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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing



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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


a!Pro"ect O#er#iew$
The client uses MS Excel, and maintains their product list, customer list, and prints the Payment On Demand System (Invoice), however it is not possi le them to share the data !rom multiple system in multi user environment, there is lot o! duplicate wor", and chance o! mista"e# $hen the product price are chan%ed they need to update each and every excel !ile# There is no option to !ind and print previous saved Payment On Demand System(Invoice)# There is no security& any ody can access any report and sensitive data, also no reports to !ind out the sales volume, stoc" list, and summary report# This Electronic 'illin% and invoicin% system is used to overcome the entire pro lem which they are !acin% currently, and ma"in% complete atomi(ation o! manual system# illin% and invoicin%

%! Pro"ect Sco&e
)rom an end*user perspective, the Electronic 'illin% and Invoicin% Pro+ect consists o! two !unctional elements, an enhanced searcha le data ase !or customer, products, illin% %eneration system and a report %eneration system# 'stomer( Prod'cts( Billing )eneration -n enhanced atomi(ed system is developed to maintain .ustomer, Product, order, order details data and produce 'ill and Payment On Demand System with !ollowin% !eatures# /The system operator will e a le to -dd, Edit and search the product# -lso the operator can delete the product& update the cost o! the product as per the ri%hts %iven to the operator y the administrator# /'y usin% their own account, sales sta!! will e a le to place orders throu%h the system# In addition, sales sta!! will e a le to apply discounts in accord with the current sales policy# Page 2

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


/Improved search capa ilities o! product in!ormation will e availa le& It will display all the details o! the particular product with current stoc" 0uantity# /Prices and order in!ormation will e expressi le in international currency and date1time !ormats# /-!ter placin% the order system automatically print the Payment On Demand System with pre printed stationary with all the details# /Searchin% o! previously %enerated Payment On Demand System is also availa le& Operator can search the previously saved Payment On Demand System %enerated uni0ue Payment On Demand System no# /Importin% the old stoc" into the system, it imports the old stoc" !rom prede!ined MS Excel !ile# /Maintain the user master and security !eatures# y system

Re&ort )eneration System

- 2eport 3eneration system will e developed !or the user and mana%ement o! and Payment on Demand System with Electronic 'illin% (Invoicin% System) with # This MIS system will have oth details and summary type reports !or analysis the sales volume, sales trend, availa le stoc", The $indows* ased MIS application will include the !ollowin% !eatures, /'illin% summary report, it has the selection criteria !or the date ran%e# /Stoc" Details and stoc" summary reports, It shows every details o! the stoc" and can e used to monitor the sales pattern# /-ll reports can e exported in di!!erent !ormat includes Text )ile, .S4 )ile, MS Excel, MS $ord )ile# /-ll report can e printed !rom any type o! printer# /'ill and Payment On Demand System can e printed in pre printed stationary# Page *

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


2 System +nalysis

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


2 System +nalysis
a! Need -or the system The !irst step in system development li!e cycle is the study o! need o! chan%e to improve or enhance an existin% system# -n initial investi%ation on existin% system was carried out# The present system o! illin% is completely manual# Many pro lems were identi!ied durin% the initial study o! the existin% system# E.ISTIN) S/STE0 Durin% analysis, data collection on the various !iles, decision points and transaction handled y the present system# The commonly used tools in system are Data )low Dia%ram, interviews, etc# trainin%, experience and common sense are re0uired !or collection o! relevant in!ormation needed to develop the system# The success o! system depends lar%ely on how clearly the pro lem is de!ined, thorou%hly investi%ated and properly carried out throu%h the choice o! solution# - %ood model should provide not only the mechanisms o! pro lem understandin% accordance with the needs# System analysis can e cate%ori(ed into !our parts# 5# System plannin% and initial investi%ation 6# In!ormation %atherin%# 7# -pplyin% analysis tools !or structured analysis# 8# )easi ility study 9# .ost1 ene!it analysis %!Pro&osed system The draw ac" o! the existin% system is that it is very di!!icult to retrieve data !rom !iles# It is di!!icult to handle the whole system manually and it is less accurate and to "eep the Page 1 ut also the !ramewor" o! the solution# Then the proposed system should e analy(ed thorou%hly in

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


data in case !iles !or !uture re!erence ecause i! may %et destroyed# Moreover it is very di!!icult to retrieve data# 2edundancy o! data may occur and this may lead to the inconsistency# The manual system is so time* consumin%# The proposed system is very easy to operate# Speed and accuracy are the main advanta%es o! proposed system# There is no redundancy o! data# The data are stored in the computer:s secondary memories li"e hard dis", etc# It can e easily received and used at any time# The proposed system will easily handle all the data and the wor" done y the existin% systems# The proposed systems eliminate the draw ac"s o! the existin% system to a %reat extent and it provides ti%ht security to data# O%"ecti#e This section presents a conceptual overview o! the solution, and then provides an introduction to its re0uirements# Solution Concept The e'illin% and Invoice System consists o!,

'stomer( Prod'cts( Billing )eneration, -utomate the current manual ill %eneration system and maintain the searcha le customer, products data ase and product invoice, maintain the data security, user ri%hts# Re&ort )eneration, - 2eport 3eneration system will e developed !or the user and mana%ement o! e'illin% and Invoicin% System# This MIS system will have oth details and summary type reports !or analysis the sales volume, sales trend, availa le stoc"

Part o! the solution will involve convertin% data !rom Microso!t Excel to the Data ase, system can import existin% customer, product data !rom prede!ined MS Excel, .S4 !ormat# It reduces the data entry wor" and 0uic" implementation o! the system#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


The !ollowin% dia%ram descri es the proposed solution architecture at a hi%h level#

;i%h <evel Solution -rchitecture

i! System Re3'irement S&eci-ication B'siness Re3'irements

Sales representatives need a method to store and access sales opportunity data, and when a sale is %enerated, convert some or all o! the in!ormation into a sales order without re*enterin% in!ormation#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Each sales representative should receive customer and sales data pertinent only to them# The accountant should e a le to enter or update product in!ormation in one inter!ace only, with all necessary product in!ormation ein% received y sales sta!!#

Mana%er must receive his or her customer and appointment data plus detailed and rollup in!ormation !or each sales representative on his or her team# The application should support the capa ility to use multi user environment# The MIS Executive should a le to %enerate all type o! reports as and when re0uired y the mana%ement#

User Inter-ace design Sales Sta-- 5Re&resentati#es and 0anagers!

4iew the data in various ways, !or example, o .ustomers who are the top uyers o! speci!ic items o 'est customers ased on criteria to e determined o 'est customers ased on %eo%raphical analysis o Drops in a customer=s sales Store multilin%ual and multire%ional in!ormation in the data ase rather than relyin% on the sales sta!! to translate the in!ormation Identi!y which product prices have een modi!ied, especially on current orders in pro%ress >se opportunity rules, which are statements that help the sales representative convert an opportunity into a sale -dd third*party data sources and !inancial evaluation tools Identi!y where promotions and pro%rams would e the most ene!icial -pply discounts to customer orders, o Sales representatives can o!!er discounts up to 59 percent, or up to 6? percent with authori(ation# Page 6

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

o Sales mana%ers can o!!er discounts up to 6? percent


Ena le capture, analysis, and sharin% o! data a out a customer across the company

>se !orecasts to esta lish sales %oals -llow all sta!! to view all contacts, ut allow each contact to e assi%ned to a sales representative

Accountant >pdate product details, includin% price, photo, and description -dd, delete, and update product speci!ications 3enerate stoc" reports and chec" the availa ility, order the item as and when needed# MIS Executive 3enerate 2eports as per re0uirement# Share the data, and convert reports to di!!erent !ormat li"e Text, .S4#

ii! O&erational Re3'irements

The !ollowin% re0uirements provide a hi%h*level view o! how the system will run, Processor usa%e should not exceed @? percent durin% concurrent uses# 'ac"ups will occur incrementally throu%hout the day# - !ull wee"ly ac"up is re0uired to $O2M drives# Ensure that in!ormation is easy to access either, and meanin%!ul !or the sales representative and the company# Minimi(e the technical "nowled%e that sales and mar"etin% sta!! need to access the data, %enerate ad hoc 0ueries, trac" promotions, and view customer se%mentation in!ormation#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


-ny chan%e to in!ormation must e re!lected immediately, and the chan%es must e propa%ated to the search en%ine so that employees that per!orm searches see this new in!ormation#

The application should wor" with the existin% communications and networ"in% in!rastructure# The application should deploy with a minimum o! additional operational processes, manual or otherwise#

System Re3'irements
These are additional constraints !rom a system perspective, Previous data o! customer, product details must e imported in the new system# The administrator must e a le to monitor everythin% !rom the IT department# e accessi le y everyone in the company as per the ri%hts

The in!ormation must speci!y

O&erating system details

$indows AP Pro!essional with all device drivers installed

8ardware re3'irement
The !ollowin% is the con!i%uration o! the system used to develop the so!tware,

5# Processor , 6# Memory ,

P8 69B M' 2-M

7# )re0uency , 6#53;( 8# ;ard Dis" , 9# Cey oard , B# Mouse , 8? 3' -ny Type -ny Type Page 10

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Page 11

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing So-tware Re3'irements

/)ront End, 4isual 'asic B )or !ast development, easy to deployment and maintain# /'ac" End, MS -ccess 6??7 /2eport, .rystal 2eport @#9


Easy to create, a ility to print and select printer, can export report in di!!erent !ormat includin% MS Excel, easily inte%rate with 4isual 'asic B#

