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Basic Programming using Java

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OOPS in Java
At the end of this chapter you will be able to understand object oriented programming concepts and will be able to utilize them in creating classes and methods.

2.1 Object Oriented Programming Concepts 2.1.1 Class 2.1.2 Abstraction 2.1.3 Encapsulation 2.1.4 Inheritance 2.1.5 Polymorphism 2.2 Creating Classes And Objects 2.3 Memory Management 2.4 Casting 2.4.1 Casting Primitive Data Types 2.4.2 Casting Objects 2.4.3 Casting Primitive Data Types To Objects Or Objects To Primitive Data Types 2.5 Constructors 2.5.1 Creating Multiple Constructors 2.6 Comparing Objects 2.7 Inheritance 2.8 Polymorphism 2.9 Command Line Arguments 2.10 2.11 Reflection Class Case Study College Student Enrolment System

Basic Programming using Java

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2.1 Object Oriented Programming Concepts

Object orientation is a paradigm shift in programming technology. Till now programmers used the traditional approach of procedural programming. In procedural programming, the programmer gives a list of instructions to the computer system and the computer carries them out. As the code became large, there was a need felt to break the code into blocks called procedures and functions. This is known as structured programming. Structured programming did help in maintaining manageable chunks of code but at the same time it had many drawbacks. Many times functions and procedures have to use data outside their boundary. As a result of this, testing a module becomes very difficult, since each module has to be checked to see if it is working properly as well as to see if the value that it changes isnt corrupted as a result. This problem is aggravated as the program size increases. Another problem with the procedural programming was that data was given secondary importance. Data is the most important thing in any application. In fact data is the primary reason why the application exists. But in procedural programming more emphasis was laid on how data is going to be manipulated with the help of functions and procedures. These problems are solved by the object-oriented methodology. Data is given the primary importance in object-oriented methodology. The core of the object-oriented technology is the object. An object incorporates both data and methods that act upon that data. To understand this better, consider any real life object; let us take the example of a pen. A pen is an object that has characteristics (colour, nib or ball point, body of the pen, etc.) and behaviour (a pen writes). Similarly in object-oriented technology, an object comprises of characteristics (data) and behaviour (methods that operate on data). This concept is in contrast to procedural programming where data and functions are loosely coupled. When we talk about object-orientation, a lot of terms like object, classes, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation come to our mind. We have already discussed what an object is, let us now explore the rest of the terms one by one. 2.1.1 Class

A class is nothing but a collection of similar objects. These objects must have the same data structure and behaviour or methods. For example, sparrow, parrot, and robin, all belong to the class bird since they all have same attributes and behaviour.

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Abstraction is the process of identifying the items of interest to you from an application domain perspective and leaving out the details that are not relevant to you. For example, let us consider the Order Processing System. In this system, each item is given a unique item number by which it is identified. This item will have a description, rate, quantity on hand and reorder level status. Therefore the identity Item can have attributes as item number, description of the item, rate, quantity on hand, and reorder level. Note that we could have taken some more attributes like colour of the item, its dimensions, etc. But these attributes are not really important in the Order Processing System so we have omitted them from our design. This process of keeping the relevant details and discarding the irrelevant ones is known as abstraction. 2.1.3 Encapsulation

As discussed earlier, an object incorporates both data and methods that act upon that data. This process of bundling data and methods together is known as encapsulation. Let us take the same example of order processing system again. We have already decided on the data aspect, let us now identify the methods for the object item. The methods could be: a) Printing the item details b) Accepting the item details c) Changing quantity on hand d) Displaying value of the stock e) Displaying the status whether an item has to be reordered or not
Object Item

Data Item No Description Rate Quantity on hand Reorder level

Methods PrintDetails AcceptDetails ChangeQOH DisplayValue ReorderStatus

Fig. 2.1 Encapsulation

This process of bundling data and methods together (as shown in fig. 2.1) is known an encapsulation and it achieves data hiding because on the outside it just presents the interface and the inner attributes remain hidden. 2.1.4 Inheritance

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Inheritance is the sharing of attributes and operations among classes based on a hierarchical relationship. Inheritance also facilitates reusability since all the attributes and behaviour of the main class are available to its sub-classes. For example, in the Order Processing application, we have an object called Item (refer to fig. 2.1). Let us suppose that the company deals in computer hardware. Then this item can be sub-classed into Printer, Stationary, and Floppydisk. Now since all these sub-classes have some common attributes like, itemno, description, rate, quantity on hand and reorder level, we have kept these under the super class Item. Printer sub-class will have all these attributes plus two more attributes of its own type of the printer(Laserjet or Inkjet) and number of pages printed per minute. Stationary class again have all of the super classs attributes plus one more attribute size of the paper. Floppydisk class also has all of the super classs attributes and two of its own capacity and size. Fig. 2.2 shows this inheritance pictorially.

