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This chapter contains background of research, research problem, research objective and research usefulness. Research background describes about the research problems and why the problems are needed and important to be researched. Research problem shows the problems that are questioned and investigated on this study. Research objectives are things that would be achieved through the research process. Research usefulness explains about practical and theoretical benefits that can be used as reference for other researchers. 1.1 Background The current technology in Indonesia is developing rapidly and dynamically. The development of technology has changed the needs and wants of people. The improvement of technology helped to create new product to meet people s needs and wants and to make the activities of people easier for example! personal computer "#$% and mobile phone. &owadays the needs for communication is very high, people need the easiest way to communicate with each other regardless of time and place. That is why today, mobile phones have become the primary needs of each person. 'bout () years ago, mobile phone was a costly item, even people considered it as the represent social status of the owner. *ut this time, it was not strange anymore to see people using mobile phones everywhere.

+obile users are increasing rapidly every year and the users come from diverse backgrounds, no longer dominated by those who have much money as it used to. Ranging from office workers, housewives to students, from adults to children, can carry their own mobile phones, they use it anytime and anywhere and it becomes their needs in doing activities. ,ata from the $isco -&I .orecast, in /0((, there were /)0 million purchases of mobile phones and tablet computers in Indonesia. In just one year, according to the research from $isco, mobile phone owners in Indonesia increased by )0 million to 100 million users. This growth is expected to continue to grow through /0(2 to 120 million mobile phone. *ecause of the needs and wants from people, all the mobile phone industries local and International are trying to fulfill the needs by compete to make a good quality mobile phone that consist of so many useful features and with affordable price. The market share of the local mobile phone brand "made in $hina% in Indonesia has been able to sei3e portions of nearly 10 4 of the vendors that used to ruled the gadget market in Indonesia, including &okia, 56, 7amsung, *lackberry, and 7ony. 8ith cheaper price, plus the packaging of products that have similar feature to top mobile9phone, makes $hina9made mobile phones an attractive choice for the majority of Indonesian consumers and also for people in +anado. 'lthough the quality of materials and the :smartness; of the mobile phones cannot beat the top class mobile9phones, but with additional features such as double simcard and analog T-, +ade9in9$hina mobile phones is very attractive to people who had a minimum budget.

'ctually, $hina<s cell phone known to the public that can be categori3ed into three types= The first type is a phone that materials and spare parts imported from $hina and then assembled by Indonesian workers. 7ubsequently sold to the Indonesian market by using local brands "in the country%, the example is &exian. The second type of phone so "ready9made% imported from $hina, Taiwan, or Thailand and later in Indonesia labeled brands local brand according to the wishes of the company<s local importer. .or examples are >i Tech and ? @ Touch. The third type of mobile phone is imported from $hina that already have a brand "brand% of the company<s origin, such as >uawei, ATB, C##C, 5enovo. $onsumer perception is very important for some products, people tend to believe the products that have a god perception among society. .or $hinese mobile phone perception by some people, $hinese mobile phone quality is very bad. This is an obstacle in the mobile phone market in the area where people prefer quality over price. &ot only about people perceptions, brand experience also become the main important for people to have intention to purchase product. That is why it is necessary to find out the consumer perception of their intention to purchase $hinese mobile phone in Indonesia especially people inside +anado society who already faced this condition nowadays. .or +anado s people cellphone is kind of needs that consumed as a Dfood every year, event every second if there s new akin of cellphone product they will purchased it in no time. The $hinese mobile phone already spread around and well known in +anado s society especially people who seek cheap and affordable cellphone such as business man and low profit employer. This research purposed to find out the perception of +anado s

people with different background about their intention to purchase $hinese s mobile phone product. *ased on that problem, this research is titled= :The Impact of $onsumer #erception and *rand Bxperience on #urchase Intention of $hinese +obile #hone in +anado ;.

1.2. Research Proble *ased on the background, the problem statements in this research are= (. >ow do consumer perception and brand experience affect purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone in +anadoE /. 8hich consumer perception and brand experience that has the most significant effect on purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone in +anadoE

1.!. Research Ob"ec#$%e The Cbjectives of this research are= (. To analy3e the effect of consumer perception and brand experience on purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone in +anado simultaneously /. To identify which of consumer perception and brand experience that has the most significant effects on purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone in +anado.


Research Use'ulness This part describes the practical and theoretical benefits. (. #ractical benefit= to provide information especially for supplier and seller of $hinese mobile phone about the perception and the experience of people in +anado using $hinese mobile phone. /. Theoretical benefits= to understand and extend knowledge about consumer perception and brand experience and purchase Intention of $hinese mobile phone in +anado.


In this chapter, researcher focuses on various relevant literatures that explain the concept of $onsumer #erception and $onsumer *rand Bxperience as well as #urchase Intention. This chapter contains theories about consumer behavior, consumer perception, brand experience, purchase intention and previous research. Bach theory will describe about all variables on the study and foundations of the study. 2.1 Consu er Beha%$or *usinesses need to figure out their consumers to develop products and marketing that appeal to their target audience. #eople have different taste and perspective upon certain products and the perspective can be either positive or negative. $onsumer behavior is the study of how things like thoughts, culture and motivations impact how and why people buy products and services. The study of consumer behavior is needed and important for sellers to recogni3e the following actions that will be taken by consumers. +any things have been done by sellers to figure out about consumer behavior but the things that cannot be deny that the behavior of people regularly changes. ?nowing the behavior of people can be easily understood by figuring out the definition of consumer behavior and its theories, Reid and *ojanic "/00F% defined that,

Consumer behavior is the study of how an individuals thoughts, feelings, attitudes, opinions and patterns of behavior affect what he buys, when he buys, why he buys, and how he uses the product or service he purchases. #urchasing decision from the consumers based on the various considerations between one to another where the chosen9product or service is what the customers comfort with. :*esides, consumer behavior can be affected by a skillful marketing due to this kind of marketing can enhance motivation and even behavior if products and services with very attractive designs on it can persuade people to do action,; as stated by 7olomon "/0((=1G%. Then, Reid and *ojanic "/0(0=H2% added that there are two factors that influence consumer behavior that are external factor and internal factor. Bxternal .actor such as $ulture, socioeconomic level and, social and belonging needs really influence people to determine their behavior in making decision to do something. 8hile esteem needs, experience, personality and self9image, and safety needs are the example of internal factor. 5earning more about consumer behavior, &oel "/00F=//% describes model of consumer behavior that discuss about the factors that influence consumer behavior. 's consumers go through their day, buying, using, and disposing of companies offerings, there are several factors that can impact on consumer behavior. These factors can be grouped into three conceptual domains= (. Bxternal influences /. Internal processes "including consumer decision making% 1. #ost9decision processes