9ront End
:hy ;B2< 4'B is uilt on the $indows Server System to ta"e ma+or advanta%e o! the OS and which comes with a host o! di!!erent servers which allows !or uildin%, deployin%, mana%in% and maintainin% $indows 'ased solutions# The $indows Server System is desi%ned with per!ormance as priority and it provides scala ility, relia ility# The advanta%e o! 4' includes 2apid -pplication Development (2-D) Support# Power!ul $indows* ased -pplications Simpli!ied Deployment Power!ul, )lexi le, Simpli!ied Data -ccess Improved .odin% Direct -ccess to the OS Plat!orm O +ect*Oriented .onstructs .OM Interopera ility

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Microso!t visual


asic B#? is a !ront*end %raphical user inter!ace tool used to

desi%n user*!riendly pac"a%es, run on Microso!t $indows 6??? and AP# 4isual asic is very easy to use# Many o! the !eatures that is di!!icult to pro%ram in other lan%ua%es practically easy in 4isual 'asic# :hat ;is'al Basic can do< The 4isual 'asic pro%rammin% lan%ua%e is not uni0ue to 4isual 'asic# The 4isual 'asic pro%rammin% system, -pplications Edition included in Microso!t Excel, Microso!t -ccess, and many other $indows applications uses the same lan%ua%e# The 4isual 'asic Scriptin% Edition (4'Script) is a widely used scriptin% lan%ua%e and a su set o! the 4isual 'asic lan%ua%e# The investment you ma"e in learnin% 4isual 'asic will carry over to these other areas# $hether your %oal is to create a small utility !or yoursel! or your wor" %roup, a lar%e enterprise*wide system, or even distri uted applications spannin% the %lo e via the Internet, 4isual 'asic has the tools you need# Data access !eatures allow you to create data ases, !ront*end applications, and scala le server*side components !or most popular data ase !ormats, includin% Microso!t SD< Server and other enterprise*level data ases# -ctiveAE technolo%ies allow you to use the !unctionality provided y other applications, such as Microso!t $ord word processor, Microso!t Excel spreadsheet, and other $indows applications# Fou can even automate applications and o +ects created usin% the Pro!essional or Enterprise editions o! 4isual 'asic# Internet capa ilities ma"e it easy to provide access to documents and applications across the Internet or intranet !rom within your application, or to create Internet server applications# Four !inished application is a true #exe !ile that uses a 4isual 'asic 4irtual Machine that you can !reely distri ute#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Microso!tG -ctiveAG Data O +ects (-DO) ena le your client applications to access and manipulate data in a data ase server throu%h any O<E D' provider# -DO ena les you to write an application to access and manipulate data in a data ase server throu%h an O<E D' provider# -DO=s primary uildin% client1server and $e * ased applications# -DO also !eatures 2emote Data Service (2DS), y which you can move data !rom a server to a client application or $e pa%e, manipulate the data on the client, and return updates to the server in a sin%le round trip# Previously released as Microso!t 2emote Data Service 5#9, 2DS has een com ined with the -DO pro%rammin% model to simpli!y client*side data remotin%# -DO supports "ey !eatures !or uildin% client1server and $e * ased applications# Its primary ene!its are ease o! use, hi%h speed, low memory overhead, and a small dis" !ootprint H Incorporate standard windows user*inter!ace elements such as windows, menus, uttons, scroll ars, and so on# H .reate, read and write to text, data ase and inary !iles# H 2ead $indows 'itmaps, Meta!iles and P. Paint 'rush documents# H -ddress data ase in !ormats such as SD<, Microso!t access and others# Bac> End :hy 0S +ccess< MS -ccess is des"top 2DMS support small application with all !eatures li"e relational 0uery, di!!erent data types, +oins, and 0uery# Includes Easy to use and easy to deployment# Inte%ration with $indows OS Scala ility Import and Export o! data in all ma+or data ase system# .entrali(ed Mana%ement 2elia ility -utomatin% Tas"s Page 1, ene!its are ease o! use, hi%h speed, low memory overhead, and a small dis" !ootprint# -DO supports "ey !eatures !or

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


0icroso-t +ccess 200*

- data ase is a collection o! in!ormation that=s related to a particular su +ect or purpose, such as trac"in% customer orders or maintainin% a music collection# I! your data ase isn=t stored on a computer, or only parts o! it are, you may e trac"in% in!ormation !rom a variety o! sources that you have to coordinate and or%ani(e yoursel!# - ta le is a collection o! data a out a speci!ic topic, such as products or suppliers# >sin% a separate ta le !or each topic means that you store that data only once, which ma"es your data ase more e!!icient, and reduces data*entry errors# - collection o! data and o +ects related to a particular topic or purpose# - Microso!t -ccess data ase may contain ta les, 0ueries, !orms, reports, macros, modules, and shortcuts to data access pa%es# The Microso!t Iet data ase en%ine mana%es data in ta les that reside in the data ase# Data in lin"ed ta les may reside in another -ccess data ase, in an external data source such as d'ase or Microso!t Excel, or in an OD'. data source such as Microso!t SD< Server# -..ESS is the acronym !or relational Data ase Mana%ement System# $e "now the concept o! 2elational Data ase only since 5J@?=s# 'ut the idea o! the data ase Mana%ement System is de!initely 0uite old# The most prominent 2D'MS pac"a%es are O2-.<E, SF'-SE# - D'MS stores, processes and retrieves data# - 2elational Data ase is a collection o! related data# Data stora%e in a computeri(ed system in every usiness enterprise maintains lar%e volumes o! data !or its operations# $ith more and more people accessin% this data !or their wor" the need to maintain its inte%rity and relevance increase# Kormally, with the tradition methods o! storin% data and in!ormation in !iles the chan%es that the data uses its inte%rity and validity are very hi%h# It is a relational data ase mana%ement systems (2D'MS)# It o!!ers the capa ilities o! relational systems# The data ase server or ac"end is used to mana%ed data ase ta les optimally amon% multiple clients use concurrently re0uest the server Page 11

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


!or the same data it also en!orces data inte%rity across all client applications and controls data ase access the other security re0uirements# -dvanta%es o! Microso!t -ccess a# $ith Microso!t -ccess, the avera%e user can wor" with data ases without ein% hi%hly s"illed in the !ield# # Microso!t -ccess is a data ase so!tware pro%ram that ma"es manipulatin% data mana%ea le !or users o! many s"ill levels c# )lexi ility is the "ey with -ccess# Cnowin% that not everyone is s"illed at ma"in% data ases, Microso!t created asic templates that a user can %o and use immediately# d# -ccess uses many terms that may e new to you, ut are necessary to understand in order to complete the wor"# - Ldata aseL is a way to or%ani(e and store in!ormation a out people, places and thin%s#

rystal Re&ort 6?1 5# 2apid report development since the desi%ner inter!ace would ease the codin%
wor" !or the pro%rammer# 6# .an extend it to complicated reports with interactive charts and enhance the understandin% o! the usiness model 7# Exposes a report o +ect model, can interact with other controls on the -SP#KET $e !orm 8# .an pro%rammatically export the reports into widely used !ormats li"e #pd!, #doc, #xls, #html and #rt! # 9) Maximi(e IT e!!iciency y reusin% report components includin% itmaps, custom !unctions, and SD< commands across multiple reports# B) Trans!orm data !rom almost any data source*includin% AM<, relational, OD'. and enterprise*into interactive, power!ul content# Page 12

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


M) <et end users access and interact with reports via portals, wireless devices and Microso!t O!!ice documents*without extra IT overhead# @) 2apidly inte%rate rich, dynamic content into $indows and we applications# J) Ta"e advanta%e o! a new, power!ul multi*threaded 2eport Server# )lexi le SDCs !or inte%ration into Iava, #KET or .OM applications# .ontrol end user report interaction, creation, and modi!ication at runtime

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing System design


Data )low Dia%rams

- data !low dia%ram is %raphical tool used to descri e movement o! data throu%h a system# These are the central tool and the asis !rom which the other components are developed# The trans!ormation o! data !rom input to output, throu%h processed, may e descri ed lo%ically and independently o! physical components associated with the system# These are "nown as the lo%ical data !low dia%rams# The physical data !low dia%rams show the actual implements and movements o! data etween people, departments and wor"stations# Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System 4ersion 5#? will address the !ollowin% use cases# The complete usa%e scenarios will e completed durin% the in!ormation*%atherin% process# >se cases will e created and prioriti(ed# Selected use cases will e expanded into usa%e scenarios and !eatures that are derived !rom oth use cases and the usa%e scenarios, as represented in the !ollowin% dia%ram,

Use Case Model: Retrieve Customer Data

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Use Case Model: Manage Orders


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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

)Data ase desi%n


Payment On Demand System With Electronic Billing System Physical O !ect Model

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Add ne" product to product master se#uence diagram


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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Payment On Demand with Electronic Billing Data Schema ER Diagram

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing D9D


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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing



Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Ta%le$ &rod'ct@master Owner$ Destination DB name$ N'm%er o- col'mns$ N'm%er o- indeAes$ N'm%er o- -oreign >eys$ EAtended attri%'tes$ On9ile)ro'& l'stered PB 9ield Name Sno ProdTy&e ProdS'%Ty&e Rate isacti#e P2IM-2F Fes Data Ty&e Int nvarchar(B?) nvarchar(B?) Int nvarchar(7?) onstraints K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed d o e ill 9 6 ?

