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Reporte de Referencias Educacin Diferenciada

Elaborado por Jos Rodrguez Madrid 2012

Coeducacin o escuela segregada? Un viejo y persistente debate .......................... 2 Algunos aspectos sobre la mujer en la poltica educativa durante el rgimen de Franco ............................................................................................................................... 2 Conquistar la igualdad: la coeducacin hoy.............................................................. 3 'Dangerous presumptions': how single-sex schooling reifies false notions of sex, gender, and sexuality. ....................................................................................................... 3 Dossier de prensa centros de enseanza .................................................................... 4 Entrevista................................................................................................................... 4 Single-Gender Schools Scrutinized .................................................................................. 4 Hablamos con Josu Ahedo, autor de una tesis doctoral sobre la educacin diferenciada. ..................................................................................................................... 5 Juntos pero no revueltos: La educacin fsica mixta en clave de Gnero ................. 5 La educacin diferenciada en el mundo .................................................................... 5 La escolarizacin single-sex:?` Qu dice la investigacin educativa? ...................... 6 La escuela mixta garanta de coeducacin?............................................................. 6 K-12 single-sex education: what does the research say? .................................................. 5

La ideologa de gnero en la escuela. El respeto a la feminidad y masculinidad: frmula para el xito acadmico y personal ..................................................................... 7 Ttulo corto ....................................................................................................................... 7 La ideologa de gnero en la escuela. El respeto a la feminidad y masculinidad ............. 7 Learning differences: sex-role stereotyping in single-sex public education. ............ 8 Mara Calvo Charro, Presidenta de la Asociacin europea de centros de educacin diferenciada ...................................................................................................................... 8 Publicaciones - Ministerio de Educacin, Cultura y Deporte ................................... 9 Single-Sex Education in the 21 st Century................................................................ 9 The Effect of Single-Sex Instruction in a Large, Urban, At-Risk High School. ..... 10 The pseudoscience of single-sex schooling ............................................................ 11 The Success of Single-Sex Education is still unproven. ......................................... 11

Single-Sex Versus Coeducational Schooling: A Systematic Review. Doc # 2005-01 .... 9

Coeducacin o escuela segregada? Un viejo y persistente debate Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo Subirats, M. Autor Publicacin Revista de la Asociacin de Sociologa de la Educacin Volumen 3 Ejemplar 1 Pginas 143-158 2010 Fecha Ttulo corto ? http://www.ase.es:81/navegacion/subido/numerosRase/0301/0301_ URL Subirats.pdf Library Google Scholar Catalog Fecha de jueves, 07de junio de 2012 5:58:33 adicin Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:17:29

Algunos aspectos sobre la mujer en la poltica educativa durante el rgimen de Franco Tipo Artculo en revista cientfica Autor C. Flecha Garca El dilatado perodo que discurre entre 1936 y 1975 en la historia de Espaa, conformado en todos los rdenes de la realidad social por unas caractersticas fuertemente unificado ras, va a suponer, para la mujer, un largo y costoso camino en el que tiene que aceptar y vivir desde un modelo de referencia femenino que condiciona y limita su estilo de presencia en la sociedad. Sin duda, se pueden distinguir diferentes etapas en el discurrir del perodo, marcadas por los cambios inevitables de ciertas condiciones econmicas y sociales. Condiciones que van a ir facilitando tambin una lenta evolucin de los planteamientos iniciales en torno a la mujer, aunque situndose siempre desde el reconocimiento de Resumen determinadas cualidades, que la predisponen a una dedicacin al hogar y a una posicin subordinada all donde se encuentre; es decir, que reducen su papel al mbito de lo privado y domstico. Por eso, al pensar en la educacin y delinear las bases de cada nivel educativo, se tiene muy en cuenta cmo conviene preparar a la nia y a la joven para que pueda desempear, ms tarde, su funcin de madre y esposa; se reflexiona sobre qu medidas era necesario tomar para que el ideal de femenino propuesto llegara a ser una realidad en cada una de las mujeres espaolas. Ideal que, por una parte, tena resonancias en la mentalidad colectiva del momento, lo cual facilitaba su asimilacin y que, por otra, contribua a satisfacer 2