Bxternal influences, such as a consumer s culture, have a direct impact on the internal, psychological processes and other factors that lead to different consumer decisions being made. .or instance, a consumer s religion could impact on their attitudes towards eating beef or other types of meat! or their age could impact on their ability to perceive fast9moving objects in certain television commercials. $onsumer behavior involves processes that consumers go through in recogni3ing needs, finding ways to solve the needs, making purchase decisions "e.g., whether or not to purchase a products and, if so, which brand and where%, interpreting information, making plans, and implementing the plans by engaging in comparison shopping or actually purchasing a product. In'luences On and O' Consu er Beha%$or





Source: Lars Perner 1

!"##$, %SC &arshal

#rofitable consumer is the key of business to get profit. $onsumer is what companies observe about, they do research and development to understand what consumers want. ,oing research will assist companies to plan strategy to appeal

people to use their products or services. *eside what companies do to get information of consumers, consumers have their own natural skill that is to do some search to collect information, preferences, do communication and finally having choices of products of services. 8hen consumers curious about something they do not know yet, they do some efforts to get to know to the products they curious about that it will affect to perception, cognition, affects, beliefs of consumers about the products. 2.2 Consu er Perce-#$on

$onsumer behavior is the study of why, when, and how. $onsumer behavior is that rational behavior that consumer shows toward products while buying. $onsumer behavior is the mixture of psychological, social, economical, and social anthropological situations and environment. >ow human recogni3e and interpret stimuli known as #erception. $onsumers perception of quality is a measured essential determinant of product choice "Aenithal, (FHH% In other words perception is the first impression that individual draw and on the basis of it select, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world "+unnukka, /00H%. That s why it is believed that consumer perception influence customer level of satisfaction and so their buying and usage decisions. $onsumer usage and buying of any product largely depend upon their perception about the product. #erception develops through how effectively product has been marketed. $ustomer attention and positive impression on customer s mind becoming the most important factors that firms are focusing on and put their best efforts in marketing in order to get both main

factors, and also by the color, shape, and taste of the product consumer perception can be identified. 2.! Brand E.-er$ence *rand experience has recently been defined in the marketing literature as the sensations, feelings, cognitions, and behavioral responses evoked by brand9 related stimuli that are part of a brand s design and identity, packaging, communications, and environments "*rakus et al. /00F%. *rand experience has been shown to have a significant effect on consumer perceptions of the brand and purchasing decisions "*rakus et al. /00F%. *rand experience is all the interactions people have with a product, service, or organi3ation! the raw material of a brand "&eumeier. /00)%. $onsumers may experience brands by coming in contact with them through a number of mediums, including the internet "$hattopadhyay and 5aborie /00)%. *rand experiences entail a wide range of behaviors including search, shopping, consumption, and when consumers examine and evaluate products "*rakus et al. /00F%. Two consequences of brand experience= word9of9mouth and brand preference. 8ord9of9mouth is the informal advice about brand which spread among customers. It is often based on customer satisfaction "8oodal, /001% and, therefore, it may be positive or negative encouraging or discouraging the brand choice "Bast et al. /00H%. Instead, brand preference is a measure of customers brand choices and, consequently, of the brand s strategies

effectiveness, in terms of competitive outcome "e.g. brand s market share in the

product category%. It is pertinent that companies explore new technologies for creating meaningful brand experiences "$hattopadhyay and 5aborie /00)%. 2.& Purchase In#en#$on Intent to purchase is a kind of decision in which studied why a customer purchases a brand in particular. $onstructs like considering something purchasing a brand and anticipating to purchase a brand aids to scope the intentions of purchasing "#orter, (F2G%. #orter "(F2G% also elaborated customers intention to purchase a focused brand is not merely by his same brand attitude, but also by his attitudes leading to other brands in choice of set considered. 7choen *achler "/00G% explained a type of loyal customer, whose purchase decision is insensitive to pricing and the show their loyalty by suggesting positive recommendations to firm and even investing money in the brand which show their extreme trust in the brand. #orter "(F2G% explained that customers buying behavior also depend on the level of existing competition in the industry. 8ang "/00G% told that people of $hina who have affordability expensive imported branded items of clothing, they are becoming receptive in large number to fashionable styles internationally and demand for imported brand products increasing due to variations in behavior of the consumer as well as growing purchasing power. 'ccording to Rajagopal "/00I% under these circumstances, customers must depend merely on extrinsic attributes of the product. 7overeignty of the consumer rely on saving decisions which want that the individual effectively finds income view of current and future consumptions "Redmond, /000%. To do so consumers should obey their practices in the past for the products in particular type "e.g. brand loyalty or habitual

buying% in formation of the decision for the purchase of the product "Terrell, /00/%. 'ccording to 7proles and ?endall "(FHI%, a consumer s decision making style is :a mental orientation characteri3ing a consumer s approach to making choices;. 2./ Pre%$ous Researches 7everal literatures are used in supporting this study. They provide the grand concept and link between the previous researches and this research.This research used qualitative research as the method. Jualitative research can acquire more in9depth information about problem area and explaining more about research questions. The research also used library research for getting reliable and valid information from different sources. Table 2.1 ($#era#ure Re%$e0 Nu ber o' 3a -le 1I/ individuals



1ears /0(1

2ar$able $ustomer #erception #urchase Intention *randing

Anal4s$s Juantitati ve Research

Conclus$on 'ccording to them brand image can be influenced by the advertisement. The above survey shows that there is a moderate significant relationship between brand image and purchase intention, the reason of the moderate relationship is the promotion factor. 'dvertisement is the major mode of promotion but the companies are making adds ignoring

+uhamm $ustomer ad Irfan #erceptions Tariq, about *randing and +uhamm #urchase ad Rafay Intention= &awa3, ' 7tudy of .+$6 in an +uhamm Bmerging ad +arket +usarrat &awa3, >ashim 'wais *utt





Nu ber o' 3a -le


Conclus$on the social issues of the people. The element of reliability and attractiveness in their ads are very low. $ompanies can drag the brand image to the desired level by making the promotion process more effective such as inducing more celebrity endorsement in an appropriate way to capture the purchase intention of the customers for the purpose to imprint the brand related knowledge to the customers mind and shift their feelings on the brand 8hen consumer decided whether to buy organic or not, it clearly involved a complex set of factors that cannot easily be interpreted. In +alaysia, the organic food is considered at the introductory stage where not many people are aware about. The interest to conduct this study is to have better understanding among urban +alaysian consumers choice of food products. This

7iti &or *ayaah 'hmad &urita Kuhdi

$onsumer s perception and purchase intentions towards organic food products= exploring the attitude among malaysian consumers.


