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March, 2009 The

Den Norske Misjon
D&C 101:63-4 . . . I say unto you, I will show unto you wisdom in me concerning all the churches, in as much
as they are willing to be guided in a right and proper way for their salvation--- that the work of the gathering
together of my saints may continue . . . for the time of harvest is come, and my word must needs be fulfilled.

Message from the President

Dear Elders and Sisters,
“Someone afflicted with physical deafness could sit amid a symphony of sound, but hear nothing, while
those about him would enjoy the thrill of great music. His would be an involuntary deprivation, of
course. One who is deaf to spiritual sounds also sits unnoticing amid a different kind of symphony. Yet
the reality is likewise there, since others, attuned partake”. Neal A. Maxwell

When the Savior taught parables he often said, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Luke 8:8) and in
a later verse (18) He said, “Take heed therefore how ye hear; for whosoever hath, to him shall be given;
and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.”

When the Lord called Enoch to call the people to repentance, He said “..their hearts have waxed hard,
and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes cannot see afar off” Moss 6:27

“Hearken, O ye elders of my Church, and give ear to my word, and learn of me what I will concerning
you, and also this land unto which I have sent you.”
“Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes for the present time, the design of your God concerning those
things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation. For after
much tribulation come the blessings.

Behold, verily I say unto you, for this cause I have sent you – that you might be obedient, and that your
hearts might be prepared to bear testimony of the things which are to come” D&C 58:1

We have so many opportunities to hear the word – personal scripture study, messages in the Ensign,
Sacrament meetings, district meetings, zone conferences, and general conference. These are great
opportunities for us to be amongst those who hath, and to be given (more).

Might we all “give ear to the word” that we may learn more of Him and allow that learning to change our
hearts to make changes in attitude, desire, habits, and diligence.

We look forward to zone conferences this week. Emphasis will be given to the processes of doing things
by the Spirit. Our thrust last zone conference was to get the Book of Mormon in the hands of the people
so they can read it and gain a spiritual testimony of the book and of the message we are sharing with
them. We urge you to continue to increase the spiritual aspect of everything you do and promise you that
by so doing, you will enjoy an increase of “the thrill of a different kind of symphony” as expressed by
Elder Maxwell. We are grateful to be here and for these opportunities to learn from each of you.

Our love and admiration,

President and Sister Poulsen
March 2009
Our Miracle Column
Yesterday we had a little miracle occur. I was walking out of priesthood meeting and I looked down the hallway,
I noticed that the bishop’s wife was speaking with a woman that I did not recognize. She introduced me to her.
This woman was from Germany originally but had lived in Norway for quit some time. She lives by the church
and just decided to come and check it out. She said that she was Christian and that she wanted to learn about
what we believed in. I took her to Gospel Principles and she had a great experience. She also loved sacrament
meeting. We will be going to teach her tonight. It was amazing for me to see how the lord works a bit differently
then we do. I love Preach My Gospel, ch.9, where the first paragraph states that the lord will send you to the
elect of He will sent them to you. I sure hope she is the elect.
We had a great experience the other day we were out contacting and nothing was really happening nobody was
out it was snowing we were cold and a little bit distraught about the fact that nobody was talking to us, my
companion suggested that we go into the church have a prayer and continue, we did, he said a great prayer that
inspired us both, we walked out of the church and the first person we talk to says yeah I'd be interested in that. I
was blown away. He was a young Norwegian guy we took him right back to the church and gave him a great
first lesson. Immediately after that I was very ready to follow the spirit, and as we walked along on our normal
contacting loop I felt that we should take a left down a street we'd never been on and the first guy we talked to
was very positive and gave us a first appointment. These experiences really strengthened me.
An investigator we are teaching is a religion student who has grown up in a Jehovah's Witness family but after
the last teach he has agreed to pray. He felt that he had questions concerning who exactly Jehovah is and, after
having help from a member in the teach, he admitted that Jesus was Jehovah and that he needed to ask about the
Restoration. He usually sets up an appointment with us before he leaves instead of vice-versa
One potential shock case was that we stopped an older woman in the street, and usually we only get that they are
stuck in their ways etc., but she was really interested in finding out through prayer about God and about family
history. We gave her a tour around the chapel and then proceeded to have on of the most spiritual teaches I have
had for a while. At the end she was very thankful to have met us and she seemed at one point to be on the verge
of tears, all while we were testifying of the power of prayer. It was an unexpected blessing.
This week we found and taught some truly amazing people. The first is our baptismal date. He is fantastic! The
most mature young man I have ever met. He looks after his household and has a strong belief based upon God
and the Lord, through the Bible and Book of Mormon. The Spirit was very strong when we were with him and
his mother. I know it will continue to grow in their house as their testimonies become stronger. The second was
a less-active man and his girlfriend. They are living together and have, as a result of a pricking conscience,
stopped coming to church. As a result of their time together, however, she has come to gain a testimony of the
Book of Mormon and has the desire to be baptized. We felt the Spirit strongly as they shared their history with
us and their conversion to Christ. It is amazing to think about how our experiences throughout life can affect
other people. I was able and prompted to share with these two choice Spirits, the wise words shared with me by
my father. I recounted how my father had told me the reason for his inactivity, being that he felt discomfort in
coming to Church in the knowledge that the life he was living was not in accordance with the will of the Lord.
Little by little he stopped coming. It was easier that way and, though it may have only been in his mind, it meant
that there were no judging eyes upon him. We warned them in love of the consequences of doing likewise and
they felt the power of the Spirit both reprimand and uplift. As we were about to leave, the man turned to us and
said wait, when are you coming back next week? Is Tuesday okay? I cannot wait to teach them on Tuesday!
We had a really good week and we saw a lot of miracles. One of them was yesterday when we had a teach with a
family from Angola. We watched the Restoration and read some in the Book of Mormon. While the movie was
playing they agreed on all the questions Joseph had. And said “yes, yes” all the time. In the end of the movie, the
spirit was really strong. We asked them to pray. He had an awesome prayer and we felt the spirit way strong.
Afterwards he said, "Since today I believe this. I will follow this way from today, and pointed at the Book of
Mormon.... That was really coolll