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Ta%le$ %ill Owner$ Destination DB name$ N'm%er o- col'mns$ N'm%er o- indeAes$ N'm%er o- -oreign >eys$ EAtended attri%'tes$ On9ile)ro'& l'stered PB 9ield Name sno Payment On Demand Systemno canme Payment On Demand P2IM-2F Fes Data Ty&e Int nvarchar(B?) onstraints K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot Page 22 d o e ill 59 7 ?

nvarchar(B?) Datetime

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

System@date location chalan@no c'stomer@name 'stomer@addre ss1 'stomer@addre ss2 Total@amt disco'nt +mt@words Paid@ty&e he3'e@no Entry@date nvarchar(B?) Int nvarchar(5??) nvarchar(5??) nvarchar(5??) Int Int nvarchar(5??) nvarchar(B?) nvarchar(B?) Datetime allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot Kull allowed Kull -llowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< Kot allowed K><< -llowed K><< Kot allowed


Ta%le $ %ill@details Owner$ Destination DB name$ N'm%er o- col'mns$ N'm%er o- indeAes$ d o e ill B 7 Page 24

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

N'm%er o- -oreign >eys$ EAtended attri%'tes$ On9ile)ro'& l'stered PB P2IM-2F Fes 6


9ield Name sno Bill@sno Prod@sno 3ty rate amt Int Int

Data Ty&e

onstraints Kot allowed Kot allowed Kot allowed Kot allowed Kot allowed Kot allowed

nvarchar(B?) Datetime nvarchar(B?) Int

$a le% Company&master Owner$ Destination DB name$ N'm%er o- col'mns$ N'm%er o- indeAes$ N'm%er o- -oreign >eys$ EAtended attri%'tes$ On9ile)ro'& l'stered PB P2IM-2F Fes d o e ill M 6 ?

Page 26

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

9ield Name om&any@name +ddress1 +ddress2 city &in tele&hone #atno Data Ty&e nvarchar(B?) nvarchar(5??) nvarchar(5??) nvarchar(B?) Int nvarchar(B?) nvarchar(B?) onstraint Kot allowed Kot allowed -llowed Kot allowed Kot allowed Kot allowed Kot allowed


Ta%le $ 'ser@master Owner$ Destination DB name$ N'm%er o- col'mns$ N'm%er o- indeAes$ N'm%er o- -oreign >eys$ EAtended attri%'tes$ On9ile)ro'& l'stered PB P2IM-2F Fes d o e ill 7 6 ?

Data Ty&e 'ser@name User@&assword

9ield Name nvarchar(B?) nvarchar(B?)

onstraints Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Page 27

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

User@ty&e nvarchar(B?) K><< -llowed


Ta%le descri&tion $a le % product&master Owner$ Destination DB name$ N'm%er o- col'mns$ N'm%er o- indeAes$ N'm%er o- -oreign >eys$ EAtended attri%'tes$ On9ile)ro'& l'stered PB P2IM-2F Fes d o e ill 9 6 ?

9ield Name Sno ProdTy&e ProdS'%Ty&e Rate isacti#e

Data Ty&e Int nvarchar(B?) nvarchar(B?) Int nvarchar(7?)

onstraints Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Page *0

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Ta%le $ %ill Owner$ Destination DB name$ N'm%er o- col'mns$ N'm%er o- indeAes$ N'm%er o- -oreign >eys$ EAtended attri%'tes$ On9ile)ro'& l'stered PB P2IM-2F Fes d o e ill 59 7 ?

Page *1

9ield Data Ty&e onstraints Name Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing sno Payment On Demand Systemn o canme Payment On Demand System@ date location chalan@n o c'stome r@name 'stome r@addres s1 'stome r@addres s2 Total@am t disco'nt +mt@wor ds Paid@ty& e he3'e@ no Entry@da te Int nvarchar(B?) Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed


nvarchar(B?) Datetime

Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed

nvarchar(B?) Int nvarchar(5??) nvarchar(5??)

Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Kull -llowed


Int Int nvarchar(5??) nvarchar(B?) nvarchar(B?) Datetime

Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Kull Kot allowed Kull -llowed Page *2 Kull Kot allowed

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing



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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


In&'t and o't&'t Screens

9rm=ogin (Module to -uthenticate >ser)

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

9rmBill (.reate and modi!y ill and print the saved ill)


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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


9rmRe&orts (Show Di!!erent 2eport Options)

9rmPrintBill (Print already saved ill)

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Prod'ctS'mmary Re&ort (Show Product Summary report in crystal report)

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


9rmBillS'mmary (Show ill summary !or particular date ran%e)

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

'ill Summary 2eport


9rmEA&ortData (Export product Data in )lex3rid and MS*Excel with !ormattin%)

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Export product Data MS*Excel with !ormattin%

9rmUtlity (To -ccess di!!erent utility pro%ram li"e compact, ac"up, chan%e password etc#)

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


)rm.ompact -nd 2epair Data ase (To shrin" and compact main data ase data#md #)

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


9rmBac>'&Data%ase (To ta"e ac"up o! main data ase data#md #)

9rm om&anyIn-o (-dd1Modi!y .ompany In!o)

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

)rm.lientIn!o (-dd1Modi!y .lient In!o)


9rm hangePassword
(.han%e password !or currently lo%%ed user)

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Sam&le Payment On Demand with Electronic Billing So'rce



(Module to Authenticate User) Option Explicit Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1 Clic!"# $%%% c&ec! w&eat&er user name and password are blan! $%%% i' its is blan warn user to enter (' )xt*serName.)ext + ,, Or )xtPassword.)ext + ,, )&en -s.Box",Enter user name and password ...,/ vbExclamation# )xt*serName.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End ('

$%%% c&ec! 'or entered compan1 $%%% 2uer1 to database and i' no record 'ound warn user to select compan1 'rom t&e list. (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open",select 3 'rom compan1 master w&ere compan1 name+$, 4 CmbCompan1Name.)ext 4 ,$,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' Rs.RecordCount % 6 )&en Compan1Name + CmbCompan1Name.)ext Else -s.Box",Select compan1 name 'rom t&e list,/ vbExclamation# CmbCompan1Name.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End ('

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

$%%% c&ec! 'or username and password $%%% 2uer1 to user master wit& user name and password


$%%% i' no record 'ound c&ec! warn user 'or enter valid user namne and password $%%% i' record 'ound store user nmae/ user t1pe in .lobal variable 'or 'uture use. (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open",select 3 'rom user master w&ere *SER name +$, 4 )xt*serName.)ext 4 ,$ and user password +$, 4 )xtPassword 4 ,$,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' Rs.RecordCount % 6 )&en C&ec!5o.in + )rue *serName + (('"(sNull"Rs",*SER name,#.7alue# + )rue/ ,NA,/ Rs",*SER name,#.7alue# *ser)1pe + (('"(sNull"Rs",user t1pe,#.7alue# + )rue/ ,NA,/ Rs",user t1pe,#.7alue#


Else -s.Box",(nvalid *ser Name and Password ... ,/ vbExclamation/ ,5o.in Error ,# )xtPassword.)ext + ,, )xt*serName.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End ('

End Sub

Private Sub Command8 Clic!"#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

$%%% close t&e application End 0rm5o.in + Not&in. End Sub


Private Sub 0orm 5oad"# $%%% open t&e .lobal connection (' Cn.State + 1 )&en Cn.Close"# OpenCon"# $%%% center t&e 'orm -e.-ove "Screen.9idt& : 9idt&# ; 8/ "Screen.<ei.&t : <ei.&t# ; 8

$%%% 'ill t&e combo box wit& all compan1 name 'rom compan1 master (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open",select 3 'rom compan1 master ,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# CmbCompan1Name.Clear"# (' Rs.RecordCount % 6 )&en 9&ile Rs.EO0 + 0alse CmbCompan1Name.Add(tem"Rs",compan1 name,## Rs.-oveNext"# End 9&ile End (' (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# End Sub

Private Sub 0orm =uer1*nload"B17al Cancel As (nte.er/ B17al *nload-ode As (nte.er#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

$%%% release all t&e ob>ect variable used b1 'orm 0rm5o.in + Not&in. End Sub


Frm ain
(Give user access to different module) Option Explicit

Private Sub -D(0orm Activate"# $%%% s&ow t&e lo.in 'orm as modulas 'or 'irst time $%%% w&en main 'orm activate 'irst time (' C&ec!5o.in + 0alse )&en 0rm5o.in.S&ow"1# End (' 5blCompan1Name + Compan1Name End Sub

Private Sub -D(0orm Resi?e"# $%%% reposition t&e picturebox as per 'orm si?e $%%% to displa1 t&e selected compan1 name Picture1.5e't + -e.9idt& : Picture1.9idt& : @66 End Sub

Private Sub )oolbar1 ButtonClic!"B17al Button As -SComctl5ib.Button# $%%% load appropriate 'orm as per user clic! on toolbar buttons $%%% in desi.n time we set !e1 value 'or eac& toolbar button (' Button.Ae1 + ,exit, )&en End Else(' Button.Ae1 + ,product master, )&en

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

0rmProducts.S&ow"1# Else(' Button.Ae1 + ,bill, )&en 0rmBill.S&ow"1# Else(' Button.Ae1 + ,utilit1, )&en 0rm*tilit1.S&ow"1# Else(' Button.Ae1 + ,reports, )&en 0rmReports.S&ow"1# Else(' Button.Ae1 + ,compan1, )&en 0rmC&an.eCompan1.S&ow"1# End ('


End Sub

(Maintain Product master) Option Explicit $%% decalre 'orm level valriable Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim AddEdit As Strin.