$onsumer s perception #urchase Intentions

(22 respondents

'nova and $orrelatio n 'nalysis





Nu ber o' 3a -le


Conclus$on helps to distinguishes shoppers at different point including those who buy no organic food. +any studies indicated that one major factor that considered to be the barrier to organic food consumption is its price, but given the broad range of possible factors that influences organic food decision making, there are others that might considered as barriers to organic food consumption among +alaysian. .or instance, knowledge on organic food as well as action taken by the government either to inform or to create awareness has not reach the satisfactory level in encouraging sustainable consumption with organic food. *ut, although consumers has the knowledge what contributed to sustainable of environment due to feel of convenience of their current consumption pattern will not change their perception towards organic food product





Nu ber o' 3a -le


Conclus$on however good it is. Therefore, knowing how consumer perceived organic food product by understanding the reasons of buying would probably help the marketers of organic food to establish a proper communication message. >opefully the intended message would be appealing for consumers who fall within the same category of buyers who exhibit their interest towards organic food products. The findings from this study provide strong support that multichannel effects exist between virtual world brand experience and real world purchasing decisions, and that cross9channel consistencies are important factors that contribute to these effects. In accordance with the predictions from prior research "*arnes and +attsson /00H! 'rakji and 5ang /00H%, the results of this study demonstrate that

Kason '. 6abisch

Impact of virtual brand experience on purchase intentions= ?holekile The role of 5. multichannel 6webu congruence


-irtual *rand Bxperience #urchase Intention

2) males H1 females

#artial 5east 7quares "#57%





Nu ber o' 3a -le


Conclus$on brand experiences in virtual world marketing channels may have a strong influence on real9world purchasing decisions. -irtual world brand experiences may consist of information search by examining, trying, and purchasing virtual products "i.e., digital representations of real world branded products%. These virtual world brand experiences may affect a consumer<s decision to try and purchase the brand offline. The findings suggest that establishing a virtual world brand presence may be effective for increasing a consumer<s interest in purchasing a brand, and has the potential to result in real world sales. ' consumer<s interactions with a brand in the virtual environment may provide important information about the consumer<s desire to develop a relationship with the brand in other marketing channels, and serves





Nu ber o' 3a -le


Conclus$on as an opportunity for the marketer to assist in the buying process. The effect of virtual brand experience on attitude formation and purchase intentions is found to depend on the extent to which the virtual shopping experience is believed to be accurate and useful for evaluation, shared selfconcept with other users of the brand, and perceived behavioral consistency across marketing channels.

Source: 'ata Processed "#1(

This research uses 1 articles! the first article observed about $ustomer #erceptions about *randing and #urchase Intention= ' 7tudy of .+$6 in an Bmerging +arket by +uhammad Rafay &awa3, +uhammad +usarrat &awa3, and >ashim 'wais *utt. Its result shows that brand image can be influenced by the advertisement. The survey shows that there is a moderate significant relationship between brand image and purchase intention, the reason of the moderate relationship is the promotion factor. 'dvertisement is the major mode of promotion but the companies are making adds ignoring the social issues of the people. The element of reliability and attractiveness in their ads are very low.

$ompanies can drag the brand image to the desired level by making the promotion process more effective such as inducing more celebrity endorsement in an appropriate way to capture the purchase intention of the customers for the purpose to imprint the brand related knowledge to the customers mind and shift their feelings on the brand. The researcher uses this article to see the relationship between brand images from customers on customers purchase intention. 'ccording to research there is a moderate significant relationship between brand images from customers on customers purchase intention as logically thinking, brand images from customers will lead to ongoing purchase to loyal customers for the better9known products known through the brand of products. +ostly people as loyal customers who are using certain products and satisfied with the products will be waiting for the upcoming new and innovative products with higher augmentation than previous ones. It proves that branding image on customers eyes about products is essential for higher purchase intention from customers. 7econd article observed about $onsumer s perception and purchase intentions towards organic food products= exploring the attitude among +alaysian consumers. This study found that when consumer decided whether to buy organic or not, it clearly involved a complex set of factors that cannot easily be interpreted. In +alaysia, the organic food is considered at the introductory stage where not many people are aware about. The interest to conduct this study is to have better understanding among urban +alaysian consumers choice of food products. This helps to distinguishes shoppers at different point including those

who buy no organic food. +any studies indicated that one major factor that considered to be the barrier to organic food consumption is its price, but given the broad range of possible factors that influences organic food decision making, there are others that might considered as barriers to organic food consumption among +alaysian. .or instance, knowledge on organic food as well as action taken by the government either to inform or to create awareness has not reach the satisfactory level in encouraging sustainable consumption with organic food. *ut, although consumers has the knowledge what contributed to sustainable of environment due to feel of convenience of their current consumption pattern will not change their perception towards organic food product however good it is. Therefore, knowing how consumer perceived organic food product by understanding the reasons of buying would probably help the marketers of organic food to establish a proper communication message. >opefully the intended message would be appealing for consumers who fall within the same category of buyers who exhibit their interest towards organic food products. The researcher uses this research because it proves that costumers perception affects people to intend to purchase products. *y informing information to people, will augment people s knowledge about certain product and the knowledge of product will directly affect to purchase intention. The intention of customers either to buy or not to buy is based on the knowledge of people. The lack of knowledge will come to assumption without clear foundation about the fact and sometimes the assumption is negative.

The third article is about Impact of virtual brand experience on purchase intentions= the role of multichannel congruence. The findings from this study provide strong support that multichannel effects exist between virtual world brand experience and real world purchasing decisions, and that cross9channel consistencies are important factors that contribute to these effects. In accordance with the predictions from prior research, the results of this study demonstrate that brand experiences in virtual world marketing channels may have a strong influence on real9world purchasing decisions. -irtual world brand experiences may consist of information search by examining, trying, and purchasing virtual products "i.e., digital representations of real world branded products%. These virtual world brand experiences may affect a consumer<s decision to try and purchase the brand offline. The findings suggest that establishing a virtual world brand presence may be effective for increasing a consumer<s interest in purchasing a brand, and has the potential to result in real world sales. ' consumer<s interactions with a brand in the virtual environment may provide important information about the consumer<s desire to develop a relationship with the brand in other marketing channels, and serves as an opportunity for the marketer to assist in the buying process. The effect of virtual brand experience on attitude formation and purchase intentions is found to depend on the extent to which the virtual shopping experience is believed to be accurate and useful for evaluation, shared self concept with other users of the brand, and perceived behavioral consistency across marketing channels.

The researcher uses this article because it proves that brand experience from customers affects on purchase intention. Bither people intent to buy or not to buy, they have to experience the brand s products first, when they get good impression, there is possibility for them to buy products still in the same brand but different products, but while the impression is not good enough, the possibility of customers to purchase the upcoming products is lowered. It all depends on customers eyes and experiences.


