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Machine Shop (2) Experiment Report Foundry Workshop Experiment: Split Pattern of Green Sand Molding and Hollow

w Casting Production Report by: Jorge Sanc e! Student "umber: #$%&$'() Report *ue *ate: June )%+ ,&))

1. Introduction
Sand astin! is a metal process c aracteri!ed by using sand as t e mold material.t is c eap and retains its strengt at ig temperature- / e sand is moistened wit water to de0elop strengt + plasticity and ma1e it suitable for molding- Sand castings are produced in speciali!ed factories called foundries- 2unny fact: o0er $&3 of all metal castings are produced 0ia sand casting process2or our process we use "reen Sand- Green Sand is called li1e t is because it is wet+ not because it is green in color+ and it is a type of molding sand+ or foundry sand+ and it is not a type of sand per se+ but is actually a mixture of silica+ clay+ water+ inert sludge and ant racite+ and t erefore must fulfill some conditions # re$ractoriness% chemica& inertness% permea'i&ity% sur$ace $inish% cohesi(eness% $&o)a'i&ity% co&&apsi'i&ity% and finally a(ai&a'i&ity*cost- "ow we s all define eac of t ese c aracteristicsRe$ractoriness: t is means t e sand can wit stand 0ery ig temperatures+ t is would be from t e li4uid metal being cast+ and it will not brea1 down- 5ou a0e to ta1e into consideration t at w en casting+ different types of sand can a0e different temperature limits- / is is important because if t e sand as too low refractoriness+ it will melt and fuse to t e castinghemica& inertness: t e sand mustn6t react wit t e metal being cast- / is is important because some metals are ig ly reacti0e- Examples are al1ali metals in t e periodic table suc as magnesium and titanium+ermea'i&ity: t is refers to t e ability of t e sand to ex aust gases- / is is important+ because during t e casting process+ gasses are produced and t ey must lea0e t e mold or else t ere will be casting defects+ suc as blow oles and gas olesSur$ace Finish: t is is defined by t e si!e and s ape of t e sand particles7 finer particle+ better finis - 8ut you must ta1e into consideration t at permeability decreases as particles are finerohesi(eness: t is refers to t e ability of t e pattern to retain its s ape after t e mold is remo0edF&o)a'i&ity: t is is t e ability of t e sand to flow into complex details and corners wit out special processes or e4uipmento&&apsi'i&ity: t is means t e easiness wit w ic a casting can be remo0ed from t e sand mold after it solidifies- Poor collapsibility means t at t e sand ad eres strongly to t e casting-

,(ai&a'i&ity*cost: t is is important because for e0ery ton of metal poured+ you need %9: tons of sand- ;nd anot er point to consider is t at most of t e sand cannot be reused+ because it mig t be damaged in t e process- So to reduce cost+ , types of sand mig t be used+ one type w ic will be t e facing sand+ w ic is t e sand in direct contact wit t e casting- ;nd t en t e bac1ing sand+ w ic can be any type of normal sand+ wit no special properties-

2. +rincip&es
Casting is a solidification process+ w ic means t at most of t e properties are controlled by solidification p enomena- ;lso+ most of t e casting defects occur in t e solidification process- Solidification occurs in , steps+ w ic are nuc&eation and crysta& !ro)th- "ucleation is w en solid particles from wit in t e li4uid material/ e internal energy of t ese particles is lower t an t at of its surrounding medium+ and so t ere is an interface between t e two- / e formation of t e surface at t is interface re4uires energy+ so as nucleation occurs+ t e material undercools+ because of t e extra energy needed to form t e internal surface- .t t en eats up again to t e free!ing temperature+ so t ere crysta& !ro)th- ;ll nucleation represents a crystal+ w ic grows as t e eat of fusion is extracted from t e li4uid until t ere6s no li4uid left- / e direction+ rate and type of growt can be controlled to get t e best results.n general+ oo&in! ur(es can be used to control t e 4uality of a casting- .n general+ an area of t e casting t at cools rapidly will a0e fine grain structure and if it cools slowly+ it will a0e coarse grain structure-

/ ere are , met ods w ic are t e most widely used today: t e "reen Sand and ,ir Set met ods-

/ e "reen Sand met od consists of ma1ing molds wit wet sand+ ence t e name <green=- / e word as not ing to do wit t e color of t e sand itself- / e sand isn6t a type of sand itself+ but a mixture+ as described abo0e- / e sand undergoes a mulling process in w ic 0arious clay and c emical additi0es+ w ic act as binders+ are blended wit in t e sand- / e new mixture is t en compressed around t e pattern at specific pressures and temperatures to ensure it will maintain its s ape- Sometimes t e design needs internal passageways being formed into t e mold- / is is done by using sand cores w ic are made of similar mixture as t e mold- / ey are placed were t e oles are needed in t e casting- / e , al0es of t e mold are t en closed and t e metal is poured into t e ca0ity and left to arden- ;fter solidification+ t e sand is 0ibrated until it is released from t e casting- / en t e casting mig t need additional process+ suc as: grinding+ mac ining+ plating+ painting+ etc> / e ,ir Set met od uses dry sand wit no clay but instead fast curing ad esi0es- .t is also 1nown as no ba1e mold casting- .n t is process+ t e sand is not rammed to t e flas1+ but ?ust poured in+ and t en because of t e resin+ it solidifies at room temperature- .t gi0es off a better finis t an ot er types of sand molds- .t is considered a cold setting process+ since no eat in in0ol0ed- / is process is mostly used for brass+ ferric and aluminum alloys@ en t e process is finis ed+ some irregularities can present- Suc an irregularity is called a Casting *efect+ w ic is any irregularity in t e casting process t at is undesired- Some defects can be tolerated+ w ile ot ers+ if t ey can6t be fixed+ t e cast must be disposed of completely- / ere are ( main categories of defects: "as +orosity+ Shrinka!e+ Mo&d Materia&+ +ourin! Meta&+ and Meta&&ur!ica& defects-

Gas Porosity

S rin1age Porosity


Mold S ifting


S ort Casting

Hot Tears

-. +rocedure
Commonly+ t e basic process consists of : steps: )A Place a pattern in sand and create a mold- / e facing sand s ould be strained first+ to get finer particles and better finis -

,A Put t e pattern and sand in a gating system- if t ere are any crac1s andBor oles+ fix t em- ;dd t e coating powder- / en place t e upper part of t e mold- Place t e upper part of t e pattern- Redo t e process- / en ma1e oles on top- Ma1e t e top smoot -

%A ;dd water to t e sides of t e pattern- Remo0e t e pattern- .f t ere are any crac1s andBor w oles+ fix t em-

/ e next steps would loo1 somet ing li1e t is: 'A 2ill t e mold ca0ity wit molten material

(A ;llow it to cool

:A 8rea1 away t e sand mold and remo0e t e casting- 2or example in t e picture+ we can see door andles-

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