Private Sub CmbProduct)1pe C&an.e"# $%%% as per product t1pe 'ill t&e product list Dim =rStr As Strin. (' CmbProduct)1pe.)ext + ,A55, )&en =rStr + ,select prod sub t1pe 'rom product master order b1 prod sub t1pe, Else =rStr + ,select prod sub t1pe 'rom product master w&ere prod t1pe+$, 4 CmbProduct)1pe.)ext 4 ,$ order b1 prod sub t1pe,

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

End (' 5stProductSub)1pe.Clear"# (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open"=rStr/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# 9&ile Rs.EO0 + 0alse 5stProductSub)1pe.Add(tem"Rs",prod sub t1pe,## Rs.-oveNext"# End 9&ile $%%% select t&e 'irst product (' 5stProductSub)1pe.5istCount % 6 )&en 5stProductSub)1pe.5ist(ndex + 6 Displa1Record"# End (' End Sub


Private Sub CmbProduct)1pe Clic!"# $%%% call c&an.e event CmbProduct)1pe C&an.e"# End Sub

Private Sub CmdCancel Clic!"# $%%% cancel update ED"0alse/ )rue# Displa1Record"# End Sub

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Private Sub CmdClose Clic!"# $%%% close t&e 'ron *nload"-e# End Sub


Private Sub CmdEdit Clic!"# $%%% set 'la. to edit ED")rue/ 0alse# AddEdit + ,ED(), End Sub

Private Sub CmdNew Clic!"# $%%% set t&e 'la. to add $%%% claer text box 5blSr.Caption + 6 Cmb)1pe.)ext + ,, )xtName.)ext + ,, )xtRate.)ext + 6 C&!Active.7alue + 1

ED")rue/ 0alse#

AddEdit + ,ADD, End Sub

Private Sub CmdSave Clic!"# $%%% validate t&e entr1 (' )rim"Cmb)1pe.)ext# + ,, )&en

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

-s.Box",Select or Enter product t1pe.,/ vbExclamation# Cmb)1pe.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End (' (' )rim")xtName.)ext# + ,, )&en -s.Box",Enter product name.,/ vbExclamation# )xtName.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End (' (' (nStr"1/ )xtName.)ext/ C&r"B@## % 6 )&en


-s.Box",Don$t use double 2oute in product name.,/ vbExclamation# )xtName.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End (' (' (sNumeric")xtRate.)ext# + 0alse )&en -s.Box",Enter rate/ numeric onl1,/ vbExclamation# )xtRate.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End (' $%%% c&ec! t&e 'la. 'rom add;edit (' AddEdit + ,ADD, )&en (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open",select max"sno# C1 'rom product master ,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# Dim sno As (nte.er sno + Rs"6# (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open",select 3 'rom product master w&ere 1+8,/ Cn/ adOpenD1namic/ ad5oc!Optimistic#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Rs.AddNew"# Rs",sno,# + sno Rs",prod t1pe,# + Cmb)1pe.)ext Rs",prod sub t1pe,# + )xtName.)ext Rs",rate,# + 7al")xtRate.)ext# Rs",is active,# + 7al"C&!Active.7alue# Rs.*pdate"# Rs.Close"# Else (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open",select 3 'rom product master w&ere sno+, 4 7al"5blSr.Caption#/ Cn/ adOpenD1namic/ ad5oc!Optimistic# Rs",prod t1pe,# + Cmb)1pe.)ext Rs",prod sub t1pe,# + )xtName.)ext Rs",rate,# + 7al")xtRate.)ext# Rs",is active,# + 7al"C&!Active.7alue# Rs.*pdate"# Rs.Close"# End ('


$%%% dispal1 and update lists Dim OldP)1pe As Strin. OldP)1pe + Cmb)1pe.)ext Dim OldPName As Strin. OldPName + )xtName.)ext


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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

CmbProduct)1pe.Clear"# CmbProduct)1pe.Add(tem",A55,# CmbProduct)1pe.)ext + OldP)1pe (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"#


Rs.Open",select distinct prod t1pe 'rom product master order b1 prod t1pe,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# 9&ile Rs.EO0 + 0alse CmbProduct)1pe.Add(tem"Rs",prod t1pe,## Cmb)1pe.Add(tem"Rs",prod t1pe,## Rs.-oveNext"# End 9&ile $%%% 'ill t&e product list a.ain wit& updated;inserted records Dim =rStr As Strin. (' CmbProduct)1pe.)ext + ,A55, )&en =rStr + ,select prod sub t1pe 'rom product master order b1 prod sub t1pe, Else =rStr + ,select prod sub t1pe 'rom product master w&ere prod t1pe+$, 4 CmbProduct)1pe.)ext 4 ,$ order b1 prod sub t1pe, End (' 5stProductSub)1pe.Clear"# (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open"=rStr/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# 9&ile Rs.EO0 + 0alse 5stProductSub)1pe.Add(tem"Rs",prod sub t1pe,## Rs.-oveNext"# End 9&ile $%%% s&ow t&e 'irst record (' 5stProductSub)1pe.5istCount % 6 )&en

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

5stProductSub)1pe.)ext + OldPName Displa1Record"# End ('


$%%% enable;diable button ED"0alse/ )rue#

End Sub

Private Sub 0orm 5oad"# $%%% center t&e 'orm -e.-ove "Screen.9idt& : 9idt&# ; 8/ "Screen.<ei.&t : <ei.&t# ; 8 $%%% reset connection OpenCon"#

ED"0alse/ )rue# Cmb)1pe.Clear"#

$%%% 'ill t&e product t1pe CmbProduct)1pe.Clear"# CmbProduct)1pe.Add(tem",A55,# CmbProduct)1pe.)ext + ,A55, (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open",select distinct prod t1pe 'rom product master order b1 prod t1pe,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# 9&ile Rs.EO0 + 0alse CmbProduct)1pe.Add(tem"Rs",prod t1pe,## Cmb)1pe.Add(tem"Rs",prod t1pe,##

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Rs.-oveNext"# End 9&ile


$%%% 'ill t&e product sub t1pe Dim =rStr As Strin. (' CmbProduct)1pe.)ext + ,A55, )&en =rStr + ,select prod sub t1pe 'rom product master order b1 prod sub t1pe, Else =rStr + ,select prod sub t1pe 'rom product master w&ere prod t1pe+$, 4 CmbProduct)1pe.)ext 4 ,$ order b1 prod sub t1pe, End (' 5stProductSub)1pe.Clear"# (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open"=rStr/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# 9&ile Rs.EO0 + 0alse 5stProductSub)1pe.Add(tem"Rs",prod sub t1pe,## Rs.-oveNext"# End 9&ile $%%% select t&e 'irst record (' 5stProductSub)1pe.5istCount % 6 )&en 5stProductSub)1pe.5ist(ndex + 6 Displa1Record"# End (' End Sub Private Sub Displa1Record"# $%%% displa1 record as per selected product name (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Rs.Open",select 3 'rom product master w&ere prod sub t1pe+, 4 C&r"B@# 4 5stProductSub)1pe.)ext 4 C&r"B@#/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' Rs.RecordCount % 6 )&en 5blSr.Caption + Rs",sno,# Cmb)1pe.)ext + Rs",prod t1pe,# )xtName.)ext + Rs",prod sub t1pe,# )xtRate.)ext + Rs",rate,# C&!Active.7alue + Rs",is active,# Else 5blSr.Caption + ,, Cmb)1pe.)ext + ,, )xtName.)ext + ,, )xtRate.)ext + ,, C&!Active.7alue + 1

End (' End Sub Private Sub ED"B17al )1 As Boolean/ B17al )8 As Boolean# $%%% enable;disable button CmdSave.7isible + )1 CmdCancel.7isible + )1

Cmd0ind.7isible + )8 CmdNew.7isible + )8 CmdEdit.7isible + )8 CmdClose.7isible + )8

Cmb)1pe.5oc!ed + )8

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

)xtName.5oc!ed + )8 )xtRate.5oc!ed + )8 C&!Active.Enabled + )1 End Sub


Private Sub 5stProductSub)1pe Clic!"# Displa1Record"# End Sub

Private Sub )xtName Ae1Down"B17al Ae1Code As (nte.er/ B17al S&i't As (nte.er# $%%% SE5EC) 0RO- 5(S) (' CmbProduct)1pe.)ext D% ,A55, )&en CmbProduct)1pe.)ext + ,A55, End (' (' Ae1Code + vbAe1Down )&en (' 5stProductSub)1pe.5ist(ndex D 5stProductSub)1pe.5istCount : 1 )&en 5stProductSub)1pe.5ist(ndex + 5stProductSub)1pe.5ist(ndex C 1 End (' End (' (' Ae1Code + vbAe1*p )&en (' 5stProductSub)1pe.5ist(ndex % 6 )&en 5stProductSub)1pe.5ist(ndex + 5stProductSub)1pe.5ist(ndex : 1 End (' End (' End Sub

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

(Create and modify bill and print the saved bill)


Option Explicit $%%% declare 'orm .lobal variable

Dim AddEdit As Strin. Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim sno As (nte.er Dim SavePrint As Strin.