Item No Description Rate Quantity on hand Reorder level




Type PagesPerMinute


Capacity Size

Fig. 2.2 Inheritance



Polymorphism is the ability of a method or an operation to behave differently with different objects. For example, show function would behave differently for class Printer and class Floppydisk (refer to fig. 2.3). When applied to an object of Printer class, show function would display Item No., Description, Rate, Quantity on hand, Reorder level, type of the printer and pages printed per minute. And when show function is applied to an object of FloppyDisk class, it would display Item No., Description, Rate, Quantity on hand, Reorder level, Capacity and size.

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Item Details Item No : 1000051 Description : HP Printer Rate : 10,500.00 Quantity on Hand : 112 Reorder level : 50 Type of Printer : LaserJet Pages Per Minute : 8


Show Function

Item Details Item No : 1001115 Description : 3M Floppy disk Rate : 215.00 Quantity on Hand : 567 Reorder level : 75 Capacity : 1.44 MB Size : 3.5 inches


Fig. 2.3 Polymorphism

2.2 Creating Classes And Objects

Now that we are familiar with the object-oriented programming approach and the Java programming constructs, let us now write Java program to create Item class. We have already identified the data and methods for this class. The following Java code can be written to create Item class.
class Item{ private private private private private int itemno; String description; float rate; int qoh; int rol;

public void display(){ System.out.println("Item Details"); System.out.println("------------"); System.out.println("Item Number : "+itemno); System.out.println("Description : "+description); System.out.println("Rate : "+rate); System.out.println("Quantity on hand : "+qoh); System.out.println("Reorder Level : "+rol); } public void changeQOH(int qty,char status){ if (status=='A')

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qoh=qoh+qty; else if (status=='S') qoh=qoh-qty; } public void acceptDetails(int ino,String desc,float rt, int qty,int reorder){ itemno=ino; description=desc; rate=rt; qoh=qty; rol=reorder; } }
Listing 2.1 Definition of Item class

Let us now understand this piece of code. This code has created a class called Item. This class has five attributes and three functions. You would have noticed the access specifiers public and private, along with the definition of the attributes and methods of the class Item. We will deal with access specifiers in detail in chapter 3. As of now you can understand that if any attribute or method of a class is declared as public, it will be available to all the other classes. If an attribute or a method of a class is declared as private, it will not be able available to any other class except for the class in which it is declared. Now since the data of an object should not be available to the object of other classes, we have declared it as private in this example.

You could have declared some of the attributes as public also. Declaring an attribute or method as public or private is dependent on the application that you are designing.

We want to design our application in such a manner so that methods should be the only way by which one can access the data of Item class. This is the reason why all methods have been declared as public in the above example. You would have also noticed a new data type called String. String is not actually a data type, its a class defined in package java.lang.

Numbers and characters are not objects. They are primitive data types. This is the reason for their definition and usage being different from the String object in the above example. Let us now understand how an object of a class is created. An object of the class Item can be created by giving the following command: Item I = new Item(); This command creates an object I of the class Item. In this command, new operator creates an object, i.e., it allocates memory for the classs data and a special method defined in the class is called. This method is known as a constuctor. We will deal with constructors later in this chapter.

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A method of a class can be called by using dot(.) notation. For example, changeQOH method of class Item can be called as: I.changeQOH(20,A); where I is the object for which quantity on hand is being changed. The complete listing of the program that defines Item class and uses it to create and manipulate an object is given below:
class Item{ private int itemno; private String description; private float rate; private int qoh; private int rol; public void display(){ System.out.println("Item Details"); System.out.println("------------"); System.out.println("Item Number : "+itemno); System.out.println("Description : "+description); System.out.println("Rate : "+rate); System.out.println("Quantity on hand : "+qoh); System.out.println("Reorder Level : "+rol); } public void changeQOH(int qty,char status){ if (status=='A') qoh=qoh+qty; else if (status=='S') qoh=qoh-qty; } public void acceptDetails(int ino,String desc,float rt, int qty,int reorder){ itemno=ino; description=desc; rate=rt; qoh=qty; rol=reorder; } public static void main(String args[]){ Item I=new Item(); String d = new String("Nuts & Bolts"); I.acceptDetails(1,d,(float)23.56,100,23); I.display(); I.changeQOH(20,'A'); I.display(); I.changeQOH(20,'S'); I.display(); } }
Listing 2.2 Creating object of Item class (Item.java file)