In this chapter explains a research method used in this study to examine the research problem that are stated in the earlier chapters. This chapter includes of type of research, time and place of the research, research procedure, population and sampling technique and method of the data collection. 'lso the important point is the tool used in this research which is qualitative method is discussed in this chapter. !.1 T4-e o' Research This research is based on collecting interviewee s perspective and arguments with qualitative method to investigate and figure out of what is happening, why it is happening and how it s happening. The goal of this research is to discover the impact of consumer perception and brand experience on purchase intention to people in +anado. 7ekaran and *ougie "/00F=1IF% define that qualitative data are data in the form of words. It can come from a wide variety of primary sources andLor secondary sources such as individuals, focus groups, company records, government publications and the internet. +axwell "/00)=1/%, there are five particular intellectual goals for which qualitative studies are especially suited

(. Mnderstanding the meaning, for participants in the study, of the events, situations, experiences, and actions they are involved with or engage in. /. Mnderstanding the particular context within which the participants act, and the influence that this context has on their actions 1. Mnderstanding the process by which events and actions take place G. Identifying unanticipated phenomena and influences, and generating new, Dgrounded theories about the latter. ). ,eveloping causal explanations. ,oing qualitative research must know exactly what the goals and know how to establish a clear purpose to shape the project and must have critical thinking to all further steps continuing through to the eventual presentation of the analysis. Jualitative research has been defined in a different of ways. Cne of the definitions is coming from 7trauss and $orbin "(FFH% identified that qualitative research as= )ny type of research that produces findings not arrived at by statistical procedures or other means of *uantification. +t ,*ualitative research- can refer to research about persons lives, lived e.periences, behaviors, emotions, and feelings as well as about organi/ational functioning, social movements, and cultural phenomena 7trauss and $orbin "(FFH% elaborated that qualitative research is best used when the methods are= "a% complementary to the preferences and personal experiences of the researcher, "b% congruent with the nature of the research problem, and "c% employed to explore areas about which little is known.

+ack et al "/00)% says that the advantage of qualitative methods is the use of open9ended questions and it gives participants opportunity to respond in their own words, also open9ended questions enable to generate responses that are= meaningful and culturally salient to the participant, unanticipated by the researcher, rich and explanatory in nature. >ancock "(FFH% explained that there are G types of qualitatives research design= "(% #henomenology= phenomenology is the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first9person point of view. "/% Bthnography= ethnography has a background in anthropology. The term means :portrait of a people; and it is a methodology for descriptive studies of cultures and peoples. The cultural parameter is that the people under investigation have something in common. "1% 6rounded Theory= the main feature is the development of new theory through the collection and analysis of data about a phenomenon "G% $ase 7tudy= tools for researchers to study complex phenomena within the contexts. It is suitable for studying complex social phenomena This current study uses case study method to see and decide whether consumer perception and brand experience influence purchase intention would be correlated or not.


Case 3#ud4 $ase study as the tools to study complex social phenomena will see what

happen within the context! in this case to see what happens to the society in +anado responding consumer perception and brand experience on purchase intention making whether there will be correlated or not between consumer perception and purchase intention and brand experience on purchase intention. Bisenhardt "(FHF% says that case studies are= Particularly well suited to new research areas or research areas for which e.isting theory seems inade*uate. 0his type of wor1 is highly complementary to incremental theory building from normal science research. 0he former is useful in early stages of research on a topic or when a fresh perspective is needed, whilst the latter is useful in later stages of 1nowledge $ase studies are useful in providing answers to D>owE and D8hyE questions, and in this role can be used for exploratory, descriptive or explanatory research. 7ekaran and *ougie "/00F% explained that case study is a problem solving technique which involve in9depth, contextual analysis of similar situations in other organi3ation, where the nature and definition of the problem happen to be the same as experienced in the current situation. Rowley "/00/=(2% says that there are three factors that determine the best research methodology= (. The types of questions to be answered /. The extent of control over behavioral events, and 1. The degree of focus on contemporary as opposed to historical events.

$ase studies are one approach that supports deeper and more detailed investigation of the type that is normally necessary to answer how and why questions. To summari3e, qualitative research with case study method is a research designed to get more understanding about how people will make decision by seeing the role of consumers behavior to purchase certain products with some variables considered that are consumer perception and brand experience by collecting information needed to answer the questions. !.2 Place and T$ e o' Research The study is located in +anado, &orth 7ulawesi since the researcher lives and studies in +anado so researcher thinks that it will be easier to collect data from the informants. The time duration to do the research is started from &ovember to ,ecember /0(1. !.! Research Procedure The steps of the research that will be conducted are= (. $ollecting data of Informant candidates. /. $ontacting the Informant candidate, introduce the research objectives, the data collected through interview and make an appointment for interview. 1. Interviewing the Informant, writing diary. G. 'naly3ing the data collection.

)$gure !.1 Conce-#ual )ra e0ork

Consumer Perceptions Purchase Intention

Brand Experience


Conce-#ual )ra e0ork Researcher does the research as the main instruments and also as data

collector. The instruments to do the research in this qualitative research are writing tools, field note and a phone as recorder. The instruments in qualitative research are really depending on the researcher. In other words, the participation of the researcher is really needed. The researcher is going to act as a participant observer where the researcher is going to observe the events happen in the field while the research is being done, and then the result of the observation to events will be a research data. 8hile doing the research, the researcher informs the aim and purpose of doing the research, so the status of the researcher is well9known by the subjects or the informants. There will be no boundary of numbers of doing the qualitative research. The researcher reali3es that number is needed and important to be considered, but what is more important above all is the information quality while

doing the observationLresearch. The information will be a data to conduct the qualitative research. ,oing the research by observing the field and interviewing the informants, the researcher chooses people who have been experiencing use mobile phone and familiar with $hinese mobile phone, then the researcher segments the sample of informants that are people under 1) years old that live in +anado. The Researcher will end the interview if the information given has too many repetition and is totally unrelated. 'lso when the researcher feels the information given meets the requirements for advance analysis, the observation or interview will be ended. !./ Da#a Collec#$on *e#hod 'nalysis data for qualitative research is an effort made by collecting data, organi3ing data, sorting the data into units that can be managed, synthesi3ing, searching for and finding patterns, finding what is important to learn and deciding what can be shared to others. >ancock "(FFH=F% 7tated about qualitative data collection as follows! %nli1e *uantitative data, raw *ualitative data cannot be analy/ed statistically. 0he data from *ualitative studies often derives from face!to! face interviews, focus groups or observation and so tends to be time consuming to collect. Samples are usually smaller than with *uantitative studies and are often locally based. 'ata analysis is also time consuming and conse*uently e.pensive. It implies that data in qualitative research cannot be analy3ed statistically since it comes from a depth interview, focus group, and observation where the process takes long time, >ancock also pointed out that there are three techniques

