... (0 1.
CroMv; 1Ibic:aII"1I1 iliad" ....... do,.." ""l_' 180 oeg. .. __ .
"""'" Iho _ MIlIrod reoipIo:olM .. tullnlO Iho 0t$0Qn QI....-..:IIIItad'o, ... ",
Ph :z: CLINICAL - Niltural Teclh wirhoul CrowM- OPTION I _
I Ihll Idl_'" .... ,iIfal o.o:;Ie,cu' 01. 0< ....... W'II<> 1 ...
-"'" TIOke ...,.eu..on. r.tk"'ll W1! to impfe&ll IINI Ie< IN pIo,ingor .
(See III< " .1 A SI,.C>S",n,1IiII res! .. ar opp.'. IN pb'IOIor ..... 1 be
Ie< prOP'" funcIoon 01 Jho "'"""01,,", {OJ
"""'1. 2 : CLINICAL _ CroowwvAbutmotlIS - (JPTJ()N2 _ _
1 1ai<e"C:X11 (JI"-. ........
1 I'(u """ IS" """"1 I )I111ld _ "'" <rOGeI. Dc,.." 0- J
T.,. '." 1l'elol I ... mote co:r'ona,," ,1" .,. to, t ... pOll""".
FIer"",_ 1118 pb>gtt _,,, .... !!'It. p OIl,. eInp"""
+ng .. biller _0 Send ""'" 3 . ' " ,,,,,,>81 10 iIIe I0I>0<......,_ ....
l.-.:l nckIdo foCI I>Ie oppo$i"O <rOGeI.r<! lwo ....... 'Y $III Up (T'SU).
nice .. ""' .. _ eno:o foCI meld 0I1hft <IMIure _
1. Moun! II'1t ",.. ",,,.lOII. """"''''II t ............. a rest _ 180 <IOg'_
'rom I ... p;....ngeo (0) lJr"9HO'""'" at. only 'ec<mr1'Iencltd tor I"""",,",
(E) . M&l<e. guodot ,,18t"oe lnO:o 1M """"'" ourl&cc. wI'IiCfI";;l ' eceMI trrt r;Iomplt 0<
lema,. __ CNI.,,(I loniSf1 crown1. & dlmPio wrth 2 round Dur
1pp<"""oIy I _ 1M ndge And IPI>/Ol<lMIlely 3rrm Jeep
ClrIy t!1e .o..nc1ed S I' Spo'.' POll,,", .... 1ho o>hrrgot """""" _ IhI do ' .....
(e: SendetowntlOdtrt p lor pd;...p ",,,HE -"lor '-.-"cdol
PflaI.41 CUNICAL Pio;:It.up ,mpres....., Crown &
1 SM! ttIl'MiO .... lDillmanIJ Irod '''"9'IC' matV"'ll Ii! T'" ,"'_toOn _ .......
O'OooQIlIldpic:lo...,a" .............. ,,,,, on Send M ..... lOIotor>_ylor.-
"""'se 5: CLINICAL - New " .. liIf Model - Crown & ..
I. LuoneI:II ... "" 01_ ......... "I"ij)tM3IOn _ ponI
...., CI(JW1"8 let CUSIOm"'" Pour new """* """'"

.. ......,., ... _ w_'", '_'''''",.:"",._. __
"_'I0I01_,.,..." __ ,,, ........ 0.
Trpe Procedures Adjustable Plunger
,. ..... -
.' fO. "" ""'"
SWiNT ... , TachE Z Minum and TachEZ Micro Coil
,.,. .... 6, TECHNICAL
1 Use !he TSU (Temwary SetUp) &$ a gu""'", pIonnong ,,,, p<ope, design 01 t/'Ie
partial framewO<1<. 11,.. plung ... attachments ate no", ,eplaclng 1M
re1 ......... clasp arm reS<JIt ng in bette, C$ll"ICtiCS. A seal 180 o..Q""'" lrom lhe
ph.o1\jOf tnJS1 be Ir.co<por8:ed IntO II>e Ir""""""'" o..sign.
2. 8loc1<. OUI thrI maSI", model arid d'aw 00sign lor 1he paniAI frarnewo:o-k.
3. DuplicolO IhG rnaslet arid pour the relrac' ilr1 model,
4 tho pa!Oallramework. Creaw .upport "' parMI w ... up lor (tIC
male a ssembly (F). Seal tile plUnger sec1"", pa""'e/y into !he dimple 1M I"IOu&-
;"g should be awr<>""""e/y O.Smm from tl,.. gu"", plono 01 ll>e C'O''''' (G), II tile
ve"",al 'pace i, Ilmitcd )"OU plAC8 1M rxx .. mg {Iio-ectly on 1"1<> l:ss"", The
hCoJSlng. If) th,s case "",Sf be soldered 10 II"IC Partb81 I,ame...".... The Tach-EZ
MIoum 0< Mic<o Coil are O\d<:a!ed fo< cia ... ,art", .. """,,1100$. ThfI Ta.chEZ Mino.m
tIM a precious 0I1Oy hCoJI"'I/1or _''''1/.
O. Aerrove etl8<:tvnent, "P<ue. 1""""1. csM lind finiSh tile pe nial f....,_. $eal!he
on !he maste, model,
Pmo T, TECHNICAL - Attaching A55emtlly to Frameworl<lll
I . Attach Sw,ssTac 0< Tac:r.EZ mah) f..,......-,g !O frameworI< VI1lh aoJI<>.CurfI ,.""'.
The spring.t>ouId no! be (H) . In Close t>ile ... 1""' ...... the metal l>ous
"'II may be soldered to Ir8""""""" T!ld>EZ M......., a P<1'C""'-" alloy hCoJ"'g
tor soldering The pII.o-.ge< a r>d spnng must flf$' bfI Do""" ooI<\ef'ng, (A)
2, Use Ihe TSU again '0 place !lie teeth """" II>e pan",1 You rna1"""" 10
tile !<><>Ito po"1I<lr'l<!d 0,-", Ihe all.lctmen1.
3, Check tile ""'elusion ar>O Ihe once """e. rI>O$1 ;mp.:.-tan,
asOCCtlr 0111>0 'CSlOr81ion lor ' he p.""" are and e<:mICMl
4, Send Ihe Irameworl< (with !lie teeth w3))(l UP) tor a "y_1n 10 !he <lentiSl. Ma ....... c
that ).::<J .... cp tho moOcIs moo'>".ed
Pfwo 8, CLINICAL - Try-in
1. T,y in !he 1_ ,."h Ihe piI.>ngef ,..., !lie oomu,. lOeth. Ct>e<:k 1M ...
",,(j ,'''' 0GCIu""",, and mol;. M)' I'IC<)$Wy ad)\lWnenll.
2. Relufn all oill'le ,..., """"''''lOry wrenen onf<>rIMt.on !O 1M tecr.>ic"",
Pfwo ... 9, TECHNICAL ProcessingAcrylk: _
,. Ch8ck !he rrx>de l$ Md make ""'Y adj, .. lmOn1S ' equesled
2 5001 waxup. "weo! ar>d boil out !he ca$(!.
3 Remove and $I>OrtCn (!i()$ Rerwve ",*"", """,I\[Irnsm and replace
p<oce"ing plug. ",",ply' 01 pia"' .. ""'" processing plug and gurOO plane
01 ""'-UP (H) Pa ... plast", "paral'" on 1l>:XIe" arICIlhe ""posing Wask,
4. Pack IhC ac'\1ic il.-. you may ,nol pa.c<, P"""'ot; !he aor)1ic in uoual woy
5. 0efI.", the pan .. 1 denture and remount it Adiust nac.,nary
6 FinISh the r"'!<>falion. Aepillce internal mecnonism, 1M tunct,,,,, ot ttle
plunge, lunclion$.
7. Relum f",i.he<;! panl.1 to !lie denMt and Indicate attachment M"'"
Ph:. 10: CLINICAL Flflal Appoinlmenl
1 Seat part.iII r:IeI'rfOf$ arid ""Y necessary adjust"...". MaI<e "".
i. paM"" in me AdjuSl a. .. ry with !he odjUSltng toot (J)
2. Recall the palen, "-"hin 24 to 48 OOuro 10< th8 Im.1 in.pec1ion and mal<o any
OOjU.If""' ....
3. A<ocooI ttle "''''" oI lh8 atta.c"" .. nt and orde,.-....nber ., tile Flee ..
Ihe pal en! every 6 monltll .
.. """", .. - ...... -'"'-,---......... .... -
0_""' ... "". _ ..... 1..,. __ co
Tube a Screw Procedures Screw Type

Tube & Screw System
Preliminar y and Inl1lal Al1achment Procedu ....
PII ... f : Always rslsr 10 tM Preliminary an<llnilial ,Wachmem. Procedur .
page 8 Only lI>S W>I! IJ<WOOIOO a successfiJ reslOf8/iot>
DeK<ipt.""' The u$(l (>I $rJ'\ll1l precision $Crew, hal pfOYkled.- ale'r'lilWello tM
,,,,,Mlclln aM When ",m c ..... mat M <I."g"M n
rooI" ..... bio. _ a,tac_ts ptOYide ,,,,bIe ""tions. The";de """",,,,,,,,,I at si'ttI!;
and felative ea ... of use rnake them an excellent ct>:>ice for retriwabla cases .
.&! Note: R$Q<.rIar 0< Type IV gold &heClld t>e used to cast to the tube$_ The collars
rna, be CAS! ... Im Pi""'OU< 0< ..",.. preciouo allOyS
TM new and TLbO &. Sc<..., (Al""""'" IlfI &xdu .. I'My Wlth precIOUS
0< _pr"".,.,. alloys, _ II"I>s tho tube (me'tlflg ,ange 1400
t 490 Cel$iusl is aMayo incorporated in lhe p'"""", SVuclu",. Use yetow type III or
,v \jOld,.."" tor !he pnma'y st"",n."e, The cobr is ca" into the supe<sttuctore ana
may t>e casl ",' th PI<>eious or "",,"p'ecious aIo'1
The co"'plo'e I .Dmm. L2rM1 And L4rM1 Tub& 6 Sc,..., """" includttl!; tM Titanium
Fixing Pin, which CAn be in Hydro/Ioo'Ic >lCjd if necessary (Strlp.rt or Supe.
St"popet'l TtVs I ..... 0<101"'" e,elusIVe at Attac""""'ts Inte'''''t"""l, Inc
The oollar and wax"'Q e"'MSlon sleeve i$ 'hen inoorporated into the secondary
stru-::ture, The sO(ew fast"". the seoondary to !he pomary (B) To utoElle 1I'l10
attaclvrlent 10 M greatest del}loo, selec' tho largest diameter 000 mOOium length
which space _, TM medrum Tube &. SC, .... attaclrnont con be reduced
to the ler'lgth of the Short Tube &. Screw. A screw eoO rehner ,. recernmended M10n
$IlOrtening $C'ows.
The Tube &. Screw .. most 0C<I"ItIICIfI!" placed ""'tlClUy onto telescopic copong. (BI 0<
distal _"on"""" bO>ck. (el The Tulle & Screw may also 0<11>"''''' horim>!ally '"
any """Ie in aslor>g as <:IOeS nOi create an """"rcut. (0)
,.,.. .. 2: TECHHICAL
I. Wax substructure""",,, may t>e 8 primary cOPing. C<'OWI"I e.tension 10< clJStOm
.ew block ba, 0< custom ...,.pla", .butmront. POSllion ..... mootIIl tvlle into the
w8' up. Let "'" opening of tho tube e xtend a pproximlltety O. lOmm or more from
tr>e (EI Thrs wlIlllllOw ..... irlveStment to $<l3l!he juncI>on 01 tho lube and
tr.e fi , 1ng P"' and will preV$nt QOIr:I flnhing inlo the lube. Oxu;J;,. the tl\W"Oo.rn r",
ong Pin ,.;n Boos"" burn&< eod apply antilIu:<, penc,1 o,ep/'llle 0< liquid gf3l)hite
to !he screw IhrMds. nils assures release of the li'ing pin 0< wa.ing screw from
the IIJOO aIIer caOlW"rg Sc!ew tho o,,<lized tila""",",, fi,>ng pin into tho tub . I",
ing pin does t"r<)( _ to be very tigI1t.
for t>ru reOlaIalions. "'" tube may be c>p<JrI&d <le&red. The clOW<! eond 01 !he
tube may be cut 011 With the lube placed throvgh the t>ar pMlern. No fi><ing pin is
used ""th this method Allow 10 ftow trvot.o;Ih motal rur...
2. In_ c .. t, end d.'HI ..... Plrnary uonit. Unsc'ew the lin->g pin kern ..... lube. tt
the titanium loong PI" breaks dtJring dcflaSking use rlydfOll..::ric acid 10 dis$OIviI
the bmken pl&C& 1M tube. Reduce tho length of the tube to the of .....
casl!l10, Rn>sh ..... primary sl,octute. H me p'irIIarv coping require! mining usa !he
proper mi 1"'9 burs
3_ Slid<! the wa<ing screw Ihroui)'l trle metal cotla, and las:en to 1M po-.nary castng
Place me pl/I$Iic eXlenllior> _ ... over !he $Crew and wax ( 10 !he collar
Complete wax-op 0< resin pa:tem lor super structure. AttIlCh Sprue '" (l(:wea
Remove tho $Crew. invest aod cast Wlth prious 0< semo-po-ecoouo alloy. IF)
4. Fino ... tr.. MC(Jnd"'-Y st,LXOtU<e and attach to ..... pt"""ry po-ecious alloy
sCrew. MaI<e adlustmen'$ 01 SCrew head ICnglt> n&CeUi')'. Lea .... ufIic"'m
length 10< slot d"",,,
.. ....,...----... . .. _-...... - 60
0""",,"",,'"'' ...... .. "'<_ .... _ Co<
Screw Type
Att.chment P.....,.du ....
1 C5
PIlau I: AlwdyS lelet 10 lIIe PteUmin8f)' Inil;"! l'tOCM}uteo,
P8.9" 8. On;y lilis wit OU"faf!!8e a wcCflS5Ivi _Of .oJ.>">,
OeOO'ipIion: The u ... of Set Sc<ews dotes back to II'Ie 1960', wt>en lelflsoopic opera-
tor rerrovall!e ",,:oca'KK'I$ vrore li($' ma<Je. The use 01 the small P'OC''''''' $e, Screws
has Prllvid<!<.! new a n",na""', '0 me lechnocian and dontlst, TM ttne .ize. aod
rOlative O&Se 01 use rna!<.(o !hem an ch();ca lot oper""'" """""obIo caOOs
A NOle: Use or8CiotJ6 Of ."y il caSMg 10 8 or mochinC<l
Im.aded """ .. lube
The n .... 11"",""", Set Screws in Ihe stroclu'e Ll<iiI<e "'I)-
ular SCrew> _I 1M """at! is in me prlm8ry. The Se! Screws can only bot used
lrom lhe lingual 0( buccal area and mus, 00 perpc<>d",,,l;,, or 00_ 90 degre
lA) and 105 <legrees (8) to the prirrlary coping. ba' or custom impaan. ebUImen1.
The Set Scmw enga(lO'S a dimple prapa<e<l "'10 the primary alte, lhe
se<:ooOOlY .!nJC!urc Is fifli slled The thr .... d diameter and P'lch of lhe 1 4rrm and
1,6mm Sel Screw. ode"""" to 1\181 of 1M Tvbc & Sctow $)'$tCrTI . TI>!)
2,Ctnm Sv.;ss Sct ScI"'" hao a Ii"" pitch thread.
Note , The thread 1enQ11> $t>:)uId be 8 Io3&t 1 5 ......... lhII!hread diameter.
Ph .... 2: TECHNICAL
t Pr'Hap the plaS!IC hotJ .. ng will 1he tLlO II 8 $emip,eciotJs alloy (high
Palladium) i. being used Ihe t>ote of 1nt plastiC hotJ$lng 1>0 MIA'gM
betore tappng ""ing t he proper """""r Tap tl>!) pta<tic hous'ng and cut off the
Nr>diA segfl'l8f>l. (e)
2 \Ii"", occon<Iary caSll ... . Place a pre-1<lpped ptll$lic MUSing I'loriz<:<na;IIy "'to th$
"''''-up I'Iush to 'Ile primary ..... t . The tapped hi;JtJ$ing poo; __ 90 '0
'05 <l&grooei I"IOrizC>r'lt&ly. (0)
; The pia"'" hous;ng ffiIIy a''''' be p"""aot in met'" The melal lube
would then be n>-tappo<j and ltlen castto '" the IE)
3, 5pru8, """'"' and co .. in Pf8C""'" 0< semi.precious alloy
4 the apprOptiate tap 10 Clean otJt 11le Ust th,ead$. Seat .ocondary ca"'ing
0""" the primary cas'in<;l to _Iy tN! fit
5, Fiem(". !he scgmoolS and apply maf1<.inQ liquid to the ...... on the prlm8ry ",,",ing
whore the Set ScI .... WLI contact. Seal 1 .... twO '-""1i and in'le" the Set Screw to
cleate the maJI<_ Remove the "","""'ta and <lfll a .mal _pt,> _ 1"" r>''''''>ry
RoSGat sogmcnta again and adjust Ihe se,"'" length as necessary
The proc&dures di<cussed in \hjs manual Ofe only guidel"-. .Item ...............
tor lhe COflL!>Ietion of a oucceostul an""tvnen1 0< imptJt restoratlon_


Reline PlOCHU,.S
Dalla Bona and Rol hermann
PFoollml .... r, and Inilla' AHacllrnent Procedu .....
Ph ... I: Always teler 10 the Prelimin_ry aM Init,al P,oc_rts.
PIl!J8 8 CWy 1(uS .." (J<Jllfi1r1U>f1 a S4J1X6SS1uf teWxatiM.
,.,.. .. 2: CLINICAL ________
1. Dete<mone Ita _ os I"""".d.
Z II a <eIine i< requited. choc!< the patlOO(O , ".<l< to ..... d ffl s!ora!IO<1l'1ad
P'<)Ce6sed with resili8n1IunctOor>,
3. If the resto<alOM wa. previ<lus!y prOC<lS_ a. ",'',",,. pla<;e the >"'>P'" space< or
shom be_1Mko ""'<1 female poor to tak'\Q lhe reline 1IyP"0'$$ic<"I.
Do no! r<)/l'l(>'W) the male odem"Je Imm the a. Ie-, WI. only complioc.:e
5 Tal<e a ".one ""P'''''''''' ",/h 0j)QGe' or stMm ;n place (K ... p &pac8' Of shim in
pau"",," file). poU",,! close in light C800ic occlusion.
6. Send "'" /ell ..... impres>lon 10 1M IsbaatO<)' tecMic,an.
Ph ... 3: TECHNICAL ______ _
1. Review the reline in'QreS$!On.
2. Rem<>oe arty e>OeM rei ... ma'e<iaI a<ot.<Id "'" "'""'''''''''', and the toPing ruea
3. Place some base P'Jtty malC"sl irlilCle and ilJOUnO the attachment. it .. I>eIps pre
WIn! .cryl'" I,,,,,, fIow<IIQ ,nto me anacrment
4, Poor 11>0 reline mo<I<>I and rrv;lIJrl1 it in a rei .... jig
5. Ren""," tl'" reOne matefial and clean !he
6. PaInt lt1e model With sepa<ata. All ... t!>e separator dries place sc:me M lhe
modal and clo ... !he reline jig Cute in p<essUffl polio< 20 ..... ""' ... al 120 OOI)le<l'
7. Fin,sh !lie re<:ne. ",,,,,,,,"e lhe base material. (VNj remove any CXCt$$ <>CtyIic arwnd
!he attactmenl area.
8. Fklturn !he _10 tl '" , ..... !<St,
""a ... 4: CLINICAL ________ W
1. Checl<!he ....... .
2, SIl'al1he re1ne ... i\tl wac", in place.
3, k>I sore 'polS and adjust """essary. (Ooc",""", shouI<J t>e ma.nlllined),
The ">"0<1,,,,,. '""" ..... 0<1 in I"" """"",I only . Ma"Y all",."alo_ .. It
!of the 01 a OUCC<!$SluI or implant ",.tor.11on.
"' _ _ " 0 0 __ - .... __ .. _
O'-vo""""' .. " ............ , ... -.'"
8 9
2 15
" "
26 25 24 23
.. -..._"" . '_0'0"" ... "' .... ".;::: __ ... _.
o _ .",,' ' ... ' . ' ".., ... .....;.;. ""
lntracoronal Attachments
nuacoronal Buachmants are incorpolated
wilhn the contour of the crown. The
of an Intr8coronal atlactment 11/8
thai tna occli,l$aliorces exerted upon the abut
fT\&I'It 1001h lI<e applied close 10 the klo!.l "XlS 01
the 1001h and hygiene is
A dlsadllanl aga afLS8$ III'h9n the abutment iii
OV&< COflloured by placLng the "Inuacoronal
r.tael'lrnenl' outsde 01 the Clown CQn\Ql,l' 1ros
01180 r,suits fr om insu'focien1 tooth reduCbon


Sitae pg. 71

Combl-Snap pg.70

Cross Arch Roach pg. 71
pg. "

po. "

",. 68
"""'""-................ v_._" ... .. , " .. ""_
e """"" .,'". '"' _ . ' _ ....... .., ",-"".co. e5
1111 is 1101 possible 10 creale a box PfcparallOn
that wll llOIaly ,ocorpc:<ale lhe female elemenl,
thon an exuacoronal allachment should be
C()OSIOered. Most wear olll\(! inlracoron.ll pro-
cision atlachmel1ls OCC<.I<S dllflr>g the insertion
iIIld removal cl lhe '8'3101811011
Sonee all inllaCOIo","1 allachmerliS afa non-
,_I<enl . we recommend double abull,"g In
I case wilh hmited vertlC<ll space. alt(!
oXIi,",.end milled lingw 's


PT-Snap pg.70



SCORE-UP pg. 74

SCORE Tools PII. 74

Strauu Micro
" . 67
A1lo, CIuort
o.g. .. ot "'"'"'''II
Anc'Ufi ".,,'"
Used lIS ",\II ve elM"<lnl <:ny
1 JEiO.I480
' ''0 .. 1400 2fi2O.2110
149Q.150S0 2710-1'812


931).1015 1706- 1860

1662 1718
, 6&J. 17\115

IlSO-1200 21022H12

ge>O-10TO 171860

132().1460 2oQ8.;.>MO
<d C .on burn out plastIC

l",dllJ!n P M,oum 14!i(l15OQ <6502150

PT. PD. AG. 960- 1100 1796-2012

Non-I'l8Cious 1320-1371
0 os. 11)20. 1070 18J'O. I960

1()JO. I IOO 1880-2010

C '*' gum QI.J' plastoc
... """0..
c..ceor..' ......

.-. Uoed ... Pf'OC'CSS"'Q e!e""':
[(I , .... SI!IeI for iel,d"" .. ac<PC III ..
""0'/ c-. ...... ""0<0 .. ...,.,..., 'IlI .., .. _ _ r "'" I ... ",U" ...... COl. 01 ... of I ...... o .....
_ ... -,<1 ..... , ..... .....
..... ..,"' ....... _"-,
'''''''''1 ",tad,,..... !)of""". .. , UO\I 00tI0 on<! <Y<Ior' POC. ,"""" _
..:3J _ : llon'i' ''''''' ..... IOyo._ be 0 .... "'., .....". .......... ,
To Order 800999 JOOJ 65034QQ39.
POe, Plastic Dovetail Connector 0
"he PDC IS an iotrocorooal, nonaclju.:abIe tapered &ido o!IaCMienI. Both
no ",,,,...,.no mil'" compor!Mts are made of. castable plastic. 'Tl'Ie POe
,"",10 and """" 1\0 .... a WIiIl manor .. QIl the male ano female Tho mcd...."
""'" .... , a marn .. on rt>e ma'e. The POC males al$O ..... e a lateral Mcnllicn
"",Ir..., !r;< more llC<;U"acv in wa:<ir.g. The mea,urcmcfll, lis! the IIOdth 01 the
..,..Ie o::ciJsolty. tie gll,...aI area i' smaler doe 10 the taPC'
Proce<Iore. "" f>all": 8-\1, 10
R_OI Function' CIa"'a
!.lnimum """""1 H*1: 2 5mm
Number of P . ... , 2
C ... D<Isign: 103. '0<0, 106. 107,
POe Moe<o (6)
POC STlI (6)
roc (6) (00 nanOOIi ,,,,IJde<I)

POe M;;<o, Forno". O'a"IQI (6)
POe Micro, "","C G,,,.,, (6)
ooc s-n..o F""""" """ (6)
POC ... , (61
POC. Red 16)
POe Med ...... Mole, Vel"""
Fixed ""Il<nemed b<iclgc ",.1<Y<l 1 "'"
and ,emovable p"rlial oenluru
F", , emo.abe panial dentu,es. a
lingua l relen1lve arm w<lh a
should be irlc<>rporalcd i,.,10
par,al """tu'" kaMeWO'!<.
H. 6rM> MW_l8tMI
H.TIMI MW.2.2m"o
H. T"",
"".- M
. .,






l1p' To CSVC1= maIO of tl"c >'IX: .,. ........... oa' "" pI6CI_a<"On&t, ",>do 00WI1. Tho ffImo", I>occmo1I iroc<pa-
no ...... Ttemolt ""'""'" OOCIon """ be cwo t<o uWCI ... a ma""ref

h"T: ...... ,,-
Strauss Micro

c .... "
roo Sun ... s 2 ", I may b<I uSOX! """ ronatljtJ"at>l<l tapeI<J .Iltracororuol '"
roonaojUSlablc "xuaco<cnal allachn'Ofll. Tho! malo made of
a ,ofractory """", .. 1 aM i, plaCed dir9CUy inlO me wa:< up [0 Cr""[,, [he
W"la.", A"er cast'ng. tile lEka<:lory mal ...... c .... 00 in nydi"oIl""'",

P_ ..... <>n pa .... : e..9, 10
Range 01 F'-'"'C1:on: Class I.
Mini ..... ,., <mm
Number of Parts: 2
Cue De$lgn: 100. 1ij4 100, 107. 11}!
On ..,..,.
s.,aJSs 2: I (6)
S.Iaoss Maockel
Fi.&d Oti(jgo ""100"01"",, 30d Ie"""'
able partial <len"" ... F", r"""",.t>Ie
P'l1I.al oonlu'es a 'n(/OJ. '
arm should be incorpo'.'ed into
iIl& I,,...,.,
.. _ ... ,. ..... -.. .. ... ..... ..
"c''''I',p,"",' __ '."-' '" ... "- ,"

ro ..
"M iIrI
To ()rrW' SC().999-3003 ' 65Q.34IHU93
__ - ......
Ot,kgo-M System
r .... os "" most useo COI'II1IOI foI _ l otollOd
t>rldge .... !Or.t..... Tho Omoga_M ;1 a ,mar: ""te\)l0I ,.1 ......... dju .. a ble
.. idl IlIacn"",nt Both lhe !e .... l. and mall ... ...
Cl&UObil .. oc poo':"", Tho malo loa. a "";. .. rnoo<><Irwl .. _ ex:con-
IiOII foil"" 01 1_. "''' ",,,,, .. acy of pIacM>eort .. ,h ..... a. \Ill R"""","c tI>C
COO" wolh hy<IrO!u<;woc ac'" oubst,tule alte,
PootWoJ'" <In Page: 89. 12
FIio"D" OIr..- CIau 1,
............ \Ioof1,* IIsI;;1ot: 2Mm
_01 Plr1I.: 20r 3
c.. 0.:"" 101. 103,1(14. 11lS,'06.
'CJ' '011. III 11111 17 118
F-' ugrrwlII<Il>rlCIQO ,.n""llons
ao><l '"'1>I)vaOII Q,,ll dentu,n
USId .. I flon!o/Clng SC!C""da,y
I IIIC ...... N fo, '..,..0.,011 pI"'.'
<lew....... l he Ie ...... os c_d Jot
uo"",mluon ootwcen .OUIm ... ,
'-__________________ ,",-- " ",. ,, .. '-____________________ -'" ,-'---------", .. ,,",.----
Sm. 16)
Oorogo-M .. n CCIf'O. Largo lti)
_7n'irn Ai. 1""" .. , "'"" pp
t.!H_7 ...... 1.I .. 1 . .)rr", Flo1.1rnm "'.1_ pp
'" SW ..... , ,""""-.1.,,..aII _''''1/0 """-'
, _"""""' ............. OM , ""l1O 1IMi_

So ..... "..,. ... (II)
M. Sr-Il ..... (6)
Omeoo-M. Smo eo- (II)

lMgO. F.- (ti )
l.MgO. MIl'" lti)
l.I'ge eo- ($)
... _.....,
"-""'. Sr>aII ()1Y'>
1157 .. L.-I/II,.,...

W?"JI 4
1HOOtl iO
TIp: UN. me'. """"'" "" .. toIO p..,. 10 -"''''Il, ..... ""' <>CfotnOo core iOrIg at'<I_ .... : ..... ,""' .....

.. _ ......... __ ........ ",,_ ... ,., .. ' __ "" _"'_M _ ......
0<:>0. ____ ,,_ ... . s" ...... -.,.
ViSit our Website
lfICho\oClol pmced",,,
procIl'C'I "P<la_
ro Orde,' 8QO.999-3000

Inl l rloO: Attachment ro

.... II I ornaIl 11<""',.;00 ,ntrACOlOMl. c)'l....:lrc.l """' <I! UlIabJe
0. tnac_. N h .. an OIl"" gingiva .'M _fOC&ll)' "*,,O""d to.
... tQfIIlQAI Mg....rJt8<l _ aoutments ..... PI<>" .... _ .,..,
ncOtpotlled tOt 11lO!>< '.,y_ l'Io1h an op<tn g'og"" . ""''' can t>e
OoKtQ 0< " """"",, .... , The female anc! ""',. ' " 01 h'gh
... , C.LomlCO< PI""''''''' "",1., . Th .. anochmo<>C IhOui<I be CU, on ... W11h
O<tCIOI.JIO< ""'" ",Kious aIoys
... " .. "'''''"
PI:: I ,_ "" P"",: 8-11, .2
.. ..... R_:
F_on:C!uo ,.
........... ....-1" " . 2,'""'"
Guo o.oq.. 101 Too. 101 10&. '(11
...... 0:1<. s.... ,.",... ..... ,......,..
....,..""'" MO">l3l.
.eyeter Attachment
...... , .
7 ,
" 5

Tile e.ve_ II ....... _ If'CI'ocoronai. OCV''lI, \:'1c'_ >lll3tW1O _ ... ..-.
""""I, T." .1I-.cM.,.'" can be u""" only wlh g,,,,,,_ 0< .".,"1>'''''' .....
t.r_ rod rnM,.... ""''''' 01 c.lIITICD',. hOI' heat PICOiOn

.. on PI",' 8-\1, 12
F!onvo 01 Funt1ior.: C_ 1.
2 2mm
_,01 Pat1I: 2
CUt o.tIgft; , 0,). 1()4 1O1\. lD1. 109
.oJ>f'UCA lION S
F,xed bride- '/Ir\"'IO'>'Ot:ll/l
porhll denlU ... , ftO'l'l8ll!t<I ... lCW9-
oorw.. for Pl'11iaI """''''1)$
I reIMl1,'" a, m IMOIJld Ce
""" ..... _t<) i't!o N frame
,--" ....... _ ...... _ .... "" ...
... _ ..... ...,.,. . .. Or _ :A
.. . ..


- JI ' OCi


- ,


ColI In " ......... -.:.



__ 1 .- _ .. _
f ile pr.Snap .. an m" ""OIonal. ad;U$\.al)lt. 1)IfIO"" ""e/I rypt po..,,,,,,,,
lI'.cNPltnt Tho ...... a PIaIinI.<n IncIun _. lew cutng
any *'I io Ir'lal :M 1&/1$1 0 5mrn o! wax .. _ arwnd "'"
tomeIe polOllO OKllng 10 po..........: ",reM o! the PCeIaIn .. ""'" Ihu
1...,"'0 Tho Co'iImOO< Pf;i<)u$ """ 0 is a<l)US!ll)It"'O ean tle IOkI&r9<l \0
enrome 01 caM 10 any poo,:oo,,. Cf semJ1"ec""", ItiI<>y

p.,.. .. 011 Pago: 89 10-11
"-"lIe rs, .... 1821H950C
M.OI(I 10(I(l14!i1OC
01 F"" ,"""I: C1asI ,.
101 .......... __ 4 "'-
- -_ ..
_CII p-= 2
CaM 00 I; . 101 103.104 1(16. 10fi.
107 105 109,

PT_Se.op. r_ ""'I'
PT -SnIIp. Malt "" 'Y

pr.Snop Mandr(!l
DEKi i .....
8il.I .... , or "",,,,,.,., p.".al <len
.,," and,", CtOM.,.;!1 "'bll""
11 11 ..comm.nded tnlil _,
..m._ICIPf. ...........
The _ . h.odionng ,,*AO<ItOIIAi 1<1,""'''' WI<i lOCk
WI Pf.' __ ._ ..... The _it ."" ......... _ Qi iq> no:M
c._ ....... ond """I tie casl will> P'tC""'" or .... ..pr<IC"""'.1cys Tho
R'I8Ie c .. tie _ inlO .... _ ",In. SI)tCJIIi iCCkW\g iIC' ....
ine 1PtC ... 1ocI< .... .. cIowog .., ..... It used 10","""""
. IIacnrnonl U$IIbIe lor parlla l
CNt De\-, 101 "Xl.104 13!>.106
101 l iS
I""""", ""'IOI'II>Or>I.1'ICJ I or par ....
O8<Ilu'" Ii .. 'ecomm.',,"" that
"'p .. m .. 1<1<14<1 tor
- 00 ......,. -:: .... ". 1
01' "",*, ,""
o . \ 0 '''' ....
CO",., S."

. --... -........... -.. ........ , , ---
............ -..... _ .... -.... ,.,. "' -""
-", ' ........ .
" p

- ,


IUoe Attachment
The Bi 'oc oS ao inl'8coron81 adjusiab' e .',de .""en",,,n! The female
.. rracle of a CB<tatlic plastic. TM male io "".ble In lwo different alloys. a
(1(0) 0< a hq, ...... , C<"amic .' oy (KG) TIle cast-to version may IX>
.;sed ... ttI any p<1lCioo. 0< -n'Pfl!"","S
Prooodu_ on FOil": 8-9. 10- 11
M<IIting Range:
S"", C MaJe 1400 -1490 C
a '<XDMaJe 93O 1015C
RII"O$ 01 Furl(.1ion: CIa .. 1.
MInim .... \<e.1ica1 Height 2.Srm1
Nurn:;.$r cI Parts: 2
eo ... Deslgn: 101 '03 11)4 1Cl5, 100
'01, 1(16,109,11 1,1 15
Bokx: KG ..,:"",.,,>
B<Ix c .. ,to prccONli
8oioc F""- fo< KO$KC
a.oc KD. WI ""'--to
&Joe KC . .... :e casIto
9..00 Man"'.,
o.OC MjuSi ng 10:> (<MJ)
B,la,,,'al and un;,ale ra i par tial
demu'es. ai m " highly
""'..............0. F",ed briO\!<) ffl.!ora
,ons . Can bEl """,I a. 3 C'OSS arch
Slab,li <er. appllca'ions
"'<Iu,,,, lKeh 51obi1'lation.)
H.!m'n FVI2.6trm ro 17f1VO "'.V.l ''''''''
H. 5<mI FVI_2.6mn FO. 1 7""" MW.z. ,,,.,.,,
S.OC ca "'''' ...... ca,tI<<Ie (,OI,oe" 1_ aIIO< oastin<J1
'M Cross MCh floaC!1 is an 111I,a<>;)(01'\111 univeru.1 _lient st.t-
ter 11 0'Iil1 u$e<J in e<>njunc!lO<l "'.Ih ony <>1hct .Me""""t. The
remale is plastjc end tile ","Ie" QOI<I Tile "",Ie be ooIoerO<l to the
Pto"ed,,,. on Pogo: 8-9
Me1lW>g Reoge:
Ma'e 1030-1 100 C
Ran;je Qj F""C1IOt'I: OMS
_m VO<tlcal 2.Smm
N_ 01 pant. 2
c .... o..o'gn: 102 109
=. ,,"'" -""
ems. A"Cn Roac/'I, FemMe
Cto .. A'Ch _011, ......

ero.. Accn Ro.W1 Mar.(lrel
ero.. A"", Roac" Ad). ... og Tool
Used "<iCIly as. cross orch , tat>i-
Ii ... in """I'-""C:ion -.i!h 30y <e., .......

.. '


s.. ... ,. , p


""",,"" C
.... ..
PD "r;"

... """, .... __ " n. ... "'," _ .. __ '_
tiC, ,, .", ...-.. __ AM ., .. ''''.''' ",-_0. To Order; 650-340-0393

.. MCCOol"", II A ",'raCOf(lt1&' trk:IIOI'I' .,tlcMlenl
dOtIoIgiOOd by 0.. McC<lIhm, The MeW..." ineOrPO</II8I ....... 11 .....
mter'ltoQ<1 1\Ig. ,"- IkIt in !he ",tent.on ""'"'- tac. t>uccaI, .. _
,oeoo,ori/! ...... moll.., lingual "'illl imraC<Jro('ll.I .. den'""'" ThO '""",18
.,d mole .r ..-". 10(10 ""at C<>tamICOf "...\lIIIId"..,., I,. UI8d >MIh
cious Of .. .,.preciOlJt The MCCofum male it llor .. .-.ol R
fco' 10 ioINe, arch. FQt m .. ,,, .. v "en. L """ FI "'" ,_"",
To l he corrOC! L 1$ lOt m. ""'*" '!(lilt Of lOll aCh on<!
Fl if lor h UPP8I left CIt ........ right.

"' __ ""9'1:1- 11

R .... 01 ,...,...Ion: Clus II
... ' ' 1Iz'".15nYn

"'''''",on parI,.' den-
"'... T'- MeCoI ....... ""'Y .,. .-
Iof a ""'''''-<1 tr,. .""
.... ".1Oid Ie>. Pltl'1ia _ w....
c..O '''.lto.'00I.ID!I,t06.1Cl,
I(l!, .115101il. 111
McCoIum SIr.'loll
s...aII Aoghl

_11,Ia1O l ell
Mc:Co urn s-r. .... '"
SnII Mo "'<to
1j.5.0rm> Ft\. 20'm11otW., &ron
FW., errrn ro.: 1)"1 ... r.IW., 8rm>
.. """"'cn.._ .. "' ...... ... , ....... Mo;O)I ....
Tho lOt ...... .... "'" .... t,y ............ >6'J.
,edmiCal assistance?
Vi SI ' our Website
_r.noc .. procedur_
ptQ(luo(:\ uop<;I<Il ....
. _ .
.. -.. ' .. .. _0 .. '_' .. ... -_ .... __ ....
. """"' ... ""',._---_ .. .... -""


_ ..
F. I' priJ .... - I 1 1,
T!>e SCOHIo-I'O ..... "...,".4 taU'" 8 " ........ .,., j)/I.,Uc: "," . ' ....,.
_,lion ... giCM .. _ .... " .... lEdoI$laN) rr ..... 'iIlo"'ll'''''-
l>O<III O/Id mocI>at>oc:. , ..... _ , Tho ..... Ie ""'1 be , edCC! Ie 3.(!m-t\
... 1IOuI <:>On"opfCtl'Vtong 1M "'I&\I"'Y oIltloo .. ,...,w. ... __ 00 """" 1*"'Il8I
c"" be """kty 'epac.d .. S>de The f'l"aie plur>ijel '*' 1110 be ",,_
W.Jf1 a plMbC plug """"' IS n:;1..<led I>it!. !he SCOAEf'D
on p_ a-g, 111-1 I ,emovab,. !"oe._ PAr"'"
01 F!.OIC!1on: cr ... 1& ""',,.,...
"... ""'"' ' .... k&llleiil't 3.5rm1
""""'* 01
ca.. 0 1" ;'" ,01. 103 11>4. 105. 1:16
'or. 1011 109 111. 115
"-:c- '
SC:CFlE.f'01olcro FH-6Omrn I.IWa1.$/mo
SCQIIE-PO fIovo/ .......... n 5 -lAm r-..... ).(Ir<wft """"

r>_ rF.w;l .. ood
""-'l only. SU _ 5_ (E<WJISlIIrIl GtYrpJoto
Hc<._"'I . Surgocal $(0.-. (EOoIo""")
SVg.ce. s.oo ([_hli
o.'lr<Ii' Sc .... , Sorgocol !;to.'t' SIMI
SO<<>g ('J
TOOlS 1_ no>I_)

_OOJiJ .. -
f91bqt_ ...... IO>1 ... iHb V
The SCORf' .aR .... ,'''''''''*'',.".10 . nd t.."a . ,. In "'''',c k:<
aM mpr .... ,_or .. ",,1'11 or U, """'.M"" ltI.Ooiur The '"', Y. IS
i;IOO'.lcai to 1M SCOREoPO t _ _ lflii OQ!JO<'I oj oon.",sion 10
P'8ClJoOn pe,1lIII wrth.>uI ,&<lOno ..... """ AI _ ,. ,..1Of"'IO<\,

.. on P_ .&-9. ,0-12
Rangt ()j F\01eIIon: C/M. 13


c...Outgn IC3. 100 '08,107
r". " .. gmtn"" b1lQgt , Iora-
10000. e,o .. Meh .tltlil,ntlon Ind
"""' ....
'1 '"
FW.2,5<In\ AoIW.,rn., I'P
...." FW.JO"m1 MW2.0-..-, pp
F$. 1Wt'._ ...... .-.:I
MIl_ or<!< PIIItoc 1"IaCI""'"
roa.s (_,.... _,
...'--_ ...


1ICOI'I!"'lI - " ..



- -, "
. ';OO1f>/i

' 0-' 7
-... ----' ...... --... .. '''' ... ' .. ..... - , ...... _ .... . .. , '"" .... _:.0.
r" Order' BOO-999J003 6&)-340-0393

.. ff
- ,. ........ ... -5
n. p ......... SCClfI - -tIP. IEsc> iI>i;Ica'.cd 10< 1>0 _ and ,"""'"IIOnI .
....... pIfIt!ic I"I8CI'IorIfI< 1M Ole and rraloo, as ..... at an ... 1oIIy rt!, .. (II)IC
u.p.., lew Ioc:I<>t'Ig !hi _ no mele ._11, n.. limo . .. _"II Ie trw
Qt 1IIe SCORE-PO "'0 ItIO SCORE SR The SCOflEUp l!I>0W8 <)(l(WCr$lon po$
""'","10 l XU""""",aI resileo, rcstoroUon using, DaIbo,"'SC 52, s..<.,Mni
011 c.... t )'PII o:t""hmont
P'O< I ' 13
F .. dIG" Ciasl1b
....... "'"'" .....,.,.. fW9lI: 3
F"td a nd
"'P" ....
c.. 0& 2 #" 1(n, 'Dol '0&.
' 01108.lO911 1
Oro" , ..
" ..
FHo!! O">'r' FW02!n'"1 I,f,Y. 1.&rfi PI'
FW.3 i;n'I'. I.4.Y.2O<rT> Fl'
_<1(" .... vPIr>. 2 PnI_ 01J!trm r"",.....,.
. AAn
SCOAE.uP '"', ceo ' ",'
U- P n SJ'lI"'" Sta<> .... St .... (Ed..:at! 112)
I'la""'11 I'l00. Su'V".' s......" (C:Io _ "" )


"'.... .
'- . "
. "
.. cpll! ...... .. ,
P Ig" 00cI00 '
III! W>r7Q
A _ : ... SCOR[-U'* p, .... oontelllO""'''''''SCOREPO""" _SCORC-8R
m TIp, The SCOIIt:.IJP _"""""' .... poII"""_ f _ .... (II "" __ .... """ :ho SOC I( uP _ "' ... PO '" 8R
_________________________ ..... 0<00> .
'tOOlS (I SCORe-PO, BI1 _ UP)
10< lIf,.ao.I<t>g
_ .. MooIog. Br ... (2)
Uu<l1Of ...... IW !O btl u<M.."" ",.",...
Con bCltMOd. __ lot "";>Ia#C""""
Mo .. AAIiOg. _ (2)
(..Wo",."""" b,IIOt- __
U-f'<> FIN_I ,_'" 1 0-6Im>
tAIo<IlCI_ "" W>rt __
Se .. >1.' ..... ..
...... , ...
l' '8IX'eOe
To Qrd9r. BOQ999..3003 650-341).0393
Extracoronal Attachments
xtracoronal attachments are positioned
entlf-ely outSKle Ille croWf1 conlour. The
advantages of this Iype 01 altachmenl are Ihat
the (J(Xmal tOOth contour can be maintaLOOd
minomal tooth reduction is necessary. and the
possibility 01 devitali zing the tooth is reduced
Also. the path of Insertioo fs easier lor patoenlS
dexteri!)i problems.
MOst exlracoronal arrachmentS Mve some !)ipe
01 rosifoency (Stress Rad. rBCIOIS). But. even WlIt1
ASC 52 pg. SO
Allegro DE pg. S3
D 2,7" 3,0 Dawson pg. 86
Dalbo System pg. 78
Distal Roach pg. 85
GUmar pg_ 82
May's pg_ 85
Mini SGR pg_ 54
ORSDE, I)-Ring pg_8t
Strategy DE pg_ 82
lew Passive ?g. 89
I MKI PassiVil lock pg.89
-..",..,-. '" _ ..... " .... "',., .. """" ...
"",. ",,,,,, ,,_, .. ,,,_. ,.. . ... _'" 75
resilient attachments, wa r9Cornrnet1d double
at>ultlnQ whenever possit>l"' _
tt LS. however. more ,Mk:utt to ma.,taLn hygtene
with extracOfooal allachmellls_ aoo pat;ellls
should be instructed on the use of (!enlai lloss
and hygtene accesSOfies ilis "';11 help prevent
tissue irritatIOn cauSed by 100d entrapment Of
calculus buildup
SerewBloc pg_ 87
SA SWlssAnchor Resilient pg_ 76
SA SwlasAnchor Solid pg_ n
SwissBloc pg. 87
SwluEX pg.!IS
SwissMar pg. 82
SwinMini pg. 79
ZAAG RPO Kit pg.81
ZAAG Retrolll KII pg.81
SwissLoc NO pg_ 56
Swivet Loc pg_ 90
"""' -- --,
SA Anmor R. sntent
DE ....
_ ,
" I P
Tho SA """"'" _ ...... lor po""'P <*'Ipu," 'f '.'11:1010 !or witM
fIt'C_ "'" ....... IHC ...... ('Cd k ...... paMn') "'" PO ncrrrprK.o.JI
...,.,.. (trPue _I pap,.,n). E""" SA AncMr lie! i'IeIuOtt 2 P'a'I>C '-""'50
el, wort1 h;gf1 ""'I ceramic allojl Ot ",.111 1 loy
Tho ...... '" .... 'l' '""*"",,,10 lI<l<l "",p""w.ro 1.-0 lI'lltf 01 ... cap,
.. whiCh hOPd !he male c_PlnPO thl removabll " Sle<aLon
Tho 510'" PlalOd ,11"'_ "eel ....., cap, ... cured!O 1'" part . ., PrE""""'"
5I1.n ThO S(lPd tf PO Ctp$ .,' ,Old.".., 10 Ihi

EucI> , .. ,_I '<It "",P",,", 2 Icmares in"'''1 w (I.flll UP' 1)1>5 plU5Le
_ ... 01 _50 22 p$ " 1 bar ...... 2 fK.I4nt mil .. Woth 11)1"'"
1 """II Of _-10 caps.
.. $ .... n:;)N$
Part..! -...,. (fD)_ ..-_ re.-n5)V-
aDIe unci ompltnp bIo, rw-
".,Of dI:io< _
Klto "" Po-... Of Sero.f'rlcoc<ls-""OJl
A,PrI . 3.$-nm "". 4)WO Mrool(:mn
SA Ar"<:t"Oo 111<. Rt<I A,PrI-3 s...... f 4:!rn'1 M<0.03 ('.nvn
KI"1;k< ' r_ ... "..
SA --.. BkIo AHo3.5mft r _3 \l"Y1I
SA_Br._ .... -35mft '-'--31l">"1'
rnw E' ONLY
SA _".,. .. DE,......, ..... Roo (2)
SA _. _ .. 0,1'0>.,...., ...... _('J
SA _r Fom .. """",,, Reo (1 btIr.2 _";":".
SA Anchor rOO"'" 11;0-. rbl-Procoous. Blue (1 "",'''''','
MALES Qi'jLV 1"""'_1
SA ........... MAIo. r_ 121 H-3 lCM\

SA_:.wo. rc-. o.ooniloO 15 5Mt (21
SA ........... "'*- lOP P 2 "
SAA"""",,, W"II Cip go&cI
SA A"""",,, Sol_To cao(2)
. "" A'IOIOg Star_I?!
...... r._ MIIOg. &_ (2)
o II : _ lZ<'I\I
Soc. 0(>"'" / I5;r<;I ASI/ ... ,

0. P ... n.r.e UJc'V r.Ied...,
... -"'''-''--''''''' ---.... ".-_ ... _"
."""'''' "'"' ----. ""_ .. "
9\' .... ...,.,



9l' eoo ll)

0. __ ........ ,
<l ..
p"IJo p,, 0o
OI! T',zoo A. $
_ ToC-
00 00

__ OrcIufo
"'.ttI c.po
HI.( 92-628(111)

NM lIl-82flllllO
NM lIl-32to -,

0( .......


00 00
... , .... "" ...


---1 ___ _ .-
, 1- -"-
- .. -
To O de<. 800-999-3003 65Q.34Q.()393
' .....
Dalba System
.... , ,
l:1000).4 __
DESC I ......
Tho i>lfbc> S (Sm.lil "'" Oabo 1Aini ... aajllSl3lJle, v .......... eI'.ad'>-
"' ___ lor -..cal ""'" hongI': ""',.".... Tn. I:laH)c r.. i;>o.IiII..n
""""'" ... "',Ih itle UIl"gIli bea'n Slal>ihl)' and ..... 5IanCe '"
<fl U
Tn. PI..,.....,' Olibc, SmrIi .. Millt e"".,Sls 01 I precis,,,,, goI<l
_Ie '. proceuld in ihe ""')'Iic- The "'"'" ""'M in ""tIT
cefarTVC aDcv lor " "'ng "' p<eC<)US 0< _pIOCIUIo.< oDor
lile Oot:oo, SmoiI 0< M ..... coo 101 0 ... .,.eciout 10m ...
IIItIT PIOC:_ in ... and a ....,......, piaso(: c.oSla .... m;I"
The o.loo...." .. one 01 ".."""'. ""'" _._sluI
""' ....... oaJ _1iaoIt..,., ........
SP:FlC",TIOHS """'-JCAr(,$
P.OCl " .. on Page: $.9. 1._15 1JniIiI*'lloncI 1>1''''' -..
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" " " ,-______________ -",." .,"",. '-____________ -'" .. 11 '--''''''''' ____ -'''''-'"-
OAllQ SE,<' iES
QajI>O S. SmailIQr PtIC ...... alloy.
0"'1>0 S_ SmailIQr roor--"...""" .".,..
08'1'" M", 100 II''''''''''' a <>yo
O. DO Mill lor """'"
OAl80 SU'lJ.l'<YlfS
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DoJDoi So, .. .".... _ei
1M .. AnoLog o.iDO Sma'i
MaiO Ano<>g DaiM
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H.! Ctml r..to 25Tm
r.35rmJ DI I<
H.3.c.-.n r..to 2!>Tm EIC
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5_1 So<I.sM .. Is ..... ",or.ablo. .. ,.!IIion.rtaOI'IWI<
..-..;<\ _10< I'irOO " 4.i""'U. Tho S"" .. M .. , ... _ in. 21..oop ""
J Loop COtI!lgarallO". Tho 2 Loop _. for mot'1I toom i1"'O"''''''\', l'ith<:ugh
,... J Loop May I)e Il>Oroeoe<:! occlvsaly '" Of I loop.
,,.. rTI/Il, " PI""' """" macnined in a cnl&1:llt while !he i$
'" IlUrglCll ... """ reeI (E.xlstahl J 0IId II pt<)C"_ 0>10 ac, yUc
10 or,. I,..,-,e 1/10 s..;..sM.no fIa$ a w;ft -in 0"';1 '_!hal e...,..
_Ioler. !Il6I>1ity *"" tho uprignl beam.
p,.,. ... .. ''' 'S
'4a ... 01 Fu<diooo: c-l
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c-OesI!rl: '01 1:12.100, 104
.)! '::;110. '11.1'1.113."20"11.
s...t&M.<\i. HI' 3
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s..o.SMl'IIl L.oop F..- 011.,.
.. 2 Loop f ...... '" ""'I'
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Ale 52
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Tho ASC52 .... _CM _ .." ..... JOir'! (:QI'IIotCl(lO. IF;"' .....
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1.1ridium PIafino.rn f/IOv lOr to ..... ""'" and P.P\a$b(: lOr ':,!! iQ'"
non.pr"",,,,,,,,.,,.,,. "" steel mW ill ...."sed "prWIg _ can-
_10< o/IoWif'Ig I'djlll"blo ""en""n, W ver\JCIIl SpAce is ""',.,.. me
.," m3)t t>c 1' .. A,SC 52 was Iotmoty I<nown as the PolterlOl A$C.
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NUf'"It>eI o/ ?ona 6
CUe o....un, 101 l(t;!,I03 11)1, 105 101.
'0Il. log. 110.111. 112. 1,3. 120. 121.121
ASC 2.8<rr> 01 WI PIo_ """'"" r.-*
ASC 52. 2.&m> Pll .. , PI;ootic F_.
Thl '"dicel''''' 10< ASC 52
.....".....,.,. ..... ....,. 10' ... ' m
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... In UlnlM(ea l O' 1.11 ... bar
*"I)I)(lrIe<I ...".._
D. "CN
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ASC 52. 3.0r>'<l PX. wi l'IaotJc F_,<
Hz Id .. , 31mtn
50,. ",_2._
2.6-vn ...,<;Io.m .nod".'1 I""''' Only) u_"')'1 Scte_ 3,(}m>
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The ORS-OE 10 ..., economoc.' 'osifOflt !}'Pc pall ,aI <kntUIC OUachrn<!n1 a
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SPl:C rlC.o.TIOH$
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$orew,SIoI10" S"*tollloc('1 T
So_ T 89-261;>{)O
,....- coVy, "' ... e 51"", lor SwI..a<oc 161)0< !)OX) P 89-26 I202lb1uO)
'4IoCft/V ...... X., (6Pf1t>o>.l p 89-26 I2WlbOA)
'O&l lor 9o",P'.., ( II
9 55.'oF_555"09o'=0;>.(5)
_ .. fOr ..... r:IIoe (1)
!IroISoI. 0 to. leo _8Poc Type-":,,.,,[I)
_...- O3O,c_bs.. .. PPec_ .......... ,,(5)
' .. ...,.01 ,,;)om ['0 I _ lap)
.... .,_._[ ........... ""')
T ... _ 1..0["'_"""1
On ........ .
$!or ... s.:. ... '5 > . ;20--... (1)
"-4 ""'Y. P .... o:: S5 .. ,. leo- Sou SPec 1,,",,
..... .... s.--P'oc
fJQ '-_[I)
T,,., .oIo.io'rn('" ,_""1
1, -oI l ()woo( .... a-mo"'l

sPot So I. 'Gf ........ 00II8I>C r:;op>e ..,....,.' ... 010 ('1
OOS (I>aro:I
ropt_ ("*""""_)
..1J _ : Il\f ".am:: ""' .. 0I>0uI0 ". 5_ p< 0110 _-UI! '"" ct.,""",_
5215 ' 2IlI I_I

T. $OCM55(l

1;2610!02 11"' _'
!Ia-.1Il.;roo hO_1
U 2610C6 (yeIOw1


... -... ,.--.. .,-- ...... -.... "", .. ..-_"' __ ... _ _ c.
TO Order- B00-9993000 650 .. 340-0093
The pr&C1S!O<l mac,. .... d Sw,. ... "" NG Ne. l Ge_atiorl 'S Or! "xlr""""e>nai
Ioc<'ng attaCt<roent <l<:o.gned 10 a co.,..", prot>-
I"", w,:I> bar overdenturH. The SwiulOC NG PI""""a occ*Jsal c M"""
loreM> t!'I& an"";,,, to 0001", ... '" side 10 side. The r\CW
_9" ncorPOO"!es a pOM ye '" aM OU! """"on, "",",h ",.vent. the attacr..
......". I""" ""'fI1&n1icna!ly Tho appIO::a"",," lor"'" Swissloc NG
"""""""'..,.; ""'lUCIe '""oene """ ooiKl function ""orations.
PreoodIJ .. on Page, 6-9. 29-31
Raog" of Func:tion: Class lb. CI ... 3
IJ.........., lio9"t 4 5mm
_ot Partt:2
C ..... , 14 120, 122. In 124
Imp lan' 6al Ove.denlu'e S<>lid
or Resilient. Con ntio". 1 B.,
Overdcn!u'" - Soho Of R.",IoMI ,
Remo.able 10Iucop,,, e"dQo_
SeCOndary Applicolions Pa'tial
[)eo!u". AO"""",bl& Pool",.
00>. 2:-.
Sw.ssLoc NG '.0 trm
Sw.ssLoc NG a.o 'I'm
Sw!ssLoc NG SeI<rw<>t",,,
Sw:utoc NG Jij (2)
s.;S$lOC NO L5 mOl 0< ,,, (1)
PPM 0 <IC\I<W oSu,;c (61
PPM 0 ,. .... "'" (II
.. jc(61
PPM p1OSX(61
HO<IO< EDS eO[, 5Ilort (61
""""'EOS CIipo (61
CI.t Gold' flIoer (11
Acio<lm""",. MO Go:d fIj"", (11
Ac_,"", 8L G<lIo _ (11
'L. 4.5<rwn 3.""""
"\.. 6 8tro"n 4rlrn PIO'9"'''''' 51''''
1._8.C>"ro"r> 4rrm PI\Jr19<>r ... l 5r"Yn

99 562OC(l
99 06'000
97 55()120
96-51 '0'0

.:iJ Note: The p<n "'_ '" .... Sw.1Iloc NG IS "'"""'" ot.o Sw"""",, ..... _ "'" low r" .. "" AlLoc.'Ifflem.
I .... $wI$SlOC NO Sc,....,oo_ ;. -=am"leJ"OOO I<y ."'''''''''''0'
.& Note:1n CklOOd IXIO''I. !tng" '. "",,",,,'ed N!Ild 01 ""'''9"' ,,_ 01 houol'lij.
To Swln L"", 'I'll> $ .. osLoe 7.5mm.rK! 6.rrnm be reducOO 10 "''',
.......... of 5mm _ . .... 'Y' 10 """ton. ""'d of ' '''
10 oul PO,"'"" CUL 011 MU.1n9 and plungor
TOGETHER w.t!1 a.amend I..OrgIhs .,. pr8flIO"'" .,
5 5mm 000 _ SwlSSi..oc may 00 ....,.._ '0
""y I6nOIh tl.""""", I 5mm..-.d 4.5rrm.
.... " .. -.....-,--.. .. ,-..
...... ."1"< .... _. ""
To Order. 800-99<.3OOO ' 650-34()'0393

MK I Passive lock
So ",


1'><1 Mil. 1 i. an ""'&coronal passive Ioc1ung attaenment. p""',du"Ig !>OS" i""
.. ft)' and , ,st(lOCe to The f ........ p: .. and Ir>ooJl"
<rly be co .. in NI,<l _pr<lCl<MJS '" """-P""'IOO'S alloys. Tn. male.
In! housi">g ... made cI ro"I-P'OC'OUS alloy rid ho. Ioc1..-.g pin. Th& er.acl>
.... nl is 8vMaoi a as a nghl or left conflgura,"on. depending on
I/le quad<,.." res>red A. .,1 .. _ t><m r>grl and att.IC_ .
Prooedu", en 1'"98: 89. 2S-J I
Rangoo 01 F..-.;;Iioo: CIa.s Ib
1oIJnJ"""" VM<coI 4,Omm

rnat ... , 0< partial don-
lures ""hooT C'OSS a rch S1abil,U1'
lIOn. """rMn"" , telescopic and
impIonl ""toIal ......
1M( 1 & R'gI\t ""tIIOhrnCr 1I4:h 2-'
\.!K, Lo" A.lIaO/'me()(
AK. 4.!)mI
AK. 4,O'rrn 1,1(,

1 Loll Foma,. on'Y, PlaSO"
MK 1 A go(f''',,,,,,,, on", clo""
MIl 1 TOOl <1<'1\'
!,U( , M>,.. .. 2 Oeg<ee
t,IK I PrO::_"'iI
MK 1 In"""", He, wreocn
Lew Passive Attachment

_ ..

Toe ."""urn Lew .nac""""', prov,do" po.,t,.e .. <:<x",.r>d ,esist.._91>-
Mont The ,..".",oble prost he f,,&d po.,tlOn. yel ea .. ty
.. rlO,ed lor inspec"on and CI&anirJg ' '''' Lew is .. fou,
o, ngtI1$ cor"'oponO"'Il to !he 1ho<*J>eo. o/tho- """,,,,e acryloc
Ra"ll" 0/ FUr>e(.oo: Cia .. lb Of au. 3 Indicat"", _lor supcorleO
Minin\u", Heig'oo: overoentUles, .nc lud rng subpe
P-1JSacrylic "ostu' R.mus hom. s, and
C3,.. 114, 120, 122 173 eM_I"",, 1 bar ""., OOmu ....
LEW __ 5.1lmm
LEW &Tt&CM"", 6!lmm
Ll;W,!tact",,,,,,, 7.5mm
LEW._ 91lmm
P"""'"<'ing Jig {21
00 ., '",,"
'Housing l-05.21Trl
f-IwoongL. 7.5m'" ',5rrm
""",,"'ng L_a."""" .",Srrm
s. "




n 100502l
72 100502R
72 , 00511
72- 10(15 15
72 100516



IIp: Tho o",.,..,oion l _.to ti"c oc')"oc thoc""_ from"..., t>uoctl >ode CI ".,. tIf., 10 lno ouccal .de 01 , .... acrylic Tho
03"._ 0/ ..,.. -. is 1.5rTro: use a 1.5m"o rea,""r n ' 6(l(I61S Ie e<epate ,.., ..,.. .., 1fIe M'. 1M
"'"" .. to tc "oroco "",W 'he 0",.
In closed po,,,",n.
'"'Xr" '. ",.".""""
110M ,,",,0 01 p.V)ger
Ie end '" _.og
... .,..,.,_ ... , "', -_ . .-.. -,,,...,,..,... ......
0"-,,",, "'" """ _M _,.,.... ... , _ _ 0.
To Dfd8r' 800-999--3003 650-."340-0000

-, -,
Swinllot Attommetlt

_ ..

' I'll s..r..tI l OC .. _" .. 4 r.ol<t1tc1\o1 '*'''' rem;w<o!>lo"""
ICCIQOC IHIOIlliO>a ,lie _ l<>c: is .... 111 ...... _ \01 ioboIata"_
IhM dO f>:)I _..:<:(lU 10 .Spa'" Erot.IOt\ Teoe'"'IOiOCI' r", ct>lrY>ullor Iho
PI,mary ". __ II e,eoted ,,;Ih a unq1J8 <IOUIl, ... <II<I no
SwO<eI LOe pin is 0(lI(I0fvd Of luted ",1'1 .uIO-C .... "'$111 to !hi MCono/Ify I,,,,,,,,
....... PPM a..r ro ruClllod f<w tab(""jon '" Pf'II'""'Y II1IMCI
Itt 123.12<
..... "UC,/.lIONS
R9'T>O'<abie p,ae"",," par, ,. and
impIanI retiOr"_


. -
"'_, .J


." n y,..-
_loc_5',.,.. Q SS 81-71Xl1oo
......... ...,s-.""" .... ....... (,...." ..... __ , .... ___ oc"'" __ _
S ..... n. L.U. R.g'JI S 87101'1110
s..M;I.O:Lella.ty S 87J'OO113
_ Loc S 81700"0
_LOc:_ S 61700111
_ LOe on!')' (2) S Sn'OO115

one! 3 "'" I)

( l .00II)

""-l.I'fG BUllS
o.U DfGREE hSi _EHT ruTEN)(fE) ACO.MEf<D(Rj
o DeQ c. "w&':'
.. ogCMioOl_ 1'.w;Q1D = ,
ODegH _
r.lI- no c-t:> 01 ...... r........:tl2O 1. N""W
= .
-, M "no ca'tIoCII Wgo 1100230

2 Dell'"
-, "'-" no c.'tIICII
.. "'- ''''II c._
_: aw.....locc"''''' ......... ,0<1" ... Wtot ........ n. "To,",*_-
VOl$. 18 fl. & 2' Foll W ........ .., ''''1)fOI>eIlVe -=toona trOo .......... . .... OI.' _ ... ner. are .-.p..ti..,..,
onOl.l<_ ... 1_ , ............... -'
.. -...-,--... ",--.. .. --
OC '''''100'_ .......... . ....... _0-
TO Order' BCJO.999J00,3 65().34().()393

~ ~

Stud Type Attachments

a(icU1If And IntrllfadlCUl/l, stud !yI)t t ~
mII!l15 are connected to a rom PI'$Pf.'''oo
The temala Of male 1$ soldered or cast 10 the 'OO!
cap cop'r.g. Some stud type attachme<1ts IUCh
as tlte UniAnchor and Ihl! 0irec1 ORlng .r.
dwectly csmenled irliO the prepared root without
utditir.g laboral ory ptOcedures_ Stud type
.ttaClYnfnlS ara also a v a ~ to $Crew di.tcl ly
Into impI .... ts.


0.118 Bona SpteIR
po. "

Direct ORS (o.Air.g Sylt.m) pg.IOI

Locator pg. 99

..... grll PQ_ 98

po. "

Logic pg.102
ZAAG pg.103
~ .................. , _._ ... ,-.,,, ..... """' ...........
0_ .. ." _ ~ -.......... _'" ... ___ '"
Int",adicWf stoo type luacl .. "ents t( .... 1Im t ~
root contcu- ($I.IC1l as t ~ logoc:. Znt. IIIC_I
AdVilnta.,es of uliJizong Stud type .nacl\menlS
include easy hygiene malntona nce arod an
enhanced crO'Nl>--fOOI ,,100 bocause of Tha low
profile of stud type IIltacrwoorll$

Mose, PoSI po. 92
...... M'
pg. ..

OAS()Q (o.Aing System)

OTCap p<.95

ROlhermann po ~

SwI$SAnehaIOO pg.92

Zesl pg. 10>1
Moser Post System

The staO"dar<li zed Moser Po.t System .. .,<lie.ted tor the labriea'ion 01
posl & core castinl1'. The oolot codecI ca<lable posts are avad-
in ..... 0 ,..z according to roo, <Ii.meter Til<! clun I>"rn..,ut pl.",C
"'O<8r PO&!& a r8 .,co' pora'ed .,,0 ",a x pa ltern. tor 008 poec8 u sling.
Corr&<ponding ,,,,.,drilo ,..., a "",e 1>", a ... used tor conal prep.,.,..,

Mos&r Post Small 1.65mm
longth: l(m'n
Moser Po., MOO;"m {);amete" 2 ()rm1
Lerlgt1>: 12rm"1
P,oced",es on Pag.t: 35
Case DniQn:1 12

Enciodor>I;c post and core ca" lllQ$.
Moser Po., S""'''' Kit Sm Sm L- t Ctm>
"*' ... 2 C)"n", "'60 L. 12rrm
""""""',' ,_, & J .-:,.., t T,R4 ""''''''. '''''''''' . ...-<I
25 _ & 25 -.. "",,,,, .. ...,.., txIfI$.
""""r Poor SmatilTIRA Flo ........
Post Medo.<'n Ll"!RA 11<0""" "
$ml. tCM.,.
MOO 0. 2.Orrm MOO l . 12Im\

, I I I
l I.'

" [
..... .
IT.1' ''''
81, '00100
8 ,.,C0200
8 1. 100101
81- 100102
A Note: LTIRA , to_ lor Ia:ch ''f/''. ongIe See P89" 260 for 'hO cocrploto LTIRA. Sy,tom
SwinAnchor OD
'''''.. ' ''- .....,., .. ...

