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Model Paper

Marks 45 Time 45 minutes

01. Treatment of Antrochoanal polyp is:
A. Topical steroids.
B. Systemic steroids.
C. Anti Histamine.
D. Immunotherapy
E. Surgery
Key: E

02. A 30 years old female develops dysphagia and trismus. She
gives history of pan chewing for last 10 years. Diagnosis is:
A. Aphthous ulcer.
B. Herpengina infection.
C. Submucous fibrosis.
D. Candidiasis
E. Herpetic gingivostomatitis
Key: C

03. A patient presents nasal obstruction and blood stained crusts.
Septal perforation is seen on examination. Common cause of
Septal perforation is:
A. Septal abscess.
B. Chronic granulomatous lesion.
C. Septal surgery.
D. Rhinolith.
E. Nasal trauma
Key: C

04. A 20 years old boy had running nose followed by severe ear
ache. One day later he had mucopuralent discharge from ear.
Diagnosis is:
A. Malignant otitis externa.
B. Acute suppurative otitis media.
C. Eustachean catarrh.
D. Barotrauma
E. Myringitis Bullosa.
Key: B

05. A patient is diagnosed case of squamous cell carcinoma larynx
with involvement of thyroid cartilage. Stage is T4NoMo
treatment is:
A. Radiotherapy.
B. Chemoradiation.
C. Total laryngectomy.
D. Total laryngectomy & radiotherapy
E. Neck dissection
Key: D

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06. For recurrent Antrochoanal polyp CWL procedure is done to
clear the disease from maxillary antrum. It is avoided in
children because:
A. Chance of fistula.
B. Bone is thick.
C. Incomplete dentit ion.
D. Chances of recurrence.
E. Canine fossa is not formed.
Key: C

07. Commonest congenital cause of stridor in children is:
A. Subqloltic stenosis.
B. Laryngeal cyst.
C. Laryngeal web.
D. Laryngomalacia.
E. Laryngeal papilloma
Key: D

08. Absolute contraindication of tonsillectomy is:
A. Age below 04 years.
B. Age above 60 years.
C. Cleft palate.
D. Acute infection and bleeding disorder.
E. Fibrosed tonsils.
Key: D

09. Which one of these is a premalignant condition.
A. Metaplasia.
B. Anaplasia.
C. Hyperplasia.
D. Erythroplasia.
E. Hyperkeratosis
Key: D

10. A child with laryngeal diphtheria presents in emergency with
severe stridor. What is the immediate treatment plan:
A. Start I.V. antibiotics.
B. Throat swab for C/S & microscopy.
C. Removal of membrane.
D. Starting antitoxin.
E. Securing airway (Tracheostomy).
Key: E

11. A 19 years old girl developed saddling of nose after traumasix
month ago. Which one is the best treatment:
A. Septoplasty.
C. Augmentation Rhinoplasty.
D. Colusmelloplasty.
E. Septo rhinoplasty.
Key: C

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12. C.T. scan of a patient of CSOM shows extensive cholesteatomo
with erosion of ossicular chain. Which surgery should be
A. Cortical Mastoidectomy.
B. Atticotomy.
C. Tympanoplasty.
D. Radical mastoidectomy.
E. Posterior tympanotomy.
Key: D

13. A patient is unable to depress corner of lower lip after
submandibular gland excision. Which nerve is damage during
A. Lingual nerve.
B. Hypoglossal.
C. Marginal mandibular.
D. Chonda tymponis.
E. Anriculotemporal.
Key: C

14. Which salivary gland tumor is more common among children:
A. Pleomorphic adenoma.
B. Adenoid cystic.
C. Mucoepidermoid.
D. Acinic cell.
E. Adenocarcinoma.
Key: C

15. A boy suffering from Acute Otitis Media. His symptoms are not
settled inspite of adequate medical treatment, T.M is bulging.
Tretment is:
A. Mastoidectomy.
B. Topical lignocaine drops.
C. Analgesics.
D. Myringotomy
E. Aspiration.
Key: D