of collecting data in qualitative research, they are face9to9face interviews, focus group and observation. !./.1 In#er%$e0 Interview takes place when there is a conversation between two people or more where questions are asked by the interviewer and answered by the interviewee. The purpose of interview is to gain some deep information where the interviewer points out some questions that need to be responded by the interviewee. >ancock "(FFH=F% pointed out that interview is categori3ed as structured interview, semi9structured interview and unstructured interview. The same thing also comes up from 7ekaran and *ougie "/00F=(HI% where they said that interview is likely structured and unstructured. >ancock "(FFH=F% explained about following three kinds of interview= (. 7tructured interview, consists of interviewer"s% and interviewee"s% where the interviewer asks all the respondents to answer the given questions in the same way, structured questions are used. -ery much like questionnaire. The questions are likely designed in such a way to limit the responds from the respondents. /. 7emi9structured interview, involves an open ended question based on the topic areas the researcher wants to cover. Cpen ended questions ends with the questions that can give opportunity to both interviewer and interviewee to discuss about some detailed topics. If the interviewed person has difficulties to respond the questions or the questions answered briefly, the

interview can use cues or encourage the interviewee to consider the questions further. In the semi9structured interview, interviewer has also freedom to probe the interview in order to gain more and original response and by having a research that is recogni3ed by the interviewee. 1. Mnstructured interview sometimes refers to :depth; or :in depth; where in this interview, the questions are not that structured well. The conversation takes place where the interviewer starts to discuss about the limited number of topics, and sometimes as few as one or two topics. The frame of questions is based on to the response of the interviewer. Bven the topic is just about one or two that being discussed, but it is discussed in more detail. !./.2 )ocus 5rou.ocus 6roup is where the systematic interview occurred to some persons in group. The aim of doing focus group is to gain more and wider perspective and insight about certain topics usually to know the experience, knowledge, perception but also norms in society. >ancock "(FFH=(0% pointed out that sometimes it s better to collect information from group of people instead of series of individuals. .ocus group is a useful alternative method to gain certain information or when the situation is getting more difficult to gain information using another method. 'lso explained by &atasha et al "/00)% that focus groups are often used to determine the preffered service or product a particular population wants or would like to have, such as in marketing studies. *ecause focus groups seek to illuminate

group opinion, the method is especially well suited for sociobehavioral research that will be used to develop and measure services that meet the needs and wants of certain population. !./.! Obser%a#$on

7ekaran and *ougie "/00F% stated!

2hereas interview and *uestionnaire eplicit responses from sub3ects, it is possible to gather data without as1ing *uestions of respondents. People can be observed in their natural wor1 environment or in a lab setting, and their activities and behaviors or other items of interest can be noted and record.

7ekaran and *ougie explained that besides having direct interaction with the interviewer, researcher are able to gather data indecitly from them by observing in the daily basis. 7ekaran and *ougie "/00F% also explained in observational data gathering techique researcher can act as a nonparticipant! observer where the researcher can collect data without becoming an integral part of the organi3ation, second is to be participant!observer where in contrast the researcher has to become the integral part within the organi3ation or community in order to collect the data. The research process started from &ovember /0(1, after this research passed the proposal seminar as the first step in conducting thesis. !./ Techn$6ues o' Da#a 2al$d$#4 Checks +any of the qualitative research were doubted of their validity because of the researcher s subjectivity, less of control in interview questions, and incredible data resources. It really needs to check the data validity with=

(. $redibility= to prove the validity of this research process and result. This researcher using the triangulation method as explained in 7ekaran and *ougie "/00F% in order to obtain the maximum validity of the data collection )$gure !.2 Tr$angula#$on *e#hod

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Source: 'ata Proccesed "#1(

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's in 7ekaran and *ougie "/00F% the idea of the triangulation method is that one can be more confident in a result if different methods or sources leads to the same result. In this case to analy3e the impact of consumer perception and brand experience on purchase intention, different data collection

techniqus has been applied, such as interview, observation, document examination, and focus group discussion.

/. Transferability= The result of this research can be implement in different condition and this researcher is responsible in providing accurate data systematically and trustworthy of the research result. 1. $onfirmability= The way of proving the validity of the result of the research which is match with the data collection on the field notes and make a discussion with people who is not involved with this research to give an objective opinion. !.7 Da#a Anal4s$s Techn$6ues 'ccording to Tesch "(FF0% there are eight steps guiding researcher in systematic written data analysis process = (. .ully understand the data record. /. $hoose the most interesting document "one interview%, a brief document and on top of the stack. 5earn the document and ask to yourself, what is this document aboutE ,o not think the substance information, but the principal. 1. 'fter finishing the interview process of eight informants, grouping or clustering all the finding topics. G. The next step is taking the grouping list and back to the data. 7ummari3ed the topic to be a code and write down the code in the upper manuscript. ). .ind the most descriptive word of the topic and change the topic into categories. I. +ake a final decision about the summary of the categories and organi3ed the codes alphabetically.

2. $ollect the material of the data of each category in one place and begin the analysis. The final stage of a research is analy3ing the data that has been collected with several types of data collection. In qualitative research data analy3ing, the important thing is having a guiding procedures. In this research, the first stage is organi3ing the data, it found directly from the Informant through interview and made a field note= 'fter that, grouping the data that have been collected into categories, theme, and pattern. Researcher then tests the assumptions. *ased on the data, researcher make an analysis of the connection between the data and the theory then find the alternatives for the data. Researcher finally explains the findings in research, and writes down the result of the research. 'naly3ing data in qualitative research will have several stages, which are important! organi3ing data, grouping data, testing the assumption towards data collection, examine the alternatives explanation of the data and write down the result of the research. Juestions were prepared and the Informants were contacted to arrange the time for interview. Informants were visited in the office or in their home also in the campus area. The stages in the research will occur several times, and the repetition found was too much. That is the limit of interview! the information is enough to be analy3ed. The researcher must make a diary, the written information from Informants, and from the diary the research is conducted.


This chapter contains the results of the research. There are three sections in this chapter! they are interview, discussion, and result as the process of examining the objectives through qualitative research. Bach section explains the steps of data analysis in order to examine the problem in this research. &.1 Resul# &.1.1 In#er%$e0 Resul# Interview is used as the tool to gain the information of this study that also uses qualitative method. The population of this research is people under the age of 1) years old that live in +anado who have been experiencing or had experienced of $hinese mobile phone and familiar with $hinese mobile phone. The sample of the study is (0 respondents. .or the first step, questions were arranged and prepared before running the interview. The first respondent is Informant (. >e is a fresh graduate student of 7am Ratulangi Mniversity. Informant ( is asked about the general perception of $hinese cellphones! he thinks that $hinese mobile phones have lower quality and cheaper price than other type of phones on market.