The SVliss.AAchor OD i. M alljustable O,,",rtIMtLX" anacttmM' "'h "" """to,-
male element (spr" g IOn). The male ;s iderl1icat 10 the d,,'al
ex""""'" SwlSsAtochor male fa- pM"" """'u,os The atl a<:torrlIm! a1lOwS k<
vertical and rotational movements The tJa.e may tJe cut ' 0 or
soldered 10 procfW$ or oemiproclOUS alIOy1.
of Func1ioo: a".,. 5
MirliM"'" ver1ical l lei,JU: 4.Omm
p .... tooth
N_r of Parts 3 pIuo splICe'
Can Des;gn: 112
SW.UAAcIoOr 00
00. F<l rr ... or>Iy
Male ""ry
.. arty
Overden,u,u. removable pa,,' al
denlrJre . and itnpIMt restoratIOnS

Mo. 3 cnrn MH. 32mm
Mo ol base 4 Omm
.... """""' ,_,,_"'" , _ ... "' __ '" _ uo ....
c " ... ' ,." ... ..... ",,-... ,, _-.c.o.

00 ... -00
_ ..


n _
n _
ro Order; 8009993003 650-340-0393


rt>. lI_mlM is small . .. I'\I'G <II I ,r." "...,0....'"," .,tacr.rno.nl
.... 1<XIf,y The ......... ....... _ I _ ....",c .. rid ...
1_ OL,.lm_. T.., c:cnI...,,_ ... _lable. 1M.or .. (,_.on
_ on m.1tlgo.;aJ)..., Iht _or (-.or> 8<$11 -""'II !he ridOe) ,"-
""" ........ _ gokIrr.M lin .... Dul.n "".ddllico .. _
.-"de(! Thtgol<l""ihz _qSrnlG, T".. ' E .1liA......aM_
""",.-Ior '1IOu1 5 doW .....
1'>11 So! Male .. ..-110 DI(ICIo. ...... """klO.aII'i' _ II\e rmlII _
..." prior Ie pro, 2 2 5' 'II-=')I>c
Page:M, 38
01 Function:
Cin",!co scjid Ro\toefmam
O-S!co,., ' I E ,,_mam

111"m1or ad
o..,aentures 1'''''., denture" and
om\llaol "",,,,,at;"'.
11,.... .. ' f .RcAI .. ,......,plIIlHIII.
_d _ . 2 .... theSobcl RIAl .. " .",
lor "'" RU" II'Ol ....
C ... 0.0..0:>: "2
"" ..... Scl.d
_""""',,,,"_0- j.""
-...,. ...... ,_ .. -
- ... -.-... -....

- ....... -""', '
_"*'"" _ .. N!o1oa1O
FI/:t"It ........... Ao ... _ MIl:"
_ ....... _"'11
Flcl\e<' OIM_.<Ig S*I
00... ..
1-1 . 1 , ...... 1'0.460'''' MO.Hrrrn
1-1.' 7 ....... "",.3 ' """
,""" Mo D'mo """"
1'1. , 1 ....... Foo 8'MI _, .....
, 5 '"'

gl .. ,O'az

4- : _ ...... , ... 0/ ...... ,,""" _ .. "'" _ "'" -.../, .. .. _ II> ooo:M , .. "' .. P
.. _63
""', '110 RtOIE>' ............ """"" ". -='"'W do.....,.,... ... __ .
Al>l>y ... _ "_....., ...... ",,.."""""'og '''' OCC ..... _
aI .................... \11) .... " "' __ .. aI ""'_ ..
Need tect"U1 iISSIStance?
SonoI ...... aJzz ....... _OI
.... ....-100.0.--.. .....
\IIjO-3<'O 1426
__ ......... i1 "._
ViSit ou' Website

PtOCluCi ..,pdal""

-. '"'','''
Dalla hna System

The O,,1a Bona aI1&eh."""" i& "'" most wi<lety usee! & oocket I'f?e 0""'-
dent"", all3oCMleot Designed cy Hans Dalla Bono DOS 01 .. Ia";, "'"
gold Dell& Bona maIO IS """",,0<110" """ cap copong. Plast'" "",Ie. can be
wa,e<i """'IIV 10 the <001 cap COIl"'Q Females (lie '" gold (E).
1, 'Onlu m {TI. aM plastiC (PI Only 1M ana t,la nium females are
adjustable Tho 0;01'" eo"" allows for a dMtotgonce of up 10 15 dell ' ......
For 'he Direct !Jolla Bona system. ,at", 10 lh-Anchor For implant '"'Ora-
l""". ,<M>r 10."., iMividLlllI DOe. Duecl Dalla Bona listed..nder !he """"iii<:
Mplant """'"
The ....... oat'" Bona Plu. lias. '0"""'-"' lomale 'cte<>''"c clement !Illt"
....,;ty repllOI;8d--ro 10 """""" "'" T, flOt&1Q!rom 1M cloeMJre. The Da/Ia
eo", ""',..,.. oosq.oo lot <Ml1detO:""" and restoralo<;n$.
22S<M1 bil! rt!$t"'''"''''' may be MII'I the Oallll Bona
Proceotlr ... "" P"'JO: 89. 36-37
fl ange of Fuoct.on,
Class 10< foOI;o Dalla Bona
Cl .... 5 "" ,"";1"",1 0 "113 Bona
II ,""""'" V&rti<:aI HeiQl"j,
36nm lot 00I0O Oona Bona pius ' .... h.
o...rdenlure. c!enllJrIS, ano:l
imp,,,,,1 restorations.
38rrtn lOr ,.,,1""" Dalla Bona plus leelh,
N_ ot P ..... : 2. piuS ",""'" lot 1M ", .. ",lOt
c.. DMiOn : 112
D<I!Ia 80/10. R ....",
D..II. 80/10. _" r",,1as:ic
0..1, Bot>a PU Re',",,1 ",oe.ws
Dala Bot>a. F-laloo GoI<I
[M Bot>a. fie .. """ f...,..10 (.old
Da1a _. fie .. ..." 1'<1"\0'. I,,,,....,,
Da1a aona. fIc .. OCfO( _10 A.st" 10)
0... a lIcrno. 5<*0 """. GoI<I
0.. a 6ono. Mal<o GvI<I
THoJ.&nm Fh3''''''' Me. 2.:2Smm
l H. 3.&'M1 Fe--03 7".,.,
TH-3.&nm ",,"37rrrn Me.2.z;rm,
TH. ' ',-m 1'9. 39n'1m Me. 2.2Smm
TH . On"<-> Fe--036m'n Me2.?5rm1
"' - ' ''-''"'-;P
FH. J.Hrm
.... 22m""
o..:a aon . Flo ....... PI. MiC I') M/I .2,2<nm
Dolo' a Ilona
D3 a aon. ,UtO-1\ncnot F'<oce"-"'O """'<>0 R&so ....... en
0.. '. 000. Pmcc""g Ano:og Soiod
Dol a eoro. Aoto.-ri>g TOOl . 6 ....
0.."" 000. Deact"atinQ loot. Yelow
0..1<1 aon. Ac!\tat"a 0. "'"
.... ', . " ..... _ ......... --" ... _ .. ,....--.
"r_""'''._''HO" . <;r",_",

'''' ...



Soij 3IH7

s " .

... _ ...



EE ITi """''"II)

91 310282
97 4302e2

99- 015 1012

91 310283



OT Cap Attachment

1oI 1",u

OESCRIPf "",,,
T .... aT Ca p '. 8 b"" $. stud type tor 0'>'0fden.
' ", ... or <len",,.. ono ... '.' able in Regular and M;cro. The OT Cap
t .... lu,... color co<JeO temale ",_10 venous d<'Oroot 01 rotOn!lon.
lorna'" InSo9!t ,. ",,,,1M<! In. me,al houSing Blowing lhem 10 be oasily
,.pIaced al cJ",,,.o... Ret"'I"'" 0<!qe>e<lCe {lea" 10 most). ?rio. YeOow. C-,
G,ay. Tho p1a5l1C OT Qop rnal" O!<!l,. ot ,. and cast a CO!>1I1Q or
oa( pane<n.
The aT cap aMChmen11s """""_ witM !I>e Cop AnacMl&n1!rom SUIz<I,
Pa'a(lO(llCore' Y&n! aM 11>0 SMp ""'acrmMt !rom Suotaon. 1M "Qu,
ia, si ze lernal .. .,SMlS " nd con b& uoed ",;th I .... d"""1 Implanl
Sulzer Mediea Paragon/Cc<e-VO)(lI Cap AttaCM'lenl.
PfOOed"". on P_: e-g, 36 F<>< ... or .,.rl,al denrure .
Rloog,e 01 Fun<;t<)n Clan 3
Minimum _111'-11-'>1:
Reg_ 3_3mm, Moero 2_&'rm
Numbe, or" Parto: 3 Cue Dotsign: \ 12
01 Cap M <:<0. C<Jtnplelo fW "'-., Me. 1.Sn">"n H.2.Sonm
2p1a>c""' .... P"=_"' ...... rP:ot _ ... Df G/ay!IM 1 __
Of Cop F ..... '" Inserts PInk (41
Of Cap M 0<0 Foma'e Inserts YellOw (. )
OT C4> Forno'" IM8I'ts Cloar (4)
Of C"" M..;<O F.,.,.IIIIr-ur" Gray (41
Of C<>jl M;Clo Malo Ilo<I
Of C"" M;cIO Hou..-.g (lJ
01 C<>jl M",o Mandrel
OT C<>jl lnseroon Tool. M>cto !. lli>IIolor
01 C<>jl MiCro"..1II """,lOgs (2)
01 Cap -'0 __
OT Col> Rtogu\ir. FW I'<l rlOuS"Il.5.0XM'I M0>-2.5Strvn H.3.3trm
o>::Ms 2"..."' ......... . ...... ,, __ (>Wr.
OT CoI>Reg .... 'F_ "*>r!Sf'ri (4)
OT COl> Flog .... , FoomoIo nse!!S 'Ie""'" (.1
or GapFlegoAr F_ ,,-!Sa_(41
OT Cap FIeQu""" F_ 10...,. OrO)" (0)
OT CaP Reg"'" Housing (21
or Cap RegtU, Mandrel
OT C.p I,.."",on l oot f.IiGfO!. Regular
OT Cap F\tg<U' MaIO """1Og (2)
OT C"" 2.2mrI'l """"'Ie loo .. !S Clear (.)
01 COP 2 2mrI'l Female IMeItS Grfto Not.: IooIs I", I/'Ie 01 C3c Regular
01 C.p 2 2mrI'l IMeItS PIfIIo. (4) WIll iii 01 Cap 2.2rrm
01 Cap 2 2rnm _ e IntMl. Y""",,, (01
..... 000


93--4 10150

93-420 ' 52-V


9J.430I52 P
..., '-lot.: The ' ..,... os ulllrZOd to _r ...... rete<nion ... A mancIrCI may "" UHd to.et I/'Ie O1tocl"ltneoto in 11>0 oe!OClod
.. '" <! "'Mr1lon ...,d 1tIaIOg . ..... ""IaO"'!of 1 .... production 0/ proc ... ,,'11 <TXldo>I
.. ....- ....... __ t __ . _........ .. . "' .... "
0""", ... >:< ... " ...... , _ ,."' "" ... _ co.
TO Order: 8CJO.9993(OO 65().J..1Q.OOOO
ORS-OD, D-Ring System

The C3S1ab1e plat"C Mero '" RegoJaI ORS.QO (OR.ng SY$lem) MIlch""""
")'Stem ...... ,ubbe< O-Rings as retention element . The OtlS lranoler1 Ieso
'0<QU& to the Mutmt nt$ than O\tIer attaChments The aRlngo arA oa .. ty
"'Dlaced Niy hard alloy can be used "'tn li'18 DRS E,en ORS-OD
Includes 1 pla stic male. I gOld PISl$d reta,ner ring e 0R'090 aM a
proceSSlr>g brass "",1& onalog.
Pr<>Oedu' K on Pago: 8-9, 39 Indlcaloons ore tor .
Range 01 F...-.:1ion: Class 6 ",,<I impI.>nl """!Orotions,
Minu'J\IJm V..rnc..1
3 &Trn 'Ot ORS-OO MICro plus tooth
2 5Nn tor ORS-OO R&gul&t p/uO loom
P.rIO 3
WI""' &! Hetgnt 2.Orrm
C DesIgn: 112

o @


Of!S.Oll. Ac\I'JIor
H.4.(lrM\ fe. 4.2""" M3al.srrtn BP
I"", M00-2.3o'<v'I1 BP

O @Cc')
o @.)
00= _.
CJHS.OO...,.,... IM'-, 'gJIa pI8:1 ._ 3 ,"ocs"'*'ri "", J""" o-Ri"ll< '"'. 0<_

OAs-oD, lhlN
QRSOO. M>;> Malo c._ (4 )
OA$OO. Regula! Malo 14)
QAS..OO, M>cIo Yel""" Q.Il>o(J' .... P,oce5&<>(Ji F .... ' \ \2)
0!lS<I0, M;c<Q Bioc. Q-A;ngs ( 12)
OAS-CO, Ftegc\'" Ae<l tor (Ill
0IlS-0I), Reg"\'" ""'Ie o-l'O<Igs 112)
OAS'{)() I\ogtJlor 8iack O-Rings (12)
QAS.O(). lII'lI" Wh. .. o-FIir'Il' ( I Zt
ORS.oO. R;"II.
OIlS-CO r.&cro Rota ...... IWogs (61
ORSOD. Flf>9i.1or Rot ...... R .... go (61
ORS-OO. lAr"" _ Rinos let
ORS-OO Mandrel Regular
ORS-OD MIIr""" M>uo
f'rQcosso"ll AAaIo\I. ... flo\/uIa' (21
A.naIog. era ... Me",
t.I0. \,8mm


Ii.' 3mm 0_3 6rM1
H. I.3mm . _3 Ilrrm
H. I,,,,",,, 0_45m'o
H. l,5tM> 5mM 0
rI. l.5tM> .... 5tM>
H. 1.7mm ... 60Jrrn
rI. I 9-2.20" ..... e d?"""

l-!0.2trnm ... S I"."

H. 2 35rrt'1 ."s

TIp, ... .... )"$ "'" 'rIO """"' ""-. rng It;" "''''"''''3'' ,..., r8qo<es ..... .,><>Ce,
....... u. """" 01 "'" ,"',,_ ""0 '. paso"""o-d O<C ",..!y.
'No .. : lafl/O ORSOO o-fl>ri9s..-.d l .. g.o Rcla_ Alrl)e arc r!'QOl/y used I<:< """",."'016111 ifr"I"","_
5 .s,icon&
O-<loI1gs s,,,,, u
0 (C)
M CfO l"-I)e
... _'" __ "'" , _, _ w __ _____


99 1'3051
99 .Ow;
e"""""", "". " ..... _._ ., .... _ tA
To Order' 80:}-999-3003 650-340-0393
, H

..... ' ...... _ .. _ "', 0;,. _." .. _,_ 7
Ie!) .. I., i U@"G [-=:1 11:1
In. AIIt\IrO 00 is ....... and oocl<e1 _ type .:teeN,." ;"doCMt<! rOt
""",0.111", 01 PlII ,a! denMe. T .... A,l logro 00 '''Iu ... cokio< co<l&d
,nseot:f Mlh v8riOuO """'_ 01 rn,,,!,,,.., "' 0 .....ch<ncd p"""e
"""" 'I'll _10"-1. are _ned "'. f'I"IMIl hoIJlt>g IIIoY.ing rt""" to boo
Haity $1 ChM.<lC
RETE" "ON seQUENCE ( ...... 1 to moo,): Ore"" - Yellow R.a
, .... AIIeO<o 00 male MmCtllS aN! C&II....cfl. <OCII C8Il cop"", or bat
poft ...... , ' '''' AllegrO 00 anacf'll'rlel1! " '''''_",!we "" . ReQu48r

,, _ _ on p. &-g. J!I
lito 01 01 FlO' ;" ; '" CIIo$$ 3
,........... ............ 1&1,'.
2 lrrrt1lor M.ero pI\It __

'-01 p_: 3
c.. Oaogn: II I

1'I<I,ell,onl ' " 10< o .... 'o.ntu'n.
pan 1 ,"onlu'" ,nd ''''p'.nl
_.' ..
_ .
..,000 r.IIcro ComplooW (l) "".'.7mm FW .. M,..., 7<M'1 PP
_ .., .. , ()/ ? """'" ""'- ""'" ""'"
..,., ,'" r; 0-",. l' _ ZHe4) 21(J.tCe<> _ ?"""liIogo
,'J.gco 00 _ """'" .. GoMn (4)
kooroOOFcnoIo Mi<;to ........ _14j
"-"'II"" 00 F_ ....... ___ Red (01
'-_ 00 Moo ...... BIue (0)

","",000 ",...,,1& .....
or, .. 0 00 ... Coor._ (<') AH_3 SPvIo I'W . 3 Mo_2.3o>'M
SoiII ... ...
W'Q fl' 0.-, 2 _ 2_1 ..,."... ""'"
",g",oo F ..... " Rev _,t G<een (4)
'2 .. 000f .... "_(0)
\1'.,000 f.", .. Hoo" 5 P ... 'WI (OJ
." .'0 OIl "'go_1Iog MOle BkA (.)
"I. 000 AogH<> "" (OJ
.. ::oOOllog, ..............
"""9000 FIogo.:ar ""'""'0 (1)
.... '" ............ ,_,_ .. , _ , "'''' , __ ..
_ .. -.. .... '.0-._ ... '"



I'l ':1021

730" 01520
n.. ,CU$2-1'1
1:J.. IO,Sl
n.. rOI5oC
...... ....." _ .. 'J
T", is """ """"" ...... __ ....r. a ___ PIOYdr>g _
tIan. TN ny'01 ...... , ... \O'!IM _ lht __ 5 ' .......... -
c ..... g .. ". """ "- _ .. oM'''''"", t>e ctHCI_ ..... II
__ <6 ", ,.. .. w_,. 1ht ...... 01 ....... ....,.". _""orc.oollO __
, .... 55
"" ......... mo ..... 222 ... P"'X'" ... ""
"'-" on p., e.9 38-31
Rangoo 01 F.-da,: Class "
M.ronun -..11' 3.Srrm
_ 01 ParIs: 2
Caael)o.s;go: 112
.....,;.0;" F_ """'.

' ''''1(;81101\$ 8r, lor ow ... :ltruu, ...
WId P'lr,1II <IenIo..o'M
.QJ _ : .. IIrg ..... "'" .. ,,, .... oacll ,,,,,, .. Iwo, 1;_ ...
"'Tho I.<ft.CIoc 1'...-010 ... iii IN M.a ... FIK", 1\ _
,- ,,-

A. ","",nelS .,. fully onc>IpwlatltO In ._ I'IousOlQI ...., t o. mod' of
,', T'" _.." ".. I ....... _ lI'IdoCal .. amount
0111'_.01 .... enoon. MOog"'" 00 ..... p<ovOe _1I ... bOoty ........ !hoI
...... !luI into !he '4Ao'W .,., "' _
Tl-.1.kM:'oII CM be "'"." _ t .. """ '*'0" 1.!m'n <711 QI
.,.. ". "",,-<0 for a copi'" Tho po! b''''' "'-is ........ n,,>_the
""'" potIao'n lor cast-I> appIicatlOf1 'The poI" <:u: 011 afler castng
PI <ect._on Page: ...
R.ngo '" FY,""," 'l: CIHo I,
............ "c.w ......
_dP ..... l ...... ,+
c.. Oeoo;n 112
50CI (')
Ntomag<t 5OCI,,;,h 1 K_ (1)
Map'it ElCOOO...m2"-"( ' j
EXIO '""" 2 (1)
1'111"8' .... "" 0'10.-..
...... one! In' impIarn I'M!OI''''''
Moona, " lhOule' 1)f<XU""
chlir_ Po ..... oged '--I CIA ...
lEI .... ony 0"IaQnt1.
[10,.. ..
H. 3.G-M"I e s".,..
H.3.G-M"I c., 5mm
H. I5mm W. H ....
H. U.,.." W.2*"" L.3_
H-l.l<m\ .. 3.6tmI
.... G-M"I
,-, -




_to _ .. _
..... flo


I' ..
",ra. t ,

"' 8


- =

_ .: Tho , .... 0AgI ....... """" , ....... _t>ooolO ......,_tt>o "'.x.,.... II tJ. _
AI'Ct N """""""'"' Soo.I
To OrdtN: 8QO.999-3003 650-340-0393

, 1::1 , -,


I.o<ator Direct Attoehmen,

Tt>a I oY' ...... low proNe _I"", SIUd .,_ .... 1Il ....., ......,.-
piMllC mall "' ... ,. A elear ,Itt ... _ .. .... ,""
Co,,,,'8Ie. _II ""'" ""e"lOon ""',. .--, " IIQId
The Loc.olOi'!eM . ...... 01> .. ... <irecI type '" _on.
F're . ..,gIed fomDlol .ro C"O_ 31 10 dcgo .... at 20 a.o'M'
( 0 (1

The LoclllOl' 101.1""" . dual ' 8Ien,,,,,' ",iIn the ..- ......,.", OfIg!>Qino ,n.t<IO
..xl oo.I\JiOG "" ,_ ", -.,.." The l<>Cator.too 1>0 10.""".
IOtucn teed",'" ' .... <1 "" t>y the palien, Ihe pl'fll/: ""Ic. ,r, ,u"y - -.-
._ ""H
'."0...:1 fIoom "O .... taI ""'->g an<l ... "" .... "'''.i!U1>OW Core
fool Tho lOcal'" Cor. Tool moy " so be usee! to "'MIl Loca' Qt Irrplo.r>t
'"" II ..
PI,: I J .. .. OII ".,8-8._
Ra .... 01 f ........... :Clus3-1
"'"""""" ..... _ I ' ... CJOTm
_DI P",,,,]
c...o o..ign' n2
.... :<111
l QCA OA .o.nAl;HMENlS
'PC'''' DWeol Coo ,_ 0 O<!U'W ( ' I
loc,"" DotecI 10 doQrM (')
- ,
! ""_ [)rIC! f .... '. 0 00_
lOClIOI ow.t, r..,..;" 10 <IOgo'O<'
L.o(:.tQI Diroc\ r", 20 <JOg .....
l""!01 Coo,,", f _ ""''I'
0l.ooalo< MIlO ComD"'"

o.e.-. _ .... _res .""
ir"II:>Ia<l1 _IIIIonII
IiOI _18 _. "II'"
...... _._.
1.1.0.' 65rmI
Poo' 1 75t'M1 111 HoY"":l c.......
F .. 3 e.5om> r H.2 :Jrno> Me-o' 66oM'l -...ng0-5 ()'rtn
_., 15mm Toll,
F .. Ai.? :I!m1 _'.I)';mm Hoo.Ioing<o. 5 0Tm
_ Hto9i"o3O:rm
__ , ..... ..... , ...-_r:!ft<",...,_,.,."..
lOOM/)I '*"-" MaleS ' >OCrIS, "'V , ...... , 141
l.CiCa1Oi Il0l>..,...,...,. "-'S, ponI< l'O"It , ..... "" (4)
u.c.1OI"" 'tI'"l_
l.,..,. f_-.e.g
' ...... Spoor.,.o.., ... .,DrII
'oc_ Pli:<1FoI
..... "" ....... ,10 ", __ ..... _.0 ............. """' ...


- O. I ,,"

.. -.-
'" "-OJ
(;3.!>WII "
c_ ... .,.....w ..... ..-.. ,.., .. .... w_,""'
To Order. 8O).999-3OOJ 650-34Q-0093


: ,! -I
Tho Uni A.."Chc< ;0,.... -..., 'adOC\Ml II..., Iypo .nldI-
"*" -. _ocal ..... ..,._1 n.,.on .....
Tho U.........., """Ie MrntnI .. (:1"I0('IIO<I 0 "'10 , J<)OI .......
Tho UroI AncI'or S. ,gI1l ;0 ........ ptmanly ... """01'1 rooII, _'31/y ..,1eIl.
Q". Thl Un' ... flCl'>O< "lOW' lor ... of up 10 15 ... Thl
Un;Anchor Zlype is uoed W.lh canines", po&ll'"" I ... h .,><l """ lhe
ZHI'/LogIC r.gu\I. siMg bur
p,,,,_ on p., &-9. 42":) ". Tor Iconomic.1
Raroeol ""' ...... " Clau S d":1 "",,"mln o."oent", ..
Morwr.:,o'l\ \ ... _ ... igI .: 1.5rrrn
.... -
ool <>..,.. 2 .... '1** ea.e Design 112

1,_ 10 .......


, .



""""" __________________________ .. ,, .. ,,.'_ ______________ , .. ,,"'---------,.',."' 0----

u.._Sr"V"'_ <Iw,, "
lJno.....,,,,,, z ""'* (I wnP':' .... .ac ....... )
-_ .... , /" , .....
!)ni._ St"',gro: KIt _2
I,)ro.""""", j("
IJrv.,Mc/"o' Str-'ghl 06
H.13 1 .... 2
H.a Ornm "-":u """',2
""'_ ( I/f _2 4", .,""'" ..... ""'" __ """"'" _1Iro,."., ___
Uo'i I ...... Z.TI1'" KiI"
Ut'4 ...,....ZT_ Kil. ..
UnI ...... 2- 'I"t Kit 011
"",s..,.,. .", . 757 "_ .. ,,,... ....... ..,... .... ___ '_
... ,-".
,.-Sn9"l ... , ...... "'"

Dooo .... i S""II 8u<1or Z-Type
car- <8 Roun<I &ur AA

, ... IIoIt>T_
P'OI: &-.. MoIog Male (2)
A,,,,,,IO' .ng Tool. B"" (11
DNo:r<vObnglooi _(T)
.&3 _ !he s.-rr-Type ""* '*' tie ot'O'IO<IeO J" 7 7 .... '
o[)I!.IENSIONS: The ..... 01 "'" ,_'" .. -...... ,,2 2rm'1
Tile hecgto:"WI ..... 01 "" ___ 01 ... Maie
.. -... ___ ......... " ... .. ' __ ..
""""' ...... , -_.'-"'_ ........ ..., ""
fio-45 1015


Direct ORS, O-Ring System

0"8CI OAS .. a . ' ud allachmenl ""Ih 'oplaccable rut,lJ.e' O-R,nG'
"uses Ihc , ....... roo! prflP3,a!"" as the Z"," / LogIC Of UniAnct\or ottact>-
"",nl 1M fomale. howave,. is an easily 'eplaceaOlc D-Rlng. I he mol e
os mace '" ", ......, and lhe lemaie rubber ().RIr'\Q ., rmamed "' gold pl.ted
""'ina< ""1/_
The d""" OIlS 1ra","'", Ihc least amoun! '" .U ..... on "'" abtJ!mfln ... The
0-1'1"'9' Il<e in!erCI'Ian{jeObie me .[andaro ORS sySlem.
Pnx_ on 1I9, I
01 FunCllon: C ......
""'"""'" V..- 2Srr.-n
..,, -
NoJ"' ..... of f'ar1$: 2 pIu pacer
Ca .. 0nIgn. 112
I(l(liCl1Ion .... 11>1 OC<)O()O'lOcai <>vet-

Cont' ai ndicalion. are non parallel

[)-.rect OASSU"IIh,T,-po (I ca"I'",a_) H.'3.7,.", F05,1lrron
o rect OAS ZIYPO (I rorrploto ,,"ochmen!) FroS.1lrron ..... 2,2".."
1 _. Jr.:JW1<1J ..,.;o.Oolfli1o;l<ot>d, .... 'IIUfJ.
0_,,,,,, OAS s..-.rghtT",. Star, ... .2
0""" 0'lS SUorgt>t. Twe s. .. w U
D._ ORS S .. I{jIlI-Type So..-I..- fit>
"'" 5/.,,,,, .. ",,,,,,,, 2 4 '" .... ",."..,. "" ",cM-1 1OO1f. """",,,", O-F!."IJI! """ 'Cia.,." ""ilL
D,,,,,, ORS Z Tjp() Sta,,," Kit 02
0 ,,,,,, OHS 2l jpo 5' .. ,,., Kit *.
D-'OCI ORS 2-T)1)8 Sta,,.. fI6
Tho _/0( /G' .. ./ox:lK>O 2.4 '" 6 81',"""""""" pM "'" ""'"""" """. Oo;ungs""" ""I>"-
QASOCI. ReguI..- IleO 00ll"",.10< P<ooe ..-.g ('2)
OAS-OO. R. \jOhr \\It'oM Q-flu1g. (12)
OASOO. Regular ().fMQS (12)
Fleta"", Firlg, Plat .. (t)
1,5<m> Slrargto: R<_ FlA
o..r'I'IC>'I<:l Si.<1'lQ Bco for 21,-po
ca"""" 06 F'Ioo.M Bur AA
Cart>oO<l .7OQ FlA
Procus.ng AAaioQ (11
H. 1Smm0.45<M\
H. '.5m"'0 5mm
H. I ,Smm 0"" 5<M\
Nolo: [too $'''''g'''.Tvp< F'<>5I con "" """_ ii_oed.
' DlMENSIONS: The '" me r$te<\1iVe !)aU secTiOn .. 2,2rrrn,
The heigl' Usled .. that 01 me lengtn of 100 mak!
Tip' lQ PfCJ>W<l <1>0 '''''' "",\Olio< 1h<> OAS ')1)8 ... "" I ,5o"m Sn'll'l .. _ 0 7S.00J415
Tho omaOer ho'o "' tho ' .... _ <W>;J """-"<I .. ocetuulty
.. ..,.,.,_0 . ... _0.._ ...... ,.._ ........ _
t ,.-
8912 1001
7. /00600
74 700700
.0,...... '''''--_ ... .. _ .. ",. __ ""
To Ordar' 8OO9W-3003 650-340-0393
l:",,' ....."
Logi( Allammenl

The Log" preformed 1Chor is __ ,_ Intr ... <licul. r stoo tyoe __ , .
II is vMiC/l'ly and rotationally tMr&l>y c ... .,1HK! as Cia .. 5 "' fooo-
lion. T rt.IIIU<'1 _!loy is us.<! tor !Me PI""""'" "",choned fe ........ The ""'V
nomic., p l t,c ,eplac ble "",I. , a,. "'ado of nvlOn, limited torq ue to
apploed to tile fllllur81 oIl",","no
Eacl1 logle "nocl1mO<'lt includ I p"""."'" IrIon""" femalo _nd 2 nvlOn
""'"' TM 1fIM.,. II """,natty MIr<l""""<l ""m. r"8"'''''' N,trde (TiN3) coot-
inO to OlCIoase longev1ty, Tho p""'e<l< ... tor Iho (!irOCl Logoc Anchor System
IOenliC/lI to!NI 01 1M Zosr ...,..".". Syst&rn.
PI""""", ... on ?"",,: 8-9, 47-48
01 Function: Class 5
Mini..,um HOtght: 3 .5mm

NUmbe' 01 p_: 2
CaM Dosogn: 112
Cw ip ... ,
Indic'tion. lor economical ove,
Log" (1) Fe.4,71T'rn /,baU"""
r ...
Log'" """'!>Or *2 pIuS I0OI$
s .. ,.,
1' '' ..
2"",-,, " 1< al __ , ... 06<1""''''''"', """ .,...".,..... ....
Log'" Ao>eh::w IG! U pIuS I0OI$
"" """""'" , .... '0 .. ., .,; "'""" eN"""" .,oo""""""..-.d. ="'fJ I:u

LogiC F......r" (T0N3 COO1l1
Log'" I.We nyto<o (6 per box)
logiC M>It 0 1 VO>IIow. nylon {6 por 00.:1
logiC Mate Qve,si<ed 02 """II", nylon (6 pc< 00>0.)
logiC OiM'OM s.zinQ Bur
t6 Roo.o->d cafl>OO
' 7 Cartode
Fe. 41mrn
Mo. t 1"""

MI>_ I OOrnm

69- ' 2'0'2
69 121013
89: 121015
.t1 10101. : OIMr<SIONS: Tn" dimensions "Sleo a' e tor Iho f""",l. \Othich i, pl3C..o C<>"J1lllel&ly "00 !he rOOl 01"",1,,,,",
a Male e<teods,.., ad<;t;Uonai 3,Qrrm,
TO Qrdcr, 81)0.9993003 650-3400393


'It .....
ZAAG Attachment

The ZAAG attachment IS. modern Oltraradioulat ,tud a,laCI'lrr<Int .-mar 10
the ""g,n" Zesl. ll.cM>en! TM ZJ<N:; anechment nylOn male os """"sed in
4 metall.,u.,r'9 ",., _ 'he male to pr.rot, n.s feature prew.nt. ber>ding
01 the mole ond .Iows """" at>wr>ent., Worn males are
ea,iIy ,"placI al ch."SltIo onto !toe mo'aI ho<Jsu;g. TI>e ZAAG allocm-oenr:
P'O\O{les 2 4 pouMS 0/ yet " """erl) ""nnol . tres. to I"" ebLJI
"""'!S. The ZAAG '" not ,nt9<ch"" l/Oab1e v.ill'llhe Zest aH;>e""""'>l.
... on Pagrt,
Ranl/O of Fur'lC6on: Clallo 5
M nimum Vtvti<:aI Hoight 3!';fflm
"1_ 01 Pa rts: 2
Ca5e o.sign lIZ
R"",o.able ",",o,denlu' es, pa,,;als
""'" ;"plant restoration .



s.-..... , . . ..............
ZAAG FIoQu',N M .... SI


v,.t.G PL .....
oo .. __________________ ____________ ' "' . """'-__ ,O, .. ;,,.,.".,.'-____ 'O ... ;"'C"",g, "",
ZAAG CO .... PU:Tl: ..
ZAAG C<:<rpIetc M;,,;
ZAAG Compio: Aog CU,"",

FOepIh. 3 r MD.2. lfOOI
FOepIh.Z4 MD.I .6rmI
MD 2. ' rmI
fOcpIh. Z4 MD., (lrm"I
63-004031 6J..004011
RIo) & ....... '-li>ep K,,. _. """"'" ___ , , ."",,,,, ......... """""" -. . ........
, __ ,
ZAAG 4 FIeQ ea ..,,, .... 0Il ,.step 0<. 63-004061
f'-iJ C .,.., '.s>w c .. ,.,r.._. ,"""' .... .." _ . 4 "" ........ "" ..... _""""""", _ m,.,.,..
2"",""""V""" .. '" , ....
ZAAG Kit Mini eoo"'o ..." 0.11 63{l()<051
""'" c.... . ., KJ"""""" 4 "'"",.., ".....,.., 4 __ ..-. ,'WI5!i1<' .. _ a_ """'''''' . ___ ". ..... ,
___ . ''''''''''_. 'ro<rolXlr_ ,"'..,..,..,.,_
ZAA.G Fomolo C.tt-lO
MaJ. DerrMe c.p, Dome (2) (IN'" """'Ifl!)!
Ma'c DerWre Cap, ST (2) (maIM ""'" """'''''
ZAA.G Fl."""'".,,, .... , M3I"', !lOr'l"oo (4) (",..,
ZAAG Aotliau.'I',,"' MaleS, ST (4) (malrJ oo/y."" 1>oosKIg)
ZAAG Toonsior MoIM Mo"li-_,
ZAAG Troos/er F ...... ,... (. ) Moni /f/I_,

IN<GIZeo, cap IOoi KJt
1M! '" """""'" "'''. _ eo-. C"'!co< Drill,
ZAAGIl .. , COIl Mille Scaur>g TOOl (srols mak> "'" housitlr;J
C<Jte Cutte< 0<,1
ZAAG F\ogu'M 1-&01> RA 0<,1
ZAAG ....,; CasI'1O Oia""""" 0<,1
Z"., "'JIIi PIuo C....- c
...... ... _ ...... ,,_ ... _ .. ,....."""
C o , "" "", ... -._"'......,.,. .... .... ""'" ""

63.()O.131 1




TO Order BQO9\l93003 650340.()393
... ....
Zest AItQchm.nl

IILL ......

TMe ""II .... Zes' Os "" ""r""."""'* """ .. 't&CM>tn1. T .... ,.. ... Ity\e 2 ... ,
CIIIl nylOn ..,...IS ...... n . d ... .....uoI--.g that".,.. HC..wy ....... It.-
__ """ <eQIacomenI. _ -.fy ... ..,., ctoIi!-
.,,,. ink) ,he ...... 1 u ..... \I.pee .. , ."""",.1 ana ... MII"OOI.
n.. ........... ... Z8II ac:aJ, IrOo\$IerS $_10 .... '!>Ub'.,1L

1',: :., .... on P1l9O: '1-43
IWI\II o! f""",on: CIa .. 5 Ae1.oI_
.............. vtnocalll'''gI' ' 3!imm
C . .. [)o.s-gn' 112
;) " 'i''''''
ZOII Cap "" ........... Roog
z..Cep"" ....... t.t. ...
lOll c.p AoUat:i ..... ea.",
lESl l(ns
1_ IGI Aeg .. If;.., ... , '-SIte> DI\O
I_ '1GI""", .. ICIop.." '.s.>Dr>

""'", .... ,.., """"'Ill _w_
FOoot<1-5.s..wn 1.00' 8rrwn
fOo!lI!' . 3o-.... 1.11).1""'"
......... "', "TT _ , __
lnl """""" Or<y Reg (n
z.... r_CInh,o Ml"'(IJ
leal F_ 0:....-<0 ..... (I)
2M! c.o Ma ... :>". :, .. m
Z ... c...fIo ..... , ... ....... C )
.i_Coop? ....... 0....._(4)
2_ MOld Sf _. !WI (6)
1 .. 0..0...._S', .. _(15.

lEST roc::u.
Z ... 1, .. _ Moles, 6Juo1')
2., "'1>$10. fomae. f\egIM>o , Iled {'J
lw.llMO 01.,"-,., CAA i0oi M
Ii><" "" ""' .... u.Io "", . '<I """ _Ct:>oo D<
Z_'lAN> c... _ SMWllIooI 1_"-"" ""'-vI
lOOlIZAAGeo...eu...rOrt 1'.>10
z..o ...... RA 0ItI
ZOII CEO' :0 Ro\ .. _
ZeoIFlq_c.o.--. / ... , ....... ' p _CIISM91
Tho Zn! Malt !,It 1111 Ztst (rogul3r .... one! CUI-Ie)
The ...... cop tCpU\(Or'I'ICr1t malcs "'" slightly "*' II .. .l)oIC me"o
" - , <->"" ......... -," ,.. .. -
.c ....... ......... "'-'''''
To Oraer" 800-9003000 650y.o.Q393
Bar Type Attachments
ar type altachmet11S span an edenruloos
area and connect abutments {Ieeth. rootS 0<
implants) The remo.able bridge. parllal den-
ture, or overoontu'e lilS over the bat and IS con
nected to w,lh one Q( m:xe relent""' sleeves,
riderS/clips. or micro plunge"
The advantages of bar 8ttacmenlS are thal1hey
spl,nt qlJestiooabk! abutments t"9"lher for
mtf[ual support and in some inS18OCes. may

Bar$---Oulck Reference Chari

ClipsiAiders-Ouiek Reference Chart pg.

Ackermann Clip pg.113

CBS, Complete Bar System pg.l 11

eM Bar & Rider System pg. t OO
allow tor Imer coo_sion 10 a stud type allach-
ment ,I one of the abutments lail Bar restora
tlonS. when properly related to the gIngiva
Sr.outd not cauoo 100CI entrapm(!nl, blancl1irlg 01
the tiSSueS, nor encoorage liS Sufi proma,ation.
Hard and sofT tISsue cCO"ld ilions should be taken
IntO cons,deralton when oosi<}nln9 bar typ"

Dolder Bar System pg. 109

HaderEDS Bar System P9- 110

Hader Bat pg. 110

PPM Bar System pg. 112

UBS, Ultimata Bar System pg.114
Bar- Qui(k Reference Chart
Of S<;RO>'1OH
The bars Wed M t"" P"9<' .... lot qod< """"""'" All
"'" f>Iastic e..... ItsIed below .. e"'" ,.tandard 13 gauge
I BnYn diamot8r Fa _ onICII'l'O\Ot ..... kits
avaltobl6, 'ete< 10 "'" P .... numbe, lISted M "'" fa,
'IQtiI """""". F'Ioc&dt.r ... lot !>or O)l$le are M P"\jeS
4952. Fo' c"po/flde'o ' ef., 10 Ihe CI,p.-Ou'ck
_"""" G,,"" M me 1_"11 P"9<' '" 10 tt>e ir>:Ii-
_ bar P"9<' _ .. Iho f91! hWId _.
Fig. A s.n using
Fig. a PPM Sa .. lar lelescop'c milled ' eslarat"",,.
i,d.nng Iockoble overdenl""," incorporating a
s..;.sLoc '" SIfIlIIa, attac/WTIent
0 1 .;:.u,...
0_ ..
Hode' EDS Sal. """" "'"''''' (6)
!!lI HM8r So, p"",,, (61
CBS I-a..- (m
o CBS O<af Bo< 16)
CBS Roo"" SO' (6)
PPM Sat (3"""". 3W I
PPM Bar (3 "'""' . 3 .. 1)
o PPM 60, (3 ,I'l0<l. 3 tall) O<g.'OO

) .... .,. ....
o H ad .,. Sat ohort III
o PPM 8>,. """""'" 0 clegcee (1)
o CM Roun<l GOld (1) 50 crr.n
a eM Aouna GOld Bar II) 2000". ,
o HbO. " ED S GOld e o, {' I


H_8 3rm\ l .'l()-M> .... 1 9trv'1
H 8.7fl'MTll5O<rvn Mo.' Brrrn
H. 2.5mml.5OmmMO_l Brrrn
H.I .6mm l.5Omm MOaLBrrrn
- -


H. 7.rrnm Lo5Omm MIo. I.9mm
H 6""", L 5Omm Mco-l 9mm
H. I.9mm l . 50""", M ' 9'M't
H.I .9mm l _2()()mm Mo_ l.9'M't

..1 Nol. : f", "'" DoIdc! Bar 5)0._. ,,",,,orco P"'1"'OO IS "'" & ,,"-d 13 _ ..
Ll:d "" """""""I)N"'" ""'" Iho ..,..,.",.Iio1Od ""too. pag .
'" 94-5:311 513






'" 99 560010
To Order 13(;10.999-3000 6S0340-0393
(lips / Riders-Quick Reference (hart
The C(;ps I Aide<s IisIe<l "" Ir.s P"QC arC to< quick r""""""". AI !he pieS!"
a ",./ l>e1Ow fu the $W>dard 13 gauge 1.&Tm d..-netor bat Fa<
OWIi ',d """""I.,.,. rctl<inQ al'aillltle. ",Jer I<> the page
M "'" la, "91"11 COlumn . Ie< bar &f$leI$ a re M pages 49--52 Fo<
reI<l< I<> tno 6 .. _"""" Gu!de on the previouIl page Of '"
"", .><lM<IuoI bar....,.e IisIeO ., tho righl t>and ccJ<.om.
The Ootde< e .. System can t>c roI<>renccd on page 100. II;S not a sranda<d
13 Qaug<! a.<Id is not witt\ 1M systems 1isK!d -...
o I .ip ...
o H od. r E OS Clop< (6) (1ig:1t 1&1"'_)

H.?7mmL-4 6m
Cl Ha d e r E 0 S CIi". (6) (<CIPG' """"""") H 27",mL..t6m
H.". r E 0 S 16)(!,m ' .. ..".",1 H.2.7."", L &-rv-n
o H.d", - E DS Co<rlx> ChllS ('81 (e 8 "'- 6 Red)
_eos B., AnAlOg . ............... 5O"T>'<I (I)
_ EOS Fobrocal'ilQ Ao<Io<1CIi!> (6)
_ EOS CI.p (')
_eos Me"",..,.,.1fIgS (6)
_-I:OS """, ... ,on Cip (61
CI.j GOl.O AloeR
OCM GoIo Ri<>!, (11
O""*,,,mann BL Gold RO., (11
O Acl<.8m1.m MO Ci<I!<I flo"'" (11
-031 .....

H. '2. 7mrn l 5(\<M>
H. J 5<Mt L.4 &-rv-n
H. 3.5mml. 5.;>mm
K. 65mml. 5()nm
H.Z_t.mm L" CUm
H.3m'n L.36m
H3.o.-mL 3.&-nm



_ .




99-53' 060


A "<>t., tile OOClusal "'''II .......... on of .... eM or -"<1<,,,,,,.,,,, MO Gord II""" . M oppro><into:"'Y 1.5rrm 10
A Not. : F(J! lno OcrI do< 6,..- $yo""" "'",once P"9<' 109 In. ' ''''' 13 _ ond
h- "" tho,
.... ,..,.- ... ... -"' .... -.' .. ..
0_ =' ".._ .... ,,, ..... "" $0'_'"
CM Bar & Rider System
Ot;SC .... ' OI
Tho cu s.. M(I Rooe< V lID< bIr ,estoal>C>. "-"''''II _'"
.. oond ..... _ "$C,a'oem .. a ,," __ a.: . "'" CM gOlCl __
"'t """,HOe<! no .... """u .. aery'<: A _1 ..... l<>II I0OI it ..... _ ID
ad,o.el'" gooId Of Tho CM QOI<! round i)Io' Of
4 gold IIIloy lind ""Ol 1>0 _.d 10 P"'CO(',,. oIo<ys plast'"
barS Bre pr<>Iollod, ... ,"- CBS oyste<n Tn. odjUll,al>lfl ""n tne CM
Tool AU bo"'_ "" lIat"do,d ' 3 gouge l!jmon.
sPa:lACA11OHS A.Pf't.ICAllClNS
,,-. ... on P_ eg 5254
Sn 103().1100C
Roo .... 01 ",",C'Iion; CIou J 01 5
r.Iinm.on \WI.cal l ''',", 2 5wrn
""'- NuMbeo' 0I?at\f I p4w I)ar & ",>&<:tIl
'ndoc.IIQf\1 .t. '0' "".'(le,,, .. , ...
ro."'. .tntur .. , ,no
C;\N 0Ki0": lOS 10/1.112.120. 123

Co! _-EDS J\ot
:loc,,.. ..
6 cal GOIII-' _ .......... *",2_.00 s.n

CM _ G"'d !la'
eM FIo:u"I<I GoI<I e. ;>00 .. "

_-EOS So< (;1_ f8)
CBS _ s.. au tel
CBS .6ot, ,., (6)
ClIS (MI 0... _ 16)
1'1.1 \IrmI l .,.,...." , MIto\ 9rm>
"'.\W>Ir l-5()m> ..... ,b1't!\
.... ..,..., L-lill'I'Im "'_ .......
_1"", La!i/)n"l ...... ,._
H_U,,,,,, 1.-5Orrr> .... ' arrrn
eM Ad ..... ' "9 Too (e,," be __ ";m al molal _. ,_.)
eM A,rIOioQ Bar :.on ... ( ..... _ EDS So! "" AIoQI
_ : ...... "''''''.< . .. _______ ,+ '1<' s.-.1D'-IghI
y; 001


P 55
T'P, ......... >O'I i ' - , ,,.'" ogoo ... "" .... 2 'II ,..'CWO .. __ . n... """, .. .,.....,..,."._ 10..,.0&,0
0<IICl0 .. "'" .'" "" PI>o'II" ........ 11 """"'" may"..,...,., on.,.. __
Need ledvlJcal assmance?
........ _'"
""''''''' '""" ...... --... -
" ......
Visit our Webs' l e
lecnnicAl prooedu..,.
ptOdt>C1 uP<IatM
"" ,1I1<II1ef1
.. .,....., ... ,..--. .. .......... - .. -.. -
"'-'''"'' '. ... '" --"-'
,,.,.*" b"
Dolder Bat Syslem

It. _"", [)X'Jeo ver\lCal &rid r(U.1JonOII <esiiencv . ..nil !I'll
to., may t>e PlOC(IlSIId ""m $CO'f'>e """"""",Is only ,tie .... nd.,.;
Dar. " ... '" a e a I 6tm'1 rod must be _red to prooco.IS aloyo ... !I'll b ..
"'" the __ .... In. yellow gold aoIlO\' ")'OUr ptescfiploM
I ...,.....,...,.,..,... _!loy ,_ 10'" CBS {).II a.. _ 1 \ 1
1b<lOr s.r & 51_. '*""""" 2&rvn
0,."", Sat 1\ SI_ .... .......c 5C\'Ml
"' .... 001<100" S. & $ ..... , <'5<nm
.....,. O<tdoer Bar 1\ _ -...... 5O"rm
,. sYSTBl.SO!c)
0:00. Bor &. _ .
CIo<III a. &. 5_ "'!(ron

S' ... 01'1\'. 2&rtn
CoI<Ier S ...... <n'l'_
00I000r Sat QrIy . .. _
00I00t 6at ""'\'. 'n! 2
Ooioa' e... CI"'I . ..,.,
0cI00< s.. ...... ..,., scrm
W-do 00Id0r 51_ ... .....,. ?Jmm
...... Odder $0_ <)01'1' &rrwn

Ind,cat,on to< ov,,,denty, .
Dlrt'ti d.n,ur.. ond ,mpl,n'
1i".3Orrm L_25rm> """"6m'>
w., Orrm L. 5()rrm Mo. \ 6rTm
i'!" .3Omm L.25<M\ ..... 22I'lVn
H"03.()M1 L_&rrwn .....
Ho2.3rmo ..... Mo.' .....
" _2.:Iro<o _t .......
H.U""" L.2StIYn
..... 1.10.1_
laSOn'rn 1.10.1_
L.25rml _,_
H.2 Jrom _,
H".3Orwft L.25trwn
H".3Orrm L.:;o..-n _1;h'r1
H"o3()Mo L.25rml _22m
1'I".31l1rm ",..221"m
_ ,or",,,,",,,,,,,, ... _ . ___

.. . ,





97-b3! 0iI2


. ""-,"., ...... acl_g' , .. t"" ... tno .... ....., ,O ..., .... ""' ..... a ...... o""*""
. ",,- c... 11_" -.gJlOo gc1<I ...., -.. be P<>lI_ ""'" "'" -...ro_
. TIio 00I0e0 a... . ...,. compIi'bIe..., "" f',,,,,iC: ca ... "'" CBS DoIao< Ell, (<:No 8&<1
_ EOS!\at Sys,.", The _-EOS Bar Sl'111 ......... I J II;w 1* ....
__ b ...
r .... Sate Thlo HO(IOt{ OS (Ia. is $1....,.r<l 13 ""Ll(,J& 11 8o:nm) _" .. '"
COIfIPI.>t>Iot....,,.,, O1het &!8ndard 1>a, pan ...... In addouo.. 10 It>e plao1oc: bIw .
T,,,,,,,,,,,, 11&<, lew _ wel (lotIQ and GOI<l aa .. lor _mu ew I,ser
... ""'" .VOlIable,
n .. Clops The wable HacIer EO$ Clips are "_"01:_ w.lh lI..,tIIotd
Had .. Clopt and .... in Il'11 ... color-ooded !<)vel, 01 , ... n!ioo
R.,.no;on oeqo..oence Is wt'ule, Yea""" _. It ... 1C....,.,. T .... liadeI-EDS
Clop" will_I".......,...., I>Ir ........ ASS. C8! (1Ioo.n:I. CMol
_I-ea.) 1<><1 N Dng.-...l _ e... We _oIIw ComboCipo 18dc>a.
601_ teIenI>OfI
'"he _"'" 'foell(*:lp1a1e<1 ... ...... ,..,..,..eos HOutong
_clp ...... , ...., pre-u __ c", .. , ",. ... ,-c blaal:l!o ....
TIle .......... ..., ... Gpo PIas1ic _.0$ ., CIpo In:!
....,.,.." So, ""-1ogs are kII ..... 01 I>i<>"
< 517-g "'PIe Eto:I> 1110 !oOrrm ., IengIII and can be 010""". 1<><1 ....
"'C'1M __
SPEClrlCAlOlCS Af'f'l.1CAllONS
..... on P_:1HI
A.rIgIt 01 F"""tiorl" OU. 3
MirMm"'" _, HtIgh!: 2 5rro'I1 pO.osloot!1
Nu_ 01 P..,o: lee Qoscllpi"n
IO!) 10&. 112 120. 123 124
lndoc.I""" 11 101 bill ........ 0..>-
tuNI. p....,,1ion P'lt>3i Otntur
and pa llenl '.OIOVIl>ie Implant
.. "
t r t n
-- -
- .
'oM I ... Gao
.. ,,, ,-,,,

_ COS ........ q ort .... 6-.' ... >Q.I2 1 ... .....,.?....",,-"<'t.B
_ EOSa. M;i _' '''''''''_ , .. _2 __ .....
,. 'I -EOS Bto. lhOn 1 I I' (6) Groon ,..3().." L.!oO::Irrn _Urn",
_os e. lhOn......., (I) s.... ,. 0-.... L.!oCJom ""'. 1_
_-EOS a. II"'" (5) Gdd ,. .. O-""l.!lO"'wn _I_
I_a. .. . . _."..",L.6O)-mI_1 .......
Hool .r ..... ... _
Hoolr_L ......
, .:::: ''''"' L._
r P'" _irIQ ..... """""
H. 121...., ,....1 9mr'>
H-3 8om'o lo',8rrtr\
eM _EOS M;i __ 6 CAl G:oId --. """ ."."... _ 1'-'5' coo a...-.
.oes e. (6) """ 11 . ' I)m1 L. :;o:m" _ 5
CBSAcuno:18o6)a.... 81m>
CBS Ovai Boot Ml_ ".2.!oo'rooI L. 5G'rtn _,1Irmo
CBS lo&. (6) Roc! l-t.8.7 ....... _I 81"1">
.1\1 - , .. "DT"CW:1'5''''_W-'''''''_--.g
... -..,0-.-."" .. ..... ___ -.... _ """"',.,..._
.... " .... """ _ . .. ___ .". " .... _ c.



\l9.S3 ' OlO
5/i.:l IOI'
5Jl OO9

89 :0 .. :.0
9\1 C/Xt?,Oj)
88 'fE'?3ll
- --
CBS Bar & Rider System

rM CBS as. AM Ri<1er S\,<,"", IS to< M< '""''''8tions r1Iqo.nrng 'I."
ocal . rIO (010"""'" ""' ..... m"m. Tile CBS Bor SY'tom ho.. t>een used "''COOlS'"
fully SIt'ICfI 1977 lor "","",OoCtOuIl ""torolions. TM CBS plIlOI!C .. ..,.
... , . 10.,.. ", J OJ""'OOI CQI1hgUl811Qt1S. the l"'-""<l ba!. ' ho "".1 shopml 001<18,
M'. 'OO me ' .(lB!, TM """,proCK>.JO MOrt . r "'II"IQ 1M e M &CI'-
""ttng tool. K the ",,"5!'0l0 plaS' IC bar I, c.st In. precioy. alloy
tI'Ie eM '" Act..e<mo.nn ridto" "",$I be U'&d. The CBS 5tort e' kn ir-.;ILXle.
2 roun<! ba<. 2 "" .. D<IIde< bar . 2 Hade, EDS bars. 2 H""s, 8 CBS cl,p .... "j-
... _ 211paC ... . CBS ,_.Iillhe sWldOrd 13 1 Il<rmCBS MrS,
PfOCOld ..... on &-9, [>2-54
Ra"O" 01 F""",OOI'I: C .... 3 or 5
M_ Vertical Hoight: 2.3mm
Number of Pari", "" desc"ptlOn
C ... 112120.
CBSSIa!,., M
"" ...... 2_ ....... Z"""Dak:ItJt """
Indicat,ons are to, ove,oonlures,
pan,al do ntules, aod ,mp,a nt
2 _-<OS","", 1'_0. CBS C'iiPt 1-..,,,
CBS 00I<1e< So, _ (6)
CBS Fl<>..<>:l Bar, 6"'" (e)
EOS Bar. Gu,,,,, (6)
CBS Bar !lei (81
Ird:.das 21-b1t!. 2"""", bon. 2""'" DoKk<
tws """ 2 _ (OS-.
H_2.5nvn L",;rnm
H_S.7rrrn l . 5Qm", M0_ 1.8"""
H_25o'on L_5(mM M0_ 1 8nYr\
H. I.8nYr\ L.5(mM Mo_ l .8mm
H. 3,Omm l . 5fu!m Mo. l.Ilmm
CM 100. coo be """" wi#> .. """ .. ride,./ .........
, I H '."
'" ,,,,,,,, ,_ ... -.. ........ _-... --'''--
"", ""' ___ ....... "',..,,_ Co'


,.", . TO
C!I! R.,.,
ces _
""',.... ,,,
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99 500110
To Order 800-999-3000 650-340-193
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PPM Bar Syslem


TIlt PPM 68, system ..... dHIgnoO II) !he C<If'\OIrucIiM 01 miied !);or
'-"':' CIft- TO. 00I0o< 00deCI PPM e., pottems "'" pte-<nOled ., 0 <g,..,
2 <IagoN....a 4 """",w. Tnt ..... PPM a... lFY$Iem" __ b.-_
',e bro<lgc"" irr9IanI The PPM "'"'.- bat bur ..
.... __ ref .. . 02".4 .. "'"'.h ... __ lQpIoce,..,
Pf>M BIn WI tt.. dnnd cI ......... on Coespond.ng c,ub .. , DIn
.... uoed 10 tI>e.-.g fhe ..... r .... i .... PF'toI 0 <Mv<" ""', .....
<ltl ",11 for last<" l!(tJiQ
Pr_H onPago: 8-9 !i:254 1 .. "icaI1ono . r. fop mlll,o b.,
Fl O! Function' CIa$1 I 1iISI."0I.,,...
1.11 ........ He g.! 3.(n'fn
Ni.J1T._ 01 P_: 1
e ... Dnign: 103, l()o1, 11 I, ! '4, 123
...... 1A'lKrS
PPM s.r {3""", 3I11II'I. 0 MO'" .....
ppt,o Bw (3 .,.,.1, 3 1 <M\J"" ..t
PPM BaI CJ oton, J 001) 4 "'YOIO_ ....-
PA,1 Bw (8), Ccmbo!Vi ( 1 IIhOrI. 1 WIl _. O' 2', 4')

PPM.,., r-.m{21.0oeg_ H. G 4rnm l.5()yw, .. !, .....
,. ,.
_. _.

9!1 S60000

ro OrCkJr. 800-99930[)3 650-340-0093

s.. '"
Ackermann System
n. f j
rj 6j) _H
M_. iCII

TI>e Acke<maM R;oo.!CHps a", Oo"gned "" bar ,","OIaho". v<!<1;-
cal."" ",,, ... .,nai "Xl'Y',"","" TI'IoI _rmam 9<lI<l ,io/:rs arC ."ailat>lo in a
8l """""'. wit h bucc .. ....,g....aI re_"", tags a MO "O""or>, """,aI-<lisIa'
,...,..,,,,,,,. Tho Ack .. mam BL CM be plat&tl 10 eacf1 0ItlC<
'","Ie '00 MIl re""""" """" space be""""" """h lid ... Tile BL ,,<Ie< is indO-
Galed ' ''' close t>ite ",,,,,110"'. Rlders I" .tandard 13 gaull" 1 Iln'rn b/l",
P,ocecIun>s on P""". 8-9. 52-54
Me:tiog R""9" : Il.l" 1()3().1100 C
flange 01 Fu<>e:ion: Cia .. J '" 5
M """"'" \I<IJ!iC31 Heigl'll: 2.5nYn
Numr:.e< oj P"'S; I p""",,'''''O<
Case Oesign: '05 ,re, 112, 131 ,23,
0 " . ",,,,,,
Ac/;:oomIom BL Gd<I A_ (' I
"""""rnam W Gold Aid .. ( 1)
eM Roo.<IO G<l4 6af JQ 0rmI
eM _ GoIc 0ar .jQ Omm
C ... Ro.o.>n<l W::l
CBS _ 830'. Blue (6)
CBS I-Oar, Rod iSI
CBS 0"," Bar, YOI""" (61
8 ... Green (6)

In(I,eatlon$ are lor Oye rdCI'lMe$,
pa<lIal den,u'es. an<l i mplant
,,,,,tor . ,,,,,,,,,
H. 3.6rmI L-3.6rmI
H. 3.6rmI' L. 36rm1
H. \ 9<m> l . :)O.O!'rM I.9rm\
H. \ 9mm l . 40.Orrn h l.9<"nm
H. ,9rrwn L(;().Orrm . " .9rrwn
H.'.1mm L.2OOr<Yl1 \. 9>TJm
H. I.l!<r .. ., L_5C\"fm O' ' .8<m>
H eJ......., O".l!<n.,.
H.2.!Ynm L.5C\"fm 1.8<0"11
H. 3.CYr<n L.5C\"fm , Smm
.:3J No'.: "'" occlusal ""'II ""..,..", . <Id """""",,,",ely 1.!imm 10 ""gI1\.
..... ';

, .

m TIp: 1'1&'''''''1/11 ","""",,,......:l agajnst p-ocoss,ng toe lioelS .. l'1io II <i<>">o In m. ... bcuto<y
.. """"" .. -"""" .. ,..."""
C ..... ..,'_ .... . ..... ...... _,.
......... " I ,


www. DenySy.com
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UBS Bar Sys1em
H -"
-, ..... -
l ilt UEIS UlI<f'>aI, s.. System ... ..... _gnM to
tIW conUruct"", 01 mpiOon! bar _"*' ... e' ... In o.oogn.-.g It1iI
II)'$*"" COOS<!et"""" ,.. _ or- W:> pauen(s ...... 01 _ and
PI""",,!>o" 01 d,llal 11l-oll whole IlIoYOng _ller"CV lrom 1I>e ...,.. .01.,00<
I)e,r seom"',
EacI1 """''1 ,
1 HI :Ieo.fflS hr 0''''' _lie
2otNCl'l ,e......,.., (2_. 2 " ...... 2t11d)
2 _ -EDS HooIM>gI gold pial! ... _ ....
1 _EOS 51!'- iQ loci
2 . .. (It' A/IKt" 1,5 ... " ao..,.uol>ll 10 Orrm
2 $iri$:sI-oc .-'"
1 PPM BaI 0 <Jegf .. t>kle (so.m.)
1 PPM 0 oog_ Mand<"
1RAl5rrtnPQ' ......
SPCFCA-.:l'lS _.lCAllONS
P .......... " or> PlIO': e-e 451
.OW .... 01 ""' ...... o:o.u 1
Min. Ye<'ticIII HoofO'lt' 2.5rm> pt.Jo_
NUII'be< ot POl1l: ... "HCfIPt><>"t
Indicaho", If, 10< bar <Werden
lu, ... P'''''I'''''' danlutes
and Plum removeble ImpiI"l
U8S . u.-e. 9) P'E'"

, I>

"". 7.'
.. "


....... - -'"
- -
II' -

_ :To_tl
', ............ "'0< ..... __ ., ... ", ... .....,b .. _ "'"..- "0.
s.." ..... HG poQO ee """ f>PM e.11>IVO 112
," .. ' "

Auxiliary Attachments & Products
Auxiliary honge type attachments are used in
conjurIClioo with C()fIyeontional parlia! dentures,
Tr.ey do 001. ,mprOvB 1M esthetic concept but
the occlusal !(>rca primarily to the IISSue.
Tha AoCHinge applies forces ondep'md9rl11y on
each arch. Also, the anachmoot is a spl'lng
res,ilint class 4 attachment.
Plungers are conskJered 10 be
attachments. As prev;oosly discuss9d ,!hey are
missing lW<l basic concepts, the rest seat and
the reciprocal arm Both ollhese elemems must
be added
Scraws are use<! in implant and telescopIC restO/atom
10 fasten a secondary unit (B,,(lge) to 8 primary copinQ,
Tube & Screws or d,III,"9 80 lapp"", can be ut,lizad In
coojunction w' th screw '(lIalned restorations
Ai-Hinge pg. 116 HannesAnchor pg.t1e SwissTac pg. 117
Ip$oclip RE ilQ_ 118
Tath EZ pg_ 117
setSCrews pg, l 20 Tubes p!; - 119
Screws Gold pg. 122 Tube&5erewSY'1em pg. 119
Screws TItanium pg. 122
Gauge" Tweezers pg. l24 MicrometerDigital pg. 124
Marlling Pens pg. 124 Taps, Fixing Pins pg.121
Milling Machine " Tools pg.1 23 Twistdrilis pg. 121
' .... - ....-

[" , :;
Hannes Anchor
Iokd .. u

'l(f""1 C ,-,,,
Tho Han ..... At>c""';' ..... o<It<ac",,,,,.1 spring iooOo<j, type allach
men! _ "'_ "'eelllHl"",1 ",,,,,,,ion TM 01_ "''''" male plunQel
.... 8 omaII dimple ",ep""eo inlO!he fIXed i>O'tion of lh<l ' ..... at""'. A
.1.m ...... !HI lernalt. InCludeo,,;ttI -V Hames Anc/'Jo<, Ca<1 be cemented
,nlo me """mel of tI'Ie nalur81 tooth. The intemal spoog act""1 only on
""'1""" """ removal.
Th. '-plastIC l<>male ""'V b& iOC<l<por<I'e<l into tile ",.,up ,'" 8 """ crown
1M pl ... ," houOU'll is cost """ . pMiaI If"""",""",
A SiMi dimple may t.t Cut "to 1M w"-' up ",,' Il a ' oonO t>v< ' he sa"", oi.., as
plunll"'. The pool!"", of the dimple or I"",,,,,, sfIOuId be approxirnBlely
1.5mm 10 3mm f""" tho "",ue. Lut .. Ihe male wi th acryt;c 1<> tile ir.m<
do nol ooIde<
"'oced., ... on Page' 8-9. 55-57
R.:u>ge QI Func6on: Solirl '" AesiiOO,
M.nirno>'n Ve,t"'" fie;ght: 2 5o'rWf1
C ..... O'sii!'" 107, 106. 111, 112114,
1171 16.123124
Indication. are 10' co"_enliOO81
pan>al clentu,,,. and pa" .. ,,! ramo,
able ""plant ""toraloons
.... """'''''''''''',_'''' .. ''''''(2) _ Mo_2.O<rrn XP
HaooosAAchor. _""Roll"""(21 bUll M ... 2_Ofrrn XP
Iiannoo 1W;hor, f'<>oI""'" (2) gf"" ML";_2mm M 2.5mm XP
.... " ",._-

, 00

H. ",""" _ ..... ..." _"",- if ,,' .... ' ...... , if p/flo< _?_.,.,. __ 2
A No
TO 1...-.:""" P>P<>1y rcc; p<ocaI l"1I'-"'i arM st>ouId t;.o ir<po'a,O<I witt1 ,.,., ...., at . 1!Jl dogo ... _rig'> I"", lno
Ho.nnn Anct>:>< Olloc!vron'.
Fat besl results, I"" male s/louId Iii ""'0 8 P"'P"re<i d""P'e "' !he too'" Ot tr>e e,,,,,,,,.






The Ai-Hin(/<' os in two confi(/Uralior>.l ",,"ghl80d ccoved II is lhe
most w.;IeIy uoed 1WI\18 today 1<>< OentUfe$. Tho ..... t--lirl\I8
aI'OW$ onI'I '<'".(Ilion aboo.rI a gMm PQ<n(. Fl.f)fe, to Class 3 Funcoion. page 5
lOt fTlOt" irlfOtmalion.
Rarqo 01 Ct ... 3
"'ir1"""", HfII\lh!; 2.5rron
Numbe' 01 Parts. 1
C<'Hue-s>g'l: 106 11 0. 112
...PP\.K' .... TIONS
Indica""". lOt corwenlionai
dentu,," .
H.2.5nYr> L. ll<M'l
Ho2.5nYr> l oll"'"


.... ..
"'--'----' ... '- .-... "",",""
.""' ..... ".,._...:._ .. "" .......... _ co
TO Order. OCQ.999.J003 650-340-039J
... ,., 9 ...
Ip$odip R
Th111;: I' ,;" RE '. , ' P"I5ItIP: pa;. ...... ,"'''bPo;"IratOOOOll_
..... 1P'"'II,,*5(I(I pkIngoIof 1". -U ....,.. of Ceo., .......
flogII_ I5Ioy Icr< _ CoOP"",, lei ..., po." .... '" ...-..-OOUS ....,.
no. pUogo< <*I tool 'OO+rrcl .. -.. ..
.. IiOo"OUtl :(0"3
". ..........
are too-, ,,'0'" 55f.
and ""'*" .
... -
_oI P_ .
ca..Design:ll " ,. In 123
,,, ... J,,, Rf; '" n ....... .1\1
'"",."1:. "'. , ' ,.." Jog
'1 . .. '.50. '"" ..

