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Miranda Tools (a division of PMP Auto Components Private Limited) is a part of Ashok Piramal Group, one of the most progressive and rapidly growing usiness groups in !ndia" The group has diverse usiness interests in Te#tiles, $eal %state, Auto %ngineering and Cutting Tools, &amily %ntertainment ' (ports" Miranda Tools was esta lished in )*+, and it was a-.uired y the

Piramals in )*/0" The -ompany manufa-tures 1(( Tools 2its, 3rills, %nd mills, $eamers, 1(( (aws and Metal Cutting 2andsaw 2lades" !t is e.uipped with state of the art te-hnology for produ-ing pre-ision -utting tools -onfirming to !(, 2(, 3!4, 5!( ' !(6 standards" Miranda Tools was the first !ndian -ompany manufa-turing high speed steel tools to have een awarded the !(6 *7789)**+ -ertifi-ate y y 2:;! in August )**+" The -ompany is -ertified !(6 *77)98777 2:;! sin-e 5anuary 877<"


!n 877,, Miranda Tools entered into a =oint venture for manufa-turing 1(( Taps with M>s &ren-h %ngineering ?orks Pty Ltd (&%?), (outh Afri-a" This has een instrumental in growing the footprint of our engineering produ-ts usiness glo ally" These Taps are manufa-tured -onfirming to !(, 2(, 3!4, 5!(, ' !(6 standards" Miranda Tools has a strong glo al thrust with almost half its sales eing from e#ports to most developed -ountries" !t supplies its produ-ts to its -ustomers in @(A, @A, %urope, Middle %ast, (outh %ast Asia, (-andinavian -ountries ' Australasia" Miranda tools (a division of PMP Auto Pvt"Ltd) are on a hyperBdrive and a-.uired two %uropean -ompanies" &irst, it a-.uired 2akony ?iper (ystems Pvt Limited, a 1ungarian -ompany in 877/ and in 8770C it took over PAL !nternational, a CDe-h -ompany" ?ith these a-.uisitions, PMP auto -ommands a /E of the market share the wiping usiness segment in %urope" !t -ontrols 8E of the ?orld market share in this usiness"


!t has its manufa-turing unit ' marketing offi-e at Ankleshwar in Gu=arat in western !ndia" The -ompany has an e#tensive (ales ' Marketing network -omprising 3epots>2ran-hes>$esident %ngineers ' over +77 distri utors spread all over !ndia" !t has its branches lo-ated all over !ndia" These are9 Mum ai Pune &arida ad Ludhiana Ahmada ad !ndore 2angaluru Aolkata (e-undera ad Chennai 4ew 3elhi 3


At Ashok Piramal Group (APG), investing in e#isting usinesses and identifying new usiness opportunities has made growth a -ontinuous pro-ess" 6ne of the few usiness houses that -ontinue to invest and grow in traditional usinesses, while diversifying into sunrise se-tors, the group has transitioned from the old to new e-onomy with remarka le ease" The Ashok Piramal Group today is a leading usiness -onglomerate with diversified usiness interests in te#tiles, real estate, engineering, family entertainment and sports" The groupFs su--ess lies in -reating ni-he models that ensure ea-h -ompany features among the top , in the industry they operate"


The -ompetitors of Miranda Tools Pvt" Ltd" are9 !ndian Tools %dison Tools


Ur"# P#ra$a% Chairperson As head of the Ashok Piramal Group, Mrs Piramal provides the guiding framework for various usinesses within the group to realiDe her vision of tou-hing the lives of one in five people round the glo e" Harsh P#ra$a% %#e-utive vi-e B Chairman Morar=ee Te#tiles Limited ' PMP Auto Components Private Limited 1arsh heads the te#tiles and engineering usinesses of the Group" The usinesses have witnessed a--elerated growth under his leadership" PMP Auto a-.uired two wiping systems -ompanies in %urope in the last two years, to s-ale up and internationaliDe its operations"

Mahesh G&'(a Group Managing 3ire-tor Mr" Gupta is an a--omplished Chartered A--ountant and Company (e-retary and has over three de-ades of professional e#perien-e in usiness management parti-ularly in all aspe-ts of Corporate &inan-e su-h as treasury management, mergers and a-.uisitions, strategiplanning, dire-t ta#ation, -ompany law matters and operations"

A$arna(h A)ar*a% 5

Chief %#e-utive 6ffi-er B Miranda Tools Mr" Agarwal has over <+ years of invalua le e#perien-e in the steel -utting tools industry" !n )**+, as GM Materials and %#ports, he was responsi le for its rapid growth in e#port markets and for the worldwide re-ognition of its produ-ts"


?e will tou-h the lives of at least one in five people on the glo e, there y -reating enormous value for all our stakeholders" ?e will ensure a signifi-ant part of our revenue, -ome from overseas operations" ?e will dominate our defined markets" ?e will -reate a large num er of employee illionaires"