Private Sub CmdClose Clic!"# $%%% c&ec! t&e caption o' t&e button $%%% close t&e 'orm or cancel t&e save (' CmdClose.Caption + ,4Close, )&en *nload"-e# Else DE")rue/ 0alse# End ('

End Sub

Private Sub CmdDelete Clic!"# $%%% con'irm 'or deletion o' bill $%%% i' user select EES delete t&e record 'rom bill and bill details $%%% clear t&e seleted data 'rom t&e screen 'or deleted bill

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


(' -s.Box",Record will delete permantle1 F,/ vbEesNo C vbCritical# + vbEes )&en Cn.Execute",delete 'rom bill details w&ere bill sno +, 4 sno# Cn.Execute",delete 'rom bill w&ere sno +, 4 sno# AddEdit + ,,

CmdGetBill.Caption + ,40ind, CmdDelete.Enabled + 0alse Call Clear0ield"# (' )xt(nvoiceNo.Enabled + )rue )&en )xt(nvoiceNo.Set0ocus"# End (' End ('

End Sub

Private Sub CmdGetBill Clic!"# $%%% 'ind t&e bill details $%%% 'ind t&e bill b1 invoice no AddEdit + ,, (' CmdGetBill.Caption + ,4Get Bill, )&en )xt(nvoiceNo.Enabled + )rue

Call Clear0ield"# )xt(nvoiceNo.Bac!Color + vbEellow )xt(nvoiceNo.Set0ocus"#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

CmdGetBill.Caption + ,40ind,


Else Dim RS1 As New ADODB.Recordset RS1.Open",select 3 'rom bill w&ere invoice no +, 4 7al")xt(nvoiceNo.)ext# 4 , and cname+$, 4 Compan1Name 4 ,$,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' RS1.RecordCount % 6 )&en $%%% s&ow details 'rom bill table DtDate.7alue + RS1",invoice date,# )xt5ocation.)ext + RS1",location,# )xtC&alanNo.)ext + RS1",c&alan no,# )xtCompan1.)ext + RS1",customer name,# )xtAddress1.)ext + RS1",customer address1,# )xtAddress8.)ext + RS1",customer address8,# 5bl)otalAmount + RS1",total amt,# 5blRs9ord.Caption + RS1",amt word,# )xtSerial.)ext + RS1",serial,#

$%%% s&ow data 'rom

bill details

Dim Rs8 As New ADODB.Recordset (' Rs8.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs8.Close"# Dim RsB As New ADODB.Recordset Rs8.Open",select 3 'rom bill details w&ere bill sno+, 4 RS1",sno,# 4 , order b1 sno ,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' Rs8.RecordCount % 6 )&en Dim i As (nte.er Rs8.-ove0irst"# 0or i + 6 )o Rs8.RecordCount : 1

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

(' RsB.State + adStateOpen )&en RsB.Close"#


RsB.Open",select 3 'rom product master w&ere sno +, 4 Rs8",prod sno,#/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' RsB.RecordCount % 6 )&en -'1.)ext-atrix"i C 1/ 1# + RsB",prod sub t1pe,# End (' (' RsB.State + adStateOpen )&en RsB.Close"# -'1.)ext-atrix"i C 1/ 8# + Rs8",2t1,# -'1.)ext-atrix"i C 1/ B# + Rs8",rate,# -'1.)ext-atrix"i C 1/ @# + Rs8",amt,#

Rs8.-oveNext"# Next End (' (' Rs8.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs8.Close"#

CmdGetBill.Caption + ,4Get Bill, CmdDelete.Enabled + )rue cmbval.7isible + 0alse CmdPrint.Enabled + )rue CmdSave.Enabled + )rue

$%%% loca! t&e buttons -'1.Enabled + )rue cmbval.Enabled + )rue )H)7A5.Enabled + )rue )xtCompan1.5oc!ed + 0alse )xtAddress1.5oc!ed + 0alse

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

)xtAddress8.5oc!ed + 0alse DtDate.Enabled + )rue )xt5ocation.5oc!ed + 0alse )xtC&alanNo.5oc!ed + 0alse Else -s.Box",No Previous Details 'ound 'or invoice..., 4 )xt(nvoiceNo.)ext/ vbExclamation# CmdGetBill.Caption + ,40ind, )xt(nvoiceNo.Enabled + )rue )xt(nvoiceNo.Set0ocus"# CmdDelete.Enabled + 0alse CmdPrint.Enabled + 0alse CmdSave.Enabled + 0alse


-'1.Enabled + 0alse cmbval.Enabled + 0alse )H)7A5.Enabled + 0alse )xtCompan1.5oc!ed + )rue )xtAddress1.5oc!ed + )rue )xtAddress8.5oc!ed + )rue DtDate.Enabled + 0alse )xt5ocation.5oc!ed + )rue )xtC&alanNo.5oc!ed + )rue

End (' (' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"# End (' End Sub

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Private Sub CmdNew Clic!"# $%%% claer t&e screen 'or enterin. data 'or new bill $%%% enable;disable buttons DE"0alse/ )rue#

AddEdit + ,ADD,

Call Clear0ield"#

$%%% .et t&e new s1stem id 'rom bill (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open",select max"sno# ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' Rs.RecordCount % 6 )&en sno + (('"(sNull"Rs"6## + )rue/ 6/ Rs"6## C 1 End (' (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# )xtCompan1.Set0ocus"# End Sub 'rom bill ,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/

Private Sub CmdPrint Clic!"# $NO)E I it is not t&e ri.&t solution to call cr1stal report b1 temp usin. temp table $some time it is a .ood practice 'or complecated databse relation table $)&is ma1 not run properl1 in multi user environment $Better approc& is passin. value b1 Selection0ormula in cr1stal report $but an1wa1 it is a wor!in. solution

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

$%%% 'ind t&e bill sno 'rom seleted invoice no $%%% i' record 'ound $%%% delete temp bill na dbill details


$%%% insert 'rom bill/bill details to temp bill/ teemp bill details

Dim RS1 As New ADODB.Recordset (' RS1.State + 1 )&en RS1.Close"# RS1.Open",select sno 'rom bill w&ere invoice no+, 4 7al")xt(nvoiceNo.)ext# 4 , and cname +$, 4 Compan1Name 4 ,$,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' RS1.RecordCount % 6 )&en Cn.Execute",delete 'rom temp bill details,# Cn.Execute",delete 'rom temp bill,# Cn.Execute",insert into temp bill select 3 'rom bill w&ere sno+, 4 RS1",sno,## Cn.Execute",insert into temp bill details select 3 'rom bill details w&ere bill sno+, 4 RS1",sno,## Call OpenCon"#

$%%% call cr1stal report Cr1.9indowState + crpt-aximi?ed Cr1.Report0ileName + App.Pat& 4 ,JreportsJbill.rpt, Cr1.Data0iles"6# + App.Pat& 4 ,Jdata.mdb, Cr1.Action + 1 Else -s.Box",No Bill 'ound select;enter invoice no 'or print,/ vbExclamation# Exit Sub End ('

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


End Sub

Private Sub CmdSave Clic!"# $%%% validation $%%% c&ec! t&e re2uired 'ield (' )rim")xtCompan1.)ext# + ,, )&en -s.Box",Enter Compan1 Name...,/ vbExclamation# )xtCompan1.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End ('

(' (sNumeric")xt(nvoiceNo.)ext# + 0alse )&en -s.Box",Enter onl1 Numeric (nvoice No...,/ vbExclamation# )xt(nvoiceNo.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End ('

(' )rim")xt5ocation.)ext# + ,, )&en -s.Box",Enter 5ocation...,/ vbExclamation# )xt5ocation.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End ('

(' )rim")xtC&alanNo.)ext# + ,, )&en -s.Box",Enter C&alan No...,/ vbExclamation# )xtC&alanNo.Set0ocus"#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Exit Sub End (' (' (sNumeric")xtC&alanNo.)ext# + 0alse )&en -s.Box",Enter onl1 Numeric C&alan No...,/ vbExclamation# )xtC&alanNo.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End ('


$%%% reset t&e transaction Call OpenCon"#

$%%% create transaction 'or insert bill and bil details Cn.Be.in)rans"# Dim RS1 As New ADODB.Recordset

$%%% c&ec! w&eat&er we need to insert or edit t&e record $%%% i' it is edit/ t&en delete t&e old bill and insert new record (' AddEdit D% ,ADD, )&en (' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"# RS1.Open",select 3 'rom bill w&ere invoice no +, 4 7al")xt(nvoiceNo.)ext# 4 , and cname+$, 4 Compan1Name 4 ,$,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' RS1.RecordCount % 6 )&en sno + RS1",sno,# End (' (' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"# Cn.Execute",delete 'rom bill details w&ere bill sno +, 4 sno# Cn.Execute",delete 'rom bill w&ere sno +, 4 sno# AddEdit + ,,

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

End ('


$%%% c&ec! 'or product master $%%% c&ec! t&e .rid $%%% w&eat&er t&ere is a product or not $%%% w&eater t&e1 enter an1 2uantit1 or not $%%% w&eate&r t&ere is an1 price or not $%%% i' an1 t&in. .oes wron. s&ow messa.e Dim cc As (nte.er Dim i As (nte.er 0or i + 1 )o -'1.Rows : 1 Dim C& As Boolean C& + 0alse (' )rim"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ 1## + ,, )&en C& + )rue End (' (' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"# RS1.Open",select sno 'rom product master w&ere prod sub t1pe +, 4 C&r"B@# 4 -'1.)ext-atrix"i/ 1# 4 C&r"B@#/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' RS1.RecordCount D+ 6 )&en

C& + )rue End (' (' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"# (' 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ 8## + 6 )&en C& + )rue End (' (' 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ B## + 6 )&en

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

C& + )rue End (' (' 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ @## + 6 )&en C& + )rue End (' (' C& + 0alse )&en cc + cc C 1 End (' Next (' cc + 6 )&en -s.Box",No Bill details 'ound 'or save,/ vbExclamation# Exit Sub End ('