00 __
,. ...... -..... -......... , ......... ... ---.. -
cc_",,' ' . ., ...... _ .. S-_.<"

.... ," -.. -..
Tube & xrew System
Tut e 8. $(;r<)w altaM>enl ;$ II laO'onlr>;l <l<\vic. uoed tor 'elelOCOIl><
_",auons. The threadeO Tube (mI!I!>ng ""'110 of 1400- is waxed
_ !he P<omaty casllng ('I(I(! Ihe o::ar (same n>CI'''O ra"O<') is waxed IrIIO the
ca.tng. Golci faston ooconclary to p<irI"Ia<)' .tructc<e.
The SOOuld 00 eM' ;n type ookl !II i<>! 80m 1M tuIl& oM
are made of 8 hi\jIl hQat C<!111fflC alloy tl<;:M-_. we .1111 rec(lR'<Yl8ll(j
Nt lIIo lube IS ca$! will> II Iype 4 alloy To 1'IOI<l1he tube "' POOl''''' """"'"
oum W . !he ti:on ...... pill (1!lCIu<led wtIh the C07IP1ete Tub> 8.
...... 1 be a:tacM<j 10 the luM The Tube 8. Sc,ew .Mel''''I''>! can . 'so b.
Ihe It is al SO in(iicmM 101 CU$1(KI'UZ&d t>tocs.
P,,,,,,,,,,,, .. on Page: 8-9, 00-6\ Indlcat,on. arc lot 1.'e 5CopIC aM
01 elMS 10 "'plant "'.Iora'"" .
Numbe< <>I Ports, 6
Ca .. O<;sign: 103, 113. 114. 115. 122. 123
Shoot Total ""'0"1 WH. Total HOoQ/'l
I .OoYn T..ee & Screw IH. Scmn TH. 6.1,...." 1 0,.25
1.2mnT.-&Sc-.. TI!oo52rml TH.7 a-vn 1,2' .25
\ . ....-n T""" &. Screw TH. 6.2n'vn TH. B 1,..,.., ",,:JJ

" ..... ""'" _""", ... __ .. , COIIO<." Tir",,,,,,,,,,,,
SI:lO ... "' __ "" 1 0 ... "",
'"", ............................................ .
" "


TrIC I'f'I!)tai lhrcaooo Tut>c. "" used in tho prima'1 slru,;!u", I cr_ ShOUld be u...d w.. recommend a Iype 4 yellow gold
oj a te:"soopic 0( ,esIO(atlOn. To maio1taln 11>0 po.,. 0II0v _ ""SIng to the Iubeo. Melttog lemperature'" an
;.on ojtM duru>g b urn 001. \"" rlg pOl 0( 1he "'""tog tubeo .. 140Cl-149() eeI .. "S
On",,,,,, l.Iod. rut>e""'ol>l 1_0 AIlD7 S- o. _ _ '.I9<I OrIIoor '
1.2mn Tube
, .....,., TuI:>e
GOUl SCA"WS ......... -. ....... -. ................. ...
TM !)Old s Crew, (part of tht Tube &. Screw Sy.,eml are ... Make ,"Ie whon O(d"-"'Q &Clews that yoo have tile
used to secure the .e<:on<Iary c .. llng to tile primary c .. t co!!eeI ""'ad d,OI1'J/!I.,
I.Qmm Screw 0h0r,
1.2>'I1n Screw ""'" L
1 '",n Screw...",

,- ,
1lmm 0
2 1mm 0
C .. ,to COIIi1<o cf&at. a sea, 10< OCrfWI ...... d. rh<l cOi la,. __ WIl l, "'_11>0 short or rrI..-n screw
con,i" '" high heal pteCkIu, .. loy. Eact1 di...-neter col..-
I.(l:r-n Cola, (ftw ..,.., or""" oc_)
1.2Im (;oJo, (to< "","lor""", "feW)
I .':rfi (t<;w o!i<w' or "'-'0. $Crew)
tID!. :. 0>:i<I ze thO N>lirlO Pin oetor. inWl"irg
II ,M n,...,,,,,, Il<tog Pin #Me it _ t>e d:ssoMo<l in ft'C
.. ,.-... -- ..... '" ._' ... "-,,,.. .. ...., ... ...

0"""",,' ,.," ,<",-.. ...... ""'" ....
TO Order. 800-9W-3003 650-340--0393
-" '.:_, P "
Set Screws

s. so '''' .. P'-' In;m "" II'IgurIi " 110 10 lOS otO<" ongIe !ruM fie
_ PCICl or bar oectJ:n Tho MI ..,...... .. .....,. '" I w...... aIoV
eer ..... 0(11 "'"." ... de 1101 r... ve I ""ad Th(; I 4mm anr;I I .6MM
teQUioo?he DOS..., [tg7'()oo705 01 "" Lab 0._ 197'()oo105A.""
",. 20.- Nt..,... ODS 0._ "89 0020C6 Tho HI
I/.Oayo. ........ 0'(0 II'>e -... c.y _, "'. __ ,
MI/limtrm V..-ticiII HeOghI'
I'rooedo.'. on p_, a.9, 62
Fl anoo <PI FurlCl,"'" : 0_
. P!'IlCA.not.S
O_al", ' ....... aO<' I .... cap!c
-...,.." uwg """"""'.
... _b9r 01 P .. ts: I ea..r Oeolgn: 101, 102 100. 10<1 106, 110 111. 117
, P'" ,
1 ........... 028" ....
I \Irm1 ... , W8''''''
2 Or-.n ",II> ()30<' SQuo<I
: L ,


- -
- -

En! A, ' ,n Pl
10 t;(l(191e
"JOeI <
7 ""'lOO61'
2Omm$quano (_'I1 ... "-0020!>0
S.Scr-Kil I.".."..., _'-. 6;1>0 ""-......... _. 7}tt;><JIo)
S.s.:-KIII.&n-I "" /"'.,..11_..". ' __ ,*,-6;" , .... PO'"ttoIS) -.oo'E<50
soo Sctew Ccmtoo K< 1 . ..... , 1.8tN<'lHe< \19-00' !6(l
(Coolbo ..-;-iuot. 3 HI 5<_ p.""" I>at, 3 ... '&m1""", 6 p/;lSII(: ...........,.. IOClSI
DOS'" 0."'- J)2Il'
Lab Hox 00_ 11211"
-. Ser: Sctew So>n 0.- ()3.1'
LaPcI1 Typo CGI'
Il10- 10lI0 $oJo<o To> ""'" ()3.1'
Il1O- TOIIO s..-. Top> I0o'I; 03<'
TIp" & T.lpholdl"
T." 1,,,,,",,
f." 2.Or-.n
p-'_, OO$
"'" 1_ l.aI>
lWl .... (""_)
I 1 ....... HigI1 S!;>eeII SlW T_<lr<l
1 _"""'_ S-_II
1 a->CrW.-.gc.rtldo
I 3'rm IoigI> St>e.o $I<MI T _<lr ..
, .....,., H.go Speed SItOiI T", .. "".
1 ."." c.no.r.-.g Comooot
l.r ....... SpoooS\eolT .. _
1 ...... HogII_ SPH
... ,

fo8. IOO3 ' O

lIIiI-l 00315
... ,
... ,
1' _$:XI!!ll
7HU1I51 .
11 600811
7' Il00/511
.. -..._---'---_ ... -... .,. .. _-
.-.. ... --..... ......... ,--""
I ....... , 1 6mm Sol So...-. He>
I ""'" & 1 eror. So! SCI....s ....
DO-TORO 2.Oowo$1 , ... So.MMSooSa ...


16 Sel Scre ..
s-. Sc<_
2\l!Tt'> s..... s.r. Screw
Taps Taphtlders. Screwdrivers. fixing Pins
Taps .... used 10 cut !he _ 01 UWog pre-<'"IaCr.ne<! IUOM,
u"'" o. 10 clean Out ,"" lube cUMg. The pin holds 1he luoo
" place during ourn QIJI We '0>C0rm1e<>d a type 4 yellow QOId 8110y """'"
""&1'''1110 ''''' lUbes
A <he taps listed inclucling Set Sc!",.. taps. S"",.SJoc taps ono So_-6k><:
.,1>$ ..... the sam. Mos, k,ts"'" suppltecl with Ihe OOS roph<;JlOor
... " IS ea_ to wort< """'.
If you prejer to tal) "ilh ""lOng ... trumffi . US9 the LlIboo'alo<y laphoiaer.
1 Omm'.25 Ttnaa
, ;emm , .25 nwcao
1 4mm . 30 n-.""o
, 6mm . 36 Ttwe.oa
2 orr"" , . .00 TlwfiO
2 (mm . 50 Tt,,,"" fin:
OOS. fiond HoI'<!
lao Moe,"", foIeId

SkIt Sct.owdr_ for 0 &nm to 1.(Invl1 So_
A Nolo: Dono\taoontr""' ....
[lJ Tip: The r;"",,-". F"u'll !'WI may be '" ffyOn>IIL<:ric "",0 \ """<le<!.
Twistdrills (Reamers)


T"",,_ Or<>tt,
H ..... '" F"'""I ""
1,,; .. 0' .... ,1$0 "'"""'" u R __ so are used to dr,1 a hole
P''''' 10 lappO'Ig. The I>0I0, m ... , be smalle, SO a
_ can be cut IrI10 lhe me"!. First creole a tIimpIe with.
centering c",!);de and then ""I
I.J!tf>O t>6IOw "'e laPS and 2 apprcpto.te I'MSldr,1Is The '''1)8'
01 the 2 ' ",Sld,il l $ used lor semi precious alloy.
'"'" .cr&w leng!h .hooJIo be at!&ast 1 5 I,,,,,", the th<eac!
01""""'0< (longer when .. _ possiblel.
T."'I ' "

1.Orrn 0.7,.....

' .Orr .... 0.81 .....

I.:er ....


1' 6((l710
1' 6((l7' 2
,- ,-
746006'. ,-
740C06' 5 W.

74-6Xl616 w. N!.o.
2.1J<p .... 1.1".."
7HO)6'7 w. Ni.o.
740C06'S ..
/1 No : 1'1",;,," .. 01<>/_ "" oman.< doll . .. mi .".., OJ, I 'Oy0 use '''ge' ,,'"'''''''''''''''''' d,iI. Dril _Of
SIt""", be 20 lO JO% ....... l<tr liIp __ on typo "" o roy .....,. I<cmcMI>Cf lO .... ay. """"" small
<1ompIe (lriPl<Ig
TO Qrcer. 800-9993003 650-340-0393
ntanium & Gold Saews
Ie>" __ cI _m lor _ ..,p..u,
I>\WIIU'n oaeNS.,. '''"'_'*'''"
... e """, _ ocr-. 10 __ Me HCor>cIary
T ........... KteooS ........ I>u<i conf;gura
"'"" and I0OI ..... face. $UCII" *" '-. __
TIwMd s.... ' ''"' fWSl ......- ncI<CIln the [ , __
_ tilt see(n;l J'U'l'IbeIthe IIIrMd

,. [ [,p,

i i

u_, .. _
"._ ... * ....
, .. _,1'-

'.-... - ,_ ... -
,'-,, -
- -
1.2n"rn . 025
15' T"""I P"' ....
l.arm 0.25
15' T_iP,,_

__ 2&11'01
15'T_/P,,_ Hoo>IO' ....... 03oI s.. $< L!8-2&12Oo\
, ....... G.30
a. ... ,akSA
, Om.,,, (l.3(I

:. ........ 03:\

Squo'" LM6' Sr_"SA
15' Ta".. {Old Bo,,*,,"," SA
, ......... . 0,30

_ """'0301' a!P8loQo1


' ....,.030
.. -
_09 ....... 1)JoI
I n 1mI. O-"!!>


U ....... IU!>


1-8,.... .. 0.35
15' '"""'

201m1.0 00
i.!ClA 1) ..... , .. ,""
i.!ClA Bfa .... "", ...
2-01n"'> x (1,<0
Ho.< .04_'
20m-. ,FlOO
SQo'''' 050'
i.!ClA 11< __
2.0 ...... ,,000


0.lffl"r1_ S!>ort

S<:.- _ O,g,rm _1#1g
59-1Ci0205 ..
s.:m.<Ir ...... 04&' ..... SI"IOIt 5!Hoo, 3O 58--100130
$crGYo"' .... ,1)48' 11 .. L.DrIg $-100'36 !oII"oo'35
.0::(1' 1-10. Sholl W-l00'20 [,/1 100'20
ScIew<O ....... O'>(1 ,'-, L.cng 11-00(0)6 11-10001
W-1OO'25 1;8,'00'2!I

11 ........ )30 97 ........ 120
, , ,
T.., 97-00'000
1 2n"rn .025 T.., 97-(l(l1200
1 . "'" ,0.30

1.!inY'1 0 35 lop97-OO11!1X1
2DIY'> 0.00 7..,97-002000
.... I ... ... "tt; .. __
I t ............... d.....- .... ......,p1CI>
fip: Sr ... _ SA (51 __ ... 1) _ .. bit """ ...... ..... M"IJOCono
, ... .. --, ...
.-.. - ' .*" ' "" .... , .........
TO 01,*, 800-!N93003 650-340-009J
Mo(hines & Tools
AF 30 Milling Machine
int8g'"ted control
""'!'$peoed Mlectlon 00 JO,C(l() rpm
Ad)US:aIlI' COMe<;IOr tor heatoo
!)lock <;N.JI _
Block out devlCe";\I> pins - 0, 2, 4,
o 0!gI .. , P ... tIoI
10!gt ..

OOowr ..
o 0!gI", Porollol
""'. ""
"" ....
o Dome. PO' i/Itj ..
p" "", ..
o O!gIte. .. ..
' ...
- ....
o tI!o,m. Par ....

' ...

00u0I0 jOiOled 1oc1<ab1e mJ!lIng arm
H"""P' lamp
A,*,olabllt S\IMO)'OI
Electromagf1@t", .. ble

FlAT u.o (f!)

.... car",

wa. C<.(\Ir ..


t.!iIlioG Coiticl!_ 10-(0)210
l.IiWrIg c.tIioe "'11:1.
.. -
I.!iIIi<Iv Corbi<Io largo
.. -
IAiIIiflg 14{0.l210
t.l iili<ig en ..
1Ail:t1Cl C,r'oido ..

1 .(lXI)10
PfAislurl;Ji!IJ /<-0<0010
P1:IisturqBur ..
- ,,, ", ,--... .., " ... ... """"' .. """"'"
.. "
" -
" -



.. -
1. -520310- 12,000.
1. {fi.I310
.",.,...."'" .. ..... , .... _- '" ... -""
TO Order' BOO-WS-3000 650-340-0093
Marking Pens
The watOrprOO/ marl<ing may u\.ed 10 Iabe1 or
models X-"'y" <>Ie,
FIe<' S""e.1 .... (to)
so... Supe,t,o. (10)
Fled fI.OOIcm 110)
BkJo Mlrodium (! O)
Alta(hment Gauge & Tweezers
1M (Jauge is IOul to. measuring avadable
apace .,lecloOn 01 tM prope' Si ze
The spec'al'y des'gned ,'a,nlen .!ett attaChmtnt
twee,,,,. 8", desi"""'; to easily .epara:e and male

A:" ..... " .. ,'I\ GOIJQO (10)
Precisian Digital Micrometer
Tho M'Cn;>TI<'l'" II .. a rcad-<>J' in rruiInet"'S (mm) an<l in
MIl Vlith an ,.c." .. acy ",.d<ll.l' 01 0.1lO:l """""''''. ond
o IXXIO incl>CS The maxm..m diamcto< is 0< 1 inch.
The l.tcrome1or is required wl'ie<e prec,"'" me,,,,,,,,,o,"nt
"r" "..,,,e<) 10 ve"fy si,es .uch a. len91h and
"' ............ ''' L'*''_ . ' .......... __ .. =--..
.. ,.,.. ... ___ c.o

To oroer. SQO.-999-3000 650-340-0393
Ca Design Applications
How to Read Ih' Case Des igns :
f_ .... lin do 01 _.e caM 01 :0_ '" 2 , " "". ShcUcI roo tIM<) ""'....-.:. .. <5:1 1*_
___ "_<Xr>- _".on. teOI "- 10 _2"'" , ............ ' lUIJIlO'I

""'" or.. ..... _ng Qeg'" Eacn c.. 012 V. _ <1el*tmtnl 6S0-340-1Q$ '" ""'" US. wp.;lQ ..
"""' .... palcrn', PIStIng w ............. IS 'ole a d ca.! ...." .-.gr...,... rod , .. _ '"1\l:Iry
I1'f "" .... _ ....... """",,"
8R Bridge T8 . Te l"copic Bridge

lmpil.rII I'ott
riP . ndo POll PO P"rtil' Denture
OD OV_. "I ..... 1M Impla "t
Symbol Key for Case De.ign:

''''''1I00I',,,,,,1 Oen,u,o
M,1ed liar wi!I1 2..:1 CUling
, lmI_ronaIlIndOe loc:l<i'lQ ii. ::::::tIt S I :: ,.,..., CMIitIQ w:Ih_
_ ........ 1a'jlc




[.11'_0 ..... . Resilient

1O>1r8COll\al $oIi(I
$wl, " oc:
Se. ..... 1!Ioc

o. ......... StudType
M,DtcI Lin,uaI

00e<,*,1Ut1 Bar

m O.o""u.CIip
eN .. ". '" GoIo1
A:UOcl " ,"

re'"s....,- Copng

Will: X ,.;", Sa ....
c.o.rn GoIcI / P;><
1; , PI" : - 0 ,.;m PIo.o\gIo' 4 ,

0. ...... TCIOt1
" -
M ssW>g lOOCl>


.. --_ ......... ..-...-"' ........ . . _ .. -
.. .. ,.,,- _."'_ ..... '"
.",,,.,,,,,,,, _ . ",. __ '" _ _ :..0
...... ",,,._,,,------
ea .. Designs Overview
elise Design "0' Page 101
8ilal,ral frlMl -End Distal Extension

, . . "
d5VJCtt-, " , ,.
Cu, Design . 104 Pago 101
Bilal.r.al Toothbome
., ... .
" _QjJCCzty 21' ..


case De.lgn 1107 P_ IOI
Combinal on Toothborne

:i ..
C ... Design .110 Page ' 0'
Unilaler.aly Edenlulous flet-End


c.se De.lgn '102


Cllse Dellgn '105 !'ago 101
AIIlerior TOOIhbome
, .

" , ,.

C.se c..logn "09 P_ IOI
Co'11binalioo Too(hbufne
.- " .

" "
C ... Deslgn'11' PagolOI
Combination TOOIhbome


Case Design .103 P""", 101
Bilateral free-Er.cI OisUl

" ,
C.se De.lgn . , 06 I'ago 10\
Anwior-P<!steriOr TOOIhborne
.. .. " .

" "
Case Design '109
P_ 101
Uniizler.al Edenluious



. -
e.se De.lgn .112 P_ ' OI
2 TeeIh OJ Impiznts 8illimi
. -

" .


-,"'''' .. -., .... .. -, ..... ... ----
T_"""' "-" ..... ,_ .. ..... __ ._ .....
... "", .... ____ ..... .,. _ e.o.
....... ........... --.. -, --.
ea Designs Overview
Case Desi gn '113 101
Poste<,or Edentulous 3 Implants
f "

9:.,"'''' ""-1{)) I,
, .. . "
Case Design '114 P'Q& 101
Unilaterally EdenlUlous 4lmplants

" "
Cese Design .116 Po.ge 101
Partially Edenlul()IJs 2 Implants
.. .
" .
" ij9
Case Design ."9 Page 101
Fully E:lentulous 2 Implants

case Design .,22 Pagt 101
Fully Edenwl()IJS 6 Implants
" Of
" .
. ..
. ..



Case Design .,17 P","e 101
Anterior Edemulous 5 Implants
, .

Case Design /1120 Page 101
Fully Edentulous 4 Impl.nts

case Design /1123 Pag<' 101
Fully 6 Implants



case Design .,, 5 Pago 101
Unilateral Posterior Edentulous
1 Impl.nt
, ,


Case Design '''8 Poge 101
Anterior Edentulous 4 Implants




Case Design /1121 Page 101
Fully Edentulous 6 Anterior


Case Design /1124 P,""" 101
Fully Edentulous 31mplanls
.... "',.


.. """',,' , ...... . ,....,.,.. ""' --........ -...,---
,_c-.... '" ... ,....- .... ___ .... "' ...
C"",,";N ""- '---"-"_"", '< .... ""'" ""
" ... ' ,,, .. , , ..... ...- ........
Case Design #101
, "

Bilateral Free-End Distal Extension
. "
, ,.
BOlaleral troo .. nd distal on """lures a, .. 1">0$1
co",rIlQr'II)I restore<!""" ,es:lient flJnction allaCf>n'll)nl$ when
natural Gr li>:eod Solid Io.cbon
an""hmonts are 0'!cIica1e<! .. t>tn opposing a ,,,,,,,,,,ab:e pa"",1
Of fllll GentUtI. Millild lingual arms arm w:1tI
soIiO junction ar.achme MS. Douolo abun .... ls
_ wI1$11 possible, espe.::ial:y whon using soIiO tuncllor.
411*,>1""8010. L_ rugae open for cornlort """" po .. bIe.
, "

Option 11 Extracorona. Resilient
or Solid
,,,,oni;o,, s/1ou1d be added lor atracl1""''''" such ".
"'" DRS-DE 0< SA _ICe"". tIC. such as
,!>o Doloo acd ASC 52 have Indi<ect ,.:,"10"", MIle<!
ar(t r(!CO<'l".,.,"!ded 101 h,I!",," _"'" ...,., a.
tho 0 2.7, "'1Iej;",-OE, etc. Segmented attad1-
"",015 between -'619, Int+rlodc
Resillenl . .... ch""nl$: Of Swiss 1.1 .,;, ASC 52, Swosa
Solid AllachmonlS: 0 2.7,
Option ' 2 I"tracoron.' Solid
PMial Denture with _ on
16.7 art<! 1(). 11 !'!i.1Iod lingual 0""$ are r.comrneodod!of sta
t>il i!\,. ,"1&rr.Io" and ""w:;>r1. A type atladune"t such
as thl Omega M ",ayl)& pIaood inle' p,oximai ""_ 61
and 10 11. Tho rna ', of Ihe ar.aehmen1IleOOm
PM of Ihe ,,,",ovablo m,lIed arm,
Indle. to<!, OmevaM, PT Soap
Siloc. MeCcllOm
9 Option 13 Implant Bridge,.
8rio:lge1 may be cem_ o.or ritanio..m post atI",,,.nts or
reiM'Icd ""th set SC'-S_ .o.ngIed lila ...... Abutments may be
nocdcd tor dive' l/O" . Iltidg ... may als.o be ..,. ....
,et.,o,e<i u,ing direct UCLA .bIII",.n!!. He. "'; UClA
AbiJbTr."ts m.y b8 used to 1M"" C'SIOfT. angled """lmonts,
14 Tfle SCORE-UP placed ;"tracoronally into 0(; & m with Or
w'thout the U-Pin.
1 S Implanl Tita<'liuM .o.eutnent POSI. S,'., or
angtd, UCLA "",,-hexed 10' an<! ""'00
16 tor ",s,om "",lad ablJlments.
Alloeh".,."t., S. II SC, ..... , SCORE UP
... -...---- -''''''''''-
, '-' '''_''''
""" ::- '-" .. ,..,. ,,_-... .......
...... ",...,...." .. -,,---
case Design *102

, ,.
, "
n. _...,.,.. _ OJ corNllO<O &Illalioo will
IICJitI -:: 'ICe"", CtC$$ ........... "MIn "'_ ". _
.......... """'" .... 1Of'Itl; """" Ihan 'hi .....
, .. _, n ",,1t'ouIcrttU __
1>1- __ C- ono. T __ a _ t.. ... ...,
_,' -1)10 MiIodIio,;, ............. C __
--.g ...... .,... Of _ I\R;:bOI1 ."'aooo ..... ,
-"" .. 10,_.
Option 11 Extracoronal Res ilient
1'1."000 ' .. Uri' '*. Panial o.mur. -. ...... abuMd
aow'" .... 110 .. 11 ...., ctOS& ""'" If", '"" - ' 3 ..
.. """ I CKIM ford> FIooch _" ...... A, 2 ,"I -.
OWl! ...ctI ..... ASC 5<'. Mni 0t0IxI 01 II i 1_.,
""II'Ie.UW<II1f27 t.U .... IinQua,_ ... o;:onII_ ...... 1oI
,....." CIt. For corOorl .... , .......... "" an "I*' ruc;ao
on m .. R:a-y _""".;orIS _" 1IOMib'e,
AltaChmonl. Indlcl5ed: ASC Mi,,; Oalllo, s..;s. Il,(Jt
SA AtleI'lOr. ft: on Crou _ A ............. p<o ...... , 01
03. ,M,
Opt ion 12 Intracorona 'Solid
F\omo, 'M LriAI_ P.,. DI<1Iu,. ...... dooC>le .",....,
,,_ on "0" .,1 .., CI'l)a;"" ._'11<1"" on _
_ _ .. "'801"< beI\,o.n 03' , ot. u;...,
linG"'''' on Itior _I, FOt comlor1 ....
..".,.., ... nd on open rugae on maxllaly
... nlch""n,. Indicated: SCOREPO. BOIot;:, PTSnap.
'-IcC_, r.e. For _:on .. iIlat>Ji1)' ".. O .... O.H,I may be
pllell in:e'OIQ.<ima'. rot C<OSI IIc:to .. _ ...", you rna)'
""'" ... BOIoc, PI-So>ap. UcCoIum ...
Option 13 Implant arid".
6> ...... "'"1 be cemenlOd 0_ ID<Jtmen!1 0'
,_ ",;Tn Itloaews. A"\lled l1\a"","" __ may be
" .. <led 11), .w.rvt'" imp.",,". na, ..... be """""
,elllrOd """11 UCLA. atHIl ... n ... 11 .. 0<1 UCLA
AtI_"1t """ be .-to maM ... wm ongII __ .
n.. SCOREUP P"''*' _ .,1 .... Of_
1ht Uf>In.
ImpUnl Conoponome: Tl:a __ "- S.awo (;<
""11*1. UCI..A Ab,;1/t ... b . ,..,.,. .... ..., lor boiDgool aM ""...,
"" ......... '$
Al1ach ......... : SOl ScrewJ. SCOREU!'
"._._ ..... __ .... "' ...
, ..... -.._,-'"

Ca .. De.lgn #103
, ,

. -.. -" ........ -.. .... -... """ .. --
.. _ ,." """"'_ ",_ .... .. , "'_CA
Posterior Unilateral Toothborne
__ """'tS lor til 'j -.......... situoot>on
....... ... '6 ..... *.".. MgI'II5 1: bO.,
....... *""".....,. Q< ............. 1*\IaI ............ 1IIuI
.. ---
_ . '7,,'''l1l<I to._ ..........
._'" 'in ....... .
"_ c. ....... .... . ".eo' -... __ '.'iG. 5
". .. ..,bofO,jle _". ..... 51" __ . ...... " 001 _
........ 1. +l or. Clio,... (Jl "5 "'"".,. C : 11''', '" ,",,".' _ .
iIJo to _ " Iho ....... tail. No IIII.><:t'InMnI ......
"" SCORESA Of SCOOE-UP II ...., ..... " .. Ied lor .r.

Iltytlt<, $,,,,,-,,, Micru, McCollum . ..c:.
Option ' 2 Ext,acoronal Screw
'J ' ',+ op8I'aIOr __ . ... ' .. 01..... """"
on 06...,.." .. .... ;WXIiOO ... lO'tw!)'PI _.,." such .. tile
s.:r-8Ioc or $wi$$BIoe. .A ltIHooPc COil'fIIJ on t3 may"...,
t:>t rt>;I(IO inco'l>O'"-ting a In ,rom ,0. T...t.o & Sa .... System,
T"" pot'otico boo to tho tl 511 :ope Cr'II'1\ on 03.
Anxh".ml IntllCOII..:I : S<;rewDIoc. s-euoc. FIe .......
e'"", T<bI & Sere.
Option 13 Implant Bridge.
s.. or ..... 18(1 np.. ... c __ Totarium _
_ ""'Y be .,.........lOd 0< retak..cl ";!11 s.! Scuws. MIlled
.tlutmento may bo _ .. a ry for _vent impIanIt.
s.:r.w .. laM '"'"'" or e..I1Qm ' r'lg1ed It>"' .... nli may
tit "" r...8d UClA cyIol'lOttf;. Non"". 1!<1 UClA
qw" . ... \l$OOd b br """,
ImpI .... C., I ... ,t.: TotMio,otII .. grot Of arogt.d abut"""
I>0I1l. UClA hex!ype _.' ..... for _ Of ........
_'90<1 _, .... __ UClA for .... _
... --_ ... ' .... "" ... ...
,... .... ..... "",,' ....
Case Design # 1 04
:23 24 25 26
23 24 25 26
. ,,-,,-' .... -, ... .. .. ,-... ""--
______ .. _ . ..... ..-.""
Bilat. ral Toothborne
A .. :oralive options /or thIS ","""'1Iy O<)en\\J\:;Iu$
include "ne piece bricIg ... segmenl6d bridgH. implant
tlriog ... , implant lingle uMs or. ,","ovable oenru,e. tt
ab"""'nts are "'" parallel or th. poste<ior abutmenlS are
quoSliooabie. S&grnt)l1t.)<j i)ridQe$ will'l inttaCorornll atliW>-
me"" a ... i<1di<:atecl.
Option ' 1 Inlrac:oronal Solid
n,t>(j 5egrnt)l1tod i:IricI\;es "'h $CORE-UI' attocnrr_ ;n
022 $ '21, IT Iho) posw<>, _""""IS .. o Iosl in !he M",c, a
removabltt p.artjal may be " 1131 is qu&$'
lionabie, a C", .. .'<td> Roocl1 "'.Y be placed """ .m 100
lulu," res<li$nt panial or a 6iioc may be placed itllO
020 for Tut"'. $OIid "'"ction pan.'"
Attach"",ntl Indicated: SCORE-UP on '22 &. 127.
For lutu,. COI1 .... io",,: Cross.&.tcl1 Roo"" '" BiI:>c onto..:1O
Option ' 2 Ext,acoronal
R......,.._ """,oJ do ... ",,, Wl,h $OIi<I Or , ... ilient attachrnt)l1t$.
Whl e solid fu.-.:tio<l anact.ments are most commonty IIsed in
!hI' oi"""ion. attachment. may be _led it poste-
cor ab<J1mtm, are Q .... $Iional>le. Thi$ WUO;! tIow 100 00""""
s<oe 10 res .. nt!unc6on. Too !inOu.1 arM. "" me partiAl den-
"'''' wou:d haV(l to be ... _ 10 01I0000 ", .. Wnt lu<>Ct,on.
Att.ch .... nts Solid' 02.7. S";ss.EX.IIIIegro-OE. $1'aiO\W' OE
Allochments Resilient: Dalbo or S ..... M..,1. ASC 52
Option 13 Implant Bridges
A rrta .... m ArMII",.nt PO$t may bo pI<oceo:l om<).020 impIam
and st>lintoO to ,22 ';a a SCOREBR 0< SCOREUP, T,,*
"'piam crown may be oo",.med 0< re1ained WiIh a ingual Set
Sc'W. T". f2() impIl/11 oridge may.1so be _totod ",'h ,
"on-h.>.Od UCLA ,I.b.J\("J(!(I1 and Sc'W. Irnp'I!$ '27-1.')0
may be ... .,o'ed -";!h Posa 0< UCLA _",,15
Angled abulm<rnts may be ".",,,nary 10< d verger,t imp:arm,
Impl.nt Component.: T"anium ArMllment Po.ts. UCLA
Allach .... n\o;: SCOREUP or SCORESn. $-"; .. S<!t Sc'ew
.-o-....... ... ,...., ..... _ . ... ......
.... ,-". ---- ... _ ... _._-
Case Design .105

.. '""'"" _ , .... ""' ....... "" ..... "'" ...,..-.,"',--
..... -.. '._"'. '"
Anterior Toothborne
s.""" 1%11'1 are mi$$inQ in Ito. .,ampIe, a 'ormvable
reS1(>r aliOn is ,ocomm<>n<led. H ""'10,1 wilh i:np:IW"IT$, a
oemented '" saew retained brid9<> m;I)' be' JaMcatad.
in cases "'tl> .. ",,'e bon<I 10$$ ",1'19", 8 remc ... atI!e imptant
, .. toralooo would 001 indicatad. P;.blal tor a ',"nov,
atI:e partial dentur. may be avo.ceO w' 1h ai'achmenl$
meNl1y O"ICCnjoJction wi th milled lingual arms tor stability.
Option U Intracoronal
Removable PI' aI D<!ntuJ(l wi:h _ abur.ed crowns on
""0 11213. anacnm.., .. are pIaooC m(!$ial
II' w Ih mill9C 'ngua' . A cylincler ""pe anachrr'l(!(l1 ...", os 1M
Omoga M may be pl aced inte<pro, imal ... twoon and
. \2 13. N po$Sib: . (IQ nOlWi<lf tOe ,".00 ar ............
is a pala'''' (lefoc!. This desige rna' .......
Attarn""'nlS: SCORE-PO, BiJoc. PT. $n3j>, MCCGIIIon. eIC.
Omeg._M ' nte<pr<>,jmal.
Option ' 2 Extraeoronal Solid or
A<i<IlOVable Partial [)<In,"" "'"" double crowns on
056 aM 1 12 13. Solid Of resilient attadl""",1S m.l)' be
plaoed m&Sloil y Ir>eonjucliOn with mil.ed The miII<od
PlcviOe relenlion ,,'>d $tabi/;Iy _ will p;-event
.-..cy. A c,I'<lir type attachment sud> as the Omega. M
may 1)e pIaC+d inl8rproxirnal t>otwoon J5 6 .r<I
Attachments; D.ibo 0< $wi .. MiOi. ASC 52. SMu _.
027 Swi .. ( X. Al le\lro DE. "Ie.
Option 83 Implant Bridges
Tda Oium lIllu\t<enI Posts may boo place<! ""'" the irnpIant1l
",d SflIin!ed to J5 "'"'" ' 12 & SCOREBA or SCOA': UP.
A &Crow rotair'l(l(l t>:'od\)r> may also be fabllcat:ed n"" .... 'ed
UCLAAIlu:rt""ts. Angled n Abu"""nts 0< cus_ cast 'W,ed
UCLA I\butrner\IS may be nee."ry fQr cti>erg&nt irnpIan'$.
Imp"nt ComponeftIS: litan,u"" Abut .... n' POOlS $:raiQ/lt r)r
aOiJled. Non" ,ed UCLAAbo.;,,,-1S fQr I>rido}e. He' $(> UCLA
CY'ocIer. lor custom ang'ed aw.m8rr$.
'---,..",--.,_.- ",.., .... .. , ..... ...
.... , ..... -"" .... .. , .. ,...,.,.",
ease Design '106
23 24 25 26
" W
23 24 2$ 28
.. -... -----... .. "'"-
' .. ................ ff "'_:0
AnteriorPosterior Toothborne
Tn. ......... 1oI 1hiI1llu.r. .... include
lixtd twk\lo> . to""",: impIanI_l .... .". tWQII
I,II'IiIs 0< .. r I j} or , _ _ I*I1II_ ... _ _
_ ." ..... <Ielecl For _.,;m IIN'r; 1 ..,.. , ...
WO' ..... ..... 5 5"')'. Inb ........ .., or .. .... oo ...
1Dct<ingana:l"..,limaybo ... ".., Tn._.i." ""'I' be
.... ' 2':Il00 or --...
Opt ion 11 Intrac:oronll'
S z ........ 1td Iiqd 8ridge Ie ...". ""'" IcIcI<"II or _
ftC " _ """0'''''' on foe mil'" OIl n l i"'" 02&
_.,"" 120-21 ltId tl2!l-2i .... 00_ priDl lO .."oetII
1I'Q .......

"uechn .. "u locking, SCOOEUP
.U.ch .... nll S n.dord: SCORt -OR, POC, Bey ..,.,
Snu", etc.
Optlon . 2 Extracorona l
510 ...... *'_ BriII90 ....... "'''' IO<::I<irCI
--..,anll or e>t'aooronal S\atIdoafd .,; '".a on tho
"... d <fl' ."" n!j. AbI.CmP .. 120-21 ...., n8-2\I "'"
Of"'. iltd Ilfl<If 10 tht al'llorior -"oonl
Attlch",,,," Lockin;' SwiIlBIOC. Sc,,...B'oc, Frett:l'ltr
Bloc, H II""
.. ' tach.....,'. SI.nda,d: poc, SCOREOR or 80,.., _-
ed, &or..o1Joc .... .hct/I ... .."....
Option . 3 Implants
T"",""" F'<;: ,ts ma, be pIIOtd ""' 0 ....
0'>(1 10 024 and t2S w(M c, k 0d8, ajl!lCh
1M ... ,", Set . ... ,It\alrwod seg""",'od moy ."0 be labII-
elMel 111. "" UClo'. . ..... gMd 11
_ ..... or CUS1Or'n CUI HI"'" UCLA mav til
' I : ... ..,..IoI .. ... gM., """'""'*"
plont Compo ......... : Tanium ..... bO .... _ .... 0<
.... 0171. Non .... oa UClA_ i.blol tw.,.,. ._tIClA
c,-.... 101 "'-'"'Om ..-.gIed .,.... ... 11
..... ::-_ ........... , ___ ' Ii _.,. ...
""' .. "" .... ....,.... ........ -
case Design ' 107
, ,


i. 15
, ,
.. -... ... --.-........ ... -.. -
............. ""- ' -"-" ... -""
Combina t ion Toolhborne
Tho __ optio. ... to< .... Iiuotion &-etude a on" P*
Hxtd!!ridge. _.w toid;ll ; (Si'IgIe
",*", I I ' 11$') (If ___ ......... ;., __
" ',, ....... <IeI8<:I. fOl ..... _ __
...... '.'*100

.. ,. sery Of eXUKlOl<>
.... r.w:t .... "" ..., t. ""'te!, Tho _, ...
""'1 !;II _ Or ,Iar>;j..,.
Optio n . 1 Solid
,,-,...,._ PorIIoII o..:u-. _ fbr.o tologoo!rom 10 .,.
.......... a:taJ IS"'" ...., Ii-og ..... on 1'$' oil .
eor. ... "" ... _"'......,lira .... on 1P2_ 414.
"1"':h",<11.,.;n as 1M tw"ttfl; Ardlor S-Tloc Of Tad>-
EZ .j. an _Nlli". ID ""'ICOI<>NII a:\aCh.
"*'11, liMp rog.H opoon for w."" H """'1:>10.
.... nll Indicah>d: SCOA(PO wll'l SCOREUP
_It. PT .s"ap, Bb:. 81e Of HaM" A.-..t.Qr. SwiuTac '"
TIC!lEZ pUngo' _IS.
Optlon . 2 EItracorona l
"-'>0. III't Portiol """ ... , _ Iii; '. 1 bth.'" oIl
-. o. ..... anacl ." ..... _ II ' ,S ' ,* <Xl!'i'9& on
. , , 2 and ' 14-15. St.oUd ar>y 01 .... n ....... laiI, 1M , .. I<> iIIior.
II .... ly 0'0I:I,1:0<1. M led lingua'" I"\a)' be ID'lclIed on aod
.o.llac:hrno<>te Inche. lo<I: ""'" o.Rlo or s..;u Mini. A.$C 52.
S"," ... .-.;her, Strr."9I',DE, D 2.1, tic.
Option ' 3 Impla nt Bri dges
StIi"''''*' tri<I\Io w th "I*'a,,,, , __ ..,...,.,. "'"""
rnpIanr .601,011 SCORE-UP anact." ....... "'.y!lt pIateo 011
'III ...... 1&1 cllF6 and _" a'" dIs'.' 0! ' 5",""" . 1I ImpIan'
crOWl\t ""'1 I>e made w,'h Mf,""" Of InI1'ed Tftanium
...".,..,." .. or UCLA Abo.mlet'1 .. _
...., .... , Co ,.".,_t. _oot..,'S ........ orlOlged T_m
Pol" or 1JCtA_
__ uo_ ..... < ____ " .... "' ..
. ...., ..... --' ... ,.--
Ca Design # 1 08
23 24 25 26
'" <tj)
23 24 25 26
23 24 25 26
.......... _ .. ww...,_ . (,_ .... .. __
C"""",,,""'_"'''''''''''''''' __ '"
Combination Toothborne
The ''''oralive options tor !tis oil>altOn 1<1<:1 .... a
bridge or segmented bridge and ",moo ... do ....
Me. Fo<.,...... ,.;,11 """'gent abut"-ta. segrnenled br.lIg ..
ar. r'\tC&i$"'Y. Implant units or '''''ted).
,ntrlooron, ' or . ""aooronal 1OCki"9 attocOOIen1$ may be
utii:od. ThfI rtac:hrrifl0III may be or $I_rd.
Option f1 Extracoronal Resilient
Rei;';' " ,. mo ....... .. ' dentur. "no """or",,. or
",,,,,to<! bO<\g9""l1 extrac:oronal attachment. 0<\ distal of .:!1
;md m ..... nao'lmer.t. $lJCfI as the OrregaM. PDC '" Soy"'"
May be ",ell 10 $tIQmen1 b:-idge lor divergent abvIRW1t$
necessary on 1127 and '26.
A" ""lImen,s, Portl. , Denture, Dalbo Of S ... .,. f,!ini AS(: 52,
Ancflor, $1' . '''9Y, DRSOE .:0.
AU .. chmul ., 5e9men1ed Bridge : . M, POCo
1",,,rIoc' . etc.
Option ' 2 Intracoronal Solid
R"",ov_ POllia! Oen'Ute a.-.;l b<i<Igoo with an"""
menlO on 021 & m . U"glJaI. 01 "I'linled ....... J<l "'.,Ie<!.
Cytiode, atlad1""",ts .LICh as the One!)a M ""')'be placed
interp:o<imal between . 21 22 and
Allach"",nto, Parll. 1 Denture: H."""" "'<IChor, S"" Tac,
Tacfl.EZ, etC
... nltCh_nlS InlO'rpro.imal : POC
Opti on ' 3 Impl ant Bridges
F;. ed o' idg<o ",,!II OPl' ro",r re"""""". pef'llic:o ""'" imp'ant
oectlOn. The SCOREUP anachnen1 may be placeci orr the
tr.Hili ol (!iSla! 01 t2II. l r.. irnpIlnts tr. ay be 1$$\01""
with "'oub"""l P<>s1S or UCU Abul""""", S<tI
Set .... ma y be used ",,!h lho Trlaoium Ab<)lmet'I1 POSlS,
Impla n! Compone<l!. lndlcated: $!raigh1 or Atqed Tttar>um
Posts m lICLA (lb.Jnnent$ on IMplant$.
Attoclrrnrtrlt. Indlcol "';: SCOREUP, $win Sel Screw or
reQ\J'- r Set S<:rews placed IingWiIy 10 PO$I' .
"-"-........ ... ...... --..... ... , .
..... , .. ---.... " .. ....... , ... ..

case Design # 1 09



Unilateral Edentulous
Tho unialo<alty odontulo:!s a'Cl> is a """,mon wi th
special """"",.,., Cross st""'iIl"',,,,, ";1Il claspa 0< $U;)Ch.
mont. is roquirOd when reStOrinQ rnor8 tr.an a ,h,,,.HOOlh
$!)lIn. For ""iIate<al ,.movable partials ,..hauI erCS; . -m Sla
bil UiI"," see Case . 110. T .... should be spmted
when possible. M;lIed i ngwol "'''''' are '00I>fIHT_ When
usi<g ","""",,,,,01 "'tac/Vn(lnto or SOlid tlJl"lC\>:)l1 .,j'.OO<O<IOI
Option f1 Inlraeoronal Solid
Re<:IOYable Partial Dena; ... , lilted bri<\o8 wi'" . ttad1men1 on
distal <I . " and milled lingual arm. eros. arch allachmenl.
in 1'4 ponric nVllc<1 Iing"al$ on .a.J5. For
r.""Y""" panials wit,.,,,, Cr05S arch .. _ .. lion .... C . ...
1 \ 0. For additional stabi4ity add Ot<ega- M be_
AlI.chmen' , Indleated: Fa< , , 1: SCORE PD. PTSnap.
IUoc. MCCOII\J.". $Ie. In PO<tIic , 4, Bi:oc. p,.snap.
Option 11 2 Extracoronal Resilient
Flemovable Part.a! 0$01"'$. li>e<l wi:h a ,e_1'II Cf<)S$
arch lI!I&CI\rnen! 0" ,,;stal 01 ,,1 and r .. Cro ""'h
Roac:l1 . n"""mont Into .4 pcn!:c. For unilate<al rernov_
w,t hciul c<oss arch Slaoilizalion .... eM. ' 110.
Allachrnen\.O Indl""!ed: Fer . , ,: 0;0,00 or S_ Mini, A.$C
52. SW1 .. AnChor, tIC. For "4: Cron ArCh RoaCh
Option 11 3 Implant Bridge
Fix$dIe""",ab:. bridgt witl'l . n or $Ian-
eo'" altaChmoni "" . , 1. n ....... m AbuI""'nI POOlS or UCLA
abuI'UnIS "" Ihe ImplanlS.
Impla., Componenl. I.d;c. ,td, Tr.an .. m POOl or direc1
UCLA abu1menr .
Anochmenl. Iind;c. 1t<I. S ...... SIoc. S<: row91o<:. TSIoe.
Fle1<:hor 91"" or SCORE UP "" ' 11
'-Oc .... .....-. .... .,?' ........ .. ""
'" .""_ .. ""'-" -,--'"
Case Design # 11 0
23 24 25 26
" "
23 24 25 26
23 24 25 26
.. ,.,.... --_ .. - .. " .,", ... """ .. """,,-
"_.,.x" .. ........ ,,, ...... .., OA
Unilaterally Edentulous Free_End
Option$ to '11$10,. II". silua lion includ<!;" rem<wable
",,,,,..,. w.m " 1"'0010I'III1 <l< e't'a>ronol 8r'I(!
ctOS5 arch .tat>lttl".,n in the Iorm of clasps "" till <Ie<t1ulous
quadrant. A ""lateral PWI:aI dcnO:",e witt> a locI<.ng an"""
men! sl>Ch as the Mars or Sw"$Mar ",.Ihout eroo.s aid> Sla
biliuoliOo Implant s"'!jle <l< splinlO>d units
Option 11 Extracoronal or
Intrac oronal
AerrovaOlo Unilateral rattial Dentur. wilh natural ,"II' 00
an intracOrooll <l< u""",."...1 a t:"""","", 01'1 lF29. Doubl.
cfaspl"ll on ' 19 and J2() or DouIlIO A<:Itr. Clasp inlerp;<:'"
mal of 119 & 120.
At1ach .... "1s E. lfoc<>,onol 0 2.7 Strategy. Allegro-D!: ,
Ha'VleO """t>or. S";ssTac, Tach-EZ etc.
AlI.chmenlS InltOoOOfO""k SCORE PO, PTSnap, 1);1"".
McCOllum, etC
Option ' 2 Extracoronal Without
Cross Arch Stabiliza tion
Rom,wobie UniI.teral Part .. Den,u,," wi!h double
"""""" on .28 & ,t;l9, NC> """" Itooo three t.)CIh ShOu1(l tM)
reslored w III !his coooept. TI>o M.y's is Iod<ing aMd""",,1
with IwtIr Iet<;!>. lotdl U.UIIl'y op<'Il' from me
n & SwistMar rla$ a ICtal.onal pam Of Insertion hOOlOng
Anoohmanl. Ind lcor.d: May _
_ ment.
Optlon ' 3 Implant Brldge &
Si. <)< $J)o'inl$(! ""iI$ 1)$ 0_ ''raighI <)<
angled io .. ium P.,.t '" rellir1l1d w!h Stt ScrIlWS.
S:ngII '" units may tHo scrow ret>ir1ed diMCt
UCLA abutment . I-Ie.ed UCLA Abut_nl. may oe "sed to
mal<& CUstom ang'&(I abotmem. _
Implonl Compon .... l.: nanOJ m AbiJ!r:Ier'II PO$ts Str3igII1 or
angio!d. UCLA A","lm_. ROn-.""" lor b<K:f08l and teexto<!
tor custom ar>glod abutmenlO,
Anach_nll lr>dlc.,e<t, Swiss Set Screw '" legtJlar Set

.... ,- "",.-.-- ... ", ,,
_ _
case Design # 112
23 24 25 25
Two Remaining Te eth or Implants
won only two 8IlutrnenlS. 01)1 0f'I$ are limtteo to a r&o'lOV3bla
partial denllJre or a.eo .... ,l\J Th. ab"",,*,ts may ...
indivlduaJly or jclnood bar ler . dOt> OVfIrdeMu(. Gr ""'.
nI.l o..nllJr . "\lie oatu,al ablJlmMlS or" 1>01 <fOWI"I&d. Han_
AI1Ch<:< Or Swiss-l ac may "" utiIiz",," the <>aI'
tial ClenllJre.
111110 abutments a ... crownod end ioinod wil h a 00.-. <h\lll
guide planes s_ be macle 10< 1_ ,.teo.on Post &
(;0<. copings may also be joined I'>iIh .. bar.
Option ' l Resilient Extraeoronal
Partial Denture
A """""able denlUrfI is fabr>catee w.rt> p"",,e' type
.lIachmen:. ,""" ",Ill. lion""" AnCI'IOr. . T"" '" Tach-
El. Crowns are made me$iar ro)srs ;)tid <hStai lJIJi<Io
plaoes. The mesial rest prov\d& occlmal SlOp and MCiprtICII-
!!On \of the plunger. SInai dimples .'. "",pared ;"to Ihe;,oJ'"
plar>e to rec.i.,. 1he plungers_ pIa.t>:; caSlab1i _
31 may be cast in", loe crowO$ lor II'ie HanneS_
Option 11 2 Stud Type Overdenture
A stod type ovdortcte is lobocated over eModon:ocally
tr '0<1 rool. ";,h .Iud two a:lachments. Otrect 0< indirect
,b,.<l !)ope a/ttIcnMo)nl$ "'0 .vail<lblo. Tf>< 1,lari1.m a:''''*'
rmlnl s ""m .s the Uni Anchor 01 Dirac, ORS . rfI placed
directly into ne fOOl wtl>out eutinog "'''eeI attacl1menlS
a$ Dalla C;I$labio OflS. flothermann :e ......
lro:;o-poraled onto a coot post &. cOte <;:<>:Ji"'l_
1l11,",,! Attac h""'nl.: uniAnehl)r. lK$$1 OIlS. 2MI or ZAAG
l!>dlroet lutachmenla: Oal . Bona. Caslable OflS-OD.
-"',maM, OT Cap. Minij8K. &te.
Option ' 3 Implant Stud Type
The imp!;)I11 Dalla Bona or ORS 10Ring Sy-st$m) I""",,,n a$
in(Iivil:kJal allaChm&n" prov:dinQ I&:enti(:n and resk>' tunc
Tion. The litonium male o-Ieme,Us ar. "",......e 0 r<id' y In,o lhe
;"l'illl'llS and .... in various heights 10
the tissue dePlh_ Tn.. Dalla Sona lemille' ..-, adjUSTabl t while
th& OflS O-flings ..-& &asity r$pIaC&able_
Implant Stud AU,""hmtn!. : Dalla Bona, DRS 10-flino
Systen}. Locator .
.... ,."" .. , ........ ..
.,.._d .. ..... __

case Design * 113

, "
, ,
5 ' 12

.. _ ....... ! ".'--"', -',''' '_ ... _00
a_, "". CA
Post.rior Edentulous 3 Implants
TIlt ,.s:orativ& ler ,Ijs situation _ i .... planl
CrQwI1$ wttI'I posterior por1ic& or crowns and Pro)(:;'
,ion panial The implant CfOW .... may be ce:MOIed <w ..
l ;ta .. "", /\but",,,,,, PoolS or $Cf&w will> lICL.O.
AboJt,,*,II. " lOCking attac!tm<>nl $UCh as the Score-Up i. """.
o",,,,,,Mod to;o;" the OnpIant .eeI.ons with the nalural oW!
monlS """,ns. An01h.., oplicn is a pootCriOf denluno
with UJd type alta<:hmenlS on 1he il'nplan!$
Option II 1 Implant Crowns with
The ;mplant crownS may t>e OVOf Tl tan;um
Abutment P<>sl. or $Crew ",tai ned with UCLA AboJtments.
CIl"'G'II .. ,ecommond<lcl to< !lie Titanium
AbuTMonl POSlS." locking att..:""'''''' such .. !he SCORE
UP is 10 jotn lIle implant sectic .... witt. !he
crowt\$ tilt ";l1\Q1 alXJlm&n1 crow"". T"" SCORE-UP
to"",. and prc"Ie"" re:rie\<abildy.
Impiant Componento: noni",., AblJIm(!(Il$ Po$l. SIr. or
Angled. UCLA AbuI,.,...,I$. AU.cl> .... ol.: SCOREUP
Option ' 2 Implant Crowns &
Precis ion Partial Penture
TO prOVide fA P!)$terior occ!u$ion, ,"""'anl a Of.'
cision wrth _m e"'acoronl a:taclvnem. made be
fabrlcal&d. A locI<InQ ar."""' .... m such as 1he SCQAEUP i$
r..com""",""" !O """ the il"f'l!)lOnt HCI:M< ",itt. l1'l<I crowns
ove, the .... tural al)o..tment CrQwn$,
Implant nan.on". Aho.. l..,..,,1S Pas", Slra"",' Of
Angled, UCLA A",tme''''
Attacllment.: Inlta<:O/<>r>al: SCOREUP
Option ' 3 Partial Denture with Stud
Type Attachments
A$ an "".rnative to C""""Q the impIa"l! aOlJtm""lS. SIUd typo
attachments be oonnected to the implants as ,et.nti""
elemems. A precis.,., demur. WIth rc$i l em lunclK>n
may be tabricoted. A w;de palatal strap for Itt.
<je.rgn i$ r.oor'Mllndl<l when POS$ibkI lor P!I'ient =mOl'.
The .:tacM1em lengltt i$ $elected to """"Sf>O<>d !O the tss.ue
Implant Componenl\r;' OallO Bona or OriS (Oflmg
._ ""'" _ .,., ._,,,, .... ... ,..,.,
........... .. ""' .... "' .. ,...,...,..
Case Design # 114
23 24 25 25
23 24 25
. ........... , "-' -.. '-' .. '., . _ ... ....--
0"""". "", __ ............ "' ... ""
Unilaterally Edentulous. 4 Implants
Tho roSlOfati " e opIions lor this UUo(!Ii<:m implant si"ll1e
Crowns Or b<dge or pat""'t __ ,0,loral"", in c ..... 01
n.". tissu, ""I&cI. The implant "'owns rnay be _
0\'9' n """, ... "'''''lmen! 0< scrc .. retained with UCLA
A.i::Lllmonts.!utgkod 1i Abulmems 0< wstom cast He"", VCLA
AbultTlems may be I'I8OIISSa<Y tor implant .
Option ' 1 Implant Crowns . Single
or Bridge
The , mp ll nt c,owns may be <"menlO<! o r Titaniv,"
MultTlent PO$IS 0< scr .... re:ai""" wi th UCLA Abu_s,
Angled To ADulmen'15 Or CIJ' tOm CIISIlie. e<t UCLA Abut"'"""
may be necessary tor diva<go>rI! implants. Set So-ews may be
usod ao an to oem&nlin9 ow" T1I3Oio,.m Ab"'mum
Implant Ccmponsn .. , T,taNum Abut",em Post. slraighl '"
angled. Noo-ha, <;d UCLAAbulmonlS 10< '>ridge, He,ed lICL ...
cylinders lor custom abutment$.
Option 41 2 Patient Removable
Milled Unilateral
Foe- ca"$ wi:h t igrilicam ',"ue doofec1 0< 00I1<I loss ,
",movable milled r$$torarion is iodicated. A milt< bar is con'
SInJCIed inoorpc-atng tce at>ulmon! cy1ince ... ArI>$,.I_
labne.nod '" lit ""or 1ho mi'led bar. Plur>goof af""*'rnenIS
",cI1 as lhe flal'lM< Arrl:cr "'"r be "'l$d It> !he _ and
po$01ooned 10 engage dOl\pI pr9parl/d on !he milkoc oar.
Impla nl ComJKInenl. , UCLA or AbWr>cnt CyIO'Iders and
Mlcto H ........ llncho.-. IPSO Clip RE, etc
Option ' 3 Patient Removabl e
Fa< case. .. <\1> ...... f>ta(l\ <Joe! ee\ a< bani! I<rM. a patiQ\\1
rernov3/):e is in<icatO<!. A milled bar is con
st, UC\td """'fPOIanng I"" atulmflnl "'JIin<je f1l. A mfl' AI ' !$eve
is labricatod 10 til over the mNIec:I ba, Ball Ar.ac:I>monlS such
as U10 A!Ioogf<l-OE 0< Slra:egy may be P'aoec! Ingua;jy. The
l,m1Ol' tltn'.tnl WOoO:l be incor"Po<a'''; In10 !he w ..... AIoek
SJcl1 a$ to. SwtssLoc Or Lew may be utliloo
10 look the "'Mor"tion.
Implanl Compone nlO: UCtJo. 0< UMA Abw ... "nts
... -... ... . ..
___ . "'_'0 ,"'" ....
Case Design # 115





AI , ""'-' ..... ""'''''"' """ ... """" .... N' _'" """'"" ..
"",""-. "'" ,,_ .... " .. .,-.. "" .... ... ""CO
Unilateral Posterior Edentulous
1 Implant
The r(!$lora:iv8 opt"'" for !his sillJalion 10_ a 08grno>n'ed
brIdgoo usinQ an in:,"coronal Ioclong attactvnenl ouch as Ih\I
SCOREUP. or.rod a:tact'l<nen! $tICh,..
"'" SwissSlo< <'l< $cre ..ejIOC. A pabOn! ",,,,,,,,able pMial cen
lure mav be an opttOl'l a stud anacn",em sue/> as !he
Dalla Be"" or ORS.
Option ' 1 Segmented Bridge with
Int,acomnal Locking Attachment
A S<>gm(>f\t(l(l <>Sing an In!,aoo:OI\3I attacI""""m
sue" as tho SCOREUP .na<hmecot mav be The
implant crewn " oy be made wr.h UCLAAI)t.Vne"l 0< Snaight
0< T_onium _. Tile implant .0CIi0<> may be
cemenl$:l o.er tho IilanlU"" ADLilmoM Post .. prO'/isionai
Impla '" Compon .... l. Indicated: S1,aOght '" ,I,ogkld Tolanium
Po,t or Non He.xl UCLA Abu'MOO\.
Altllchm.ml. indi .. t.d: SCOREUP
Option 12 Segmented Bridge with
Extrac:oronal Locking Attachment
A oegrr>e<l!od bridge usir'IQ art exn a<:oronal lt>c1<ing aI1acr.""""
SlJch as tI>e s... .. 6Ioc or ScrwBIoc aHachrn/o(I, may be Iab-
r ea1ed implam crown May b8 made WIlh Non-Ho.ed
UCl.AAbvlm .... t or Sna-ghl Or Angled Totanium Ab .. mem. The
Implant MClion may bo cemented ... h ",_na' """"""_
Impl. nl Compo",nt. Indlc. ted: S"oigh! '" Trtanlum
PO$t '" NonHe,ed UCLA Abutmen ..
$w:$$SIOC, Scr&w8l(:c. TBloc.
Option 13 Patient Removable
Partial Denture
A Patient removable partial denturo na, bo an ""'"'" "',li llng
Slur:! ..:1\ as the Dal & !!on. '" ORS. ""
Int'\loCOltlna l S..:t1 as me Bioc '" McCollum", an e.I' aco<onai
lII\a(;o",ent s uch .s the Of Allegro-DE may be "'cor'
into me Ccowo .l i ngual arm is 'e<:ommended.
Implant Components Indicated, Palla Oona. ORS IO-R.ng

.lttoc hrnontslntraco"",. I: B IOC. McCoI:um. PT-Snap, te.
Ext,,",,a,,,,,.I : Stra:egy '" AIIegro oe
, _c. .. ,_ ... "' ... ,. ...... ..... _ ..... ,_ .....
- .... .. ... ,..-
ease Design # 116
23 24 2S 26

23 24 25 26
16 31
17 32
. """'" .... .. _ . .., -- , .. ..,_ ..... "' -"""""-"
....... "" -: ;u>: ... '....,.,.""
Partially Edentulous . 2 Implants
11'1<1 ",.toralill<l options l or Ihrs S/lu&ltOn ;rlCh.xIe screw
r .. bridge filing 0'lI<l1 ...... Tilan"'"
ilbtJtrne(1I Posts, ai mil'" lelescooio brkjge utililieg Ih(l
SCORE- UP. or a pa,;enl removable d .... ture w' ", intra
coror><Il a_ MIS. mill&<! 1"'0'-;11 a'"", aoO stud (yp\I
altac/u"en:' on tho implants.
Option /I t Screw Retained
Telescopic Bridge
I"l'180$ on . 19 8 otZ7. Ih_cI8<I
.... ,al ' ubo of 1M Tube & Scnow att3Chm(!nl in ca.t into the
OOPings_ Tflo l obe & Sere .. metal coI,;, is cast ir.10 tho f nat
"roWl"l$. An alteroat:v. is 10 drii and lap t .... lemale Ih,,,,,Os
into 11>0 oop.ngo Tn. Implant (:r(lO,Ons may mace ... ,h
UCLA AblJtmerr.s c>r straogtr. or 0I'IQIe0d 1.I"'u", AhuI""nts.
AltllChm. nt. : Teo.. & Strew lin..".."."!
ComP<H'l*n1s '"dicoted: Stra og", "" "'ogled TtaniUM
!'sl' or UCLA. Abutmer.t.
Option #/ 2 Telescopic Bridge using
Locking Attachment
Tho SCORE UP attacl'lmenl. at. cu, ,nil> .'9 & ..... 7.1110
SCORf UP "malo may be ptaoed Int,aooronaoy into Ih/I
0,0_ or Ihe SCORE UP maltS may be i.", m"", and placed
e' tfllCOl'''''"lIr wi:tllhe lemal$$ 1ir1"O up$<:f (!own in ...
Iies .TIre tnploC( orowns "'"Y be rna"" Wl lh VCLA Al)r,Jtm.anlS
'" Straight or angled Tllanium AbJlm8<IS,
Altoch ....... ls: Tube & Screw Atta"Io 'IOnt
tmptont ComponenlS Indlcal":! : SI'aight or Angled Tlar>"",
POS'S 0' VCL.AAbJ""""1S,
Option 1 3 Preci$ion Partial Denture
with Stud Atlachment$
Srud Typo anad1monts OUCh as lire o"lia eon. or ORS
Sy.tem) are placed "",10 tM im;>13n", lm' a<::o<onal
"'<lCh:l'l9otS SUCh a. th& Silo<. Ike""'m. PT -SM!>, Beyelor,
e:<:. ir:<:Q<porate(t in,o lire "".:.1 <:If . 19 & '26, ur>g .... 1
. ' ,.,. "'0 ", ..:1 into lMlingualS 01 . 18 & 19. 27 & 25. wit h tM
Omega u attachment ploocod m ' I"O,""aI.
AUaehmen ts: ailor:. UcCollum. PT-Sn"" Bey,"". &le.
0""'9" U li<l te rp'o.oimal)
Implln1 Component. lndlcat",, : Oana Bona or ORS
lQ.Rrng Syslem)
r_r ... ' ... __ .. ..... ..... .,.,..,,.. .. ""
,...-.... ............
ease De.lgn #117
., . ""'" ,--"" -'" ,, - .. _., " .. , - -",--""-
e ......... .,,, ..., .... _c.
Anterior Edentulous. !5 Implents
Tilt __ ........... for II-. __ SCIe'<I'
_lItd or ...... 1IOd r.. Hg 5 Of . paJiwII ,."""'_ ,.."....
_ . lII1Unt aGMd may be...- """ I)CLI, AIIIln ..... or
""",,'I! 01 AngoIo<I n:an..m AbuIrr...... ....1Id UCl.A
Ab:Ai ...... "'at' be'- I1C ..-.... 1Om .,..., .,.. ....
fi ' pll-_ "
: ) . _ r ...... . ".J
"0. 'M ,_ar.on may bII ", ... _ miIIo<I t>/I,""
oddo_ _",..eo or ........- _alion
with oIIJcj 1111, ... 10,.,* an<! tonvuol arms be labrical<!d,
Option 11 Screw Retained or
Cemented Bridge
" __ may bo....-' ..... it
no! .",."'Gti bof-. loss. """"'''' 0 ..... may be..- .......
UCt.A _He..., _ or . "'IJ"C 01 AAgIod T'_
f.t:>t.o ......... , "',1Id UClA Abl. ........ may be ..- 10 _
<Ullom orqIt<! ,m-.ts nee" " ",\, TI>t bIkIge May".
ral.,.d w It1 Wlgu. Set Scr.ws.
Imp" "; Co_ems: Straight or An';fed TOIInoum Post. or
ucu._ ...
""*_" ,: s.t Screws I ."""'. I 6mm '" 2,Ornm
Option 12 Milled Patien'
Removable Bridge
F", =- _ ............ 11 bono _ _ ' $ 5 ".
___ bro;lgoo may ". ....-.. ee. T_ oeparalll Of
or. QOf'r'pl(IIe milleO .... rnado 00MKIIng !he 'lI'pIlIru abut
.,.,,11 O,",pMS ar. prepa<ed .... 0 "'" m t.d Ie ;>C(:tj)I
plunge< llI<O"h"""ts such ao !he Mat> Haml. """1>0<
Implatlt Componenl. : NO,.. .... '" Ucu. '"
_""0'" -... :ytndotI .
..... z . ",' ... ,". Micn:>Ho ...... -..... "'"" c.o HE
Option 13 Patient Removeble Bridge
with Stud AU.ehments
F", CN .. _ oigniIicanl bono _ . rttnOVabIe ",.101",,"011
will Iud aUa<;MIO)n!$ arid ling ... 1 at .... be ind.cal7
Siod type anao:Iim,,,,zs.uch as lire D ... Ilona or ORS.,.
.... Azd ""'" "'. OI"IPiaru SpIorCocI aow,," "'" m7e "';'h
......., ....... _mi . ... qWolcai ._ su:h as "'"
Omtva 111 ;0 pi..:! $ioogIo '" do,"" lingual
.......... ........... _ ......... ... " ...
Imp .. .., c: ' ....... nzs: 0.:. Bona go ORS (0IRir:9 SysWn)
-... _ .... nlt.; Omtoa-M
.. ,
,, _ "' .. _ ..... ......
,... ... .. -, -"-'-''''

ease Design #118
, ..