The working of this program is given below:

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1. In the main function, an object I of Item class is created and an object d of String class is created. 2. Method acceptDetails of object I is called which will allocate 1 to itemno, convert 23.56 to float and allocate it to rate, allocate 100 to qoh and 23 to rol. It also accepts a String object d and allocates it to description. 3. Method display is called which will display the item details. 4. Method changeQOH is called with two parameters 20 and A. This will add 20 to the existing qoh. 5. Method display is called again. 6. Method changeQOH is called again with two parameters 20 and S. This will subtract 20 from the existing qoh. 7. Method display is called again. The output of this program is given below:
Item Details --------------Item Number : Description : Rate : Quantity on Hand : Reorder Level : Item Details --------------Item Number : Description : Rate : Quantity on Hand : Reorder Level : Item Details --------------Item Number : Description : Rate : Quantity on Hand : Reorder Level :

1 Nuts & Bolts 23.56 100 23

1 Nuts & Bolts 23.56 120 23

1 Nuts & Bolts 23.56 100 23

Note that the methods of the same class like acceptDetails, can access the class variables or methods directly. For example, in acceptDetails function, we gave the command itemno=ino, which assigns the value of variable ino to itemno. But in the main function the method display of class Item is called as I.display(). This means that you are not able to access the attributes or methods of a class in another class or function directly. You will have to access methods or attributes through an object, i.e., you must create an object of that class first and then access its public attributes or methods via that object.

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2.3 Memory Management

You have seen that new operator can be used to create a new object in Java. This operator allocates right amount of memory to each objects data. Memory management in Java is dynamic and automatic. This simply means that it is perfectly possible for you to create just a reference to an object and allocate memory to it at a later point of time with the help of new operator. This is depicted in the example given below:
. Item I; . . I = new Item();

Let us now see how memory is allocated to objects of a class. Each object of a class will have memory allocated for its individual attributes, but all the objects of the same class will share the same methods. This simply means that whenever an object of a class is created with the help of new operator, memory is allocated for its attributes and not for its methods. This is depicted in fig. 2.4.
Memory Methods of class Item acceptDetails display changeQOH Item A 1 Nuts & Bolts 23.56 100 23 Item B 2 Hammer 75.89 156 50

Fig. 2.4 Memory Management

Since memory management in Java is automatic, you dont have to deallocate the memory that an object uses. Java has a garbage collector that looks for the objects that are no longer in use and reclaims the memory used by those objects.

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Many times an object has to perform certain operations when it is destroyed. For example, a program could be holding some resource like a file handle, or a window character font, which you might want to free before that object is destroyed. For this purpose you can override a method called finalize(). This method is invoked just before that object is reclaimed by the garbage collector. This process of defining the finalize() method is known as finalization. The general form of finalize() method is: protected void finalize(){ . . } However, you must note one thing. There is no way of knowing when the garbage collector is invoked and finalize() method is called just before the garbage collection. For this reason you can never be sure of when and also if at all your finalize() method will be invoked.

You have to explicitly allocate memory to objects with the help of new operator, but you dont have to explicitly free it.

Runtime class Runtime class encapsulates the run-time environment. Since the run-time environment already exist, you cannot instantiate the Runtime object. You can, however, get the reference to the current run-time environment with the help of getRuntime() method. You can explicitly call garbage collection by using method gc(). The following piece of code invokes the garbage collection. Runtime r=Runtime.getRuntime(); r.gc();

2.4 Casting
In a Java program, many times a data value of one type has to be converted to a value of another data type. For example, one might have to convert an int to float or a float to double. Casting is the process of getting a new value that has a different data type than its source. Casting can take place between primitive data types (int, float, boolean, etc.) or between objects (String, Point, Integer, etc.) or between a primitive data type and an object.

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Casting Primitive Data Types

Casting between data value of primitive data types simply converts a data value of a primitive data type to another primitive data type. However, boolean values cannot be used in casting as they can hold only two values true or false. Casting usually happens among numeric values. In case the destination can hold a larger value than the source (as in the case of converting int to long, casting is done automatically. This means that one can use an int as long. This is because when a smaller value is converted to a larger value, there is no loss of data involved. However, if the destination cannot hold larger value than the source, explicit casting must be done. Explicit casting is done in the following way:
(data type)value

The following piece of code converts a float value to an int value.

. int i; float f=6.7; i=(int)f; .

However, data will be lost in this case. Variable i will have a value 6 since it will be able to hold only integer part of the data. Another example given below converts an integer to double.
. int i=1078; double d; d=(double)i; .