The range of the price that he knows most of them is below ( million rupiah but there are still some $hinese phones like C##C that have higher price and better quality with the price is more than 2 million rupiah. *ut in majority, $hinese phone has bad quality and no value added since most of them are imitators. Informant ( also added that his perception about $hinese mobile phones is not purely his own perception but also publics . Informant ( also pointed out that $hinese phone is perishable and easily damaged. Informant ( added that even people do not know the products yet, people have assumed that the products with lower price have lower quality. *ased on his experience, he finds some features of $hinese phones attractive and the features suit to the promotion. .or basic needs, $hinese phone meets the needs of sending message and making call but no more. >e explained that he uses $hinese phones for meeting the needs of calling and sending 7+7 instead of browsing internet! he prefers to surfer internet through another smart phones. *efore coming to the final decision whether to buy or not, informant ( prefers to test products once. Informant ( said that to test the products, he borrows the same phone from his friends to see whether the phone meets the needs and wants of him because by experiencing the same phone from his friends, he has been able to describe about the phone and the features even just in the short time of testing.

Informant ( is questioned about brand experience on purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone. 'ccording to him, brand experience is affected to raise the intention of people to buy $hinese mobile phones, since by seeing the brand of products, people can see the quality of products. Informant ( points out :the qualified and disqualified of products are usually measured by comparing the capabilities of products! and comparing the capabilities of products is pertained to brand of products.; *y seeing the argument of informant (, shows that brand experience is well related to people intent to buy or not $hinese mobile phones. Informant ( is also asked about consumer perception on purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone. Informant ( says that consumer perception influence purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone since people perception will change people s mind to buy the product or not. Informant ( adds that even a potential buyer intents to buy a certain product, but when he listens other people negative perception upon the product, there is a possibility from the buyer not to buy the product. #eople perception can persuade and change their decision to buy product becomes not to buy the product. 7aying of gadget, Informant ( believes more on people perception than what he had experienced before. >e still has the intention to buy $hinese phone because he needs it and in terms of price affordable and tent to

cheaper price. Informant ( says that he has / mobile phones where $hinese phone is as an alternative phone and the other one as the priority one. Informant /. *y his perception, $hinese phone has standard quality of product or even lower than. In general of what people think about $hinese mobile phone, the feature is just imitated from the other mobile phone, most of $hinese phone are followers to the other popular mobile phone. It has affordable price for middle9low income where the range of the price is between H00.0009/.000.000 rupiahs. *ut in terms of the quality, he is still doubt about it because of the products are easily damaged. There is no added value to $hinese phone that is categori3ed as low end phone, except Cppo. Cne of $hinese phone that has advance technology also advance development in terms of features where mostly people assume that oppo is the example of good quality $hinese phone with expensive price. They are the followers but they improve it better than the pioneer. *ased on Informant / of the use of $hinese phone, before buying $hinese mobile phone, he has to test the same product first, just in few hours. In terms of features, some of them can attract him but still he cannot trust that the feature can work well as what he expects, because most of them have low quality. .or him, $hinese phone can just meet the basic needs to make a call and to send messages

Informant / is interviewed about people perception on purchase intention of buying $hinese mobile phones. 'ccording to informant /, people perception affects people to intent to purchase $hinese mobile phones, but his intention still becomes consideration. Informant / says :perception of a product is somehow attracted me to buy $hinese mobile phones, but in times, my attraction of buying $hinese mobile becomes consideration, whether to buy or not.; Informant / concludes that positive perception of certain product can be changed by times, but still he has positive responses on people perception. Researcher interviews to Informant / about brand experience on purchase intention of people buying $hinese mobile phones. *ased on informant /, when people perception brings positive influences for people to buy $hinese mobile phones, at the end the positive influences become consideration whether to buy or not. ,ifferent case with brand experience that it will influence positively to people to intent to buy $hinese mobile phones and it has big opportunity for the people to buy the product. 'ccording to informant /, brand experience usually becomes final decision of people to buy certain product. 8hen asked about which of people perception and brand experience has most influence on people intending to buy $hinese mobile phone, Informant / notifies that brand experience will be the main factor for him to make decision to buy $hinese mobile phone, but still when he has

negative experience in terms of brand, he has no interest or willingness to purchase because of the experience that he had before. Informant 1, from the student of International business 'dministration. 'ccording to him, $hinese #hone has bad quality and not for a long time use, it gets error easily. The example of $hinese phone in Indonesia that he knows are, mito, nexian, asia phone. In terms of price, $hinese phone is quite cheap in range (00.0009(.)00.000 rupiahs, the price is adjusted with the qualities as well, the cheaper the phone the lower the quality. +ost of $hinese phone having no value added except for some high level $hinese phone like 5enovo, Cppo with the range of the price is G million Rupiahs above. >e has no $hinese phone but he had experience to test $hinese phone for a day. .rom what he experienced, he found that the feature inside will not meet his needs in communicating to others, cause it can just meet the needs of call and sending message but because Informants 1, he is an internet geek, so he needs the phone that can really help him to communicate through internet and the feature inside somehow cannot support it, the browser loads so slow and some complicated settings make him annoyed to use it. Informants 1 choose to have a good quality mobile phone eventhough he needs to pay more for the phone. Cthers perception about the product will influence him to have intention know more about the product, but

brand experience also becoming the important factor that will influence him not only to have intention to buy but also to buy the product if he got a good brand experience using the product. Informant G, from his point of view, $hinese mobile phone is mobile phone that can be reached from all economic levels, it has affordable price. The samples of $hinese phone that known by informant G are mito, emo, blueberry, redberry, g9star, tiger. .rom the price $hinese mobile phone start from (00,0009/million rupiahs except for Cppo, the price is even higher than iphone. The quality of $hinese phone is relative, it depends on the usage of the phone, for the basic function like sending message, call, or listening music. The quality is good but we cannot expect more from it. .rom informant G, the quality of $hinese phone depends on the usage of the phone by the user. .or him, he likes to use $hinese phone because the battery can last long, he can listen to the music from it 1 hours nonstop without worry that the battery will need to recharge soon, so it becomes a value added for him to use $hinese mobile phone. Informants G already used $hinese phone for G years but $hinese phone is not the only phone that he used, he had / phones, he used $hinese phone as the alternative cause the battery can last long, the features is quite attractive for him and it can help users to fulfill their basic needs of mobile phone. .or him people or others opinion about the product will become people s attraction to buy a product, if so many people have