Miranda Tools is -ommitted to making the investment needed to help suita le -andidates develop their skills and e#pertise" !tGs not only good for Miranda Tools, ut good for our -ustomers as well" ?e advo-ate and en-ourage new ideas and -olle-tive goals to promote -ooperation

and team work" ?e offer -hallenging -areers with genuine prospe-ts of growth"


Miranda Tools manufa-tures the following produ-ts9 3rills %nd mills $eamers Tool its (aws Taps


1uman resour-e management -an

e defined as a strategi- and

-oherent approa-h to the management of the most valued assets of an organiDation, i"e" people, who individually and -olle-tively -ontri ute to the organiDational o =e-tives" A--ording to ARTHUR LEWIS HThere are great differen-es in development ehaviors"I The pro=e-t report is all a out re-ruitment and sele-tion pro-ess thatFs an important part of any organiDation" $e-ruitment highlights ea-h appli-antFs skills, talents and e#perien-e" Their sele-tion involves developing a list of .ualified -andidates, defining a sele-tion strategy, identifying .ualified -andidates, thoroughly evaluating .ualified -andidates and sele-ting the most .ualified -andidate !t is said if right person is appointed at right pla-e the half work has een done" !n this pro=e-t ! have tried to -over all the important point that should e kept in mind while re-ruitment and sele-tion pro-ess and have -ondu-ted a resear-h study through a .uestionnaire that ! got it filled with all the managers of the Miranda Tools Pvt" Ltd" and tried to find out whi-h are the various methods and other information related to re-ruitment and sele-tion and tries to -ome to a -on-lusion that what are the various method used for re-ruiting the -andidates and on what asis the sele-tions is done" etween -ountries whi-h seem to have roughly e.ual resour-es, so it is ne-essary to en.uire into the differen-e in human


To study the re-ruitment and sele-tion pro-edure followed in M!$A43A T66L( P:T" LT3" To study the various sour-es of re-ruitment followed in M!$A43A T66L(" To learn what is the pro-ess of re-ruitment and sele-tion that should e followed


This pro=e-t will provide a value insight to student on the topi-" (in-e the online opportunity for hiring in !ndia is growing at 07B*7 per-ent ea-h year, there is no dou t that we had a-.uired a lot of knowledge from our theoreti-al su =e-ts ut no ody -an e the master of pra-ti-al knowledge without going on to the a-tual workpla-e whi-h is the offi-ial environment of any organiDation" This pro=e-t will help to get the pra-ti-al knowledge in employee hiring in the organiDation" The primary aim of sending a trainee to an offi-ial environment is to give the trainee a first hand feel of the organiDation whi-h further help the trainees to develop a ility to apply multiBdis-iplinary -on-epts, tools and te-hni.ues to solve the organiDational pro lems"



Mean#n) ,- h&$an res,&rce $ana)e$en(

1uman $esour-e plays a -ru-ial role in the development pro-ess of the modern e-onomi-s" ARTHUR LEWIS o served HThere are great differen-es in development etween -ountries whi-h seem to have roughly e.ual resour-es, so it is ne-essary to en.uire into the differen-e in human ehaviors"I 1uman resour-e management is -on-erned with the HpeopleI dimension in management" (in-e every organiDation is made up of people, a-.uiring their servi-es, developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performan-e, and ensuring that they -ontinue to maintain their -ommitment to the organiDation are essential to a-hieving organiDational o =e-tives" This is true regardless of the type of organiDationBgovernment, usiness, edu-ation, health, re-reation, or so-ial a-tion" Getting and keeping good people is -riti-al to the su--ess of every organiDation, whether profit or nonprofit, pu li- or private"


F&nc(#,ns ,- h&$an res,&rce $ana)e$en(

A.$#n#s(ra(#,n (trategi- planning, organiDational evaluation, County 2oard relations, poli-y re-ommendations, supervision of department staff

!,$'ensa(#,n/Bene-#(s Assuring -ompensation and enefits fairness and -onsisten-y" 1ealth insuran-e, dental insuran-e, life insuran-e, disa ility insuran-e, retirement others" enefits, va-ation, si-k leave, paid holidays, se-tion )8, plan, donor program, edu-ational in-entive, uniform allowan-e, and

E$'%,0ee Ass#s(ance Providing employees" personal pro lem solving, -ounseling to individual

E$'%,0ee re%a(#,ns 3is-iplinary pro-esses, in-ident investigations, -omplaint>grievan-e pro-edures, la orBmanagement relations"


E$'%,0ee ser"#ces %nrollment in enefits, employee dis-ounts for re-reational spots,

resolution of enrollment or -laim pro lems, employee newsletter, edu-ational assistan-e, employee servi-e awards"

Or)an#1a(#,n an. De"e%,'$en( Assuring healthy inter and intraBunit relationships and helping groups initiate and manage -hange"

H&$an res,&rce '%ann#n) 3etermining the organiDationFs ma=or human resour-e needs,

strategies and philosophies"

F#sca% (taffing udgets, departmental udget, a--ounts paya le, insuran-e

re-eiva les, insuran-e fund management, total pa-kage -osting" !nsuran-e re-eiva les, insuran-e fund management, total pa-kage -osting"