Casting Objects

As a primitive data type value can be converted to another primitive data type value, an object of a class can also be converted to an object of another class. But both these classes must be related to each other by inheritance, i.e., one class must be a subclass of the other class. Here also casting can either be implicit or explicit. Implicit casting happens when an object of smaller type is casted to an object of larger type. This means that an instance of subclass can be used wherever an instance of a super class is expected without explicitly casting. This is because all the attributes and methods of a super class are automatically available to all of its subclasses. Refer to fig. 2.2, which shows the inheritance relationship among Item, Printer, Stationary and FloppyDisk classes. Item is the super class and rest are its subclasses. If there is a function that accepts an object of Item class, it will also accept an object of Printer or Stationary or FloppyDisk class.

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However, if an object of subclass has to be casted to an object of super class, explicit casting must be done. There is one more thing that one must keep in mind while doing explicit casting explicit casting might result in loss of information. This is because subclass will contain more functionalities than its super class. To cast an object to another class the following operation can be used:

Refer to fig.2.2 again and observe the code given below:

Item I = new Item(); Printer P = new Printer(); I=P; // valid statement, implicit casting done P=I; // invalid statement, explicit casting required P=(Printer)I; // valid statement


Casting Primitive Data Types to Objects or Objects to Primitive Data Types

Casting an object to primitive data type or vice-versa is not allowed at all in Java. This is because primitive data types do not follow the concept of a class and hence they are very different from objects. Since this feature of casting an object to primitive data type or vice-versa is not allowed, Java has provided its users with an alternative. java.lang package include classes that correspond to primitive data type. For example, it has a class called Integer in place of primitive data type int, similarly there are classes like Boolean, Byte, Character, Long, Void, Double, Float, etc for each of the primitive data type. To convert an object to primitive data type or vice-versa, you can use the methods of that class. For example, to convert a String object to an int you can write the following code:
String str = new String(4578); int i = Integer.parseInt(str);

In the above code we have made use of method parseInt of Integer class to get the integer value of the String object str.

2.5 Constructors
In section 2.2 we had a brief introduction to constructor. Let us now understand constructors in detail. Constructors are class methods that are used to initialise objects data. Constructors can be declared in the same way as any other method of a class is declared. However, a constructor will not have any return type (not even void type should be mentioned) and the name of the constructor is same as the name of the class. The following piece of code defines a constructor for the Item class.
Item(){ itemno=0; description = new String(); rate=0.0f; qoh=0; rol=0; }
Listing 2.3 Constructor for class Item

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This constructor assigns value to the objects data whenever it is called. A constructor can be called as:
Item I = new Item();

Now in program listing 2.2 we did initialise an object I in the same manner as given above. But at that time we did not define any constructor method, but still the program didnt give us any error. That was because Java automatically provides every class with a default constructor whenever user does not give any. Therefore, in program listing 2.2, the default constructor of class Item was called. If the user writes a constructor method in the class, that method will be called when an object of that class is created. 2.5.1 Creating Multiple Constructors

A class can have multiple constructors also. But the question is why would anyone need multiple constructors for a class. Since constructors are the way to initialise an object, one might want to create objects in a variety of way. For example, one might want that when Item I = new Item() command is given, all numeric data must be assigned 0 and all character data must be assigned blank spaces. That is what constructor defined in listing 2.3 is doing. Now, one might also want that when Item I = new Item(str) is given (where str is a String object), all numeric data must be assigned a value 0 and description must have a value given by the String str. Similarly one can create other types of constructors defined for the class Item. The constructor that is called in the program will depend on the way an object was created at run time. Listing 2.4 gives the complete code for Item class with two constructors and it also shows how objects can be created in different ways.
class Item{ private private private private private int itemno; String description; float rate; int qoh; int rol;

public void display(){ System.out.println("Item Details"); System.out.println("------------"); System.out.println("Item Number System.out.println("Description System.out.println("Rate System.out.println("Quantity on hand System.out.println("Reorder Level }

: : : : :

"+itemno); "+description); "+rate); "+qoh); "+rol);

public void changeQOH(int qty,char status){ if (status=='A') qoh=qoh+qty; else if (status=='S') qoh=qoh-qty; }

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public void acceptDetails(int ino,String desc,float rt, int qty,int reorder){ itemno=ino; description=desc; rate=rt; qoh=qty; rol=reorder; } Item(){ itemno=0; description=null; rate=0.0f; qoh=0; rol=0; } Item(String str){ itemno=0; description=str; rate=0.0f; qoh=0; rol=0; } }
Listing 2.4 Class Item with constructors (Item.java file)

// Constructor 1

//Constructor 2

import Item; class TryItem{ public static void main(String args[]){ Item i=new Item(); // Calls Constructor 1 i.display(); String d = new String("Nuts & Bolts"); Item j=new Item(d); // Calls Constructor 2 j.display(); /* Invalid as the declaration does not match any constructor defined in the class */ Item k=new Item(1,d); k.display(); } }
Listing 2.5 Creating Item objects (TryItem.java file)

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How does the default constructor initialize objects data?