positive perception then the product will be saleable, on the contrary if others have negative perception then it will affect the intention of someone to buy the product. In case of $hinese phone, many people have negative opinion about the quality itself so it will affect the intention to purchase. *ut for informant G, people s perception and brand experience will affect his intention to purchase product, but in terms of making decision to buy brand experience and brand knowledge will become the most influential factors that will influence him. Informant ). >e is one of the owners of mobile phone store in +anado, he has one store in IT $enter +anado. .rom his point of view $hinese phone as general is bad. The examples of $hinese mobile phone that he knows are mito, g9star, oppo, nexian. The price of $hinese phone is quite cheap and very affordable. The quality is below the standard, but it has the value added from its operating system, cause for now we can get $hinese phone with android operating system with cheap price, so people can easily get android phone. It also means that some of $hinese mobile phone they follow the needs of the people, and what is become the new trend for mobile phone today, but still the quality is not so good. >e had experience to test $hinese phone and one of the feature that can attract him is the speaker of the phone that really loud and strong. The features that $hinese mobile phone offered also match with what they promoted. It also can help the people to fill the standard needs for calling,

sending message, playing games and listening to the music but for the internet and more features still really bad. 7o the cheap price that offered by $hinese mobile phone, it is equal to the quality that they offer. *ased on what he experienced with $hinese phone even though just with one day testing, it can really give an impact for his willingness to buy the $hinese mobile phone. *ut for him he prefer not to buy $hinese phone, he trust more on the branded phone like iphone and 7amsung, which the quality can be trusted very well. >e also chooses to buy product by his experience using the product, what people say about the product whether the product is good or not will just become his consideration that can start to attract him to have intention to know more about the product. Informant I. 7he is one of the seller of 7amsung mobile phone product and 7he also own her bag store in +anado Trade $enter. .rom her opinion, in brief the quality of $hinese mobile phone for sure below the standard. The price is really cheap and the quality of course below the standard comparing with other mobile phone like blackberry, 7amsung, sony, i#hone. $hinese mobile phone gives a value added that is from the usefulness that we can get phone in a very cheap price. The range of the price is start from (00,0009/millions rupiahs. 7he had a $hinese phone for like I months. 7he likes one of the features that offered by $hinese mobile phone that is watching tv on mobile phone. It is really attractive and interesting because she felt like

bringing tv everywhere, and it makes easier for her to get the access everywhere to watch tv as her hobby. 7o $hinese phone can also fulfill the needs of entertainment from people besides people can communicate with others by call and message. 's the technology develop so fast and so many good devices now and so many choices, so for now based on what she experienced, she likes more to have a good quality phone like 7amsung or Iphone, and if she needs to choose $hinese phone, she prefer to have Cppo, the good quality mobile phone because the price also is quite high and more people start to talk about it so there is a willingness from her to have high quality $hinese mobile phone in a future. *esides from previous experience that she had, can really support her to have $hinese phone with the good quality one. Informant 2. 7he is the food seller in +T$. Cn her point of view, $hinese phone is quite good cause based on her experience her $hinese phone can last long, the firmware is good, it depends on how the people use it. .rom the price, informants 2 said that $hinese phone is really affordable start from (00,000 @ /,000,000 rupiah, the price depends on the features inside the phone, the good the quality the higher the price and it has more feature inside. *esides, she can get mobile phone with cheap price but it has more features that accordance with the latest trend. .rom her I years experience using $hinese mobile phone, she felt worth enough to use it. It can last long and the feature can fill her needs

when using that phone, even just for calling, sending message and listen to the music. 7o in her opinion she likes better to buy $hinese phone because it is quite cheap and trendy, it can follow the latest trend. #eople s opinion will not bother her to have willingness to buy $hinese phone because she believes more on what she experienced before. Informant H. .or this informant, in general $hinese phone is quite good, useful and the price is not expensive. The samples of $hinese phone that known by informants H are mito, g9star, movie, cross,e9mobile. The quality of $hinese phone is standard so people need to use it safely because $hinese phone is quite easy to break. $hinese phone that used by informant H has a clear voice, the color of the image is good and also she can used dual sim card so it becomes the value added for her. .rom 1 years experience using $hinese mobile phone, Informants H does not care with the features inside the phone. The important thing for her is with cheap price she can get a good mobile phone with dual sim card and she can make a call and sending message. .or her price is really important. #eople s opinion will affect her intention to find out more about the product, whether the opinion is good or bad. 7he said DDno matter how bad the people say about $hinese mobile phone, but for me as long as I need it and as long as it can fulfill my communication needs, I will buy it cause it is very cheap . .or informants H, the previous experience that she

had using $hinese phone will support her to make decision to buy another good quality of $hinese phone in the future.


D$scuss$on 'fter all the interviews were finished, In the surface the appearance of this

research looks commonly the same but within the result of the interview it cannot equally divided one to another, it happened because the experiences ,point of view, users background and usage of $hinese phone are different for every respondent. It can be summari3ed that the appearance of the findings is similar in their answers and reasons. *ut the researcher found that every single respondent is unique and had their own experiences and thoughts. *y seeing the diversity of reason they brought up, researcher also found that even the different answer they gave, the reasons behind the answer could be correlated one another and their mind9map was just the same. There are various reasons and factors affecting a person to have intention to buy $hinese mobile phone. In this case, the researcher is curious to investigate the effects whether $onsumer perception affects the intention to purchase $hinese mobile phone or not, *rand Bxperience affects the intention to purchase $hinese mobile phone or not, what factors drive people to have intention to purchase and or why people do not like to purchase $hinese mobile phone or why they have the intention to purchase, what s on people mind about $hinese mobile phone, and how people can have the intention to purchase by seeing other s perception or by the experience they had before.