necesidades ineludibles en el nuevo rgimen; unas de carcter demogrfico -crecimiento de la poblacin-, y otras de carcter ideolgico -transmisin de valores y control social-. Fecha 2010 http://gredos.usal.es/jspui/bitstream/10366/79481/1/Algunos_aspectos_sob URL re_la_mujer_en_la_po.pdf Library Google Scholar Catalog Fecha jueves, 07de junio de 2012 2:40:52 de adicin Modific jueves, 07de junio de 2012 2:54:00 ado Conquistar la igualdad: la coeducacin hoy Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo Subirats Martori, Marina Autor Publicacin REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACIN 6 Volumen 49-78 Pginas 1994 Fecha http://www.rieoei.org/oeivirt/rie06a02.pdf URL viernes, 08 de junio de 2012 6:35:35 Accedido Fecha de adicin jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:35:40 Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:39:11 Adjuntos

rie06a02.pdf (objeto application/pdf)

'Dangerous presumptions': how single-sex schooling reifies false notions of sex, gender, and sexuality. Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo Autor Janna Jackson Due to the recent changes in federal regulations about gender equity in education in the USA, some policy makers have resurrected single-sex public education. Because single-sex schooling ignores the complexity of sex, gender, and sexuality, it sets up a 'separate but equal' system that is anything but. Resumen Discounting the ways in which gender is negotiated, constructed, and performed, and the variability of anatomical sex, current arguments for single-sex schooling reify the false binaries of sex and gender, rely on assumptions of heteronormativity and, in turn, negate the existence of multiple sexes, genders, and sexual orientations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of 3

Gender & Education is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) Publicacin Gender & Education Volumen 22 Ejemplar 2 Pginas 227-238 Fecha Marzo 2010 Article DOI 09540253 ISSN http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? URL direct=true&db=a9h& Documentacion Tipo Pgina Web Autor E A S S E asociacin europea de centros de educacin diferenciada URL http://www.easse.org/documentacion.php

Dossier de prensa centros de enseanza Pgina Web Tipo Fomento de Centros de Enseanza. Autor 2009 Fecha http://www.fomento.edu/imgeditor/090417.pdf URL jueves, 07de junio de 2012 5:40:00 Accedido Fecha de adicin jueves, 07de junio de 2012 5:40:13 Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 5:41:22 Single-Gender Schools Scrutinized Tipo Pgina Web http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail? URL vid=8&hid=107& Accedido jueves, 07de junio de 2012 2:10:17

Entrevista Tipo Pgina Web URL https://www.box.com/s/096be808cada69b1e521 Accedido viernes, 08 de junio de 2012 5:15:01

Hablamos con Josu Ahedo, autor de una tesis doctoral sobre la educacin diferenciada. Pgina Web Tipo http://nikazetari.elcorreo.com/edicion2010/articulo.php? URL id=3607 viernes, 08 de junio de 2012 5:15:52 Accedido Fecha de adicin viernes, 08 de junio de 2012 5:15:52 Modificado viernes, 08 de junio de 2012 5:15:52 Juntos pero no revueltos: La educacin fsica mixta en clave de Gnero Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo P. A.S.O.A SCHARA Autor O. A SCHARAGRODSKY Autor Publicacin Cadernos de Pesquisa 34 Volumen 121 Ejemplar 5976 Pginas 2004 Fecha Ttulo corto Juntos pero no revueltos http://www.scielo.br/pdf/cp/v34n121/a04n121.pdf URL Library Catalog Google Scholar Fecha de adicin jueves, 07de junio de 2012 2:38:05 Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 2:38:29

K-12 single-sex education: what does the research say?