In listing 2.4 the line where an object k is created will give a compile time error since the class does not have any matching constructor. The class Item has only two constructors one that accepts nothing and second that accepts an object of type String. This call tries to call a constructor that accepts an integer and a String object, which does not exist in the class. Once you have created this Item.java file, compile it to create Item.class file. To create an Item object, include the Item class in the program where the object has to be created. In listing 2.5 this task is done with the help of statement import Item (Item Class should be in the same directory). This statement includes the definition of Item class at compile-time. In listing 2.5, objects i and j are created in different manner and thus they call different constructors. But name of both the constructors is the same. This is called constructor overloading. But the question is how does compiler decides which call is for which constructor in such a situation? The explanation for this is simple. A function is recognized by its signature, which consist of function name, number of arguments it accepts and argument type. A constructor is also a function and thus the same definition of signature applies to it also. When a call to constructor is made, Java matches the signature of the function that calls the constructor to the signature of the constructor declared in the class. Then it calls the constructor that has the same signature as the calling function.

When two functions of same name but different signatures are defined, it is known as function overloading.

2.6 Comparing Objects

While dealing with primitive data types comparisons between two primitive data values can be done by using equal (==) operator. For example, the following code declares two int data values and then compares them.
class Compint{ public static void main(String args[]){ int x=33; int y=33; if (x==y) System.out.println("Equal"); else System.out.println("Not Equal"); } }
Listing 2.6 Comparing primitive data types (Compint.java file)

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The output of this program would be Equal since both x and y have the same value. Now let us write the same program by using Integer class objects.
class CompInteger{ public static void main(String args[]){ Integer x=new Integer(33); Integer y=new Integer(33); if (x==y) System.out.println("Equal"); else System.out.println("Not Equal"); } }
Listing 2.7 Comparing objects using == (CompInteger.java file)

Memory X 33 Y 33

The output of this program, however, would be Not Equal even when both objects have the same value 33. The reason is that == compares two objects and not the value of the objects and since x and y are different objects, the output is Not Equal. This is explained in fig. 2.5

Fig. 2.5 Memory allocation for different objects

Memory X Y

The same program would give the output as Equal when object y is declared as:
Integer y; y=x;

This is because now only one object has been created with a value 33. Object y is not allocated 33 memory as of now since the constructor method has not been used. So y is simply a reference to an object of type Integer but it is not pointing to Fig. 2.6 Memory allocation for any object right now. After the statement y=x is variables that point to the same object given, y starts pointing to the same object as x is pointing to. Fig. 2.6 makes this thing clear. Therefore, two objects cant be compared using == operator in terms of the value they contain. To compare the values contained by two objects equals() method can be used. Program listing 2.8 gives the code for comparing values contained by two Integer objects.

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class CompInteger{ public static void main(String args[]){ Integer x=new Integer(33); Integer y=new Integer(33); if (x.equals(y)) System.out.println("Equal"); else System.out.println("Not Equal"); } }
Listing 2.8 Comparing the values contained by two Integer objects (CompInteger.java file)

2.7 Inheritance
We had a small introduction to the concept on Inheritance in section 2.1.4. Let us now understand how it is implemented. We have already declared the Item class with five attributes, three methods and two constructors (refer to program listing 2.4). Let us create a subclass of Item class called Printer, which has two more attributes type of printer and number of pages printed per minute.
import Item; // Defining Printer class class Printer extends Item{ String type; int ppm; Printer(){ // Constructor 1 super(); type=null; ppm=0; } Printer(int ino,String desc,float rt,int qty,int reorder,String type,int ppm){ super(ino,desc,rt,qty,reorder); // Constructor 2 this.type=type; this.ppm=ppm; } public void display(){ super.display();// Calling display method of super class System.out.println("Type of Printer : "+type); System.out.println("Pages per minute : "+ppm); } }
Listing 2.9 Printer class a subclass of Item (Printer.java file)

// TryInherit class that will make use of Item and Printer class objects

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import java.lang.*; import Printer; class TryInherit{ public static void main(String args[]){ Item i=new Item(1,"Mouse",500.89f,1200,200); i.display(); Printer p=new Printer(2,"Inkjet Printer", 200,35, "6P", 6); p.display(); } } // End of TryInherit class
Listing 2.10 Implementing Inheritance (TryInherit.java file)


