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CTIMT Shahpur Campus,Jalandhar

Online Banking System

Team Members:
Ranjit Singh Ravi Kumar


Traditional banks offer many servi es to their ustomers, in luding a epting ustomer money deposits, providing various banking servi es to ustomers, and making loans to individuals and ompanies! Compared "ith traditional hannels of offering banking servi es through physi al bran hes, e#banking uses the Internet to deliver traditional banking servi es to their ustomers, su h as opening a ounts, transferring funds, and ele troni bill payment! $#banking an be offered in t"o main "ays! %irst, an e&isting bank "ith physi al offi es an also establish an online site and offer e#banking servi es to its ustomers in addition to the regular hannel! %or e&ample, Citibank is a leader in e# banking, offering "alk#in, fa e#to#fa e banking at its bran hes throughout many parts of the "orld as "ell as e#banking servi es through the 'orld 'ide 'eb! Citibank ustomers an a ess their bank a ounts through the Internet, and in addition to the ore e#banking servi es su h as a ount balan e in(uiry, funds transfer, and ele troni bill payment, Citibank also provides premium servi es in luding finan ial al ulators, online sto k (uotes, brokerage servi es, and insuran e! $#banking from banks like Citibank omplements those banks) physi al presen e! *enerally, e#banking is provided "ithout e&tra ost to ustomers! Customers are attra ted by the onvenien e of e#banking through the Internet, and in turn, banks an operate more effi iently "hen ustomers perform transa tions by themselves rather than going to a bran h and dealing "ith a bran h representative! $#banking servi es are delivered to ustomers through the Internet and the "eb using +yperte&t Markup ,anguage -+TM,.! In order to use e#banking servi es, ustomers need Internet a ess and "eb bro"ser soft"are! Multimedia information in +TM, format from online banks an be displayed in "eb bro"sers! The heart of the e#banking appli ation is the omputer system, "hi h in ludes "eb servers, database management systems, and "eb appli ation programs that an generate dynami +TM, pages! /ne of the main on erns of e#banking is se urity! 'ithout great onfiden e in se urity, ustomers are un"illing to use a publi net"ork, su h as the Internet, to vie" their finan ial information online and ondu t finan ial transa tions! Some of the se urity threats in lude invasion of individuals) priva y and theft of onfidential information! 0anks "ith e#banking servi e offer several methods to ensure a high level of se urity1 -2. identifi ation and authenti ation, -3. en ryption, and -4. fire"alls! %irst, the identifi ation of an online bank takes the form of a kno"n 5niform Resour e ,o ator -5R,. or Internet address, "hile a ustomer is

generally identified by his or her login I6 and pass"ord to ensure only authenti ated ustomers an a ess their a ounts! Se ond, messages bet"een ustomers and online banks are all en rypted so that a ha ker annot vie" the message even if the message is inter epted over the Internet! The parti ular en ryption standard adopted by most bro"sers is alled Se ure So ket ,ayer -SS,.! It is built in the "eb bro"ser program and users do not have to take any e&tra steps to set up the program! Third, banks have built fire"alls, "hi h are soft"are or hard"are barriers bet"een the orporate net"ork and the e&ternal Internet, to prote t the servers and bank databases from outside intruders! %or e&ample, 'ells %argo 0ank onne ted to the Internet only after it had installed a fire"all and made sure the fire"all "as suffi iently impenetrable!

Theoretical Background

Current System:
To understand the need and benefits offered by Internet#0anking "e need to kno" and understand traditional form of 0anking, its limitations and short omings! The ustomer need to visit a bran h to open his a ount, he needs to agree to the terms and onditions! To "ithdra" or deposit or transfer funds from one a ount to another he need to fill up a form for every individual transa tion! To submit a he(ue book re(uest, a ne" form has to be filled and the user needs to "ait for verifi ation! The ustomer has to al"ays visit a bank to make simple hanges1 like hange of address et ! The list of transa tion made is very important for every organisation or individual and he has to get it from the bank, if it is saving a ount, a ne" form is filled! In ase a he(ue is lost or the "hole he(ue book gets lost, the ustomer needs to go through the various pro edures of bank for stopping the payment of he(ues! The ustomer has to visit the bank to get his updated balan e in his a ount7 he8she needs to get the entries of the transa tion in the passbook regularly!