Informe P. Haag ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary Early Childhood Education ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Institucin Education, University of Illinois 2000 Fecha Ttulo corto K-12 single-sex education Library Google Scholar Catalog Fecha de jueves, 07de junio de 2012 1:35:53 adicin Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 1:36:01 Tipo Autor Autor Autor

La educacin diferenciada en el mundo Tipo Pgina Web 5

Autor EASSE - European Association Single-Sex Education. Resum Refiere ampliamente informacin y referencias, es un documento clave en http://www.easse.org/docs/1231927625_DOSSIER%20ED%20en%20el URL %20mundo.12.08.doc

La escolarizacin single-sex:?` Qu dice la investigacin educativa? Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo E. Lpez Lpez Autor El centro de atencin de este estudio reside en llegar a conocer qu concluye la investigacin educativa sobre las bondades de las dos formas de agrupamiento escolar segn el sexo, la de un solo sexo y la mixta o coeducativa. circunscribindose al nivel de la educacin secundaria. Para ello, en primer trmino, se justifica y efecta una seleccin de los estudios de sntesis ms valiosos desde el punto de vista de su validez, sobre todo interna, y del alcance de las variables analizadas. A continuacin se aportan sus conclusiones princip ales y las rplicas en algunos casos de autores que las ponan en cuestin. La conclusin ms general a que se llega se puede formular afirmando que la escolarizacin single sex en Resumen conjunto es una opcin estadsticamente hablando lo ms valiosa que la coeducativa, en particular bajo ciertas circunstancias, concretamente para las chicas y en especial si pertenecen a entornos de minoras desfavorecidas. Sin embargo, al final se aboga por la eleccin de la forma de agrupamiento bajo el lema de la libertad, ya que las conclusiones lo son de grupos, no prejuzgando cul sea el tipo de agrupamiento segn el sexo ms adecuado para los alumnos individualmente considerados y teniendo en cuento a los derechos de los titulares de la educacin de los alumnos, esto es, sus padres, tutores o los mismos alumnos, en la medida en que puedan elegir. 2010 Fecha Ttulo La escolarizacin single-sex corto http://www.uned.es/educacionXX1/pdfs/13-2%20completo.pdf URL Library Google Scholar Catalog Fecha de jueves, 07de junio de 2012 8:03:41 adicin Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 8:11:23 La escuela mixta garanta de coeducacin? Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo Subirats Martori, Marina Autor Publicacin Participacin educativa 6

11 94-97 2009 http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo? URL codigo=3105378 jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:19:11 Accedido Library Catalog Dialnet Fecha de adicin jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:19:11 Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:19:42 Ejemplar Pginas Fecha

La ideologa de gnero en la escuela. El respeto a la feminidad y masculinidad: frmula para el xito acadmico y personal Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo Calvo Charro, Mara Autor La educacin diferenciada, es decir, la enseanza separada de nios y nias, constituye un modelo pedaggico moderno que est siendo utilizado en los pases ms desarrollados como herramienta para superar determinados problemas a los que la educacin mixta, tras aproximadamente 30 aos de experiencia, no ha sido capaz de dar respuesta. Los beneficios que se desprenden de este modelo educativo son cualitativa y cuantitativamente merecedores de una detallada atencin por parte de padres, autoridades y docentes. En lo acadmico y lo personal los resultados son, como regla general, ptimos. Y, contrario a lo que se cree mayoritariamente, provoca un mejor entendimiento y respeto entre sexos opuestos, un Resumen ambiente ms relajado y agradable entre los alumnos, mayores facilidades para el ejercicio de la docencia, resultados acadmicos espectacularmente mejores que los de las escuelas mixtas y mucha menor conflictividad y violencia; eleva la autoestima de los alumnos; favorece desde un punto de vista realista la verdadera igualdad de oportunidades y da respuesta a las peculiaridades concretas de los alumnos en cuanto personas, nios o nias, en atencin a sus problemticas especficas. La clave del xito de la educacin diferenciada, afirman los expertos, radica en el equilibrio entre el reconocimiento de la diferencia y la garanta de la igualdad de oportunidades entre sexos. Publicacin Transatlntica de educacin Ejemplar 6 Pginas 127-137 2009 Fecha La ideologa de gnero en la escuela. El respeto a la feminidad y masculinidad http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo? codigo=3080600 7