16. A 02 years old child has put a piece of plastic in his ear. Child
is quite irritable. What should be done?
A. Removal under L/A.
B. Removed with metallic F/B hook.
C. It should be removed after a week.
D. Suction is used for removal.
E. Removal with the use of microscope under G/A.
Key: E

17. A 25 years old man is a teacher by profession. He complains of
persistent hoarseness for 03 months. Most likely diagnosis is:
A. Vocal cord growth.
B. Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis.
C. Vocal nodule.
D. Hypothyroidism.
E. Laryngeal tuberculosis.
Key: C
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18. A patient is having ear discharge for 10 years. Now he has
developed severe pain. There is suspicious of intra cranial
complication, investigation of choice is:
A. Blood CIP.
B. X-ray mastoid.
C. C.T. scan.
E. Lumbar puncture.
Key: C

19. Epstein bar virus is related to which tumor:
A. Carcinoma tongue.
B. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
C. Postcricoid growth.
D. Parotid tumor.
E. Supraglottic tumor
Key: B

20. Commonest cause of vocal cord paralysis is:
A. Malignant disease.
B. Surgical trauma.
C. Non-surgical trauma.
D. Neurological lesion.
E. Inflammatory conditions.
Key: A

21. Inverted papilloma is an intermediate tumor of the nasal
cavity. It is best treated by:
A. I/N polypectomy.
C. Topical steroids.
D. Medial maxillectomy.
E. External ethmoidectomy.
Key: D

22. A patient is diagnosed as a case of squamous cell carcinoma
vocal cord. Stage is T
. Treatment is:
A. Monthly follow up.
B. Surgery.
C. Surgery followed by radiotherapy.
D. Radiotherapy and follow up.
E. Chemotherapy.
Key: D

23. Thumb Sign is a radiological finding seen in patients of:
A. Retsopharyngeal abscess.
B. Acute laryngotracheobronchitis.
C. Acute epiglottitis.
D. Parapharyngeal abscess.
E. Ludwing angina.
Key: C
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24. Which foreign body if inhaled in bronchus initiates intense
inflammatory reaction resulting in mucosal thickening and
A. Metallic object.
B. Plastic object.
C. Vegetable origin.
D. Cotton.
E. Paper sheet.
Key: C

25. Laryngomalacia is most common congenital abnormality
resulting in stridor. In most of the cases treatment is:
A. I.V. steroids.
B. Nebulisation.
C. Conservative management.
D. Immediate surgery.
E. Tracheostomy.
Key: C

26. Otitis Media with effusion (OME) is common problem
encountered in children. Which one is the objective test that
helps in diagnosis:
A. Pure tone audiometry.
B. Otoacoustic emission.
C. Tympanometry.
D. Otoscopy.
Key: C

27. A patient presented with severe pain in the ear and facial
nerve palsy. Examination shows vesicles on pinna and in the
ear canal. Diagnosis is:
A. Bells palsy.
B. Malignant otitis externa.
C. Keratosis obturans.
D. Herpes zoster oticus.
E. Myringitis Bullosa.
Key: D

28. Carharts notch is dip in bone conduction seen in patients with
otosclerosis. It is usually presented at:
A. 1 KH

B. 3 KH

C. 2 KH

D. 5 KH

E. 6 KH

Key: C

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29. A 6 years old child has unilateral nasal obstruction and
discharge for 04 months. Common problem in this age group
B. Polyp.
C. Rhinolith.
D. Enlarge turbinates.
E. Haemangioma.

30. A 18 year old boy underwent septal surgery with nasal
deformity as shown in sketel. Name it:
A. Pig snout deformity.
B. Saddle nose.
C. Supra tip depression.
D. Hump nose.
E. Columellar retraction.