March 2009
Our Miracle Column
We were asked to share a spiritual thought for one special person when we went for a middag yesterday. My
companion and I thought long and hard about what we should teach, and lots of different themes were
mentioned but we just couldn't pick any. Then he just suggested that we should pray and ask the Lord so we sat
at a bench and just said a prayer and asked for help. And like two minutes later something I had learned from
personal study about half a year ago came to mind and it was just perfect for the situation, so we shared it that
evening. The father of the family said it was just perfect.
We received a referral from one of our members. We went to see if anything would come from it. They ended
up not being all that interested but we asked them if they had any referrals and they actually did for us. We were
kind of shocked but we went to check out this other person just to see how positive they would be. We went
there later that night and actually he let us in and we taught him and got another appointment for the next day. It
definitely strengthened my testimony in asking everybody for referrals.
My companion and I were on our way to a teach with a family we hadn't met before. We find the area and the
house and go up and knock on the door.. We wait for about one minute and realize nobody's home.. So I said to
my companion.. Well, we have plenty of time, and this street hasn't been knocked before. So we decided we
would go ahead and knocked the houses on that street. We knocked about 15 doors and everyone was just "nei
takk" left and right. So we knocked on the next door and the guy was just like.. Come in!! Come in!!! So we go in
and teach about the Restoration and The Book of Mormon. The guy was just way, way awesome!! He was so
excited to start reading! So it helped my testimony grow that 10 on top really works!!! If we're always looking for
opportunities to find, the Lord will lead you to those people that will listen.
We had a teach on Friday at 9:30 in the morning in the library, and we managed to get a member to come with us
as well which was really nice. The teach went pretty bad actually, the guy could not grasp the true meaning of
having a prophet in our day. It was the hardest thing ever getting the point across to him! So that was
unfortunately rather unsuccessful. Well after that guy left, the member we had was getting ready to leave as well,
and he looks at us and says, " Hey the guy sitting behind you is interested and ready to receive the gospel." The
member had to leave, but of course we went and talked to the guy he pointed out, and it was 100% true! He let
us teach him right then and there, he told us he knew we had been called of God, and then he told us that he
really wanted to meet with us again! It was the greatest thing, I couldn't even believe it. He also ended up coming
to church as well, loved it, and has another appointment with us! The Lord truly does inspire in this day and age.
I know it, I experienced it first hand!
Our investigator finally decided to get baptized. We taught her this past Tuesday and decided just to have a little
chat with her and to really emphasize the importance of following God for our eternal well-being. I think she
felt a little under pressure and I could sense she was kind of closed. After the teach she and I stayed back as I
was putting my stuff in my backpack and I was just talking to her about the baptism and things like that, and felt
impressed to share some personal stories with her. I told her the blessings and the change that comes into your
life when the Holy Ghost cleanses you. I then told her that she would experience a positive change in her life
forever if she would get baptized, and then her concern came out. She said she didn't feel like she knew the Book
of Mormon as well as the members and that she didn't want to join the church with such a low knowledge. I
then explained that knowledge isn't a one time thing, but we always are learning throughout this life and that is
the purpose of life, and that baptism is another step that we need to take so we can get the Holy Ghost, which
will help us learn the things we need to throughout life. Then I asked her to get baptized on the 14th of March
and she said she would. I had never really experienced that before or given that kind of a commitment, but I am
grateful for the help of the Spirit.
We went to the library and saw one of our investigators reading a book there so we decided not to bug him.
Then on the way out we saw him through the window and it looked like he was sleeping. Then he sits up and
closes the book he was reading. It was the Book of Mormon. We then realized he was reading and praying. Then
we met with him later that day and he said he had a testimony of the book. That was a fun experience