Dra backs:
Customer need to visit to the bank regularly! Customer has to "ait in a (ueue for his turn! Customer needs to get his passbook updated regularly! Customer needs to fill up various forms before his (uery is resolved! Customer has to visit the bank if he needs to update his8her address! %or every individual transa tion, a ne" form has to be filled!

!ro"osed System:

9roposed system is fully automated system "hi h provides ustomer better servi es! Customers are provided "ith a username and pass"ord! They an visit the sites and login into their a ounts! Customers are provided "ith a ommon username and pass"ord for all his a ounts! 9roposed system has the follo"ing pro edures to over ome the dra"ba ks of the e&isting system1 2! Balance #n$uiry1 Customer an vie" his updated balan e from online servi e anytime! 3! %unds Trans&er1 Customer an transfer funds from his a ount to any other a ount in the same bank! 4! Re$uest &or che$ue book1 Customer an submit a re(uest for he(ue book! :t a time only one he(ue book re(uest an be submitted! ;! Change o& address1 Customer an hange his postal8 urrent address anytime! <! Sto" "ayment o& che$ues1 Customer an stop the payment of any he(ue or a range of he(ues issued to him anytime! =! 'cce"t Che$ue book re$uest1 :dministrator an a ept the he(ue book re(uest any time from his online a ount! >! Create('dd 'ccount1 :dministrator an reate an a ount to provide servi es of internet banking! ?! 'dministrator1 :dministrator an perform all the fun tions that an be done by ustomers e& ept online fund transfer!


$#0anking provide e& eptional rates on Savings, C6s, and IR:s Che king "ith no monthly fee, free bill payment and rebates on :TM sur harges Credit ards "ith lo" rates $asy online appli ations for all a ounts, in luding personal loans and mortgages 3; hour a ount a ess It provides @uality ustomer servi e "ith personal attention It provides the (ui k servi es to their ustomers! $nables transfer of funds from one pla e to another-banks.! $& hange of statisti al information among banks! $nables foreign e& hange operations! Inter#bank appli ations like settlement of funds bet"een banks! 9rovides fa ilities like demat operation, :TM operation, online banking!

:dvantages of /nline 0anking

Refers to ondu ting banking transa tions through internet! They are, /pening A losing of a ounts Make the payments of mer handise transa tion through 6ebit A Credit ards! It gives reliefs to their ustomer from arrying heavy ash! $nables prompt A speedy operation to lients! It saves lot of time to their ustomers A onvenient to a ess!

6isadvantages of /nline 0anking

Customer may have to fa e risky transa tion A fraud! %ailure of po"er supply ause to break do"n of system! ,oss of heavy in ome at times of settlement of higher magnitude! Cost involved in training staff may not be profitable espe ially in times of attrition! 6evelopment of an attitude of lethargy!

'dministrator 'uthentication+'uthorisation and Security 'ccount Registration Transaction ,oan Credit(Debit Card *eri&ication Message Ser-icing


This module has the follo"ing fun tions1 :dministrator an1 :dd86elete : ounts Sear h Informations

: ept Che(ue 0ook Re(uests To Stop Che(ue 9ayments To Issue Statements Clearan e

'uthentication+'uthorisation and Security:

:uhenti ates 5sers 9revents 5nauthorised : ess $n ryption %ire"all

'ccount Registration:
:llo"s Customers To Create : ounts

Transfers %unds :llo"s Credit Che king 0illing %a ilities

/nline ,oan Re(uest ,oan 9ayments ,oan :lerts

Credit(Debit Card *eri&ication:

:llo"s Berifi ation /f Credit86ebit Cards

Message Ser-icing:
:lerts :bout Transa tions Made :lerts :bout 0alan e :lerts :bout Credit Card ,imits :lerts :bout 0illings

Information :bout : ount Creation /ther Information :bout : ounts


!C$T frame"ork ;!D :S9!C$T CE Bisual Studio!Cet 3DD? :pa he8 Internet Information Server -IIS.