Hea%(h an. sa-e(0 %mployee assistan-e, workers -ompensation -laims, drug testing, safety -omplian-e and training"


Lea"es ,- absence (tate and>or &ederal &amily and Medi-al Leave rights, County approved leaves of a sen-e, rights upon return to work, light duty assignments for temporary periods

Pa0r,%% a.$#n#s(ra(#,n ComputerB ased or manual evaluation systems, supervisory training, -omplian-e with timeliness standards"

Per-,r$ance a''ra#sa% %mployee files, litigation files, payroll re-ords, safety re-ords and other administrative files"

Recr&#($en( $e-ruitment is the art of dis-overing and pro-uring potential appli-ants for a-tual and anti-ipated organiDational va-an-ies" The purpose of re-ruitment is to lo-ate sour-es of manpower to meet =o re.uirements and =o spe-ifi-ations" $e-ruitment forms the first stage in the pro-ess, whi-h -ontinues with sele-tion and ends with the pla-ement of the -andidate" $e-ruitment is -onsidered as one of the most important fun-tions in an organiDation" @nless the appropriate people are hired, even the est plans, organiDational -harts, and -ontrol systems would not yield good results"


Se%ec(#,n (ele-tion involves a series of steps y whi-h the -andidates are

s-reened for -hoosing the most suita le persons for va-ant posts" The pro-ess of sele-tion leads to employment of persons who possess the a ility and .ualifi-ations to perform the =o s, whi-h have fallen va-ant in the organiDation"

Se'ara(#,ns an. (er$#na(#,ns $ights upon termination of employment, severan-e enefits,

unemployment -ompensation, e#it interviews"

Tra#n#n) an. .e"e%,'$en( !dentifying, assessing and through planned learning, helping develop the key -ompeten-ies whi-h ena le the individuals to perform -urrent or future =o s"


I$',r(ance ,- h&$an res,&rce $ana)e$en(

Attra-t highly .ualified and -ompetent people %nsure that the sele-ted -andidate stays longer with the -ompany Make sure that there is mat-h etween -ost and enefit" 1elps the organiDation to -reate more -ulturally diverse workfor-e

The poor .uality of sele-tion means e#tra -ost on training and supervision" ?hen re-ruitment fails to meet organiDational needs for talent, a typi-ally response is to raise entry level pay s-ales" This -an distort traditional wages and salary relationship of the organiDation, resulting in unavoida le -onse.uen-es" Thus the effe-tiveness in re-ruitment pro-ess -an play a ma=or role in determining their sour-es that must e e#pended on other 1$ a-tivates and their ultimate su--ess


Sc,'e ,- hr$ a( ,r)an#1a(#,na% %e"e%

1uman resour-e of employers, e#perts of other organiDation

1$ that affe-ts employees negatively Core of organiDational human resour-es i"e" of all employees at all levels in an organiDation

1$ that affe-ts employees positively



This department looks after the needs and $e.uirement the present employees" This 3epartment in-ludes num er of fun-tion whi-h is as &ollows9

Tra#n#n) an. De"e%,'$en( !t in-ludes te-hni-al, soft skills and pro-ess related to training" Pr,cess an. ',%#c#es !t -ontains all the rule and regulations that need to e followed y the employees. A''ra#sa% an. #ncre$en( !t is in the formal feed a-k to the employees a out their performan-e and the -ondu-t of work" In.&c(#,n !t involves the information to the new employees a out the -ompany, =o , departments et-" M,(#"a(#,na% ac(#"#(#es an. en(er(a#n$en( !nvolves motivating the employees to improve their produ-tivity E$'%,0ee se'ara(#,n !n-ludes resignation and dismissal" ,#n#n) -,r$a%#(#es Take pla-e when a new employee =oins the -ompany 18


Manpower re.uisition form

$e-ruitment $e-ruitment plan Plan

2udget 2udget


(ele-tion pro-ess


Post re-ruitment data updating



$e-ruitment is HhiringI of employees from outside" $e-ruitment is -onsidered as one of the most important fun-tions in an organiDation" @nless the appropriate people are hired, even the est plans, organiDational -harts, and -ontrol systems would not yield good results" $e-ruitment is the art of dis-overing and pro-uring potential appli-ants for a-tual and anti-ipated organiDational va-an-ies" The purpose of re-ruitment is to lo-ate sour-es of manpower to meet =o re.uirements and =o spe-ifi-ations" !t is defined as Ha pro-ess to dis-over the sour-es of manpower to meet the re.uirements of staffing s-hedule and to apply effe-tive measures for attra-ting the manpower to ade.uate num er to fa-ilitate effe-tive sele-tion of an effe-tive workfor-eI Y,.er points out that re-ruitment is a pro-ess to dis-over the sour-es of manpower to meet the re.uirement of the staffing s-hedule and to employee effe-tive measures to attra-ting that fa-ilitate manpower in ade.uate num er to effe-tive sele-tion of an effe-tive workfor-e" E.*#n B F%#'', defines re-ruitment as Jthe pro-ess of sear-hing for prospe-tive employees and stimulating them to apply for the =o s in the organiDation"F H!t is the pro-ess of finding and attra-ting -apa le appli-ants for employment" The pro-ess egins when new re-ruits are sought and ends when their appli-ation are su mitted" The result is a pool of appli-ants from whi-h new employees are sele-ted"I 20