'''''''''' __ ' ... __ .. _
.. ' ...... ..
Anterior Edentulous - 4 Implllnts
The opIioo$ !<>r Un Slluat"'" _ . a oem ..
reta ned '" ce""'nted segment"" briOge 0< a pali.".. remov-
aoIe ,o"",ali"", ImplanT "' ",,",,5 may be made willi UCLA
Abtll .... lI!s or Slfaigh! or A.ng:oo T!ta"' ..... k;>.otml)fl1$. f10xed
UCLAAbu""""'$ may"" use<! to m3i<e CU$tom aogled .W!-
m""a """-"'SIIIY_ lod<lng "''' "sOO 10 connect
II1e abul .... n! . For ca .... .,,;111 sign.fican! bo ... loss,
a res:"'"lion is indi<;a'ed.
Option II t Segmented Bridge with
Locking Attachment s
Icnp:am c.<)WOo may I)e m.we with UCcA AW""'m$ '"
$traight or Angled T,tan,un Abut ".n(S. He. od UClA
may be "sed to make <",ttlm angled <lOOt ... "..
necessary. The SCORE UP IS "00::110 Itl(t P<)$\(!r00r
abo.tm<Ont$. An "lfaCOrQrIal l<:<:<iog alt.tt:tlrrHont sucl1 ... IhfI
SwissBlo<: 0< St>ew-81oc Os an oIlem.tive to !he SCORE-UP.
Implan1 Compone'l1s : Str'9h' Of Ang:ed Ti ra""'" Posts or
UCLA .but""",I .
AIUonmenlo: SCORE-UP. SwlssB'oc, Sc,_-BI<:<:. etc.
Opllon 12 Patient Removable
Partial Denture-Plunger Attachments
" potltln1 ,. "",vable '*' !II (!9n1u,' may be labr\caled '0 Ii,
ove, 0/ Ang'od Tnaniunt AbuI""'n1 PGS:S Micro
Hannes re incoIporatee into parl ....
tIontJl'8 to engage dimples inl<l the' IingouaI 01 1M
TitanilJrn Posts. The nguol 01 molar. mile<
w!Ih oylir,hool ,,,,,,,,,,,,"cts placed
Implant Component.: Strarghl 0' "r>gIeo: T"'nium P<>s1S or
UCLA atIoJtments_
Attlchment. : Micro Hanne. Anchor. 6 Joc. M:Crl 'I"m,
"""' "
Option Patient Removable
Partial Denture-Stud Attac hments
For 0.-with ' ignilic.1"l1 bel".. loss, " p<rlie:tt re""",""", par-
tial dennm. may be lab,,,.ted ";tn $:...:1 Altac"""''''' weh as
,he OaUa ao.. 0/ OAS {O-Rin!; System). H"""" ...,..,..".
are placod mesial)' 10 the trl' rr.<)l<l r. , Ros'" mo::h be "'. -
paroo iru<;rpro,imal a. "'" pmcalioo tM pIoogeri
Implant Compon_n" Indlclted: Dalla Bona 0/ CAS
(O-Ring &,om"",) anad1nenl.
Atllchment. Indicated: Han"... Anchor. Swi Tac
T.cll- EZ. e tc.
,- -,--.. ,_ .. """' ...... -..... ,.
Case Design # 119
.. -...-... ------... ... ..
. ....... .... "-,",,
Fully Edentulous 2 Implants
ThO. silu.1ion may be rE'$!o<ecI willi a J$m(IV_ "...:I
IjIpe 0< bar type """'''''''''''fl!. Al\;>CI\menlS wen '" the USlla
lona or ORS IQ.R.ng Syste<n) are OC'_ to It!e impIanl .
Tfle OAS nust be ,,,"'in 1 parallel _ IIIe
Dal .. Boo. """y be up to \5" d""'genl, A m."lIary , ... tor.
I",,, may 0& laJ:>r;ea1<'d ,.;th lui palatal or a partjill
frarneworl< 1Oi!h open l1JOae.
Option , 1 Stud Type Overdenture
sud'l as tile 6ol1a 0< ORS (Q.Rir>g System)
ate oc,.wee! to 11>0 implant . Tho ORS must bfI
with'" 7' parallel "hi.. the D;olla Bona may "'" up to 15 ' ..... ,.
genT. The malei aro ava:_ '" variousl'l8igl'llS CO"osp<>IIo.
ing to Ii< .... cjo,p:h. Tile dlst.""" lrom 1M lOp ol ,1>0 impto ..
to Ihe a"", 01 the I .. sue .. ""' ...... red to detem'Jle appropr;.
al. length lor Tflo maioo
Imp' on' Compo .... nt. Indica!od: Dalla Bona 0' ORS
Io-Ring Sy$tem) ;>nac'wnflntS
Option ' 2 Stud TYpe Removable
Partial Denture
A flInovab'e r9S1oration Wi th an open ;>alale may be lablOi:al
ed voi th a ... de palatal Simi>. A_. """" as !he Palla
flon. Of OAS (ORin\; or .... _ to 'he Implan1S.
TIte OAS at:a.chme'l1' JJ1U$1 00 v.ill'lin 7' pa<OIlel wl'lie lhe
DOlia 8<)"" may t:ol LIP 10 15' dtY"',""1. The male. IOrg avail-
able in ... ,cus COO"'e.poI'C'no to "SS"" <Iepth,
Impllnl Camponent. : Da'ia Bon. 0< OHS (O-Rino;J Sy*,,,,,)
Oplion ' 3 Bar Type Overdenlure
A bar typo o.O<d..,,,,r. IS 10 111 ,,1(1 IVpo 0_
oe .. .....e. A I)ar is l;t1)ricated iOinno tlte iffil)la<It$ 'OQetlte, 1Qo-
mulu-' suPPOrt, Sa, 8,18 ..... "" may t:ol _ to (M .. t
li1t-o, MOlal Aiders/Clips sI'I<>old be used on tile c .,a' "'"
e><lensiO<\s, TIte metal are "" .Iien! in tho >&<tical
d rectll)n w'>8n p<""osse<:t .. tho ilW'opriate SpeC'"', Pia'tlC
'" metal ClipS may t:ol pIloO&d anterior"y.
Implant Campon""t" UCLA 0< UMA Cy:rn(!er$
" .
... __ ,,, __ .. _ ..
.......... --"""'-
Case Design #120
23 24 .25 26
"-" .... ,-... ... ' .... .. --..... .. ,,...-,
00_>' .. ___ .. ,..' """ o.
Fully Edentulous 4 Implants
Till, ., .... """ ,.,. y be ,"1Or.cj "'til palien1 reToCV_ Slud
type or b type overden!ur . At.a<;h"'n!' ...,eII 0011.
Bona or ORS (o.A .. 'O Synml w_ tI II'Ie in'IpIaOl$.
TIIo ORS attad1rr_ mLISt be wilhin 7' parallel while lIle
aorta attachme,,:' may be up to IS' A bio,
two may utiLte IocIijng an",ct"unts. A m ... illaty
restoration nay boo f>lb<l(;IilOK1 """ , .. CO'<e<age or
PM;" d8t1,u,. h newo<k with OPen rugae.
Option 11 1 Stud Type Overdenture
A"""h"",nlS .och .. the 0111.0 eon. 0< OAS IO'Ring 5y.l .... )
are scrtrwOKl to ..... iIoplanl$. The OAS (lIIaCI'""" nl' ",LISt be
llrithin 7 ' pa<allol_ tn. Dalla Bo,. may bfI up to I S' d, ....
\IOnl_ The maie, a'a avail ablt in , io\Is heigt.l. corro'<IOI1d-
ing to ' &SCI(! d.pth. Tho <Ii,to"". l><'llne top of tile
to 1M orMI 01 "'.Ii ......... "" .... u"'" to <i&bl<rr.One lIPI)r()pfI-
ala leogtn !Or the male ole"",n: .
Implul CamJ><> .... " 1S IndlUle<I: Diolla Bona 0' ORS
(a-A og 5)'$'0")
Option *2 Ba, Type Ovardenture
with Locking Attachment",
A b\lr type ove'demure m;lV be .... utili:<ng """'''or
o IPS and distal e, wnsion Iod<iog anacl'lrr>ent1; $\.d> M
S ..... Loc or Lv,. to pre""", OOlai Itt.()ll. The
ame,,,,r cIip($1 provide a central p VOl point, .mil< the lod<.i"ll
ar."":'1'1$1'1!$ prov.,. .tability The bar is .. ""vee! QII>iINalJy 10
allow rfl$ilient hO"Ioa functior>_
l"'!>Iont eompone",",' Non He, '" UCLA or UMA CVI"dMI
AlIa.chmont., H_EOS Clips al'{j 11oos_"9S, C'-I AiOolS.
A<\<erMa...., CIip$. E)1C_ $wiss"'>C. l ew
Option 11 3 Bar Type Overdenture
A bo, tv"" """""'nlur9 is an alternative to !he 'tOIl tv"" O*.
oon,ure. A bar is raon,,",'''' [ .... III'IpIanl$ iOgofI, .... , for
m<Auai .uppM. Ba, e <l enso"," or distal _"""'IS may be
oOdcd to , .. 'st c.stal ih-o/l_ Mola[ AieI.IS/CIips . _ bi
use<l oro rlista[ Mr .,ktr\,;or,.. Pla$1ir: or motal clips may 00
plac8d sLlCh ... the Sn"'"'SI'. AlIeoJro-
DE or.o.sc 52 may be placed ""I'IIy.
tmptont ComponeRI. " NoroHe, "" UCLA or UMA Cyl,nders
An""hme<rlS: Kacle, EOS CIip ...,o HoIJ .. eM
""kormann dipI. 010 SU8teg')', A'i9Qro-DE. ASC 52
.,. ... -"", .... --,._ ... _ .....
... .. . .... <', -, """ .. ...

ea Design # 121



FullV Edentulous . 6 Anterior
This .it",,"on may re.tored with a bMg. anet proocis.,on
denture or a $ILX1lype '" bar type <MIrOef'll.,... A!XIr
ty;:oe overdo","", may utili"" roe;ong A ",""il acy
reS\Ofat"'" ma, b& lo1>ricale<l wi th tuIt pslatai """"rage c< a
pMi.., <:Ionture ffamcwor!< witr1 ' ''930. Anacl>mentl IUdr
a. w.. Dalia Bona '" ORS (O-Ring S,I:em) ... en
to !he bar OOsgn. The ORS mU$' t.. widjn 7'
parallel whi e ,he Oa .. flona arta(:l'lrnents rna, be to 15'
Option ' 1 Anterior Bridge and
Posterior Precision Partial
An amorio< beolge ma, c.mo"'&d .... Tolan...,. "-bulmenl
Po," or screw relaill\ld wilh Ihe UCLA Ab<Jt ",.."ts. H<>.ed
UCLAAOotment$ miry be used to rnaI<& custom angl<ld aIlut
me<>ts if """" .... 'Y. A proocis.l(III portiat o..n'.. is laori<;at8d
14 with re .... nt distill e'''''''''''' all;>Ohment1.
"' ........ __ w ......... _ .......... . _ ............. """,
CCo<I""' ''' ..... ....... . " ..... '-'-"
Impl3n' COmpo",""I' : Straight (lr Angled Trtanium Abut .......
Posts. Non-He,ed UClA '" UI.tA Cy:inO$r'$
Atl..,hme<>ls: DalbO. ASC 52_ SA Ancl>:>r. ORS-DE. etc.
Option 1 2 Bar Type Overdenture
with Locking Attachments
A type o.er-den'cre rna, be t.bOcated utilt<'ng ante<i",
dips aM disl. i e ,1<!rISoon k>ckong onochn-..".. wch ..s
S ... ss Loc '" lew attachments to pre.en, (li$lal ILh(>!I. 1M
.nteri'" <:Iip(s) 1""".,-. p:;>$II; ... ret.,...,..,. ",nile IhO k>::krng
anaeh""",,,, provide $lability. The ..... Is _.ed vaJly to
allow redier.l !linge tunclior\.
Implam Componont" NOr. Ke, +(I UCLA '" UMA CylincerS
Attach"""'I': HAdOfEDS ClOps and Ho\<sngs. e l.t R .......
A.cI<u ... nn clips. etc. Sw'osloc. Lew
Option 13 Stud Type Overdenture
A:laohments s uch as the Dalla eo ... '" ORS (O-Ring SY'''''''I
.f. st:nIweO t<) tbe Tn, ORS aMch",.."" must be
within l ' parallel w'oi!e ttoe 0.,. 3<on. may be <0 15 ' diver
n , males,.... a_a;rabie On heigh .. OOftespond
O"IQ 10 ti s",," depth. The dist"""" Irom the lop 01 the ""plan!
to 1I1e c rest 01 the lISSI) . .. mea rod t<) dO:",mine ,,!,propri
al. r'r'IQtn to< tn. l1"al .... montS.
Impl.nt Compone nl$ Ind lC8lft d : Do l a Bona 0' ORS
Io-Ring S"_I "''''''h .... '''-'
, ..
Case Design *122
23 24


" '"
18 31
23 24 25 2S
...... .....,. .L._- " .. ,_.. N ...... -''' ...........
OCOOo',IJj), ", __ "', ... ....... co
FuliV Edentulous 6 Impl ants
Tho .. 11Ota1'" op'-""'" 100' thio ... ....", incI"'" .,.,..._
tricIgI . btidge .-...... HI .......... a 0119"
,,-1)I'Idgot -1odUng -.-....... 1tIn<>opoo
ptI:.t>'ll __ btidga ct ,..,..,..., ...... A 1\11 po""
.....,. ... ""' ..... Trp ... should til rr.-Iot ""' -.
A ,.Iiow., __ .",_,on Of __ is...-
- ..... "'II . ........ ..,.,. lea.
Option *1 Full Arch Bridge Ae tained
With Set Screws
II 1uI_ or"", I!\a)' ........ not ........ ,'_
lou. Thebt .....,. beOl,'. 'edor .......
zonIaI MI ... _o. 2,5nw'o 10 3.Onwn "'_ .. ...,. ....
IifIIIuaIIo fo< ... _ lor S So . Tho pOI\IOriof
SaIA,.-..y "" .,...1OOd _Iy.
Implant CDmpon.."s: na""", ghI Of angIod allUt'l'l$l'll
poI'" UCLA IJ8> 1)0"" abLd""nt, I'rIIIy til ",cd 10 mal<. ....
1001 ..,0 .... abulmem.
Au..,,,,,, .. n,: SeI Screws . 1 ,emm or 2.Onwn Swoso

Opt i on ' 2 Segment ed Bridge with
Loc:king AHechmenls
A ""_ ,_ ....... .... 1 boidV<' rr.ay "" "'_ ... llOO<
iIIg "'1ICtW ... "'"'" ;l$ tho Sw uElb:. Se_BIoc:, tIC,
DQct NOnH8,Ood UCLA I\DoJI, -.1I Of _opr\aM _
tenooon cyOrodors il<e used Iu ,""'""''-, .... 1><.0;.. The Io<l\.
!rig mt""""''''' .:iIi.." a __ ocrow to ""'" 1ht SGg/Il9n:t.
I mplant CDm_nlll: NC)M" cd UCLA .-.oulnent$ or
_opoltlelissul._on",..,.,... LIMA
... , _.. lndIca,ed: S ...... lIDc:. Sc:t.-oo!Joe. T Sloe.
AIIL'_ Bloc. _
Opti on . 3 Hybrid Denture
"'" caMS wltl l.lgi_" IoU . h)!><id (IfnI"r, nay be
,.tIIICf.II.,. Tl-.. PC Wafer ""'Y be VHd!Q _ .. lf1Je! 1"" rr>(!ta'
,n . Th' PIa.llceast."", PC ,..,., .. rrIOdiHed 10 1"" ""..0
d.m-">nl _ re _ 10 M "....,. lhII or ab<Jl
rnem C',lir doll. Poe""""" _ w. _ b..orylie 1&1.,.
_ ItI(I ..... c.l$l. 1"" der.1r,.,.. INIh ....... n PI'" 7 7 F j !Q
zht rntEIII _ An """"" 1110 UN ZIII ""-I. 1j'W"'" ...... e
.pe 7.,1iI
' mpIon! Compor,,,"!o: Non UClA _"..,." Of
_ ....... 7t ","U. _"" e,Io _. (_ .. UIAA) PC
w_. ""-I._'IS
.. ... , .. - ...... -.... __ ......
...." ... ..... .. ,.
Case Design #124
" .

- ...... . .. .... --.....,.-
a_u:_ ... "' ....... ,... ....... ""
Full, Edentulous . 3 Implants
This O<tu.tIon may be MstOred wi th a patient stG<l
type or bill type Ol'e""n:ure. AIlad'Jme"ts ".JC!o as Ihe Dat a
Bona or OAS (ORing Systen) ""_ to f>e ""PIa"" ,
Tfla ons a:tachmenlo must be w:!l1in l ' pat"I'''' _ !he
Dan. Bona ua<:hment$ may be up 10 IS' divergent_
... t>aridip Iype oroentur8 w1th standard ,,",tal or
distal lodOng a lloch""",: ... al50 Indicated.
Option f1 Stud Type Overdenture
Attachmont uch a,th& Dalla Bona or CRS (O-Riog System)
.... SCfOwtod to ,"" ;mpt."".. The OAS at_na m .... ' ..
with" 7' parallel the Data Bona may be up 10 ""'tr-
gent. Ine mal" are ." Iatlit in vanovs oor,esporl(!.
in. to lisslJe cleptll The dislanC8 til<> lOp 01 ,"" im,olant
to the crest 01 the tis.u. il meao ... 0<1 10 <lete","",
ate Io '>glll tor ""' .. a19 tltmt<t .
Implant Compon.., " 1ndlcated' Dalla Bona or OAS
(O-Ring S)'$ta<n) $"achn,,,,,,s
Option 11 2 Bar type Overdenture with
Locking Attachments
A Mr typo """""'"hire may be labricated utilizing anle,,,,,
ctps iWld C.S1&! eXl...,SlOf> Iod<iog such a s 1he
Swis.ux '" Lew a.t),,;rune'u 10 d.$"lI 1iII-oII. The
a nte, ,,,, c kP($1 pro_ """,,.. ,"1&nbOf>. wh,'"' 1r>11 lOd<ong
proo;ida The ba, is rei ....s , ng/'Ial;Y 10
allow ' es.Iier>1 tuncl on.
Implll1' Component.: NonHe,ed UCLA '" UMA
AHachmen1o: HadOr EDS Clips M(I eM Rio"".
JI.cI<t,mann cIIp$. el:;. Sw.$$LQ< . Lew
Option *3 Bar type Overdenture
with Distal Attachments
A ba, type may bo labrioale<j "I> 'ing ."'_
dips aoo M,..I ........ ion ar.ach...,.rors s"'" as tho ASC 5.2.
SA -""doo<. el<. 10 '-'H1 ds",' k'\ . .,...
An option is to "&0 Mir lIannes /I.rI(Il<)r$ 10 engagoe lin;uJl
Implant Componen' s: Non'Hexed UCLA 0< app:opria:e no.,.
aM",.nt oytinclers
A1toehmont. : Ha<)trEOS arid HOO$i"",. eM Ride<l.
JI.cI<t,rnann ciip$. etc. ASC 5.2. SA .o.ncl>or . ....
Str oogy. 61<. Hannes Ancho,
_c_ ......... , " .... ""_ P." '"
...... ..
Implant Section
Implant Procedures page 155
Implant Components:
UMA page 177
Btanemark Compatible page 186
IMZ Compatible page 200
_ ITI Compatible page 210
Integral Compatible page 217
3i Compatible page 228
Lifecore Compatible page 232
Paragon CV Compatible page 234
Steri-Oss Compatible page 245
Auxiliary Implant Products: page 259
Tools: page 260
Glossary: page 265
Index: page P8G
6 IrnpI_nt Seetion
Cl.mpeti)okty Chart
Dent"'. kro:tao It$ In!tQ(IuCtJOn
Techn/c.I ___ m ___ ..
"'plam Poocedo.r'e1
eu.a Y$ lno.ree: Mcmod 01 FtQlon
Songla Toolh ROC:'ac __
l elelCOPc Reeon$ln.lCllOnl
o,erdeilhA Ballype
A, Cd OeI!ICNDIa HojtIIod OenMt
Stud T)'?'I OVIIId')'!l!U<e I Dalla BonaJORS
Relent,... HHliog Cap
CAL Passiv<! Tectnlql.le
Implan! Ma.nlenance Guidelines
Ordell"ll RestQJ 31;V<) Implant Compenents
Impl.nt Component.
UMA System
918t,,,,,,,,k Compatible IAiZ Hed(1
S/flfKJss HfIJI .... oc, /fIC.
IMZ System
ITI Sy$tem
Imegrall O-8uMt"'1 System
30 Syslem
l.Jecooe Fle&lOfe and Susla.n Systems
P .. 3QOfl (eor.vent) Syswn
St.n-Oa Sy$ltm
Imp'.n' Product. ___ ____ ..
",,",,"-y ImpI,", f'for;Iue1S
Boo> TOfQ System
LTJRA DrMIf System
Indel( _ ______ -.
FOf a compklle hstng 01 spee;flc ,mpllIIl1 components and
P3ge to InII maon IndeX the back oIltIe ma nual
Restorative Components Intro
- CCMPIObOl ResIora_ ... ..., IJebw .. It :hot SIeri-Oss Hc>-1..oc. 3 8 ... 4.5. RIo_ Ft:>. ft .
', _ CIoI'Iy 10 11'11 Fe< The ..... "a 01 !he ... _
- .e.JCl..,O, co .......... ("'"".175 UClA.buI- "laY diller bUI h: 1iIt. ........ '..,. ..... irr.......,1 "'"z ...
....... ..., 1InAIOO) k:. 11<-...... AP .....,.o.ol>e_ _co ..... 0 .
Ultcort Paragon C'II Sten-OiS
, .
! t

.. ..
.. .

9ran' rk IMl ITI
, .. ,.," -__ , ... _.iF "" ' ..... ___ .. 11)5
,....,' ... _,._, __ ",,_ .. .., __ co

.. .
. , .
, .. .
.. ,
I ! .
t ...... ......
9 Dental Implants Introduction
U.e of Denta' Implan'.
TrIe of (\0)(1\3 , rnpl3rr.S 10 prey,oe $\JPI)Ort Ie< repracemenl 01 MlS$"'iQ '*'" ... t.ooome &'I """""Ar'
C<rnpo'lenl rr<><Ie<n oent""y. ""' ... ,"I 01 a<lYance. ,n on ""Pili'" mole"." ...,
1<lC1'ln1Q"", Irle u"" of 11>0"" ,.,.,., ... Ms ""'''' .... d oramalIC/IIy ,n II>e past 10 year. and is 10
expand futl"'" in I .... futur" M",' y types 01 .,..,pt.nI. "'" ""'" 10< ",Slor"g d' II"'8n1 01""".
ca .... , and an "'""""""'9 ",.mile< 01 denl,SI ha",,!>oc<>mc irM;livod '" lh,.lo<m oi Ircat""m. II i'laS
e.wna'ed tnat lhe ",eral n""'t>/u 01 """\1.1 implanl$ S\3'" na. l","rlOle
and "'" <>umbII< 01 pn,chl"""", whO P@l'torm""PIan'lh"'''P'f''''' ""'",,,".,, ",nloid II is esl"",,'ed INI
"""'. tnan 500.00'.) dental .nt>! .... ts ",. "ted """",,aly n :ho St.les Growth in
' . "Ila'"", o/so 11 Eu-opo M",oco. Solen America 800 Au.
Rate of Edenfulism
Thll ,.to oj in t .... U",'od Stales r,II',,", ""","<110''''':8.
boo" " 1'eI""Ie<Idous redUCI"" in coronal <10", .. 0.0,.,.. dLJIirg I"" past "",,"'" _aocs, mo. impo"""""""
os <>VI""'" rna n'y in II>e """"'9"' segmer,!s 01 the poputa:ut, with ,ndMduaI. rNef 35 year>; 01 "Q<' s:
$'>O'tIiing oigli'icaf11 p<.v8' 8<l"" 01 fyl l '" parMI edenIuI,om. ACCOI(j,oll kl the Nal "",,' Io$Mule 01 0"",.
$ (NJOR) nac'"",,1 of 0Bi heaJ'h oon<lIJC'iJ'd an U.s. omp/oy!?<I i>du/1s and senOors "" end-
,ng rroJn,purpo .... n or C8<l1!)r" .pp!ox """.Iy 42 JJe<cent 01 Arne'oc ..... OYer SS vearo 01 and .,er-
cenl oIlhosoe 35 '" 64 yeats oI8QC OJ" lotany C<1MtLllOu,.. I""",, "'"'" M re.,. wl.n "' .. h .... ,..
lost an 0 __ 01 """,,!han \0 of 28 {""rh. 'tIC <!en:a:e peroons ages 55 10 64 l'iave 10m ""
ave'JQC 01 0 01 28 !e<!:h. n."., ll>ele ore m."y n {!i",d",,' ., 1h" (l()()fJ\'Y "'""0 coold conce"abl'l be<ief,\
from Mntal
Seneflclal AltematlW'e
M""V _n:ulous Inc VIdual. ca" bo W .... le<l '" oomp ela I<;>1iL",,", """",,3b1e <IO"'",n. or
lixed I)rldgC$ """"'"",r tr"fle P'O.Ihe ... "'. "'" s.:islo<IOry lor ... gniticanl ",-,""M' 01 OndMdual. whO
have '0., Ihe POrtions 0I1he led Slffiply caono! """'''1/'> orOSI""S,' "' ...
MediCally c"",,pn,rroSe<l ."'<1 CIOr1OOl prnp!M"'y "'<lsi ""to foo::I MO<8ove', 'nere $trorrg "" oence that
$"t>ston\.1 __ 01 palll'1$ p<.' e< il'rplaoUuppcrted I"OSI""'" "'"'" 0011 lIS""" oupporlC<l prosl_ $
R.s.arch Advances
Ae-s8"CIl .. in dentSI irro /\ave Ic: d to 1h<l <kvcloorrent 01 s","er", d,lIe"",, Iypes 01
Imp'ants. oM I! IS ..,,,,,,pa:e<l ,n., O"":,.,oed wit ' ... d 10 ""Proved t;lev!ces At >"cscn' CO<l' n-
U<KI ""_I()n is r..ees.aty 10 dele,,,,,,,. Inal apooopna:e irnoIBn' """"'''" am aya<lablot '0 m."tt'ho I>8r
tia'ly Md fcMy OO<)n(oIQu$ '-<I, 01 pe1le<l1S
... ..-"...,,"""-"': _ , . ,,_ .... .... 156
"'-,",.""''''''-'' ''''.- '" ""' -""
Denhl Implants Introduction
What ia the evidence that impl.nt. are e"edlt/. lor In. '0f?!iI 1. "",1
C<."..., ot $UOCcn v.-y WIth 01 .onI ..,.Iei'" n . 1 ... 001"'II_ orlMl types \If
... JIIan!s 10' ......" ....:x:.u COMea and ""COoIoC:<"IO _, bill <I fIeoert F" .... "iO- lOr -npa" ..... _
P"CiXf rcoeofCh <In (JnI1o" """"""....., (, .... _ 0.-00. c," .. ,I.d Irla',) "" ... noo _
11 ........ """'" couI<I rOIy oonc'-'tle !hal,.,. .. is ,",'00.,., I""" ""_ 01 COIN .. ,'"""-"'IM_
"""" SI"",iIic types '" _at 1I"I11>iOn1 .... _ .... 1<'0 by ck_ns a'P'I' " ,..,&d trIe 'flI*OI"" leo;,>-
f"to.Jf)O n large propc<_ 01 -npttnt. , _ in pI_ for por""" of 10 l"''''' '" ITa.
FuI",e""",, _oes 0IU<Iin _ cortorm 10 '<lI """"'0 ro-.,.., iplcs
A. Po iYOSPtIIVe ,ta_ 01 *''-'''"1'"''"'* .... cte31 OO' .. tMOP" ... 01 OUCCH6 Id 130U0 "" ....... ILia.
e. Po <lroocf"""" oIt"" 11Idy and cr ..... lor oeIoo:.,.,
Co Scan<W<l<totir Ir> <1M .... "" 01 ....... 0UIC01Je C' I I' ....... '" p.....-uoon 01 on
_lily ....... 01 ___ oert ... _ _ .....
D. AdeQt.oaIe $-.:)Ir; ....... teI tor <1M ._lteI __ "'" ........,.., <>IN 1\UI1V
E. Conc. ... '''IX'''-.golro ..... orttreOf'.
f . Re " .. "d. ,....fI<Im ..... oI_Of'''' .............
O. 00cu"-0en7...,., .... 10 _ rI..en Ia "..,
N. u..otm-earcil$<l--"r'IQ'r ... ' ........ <d.>(long ,fil_
l. lo-nollng 01 'HuII.1r> pop.., .......... Ir> N' 011"" .....,., 0If\CW II'"Ibt .. ,""'"'*''''
""'"0 I ......
What ate tile Indica'",ns .nd c onlr.lndica'ions 01 various
0.-10' may oe clan I"", by type .. endo","",-",. sub""'''''"" n'lOIoIcn .. ,.......:<:4111.
.... _."'" and tx>-">e suOstoI"'"'" Tho <l1llI,,.--I-.I W , bill on ,-. brsI """" IYJ* T_ am ""
sut>o"-"OeO as "' ....
A. Eo .... ,0",:
a Roo: F"""
u _0:-1""'"
:::J _F,_
e. S,t, . ,_:
:l Cor "",""
J UIIa:eroi
:l Ci-<: ........... 'a
e, Tr..-1H1:
J Sng .. p,
:l MoApoepon
For 1<'''11"1'''''' silC<:ftsM ,..,_nc. of all MM-' /yPft 1M /oIlowlflg '.cIon
-.IdNC"" .... too..,:
A. !lcmale ... ..
II. Bi<:<rechan c.
c. Otrotal e 'uat"'"
o. MtdlCl .... _:JCf'
t. S-'ll'eai reQUrf ..........
, . _ 'g '"
H. l __ aoorv /aIJr"""""
I . Po.Ir_ .... _
............ ,_ .. _ .... ,. __ ... "' __ ,., ___ .... 157
..... ,_,_."" '" ... v,."",
Denta_ Introduction
Al l practitionerS """*"<:d '" p<'licnt ca'" shoIJ!tl t>6 kt>(M1&C19'!"""" "'(III,<I1flg 100"" lac:ors ar>d I .... '" inte'
rela'O)rlshops Sland",ds 01 dental practJee """"-"'.I IoIlol'MIQ cOIlu .. ndicaM". for II'e
_ "" ... cale\jor"" 01
A. 0""",,.,,"'11" """"",,rOOed <I .......
D. PreonMCy
C. lAck 01 odequo,e ''''0<'9 01 pr.,:!,' '''''''
D. COIldiIiMs. d .......... or U .. 1mCflI ihoI ..,....,..01)1 1'IeaI./lg_ e.') ation therapy
E. Poor "..,."'1 ....
F. P!;ydmnc cIiso<defs that OllOrlere pal""" _ar-.;t r>;I at'lO oorpl;"ll'lCe w:h necessary
O. Ur",aIi.tic patient o,pectatlOlls
H. Unatl",nable pros:tlOdonUc """",stn>:;tIOIl
I. Ina:> ''Y of pat"", to "",",age oral
J. P", "'" hypcc""""iWlty to .oecitlc e<;mp<>neO!. 01 the "'pI.1lI
Indications: . ....... ..
Wltn indica:"",. tor a spco!ic implN1t typ&.:he t>or>e ..-vadab 0 10!IUppOr1 tnt impIalll me PI'
." ""Y 'ac:or an.., pr<>&lho<1o<ltlC <!Iag"""'s trea',"'"' plan T ..... tlOM! ne......-eo.' WId:h, IIeoyhl
Iengtn, .",,1OmICaI coni.,.... and oon$ity Tf'IC$C cal arid analomical laclors may 00 aI:e,od by
eo/ItI8f O$\&OPlUty or aug"",n",""" of tI"H! """'" In .oo ,m. o"'e' Io<tors a/I"",lLr>;I ifl(!ical"'-"; I ...... 0 a n!
Iype at. 100 00gree aoo location 01 !he od""tuIo\Js areas
Indlo. ,lon, la, type .'" _011_ fI<>w:
:l Aoequala bo..., 10 ""PP<>'! lhe implant Nth ",(II'" .'<1 I)r!lng PI'"""' Y <1"'''0$''''''
:l Ma>. Ihtry and rnaooi llu!a, ,",en
.J Comp!eI.1)I or pattiory ectentulrus pa!",n",
B. ENOOSSEOUS, (pllIl. ) krrrn:
:l I\oeOu.lle bone 10 S<JppO<t I'" ompIanI",' h W>dIh ""d length tr>t p< 'J'Wy ccnce,n
:J Mand;outo, arch local,,,,,
.J edentuloi.J<; patient>
a Adequal. onl.,;ol !>OM to SUppOf'I th e ,mplant WLlI, w' <Im ond """Qhl oO"'Q Ihe PrI","'V
drn"",,,,,, cI ccnceJr'
a Mand,bula, a'eh loco)""
U CompieWy &den:ulO\J$ pallentS
D. SUBPERIOSTEAL. Complel un;l. l,.,a l. e;n;umf ....... U.I :
o of bone b\fI W';h 0<Ir>qt .. t"" .. 1'>0 ;mplant
o aM"...no arch local""'"
U Completely ano ed .. ",,,,,,,, P"..ms
o Slab., bono lor support
E. TRAtfSOSTEAl. Slaple. sf"9le pjn, muHlple pin:
o AdeQu. ,e ante' 01 !>one to supoor\ tho rrp ani w,l, 1'110\10 one ".'gn, M,ng ,ne prlmory
"mensions of c,"""em
o ""'ttI,ior m"""'llu!a, arch lOCation
o Cor."""""yand pa" 31iy edentulous P/f l
.. "" .. " ... .. ....,_ .. ... _ ....... '_A'_... 158
.""" .... ..." _ _ ,_ , .. , "b' "'.'" _c ..
Dental Implants Introduction
Wh"t lire 'he r .... uirem.nt. ,'" surgic.', r.stofati". and
periodonlal m"..,.gement 0' patient. with cIental implanls?
r M Impllml lum. Impl8nl Is dt!IlvI ln .. _ .... y.: __
A. By teams of dent", ,n wl"oicl1 one or31 ""'9""" or 1tlC NI
oxompononlof tho ,'l'IP1aO! .nd 8 proolhooor"," '1_ OO-r ... t8Chn"""" p&rlo"m "'" pros
t""''''' """"""'"
D. 8y ;ndo",dual..,plafllOlog,sr wi,h e.,""""" ",.;n;,-,g", t>oth the .... g;car and prost...,.""
""0 "",r",m all Ospec1' o! the in conjunction wilh a .,..,.,.al 'eclln"''''n
C. By II"n8" dentists ""0 may P8'tOtffi both CI)rllp<>oents or tho COFlp<>"",,' O<Ily .nd
""_ "0"""9 n ""pt_nt lechruque. moy ,"y ,-.;(.,Iy. The poootMt" "",onOl,cc,,,,,, """,'d I", pa,
formed by a quai';ed derr. .. le<:tinIC,an_
Mflimal na ha. no! """'" pt<!C<..ry M"""d but '" that "'" ,no yotiOlltm tho
"",giCIi lre_t pnase t>e well p,,,,,,,red in ooceple<! surgICal """t"rOO0Io9ies The ",.lOral"" <>enltst"
aM pha.e. of ..,. """"",Tn., ctJon and !he _I !<>eM"'.an in the I"",,,,atton o! "" impIa't aopllance
What are l he healrh rislr.. 0' d"ntal implant.?
There..,e ot ea" """ ar&aS '" wr.ic\l tho 01 pal eo! 'IS< should t>e con."jee<! onclo.>dio-.\l
''''" a.",<,,"oo W1!h the ""'gory and/Or """stI'l<>Soa. psycr.olOglCBl ,;oko aOO rYIl!<lica' r ..... , RisJo.. asooci
8'00 ""th 1M ..... glcal m:oy inclLJded 'Ma.erter1t pe'loral .... 01 the ""sal "'''''", 10<3 a-d sy'.
ternle ..,fect"", and n,,,"e ,n, ury B.,t"", ...... (/01"y rre<t.,. h story''''''''''' .,., ".k"" to ""a ..... ' I"" h,sto<y
01 the oroo em cruel co-nptlll'll$. A _ 01 cunenl $talus 01 ' '''' pa'""nrs 0' .. "" .ystems
shoe 0 oe trade .
,,"d $peCial CQnS d&e-a:.on. g ""'9 ,arm mort>idirv cone ...... , r&quir."""",. 01 manu
a doxl"' ''y aM COPing SI<JIIS_
Psychological S'''''SOfS """ mot"aioonat tOClor, "a"., 00..-. shown to' .n'I""''oCe pa".,ot 'e.po<><;<) '0
'''''\/C'yar:<l long term will> oral h>fIl"'oe ma.ntonarce, Thew S!1%SOf$ """'do t>o:h l..--n ...
nd SOC '" laclt:<. such as jO'tl oal .. lac,,,,,,. I""neia! ""us anti heal'" concerns Spccrt"
montal C<Yla lions may p,ycholog,c3I inTer_t"", to ... ,,<1 ",:1\ patrerd C()()pt!Oation """ ,atlSlac-
1,00, In<h,dua, V'"Jh ... sive """""<; concerO$, dopressoc<1 _ . .,.,. an<! spec." """,,,cal Ie...-. er pro-
,ieus "egalrYe medical or denla experience. $hOUld appropna :ely eyalual ed. Ral"'ive
OO'l,<"ndrcatlons 'nc'u<le wth D'ycIx;>IOC "),,,,p,,,,,"loI09'l, "S!>IIC,.ty roqu'ing psych<M1OpiC
"",I cabn; .no fIM'\II,,,,alion lisorderO 0' ClVonic pain where Medic .. symptctns a,. ex"'''''
M in lhe ab.....,., 01 011,13'"" e, <Iencit, TOOacoo us .. oIoohot Ot drug <Iepotndoncy m,.., """".,e ... o\h
good r"OJ:r;,;on 0' c",,"piar>ee 1CQI"'"mCI\,.
' hat may "'''''' IrO'll impIanl may .""Iud<> pain. _ .-.g. SP''''l;h prot>
lems arxf g .... . l<>"g ' .. m pro!)'tm$ may ncflXi-e ""rve ;xall)<>nO Ios$ aI<3Cart>.at>on, nl'P"'
ot"""$, lOCal or MCl&".' Inloen"" aM onl"","ou. e nooca'<ld IS In su.cep:rlll<! "Id"oauar .
... Ih<>O& ""tn Dooy pa<l "'place"",,,,. Natural ""1"11"",,, may be c""'prom.ed
ra alec to rwM,el<>n of """ Ih <isJo.. r-.:><!(1 to I>c """' ovously a"",ssod I>clorc the .... g;car OOCi
",on iMplMutuo . du'ing th<: lcmporary walT"'Q per od on<! al &-month ",:eIVal. thrO.gMul the Ioi
low uo ponod. R.' &1:>18 anO void Slanda,di7eo measu remenl' seno,t,,,,, '0 t>u4h p.ychOl<>grcat ",,0
pI\ySOCa! tacto'$ .ho<Jld be used (0 OM(l.nec COMI)(l. r",on "''', ... storlies.
__ <-_'''
e' __ >ti>' ___ , .. .... _co.
9 Dlngl Implants Introduction
Willi' lire t il. ,,,h ... directions for resellrc" on mllt.ria'. and d ign.
0' dent., implant$ lind on cliniclIl mana"."..,nt?
M.lerllli and o..ig".
1#11a1 ".."."'" have rMrry CO'1'I!"'""oQnS W1d ",.Me, ManJI.clu"ng p""'_ng
l"-cIIrC"" ..... riac ... n I<JOIlo WIIj'II To be4',", coni'''' c"""" P'01ooo1s, char<>C1e, ,,,"IoI>"S 011_ ...
lAC .. ".u,.,., jJI Ion !Q"' .... f,om I .. mp'MI may .,fl u"""e (bioeoe'PIMC<:) To
ocl\ie"" "."'" cOO"4)lele 01 ........ "'pons& to 1M mp'l'll W$IC e. po"" ..... '"
p/'!ys.oioQy ow! tlioio\Iy ""'"' D\'namo: 0Iud!e." atlOr""'Y 'f'lll'lait; 1100 ON>. C ".
Olhe< frat .... "' ........ onI "'_ """"Y ....... in1'1uonce 01 .... 1..,. "'_"""" '"' ... ellot> '"
0< WC<"Il 01 ' ....... :0 I,.. ow! the allie' 01111''''_ coJpIM "Ow I ng "tor..,.,.. St,,,, .. ""'"
,.. PUit>IO.OI< S I 01 01 ""01": r>iI:e< .... al the nAC& "'" _,ace _ irt
_ : ': ,.., '" <to'MTI .... ",.. tign'_ .... 1. i : : I "' , tt>1OlaC Iy, fr ... 0< Coa:'OO;-'O/y
s-c i 7 d: _ ... 10 <to, ' C'......."... and mctM(I(OOgy '" a 1(100 lOt Deoo;tH)IA
oono augIIIC"WIO!l TM onI_ """bee INIUlcI bit ........ ., """,acICI Ie -.-.c _' ..... _
.... _'0" "Ihc por, ""'.,. '"'11'0" .
... "''11 r. lacttn """""'" '" tt. <l1li17' cI an """'_ .. "" 'c<co ..... ' _"18'11 prod..cc<l "-""II
"'Q 1M cyt>amor; .... _ ... 01 0/Iifi,"O''''' lfot POIC'Ianic., ow! .""",,,,,1 po"""," 2 Ii :hi il'OaNH e-
....... """"'" to : ... ,,.., iJr'"",,,,.,.y, __ oaza en ..,., _orr"", ... _cCtc_ S.d'I .........
ben _"" "" el" c ent OX$tg<I 01 ir>p!o,r!ol
Palionl C"nside.-alions
Cor>$ioor "Q 1M! I :1\(1 .-._ 01 1he pa11ef1U :-y-. to d ..
""". 01 ""'"".,"'" d ....... "" ,.'o\oOllVllll Of "'PIli"' ",-"ccu ,"'os 10 the pal",na .... 1<), '" '
iIy I<> """" c be O1ud,.", A 10_ do, .-crt OOIh Ihe 8"" C""""'<= CO' Icng-tem"
"""bid I .... may,.,..,. m:m "'!CU !yo.1 '" mpia''IiI.
1"- OUllIoe;ln<! <>aloe"< S _leo Ie ...... 1 ............. ___ """"..., _:Ie PlIoO"" orl)olO'l!

TI\(I riot, 7 Y) PI(7Io"*' II ..... ", ... _ 01 nI Con$en$o.4 C<oN...ce 'lI' :hI
_ .. "'_SU"'" d liM ...
Need technical asSistance?
Sar<l )<11,1 qc..,.,.,. \!ill __ f>'
cal ... , IOCI'Y'CI """"",' """_
- _ .......... ,,' ... """""
" ...... , __ ...-..... __ , __ ... .......... t"t._ 180
0_ ""', ................ _ ""',,.. ...... '"
e PI.llmlnary Implant Procedures
Clinical & Technic.1 Procedure.
lhIlo""",-.g Ie.<;! oro.. c DIo ,.".".d pta to ......... "g ...... , 1M '"'" 1 ... , 1"1<1 Il1>0<.>.(1 DIo ..... """
11'-<100 ... ______ oe _ .... 1O'd I ... i .......... 'ho' ihII Meton CO" tlrecl ...
ndirflCl mel"", (;_, DIo ,-.....:;I pta "iMtng Ihc ' <>01"'"1 .... A _nIuI mfllI ..
'""""., .... elope"d' ()'\ IeaTWOl'k
Preliminary P ... toc:ol
1. 1a1o.f18 'uII r:>uth ' MiOgrIPl'l. "00"<.>\1"'1'" '" CatScan.
2. 1 ........ make ... _ , .... 1&<" 0 1.
3. MOOJ!'IlIhc ... O<IeII Tho ,,"""'"' _ t... .......... '" oy "" .... """'" dOI""t a.-.j tech_
fOClO<* U .,..r, o)n"C01SOOI\ .... '""'101 !)(:one. b;w CUI\.O.t.CIOtl<Y" . 00Q0t lyjle P"I\X IIG !(!$lOll
ton. Itt _ be con.dwl1O r.::IP ""<:<Ie _10 .............. 1)"pII an(! P<l'oIion 1le"'10 ihII Cleti<aI
irro.ants-""'"", ........
Dla"nollt ic: We I...,. ____
1. <111'"'.'1 .... 0/ ..... 10 ClO""51'JCWI CO" "'" ....,.,.180;1 'WOY n._..
2. _"o .. ooct.. ...... 0SI1>Otics r'IItW ... "'I'"'Q ....
Aadlographlc: Correetion -n-a,
1, A c oas.op aN! 0/ 5Ienl ..ttl e.m" DIoI 0.."'111 onIet rIIJn1be! , oo.coooso UN<! 10 o;ItIe .........
"" (I.sto,hon Iac>O! ." ........ ..... Oo-ce tI"ie "'1"oOO.r"' cI d stottion .. _red an "'plant
'10. opp<"",oate Ienglh oro:;! (II""' .... c .... bt MItCl+::l
2. 110.0 ... ".,:1"", ,'ay may be """'" 01 GOIo:I cu'I ,,,,,t cur, ct v;lOu ...... I ... """, .... tlh'.I. Tho ,,;Ii
_'"'II' .'e sectKc<I "';,10 ",,')ltc, C)"OaC-ylII1e Of <lireclly voc"'"" 10;>0, .... <1 ...., 'ho oco'CCl>On ".y r ....
d'""g ..... 'oc " """0 '" The pabC"''' 0''' ""' ... nI/IV oe CUpka:O<I in CItIot a;:,yIic ... " UN<I b' .....
I"" oa _."'IIS ....... .-..<1 in :N ,,0"8CtIy " .... " ".a O'QPO$tc .... ('l
3. Tho .... "'" and oe.-ong . i-o'II(Ie is Tho dISC'"<>aney IOu..., II .-0 """""
.,..'"",., o1i$WYlon 11iCtO!. I"..mag,o 01 'ho oone and by I .... <10Sl0!1lIY' '-".
........ , D'Ie ""*"'1 ...,. 01 ihII ... -"'U II 5nwn. D<.o """ .... ago mnsuo .. 6rm". tho <IISIOr _
_ .20% n ,hal" :.0 l .... 'lid ......... '
Sl a .. ls -::::::-::-:::.
I . A _ a::tyIc own: (loiAoog can be ........ "" IJo.>1j8O"" OUt"",\! ...... no..
elM< dup icaIa ........... ,..... lo;t tXWroo:::on ...... a SO ... _ aile, JIO DIoI _""'"

2. ,.... "'"'I/UOI PO!''''''' 01 r. _I ground _ 0<18!"'" "1\(11&'" Ie (II l1li.''11 ,,,. IIIC .. _ . The
.............,. 011"" '1eI" .. 'ell iJur:t. Tho .:en: .. r.<1<ilIZeO ..., "_ 8$ , <lroll<Jg guocIe
3, K na:,uI1O<l:h 'cma." I CIN' eM be "'a<IC IhItt ,.,..,.,obl< "" bIe patWI 110&
...... , ""'Y aIw bot ma"" to '''II on ",., OO:CIoAaiI 01 tho ' &rnl ninQ 1eem IQ ''4lPO!l tho l,ciRllhlI &b,al
to [1'10 i",.,..n, 0;1&1.)
Implant Pll ce menl
1. _ 10 Iho> r.pIaot roo",",":""'" 0 _ P''*'''''''.-.-uo. 8r"I<I rteaTrTIII'Idl'OI'tI!co" Ir. frsl a-d
&8CO""<1 5IaQe .... ge<y
/10,.: lc ..-npIi'Y"'" to reduce ""'*-'" ..,., ",ill"" ompIarot ... "SO, .. ....., ""I!lt 10_
t"1 UMA .ys:em... ... .ension wiIh. ... ....... ac" ..... _ 10< 0'\"It!"y
r.ptan:. All ' ... or. ..... ...... an.o:I I00I0 ....... nl."' ..... ege.O. 1 ...... PJy ",(IuOi-O
""'" ........ 0:;10 , .
.. ........... --,-... - .. ... ""'..............
...... "" ........... ... ... ..... o.
o Direct YS Indirect Method 0' Fixation
Mode 01 FI llon
One rJ" h ili oec.",s I'" ""* till "".-........, PfItIOIrTWIQ ..--1 'toOIOOO''';'
oon "1I>e.-.:xte 01 r ...... loOn 10 IhI lroo. ... ,,,,,.we may tIII"_ 0...,)
I<>II>e ... pI,>m (AI ( ... _ 11) Ihe I..CI..A at Ie ., ..."neo
I U'AA f'I,IO I ....... e' ......... AbUImCnl.l!ic. (8 ",>1 _ 1
I ". doer: """ mu" I>Q rellCheO oarly on ","",use II>e ' NO mlrtoQS ..a",,. d I!.,..."
_1<Ya' . 0 O>'TIPO".,II. n", mfIII'IOOI ""pari ,ad Ollly .. lno ''''P'H_ 0Iagc
If 1M ,esoora"O'1 .. (l ,00;:1)' I<> t<'e ""Opi Mil I"" .,...,""'L.O'8 is .. 1oIo
A. Dire,., 1 111. ,"" (UCLA' __
DIO(:'!rIIe .... ,...., .. ono pMOe ......... estIIIIIa. _ 0011 of ma!otIa .
"""" """'PIII"'iCllMOn P'OCedu, .... ""'"Ul,lOly I"d n <">OS1 c._ "",,'......c:I
"Y9 C<"e Foo oet_ cio"OCI' .-.0 l"",,"-caI O'o.raor.o,,". ' .. _ 'lie IOI-.g
pao;: I
1. I he 2no 11100 ' M ......... I1IIIhrog cap (AI ) ,, __ I ""erel ,la",.'"
....... '... 10'> a,..rg (l.ICLA """""""'" ........ 11) " ""'._ d006tl1j- to
1hI......,..". """""' .0 two d.-Oj dnc1 .,.". .... "I l\<". COP"go. One ;0
poeee .... oopong (0\2) The tr' ", ,,,,00'l" III""""'it' ...
0!lM Of CIOiI"" mpUSoO" ThC oIrw .. a 1 .,.,..,. ..."......,., COP '"11
_ "ansi"" ItIt pol""" and M'UOd ,or"'ll (.0.3)
Atte, 1roo. """,015"'" a u:anium ( .... 1 bra .. '" $I'" "'",am .n.1Og
ar.achCd :0 the ""plam imp<_ '''''''' .... '1 _ 010 II>e
Im.,...l.,., ... .....- model, (",",,,,.bly . 00I11 ...... .11>1:0 Iabtic:M""
3 A rioecl (l.ICLA) waocrrg cyIin(ji< 0$ connected tc 1"1 """" .... '""""" _ "moo;:l.
""" ..,." .... Ie *"" " II>e I)urr>-<lUl pono<n lot I"'\> 00.$111'11 (.1.5)
. f"lcollO'II" __
f .... II> cal so.n- 01 N e.t cYl"'<lBnr ....,., lOt . ....
So , ... 1rno .. I ...... """.- be' I "" ,jo"'''1iI' 10 lIe ....... 1I1Od1 .... DO *"
IyPC x:teOI, (16)
.,..,.... ___ .... ___ ...... ""' ........... ,
9 Direct v. Indirect Method of Fixation
S. Indjrec t Method
The c ""elll BOd I""ooeal procod",cs r", lhe ",<Ii'ee, a'e s 'TO a' 10 the
d""':1 mel""" &xceplillat a , ....., c, ""'oion '. C"""'""ted " ... e tlle,,,jo<@,
"$we extenoion e<:rnPC<lOflIS must be ",,1IZf>d (B)
I , 2nd slaOf t itanLum hcalLc'll cap i. ,emovoo [ BI ). _od 8 Uta n, urn
&<I $O$iO". 01 the opproproa.e lel'l{llh ,connoc'ed (olr.
""pi ... ,!.
2 A Ii ...... extecS>:>n ;mprcssio<1 COP"'O ......oe 01 01 0.0 Slee!, ahJm,,,,",, '" hlo"
n,um (83) aIlaCMd te tho t.su" Men""". _ 111. ",pre .. "", is t ....... """'Il
at" 000<1.,. COlsOO "wesson " ;>y.
tho imp'esson 'S """""00 "b<as<. ' it.Yo um. Slainlc$,"ee .,. al,.,..,...."
Mtue &xl.n""""""'" L1 """"""'1C<l to ' he 1 ." .. ""len."" " P<fl$iO(l cop:ng
and the mod .. is taMcalCd (84)
4 "pla.lic '" Q<lId cylorlcler (B5) " a:t3Cned 10 Ire [ ...... ext""""" analog a,o is
...-.:xj,';ed '" wax te l)Ce<:<rc u-. '>u<<K>J< Ie< castin9.
5 Thol 1L",,1 res'",allon C"'" """" be '."te'"l8d 10 ILtSue eXl""s on. US' '11 the
P<O!lCf roc, or slo1 type screws (86)
Net. : 5 nCle f lorahons no t fab"ca'ed on nssue
"",&ns.on .. A 00 .. e e>c ..... "'" is ltoe LIMA 10, tne Slry<er pre .. .
.. , ., ... "'.' _ .. _""'_,,.. .......... ... -*' ... : .. ... 163
.. "" .... -...... -. __ .,' .. '-""'

9 Impression Techniques
.,.,.ess.oos .... y "" macle dir&etty '" 1M ,-nplllnt IUCLA.lotl'o, 'loel. '" ",d '<'Ctty to the 10._
a.: .... (Y\ Se<o p,e<ious _ fO< DIr",,1 v$ IMI...,I mocIe 01 r..a!iOl1,
rr>e 0 'eC: Imp,e.s1OI1 TeCMiQIJe fer M<1I<l ""0 """, lecM<lU!I 0 1. ""Y 00 mack> wllh 8 lwo
P'8e<! r .,M ""p,e ..,., 000"'11 10 "."sfer loe he, o"onlalon Of a one p'e<;e !'at sideo
impfe.,ion C"!>"'Q that wJ !fa"sler the tlnao I Mng
f'" "ngle IOOOh ".,JIac<o ...... SC,ew ,,"" nc.c 'Ol<:scopc 3""'""""', !he he.>;e<I ,m"'''',011
"'u,n b<: use<l
I. Imprftuion Direct to H . ... d Implants

. , 1 Mo,!he llealr>g pcr<O<l ' cm::>VO t>eot"g cap and .!taCh impre.si<r coo -g 0<':0 the .,.., ani
IA & B) , '" .,:ernal he:>< of,.. .". ..."., coping >rusl 'nler'oc<: cxlc,oW I"lC>. 011
tile i"", MI to f(; lal me "oOx

2 1\ may M n""o .. a,y 10 -coroornlC "" """0" hoO inlo the so that !he coping can be
be1",e I"e I,"y.s removed 10;""1 ""P'e-soO' '''''' <cOli ","",,00 coo-g .-0 II
lhe "'1" ... ;00 "8y' 10k<! "",,,'"'''''' Ie) All'" rratc(a l has &C1. disorg ... e the \lUcie piro
When .$1119 a clOse<! ..."ression .. ar the r.x tx>Ie of !ho guod<o pin "'h WlIX laI<
in9 ,hO irnpr_ ,,,,,,,,,,a Iray a"" an ""plMl "'"'1<:9"' "'" cop"". soli
tiss"",.,-.,deI ""0 31\3ch "",ed I.JCUI abutrr""'-, (O)
II, Impnssion Non He .. ed Implants
1. A hea in9 I)e<IC<i 01 two to three weeks sI>:>uId fOllow the oo'ge<)' bet",a "'P"OS'
..,.... am ma""
2 AtI3Cl'o ron "," "",o ... on C<>Pir>9(o) T'y in "",'0" M h3y tc ,,",',I)< ..... 1 adeQUale space
prwcled 10, 1M ""P,ess,on COl>"'Q:s) I",eel "'"'.8<l3I .. ouno oopong&. hi !<tOy
Me.,ly. or>d in .... l. Ae""""e l'Oy 000 ,eoe< ..... """,e.""" cop . A::ach "'V om onoiogs
to ,,,,,,,, ... ,,,n a"<l ',inwIl1hem rtO 'trei< original in "'. If a
d."", .bul' .... 't is to boo u.od an ",,,,, . .. on <>OSI, ,I ,...,.' . .... ,..,. '., .",,,", kiln"", Ir ..
lIveao <l"lenlal on. Fob"cate soft lissve mope
III. 'mprftssion to Abutment (T;ssue "'ensionJ
1. A hIou' .... pe'iOd ()/ ''''0 :0 throe wco'" shOUld toIow the $eccnd(lry S<..'(lery l)etore
,1011, .,e ma,I\!
2 C-ack Irs T .. oue Exlen"",," to rna," sure Il\ey are logI'I' aM 8,lOCh 1"P"'ed 0/ 'Qcft,e
in"prcssion cC!W19I,) Try", InOfcsslon 10 Iy I",,' adcquato SJ)aco IS OI'OYidc:d fO/
!he <T'O<eS'1OIl cw"'9l'o)_ 'f 0<1""', ""pre .. "", copiegr(o) "'. uoed the or ........ on :'iIY must
3 windOw lal$O rcfCIreo 10 as ODCI1 for II'IC 0QPin9S' "'W'"<'i "",de 0 o.
l"Iac' ",..,. .. sion Male,,", around CCflItlQS. tll"ay 'IMv!Iv, and ',,"I. GuicIe 0 '5 0' SQUIIJO
COP;O(JS >rust 00 <losengogea OOIore I'ay .. "'Iloch abut"""'l <ra OIlS '0 ""ores-
011 CW!ftQ' af\d ?OC' rrodel "C 0 ,,,,...,
,. ... '""" -.. -..," ""' ... . _ ... " .. .-.""".. .. 164
cc""".>X- _ ....... ... "" _w_"
9 Single Tooth Replacement
I '
11$ ' on<! I01Io<oo I)I'eill'rWWy "''''''''''' I . tlwrJolJgh d
I. "'a<"'"' ... y WorI<...;p
D. OlllQllOCtiC W -up Temporil/y SM-<lIl
e. CMocIion flO'\'
.. -
Single Tooth Rep'.cement
t. III MIIRV ...... H II I""s."" to ."'pIy..,.... a he,*" 1_1''''''' _ ,_
or-. N ..".....,. on<! ....,.,..0 """, I<H:I ... "",,,,, ....... to corwo:n_ """"" .AO
WOCt(l.,.. It ill usually _ ...... 10 con(QI.> ""'''''''''''' OUt 01 1"" m:>Uth t>elcw ..
the '11M'''''''' II mIIOfI. The""","" rrw; be.;oment&d 10 .., lOOm.'1 ",,'" 0< "'I,,"
out 111\ KCUlI'IOIa "",.. . .. "'" 0<. Nt _ ..... y be """<l (E)
2 ,.. res<orDllOn..-'" IlUbgtrg'YIII ...... I>fI "'_ t;Iy l'II0I1_0
WIth '"e "'" ant. UN 1'- allel to .. ...-.pr ... ion tccrro",,,. d ... ' .. lII:d

3_ Soil \IaSUO ,,_ are _ .... i..'tng ...,_ II or..bIrI;_ ....... rl
mar"",at ouch U co. ""''''!rOm CoII_, 0 .... -&111 Pr..""", Co I <wi lro-o Cot c\C_
"'uSl I>fI ",our>d the gin""rII "",\ion 01''''' .,.,.,....<0/\ cop ... be'ore ItMt mootl

Po pIN", Wa>(lr'g e)to1_. su:;h at,,.,. UCLA ... " UMA. obstment ........ ""'180 10
Of utAA -100 in 1tMt.,..",. led. r->:>di'iood 10 b-m a (;<JpAQ Of cr<>WL T'- IJCl.,to.
'" <NI _ ..... ," ... "'-<1 "" MrgIe lOOt"> _ .. ",""." ..... nIII ne.o 10
..,..'-....:11"._ he. "" tt>e...-o_ Thoa fea!utc "' ... 11.- _ ""' ....
1CIOChTer'II Ie ..,...,...., tee11 --*"y ThI all,"""". io """-'COO ID I>fI &1I9t*f .... 01
<><:etuo""'. t:>u>. !,C) ""'" ..... lQ """_, ... C....,... ;" ""'"' ... .-...". 11'1
5. [no """"" Of COC ng I l...n&d ..s"g '"II .. anlK>;l 10 POOl,,"1 the eb ..
Intetlace Uto I 'U ..... , 10 ielino I", IIOC<"; holo a M Ie, ... _, Porce a n CO' <XJn100011.
m,"""'.adclCdlOlhlcop">g (0)
6. la"ll"'U 1'"4"'" <teo ,lie< 01 the It I .... _ .... ""ping led "ID
ItMt ond pIar;:e_ Q __ .... hI_. .... "'"'""'g<ooOe<>"
..., ...... ooc"." aspect 01 the ... SIOt..,.... ond aign "'" 1a!>!>"II1ed ....... ""'" "II tlO\
A,t __ , __ .... Ioppo"ll ted witt "" 6ao .. od 1>"""' .... .... a Ie..- ....... "-
.'IW" nllCtO fin lit ... tt.. t>e _'1(1
7 The , ... :00-(\/101' " 0& ...... to If",c """",,, anti " ar,achcd 10 the ,mplOlnt 1"''' _,
Of """,Ill $CffW T". is 11'01' to)firl(Kl rIM I!ift _,. ", 0< MC"'Il """''''.....0"
.," lel'lO.-.;j,
8 A ,,_ ........ a plug usedlDlIt .... 1CC<:U no ..-.d .. gr<utd I...." .. ,,-!toe_u
The plug ...... ... """",.., 'e_ '1'Y by crMng'''''' , o..nd buo...., ' _ .... -ond
piccoI. -.,p,*" r d the plug. """l1lI' ",' ' .... (H)
HOle: .... noN<! "''''''''''''.y, !tie uctA intemoCCI d.tI'Cl'I' ... m :tie ...-.pjIn! ..
, ,&tUG .""""""" lIS .... IJMA 1<b\r.Jrcn1 is ",",,1(1 n "'" Irrpta"" lIIO le.lOIl
I,ve OOf'rII)(lMr\i .,.,
contC<'" to 1 00 ' .......
BrIdge Reconstructions
Acv_ , M ...... Pf'M'.-..v ............ IICpS . tInIugt' d .
. r "" oio"'.., WOrk..., c_ A",li<yopho<: Corr'tC\JO/\
I>. OoiogClI: _'vI'. t._.", s. ... P do s:er."
I. The .. "" r.conSln.diMs aro _, 10 _ ottCfobedlor .....
Q4e I<><;JOh rOCOllOlr...eoon, .. I"'" _ ' '''' ' . ... on 01 \!"Ie UCl.o. or l'M
.... , "0_ . .. __
2. ret..,.., .... y be . , .... .. _"'"' II 'hC'i art,o.""" .. f.h "",..-"
oQulmeol. Illach.., ." ." W."".r or , oyway suc h"" II", Omogo M, POC
Sc,.....-B oc, l A oc Ole.
3." is c "UCi&l Nt a _ II.".. .. bOt...." tt>o brodge and , .. or .",pll.nlS M.
pa _ I. It no! iIII:".....:I :he """ be untie< *" '-""'QU3I koca <101;,._ Foee ..
force on ""'I' """ .... pw1 UO co..- ....... """,,,., trJlClU'll or ... .......,1 ., fl
o Tele.coplc Reconstruction
n .... ........ y .. . .. ,.....q. d.
.. -...,. wor< '-'P c_ Radograthc C<l<rc\lon T'SO)'
b. D>ag_,c \\'aIe-..., T.q ...... yScl-UI> d , SIenIS
1. r M .... plaN .. p acod If 11"1 ...-...or.O' onglollrN!.1 ,ae." II-. ",,,",, 10 be 100 O.ft,
IJC"I p",lablw.' <Kr or C'.JtOm ""'ot "",,'cd abuln"MI ,"n be used. T .... _In. or I
custom buiI, 'eleSCOQ<: 1bIJ.---.I II Ilia' a""iC can Dol ,.",.,.tocI. "" WtmlOOl
8<lQ4ed . b.JI .... OII p)
2 A p"""' r; 1$ cusoom bA u ...... I .. P","*"u'" t*<r..- A lKQ'ICary
.'''-''''LJI" '. IhorI T_ 10 r::tM!t "'" """'" toI<I 0I 1f1e po-or.", IOIAToenI
SIr'I..OJre c .... ",,,,w <e"'"*,
3. Thtrt .... J """'" 0 ' 10"",,,",,, ocrow.-.ea. 01.17. ..,...,.._
Bulldi"g .. Prim., y SI,.,,,lu ... wi'h UCLA or UAIA
A ... ........, SI'UC ........... , 1>0 1;10,.' IJII'IQ _ IhIl UCLA. or .. LfAA _ (I() no. PWIoC
w-..;ne"lS _ """""-"lid "lSI .... ..., cas! .. a _ I"IODIO .soy ...... .. ....... y .. ..c:.
11M .. CHI..., .......... _isoo 00 _ ;hOo """'''''t:w1i>gull "'"""". '.'I'*l_
KI .... ;o _ I lei,"" lhrI"'_""" ""PC " " T,," 11.0_, _;0"-"""
rr-. !he pr"""'Y. CtNIIf"g I <:CU"CI'_ ""'" .. .., wax poot".v"\ lor !till ""'" htacI. r ...
II "., (h.d &nCI "'" .... pettetn (Lf
Using .. Set S",..w
"'" lItoo po ., blo 10 UN Ht 0CtIIW thol f>O<iZOnlalt,o- INI OQual A a",ole
on ,o....-y e",,"11 _. "'Ppto ride Os ,n,,,Ie .. "'" """"'''*Y I,.
"'" M4 oc.....l0 PC: netr81t. II I' III$Q Ie PI"""'" Iho dorr4)1e on '1'10 po- ..... '" IlCUCIO't
8 .... !h<- ""oncI ill iE on .......... page I
TIl". ., Sc ....... Sys tem
__ ''"41 1...0. &. So: . .. s,oSlOm A
1)OI(I:ut>e II I""COIPQlI"" lUI"" """'-..p 01
1<1(> t:<''lIII"Y SI'\lCIUt8 ........ g pm, = l1l<I ..,,. 01*>-
.-.g "' .. ..-..... "'" por .. n II cat""" .-...".
II II aoIso 1>0$'_ ., _ :"It :.t>e ,.-co .... prroary
c-.g A , '., 0010 CIlIa ... 10 "'" <tIo.
WIIh .... ", .. 'w _ .... ""IQ ..,....."., "".., n,., I'" ..
,''''lie< I enamel iO' lhrI...- "'" !II, ..:>-
...... os !hen ... ..o "" tel .... It 10)1 ,10''''' Q"" ""' _-
"'" .
'-'P IfIC 00IIar 'CUt The 1IttO"Idor; C3,:01g L _ ___ ____ _
is'" shod I"" l"IOIW$"' y (\II
_ ... __ ,_ ......... __ ' .. ... _ "-_'......... lISe
._' ...... '--- ... .. ,-.'"