March 2009

The Lord commands us as His authorized missionaries: "Fear not to do good, my sons, and my
daughters, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap, therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also
reap good for your reward. Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good"(Doctrine and Covenants
6:33). It is my testimony that we must "sow bountifully in order to reap bountifully"(2
Corinthians 9:6). We are commanded "not to be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall
reap, if we faint not"(Galations 6:9). The promised blessings of the Lord come to pass in due
season IF we faint not. We are promised, IF we sow good, THEN we shall reap good for our
reward. This promise, like many others from the Lord is conditional upon first, our faith and
then our works. Each of us, as His full time missionaries must sow, exercising faith, and then
reap, taking action. IF we have performed the mighty works, THEN the Lord will provide many
miracles. I know that the Lord will fulfill His promises. Elders and Sisters, "Lift up your eyes on
the fields, for they are white already to harvest"(John 4:35). Let us thrust in our sickles with all
our might, sowing bountifully and reaping bountifully for our reward. I know that Christ lives, I
know this is His work. If we look to Him in every thought, doubting and fearing not, we shall,
along with those we have brought to the truth, inherit the kingdom of God.
Sister Sarah Crowther -
Inspired by the ambigram created by Scott Crowther

"The Book of Mormon is a book with a purpose. From the title page we read that the Book of
Mormon was 'written by way of commandment' and 'by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation'
to 'come forth by the gift and power of God' to the convincing of each of us 'that Jesus is the
Christ, the Eternal God.' In a personal expression of this purpose, Nephi, as one of the authors
of the Book of Mormon, wrote, 'The fulness of mine intent is that I may persuade men to come
unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved' (1 Nephi

Craig C. Christensen, "A Book with a Promise," Ensign, May 2008, 106-107
March 2009

“Himmelske Fader, si meg, er du der? Hører du bønner, kan du svare barn som ber?”
“What could inspire one to purity and worthiness more than to possess a spiritual confirmation
that we are the children of God?” Boyd K. Packer

Do your everyday missionary activities strengthen your testimony? Does your personal study build
you up or make you tired? Everything we do should build up our testimony that Jesus Christ is the
Son of God. We should, because of our actions and worthiness, feel the spirit every hour of every
day. Can you remember the last time you felt the spirit, or got an answer to your prayers? Hopefully
it was today. A call to be a missionary is an amazing opportunity for us to get to know our
Heavenly Father. He said himself that He would be on our right hand and on our left, and that He
would lead the way before us, not as a stranger, but as a loving Father. Heavenly Father always
remembers to keep daily contact with us. He wants us to know that He is always there and that He
has never left our side.

A personal testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ will do more for our missionary work than
anything else. I remember when my bishop interviewed me about my worthiness to enter the
temple. He asked me if I had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If He was my personal
Savior. I struggled with that question. That was two years ago. Lately I’ve decided that my
testimony of the Savior needs to be stronger every day. And this morning I learned again that He
lives! It made me burn to tell someone. Anyone! “As your understanding of the Atonement of
Jesus Christ grows, your desire to share the gospel will increase.” (PMG 2)

That’s the difference. It makes all the difference! A true servant of Jesus Christ is out to carry
salvation to his brothers and sisters. Not just to contact. He serves because he has the pure love of
Christ in his heart. And he’s obedient because he wants the same things the Master wants. That
perspective, that inner conversion makes all the difference outwardly.