!t is a very easy and positive pro-ess as it attra-ts suita le appli-ants to apply for availa le =o s" The pro-esses of re-ruitment are as follows9 !dentifies the different sour-es of la our supply" Assesses their via ility Choose the most suita le sour-e or sour-es" !nvites appli-ations from the perspe-tive -andidates for the va-ant =o s"

The aims of re-ruitment are9 To o tain a pool of suita le -andidates for va-ant posts" To use and e seen to use a fair pro-ess"

To ensure that all re-ruitment a-tivities -ontri ute to -ompany goals and a desira le -ompany image" To -ondu-t re-ruitment a-tivities in an effi-ient and -ost effe-tive manner"



The fa-tors that limit or affe-t the re-ruitment poli-y of an organiDation are as follows9 E2(erna% -ac(,rs (upply and demand @nemployment rate La our market Politi-al, legal and government fa-tors (ons of soil !mage

In(erna% -ac(,rs $e-ruitment poli-y 1$P (iDe of the firm Cost of re-ruitment Growth and e#pansion


CompanyFs pay pa-kage ;uality of work life CompanyFs produ-t $ole of trade unions


The following fa-tors should poli-ies K

e undertaken while formulating the

Government poli-es $e-ruitment sour-es $e-ruitment needs $e-ruitment -ost 6rganiDational and personal poli-ies



The sour-es of re-ruitment are mainly grouped into two -ategories9 !nternal re-ruitment %#ternal re-ruitment

(our-es of re-ruitment

!nternal sour-es9 Transfer Promotion %mployee referrals

%#ternal sour-es9 Advertisements %mployment agen-ies Campus re-ruitment %Bre-ruitment


In(erna% s,&rces

Pr,$,(#,ns an. (rans-ers This is a method of filling va-an-ies from within through transfers and promotions" A transfer is a lateral movement within the same grade, from one =o to another" !t may lead to -hanges in duties and responsi ilities, working -onditions, et-", ut not ne-essarily salary" Promotion on the other hand, involves movement of employee from a lower level position to a higher level position a--ompanied y -hanges in duties, responsi ilities, status and value" &illing va-an-ies from within the organiDation has a enefit of

motivating the e#isting employees" !t has a great psy-hologi-al impa-t over the employees e-ause a promotion at a higher level may lead to a -hain of promotions at lower levels in the organiDation"

,b ',s(#n) 5o posting is another way of hiring people from within" !n this method, the organiDation pu li-iDes =o openings on ulletin oards, ele-tronimedia, and similar outlets"

E$'%,0ee re-erra%s %mployee referrals means using personal -onta-ts to lo-ate =o opportunities" !t is a re-ommendation from a -urrent employee 26

regarding a =o appli-ant" The logi- ehind employee referral is that Hit takes one to know oneI" %mployees working in the organiDations are en-ouraged to re-ommend the names of their friends working in other organiDations for a possi le va-an-y in the near future" This has e-ome a popular way of re-ruiting people in the highly

-ompetitive information te-hnology industry nowadays" Companies offer ri-h rewards also to employees whose

re-ommendations are a--epted" As a goodwill gesture, -ompanies also -onsider the names re-ommended y unions from time to time"

E2(erna% s,&rces

A."er(#se$en(s Advertisements in newspapers or trade and professional =ournals are generally used" The advantage of advertising is that more information a out the organiDation, =o -andidates" des-ription and =o spe-ifi-ations -an e given in advertisements to allow self s-reening y the prospe-tive

Pr#"a(e e$'%,0$en( a)enc#es Many -ompanies use private employment agen-ies for identifying potential workers" These are the agen-ies that provide pla-ement servi-es and -harge either the employer or the -andidate or oth at the end of pla-ement"


G,"ern$en( e$'%,0$en( a)enc0/e2chan)e The prospe-tive -andidates register in this agen-y and information a out the availa ility of =o s a--ording to their .ualifi-ation is informed" They also provide a wide range of servi-es su-h as -ounseling, assistan-e in getting =o information a out la our markets and wage rates, et-"

!a$'&s recr&#($en( Campus re-ruitment offers an e#-ellent sour-e for professional and managerial positions" This method is very popular and su--essful" The re-ruiting pro-ess should egin mu-h efore the a-ademi- year ends" A good presentation a out the a-kground of the -ompany and profiles of the =o s need to e prepared y the re-ruiters" Most of the edu-ation institutions, parti-ularly professional -olleges, have pla-ement offi-ers who -oordinate with the re-ruiter and provide opportunity for preB pla-ement talks"