There are two new terms introduced in listing 2.9 super and this. The super keyword is used to refer to the super class. In constructor 1 of Printer class, The statement super() actually calls the constructor method (number 1) of super class Item. Similarly in constructor 2 of Printer class, statement super(ino,desc,rt,qty,reorder) calls the constructor method (number 2) of super class Item. The display function of Printer class calls the display function of the super class to display first five attributes and then prints the extra two attributes. This means that both subclass and super class can have functions with the same name. Constructor 2 of Printer class also makes use of this keyword. this keyword is used to refer to the current object. Note that one of the arguments of the constructor method 2 has the same name as the objects attribute (type). Now while assigning value of the argument type to the objects data type, it should be clear that which variable is giving the value and which one is accepting the value. Therefore the statement this.type=type was given. This statement implies that the objects data type will have the same value as the argument type of the constructor. Fig. 2.7 shows the memory allocation and working of this program when the methods i.display() and p.display() are called.

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Printer class functions Printer() Printer(ino,desc,rt,qty,reorder, type,ppm) display() display()

itemno description rate qoh rol type ppm

Item class functions Item() Item(ino,desc,rt,qty,reorder)


itemno description rate qoh rol


Object p Object i
Fig. 2.7 Working of TryInherit.java program

2.8 Polymorphism
As said earlier, Polymorphism is the ability of a function to respond differently to different objects. Polymorphism is of two types static polymorphism and dynamic polymorphism. In Static Polymorphism, the function that has to be called is known at compile time itself. For example, if two functions with the following signatures are declared in a program, changeQOH(int, char) changeQOH(int) and the command given in the program is changeQOH(30) The second function will be called and this is determined at compile-time itself. The fact that the second function will be called in this case is determined by the type and number of arguments sent to the function. Since only one argument is sent, the second function is called. If two arguments (one int and another char) were sent, the first function would have been called. This feature is also known as Function Overloading or Early Binding. Dynamic Polymorphism is also known as Late Binding. In dynamic polymorphism, the decision of the function to be called is resolved at run-time instead of compile-time. Let us take an example to make things more clear. We have already declared Item and Printer class files. Printer is a subclass of Item class. It is possible to declare a reference to the super class (Item) and then at run-time

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depending on what the user enters, either an Item or a Printer object can be declared (refer to listing 2.11).
import Printer; import java.io.*; class TryPoly{ public static void main(String args[]){ Item i; int ch=0; while (ch!='P' && ch!='N') { System.out.println("Enter N to add a normal item or P to add a Printer"); try{ ch=System.in.read(); } catch(IOException e){ System.out.println("Error");} } if (ch=='P') i=new Printer(1,"Laserjet",20000f,100,25,"III Plus",8); else i=new Item(1,"Mouse Logitech",300f,100,20); i.display(); } }
Listing 2.11 Implementing dynamic polymorphism (TryPoly.java)

Ignore the trycatch block of the code in listing 2.11. We use trycatch block to handle errors that might occur in a program. We will deal with them in detail in chapter 5. System.in.read is a method that is used to accept an input from the user. Note that variable i is declared as a reference to class Item but at runtime i will be able to hold either an object of Item class or Printer class. If the user enters N at runtime, the output of this program would be:
Item Details --------------Item Number : Description : Rate : Quantity on Hand : Reorder Level :

1 Mouse Logitech 300 100 20

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If the user enters P the output would be:

Item Details --------------Item Number : Description : Rate : Quantity on Hand : Reorder Level : Type of Printer : Pages per minute :

1 Laserjet 20000 100 25 III Plus 8

Printer class functions Printer()

itemno description rate qoh rol type ppm

Printer(ino,desc,rt,qty,reorder, type,ppm) display()

P Object p User enters N Item class functions Item()

itemno description rate qoh rol



Object i
Fig. 2.8 Dynamic Polymorphism

Note that depending on the user input either display function of Item or Printer class is called. This concept is known as Dynamic Polymorphism or Late Binding.