“I know that my Redeemer lives! He lives to bless me with His love. He lives to plead for me
above. He lives my hungry soul to feed. He lives to bless in time of need!” (Hymns 121)

Eldste Leatham og Eldste Cramer

Baptisms Reported in February

Baptism Confirmation
Name Date Date Location Missionaries
Hansen, Kristoffer Mjøs 31 Jan 2009 1 Feb 2009 Haugesund-Mission Elder & Sister Humphrey
Mohammadi, Raoof 31 Jan 2009 1 Feb 2009 Moss-Stake Elders Jessen/Harris
Fredin, Per-Øyvind 31 Jan 2009 1 Feb 2009 Tønsberg-Stake Elders W.Watts/Lewis/Young
Moo, K Bru 7 Feb 2009 8 Feb 2009 Romerike-Stake Elders Bishop/Fish
Alavinasab-Jara,Gabriella 14 Feb 2009 15 Feb 2009 Hamar-Stake Elder s Wieker/Bryan
Wilson, Silje Annette 21 Feb 2009 22 Feb 2009 Tønsberg-Stake Elders W.Watts/Alexander
Zeinyzadeh, Nadja| 21 Feb 2009 22 Feb 2009 Oslo-Stake Elders Parson/Phillips
March 2009
From the Office
How precious is one son or daughter?
Just the other day I received an email from the France Paris Mission

27. februar 2009

Hello Norway Oslo Mission
2 of our missionaries provide you this referral
Have a great day
France Paris Mission
Referring companionship: Reims
Name: Souleymane
Info: Black guy , Africa, Christian, speaks English very well
Phone: 0621445498
Live: Norway, the akershus university college studies
I am sure when the companionship of Reims referred Souleymane they wished they would have had the
opportunity to teach him. They probably said “the good ones are always going somewhere else, or live
somewhere else, he is probably golden and will be baptized! Why can’t we find some one like him to
teach? He will make a good referral for the Elders or Sisters in Norway. Why can’t we get a referral like
him? Maybe we will some day. ” Does all this sound familiar to you?
Here is the problem: Souleymane just slipped right through our fingers. He became a lost sheep.
First, I tried to contact him by phone. The phone number provided does not work? I could look him up
at Gule Sider. No, I don’t have an address or even know if Souleymane is a first or last name. I need
more information from the Elders in France. That was easy! Email! New tech makes finding sheep so
much easier! However, here is their response:
Lundi 2 mars 2009
Hello Norway Oslo Mission
Unfortunately, we don’t have any additional information about him.
Have a great day
France Paris Mission
It would be a great day or at least a better day for us and Souleymane if we could connect. I love happy
ever after stories. Don’t you? Heavenly Father does too. He is the father of our spirits. He cares for
each one of us. He knows our names and yearns for us to become worthy to return to live with him. We
as missionaries pledge to be good and loyal servants for building up His kingdom. True disciples of Jesus
Christ have always been concerned for the one. Do we do our part? Who looks bad in this story? The
Church looks bad is my answer. Souleymane was asked if the missionaries in Norway could contact him.
He said “yes”! He is expecting them to call him. Will the missionaries in Norway contact him? Probably
not. This is considered a lost sheep and the world wide church did not do what they said they would do!
Believe it or not, many thousands of referrals end just like this one. Our missionaries are just as guilty of
not getting enough information as the Paris Elders. Sure, sometimes contacts give us bogus telephone
numbers or other bogus information, but not as often as I see here in the office. A new program has
been instituted at the MTC to avoid this from happening. They have been teaching potential investigators
on line the 6 discussions. Does it work? Yes! We will soon have our first baptism from this program in
Oslo, hopefully in March. When Elder Flemming from the MTC referral Center first contacted me, I
gave him our Elder’s cell number and suggest he work directly with them and not stop his contact with
the investigator but to allow for a transition period. Does it work? So far yes! We hope all of you get to
meet him someday. Most of all let’s work harder on getting complete information from those we refer.
Let’s strive to emulate the Savior.
Søster Susan Arnesen

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