E%ec(r,n#c recr&#(#n) This involves re-ruiting through the internet" %mployers -an ele-troni-ally s-reen -andidateFs soft attri utes, dire-t potential hires to a spe-ial we site for online skill assessment, -ondu-t and manage the entire pro-ess with we B ased software" a-kground -he-ks over the internet, interview -andidates via video-onferen-ing,


(ele-tion involves a series of steps y whi-h the -andidates are

s-reened for -hoosing the most suita le persons for va-ant posts" The pro-ess of sele-tion divides the -andidates for employment into two -ategories, namely, those who will e offered employment and those who will not e" The asi- purpose of sele-tion is to -hoose the right type of -andidates to man various positions in the organiDation" !n order to a-hieve this purpose, a well organiDed sele-tion pro-edure involves many steps and at ea-h step, unsuita le -andidates are re=e-ted" 2oth re-ruitment and sele-tion are the two phases of the employment pro-ess" $e-ruitment eing the first phase envisages taking de-isions on the

-hoi-e of tapping the sour-es of workfor-e supply" (ele-tion is the se-ond phase, whi-h involves giving various types of tests to the -andidates and interviewing them in order to sele-t the suita le -andidates only"



(ele-tion is a -riti-al pro-ess these days e-ause it re.uires a huge investment of money to get right types of people" !f the right types of persons are not -hosen, it will lead to huge loss of the employer in terms of time, money and effort" Therefore it is essential to devise a suita le sele-tion pro-edure" %a-h step in the sele-tion pro-edure should help in getting more and more information a out the appli-ants to fa-ilitate de-ision making in the area of sele-tion"



The sele-tion pro-ess -omprises of the following steps

$e-eipt of appli-ations

(-rutiny of appli-ation

Preliminary interview y 1$ department

!nterview taken y the person from the parti-ular department

!nterview y 1$ and 3epartment 1ead

Pla-ement and 6rientation


Rece#'( ,- a''%#ca(#,ns !t is the first step in the sele-tion pro-ess" The appli-ation form gives preliminary information a out the -andidate and assists the interviewer in formulating the .uestions to o tain more information a out the -andidate"

Scr&(#n0 ,- a''%#ca(#,n All those who have applied for the =o may not e suita le for it so the 1$ department -arries out a proper s-rutiny of appli-ations to sele-t the -andidates to e -alled for preliminary interview"

Pre%#$#nar0 #n(er"#e* b0 HR .e'ar($en( The 1$ departments take this interview" The -andidates are asked a out their .ualifi-ations, e#perien-e, interest, residen-e, age, et-" Those whose .ualifi-ations do not mat-h are re=e-ted"

In(er"#e* (a3en b0 (he 'ers,n -r,$ (he 'ar(#c&%ar .e'ar($en( 1ere they ask a out the work e#perien-e, why he>she left the earlier =o , ask a out his>her a-kground et-" The interviewer mat-hes the =o spe-ifi-ation, .ualifi-ation, a ility to work under stress et-" At this level re=e-tion are made if the interviewer does not find the -andidate suita le for the =o "


In(er"#e* b0 HR an. De'ar($en( Hea. At this level, the 1$ ' department head, oth take interview of the sele-ted -andidates to know more a out them" !t is a very friendly -onversation with them in-luding spe-ialiDed .uestions" The 1$ head tell the interviewee a out the -ompany, its mission, o =e-tives, and responsi ilities of the =o , whi-h have applied for, salary, -ompensation, et-"

P%ace$en( an. ,r#en(a(#,n 6rientation and pla-ement -overs the a-tivities involved in introdu-ing the new employees to the organiDation and to his or her work unit" !t familiariDes new employee with the -ompanyFs o =e-tives, history, pro-edures, and rules, -ommuni-ate relevant personnel poli-ies su-h as hours of work, pay pro-edures, overtime re.uirements, provide a tour of the -ompanyFs physi-al fa-ilities, and introdu-e him to his superior and -oBworkers



The o =e-tive is to lay down poli-y for providing a framework for attra-ting and sele-ting the est talent and to ensure re-ruitment of the right -andidate at the right pla-e with speed"


To e a le to attra-t the est availa le talent, it is imperative for APG to a-.uire the status of J%mployer of Choi-e"F &or the same, the following initiatives should e taken9 2en-hmark the highest employee engagement s-ores in related industry and work towards -reating a en-hmark for others" They must highlight the development and growth opportunities that they provide to their employees on their we site" 3evelop ties with sele-tive professional institutes and intera-t with fa-ulty and students in these institutes at regular intervals"



Man',*er '%ann#n) an. sanc(#,n $e-ruitment has to e in line with the approved organiDation -hart" As a part of the annual udgetary pro-ess, 1ead 1$ of ea-h Group Company will prepare the organiDation -hart in -onsultation with the 2usiness 1ead and forward it to Group 1ead 1$" The organiDation -hart of ea-h Group Company will need the approval of the Manpower Approval Committee (MAC) -omprising of the Chairperson, %#" :i-e Chairman, Group Managing 3ire-tor, Group 1ead 1$ and Group C&6" Approval will need to e sought for oth num er of employees and employee -ost" %#-ept for va-an-ies -reated due to resignations>retirements, -are should e taken that all other manpower re.uirement is planned for at the eginning of the finan-ial year"