$%%% c&ec! 'or duplicate invoice no (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"# Rs.Open",select 3 'rom bill w&ere invoice no+, 4 7al")xt(nvoiceNo.)ext#/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' Rs.RecordCount % 6 )&en -s.Box",(nvalid (nvoice No cannot save..,/ vbExclamation# )xt(nvoiceNo.Set0ocus"# Exit Sub End (' (' Rs.State + adStateOpen )&en Rs.Close"#

$%%% save record in bill


RS1.Open",select 3 'rom bill w&ere 1+8,/ Cn/ adOpenD1namic/ ad5oc!Optimistic# RS1.AddNew"#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

RS1",sno,# + sno RS1",invoice no,# + 7al")xt(nvoiceNo.)ext# RS1",cname,# + Compan1Name RS1",invoice date,# + 0ormat"DtDate.7alue/ ,dd:mmm:11,# RS1",location,# + )rim")xt5ocation.)ext# RS1",c&alan no,# + 7al")xtC&alanNo.)ext# RS1",customer name,# + )rim")xtCompan1.)ext# RS1",customer address1,# + )rim")xtAddress1.)ext# RS1",customer address8,# + )rim")xtAddress8.)ext# RS1",total amt,# + 7al"5bl)otalAmount.Caption# RS1",discount,# + 6 RS1",amt word,# + 5blRs9ord RS1",paid t1pe,# + ,NA, RS1",c&e2ue no,# + ,NA, RS1",entr1 date,# + Now RS1",serial,# + )xtSerial.)ext RS1.*pdate"# (' RS1.State + 1 )&en RS1.Close"#


$%%% vaildate eac& row be'ore save in details Dim 5astSno As (nte.er Dim ProdSno As (nte.er Dim Rs8 As New ADODB.Recordset (' Rs8.State + 1 )&en Rs8.Close"# Rs8.Open",select max"sno# 'rom bill details,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' Rs8.RecordCount % 6 )&en

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

5astSno + (('"(sNull"Rs8"6## + )rue/ 6/ Rs8"6## C 1 End (' 0or i + 1 )o -'1.Rows : 1


C& + 0alse (' )rim"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ 1## + ,, )&en C& + )rue End (' (' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"# RS1.Open",select sno 'rom product master w&ere prod sub t1pe +, 4 C&r"B@# 4 -'1.)ext-atrix"i/ 1# 4 C&r"B@#/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' RS1.RecordCount % 6 )&en ProdSno + RS1"6# Else C& + )rue End (' (' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"# (' 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ 8## + 6 )&en C& + )rue End (' (' 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ B## + 6 )&en C& + )rue End (' (' 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ @## + 6 )&en C& + )rue End (' (' C& + 0alse )&en

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


$%%% insert in bill details 'or eac& validated .rid row (' Rs8.State + 1 )&en Rs8.Close"# Rs8.Open",select 3 'rom bill details w&ere 1+8,/ Cn/ adOpenD1namic/ ad5oc!Optimistic# Rs8.AddNew"# Rs8",sno,# + 5astSno Rs8",bill sno,# + sno Rs8",prod sno,# + ProdSno Rs8",2t1,# + 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ 8## Rs8",rate,# + 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ B## Rs8",amt,# + 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"i/ @## Rs8.*pdate"# (' Rs8.State + 1 )&en Rs8.Close"# 5astSno + 5astSno C 1 End (' Next

$%%% commit t&e transaction Cn.Commit)rans"# -s.Box",Bill Saved,/ vb(n'ormation# (' C&!Print.7alue + 1 )&en $%%% call t&e report 'or print o' t&e saved bill CmdPrint Clic!"# End (' $%%% prepare 'or new bill entr1 AddEdit + ,, Call Clear0ield"#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Call CmdNew Clic!"#


End Sub

Private Sub DtDate Ae1Down"B17al Ae1Code As (nte.er/ B17al S&i't As (nte.er# $%%% move t&e cursor to new 'ield (' Ae1Code + 1B )&en SendAe1s",KtabL,# End (' End Sub

Private Sub DtDate Ae1Press"B17al Ae1Ascii As (nte.er# $%%% move t&e cursor to new 'ield (' Ae1Ascii + 1B )&en SendAe1s",KtabL,# End (' End Sub

Private Sub 0orm 5oad"# $%%% cnter t&e 'orm -e.5e't + "Screen.9idt& : -e.9idt&# ; 8 -e.)op + "Screen.<ei.&t : -e.<ei.&t# ; 8

$%%% reset connection Call OpenCon"# 5blCompan1Name.Caption + Compan1Name DtDate.7alue + Now

Page 4*

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


$%%% clear t&e 'orm 'or new bill entr1 Call Clear0ield"#

$%%% enable;diable buttons DE")rue/ 0alse#

$%%% load last status 'or bill print a'ter saved Dim C&!7 As (nte.er C&!7 + 7al"GetSettin.",bills1stem,/ ,print,/ ,c&ec!print,/ ,1,## C&!Print.7alue + C&!7

$%%% load clent name 'rom t&e table Rs.Open",select client name 'rom client master w&ere client name is not null order b1 client name,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1#

9&ile Not Rs.EO0 )xtCompan1.Add(tem"Rs"6## Rs.-oveNext"# End 9&ile

Picture1.7isible + )rue End Sub Private Sub DE"B17al )1 As Boolean/ B17al )8 As Boolean#

$%%% enable;disable buttons CmdGetBill.Enabled + )1 CmdNew.Enabled + )1

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

CmdSave.Enabled + )8 CmdPrint.Enabled + )8


)H)7A5.Enabled + )8 cmbval.Enabled + )8 -'1.Enabled + )8 (' )1 + )rue )&en CmdClose.Caption + ,4Close, Else CmdClose.Caption + ,4Cancel, End ('

)xtCompan1.5oc!ed + )1 )xtAddress1.5oc!ed + )1 )xtAddress8.5oc!ed + )1 DtDate.Enabled + )8 )xt5ocation.5oc!ed + )1 )xtC&alanNo.5oc!ed + )1 )xt(nvoiceNo.Bac!Color + vb9&ite CmdDelete.Enabled + 0alse End Sub

Private Sub Clear0ield"# $%%% clear t&e 'ields )xtCompan1.)ext + ,, )xtAddress1.)ext + ,, )xtAddress8.)ext + ,, )xt(nvoiceNo.)ext + ,,

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

)xt5ocation.)ext + ,, 5blRs9ord.Caption + ,, 5bl)otalAmount.Caption + ,, )xtC&alanNo.)ext + ,, )xtSerial.)ext + ,,


$%%% 'or .rid edit Call set &eadin."# Call move textbox"# End Sub

Private Sub 0orm =uer1*nload"B17al Cancel As (nte.er/ B17al *nload-ode As (nte.er#

$%%% save last status 'or bill print a'ter saved in t&e re.istr1

(' C&!Print.7alue + 1 )&en SaveSettin.",bills1stem,/ ,print,/ ,c&ec!print,/ ,1,# Else SaveSettin.",bills1stem,/ ,print,/ ,c&ec!print,/ ,6,# End (' End Sub

Private Sub )xtAddress1 Ae1Press"B17al Ae1Ascii As (nte.er# $%%% move t&e 'ocus to next control (' Ae1Ascii + 1B )&en SendAe1s",KtabL,#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

End (' End Sub


Private Sub )xtAddress8 Ae1Press"B17al Ae1Ascii As (nte.er# $%%% move t&e 'ocus to next control (' Ae1Ascii + 1B )&en SendAe1s",KtabL,# End (' End Sub

Private Sub )xtC&alanNo Ae1Press"B17al Ae1Ascii As (nte.er# $%%% move t&e 'ocus to next control

(' Ae1Ascii + 1B )&en cmbval.Set0ocus"# End (' End Sub

Private Sub )xtCompan1 Got0ocus"# $%%% ma!e listbox as editable textbox )xtCompan1.<ei.&t + 1686 Picture1.7isible + 0alse End Sub

Private Sub )xtCompan1 Ae1Down"B17al Ae1Code As (nte.er/ B17al S&i't As (nte.er# $%%% s&ow t&e address o' t&e seleted compan1 Dim RS1 As New ADODB.Recordset

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

(' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"# RS1.Open",select 3 'rom client master w&ere client name+$, 4 )xtCompan1.)ext 4 ,$,/ Cn# (' RS1.RecordCount % 6 )&en


)xtAddress1.)ext + (('"(sNull"RS1",address1,## + )rue/ ,,/ RS1",address1,## )xtAddress8.)ext + (('"(sNull"RS1",address8,## + )rue/ ,,/ RS1",address8,## Else )xtAddress1.)ext + ,, )xtAddress8.)ext + ,, End (' (' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"# End Sub

Private Sub )xtCompan1 Ae1Press"B17al Ae1Ascii As (nte.er# $%%% move t&e 'ocus to next control

(' Ae1Ascii + 1B )&en SendAe1s",KtabL,# End (' End Sub

Private Sub )xtCompan1 5ost0ocus"# $%%% move t&e 'ocus to next control

)xtCompan1.<ei.&t + BB6 Picture1.7isible + )rue End Sub

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Private Sub )xt(nvoiceNo Ae1Down"B17al Ae1Code As (nte.er/ B17al S&i't As (nte.er# $%%% call .etbill b1 enter !e1 in invoice no text box (' Ae1Code + 1B And CmdGetBill.Caption + ,40ind, )&en CmdGetBill Clic!"# End ('