o Ov ... denture Bar Type Reconstruction
Re ... " a'Id _pt .....,..,pt........a_ ..
c. Rl.O"'ll'ap/>C Cot...:_ Tray
<I. Slt-ntl
1. The ""M't$lO<1 a'Id m:)I.IeI1at)!ic.,ior> I:hNqJl used II ThII' 01 "" one OQSC'1boKl
p",,,,,,,,oIv tllCT""'IU(I TO" , .
2 A 0<0CIi. CW' be COrt.trucled""l oncc:.porftTO$ QI Tr-.< tqo..o;oe ... ",ottlOn ""Il"
ngl. Ot QOId c,-', This._ I ... _ CllC:.;k IQ $(;'$"<0 ret.)i(lco
""""OIM _ regor.r.!Ion
3 M",'" bQ bIcdt .. ............, I m8'I be tMld ID< I.,. """
4 "'''1 "' .. _"CWOd . .. """"'" -..0.. is .-"' .... "" Tac.at 'It T : I '" ""
____ ' '''" _ .. ...., .a:ao- 10 _Iy 11-. C_1<IQt tIT ,lIn TT>e ......
ond Tho baoidop .u yw,.
5 PIorTIC (;f 00<1 C,._I .. _ 10 :hi! _ '" ,,,,,,OWl! _OQI. IN) ....,
_ fOOI'*l1OllO''''''' ..... grc .. Or>. """. pl .... '" 9"'" I;W p;1DIl"n (0) , ...
be" ".., lie to...'ICI "',., 01 _ (y ........ Thoo .. ""'01 _ .,_, '" IN be,
_ be w_ 10 11-. _ '" doe C<>"Idy .... "-0 _ tooM_ IhI __
Care IhOJ <I be _ IQ kelp TT>o T>a! close To 1M iI<Igre SIIO<T <TistaT _.,_
may be Me<I 10 TIWr tnQI, O"'iIT <:yTi<rde<. T neec"",", 10 "' . ... POI""""
The ne-.aI ,jo"""'I0"" """' "'"' """"'"""" om...o be ptOCnMO """'. space,
'.,,,ween Tn. ba, and cl,p See!lIe '''' Sec!lon 10< Irn 0<
A.ci<e<mI<'<I riOoI<kloJll
6. The .. in(Ie, _""'11 11'" 0",'1",. teelh il plac. d ova, 'no MOdO! aM
I>alIdi!> a.-.ly II> lor cl6a:a;ce The '" IhI CM<"CLH ... :11 may
'-10 be <e<Iuccd
7 .... >Illy ," ,"-<I <>:>Il. >Ioy n N gro-c cy/i" .... vdN9QoC
lINd. _ ....... mgoom..- Arx:h _ags II> toe cy.nOetI
v.hiIalinosIong T_ca,. noIlOO- U-1hl1>aI
\I -'!de
9 The bar may be .... "" lot
'0 _ ..... "- '- _ "'" b<IO to IIIC" 11,.,,-- atI(I-.
our ...... 0 ...... :1' our.
II M<Io.c.,","",,- a'Id 001"" n>:>de lor "0. :"""11
12 __ 001l1>li b'cJ.o "" maS1er n>ode4 an<! u..slo< "" tori up IQ
I'>l d.JD <:II .. .....:leI
13 FlOOk "rid t>O<i <M " """,,*<'Wl<"Ief.
14 Srrall poecn 01 .,,1Oa< "'. g'..cd "" .. 1M bar $tel on on tt .. p<ocnu-.g t'I"'O<J/lT
1)010 e M' 1)1.MQI20 '" Acker""""" 01 "' . tO IO ," . 95-511011
.. , p<>t<tone<l O>i$( inri III)OCC<S Thoo gocg val tI>.td 01 toe dope .,..,,, be blcdted
O\J!"':I' P'a.1"-. ,00000000MIl 0< ......... to ",,"ale a ..... f ocec<I .. n
It>a I.,. '" IhI and """riC
15 Tho pMC".oo ... """". IriI pack..
IS [>ott , InSllandrc:urnlQmMr"'" ...... IQ"""' ........ . O'an<lll
17. , .. cIp 'ek .. I10 ........ ,., tIe ..... >O<I ... a fill -,-, '1Il' ............. _
IS. 1 .... ..... .... _1'"eba,. wen.<I 10" """" ....
...... ., 1rI!fIn\at'>g hg!IIefWIg IQ ons<.re _ ........ '
TI"Ia ........ "'" .d .... I..,..., ""'_e. .. *' 10< I(l<OI 1l1)000. '-"'1< " !lie
paiI.."",,.,., .... .,..acnmerns bats a>d ............... _ uored {F') Do ....
<liSQOwQ1!f1t.-.. ,,<>del
...... ... ' ___ ... _ 167
.,_...,.." ,f," ...... __ ........ co.
9 Fixed Detachable Hybrid Dentures
Rev ...... ,..,0 1_ p'9l",""",y pro!O<;<JIlI1.P" . """"QI\ d .
a. Pt. ""'''''y W"".""
b. 0 ag",,",lc W"UP. ''''''wary Setup
c. I,.y
. -
1. Tne :)rOC&<lu'<! to< """"''''''''''' of detachable Oe<1Me brtdge (h)tYod brldgoe)
tne ....... '""",,rlCe a'!!"!at of eNe, d..,1u,. Bar 1)""" Rec<>n.trucliono lrom paragraph_1
through,..,d..-.;;lo.Jding P""(lfoph'" (Bar latmca,ion). Then coolin"" WI'" pa'''II,apI> _2 en
thIS page
2 Screw long plall1lC cyllf>de<. "" analOg. inoorpora[e tne PC Wbh, .. rrm) '"
<""SI,,,,,[ a 1"IOr$C$r.Qe [)fOe nm maoo oC Dura-Lay. GC Ro",", Pallcm "nd!o< ",'ax,
.il"'''''' ..... is 10 "'" g<Oa '" "' ....... n .".tead 01 plasU<
3. Tile Ui,og;.at aspecl 0I11Ie ',,,,,,,,!Ihoo!d b<> e<m'C< ' .. m app-o>:in".,.1y 2nYn 01 !he cylinoo,
4. The ['"",e ... ,.1Id b<l 4rw>:0 5mm , niCk and ... oorrur- errm wOde Tho
can'i!c\l$ e"en$iOnS StlO\Jld be aO()(OlCrmll101y IOm"l'li<Y"ll "the rradlary ano 15m n the
mane b JI.r, to suwor, no """" tMn two "",."urn ,.",h_
5. n.'MtI,,, ""'P' or t>Ma '<! . OOM aM t"" SlIocorJc .ode. """"'-irling the den/",. 1 .... U1 ..
posrtioned 10 oheck 1<><
6. The [,am<' b<> invested., sect""" Of On ""'" pteCe. Tho pan..-n i. CitSl.n a 1\3,0 r>:>tI IO
.Ioy. The oecO"",, ... e ooIderwond Ihe b-or;. check.,l l", a pa .. ""
1_ is '''''shod aod po" "","" "';I n po..rw.g prcwctor caps to prole<;! tre cylnc"ers
'he Ir""", may be oIIlOOale<l p"'" [0 prooeSS"'9 ilCry"<:
8 After ttle M is \l$lfieo, tne cleltture teeth ale , ... t ovor tho f'ame. It may be """ ....... <'1 10 cUI
holes rto"""'" 01 tho! ,,,,,,n 10 ac<:<>m'f\O(jef. ' ho p .... LOfI\j \IU <10 Pif\iI arc U$Cd 10
.ecu'. "'" Ir."" 10 lhe mestc' mode! and access I\oIe6 mtOlJllh lhe
9 Tho '" dg o "'oy be in poor 0/ Mal cu, e ' es'" ",., I ..... ma.:e'
rr(>(ll)l TI'If) Q"'OC pln$iMy have "' be ".,."'" " _ ... if"" to "''''''''& tr>er'1 kom t "le
p!QCe,...o 8'1 c
10. Tr.. res""",,,,, IS firIisI>e<j , poI;ohoo "00 ""'" to the dtI'lti$l.
11. Tr.. bat is "",u,ed. OCC!U,""" cI>edeO . nO the OCCI.:U r>oIC' liled ",10 an occm..l plug
"";n '" compoo"e

Sen:! yOI.r questlO<"S' a .."..1 or
eol 0 ... locmc.oI IWIlpOO r ....
650340- 14;>t>
_..,. .'",...".1 .... ... '' .. "'''
. ,,,,,.,,, .. ___ _ ... .... '_"'" lEiS
":' 1".' ... "'_ ......... _e>.
08 00 oos
Stud Type
Dalla Bona ! ORS Procedures
The foll<>wing p,,,,"Cdu,u n',,,, U>e tissue hoa. _ '0<1 10'""" "" tI1c second stage
.... 11'1"/. _ .. "'''''''' "8 C cOc313"" """"""" procedo..<es page 6.'", o<climnary 1"0:0001,
1. Reno ... hea ng cops and "-""He 11>0 (iss'.c OCC:t1lrorl the occ ..... , poe! of or. 1'I"{lIOn!
10 thO c", .. 01100 " .. ,"" IA) Replace healing Order the opp-op,;n", sO", Dalla 80 ....
'" DRS . ltactwnent "" aach mpa"1 ",I<! PIoJ_"""i,KIo the mp ant " .,,'" and di ..... e:., as
_ .. rt .. ,"sue
Ph 2: CLINICAL ____
1 All .. ,CC<l vinO and inSfl&C,irKJ U .. oorT"4>O'oent a<r.o<1a,e{ ':."il:ze 1110 titan .rr mal ....
2. Hcno.., ""'1"'9 c"<" and a"""" the Dalla BeY ... o. DRS """'.urn '"""$ ",",0 ''lO 910-TORO
S<x:i<el .. 00 Tip or 910 fORO WreN;!>. 16)
3. .. ' em in place Re"""", male" .<'<1 "'place r.,aI"'II "01>$.
L. bo .tory ,...oc: ... i nll:
I 1,,-, .he """:0.",, c'a a'llllog' inTo the aod rras:e, rr.od<>l. I""
anal<>Q' ca" be ,MucM in "'Qth ,I ,>oc"""V W. ''''''''"''"' .... Ir al lne be
sec"rOO ... I1>e ... .p<e'S>Ot'I ",iIh cyroacy,a 310 Mlo", 1M rrOdol 'IIOU''''
2. Block o.c' .,,,,,,ld "",10 _logs fabricate bi:. OIo<k
PIt.,.,. 4: CLINICAL ____ nil.'
I. T""" Mo ' 09"".'0'\. S<!nd 'mOO\, 1>", "<>rj 'emlo eIe""""'$1O OOntal[OCrr1ICI(I(l
2 R<vicv. 'M ml"'''' model Bod rroo.>n1'" an .. t>cuaW Sel up 1 .. ln Of scat 1M c'elirr"",1)'
.... -uo ("Iso ea leo I1>e len'porery SeIVo Of TstJ) on 1M .....
PIt.,.,. 6: CLINICAL ____ .. _
,. f,y" ""uP m:;>d Iy a. """,,",,'y Send mooel ""uP irl$IrUC' ons aroc lomolG elc<r.,nos '"
1 . o..lIa P ..... a """'''U'''1I'
In"" .. Iho "".up and lx>oI 00..1 1M _, Sea' 1M spacers ""'" '''' maIM a-d oiacft I1>e I ta ....
,"", \/old Of plastic 'emale. Use Aubbe,-$ep 1Lqui<l Lalex) 0< pia' le, 10 OIo<k ",,'.<>ace
tJ ... """", 1>0""", 1_/1 .. ",ld , """" (C) f , y '0 close Ir., 11ao!<. II it oIoe. not close co.-oplete
if. cIlec;k (oe "',ed..-ence 1M p,OSIr.et1C lee1n M<I (riM II'IC teO'" at nec"'_y Pack ",ld
cure ,oe cIen1u1e Do not pac. F,r 'sn ,I>e OOr\Iure. tal<.rng ca. .. "'" to darl'''9'' Itt(>
Do not {C<"'>Q<IC toe PVC ""Il ar<lWd It.c \/01<1 '" ,I........." I<>ma ...
l b . O-Ring p"''' ..... ng'
In ., "'" <eI op and lx>oI OtJllhe "a.. Seat "'" lnen pO>oo me \/Old PlalOd ,eta nil<
"ngs con:alOlng the O-Ring, over 'ne an. log . The """.Ieo, more <>OM "00 oj !he
'e"""" 'Ing " orienteO 0'Ie< the _log lise AubI:>er-$ep (Loq'-"<l La:e.) 0< pi.,,,,, 10 block 001
the <pace betl'.,"" the bOtlom arlO the U .. ue , .... Iop of til< male
0I'I0U<l aloo t>fo ClOCked out 10) lry I<> the nUk. If 1 """. no! <:1_ clloo<; k 10,
",e<f. " roe witI1lne p=II><I.C lee:n M<I II>< teeln as necessary. Pack and cC'e "'"
""nture, Do not paei<. Fin "" the """,(jentur. ta<rng caftl no! to I"' e ret",n,,, rng ...
Rep""",, the reO O-Ring. WI:h th< "'!I.to f.,at O-RIng,.
2. Chccl< t!>c func: on 01 11><> M<I 'el",n Ille finislle<:l oo",u,e 10 the
Nole: Yo<,. mav .ncorporalO a srMU fr., ... lo SIr""9thoo the ",",''-'r,,,' . a lhi.,.
eopecially in<lica:ed for fM><1,IA' y ""eroeniures with an open 'UO(/Uae lI!'Id pa:a1e
- .. -.. """' ... . _ ..,_ .. , . ,,, ' -..-.. , "'_... 169
O""""' c.' "". ' ''''''""'' ........ _ oe. ... \'_ '"
Overdenture Procedures
Stud Type


Dalla Sona I ORS _______ _
PluJse 8: CLiHICAL_1
1. Check tho pr""H"'" Cal li"" ICcIYMc a-, Ih",e or. Ohf Q""SI""," Lei Ine
roci>n.c.an \<now Mow wen you U'e the 11<;>1<. (Wa al nopr<>Ciat. compl......."", ,n a who e.
and Ill,s only b"ne'll yo_, 000"","" rclaltOrl$l1 p)
2. try .... II>e IMpIMt parM OOOllure 01 <WCI:lcntu," . Ghec < for""", <poo< an<j atljl,., lne <>ccl<!-
..,.., rf """""sary.
3. AC)yatO Gr r;leael v31" tl'" DBS ArlachmOf1ts t>o I>CrI provide tOO mt.Cn -.... Of''''''
4, the;mac_ na"", 8M "'''''' In the pat;8I>I 8 hie
5 R""all ille ""th'" 24-48 hatJrs to CheCk lOr MV """,,,.ary MY"""""
able aptOW"""'. shc>Jtd oe c/leclo.ed POfIQdic.1 y I,. rei nes.
Alternall .. Proc f1
FC<"Iaie e'e""",t. at c/l ",,,,do " 10 ""Sling der" a
I Screw "'al" . ''' .... nt. oj apO"'ll,,"le lcog1h O!1lo mpIa,...._ C,''':. atl!>quBle spaoe "' OIIe'
OMtu-e oa.rtlai lo roc""", te"'''''' "''-'1'. On a""" YC"" I"de ttwouQh Iong"",1 of OIl""
denlU .. be""'" oach attachmern .,",
2 Pi l e " 'poc " " OM lema'" QIem.,.-". OIIe' male. a od t,y" denture 10 "".ure that tne
denio'" ..,at. cocnp: .. eIy Modify., .... irl oc,)' c """" .... ,y. {A)
2a. DBS on'" 00 r>:lI tt., PVC "P'I"'" or(>Jnd the 0..." Bona fe<1 01 , .. _ ts
2\>. OR8 onl" "' 0''' ' O. R'tlQs int<> metal ,etainer '1tIQ . The ,r"'e open .. 00 ol
",tainer "tIQ is ",,,,,:eel &Ie< ,.""" 8_' blOC<-<J oI 10 wace OOfWeen boolOn"' of
the ,&".ao_ '"' \I ,"xi i"" '"we ,,'" "" 1\1 wa:< Gr Olock-<>Jt compound (R) Also , 'i(;ht I
block-out '""" Ihe ""M Ol lhe male
3 f>'""t ItIin outo-<Jure (epa r t ....... 1e Place """""'s aco)lloc _ ""'"
... <I.ok pot_l ie 00se in centroC OCOluSK>n. Excess "", yloc ".1 e' ptess ttv""gh the Ye<"
holes. Fcmai(l SI100JId boo ""oed one at a tim<> Rc"""", e"cess ac' yllc

. """"a8 or """"twate the DeS Attacrmcrt'$. r;Io not Pf{NiOO tOO O'"oJch (" ",m"",. {C)
Atter ... li.,. Proc 02 rOt' DB$. OR$,
Tne ar.aclwnenlO may alsO t>(l 0d0C<l in tM lat>oratcty 10 iV "'st"'g (!err.",. d ",iog a ' a ,..
pm,,,,,,, A rei.,. impres..".. OS laken y,"" ... = 1036 ., pIo.ce. The labora10ry plaCos Ihe rna e
analOgs in II"e reltne imtJ.es",," OOio<'c loOrica: or> of ' he ,e ine "'odet TM dttrrIure ,then
"" ,red ,n,,,,,po,,.' og It>c te'T>Ole element . FOIOw OIOCk out p"",eo",,", deIaiIed in I'Ilasc 7.
Slap la or lb.
AII.rnativ. P""' .5. t3 Wilh Impla nt IInelo9_'
A mas:o, mooe ",,,,,,,''''atrng ,<np!aOl ana logs e M b<r laOriea:ed k> , ,.ndard ;mplar:
Itl"p,esSiOf tec''' ,oues iIW"'prialo Icr g:h DBS ma les ace IMn ..... rIM InlO lhe omp' om
_09' ,.,d ,'''' IC<I'alc eIomonlS owe ptQCeswd Inlo the as """"",,boo previous'!,
.. ___ .. _ .... "' -..... _" . .. " .. ,...._ t 70
e o ..... "':" . " , .. ... """""
t'Ie Tilln.um Re'entMI llealog Cap W"" 000'1108<1 00 prOli 0<1 prO'll"""" or "",m""",,1 r.ten
tlOn I<J< ""piam ""e<oentIJres or ompja", pol" .... The ",'","'1\10 h<!a capo moy be ,16<!d with
<Of IaO<l<31Cfy son""", ond ore tlYai ao "v&,OliS correspocd-
''11 10 1, .. "" dcolh A SI(lfI(!a,o 0!iIJ he" O'Over used lor irlserlO'1.
Ph.., .. 1: CLINICAL
Ill..,,,,,,. "'" .lBgO or ",and SI'g<> ""or Ag caps aoo ,....,a "" 1"<' OS9lX> _ frcm
1M top 01 "'" iMpWll to tI>e cre,1 01 the ',ssuo 10 cSM","ne 3pprt>prta:e .:tachfr"nl
2 Use a s:andard OW Allen .erewdri\l<:, or Wquc '''''r>eo 10 Inc n:\Cn-.ivo h<!alfg ","p.
Create 1'O.<Ie in ""'" c Ie .. , 2rr0" add!l<>nal relief 'or _ 'I'IOt.rral. Try .n
""'"00"'"''' to "" ..... thai o"",d<>n'u", 11 .... ct:OTple:c:V, Ie)
3 IlIO<:l< ()oj[ me access I>:>k! with .,.,"" ac d apply sof:"OCf 'fIaler .. to voids in CvaclontUfC.
Seal o'o-dootc'e and uk potl.OI to ckloe in occluOion. Allow soltl r,,, naT."a 10..,'
compIo'''''' Ie)
Ph; .... f ' CLINICAL
Proeedu .... lor Labo<aID. Y Pr,efOulng
1. I\nach mp .ct "'><>logs "'><./ lab,,,,alC os <>SWI A::act> 'C' .... trW """ling caps ."lh
Of:/)" oleo ,""cnell . (E)
2. Insure it1a1 at I.,..t ;>< ..., a<i<l,t;ocal lei eI c""ls 'e< so"l""-,, """er,oI Block '"'" t.ex ace ...
noIe" ,,,1" Process $011 iner maten&l :0 Ie IOwtng r>anu'a.ctonrl
.. ___ ,.. .... , ...... _ .. v ... """ .... , .-,,,, 171
0 "",,-....... ,, ___ _ ", ... ....,. c_


Tne CAL Iocr.:> Q.>O was """",Oi>"<' 10 create oass;,. f1lra'I'I9WOtko to- A h",.
.I. WO<1< lr.at <>ON """ It passMtly can COJ ... Vobl&rr .. ""lOJOKJ Ir<n'l sere", b,""' ''(IC 10 "'P'.'"
1.,rure. The 1,,,,,,,,-,, tabocale<j irtdoeper-(iC"' iy!rom!':<> CyllI"I(Ier' ,,,'" a- prec:.e
space i)eTWeen the . no me cyI n(ler$. Tho fr&eway aI ow. for any dISc",,,,
aAC)I on !, .,.., " hUM . "'8010 ty Wl1I1 _g "",",,,,,,,,ie (A). Ttlc """",!etc CAL cylinoct
'IICIude. R maoIIIned cyl ""'" a shin space, a wa"''1< sleeve. ar>J a he""o
or slotted reta i1'U<'lg ,e;ew
CAL-T..,hnlq ... " . Ing , ... UMA sr . t e m:
R..";e-,, and follow o,oImoary pro:oool '1&p' a. thr<x.gh d
. Prel ""nary WC>!I<-uo
1>. Ooognos:c Waxw_ T.."pooarv Sot uP
o. R.d,ogt"phO:o eo.'.chon T'ay
d. SlCI'II'
Ph ... 1: CLINICAL

1 UMA (I " .. c,tenson.) arc -"'0 the bodie.
2 uw. i'n\>'""SI"" <:op<>g' nrC ""'''''''''' onto II'<! !is''''' exl .... sions.
J An acc .... :. """,: .. orpreuon '. """r !he coorg .
4 0'1] cops "" .. tt>e UMA preto<"'8d one"o<
5 Imp,."10'1 aM eoo<ng .... d.,,>I""'I." aM OMJIlo ' '''' lIibOfalory.
1 ! .. ue _log. an<' 'OVC .."., are sc_w ICiIOll'lel place<! back ;"10
lne itr"opr'$$SIO n. II'Ien i">C<J Ie<! '" 06<1:111 $lone
2 Screw a 01 o<l6r omo <Nee
3 '" SO.." ."ace< . "",,:ed ove' 1<100..,,,,
4 A W1l>:ing .""""" .. ",,",M over or"", """"'"
5. TocI< wa><ing sleeve 10 lhe cyI fidelS ",th ':icky wax.
e Pal""t Gte' .ight ou'e, or slioky ... ax '" used'" lute toe pla.,c b .. patterns <>' a sMpeC
PC Waf", . '" We wax ,.. ,1.,.,....,0.
7. Sp!ue '" usual ma-ne'
e. 11t SC"W$
9 . Telescooo!he "'.., S!>"o"" 111a""-"" oyl",d. r$ out oItn. w",,,,, ir ___ .
.:iJ NOIt: Fwrework " I be cas; w,lhOUI or titan",m cylinders.
to lovestondca'tinanooealOy
11. AI':fK 0eve'tin9, the intern.1 (rIO e '"en) 01 !he hame0<, .no 'Of OU:er r:orton
of 1M ,"anoum cyt M&ro muOi t><o tt'lOfooghry w,th 250 moe..,., & umnum
OXIde '" preOOl'allOn '0< Si
12. Veri'y that t t'll) fraMCwort;, T,:, O<Il1C Toorc oe
,lOYn l"ee"ay 'W'-- &r <>.Jnd tarJoum 0)'1""'.' whICh 01 "'"'. lor foa-ne ""',emem
t 3 F nisi, and IIoIisI> tho 0l.I<!< _"""" of !he
14 The i ... ",,,,,t '"""seo 01 t!'e tramework aoo t!'e O<Jter st)'face. '" 1"0 U:ani...., cylin<lcro
.'" SiIicooIOO .nd """"""'" a. P'" 'lW'O.IfactUle. "",;"",tlOtl$.
A NOle: T"A Skoa:ed surface rS e,eal"" by apP>hg an ce,a,..c 0<1 MY
decla 8110'; Thoa <>t .. foce cr""les "'II" atl_",n .... ,,;th co<rpc<; te or ac'y'ic

15. F1ctur"n t!'e $J icoate<:! frl"CWOIi< a"d Sjrcootco cytinde's aoog or tI\e re1ainr1g
"",cwo to 1M t ... lC<a' .... cIet"OSllo' ,n' "",01 I"'"'9
16 A donure too:h HT'UP made loo"'ly over Ihe ba' ",mbly should oe incluooo .t
II". ti m ...
"_"""",, .. __ ... " .-. .... , ,-""',""'"... 172
."" ...... ,_"". ... '"'-co
verify 11e I00I1 <M_UP 'M1h 00I1!"oe "'" "ssembly
Oper. tor p<ocodUIU lor bonding It. h "",,.glk 10 11>0 cylinderS;
1. Place. rolaini"ll ""'ew inl0 eoch S,ltcoaled c\l1ind<or.
l . Md 111\ OC<'1u." witn tt .. ''''' ...... d end 01 I"" pl'og lowards lhe cyl'nd .. ,. III
to "'*' otse'.1 ,n place
.&J Note: The OC<':usaI pl\Jg a good hornllo or'M1 I ",'""""IS CMpos,te kom llowlflQ
rnSlde rtoe C)'-"
3. U.., a hemO'1al to I'IOId 1M I'lnll "" '" 111"""1,,, heal !<llhe ca':O'>D c<oal,"Il a
SI'IOrI", _ ... OUI ..... i{lO' 'Ilo ,,,..., (Nom'aI "me 1$ aporom alely 4 ', /Tllnut .. )
4 Palm. \lWl CQa' 01 AdI'Ie""" oond ,.., lhe cyinder' 8M on loe inter .... rocess a reas 01 !he
hi..,......".. B!ow off 11>0 """"" ",. 10 CIMIe e _y lhin"" 00 CUIlI::'
5. O<1ual of K<Jze<'. """I cur. Tw 0l:>oi< 1" ,;'>9 "'"", cala'ySl aM Ms.e a,"""" leM-
p&!alUr" mi xture"", 01 doec! kghI: cha" .. oo 1 (f'tI SNluId be 011.)
6 PIIIC<! Tw,n'ook on ""'h a Teflon COOled ",0111,111""".
7. ' n a slow m01,on, '''''',coP<' the 'e"n ioaood tnl(rUgh 1M j,...-.ewori<..
II'nI"I()(lo olo1y placo ,'''' 1ra..,...IC\"o Odef$ io,,,,,,oIly.
8 \-""lC r Oid -. IN .... " p,ac<o inll"",ally. leT<MI gross ",ce I,,,,,, ore
of !I>e occlus.' pkl\l!. I"""",," U .. <>col,"1 PiuQ. 11>00 tigh!en a 1M:,.., "",ew
9 R_", Slep 7 "" .,,, ..... arc in a"" '<ghl
10. A<Ic I -.gel-: p orcuule occluilaly to I"" br.dge. L.igM cuoe ...en cylio-l<l9r 101 20 occonds
001> and rO'>(lUoi
11 A . .,w!he Twin ook "' aLJlO.Curo in!r"",a Iy lor a """""om 0' ",QhI minlM!; ""or
rtoe last ""rew
12 Remova!he uted lromeworl< "',m It>/! .no return" '" toe "''''''''lory for lhe 1iro:I1
I ...... clear>uP. pOlistl and <lenlurc process ng
V i S" our Wetrsite
'KMicAI p r",,"""'es
p lodu<:1 updates
Maintenance Guidelines
General Hygiene Proce dures _
Oral i. II-.. S!.>CCe$S 01 n " sJrongly lIlal p.ol.en!S """ n-
la" """ .... -month _ I{)(
The """"S area .rOUOO 1M !I>O """lin! ,. pr ...... y ..... 01 COI"IC<>In. srlOOl<l be laM"
and eval uaMd oem>-aMually 0( annuaIi;'.
LooO. 10< plaque """"",,,,"-M.,, and 59'S 01 ",ff&<rma\on; 8<yt/lerrIa., edema,
P'o!p .. l ion,
Check lot any _ ;n1h<! ptOSlhe$ ... at>urnerns ond Of """ranIS. Palpa".
!he 11"'9"" ., chocl< IOf . xuoatc
U pla'l!<: p<obcs a. a rule. evaluate ti ssue tcoc and bl:c!ing en prbIng.
In.t,ument. fion
US.", m(>tal instrumen ... oonic 0< uttraoonic 10 "' .... arwnd inWcts is nco '00-
They may c<iusc se<alCllCs a,n(j cn \he <nplanl '" implanl compor.enl
w<laces. poiOOU"le pw,..e accumulanM and "ads 10 ,n"ammll'.on. Teflon. """"".
'" pos"'bI>o gold " WOO In"",-"""",. ",e
Polishing _ -
F .... propl\)' paSle, ""'" 01 pUmIC\! '" t o} 0."" can be user;! to poIo.h !he impl:;orJl I"" ... e<ten
sian. laOUtmMlS. cLAfs, etc ).
F'<lIi&h!ng ciln t>o !IC<Xl<l'Dlislled bu/ltng iOCtior> u*'9 y ...... !t<e 1"",.... 1JaW8 .trips. 0<
rubbel cups
Air POW(le1 are f>Qt reccnrneode<l.
Petient Edcu:.tlon .... ":':
Patients sI>Oukll>e "<fy, .. .9"",11 uStl 01 ... ffI ,.,. p,n . P'p$!' Of (liM,
molal ob;cets to cloan ""Plan!,
Ed .. ,.; .... Ofal hyg""'" onsuuctJOns can inckJde
End lull&<! EInW>e . In-Ott,,,,, Modi/led S_
o Flos . Su>",,-FIost;, Vam. G-"",," Floss T_.
Interdental Brush<>! w;t!1 nylOn ooalC<J WHas
Interpiak. Pro-Clean. etc.
Of "'her oral i' ''galors
R.nsc. - Pet.do . L,.t.., ..... _" "P!>iOM ""In tlrusnes
A NOle: The 10 a successful ,.,..lOrahon .. to ""'am_ the pattern WI ......
and .. &'!<Ie'"""
P.:ient r9PO'1'. orol "".. .. "" melt'oOds, any sign! '" symPloms
ern eal FIr1<JIfl\I$ (1i$we indiceo. pmothi!tIC c!leekl anti ratliogaphic inwrp,,"
latJon (osseous
Msess",..",; St.""""", 01 s""usIMaltlly quolSl,onab!e health. ptob1ems)
Plan: P"""""''''. (l1IPOSillon (ne'l """menance reterral (per'''''

Rodiog'OphS.nd any abnormal fl ndlng. ""ould be e.alualed by , II Imp/ant
,ellted _!allslO Involved In the r torati on.
9 Old.rlng R.storative Implant Components
An oIl. ",.tive 1<> the UCLA sy",em .. a d "",I Itl"""'" sc,ow-in posI wnere the ,es:ora!"" is
Cementod <)r retained 'hi" 3 001 SCrew , "gaging the po.,. TM d ..,! .tluImeni pes:
func1tom U lhe 1"" titonium ablJll'1'1Ont ntav I)C CQI1tQur<><l like,., Preparo-
I", T"" ",.Ior 2 r. ... stone!"9 ""plilnlS "nttacr>oo<110 Mlu'all ..... h. an
&IUlClYr!ent '$ requtr$(! T"" ll)lov.. ng COI"nPOOM1$ are reQOJII"e<! COmp<l<)eillS ma'*"" ",'III.n
_ . ... "", ... 1>1<0:
2 Implltnls.
l SOCO/'IO "O!)C /\COling caos
2 dire-cl ',la"'''''' alXolment posts (one 0< two

An aUacnmrot ,1 .Uacll<d '" a nalura! Oll.JI,,"Cnt
Tools anc ;"Slr""",nt. 10 la",icale aM p oce tI"te reSlOralior"l,
FI. e ... De'. e "".,l. !le<> . ..... Briel",,_
FIXOd-dC:l\Cflatc 8$ cornrnO<IlI$ll>ey U$od to 00 They toe usually
'" " ...... ... >Siom and '""","e 5 or ' T>Of1I ""pi"""" Bn allerna' "" is a type
""<1or..,,,,n 0< $n.oj t-,.pe Tho loIc>Mng comPOf>""" """ ""QtJired'
5 Implant.
5 second stage healing cops'
5 1 ...... @"_
5 iMp<o,stOn cO!' "OS.
o 5
5 pla'''e '" god cyl ,edets "'''' SO"HS ono 1 PC-Wa'",. plus loois 80(1 <>eeOea
to 8110 pt.e. 1M """,,,,.1IOn
B. , Ow. , M nl ......
Bat IyOO !oS....., SL>ppMed oy",oo.'h..-e. nay be ,11",,1000 <litecl'\' 10 rt ... ,tr() an", or .ndi-ec ....
1<> tI"te I.s ..... e>len"""s. 2 0' MOre ""l'lanrs am ntCu''&d, MIl ed bars "" lao.ie."", Ill'
i'llPIan! Supp<>'1Cd re.lora!""", The compooortts arc rc<lJ reo'
. 2IMPlar,.
02 s<>cO<I(J Slag" he.,"'9 cop"
2 irrpo"e-ss ""
2 ""aI<>g"
2 .. "'" c<lcns""",
2 OOPlngS and $C_$ the lXI' and ,.<:le<1;, plu. !OOIS Sod inSlrurrent$ neeo:Ied 00 tabriCate
Md place !he 'O$toralIOtt_
Foo- ",IW l<> tl>& 1rl"IpI.>n1, e1ltnir>ate I", bSSlJe e"en""'.
Stl>d O". ..... l u ...
Stud 1\'1>& OWO!(lenM" sre u.u"Uy as $u_ported ceslc<a uO!'t$ 2 c< "".ore
im(tIM\$ (l!0 ,oOO"''''''fldW Most iilu<l Iype prelormood a1tiOChe<:I <l'ectly 10 Iht
im(tlanl. Til< fObIMg "rc ,,,,,.tired
l Implants
2 """""d .... 11" healing c.p.
2 compl()U) stud lyr>e omptant onacM"eolS, o"JO I00I. and in"'"""",. 0._0 to fol)rocole
anc::l p/aC(l1too
Nol. : Ccm,oonotnl' rm,I",d ",tit _ _
Tip: To 'impl.ty arid to ",dL1Ce <:<:01",,,,,, ""h mL.ttiple systems)'OO ""'V woo! 1<>
coosld." the UM. Sy$lem e! ..... ""Ie""'" ,.,,'" Itntng ava,"
able Ill' fl>:>5t implanlS. AJ I1'StOralv<) 80(1 IOOIs 1Ir0
rn ... et>y reduclAQ )'O<lI """"lory
""' ... __ ,...,'_,_,_',,<' ___ ..... ,._ 176
,,_ .... ___ ..... w_""
.. UMAI+ S,stam Universal Modifi cation Abutment
r. UtAA.. UnivorMI Mod<IicllIIOn A.IMment. 1$ a 'canun tISSUe _ desogNld 10
cemb<ne II-.. adY .... , :>gC$ 01 8 "'" an;I tapered cone section on 0Nt IlDutrnenl Tile
<XtnI PO<\lOIt 01 lite .tll.t nenl provides ",",nglh ard resIStance 10 aalln Ioree not
IoI.w'tt:I on 0Ihet desog ....
IhI UMA q'Stem .. <OCOI"YloendtKI lor appIocaI>OI'I$ such as Ilr'cIgIt nroconsul..C\.Onl.
it' IC',,, "'II tKl ebutn'owIlSand I>af Of
The I$,..,.oe 10 wonoardlLB and eoonOf"'U'" implan1 """'"tty and 10
m. "'04' _ ot noninl ... cornponenlS OCI"""",
Thli UMA __ , n imp3l'1 $pOCo!: SCI"",-on wI'I:1e the tapered/"" """ linl"lg
surlllOl II _ .... ''OfIIctau ot IhIt IypIt Ii ..,plant The $'''''dardimd lilting
allows 8'1 _ UMA comoCf_ 10 be corr pletely inlerct\ar'9&atll., ...ruen
It'IV('or"oI() ar>d P'I>pIi' as .. ,.stet ...... teclYllqve.
@ @
0 @
i i
scoooo-..... 1
"-"II<' ec:.. ......
' ........
.... " ....... ... , . ... _,_ .... __ ... w ....
C_ .... ""'''a''_'' ............ "'''''''e.. 177
Universal Modificati on Abutment
CV Paragon
T", lIM.-1 _ <10, .. 'oW!O $Or!'>OLIy rnwef'OQty "'" M2
.... _y IIU."(" " O IIf, ....... e(l,ohexagor> I tt"O 1IUrl_ Of
ot1or>Ia' 01 tho we '" 01 .,opI;!Io" 0<lII)Io: ,.eo,
wnoIt iICft)W,fI I)aw 0< pr(l$$ """'. " 8I*AiQ
The UMA "' .... , ," .nsftrliOd nto ,'" .mpl. nl ... In m,
6.o-1crq "P an(! sed", 1_ pt/(Ie 2fJ{JJ ""'9 ..:> to
oIoorqo.>o. AI UIAA ...... IO.- tho...,.., _teo._ 0XfI"CQ-

, ,
Coi, , .... , .....
T-.. [,0. ""' .....
... . 3.;).35<0' '''
. 3.15<. ' ....... (AI
wr . NJA
'F", .. '19h< pla1lo:m Ilr........ark com
!>O)"" """"'lS ",(fl. 31SIardo.d LCESl.
Ao. M.
EnIoIQ'I _ 2MZ HI.. 0 1(: . HI"'". _0 ... et::.
PARAGON eo .... Venl

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... . ICJ 2c..n. 11..0012'21)
WI NlA 3 c..n. 114)1Z1)
C<q.',Oe<W. _',Oe<W. c..n. 11..001200
s ........... kttw........ 11..001250
6:;m... 110012'60 12-OO1 V&
1 0m", 11..001270 N/A
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..... No'''

NOT[; F", loll Ha>t.oc. _ 10
1..II<U.1Or Ilr_ 1_
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"'" .
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, 1.001 .....
' 1.001<00
11.00' 4(1(1
To DrOOl 8CJO.999-3003 650-340-0393
9 UMAfI> SY8tem Universal Modification Abutment
Ster'- Oss
cw U

_ . 3,2::<rm SOSrnol o,_ IA)
U '_D-m ($)
_ . NlA

... "" ...
_ . 325rrm Ie)
., c.rr. 10)
_ . N/A

T ..... E.o. )" " o'ill'(

11.(1(l' !a)
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Rl' ...
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SOs.r..D.' .... IE} 1.!onwn ""'" 11-(1)1715
., .3!>4 (h>." IF) 2,O'w<o 11-(1) 1102 'HXI1720
IIOTE For S:eri,o.. Ht:c,lOC U 14.$
_lOUMAIorBr_RP. l ,
3.Crn 11-(1)1703 1]'(ll1730
00-0'00 11-(0171).0 11-0017010
11-001105 11.(J)!7r.C1
6tlri'1oT1 "sOO'1'06 11-(1)1761)
7tlri'1oT1 HiA 11-(1)1110
....... ' - ,..- __ ...... _ .. , ....... " ... ...-.. , ...
r oc ""',... _ .... _ " .. , .... _'"
9 System Universal Modification Abutment
UMA, Imprnsion Copings
T"<! IJMO, I"TIP"'"'''' copiog. "'" u.cd 10 uanste< the PQS<I"'"
01 the UMA. to a mode '" """I'-"'Ct>on a twa .. aoaJog_
The hex rrpre>si:In COOlnQ is required 10 .. 1 .... -
ge- """"tal ... , 01 I'll! UMA to rr<lSler """"'. The ho,.d
impr"uion COPI"{t con toe u.sd fa< " ' '!l le lOOlh, ang'ed
(01)\11"""'''. aod b' dge" TI .. I."e-OO .. <>" 009"11 $
"'-"<I for bli<>;)c rc.tO<atIOn. onl)'.
UMA lmp'essD\ C<oooI\l Ta"","" """1>ece ""I
UM .... IMP_ C<opO-',j .... ' w"" eo. 80-00000 (B)
UMA, Analog
Th8 ttra .. """<>9 ,s a "'Pliea 01 Ih. UMA ,-..,."1. l he
,mo'e .. ion coping 11 8"ochec 10 \h8 a
I'lOOC can toe la"""'.I"". W. ''''''''''" .... oj tha' a .ol Iss""
I"'oO<IcI toe mad. w \h a rna:,,,al ike Gi-MlSk 90.a5M30
_ the .""1ogS a'C OUtlg<1givai
UMA, lif:aling Caps
UMI'. (,:anoom II&I<1g caps "'" used to P"'_' dama(}e 10
the UMA ,nset! du,i'Q the labo<atC>'y proceol'les . cd '0
Malfrta", the 10'0011" the I ssue ,men the UMA, !We
....og og val Ttoo UIM .... cop> IT\I.y a '" be ",8<1
Ihe IM2-It.IE or the 1M2 et. atout ...... '1
The (l5O' He. Or ver use-c lor inserllon 01 lhe HMI'"g
UMA, Healing Capa (AI
W.A _gCopz,r..,
UMA. CoP""'M

El>-1i:wo 000 .... , T P
El>-Toro .0f0Q' iii. T D Long
LT I RA ()5()' H8:x 1 ip SN>r1
LT I RA ()5()' H8:x Tip LMg
... ,.>A<.'._ ... ...... ,_ .... _ ___ ._M
,,=-."", ... _"' ....... ...
Impression Copings
Healing Caps

" . ,

I HX.Q') I S
59-1:lO I?O

Universal Modilication Abutment
UNA, T. " "",,_t Cylindwr
n.e UMA w-rOOf''Y eyli'I(! .. IS Pft'C'SOCIf' m..:1"o0Wd '"
tIl"' ..... !of "OV1,"onal rei:",.""". bOle re!;litl,a' 001.
and ....-lIIc1OliOl'l JIOI
........ It<<'IXI''Y_O'' ..... (I!jO'_S=w (AJ
........... ' ..... 'Y_C""""" & SkIISc-_ (Ell
......... 1 'lXloryNor-..... Cyh>o), 'O; 050'_ (C)
...... ,.-.-., t-b--.... C .. _ ,0; StootSc<.w (0)
P.t.ftf S
UIM. 1_ .... fiu>; c:y""",, 0<'1'
UIM. 1..-.p.,.-III, N:Jt>Hv. 0.,. """"
!JIM. SIOI Sere.. Oroly
U ........ ct..O . .... Se'eWCW{
UNA, CAL Cyl indlMs (Passive Fil)
.. I.No\ CAl cy .- .. ...- '" fUI'IIJ"I\"" .roc, ......
-=-'"' ...... cy'otdeo-...-.I In.
;AL tee ........ II lor M ..... I I n .. CAl.
c,. -....... ...,. in no'"-fIO>C IyPO only and .. IengIr1
" oe to 3.5frrn FO' CAl passive
""'""' -e!'" 10 172
UWI CAL CW_ & 05I'l' HrI. Sew'" I"')
"'M CALCWdo<,\SSw:w (8)
.MA CAlCylto"'" """" W/Sp ....
SIOI5<. .... cw,.
lM\ (I!jO' 110>< 5<._ CWv
... - . ,-.-.-,_ .. .....
......... ""', ......... "'_ .... .... v_.,.
CAL Cyllnde$
Universal Modification Abutment
UM .... Cylinder, Sc,.. .. Plug (CSP)
Gvide Pins
Thot lIMA CSf> _ 01. _ plUtic eylono;Ieo'" cYin<ler. $ " 10< ,nile or ,,,,,,,op,c lDUlmoIt'IIl
0< """"'- f\'II8' r.ex. or ... _ ..... .., _ ...... pl>g 10 _ .... f'IM.'II!O< qlrodoo ... .-.;I tor t>oidgei 0< g
.... 111>0 _"'Ii 01 ,roe gcduIaIlCCeIS _ , .... __ :::'_. ___ _

I() ,I() 0
VIM CSP He< CyI' OIW He< s.:.ow & !'lug (-'I
VIM CSP lie>; CyI &. $cf1rw' """"
VIM CSPN<:It>_Cyt, CW"_ 9c<ow & r<'ll (e)
l.WA.. csP N<:It>_ Cyt & _ , F"I\lg (0 )
VlMo,_. 0nI!'
UtM. C'o1""'"' Hoo>< F>Io,t a.... Oniy
UIM. C'j1<rIOeI No',II .. ""OlIO _ Oniy
UMA. SI'ort 80, CPt><leo' IItd iE)
H'''' UM .... FIn" .. Q.oId flo""'"
IJMA.. L.at>\:"'11 Too< V(I Guido Po,
A Molo: '" 8ro<lgot 1YP<t.,. ..
UM ... , s.cr.w. Ind GuIdi Pins

lwo OIl sc, ..... led "" ..... "',,. .,., ..... _ roe. ,."da/d sial scr ...... ,_ , "'" pori
IYPrI "",","'Ii N f1.....".d 0b0''''''' ClI_ . ...., sIol IyPC lItO used ...., the he< .. .... )tI eopong
" ,
UIM. _ Sc._ 1l!'oO' (A)
!,lAO.. $<:0 s.:- (8)
VIM a.... PinI
UIoll. Hp Go.>deP .. Ie )
uw.. SIIJI 0.- Po" (I))
DDS mIJ" lie>; Dr ....
Bo-la<! r:xn He. I ... StQI
8oQ.lgrq r:xn _ 1 "lOfig
LI I FIA. 050' He< l (I
Lli FIA. 050' He< Top Long

A Noto: Fe< SiC< So."" r:Io "'" .. c .... to NIem 01 ""QuO.
" ...... -. ............... ' .. _ ........ r .. " ' "'''-"-
........ """, ___ . '" .. OA


58- 100125
To fIOO.999.:,Q03 650-3400393
Universal Modification Abutment
Bar Type
UM", Dalla 80m and ORS (O-Ring System)
TI'MI UMA D . .. CAS ao m_,o Iii onlo Iho UMA
f'ISe", TM 800a I'\a$ an ' d)\J$t<IoIe 1..,,0'. _ the
CAS con""n! "" al Q_Ring 60lh 8ttach"",nl> arc
.... "" of I,tanrum alloy The UfAA DMa Bona. 0I\CJO>d 1 In."
..... '" fer-."" 1 mole wlh"",""" ,J'I!l' """ onal<>g The
ORS roc""",. 1 1,:an;,..., "",10 wilh 1 r' :'''''ler ring. 3 """e. 3
"td O-rings. Me a l><aS$ ORS ana'og. TrIC FG trIC' ''''' Qno
,'" os required '" "'."" "'" maleS.
I,JM 00110 Bo<a Cotrollel<l (AI
.}o.'A OflS (8)

UIAA, Dalla Booa Female wi Sp>Oe' ar>;) h!Wo(,l
.MA. OIlS Hot." .. AAAI>g """ O-Rings
FG 0<_
UMA, Bar S)'$tem
lIMA "' .. , " 1Md$ ifUol! o<t,emely " 'e'l for t>ar ret:lfled
c.e-den1u,,,, 11 _s not nocCI$<)IY (0 <1$0 aUocm,en,. o'her
...,., clIP' we, II\e I>Ior II yo..; PiAn [<, u"" OIM, <& .. ,&0, dlsta'
0 ..

n V



Bar 2 (AI

c><t 1.'<>SO()rl aM""""",," pc.sterior to IIw last io"\Pll><lt sO eel
'he ORS "' i, p,,"v.oe, g.ood ,elen,,,,,, nM Ira"' ... ' .... ry
inr. tOrQue, ""' ''" "U"" allachme",.

XV'-.l e al L'L'

2 .o!'" """ ""' ..... , 2 S/'Icrl ptasl<C 0)'1<""'" 2 IPd 0.1 nocr .. \\1th $pOe"" and
UM .... O.r Kft (81

DOS .050" Hex c.._
R ........ Go d fiooc.
LIAA. Lappng Tc<JI...,o CJode r>;,
A 1Iot.: F .... "'''''''' b., """cm.,olu: IQ cas Bill S\f>1cm 111.
__ ..... .. W" .. _
"""""" "". " .... _ .. n .. _ ... .... _.""
To 0rr:kIr: SOO99!)'3003 65Q<)4()'0393
9 System Universal Modification Abutment
Bio-Torq Drivers
LT I RA Insertion
Standard Drivers
UMA, Insertion O. ive.s
The Boo-Tarq (B-T) """ LT I RA O<Ner Systems were des'gned
10 laaI" ...... 1he j""",b<Y\ o! ,,,,,*",1 co-npaoenll, The So-TOfQ
UIllA nse" on ' i05 be u' '''.0 wIth Ihe B 0- To'"
6'So< ...
M""" Held Sockol f I1or<:lit (A)
UM>. T", Shc<1.I,"-bOn Dt ."" {S)
UM>. I,p LCf"g.In .... lioil 0", .. "
Set T,p S"'II
Sot Tip l.tng Ie)
(J!JlJ He. TO> 5"",,,
G5O" He< Tip L<>'l9 (0)
S' O-TOFlC Exte,...."., IE)

sockeVadap, .. Of me BIO-TO.q '''"'''''''''' Tho LT I RA Ca:cn
lwe) lip. a<e >m!O ...... n nil"'. aegle handpoece type dr _ _
Tho UMA.1.<alior> screws Jmoc tar"<larO ,<>1 Of 050" llex.
" .....



59 '00'95
'>3-1001 '5
58 10012
Sta-.s Dri ...... ond FG 0rI ....
DOS Cl5O" >ie, 0""" ( ... )
DOS sao. 18 )
100 .(l(,(I' Hex D<M:, lei
Fr "'"'" G<ip Dr "". (0)
" '" Dr, ,
A for Set s..o-..x. "'" " ,0_ Ie N.en cI IIY<M'_
A for 00I'I"_. IirJO cot s<>- Ibrq .rod LlfllA """' .. " __ <'60 263
.. ..... ---.. ,"- .... ,." ....... ., ....
"",""""","" '" "'-,'--:;A

To Ordl!(' 600-9993003 f550.}4M39J
Universal Modification Abutment
Soldering Tools &
Protector Caps
, .... U'AA r....,.. I'oi1h handle IS used 10
....... the accua hole r:J Th> caSla.- LIMA tMZ.
01 iJCLO. ,r><JtI'l Th. , eat for tMe
'.""1<11 "'. screw '"Ilso 'eMed IAl
T"" lIMA um ',,,p.ng tool tapp ng
11- 4t ... .-I w .. dooI, ... d pale
,"""'" the Maoo r:J U. c_. uu.o
0< 'AZ tIOe< ' 1'01 aw"'g _ ""',,""'" :t.
C go.Odo C (6 )
uw., Uooc<'II , ........ Gu dt
liI'p.t'fol D.........cI PI'"
.... UW """"""Q '"aiog ""th s CI 0< .....
Ie __ .... " cal UMA &amo <Uing
""" _ "'II proc:eO\,rO. teJ
uw.. _"II Mr:I<>g -. Slot..,....
l.'TAA. _ cog .... . f:bO" Hex "'''''''
'"II UMA CQ'shonlI caps '" usee 10
CO(llOC: "'1iJ""II"'8f ..... 'ac:o r:J 1M l-"IA *.ders
... '" shrg .. 1'110 01 SOl t /PO saew."'"
10 '"'_ ...... t :-G c.p. 11'11 UI,I,A coIosIwlg
........ "'" ceQ""" I .... cox 01 e. (01
o _
VAA F'l::LlIf _4(1 """""'" cap ISl
..... Sc<ww C!oC'
UM" Slot Sa"...
...... " .... -y .. .. ", ........ , .. ,_.,
"'""'" "' .. '"" -' - .. "" .......... <-

IT u.

To Order. ero-m-JOO3 Ss,o,34().0393
' MZ __
he B/aoemark Implant was de_eloped In ,he early Profess," Parlng .. '
Bmne<>1arl<. 1'10/"..." e,aocmo'" was lhe 10 0'''''''''''' ,"" ooSSllOinteQrattOn aspect
01 It""..." 0.."' ''11'''' _ct> 01 t>ooc """""11 in .rutrJal$
ooId by Nobel BlOC.'" aroo ... "' 1hree ... parOle pIaOtc.m&
B" .... m.'k 3.3mm di.meter _ Narrow (NP) 3.5
Branemark 3.75 4.Omm <11 ..... * . Rogular Plalform (RP) 4.1
Elran ..... rk 5.0 & 5.5mm di. rno1 ... _ Wk;I& Pl alf<>rm (Wf') 5.1
Many otr.e. impla ... CQI"Illanr'" FMi<e implant. lha!.", testoo'al",-,iy compo1iI'''' ""' h the
Sraoem,"k R<\IU'a, Pa" ",m e,,,.,nal hex implant. .. e compan, 'nt1uoe 0-1C.3,
'''''''8"""" P",a9O". Inle<po<9, I""",. and Sle<I-Os . I,.,.., i"'P' an'$ can u&& 11'1& same
restor.,'", C<Yl"po<1""" ." tile omplar>l plaltorm. he. oncI ",Iernal threads idCnllCaL
TfIC n'IOs1 widely u$Cd oor>oePI IQ' bridge 0' sOngle lood> teplac_ ,"!he IJQ.A
It M. ,M wiOcSI rong" 01 appl e""" po<d>illtles. as weN Mlng "e'y
For oveldflc.lur8 appicAliooS. ,lie 005 10.R'ng SySIOOl). ,he 008 (Direct Oal a Bona),
loe 8dlu .. able gold "der wllh bar. and 11\& Hader Of $y .. em are "'001
Impl"nl" Compa'lbl e To
B.--.. rtf> 33 ,,"""MlI"IO, _ 3.5 A",form Implamed NP
B,."o"'&I'1< Rf> 3 7S 4 0 ext",,,,,1 hex 4 I P!a:form 3i &. S:<IIIrd 0sse0I<.
Implar:>ed Rf>
11.12 Hex Head 3.3 &.
In_a 3.25 & 4.0
RE.,..,kST RP
$Ienas. He,Loc 3.8 &
P.$$lOre flO & Sustain flll
T"",,' -I.oO<
B"""""",'" Wf> SO&. S.S...-MI hex . 5,1 F'IaIform Implamed WP
Indication .. and QuanUties ollmplanls recommended:
_ S ingl. Toolh AepI"".......,1
\ ,mol..- is '<'V"oo
- !kidS. Rooc:ons '.ucllon.
Rewmmended for- 1 omplant """otoed '0 at>ulmeol, Of too;> Of more
Iroo SlaMcn9 .-npIants,
'" Flud I D.tech. bl. Reconllr .... tlon.
!or 5 Of mc<e implant, on a lull)' """"iCJiCvS u<on.
_ aa. Type O ........ n1 ......
A""""""""OM IOf 2 Of rn<l(e ,,,,plants Of ror an ,,,,plant a:t""t\ed to
a M.",al AboJ""e",
= S.ud Trpe Ovenlenlu, ..
Re'l""''' at leaot 1 implon/ 1'-'11_ rT<lI'@ OhOuld
be u'iGd
.. , .. ,," .. --,_." .. '-'-'" .... -
". ... , .... " 166
4) Tel mlnology of Components
."", ..
"' , ..... tlw. Campa" . .. '.,
Tre """0><><""'11 ",",!lie used Ie> IlPbnC.ol. ,.,..11110" '110'
..;:: "" """"",,,red to "'" rmpPalPl(I), Tre .... 50<0''''' /My 5)(: arrloCNl<! 50 ..
.,,,,, moo,ate ","",ponerlt & ,, __ . , 'ension Of at>u"""", Mlo:;/1 in tum ..
conneclO<l t<> "'" I!"IPIIM(I)
Imp'.'" Body:
Tho oMj>IanP boay IS "'Ie> "'" boric> .... 0-(1, . 0(> to """" ....
0"5 _.agatoon I .. -0110\1'.:0"
Tis .... Eden';" .. ,
!hot IE (TOSSU4I Ext""oion) tI$O 'Glon Old to ...... Ilbt.r:rnt<"l( ... ' "" .... ,,...;oa!<!
""""",:lor be,ween,,,. impl .... ' .rIII the '."ora,""" ,t,.,.y ."en<l ._ !he
I,ss,,,,, tn some 'M'ane., & TE .. "nt<Oll ou l>g,n,.,val, 10 provioe a ""01
..... ,ie reMOf","'"
Imp""" Sr . .. dnHuprlon:
Tr-.e lIMA, 0 ...... ., ..... 0(>"5 w .. <leoelOI)tO 50 . ..... oy 05' ......
,"""""' wo'.....,..... .,.;; -....,..". lor. ecor.Oho.:.l cor>-
......, ... """"V .,..,!ot 05 ......,...,..., "' .......... "S. ro$
wo1ace II roQIPId_ 05 ".. m e or type 05 ,.....,...... ,'"1 If<!
-... 'lSsatw.;n _. __ ...a:
C.....,nrtHlilir .. '
........ nt. Rel!o .... ' I ... " c:o ..... To
B .......... rIc HP 3,3., tie. f'IIt!otm 'm"Wheel NP
B .......... rIc RP 3.75 ' 1,0 .. "", II Pllillc>
3ISrao .. dOsMctrPe
,""'""*' A?
It.I.Z ..... Head 3.3 a , .0
1_ E ..... )Z;i a 1.0
F1E ...... STFIP
S/eri-OoIs _.\.0: 3.8 ...
'-- B ........... WP 5D& 55_he.< S 5P1ot1u", h,' .,WP
,. .. """ ......... _,_ ................. "",,"' .. _ ..
.. "'- ..... ... '" .,,"-'" 187
Impr, .. siOn C<'JP<'i\lS ......... dlO lake an ompr""Qrl 01 tho
impla<t1 OOCiy or tne t'ssue .. och as !he UMA 01
$IOOdO(d al)oJtrncnl . Te .. I mp ..... ''''" fit t oe
""p'.nl a:8 moo. of ti:aniumotn ... are ma<lc oj
'" Fl.
Impression Copings
.talNess s:cal . Tho UCLA Hex Iyp" irrpresslOn
It an"'" I "" "'" onertalOOtl Itle non-I ... (Or ,Ogtt) ""'" 1,"".$'
Mrs toe ","ohm p:><r' IOO aod 'hre","" I TIIng only

, '

M. D ..... J.l.I'II".brr""
R. ....,.,....-:1 D .,,0,., & <.0. ?!I.!!o"" HP" I..."
WI' D ' '''''0' 5":;\. '; 5 P " 1<:1'1' \I"? 0 1.,..,-
Impreulon Coping_ TO FIt Implo<ll
UCL.O. 1m><M..,., """"g. 050' "'" 11'-100 ",", I,,,,,wl ... (A)
UCLA N<:t>-H<, IMp .. .. ;'" C<>P no. (BI
Imprellion Coping_To FIt Abu1",""" I Tin ". b lenolon
S.,.",...., 1"IIp' .... '" Cep.ng (C)
IbCo-.c' No1.I-!e< Im' ''.''101 CoIl no (0)

Anal<>g. arc used 101 toe (aoneal.,n 0' a trul@r
r""y an;, replica. of Itwo "' 1<,1"<1\ OIIrSsue " " MS OC .

r .

d "

I.....". ... s..,-.. """<:il. ""0 ' en 01 ..",' .. " ("I)
Slandilid Ao.".,. . ", Bra .. ..... <>g (51
SI ..... . .. I\fIaI>g (C)
'""..ct>-;e .. wiltr """ 3i
.. IU' ...
. ,
.. R!' ....
.. wr ....
, ,
Oed .. ,
..\ \' 1' ....
, ,

ro Ordel eoo.m.3003 65O.J4O 0393
Healing Caps
Abutment Connectors
I>. Molino i1 , .. ,....,g 1M .050" /lOx
"'_ Ia ....... ...,., The oap lill Clo'iII' Ie IN """.,.,. and II
10 ",ai"",", 0<:<:"", ihOJ.-, IN " WC [JoJr'ng lI1e ""SUO
_I.-.g pMlO .

.. 1 ... "'"-"1 o.n.:or 3.3 _ P . 1"O'<"1 ffi' 35' ....
..." ... Oowroo:or 3.7H 0 """"'.., FIfO <, ,..,."
WI' W\>&'" """",""'..vS_
H02h"m1 ... .!IPwn
H-o I)wn .... .&1wn
RI' ...
T .... ao.M'Ie<>lS life ...... ,....0.0:. 1"tlI08 to fil
__ I! . ..... and the Roell .... """ c.-.
"*'" on ..... a(>l..trnen: "'"""" ."" ......... eyIiMe's r",
WI>en tI"Ie UMA __ T II .-0 U. :.uu x: .... "'" !tie
....... <11 ..... <A UMA 001 'PO'. 'IS _ ncJoC .....
It>e_ CaporOleC!S lie
.,'>oIl(Io"I$lfIl! 10 "" ..... .... 10 ..... lJCLI,
' ........ To .r".ac:fI "'" MlI.t..-.J _ Me Iloo-Torq or U.RA. lip.

Ow,., ,.'-_ _ ____ _______ _ ' .. ' 0'0,.., ' _
_____ ano:I Scteo.. !AI CoIoo H . 2 (mn'
. __ .... _.., ... 0Ih 9'0'1 s:;,.., _ "'" '()om
_''II;IS<::""" Co.H. lOmrr
..,......... "CI S<::'",," Co .. H (WO ....
... d s.:_ Co-atH - Sr.-n"'
Ab.,.. ... , ond s.:r.,... Cola< H . 7 (Wo'l1
-. c.., (B) Color II. 1 ()Tm

,....."' Bo-lorn 0" U I "'" ......... _2S8-:r60
-, ... ..... -.. , .. "._ .. ....... '"'
........ . .. ' ................. ...
' ?.(J)1030
, 2.(1)104(1
' 2<>01070
' ;>.(J)1010
Brane:n.rk Compatible
Direct Titanium Posts
Temporary Abutments
o ,eel .... noum abutment p"1S Of" avalable In 1' .... 0 conf'gu-
ra:;on . one 1'0'1 and two p,."" The lwo picec
oogaocs lhe hex of tM ..".,am for an_at."..,.
Two p",ce t,1I\<>'vm AngiCO Aor.rtmenl s On 15 or 2'5 <lOll"'''''
a'. available for ,rnolan," Included IS a.fXj(f "'"

"'t ""::tar! o.ac-_ 3 3 . 'b:1o"n Nt'
,,,,,,Ia,.. Chlo"'_ l.ro & .Q PIoI""" Ii' 'rrrn
".. ".,..". Dor_ ot 5 _." 'l.'n 'rrrn
Di, oct noni ..... POS1S . one piece (")
D . ..ctTIIaNIm _ . oroplCC<l
Til""",,,,,, _ . oro plOC<>
Di, oct nonium Posts. Yrilh.1)5O" he. sc'"' (8)
Do'<l'Ot TiI"n urn Poo", "'''' 05()" foe. screw. 2 poece
Do"", T"""""" P",,,,,.;,,, 050' rIO. sc _ _ ? p>e<8 NP. 2-3r-",..
Di _ 1 Tilanium Angled Abutments . .. lth .050" M ' "'_
Do,,,,,, 15 OOp<OO AAgIe<l Alou!rr-<!r:s .. "",ow, "wO p;ece (C) 2'" So...,
Doroct 25 oop<oo AAgIM .. """ SClOW, "wO p"",. (0) 210 3< ...,
lle1erS !O COCa.- hoighl bele> taper Def.I"', Ov<." or> all POSI . .. 12rTrn.
... ...
. ,
_. _.

44-33'32O-W 44-OO1:m "-5013JO.lo\'P
Tip: Th. 00. I'C4O I,ll'"", ""'" ... iod",.te<j for br .d;l'O , Ior",,,,, Trc lIN<> P""'" 0001 "'''Y bo "_ to- S'<ge.
or bn<lgo .. ,Ior01 0 .... R.C.",..,....,." tQr<J"" for Angled /11),-,,,.,,,, ... :)() Nl<m,
The i<:'I,po",ry .""""""'. (TAl lYe a.adat>le He. '" Non-Hex
101'1 Ih. ,mplant d"8Ctly (UCLA tem"",.,y abulmenl)
TempOt8'Y abutments a'. "1.0 """' a ble I", ' ho UMA. Fo'
,,'OImal<ln, 'eler 10 the UMA oectJon. Ai I_OfY IIbcme<>t.
OIC rna"" oIl,lanoum,
TA to Fit Imphont ("I
UCLA I .... HOx it, .". SCi ......
UCLA' .... HI, ,,;t, ,05()' """ &Cle ..
UCLA, .... Hlx"'" .050" .., ...... scr ......
UCLA-I .... t-Ior -I-i<o' ,,'ft" "10,,.:_
UCLA-T .... t-Ior-HO,,.;ft" 050" no< .0 .....
UCLA-I .... t-Ior-I-i<o' ";11", 050" sqoJII'o "" ......
RI' ...

" _<X:0051
" 000353
1-10 : V/twri 'he IJMA ir_ "sed ... co" . ..... ""'.o<;<l, tho ,1roo.'d inc oI UMA """"""'" . .. '-(fe""'"
lloterlO tt>o UMA "",'-"",.
lip: 1M loo0(J&1 ("",,,,,,ary Aoo"""",,S can tl& oM<! in oite ... """ . \IS
...... ..... _ ,_ n'_' ..... ... ""' .. -.--",
- .
" """,""","'" t. , _ .., "'" .... ..
TO 8(1).;,99-3003 650--34().()393
Branemark Compatible
NCA Healing Caps
NCA Impression Copings
NCA Abutments
r"" Nalura Cc.,,,our Abut;;ent System was deSigned to
=JIat& "'Iurn! toott1 ,lid esthet,e. for ''''91& tooth
II>d bndQC '''plant "",lOrat.ooo<. The g;og,yai 01
"",Ioraloons c." noW" 00 deally s!>ape<l1O repl<:a"
,.,. ott nalural
",de NCA impresson COPings <0 t/'In .....,.; 10 ,<hie rnpIont
'oial'C<"ISi"up and aooes.s "mer(lMOfl1O m .... '" i"I"IOd<lI
nalur'" 9"'9"'>1 """"go""";' c,cate<J Il'Irougn 1M tiSSu<>
TO sirnI.Ialc lhe """'u. IIngivai I">'<ItI>s 01 ",,:vrlll <len1,1."".
Ih" NCA Healing Caps, .mp'e.OI"" cOPings and
NCA ab""""nt. arc a.aiable ... d'amele ... 5.5. 6.5
aM 7 5""" i'lCA System uI,._ "" r:n:r OQ"""'_
'" the ,",,<Ie prof,1& NCA.I>e.>I"'9 ceps. Th& cor""pond"'9
.bd TI
Dffij] ,
I '
I ' ,
, ,
fl'. k'nponl . R,."m N' S.Omn
1\1" k'np ..... 3.15 &'.0. P at"O""I 'l? '.''''"''
... k'np .... Dionw .. & ;,' ,1,,10.'1'11 "t 1'"'11'"

NCA _ling
NCA ,... " -.g Coo 050" .qua .. (.)
NCA '"'" " -.g Coo.05O" sQO.OO"
fi "'*>g Cao .050" _QUO"
Cao .050" 'QUO'&
NCA "","-.g ClIo .050" squa ..
NCA Cop .050" S,,",,'&
NCA Impreulon Coplnga
NCJ\ o-rp.-....,., Cop.;g & 0...."" ,,., OliO' ",,,,"re (8)
NCA o-rp.-.. ..", Cop.;g & 00.-<"""'" .050" "''''''-
NCA o-rpres..", Cop.;g & Go.",,"'" .050"
NCIl Ilbut ment wi H .. Sloe
NCA MJI ........ ,,;11 S_ & G"o. l'" .00,}' "l'-"ro (C)
fICA wiH Sloe.,. & PI, JJl:IJ' sqoJaro
NCA ",,H .. S\ee.,. f. PI, .OW sqoJaro
NCIl ADut ment wi HonHe . Sleeve
"'CA """'''' ....... .-No.1-He, _ & p, (0)
NCJ\ """'rr"'" .. ,t.Icn-He, _ & P ,00,}' """""
NCJ\ """,m ....... ,f'.Ict<He, Sleeve & GcOoe P .00,} ' """""
NCIl Tools
e.,. 'Jorq 050" 5""",a TiP sr.c.-t ([ I
S.,.lorQ Sock<>I
S",lO<Q 3(IN,JCM TQt'IUC \"I'e"""
LTIAA 0<,_ .f)(:IJ SQuaIO Till {FI
U!RA RtgI'O s<;,.,.,(Ir
NC,o, I\r, Tore ,"' ..."