S,&rc#n) The following sour-es of re-ruitment are followed y Miranda Tools9 !,$'an0 *ebs#(e Post va-an-ies on the we site !,ns&%(an(s &or ensuring optimal -ommer-ial terms, list of -onsultants along with terms for all Group Companies will e finaliDed y Group 1ead 1$" E$'%,0ee re-erra%s %mployees may refer -andidates known to them against va-an-ies advertised on the we site of the -ompany" Da(a ban3 &or -riti-al positions, Group 1$ must s-an the market and and at all times maintain a data ank of potential -andidates" (imilarly, for other positions, 1$ 1eads of Group Companies must -reate and maintain a data ank" C:Fs for all levels re-eived dire-tly or through -onsultants should e maintained in the data ank for meeting future re.uirements" A."er(#se$en( ?hen num er of va-an-ies is large, an advertisement -an e posed in national>lo-al newspapers"


Res',ns#b#%#(0 -,r recr&#($en( &or &un-tional 1ead>3epartment 1ead and a ove, responsi ility for re-ruitment will vest with the Group 1ead 1$" &or all other positions, 1ead 1$ of respe-tive usinesses will e responsi le" Man',*er re4&#s#(#,n &or va-an-ies at the level of &un-tional 1ead>3epartment 1ead and a ove, the Manpower $e.uisition &orm (Anne#ure !) should su mitted to Group 1ead 1$" &or all other va-an-ies, Manpower $e.uisition &orm should su mitted to 1ead 1r of the Group Company" e e


(ele-tion pro-ess and tools used for sele-tion will vary with the -areer level of the va-an-y" The sele-tion tools that will >Trade test, Psy-hometri- test and !nterview" F&nc(#,na% Hea./De'ar($en( Hea. an. ab,"e After preliminary s-reening, profile will interview" 37 e dis-ussed y Group 1ead e used are (kills

1$ with the 2usiness 1ead" The short list -andidates will e -alled for

&or these levels, interview will support do-ument for the purpose"

e used to assess leadership

-ompeten-ies" An assessment form (Anne#ure !!A) will e used as a

%a-h interviewer will evaluate the -andidate independently and re-ord her > his o servations in the !nterview Assessment &orm" The Committee will arrive at a -onsensus regarding suita ility of the -andidate, whi-h is to (Anne#ure !!2)" !nterview -ommittee &or &un-tional 1ead>3epartment 1ead position, the C%6>C66 and Group 1ead 1$ will -ondu-t s the first round of interviews" The final interview will take pla-e with the %#" :i-e Chairman" &or &un-tional 1ead>3epartment 1ead position in finan-e, in any Group Company, the Group C&6 will interviews" &or C66, the first meeting will e held with the M3>C%6 and e involved in the first round of e re-orded in the sele-tion result form

Group 1ead 1$" The shortlisted -andidates will e interviewed 2L T1% %#" :i-e Chairman and Group Managing 3ire-tor" The final meeting will e with the Chairperson" &or M3>C%6, the first level of interviews will e -ondu-ted y the %#" :i-e Chairman, Group Managing 3ire-tor and Group 1ead 1$" The final interview will e -ondu-ted y the Chairperson"


&or &un-tional 1ead position at the -orporate level, the -andidate will e interviewed y the Group Managing 3ire-tor and Group 1ead 1$ and final interview will e with the Chairperson"

Mana)er#a% ',s#(#,ns be%,* De'ar($en( Hea. Profiles shortlisted y 1ead 1$ of the -ompany will e dis-ussed y her>him with the 3epartment 1ead and the shortlisted -andidates will e sent an Appli-ation &orm and -alled for test and interview" A standardiDed test will e made availa le to all 1$ 1eads in group -ompanies" This will e administered y them to assess general managerial -apa ilities" This will e followed y interview"

!nterview -ommittee &or middle level position, the first stage of interview will usiness followed y a final round with M3>C%6" !n -ase of front line position, the first meeting will e with s e

-ondu-ted y the 3epartment 1ead and 1ead 1$ of the respe-tive

-ommittee -omprising of the middle level manager to whom the position reports in to (if any), 3epartment 1ead and 1ead 1$ followed y se-ond round of interview with the M3>C%6" &or a va-an-y in finan-e or 1$, Group C&6 or Group 1ead 1$, as the -ase may e, will e a part of the interview -ommittee in the final round"