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2.9 Command Line Arguments

Command line arguments are the arguments that can be passed to the Java program at the command line. A Java application program is run by giving the command:
java <class file name>

Therefore to run TryPoly.class file, the command is:

java TryPoly

To pass arguments to a program the following command can be given:

java TryPoly c1 c2 c3 c4 c5

Here c1 is the first argument, c2 is the second argument, c3 the third and so on. Note that a space is necessary between two arguments. The advantage of accepting arguments at command line is that the application program become more generic. Let us consider tryPoly.java program. Instead of asking at runtime which type of object to create (N or P), command line argument could have been passed to the program. Let us now see how Java handles command line arguments. If an application accepts arguments at command line, Java stores these arguments as an array of strings and passes them to the main() function. Then the application program handle it in any way it wants to. Listing 2.12 accepts command line arguments and then print them inside the main function.
public class TryMainArguments{ public static void main(String[] args) { int i=0; for (i=0;i<args.length;i++){ System.out.println("Argument "+(i+1)+" : "+args[i]); } } }
Listing 2.11 Printing Command Line Arguments (TryMainArguments.java)

Now after compiling this file, if the command is given as:

java TryMainArguments one two three

The command line arguments one, two and three would be passed as an array of Strings to TryMainArguments application program. The program would accept this array as args in its main function. This program runs a loop from 0 to the length of the array args minus 1 and prints each argument. The output of this program would be:
Argument 1 : one Argument 2 : two Argument 3 : three

Let us now convert TryPoly.java program so that it can accept either N or P as a command line argument and then create either Item object or Printer object.
class TryPoly1{

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public static void main(String args[]){ Item i; if (args.length!=1){ System.out.println("Wrong number of arguments"); System.exit(0);} if (args[0].equals("P")){ i=new Printer(1,"Laserjet",20000f,100,25,"III Plus",8); i.display();} else if (args[0].equals("N")){ i=new Item(1,"Mouse Logitech",300f,100,20); i.display();} else{ System.out.println("Invalid value..."); System.exit(0);} } }
Listing 2.12 Implementing Polymorphism through Command Line Arguments (TryPoly1.java)

Program Listing 2.13 accepts a number as a command line argument and print fibonacci series from 0 till that number.
class Fibonacci{ public static void main(String args[]){ int a=0,b=1,c; if (args.length!=1){ System.out.println("Wrong number of arguments"); System.exit(0);} if (Integer.parseInt(args[0])<=0){ System.out.println("Value must be greater than zero"); System.exit(0);} System.out.println("Fibonacci series (<"+args[0]+")"); System.out.println(a); System.out.println(b); do{ c=a+b; if (c>Integer.parseInt(args[0])) break; System.out.println(c); a=b; b=c; } while(true); } }
Listing 2.13 Fibonacci series through Command Line Arguments (Fibonacci.java)

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2.10 Reflection Class

Reflection or Introspection enables one Java program to learn details of any Java class. One can find the variables, methods and constructors of a class with the help of reflection. Listing 2.14 shows a code that prints all the methods of a class called Adler32.
import java.util.zip.Adler32; import java.lang.reflect.*; class TryReflect{ public static void main(String args[]){ Adler32 d=new Adler32(); int i; Class cname = d.getClass(); System.out.println("Class Name : "+cname.toString()); Method[] methods = cname.getMethods(); for (i=0;i<methods.length;i++){ System.out.println("Method "+(i+1)+" : "+methods[i]); } } }
Listing 2.14 Printing methods of class Adler32 (TryReflect.java)

In this program, an object of class Adler32 is created. Variable cname stores the class name of this object, which will be Adler32. methods is an array of object Method (Method is one of the classes in java.lang.reflect). The function getMethods gets all the methods of class represented by cname(i.e., Adler32). Then all these methods are printed one by one. In case methods of another class are to be printed, simply change the line number 6 of this program and create an object of that class. This program will print the methods of that class. (Dont forget to import that class in your program). The output of this program would be:
Class Name : class java.util.zip.Adler32 Method 1 : public boolean java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object) Method 2 : public final native java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass() Method 3 : public native int java.lang.Object.hashCode() Method 4 : public final native void java.lang.Object.notify() Method 5 : public final native void java.lang.Object.notifyAll() Method 6 : public java.lang.String java.lang.Object.toString() Method 7 : public final void java.lang.Object.wait() throws java.lang.InterruptedException Method 8 : public final native void java.lang.Object.wait(long) throws java.lang.InterruptedException Method 9 : public final void java.lang.Object.wait(long,int) throws java.lang.InterruptedException Method 10 : public long java.util.zip.Adler32.getValue() Method 11 : public void java.util.zip.Adler32.reset()

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Method 12 : public void java.util.zip.Adler32.update(int) Method 13 : public void java.util.zip.Adler32.update(byte[]) Method 14 : public void java.util.zip.Adler32.update(byte[],int,int)