End Sub

Private Sub )xt5ocation Ae1Press"B17al Ae1Ascii As (nte.er# $%%% move t&e 'ocus to next control (' Ae1Ascii + 1B )&en SendAe1s",KtabL,# End (' End Sub

Private Sub )xtSerial Ae1Press"B17al Ae1Ascii As (nte.er# $%%% move t&e 'ocus to next control (' Ae1Ascii + 1B )&en SendAe1s",KtabL,# End (' End Sub

Private Sub )H)7A5 Ae1Press"B17al Ae1Ascii As (nte.er# $%%% ma!e 'lex .ird editable move t& textbox in .id cell 'or enterin. value $%%% c&ec! w&eat&e we press enter !e1 $%%% i' 1es..move t&e control to next .rod

Page 47

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Dim t As (nte.er


(' Ae1Ascii + 1B And -'1.Col + 8 )&en (' (sNumeric")H)7A5.)ext# + 0alse )&en Ae1Ascii + 6 Exit Sub End (' -'1.)ext + )H)7A5.)ext $%%% s&ow total -'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row/ -'1.Col C 8# + 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row/ -'1.Col C 1## 3 )H)7A5.)ext Dim x As (nte.er Dim )1 As Double 0or x + 1 )o -'1.Rows : 1 )1 + )1 C 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"x/ @## Next 5bl)otalAmount.Caption + )1 5blRs9ord + Rs9ord"5bl)otalAmount.Caption#

(' -'1.Col D% -'1.Cols : B )&en -'1.Col + -'1.Col C 1


(' -'1.Row D% -'1.Rows : 8 )&en $%%% .o to next row

Page 60

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

-'1.Row + -'1.Row C 1 Else $%%% add new rows -'1.Rows + -'1.Rows C 1


$%%% set t&e current row -'1.Row + -'1.Row C 1 $%%% set sr no -'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row/ 6# + 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row : 1/ 6## C 1 End (' -'1.Col + 1 End (' move textbox"# $%%% select t&e text in text box )H)7A5.SelStart + 6 )H)7A5.Sel5en.t& + 5en")H)7A5.)ext# End ('

End Sub

Private Sub cmbval Ae1Press"B17al Ae1Ascii As (nte.er# $%%% ma!e 'lex .ird editable move t& combobox in .id cell 'or seletin. value $%%% c&ec! w&eat&e we press enter !e1 $%%% i' 1es..move t&e control to next .rod

Dim t As (nte.er

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

(' Ae1Ascii + 1B )&en $%%% 'ind prod rate Dim RS1 As New ADODB.Recordset (' RS1.State + adStateOpen )&en RS1.Close"#


RS1.Open",select 3 'rom product master w&ere prod sub t1pe+, 4 C&r"B@# 4 cmbval.)ext 4 C&r"B@#/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1# (' RS1.RecordCount % 6 )&en -'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row/ -'1.Col C 8# + RS1",rate,# Else Ae1Ascii + 6 Exit Sub End ('

-'1.)ext + cmbval.)ext

$%%% s&ow total -'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row/ @# + 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row/ 8## 3 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row/ B## Dim x As (nte.er Dim )1 As Double 0or x + 1 )o -'1.Rows : 1 )1 + )1 C 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"x/ @## Next 5bl)otalAmount.Caption + )1 5blRs9ord + Rs9ord"5bl)otalAmount.Caption#

(' -'1.Col D% -'1.Cols : 8 )&en

Page 62

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

-'1.Col + -'1.Col C 1 Else (' -'1.Row D% -'1.Rows : 1 )&en -'1.Row + -'1.Row C 1


Else $%%% add new rows -'1.Rows + -'1.Rows C 1

$%%% set t&e current row -'1.Row + -'1.Row C 1

$%%% set sr no -'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row/ 6# + 7al"-'1.)ext-atrix"-'1.Row : 1/ 6## C 1 End (' -'1.Col + 1 End (' move textbox"# cmbval.SelStart + 6 cmbval.Sel5en.t& + 5en"cmbval.)ext# End (' End Sub

Public Sub set &eadin."#

Page 6*

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

$%%% creatin. 'or t&e .rid


Dim A As (nte.er Dim t As (nte.er -'1.Clear"# -'1.Re'res&"# -'1.Rows + B6 -'1.Cols + M

-'1.Row + 6 -'1.Row<ei.&t"6# + N66

-'1.Col + 6 -'1.Col9idt&"6# + 1666 -'1.Cell0oreColor + vbBlue -'1.Cell0ontBold + )rue -'1.CellAli.nment + @ -'1.)ext + ,Sr.,

-'1.Col + 1 -'1.Col9idt&"1# + @866 -'1.Cell0oreColor + vbBlue -'1.Cell0ontBold + )rue -'1.CellAli.nment + @ -'1.)ext + ,Particulars,

-'1.Col + 8 -'1.Col9idt&"8# + 1866

Page 6,

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

-'1.Cell0oreColor + vbBlue -'1.Cell0ontBold + )rue -'1.CellAli.nment + @ -'1.)ext + ,=uantit1,


-'1.Col + B -'1.Col9idt&"B# + 1866 -'1.Cell0oreColor + vbBlue -'1.Cell0ontBold + )rue -'1.CellAli.nment + @ -'1.)ext + ,Rate,

-'1.Col + @ -'1.Col9idt&"@# + 1866 -'1.Cell0oreColor + vbBlue -'1.Cell0ontBold + )rue -'1.CellAli.nment + @ -'1.)ext + ,Amount,

-'1.)ext-atrix"1/ 6# + ,1,

-'1.Row + 6 0or A + 6 )o -'1.Cols : 1 -'1.Col + A -'1.Cell0ontBold + )rue Next

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

-'1.Row + 1 -'1.Col + 1


$%%% set serial 'rom 1.8... 0or A + 1 )o -'1.Rows : 1 -'1.)ext-atrix"A/ 6# + A Next -'1.Row + 1 End Sub

Private Sub -01 EnterCell"# $%%% call appropriate control 'or edit t&e .rid (' -'1.Col + 1 )&en $%%% visble combo box 'or select product cmbval.7isible + )rue )H)7A5.7isible + 0alse (' cmbval.7isible + )rue )&en (' cmbval.Enabled + )rue )&en cmbval.Set0ocus"# End (' End ('

cmbval.Clear"# Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset (' Rs.State + 1 )&en Rs.Close"#

$%%%0ill item (' -'1.Col + 1 )&en

Page 62

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Rs.Open",select prod sub t1pe 'rom product master order b1 prod sub t1pe,/ Cn/ adOpenStatic/ ad5oc!ReadOnl1#

9&ile Not Rs.EO0 cmbval.Add(tem"Rs"6## Rs.-oveNext"# End 9&ile

Else(' -'1.Col + B )&en cmbval.Add(tem",,# End ('

Else $%%% visble text box 'or entrin. 2uantit1 cmbval.7isible + 0alse )H)7A5.7isible + )rue (' )H)7A5.7isible + )rue )&en (' )H)7A5.Enabled + )rue )&en )H)7A5.Set0ocus"# End (' End ('

End ('

Call move textbox"# End Sub

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Public Sub move textbox"# $%%ali.n textbox as per .rid cell and set text )H)7A5.5e't + -'1.Cell5e't C -'1.5e't )H)7A5.)op + -'1.Cell)op C -'1.)op )H)7A5.9idt& + -'1.Cell9idt& )H)7A5.<ei.&t + -'1.Cell<ei.&t )H)7A5.)ext + -'1.)ext


$%%ali.n combo box as per .rid cell and set text cmbval.5e't + -'1.Cell5e't C -'1.5e't cmbval.)op + -'1.Cell)op C -'1.)op cmbval.9idt& + -'1.Cell9idt& cmbval.)ext + -'1.)ext End Sub

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


1 Testing

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Testing Electronic Billing and Payment On Demand System System Test Plan Introduction
This document descri es the user acceptance test plan !or the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System# The complete test strate%y !or the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System is to per!orm the !ollowin% "inds o! tests, in se0uence, 5# om&onent testing o! each component that ma"es up the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System 6# Integration testing o! the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System, to ensure the correct interwor"in% o! its components 7# ;alidation testing o! the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System, to ensure that it wor"s correctly in a pseudo*live environment 8# User acce&tance testing o! the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System, to ensure that its !unction is accepta le to its users -cceptance testin% is the last set o! tests to e per!ormed e!ore the application %oes o!!icially live# $est Scope The scope o! the user acceptance testin% covers,

4ersion 5 o! the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System >ser*!acin% !unctionality de!ined y a set o! use cases -dministrator*!acin% !unctionality de!ined y a set o! use cases

The aim o! the testin% is to determine how well the application meets its !unctional re0uirements !rom the perspective o! the user, and to identi!y any issues so they can e resolved# -lso, the testin% serves to compile a set o! test data and results that can e used durin% su se0uent test cycles, to test !or non*re%ression o! the so!tware in later releases or a!ter the application is in maintenance# Page 71