%a-h interviewer will evaluate the -andidate independently and re-ord her>his o servations in the interview assessment form (Anne#ure !!C)" The interviewers in a -ommittee will arrive at a -onsensus regarding suita ility of the -andidate whi-h is to $esult &orm (Anne#ure !!3)" N,n Mana)er#a% P,s#(#,n &or sele-tion of non managerial position, following sele-tion tools will e used9 (kills>Trade test for determining te-hni-al a ility" Psy-hometri- test for assessing attitude" !nterview to assess her>his -ultural fitment and likelihood of her>his -ontinuity in servi-e" The sele-tion pro-ess will e as under9 A skill test (theory>pra-ti-al) will sets" A Psy-hometri- test will e administered to assess attitude" An interview will 1ead 1$" Assessment and sele-tion result, ased on the a ove pro-ess will e re-orded in forms appended as Anne#ure !!%" e -ondu-ted y a -ommittee -omprising of the e administered to assess skill e re-orded in the (ele-tion

-on-erned Te-hni-al Manager, the 3epartment 1ead and the plant

Re#$b&rse$en( ,- -a#r (, ,&(s(a(#,n can.#.a(es


The reim ursement of fare to outstation -andidates for L$M and a ove positions will e as per entitlement spe-ified in APG travel poli-y"

2efore issuan-e of the Letter of Appointment, a thorough referen-e -he-k for the sele-ted -andidate must e undertaken y 1$ and re-orded in referen-e -he-k form" Persons who -ould serve as referen-e -he-k point should e those with whom the -andidate has een asso-iated in the -apa-ity of 9 %mployer Colleague CoBprofessional %#ternal -ustomer 2usiness asso-iate y and large should y -onsultants -an e undertaken dire-tly" e used as additional

$eferen-e -he-k information"

$eferen-e -he-k done


@pon -ompletion of the pro-ess of referen-e -he-ks, Letter of Appointment shall &un-tional 1ead, (u 1$ respe-tively" e issued" &or re-ruitment of 2usiness 1ead, &un-tional 1ead> elow, authoriDed signatories

will e %#e-utive :i-e Chairman, Group 1ead 1$ and 2usiness 1ead


The sele-ted -andidate should

e advised to meet an 1$

representative upon =oining" The name>designation of the 1$ representative along with the reporting time should e spe-ified in the -overing letter of the Letter of Appointment" 1$ should open a new file for the -andidate and -omplete the following do-umentation" Appli-ation>Personal 3etails &orm" %du-ational -ertifi-ates, tenth onwards" %#perien-e -ertifi-ates from all previous employers" $elieving -ertifi-ate from last employer" Physi-al &itness -ertifi-ate issued -lini-" 5oining &orm" y the CompanyFs authoriDed


All the aforementioned do-uments along with the -andidateFs appli-ation" C: and assessment>sele-tion re-ord should e pla-ed on the -andidateFs file" The 1$ representative should take the -andidate to her>his pla-e of work" !t shall e the responsi ility of 1$ to ensure that the work pla-e of the -andidate is ready prior to her>his =oining" 6n =oining, the -andidate should her>his entitlement" 1$ will e responsi le for putting the -andidate through an indu-tion program" e issued stationary, -omputer>laptop, et-" as per


1$ should -omplete the ante-edent verifi-ation pro-ess from the -andidateFs last employer 2y way of the Ante-edent :erifi-ation &orm (Anne#ure :!!!)" The latter should e -onta-ted on phone and re.uested to -omplete the Ante-edent :erifi-ation &orm"


Lead Time refers to time taken from re-eipt of re.uisition to re-eipt of a--eptan-e of the appointment offer y the -andidate" &ollowing Lead Time needs to e adhered to for the positions mentioned hereunder9 2usiness 1ead> C%6>C66NNNNNNN"*7 days


&un-tional 1eadsNNNNNNNNNNN"/, days 6ther Managerial PositionsNNNNNNN"M7 days


A-hievement of lead time parameter for re-ruitment" ;uality of re-ruitment refle-ted in performan-e rating of -andidate" $ating should e in the range of <B," 3ata on sour-e, -ost and time taken for ea-h re-ruitment must improve re-ruitment effe-tiveness" e

re-orded y all Group Companies" This is ne-essary to measure and




lood must

e indu-ted into all Group Companies

y way of

yearly re-ruitment of Management trainees from 2 s-hools" List of institutions for re-ruitment of management trainees in all Group Companies will e finaliDed y the Group 1ead 1$" The num er of Management trainees to approval Pro-ess" Management trainees will e appointed for a period of one year" An Appointment Letter shall e issued to the trainee as per Anne#ure !O" of the Manpower Approval e re-ruited ea-h year in Committee (MAC)" The

Group Company would depend on usiness performan-e and will need re.uirement of trainees should e pro=e-ted in the Annual 2udgeting


!n everyday life human eing has to fa-e many pro lems viD" so-ial, e-onomi-al, finan-ial pro lems" These pro lems in life -all for a--epta le and effe-tive solutions and for this purpose, resear-h is re.uired and a methodology is applied so that the solutions -an e found out" $esear-h was -arried out at M!$A43A T66L( P:T LT3"to find out the methods followed for H$e-ruitment and sele-tion pro-ess"I