9hotoshop S@, Server 3DD< 'eb bro"ser /perating Systems1 #F'IC#G9H 8 F'IC 3DD4)8 F,inu&H!

1'RD0'R# R#/UIR#D
Sin e the appli ation is based on 2T1R## TI#R 'RC1IT#CTUR#3, the follo"ing hard"are is re(uired at1

9entium 9ro essor III or above! Should have 23? M0 of R:M or above! +ard 6isk -;D *0. or above Cet"ork :dapter or Modem /perating Systems1 #F'IC#G9H 8 F'IC 3DD4)8 F,inu&H!

The spiral model is a soft"are development pro ess ombining elements of both design and prototyping #in#stages, in an effort to ombine advantages y le

of top#do"n and bottom#up on epts! :lso kno"n as the spiral life

model -or spiral development., it is a systems development method -S6M. used in proje t development ! This model ombines the features of the

prototyping and the "aterfall model ! The "orking of the model is des ribed in the diagram belo"!

Starting at the enter, ea h turn around the spiral goes through several task regions! 6etermine the obje tives, alternatives, and iteration! $valuate alternatives and identify and resolve risk issues! 6evelop and verify the produ t for this iteration!

onstraints on the ne"

9lan the ne&t iteration!


The methodology that "ill be used for testing in the development of this proposed system is a ombination of 6UNIT T#STIN47 and 6INT#4R'TION

T#STIN47! 6INT#4R'TION T#STIN47 further in ludes both the 6TO!. DO0N INT#4R'TION7 and the 6BOTTOM.U! INT#4R'TION7! 'hen "e talk about the 6UNIT T#STIN47 "e have to take are of the ea h and every individual module! This proposed system "ill be tested basi ally on this methodology! 6uring the appli ation of the 6INT#4R'TION T#STIN47 initially "e "ill opt for 6BOTTOM.U! INT#4R'TION7 as all the smallest modules of the proposed system are tested in order to a hieve higher degree of performan e! The "hole system "ill be divided into 6,ogical Clusters7 on the basis of the fun tionality! +en e making the lusters and then perform testing is the basi riteria under 6BOTTOM.U! T#STIN47 "hi h is being applied to the

testing phase during the development of this system! In the 6TO!.DO0N INT#4R'TION7 testing is being started from the main module i!e! the 6Control !rogram7 or the 6Main !rogram7! The various features of testing on lude to be the follo"ing1#

I! Initially "e "ill opt for the 6UNIT T#STIN47 and the various types of

a tivities that are performed under it are as follo"s1# a8 #-aluation o& the Testing Domain8 b8 De&ining desired test 9ones8 c8 !rioriti9ation o& Test data8 d8 Initiali9ation : *eri&ication o& 6UNIT T#STIN47 !lan8 e8 !er&orming 6UNIT T#STIN478 &8 Remo-ing encountered errors8 g8 Retesting o& misbeha-ing &unctions encountered8 h8 %inal Test Re-ie 8
i8 Migrating to ne;t test technology <i& all errors remo-ed=8 II! The ne&t option available out of the adopted testing te hni(ues is 6INT#4R'TION T#STIN47 and the various a tivities involved in it are

as follo"s1# a8 %raming Testing De-elo"ment Domain8 b8 Di-iding Test Code into clusters8 c8 '""lication o& 6Bottom U"7 Testing : remo-ing #rrors <i& any=8 d8 Shi&ting To ards 6To" Do n7 Testing : eliminating #rrors encountered <i& any=8 e8 Considering %inal Test out"ut8 &8 Deli-ering *alidated !roduct8

Conte;t Diagram:

'rchitectural Diagram

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