Ttulo corto URL

Accedido Library Catalog Fecha de adicin Modificado

jueves, 07de junio de 2012 5:45:02 Dialnet jueves, 07de junio de 2012 5:45:02 jueves, 07de junio de 2012 5:46:44

Learning differences: sex-role stereotyping in single-sex public education. Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo Juliet A. Williams Autor The article reveals how a movement for single-sex public education is gaining ground in the U.S. based on the paradigm that there are pedagogical differences in teaching men and women based on their biological sex differences. It explains how the Resumen movement had gained opponents who sought recourse in legal courts on claim that this type of education is based on outmoded stereotypes of gender. It describes two strategies on how to rebut claims that single-sex education encourages gender stereotypes. Publicacin Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Volumen 33 Ejemplar 2 Pginas 555-579 Summer2010 2010 Fecha Article DOI 15584356 ISSN http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? URL direct=true&db=a9h& Fecha de jueves, 07de junio de 2012 1:39:36 adicin Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 1:39:36 Marcas:
o o o o o

GENDER stereotypes SEX differences (Biology) SINGLE sex classes (Education) SINGLE sex schools UNITED States

Mara Calvo Charro, Presidenta de la Asociacin europea de centros de educacin diferenciada Tipo Pgina Web Autor Calvo Charro, M Fecha 2008 8

http://www.consumer.es/web/es/educacion/escolar/2008/02/13/1745 31.php Accedido jueves, 07de junio de 2012 8:01:36 Fecha de jueves, 07de junio de 2012 8:01:36 adicin Modificad jueves, 07de junio de 2012 8:01:57 o URL

Publicaciones - Ministerio de Educacin, Cultura y Deporte Tipo Pgina Web https://sede.educacion.gob.es/publiventa/descargas.action?f_codigo=1 URL 4553&codigoOpcion=1 Accedid jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:24:21 o Fecha jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:24:21 de adicin Modific jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:24:21 ado Single-Sex Education in the 21 st Century Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo K. E Cable Autor T. E Spradlin Autor Publicacin Education Policy Brief 6 Volumen 9 Ejemplar 112 Pginas 2008 Fecha http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED503856.pdf URL Library Catalog Google Scholar Fecha de adicin jueves, 07de junio de 2012 1:37:33 Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 1:37:51

Single-Sex Versus Coeducational Schooling: A Systematic Review. Doc # 200501 Informe Tipo Fred Mael Autor Alex Alonso Autor Doug Gibson Autor Kelly Rogers Autor Mark Smith Autor 9

Washington Department of Education Single-sex education refers most generally to education at the elementary, secondary, or postsecondary level in which males or females attend school exclusively with members of their own sex. This report deals primarily with single-sex education at the elementary and secondary levels. Research in the United States on the question of whether public single-sex education might be beneficial to males, females or a subset of either group (particularly disadvantaged youths) has been limited. However, because there Resumen has been a resurgence of single-sex schools in the public sector, it was deemed appropriate to conduct a systematic review of singlesex education research. The following are appended: (1) Quantitative Study Coding Guide; (2) Qualitative Study Coding Guide; (3) List of Quantitative Studies Excluded During Phase III; (4) Quantitative Coding Guide for All Studies; (5) Table of Study Outcomes for Boys; and (6) Table of Study Outcomes for Girls. (Contains 35 tables.) Institucin US Department of Education 2005 Fecha http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? URL direct=true&db=eric& Fecha de jueves, 07de junio de 2012 8:17:04 adicin Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 8:17:04 Autor