Program Listing 2.15 shows the code for TryReflect1.java that prints all constructor methods of class Alder32. The only difference between this code and listing 2.14 is that here we have created an array of Constructor object instead of Method object (as in listing 2.14). And then getConstructors method is used to get all constructors of that class.
import java.util.zip.Adler32; import java.lang.reflect.*; class TryReflect1{ public static void main(String args[]){ Adler32 d=new Adler32(); int i; Class cname = d.getClass(); System.out.println("Class Name : "+cname.toString()); Constructor[] cs = cname.getConstructors(); for (i=0;i<cs.length;i++){ System.out.println("Constructor "+(i+1)+" : "+cs[i]); } } }
Listing 2.15 Printing Constructor methods of class Adler32 (TryReflect1.java)

The output of this program would be:

Class Name : class java.util.zip.Adler32 Constructor 1 : public java.util.zip.Adler32()

Again, to see the constructor methods of any other class, create an object of that class and see its constructor methods in the same way as in Listing 2.15.

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2.11 Case StudyCollege Student Enrolment System

Given below is the Case Study for Student Enrolment System from a bigger problem domain of a College System. Problem Statement : The faculty determines the courses and the subjects offered for the admission. Subjects may be taken as a part of number of courses. Subjects will either be core subjects or optional subjects. Generally the number of seats available for a course will be controlled. All courses will have established entrance qualifications. The enrolment process begins when an applicant submits an application for a course. The applicant will also select the course and the optional subject he or she wishes to take. The applicant will submit his or her personal details and the results of previous examinations taken. The applicants application is first checked for qualification and then for course and subject availability. If places are available and the applicant is qualified, he or she is enrolled as a student.


Cours e concerns Application Core submits selects Optional

enrolled Student

Fig. 2.9 Class Diagram for Student Enrolment System

The notation used in the above diagram is OMT(Object Modelling Technique) where: indicates class

indicates Inheritance indicates containment 1+ indicates course contains one or more subjects

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The class diagram identifies the required classes and their associations in the system. To implement this case study we will make certain assumptions for cutting down the scope of the problem domain. The assumptions are: The last date for all courses is same The number of students in each course is 5 (but can be extended to any number later) The available courses are MDMC, UCO, and C++ (can be extended by the programmer) The available subjects are C, C++, OOADS, JAVA, NT, UNIX, VB, VC, ORACLE. The first five students who are above the cut-off of 75% will get admitted. The qualification that the user enters will not be crosschecked from any records and is assumed to be authentic. Now we will define some of the classes with their methods and attributes.
public class Subject{ String sname; Subject(String name){ this.sname = name; } }
Listing 2.16 Code for Subject.java

public class CoreSubject extends Subject{ CoreSubject (String name){ super(name); } public void setName(String name){ sname=name; } }
Listing 2.17 Code for CoreSubject.java which is inherited from Subject class

public class OptSubject extends Subject{ OptSubject(String name){ super(name); } public void setName(String name){ sname=name; } }
Listing 2.18 Code for OptSubject.java which is inherited from Subject class

Similarly we can define the rest of the classes in the class diagram. We will continue with the case study in further sessions.

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An object has characteristics as well as behaviour; for example, a chair has the characteristics (it is made up of wood, it has four legs, etc.) and behaviour (one can sit on it). A class is a set of similar objects, for example, Maruti, Fiat, Santro all belong to the class Car. Encapsulation is the process of bundling data and methods that act on that data together into a single unit called class. Inheritance is the means by which more classes can be created from existing one. The class that gets created by inheritance is known as subclass and the class from which the subclass is created is called super class. A subclass inherits all data and methods from its super class. Multiple subclasses can be created from a super class. new operator is used to create an object in Java. Memory management in Java is automatic so there is no need of deallocating the memory occupied by an object. One primitive data type can be created into another primitive data type by giving the command (data type)value. One object can be cast into another object only if they are related to each other by inheritance. There is no way to convert an object to primitive data type or vice-versa directly. You can use methods of objects like (Integer, Character, Byte, Float, etc.) to achieve this. Constructors are the methods that get called when an object is created with the help of new operator. When two or more constructors with different argument type or numbers are created, it is known as Constructor Overloading. When two or more functions with the same name but different type or number of arguments are created, it is known as Function Overloading. == operator is used to compare primitive data types. equals() method can be used to compare the value of two objects.

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== operator when used with objects returns whether both of them point to the same object in memory. Polymorphism is the ability of a function to respond differently with different objects. In Static polymorphism, the decision of which function should be called is resolved at compile time, for example, Function or Constructor Overloading. In Dynamic Polymorphism, the decision of which function of which object should be called is resolved at runtime. Command line arguments make a program more generic. Reflection class can be used to inspect the data, methods and constructors of any unknown class and then using it in your own program.

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