Not., "'" comp'., .,'''rlCOI'''''''' or.. 8Jo.TOfIl oed LT!RA 5)'5""'"
.-to 20026J
......., "'-.. --'-..... ." --""""",....."
C"""' .. , "'" 'ou, ,_'"' ...... ""CO<. CA

o c
'. ,
65<' 150

44- 15??S3
59- ' 00'00
59- '(1(1 ' 90

58- '00' 80
TO Order' 800999-3003 650-34O-<l393
HEXCONE ABUTMENT (Tissue Extension)
The HexCone lWl wrent (tisoClC e><tcn"""J is a con",'" 0Il"'-
f1)(Id4t. made 10 ht be""""" Ih& implant ond l r.e
' .... Ofat'''''. The lIexCone is COf'lpal ible w,th tn ..
E$,,* eon,- The Hc>:Conc is a"wob\e if, ,.,""'"
b.., .... C\ame .. J .1 P "",," NP 3,.,.."
r ..... DiotIw .. 3.15 & '.G. -... RP <.1,.-."
WI' .... Diom::: ..
OPE .."r
H .. ConeAbutmenl (AI
AIlWl'I. ""'" $C'''''' , CM-'I>
Nlt.j"""" and 2.""''''
........... an'hc'ew J.cn",
...... ..-and$Crcw 4.cn",
Blo-r"' q 6< ........... 10.1 t p,' S:uwJard AlJ<Jtrr"ec,
Blo-T"'q Soc .. ,
UCLA ABUTMENTS Cylinder, Screw & Plug (CSP)
HexCone Abutments
UCLA Abutments
he ghts to ocwmmoda .. t,.""" th:'f,,,, U"" Standa,d
for restorations '"a' III 10 the imo.on' rel&r '0 li'e
UClA .yslem To alLoch tho abUJne<l1 use the Bio i<:<q lil>

59 100'00
59 100'90
1"" UClA abuicnenl s)'Stern is lite most ",Jely uS<ld ",.ora UCLA aOutmer"ll wrlh Cf'IOiCe of a Ii 050' he_ screw a (lOod
tove CO<ICe<>1 tor 8<anerra,k Iype "",tor.t",, . The reS1Or"8lrW) or 1i.05O" SWl'<e "' ....... , yeh UCLA abuUront "..,!u",," 111.
pass ... include .. ngte IOO':h br,,...,. lolescop,c. &nd bar c ta01" pl 1 c .bul .... nt. the .101. hex Of square ocrew
'yp" OV"rOen'Ufe ,est(>ra: on, We ha"" now added ,he 3M me p31enled OOJsal ptug (CSI'<)ll<Xlcr . .crew &. plug),

0 ...
UCLA-CyIi Od .. , Scrow a Plug (CSP)
UCLA He>< AI><""""" ""'" Slot 1; SeI .... (A)
UClA He, AbulJncn, w .... llex T, Sqow.06O" l BI
UCLA No'1-Hc, o\buIme(l will> SlOt &<ow (Cj
UCLA No'1-Ho, Al>utme<'1 wi" H8> Se_ C60' (0)
UCLA He, AJoutnenl wtll Sqo.; ... Ii Sc<ew ifh
UCLA No'1-Ho, /UJWrlef"1 ",til I, Se,,,,, .050
UCLA He:>< _en, wtll 5Qo. . ... Go:d So",,. 050'
UCLA tb-H'ie, .ab."".,..." "'''' SqWlf@ GoId Scsew_rQ!
UCLA He, _"", will fie. Sotew ,04l).
UClA Hoo-Hox .abutmenl v.i'" ' ''', Se_ C.oa
UCLA Hex ""'"""", oroIy
UClA Hoo-Hc. C)1.-.oe.. ani:)-
<It""'" _' .. _, .. _, ,,,.._
"'"" ...... """,_...,. SO" ..... ""


... RP ... ... wr ...
.. ,
, ,
_. _. _.
44-<:00:;0 I
' --=.Wf'

4.-=_ . 4.(0);>5:' . 5(X)252-Wf'
" =
... 4'-500253-WP

4 4.(0)2:>6



To Ordef_ 8CO-9\I9-3003 650-3400393
Braneuiark Compatible
UCLA GOLD Cylinder. Sc"w &. Plug (CSP)
r't prle oion ' u or non Ill' IJCLA Gold
Cyl ""'ro ' f' ava,lable lor lingl' 'OOIh On<ll)8 and
,,),a,o:)rIt. {/Old cytionc.r !lal. snIP"'" macI'N"<l<l
..-.>6X ("''''''g I eo"')
""eb'Ig ...... a!\.ft cI .. goI<l cyInDer 2550 VIO
1 c....... T,.., gold cyln<Itf'"''

S .. " Plug (CSP)
,OJ, .. GoIcI C)Toor ..... loci< T, a.a 1"1
,(;V, __ GallI ..... Her< Ti $avw IJ&f (B)
___ ..... >,
/CV. .... Gold Co! _...." p"",,e C.<U)<"""
NOn fiOA Gdd Cy< ....... "'ttl _"" e_on
UCLA Gold Cylinders
UCLA Impression Kits
UCLA Starter/Refit! Kits
..-of 604% 0 a'ioot Us"", a..,. ar h.g" IJOI<I conI..-1
a""I' ...,.n cas' ng '. f.O.,.",..,.'O&(l To aWl,,, PO""IOI"
cr.,;k.ng . ",.nirr.m or 0_5mm CasMg ,lor ilhOOJld $<.-
fOUr.;! "'" goI<l cyhndor. To..-.sure <:Qn>cln C3$1.ng 8f<)JI<I
""'vc>d qinMr , ..... "_10 .00.100
..... a'><I .... _ CUI "0
... RP ...
. ,
lJCI...,\ ... E t -,lot........,. 1. 2 (06 "(>ILl
UCLA !rnO"''''''' K , . I wit" _._ 00
VCLA trnc<e''''''' K ? wit, ......... '" _ "Os
VClA 1<.0:' ,wit, __ ..... 00.
IJCLA K.t 6 wit, .... __ ogs
.&J _ K.I co'o,, oj 10 ... .....- of If'ICU<Ied
ElICh UClA._ -<it ncIuc:Iel 4 UClA "._
10_._ , ,_ ... , lapl>'"g tOO 1
apc.rg g""" pOl and 8 screw<:\rive, Ino
.... ' nel,,,, . 4 UCLA cOII.bll Ahu.
uct.A su_ KlU
.-cv. 10li0-''' ... Slarllll' KiI_ ...... &:0 ... 0H1
.-cv. I.lo'o "rr-. ... Sior'"< KiI ....... s.:- fH1
ucu, Rlfill KIt.
,J()lA r.Iioo He>; ReI KiI ... "' .... -.. 000-
..JCLAr.IiooNotoHe. _ KII..." .... _ D.'JO"
menlo. 11.1rW"O tOOl. _ I Iopj:ng p;n
U$A'1Ie 1 mC'(OII"""",o PU'O 10
,.,me ttIO IIIl ell ",1'1_ or lhe cast palll''''.
.. ........ ----, ........... ---..-...
H_."" ". .......... .. ,,,-:..0.
... RP ...
' 4000121
' 4-000122
' . -00012.
... RP ...
U h.v""
" 0CT'52
8 Br.n ..... rk Compatible
Abutments - CSP
Plastic Cylinders
A varioeW 01 Bran"""'" compalit>e piasllc cylindof5 are
available 11\10 Slar>d/lrd or I-18xeooo atltJlmenlS (t,ssue
cyl. nde,. may I)C as " k I wt.ch I,",'udon the
c)l1in<1er, ""rt." an<! ocolusal ph.og !CSP)
.<!tInsions). The C\'1inON$ mav t)C re:a. ned w tn sIoI or 10 ..
sc'. w, ond a,@ , n<l,ealed 10' Ove(d.ntu(e . c'own and
or",(/,), ",,,orallons or hytw',d OOotu''''' The long
Do not cas! _ani resIorations ., b.ue alOy ( ...... 1>< ....... ,
1 -




. '.
I I'

AI'TIO'lI' 3.3 "loll=- NI> 3 5rrm
.. :to'Tl"'" 3,7$& ',0 PIoIIoHn R' < IFtn
...,...., nwr..,." & 55. p...,..." W" 5 I .....
0" ipOir:N'
CSP. (C)'II","I, s.:,.w Plug)
CSP Sta,.".a CvlIf'I<Ier sIo\ tel"'" of"<1 =1...., pIu\j I")
CSP Stan<;Iota Cvlin<J<I . . 05I:f 11,,, ""' .... ,.". """" .. ' pug (61
CSP. HexCo .. rio. Cy rod ... sIo". ";le'" occlusal 1A9
CSP. HexCo .. '""', Cy nelOt .. 050" to>< ocr ..... '10 occlout plug
CSP. HexCo .. _ex o,t.ndc- sit>: "" .... or-<I ace .... P'<>(; (C)

CSP. He>O>"" i'IonHruc C,1l'lCl<Y. 0&1 t e, OO'ew """ ac,",,,, plug !D)
T:aniI.m FI. :t ... d S or ScI"",
T ''''''''"'' .()(;O' treM He, Screw

Ilea",.. . .o.outrn<In! (.;1'1'''''", '= h .. f'Oc
AWmenI & G","" PIn
.1J NOlO, For Siol 00 OC< e.<:e<l(j 10 0' 1OrWe
/ "

F'Iao'1C Cy.ode!. "",,M_ kYIg !" l G_
I'I""IC Cyl-Mo>< """.",,_ ...,., (S) Yo ow
""'SIIC CvlncIc< Ho>eCo<>c. "'" BkJe
", .. tlC CyI.--- He>cC<>'II. con-.. ', rig IC) Roc
T E",""""", . ,-,.able ttl t" I'l!IS1JC S,"" "".(UJ;>7I)
............. - ..... . ""' __ '''' .d ... """" .. ,.,... ....
00" ""'" _ . ' ... _ _ "' ,.
Rl' ...
. ,

r .... ."....,. ...., """" pIra arc used to " ' ..... tt..
""" 1D!!Ie _,. _ , .... UMA....-t us." U
'ulle ",en_, lhe "."'liI rd ,",.. 01 UWI con'ponen\1
.. rvtic ma.


.. '-"," .. D&" 330 ......... ""3.:---
u .. ' ... n
022. ...".
..... Slyle k".1 To FR fM Abu_nI
F_1d lIOI tyt>fI 1.""'" 0(:_ I ". ....... I f<)
F __ D&l' hoi > I)'PII 1.4"" ....,.,. """ ,om lBI
f'" "' SA eQ ..... tyt>fI , ...,.." """,ow. '"""",'11
Flal! .. .." SA 04Ir ..... 1yI)II 1 4r"Yn SCrew. oicar'....,
01<1 Sern_To Fit Thol Ab",""n,
. ........,., "'Jur ... ..,_. old "')10 (C)
GuIde PI_TO ArT.,. .... Ubl ... "
(UOe _ """!'\'PI 'Ormi (0\
Go.- _ """!'\'PI t5<'1lm
3o.;oe """" """!\'PI 2O'Mo

- l< 2 Yi!'l lo' loF' PIu&Io c.,.o_ IE}
....... UC\.A &CNW'I """ CU ", pros ate _ I .. ,.., tile
_ ..... ",&CI iD ...............

UCLAk'IA' ToFllfMlq>l&nz
"' ..... Sol n s.:.... CAl
I,,(:I.A ..... 1lIS(Y II s.:.... (B)
I,,(:I.A ... OOIrl,s.;. ...
V. Sqo 1 050' r, s.:....
;:..>. Sqo '. otH GoZol_
Gui<Izo Pin_To r l TM
..... (lo."",,,.., fa M.ooo __ 0"I''I 1JfI:1 Ho>. le i
Guide Pins
UCLA GuIde Pins
n Extension Sleeve
... RP ...
",,"' .


__ RP ...
. wP ..
OJ .,.,.,.,." Wf'
. , . 000 ... 'IN
To Orae'. 800,999-3000 650340-039:1
Brane ... ark Compati ble
Stud Type
TwQ types of cr.e.MWc'" a/& rro::>s' COr"f"II1'onIy
usea 10 ..,row In 10 I"" lhe Da113 Bona and
Ih& ORS. c,"",,,,,,oro .,& m.oo ol
I tan"m lind "re "nacned 10 tho IMPlant body The
Oa llll. Bono 0'"IC1udes 1 mae. 1 adjuolabe feme.!&. 1 .,..,."
and lora .. aru>Io\I TI>c DRS ,ncluoC$ 1 m!le 1 ,eta ner
'"'0, 3 "Me and 3""&(! C-Rlngs "" 1 iyas$ ooaIog. rr.
of lhe Do a Bona lorr""" .. adjl.>Olablo "';1111'1& aCI
y.,ng,'"",,,,;I"'","Q 1001,
. : +1


IlilI. 01::lOr< o..r .... f'1e"""" ,p 3.5,"""
r rocbnl Diar .... :l.1!i & 0 PIoIronn AP I mm
wr ,..,.,.. Dir_ ')0 Rot'",.. WI' 51""",
Doll. Bona ( .... )
o..llA C<:tI'If>!IIt.
0.110 80'.,
C>aI1o 80<". ,
0.11. Sora, C<>"f"P"'.
0.11. Sora, e<:<rpele
DaI10 C<>"f"P ....
OR$. O-Ring (B)
ORS. COf'lPie' .
ORS CO!"1p_

QRS. C<>"!1<>1e1e

Bona. !mOlanI n F"",",". Sioac.,!I. AMlog
DaII. 8000. TI F ..... I. any
0.110 B:nI. Go d F"".,.
Dall. 8-na. Plastic crly (0)
CAS. RMo '* Rng< (6)
QRS. O,ed, '0 <>k
ORS. Impl,'" AeI_ RinQ. Ana109!1. 0-1lir9>
0aII. lion. f-Io. Acabg, S .... (2)
().H;cQ f-Io. Ana "11, S .... (2)
Oah 600. f-Io, Spac ... Elf ... (2)
''''q Sock.e!
!3io-T<>q OFtS / 0..13 Bona Top
LT I RA Ho,,,,101 S<>cI<e\
LT/RAORS/Oo .8onafip
o..tIa tlona Aet '.<at ng Tool, SIoJe
Qal' a tiona Dea<: .... a">l'lg looI, V",1ow
H. lrrn0
H. 2r"ne. '5mm
H4n"ne" 5<Tm
H. ",..,.." e.'
H."""" c., 5nYJ'I
H.]""" e.' Sm",
H_I ""' ...... 5-n ...
H.2fm> ... ,s-n",
H.3tM> ..... ,5 ... m
H.M ..... ' ..... ,S......,
H. 5mm .... 4.S....,
H.6mm ,""4.S,"",,
H.7'1Y1l .... ,S"'"

f. 3 ....
f. 3 .... ,
H.? (rom Ire",
." _5<m'


! . ' (l

Rl' ....
. ,

' . -4JC(I1Q
. . .... 0030
...... 0000
...... 0070
... 30262

0(). 430017

0(). 430016
56 ' 00' \10
58 1001<0
. wp ....

" 543020-WP
44 543031).1\>?
44 543040-1\>?
' 543060-WP
" 5013:171).",""
.... S.401().WP
... S'O.OOO'WP
.... 540000.WP




59- 100'90
59- 100140
99-4.5,0 ' 7
To Order; 800-999-3003 650-340--0393
9 Bran .... ark Compatible
""e Ba, Sysle<n i. a co,wen'MlkiI deSigned to lacil, ' "'
..., con" ruclioo ot ""plan' ba, ,CI.ined """" <lent,,,., In dC';g"Olg ' hi'
oongcler.W1 has been Qiven to fl>nc11On, e ... ot use and preyenKOl
d do$taI ldl-oll "'"'" _lIency kom tile moS1 ant",,,,, bar S<;oJO I"C,
AoopIio::a, ionS: In,heall"'" a,e lor tI,a, ... , prO",,,,,," po rMI dMiu","
1M """""".t>itI ""plant , .. "".Iions
1 H&:Ie,fOS Ba,. Q'-' pia"", (5(nwn)
6 Ka,,",F.OS cips-2 01 each ret"",,,,,, (2 ""',. , 2 yeI<Iw. 2 ,edl
2 H8(le,EOS HOu$W1Q'. o;pId pla'Od . 1aon1e-$$ .tOOI
\ ,"""",,EOS Sealing 1001
2 S"" .. Loc Anactwno",. 7 ,5mm-adJUOIable to '.Omm
2 S", .. Loc Processing J<gs
\ PPM Bar 0 degree. blue pla>!lc (5C\Tim)
1 PPM 0 degroo Mandrel
, RA 1.5mm FI$. mer
li8S BAA lOT
...es -UI owe 60,
Overdenture Attachments
Bar Type
Ball Overdenture Attachments
NOieo 10 pu ..... or 5el'".,ety, '" o:ne , pect,.. "'()e' " . fl"lMuOl ... oe -EOS page 110,
s...oLoc P"!/II 86 oM PPM Bao-. =\10 112
.... I'an...,.. 6al """,denture ac'achmenl was OOSigrled 10
,. " ,ed will> cnal'llide or laboratory proc<>$". d ""nil,.,.".
he atlachmcn:. a'. avallabl. in va""". l>elghl. CO".
WOOOinQ '0 " """ OOPlh A .. andard .(J5{)" Mx driver ,t
used lor ....... 110<> A brass analog;'; for I."",,,,"'Y
proce.sing, lOfq"" is 30 Ni<:fn
INDICATIONS ImplMl o-;erdenlu'c, and part,alS
_ "I' ...
MD"mm MHotimm plus eel .. height
Sa Ac.ocr ........ 2r">"n 1000IOr ""9">1)(.0.)
a. Ar. 8CI'0WIt 3o->'n
So 4,...,.
Sa Anactrocno: ""'"

Sa u"" e'M' AM cog
OOS ScreworN'e< I)!jQ" "",
e.o. Torq Top .050" ,,"x snor l
e.o. Torq Top 050 ,,"x ong
e.o. T"'Q SockCI
LT I1A Tip.050 """ oI>orl
. ' RA Top .050 ..... ia"9
LT .. RAHandlo
'.'''''''_M' _ ____ , .. ....... o;."',
.c . ., .... "", .... "'., ..... n .. _"" "" ..... _, CA
59- 100lro
58.100' 90
9 Bran.Ui.rk Compatible
T11e 800- bQ (II I)..., .....", IVI RogN ""1jIIe (ll I RAJ
$IpIomo _ 111 "...., 10 IaQInMo Ire _ , ,,,,, cI ....,.
..... 1 .......... TI'Ie Ilir>lorQ 1,10 .... , .... __ 11.,,,
8/0-Torq Dri vers
L T I RA Insertlorr
Dri vers
Standard Drivers
t()$ oe ..-0<1 ..." !he s.c..Taq ICId<eII ...... or no
!Joo.TQ ... eoOChet. TM IT I RA (lldch Iypoo) UMK:!
..... ...... _ ...... etypear'.a . Sct-c-v'2fi0.263
.. iTl ""
. ., ""
tW>:I ... 1c:I Soc ..... 'HU<!. 1"1
S:anGat<I"""""': I\,> (l!)
SIal T .. S'101
Slot TO[) l.Oo'og (C)
.rBr HO.o. T,P St"O't
rBr ..... ' ,plC>"lg (0)
(MS' ..... l'pSt"O't
(MS', .... TIP l<YIQ
90Trn CS , ... l ip S/'IOrI
9oTrnCSI'''' TlplMO
()f5. Sq".,. Up S/'IOr,
()f5. Sqo..". Tip lO"{j
.05(1 s.. .. ,. l ip Sh::<,
.05(1 Sq...,. Tip l.or"oV
l.Iro Grip sr.c",
LIr> l.or"oV (E)
Boo-To<q r-..... , (F)
..1J _ :For 5Q1 10N.io:mal_.
Stlnd.atd 01' .. " .1"11 FG Dr'-s
DOS 050" ..... 0-;.. ,A,I
DDSSIaI-"'_ (9)
Lol> 050" 0.;..- (C)
rroC' a1 0,., 0._ 10)
SIQ.TORQ W .. ne .... & LT I RA, Dri_
SlQ.TOROwrtnch 10
SII). TORO wr.-.ch 20
Sll).IQIoIQ Wterocn 30
I I I F\A 0',...,
"''''''''-''-''' -._.-.. .... '"--''' .....
0"'""1'_ ........ _ ......... __ 0.0.
_. _.
Blc-TOIQ LTl flA Dftv.,
[,90. 100100 58-100190
!;ijo.'ooillO 58-IOOUIO
(,9.100110 58-100110
(,9.100115 58-100115
!;ijo. 1 00 1 20 58- I0012Q
* 100125
(,9.100130 58- 100130


(,9.1(102'0 58- 100210
59- 1(10215 5/!IOOlIC
f>9. lOOlel) 511 100180
f>9.IOOlei W'



TO Order 80().999-3!XX.l 650-340-0393
9 Branamark Compatible
'came .. ale used 10 'cline Itie inlernal
.cce hole <>I ca.lab1e cy1InOe'_ The le.ml".
also re'''' ltJo seal for the head o/lhe OC''''' rAJ
fie.......-. UCL..l I.w;ro, led_
Flew ...... Cyl<'I<J. '
Tho lIoPP"'ll tools .re ,>Sed w;oh d"""""<l pollOI>.
ong pO .. 8 to 1N 1 " "'g .u<T0C<! ollne 0. .. ,
cyOnd&<. We 1M' )'00 .- "'" """"
l' on 5-6 limes, F", superio' '''''I",alioos you
,",.,,11<> uSC the 1 m.c,on wn .1C di"",ord
:81>""'0 po.,e (6)
UCLA UIo>P>"Ig 100' & Go PIn, M,e,,"
UCLA UIo>P>"Ig "'" & Go de Pin, \._ P;atlorm
St"r",,,,,, AbutmOn, ISA) Cjlir>d<>r Lapprng 1001 & G\JidtI PIn
LOPpng Po.,... 1 me"", ""''''''
Tho ooI<1eting "".Iog w,lh skJ1 SCteW ... ,1 01aIl,,,,,,,
U"e c ... "a""'II'o,1< oomg tho i<>Ider.ng PIce<!-
dJ'e. TtJo analog i. made of Slalll,"" .Iee!_ (C)
UCLA SoI<1erong ""P'ant '''3iog ",til 010( ..:_
Stonoord -..""",1 (SAo) SoI<\er'''Il ..... Ioy '" th sIo4 "'''''
UCLA $oIdorong """'""" oMiog "'th I:J5(1 he. SCI"'"
St.>oard AtM...,." (SAo) SokIerir>;t ""Ioy '" til ,ll5O" ho .. ..,,,ow
f'oI''''''g pro!CC10! caps oro usod 1<> ptQ(ect the
a'ea <>I the 9010 '" CaSI cylir"I(j&r .......
<n $hing PIOIOCtor caps ("""""110
Mh (01
UCLA p,,,,",,",, Cops (5)
S:,,,,,,u1Ilt>.tJlW" (SAo) _ ""'g Pw.Kto< Coos (51
.... ""' ........ ._ .... ",... .. -.
___ .. .... ""'_ C<
Soldering Tools &
Protector Caps



TO Order: 800-999--3003 650-34Q.0393
4} Te "Inolog,. of Components
Ae"to .... t;_ C ..... ponenl'"
The componenl 'e the element! used to a reslOrat,on ,iI",
.... 1 be """""cled 10 !he O'llPlantls). The '''''lOralion ...... y &Iso be allache<! 10 an
inlcrmc<i,ale component cal led a lissue exteo.ion iUMA 0' IME) or
",,"ch in turn is oonnected 10 !he
Imp/ifni Bod"
The implant t>ody is placed .'10 lIle 10< apprOXlIY\8.loty 46 """"tho 10 .11ow for
oS""'in'&grati"" TM irnpl",II' slloold no' be ioaded prior 10 osseollll"9,a:o<>n.
TiSllue il!'lflen,,;on,
Tl>e TE Inn"" b tension) 8 so lelerleo 10 tile CompI.te Abulment is lho On(e,.
ma<i iatc c.".-.,clOr bctwocn!he ompIoru,....., Ihe '""""a' ion. ,I may .,tetld above
tho I' ... "", In somo ;"Sl:>'1ces, a T'E cxtens<on is sUDr;l'rl\llVal, to PI<wide 8 moM
eslt>elic ,esm,,,,,on.
'mpum' S' ...
The UMA trssue e. lerlS,on was developed to siands",i,e Ihe many
Implant ... es' compo""n .. and instruments lor " more ece<>omicaty C(M'l-
trolled """"10,), and tor Slmplicy '" procedures Its
l itling lu,lace os ,dent,cal. '" the 01 Iype '" ,mplant employed.
""'Ie rts base i. omplanl S[>eCdic.
IMZ Origi""r 33 4.0 roor>-h9x flal-lOp
lMZ Hu He.d " 3 to 4 a '''''Ctf>alllcx
._"'-_ ....... """
"" >, " """
R toratl".r, Compatlbl. To

Sranem;ul!, F\egul(lr Platform _.1
3i Minimf:lant & SlArodard O$seQ!ite
ImplameO RP
I""""a Entogra 3.25 & 4,0
REmarllST AP
Sleri-Oss 1-\e.Loc 3.8 & 4.5
.. """"" _ .......... '-' .. _ ....... .. """,-
...... ' ." '*"00"", *'< .... _ , c.. <'01
______ 3.3 & 4.0 Compatible
Impression Copings
Imp""","" copings "'e used 10 t."" .n impre.iiQfl 01 !he
implant boay 01 tissue e>'ension, such as 'he UMA
C<)mpl$le abutment , " Ianium IME. or plasli c IME The
Imp'" .. "" Copongs ",,",n til !he ",-,Ian! ale 10000
01 ( " "",urn and transfer 1M 'hread ,i mlnQ_ The new slyle

_ Sma l "l'.'I()o._'11I'ZJ3
Mfl MOd"" krphnl a..-..... 1.1l '.0
o lip:""
Copings- To IrnpIlIni
.. "'" C<x>"II lor II.\Z tAl
IMENMA Impress",n coptng os made '" liton"",, (l(1d is more
(lCCU'ala !han <he old pIasIlC ""pre tCt1 copt"," For 10"
1r..\Z-Hc. H&ad tmpl*n1. re!M 101M Branemar< compatible
SOClion tho> UMA inoer1 is use<! U a liSWe extension.
the Sla<1dard lire of UMA camponer1lO is
-./\\D ..

Impr<ouion CopingS-TO FIt U ..... I ' ME or Comple!" AtKltmenlS
IMEILIMA 1m ..... .", C",,"II '_w 3 J or 4.0
AnalOgs a,e used fo, the lab,ica! "" 01 mast ... ITIO(jej
They . re re plicAS 01 the ,mpI8n. body Or the IME 0'

IMZ 1m""'", Booy ArlaIOg Bo... {AI
' ME "'''''100, Eh.. (6)
Comp!et9 oIJutme<>1 lis."" e<tonstOn. 1M <>ew IME impre$'
oion tecmiQue rcquil c. only one analOg
For IMZ Hex Head 3.3 & 4.0 External Hex restorative components,
refer to the Branemark RP I UCLA section 01 this manual , pages 192-3.
TO Order. 13(X)9993003
.. IIIZ Non-Hex 3.3 & 4.0 Compatible
UMA Abutment
.. "
_ SMOillfplOoT IMl3.3
'IT) 1.Ie<!unIFW_ Oia..,., .. IMHO
Hef,lIng C. ps-To Impon1
...... O1g cap (A)
1moIa", Hea!irg tap
rno<."' _gCo."
_ling c.ps-To IMEI UI ....
u.lE. U.1lA I-ic"'g COP
11.1(. UIM Hoalin\; CiP
u.lE_ UIM fie .... '!! Cap
ODSHc>O<"", _506'
. ,
H. 40.."
NEW S ffi E
The "'''''''''''' <lbu:meno.. are exlens,,,,,. to Iii 11001
TM ,mplnl In,c>ugh the (ISsue. W lhout tho TIE The
Comple'. Abutment comb MS TIE and the
'" 0<Ie uniI , the UMA Ttl<> lIMA heal,"!,) cap' will also til
",e IME c< Ccmple1e al>UtF>ent,
Db a i"lio"
Complele AO:.(o",,'" 3 3
Complete /IJ)-..cme", 3 J
Com""'1<l AWII,.,.", 4.0
Complete '.0
ComPlO\* 4.0
LT I F!A HOncn.
IT I F!A Aout,...,.n! T' p
I",pr,,. .. ,,,, Cqlong 10< IME "" C<>mo:lle!o Al>utmen'
Br .... _log 'or IME or CoT!>I"'e 1\I)"'ment
OM. ? .(lrrrn
'ops arc a ,lable, both ,&qL",ing the 050" he.
l)!;ts d"ectly to !he implant, 2) I". "" TI>e IME '" !he UMA .
' .0
"'" .
56-m,4() 56-010;2'40
56-m' 6() 56-010;2 ' 6()
"-002120 !1.(0C2'20
11-002t40 I HlO:?l40
\ 1-002100
1 '-002' 60
!1.(;O"XlO l ll.(;O"XlO7
WhM the UMA is used in place 01 !he IME 0< ' he
C<>mpIel$ At)o.otment. then U>e sl<V>datd I .... 01 LIMA compp.
nent. (lie ,..,,,,,ted.

' .0

5S-1oo' 90

.. ,' .... _ ....... _ ...
0o_" .. , ....,. . ..,.", _ , ....... "" ,.. .... '" '"
9 IMZ Non ..... 3.3 & 4.0 Compatible
UIofA Abutments
UMA, Cylinder,
Screw & Plug (CSP)
The UMA bt-..m ..,..,.. .... ........,... wild> t<I Item
"'- in'IJ)IanI: ttwough ,til . ....u.:u!tll T,E The ,.
'" mJIC -*" """' .. w ...... _ hOx...."
.. _ The UMot. 1S..a.I.-. b'..- .... ,"'olly ..... , .....
omplan1 s:ys __ The .,lII"Id.otd u ........ C""''''''** l1li4 1tI(JI.
caIOCI wren 1t>e UPAA IftSert " UMd .. I*ce 01 1he 1t.E or
For .... _ ..... IOItIIUIAA_IIDt'
_ SmoU .,....,D,T 00IZ33
,\tu uz .o
-- UMA /I.OU'.men1

Ur.IA. AtJutmeot 0._
UIdA "-"""'" Copng T_ NOt>HO,
Uw., ........ ""'" COIl..g He. wf .0fR tie>. Go.>Qe PorI
UIdAGr .......... 'CIg
D.o __ ",

' 1.0:)1370
. '\\0_

11.00, 405
, 1-00 .. ,0
11-00, "0
11.00' 460
, , -001470
l'>e \JMA. csP <;0lI&l111 01 .. .. .v_..., P.lrie C'" Too !lex cyfl<lder. are useo tor Id'>gIe or tell, :OI)IC
Of """-M' (i>l iOVt) type .. he, or slOI ac' .... and a n IIbutrrwIra ... 1'11& tOO non-t>e>c cyr_ ...... d lor br>oQM
plug 10 _ ItII opening 01 Int or:<:tusaI or Mrs
.... ;;;;,;; ... .. ;;';;-
Uw., CSP He. Sat Soew' (81 11JO:!01
uw.. I .ow Set .... , P.IoI\I lei
uw. (0) 11.((1()251
u",", cw" fled (I 11-000270
UMA. ReF '. GOld Ma..s.
UMA. lbOI .-.0 G_ "'"
.dlJ NOt. : For Slat Screw. <:Ie f'IOI 0""""0 , 0 Ni<rrt DIICWQLIO
... ""'-"'_ .'0 , .. , .... ' ... '" , .... _ ..
__ , ..... ........
TO Order.' 800999-3003
NOftooHex 3.3 & 4.0 Compatible
Titani um Posts
Plastic Posts
The direct ",anium abutm&nt PO$tS screw intO the rnplant
tIOC!y and are indICated Itt 8<,ci)o Ro>sI"'8"""" "",,y. They
'"'"-y be 5I1Cure<.I with 10'lon tape, Qrnr-oCu !e 01 OW" IBond

_ $m.iO lw 'wr. [)lame", tllZ :H
ModnrM IrTplanl o."",_lMl 4.0
C ET ipI "'"
o ree, lllar'lUn f'oI;" IAI
o..ee, Plastic Pwt. (9 )
ImprM .. "" Cof>II"<J
ImPlar, Boov AnoJog
""'e <rt ""''"'' l)IOC $C' C'Io' $ into the body and be
s.ecured wilh loti on Omni-Lile 01 OMNIBond The
T .. 81OC reQU1re-s more preparalton as rt IS a Uue c"tindrtCaI
T" BIoc 3 3..-n. (A)
1,.sIxJJ .-"
<) "".8.1 \B\
' .0 medium
USE Wll H:
"""'Cos"" Cop ng
n""ant 8o<Oy AnalOg
. _s,OnYn

Isee mISc. impl3n, seclkln) . Tho 'apered posts can be
altered a prepara'ion. a soil li.sue model
proparallC<\$ are made on tt.. laboratory
bloc, However !he T;' 81oo CM be preParOd 1000e a posler""
prep, !heret>y incroasL"'} The "",helLe" and ccrnfOO. 11 can
be PI!Pared to COIrect 10< d"""'lJe<tCV
5ti':lO, ?tO

For IMZ HeK Head 3,3 & 4.0 EKlernal HeK restorative components,
refer to the Branemark RP I UCLA section of this manual. pages 1923.
To (Jrdf!<, 800-9993003
9 1HZ Non-Hex 3.3 & 4.0 Compatible
Plastic Cylinders
Screws & Gui de PIns
,.,.. piM'>C q'IolCltO ... It II>e IJ,IE .. _ .. fie c....,'" The CSP __ :00'1 "'*MI."'. onc:kldolI,..1ong grlOl'
Abu!menI WQ 1OCO. " .,hd till pIaSI!e e"",oc-.I" CUWIIe plastiC cytnoer, a tcJew :Wid .. occUIBI plIg
.......... be no oo./I( I 'ICy 01 __ ...,..... 0 0 NOT CAST I"' PLANT RESTORATIONS IN BASE
.",. ,lie c:yIinoeJl uM me $I'00I, 1CI.wI INil... ALlOY (NOI' -PREClOUSj,
1 7 U . ... :to. oIcII 01 ....". O!(I' hex '-'
- -,n
lab jj' oCJ
!VII Str ........
,\I" -..oh::jao.OiIo. N1U
CSP (Cylindoor, Sc.fW" Plug)
CSP. c"","", SIOI arrd Plug 1,:1,)
esp, C>,oI ..... , 060' He> Sclw.-..ll'loo (0)
f1as1oC long 101 33 01 0 (C)
PtMloC C),! _, S!'>orIIOI 3 ] or () (01
S ot ScI...- on,
He:< ,ow Scr<ow Only
UMA. Ilcemer Go'd _
uw. lapel"g loOI_ Pin

!hoe .... wews :Wid lit ....... ",no ... uoe<l '"
I _the ... lOrit>on 10> In: _
Gukll PI ... (B)
G"de p;". rn:t ...

.. __ ... .. " , ... ... ,.....,.'" '" ou_
.. ::....". __ , .. ..., ..... - 201l
1 J.()0006l
. 1\\0 ...
11 (XX)()6':
To Order, 800:999-3003
IMZ Non-Hex 3.3 & 4.0 Compatible
Stud Type
T .. 'O ",,denture allachments are CO<M1OI1ty used 10
in to the implant tile Oana Bona anO tile CAS,
... " system_ Both male elements are made 01 tit.",um
rue an""hed d"ectly to Ihe implanl b:)dy Dall a
BorI8 I mai(! , 1 ""iu$,abI8 j"' MI@, I sp. 08r ... d
loll) Me<I "" IMl a
..... 'ipliOoi
DIlio 80no Sysl. m (A)
Borno., cor""IV.II H. l """
Dono Bcno, """",ete
a Bcno, """"'_

00 .. Bcno, """",ete
Daia IlOna, compi"'e
Doll. Son_, compiete
H. 7"""
H. ' """

H. 4mm

H. 7trr>
F003 ""'"

1 brass analog The CRS includes 1 male, 1 retainer .ing. :>
""hile ... d 3 led C-Alngs ana Q br"",, aroaioQ, The rel .. ",ion
01 tne Dal l a Bona l emale os adiustable w,'h Ihe
BCtivatinQldeactwaling 1001.
.. o\\ D ....
5(;.:).03(111) 5(;.44:)010


- '


56-344010 56-" <I4()1O


5(;.344070 5(;.444070

00 451012 99-451012
H.2.(.\,'m ... 5 l mm 00_

10 99 143037

59-100 \90
59 100140
58 100190
511-HX1l 40
np: M )'OIJ only tlCod IIw mole eIemenI Dalla El<rn '" QRS, I1! pIaC.e me 1M, ,"'" Of IN <>r<:lO 3
Fat ...ample- 56-34J,0tO " !he 00 Comp1cIO lor IMZ 3,3. Tho malo O!iy is 56-343013.
For IMZ Hex Head 3.3 & 4.0 EXlernal Hex resloralive componenls,
relerl0 lhe Branemark RP I UCLA section 01 this manual. pages 1923.

56 100190
511-1001 40
TO 8OI).999-J003 650340-0393
No ... Hex 3.3 & 4.0 Compatible
Overdenture Attachments
Bar Type
Lapping Tools
H e UB5-U11Iml"! 8ar S)'$!em is a conven'$nt k,t OOlgned to
mc oonst' uctoon of implai'll Mr IOlao>Od ovcrdonl",,,s. In deSigning IhlS
S)'SMm. C<l/\S!de<a!M 11M _ glVflon 10 function, ease of use and pre.....-.o:M
of dis!", 1iII-dt while re.i18l1CY ffoTI l1>e antetl,.. ba, segmeo!
AppIi(:aliOn$; IndlC3:iO<1S are joy oar ove,dentures. preciSion dem",es
a nd pa' ".n! removabl e omplon! '..stOt.llonS,
Each sysle m i,.dJCles :
1 H8derEOS 6 (W, green plastiC (SCOrm)
6 Haoor-EOS clips 2 o! each rctantim (2 2 )'C1Io<w, 2 rc<I)
2 Haclcr-EOS Hw"'"9s plaWd .la>'llcss 'tccl
I H.100rEDS SoWing Tod
2 SwisslOC AitaCllmenlS 7.5mm to 4(mm
2 SwissLoc Jigs
1 PPM BIIr 0 bIoJe olaSlio (5OrM
I IlA 1 Smm Re.me;-
ues - Ul,..,... ... 8",

Nol. : To P"'ct"I.lSe comp,y.,( .. '" po". rei", ,n '''' le""oc,,," paQeS in I .. mar."",,, HOClerEOS P3Q<! 1 10.
S'", .. Loc NG PIlQO S6 Wld rPM e.. .. Pll.,. 112
The rearne," are used 10 reline the i n,ernal
ac<:ess hole of a castablc cyl <1(1er TM IOan-'IOrS
also rel;no 11"10 sea, lor 1M head 01 the SCrew.
TI'I& R&ner ti l s all UM" and IMZ IME (...-opean
new s tyl e C),f nders.
o EE _,option
UWI. Reamer Goid Handl<l
The lapping !ooIs arc usOd With aamond po!,.n.
<1Q paste 10 reline lhe fitti ng .."Iace or !he c,,",
cylinder recommend!he.1 '!O<J use It nor more
than 5-6 times For superIor restoration$,
""'Y want to use the I micr"" wM$ oi am""d
lapPing pasle, The lapping UXl I tIS lhe c;r1iode ..
joy !he C<:rnple1e Abutment IME and UMA.
O .... ...,n
UMA. Lapping Tool &nd Gu!o& FIn
U1PP"'Q D....-nono Po ...
AI.-... ____ , ... , " .,.<1 __ ,. __
" """",,N "X" .. "' '''''', 1"< .... """,<, Co'

To Order' 800-999--3C03 650-340--0393
______ 3 . 3 & 4.0 Compatible
Bio-Torq Drivers
LT / RA Insertion
Standard Drivers
The Ilio-Torq (8-T) and LT I RA Syslens were d'%'gn&d to
1",,,I,,,,,e rt\fl ".semon oJ imI>18nt comport""" The T"'q
6rar>cmarl< C<>'nl"'UIe " .. ertlOl'l "p. may t>e ... d wilt! ...

So. T<>rq sod.t I ad.pt.r or tt\fI Bo. Torq wrencr>es_ Tr.$ IT I
RA llatch type) tipS Ore us. d with ngl't1 MOle Mr>dp,ece
Iype dn".,".
U I""
e-T U '''''
8-1 U r ....
lTi ""
lTi ""
"":><I foIOld Socket / Mandie (A)
SI<:o T 0 SIvt
T 0 l<>n<;l (B)
U';O" Hex TID srort
U';O" He:>< To> .long (C)
{)4S Hex To>
()4S He:>< To> long
lInYn CS H8x T P sr"..,
Co:-"ipIeIe ArlU'.ment r", (0)
UMA T;pShooI (E)
UM .... r", Lorg
B <> T",q E.toos-"..,
.& Not. : Fa< Sic< <10 no! .", ... d to NJ= '"

St. rlda.d Driver.
DOS .06(1 lie, Dnv .. IAI
DOS S<:t...- 181
\..ob .050 Hex Orm, IC)
Bio-TORQ Wrenc:l>es & LT I RA Drl .... '
SJO. TORO III<coch 10 NIcm
61O-TORO I'/.coch 20NIcm
SJO. TORO lII<eo:;!I 30 NIcm

........ ,_ d , " .......... ... ___ ...-.
... : ......... _r ...
59-1001 10
59- 100115
511- 100195

LT/ RA Driver
58-lOOt 10
(;6-loot 15
58 100120
58 100135
t 1.QO()()")1

ITI Dental Implant System
II I SWoO." Impl"'"
1f 1 Oen:al Impiant Sy$I&m ""as in $w",""""d by \he InShlutc Sl<aumann
and 0, lind,. Schtoodc(, P<esld..." 01 the iJrvver,,' y Bern ITI ""plan", "'" endos.seoo.
one-"'"..e and we<e orig ... 1Iy ""SIgned fur ""orden/ur U5iog the OoI<:ICr Bar III
isl'l(M' utilized 10< all reSlOre"ve 001 ..... The one stago $impli-
fies the PfOC&d<Jre$ .nd MIps MInII'OIZtllrauma to tile pallenl aoo cha.r!im& or1lv
""" .",gicol is fequil1l<l
The ITI ompIant CUlrootl)o ttvee 01 .. ,
ITI S"",II DIameter (SO) e>:te .... ' II ..
ITI $Iandord 4.8 Inlern.'l'lKl rtlce llpe<
tTl s,n-Octa 4.8 internal octagon mOllle. ,ape.
Components ',om AlII &Ie ""rulable1c< the III StMd3ld 4.8 non-hex 300 11>0 If! S)TlOCt.O
are F"IO!WeO fo< the ITI SO.
No1. , n.e ITI cornp<:<18n1S wi ' male with the ITI Syo-Oc:a imllla'" wi\tlOUl
""Il"ll"'g the octagon
Impl .n ..
m Small Oia",,"or C)@' nail'll)'
UteCore 5Il109-1
3i TO OSseot.l&
III Syn_Qc1a 4.8 Inler"'" OCogot"l monice taper Paragon Sw, .. PlL>S
Indications and OtJaroUtles ollmplanl S rerommended:
:= Tooth A. ,,' ... e m. nt
\ ..-.pI,"1I 1$ .equ>red
_ B.ld,. Recon.lr .. c l ion.
RCCO!lW1lended to! t mplant wi th a tissue e. lenstan auache<! '0 an
0< fa< 2 0< more I' .... slanding ""pl"",s.
_ Fi ..t I o.tachabla Rec_.trvctlon.
10< 5 0< more implants on a eClentulOuS _
_ Ba . Typa Owa ....... l .....
Recommended tor 2 or more implantS 0< lar an implant anached to
a naual abLJtrnent.
::: Sh.d Type Ov. nI. nlu ...
Re<,.nles at least 1 implant \','heoe, ... possible more implant CouId
Yenlllno.ogy of Components
" ' ..... 11 ... CO""PO"_"'"
Tho. , ....... eoo,4>OO .... !hot
,.".. uted It> _lIIo:)Ollh&!
... t.. """'-.: ..... II> !hot '''''01(1). 1'- ,"100""'" may....., t.. alladWIlO an
_" ..... ," e,,:I. 1>3 ... _'Of _ wnocn ... 1um IS
eoo ........ I0 ...
Imp ..... ....".,
The bOdrJ II pWecI ... zr-e _ b appIt\UTI175e1)o .-6 nniTI .. II> _ Ie<
OCI!VI""' ..... n. ..........
The Oczi>bu!rne<>I 'rOiI1 0e1iQMd tor ocrew reu.ineO rtllOraT>On!i Bnd Os cM'lPa!lblo
\!oiIh".. "'"0"'411 loom Slraumam. The .. 01 "..
I>I<:OIIWI ""'" IO!l 01 tI'IIIlr'n!"anI .
m _I 01 , .,0:0, ..... no!"..
m S ir'IIOInli "ollOi t1per
3i TGOr n
m s"n-Octl 4,e ... ''7QO'Irro\O _ Pa .. , s...;ssPIo,os
___ ... "'_ , _ ...-"1M .
(, ,-.. _- co 21 1
9 IT! Compatible
The ... (lltSigned b _ned wIQIe
_ Q( O!kIgie retlOt_ The hat an_
naI octagon in(! tap&re<l "",;no $u rlac. _ .. toll'
Iccl<e _ u.. whln Icwqe>e<:l inlO place tile
one '*"110 SUao.m8M ............ It pla<:e<I 81 1M ereS! of tile
ootl 10" .... Of SlIghtly t>&1oIo-. "'" OclaO."r""nl '. 9vU,I(IIJlO
only .., one _"",[10
lTIo.:w...- W
9io-'Ior<l S __ II
8-1 In,.,. 110. Til>
The two CQping lew 1M 0c\a001r'ne<>I
11 1h1 POl''''''' ..-.:l "''''''latiM of 1M Oc!1lbutment Md Ii
dHI ..... d to 1><1 ".ad wdh I"" op&n "'Y leohniQuo Tho
onpruIIOn o:>PinO gu.de PI" ntqwM' e ... Torq .0!iI1' CGl8'
5 1 ',{;.oponIJ&a.-Pw! {8J
IIo).Icwqc...t_1oI> .fSI', long
9io-10"I $.<' 1'1
ANALOG-tor Octabu.melll
1M l1li10\1 repllGal<,l, inC 00:1.IIbutmen! and I, \4eO 10 ,-on
call ..-... """"'" Tho Oclilbutmen! analog Ie .... <:Ie 01
w __
........ __ .. _ ... d __ ... _ ..
.............. ' '" ... ,.. " ... '" --""
Impress/Of! Coping

59. 100176


1il Ord9(' 8CX)..999.30:)3 650<140()J93

Tho I<npioJ>t hcalong capo 101 10 L!Ie and "'"0
.- 10 _ I"" impIatll <U0"Ig !he ....... "'l9go'aTXln
Cd n..y life _bill in ..... Itd A Omm doIlxe =-..
!>II leo Ihe 2 stagoI lochnoque Tne ITI -... .,.,.
_. Boo-bq.rB:! C" ... , _dr_
o ..... e


ml._oU'! ... Coc>2rmo W
'11 ...... 1' ' ...
m ....... ," ,hac......."
I ",""weI+' 5! 'II cap 5IIVn
.,.. CIoe;"", 80_ O'm\ (8)
Ce<a I SQIJII'" tip (WI lOng
800-1001 Socket
H-3ImI '"*"
H ............. Iirrrn
H.5<rrn .-I.\irmI
11>1 ' ......... l8I'I'I\X><8')' oIJuI_ hi to 1M Octai:Io.lrIont
ton<! .re .. -sa .... ""'" .......... oewgon lor ..-.gIe _
ftC)'K_" or lor bl'dgtt.
Te",PG'1I')' & ....... 000' "" .... (S)
T.mPQfalV OcW>.Jtment & II.,. "" .... (e)
T_p<w .. ..... 10 1

IIIo-b Q C.., .... '" 00 (l5(I" lOng
800-TotQ S<!c:l<oI
............... ..". ...... ,-,_ .. , ... '-- .......
.""""""'.." _ ........ __ M .... _ ...
Healing Caps
Tempof8ry Abutments
to fit Oc/abutment
13 SWIl

50- 100' 81
W- 1Q01\1O


The dir,C1 lilen..." at>utrno>nl posl& inlO lhe impla"!
txld'y .no .... 101' Bnllg. F1e11Of1llions onIv They
....... '- MCurtId w/iI'I Te/IotI "'PI. On-ni-llie 01
(see ...,.,.,y i-npIanI MC!IOI The Iapered pool' can '-
, '
, ,

Dwtc:t I ........." ........ 1)<rwrI1 '-01" W
D<:1 r.........., Pam 5._ Ht9t
Dwtc:t r.olOtlun Pom7.1lrrfn '""""""
8 ... Tor<ISocMl
8-T m Pool Tip
Two owr<JenlunI BtIadme!I" ........ ' ' ,"'11)1
scr."" on,o lhe ,,,,,,,am tnc 0.11, Bon M lrot ORS.
0...,_ Both co ........... .....:It of titanUn ..",
Thot DaHl BOlla
1 11'" and 1 Draa
__ ..
...... Aal I malo .,.-_ too'
[. :Jll

' ,

011 p:an
- - '"
Dolo Ooov.. W;"O'_
OfIS, O-Ring Sy. "m 18)
OR$, OOIrp!etO
!No-Tor<! SocIoOi
o.ua 9or&'OAS
U I RoO. '"'""""'"
LI I RoO. DRSI Doll. Bonzo Tot)

__ <>gloot._
Ctooia IIcno DEE t' -'II lDot. __
D/ffle' Tilan/urn Posts
Overdenture Stud Type
I It"e(! .... preparallon. FabriC'"'' soh moo:Iel
... Mtltvtr pr,parallorll Ir, made In Ihe Itboratory. II
.... Ii"at r.>lOIal''''' II 10 be "'''tvatllt. eonl,der UI,ng
.IIII!og ThIo DRS inclu<:1e1 1 ""'It . _ ...... ""0 3 ",,",e
_ 3 r"" ().rngo """ I ..,.;"g.
The -.on 01 "" Dell eon. tool ..... Hn _ ,.
... ., ."",1 7 ' 1I>alo"\1 lOot

.A NOIt: The III Bona _ DRS _ _1'IOoQM ...... .,.",..,.. '" If'II "..., "'""",..",.. .. "" top
a oIlI1oO.....pant ..... ,o8igI"' ..... '0'''
TO Order- 800-9993003 650-340--0393
n. c=_ plnjc c,tw ........ e _Ie ",,;to., ._ .....
ocuogon tor __ or r.on-oc\agOnlot too-
Ilfodgol or bW The lixa_ ""'6 .... ""' __
0,_ " cw g,q _.,..,..
twognnc,IO_"' .... _ (8)
.. _"C..1 O&J""" ........ (CI
- ,
0e\a(I0"i 0Nv
eyr<l(lo)r oroty
SquMI C..I .r:p:t """"" ooIt
"",.... "" ...
SCREWS-To Fit Octabutment
Th!i ...:I poN ,... .... 0cIaIl0MneriI .e .-10
-. It" ..... II> !he ()ct""D'." ana are..- 01


"'SquMo 06I:1 ..... tA)
(8 )
G<.IidI Piroo
Guo<IoJ lor 11),"r> (CI
Guo<IoJ po" lor 00;0 ......... 121>'ri
Guo<IoJ lor , .....
Guoe Pwo lor 161m>
Guo<IoJ Pwo lor l!!Imrn
"..-..--""",.- " ",-.. , _ ..
e< ........ "" .. ... ' .. ' """ .. , ...... ""
Cylinders for Dc/abu/ment
Screws for Dc/abutment
.,.. ...... D5O' Caal _ or oIot htad. The C)IO .....
33 <.OC!le.'
t lanoum.-oy The shon squ ... e ICIIWS Wi<! po,..
_. 1150" C..I oqu<I'" '*-
4) In Compatible
The 8io-Torq (B-T) and LT I RA Sysloms _e <le.igllOd!O
tho) iR$Crtion 01 implant ocmponetlts The Bo<>-Torq
ITIIS""""""", C<lmpatlble inse<1Jon lips may be Wi,ed wiTh

Heod Held _ 'Hon(lle (Al
Slot Top Shorl
Slot T", l oog (8)
SCS ITI Str.""",,,,, 1 ,p, l<:o:":1l
OcIab.J"""'" Tlp (e)
ITI Post 'n ... t"" T 'P
050" Coral Square Tip Shon (0)
050" C.'al $Quare Tip Long
6i:>-Torq Extension (E)
IT I ....
Bio-Torq Drivers
LT I RA Insertion
Standard Drivers
tt>& BiO-Torq $OCI<e1 / .oop/Or or the e.o. Torq wre<>;he . The
LT I RA typ&) tips are tJS&d ""Ih angle hanClp<ece
rype drrver,

", ..

8 1 ... TO""
LTIR" 0"" ..

Star>d lf'<l Drivers
ODS.O:5Cr foIo;x [)ri'ffl (AI
ODS Slot Sct ... (8)
Lab ,OS()" He, Dr .... , (Ci
610-TOIlO w,. "",," to LT I FlA r
610-TORO wr...en 10 f'.IIcm
810-lORa wrench 20 NIcm
BIO-IORQ wr<IfICII 30 N!<m
I I-(J(X'O'):I
To Order' 800-999-3003 650-340-0393
Integral & G-Butment

trog!O' so 3.2!>
<rrioc 40
T M 'mplat]! Sy$1Om _. d . .. oIopo<I in TM early 1980', CalC' ..... 01 Carlsbad.
.1 CA, CalciTe!<., a '''''OId,a,y 01 Sol, ... Mox a. Inc. '" a P'''''"' and ma,ket
leacler on ,he rIA (Hy(l!OX/llaP!<',re) Technology in the OOnIai me ......
I", 01 00""11 (II"!(! ",as the lim 10 """ Tn" _&<>:Oed CQI'I'"9<II'" imaginQ
and rTIIlIt1g 'echnoIoQy 10 <>:;In<J'lVU''''i)' "",.Te a !hr",,-dimentoonal model 01 a pa'""", jaw-
!>one Up::<11Otiooh a ousTom impIaroI could be (II"!(! f.bricateo(!.
T""'8t_ C&iGit8i< Implant Sy$lem conSISt. 0I1wO '.ailable imp .. nt. The Integ,aI """""",
3.25 4.0 and Tile now Spl, ne ,mpl. " .. Two implants Ihe Omnlloc arod ,ho
Threadloc. are no Iorlllor available but ropiacemOnt cornpononts are available lrom AiL
0mniI0c pans ar" found ,n tlos sec!iM. Th!eadloc p{lfts in tl'ie 8<8"""",<1< section,
lnIog .... SO & 4.0 ..,..... .... !la, top
Omniloc 3.25 4.0 (jrrp1ont diocont rued _ COMponents a'i3ilabl'j
Th,ndloc 3.75 (implant disoontif'llJecI . eotrponent. avaiablol
Inleg,,1 Spoline SO. RD . WD
Compatible 10 tho 'nlell"', ,he O-butmenl implanl w8$ aowelOped on til. IO le 19B1l's by
Or, OoVld 0 Oal, ... a"" has been corr.--nerclaly avaiIar>IB sinco 1989 trom Ih. O-Ccmpany
in Albuquerque. NM.
c..",nti)'. no components are I;$I&(! for lho Implant Syotom.
lnloognot SD 3.25 non--hex r. "'-top
lnloognot 4.0 ro:n-M:< nal-top
Omnllo<: 3 25 &. 4,0
Th'Ndloc 3.75 e.<ter!\ll n",
".,.,!O " .......... ...,"""
''''--''''' "", ...
. 'n1eg,al Spoil .. SO, RD & WD
O-Bu:men1 3.25
Anet>;rr 4 ,O
O Bu:"""' T 4.0
STori-Ou 0rig,naI4.0 1\011 ."".
E)r8flemar'<, Aigo.rla' PlaIt,.,., 4.1
3i _ipIanI & Standar<l ...... .
IMZ He>< H""d 3,3 & 4.0
I""""a Ent9gm 3.25 &. . 0
F1as1OO) RD & SUStain AD
REmarkSr RP
r aper-loci<
Indleallons and QuanU1ies of Implan1a rKOmlTW;lnde<;l:
- Single Tooth A'pla,,_ont
1 implant i$,,,,,,,.red (Omnitoc or Spline Implani only)
:::: B,ldlll A_on.t"",tl"".
Recommended 101 I impia'tt an.oched 10 an abut"",nt, or for 2 or r>:)f$
free $lSlldlng i'npi8nt.,
:::: f l.ed I Dort." ... bI. A_""'ru,,lIon.
Recommended 10, 5 or more implants on a ItAy OOenluloo.r$ atCh.
_ lIa, -ryp. o ,antu ...
Recommeroded fOl 2 Q' more implants Q' lor an impl.." attaChed 00
a naTural at>utment.
= l1ud TYpe O ........ lu ...
Requi,es ftt least 1 Implont. Whenever PO$$lble more i'nplant. lroould

.. -..,,..... ...... ""' ... , .. ..... _ .. eo ..,. ...
ee ,,.. "", __ ". ...... _" 217
Tea .. lino.ogy of Components
Re.tor.five CO .......... nf.:
The ",stOlar"", CM1ponentS are rr lem .... "1ied to tabriCate a ,est<:<atto" that
be C<IM""t&d to "'" The ,estr>rallOn me1 -'$0 be attached to on
"'lo,r'I\<Xlia'e compon .. n, c.tIe<I a tOs."", a. ,en.ion lUMA Of IME) 0, abut",,,nt
""Oct> .. turn Os to tho
Imp' ...... Body;
The body is ir1to IhfI b<:to& 101 approximatelv 4-6 rT"<;>I\\l\$ to allOW TO<
os"",*"egrat""'. The "'.,t8nto $hQukI not be loaded pnor to osseolll\og,ation.
Tiso;lHt Eden./on:
Too TE (Ti$we E."",.ion) also ",ler,M to as tM SI\otJK!e,e<\ Abu",-'. i. 'he
inte,_,e coru>eclOr Mt _ tM .."plant ana the ,."oratoon. it mav e"'''''d
abOve tht t,.we. In some instar>C<>S, TE . .. """"'" is subll,n.;;val. to pr0vid8.
more esll'll)t IC fCSIOIa\iQn.
Impfam Sf.ndilrdiurllon:
Tile UM .... lissue extcn.ion was dev&lo9e<1 to .tand. rdOl. lhe many dif'e,ent
implaol compao..,.' componen"- and nstruments lor . mo", econorn.cally oon-
lroiled ir1"""""Y aod 101 oompIIClIy 01 ro.tOfativo procedures. Its taperOO,t>e. ag.on
1.1Mg I. id<!ontical, regardless oj 'he sile c< IVpe oI lmpIMt employed.
"niIG ils screw .. base or 1" .... til necI< t$ implant Speco1IC.
,,,:; te,M To
Integral SO 3.25 r>.::tr-hox ilat-lOp O-BlJtmenl 325
Integ'"' 4.0 """",,,", l!aI.(Qp Arocho< 4.0
O-Butmem 4,0
St.rK>$$ eng:".1 4.0 "",, tIe.
Omniloc 3 Z, 4 0 (discontir>..le<l) rIC<'Ie
ThNadloc 3 75 extermi lle. Branerna<l<. . 1
:Ii Miniplanl a Standard
IMZ H"-' _ 3,3 &. 4,0
lmova Entogm 3,25 &- .,0
REmarl<ST RP
St, 6-0$5 H Loc 3.8 &. 4.5
. ln1-s1,al Spli'" SD. RD & WD '"""'"
3.25 SD & 4.0 MD Compatible
Impression Copings
""'_ copings ara \.ISCd to toi<e at\ tOO 01 tM
""fIW'1 I)O(ty <)r 01 "'" tl!;$ue exteoWo, such ... the UMA. <)r
tie ShouIde<ed AboAn'ICnt The Impres"",,, copongs ....tI>cIl
fle 000 .. '. ere "",de ot blanium ana trnn.ter. the

:JIll S""I 0 ... <I<r Itr.e\ra J 25
impression Fh ImpiMt
"",8$$Ic<o Cop"llS To Fi:lmpla<t\ 1,1,1
l"'PrU ' ion CaplngS-To FH Shouldered Abutment
.",.."...". CoI>""iI I\butmon! (8)
impression Copings-To Fit UNA
l,IMA. T.pe<t<t I<"prM,,,,, Copong (C)
l,IMA. fie, Impt ... ",,, Copong wi = He, Guide P;" (01

I , i
B,a.. analogs 8,e lor the laOrketion 01 a mU\eI
model. They II'Ie j ,lting s...-li>CC ano tno Inte<n al
threads alb implant I)O(ty 0< the UMA I, .. "" exl""""""
mplan! 6o<!y M"Jog. ar .... (A)
S/'.ouk".re<l AbutrnenI MalOg. S"'lf'IIt)Ss (8J
LIMA _lOg. e.-.... (C)
wnen tM UMA inSOr! is used as a I ... "" the
Slandard 1,,,,, of UMA compoc>ents ara lOdocatoo
." ..
When the UMA tinue e'ten.ion " used Insteod of Ihc
Shouldered At>cfm8nt. Iho moda<d line '" UMA C<Ir"J"IPOI"IOnts
is ",,",,0100,

3..25 SD & 4.0 MD Compatible
Healing Caps
UMA T1!J!Jue Extension
HQItng ... .-. 00 rnairuin <'CCeU -...
do.w'ItIg _""" f)I' on. rr.y ...... oIoble" v.nou. I V,II
. _or&,
,"Ill -"'DI
0 ..

ID ...... ,' "iOdlile _ <Jtoplto. Tr. '"""" M'l 'II C8P ......
be l.Ud _ !he UMA. """""*"

. ,\\0 ...

O5O'Ho. Or"'-Ot 1'n:IJ7
IltO:tOROTipHe>< O5O',lOt'Ig (,&,100125
IIIQ:TOROSocl<OI (,&,100100
..1l NOl., Tr. UIAA heal"'ll CO!> j';s ooth tr. 3.25 so arid "" .... '11'-' 0 MD 8M l'ni>$l t>o LIMd w "'" UMA
It\O lIM. ....... "'-.otl. __
fill lei 1M impliWll Whet; Ihe UMA inserl ...... d

1'"11. ' "",$0

., ... 0 loaD

UN .... TI .. ", E.,.n,lon
UIAA T ....... E....,oion
\JM,I" T ... Eli"""""
UIAA T ...... l<IIOI_'
\JM,I" T .... ... '
UMA. T ... e--.
UMA. T ...
8I().TQRO TO IJIoIA, S"oI (2 pioce)
8I().TQRO TO IJMA lOt'Ig (2 P*>O)
8I().TQRO';" ' ..

fIo2.Om ...
1i.4 Om",
1i.6cr. ..

"'IeId 01 the S/'oJIck>1ed _, me ._ line 01
lIM. co' '1*"''' rOca1ed Re'-ID'" .-cr.on.
. 1\\0 ...

11.(;() l!i002 l1.(;()lm
, l .co 1!i03 11.co 1 e.JO
, 1.oolSOol
11.00 1560

Refer !o UMA Section 177 to, a comp" 11I listing of UMA
, .... _-'* ... -
0",-.= _ ...... "". "'<. ... co.
9 Integ ' 3.25 SD & 4.0 MD Compatible
Direct Titanium Posts
Direct Plastic Posts

i,.,.o the ""4>1ant
, ,epe. Omni-lit$ <)r
implan\ p'Oducl$ $IK:Ii<)<l) The
.,e'ed PQ$ts. 10' b,iCgc ,CSi<)ra!i<)<lS. can t>e
oOtMld Ib 8 prepa'8!ion. The posIS /lave "" in!",
naI.(I5O' he:>< lor in .... tio<1 ona tfImO\/81. _ gnM<ng or> me
&noll Imgr.>l 325lmploo":l
liD -....
1i !anlum PO'! .hol!lQ t>e <:Iona OIMi<:l e ora! c avilV.
Fab'icale a I,ssue moc!eI """',.,'"'' p,.parations ale
made in !he 1aboral<)rY If !he l.nal ,estQtation is to be retliev-
able. then con_ se1 SC,-",.,.,;. The pIa .. ic r>:>Sl S/'lOuII:I ""
cast only in precious '" semi p,ecious alloy. A Q, g WI! ,.h""
me ca .. tr-.teads.
... MD ...
, .
Oi'''''1 Titanium PoIII ("')
0-..<:1 nw;...n f'oo1.
nw;...n Pools
2 Omm x 12n"v>">
Oill <:l PDol. (81
D'<lCt PI .. t", Post.
USF WfTl.l:
In'Ip'eosooo eop'<>Q
Body _OIl
S.,.Torq WJlIflCh 20 N.CM
8.,.TDrq SocKet
B<>-Torq Tip He, .w:! I:;ng
LTIRA Hp H", -OW" I:;ng
2.01lm x 12rrm
.,_ .. ____ ... _ ... ... , 'w __
""-"""1 ,... .. ... "'_.CIo
100 45-0101 100

59- 100190
59 100125
58 100c00
!>B 100190
53- 100125
TO Order 800-999-3003
3.25 & 4.0 MD Compatible
UCLA, CSP Abutments
AbutrrNInt CSP
The UCI.A _ tySletn is !fie r'(I$! -wy "*' _a
concePI klo .. .-.gil 0< 1/l'(\Qe type reS>O<.I>OnI. The
UCLA 10< InIego'l _ .... oriy b"dgOl and ear type <M!'(Ien.
IU" ponrb'lrllOI Euh UCLA abutmen, rr>e IUOel me
.... S<r ..
;;; I " ... .,O_1'tOgOo u,.,.pIn
Cy_. Sc._ a PI"II (C$P)
\.IClA3.5C9'O,Io_.He>Screw (AI
IJa.A CSI' CyIo-dw, HI< Screw ,050' &. 1111
UClA Pl$SIIC CyWwt.r only
UClA T .......... . 0:;(1' He>
.. """ C:lpirog Tooeo"" To FI """"'"'
.... om... .... .. lSr $clew, II ' 'iii c.po, """ GuicIo Pno
'-'IM.> o.ld<
UClA AI I .,... oOCI_tor SO
onl' .",. __ "" ".0
The 5t1OUlde.ed Abtltm.mt mach,n. d plallte c yMoer
( .... "'0 !he ,0CiQ' 1>0, ..:_ (COI>'f"IiI ocrIW) and
Ihe CCClunl plug ..... ," lil lloe Integral 50, Inl.g. , 1 ".0

o Ii ;Ei
SIo, &. Ha s.:r... .0Ci0' &. 1'141

SIo, (AI
SIo, lit> Set ... .n.,...,. (II)
""""'_"'_ *"0'_", ' ''''''';00' __ ...... _
."-... .." .. ," ...... -.. . .., --'"
c._ "",""""", pIasi.<: --. 050' .... _ .....
me patented ocduul pi"O The UClA ..,_ ,. also
." ....... at csp (O,lio odoo. SctN .rod PlIg)
... MD ...
Or, o""'" SO .,..; Orrniloc " ,0 sr.o....,., ... AbutrMol orIy
UMA CSP ",to,cto I,Ia , II 'mpl,ntt u,rng lhe
UMA .yslom (See next paoo).
;.;;;,.;;;;;;;,.; 5. D_ & ... 4.0 MD Compati ble
UMA, Cylinders
kI sc' "" ,rJduslr)I standard, we have available lhe UMA "'
plaCe oi,r>e ShouIdeled Abulment The lIMA, CSP """",s's
01 a mach","", pIe.lIe C)'Iinoe< c< noro-r>e, (bridge) type ,
he>< c< .,. and an occlusal plug 10 _ opening


1"*9" 3.25
0,0 0;0" ..... l'>:e9' a ' .0
UMA eyllnd .... , Screw a Plug (eSP)
lIMA. CSP. He, C)'I & He, ,050" SUew & PklQ (A)
UMA. CSP. He, C)'I & SloI Screw & PIut;I (B)
UMA. CSP Ncw'Hio, eyr & He. 050" Screw & F'h.og (e)
UMA.. CSP N<>">-He, C)i & Slot 5<:""" & (0 )
lIMA. C)'I"'<IoI <:OIy. He., PioSl;C. Blue
UMA. C)'Iondet <:OIy. HoeHe., PIa .. ", v_
UMA. Sho<I Bat 0VIinde< onI-/. Red (E)
UMA SIC< Screw MIt
UMA He, .050" only
BKHOFIQ l ip He> ,05(1". Shoo,
BK).TOFIO l ip He, .050". Long
BIO-TOFIO Socio<ol
01 !he occlusal 8CC<W< ho18, Th8 ho$, e(! Cyri<'ldel$ "'$ used
I", ., ngle 01 lelescop,e abulmenl'. while Ihe n"n M,
(bridge) type cy1ind""" 8re used tor bridge. '" I>ao rn\a.""""