The resear-h design sele-ted is of des-riptive type" This study des-ri es the re-ruitment and sele-tion poli-y of Miranda Tools" The data -olle-ted here may relate to the various methods of re-ruitment and sele-tion followed in the Miranda Tools" The resear-h has got very spe-ifi- o =e-tive, -lear -ut data re.uirements and uses a population whi-h is drawn through a pro a ility sampling design" The re-ommendations>findings in a des-riptive resear-h are definite"


The sour-es of data whi-h are used are as follows9 Primary data (e-ondary data


2oth primary and se-ondary data are used for the pro=e-t" 46

Pr#$ar0 .a(a Primary data is that whi-h is -olle-ted for the first time and thus happens to e original in -hara-ter" Primary data was -olle-ted through survey method y distri uting

.uestionnaires to managers" The .uestionnaires were -arefully designed y taking into a--ount the parameters of my study"

Sec,n.ar0 .a(a !t is the data whi-h has een -olle-ted y individual or someone else for the purpose of other than those of our parti-ular resear-h study" The se-ondary data whi-h has een used to -arry out his study are as follows9 CompanyFs 1$ Poli-y Manual CompanyFs internet site (www"mirandatools"in) 6ther relevant study materials and we sites"


The num er of managers in 1$ 3epartment of Miranda Tools is )7" ?e have taken response from all these managers so it is a -ensus survey" 1en-e sampling is not re.uired"


)" ?hat sour-es you prefer for re-ruitment and sele-tionP


8" ?hen do you prefer to go for manpower planningP


<" 1ow are va-an-ies filled in your organiDationP


+" ?hat form of interview do you preferP


," 1ow many rounds of interviews are -ondu-tedP


M" Are you satisfied with the interview pro-essP


/" 3o you -ondu-t any of these testsP


0" Are the aptitude test -ondu-tedP


*" 1ow do you rate the 1$ pra-ti-es of the -ompanyP



The statisti-s gathered after administering the .uestionnaire reveals the following ma=or findings regarding $e-ruitment and (ele-tion Poli-y of Miranda Tools" 57

!n Miranda Tools a out ,7E of the employees feel that the 1$ 3epartment is good and ,7E of the employees feel that the 1$ 3epartment is average" A out 07E of the managers say that they prefer oth internal as well as e#ternal sour-es of re-ruitment and sele-tion poli-y" Mostly the manpower planning is done yearly and a out 87E of managers do not follow any pattern" They do not have any fi#ed time" Miranda Tools prefers to go for Pla-ement Agen-ies" A out 07E of the va-an-ies are filled through Pla-ement Agen-ies" A out M7E of the managers prefer Personal interview, +7E prefers Telephoni- interview ut no one prefers :ideo -onferen-ing"


?e have -onsidered only one -ompany i"e" Miranda Tools so the poli-y followed y this -ompany does not give generaliDed format of $e-ruitment and (ele-tion" 58

!n the report we have taken response from )7 managers though this is the ma#imum num er of managers we -an take in Miranda Tools" The num er is not signifi-antly large to derive ma=or -on-lusion" Miranda Tools is a Multinational Company and M4Cs have different or glo alised pro-esses for re-ruitment and sele-tion" !ndian -ompanies may have different set of pro-esses whi-h is not studied in this pro=e-t"


This presents the summary of the study and survey done in relation to the $e-ruitment and (ele-tion Poli-y in Miranda Tools" The -on-lusion is drawn from the study and survey of the -ompany regarding the $e-ruitment and (ele-tion pro-ess -arried out there" 59

The $e-ruitment and (ele-tion pro-ess in Miranda Tools is done o =e-tively" Their o =e-tive is to lay down poli-y for providing a framework for attra-ting and sele-ting the est talent and to ensure re-ruitment of the right -andidate at the right pla-e with speed" That is why the sear-h or headhunt of the people should e of those whose skill fits into the -ompany" Most of the employees were satisfied ut -hanges are re.uired

a--ording to the -hanging s-enario as $e-ruitment and (ele-tion pro-ess has a great impa-t on the working of the -ompany as a fresh lood, new idea enters in the -ompany" (ele-tion pro-ess is also good the -andidate -ould e a-hieved" ut it should also e modified

a--ording to the re.uirements so that the main o =e-tive of sele-ting


Manpower re.uirement for ea-h department in the -ompany is identified at the eginning of the finan-ial year"


Time management is very essential and it should not e ignored at any level of the pro-ess" The $e-ruitment and (ele-tion pro-ess should not e lengthy and time -onsuming" The -andidates -alled for interview should should not overlap with ea-h other" e allotted timings and it

2i liogrphy9

Avadhani, :" (877*)" (e-urity Analyis" mum ai9 1P1" Avadhani, :" (877*)" (e-urity Analyis" mum ai9 1P1" 1$ manuals" (87)))" Miranda Tools Pvt Ltd"page no" www"mirandatools"in" (877*)" $etrieved 5une 8<, 87)8, from Miranda Tools .


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