The Effect of Single-Sex Instruction in a Large, Urban, At-Risk High School. Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo Bobby H. Hoffman Autor Barbara A. Badgett Autor Robert P. Parker Autor The authors used mixed methods to evaluate over 2 years the effectiveness of single-sex instruction (SSI) on achievement outcomes, instructional practices, teacher efficacy, student behaviors, and classroom culture in an urban, at-risk high school primarily composed of individuals from disadvantaged populations. Students grouped according to sex in algebra and English classes were compared with coeducational students by assessment of course grades, standardized test scores, classroom Resumen observations, surveys, teacher interviews, and a focus group discussion. Achievement results associated with SSI were inconsistent, with gains shifting between groups. The authors observed gains in algebra achievement for SSI in Year 1 but not in Year 2. Differences in English achievement were not observed between SSI and coeducational groups. Standardized test results indicated superior performance for coeducational students. SSI provided a supportive environment for girls, inducing greater 10

participation and academic risk-taking. Teachers believed that the SSI environment was conducive to learning, whereas students denounced both the social and the academic benefits of SSI. [ABSTRACT FROM Publicacin Journal of Educational Research Volumen 102 Ejemplar 1 Pginas 15-36 Sep 2008 Fecha Article DOI 00220671 ISSN http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? URL direct=true&db=a9h& Fecha de jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:46:18 adicin Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:46:55

The pseudoscience of single-sex schooling Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo D. F Halpern Autor L. Eliot Autor R. S Bigler Autor R. A Fabes Autor L. D Hanish Autor J. Hyde Autor L. S Liben Autor C. L Martin Autor Publicacin Science 333 Volumen 6050 Ejemplar 17061707 Pginas 2011 Fecha http://www.educ.ethz.ch/halpern-09-23-11_1_.pdf URL Library Catalog Google Scholar Fecha de adicin jueves, 07de junio de 2012 2:32:40 Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 2:39:01 The Success of Single-Sex Education is still unproven. Artculo en revista cientfica Tipo Gerald W. Bracey Autor The article reports on the debate of single-sex education. It is Resumen believed that research continues to be inconclusive regarding the 11

benefits and drawbacks of that approach. Single-sex schools are to be federally funded per former U.S. President Lyndon Johnson's Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and President George W. Bush's version entitled The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Education and neuroscience research have established psychological and physiological benefits for the single-sex education theory. Publicacin Education Digest Volumen 72 Ejemplar 6 Pginas 22-26 Febrero 2007 Fecha Article DOI 0013127X ISSN http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED486476.pdf URL Fecha de jueves, 07de junio de 2012 6:55:27 adicin Modificado jueves, 07de junio de 2012 7:10:55 Notas:

No hay metanlisis, los estudios refieren estadistica descriptiva: There is a dearth of quality studies (i.e., randomized experiments or correlational studies with adequate statistical controls) across all outcomes. Even using the more relaxed criterion of allowing correlational studies, each outcome has only limited candidate studies. Too few researchers report descriptive statistics or effect sizes. Mathematics achievement test scores, English achievement test scores, and school subject preference were the only outcomes to have 10 or more qualifying studies. Even within these three categories, the studies differ in the criteria they use and the statistical controls they use to compare SS and CE schooling. This somewhat limits the arguments that can be built and extended from this quantitative review and renders it nearly impossible to conduct a meta-analysis on any outcome area. Many of the remaining studies have other conceptual or interpretive flaws. Many of the studies lacked well-de.... Salvedad: This review should not be interpreted as a condemnation of the work of the dedicated researchers who have chosen to study SS-CE differences, as they may not have been in a position to conduct a randomized experiment on this topic. Such a study has yet to be conducted. However, it could be argued that instead of trying to conduct only all-or-nothing studies of whether SS schooling is better or worse than CE schooling, more careful specification of hypotheses and direct linkage of hypotheses 12

to specific outcomes may show ways to also conduct smaller studies that prove whether certain aspects of SS or CE schooling are beneficial. (ambos pag XVIII)

