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SCRABBLE Point values 0 1 2 3 4 % ' 10 2, L -D./0le Lette1 S2.1e34 3, L -T1i7le Lette1 S2.1e34 2, # -D./0le #.1d S2.1e4 3, # -T1i7le #.

1d S2.1e4 Scrabble Letters Blank tile A,E,I,L,N,O,R,S,T and U D and G B,C,M and P ,!,",# and $ & ( and ) * and + Li56t Bl/e Cell3 Da1k Bl/e Cell3 Li56t Red Cell3 Da1k Red Cell3

1. BINGO- Any word played that uses all seven letters on the rack, earning a bonus of 50 points. 2. BLOCKING -The act of playing a word on the board that stops the opponent fro aking a potentially large score. !t also refers to the act of playing words that ake it harder for either player to score any points. ". CHALLENGE-An opponent calls a #$%A&&'()'# when s*he thinks a play is not acceptable +i.e. not in the ,-& or .erria --ebster $ollegiate /ictionary, 'leventh 'dition0. A -ord 1udge is called to verify which words are acceptable or not. -henever there is a challenge, so eone loses e2actly one turn. 3. COUNT TILES- players often count tiles at two different ti es4 10 before a ga e begins to ensure that there are 100 tiles5 20 near the end of the ga e, when knowing e2actly how any tiles re ain to be played can be crucial for the astute player. 5. DOUBLE-DOUBLE--hen a player akes a play with letters that cover two /ouble--ord 67uares. The bonus for covering two /-6s one play4 7uadruple the su of the value of the letters of the #/ouble/ouble# word. The su should include that e2tra values earned for any /&6 covered that turn only. 8. END GAME -The portion of a 6$9A::&' ga e when there are less than seven tiles left to draw fro the bag. ;. HOOK LETTER (A.K.A. HOOK)-A letter that will spell a new word when it is played with in the front of or at the end of a word already on the board. '2a ple4 -ith %A9/ on the board, the letter < is a hook letter since %A9/< is acceptable. &ikewise, the letter $ can be #hooked4 since $%A9/ is acceptable. =. PASS-A player ay pass his*her turn by not e2changing tiles and not aking a play on the board. The player scores >ero and says #?ass@# and starts opponentAs ti er. !t is now opponentAs turn. (ote that when there are 8 consecutive scores of >ero in a ga e, the ga e is finished.

B. SCRABBLE- is a word ga e in which two to four players score points by for ing words fro individual lettered tiles on a ga eboard arked with a 15-by-15 grid.

10. TILES - )a e e7uip ent consisting of a flat thin piece arked with characters and used in board ga es like .ah-1ong, 6crabble, etc.

Collow the

oves of the chess pieces as illustrated below.

The king is the ost i portant piece, however it is also considered one of the weakest. The king only oves one s7uare in any direction - up, down, to the sides, and diagonally. The king ay never ove hi self into check +where he could be captured0.

Note: The dot +D0 represents the direction of

oves of the pieces.


The 7ueen is the ost powerful piece. !t oves in any one straight direction forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally. As all the other pieces, e2cept the knight, it cannot ove over any intervening piece.


The rook ay ove to any s7uare as far as it wants, but only forward, backward, and to the sides. The rooks are particularly powerful pieces when they are protecting each other and working together@

The bishop ay ove as far as it wants, but only diagonally. 'ach bishop starts on one color +light or dark0 and ust always stay on that color. :ishops work well together because they cover up each otherEs weaknesses.


Fnights oves by going two s7uares in one direction, and then one ore ove Gust like an H&I shape. Fnights are the only pieces that can ove over other pieces.


?awns ove forward, but capture diagonally. They can never ove backwards. ,n its first ove, the pawn can advance two s7uares at a ti e. 6ucceeding oves will be one s7uare at a ti e.

(ote4 the 2 represents the

ove for capturing opponentEs piece.

Congratulations! You have gained understanding and knowledge of the basic moves of each chess piece. You can now proceed to the next activity. At this point you need to concentrate on the rules and rules and regulations of the ga e and be in focused on the ga e play. 1. $astling - This is a ove of the king and either rook of the sa e color along the playerEs first row. ,n a playerEs turn he ay ove his king two s7uares over to one side and then ove the rook fro that sideEs corner to right ne2t to the king on the opposite side. 2. $heck ate - is a situation in chess in which one playerAs king is threatened with capture +in check0 and there is no way to eet that threat. ". $hess - A board ga e for two players, each beginning with 18 pieces of si2 kinds that are oved according to individual rules, with the obGective of check ating the opposing king. 3. /raw - a chess ga e where nobody ends as a winner. 5. 'n ?assant - !t is a special pawn capture which can occur i ediately after a player oves a pawn two s7uares forward fro its starting position, and an ene y pawn could have captured it had it oved only one s7uare forward. The opponent captures the Gust- oved pawn as if taking it #as it passes# through the first s7uare. The resulting position is the sa e as if the pawn had oved only one s7uare forward and the ene y pawn had captured nor ally. 8. ?ro otion - 6pecial ability of pawns wherein if it reaches the other side of the board it can beco e any other chess piece e2cept the king.

DOMINO Domi o Set /ouble 6i2 +8-80 /ouble (ine +B-B0 /ouble Twelve +12-120 /ouble Cifteen +15-150 N!m"e# o$ Ti%e& N!m"e# o$ Dot& 2= 55 B1 1"8 18= 3B5 10B2 2030


- refers to the

iddle line dividing the two s7uares of a do ino tile.

B%o()e* +'me Bo e& Bo e ,'#* Domi oe&

- occurs when neither player can play. - also known as the do ino tiles. - refers to the stock of do ino pieces. - generally refers to the collective ga ing pieces

aking up a do ino set +so eti es called a deck or pack0 or to the subcategory of tile ga es played with do ino pieces.

Dot& D#'- +'me

- refers to the spots of a bone. - ?layers are additionally allowed to draw as

any tiles as desired fro the stock before playing a tile, and they are not allowed to pass before the stock is +nearly0 e pty. The score of a ga e is the nu ber of pips in the losing playerAs hand plus the nu ber of pips in the stock.

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