'nd which of the consumer perception and brand experience that affects the most to the intention to purchase. &.2.1 Consu er -erce-#$on

Through interviews that have been done, it can be concluded and summari3ed how is the perception of people in +anado as general about $hinese mobile phone and also the effect of consumer perception on purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone in +anado. $onsumer

perception is defined as the way that customers usually view or feel about certain services and products. It is found that the perception of majority respondent about $hinese mobile phones is having a bad quality in terms of their product, because it is not durable and easily damaged. The findings within the interviews also showed that most respondents agreed that negative perception has been attached to $hinese mobile phone by majority of people in +anado. In spite of the negative or positive perception by people in +anado, consumer perception still affects the intention of people to purchase products because the cheap price that offered by $hinese mobile phone. Researcher found that mostly all respondents feel that the quality of $hinese mobile phone is not good but the price is good because it has a cheap price and affordable for every economic level. Total ) out of H respondents claimed that the quality of $hinese mobile phone is bad and also total 2 out of H respondents affirmed that consumer perception does affect the intention to purchase $hinese mobile phone. Cne of the respondents, Informant G explained that others opinion about the product will become people s

attraction to buy a product, if so many people have positive perception then the product will be saleable, on the contrary if others have negative perception then it will affect the intention of someone to not buy the product. In case of $hinese phone, many people have negative opinion about the quality so from that perception it will stimuli other people to know more about the product even to know how bad the product is. The knowledge about the product will form the desire to purchase a product. *esides, informant H also added that DDno matter how bad the people say about $hinese mobile phone, but for me as long as I need it and as long as it can fulfill my communication needs, I will buy it cause it is very cheap she said. Informant H sees the positive things

that she can get from others perception to collect information as much as possible for future buying. :I do not see the negative aspects of $hinese phone, people said that for basic usefulness it is quite good and the price is worth enough comparing the quality so I interested to see the positive ones, and also it fits my budget;. In overall majority of the respondent agreed that consumer perception does affect people intention to purchase $hinese mobile phone, they used the information from others perception as their consideration to purchase $hinese mobile phone. These findings are consistent with +athwick and Ridgdon "/00(%, perceived value is a primary motivation for consumers to perform consumption actions. It is also an essential outcome of marketing activities. +anipulation of marketing attributes "i.e. price, brandname% can enhance "or reduce% consumers perception of value, which in turn leads to a behavioral

intention such as purchase intention and the intention to return to a retail outlet. &.2.2 Brand E.-er$ence

,uring the interviews the researcher concluded about what people think about *rand Bxperience and the effect of brand experience on purchase intention. *rand experience on what people think about is the cumulative brand impressions garnered from visual, verbal and experiential encounters with the brand and the product. 8hen the customers search, choose and use products andLor services, they are exposed to various specific brand9related stimuli, such as identity elements, community recommendations, communication tools and other environmental aspects. These are the main learning sources of customer responses that generate the brand experience. The findings show most respondents agreed that brand experience is the main factors that influence people not only to have intention to purchase but also to make decision to buy a product. Trough the experience that people get in direct touch with the product, it helps to get the information needed by people and helps to get the product knowledge so people can easily check whether it fits to their needs or not. Researcher found that most of all respondents feel that brand experience is needed and total H out of H respondents claimed that brand experience affects purchase intention. Total I out of H respondents affirmed that brand experience is having the highest influence compare with consumer perception

as the factors that makes people to have intention to purchase $hinese mobile phone. Informant ) said that brand experience affects purchase intention due to that people need complete information to assure about the product that they will buy. In overall, majority of the respondent, agreed that brand experience affects purchase intention and decision making. These findings are consistent with *rakus et al. /00F, *rand experience has been shown to have a significant effect on consumer perceptions of the brand and purchasing decisions.











recommendation is given from the result of the research problem for both consumer perception and brand experience on purchase intention which is the main issue on this research. /.1 Conclus$on This study has been conducted in order to analy3e the impact of consumer perception and brand experience on purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone in +anado with the sample of people that already had experience using or testing $hinese mobile phone. The qualitative method has been used through interview in data collection and all the data were analy3ed and the results came up. The result proved that consumer perception affects purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone and brand experience also affects purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone whether respondents tend to buy or not buy, and by seeing those two variables can be seen that respondents still want to purchase $hinese mobile phone later or not. The finding within the interview shown that the most significant effects on purchase

intention of $hinese mobile phone in +anado comes from the brand experience that consumer s had. ).(.( $onsumer #erception $onsumer perception affects the intention to purchase a product, whether to have willingness to buy or not! in this case, the willingness to buy $hinese mobile phone. .rom the result, consumer perception affects negatively the intention to purchase $hinese mobile phone which means the negative perception of consumer about $hinese mobile phone makes people do not want to buy the product. ).(./ *rand Bxperience *rand Bxperience affects purchase intention of $hinese mobile phone due to the brand experience shares knowledge of product directly and indirectly, where the knowledge is needed by people to stimuli the willingness to buy. *uyers need information from direct experience using $hinese mobile phone to analy3e whether the products are qualified, needed and able to fulfill their current basic needs of communication, or not. In conclusion, this study confirms that, the customers in +anado are very conscious about quality and price of $hinese products. Therefore, marketers of $hinese product in +anado should be very careful about the price, quality and technology advancement of product they are offering in the market place. It is also recommended in future research that sampling si3e should be increased.

+oreover, sampling from higher income group might explore different issues which had been ignored in this study. /.2 Reco enda#$on

The recommendation for individuals or business that active in purchasing or selling $hinese mobile phone in +anado, for business is to have an insight into what is the expectation of the buyers about $hinese mobile phone that they sell and the perception or the opinion of people in +anado about $hinese mobile phone after become the users. $onsumer perceptions can determine the success or failure of a business. If $hinese mobile phone has a good reputation, it could strongly influence the seller s ability to make profit. Cn the other hand, if consumers have negative views about $hinese mobile phone it could seriously hamper revenue success. $onsumers might avoid purchasing its goods unless they cannot afford higher quality goods. *esides consumer perceptions, brand experience also give high impact to the intention of people to buy $hinese mobile phone, if people have a good previous experience in using or testing $hinese mobile phone and from that experience it can really fulfill their needs of communication and the product is really affordable and worth to use then it increases the intention to buy even affected the decision to buy the product. .or other researchers who want to conduct a research about $onsumer #erception or *rand Bxperience or #urchase Intention, this research is expected to be a good reference in the research about consumer behavior.

/.2.1 Consu er Perce-#$on The success of a business depends upon its ability to attract and retain customers that are willing to purchase goods and services at prices that are profitable to the company. $onsumer perception describes how customers and potential customers view a company and its products and services. $onsumer perception is important to businesses since it can influence consumer behavior, which ultimately affects the profitability of a business. +any businesses spend large amounts of resources to influence consumer perceptions. ' consumer<s motivation for buying a particular product or service often comes down to image. #eople wish to be perceived as having the ability to make the :right; choices and pick the :right; products. 7o this study recommends $hinese mobile phone seller to build a good perception about $hinese mobile phone in terms of quality among the users so it will help to stimuli the willingness of people to purchase $hinese mobile phone. /.2.2 Brand E.-er$ence

*rand experience is giving the knowledge needed by people to stimuli the intention to buy. .indings of this research provide some advices for the industry players in drafting various managerial strategies to increase the purchase intention, by emphasi3ing the different perspectives of customer brand experience. *rand and product experiences with a high degree of realism tend to

provide more useful information, and thus may be more helpful in assisting consumers in the evaluation and decision making process.

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