31. A patient has discharging ear for last 06 years. Now he
developed severe headache and vomiting. What is the
commonest intracranial complications of CSOM:
A. Subdural abscess.
B. Extradural abscess.
C. Meningitis.
D. Brain abscess.
E. Lateral sinus thrombosis.
Key: B

32. Malignant otitis externa is an invasive infection of the external
ear canal usually seen in diabetic patients. Which
microorganism is responsible:
A. Staph aureus.
B. Pneumacoceus.
C. Hemophlus influnzae.
D. Pseudomonas.
E. Bacteroides.
Key: D

33. Commonest cause of Septal perforation is:
A. Septal abscess.
B. Chronic granlomatus lesion.
C. Septal surgeries.
D. Rhinolith
E. Nasal trauma.
Key: C

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34. A 35 years old man gives history of unilateral clear discharge
from nose for 06 months which increases on bending head
forward. Suspecting CSF rhinnorhea which lab test is specific:
A. CSF sugar.
B. S/electrolytes.
C. Serum Albumin.
D. B
E. Blood sugar.
Key: D

35. Mucormycosis is a fungal infection of nose and paranasal
sinuses which may involve brain. It is usually seen in patients:
A. Of chronic renal failure.
B. With uncontrolled hypertension.
C. With uncontrolled diabetes.
D. Taking antibiotics.
E. Chronic sinusitis.
Key: C

36. A female was slapped on left side of face by her husband. Ear
examination shows central perforation. What instruction will
you give to the patient?
A. To have X-ray mastoid.
B. Immediate pure tone audiometry.
C. Daily cleaning of ear canal with cotton bud.
D. Do not instill any drops of medicine in the effected ear.
E. Take bath daily.
Key: D

37. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a brief but
violent attack of vertigo provoked by certain position of head
without auditory symptoms. Which clinical test helps in
A. Fistula test.
B. Caloric test.
C. Epleys manouvere.
D. Hallpike manouvere.
E. Romberg test.
Key: D

38. A 20 years old air hostess develops progressive hearing loss.
PTA shows conductive hearing loss with dip at 2 Kh in bone
conduction. Which option is best:
A. To wear hearing aid.
B. No treatment.
C. To use neurotonics.
D. To undergo stapedectomy.
E. Tympanoplasty
Key: D

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39. Commonest cause of facial nerve paralysis is:
A. Mastoid surgery.
B. Mumps.
C. Bells palsy.
D. Parotid surgery.
E. Fracture base of skull.
Key: C

40. In patients with chronic recurrent tonsillitis, which group of
lymphnode are involved:
A. Submandibular.
B. Retropharyngeal.
C. Jugulodiagastric.
D. Submental.
E. Paratracheal.
Key: C

41. Tonsillectomy is a common procedure done in ENT speciality.
What is the commonest indication for tonsillectomy?
A. Peritonsillar abscess.
C. Recurrent chronic tonsillitis.
D. Suspicious of malignancy.
E. Rheumatic heart disease.
Key: C

42. A boy developed BIL nasal obstruction one day after he had
blow on nose. What is most likely diagnosis?
A. Septal abscess.
B. Septal hematoma.
C. Deviated nasal septum.
D. Acute rhinitis.
E. BlL turbinate hypertrophy.
Key: B

43. Minitracheostomy is an emergency procedure to create an
alternate path for breathing. It is done through:
A. Thyrohoid membrane.
B. Cricothyroid membrane.
C. Second tracheal ring.
D. Through cricoid cartilage.
E. Quadrangular membrane.
Key: B
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44. If an old person develops unilateral nasal obstruction
associated with blood stained discharge. There is strong
suspicious of:
A. Antrochoanal polyp.
B. Ethmoidal polyp.
C. Tumor.
D. Ch. Sinusitis.
E. Rhinolith
Key: C

45. A patient presented with left sided cervical lymphadenopathy
for 06 months. Commonest cause is:
A. Infectious mononucleosis.
B. Tuberculosis.
C. Tumors of larynx
D. Actinomycosis
E. Laryngitis
Key: B

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