..:iJ No'., Tho UMA """'''''''''''''' ..... not 1,1 on !he At>utmenI .
..:iJ Not. : F<or Sl", So,..,. 00 not .. 10 NJcm oh",QI)O.
..,"""""'-_._" .... """"" .... '-
,,_:roo _ _ . '"". """_ ,,.
To Older' eOO-999-3000
9 Integra' SD & 4.0 and OmniLoc Compatible
Stud Type
lwo over""nl",,. allaehmenl. commonly used to direclly
SCrow in 10 !tie implan1 are tt>e Oalla Bona and !fie ORS.
O-RIng 'yslem. Soth C<>'lnec1O<S are made of Ora"","" and
.r" .,tache<:! d"""iIy 10 tt>e rnpr,.... t;.ody



iiIl!I ImpIar1I lnIoi;lrol3.25
.\\0 MocIl,m ImpIar1I 1lo<VTJetef . O

00110 Bona Sysl .... IA) InIegaI3.?5 II 4 .0
Dallo Bona, eomplel.
Dallo Bona, ecmplOIO
Dalla Bono, complela
Dana Bono, """",1eI&
oa. .. 8cna, """"'_
[\0'10 Bono, """"'_
o.n. Bona, """",lei.
ORS, O-Ring Sys lam (81 & 4.0


Don. OM. Syslem 0rnn0Icx: 3.25 & 4.0
!MIla Bona. romp_
03i1a Bona. rompi<lle
0Gi1a Bona, compiele
0Gi1i Bona, complele
0Gi1a E\Qna. , romp"",
Dalla E\Qna.. complela
ORS. O-Ring Orrv>ib:; 3.$ II ' .0

ORS, """opI<tO
ORS, """>pOor.
BoO-10rq Sociwt
9;o.Iorq D<lI.lI!Ono/'O!lS T,p
LTIRA Hond'-
LTt\'1A ORSI 00lIo E\Qna. Til>
H. l"..."

1I .4rTm


H. 1"""


,."""""' .......... _-,_._ .... __ .. --
6,.",...,. ' " _____ "", __ ""
It>e Dall a Bona includes 1 mele. 1 adjusleble femafe,
1 spacer aM 1 t)r&$$ .ne.IOg_
The ORS inck.<les I male. 1 reta.ne< mg, 3 white and 3 red
O-Ritlgs lind a b,asollrl8loQ,
r; "

'meg'" $0


47:lo' 3000

47 3U06(l
59-tOOI 40
"'lOg'. 4_0




<5-U 4070
omnl oc4,Q
. 7-U3010
" 403(0)
47 <4.J(XJ,I

41' 44060
To DreW: 800-999<3003
3.25 SD & 4.0 MD Compatible
The lifE 1.1" ...... Sat $ysI<Im is ..... " ......... kJt 10 "" .... 11>
.... OOII$ttuCbon oIln\i)IIInI bar '_ned .,....._,n In CIftIg"""ll
f\'$ItII1- hal -. giY8n .. _oI_rI<l !>'O.arwn
01 dlstalilt-dl _ -.g ,, ' f' fr<nI tne moe! anIerior bto Ng\'\OI"II,
",,)Ii( lliar,S, IndiCations aro lew t>ar "",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", D<""-'sron p,UIlIII der>tt_K
"'" P't,Dnt rarnc7lfatr1r! IrrrpIar'o: '(IOlOi' allOOS.
e..:h ay.,.m 1ncIud .. :
1 I _.os a." g",.n (5tnrm)
201GK1r ,.1_(2 ..trite, 2ye1ow 2 ,ad)
gold pIorled staio' 'I $tool
1 _EOS SMlrng Tool
2 So"'11 oc "' _.,11 7 .5rmr----ad"sU-U 10. Drm1
2Sit locP .. ,u'"J9I;
1 P"M e. 0 ..... _. boW P"_ (5O'r<r)
1 PPM 0 dtIJi_ Mad'"
1 RA 1 5rntr aft '.
UBS ' UII<T' .... Bar Sf,-I' I "

.& Hot.: To "",et ItO or P .... _le'l, ... 10 II'ro!r fft!l'ICI"'. _ in tire _. Hoo.r.OS _ ,.a,
$<MtSI.QC NG pagoe &8 on<! PPM s.r. pagt \ 12_
.. """""-_.--.-, ........ ,,"' ... , , ......
ee,,,.,...,, " , ... ,_" ........ _c.o.
3.25 SD & 4.0 MD Compatible
810' Torq Drivers
LTI RA Insertion Drivers
Standard Drivers
TI'I& BI(l-Tor'1 (BT) and LTIRA. (Latch Type) SySlems were
ClC$:gned to 1M on ... .... 0/ implant components,
Th& 8;(1-Tor'1 8ranemark oompalible .... en .... lops may t>e
t, (
"lili,ed With !tie BOo Torq oockltt I adapl9f or \I"IC Sic>-TorQ
WTe<>cI'l&$. T .... LTIRA. '"0 used with "ghl ..... 1e hand
pl$C$l)1le d""", .
Hl>"><l HekI Soc\<"., Ha'-- III)
$I<:< TlpSIIorI
sao. r'l> Long (8)
OSO' Hex Tip Shotl
OSO"" Ho>r Tip Loog (e)
IJ!,IA Top $I"", (0)
UMA T", Long
8.o-TOO"0 E'tenslol'l (E)

DOS .050' ..... 0.;"', (II)
DOS Slot Screwdrrver (B)
Lab .050" 0_ (e)
BIC). TORa wrellCMs & LTIII" Drive'
8IO--TOIIO W"""" '0 i'lIcm
8IO--TOIIO wrencn 20 N,'cm
8/O-TOIIO Wfeo:;h J(l i'lIcm
LrlllA 0..""
59- 1 00'.:/0

1Ie/e' 10 lhe Sic>-Torq and l TI RA sections 01 this manual l or a complete listing
01 al1ips and d,ivers avatlabl&, Fl39&S 260263
.. _,' ......... _ .. ... __ ... _vow"" ...
""" 1 00 120
58- 10012!>
- .
.. """" .... "", ... _."...._ "<" ......... CA
To Ord9f 8();).9993003
9 I ,ral 3.25 SD & 4.0 MD Compatible
Tl'e reF .... are '*"'., ....... 1M .......... "OX'$' """ 01. ca_
The ,. , ...... ...... 1M _ tor the IIead 01 !r. ..:: ..... Tne RN'nto" lot 'fie
4.0 ...., SO lI"r!og ..... are idenlooal to Ir. ....."... for the Bt.,cmar;. UCl.o'.
IIoQu!ar on<! MlCtQ ("I
... . ' .... , 4.0. 1lokIt......,.. to< 4.0
0 1 ,." VCl.A rod ".,.,., ... SD
Uf,FI,. Ro, r., (lola 1_
The 100II; '" ...,; ..." dia>.,."I(II:.:
""'" pr;>SIe ., .... 'fie 1.1IIt'II ......
'-01 I .... C&SI """""'" We ''''''''''''01)1"1(1 1!>iiI yW _ not mc>I ....... -.
For ,...,., ... , .. to .. l'IoM. may Wa.1110 \1$0 lilt 1 m,c,on .mIte d.amond
lapp.i'IQ p .. ,. (B)
I'I:Mrro">g prrMcIOI" ... """" 10 pmIed 1M gongrYII_ 01 IhtIJOkl or cat
"""'''* The".OIector capo'" .... _101ht Ihe
..::' ... Scrtwa ..... .ok! oeparalely 1M LIM. ... po'd/'ong pMtclOl" C'P ......,
be UMd ... II'I!he abu""""l (C)
lJMA PQi,..,,,,,, p,,,,,,,",* Call (e)

uw. Hto 0150' s.:r...
"'.-__ ...... __ .. ," " h
o c-",:roo" bO ' . ,." . .., ..... _ - ""

Lapping Tools
UMA Protector caps


11 o()(JCQ5 j
31 System Implant Innovati ons, Inc,
WM louncl8<l ... 1967 by Dr. Lazarra;n West Palm Beach, AonM as an aftermarkel
wpplier 01 implanl C<:tI1ponMtr;, The company """" lOCa:eo ;n Palm Ga rden. ,
""""00 nto rnaj::lr manufacture< 01 impIanI. as """I a. r6$/Ol'a tive C<:tI1por18m arid
'l.O"goc.l il'l$trum/lntabOn """ i. new " .ubsidiary 01 BI()rJl&\ 01 Getm8ny.
31 offe .. !he Osseotite Implant an e<lernllly he. ed imple.'" w,'" differ"". d",mel"'"
(IooJr platlorms),
3i alllQ orte<s!he Os$$Otit. TG, a "",,"stage "'lGtnallTlOttMOe tapered imp,-nt wilh compo.
oents wi'" t1wt St,atlmaM III implant,
31 offers a sell-t"",ng fealure ",r.,r ",d 10 !OS ICE 8V8.lable on many 0I1Mtr implants
:Ii 0s_1"- MK:o-oldiniplant 3.2S13.3 3.4 plbtform, e><l emal hex
31 OIHOtile Mi nipllnl 3.2513.3 I rld $landaon:t 3.75 / 4.0 _ 4.1 pll Tlorm, .. te,nll ... ,
. 31 OU60ll1e W",", OIItmet. , 5.0 & 6.0 - S.O Of 6.0 plaTlOfm. v:tem.1 he,
. 31 o.""ottle TO Inl or""l mortlc. tlpor
Compont nt. 10< tM Miniplant 3.25 ond th e Standard 3.75 are compatible l<>e
ReQullr Plat!orm ond can be 10irld in t!>e e'_mark seebOn 01 the rnaooI
Compon8nl, lor th8 O .. 80t t. W.do Oiamete, 5,0 can be lound In mi. 3i ,.otlon.
Component$ 10< Ihe MieroM,nipl .nl 3 25. I"" Os.eol,le W.de Diameter 6.0 and the
Osseotite TG rue no! """enti'y listed in tho _I.
0 01l1. lmpllnll
. 3i M",,,,,,,iniptant 3.25 external hex 3 4 pI.tI<xm
3i Miniplam 3,25 ,,>tema1 he. 4. t ptarlOfm
_"e.-.......-..... _
""=-"" ..... ..
31 Sl/Ind/lrd 3. 75 e.>:temal hox 4, 1
31 Wiele Dlameter 5.0 _ hex 50 piatlOfm
. 31 Wi'" Dlan"4l .. 6.0 _ he. 6.0
31 OsMOlI'" TO rn", .. nat \lIj)e<
A .. loroliw.IV Camp.lib!. To
81""""'011<, Regula' Platlorm 4, 1
1M2 H(tx _3.3 & 4 0
Irvlova Entegra 3.25 & 4.0
REmark-ST RP
RO & Sus",", RD
Same as 3i Miniplant 3,25 _
ITI Standard 4,8 int",nall8P'l'
Indic.llon$ .nd a....ntltles o' Implants recommended:
_ $ingl. TDoth R.pll.,.mlnl
1 impla". is ,equired
RecOllY11endftd k>< 1 mplant an&ehed 10 ,.., aWrne<1I, '" for 2 or more
free otanding im!>tants,
FI .... / o.ll" ... b1. R.conslru"l1Dns
Reo<xTor1"lOll"l<l for 5 0< more implants on a Iully eOentuO;ous
;:::: Bar TYP' Ow.rolanlur
Recommended !Of 2 Of more implants Of fa< an implant altached !<>
a M1UIAI abulMflnt.
_ Stud TYIHI Ov. ,oIantu, ..
ReQuires at .... 1 1 1ffIPIan1, V_or posSklIe n>:>re impI.!tnl$ $I>OukI

4} .......... 01_ of Components
Re.forali ... Com_enl,.,
Tn. ''''0<81"", """,,,,,,,,,,,IS are lI1e elernenl$ u$OO 10 labrie.,e 8 ",.toratim thai
wi. be connected to The "",!OratiOn ""'1 also t>e attached 10 ""
component called a tissue e.,eo ..... 0/ obutmenr wn,cn in Wrn i.
COMeCted to the omplanU.)
Imp'"nt Bod,.,
TM implon! body placed IntO 1M t>one f<;M- "",pro><tmaIe/y 4-6 months to""'" tor
o""""'leQratoo. Tho omplMO$ shoo.fd 1'101 be 10000d pI'" to
Tis .... Elflension:
The re (T;ssoo 1:1<10ns00n) also "" ..... 00 to as the Conical alJ.ulrne<11, is the 011...--
me<liele connect", be""""" the nplanl end 1I1e rc.toraliO<l, il may e)[lend 3bo11e
!he tissue. In """'" a TE ""iensoM" 'LlbgIl"l(jIV,",. to prOYi<Ie a IYlOIO
0. _ _ Impl>"I. _t"ntt .,. C.", ' tilli. To
. 31 MicroMiniplo,,' 3.25 _too.< 3.. pta.tlQ'm nooe
31 Mlnlplanl 3 2S e"l$l'MI hft. 4. I plaltorm Branemarl\. Reg PIaTk>:m 4.1
""""",, "'.....,."... """"" IMZ He, Head 3.3 & 4.0
'" -"""........... IlY\OIIl Enlegra 3.25 /I. 4.0
RE ..... "'ST I1P
Sterl-Os$ HexLoc 38 & 4.5
31 Standard 3. 75 """"naI he>: 4.1 plaU(!m'1 $0 .... "3i "pianI3.25
31 Wi .. DI._ 5.0 external he< 5.0 pI(lllOtm ""'"'"
31 Wi .. Illlimell!f 6.0 exle<noI he, 6.0 plalf<><m no!1e
. 31 O", o''Ie TG '_fIll' """"'" 1_ ITI Standard ,rr.l)rflall0p0r
......... ,-... _-, .. .-.-...." ..... ..,"''''_ ...
D'_, "" . ... _ '"'
The UCLA lii)o.fme(ll $y$lem i$ Ihe mosl IOIdefy USC(llaslOra
..... CI; .... ""X!of 3i type ,"","ali_. Tho _ora!"", possiblli
tieS inclu(le 'II1Ole tOOtf\ , tlridoe. l eletCO!lIC. and type
<llstora'Ol1t. Each UCLA a t>..Cme<11 it>CIIJde$ lho

CSp, Cylinders
Impression Coping
cas1Jl:>lC p.astic the hex I,:annn. .050" SCrew, Md Ihe
patar6ed <>:::<;usaJ plug """"" '" plug). The .1)46'
lila""", $C(&W 0< 1M .050" gold ",","re !CreW rMy be pu,
Chased separa:ely as weB as 1M """ 0< ,.,r""'"
IiM!rI $frO! c.ar:-:li Mri 3.2513.3 4, 1 "'"""""er ... ...,.."
l<I" MttIi .... Cim>ot SIaM.'" 3./51',0 4 1 S<lrWIlaIIo: CoMpoI t:4t Wf>:arM
wI W<Jo o.m.:or 31 '.0 '.0 Pla1"",
o ..
3i. CSP He.OjtI<odor & He>< So .... ,(HJ & P'tug (A)
3i. CSP---N<n-He. <"""" to He>< Se, .... ,(J5(1 to Plug (B)
Ji. Hex CylU"IOeI only
30. c-.- only
3<. liex .()5(l' T, So .... only
Ji. He' .04<!'T; S<:rewonly
31. 5quare .()5' Ti Serew 0<\1)1
30. 5quare .()5' GOl<I Se,,,,,, 0<lIy
He>< .050" O'i .... ,
Hex DOS 0._12rrrn, Ion<;!
UClA _ .. "'" 1>oodle
UCLA. L.awong Tool & Guoclo Pin
ANAlOGS-for OsseoCiCe 5.0
The Slair1le-ss SlHi Malogs repicate 1M 0.'''01.1& 5,0 exter-
M I he< impl"'" and are used to tabrlcate a masle< mode ..
The . n.'OIj i. U$40d p'ima' iI1 to, EOr..! (EI..ct'o
DischouQ<! Mach ... ) liluo $po"" E","",.
An8IOg for 3i 5,0, S!a._ (Al
AnalOg 10< 3< 5,0, CoQpco- 10< EOM El<>o"",1 (9)
A Not. Ttoo Cow<o _lOg ,. octvali'l 5..';mm d,amotor to EDM pro<;<> .. _
r", 31 Moe; 3.25r3.3mm &
r""",._ C<>"llp(Xl8n1S

B<onemarI< ReQu!.r Platlorm
of ... _
00\1& 166
For 3i Mini 3.2S/ 3.3mm & 3i St andard 3.7S/ 4.0mm
restorat ive components, refer to the
Branemark Regular Platform section of this manual page 186.
.. =
4H OO'50
Components for MicroMini and Wide Platform 6,0 are not available at this time.
To Order 800-9993003
Two .,.,oO,d"", 811K'''.CI ore co "''''''Y''- 10 dnc:II)o
ICrtw ,010 1M lonpl.", - 111. e""a ""d 1M ORS.
Q.,/l"'ll oyo,.,., 0: .. >eC1Cn are made of ond
are 8n"",""" dittetly 10 111. tmpI<lnI txxIy Tho DaI ... BcnI
.-.;1IxItoo 1 male, , adjoJlllt>ie female 1 'P""'" ond 1 1)<",



Direct man/um Posts
Overdenluf. Stud Type
TO. DRS inct..del 1 ..-. 1 ,........ 3_
ond 3 ,..; O,inQs ..., 1 tUI Inolog
Tho '_1>(>" 01"'" Dalla Bono fooU .. 1d)llSlat>ie ..,;" lIIe

0i0I0 _. co,..-
Oak 1lonI. cOO\'lQlM
000II8c<>o. COl'()Iel.
Oollo 6<:na. C<l!I'pietO
00118 a.:n., ..... ' .. I".

ORS. 00' : II 110

"- H.1,,,,,
BanL ", ..... & MooIog ""-3. .,."
00A0 llano. Ti fe' WI & s.:-_ only "-"3. ......
OAS. I'Ilt.- ""'Of 1$) H.;tOmm .. 5 1_
ORS. Cornl>o>ORongt 10 'Cd. 10 "'-.. 10 bJ< MoIooo.
0I1S. wnp.ant R.toQ. MaIog & O-flir,g.

1I<.,.lorq SoeI<Al
S..,.lorq OilS / o.aa Bo<!a Tip
l T / AA ORS / 00lIo Bo<!a T '"
0IIIl.6oo'IIo _8\I0'I0 'I00I. _
0014 600'lIo 0 II ..... "'II1Ol _
A _ :"Thto00Wll08c<>o_. __ , "" .......... 5tm\
A _ :p, ......

For 3i Mini 3.2513.3mm & 31 Standard 3.7S/ 4.0mm
restorative components, refer to the

51 5H050
51 5HOliO
5&- loolllO
5&- ' 00100
1l$-4!o10' 6
Branemark Regular Platform section 01 Ihis manual page 186.
Components 101 MicroMini and Wide Platlorm 6.0 are not available at this time.
A ....... _ ..... "' ___ .. .... wc " .... _
'--'" "'" ", ,." ... , ............. _""
To 0rd0I 900-999-3003
Restore and Sustain
T Ir>;: . headquartered in Chaska, "' ..... SOla. develops and maOlJlacn.C'>
L 8 ".i(Ie array 01 mediCal d&viCeli, JlCJuding on ext""'''"' Iioo of dental restoral,,,, compo.
oems. and ourglcallOOS
Three impIAn! "'I"t8ms oller$(! by Ufecore. the Re$1Gre. Sustain M(I SIa!)e" $)'$Ioms.
Restore ""II> an exte.nal hex. is oIIerod U$ a seI!.lapp<1\g II'Ireaded irJllIanl ., ri, TF'S 0<
RBM coating in small (so), fC9urar IFIO) or I'Ii<!e (WO) di"""'ters. Res""" II also .,aiIabIe 10$
on e><1elMI hex c)'lll"lder "",,",nt ... TPS '" HA 00i1IJrIg "' ltIrOO (I,M>!)lcrs
SustaO'o. "';1h an HA e<>atu1g. 1$ .vailable 3$ on 8><t&m.I hex. thte.deO '" cylindriclll ,"'plant
on small, meOlum and wide diamclclS. An ImerJlS.I Bevel CyliIld" cal SU.ta,n implant i.
offered as weN in lhrw diomctcr .
The St.ge-l """IAnt has an .,torn" Io<;kinQ lape< willi an RGM or TPS coating_
Componont< are comp"1ibl e wid> the m,..".(! Sna",,_ IT! listed in "'" ITI
sectJon of 1m, rMr"MJIlI.
All RO diameler R"'toro ond SUSlain Cxletn" i he. ''''plan! compooen[S are Branemari<
Regul ar PI.ffo<m <:<:mpal ble. f'<l< complete "'Iing of Br1lMf'M.rI< comp.1I' bif.> CQmIXl"lel1I$.
rei", to 11>0 Sr.""",.", _lion of lhio m ........ 1.
R ... I .... SO, RD _ WO . _ hex th ... _
H..,.,.. SO, RD _ WO .. 18m" hot. c:yIOndrical
SUst.ln SO, RD.rId WO .. u..not No. t_
SUSIln SO. RD ond WD .. _I hoo. cy'indrical
Sustain InMlnll bo . .. cylindrical In U ...... djometflr.
Slog. ' Inl.mallocklng mcrtloo I..".r
Reol"... SO 1'1._ ex to:<:).3 H
Su,lIln SD trreadOCI cylnoer ... hex 3 3 3.4
Re.lore RO _ O/"y;,.,;.,. ex""" 3.75 4.0
Su.",ln AD tt:<_<jlrder OJ< he.<3.75. 40, 42
_.,a ...... _
to' _"."",. w' ...... ". IS
Rn t a t lvoly Compallbl e To
SUSlain SO 3.3, 3 .
Reslore SD 3.3.
Branemar1<. R$OuIar Platform 4.1
3i Mlriplanl 1\ Standard 0sse0\iIe
IMZ He. Head 3.3 & . 0
lmova Enteg<a 3.25 & 4.0
Sran-O$$ He. Loc 3.6 1\ 4.5
Il R,,!!Ior. WD 50. 5 5. 60 orc)ln:jer ex hex Sostain we ex hex 5.0
II wo tInadod or cylllder.x hex 5.0 Restore we.x he. 5.0, 5.5. 6.0
All RD diameter Restore and SUSlain external hex implanl components are
Branemark Regular 4.1 Platform compalible. For a complete listing of 8ranemark
compatible componenls. refer to the Branemark section of this manuaf. page t 86 .
... ........ , ........ "-- ' .... " ...... _".-
OC'O" .... ""', ______ .... ............ <;A 232
4) T' ........... 09' of Components
_"" Of s..., ... ,
R ... '",r.,i ... Compon .... 's,
TM CompQo'enll ore the elcmonlO wed to laboc81e a '''''''''8100 lhal
w;jlbe C"""",,,led to lt1e The ",.1orallon moy also btl attached to M
intermediate oomponen! callo<! a ,os_ e>lensi<Jn or at>utmell! which ill tum Os
CCI(l()OCIed 10 !he imr>l8r>').
Imp'.nt 8<16)"
me n,plan' t>odyos pll oeO into tI">!I 100"" 10< apprOJamale!y 4e monllls 10_""
osseo<nteg'atlon. 1he ompIanw. $I\ouId <>1>1 be IoaOOd prior to """"'""egralic<">.
Ti ..... E..t_. 1on:
The If (T......, Exten,,,,,,) al.., referred to as an abuCment, is lIle ontermediate
c""""clO< bel",,",,, the ompIant and 1he il may extO<ld above ' ''''
',ssue, In some inslances. a TE exte nsion Is ,ubg,r.g"'ai. 10 pro",,' " a mo<e
Imp"'nt Standardization,
The UMA tissue ext......m. ccmpatible with the AP ReM"'" l(l(j S"",ain ext.mal
I>ox 00I)I, was devoloped 10 s:andwd,z<o Ihe many diffe,,,,,, implant companies'
compone<llS arxl ins,,,,.,...,,.. for a """" econ<YI'ICaliy COOgoO&d """"1Qr)' a J'l(! tor
$VTlpjlClty ot r"s1Qfa1r;e procedurw 11$ tape<edJhe><aQOf\ titling surface is
elIl, regard 'BSS of ' hoi ..... or cI implont omployed, _ 5Crew4n _ ..
Oroplanl $pEoCd.;
Irn ..... nt.
RnIOl'e SO ItoMded or c,1inder "" lie.< 3.3or 3A
Sustain SO 1I1:eaded or C)1Inder "" he. 3.3 or 3.4
Rn\ofe RO _ or c;y.n:;lef OX he>. 3.75 or 4,0
Suslllin RD 1rYCa(led or $ ' he>. 3.75 4.0,4.2
-., ... .....",... '"""""
.,. co.,_ """,...,. .....
_IONIMo!w' eo ....... lb .. To
Sus"'" SO 3.3. 3.4
-'503.3. 3.4
B<anemat'<. RogWt F".a!IoIm 4.1
3i Mirip. rn &Mdard Osl ; :J\ite
IMZ He> Head 3.3 & 4.0
rrr.o.a Emegra 3,25 & 4,0
AEmat1<ST AP
Stari-OM HII,l <)(: 3.8 & 4.5
1Io$\oI'e WD h _S.O. 5.5 Mor "" II!:< 5.0 Sust..., Wtl Ox tie>: 5.0
II 500111" Wtl 1trel<led or cytnder .. he:< 5.0 Aest>re we .. "'" 5,0. 5.5, 6.0
5 .. , ntemaI t:::<:I<irIg IOO"Iice taper m
5oo1lln O1l$-naI C)'Ii.-.:tri:8l3 d.ao,l9\ett ...,..
.. ,.....,-_ ..... _, ........... "-........... "'+.-
c""""".",., ._ .... ' .. ".: ... <'< .. '_ "" 233
11)1 , TSl 3
In. '.U> ..... WO''''*6 ........ ' '.110'- Ie fabrcalc a resIOraIion "*
w' be wo ... 1ed 10 ..... ...poM(.) The _a:l'O....,. also be ,ItLIIed!O..,
..... ".' , GO,.,... C ' ". tISsue I'xI .. ,.., W!w:Il in .....
10"'" Irr .... d(.)
1M ...... IXlo:fV .. , .. 801' """". _ lot 4:6 monlhl 10 _lor
" .. Mgo""". "" ., .... , __ no! be _ pn<W 10 c SSE >1109 .... ,
TI ..... .' .... Iottl
'he TE (li ..... ... 1 ole ,ed It> ....... TSI .wo..mem, is 1tle illletme<i"'''
CO<U'Ito< bet_ 1M "'plOn! aM the resfe<3t ,on. il,...,y CXlend above Itt..
1,1_. In _ i","I''''''' . TE " 10 prov''''' ' mort
UlllOI4c re'Io<.tIon,
/""./ ... , .'_"",""ut/on:
TM UMA (, ..... 'xl""."", ..... "..e!opood to "'" many difie,enl
.,..,...,. .""..,._' WO'4>O'.'" ond..uo,merQ for.".,... 8Cf""_1y GU'o
_ """'40<1 en<! lor "",,(lIoUy of , _01"" Its
!it> "II .... r_;. """,1"",1. ,,,,,,,'<Ie .. ct I'" ",t e< type 01 .
.... III _rln _ .. ' ..... iIPOC'fJC
... ,r'"IS
. eo.._S03.5
eo.._MD .$
Sct_,1Itn1 WO $ 1 . 60 PIooUur,,,
Ttpoo'sLod< _ """ . 4, I
-,. ...... -
_co "",."" ...
"bb ..
L<V 3,25, SV 3,7 3:7$, BV 3.S
LW 4 25& 4,7, SV. 7. BV 4.5
ao ... ,ak, PIodor. , 4. 1
31I0I0' II use dodOss z:$$z
IMZ He> Head 3,3. 4,0
lNIcva '.0
s--Oss Hex:\,oc 3,8 & $
III SynrOc:a 4,8
In ..... """ ,. "IIIG>I ..... ompIariI....,.",. __ abbr_ed TO'
Ccno,Vent (CVj, (MV), Scrtwsl'$nl (5\1), BlOsvent (BV}
"''''''' ... _-,...".,- .-...,.. ... , """ , ,_ ...
0_ "'-"." , ._." "" .. '"'-.... 2:v.1
9 _ .... (CO .... Vent) Compatible
Impression Copings
Imp/MO."" COPingS are used 10 IIIkI .., al1ho
",p"11 bod'y or of !he 1<50 ... ><1......... ouch the lIMA. Of
the T$I The one p.oece bt-.m ""o<e
" " CCIP"'\IS 10 .....
""'*"" nm " and ... ""'"" ID __ the 2 2 d timing
The """ JIOOCe M-..n _ . .... .. '. _ I ...
... _- . , Tho S-........... D .. .NeI\'(X)rI"O)II

l>IO w tI1 the II,,,,,,,,,,",,, reI&, to ..... BtIlMmO.rI< compatible
lor oornportfl<"l!$.
Whtn tho UMA Insert Is.-d I. 8 l-.e IXle"*"",,, the
--..;.d ..... aI LMA. co,_ ....... inchcueo.

I '

all $Moll 0_ ....... . cv 3.S, W 3 2!>. SV 3 1 U 7!; ilV 3.5
'\\0 _o ___ cCVUIolV.2!>A'.1 5'1"
022L '; . '
Imp ......... eop;ng ........ T .. FilIm;'Er'II
f'Ie:I< Imp 2 ""'" wi 060' He>< GuIde PIn (2 poor;tI) W
Irr.,r ..... Copor.g (1 Poeot) (8)
Imp .... I"" FIt UMA
uw.. Hex 1mpt0H/()(l wi .fS1 He>; Guole I'In (2 (e)
UM.',tIOr'o.i'tb''I'pw 10)
_ uoed!or '" d rna .. ", mod ..
They ""","1'$ ..... fllti'lg Si.ItIac4I ..... Itlo(lll(!f 01 the im!;>IanI;
1XXIy. ". Uw.. b$$OO extension or .... lSi [T1 SfratgII! "-I)



0'npWTl s.:.c.,. ""&og. S<ainIHI (A)
lJM,O, ..... Iog. 8<... (8)
151 _ :<>0, S, .nleo. Ie)
......... '_ .... ,t.--... . _w .... __ .. _ .. _
IC:", " ..... _ ........ _co.
I 1.())'M)!l(J

'MIen IN LM -, .-d in oIlfWI lSI, .r..n 11>1
...... d ..... ". UMA.OO4T ........... _ .. ed
.... . .....
Healing Caps
UMA Tissue ElCtension
_ling caps are used to maintaln access tWo<.Jgfl boo""
cIiJ<lng 1M pr>au. Tney ale avaI lable in va"ous
II8og!lts 10 tis."" deplh. TWO !)'pes of

, .... ""' ''*

:l1li Smoll 0..-.- ... p',... CV lS. SV 3.1& 3.75. 8V 3.5
,'-\D Moo...., o..w.-Irrp" CV 4 5, M'f ' 25& 4 r. Sol ' I. S".5
e" ,'*',
tiHling Cap$-TO H ""pIOn! (A& 5)
"'PIan1 t-IM1Ing C""
""",,",I t1ea1in>I Cap Hd.(mn
""",",'I Cap

Healln\j Ca p_ To UMA (C)
lIMA_lngCap H_2.o-r.-n
lIMA _Itlg Cap
lIMA HooalinQ Cap

1M lIMA insert was <:Iesignetj to simplify inven\Ofy and set
.." industry standard. Its .urface i$
_ieal regardless of tho sae '" !)'pe 01 onpIant emplOyed
1",,1e its be ..... implant sP8Cillo .

lID! SmoJ D...."."". Irrp',",' CV 3.5. MVJ.:o:;. Sol 3.16 3.15, BV 3.5
M" . .-no: .. MV 425&4 r, sv . r SV4.'
U"' .... TIssue Ellenslon (A a 5)
U"" Tissue
U"" Tlssue .><tensoon
U"" 1iss"" e"""siOn
uw... 1 ... ""
uw... 1iu""
UW<, T;O'o .... ttonoion
00, .........
11. 1,5rrm

11 . cm-n

"0'0<-._ .... _' ..... "_ .... 0' .... _ .. eo" ....
0""" ... "",,' "" ,,,. __ --.. '" .,,_co
healIng cap. ArA AVAi lable. bOth reqUiring the .05(Y he'
<Inver' A) fits <liteclly to the impIanI. B) tits on the UMA.
49--302120 49-402120
49-3:)2140 49-402140
11-002120 ll.oo<!l20
1l-0J2140 ll .oo<! l40
11.0021&1 11.12160
When Ihe UMA IS "sod ,nslnd 01 Ihe TSI. the
s>andard"" of UMA components.", indicated.
For loots. refer 10 1he Boo-Torq or LTIfIA sytems P9" 260-263.
11'()[)12,5 l HXlI271
11'()[)1220 11.()[)1272
11.()[) 1230 11'()[)127J
11.()[)1240 11.()[)1214
11.()[)125Q 11.()[)1275
11-001260 l1-OO127ll
r r.()[)r27Q 11.()[)12n
To Order: &lO-999-30Q3
The 'l"eCI hex titanium abutmeollX'"t 'nlerlock. ""th me
2 5rnm ",Iernal hex 01 !he Impjanl and is MCured WIlli 1I1e
The f ... l"""'ll 0"",,1. Identical tor the SO
and I"" MD riIanium pool. The l,taMrn 1'0'" c,"" be at:e<ed
Ii<c a prwarahon. 8u\I< lrirro'n.-.g oC the >"'"1.t.:>uId
0 0




mil !hoI Dorcter kVo<'l CV 3.5. MIl W 3.7 & 3./5 B\t 3.5
.\\]) . 5 W425 &<.1 6V4.5
DIr"'" He>< Tila<lUn Post'" .05<Y He, 5c_ (A.l
use WiTH:
Coping He>< wi (H:J He. 0..,;00 Pin two 00ce
1n>IO'" BOOy AMI:>g, 2.5<rM Hex
The direct w.nium ,but_ po.t. ("" , haul external ""' 1
screw. into tne imploont I>ody and ""'Y be ",CUfed with
Tellon lapo, QrrWlilito ()( OMNIBonO 10M auiOlierv """"'01
_:1.,,(1) The WpOfed posts can be al!eled like prepar.
lion SuI<: ,ritrrnonQ 01 the Itt .... "" pO$l ShOvId 00 done (M,.(.

rII!I 5M;)j f"rpio'1 0.....- C'l3.5 W 3.25, S"I3.n 3.15 6V M
OOCCI TIIMit.m f'nsI wi 050""" ...,.. (")
DlrCCI Tim..." Posl wi 050""" ...,..
0,,,,,,, PIa.,;o f'nsI (6)
"",,""'00 Cooi:"Itl
Irr(>Iam BO<1y "'"""Il (2 5m.'I'I """,001"". )
HOx o.'V&I 050" ,"QuoM w'" DO""I To Poo,
"'''''''''',- ,--_...-.. -_ ..... _ ...
.. """"".="---- . ., .........
Direct Hex Ti Posts
2 Piece
Direct Screwln Ti &
Plastic Posts 1 Piece
lX>.;Icne 0\J1$1d<) oj ,"" ()(at ca.1ty Fabncale a soil
mocIel whCrlCWr are rnaee In the let>OratGry.
11 lhe l,na1 ",.(",ahoo is 10 be II.t, 8"3016. then con dcr
/le1 $C'''''''
""" .
S"de oilhe or" cal'ily Fabr.:ale Q oo/t mode! ____
e, p'''pa,ahOns a,e m"de in Ihe 1800'810'1. 11 1M lina'
0'&"""""" OS 10 be ,olflcvable I!>cn COIl$ir;ler .." $C.ews TM
plAStic POOl should be casl orny in preciOu$ '" ....,.. PI'"
coous alloy A 00 OS ""00 10 ,,,,,no the caSI \fW$a(i &eCl.on .

9 .a,Psralan (Core-Vent) Compatible
CVUClA ABUTMENTS Cyl;Jlder, 5c.ew & Plug
Tile UCLA at.>utncol system '. !he mQit widei)' UHd , ... toro-
tfi<e """""PI lor song'" toOd\ or b<tdge ..,.pe ,,,,,,,,,.too._ The
restoral"", p<>s"b,liloe. sing' & I<>o!h. b, dg&. t&"'-

$majI CV WI 3 25, W 3 7 &. l 8'13 5
o\D I.Io<IVn o..-roteo k'np .... CV 4 S. MY 4.25 & 4 7 SV 4 7. BV 4 5
CV.tJCl.A. Hox &. G,_ (SO) (A.I
CVVClA, lie, Abut""'" &. ,OW So_. RO<I (1.10)
CVUClA. Nor>-H8x """-''''''''I &. .05()' So'ow, Groo<> ISO) (6)
CV.tJClA. Nor>Ho.x _I &. .05()' Soot .... , Rod (MJ)
CV-VCLA. lie, I\Ilt.O:l'r\MI Only, PlIoste. G_ (SO)
CV-UClA, Hex Al>l.Cm<:<11 Only, PIa,IIe. Red (1.10)
CV-UClA.. Nor>Ho. Ab..omeM Qnty P:. ,Tic C;""'" (SO)
CVUClA. Only. Pla,toe Red (1.10)
CV-UClA, Scicw Only. T,_m .060' lie.<
USE Wiffi
Imp"''''''''' eop;og ..... <Two P<>ce) To F Irnplam_ 2.5rrrn H
Imp:S<i"" CopO>g' .. "" ...... (en. """8 T_O<I)
IrnpIenI MaIog. B' ....
DOS Sial Sc.......:l",,"
Lab .050" 0._
BIO-TORO VI,,,,,,,," 30
810-TOAOTopHe>: (flf,L<r>g
LlIAA Or",*,
LlIRA Latch Hp 050"He. St>ort
l TIRA Latch Top .060 He>:. l.onQ
UMA, FIH""" GoI<l Handle
Lappoog Tool &. Guido F'in
"'''pic. and ba, Iype ,ulo'alions, Each
CV-UCLA aOOlmenl oncludes 1M c .. lable plastiC Sl)ulme<lI.
,000" flex screw, and Ihe palooted occluul plug.
59- 100020
SS- 100030
590 100125

58. 100120
UMA plas1ic WI I j,t UMA uawe extension.
w. ""'''--''; !he caSlabio pl ... as rr>ere will
1>11 no coel!",_ J)loXe" 0< _ the C)1Io1(lto .
AI UMA '- ..... the _ .0lU lie>< _ n. CSP
Plastic Cylinders for UMA
Plastic Cylinders for TSI
abbnI."""on _Ihalll rclu<Iel tile long CMoable p/M!ic
cy\>n<!eI .." .... , and "" ocdusa! plug.

0 . 0 . 0,('),
UM .... o,t_. Se ... " Pt.Ig (CSP)
\JtoIA... CSP flu 0,110:;10: &. rb1 .... _&. P\:g W
\JtoIA... CSP flu 0,_ &. SIo: Se<ew &. P\:g (8)
\JtoIA...CSP,....I ... 0,1t_ &..UHoo. ScNw&. (C)
\JtoIA... CSP ..... j", o,!oMOo I SIo:. _ & P\:g (l)l

WA, C)'IindIf (Wy. Hoo. -. e ....
LJM./\, c,woo: O<iy. Non-_ PIo.tlc, _
LJM./\, SI>ort CylInder O<iy. Non-I .... Pi!l1lIC. Reo (E)
lIMA SIo: Sc_ Only
lIMA _ cwr Screw (Wy
A _ : For SinQIO P:ioru _ s.<:"",,-
A _ : Fot SIoI Sctewo CIO "'" E'I 77' 10 N;cm d
The TSI (11 ... n ... ", Sh'al(lht In$O<t) ilIM':C C)liinde!$ fit lhe TSI
11.. \111 eo.tensJon. Wo 1.cQo m. cut!lble plastic c)'l ....
de" .. 1M", ";1 "'" no C<>tI!icJtf\t Of t>ro_1<age
-..d!he C)lind .... l"he TSlI>l>< _ ....... lI>e_
cv. TSI. ey_ & Set.w
cv.TSI _ (AI
cv. TSlrHI r......", Hot>; Sctew
, ..
\ llXl!il
t 1.tX"\'i2
0$0' (1 25.,...,,) hex "''''''' The TSla.c ......... y t>e .f>x1 ..
.,.,..;j In dHl!od heigh ..
9 'a,agon (COre-Vent) Compatible
Stud Type
T.., tyPeI 01 ....aenlu .. 1!1iWJ,,"""" "'" ........ , .. , ..-
to tc:t" .. to N ...., ..... II-. DaIa 80na rd ."-
DRS. Q.Ri,g .... , ..... BoII'I eClrV'oeCtc:f$ a.. made 01
&00 It. 11IIchld dlreetly to the rnpt"'" The Dalla
80M ioctudel mille adjustable 1""",1., spaCer .""

i i

UIIl. So'III 0 l..-pnCV3':'.MV 32S SV3.1&H5.W3S
1oIV ' 25&41 SVH.BH!i ..... _ .... 01 . ... ." .... cvo.>.
,,""I 80 ... Sylll'" ("I
0.. BeN. ocro_ 1_
0. OOO'I'pltlf 2om'o
0.0 800>00. oompIIIl 3nvn
0aII. 6onII .
Dali18Qno. CIlMgIfIl $nYn
0.111 BonIo. _"'. &m'i
Dalla Bono. .... '''1.1. 1"""
DRS, ()'lIIng Sy.1Om (B)
CORS ..... ..:IUII,.."
OR$. "'"' =:/JI'w'n
OFIS. ... ' ... _
OR$. .... ,. .. I!1frn
. .,'"
00lil Bcno. TI FomoII. :;p.e.,. & ""'*100
"'til Bcno, TI F ...... & .. onIv
fl . 1 .....

fl . l mm


H """

F .. 3 ......
1 _..-..log. The ORS...,..,.,.. 1 mM. 1 _ 'fig.
3 _711 _ J Ad O-tings ond I tit ...
The _"'" 0I1flot DaI7a Bono IomuIe i1l1Ojue'''''' _ N
1C!/vaIlrogI""""Tiva:ing tOOI_
."'D ....
_. _.

. a.u:I010

49 s-txoo
t <
.... -
49 3'D'(l
' !HI)JtIO
49 30E3J70

43"010 '8 "'0.0
,00..0 ...........
99-05.0.2 118-45.0.2
OHS A ....... FlifIII' (81 H. 2.lOrm .. 5 lil'm

Of'IS. O-Ring. 10 .+<,. 10 WI .. 101:*
QRS, ""piNol RItIo"" AI1a\og & Q.Ringt
Bio-Torq hi ..
Bio-1Qoq OIlS I 0.lil 8onoo r op
lTlAAl1u 1.
IT /AA CORSI 00l1Io 9cnI rop
0.lil_ -. ..... -. 8M
0.lil_ 07 7 MMIIio .. Ted. _
"",.o.$nYn 99-443031 l1li143037

4(l HOIX<'
56-100'110 ss.Ieol90
56-100.10 ss.IeoilO
\llH51011 l1li45.011
\llH510" -451018
T1p: ")'CiU" .... IO"'''"' criy .. moIo ' 000II8onooorORS ._I .. _ ...,oI .. """"..........cOt ..... 3
For *""",,"- All )03(110." S(\ o.n. Bcno I""" ...... so I ..... criy.
.- ... ..",
.... , ,,,--,,
Tho UBS 1.11..- a.. SysI...., Is a ,,-, 'dU'gned 10 lKilla18
!he (Ot'I8tnIC'ion 01 .'ijl .. m l)er ,_nto o_doonM ... In d"'on ... 11>,
hao tIMon."....., Ie I\.nclao, __ "' .... .,-,d ptI""'ao
d dlwllill-dl .... .... -'!mC)' frtm".. ""* MllII'oOr tloIr MQt''''1l
-W'C"io"" Intka\iono ... tor baf """'<Ieotlu," P"'C"tOn Ptal (lent", ..
"" pal"'" _",..lmpIont 04.tO!a:.ons
I Hz Mr-UlS ELar. 101-' pjoSl>c (5Orrrn)
e H' ... 'osc'!lz wt't4c 2red)
2 H ' ... ..fOS MtluIings. pj pia:ed .... __
1 Hzp ED'5S,(f'llToe>
2 S.. 'I OC _' '11 7 5nn> to t)onroI
2!HselocPouc "'.
1 PPlo1 e..Ooeg .... _ p!a:oc (5()rn
1 PPlo1 0 <0- ... ndro!
1 RA 1.5rw>1', , ..
UBS e... SyoIom
OverdentlJf8 Attachments
Bar Type
NO\It, 10 puo:t\aM 0- par .. ooo .. otel\l ,_ !O ' .. '_11*""'. PIlQ8S" "'" ..... Hade< tOO _ 110.
S#'zl oc NG POOl ee """ PPM s... page "2
.......... __ 1 ,,,,,,,, __ ,,
.. __ ... "" .... ,_ . .. '_" ..... 242
810-Torq Or/vers
LTI RA Insertion Drivers
Standard Drivers
1"- Bto-Torq (B-T) and LT/IV. (lalch typo) Syslems ".ero
<.lHIQ<1ed 10 the iMIIM d ompGnI compon.",.
Tho 600-TcrQ Pwagon (CVJ .... ,. "1 ' " "'WIlkin IipII'"IOy be

, I
\/,Mod ... "h I"" Boo-TorQ socJo.4t I fodIIPIor Of !he Bio-TOfq
w' .. ,*", Tho LTJRA (Ia'd! typt) oAed .... h
"""'poece type drovert

, ..
- -

__ Sooo",I_ tAl
Slot T"". ToO
Slot T"" roO Lon; (8)
ClIO" ..... fIJI 51'01
ClIO" ..... r'" Lon; IC)
I$< I 11,....,., T., (0)
l.IMI< TIP Stal IE)
\JM/o, Ttl> L.of1g
8.o-TO'1l (.<1""'''''' If)

S'l IInl Oo h .. .
,', ... W
rT:!I1 ,... Dr_ (8)
::os .@' ..... o.- IC)

II(). TORO wronc: ...... & l TIfI" o.t_
IOROWre,(/, IONlCm
fORO lYre""" 20 N/cm
fORO lYre""" 30 NIcm
'AA _
. ,
_ .......... ,' _,_, .... __ .... ".00 .. -
'''''' __ '.' ... _e.

S!I. '00'55
..... 00"0
!of. HXII20
58- 100150
""', '
I 1.()(J(0)6
Tho- ... ame< ""th gold han"'" i. used to refine
the into.nal ace .. , hole oj the co.table c\'1 ....
d'l!'. The .eame. olso .elines the seal ICM' 1M
heed '" the .(" ...... Tho """"'" ..... UMA and
CVUCLA obutments
f&QI SmoI Di..-- w..>." CV 3.5. MIl SI' 3.1 & J sv 3.5
,\\D MOCiu'n cv MII . 15 H . 'iN H. 6V . 5
D '"0 1"lio ..
The lapping 1001 and lappong 9""'" pori
a.e used ";111 d i;;rnor,d poIi.h,,'IQ post. 10 ... liM
the liUfflg ..... race oIt ..... caslable cylinder. TM
leppong tool the glJ1d<: pin. W. """"""
mend USIng "'" lapping _ "" more Ihan 5.6
u.; c.on- CV 3.5. W\I 3 15. 'iN3.1 3.7! BV 3.5
"''' _ bO ...... 1 0Wn01to cv 4.5. M114.15 & <.I 'iN4 1. BV 4 5
lappong looI & Gudo f'WI (8)
lappong PaolO. 1 mi<;"", _ diamond

Lapping Tools

\1 -000150
Ste.i-Os. System
tori..o. . I"QW a ,ub$ldi l 'Y 01 Biocam, "".'*>pod!he St .. i.os,. """,Iant ')'Slam in
1985. From thO bej;Jirwng. the e<:rnpany 1Ia. been an ,nno'''''01 in creating
high quality "'pIant$. ""'i<;h !'lava CQntribllted > its PQPIIIarrty. The St .. .o.s
system cUffflnll)" four dlff-" types 01 implant$:
Sterl-OM OrIgInol 3.25 & 4.0 no ....... x
S1o<iO Hnl oc: 3.25. UI & . 5 t.,,,,,1 he.
51.,1-015 RepilOl 3.25, 4.3. 5.0 & 6.U e. t&m/ll l\e.
$1.,1-0 Repl .... Select l.25, 4.3. & 6.0 with I Tr1-chan",,1 ;m.m111 connectjon.
Con'Ipon&nIs 10< SIer.o.. Ong"'"-I 3.25 &. 4.0. !flO &&ri-O .. "".-loc 3.25 and I"" SUlr.
0$$ 3.25, 4.3 & 5.0 ",e con!all1ed ., thrs "",,1IOrl 01 the manual. Tho 3.S & 4.5 SUIf ..
00$ He.-loc is c<>mpalible wIth lhe Regula, Platform (RP) 9' anemarlc. , ale, to I""
Brenemarl< uction I", components The small diamcw He, Loc 3.25 uses separate
components Iisl..a "' ! hl. section and i$ nOI compatible. At this
tlme no compon')<lt. are li .. eeI tor the Slert..os6 Replace 6.0 nor lor Ihe S/er .. es. RcplaoG
Select ompi3nl
To stant:l8,di.ze Ihe many dillerem implant _oral,,,., components, ",for 10 !he UMA Me"""_
Steo-l.o.. OrIQlrnoI 3.25 r'>O<>-/le;<
Sleo1.osS OrIglrnol 3.5. 3.8...-.J ' .0
Stetl-Oss 1M. lac 3 25
Ste,i.o.. IM. -l.oc 3.8 &. 4.5
-" ............... - "'_. e*"",,,,,,,,,,,,.
S'01I-o.. Aopl."" ...... , hox
Au tor.liv. 1y Comp.tible To
AncI'IOr 4.0
IfI\e!j,al ' .0
O6oJtment 4 0

AOgUlar PlaU<>rm 4, I
3< MinipIonI: &. Star-dard ass-:.
IMl H<l x Head 3.3 &. ' .0
lmova Emogra 3.25 &. 4.0
Restore AD &. Sum,n AD
REroot. Ae ..... Bk>C,,"" '-_ _
Indlcatlone and OOJantitiell of Implants recommend&<! :
Singi. Toolh R. pI.ce .... .. t
1 implant i$ reQuired. 1He>:.-l.OC. Replace end Replace Seleci only)
:=: lri,.. Rocon. lnoc lio nl
Reoommencled fo, 1 ""piOn! attachecllo an abulmorll or 100" 2 or mar ..
II"" standing implants.
:=: I Delee" . bl. !keon. truel lo".
Hewm-nentled for 5 or more implants OIl a tully ...o..nTuIOt.>$ arCh.
:=: Sa, Ty .... 0.. . .... "1" ...
Re<x>rrvnen<J lor 2 '" mare or I", an implanl allaC/>e(l to
a nalural abtJtmf)rlt
- Stud Typoo Ov. rd ... I" ...
Requ;1'" ., least 1 implant. Whenever POSSIble mort' shoo.tId

............ --...... ,,,
._"", " "".'-""',", .. '-."" 245
Teiihlnology of Components
A tor. ti.,. eomp..n..tts,
The CM1pone<1t!; are !he element!; usoo to l.abtocale a ","oration that
wi U be oomect<Jd to the The ""toral"", may also be 811_ to ....
O1termedi.te componet1t called "Mw" "><t""",,,,, or abUtmi!nt Which ;n I",n il
"""""",ted 10 !he implantl
Imp, ... t 8ody,
The implanl body rS placed into the booe lor approximately 4-6 monthS to allOw 10r
The ompIants ohouI<I """ be Ioo<led pnor to ossoointegratior>.
Ti _ Eden. iOll'
The TE ITis$ue Extension) ouch the UMA Of !'ME, referred to.s an a""'
meIlI. Is the inlc-rmediat. connector b<tt"""", !he implanl and the restoration. it
may e.,end _ !he trs""". In """"" nstaocel, a TE c><tel'l$OO!l Os sut)gi"""aI. 10
provide a more esthetic ""tor.":,n.
,mpI .... t S t . .. d" "" Z4ltlOII:
TN! UMA U$we e><t en$iOn Wa$ develOped to standardi'e .he many diH.ront
""ptan, CM1pan>e$' components end instoumenu for a more economicdv COt>-
IIfJIIed irw$<lI<)rY end for PnpliClty 01 resloralNe procedures Its taPeredihe''-'QOfI
hl1lng surface is ident",,,,, regardl$$$ oI lhe $iZ& <)r rype of implant emplOyed,
...nile It$ $Crew';n base i .....,Iant SPeCific. The UMA is .""lIable foI!he 01" l1li1
3.25 t 3.8 Non ...... Implanu .od m. 3.8 4,8 l-1o:<.lo<; Implant!.
Comp .. tibilily:
Steri-OM 0<;;;1111
3,25 r>:lfI-trex nat-top
_OI'Igl ... 1
3.5. 3 elnd 4 0 non-hex ftaI-lQP
Slerl..o.. II/txL"" 3.25
Slurt-On He. L"" 3.B & 4.5

Sl6/I..o.. R"I>II"" e><terM! hex
Slerl..o.. RepllCfl Select
_10<.11._" To

Ancl>or 4.0
Q-Sut:nent 4.0

Br.fl9Illark, AcvuIar PlaUorm 4. I
3d MinipIant & S!ardard Oss9oti:e
1M2 He. Head 3.3 & 4.0
lnnOva EfI1agra 32S & 4_0
REm ..... -ST RP
REtoOl, R.new BioCaro

Hex-Loc 3.25
HEXLOC 3. 25 COMPONENT5--Ext .... nal He.
SteriOss HexLoc 3.25
The small <liatneto< 3 25 Steri.()ss Ho.Loc implarol has
an w:t.",.1 hex t", an1l<olaUon. T"" HL 3.25
"'" n:)t CI)!"IOpIIIiI:lIf Wllh the 3.8-4.5 '" 5.0 HexLoe implant
r;:ompone<n F", $1 .. iO$$ 3 5 Hex Loc
... Ie, 10 I"" IlP I UCLA Mellon of Itils manual.
Fo' 5.0 He,Loe Ce>mp.hble componenlS, ,ere, 10lhe
Steri-Oss FIeIac<t 5.0 HC1ion
The he>:. impress"", C<Jping the he>:. ",,,,,,101,,,,, .

"" - .
Sm.l DireO ... 25 He.-!.oo ......
RogIJr o.ar-.w s:.o-o.. HIo:<-!.oo . 8<."",_ ... 1 _m ImpIatC
WI) 'Md. 5,.,-000 5.0 He>-loo. 5:0ri--0ss Roolact s.o
RU lor.1!\'. Components-To fit SterI-OH HII.loc 325 Impllnl only
325 f-l. Imp_ Coping wi .OW He> GuiCe Pin ( ... )
St..-..Q90 3.25 f-l. Analog (S)
Slor>-Oss 3.25 ft.. CyIindor. Screw & Pi<'I! (CSPI (e)
Stor>-Oss 3.25 f-l. OOS O-fllr>g 2.5<nm (01
Stort-Ost 3.25 f-l. OOS O-fllr>g . Oonm
r ... ATS
Slor>-Oss 325ft.. He. CyI<ndot only
Slor>-Oss 325ft.. He. Sm,w OW only
SIO-TOOO r", fie . OW. Shott
SIOTooo Tip _ .()OO'. Long
SIO-TOIlO Tip OOS I Oolla &>no. He, 2.5<M1
LT/AA IlA Hand
Ll/FlA La!dll,p .OW He StIO<1
LT/AA Latch Tip .m! Hsx. Long
LT/AA Latch lip ORS I Dalla EIon . Hex
Oall8. Bona IICTM!.Iing TOO. BkJe
Oaia SorIa TOO. y..oa,.
For Steri-Qss 3.11-4.5 Hex-Loc restorative components, reler to the
Branemar1<. RP / UCLA Section of this manual. pages t92-3 .
For SterlQss 5.0 Hex-Loc restorati ve components,
reler 10 1M SleriOss Replace 5.0 section of this manual, page 256.


59 100125
To Order- 0CQ.999-3000
Original Non ..... 3.25 & 3.8
/mp&ss/on Copings
TM jnopilll >. (;(OJ)itoo tor tt-.. SIeri-Oss NOn-He>.
Ih IP "".iroo
" ...... ..., to *" lII'I .. ... . '. 01 tt. ....... bOdy
The II 1._ "",n.urnlrnp,e ... on OOP'"II lron$le'l me
WII$n me UIAA ",$en It uM<l ... I ........ _""'. !I>e
line 01 UMA w '(XlOfIrlI>'" indICI.\ed .

_Oa, S .O=3.25'''''''Ib(flollop)""I
Mll Wdr.m De:I s.n-o=Ulb. 110< (FtoIlopl of&o .. 15_.0 N:rr>l1L<
IrnpraHIon Coping To Fit SIIori-Ou 001;;1 wi _ lIn
....."" """,Copng Non-.... 1"1
78 jOb)
. MD ...
, .
The Dttsl _log' .'e used lor lIle labne .. ,,,,,, 01 "'"tel
model. T"-1 .. plic.t. 1 .... tiU"'II '''''ace and I .... Inl.' ......
tt._ oIN irnpIIr11 Dody or tt.. UMA tis ..... 1 .. _
WheI> t .... LIMA is usOO in 01 ..... PME. .......
oUr<! ..... 01 UMA componenl'" Ol<lrc.led.

C 'il
1<,._. -,. MoIog. B,_ 1,0,)
!.!IN\ s,_ (B)
, For Steri-Oss 3.25 HBX-loc restorative components see page 247.
' For Steti-Oss 3.8-4.5 Hex-loc restorative components, relet" to the
Branemark RP I UCLAsecllOil ol lljs manual. pages 192-3 .
For Ster1-Oss 5.0 HexLot restorative COR1pOl"IE!I1ts.
refer \0 the S:eri-Oss 5.0 secllOIl 01 this mallUal. page 256.
... MD ....
_ .
' 8 "Xn15
OrIginal Non-Hex 3.25 & 3.8
UMA Tissue Extension
The UMA M'CJe ext""'""'. lhe ?ME. hlS 10 the
implant WI>en "'" UMA......, IS 0>Sed """1080 oI1he PME,
tho otandrud .... 01 UM,o" cC>mpone .. ". IS indicare<l. 10
me lJMI\ ... cbon.
IIllII Oi<o'nol SU>>-Oso 3,2!i , ,,,., He, (Rot 'lop) i'I"1f' .."
DirnI< .. sr.<;-{)ss 3.e _-He> (fIaI: To<. _r .. 3 5 nl N<:<>Hc<
UMA, ns.wo E.'ensions
lIMA. T ........ .
UM4,T ....... e._
lIMA Tissue e._
UM4, r ........ >:>ension
UM4, r ....... . >:>ension
U1IIA. T ....... <:xICosioo
UM4,T ....... "._
BIO-Torq Socket
BIO-Torq lIMA np Short
Bio-Torq UMA r", Long
LIMA. To"..,O<I "."".. 1OI1 Copng one p-.ec.>
LJMA.. Hex ,,,,,,,,, .. iM CopHtg wi I:M He, Guide Pin
lIMA. 8o . .. _1og
H. I5mm
1i. 3.Omn
H . ()MoI

H. 7(lmn
For Sieri-Oss 3.25 Hu-loc restorative components see page 247 .
For Steri-Qss 3.8-4.5 Hex-LDc restorative components, refer to the
Branemark RP I UCLA section of this manual, pages 1923 .
For Stefl-OSS 5.0 Hex-Loc restorative components,
refer to the Steri -Oss Replace 5.0 section of Ihis manual. page 256 .
.... ... ----
c""""",,,,,,._ ....... . '" ... _C> N.
, .
, '-00'120
l1-OO1 H O
59- 100100
511- 100150
511- 100155
NonHex 3.25 & 3.8

Direct Ti tanium Posts
Direct Plastic Posts
The di,ec! !I!anium abutrrienl 0$1 screws into IIIe implant
body and may be Jecured with Teflon tape, Omnj-lil e 0<
OMNI-6on(! (tee aUXIliary section). TM lapered
post> can be iii> a """""aim. GM<long on "'" Ilia
n;um po", should b& doo& outside 01 the o(al cay"y

SmoI 0 ........ Soeri-Oss 3.25 tb>-He. IfIo! Top) IrropW<
Fabrrcale e soli !IsoUfl modol whe"", e, p,epa'.I,"'" ".
made in Ihe laOO<atO<Y. H the final restorallOlllS to be
lnan conskie( set screws. The plast;c PQst should be
cast only'" p-eel",," 0( oem p-ecious 'iby. A. d", "" reline
me $!
.IW _ 0..-- $terKloo 3 a _He< (FI. fop), o'$of.:< 3.5 0<'Id' 0 NO'>IIo< Itroiant
. MO ...
0".1 .......
Direct Tltonlum Post.
D<r.ct TitarOum Poots
Titwoium Pom
Pl .. tle: POS1l
DirOOCl Plastic Posts
use Wl floI :
1mp-eM"'" Coping
tmpIiInl 9o<Jy-1og
2.Omm X!21M>
FOf S1eri-Oss 3.25 Hex-Loe restorative components see palle 247.
- For Sieri-Oss 3.8-4.5 Hex-Loe restorative components, refer to the
Branemark RP I UCLA sectkm of this manual. pages t 92-3 .
For Slerl.()ss 5.0 Hex-Loe restorative components,
refer 10 the Sten-Oss Replace 5.0 section of this manual, page 256 .
.. -... ............. "--, .... .. -
"'-""",,. ____ .... w""", "" ..... _ CA
To Order 900-999-3003
NonHex 3.25 & 3.8
UCLA Cylinder,
Screw & Plug
The UCl.A obulment s)'Slem II IN moo' .... 0<1 ,.,,"'xa-
I' .... COIIc.pl 101 smgkl 0' brldQe WPI' '''10<.1'011$ Th.
UCLA kit Sleri-Oss .... '" only b",iUe ("",,"hex) end Ia.
type "'.000" .... possibiU .... EIcIIUCl.A CSP .......... IN
_!lie pi"," abument (C)"IirIOtr) 0!l0" he>< _. and
lhe p.,,,, .. d GCCIuSa l pl"lj The UClA allutmenl '" "00
,*"1(1 10 a CSP. C)<.0(Ie0 5<;_.nd Plug. For SIerK)$$
I-+e>cloc ImplAnl <>Or ......... U "'''IO!he &=-k I UCLA
MCIJOI\ d IhIe manual.


_ SrooIDa'_S 0.3251101"110< (!'III lOol_'
.0lD -....:- , _38_1100 0 NO<> I ...
UCI.A--CY_. S ....... PIuv (CSP)
\.IC(ANOnIIO>:"'JIon. .. \W_ .... _&pIug W
UCLA NOn-HOx eyIir'dW" rn:t hex ....- & """', 3 8
UClA. P\oIIoc _ ... (CyIn:Iw-I Only
UClA s...r..,. 0rIy, furw.m CleO' flO>: I'fIj """" 3.2:st 38)


He< o.-a.,. .. ,05(1" So ..... h ' " .. c.. In!:! Guo;Io p;".
Ht>: l.etI 0._
.... OOS.05O' o.-I2tmo long
__ lor. 0
For SleriOSs 3.25 Hex-Loc restorative compCIn&f1ts see page 2"7 .
For Sterl..Qss 3.8:4.5 HexLoc restorative components. refer to the
Branemark RP I UCLA section 01 ttlls manual. pages 1923 .
For Sterl-Oss 5.0 Hex-Loc restorative components.
refer to the SI8fiOss Reptace 5.0 section 01 this manual. page 256.
. MD ....
,,""" ... - --.----....... -".-"" -"",
fJ"""" ... ",,' ,-, to ..... _ ........ _-:-'" 10 0rc1er. 80().9993003
Original 3.25 & 3.8
UMA, Screws &
Guide Pins
To seI an ond ull1ry ."'''<Iard, _ availet>le UMA on
place'" the PME The UMA CSP c""oists 01 a _
plasvc cyfincIer hex (W fIOr'-/1e< (briClge) type, a hex (W SI01
.cr<)W, and an OCClusal plug 10 6e81 lhe ope,.;ng 01 1M
OCCIu$&I access Mle. The IU), are u$OO tor single
or 1 .... scopic abo.nmeots, ""ile 1M non-I>I>, CyllI'I<ler. ara
_d tor MClges or b", ret/I,ne.;I OV8r6&n1urM.

II:: i

0 0 0 0
, ,
tkII Sr".aII Di!roe\et Ste<>Os$ 325
o 'ipOo'
UMA--Cylind .. , Screw & Plug (CS!
UIM, CSP He>; C)Iinde<, Ho, (j5()' SIx .... & PU.l (AI
UIM. CSP Hex C\'Iindor. Slot So_ & Plug 1fI)
UIM. CSP Non-Ho, CyIinde" .OS! He, Sc< ..... & PU.l (CI
UIM. CSP Non-He, CyioMer, Slot s.:. .... & Plug 10)
UMA--CyUndoors Only
UIM. Condet CWy, fie. PIasloc, su.
UIM. Cylinder Only, BridQe PIasIoc. Yo_'
UIM. Shorl s..r C)OIindet Only, (I
T..., Iypeo 01 screws and guide pins .' .. available, a oox
requiring lhe slanda,d ,050' d,l\I<>r. and a sl01 WI>"
D .., ... ,
UNA-Sr: ..... " Guide PIns
UMA, .050' fie. Sct<tw (AI
UMA, Slot So ...... (8)
UMA.05O' Hex Guido PIn (C)
UMA, Slot Guodo Pin (01
, ,
""" .
,oqu;ring a standard slot "",owdf""" TI>o hex \jUide pirl is
aI"" used wiltllh. hex impression coping,
"'" .

11.((1(11)S 1
Drl,.. . For oil .oSO" Screws, 5101 SC ..... Hsallng Cap. & Guide PIn.

fia. 050' Lab 00'_
fio.,. ,050' DDS D'"", 12mm, Long
No,., F", Slot Sco1>ws do "'" e.ceed 10 Ni<:m 01 torqt.oe
.... "'''' -..... ,_.. ." -,-,-,..---"
.--"...." '". - ... ,."'''' '" -,... --'"
To Order.' 1300-999-3003
;;;;;.;. Non-Hex 3.25 & 3.8
Stud Type
two _ 8IIaJ ".111 .. ta"''''I1'- 10 daclly
sc ...... ;",0 ,"- impl.", the O.'la Bon .. lOnG ,,.. OilS
0-f'Mg 5'1 ....... _ ..... _, aRt.- at!lllnU'n_
... M".aefiea difocljy to !hi' boOy The 0eIa Bono
...-.00 "'- ORS ........... , 1 malt. 1 _ ""II 3
.nd3_0Rio .... _atnalNklg
n.. 01 \!'Ie .. eon. 100. ole is "'J"""'" W!II1 h

lI'ItiJd 1 ........ 1 adjlAtabI&l"" 2 " , spaee. "'" 1 bra ..
. 71]



_ Srr,;i 00_ .. Sao-OM. 315 __ (Rol ""'I
Ml> _ SW..o. 38 No> 11e' 1Ao1lc1 ..., I0Io 3.5..,0 ',0 lIor>l lo< " .....
' ......
o.Ila B_ (A)
c.M 1!Ionoo. ...........
__ <:o,_
00I0o 8ono. """"""'"
Colo Ilona,

o.a. I)ot>o.
ORS. Q-Rin9 Sy""" (II)

ORS. ...... : "'
IJjO.looQ _
o..a. 60nalQRS T '!>
U/RA Han\Ie
U/RA ORSI 0 .11. 1lct>Io TIP
o.na SorIa ...,.,.... Tool. _
DaIIa_D" , . il.u'lg
E'P .,.'
H. ' "",,

H.7 ......

..1:1 - ; ' ThoOoloo_ ""' .. Daldoo """ ... 01_01 ""'SO'""" IPIef,lO ... 5rm>
"'""' ..