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


$or"in% practices mi%ht vary !rom user to user and are considered outside the scope o! the testin%# $est Strategy The asis o! user acceptance testin% is that other tests were completed success!ully, so the application and its re0uired in!rastructure are considered to e sta le and relia le# -cceptance testin% concentrates on the application !rom the user:s perspective, that is, how the application is used and whether it meets the necessary 0uality criteria# .han%e re0uests will e sent to the development team as the actiona le documentation# .han%e criteria will e determined y the Test team and the Development team prior to the e%innin% o! testin%# )or instance, criteria may include impact to desired functionality, amount of code impacted by proposed change, and design required by proposed change# The tester will evaluate the criteria# The test lead will determine .han%e 2e0uired or not# Once a u% has een determined as .han%e 2e0uired, the u% report will e translated into a .han%e 2e0uest and passed on to development# The customer o! the acceptance testin% is the System >sers, Supervisor and -dministrator !or Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System# The pro%ress o! the acceptance testin% will e reported to the customer, to%ether with any issues that are discovered and their planned resolutions# Si%n*o!! o! the tests, and there!ore the acceptance o! the application, will e per!ormed y the customer or a selected representative# Preconditions The !ollowin% items are re0uired e!ore testin% can ta"e place, - complete and coherent !unctional speci!ication o! the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System expressed as use cases and usa%e scenarios - complete and validation*tested release o! Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System, delivered accordin% to the delivery plan -n a%reed*upon procedure !or dealin% with any anomalies that are discovered durin% the testin% process - set o! test speci!ications descri in% how each !unctional area o! the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System is to e acceptance tested -n implemented test environment !or the testin% Su!!icient, suita le resources to carry out the testin% -vaila le standards !or the acceptance testin%

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


$est Priorities Durin% testin% o! the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System, the !ollowin% 0ualities will e tested in order o! priority, )unctionalityNwhether the re0uired !unctions are availa le and wor"in% as expected >sa ilityNhow user*!riendly and intuitive the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System is SecurityNhow well*protected and %uaranteed corporate and user data is Per!ormanceNwhether the response times are within accepta le limits .ustomi(ationNhow strai%ht!orward it is to use the application in new, unpredicted ways

$est $echni#ues The !ollowin% techni0ues will e applied, Scripted testsNse0uences o! user interactions ( ased on the use case and usa%e scenarios) usin% prede!ined data sets a%ainst predicted results >nscripted testsN ased on scripted tests, the tester tries to modi!y the scenarios to explore what*i! possi ilities Penetration testsNscripted tests to attempt unauthori(ed entry into the system >sa ility chec"listsNtests to determine the complexity o! interactions Per!ormance statisticsN%eneration o! per!ormance in!ormation to chec" a%ainst desired per!ormance criteria

$est Organi'ation Roles and Res&onsi%ilities The !ollowin% roles are de!ined, D- lead1test mana%erNresponsi le !or plannin% and ensurin% the smooth runnin% o! the test process TesterNcarries out the tests accordin% to the test plan, and then reports the results Product mana%erNensures that the tests are carried out success!ully !rom a user perspective Pro+ect sponsor1clientNacts as main sta"eholder, and ensures that the needs o! the customer community as a whole are considered Test supportNprovides technical assistance, such as test environment con!i%uration, and non*technical assistance, such as methodolo%ical support

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


$ee"ly team meetin%s will e held involvin% the test mana%er, testers, and product mana%ers# -t these meetin%s, the pro%ress o! the testin% process will e reported, any issues will e discussed, and actions will e a%reed upon#

Sales +'tomation Pro%lem c'stomer identi-ication# - ility to identi!y top 5? developin% pro lem customers y sales representative# Identi-ication o- %est c'stomers across &rod'ct lines and regions # -ll customers can e sorted y the !actors (to e determined) that ran" them 0ualitatively# 4aria le sorts and ran"in%s can e chosen y the sales representative# Identi-ication o- iss'es across gro'&s# -ll customers can e sorted y the issues (to e determined) within %roup cate%ories that can e updated# 4aria le sorts and ran"in%s can e chosen y the sales representative or other user# +nalysis o- 3'antities and rates o- &rod'cts# Products can e sorted y the 0uantity and dates sold# 4aria le sorts and ran"in%s can e chosen y the user# Design )oals and onstraints

Per(ormance Ko more than a 9*percent de%radation in avera%e 0uery response is allowed while all concurrent user are usin% the system# Processor utili(ation should not exceed @? percent durin% all concurrent users are usin% the system# Availa ility 'ecause the system is accessed y sales representative to oo" the order and print the Payment On Demand System, and their should not e any sin%le point o! !ailure# )elia ility 'ecause o! the need no sin%le point !ailure, automatic !ailover will e re0uired# In addition, existin% disaster recovery and ac"up plans and procedures must e revised to incorporate the Electronic 'illin% and Invoicin% System# Scala ility Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System an avera%e load o! 9? concurrent users a!ter the system is !ully operational, and expects that to %row y 9 percent each year !or the next !ive years# Page 7,

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Security )or the sensitive customer and order data, all users will need to lo% on the system with their user id and password# Every resource in the system are de!ined y the role and privile%ed# System administrator assi%ned user role and privile%ed !or their access ri%hts# Interopera ility In 4ersion 5#? o! the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System, there are no re0uirements !or interopera ility with other systems# *ocation The Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System are used in the company o!!ice only# Setup+Installation Setup and installation must not interrupt the sales sta!!:s daily tas"s and wor" !low# Use ase S'mmary

Manage Orders Descri&tion This !unction will ena le sales representative to place orders !or Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System products, trac" su mitted orders, and view completed orders and print the Payment On Demand System# B'siness Need This !unction will ena le sales representative to interact with Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System catalo% directly without the intervention o! any other employees# Manage Products Descri&tion This !unction allows user o! Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System to create, maintain, and delete in!ormation a out products in the product data ase that can then e viewed and ordered y customers, and accessed and updated y the sales sta!!# B'siness Need This !unction will support the sales sta!! with accurate and relevant in!ormation, and will also support the Mana%e Orders !unction y ensurin% up*to*date product in!ormation# Page 71

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Priority ;i%h Manage Contacts


Descri&tion This !unction ena les the sales sta!! to create and mana%e contacts as well as share contact in!ormation with the rest o! the company# B'siness Need This !unction ena les user o! Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System to have accurate and up*to*date contact in!ormation when wor"in% with customers# Priority Medium Analy'e Customers Descri&tion This !unction allows mana%ement to analy(e the customer data ase and !ind out in!ormation, such as the identities o! the est customers, the top uyers, and the most popular products# B'siness Need This !unction will allow mana%ement to determine the most (and least) pro!ita le customers and product lines, ena lin% etter decision ma"in% in the runnin% o! the usiness# Priority Medium ,orecast Sales Descri&tion This !unction allows mana%ement to plan and trac" production costs, trac" sales results, and plan sales sta!!in% needs# B'siness Need This !unction will allow mana%ement to mana%e the revenue streams o! the or%ani(ations and control costs#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

Priority Medium Esta lish Sales -oals


Descri&tion This !unction allows mana%ement to view current sales trends and employee per!ormance and to determine sales %oals !or the sales sta!! within the or%ani(ation# B'siness Need This !unction will allow mana%ement to set %oals !or sta!!, review the per!ormance o! sta!! mem ers, and trac" employee per!ormance# Priority Medium .sage Scenarios >sa%e scenarios that descri e how users will use the solution within the context o! the usiness, See !ollowin% usa%e scenarios# Assumptions+Preconditions 5# Sales representative has access ri%hts to view customer data# Actors 5# Sales 2epresentative Basic Course 5# >se case e%ins when the sales representative decides to retrieve customer in!ormation# 6# System prompts !or the type o! customer in!ormation that is re0uired# 7# Sales representative selects the type o! customer in!ormation to e retrieved# 8# System presents the appropriate customer in!ormation to the sales representative# 9# >se case ends when the selected in!ormation is passed to a method o! delivery# Alternate Course 5# I! no appropriate customer in!ormation can e !ound, system reports this !act# 6# >se case restarts to ena le sales representative to update the type o! customer in!ormation# .ses+Extends 5# Kone .ser Implementation )e#uests 5# Kone Page 74

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing

,re#uency Duite !re0uent Authority 5# Kot applica le Issues 5# Kone identi!ied Decision Points 5# Kone


,uture )e#uirements 5# The sales representative may want to apply !ilters to the retrieved data# 6# The sales representative may want to sort the data# )or example, the sales representative may want to list the names o! customers in chronolo%ical order ased on the sale date#

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


# oncl'sion and -'t're enhancement

Page 77

Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


oncl'sion and -'t're enhancement

This pro+ect was developed to !ul!ill user and usiness re0uirement& however there are lots o! scope to improve the per!ormance o! the Electronic 'illin% and Payment On Demand System System in the area o! user inter!ace, data ase per!ormance, and 0uery processin% time# Etc# So there are many thin%s !or !uture enhancement o! this pro+ect# The !uture enhancements that are possi le in the pro+ect are as !ollows#

<in"in% and inte%ration o! any le%acy system !or accountin%# Inte%ration with travel a%ent throu%h $e Services .onnection to third*party O<-P applications Electronic Data Interchan%e (EDI) system etween an"s, other credit veri!ication a%ency and their vendors In the area o! data security and system security# Provide more online tips and help# To optimi(e the 0uery which is em edded in the system #

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


4 )e(erences And Boo/s

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Payment On Demand System with Electronic Billing


Re-erences We sites http,11www#%oo%le#com http,11www#microso!t#com http,11www#pro%rammer6pro%rammer#net http,11www#codepro+ect#com http,11www#msdn#com# http,11www#v 567#com http,11www#v code#com http,11www#s0ltuner#com Boo/s

Masterin% 4isual 'asic B (Paper ac") Masterin% 4isual 'asic #KET (Paper ac") 4isual 'asic 'lac" 'oo" (Paper ac") SD< 'i le, 6nd Edition (Paper ac") Data ase Development in 4isual 'asic

Page 102

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