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Shah Peerally and its law firm's achievements

The 2013 list of top rated attorneys in CA as published in the 08, 2013 issue of San Francisco Maga ine includes Shah !eerally" This distinction is gi#en to only a #ery s$all percentage of attorneys each year" %e&ar', CA, (ece$ber 22, 2013 ) Shah !eerally, is a %e&ar', California based attorney practicing i$$igration la&" Shah has seen tre$endous gro&th in his career beginning &ith hu$ble beginnings to beco$ing one of the $ost sought after attorney*s in +ay area" More than his professional ,ualifications, &hat distinguishes hi$ fro$ other la&yers in this field is his genuine co$passion for people and his ability to cut across barriers and $a'e the$ feel that there is hope for the$" Shah has constantly fought for the rights of i$$igrants and has tried to help the$ in #arious &ays possible, &hether it is through free legal clinics in churches, $os,ues or te$ples or tal'ing to people through his la& sho& on radio" Moreo#er his bac'ground as an i$$igrant hi$self $a'es hi$ identify &ith the li'es of others in si$ilar position as he had been" Shah thin's he is best defined as -street s$art* and has learnt $ore on the .ob than fro$ any course" /is genuine concern sho&s in the &ay he interacts &ith people and this has earned hi$ not only respect but lo#e fro$ the i$$igrant co$$unity" 0n an atte$pt to educate people and $a'e the$ a&are of their rights and gi#e the$ a sense of identification, Shah has in#ested in the Shah fil$s &hich $a'es socially conscious fil$s that tal' of the proble$s of i$$igrants and also pro#ides the$ solutions to a certain e1tent" /is dedication and passion for his &or' ha#e been recogni ed on #arious podiu$s and A##o, the national attorney rating ser#ice has rated hi$ as 10210 &hich is their highest rating le#el reser#ed for the best attorneys" Shah !eerally, &as born on in Mauritius, and attended the 3oyal College of Curepipe in Mauritius" /a#ing &or'ed &ith different corporations in Mauritius, Shah then $o#ed to the 4nited States &here he and obtained his 5uris (octorate degree fro$ %e& College School of 6a&, in San Francisco, California" /e subse,uently gained ad$ission to the California State +ar too" 7#er the ne1t fe& years, he began building his base in the legal fraternity by &or'ing in a#enues such as litigation and business la& for &ell 'no&n la& fir$ of Mc%ichols 3andic' 7*(ea 8 Tooliatos 66!, in !leasanton, California" At a later stage, Shah .oined the 6a& 7ffices of 9irender :os&a$i as a super#ising attorney in business and e$ploy$ent i$$igration" /e &as also appointed as attorney of counsel for the 0$$igration la& offices of Minter and Ah$ad in Fre$ont, California" Throughout the .ourney, Shah nursed the a$bition of ha#ing his o&n la& fir$ and in 200;< he founded the 6a& 7ffices of Shah !eerally" Today he is the founder and $anaging attorney of Shah !eerally 6a& :roup !C, a professional corporation and under his capability the fir$ has seen the highest pinnacles of success" Shah holds $e$berships in the State +ar of California, A$erican +ar Association =A+A> and the A$erican 0$$igration 6a&yers Association, %ational Association of Consu$er +an'ruptcy Attorneys =%AC+A>, and 0nternational Association of !rofessional (ebt Arbitrators =0A!(A>" Shah is also ad$itted in the %orthern Federal (istrict Court, ?astern Federal (istrict Court of California and the @th Circuit Court of Appeals" Apart fro$ his legal &or', the Shah !eerally na$e has been associated &ith a lot of pro bono &or' that he has done" 0n fact &hene#er there has been a crisis for the i$$igrant co$$unity, the Shah !eerally na$e has been the fore$ost in ter$s of handling the crisis in an efficient and fast $anner, so that the chances of the i$$igrants being effected is $ini$u$" Shah*s acti#ities ha#e been geared to&ards helping people in spreading of a&areness regarding 0$$igration la&s and their capabilities and use as far as i$$igrants are concerned" For this role of his in society, he has often been a part of the e1pert legal analysts for $any T9 net&or's such as %(T9, Ti$es %o& and Sitarree T9" 0n collaboration &ith this there has been co#erage about his &or' in ne&spapers such as San 5ose Mercury %e&s, 7a'land Tribune, 4S Fi.i Ti$es, Mauritius 6e Auotidien, Mo#ers 8 Sha'ers and other pro$inent international $edia both print and online" /e also hosts &ee'ly legal radio sho&s on B67B 11C0 AM" For his passionate and dedicated &or', to&ards conducting i$$igration related &or'shops Shah has been co$$ended

by /ouse Ma.ority 6eader %ancy !elosi and Congress&o$an +arbara 6ee too" Shah has been a pro$inent acti#ist for #arious i$$igrant co$$unities and has al&ays fought for their rights in &hate#er capacities that he could" Also he has been a regular participant in lectures and free legal clinics across the nation" 0n &hat is an e1tre$ely re&arding ac'no&ledge$ent for his &or', Shah has been selected as a rising star of %orthern California by Superla&yers"co$" Added to this, 2013 has seen Shah been besto&ed &ith the honor of being selected as one of the -Doung 7utstanding 6a&yers of %orthern California*" This is a reflection of not only of his o&n caliber but that of his entire fir$" 0n fact the attorneys of the Shah !eerally la& group ha#e been featured as legal e1perts on $a.or international T9 net&or's such as %(T9 and Ti$es %o& for guiding i$$igrants during $a.or i$$igration crisis o#er the years" The $ost interesting part about Shah !eerally*s career has been his di#ersification into different platfor$s that raise the issues of i$$igration" %o& &ith his o&n fil$ production house, he $a'es fil$s that &ill be an eye opener to the $asses on issues that ha#e been particularly troubleso$e for the i$$igrants" These fil$s are an e1tension of his #oice and concern as a la&yer deter$ined to get .ustice for the i$$igrants to the 4S and to fight for their cause &hile also propagating for better i$$igration refor$s" And in that Mr"!eerally*s &or' is e1tre$ely futuristic and ai$ed at a basic pro$otion of the interests of all sorts of #oices across the globe"

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