Ie 3oIJ06O


' &3004OCtJ


08 100190
5$ 1001010
For SterlQss 3.25 Hexl oc restorative components see page 247 .
For Steri-Oss 3.8-4.5 Hexloc restorative components. refer 10 the
Branematk AP f UCLA sectiOn of this mal"k.lst, pages 192-3 .
For SleriOss 5.0 Hexloc restorative components,
ret9\" 10 the Steri.()ss Aeplar..e 5.0 sectiOn of mal"k.lal. page 256 .
_ .
_ 3010
-- 484430):)
08-U 3O!lO
'6 " 'JW)
le UJOro
-<8-'1' 0&0

t;.&-1001 oiQ
To Order !lOO-999 3000
Original NonHex 3.25 & 3.8
USS-UII"na!e Bar Syslem os a """""""",I k'i designed
\he conS\'UC\ W 01 "'planl bar relal1.e<I overdent"'$$. In dl!$ignong It".
system. conSide</IIictI "" been g ..... to f\J",,""", oa.e 0/ use ard
oj dis"" _ alkMing res4liency from Iho most ant",,,,, bar
AppIica1ions: Iodicalions are for bar werdem ...... , llMlure.
9I>d pa""'" """""oole implan' resl<i<ations.
Ead> syslem
1 Hade<_EDS oar, (Jr_ pIasItC l5Omm)
e Ha(ler-EDS clips- 2 0/ each ,eten!"'" (2 whole, 2 yellow. 2 rod)
2 HaOOrEDS Housings. (I<Od plated sta",1eM ., ....
1 Ha""' _EDS Toof
2 SWIMUx A.ttac!lmeol s 7,5mm----<odi"'tablc 10 4,Orrrn
2 SWI5SUx F'n:x:ess;ng Jigs
1 PPM Bar 0 degree. blue plasoc (5Omn)
1 PPM 0 degree Mandr ..
1 RA 1.5rrrn Reemer
Bar Type Attachments
BiD-Torq Drivers
LTI RA Insert/on Drivers
1-101. , To .. or IlI'rts _"'ely, ,oj., to "'" pao iI"Ilho ",""""I, Hador-EDS 110,
Swis<loc NG P'I9" sa and PPM Bar, pa,go 112.
The Blo-TOI (BT) iOn<,lLT.f'!A 81'$1_ WOlfe 10
tac,iUl1&!he insemon 01 "'pIiIn1 CI'IPO"e,..,. TN Bio-TorQ
S\efK>$$ 11PS mav tJfI ulilize<l wiIIIlh.

s.'<lI Tip ShoO
SJoIr,pLonQ (SI
.('S)' IiOJ< Tip snor,
_050" H,.:dip Long Ie)
ORS I CC61 PldE TIp (0)
IJMO.. np SI>:>rt le)
IJMO.. Tip Long
9<,.. Torq Ext<"""" (Fl
" r
.:3J Hoi. : For sr", SCre .... do "'" """" 10
-""'-- - .. .., .. --.. "".-..
,,",,' ______ .... ..,. s..-.o.
Bio-lorQ , 3daptor 0' lhe Blo-Te>rq wrenchU. TI"Ie
LT/RA (latch type) ti ps ..... used with ngh1 angle hand""",,,
type d,,,,,,, .
o 11


_ .
Blo-Torq Drl_
59-100190 53-100190
59-100110 53-100110
59-10011& 58100115
59-100120 58100120
59-100125 53-100125
59-100140 $S-10014()
53-100150 58100150
Original Non-Hex 3.25 & 3.8

Stan .... d D.i ", and FG DriYe<$
OOS 050" HOx o.r.er (Al
OOS Slot Screwor_ 18)
Lab 06Cf He. 0.1_ (C)
81Q-TDRQ Wf..,cr... & LURA D.lve.
610-TORO Wr....ch 10 NI<:m
610-TORO 20 NI<:m
6/O.lOAQ XI Nkm
Ll/RA o.r.er
Standard Drivers
Lapping Tools

59 100010

TI>o .aamcrs ar" und 10 rei"", 'he in,ernal acce ..
hOle 01 a castab1e cyk'l(1er. The r&arne" also ref One
the seal I", 1M '-d ollhe SCl1!w. The rMmer tor tt",
Steri-o .. 3.8 and S",,,O$$ SO are identical to II",
____________________________ __ ,o,' .. '".'__
$Iao;Oss/lntegrai ' .0 1loarror.1lM! 1'18.--10<

TI>o tools ar" u-' ";'h poIIsNng
pa.'" to reline !tie 'urface oIlM cui cylinder.
'II" recommend 'hal you U$e il flO' more ,han 5-6
time . For ""per"" "'''0r1l1iOnS. you may want to use
!he 1 micra> ""ile d,,,,,",,,,,,,, loppo>g PM"'. (6)
S!erl--Oss I 'ntegr.1 Lappiog ToOl M:j Gu"" Plo, SO & 3.8
I.IMA.l.-oQping bJI on<l Guide Plo
p .,e, I lIlICIon _ <Iia"
To Order' 800-999-3003
4) St .... -o .. Replace Compatibl e
Impression Copings
Trle UCLA tlex litarWJ'" the implanl ti<)r1 01 the LIl'Iplanl and 8rC screwed in with 8 .050
ond inClude boIh the C<JPing aro !he guide pin. The <lriv ... 00I<I ."",,,,,,oof'y
UClA hex !)'!)I! impre$$ion cOI)ir>g$ transf$r me hex oril!ma
1m! S!etoOso floOlllCe SmIII Or>e<or J.5 1ftl;ia.'II
MU SMriQu RoOlOCO 1Idn1 0;...".,.. 4.3ln"f1'"",
,WJ)' Sterl-Oss Ro!)loce 'MOo D <0'"l<>IO< 5.0 L<rl>-an.
Impruslon Copings-To FlI lmplant
ReoIace He, Impt oioo Coping, .O&f he.>; pin, u.., ...... !lex (AI

lOll He. 0."", 050"
oos 1-10, Or!>.- ,Q5()'
AI D...
Oo(le< I 0r<Ie<

Implal'll ...... lOgs a,a U$80 tor the lab<loal ion 01 masl... AnoNo;js are "",<;Ie 01 aluminum and are col", cO<!e<l by
modAl. Th8y a,8 '8pli<;u of the implan! , The Replace m e; Purple Gold 4.3alXS Blue 5.0

m> . o c
...... \1)...


FIc'P&cu. AAJmin<..m ArIWo\l35. ,opbco (")

AkJmor<.m AnaIo\l ,opbca 01"""""" (51
55-4:lC(l 15
..........",.. ... oaI:>\l5.0. <ooOco oIlrr1)IenI (e)
For Sieri-Oss 3.25 Hex-l oe restorative components see page 247 .
For SteriDss 3.8-4.5 Hex- l oe restorative components, refer to the
Branemarll RP I UCLA section of this manual, pages 192-3 .
For SterlOss 5.0 Hex-Loe restorative components,
refer to the SteriOss Replace 5.0 section 01 this manual, page 256.
, wr ...

St.IIO Compatible
Replace Cylinder,
Screw & Plug (CSP)
Replace Titanium
The UCLA ablMmOOl Syslem i. the mosI wi6e!y U900 r"'tora,
II"" c."..;epllor tc< ........ 0Iai00d restorat<KlS, Tile r""torMl""
ir1CIl.ode single tooth, bridge. telescoptC. ,.,d bar
type overdenture restorations Each UCLA abutment
The i)ior posts are used to alit,,,,,.,,,,, bar
utiliZing ttle laoer Welding technique, The
,ilan,,,,,, bIIr p(>$I$ may t>e 18_ weI<Sed to the Haode,EDS
""'n,,,,,, bIIrs or me P!'M bara. The laser Welding
t4Chnique &nsur6s a pas'N6 Iii and ellm/!tes need lor
waxing. inve$llng. casting and lir",h,ng.
0 .. " ,...",
A8pIoce nan ... n Bar """" IOIld .050' fie. Screw
HaderEDS TItar"Ii<Kn S., 500Yn
Moiled Titani<Kn 0 0.0- Bar 50mm
o De{yee Bar Mandrel
Bar Post
inl;lu<Ies the castat>kl plastIC cyIiMer .rIfh hex SCI8W . ....,
rM poMr\le<l OCCIJS.aI plug (csP-<;y\in<Ief, screw &. plug),
Tho plO.tlC color C<XIe(I Cylin<lers are "t>bed to facl lltal8 wax
buiId-up$. Requires OSO" He. Dr"",
... Mo..

"' ..


99 560001
The UCLA litanium hex $Crews and hex guoce prn. screws .,. """nbCII as 818 the guide pins
utili'8 a .rIfh he, dr""'r. TI>It ReplaCft 4 3 and 50 UCLA
o o


,050' fiex Screw (AoC)
f!ep!ece .050' Hex Guo<le PWo j O)
Lob HOle .CI5O'"
DOS 110. 0. ...... 0!5IT

.. -... ........ ". ...
""-'''''' _-.. ..... "'_, " ...... _ c.o.
.. \ 0..
"' ..

55 .. 35OCJe2

Two typeS 01 """,rdenture 811achmen!$ are mOS1 C<I<M'>OI'IIy
used 10 d' fflC1Iy screw in 10 1he OnpIanI-1t1e Dalla eone. at\d
1he OAS, (ORifig s\'Stem) Both connect"", are m>o<lc 01
liUlnium and are ar.acl'led directty to !tie implonl t>o<!y. Tho
eone. in::IrJdC$ 1 mal&, 1 adju$taJ)Ie female, 1 $pacer
" , ,

C'" 0 II

!Ill! S,.,.a.. Roo oct Smaf 0,.."., ..
3.5 Irl>iar'
Mil Sltr..o.. Roo,",," ... Olr"rJW
WI> Sltr.os. A..,1ac< WxJe 0",,_ 5,0 Ifrp;vl(
Dana Bonl (A)
Dalla Bona. ct> rpIoL.
Dalla Bono. C(j """'"
Dalla B<Io1 .. c"...-.,oloto
Dalla Bono. "", .""'1<0

[)OM Bona. c.,.,..,....
[)OM sono, ""',rpIole
<IS. O-Ring Sy.l_ (a)
OAS, 000"p>e!e
0I1S. """'pi"'"
0I1S. wrp:eoe

CAS. compleI.
OAS eompIeI.
oa .. acn., F"""",,, Space< to MaIOg
Dar .. acn., Ti F_. Spo.oer only

H. 1fM"1
H.' .......
H. 1 ... ",

o verdent IJ fe
Stud Type
ar>d 1 bras. analog Tr.e OAS inclooOl$ I male. 1 relA'n&r
3 ...... ,e and 3 rod O-R"'I)S, _ 1 brassen&lOO.
Tr.e re<on1"", 01 the Dalla Bon/Ifemale i!; adjustablot wllh lr.e
aCliv" ng/deac1""'tw>g tcXII.
.AI D.
" '"






505434-410 5S-504410

55--35"440 55-.QI" 0 5f>.50<144O
50543-<450 n

55-35-<4/0 55--434410

99-451012 9\1-015 1 0 12 99-051012
ORS, Ro\air>o, Fling_ (6) H_Z Om"n . _5. lrm1

QRS, Comoo O-Rie.g. 10,.", 10 "'1 .. 10 bll<
QRS, impI!I1' AcIa_ Ring -'<>!J & ORrIgO
B>O- rOlQ So>oI< ..
Boo- TOIq QRS I 01110 Scm
LT/IlAORSro..Sona lop
Daillo acn. Act>. .. :ng Tool. BIuo
Dar .. acn. o.actiwo""ll TOOl. Y04I:>w
_.- 99443037
A NOI. : The DaIo SMa II"i<l or plaStiC M'_ t>o ",,"eMs"" _"ieIy. ref.,- 10 94_
A oarra Bona "'"'" Mrr 6.amew lot"" Sizes at "'" so MO & we is Smm
........... - .... :,,_ ... '. .. .. .... -... " ..
0,,-"0' >Ol'" .. .... ....

OO-" 1lOO2

59-100190 59-100190
5$-100140 59-100140
58-100HlO 58-100190
56-100140 58-'00140
99-<151011 99-051017
00-'5 1018 99-45\016
TO Order: 60).999-3003
Omnl-Lite & Omni-Bond
PC Wafer
GI Mask
Aii Radiographic Markers
OmnHJI. I, 8 medium Slmlgth and Omni Bond is a high IlIlMrMic SIngle pIlaoo COOlpQ-
nooI. thread adheSIve ma"" to reSist lOO$ening 011h,eaood compoo8nt$ high vibtalion,
sJ>ock or ,Ues . S&c .. 8S all Ihreaded componenlS regardles. 01 Ihread diamC1er, pOch, Of 81.,.,.,
Sets """n cui 011 trom air. Reoo ",,,,ruction> senT with Meh <><der. Mell'laerViate Esler Based,
o ,.""""
5 gram _10
Clrrnt-Bond 511'.m bottle
Ca,\abIe lJ-sIloped bu'(I.().JI pau ,n \I$8d in the tobricaltOn 01 fi'eO-Oeo&c1>abkl oentl,O'e fra,......
_ks_ Tho PC Wale< Os easOy c:onIOured ancr MOd to .... .,LC Of gold ryl;"oors. Save$ varuable
ti me 8r>ef r;\oe$ ...,. 0< d sTort.
PC-Ylal.", (6)
Siicone soft tssuo mat""'" used to PM_ cmrcof orea. 01 the model and an"", ' .... 800 01
lhe Onprc.sion COPI"ll'. GI Mask r5 higl\ly recor1Onende<l _n anofogs ",e """gingival and to<
treatmenl pIar<w>g models.
The Ali r.diOQr.pnic rmrl<ers are ",ed to deter"""" lhe di.tO<lIO<1 laclO< inherent in lhe radi-
ograptl, The Smm At; radiographrc mari<ers are prccr""" (l<rund to a tolerance 01 IO,OOOIh 01 on
inch. FoI<JIi,;ng the fad<>graptl, lhe actual bone and 'S&u" <!&plh ;hickneS$ can bo calcufated
To Ot-der_ 800-999-3003
Bio-Torq Wrenches
Bio-Torq TIps I
To preload components and screws cons"'...,try _have developed ttMlluTIy """"'Iavable BIOTORO System Thi. &y. t..."
teau'l$ pr..cis"'" SIO-TORO Wlencl'l$$ tM1 _iy deliver a CQn$i$le'" pr8iMd of 10 Nlcm. 20 No'em. (l( 30 N/Cm, On spocial
request_ a SIO-TORO w<()!"I(;f> to any (NJcm Newton CMtimeters.)
A Not. Do "'" conhnue to p!cssure on"" ttMI SIc .. Torq """""h head povoIs.
An uni-..al hind h,M SIO-TORQ Socket hao been by Aii 10 engage Ihe SIO TORQ Tips as well 8S
BIO-TOfIO w<enct\es, Ttos 910-TORO Socket eimnates the r.eed for ''''',"",Ilanl and expo!""",,, lI"IVOO1ory 0/ ""para", hand
held <11"'",$
The.....;e asSOl\f'l&nt 01 BIOTOAO TIps "'" compa,iI;llt with . <I1u&11y all ....."ant atlutme<lt 9J'Sl""'" and fi xation screws. and
moot in $1'10<1 and lOng AmOng me S IOTORO Tip aS$OI"tr'1M' speeiell""" pl""e the
Uni_ MO(jdication AlXrtmerl1 (UMA). "'0 piec. are ""rewed 10 the ablr1fr'>enl$ to p_ slippll'l(j rA<i"ll ...... ,.
lion and CUStom Klts ... e a.oiJabie upon requeSI
910-TORO w..enchu & Unlvetul Sock61
91Ol"OAQ wr..r.;n 10 t-I'cm 5(;.100010
SIQ-l"OIlO wr"",h 20 t-I'cm

BK). TORO 30 N/Cm

BIO-TORO SooI<et 5(;.100190
BIO-TORO E><I""s>OI'I 5(;.100195
910-TOflO TIps I DriVflf'O
BIO-TORO np Sio! SI>orI AJI Sio! ScIeWS 59-100110
BIOTOAQ TIp SO>! LOI"Ig 59-'00115
BICTORO fip Hex 1T:n. Short All. CoIciI .... Paragon SIer>-O ... 050 hex ocr"",. 59100120
BIO-TORO Ti p Hex 1T:n, Long 59-100125
BIOTORO Tip Hex .046", 5norI Br""""""", 30 ,04B. _ wows
BIOTORO TiP He, .046", Long 59-100135
lIIO-TORO TIp ORS I DB He.< 2.5rrwn
All o.iIe Bona & ORS 00"I1P'W"""
lIIO-TORO Tip Uw.. 5norI (2 pi6ce) All UMA or 04J\ 5(;. 100150
BlQ-TORO TTp UMA Long 12 poeclj 59- 100155
BlQ-TOROTipBr ......... "' _ $Ilort E.theOCono 000 S1andOld AbuImorn. Multi..,... 59- 100160
BlQ-TORO TpSCSmStr .............. long Strat!m .... scs m 59- 10017_
6IQ-TORO T;p Oc1_t Strat!ma>"WI Oc1aboNroenl. 5(;. 100175
SIO-TORO T;p 1TI Poot i-Iso 1>:<1 LiI<IC<n $\aQO I. 3i ro Stra""o"" m 5(;. 100175
BIO-TORO TIP T"", lXIiG<ip "'r). St-.or, NOtItI BlOC .... lJniGnp 59- 100177
SIO-TORO Tip T"", lXIiGrip (o"'r).Long 59-100176
6IQ-TOROTIPSQuate OSO'Cer.l &'1001 Cera ' . >Iot>e< a""",re & 31 _8 00 ...... W-100lll0
6IQ-TOFlQT;p$qu .... OSOC .... 1 Long 59-100'81
BIO-TORO Top CV TSoi 1.77,...., I _070" (CV) TSI S9-1()()lll5
BlO-TOFlQ Top Coo.>e< Sctw< ,9rm1. Sh<>-t 30, Lor""",. & Booca .. <XMI< 0CfeWj 59-100200
BIOTORO Top c.,.....- Sc<ew .9rrwn, Long
30, "I""""" & BOCII'" C<He< 0Cfews
aIOTORO Top SqoJa, .Q45., SI>orI Ali NCA AbUI""""'" 59-t00210
a lo TORO Tip SqoJa,. 045, l.<:o:>g 59-t00215
BIO-TORO TIp SQu.,1 .034', $Ilort Ai s..-IS$ SeI Scte'IO'
BIO-TORO TIp $quo,. .034' , Long
8 10-TORO TIp He.< .062" Short LilOC<lftl Wdo Diamet<lflmpIanJ C<;.rnpor>en!$ S\>-I!X)410
BIO-TORO TIp He.< .002". long !)9-1!X)415
810-TORO 0-RinD< (12) 59-100HI9
TORO Top E,,,.osoo 59-100195
Tip, We IMtCOOPOO'""!$ 8l0-TOROSocI<&t.
Tho BIO-TORO T'p is ""'" I:> 11111 BIO-TORO W,"""".




Q.<O Sqo..aoe

""'''''' ..... 00- '_,_,. ,,""' ... .
,,_".c' _,_ '..--_ .... _ ""
10 Order- 8CJO-999.3OJ3
.. BIC). TORQ ,. Srotem
- I 13 i --0

I >
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= s....- c. ..... _ .... l ll"g
CW' _ Cora> .... ..... 9"01
To Order: 800-999 3003
LTI RA Driver
LTI RA Handle
The LT/RA (UICfT Drive< System was develOped to facilitate the "",aoral P'*Cement of lixa1<On se,ews and ""01801 C(Im'
_,., The Ll/RA 0'010)< i. "miIer 10 'illh' WTIJIe hiI,.., piece and i$ acliva\Cd Oy t"' ....... !he handle man...allv,
{;IockWlge for ;,*O)<toO(] and ... for removal.
The autoc .... aDle LT/RA 0.,,.,, Sy.tem features a complete array oj liPS wil h vlrtuallV all "",ows ana Impl"'"
C(lmpooenl' Mos! tiP' are ava,able in .hort and long Icogth. and aro compaliDie with ma""al righl anglO (RA) and
elecU<>noc I<>'Que con!mlle ... ,
Also B"Bllable wahlhe LT/RA Dr ...... SySlem is a small convenient hand held insen"" _Ie
LTIRA RA Hand ()tie<
LT/RARA HatodI_ /5oc1<",
LT/RA Latch Tip SI<:( l\oPe, Short
IT/RA Laten Ti p SIOI rv.:o., Long
LllRA Latcn Ti p .115!1' HOI<, Shof1
LTIRA Latch T, p ,115!1' HOI<, Long
LT/RA Lalch T;p ,(I4a' lie., Sh>o'l
LTJRA Latch T,p ,04S' lie" Long
lTlRA Latch T,p CAS I De .... l .5rT'rn
LT/RA Laten T,p UMA. Short
AD DaIlo B<na & 0flS
AD UMA or OolA Mutmo<oIS
53- '00'90
LTJRA Laten T,p 6<anemarlo; AbuInWIt, SOOn
alSO lit<
LT/RA Latch Tip 6<--'< AlMmont, Long
[SIhotIoono _ Standard _ "', M"';.u...

MO 5t< er..n..mtl:
LT/RA Laton Ti p IMZ Cctr\pIete AW"'- or
LllRA Latch l,p 6<""","""" Ceral. oquare .060'
LT/RA Utch T,p .045' SQuai<l, 510001
LT/RA Latch Tip .045' 5Quat<l, Long
LTIRA Laten Tip ,(134' $quale, Shof1
LT/RA Laton T,p ,(134' Square, L""Il
IIdZ AI>Wne<>1 or ,
Cera t, Biocare & 3i _e SCI ',.

......... -'--_ .. _-" .... ,""'.,.,,_ ..
c"'-'o''''' ""' " , .. , "- .... So,....., OA.
!i8, I00tllO
ro Order: 800-999,3003
-=.;.:.;.;;;:..: D;: ",:; I;:er System
.. "

r.. .1
,. 0

._ .... .. _.....,."' ... .-,

"" ... - ""
TD Ordef' BCJO.\199 3003
Abort .... ot AA """,mediale c"""",,,tent placed the <npI ... ond 1I>e restoration. Also rel<>rred 10 "" lis-
$<IC exlCI'ISJOt'lS. Ihe)I may be one or two piece implant That portion of en irnpIanI
8b<Ne!Me utilized to ;:wo-;oo SUppOtl lor a li >lId. """,,-fixlld or """"",eblil dental prost .... , .
Al>utrnent A replica'" the aDutmoru aka M ..e ext&lls(>n. UoccI for the tab''''''t''''' of ,he tnaS'erl'rlGClCl
Ack .. mann Clip A relenoon clip u....:l w.:h bar tor a ""rlial Clf)rtture, or implant "",1OrailOn.
Actl.atlng TOOl AA r.str""""'t used to inc,ea ... the (e!Qruiort 01 an attacM'lerlt.
Adjustablo AA mplan' component or attachment whiclt he* adjustable ret""''''' Ret. ruoo can be eller&d b)'
activating "r deactrvallng rctcnliort.
AltoplU I A 'eiativoly inert oynlhehc b""""..-,al. GfI_dy metal. "",arnie, or poIymenc materiel.
AIt01" A me",t ","t i. a mixture cI dlte<"", metals 8(1(1 relative!)' ducti", sub.tances that pr.......oo
electm-poslt:,o lon, 10 a CQrrO$i,c erMror"rn"'" ort(! con be to e hiQh klster o-..ract..-;z..;t
b)' motaIIC aIOO'Ioc bon<1irtg. Most otten used tor .... glC .. ""p",,"o becau ... 01 a C<ItI1bioa""".,.
lavoroble properties and the tong.temt exper......,., lor lhe .... goo .. im"..nlO. Pfi.
tltllr"lit.o"n-cobll or .on-t>ased O)'\llems.
Alumioum O. kIo AA ...." h>gtjy S1ron(j 00"art'WC ma_lrorn...tlicl1 onOOsteal implants ate falIritate<l
(Alph. Slog .. Crystal)
AI.eol. , PM"""ng to an ""'I!OOJ$.
(e) Alveolar ClIlst The most coronal porllon oIal\tec>lor baM,
(b) AM!oIar process; That of the ma>cill&e or moort(!ibl" ilIot forms 1110 dental arch anCI serveo
os " t>ony investmertllor tit. teeth.
(0) Alveolar lOdge; The bony ridge of tfI& or manClible that contains Ih$ al\tedi (.rx:ketS of
the Teeth). The 01 tlte ot"""at proc .... oft., the _ h
AI.eol. r M""'..... The mucous rnemt>rat>e """"""'Q the "" ... 1 part 01 lhe alVeolat process and W.ltoout
_'C01;on inIO the ,ostibular fornix and thellOOt oj !Me moulh H is Io<cety anached to the per"",.
tetrn art(! ;" movable
An.J"'1 A "'l'lica 01 an implllru. tissue exter"l$lC1'l or attacttment. Made .,. ... stainles.s .tee!. aI\.o"ninum,
titanlr.m or plestic.
"""her Implanl A"",.tage C)oIittdncal imp:.nt designed by Dr. Be<gman
Ane", Art .,tracoronal precision atlactme<1\, Used for....,.a1 aentures or ... a CrO$$ arch $1ai:Nliter.
Asepsis Prevention from contact IMIh miCro-<Jrganrsms. The .101& "'the SU/gtC31 desiraole for impIent
AttachO<l Gi"ljl The port"'" 01 tIt Q"'II"'a e>tend'ng I,om the margl .... gingiva to the aNe<.J/ll 1TIUCQSjO, The
attached gingiva I. fairly denoe art(! bOIrnd dOwrt to the unaerry;"lI .... 'lO$teum. tootIt, and
0"""""",,,,,' .. ___ .,"'" ....... _ :.. ....
To Order' 8()().999-3003 65().341Hl393
.. ,
Bar Jolm
IIl o'n,,,, rA1IDn
BI.<Io En"".,",
Bone Cu,"'toge
Bo. P,ep"rltiDn
Bracing Arm
A mechanical oovice 10< the li><:lt""", ,etentiOn. iII'Id mt)orlZo1"" of A <lMtol pm"hesls can.,sto 0/
""" '" morA pam. made 01 Ol-.n gold '" plastic
A bar is an inlermedian conooclOl bclWeCn two C<;tIlfJOl'l&l'ts/ reAlh or C"",b,OA'"",
A Mr joInIl<; a bar which al()W!; l resiliency Cr.," 25), n,., masll!ical"", fore" reduCe
torQl.>llI stress on the _I """''''''., I>ut one"",.., 1M load on the edentuloos areas, For """ ....
pie; Oo\de<, Kadel, EDS. CM. Acl<ermann. Ale.
A bar u .. t """'" no !uncl"", (Wd, ro;>rl relli;trn CIII .. I), A Ir "rut emphas,'e$ll\e $'41"'"" oI!he
rena""ng teeth .nd suppo<ting tissu<! cefllilion. For e>:ample: SoIiO Dolder, Aoo;Irew Bar bri(lOe.
An ",I.-..coronal precisioo Oltaclvoonl usod 101 ocgmcntcd briOge ,oostor.!IM or lor partial
with lingual .,ms.
An intracoronal adjustable precision atlachmenll", pan .. ! """lUres", ""f(jge restorat"",s,
A """1"My "",ro, .... ""1IIy oc'''''''ng. 0' mar>-ma<le mat ..... which can be used to implant ill '"
w/tr1 1iW>g !iswe, or tIioIogic Wltl>ouI reso"'"ng in um".".d "'ACtIOn" with !hose M
sue. '" 1Iuid . Can be used to labrical. dcYic<ls <lcsigned to replace b<XIv PM$ Of functions.
Impl,... !hal a contact's estabti.hed WithorJl inlerllOMion 01 ....,....!:IOne ti .. coe b<l!ween implant ...
lace ooa:ing and host .. IotnVng a biochemical bond at !he lighr m,,:roscopt<; _
Sio-Von1 is an implant systom tFf ParaQOfl Core-Veru CorporattOn. The thread of!he
inle"'lal section is 1/12 as is Sc,ewVent, CoreVent Of lhe
A lamnar implant, deslgned to be placed wit"", the by meano 01 a thin groove. one
Of two stage
The material 01 the _ 01 rMSI verlebrate """",,I>; !he loss"",
(I) Bone. aIveoIat The specialized bone structure !hat oont.arr>s the aM>oli '" socl<ots of the le<>lh
and the teeth
(2) Bone. 118 .... The part 01 the meM,bIol anc! """,.uae from which the atveolat process devele>ps,
(3) Bone, buo1lo The bone tnat forms , he itrmediale bone anac"""'" 01 the ............... tuodIes
01 ooIla\jen 0I1he periodontalligamenl ..nich has Men ",,",,!>O, .ted into the bone
(4) 80M, Canc<lUoUS (SpongIOSa, o.pongy bone, 5upporlJng bone. trabecular bone) The bone tilat
forms s uabeCular netw<:<k. surrwr.;h fl'Iam)"N sPaces thSt may comair> 8i!h .. fatly or .... "'I"opo;
.. UC I,.....,., Ires ""0_' 10 110& cortocat bone aM makes up the m"", portOOl'\ (0"") of a r:x:.ne.
(5) Bone, ccrnpacl Hard. deftsa bone the ootc, Illy .. and consistng 01 on 1m
'"'8 ..... ty 01 pooriost.al ondo!;lul bono, iII'Id Haver"" .ysl<omL
"'quire<:! to place on intra<:o>nal ana<:tJmoot I'oittlin Ihe contour. IJse "" actual attach
.... nI !O labuca" the proper size box ",epa'a""".
RttItJ, to -R:/pto<:al Arm-. A lingual ""acing arm is 011 .... added to Inl,,,,,,,,onal Of extr""""","1
attachments to ' ...... 1at",.1 m,"a r"", Of e>:lra support f'iac""""" 01 bracong arm woth ' $$oloent
attaclvnent ctoar>ge the junction lrom ' esllient to ooIid type , ... """'ion. n,., tIlerelore
will at.,.. only retention but no
Bra""""", po"&VIOUs/v mlemtd to a5 Bio! ... ,s a cylindrocal ";lew type two stage ""plant oySIom
develOpeO by Dr P""lng B<anemar'<,
To Ord9t, 800-999-3003 65034Q.0393
Cortlcal _
Cross-Arch Ro""h
C,own/Root Ibtlo
D 2.7 & D3.(I
Oeactl .tlon Tool
Dist.1 Exlension
""M to "CyIin<JM'. Also "',"""" to as a cylinde, A plastiC 0< metal cornponenllhal 10<"'" IDe
apical surface 01 a rC$toratiOn. CopingS are alSO _d to attach. bar '0 impIanI$.
e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \\OI\erelhe e""""""" =',ruents arelOSl to tho adj..,&nI"rwl ronmeni """ 10 corrosiOn
""""'anisms. The same i)'pes of pIlenomena e xiSlIO< carl>ono (conduc1ol$) and , ""alllies (,.", .
conductors). at reduced mag'"'LXie!r. The potymers un<let"QO biodego"OOation due '0
erenllelle<>ehOlQ of 1o...,,,,-rnoIecu18.rweigtl1 h ct\on$ and iJ<.>/)IrrIeric cf18in br ... kd""" by AnZyrn!r'
ic ,1eav811" alld!o< hydr ....... Blld/o< pr<>eesses.
A P"""P ....... I18.y&r of compaC1 "'S6OUI5 Ii .. "". Tho> """'"II" lhick'-S of tho cO<1e< 0< alllliar bona
is !NO millimelers.
"I Class II (,-"ilate,al) panlal dentures should be c,oo;s ... rch SlabiliZild I'oilll a
clasp 0< an .,tactwnent.
An adjU$lable stabilizing attaclvne<"tl. used in CQnjunctJOn with the i'SC 52. Oalbo. SA
CekB, ERA. elc.
A runber often usecI I<> ... timat. II>e strength ot a potential abvtrroent The of Ih. IooIh above
the atveatar crest (I.e !he ol<rical crown) i. dMdcd by !he amount sM """"'in9 arrchO<"Il0. Tho
hog"'" tho rallc the woa""r the tocIh.
Also refer to A plastic 0< gold cylinder thai 10<= the ap;c81 sUllace of a retrrevable
rC$lOr.tron. CyIir>dr&r1r ara also used 10 altaci1 a bow 10 the at>ul"""' .. or the impla,," Ttrnv may be
made of plasOc. go:OO or
An e><lr'<Xl<Or'\a1 ",.ilent type a1taChmem <:Iesigned by Or. flans Dalla Bona. Use 10<
pamal (iOnIUfO$.
TO ampUlate the clinic ... Cr<:H<n in order I<> creale . more lavorable e,,,,,,,,",,,,,, ralto. Os a com-
m"" toolh pnl!)aI"'''''' in """""Y 'oslo<.I."..
(a) ImpiM t deh,,,,er"lC$. a splttir"Ig open. a bre." in t:r'Ie oovanng epithelir.rm 1e1Wl"O an tsoI.l&d area
of an mplant to the oral ""/tty
(b) !.1alldibular <iet>OC<!IfIC<I. e>.posu'8 of ill!eriot _, noNe causecl by 0.<1"""" reocrplion of the
'0 the point tha' the roof of the man,"War canal i. rro 10011'" CO'II..-..d wlih bone. leavtng
only $Oh ISSue separaill1g ttr& con:entS of !he cal"ta l lrom the oral callii)'.
A per""-""Sal """"" wI1dr is bioc<:tnparible on<! b""","""""" on<! is placer:! on or ",thin ,M bOne
.,'OCial&ll ""m the oral COY1i)' to PfOVl<:le SU/lp:;>rt 10< tixed or """"",able p=-ics.
lhi$ rr'lrJ$Cle, _ drJr"'ll staple inset""". consi,llS 01 a poster"" I>eIIy and aoteriot
befy which are c"""""ted by a round 'endcrr that slides tllrough a puiIe"y of laooia anached to the
hycoQ bOne. TM pcslM'or t>Hy a" .. s1ron"l1tr& of 1M tomporat bOne and tr.>
flie 100;1./1 of ttr& marrdlble. Tr.> ooster"" I>eDy is iMe"'8ted by a trranch of the lacial nerve and the
ame<icr Cy the myIOI>yOid brarlCh of the mandibular n .......
To Ordof 800999-3000 65Q34().0393
Do_ Btr
Do"", Site
Oowet Pin

A prema<le gold 01 pi,..!>; t>o, """tgned by Prot Dolder USed tor partial <lent"' .... overoenl .......
and iMpIan' restofatlons.
(a) A replica of tile Ifansmucosal ;mpiIInT e<tonsio'> ono Tht! Nor used too oil...,
,he ontroduCtlM 01 tne new IMZ eMIog 15&OCOtl15. refer To IMl section.
(b) The """d dow .. lias OOM used onCOf"l1U"CToon ",II> such as,"<I Dowel
CU$tom maOe 8ltacl\lnent.
(a) A wid<:f1<>d 01 f........w-ool ...,.-!ion of an attOoCrrne.>1 ,,"ell as 1"<1 Pla'l>(: CIow!tait C<:nrw;ctQr (POe).
181 ... 10 the POC attacMler1t.
(b) A ",dened 01 f_-()lJI por!ion 01 a prep .. ..., C>llrity .
EndodoMtH: Endolletl A.n->OOI!1 0Ild/0< _ded pin mplanl which exlendo It-oough <he root Implant canal 01 a IQOIh
mlo per,,,,,,,,.1 bone. 10 stabilize a mobile toot/>.
Endo .. eous Implant
Stratified oquamous epl!l>elium 1O<"""g the OOI-"""ng 01 t"<l oof! "'''''' IhfMium forming !lo8 cover,ng
01 t!wr oof! tis""" wan of the Q"'Il"ai sul<u 01 c'evice,
Epltht llums Antcl1mem The """""liM"'" of tne orJoJIor 8p4he1i1.rn!haT II joined.o lho IooIh 01 ir1>tam "1' ucture 8IJ(j i$
lOC.t<td a, 11>0 base of "'" .ulcus, pocket.
Ext. ,nal Obliq ... Rid\/" A""""",n "age orr tire bc<:<:at...-lace 01 the bod)' 01 the mandible lllat axtend. from the anleric<
trordQr 01 tJ>e '''''''-'$, >MIn dIMinishing pr<:minenc:e, OOwrw.-ard aod forward to 11>& regiorr 0I1i>a men
!alfo!",""", Thi$' Qg. chaog6$ very on sue 8ftd d'<lCI;';' , ltIrOugtlOullifc 8nd is an impcot;rnt
landmark in the ",,"' gn 01 t>bperOost .... 1 rnplarrt.
E.lraooron.al AttachfI'KtM AA att'CMlen! lila! is po&ohoned OUIside the CIWtn COr'IW'. Example: Da.IJO, $ACeI<a.
Fib,o,,* Integration
Fil$t-5ta\18 5urge<)'
f loe<!- Detachable
ASC. 0'" FIftf&rS"'" 10 lhe f<>rm 01 1J01Il the tootM preparalion aod the .... bsequent
l-18o/1hy. Clerlse, coIageo<l'Js ligament l.ss"" IOund lIl.he interlace wruCh lOad trom the
Irnl>lMI to lhe bone
This ref*"" 10 the preparatory ,rage for an rnpfam proc..oo ... , In the case 01 the oubpellOSteai
Implant. il ref .... to the surgoCllt bOrre impr"",,,,", and bOne bite . ...-t>icI1 k5 """" in ordet 10 constn.ool
the implanl. RlI <>ndostcal impjao1s. it r.s 10 the 01 tire pOrt""' oIlhe mplanl wr.1CIl IS
"ubme'ged lor a heoling peroo prior 10 be ... placed in1<> function.
An abnOrmal t'llel two body "",face s c.- (){9fI'lS c.- 108<l0ng trom 8 (){ ""' ..... 1
internol c."'w to the "urlac(!.
(1) Fistula. or<>-am,al M opening C$l\'o-een th8 .-roaxiIj''Y """" and 1"<1 (){al cavrty.
(2) FisTUla. 01"",,,081. on opI!nir>g t>o_ tI'oe nasat c""'., and lire oral oavll'\<
(al A '""lOra'''''' ""","" It fully (etfievable Used with regular 01 set SC'''''''' Torm UM<I "",Oliy with
implant , lO<a!lOn$.
(b) A h""" bn<Ige that I\a$ boon in such a way tmt a portoon con be lor moin-
To Orr:H#. 800--999-3003 65Q-340-0393
Impl ... 1 Dlntu ..
Imp"'l P,-"otm
5H _ ArIchor". A pa..4, dE n grw<I t>y Or . ., .... rfI<IlO
s.. "Or.t ",.."., M ........ I" ...... rm.Iy W'IIQ ... pooc es' UOfI(l as '" ....:""'.\10 10<
p<O$thauc ,..10<$1_
0l'OI ...no 1ltIa .. the ......... oc. 01 """'*" GInUIry.
lha .. cI de,., , yo: ... ::e ...... ,.;a,,.. "''V' . dOI(lI"-....:I. 1E lb,d .. ....... ....
-. 1KIeQ ..... Iunc:1ia'"" ..... and __ lew toe or
PE' ':11
Tho liM ..... cootact
(II _ OIIegfallQn. O'Iteoposoloon d hMIIhy _, oobgenous tIutIe bet. II , ;' ...... ( oM
(tI) <Irecr
The fJtt.ng...tace 01 .. """" ' .... + ! "' .. . . .... c,....", ...... ...." .... .... ,,..,x ....
Implont PrOOlhodontlc1 ThM il'O'I>On cI ....pIInI <kn,stry thai "'" _'" ..ill> !hot C<JnS\t...:tiOO If\d II_i. it 011 fuced
or h. ,", .. bit ... on arryimpfanl: deY!ot
ImpILII __ onlist an."""llf8ClICn .... and oowc.oI<Mgo' r. ourgicaI pIaQo,
____ "'II """" 0$l0<I, .... 0" ",._ .............,. 01 ............. ,..
"""1M!!lLIr{II<Y lhoI po.-. 01 ompIIonl <l8nI""Y ....... _ .. _ WIllI !he _. and

I ........ ion Copog A """"CO''''' Ill .... \It$(! in me imprft....., 10 u.."for tho 01 an impIanI Of analog to .
Incill .. for ..... " Locatod"'''' """"'" on tr>e 01 "" twtI pala19. ............ NIt/t (""". a"",,1-
OIl .... 'iQhI ("""" pos!etO') n''''"4'''"'''''' (lang ....... ,elat, .. ) Ie, .. roD -=teI A ctit>cal
lot ..... ger.,.
InffN_.... n.. PQ/IIOf'I 01 !he ." ..... d '"""'" lie! below ... .oft '--...:I o/I<n ,""" .... 10 .
IntrlCQfo ... 1 An attacMltn1 lnll oonne<:IS tho poOWlGIiI to tile cr""", III a poInI within the c""", cook:u'.
e....".., PISn/lp, GA... 8eyo)Ier
Eh",.,,1 A p"_ .--, _ "'" ... IMZ $' YI 10 pt(M(It $1'1(>:;1<
""'bolg oIIect II rew betAS2 , 1tJIo ..... __ [TlE)and Ih&,' ,2 'IEZO'\, __ ""
_ .. .anum,
_. J'. 'nee pI.Iced inEo N C'" "I.N. _01 a 10
I)' Ih& ___ G0n008&l)' ...- 01 IlUEINf tCMI. co .............
<OOdEo and IINptd w.Ih Mr,CJW nee!<. _ CO"" "'lie _ . 00 -. lie!. den-
ue-II!!II(:Mg _. General utili.at""" rnaxliaty cu',:M\e CO rn.ndibuIat _ """'"""Y
remav.b'- !>DIU", dentu, .. ,
... pplng TOOl
MOS 1& 3
M!ondl .... lo' B.ul
H I btl
(I) Aottnctecl. An AnacM1"'" a'""" d"UOI hk>g<ng bin ",,,,1$'''''' lawai Example-
(b) U1, , An _ . " .. ,,1 \hid akAI Of ",! "Icy in mBfl'Y s.o..
ON. A! 1)-S(l,()RS. etc
"me\II pIMe OOt . oec."w tho palM 01. TlIIIre .re 3 """M "bIpeol. "'" 00reeI
in, iho CMI-IO, Ind N""""""," A. __ ..... 01. *.".. oIoy......oo toalUacl
rnagtIIIt. The i<MpeI' IS tQ ,." obutrnellt""'!Ile II roI8oneO ",!he <I ..... ure.
uoed moll lot ....... 1Ied bridge "'"""_ lito lor PIlI ....
_ &lor .... OmegaN. PR POe
A P'OC"S __ /;It caM M_ ,.tined to gtN1 acc:u8C)l. Uei'og " pa<>e ... :h _ lap.
ptng toOl Utod with UCLA 0< UI.IA 1Jy5IeIYMI
An .............. PI'" 0, 11l&J. ' ... b ""I\>0Il-.. .,4> .. aM"'''''
A _ ... do': .-" ... -Tj 10< 0'.""'_ AoQ;.oes "'" _ III I 7 ' :>-' Of ....... .-oy.
"rO"Ol*'" raI """"""'" as IAWd
POItlon .,. In. body oj the rMndit.kl1hat 1'.lPPO'W ond ......;.rl" I .... Bone al-oeolar boolO
;In(j _",. flIt. ,....,.ptlon of the _ ... PlOCIU
The IIW<I dMl '" of 1M tI"O"f1VI8I_ 1,-........ ...,-......... oI<uII flrOuOIIiho lot .......... """'" ...."
.. cAe' I I _........"..,., 10 "'" ,," ' OC':! "'" i' l "_. to !he Mr ... 1*11 ". _
h ........ bely 01 .... croagas:r;c.,.,,,. "'J'IOI'E,ood I'l'lI$CIM \flO ..... "y_,
..... to .... *" rid Q"O"'"",'" m .... d ... _ ard,.. floor 01 1'III1'I"IOI)I!\,!he epdlll
..., of". ..... 0 IN 7,"'" tho ..... 01 ... _ pO<lM)n 01 the
"form 01 "'9""'''' _ClIo Is <1 0010 1M ",' .. "" W""" 01 tho mandible, and
_ 01 _ ... pins is plBCed "'10 wtlh IWO lOnger sereW1 going tranKOIllealy and
!he mouth In Nch oIlhe cuJl)id til""
,. (I(MQt ". connects _ . , .... , 1*.l1li, '" """"om pal1 01 AeQ", ... !he ...... 01
OI..-.g nn_
(II) AI'-"" "' ... Ien'..eie 1*1 01 ..... _
(I: 0I0tn ..- '" descrbo ... ""*,,ong .j"" .''''' 01 mold
Tht 1O'IIIOn..:.lI(l_ k:IcaIed supeo1or to _ pc"'''''' 1I'I<ll<>Wy" + ..-_I'"
01 ... ", .. In t!'uS ..... ,. _ '" iI'IIOOlIaoy """'..,.
.".,.. .... ""', ......... , ... ...... _Co< ....
To Otdef. 800-9993003 650-340-0393
May's An "J<tr""oronal hinQe .ltaclImolru usa<! lOr """au.ral pan ... denlu,e. Can be used only wolh non-
preciOus alloys
Mental Foramen {al in !he laWai ol1M m3r.;iIbi<> which _ the eJOt 01 a iX'lkIn oIlhG thwd diYi-
SiGn 0111'1& tn9""",,"1 neNO ar.;i vessels.
(bl Coosidefed one 01 the lan<lmark. lor 11'1& subperlOSl&at
Metal Plat. Implants Rat. t>l8_ped ''''pl,..,ts at 1I1>c1<nesse$ whICh denvc In&ir supperl from a hoIizontai
o! bone. They can De perlora\Od. flute<!, lextured, = '&d. vented. mulbhead&d. an<!
S\Jbtne<geO or nortSLkl"""ge<I and consoruc"'d 01 variety 01 b<OOOmpatlbie mal""""'.
Milling Instrumenl
A device similar 10 a s...-veyor but """" ""'bor.'" an<! precos&. Used leo ace",.'. arKl predse
"'ling. dr<l hng an<I .... veying 01 dorltal '"'torations.
Tho ... i&MQ or ripping 01 "" Object . ,"'-'">d gi""" pcotIt For eJWT>pIe. the twill1lf1g 01 a tooth
cauSed by"" irrIproperty de$.gro>d !)aII.aI 00nt",. acl"'O as a lev$<'_
MlICOglng"'.' JunCllon Th& OCalOped """'" ., .... d.r"'MO the aw""'imation or separall<:t1 oIlhe \JingIYa ar.;i tho .lveoIar

Muoo ..
(Mucous ....... bt ... 1
Mylohyoid Ridge
Non ..... orblb"
A membra .. , composed 01 eprthelium and lamina propna. thaI IIrIe$ the or.1 cav<ty and 0It>e,
canal. and ca".,., 01 the boc!y IMt commcniC8tewith Ihe &><l emal erNirorfnenl.
An oblique rtdge OIl the It"!guaI sUlI"". of !he """,(lible...r.icl\ eXl\lf'\O$ fiom the mecMt llIrlace 01
the Mterio/ border of the mandit>.-, rOlm\J$ ond to the ,.,.,." 01 the rOOIO oIlhe
18$1 rr>:)Ior, It se"' .... tho bony anac_t for 111. mylohyord muscle wtIiCh Iorm$lhe IIoor oflhe
mouth and det",_ tI>e lirIg<lal t>omdary o! the mant1itlU!ar 0npIEv11
A m&dian, Sharp ",,,,,,,".Iormed by thelorword prolongation of two """,iIAe.t lYle iO'wer margin
01 the om."", apMUre 01 the nos&. Used as MIl 0I1he e/emenl$ WI"lICh _I a ",.. .... Y sui).
"",lOSleal onpI8nt,
0-$0 I ORS Aro allacl>mMI which ul-ed an O-Ring lor U$&d lor p&tlial d .... ure., O'Ieroentures or
irI"4llan1 IUtOrlbOt>,
Omega-". A. sma! e<;O<"(Jrricai plastic tube type attacr-rnent use<! lor oegmenta<! or ' "'P'anl rell1ora-

Or.' Implam 5H .tso 'mp/MI-. A biomaterial or device macle 01 MIl or more biok:Igic or aloplas-
tiC. that is su'OlCally Inse,ted lI"IIO soli or hard ti_. 10 be used lor II.nctior'>!ll or c".mebc pur_
O.HO-Integrtllon The coruact be_n nonnat r...-.xteled bono Ind an implont d"""",""a"'. no 00II tl''''''' at
tht light Il'IJcrotCopie ,..,.." and wtIiCh POO' '''1$ susta ined lra,,"l ..... net distribution 0I1Md from the
implllm to lind willlin bone ti ......
To 8(l().999-3QOO 6..."0':)40-0000
Osteoconduction The \10'W\h of IXIne in preoictecl area and meMer when """0<""1)00 by a b-<>mat., ... '" ",toe<
.. -
Th" p<Ce$$ in"""'''i 00lIuIa, Ci'Ia<>ge '" celllllar inl",,,CI,,,,,_ The ccUs ate """'" to diffetenltale and
p>Oier'!<I in an "rea in which !hey ordinariI)' woo!d..". .
OSleophlllC ResJ>Cn.. A condition in wn;cn the IXIne "like,' 10 grow on !he surface of " blOmal6""1.
OY..-dO<l1u,. Complel" OenU ... 11>8' are IUp;>O<f<>d and retaOlOl(j by !he Uf'lO&rlying toolh and tissue . TheS<)
attu':menls '" implants may '" may MI t>e connected to tho dent""' ..... a:tacrments.

Permusoc. 1
Pin On M..-MS
P<>Iymer Tooth
Pla,1ie Coortector. a plastic allachmem used lor bridge or parlial restorations.
Most attacMlel1!S must t>e parallel to ea Ch 0lh6r10 func:lll properly. RetllJires me UMo! " WJV-eyO'
'" miling in'trurrent
A p)CeSS _n me18l. are ... to elimonat. '" reduce local .,..-f.ce oreas o! 0'05111\1$ and ""II""
am... ionic and by "'" ltiickness 01 the OJ<ide layer whi<:I1 r. increased
A plunge' type 0IUIChm8n!. Exomp+e: Hames Anchor Tach EZ
The circul", bone ' eso<pl;or, that oboul the necks 01 enclosleal impIanIs shorlty a"'" lheo,
inse<00n and thai con_ slowly during tho I""" of the ,,"planfs biologic I>'esooce.
Gen8l"al term delinir>g disease process s"'rounding and/", irIv<>!\'ing Iorelgn malerials,
can be traumallC. uice<alrve. """"p'"e, exfOlla,rve. etc
Endostooi dental omplartlS. wits 01 ..n.ch are t!v<oaded 01 smoo!h, """" I'W> Implants in bOp<>-
daI or uopc<ja! conligu,atior1. as abWne<1!S.
A pmcis!Qn attachrne<d.
A more cornn>O<'l name !11M pawl =MIe<1I_ The ore u:;oed lor def, tur(>s. tele
$CQPic 'ecO<Istn>:;tiOn. and sometime. for Ramel frame imptanl$. ExampleS 01 ph.Inge,.. Hannes,
1(: , r""I>-oEZ M"" .. omatl<:. Ip='p, etc.
"Po/yhydroxylelttj1mo1tlacrylalc' - A hydrophilia:: (hydlogel) implant used alon<i or in
combination with oth8r .
A Mlu,all)' occumng '" $ynthetl<: $\Jb$lar'lC(l C(:<'l$i$ling of giant molecules formed fr"", mol
ecules of the same 'ubsta"""
"Replica _ " . PoIyrnethyimeltlacrylal8 (PMMA) alona or in comb"'"t"'" with otholr polymer> (e.g.
pH."",) _d to replicate a tootl\ recenlly eX!faCIOd. and pIaCeO inlO its._ as an
To Order: SCJO.9W-:3003 " 650--340-0000
P,-""i$ion AHa."",,",1 A j:WefabtlClOted '1tac/lmen1 ..,tII c<>' ...... -. ems under pmc"'" 1OIer"""eo from kr>;lwn .''''Y'' Th9
hard,,"s, 01 tile t..<> 0( more C<lI'I1"",,*,!$ ace ea<eluuy balanC<>d 10 contrcl we ...
"'""Islan Rest
Proceoalng Jig
pwygoid Nolch
Radleul. , An..,hmonls
Radiogrl pll<c
Marl<e, T,ay
Ramus F,. "",
Ramus Implonl
Roe<opl0' 511
Roeeplo, Sit"" F_
ReSklul1 Rld(lO
Rooil1<l ncy
Rel illem
Apr",,,.,,,,, attocl'irnflnl wi1!>oo.JI re1etluon. ,eqJircslong ...... ms useo 100 partial den-
t\Q$. Example, 8e)l(!ie'
s... "Analog", A 01 "''''''' tM n"1111<1 or _ rx:<tion 01 an ooachmerJ1 IMt II in"",porot"
ed "'to a """'king rroxtel, Also caU..c:t analog,
The S$rISOry IeeObacI< tf'oat tels !he po_t row liard he is occluding etc. Improved propnoceptlOn
.. one 01 the '''"OJ a<lvaf"llages 01 .ttadmen\ retained G>IIe<Oe<1wre
Thi!i noICh is located at the Pl"atnIClOi proc8s. 01 me palatine I:<lne t>etween the pl.')'900d process-
eo ar>d the maxillary Thos hO$ con_ed 8 iarlm..rI< for lhe mwoller)' subpe-
,;"." ... , implom.
A.1Ud Typ& Attachme<ot. V_II)' an werdenlure or pa"ial d en1UM.
01111/1 Bona. 0-S0J0RS . Rotf'o>rmam. Cc<npact, Zest. etc
A templldO .-no>dC 01 erc", ",$in b.1 bearings or pir\I <J " known size used 10 dete.mone
the distortion focior' inhe...m in. ,"oi<>il'"p/l,
of trip:xlal de$ign which consim of a l-.orimntal .... prAiJ<II(/iv .. """"""'in\I bat with
endoslCal pl<>CE!d into the "'" ", ..... and the symphyseal &"'M.
A duplica:e form 01 a fOO!"1Iaj)ed or tMade"shaped body 01 an oo..gned 10 0' ....... or val"
idale on OSSOOIJS 'eceplOr s,'" M&t also be uta,,,,,, lor compression 01 ,r"II""""loullary o-abec0.4.
bon and/Or e.PIl'JSI<>n <J ir ".medLJIary space,
A. craSf' arm or orher exten&On used on removoole <leniUlM to """""" """f tor"" arISong I,om
on OPPOS"Q da5j> .rm 0( anacllmOnl on IhO same 100C'0 RociproCatk>n be p'_ unless
a SimiIa< '!fang""",n! is prCMded on tile opposile arch.
The alveolar prOC<!" 'emaining aU., Ieeth have been ''''''''''''d.
A 10$$ 01 bOne by ph)'$LOiogIC 0( pathologIC "",am ...rucn os 10 boo assoc;"
aTed \/0;111 tile ,,"Uul.gong process. metabolic disturm"" .... or Iraurn.-..
Se<I "Function", The f"""lk>n 01 some allacr-rnems. ll1al allows !he prosthesis to m<>vfI
(a) MechanJcoI. Some fea1UM Sf'ri"'<l or <>!her mechan.cal devis .. 10 move
the prostf>esoo away from,he !IOfI t ... ue aller rna.heal"",. Ex....-.pIe. ()albo regular. Gerber Msilie<J/.
OSO I DRS. ate
(b) Ti65ue. Some ,esilient all<>Ctwnent. \l$e the natu,al ,esiliency of II\(: tJssuo '" retUln !he p<osihe"
$JS lo the P<'$$i'IIe pOSiI>on all., >campi.: 90n0., Rott>.r"",,,,,. SA-Ceka. elc,
All proce$sed woth a $Iighl space between'i>e n"lllie and f_ components 10 allow
1I1e prOSlhe"slO t>e lissue oupporlOO
A clip $1_ Of a r:toanno;O tIIaliorms lhe IemaIc $OClion <1<0<. ba, a"achmeolt E><ampIe' CM, CBS.
Ackermann riders. eoc
TO Qroor 800-999--3C03 6.50"340--0393

Ridge Crest
AUa<:h ...... ts
Root Form
Emlo.t .. II"'I'lont
SI U.,.,IZI Hon
SMlI-P' tclslon
S!>Ilnt Pontic
Static Att.chmen!
The process and IIs.oo 11.sue c"""'inII thai remain a!let the leeth
The tughe5t su,iace 01 lhe aiveol .. ridge.
An thai has E""mple: Scha"""""" M:::OoI"--",, T-Bk>C. GIl. PTSnap.
C)1ond'ic81 d""",es which derive the. support by being ""tIw1. """,,, .. length <:II booo.
They may ce in the 10m> 01 SIli'aI'. COfle'S an(! ,1\00 lobOtds They can 00 I<noot!1, tl'lreaded. perlo-
rated. solid, "<>1I0I'l or WIflIed . <><1 be COO!ed or _ureO and are avarlable in oubrnar1!bIe 8<><1
nomubmernitlle to<ms f\ variety 01 boocompal lbie malerials
No oojootable Cel<.a Iype all""_1 "'th lhe ""'" ""P"'v", "'""9 cap. Uood to< pre.
cosion parlJal dentures, overdentures aod imptan! , estaalions.
The c.cular :!One 01 bone ''''''''pilOn that OCCurS about the necks oj eM"'WoI implants Shorlty aller
their ___ tion and CQrlIinues sio'w1y during the trne ot the biotoQlC presence.
A type ."""hment u.ed to connect bar. ",111 di.er""", .flutmonts. Has to flO oot<lC<ed
to the root coping,;,
(a) An 8U_no. ""ere 'Il00 mele and femeIe .. $&CUrOd w, th8o
(b) A spec.alf\i attacMen! that anows a ">:$d $pi"led bar c< bndQa to be locked togeTher, Ex8rrple:
Sc/'Iub4ger, TSIoC, Flect...-. Sc'ow-8loc. el<:.
The re-<lpenino 01 the tissue. and plae,"",.'" 01 a subperiOsl&lll implanl infrastructure ",""ich was
constructOd as ' ...... ,1 '" the t.rstSlall" w<gery In relalionlo CfXIoslcai submo<ge<:I implanlS.
,eIe<s 10 the 01 the porlion al tho ompIMI lt1al t&eei_ the t,ansepit""'ial abuImem
An 8rt&<:tvrent th. , i$ pa,balty fabri<:ate<J in lat>oratcoy. The depOOdS on lhe "_, allhe
techrW;iatl They a", 1I",,"'aly f"oOl adjustable. E"-'""'PIe: POC. Ai--M<n;. May's, otc.
An ..,ttacoonal an""r.nent pI&CfIod SIdeways (mesioid<S!alv) in 8 ponOC 00 IMI a portion 01 the pan-
Uc is removed w;1tl Ihf) mare CC<1'ponent. ll$M most olton to SlabiliLC 8 unilateral <Ss\al MM$ion
perU,1 dentu, .
Resistance to lateral torceo.
... KeIv>e-:!y eta ... II (,-",iI3Iora1) pan 31 c:ientut&S shooId be .tat:><t.zed by connOC1ion to the
quad""" via a malo' """""",or. attaclvnent used to< tM purpose may tie called "
"",.biiz .. "
To 0rr18r: S51).340--0393
StorUo Technlq ...
51, . .. B,eal<e,
Fi. o.j B,iOije
Slr'fIu-dI, f!C\Of
S>Jbperiosteol lmp,,"nt
Subperl!nI .. 1 ImplOnl
Supa,srrUCI U,.
SUrgi<:81 Jaw Rei/lUon
(Subpariol leal)
A teeMiaue '" which "" asepuc Ill ... IS "SIlIbOshed and mainlaiOed to a spoc:t.c conclu
sion (0 9 . the p<ope< oteriJiza!iOn arM): and me S'/stl!l"l\(ltic of asepsIs Ihroug/><>l.t an
onpl)n, ",$!Jon proc$<!UM.
Ibmally <:\mined '" IOfm. of mecllanicallenoile $Ire$, """Ch"the force divided me t)erp$n.
dlCc4! ""'" ove, whicM the Iot<:e '" oppied
A segmented fi x$<! ;., which thfI attac"""""'" aM used 10 conlrol the W'y forcos "ro direcled,
Olleo used 101 <;Ie"""Oe b<lcjg& in which sogmontng rockirIg over. PI'" abut
A IIi<lge '" su"" .. b"'ak.e' So carled. bee._ it <l<ec" fore ... hay (,om ,hi! _. and onto
me nonlOOIh .uuc""o.
8aIl and :ro::1<ell)tl>e 01 atll'IchmOOI in one componetlI L$ 101 8fl 01' implant.
a nd 1h<I0Iher ele"'lllLl is ,CI.:>nod in the proslt!esis,
An endosteel imp"'''' 'Oilh 0 ,......,..,ab!e abutmofil and cerv;x Isolated trom the ",al cavity ,.;t!>;>ut
,....".,1 (;QI't'W'"M.JfiallQn; ,n endM, ... 1 buned ."plant.
A f'"",,,,,,,,,,, lai:"'caled to lil1he SUPpoiti I!l .rea. oIlh1! rnondiblot '" WLth pe"
mo.oClOnl ."'''''..,..... for IUIlI>O" and aUacl'lrrle<'l1S 01 a p<osthes;s, The IramewOlk 01 per
rrucosal e.<tens"",. ""1h '" w'thc<JI CCinnecMg Iw'I and "'ul$. Struts affl CIa$$I''''''.' pen""",al,
>"I"""y, and S8C(I(Idary. 1M suOpe,lOsteal impiMI can be complete-arch 01' unilal.,aI e<"
A mc!lll I,amework made to rest on the bone and un<Ier \he penost ....... '0 ""WOrt a p<O$:i>eTlC
MstOlation .
A ,e(,JtSt,allQn 01 :he vertical dimension in CO'-'ic 'oIauon 01 ,he ""poM<! """",ie<" . ",f_ 01 1M
mandibYlar 0< maxillary !)One wilh lito Of>POSl<19 10 pr<Ned otMmaxillary space 10< dete",'no
01 abulmCn1 heigtJ\ 01 a implMt h""""""".
Sm glcol Oecluslon Rim Convenli<.otal OCClusion 11m with !J8i1<l thai ne, bc<m adapted 10 provide "" accLlI"ate ''''''''dong 01
(SubpefloSleall 1M ,,",(lical veflicaf.GelttroC felatJons.
Symph1. 1
TOCh EZ A I>"wI. plunger I)'pe anacllmool
ToIc_ple PrOl.tho.ls A two-part "'"",,8tlQn";lh 8 second casting made to lit """, a p<Imary $b'OCIuIe. They may be
""Io)d pa,allel 0< wlU1 a taper,
Template. lnt_ oron.1
Th,_ <l I"""" olon.1
A cas' """.1 or acIy10c .r.en p<e-pa-ed Irom the diagnO$lic model t!>at Ii" <:Ne< me 1OO1h and octo ...
3 gUide wong creatlOf\ 01 me box p_aoon Also, a rrodel 0111>0 intoacoronal a:taehmont used
for that purpose.
M endosteal impl3n\ which 1$ plaCed lrom the laleral asp8Ct of the atveol .. ridge 8<>d supplie$
wpport in both the t'IOr,.:ontai and ""'tical dlm8floions.
To Ord,,,, 8Q().9993003 65Q.340-0393

l ' _""pijl>elo.t
Abutment {TEA)
T.ansfer Pin
Tt-.n,muco .. llmpl.nt
E.lenslon (TIE)
Tt-anS-OSINI Implanl
Tricalclum Phosphote
Tube'oslly, Ma.lllary
Tubo'SC ....
The 8d"""e react""," ",la:ionshipS) 011 $Sue 10 $!) ecIOClIOfOlQ" $UOstar<:e.
"' u"acceptable in vt.() insY'le<nc level oooenOinQ upon the al1l()OJr(, 01 "'I .... se and
"PeC,r.; Iype of '"Ostance avad.ble to the
Thai devtce placed t1vOtJgh the gingiva into a ouIJmeroibl<> at oocor><I-Slage ..... yery. used
8$ 8 PfO$1f'IetiC retalne<
SH 1_ Coping".
SH "AOOI,,*, I A""IOg"_
l"lem'ICd<atc C(:(J1pOne11l used by Interpor" (I'-Il) pIaGeCI belween the implanl aM II><! iI>f,amot"Ie
No implantable 00v1C<l insMed WI a .... bmanclt>.Aa, ...... inci.'(M1 Ihroogl1 lho bo<.Iy of the moondibte
aroj e.lond<ng inlO !he oral Fix."on through 8 I"", plate" "..."" with
saews inlO the Inlerior borCIer
No t>oCI<!<.l'adable c,,-arl>c. which "' u>Cd as a scaffold for bon& teg8MrailOn afie<
.. ,'"
Tile rI'IO$l ,"181 pan.1 of tho """by aieola, rICIge ltIal js used for implanl ouppor1.
UC A unrye,oaI conlOu, pl!ts1ic ottoct>ment
UCLA Aboutm.ml A. castable plastic WllJo"g ,Ioe"" used 10 torm IIIstoratton 1I>IIt " connected CI"""tly 10 a
S,anemark implant or an IMZ rnpl.", "'Mft. The UClA abutment M. 1>00" <l<>S4gnI!d by J<:hn
Beu","", DOS. Wynn Hornbutg, COT. 1'eIe, E. Staubli MDT, COT and AttacMletits and Implant.
!"l .. ma"onal. Inc.
UII, ' M AA adjustable e . tracoronal 8nacMletit lor p(l<ljal CIonturcs or omplanl """oral"", Ih the small
Dalbo NP_
UMA The UMA (Un; .... sal MOdifical"", Abutment) Os a Iitanium TE Insert whICh h"" M"n <1eSIgned t(I
""""por"'. the _ages 01 a tapefed cone &ee'"", with 'M .dvamages 01 /\eX &ee,,,,,, (M1 !he
ba ... 01 the COlIC. Aecommended 1o, appliC'''(M1, $UGh <'IS, t;inQle tooth rcplacemem. t ..... COPIC
copongs Wlth or w: t"'"" sorew, bridge recO<IStructioroo and 00' re'...-.oo """,d8ntu,es. The UMA
""sign;' ""'<:Ie 10 SIMCla,dlze ....-.d .o;:onom;,e the ""P1""t Or\dustry ar>d t(I tM t ... go
"""""'" 01 components bel"""" the diWe<ent implant Each lIMA
Mod,t""l"", AbutmMl.) TE irI$e,t has an ' dentical tapere<itnexagon cone secu(M1 Wlth"
drfle<en, $C,ew in ba$e 0<1 whict1 MS be-n ... :..cte<:!. All OIM' compon<)rtlS "Ill
totally inte<Cllangeable ",,111 eacn o:her, therefore .-educing the i'WC<1lC<y and al!he same t""" lim
plifylng the restOl31ion technique as !he UCLA SYSlom.
Unlt.,erat Implan, usuo.!Jy (M1 one ,,"" '" the poslerlor .",. 01 tf'lfl mandible 01 ,,-ito
Subf'*rk>ot ... 1 hnpl.nl
Uni , .. 1 SH "tIMA".
Modtl""'llon Abutment (8) A tOtanium whoch lits aIJ implants for a more staMa,d reslor"'"""
(b) Long plastic wruOng sleeve made t(I comect to the UIAA insert.
TO Order- 800-9993003 650--340-0393
Unl"., .. 1 ModifOcation
Abul""",1 Inoe,l
IUMA Inse<!)
A t, ...... exlMSlOl'l 10 c"""",,,1 d>r9c1ly W,lh an implanl 11. gingiv!ll "':ace is
idenlical101 011 implants and haS 8 extemal p ... tlel hex.
Unive,sal A 1uIt&rcn implont wtuch Circ<.JfllVeflts some 01 ill 01 Icmaining natuo alteelh

Verbeal Resiliency
Wolff'l lIw
E\I$y auachrrlMl reqWes. ceria" rnor>oITlSI a!1'X>J<t\ of occIusoI\li<1gival $PiI' . I./$ing an attact;.
rr.en! below its _''''''' Iimi! may cau"" """"r. ''''I(Ieq'''' ' e .tab:I"y 01 bfOakag.c
AllacIwnc<1l!ha1 au(l'.>$ me"""",,,, in !he ""rllcal plan<>
c-v c/lan(JI> in tne use of static ",IMian. ot bone Ie_ nol 0I'IIy to a CI'1onge in Jt$ inle<nal shoc
tuta and bfA 0ISi> 10 change in <IS "><terMI form and fvnc100n.
An intrarallicu'.a, stud I'ype 81lactlment used lor dentureS. overdentuoes and impjarol recoo-
51"",11<"'" by Mr lues!.
The arch formed l)y 1M unoon of lI1e <Y\JOffiallC 00ne and 1M zygomatic proce$$ of the lemporal
and ma"1ary _, oomet.mes U$K! tor wwon of a subpen"'lcai irnplanl,
0_",,,,,, 0,., ___ ,,"", ......... :.0. ...... TO omtN" 800-999-3003 651J.,'34()'0393

2002 Edition
Peter E. St aubli MDT, CDT
Darwin Bagley AS, COT


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