Accession Number: 25057130; Bracey, Gerald W. 1,2; Email Address: gbracey1@verizon.net; Affiliation: 1: Associate, High/Scope Educational Research Foundation 2: Fellow, Education Policy Studies Laboratory, Arizona State University-Tempe; Source Info: Feb2007, Vol. 72 Issue 6, p22; Subject Term: SINGLE sex classes (Education); Subject Term: EDUCATION -- United States; Subject Term: SCHOOLS -- United States; Subject Term: SINGLE sex schools; Subject Term: LEARNING; Subject Term: RESEARCH; Subject Term: ACADEMIC achievement; Subject Term: NEUROSCIENCES; Subject Term: UNITED States; People: BUSH, George W. (George Walker), 1946-; People: JOHNSON, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973; Number of Pages: 5p; Document Type: Article; Full Text Word Count: 1879 Executive Summary Single-sex education refers most generally to education at the elementary, secondary, or postsecondary level in which males or females attend school exclusively with members of their own sex. This report deals primarily with single-sex education at the elementary and secondary levels. Research in the United States on the question of whether public single-sex education might be beneficial to males, females or a subset of either group (particularly disadvantaged youths) has been limited. However, because there has been a resurgence of single-sex schools in the public sector, it was deemed appropriate to conduct a systematic review of single-sex education research. A number of theoretical advantages to both coeducational (CE) and single-sex (SS) schools have been advanced by their advocates, a subset of whom have focused specifically on the potential benefits of SS schooling for disadvantaged males who have poor success rates in the educational system. The interpretation of results of previous studies in the private sector or the public sectors of other countries has been hotly debated, resulting in varying policy recommendations based on the same evidence. However, no reviews on this topic have been conducted using a systematic approach similar to that of the Campbell Collaboration (CC) or the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC). Thus, the objective of this review is to document the outcome evidence for or against the efficacy of single-sex education as an alternative form of school organization using an unbiased, transparent, and objective selection process adapted from the standards of the CC and WWC to review quantitative studies. Concurrently with this review of the quantitative literature, we conducted a review of the qualitative literature on the subject of single-sex schooling using parallel coding techniques. Unlike quantitative studies, qualitative studies are not viewed by WWC as appropriate methodology when determining causal relationships. Rather, they contribute to theory building and provide direction for hypothesis testing. Few qualitative studies satisfied the criteria for inclusion. Therefore, the primary focus of this paper is the systematic review of quantitative research. 13

The following are the major research questions addressed by the systematic quantitative review: 1. Are single-sex schools more or less effective than coeducational schools in terms of concurrent, quantifiable academic accomplishments? 2. Are single-sex schools more or less effective than coeducational schools in terms of long-term, quantifiable academic accomplishment? 3. Are single-sex schools more or less effective than coeducational schools in terms of concurrent, quantifiable indicators of individual student adaptation and socioemotional development? ix 4. Are single-sex schools more or less effective than coeducational schools in terms of long-term, quantifiable indicators of individual student adaptation and socioemotional development? 5. Are single-sex schools more or less effective than coeducational schools in terms of addressing issues of procedural (e.g., classroom treatment) and outcome measures of gender inequity? 6. Are single-sex schools more or less effective than coeducational schools in terms of perceptual measures of the school climate or culture that may have an impact on performance? As in previous reviews, the results are equivocal. There is some support for the premise that single-sex schooling can be helpful, especially for certain outcomes related to academic achievement and more positive academic aspirations. For many outcomes, there is no evidence of either benefit or harm. There is limited support for the view that single-sex schooling may be harmful or that coeducational schooling is more beneficial for students.

Otra direccin: http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/opepd/reports.html.




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